#Archangel Crowley
fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
soooo, we now know that Crowley was an angel of highest order and that heaven can’t cast another archangel down ~not AGAIN
in bible lore there weren’t any fallen archangels
what i’m trying to say is.. was Crowley an archangel??
Crowley cleverly didn’t introduce himself when he first met Azi in the cosmos
we already have Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Saraqael, but where is the archangel of healing? where is Raphael? was he the one cast down in Good Omens? it makes me wonder why his name was never mentioned, as he’s one of the more prominent archangels
Hiya! The S2 season certainly hints at Crowley having been and Archangel...
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but which Archangel he was.... in Good Omens Universe more Archangel could Fall...
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Why Crowley Was an Archangel, And Why it Matters: A Fan Theory
Neil Gaiman has said that Season 2 is a bridging season, setting up what is to come in Season 3, which will be based on a story he and Pratchett outlined many years ago. This season is therefore moving characters into place and establishing facts and mechanics of the Good Omens universe that we need as an audience in order to understand what comes next. It moved Aziraphale back to Heaven, and removed Gabriel and Beelzebub. This season has also been heavy on the references to Crowley’s past as an angel.
Season 2 of Good Omens has been practically inviting us to speculate on who Crowley used to be. If we’d just been given that one glimpse of him in the first scene I wouldn’t make so much of it, but we also saw him return to heaven in disguise and reject an offer of being returned to full angelic status. We have to conclude that there’s been so many sustained hints at this because it will be important next season!
Some of this has already been suggested by others, but GO2 has taken over my brain and I need to write this all out. So, let’s have a look at what we already know about Crowley’s angelic past in-universe, and what else we might be able to guess at from that. 
What’s special about Crowley’s powers?
Crowley is the only demon or angel who is shown being able to stop time. When asked about this Pre-S2, Neil Gaiman said the following:
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We first see him do this in Paris in 1793, and the second time to speak to Adam to avert the apocalypse at the end of S1. The first time was something he did casually, while the second required a huge burst of power – it needed to hold off Satan, after all - and happened at Aziraphale’s urging.
A: Come up with something or… or I'll never talk to you again.
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(GIF from fyeahgoodomens. There’s a collection of gifs of Crowley stopping time through S1 here.)
When we see him stop time this season, in Edinburgh in 1827, it’s also directly at Aziraphale’s request:
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This bit is absolutely key to me, as this establishes that stopping time is something Crowley can do that Aziraphale cannot.
This also seems tied to the crank handle of his Bentley. When Crowley has stopped time to hold off Satan, he is gripping the handle in the same way Aziraphale carried his flaming sword, and spins in when he comes to restart time.
C: I'm going to start time. You won't have long to do whatever you're going to do.
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By itself, this doesn’t mean anything. Until we see the same handle at the start of Season 2, in the hands of Angel Crowley. He uses this to start up his nebula, as a tool for setting time into motion.
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Is this the same handle? It certainly appears this way. Like Aziraphale’s flaming sword, was this a gift from God that he’s managed to hang on to for thousands of years (And it just miraculously happens to fit his Bentley)? It certainly seems that the Bentley crankshaft handle is more than it seems, and that Crowley can use it as a conduit for power – as he needed to when stopping time to hold off the ruler of Hell himself.
The link between this object, a relic from his time in heaven, and his rather unique ability to stop time, suggests that Crowley was once an angel of great power.
What rank did he hold?
We saw Crowley return to Heaven, in disguise, in S2 E6, with events hinting that he was once a very high-ranking angel:
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So, we know for a fact he was above the level of Thrones and Dominions. So where does this place him on Heaven’s organisational chart? My analysis here is metatextual – I don’t think looking at external hierarchies of angels is that helpful to understanding the Good Omens universe, so I will only focus on what Neil Gaiman has confirmed when asked, or has been demonstrated within the world of the show itself.
Good Omens has its own Hierarchy of Heaven, but Neil Gaiman has clarified that the Archangels we see are amongst the most senior personnel in Heaven. This runs counter to many hierarchies of angels (which are often contradictory in and of themselves) but is consistent with the depiction in John Milton’s Paradise Lost as well as Jewish tradition, where the highest ranking Archangels are given the title of “princes” of heaven. “Prince of Heaven” is also a term that Metatron applies to Gabriel in S2 E6.
Of the heavenly entities mentioned in the show, we can infer the following angelic hierarchy:
Metatron (NG confirms here)
Supreme Archangel (Gabriel, now Aziraphale)
Other Archangels (Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon, in that order – See NG here)
Cherubim (Aziraphale at the Garden of Eden, when he was the Angel of the Eastern Gate –NG Confirms here)
Thrones & Dominions
Principalities(?) (Aziraphale after the Garden of Eden – NG doesn’t state if this is a promotion or demotion, but it feels very demotion-y)
Other lower-ranking angels (As a Principality, Aziraphale was supposed to lead a platoon of angels into battle in S1 – so there must be many levels below him – see NG here)
Scrivners (Muriel and the level Gabriel would have been demoted to. Appears to be the lowest rank in Heaven, suggested by NG here)
There are likely many other levels in-between these that have not yet been mentioned onscreen. Saraqael, for example, seems lower down than an Archangel (addressing Michel and Uriel as “your beatitudes” before approaching them in Episode 1), but above Aziraphale. You’ll notice Seraphim aren’t in this list, because they’ve not been mentioned on screen – but I suspect they do exist in this universe and are a class below Archangels but above Cherubim.
This doesn’t necessarily mean that Crowley was an Archangel, but confirms pretty explicitly that he was once near the top.
So who was he?
