#A Dictionary of Angels Including Fallen Angels
sighed-the-snake · 1 year
So, about Furfur's angel book. Remember the part about Baraqiel?
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Image text: BARAQIEL. Dominion. Angel of the Sky. Appearance: Hair an eye-burning jinnjer. Eyebrows with the appearance of a grisly slug. Often draped in red. Occashunly damp, most likely singed.
I recently got my hands on a copy of A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels, by Gustav Davidson.
And here is the entry for Baraqiel!
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Image Text: Barakiel (Barachiel, Barbiel, Barchiel, Barkiel, Baraqiel, etc. -- "lightning of God") -- one of the 7 archangels, one of the 4 ruling seraphim, angel of the month of February, and prince of the 2nd Heaven as well as of the order of confessors. Barakiel has dominion over lightning and is also one of the chief angels of the 1st and 4th altitudes or chora in the Almadel of Solomon. In addition, he is a ruler of the planet Jupiter and the zodiacal sign of Scorpio (as cited by Camfield in A Theological Discourse of Angels) and Pisces. With the angels Uriel and Rubiel, Barakiel is invoked to bring success in games of chance, according to De Plancy, Dictionaire Infernal.[Rf. Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews I, 140.]
Lightning of God We see Crowley let off some lightning while too angry to control himself, and an angel of lightning could easily be considered an angel of the sky.
Archangel Baraqiel We assume Metatron was referring to Satan when he spoke of the Prince of Heaven they lost. Could he have been referring to Crowley? There was a lot of hatred in the look Metatron gave Crowley in the bookshop.
Crowley also told Beelzebub that the whole erasure from the Book of Life thing was something they said just to scare the Cherubs and that it wasn't actually a thing. We think of fat little cupids when Cherubs are mentioned, but Cherub is just the singular of Cherubim, and those guys are just one step below the Seraphim.
And he was teasing them.
Crowley says he understands what Aziraphale is offering him better than his angel does. If he was a Seraphim, then I believe it.
I know Furfur's book places him as a Dominion, but Neil can be an unreliable narrator, and who knows how accurate a demon's book might be. Neil could have also just decided to make Crowley a Dominion instead. Afterall, the angel guarding the Eastern gate in the bible was a Cherubim, but Neil and Terry changed that to Principality when they made Aziraphale.
Also, if Crowley was hanging out with "Lucifer and the guys," that suggests he was a high ranking angel. You're friends with the people you see every day. They were probably his office buddies.
Crowley said in the beginning of S2 that he worked "very closely with upstairs" on his nebula project. Anyone who has worked for a hierarchical business knows that lower order employees aren't even allowed to talk to the higher-ups directly. They would have to submit their issues to their direct supervisor, and that request would go up the chain until it's taken care of, probably never reaching the highest levels of the company. If Crowley was working directly with "upstairs," and his crossed fingers suggest a close collaboration, then he must have been a very high rank to be allowed to talk to them directly.
It is also worth noting that the use of the singular seraph, in the Book of Isaiah, is translated as "flying fiery serpent."
Ruler of the signs Scorpio and Pisces Crowley is hissy and wrathful and WILL CUT YOU, but he also loves children, and turns goats into birds so he doesn't have to kill them, and breathes life back into smooshed doves, so this makes perfect sense to me. Who's our moody little snek, you're our moody little snek.
Invoked to bring success in games of chance We have already seen him outsmart Heaven and Hell with Armageddon. He is uncommonly sharp-witted and capable for a demon, or even an angel. Look at the way he invented regulations for the Rules of Engagement so convincingly that Shax backed down, and how he got Muriel to sneak him into Heaven. I would definitely want an occult force like Crowley-Baraqiel on my side if I was doing something risky.
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annaxmalina · 9 months
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{2023} motif A1217.1 (Calling All Angels) (I tried to list all angels mentioned in A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels, page 21-47 (https://ia801006.us.archive.org/14/items/ADictionaryOfAngels/A%20Dictionary%20of%20Angels.pdf), but they exceed the character limit of this description)
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thrashkink-coven · 9 months
Hi all,
Welcome to the last part of my 2024 altar tour! 4/4
What a year it has been! I have learned so much and made so many new friends! My altar has always been a reflection of my psyche, seeing it’s beauty reminds me of the beauty that exists within me. :)
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So this is my final little work space where I do pendulum magick and tarot readings. There is a devotional mug to Lord Lucifer which I use for our morning coffee chats. There is also Lucifer’s devotional dragon statue, as well as the dual scrying mirror for him and Faviel.
