#Aquarius just came into existence one day and it became everybody’s problem……
transk0vsky · 5 months
I keep changing Aquarius’s lore because I’m way too indecisive. mark my words this is the last time I am changing their lore 
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taleen777 · 7 years
Lucy Celestial Spirits headcanons
Here we go!
The Spirit King was the first Celestial Spirit to ever exist. He had his own Golden Key that was extremely valued in the human world. Only chosen few powerful wizards could use his key to summon him.
At that time, he was the only one to inhabit the spirit world.
After years of looking at the stars and making up stories about the constellations he saw there, he one day decided to create another Spirit.
His first creation was Leo, the most powerful of the Celestial Spirits and the leader of what later became known as the 12 Golden Zodiac Keys. With time, all the other Zodiac Spirits were created.
At first, time flowed normally in the spirit world. One year in the human world meant one year also passed in the spirit world. But Celestial Spirit Magic started to become more popular with the creation of the 12 Golden Keys. The Spirits got to meet so many and different people. They formed strong bonds with some of their summoners, but there was a tiny problem - Spirits are immortal, humans are not. The Spirits had to deal with the death of so many of their beloved friends, it was becoming too much for them to cope with.
Watching his children suffer, the Celestial Spirit King just HAD to do something.
The first part of his solution consisted of him altering the flow of time in their world. He thought that if time heals, then if time moves faster, wounds would also heal faster.
The second thing he did was to create Star Memory - a dimension where the memories of all Celestial Spirits are stored. Through it, the memories of all his children’s friends would exist forever.
Around that time, Celestial Spirit Magic started to become even more popular. It was the 12 Golden Zodiac Spirits’ idea to create other Spirits and the King agreed with their plan. That is how the Silver Keys came to existence - less powerful than their Golden creators, but powerful enough to exist in the human world and help their summoners.
It was then that the Celestial Spirit King and the 12 Zodiac Spirits decided that the King’s power is too much for a single person to possess and be able to use on a whim. It took some time, but they retrieved the King’s key, which is now safe in the spirit world.
Aquarius’ key and Scorpio’s key were the first two Golden Keys the Heartfillias acquired. A couple of generations before that used Silver Keys, but then a powerful Celestial Spirit Mage was born into the family. So powerful that she (all Heartfilia Celestial Mages happen to be girls, another headcanon of mine) acquired the two Golden Keys at a very young age and in a very short period of time.
Aquarius and Scorpio were often summoned together and they worked really well as a team, so they soon fell in love.
It was when dragons started their attacks on humans that the Scorpio key was lost to the Heartfilias. His key was used to summon the Celestial Spirit King, but was never again acquired by another Heartfilia Celestial Mage until Lucy.
Aquarius felt like breaking the Scorpio key to summon the King could have been avoided. Even though she can always see her lover in their dimension, she really missed working with him and their Heartfilia summoner. This is part of the reason why she became so moody and irritable.
With that being said, offering her own key as a sacrifice to summon the Celestial Spirit King meant a great deal to Aquarius. She finally understood the strength of the bond Scorpio had with his previous Heartfilia owner. A bond so strong he was ready to give up on it if it meant his human friend gets to live another day. A bond Aquarius now shares with Lucy, even though she prefers not to openly show and talk about it.
Aquarius loved working with Layla. She was elegant, intelligent, classy, beautiful, a natural leader. People loved her and the Spirit could see why. It was a bit different with Lucy. Unlike young Layla, who was a calm and collected kid, Lucy was bubbly, cheery, energetic, happy-go-lucky. It took some time for Aquarius to admit it to herself, but she’s always loved Lucy.
Aquarius, Capricorn and Cancer have all read books to Lucy at least once, even though she probably doesn’t remember that. What she does remember, though, is three familiar, friendly voices lulling her to sleep with fantastic stories.
After Layla’s death, Aquarius started spending more time with Lucy. One of her favorite memories is that of little Lucy reading her favorite book to the Spirit.
When Virgo saw Lucy for the first time, she put two and two together and realized who the blonde girl was. She’d heard about the Heartfilias before and knew that Aquarius’ key and Cancer’s key were in the possession of a Heartfilia member. She wanted to work with Lucy, but couldn’t betray her contract with Everlue.
It is not uncommon for families to pass down the art of Celestial Spirit Magic to the next generations. Many of the Spirits’ keys stayed with one family for generations, but the Heartfilias are legendary in that sense.
That’s why there’s a certain feeling of pride when a Spirit forms a contract with a member of such a family, especially the Heartfilias.
Loke has always loved staying in the human world. He loves people, their traditions, different cultures, observing their habits and the way they form friendships or fall in love. What happened with Karen hurt him a lot. That’s why he indulged in bad habits in what he thought were his last days in the human world. Meeting Lucy and getting saved by her gave him a new reason to believe in the good in people again.
Virgo was the one who came up with the designs of all of Lucy’s star dresses except the Leo and Aquarius ones.
In Aquarius’ case, she had to think and act fast so she used a form of the star dress someone else used a long time ago.
In Leo’s case, he wanted to repay Lucy’s kindness by personally designing a star dress that would fit their fighting style. The gorgeous Leo star dress allows Lucy to focus on mid-to-long range battles, while Leo covers hand-to-hand combat. He designed the dress in a way that would allow him to fight alongside his blonde friend, but would also let her fight without him.
Speaking of star dresses, Lucy’s not the first one to use them. Powerful Celestial Spirit Mages have used different versions of the dresses throughout the centuries. Some versions of the star dresses get to be re-used, some are created anew, but they are all trying to fit the contractor and the respective Spirit’s fighting style.
Sagittarius is the quietest of all Zodiac Spirits. He also has a very gentle soul. Sometimes he appears in the human world using his own magic power and just wanders around. He comes back to the spirit world with flowers for every lady in that dimension.
Cancer loves buying magazines from the human world. He gets to see the trending hairstyles and is always super excited to try them on Lucy’s hair if she allows him to. Sometimes, a fellow Spirit would also let him experiment with their hair.
It’s usually Aries that lets him do that, but she finds it really hard to adapt to such a change, so she asks him to get her hair back to normal.
Taurus is the most energetic out of all the Spirits. He also values his ax a lot. Like A LOT. To him it’s like what Thor’s hammer is to Thor. He’s made every other Spirit try and wield his weapon at least once. No one was as good as him with it, naturally. He likes to brag about it.
All the Spirits, including the Celestial Spirit King, have been victims of Gemini’s pranks and jokes more times than they’d like to admit. Gemini just love goofing around. Everybody still loves them, though. They make the spirit world a lot more lively.
All of Lucy’s Spirits have come to a silent agreement to watch over her. If they see or sense she’s in trouble, they materialize in the human world using their own magic power to help her. It doesn’t always work, because of the different flow of time, but they all sincerely love her and want to protect her.
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