Neil Gaiman has stated that his name when he was an angel was not Crowley/Crawley, and the first scene of Season 2 sees a bit of redirection when Aziraphale tries to get angel-Crowley’s name:
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This is quite deliberate, and sets up his name as something important to be revealed later. However, I can’t see why his name would matter to the narrative, unless it’s something recognisable from biblical canon – or, that it’s not necessarily his name, but his rank as an angel that was important.
There are numerous pointed references throughout Season 2 to Archangels, in such a way that feels like the show is setting up for this to be revealed in the future. The misdirection about Angel-Crowley’s name may have been because Aziraphale was likely to have recognised the name of an Archangel.
More than this, I personally do think, that before his fall Crowley wasn’t just any old Archangel, but the Supreme Archangel. This is based on the following 7 points (you know God likes sevens):
The very deliberate way the camera pans to Crowley’s impassive face after Gabriel says “I’m the only first-order Archangel in the room or, you know, the universe.”
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2. Metatron’s statement, “For one Prince of Heaven to be cast into the outer darkness makes a good story. For it to happen twice, makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem.”
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While it’s quite clear that we’re supposed to associate this line with Lucifer himself (and yes, I know NG confirms that's who this was alluding to!), it’s interesting that ‘Prince of Heaven’ is a title associated with Archangels in Jewish tradition and very specifically with Gabriel on screen in the universe of the series. That Jimbriel also repeats this line to Crowley in the bookshop specifically feels significant...
3. Crowley also recognises Metatron in the bookshop, where no other Archangel does. Metatron deliberately avoids using his name in this scene, calling him ‘demon’. Which is not inaccurate, but may suggest the Metatron remembers Crowley’s angelic name. It may also explain Metatron’s very dark look at Crowley as he exited the shop – the two of them have some history.
4. It’s never stated explicitly that Gabriel hasn’t always been the Supreme Archangel since the beginning, but there’s enough vagueness in the text to guess at this. When Michael and Uriel are discussing what to do in Gabriel’s absence, Michael and Uriel have this exchange:
M:There is, of course, no question of replacing the supreme archangel. I am the Archangel Michael, you are the Archangel Uriel. U: We aren't in charge. Right now, as of this moment, Heaven does not have a supreme archangel. M: There is always a supreme archangel.
“There is always a Supreme Archangel!” not “Gabriel has always been the Supreme Archangel!” According to some traditions, the Supreme Archangel was the first angel ever created, which would support Michael’s statement: There is always, and there always has been, a Supreme Archangel, since the time of creation. It’s possible that someone else held this role pre-Fall, and Gabriel was appointed as successor after the War in Heaven.
5. The way the other Archangels behave around him. There’s a wariness, but also a strange deference. On being discovered by Saraqael in heaven, they don’t immediately throw him out, but let him watch Gabriel’s trial – even ordering Muriel to show him it. Michael and Uriel then follow him back to Earth without much fuss, giving him quite a look, while Crowley seems to be enjoying himself:
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(This also feeds into why I think Crowley looked so different during the Job segment. He knew he might encounter a few Archangels he’s not seen for a thousand years or so, and so appears in disguise.) 6. The lightening! I’ve seen someone point out that Crowley’s electric temper tantrum in S2E1 mirrors the lightening used by Gabriel to travel to Earth in S1E6. This could be a coincidence of VFX, or it could be a Clue.
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7. That last conversation between Aziraphale and Crowley:
A: I don't think you understand what I'm offering you. C: I understand. I think I understand a whole lot better than you do.
That’s such a weighted statement, and could be interpreted in so many ways. But, viewed in this light, it sounds like a warning from a former angel who used to be very high up in Heaven indeed – and has absolutely no desire to return there.  
Why does any of this matter?
Obviously just theorising here…
The story is setting us up for a reveal here – Crowley’s status as an angel, and who he was before the Fall is clearly going to factor into Season 3 in some way. Why tease us with it so much and so often if it’s not important?
In terms of the narrative, a powerful revelation would be that Crowley used to have Aziraphale’s new job. That it led him to asking questions about the Almighty’s plan and then, ultimately, falling. And that the Supreme Archangel, for one reason for another, eventually turns against Heaven – it happened to Crowley, to Gabriel (after a few thousand years), and then will have to happen to Aziraphale too.
I could be way off here, but at some point the show needs to explain why Crowley is so different from other demons and has powers that no other demon or angel seems to possess. A reveal that he was once very, very senior in the organisation of Heaven, before asking too many questions and being cast out, would serve as a explanation and be a meaningful development to the narrative of Season 3.
I don’t think we’ll necessarily get a name (because we don’t need one) – but I do think we will get a rank or some idea about who he used to be, and that’s what’s going to be significant. TLDR: Supreme Archangel Crowley!?
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I wasn't always a demon.
Or, Crowley as Raphael Hints Season 2
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ineffablerainstorm · 10 months
You cannot convince me Crowley wasn't a really high-rankling angel before he fell. Like on a level with Gabriel. Not when this is literally the look on his face, after Gabriel says: "However, I am the only first order archangel in the room or, you know, the universe." Hard cut to this ⬇️
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Then there is the password clearance (“you'd have to be a throne or a dominion or above") and the extreme sanctions bit ("to frighten the cherubs").
And also: Crowley doesn't remember the people he worked with: Saraqael and also Furfur. Even though they remember him clearly. Just like you can remember that one boss you had once, but they probably forgot about you immediately. And tbh angel-Crowley didn't pay that much attention to Aziraphale, when they first met and he was busy creating a nebula.
(someone probably said it all before, but I just watched that scene again and just had to get something about it out)
So if he was... well, he knows first hand that Aziraphale won't be able to make a difference. Time to cry some more.