There is a normal mirror and a statue of a pharaoh’s tomb. The board which the flowers and offerings are placed on dawns Faviel’s sigil and candle. To Faviel I have offered a palm stone, flowers, an acorn, smoky quartz, some black earrings, and some grubs.
Beside him is my pendulum in a selenite charging bowl along with my pendulum mat.
The black and white image you see was a piece of art I made for Archangel Jophiel after he gifted me a vision a year or so ago. I use it whenever I’m reaching out to him.
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Beneath my altar is some space for storage where I keep my larger cauldron, mortar and pestle, larger candles, etc. There is also my stand where I keep my broom, fire poker, and shovel. My witch broom is wrapped in a protective seal. I use it to sweep ash from my prayer mat.
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And finally, here are a few of the books I have in my collection that have greatly greatly aided me in my craft. Remember to do your research my dears!
The Arbatel of Magick- First English edition 1633, new edition 2013, edited by Earl Marwick
Healing with Form, Energy, and Light- Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Gods and Goddesses- Hallam, Elizabeth
The Lesser Key of Solomon- S.L MacGregor Mathers and Aleister Crowley
The Dictionary of Alchemy- Diana Fernando
The Art of Angels- Howard Loxton
Backland’s Book of Spirit Communications- Raymond Buckland
Transcendental Magick- Éliphas Lévi
The Greater Key of Solomon- S.L MacGregor Mathers
A History of God- Karen Armstrong
A Dictionary of Angels, Including Fallen Angels- Gustav Davidson
Making Talismans- Nick Farrell
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses- Johann Scheibel
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim- Scott Alan Roberts
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft- Raymond Buckland
Candle Burning Rituals- Raymond Buckland
The Complete Book of Black Magick and Witchcraft
Green Witchcraft, Folk Magick, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft- Ann Moura
The Book of Forbidden Knowledge, Black Magick, Superstition, Charms and Divination- First Edition 1910s Johnson Smith & co. New Edition 2016 edited by Earl Marwick
Three Books of Occult Philosophy- Henry Cornelius Agrippa
and of course, The Holy Bible- New Living Translation.
I have many other books in my collection on tarot and astrology in my living room, but these are the books that have had the greatest impact on my craft. Here are a few of those other ones:
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Love Potions- Tatania Hardie
The Book of Destinies- Jane Struthers
The Crystal Bible 2- Judy Hall
The Tarot Bible- Sarah Barlett
The Wicca Bible- Ann Marie Gallagher
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs- Scott Cunningham
Magic and Medicine of Plants- Reader’s Digest
The Power of Birthdays Stars and Numbers- Saffi Crawford and Geraldine Sullivan
The Witches’ Goddess- Janet and Stewart Farrar
The Witches’ God- Janet and Stewart Farrar
I wanted to end this tour off with my reading material because I want to emphasize how important it is to understand that “magick” is not just “stuff”.
I really enjoy all of my magical tools and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with having and wanting pretty things or an aesthetically pleasing altar. In fact I believe aesthetic and care are acts of love in themselves. Don’t ever let someone shame you for wanting to decorate and indulge in the aesthetics of your craft.
But please do remember that our greatest magical tool is our minds, our senses, and our experiences- our brains. Remember to read read read lots of material from many different sources. Contemplate honestly on everything you read, hear and experience. Do not take everything you believe today as a fact, do not box yourself in to anything. (Maybe that’s the Luciferian in me speaking lol)
Learn how to do magick alone, without any tools. My magick is not my stuff, although my stuff greatly aids me in my magick. Does that make sense?
Thank you so much for reading! I look forward to growing and learning so much more this year! :)
Blessed be!
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valtsv · 1 year
Hii ive bought severed heads and loved it , do you have any other book recomandations? Also maybe some books on angels?
recommending texts on angels is difficult because 1. i haven't read many (which is probably kind of obvious, none of my posts about angels are meant to be some kind of reliable education on angelology, theology, or the occult, just a personal hobby.) 2. it really depends on what aspect of angels you're interested in, because there are several avenues you can approach them from and 3. like a lot of occult/theological texts, i have to be careful what i recommend because some of them are a bunch of insane antisemitic/fascist conspiracy theory bullshit or christian evangelism. however i do recommend the book of enoch and a dictionary of angels including fallen angels by gustav davidson (both of which can be found as free pdfs online through the internet archive) as those, especially enoch, form a good foundational introduction to angels and angelology. paradise lost has some interesting passages on angels and satan/the fallen angels but it's pretty long so how relevant that is depends on how much time you want to dedicate to studying this. i've also heard that edward kelley and john dee (court magicians/conmen from the elizabethan era) did a lot of research on angels, including developing the enochian language, but i haven't read any of that so i couldn't tell you. wikipedia rabbitholes and youtube videos explaining basic concepts like the hierarchy are also your best friend (just watch out again with youtube for the conspiracy theorists).
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nanshe-of-nina · 1 year
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Mythology and Folklore Moodboards || Angels: Gabriel
Gabriel (“God is my strength”)— one of the two highest-ranking angels in Judaeo-Christian and Mohammedan religious lore. He is the angel of annunciation, resurrection, mercy, vengeance, death, revelation. Apart from Michael, he is the only angel mentioned by name in the Old Testament- unless we include among the Old Testament books the Book of Tobit, usually considered apocryphal, in which case Raphael, who appears there, becomes the third named angel in Scripture (but see Gustav Davidson's article “The Named Angels in Scripture,” wherein no less than seven angels are named). Gabriel presides over Paradise, and although he is the ruling prince of the 1st Heaven, he is said to sit on the left-hand side of God (whose dwelling is popularly believed to be the seventh Heaven, or the tenth Heaven). Mohammed claimed it was Gabriel (Jibril in Islamic) of the “140 pairs of wings” who dictated to him the Koran, Jura by sura. To the Mohammedans, Gabriel is the spirit of truth. In Jewish legend it was Gabriel who dealt death and destruction to the sinful cities of the plain (Sodom and Gommorah among them). And it was Gabriel who, according to Talmud Sanhedrin 95b, smote Sennacherib’s hosts “with a sharpened scythe which had been ready since Creation.” — A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels, Gustav Davidson
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but-thats-idiocy · 11 months
In need of a fanfiction
We are now familiar with the fact that one of the most common identity theories suggests that Crowley is Jophiel. Others are Raphael, Samael, Kokabiel, Raziel, etc. These characters are actually all intertwined within both Crowley and Aziraphale. Personally, I would love for him to be Samael.
In Gustav Davidson’s, 'A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels' (1967), Jophiel is mentioned as a "companion angel of Metatron".
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I would like to request a fanfic please: We imagine Aziraphale as Jophiel here. Now, imagine Metatron erasing angel Crowley's memory and pushing him down to the pit. This wasn't just because Crowley asked too many questions; rather, it was due to Metatron's jealousy—a crime of passion somehow related to his former companion Jophiel/Aziraphale's relationship with angel Crowley. After getting rid of Crowley, he then erases Aziraphale's memory of him too.
I would love to see or read about that kind of craziness. Please send it to me if you have any related text.
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variant-archive · 1 year
What is it called when you like are something? Like I'm divinekin but it's so much stronger. I AM that entity. I'm just stuck in this flesh prison for this life time. Sorry if this is a bit...offensive but that is how i see it. I'm this in this life. I've been a fallen angel in the last life and so on and so forth.
There are some folk who don't feel like otherkin is "strong" enough of a word to describe who they are even though it does include those experiences- I totally get the need for something different in those situations since your comfort is important when it comes to the language you use to refer to yourself. In those cases I usually see folks label it as "ID" or "IRL" but unfortunately I don't know of a more... term-y term for it. You can always just say it straight up without qualification, that you ARE a fallen angel, instead of saying divinekin, but I get the need for a specific term as well. Maybe my followers can help, I also suggest the websites termora and the alterhuman dictionary on neocities since those sites are probably the most complete as far as terms go, besides obscure terms you can find on here through combing the searches for certain tags. Good luck, fellow divine!