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pastellt · 11 months
GUYS, can we talk about how Crowley intricately hints to Shax about who he was?
Yes, you can say he's just kidding and talking about Gabriel in 2x03, but these scenes are still ambiguous to me.
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What kind of angel is Saraquel? Because they're not an archangel in a way other archangels are archangels. You can see that Gabriel, Michael and Uriel are wearing those grey suits as a uniform. It's even emphasised when they are trying to change Gabriel's rank and he's not allowed to keep his clothes.
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But Saraquel is wearing a white jacket, which is very similar to Crowley's one. And we know they had been working together and that Crowley used to be pretty high ranking angel. I know it's nothing revolutionary but I haven't seen anyone talking about this before and it gives us hints about who crowley might have been.
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And yes, it also means that Aziraphale has to change his outfit.
So what do you guys think?
(Sorry for any possible mistakes, English is not my first language)
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sighed-the-snake · 1 year
So, about Furfur's angel book. Remember the part about Baraqiel?
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Image text: BARAQIEL. Dominion. Angel of the Sky. Appearance: Hair an eye-burning jinnjer. Eyebrows with the appearance of a grisly slug. Often draped in red. Occashunly damp, most likely singed.
I recently got my hands on a copy of A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels, by Gustav Davidson.
And here is the entry for Baraqiel!
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Image Text: Barakiel (Barachiel, Barbiel, Barchiel, Barkiel, Baraqiel, etc. -- "lightning of God") -- one of the 7 archangels, one of the 4 ruling seraphim, angel of the month of February, and prince of the 2nd Heaven as well as of the order of confessors. Barakiel has dominion over lightning and is also one of the chief angels of the 1st and 4th altitudes or chora in the Almadel of Solomon. In addition, he is a ruler of the planet Jupiter and the zodiacal sign of Scorpio (as cited by Camfield in A Theological Discourse of Angels) and Pisces. With the angels Uriel and Rubiel, Barakiel is invoked to bring success in games of chance, according to De Plancy, Dictionaire Infernal.[Rf. Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews I, 140.]
Lightning of God We see Crowley let off some lightning while too angry to control himself, and an angel of lightning could easily be considered an angel of the sky.
Archangel Baraqiel We assume Metatron was referring to Satan when he spoke of the Prince of Heaven they lost. Could he have been referring to Crowley? There was a lot of hatred in the look Metatron gave Crowley in the bookshop.
Crowley also told Beelzebub that the whole erasure from the Book of Life thing was something they said just to scare the Cherubs and that it wasn't actually a thing. We think of fat little cupids when Cherubs are mentioned, but Cherub is just the singular of Cherubim, and those guys are just one step below the Seraphim.
And he was teasing them.
Crowley says he understands what Aziraphale is offering him better than his angel does. If he was a Seraphim, then I believe it.
I know Furfur's book places him as a Dominion, but Neil can be an unreliable narrator, and who knows how accurate a demon's book might be. Neil could have also just decided to make Crowley a Dominion instead. Afterall, the angel guarding the Eastern gate in the bible was a Cherubim, but Neil and Terry changed that to Principality when they made Aziraphale.
Also, if Crowley was hanging out with "Lucifer and the guys," that suggests he was a high ranking angel. You're friends with the people you see every day. They were probably his office buddies.
Crowley said in the beginning of S2 that he worked "very closely with upstairs" on his nebula project. Anyone who has worked for a hierarchical business knows that lower order employees aren't even allowed to talk to the higher-ups directly. They would have to submit their issues to their direct supervisor, and that request would go up the chain until it's taken care of, probably never reaching the highest levels of the company. If Crowley was working directly with "upstairs," and his crossed fingers suggest a close collaboration, then he must have been a very high rank to be allowed to talk to them directly.
It is also worth noting that the use of the singular seraph, in the Book of Isaiah, is translated as "flying fiery serpent."
Ruler of the signs Scorpio and Pisces Crowley is hissy and wrathful and WILL CUT YOU, but he also loves children, and turns goats into birds so he doesn't have to kill them, and breathes life back into smooshed doves, so this makes perfect sense to me. Who's our moody little snek, you're our moody little snek.
Invoked to bring success in games of chance We have already seen him outsmart Heaven and Hell with Armageddon. He is uncommonly sharp-witted and capable for a demon, or even an angel. Look at the way he invented regulations for the Rules of Engagement so convincingly that Shax backed down, and how he got Muriel to sneak him into Heaven. I would definitely want an occult force like Crowley-Baraqiel on my side if I was doing something risky.
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arianna-creates · 1 year
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The new season was so much better than I thought it would be, right up until it broke my heart
I think that his first instinct would be to do what crowley said he would do if he was in charge
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imjustmarcy · 1 year
Currently thinking about how it essentially got confirmed that Crowley used to be an angel with high authority and power, and also the fact that during the third episode he introduced himself and Azira to the doctor as fellow doctors.
... I'm just saying, Archangel Raphael was the saint of healing-
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danameissam · 11 months
Hold up. When Crowley miracles Mr Brown back to life outside the coffee shop I just kind of excused it as Neil making everything okay again,
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Because the only time we've seen a demon miracle someone back to life is when Furfur Zombifies the Nazis. I mean I may be splitting hairs at this point but I do think it's strange that there are two references to Crowley's past and powers in the same episode (the opening of Gabriel's trial file being the first) there's also the moment with Metatron in which Crowley says he has met him before but only Aziraphale met him in season one. This may be hinting that Crowley worked with the higher ups, Crowley also says that the last time he saw him he was a 'big, floating giant head, man.' Which may be him just downplaying his association with Metatron just like he did with Saraqael by saying 'do we know each other?' And 'i meet a lot of people' and Saraqael responds with this face
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If that's not a 'i call bullshit' face idk what is.