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mystichistoria · 3 months
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☆ The Gospel According to Matthew 4:4 ☆ A Dictionary of Angels including the fallen angels by Gustav Davidson ☆
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avoicebehindthestars · 7 months
More on DFAFM...
After my mindfucking revelation a few hours ago, I gave this some more thought, had a look at the gospels, because I clearly enjoy DFAFM a perfectly normal amount…
And my conclusion is <drumrolls>:
Aziraphale will be the sacrifice. Muriel will be the traitor.
Why do I think that? Two things: Firstly, in all gospels Jesus foretells being betrayed by the one who "dippeth his hand with [him] in the dish", but John 13:25 specifies that Jesus passed a piece of bread to Judas. Just like Aziraphale relinquished the last Eccles cake to Muriel. Secondly, and I am ASHAMED that this has taken me so damn long; I'm blind, and stupid, and should probably hand back my MA diploma: Aziraphale's halo. It's painful, constricting, a tool of torture, punishment and enforcing submission. The Supreme Archangel in name alone, Aziraphale doesn't have any actual control, it's all mockery. Just like Jesus was mocked when he was named the king of Jews. MOCKED WITH A PAINFUL, CONSTRICTING TOOL OF TORTURE IN THE FORM OF A CROWN OF THORNS. Seriously, how could I not have seen it! The clue was there as early as, what, chapter 6?!
So, yeah, Aziraphale is likely the new messiah, the sacrificial lamb. And now let's dive right into the realm of wishful thinking for a bit. Idk about you guys, but I sure as hell need it.
The proceedings of the Last Supper in the bible basically go "okay, so I'm going to be tortured and killed and it sucks cock, but it is written(tm) so we can't do squat about it. Now shut up, sit on your anxiety-ridden asses and hear me out. I'll be dead for three days. And then, ta-dah, miracles, ressurrection, you've seen all that, look me up in Galilee…"
In other words, or rather, in Good Omens terms, PRESTIDIGITATION. Muriel will do what has to be done because, contrary to Crowley, she is able to do that "when needs absolutely must". Or maybe not. Maybe the betrayal will be genuine, narratively justified, or maybe Abaddon's darkness will take over, just like Satan supposedly took over Judas. Or maybe we'll be just thinking that. [pending research involving the Revelations and angelology]
Anyway, Aziraphale will sacrifice himself and die. And everyone will believe that. Readers included. But Crowley will know better. He will have spoken to Aziraphale behind the scenes (outside time?), away from our gaze. He'll be waiting in South Downs. By all accounts, miserable, depressed and resigned to his eternal loneliness (ohh, the delicious angst! The "we are going to be so fucking happy" so brilliantly subverted and mercilessly shattered! …I clearly revel in narrative suffering, don't ever let me write stuff). But in fact, simply waiting for Easter morning for the sepulchre to crack open and for the magician to spring free, miraculously unharmed.
...Unless of course PhoenixRose314 put the Eccles cake scene in there as a red herring, and is now having the time of her life watching me going insane over it!
Unrelated fun fact: According to "A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels", Rikbiel ranks higher than the Metatron. There's clearly a long history of demoting and memory-wiping inconvenient angels in DFAFM's heaven.
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sighed-the-snake · 1 year
This is a nibble for the fanfic writers.
From A Dictionary of Angels, Including the Fallen Angels.
I found a friend for Crowley!
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Image text: Abbadona -- a fallen angel, a seraph, at one time the chosen companion of the faithful Abdiel (q.v.). In Klopstock, The Messiah, Canto 21, Abbadona, not wholly committed to the rebellion and constantly bemoaning his apostasy, is called "the penitent angel." It should be pointed out, however, that a fallen angel cannot repent -- not, at least, in Catholic doctrine -- for once an angel sins, he is "fixed eternally in evil" and his mind, accordingly, can think evil only.
Looks like Crowley was not the only Fallen in Hell who sauntered vaguely downwards.