I also wonder why there seemed to be almost this accusing stare from Metatron to Crowley
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And Crowley seemed to me, almost nervous idk I just have a weird feeling that Metatron has got something on Crowley. It could just be a 'stay away from Angels you corrupting demon' glare but it just seemed strange to do again after he glared at Crowley earlier at the coffee shop when he was walking Maggie and Nina out and resurrecting Mr Brown.
All I'm saying is that Neil Gaiman usually doesn't rehash something unless he's gonna bring it up later. The man is king at bringing back an insignificant detail from the start of the book and making it a major plot point that you missed 🤣
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Crowley, Angels and Free Will: More Good Omens Meta
I’ve been thinking a lot about Crowley in the Land of Uz recently. Particularly this scene:
A: Come on! You're a little bit on our side. C: Not even the littlest. A: Well, you're not on Hell's side. C: I go along with Hell as far as I can. A: So whose side are you on? C: My side.
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Until this point, although Crowley has never seemed particularly ideologically aligned with the other demons of Hell, we could assume that Crowley’s fondness for life on Earth was a gradual process. He and Aziraphale have come to appreciate the lifestyle (cars and restaurants and music and wine and houseplants and coffee and various aspects of human invention) and the life they had amongst the people, and each came to vastly prefer it to a life in their respective Head Offices. But here, in Uz, we find out that Crowley realised this a very, very long time ago. He’s already discovered the joys of some human delights, particularly the wine. And just look at how knowing his face is here when Aziraphale first tastes food:
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That's the face of someone who's been doing this for a while...
This story takes place in 2500 BC. Crowley’s been on Earth for 1500 years or so, only bumping into Aziraphale very occasionally. It’s not known how long Crowley’s only been going along with Hell, but the suggestion is that he’s always been this way. Playing the part of the demon, all while making his own choices. This incident with Job clearly wasn’t the first time he impeded Hell’s plans. He’s been playing his own game since leaving Eden, probably.
The implication here is that he was never really on board with Hell from the start. He was cast out of Heaven for asking too many questions, but never really took to the idea of ‘the other side’, or sides in general. He’s always been on his own side, coming up with his own ideas. The Metatron, who evidently knew Crowley when he was an angel, says as much in the final episode:
Metatron: Ah, well, always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions, too.
Ever since he was an angel, Crowley was going his own way. He never particularly bought was Lucifer was selling, he just wanted the freedom to decide things for himself. As Crowley says, he never meant to fall. Heaven just couldn’t accommodate an angel who didn’t follow the rules. Hell isn’t the right place for him either, though - and he knows it. Over the years 'my side' has become 'our side', but he's never really aligned himself with Heaven or Hell:
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So what’s going on with Crowley and why has he never fit in with either side? For my money, it’s because Crowley has free will. Something angels and demons aren’t supposed to have. Aziraphale says as much in their discussion in Edinburgh in 1827:
A: Look, I am good. You, I'm afraid, are evil. But people get a choice.
But Crowley isn’t evil, and has seemingly never been that way. He’s been an angel with too many questions, and a demon who wouldn’t kill goats or fire guns. He’s always exercised a right to choose how he behaves, what actions he takes. He tries to stop Aziraphale calling his actions 'nice', but he does indeed often choose to do good, even though he's technically a demon. Crowley does things because that’s what he wants to do.
Aziraphale is developing this way too. Angels aren’t supposed to do what they want – they’re supposed to do what God wants. But with Job, Aziraphale does what he thinks is just, even though it's not what he was supposed to do, for the first time. That’s the poignancy of their final conversation in Uz:
A: But what am I? C: You're just an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can.
Crowley was an angel like this once too. Aziraphale hasn’t yet broken away from Heaven, though. He’s not quite ready to go his own way, be on their own side, make his own choices. To choose Crowley. He will choose this eventually, but it’s been a more gradual process for him.
Crowley, though. He’s been like this since he was an angel. Which means – was Crowley created with free will? Was he made this way?
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God plays an ineffable game of her own devising, after all...
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Are you telling me you don't know what caused it?
Good Omens | 2x02 | 2023
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About the 25 Lazari miracle??
Hullo dearly beloved Good Omens fandom.
So, we all know by now that between hell and heaven, heaven is the one more strict when it comes to tracking and monitoring miracles; RE, Aziraphale once mentioned he was reprimanded for doing so many miracles (or something like that).
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So, about the 25 Lazari miracle. Kinda makes me wonder now that when the half-miracle Crowley and Aziraphale did to hide Gabriel was supposed to be a "tiny miracle", why is it that only Heaven was alarmed or triggered? And even when Crowley was hinting on Shax, "Who says it wasn't me?", Shax pushes it off. I mean, my point is, why was Crowley's miracle detected by Heaven and not by Hell?
[For now, I take this as more than a hint towards Crowley being a former Archangel of sorts, not necessarily Lucifer (well, since NG already said they were different, and this is a topic for a different day)] I'm definitely not the first one to think of this.
Like, did I miss the part where heaven can also monitor the miracles being done by demons, such as Crowley? Or a part where Hell just doesn't care about demons miracling miracles away as Crowley does. But that's kind of off because Crowley has been on the watchlist of some of the demons, so someone must noticed his miracles, particularly that big of a miracle. And also, when he did a good deed, he was punished and pulled back to hell for some time.
[Edit: Beelzebub would have noticed something's off as well and she would've confronted Crowley by then as well. She might have been able to put the pieces together and figured it out by herself. But that didn't happen. Shax was the one who has been going up and down.]