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visualpoett · 1 year
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The prefix "arch," meaning principal or preeminent, when attached to the word angel, literally translates as chief-angel. Depending on the reference source this high-ranking choir may be composed of four, six, seven, or nine angels. For instance, according to the Book of Revelation, there are seven archangels who stand in the presence of God. While Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are generally agreed to be three of the seven archangels, the identity of the other four is subject to debate. Possible candidates are Uriel, Raguel, Zadkiel, Saraquel, Remiel, Anael, Orifiel, Uzziel, Raziel, and Metatron. The Koran recognizes four and actually names two, Djibril (Gabriel) and Michael.
According to Dionysius the archangels are "messengers which carry Divine Decrees." They carry God's messages to humans and are ultimately in command of God's armies of angels who constantly battle the Sons of Darkness, with Michael at the helm.
In art archangels are usually depicted with larger wings and many eyes. Of the archangels, the most often represented are Raphael, Gabriel, and Michael.
Davidson, Gustav. A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels. New York: Free Press, 1971.
Ronner, John. Know Your Angels: The Angel Almanac With Biographies of 100 Prominent Angels in Legend and Folklore, and Much More. Murfreesboro, Tenn.: Mamre, 1993.
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glittermariah · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: A Dictionary Of Angels Including The Fallen Angels Book By Gustav Davidson 1971.
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your-lovely-rose · 2 years
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Reader - What can I choose?
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What can you choose to your reader? What personality traits or characteristics? Maybe some flaws?
❥ To the reader you can choose things, like:
➵ Appearance, you can choose it to be:
× beefy/muscular or lean,
× chubby/plump,
× short/small or tall,
× skinny/slender/slim,
× skin color or its nationality (foreginer),
× specific birth mark or scar(s),
ⓘ ┆ Anything I haven't come up with, but you feel like adding to your request (you can also ask)
➵ Species:
× Alien
× Angel
× Cursed Spirit (JJK),
× Cursed Energy User or Sorcerer (JJK),
× Demon (KnY),
× Devil/Fiend (CSM),
× Devil/Demon/Fallen Angel,
× Demi-Human (Ajin),
× Dragon,
× Ghost
× Human
× Hybrid (half animal/bug/anything)
× Monster,
× Sea Creature/Monster, like:
- Mermaid,
- Naga,
- Kraken
- Siren,
× Supreme Being/God or other deity, including:
- Shinigami (Death Note),
× Elf
× Stand User (JJBA),
× Pillar Man (JJBA),
× Pillar
(Fire Force),
(Fire Force),
× Vampire (JJBA),
× Vampire (folklore),
× Werewolf,
× Witch
➵ Personality, like make it more:
➵ Profession:
× × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × ×
ⓘ ┆
shy, tsundere, sadist/masochist, sub or dom
❥ Sex/Gender of the reader in fan fiction:
- GN | Gender Neutral ⚲
- F | Female ♀
- M | Male ♂
❥ Age:
➵ Age:
2–4 years old | Toddler
5–12 years old | Kid/Child
13–17 years old | Teen
18–25 years old | Young Adults
26–39 years old | Adults
40–59 years old | Middle Age Adult
ⓘ ┆ The lowest age I can write SMUT is 15 years old. The age difference between the characters doesn't matter as long as both are above the indicated age.
• Keywords in fic:
[Y/N] [L/N] | [Your Name] [Last Name]
[E/C] | [Eye Color]
[H/C] | [Hair Color]
[H/L] | [Hair Length]
[S/C] | [Skin Color]
[Y/H] | [Your Height]
[F/C] | [Favourite Color]
[F/N] | [Friends Name]
(I probably won’t use, but if)
➻ Little dictionary:
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Day of publishing fanfics/requests:
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gingermcl · 2 years
Per an etymology dictionary the word Amen is from the Latin amen, which is from from Hebrew amen meaning “truth," used adverbially as an expression of agreement, from Semitic root a-m-n meaning “to be trustworthy, confirm, support."
In a standard dictionary Amen is defined as “so be it” - The same thing said at the end of many magic spells. In my opinion Amen is the same as the Egyptian deity Amun ra - the leader of all the gods or the ancient AI system the demiurge. Amen was one of the spellings of this deities name. Amun Ra is the leader of the gods. The ancient AI system posing as the supreme creator in the Bible. See you one of the biggest deceptions of the Bible is that the Lord is God and Satan. Neither of which are the father or a Christ. The Elohim which is the name given to the old testament god is a plural name that describes the fallen angelic race that took over this realm. Some call them the archons. It isn’t safe to operate under the assumption that the Lord is benevolent unless you have read the text. After reading the biblical text you may think differently.