I guess what I'm really trying to ask is: somewhere in the ineffable bureaucracy of heaven, does Crowley's miracle(s) still count as a(n) angelic miracle(s)?
But then again, we do see him literally pull his miracle upward, pulling from down hell, compared to Aziraphale's downward hand gestures as pulling from heaven.
We can definitely factor in the following as well:
- they were holding Gabriel, so the miracle could have been amplified
- Crowley is a really powerful Angel demon
- Crowley and Aziraphale complement each other, and they are therefore powerful together (which some of you have already pointed as the reason why Metatron is trying to rip them apart)
Like I know Aziraphale is not just a low ranking or a weak angel because after all, he was the Guardian of the Garden of Eden. But he doesn't seem to be the kind to be making 25 Lazari miracles in just a tiny effort.
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Oh, Crowley, you Pandora's box.
How did you become the Angel who "Let there be light." to the Demon who vaguely sauntered downwards?
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And what specific sets of questions did you ask for you to fall from God's grace?
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What part do you play in this ineffable chess game? Or are you, just like God, watching from the outside?
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brideavocado · 1 year
This is my theory about Crowleys past life as an angel!!
We got a lot of signs that Crowley used to be at least an important angel in heaven.
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Here for example we see how he can open Gabriel’s file in heaven. Muriel explains that you’d have to be either a throne, a Dominion, or above. That is why she couldn’t open it, since she’s in 37th class and she doesn’t have the password. When Crowley then opens it he explains to Muriel that he hasn’t always been a demon and that they never change their passwords. That must mean he was an important angel, since he had the password. That means he was either a throne, a Dominion or above when he was still an angel. Maybe he even was the archangel?
We’ve also gotten signs that he didn’t like being in heaven. He doesn’t like hell either and he doesn’t want to be on either side but there’s something different about his past with heaven. I think the reason he doesn’t like heaven is because of something he experienced when he was an angel, or as I said before, maybe archangel.
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In this scene when Aziraphale is trying to get Crowley to rule heaven with him Crowley doesn’t want to at all as we all know. I know the reason is that he thinks hell and heaven is toxic and he wants them to be on their own side but I think there’s something more to it. That line he said in the gifs really made curious. I think the reason he said he thinks he understand much better than Aziraphale is because he has experienced being an archangel himself. And I think the experience was bad for him. I believe that’s why he talks how toxic both heaven and hell are and he knows it’s even more toxic to be an archangel. I don’t see why he would say that if he hadn’t experienced it himself.
Call me crazy, but I also think he used to know Metatron in some way before, and if he was an archangel it was probably through that. I also think that something happened that made Metatron hate Crowley. Probably right before the fall or the reason why he fell. It could also just be because of Crowley being a demon now but he’s not acting like that to any other demon and they’ve fallen as well. We get a few signs that Metatron doesn’t like Crowley and he wouldn’t have a reason unless he knew him when he was an angel.
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This for example, which is probably a reference to the questions Crowley asked that made him a demon.
Now over to when he offered Aziraphale to be an archangel. I don’t believe in the coffee theory but I’m sure he has some kind of plan with it. Obviously the coffee has something to do with it but I don’t the it’s the reason everyone else thinks. I believe that he wanted to separate Crowley and Aziraphale because he doesn’t want an angel associating with a demon, especially Crowley I think.
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Just look and his expression towards Crowley before leaving to tell Aziraphale the news. He has some kind of beef going on with Crowley. I think Metatron knew that Crowley wouldn’t want to go to heaven. And that’s why he offered Aziraphale to make him an angel, he was sure that Crowley wouldn’t allow it. On the scene after Crowley has left and Metatron enters the bookshop to take Aziraphale with him he says “how did he take it” which is a weird sentence. It sounds like something you would ask of you knew the answer was that he took it bad. Otherwise he would’ve said “what did he say” or something.
So I think Crowley used to be an archangel and Metatron has some kind of beef with him and doesn’t like him. Also Metatron says something that made me curious in the last episode when we get to see the trial heaven had against Gabriel when they decided that he wasn’t going to be an archangel anymore. When Gabriel first thought he was going to hell Metatron answered he wasn’t. Metatron also said “For one prince of heaven to be cast out into the outer darkness makes it a good story. For it to happen twice makes it look like there is some kind of institutional problem” obviously Gabriel would be the second Prince of heaven to fall. And i’m guessing the first one was Lucifer. But we do know Crowley fell at the same time as Lucifer and that he was going against god with him before they fell. The reason he went with Lucifer is probably that Metatron didn’t listen to his questions/suggestions. (I’m guessing he asked Metatron since Metatron is the voice of god). So that could also be the why Metatron doesn’t like him btw.
I would also just like to point out, I do not think that he was a supreme archangel, since that was probably Lucifer. I just think he was an archangel, like for example Michael and Uriel.
That was my theory, let me know what u guys think.
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Crowley's Past: Was He Archangel Camael?
With S2 now having been out for a few weeks, and the theories running wild, I think one of the unanimous beliefs within the fandom is that Crowley was SOME sort of Important Angel Before™. I touch upon the MANY clues in the various parts of my initial GOS2 Thoughts Meta, so I won't go into too many of those here, but inevitably this separate meta started out as the pulling-and-expanding-upon of the Archangel Crowley theory, primarily the "Raphael" theory, since I have loved that theory to bits since its inception early post-S1.
That was until my friend Peter finished watching the season early last week, and presented to me an alternative theory as to Crowley's identity that I thought deserved its own post breakdown, since I haven't seen this theory before.
NOW, I should make it clear I haven't been as DEEP in the fandom as many of y'all since S1 aired, so it's probably come up before S2 as just a light mention, but I personally haven't seen anything, so what follows is a joint speculation between my real-life, not-in-GO-fandom-spaces-whatsoever friend Peter, and myself, with my contributions being the expansion of his theory and linking it to what we already know.
The theory is this: Crowley might actually be Archangel Camael.
Please, PLEASE note that I am aware that authors and writers change things for creative liberty and originality, so please take this entire theory with a grain of salt (or go nuts with me, I'm happy either way!).
I'll TRY to keep this concise, but y'all know me. You can skip right to the "Conclusion" for a point-by-point breakdown if you don't want to read everything, but I hope you'll at least give me a chance to explain within the body of this meta.
I apologize in advance if any of my thoughts are a bit scattered. Here we go:
The Initial Text
Here is the initial text Peter sent to me after he finished watching S2 (and this was after I mentioned that the popular running fandom theory is that he's actually Raphael):
Okay… well - disclaimer I did not go to religious school and my biblical studies were a great many years ago. As I recall Lucifer was not one of the 7 archangels - he was meant to be but he rebelled before he was appointed (and there is some wiggle for a fictional story). So, based on what we have seen Crowley was one of the 7 but he hung out with the wrong people and asked too many questions. He never says his real name when we see him as an angel it is comically dodged - for a good reason. Crowley has a login and proves he had clearance way above a level 37th angel. He can see the top most important meetings… like he may have been allowed to attend in a previous life… And one line sticks out to me “one fallen prince has already gone to Hell. Two shows a problem.” As I stated Lucifer was not a Prince - we are not talking about him. Gabriel was banking on going to Hell like his “brother” - I’m guessing Camael, the one who Sees God - who ironically has cursed eyes now as a demon - the Prince of Fortitude (also Love and Charity). He often breaks his demonic spirit in cases of charitable needs or love. Crowley is one of the big Seven to be entrusted with creating the cosmos ;)
Naturally, this had a lot of things click for me, and I'm going to break them down below, with my additional research into the points that Peter made since he mentioned that he was going off memory.
Who Was Cameal?
When Peter mentioned this angel, it boggled my mind that I never actually recall knowing of this archangel. I went to a Roman Catholic school up until Grade 12, and with that comes Religious Ed classes, which also feature World Religions in the later grades. Funnily enough, I found out WHY I never heard of Camael:
Camael is not recognized by the Catholic Church due to the Vatican's decision to ban the veneration of angels not mentioned in the Bible [SOURCE]
Kind of explains why I only heard of Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael (which now adds another layer to a theory I will cover further down in "Does Crowley Remember?"), then.
Reading further:
[He] is the Archangel of strength, courage and war in Christian and Jewish mythology and angelology. [SOURCE] He is claimed to be the leader of the forces that expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden holding a flaming sword. However, in iconography he is often depicted holding a cup. [SOURCE]
A Flaming Sword, you say??? Interesting. Here's a good place to point out that there IS also a theory that Crowley and Aziraphale are one single archangel that was split into two (and Gaiman has stated that in original drafts of the original book, they were at first one character, so this fact might be an afterthought of that original idea). Also, interesting that this angel is depicted with a cup, traditionally used in Christianity to depict wine, which is Crowley's drink-of-choice. So, there's that.
Another standout point for me is the Adam and Eve bit (which I bolded above). The Snake of Eden is TECHNICALLY the instigator (the "leader") who encouraged the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden. "Forces" in this reading of it could be the metaphorical definition of it; the knowledge of good and evil, and the desire to see beyond the Garden. AND also the Flaming Sword itself BEING the object of force given to the couple for protection.
Furthermore, Crowley's a strong and brave character, given all the shit he endures time and time again. Strength (and bravery for that matter) can mean many things: emotional strength, physical strength, possibly also a strength of character and an unwavering belief in the values one holds dear. I should also note that it's interesting that an angel of war, should Crowley indeed be this character, wants nothing to do with a war and is actively trying to stop one: an angel of War can absolutely NOT want a war, because he knows it's wrong.
And without the Angel of War up in Heaven to PREVENT any war at all? Well, they would just get all willy-nilly crazy on the idea of War without having any pushback on it, wouldn't they?
Kind of like how Gabriel was to be demoted (cast out) for denying Heaven a War. Funny old world, isn't it? Seems the parallels write themselves.
What's in a Name?
Because Peter mentioned the name meaning, I had to look into it myself, and indeed, one of the various meanings of Camael is apparently "he who sees God" in Hebrew.
As Peter stated above, I think this is very significant because it's seemingly only Crowley who has "demon" eyes that he himself cannot change. It's the ONLY part of him that always remains a constant, and why he is forced to hide them. We know from S1 and bits of S2 with Shax that other demons can change their eyes because we see them mimicking other humans time and again without the black eyes if they choose to.
Crowley's eyes could have been cursed specifically because was ordained as "the one who sees God" and possibly was the ONLY angel who ever "saw" a physical God in the literal sense (it's implied in the show that no one actually SEES a physical god). It's possible that Crowley being cast out literally burned his angelic eyes and left a visible scar that can't be fixed or erased – a forever-reminder of what he did and can no longer do. AND as the one who sees God, he indeed was a very high-ranking angel.
In the GO universe, I suspect he was indeed the FIRST Supreme Archangel, tasked with creating God's Vision (HAH) of the Universe. And when Crowley questioned what the point of creating such beauty was only for it to be destroyed, God (or, I suspect more likely, the other Angels) saw it as Crowley questioning their "vision" in the metaphorical sense.
Does Crowley Remember?
In light of Season 2, and some interesting exchanges and moments of Crowley with other angels, some people speculate (and as I watch the series more, I'm starting to also agree somewhat) that Crowley may not remember everything from Before.