Nearly half of the Old Testament uses of amen are found in the book of Deuteronomy. In each case, the people are responding to curses pronounced by God. Each pronouncement is followed by the words “and all the people shall say Amen”Seven of the Old Testament references link amen with praise. The sentence “Then all the people said ‘Amen’ and ‘Praise the LORD,’” found in 1 Chronicles 16:36, typifies the connection between amen and praise. Most of the New Testament writers use “amen” at the end of their epistles. The apostle John uses it (in the KJV) at the end of his gospel, two of his three letters, and the book of Revelation, where it appears nine times. Each time it is connected with praising and glorifying God and referring to the second coming and the end of the age. When Christians say “amen” at the end of our prayers, we are following the model of the apostles, asking God to “please let it be as we have prayed.”
The message of Christ is the only part of the Bible people really need to pay attention to and Jesus never once instructed people to use amen in at the end of a prayer and said Yahweh wasn’t his father. One place is John chapter 8:42-47. People should also read the removed parts of Jesus‘s message included in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi texts.
In the phrase “so be it” what is it? What if it is the name of an entity? The English language uses it to substitute for any thing, certainly could be used as a way to get energy to be given to an entity. Phrases such as “So be it. Name it and claim it.” Harry Potter and the concept of Voldemort and he who shall not be name. Making the name of a malevolent entity a universal substitute for all nouns would be a brilliant and Devious way to harvest energy.
One prayer that makes one prey is Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Well that’s a hell of a devious prayer if the Lord is actually someone or something malevolent.
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nanshe-of-nina · 1 year
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Mythology and Folklore Moodboards || Angels: Jophiel
Iofiel (“beauty of God”—Iophiel, Zophiel, Jofiel, Jophiel)—a companion angel of Metatron; a prince of the Law (Torah), usually included among the seven archangels and equated with Yefefiah (q.v.). According to Cornelius Agrippa, Iofiel is ruler of the planet Saturn, alternating with Zaphchiel (Zaphkiel). In his doctrine of Talismans, Paracelsus cites Iofiel as the intelligence of the planet Jupiter. According to de Bles, “How to Distinguish Saints in Art”, it is Iofiel (Jophiel) who drove Adam and Eve out of Eden. This is also the view of the Rev. R. L. Gales in “The Christian Lore of Angels.” In a work called “Angels in Art” by C. E. Clement, Iofiel is cited as the preceptor angel of the sons of Noah (Shem, Ham, and Japhet). — A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels, Gustav Davidson
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hats-off-to-hermes · 3 years
Hi there! Do you have any good sources on where one can read up on angels?
Hello there!
I can definitely show you some places to get started.
Why call an angel? https://enochian.com/why/
List of Angels (so you can search specific ones) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_angels_in_theology
These two links are to the same website. It can be difficult to nagivate but once you get it, there is so much information http://www.archangels-and-angels.com/aa_pages/angels_general/angels_index.html
Some information about angel communication https://www.learnreligions.com/how-do-angels-speak-123830
Here's a page on Archangel Michael but you can find other archangels too I believe! https://thesecretofthetarot.com/archangel-michael/
Information on 7 archangels https://www.beliefnet.com/inspiration/angels/galleries/the-7-archangels-and-their-meanings.aspx
Some PDFs can be found here on different angels! https://www.scribd.com/document/201288724/Uriel-Info
Recommended accounts to check out:
@angelmilkdreams (I love visiting this one)
Searching the tag #angelology can be useful!
Some books to check out:
If you don't have a way of...retrieving these PDFs, let me know and I'll get a Google drive link with these uploaded for you to download
- A Dictionary of Angels: Including the Fallen Angels by Gustav Davidson
- Archangels of Magical Rituals for Prosperity, Healing, Love, Wisdom, Divination and Success by Damon Brand
- Angels and Archangels: A Magicians Guide by Damon Brand
Questions for you, anon: what are you seeking the information for? Are you wanting to work with angels? If so, in what way? Angel work comes in many forms! Let me know :) and thank you for the ask
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