Now, while I do like this theory a lot, and it makes sense with the context clues from S2, I don't think it's that he doesn't remember anything at all, however, as many versions of the theory postulates.
My speculation is this: what if, by having his Angelic Name removed from recognition in the Bible, and going through a similar Trial to Gabriel, THEN by Falling the traditional way, the memories are still there, but they're just a bit fuzzy and scattered? It could also explain why some of the other Archangels DON'T remember him... he was removed from the memories of other ranking angels (Saraqael is the only angel to seemingly remember who Crowley was, so I postulate that she WASN'T a top angel until fairly recently, because of the named angels in the next section).
The show brings up the Book of Life in S2 on several occasions, leaving me to believe that this will be an important item in the next season. What if the phrase "it will make it like you don't exist" literally means "don't exist in memories"? Maybe a Book of Life 1.0 existed at one time, and everyone who Fell was forgotten because their angelic names were removed. Because wouldn't that be more awful than never having existed? Remembering that you WERE something or someone, you had a name that you can't remember, that you WERE important to people and events, and having everyone around you who you considered family forget who you are? It's its own kind of personal Hell ... kind of like George Bailey in It's a Wonderful Life, a movie that references angels, funnily enough. And Crowley remembers the furniture being there but not where it all belongs. I think his memory haziness is also a side effect of Falling the traditional way (burning sulfer and all that jazz, possibly causes trauma amnesia?).
It's a stretch here, I know, but I thought I would put this one out there as a possibility as to what it could mean (given that Gaiman and Pratchett tend to "play on words" a lot, I think it is worth mentioning this as an alternative meaning).
In S2, when Gabriel was sentenced, the Trial stated that Gabriel would forget his time as Gabriel, but not his time as an angel. I think a similar thing happened with Crowley, only much more violently with the "burning the eyes out" and "staining his wings black" thing.
My friend Peter mentioned that the show avoided Crowley's Before-Name "to a comical degree". I reckon, rather, that Crowley just simply doesn't remember his Angelic name, and his changing of his demon names is him possibly trying to find an identity. I think he recalls it having started with a "C", maybe? And now he's a snake, so he's kind of crawl-y, must be "Crawley". As time moved forward and as he learned more and more about humanity, he changed is namee to fit in better. Having a full Human-esque name makes him feel more connected to the Humanity he prefers.
And because I'm a romantic sap at heart, I think he enjoys spending time with Aziraphale because perhaps some part of Azzie's presence helps Crowley remember bits and pieces of his broken memory. He is LITERALLY Crowley's Emotional Support Angel – remember Shax can read into people, it seems. Azzie brings comfort to him, and seeing another Angel that also questions the choices Heaven makes allows Crowley to feel less alone.
The Original Seven Archangels
It's brought up a couple to several times in S2 the point that "God loves sevens". I actually couldn't remember why Seven was such a big Biblical number so a bit of quick Googling reminded me that "Seven [...] communicated a sense of “fullness” or “completeness” [...]. This makes sense of the pervasive appearance of “seven” patterns in the Bible." (SOURCE).
And of course, after Peter had mentioned it, I had to look a bit more into who the Original 7 could possibly be. Wikipedia mentions it could be Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel.
Peter was correct in his assumption that Lucifer wasn't one of the original 7 archangels, so that leaves us with Raphael, Camael, Jophiel, and Zadkiel, if we're assuming that Crowley is one of these top Archangels.
I would also like to speculate that "God likes 7's" could also mean (if you allow me to reach a bit) "God's favourite angels are the initial 7". If Crowley happened to be one of these 7, it could explain why he's able to get into Heaven without raising alarm at all, why he still maintains his immense power that set off alarms in Heaven when it was used purposefully against Heaven, why he was able to access the Gabriel Files, and why Sarqael allowed Crowley to continue watching the Trial (because if God allowed Crowley access even when he's no longer an angel, then Sarqael has no reason to believe that he's still not important to God).
Perhaps, in Modern Day, only having four archangels making the decisions symbolizes that, indeed, God's not really calling the shots anymore – and hasn't been for a long time – and that the whole system is all broken and not complete.
It also begs the question: if Crowley was one of the Original Seven (if they are indeed going to go in that direction), what happened to the other three? Did they also suffer the same fates? Were they turned to Scriveners just like Gabriel was to be?
Here is where I will also throw out there that my random thought that Muriel possibly also may have been one of the other three, as my own expansion of this theory, but I digress.
Anyway, I think I found the original Fandom Wiki that Peter quick-referenced when doing his quick message to me, and it's very interesting:
How they were founded as a unit is unknown, but it is said that it happened during Lucifer's rebellion. When Lucifer rebelled against God, one entire choir of angels followed him and was lost. Many angels from other choirs also followed him in his rebellion. It is revealed that Lucifer was meant to be apart of the Seven Archangels as well, however, since his fall he was replaced by Camael. 
Disclaimer here that I understand that Fandom Wiki isn't THE BEST resource, but we're also talking about a fictional story that loosely references actual scripture, so I think it's valid enough, heh.
But I bring this point up because Peter links it to Metatron mentioning the "Prince of Heaven" falling, as Gabriel as being "another" one. "Another one" what?? We have to assume that Metatron means another "Supreme Archangel" as holding the title of "Prince of Heaven", meaning Gabriel was NOT the first and only Supreme Archangel. I don't think Metatron is referencing Lucifer here. In fact, they deliberately avoid saying a name. We just ASSUME that it was Lucifer because that's the "common knowledge".
If GO is going to reference the theory that Lucifer actually fell BEFORE becoming an Archangel, then that means in my theory Crowley became his replacement of the Original Seven. And given that he was possibly the One (and only angel, in my above theory) Who Sees God, he was in-turn given the position of Supreme Archangel, charged with creating, again, God's Vision of the Universe.
I think having Crowley be the one who witnesses Gabriel's Trial is important if we're going on the theory that they are mirrors of each other in S2. What if:
Crowley ALSO had a similar Trial when he questioned God (or the other Archangels) about "what's the point of" the destruction of the universe, then subsequently saying "nah" to having Armageddon 6,000 years before the events of S1?;
In said Trial, Gabriel was a presiding member, and, given that we know his prior cruelty from S1, he voted on Camael being cast out in a vicious and cruel fashion "for betraying God". Thus, his eyes burnt and forever scarred to prevent him from ever seeing God again, had his name and memories removed from the Book of Life, and sent to on a one way trip to Hell. I speculate this because Trial-Gabriel certainly believe he was going to "Fall" that way. I'd also wager Camael/Crowley was the last angel to ever "properly" Fall, which is why the modern angels still think that they do it this way, rather than the way they planned for Gabriel. I realize that this point DOES contradict my theory about the other missing Archangels quietly being erased and reassigned, but perhaps BECAUSE Gabriel is SO High up the chain, they HAD no choice but to make an example of him. Perhaps Metatron just quietly deleted the other Archangels' original names without anyone's knowledge.
We now know from S2 that regardless of an angel's status, the angels will veto against anyone who goes against their interpretation of The Great Plan. We now also know that the "Supreme Archangel" is also a "title only" job that has benefits only if you're going to go with the Majority Vote. And if you don't, they're going to make an example out of you.
And I reckon Camael/Crowley, just like Gabriel after, tried to "go his own way" (as quoted by the Metatron) and got banished for it.
Aziraphale really now has himself in a pickle, and I suspect that he will figure ALL of this out when he gets there.
And finally because this is the "Sevens" section of this meta, I also want to mention these "a-bit-reaching-but-still-plausible-theories" that I came across while I was researching:
This tweet speculates that Gabe is morse coding "7"
Michael tweeted 7 dots after S2 aired
While this theory doesn't outright bust the Raphael Theory (since there are some similarities with Crowley and Raphael within the theory), as well as the "he was Lucifer" theory (which I also really like, but Crowley mentioned in S1 he was "hanging out with Lucifer and the guys" before he fell, so... I'm more apt to not really run with this theory). BUT it does tie up a lot more things, and it connects things better than the Raphael one does, in my humble opinion.
The TL;DR of this entire post is this:
I think Crowley was an Archangel, that is the only CERTAIN thing I feel.
I think he was Camael, The One (and only angel) Who (Literally) Sees God. He was the First Supreme Archangel who created God's Vision of the Universe.
I think that Camael questioned the Council of Angels why they need to destroy beauty that God created. It didn't make sense to him.
They told him about Armageddon (the S1 one). As the angel of war, and as the Supreme Archangel who had final say, he said "nah". And he tried "to go his own way" to avoid Armageddon.
The Council and Metatron did not like this, saw it as blaspheming against God. Camael then had a Trial similar to Gabriel's.
I think this all happened shortly after the war that sent down Lucifer and the other rebelling Angels, so Heaven was still VERY tetchy about anyone who questioned God and The Great Plan. Because Camael was a Supreme Archangel, the original Prince of Heaven, this was seen as SEVERE betrayal of the Council. For the record, I think the "Before the Beginning" sequence takes place AFTER the War that created Hell.
My belief about the Book of Life is that its ACTUAL purpose is to remove people from being remembered, which is far worse of an existence for someone banished. A metaphorical interpretation of "removed from existence" simply could mean "and everyone forgot about you", à la It's a Wonderful Life, a movie that references "angels getting their wings".
Camael was sentenced in a way that would make an example of him to other angels to remind them of their place: He was cast out of Heaven, his angelic name erased from the Book of Life which caused his other Council Members at the time to forget him, and for him to have foggy memories in turn, although he KNOWS he was an angel (perhaps as a side effect of being cast out the traditional way, you are forced to remember that you once lived in Heaven). His eyes were burnt out to quite literally leave an unremovable scar so he could no longer "see" God and their vision, which explains why Crowley cannot ever change his eyes regardless of how he presents himself. He has to hide them away.
I think Crowley was the last angel to be cast out in this way. BUT because his ANGEL name was erased, none of the remaining Original Council angels (Gabriel, Michael, and Uriel) recognize him. I suspect Sarqael remembers him because she was NOT an Archangel at the time since she was not one of the Original Seven Archangels.
I also suspect that there are purposely missing Archangels for a reason, and the fact that only 4 rather than 7 seemingly run things symbolizes the problems in Heaven and that God has not been in charge for a long time. I think those missing 3 or 4 are actually Scriveners, who were quietly sentenced and erased by the Metatron, hence why Gabriel thought that he was going to be cast out like his predecessor. But because Gabriel WAS a Supreme Archangel, he HAD to be made an example of, just as Crowley before.
"Supreme Archangel" is a Title-Only job, and if you go against the Council, you are indeed made an example of. I think this is purposeful setup for S3 to show that Azzie is in DEEP shit.
I still want to expand upon my Angel Theory section from my S2 Meta, but for now, I am so pleased with how this turned out, and I hope you've enjoyed this Deep Dive into another Archangel Theory. I had a lot of fun with this one; I like learning about supernatural things, it's always interesting.
I am interested in others' thoughts on this theory, especially if your memory of your religious education is a bit better than mine! Feel free to expand upon this more, because I am an interactive blog, so it will be added to the post! <3
I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading!
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