#Archie Sonic Reboot
darknoisestudio · 4 months
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Archie Sonic Reboot - Egg Bosses Maryell & Syntax
Maryell: "Prepare for trouble-" Syntax: "No, Mary, we're not doing that!" Maryell: "Aww, why not?" Syntax: "Because, dear, it gives them more time to attack us!" Maryell: "Oh! Good point, darling. KILL THEM!!"
Maryell the Jackalope - Egg Boss: Experimental Research, Medical Doctor, & Cyberization Overseer Syntax - Egg Boss: Training, Ground Forces, & Strategic Overseer
Maryell the Jackalope and outfits by @wpk12art
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mahoutenshiko · 1 year
I’m not the biggest fan of “American Sonic”, but to be honest? Yeah, I kind of miss the post-reboot days of the comic. They weren’t perfect by any means, far from it, but it was definetly the best run Sonic had in comic form and I do think that the stories were mostly fun because of the priorities the writers had when making them, unlike IDW which gets progressively more boring imo.
There’s also like... the novelty of seeing a world based on those weird cartoons and comics from the 90′s but with a lot more respect to the games in comparison. I don’t think we need the Freedom Fighters back in the games or anything, in fact, I’m happier if they never get in any videogame ever, but it was still nice having this one piece of Sonic media where you could go for if you wanted to experience something with them.
Also helps that post reboot wasn’t exactly trying to pretend it was the same universe as Modern Sonic, and so I don’t mind the differences nearly as much as in the case of IDW
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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sally... ive always wanted to draw sally
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sonicexelle-junkary · 2 months
Ya know when I see OL shadow cutting off sonics legs, I feel like they would be Crushed, and not cut
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I like to think otherwise.
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one-half-guy · 10 months
Fun fact [also, Idw Sonic #63 spoilers]:
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Villains and enemies are more likely to acknowledge Silver's feats and skills...
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...than allies
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quartizinedaze · 6 months
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Silly Sallicole redraw thing I did 4 Twitter 😁 I’m slowly learning how to use Procreate n trying to figure out what brushes I like to use
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toaarcan · 3 months
You ever think about how extremely traumatic the first two arcs of the Archie reboot would've been for all the characters?
They're just living their normal lives, when one day Sonic starts babbling about a completely different history where most of them were in extremely dire straits, and starts using Nicole to overwrite their extant memories with those of the previous universe.
Like, imagine being Sally in that situation. You come home from a dangerous but routine mission to find all your friends acting like you've just come back from the dead. They hand you your computer and suddenly your mind is filled with memories of a much different world to this one, a much darker and more painful one, filled with death and constant betrayal. Your last memories are now filled with weeks of watching your mechanised, vivisected body mindlessly serve your nemesis, and try to kill your friends and family. You were (probably) awake when Eggman carved you up with a blowtorch, while monologuing creepily about how smart you are, right before he crammed a cannon in where your brain should be. You almost died because Eggman designed your new form so badly that you ran out of power on your first mission as his pawn, only to be 'saved' by someone who loved you, and now doesn't exist.
But it's not just that. That would be bad enough. You also remember that this other version of you had a living mother. A mother who loved her and supported her and tried to be there for her. Yours has been dead since you were a child. You're still a child, but you've never felt less like one than you do right now. You had a brother too. He had a wife and a daughter, you had a niece and and a sister-in-law. They're gone. In fact, they're not just gone. They never existed. You have memories of people that never existed. All your friends apparently do. These other versions of them all had families. Here, they're all orphans, except for Rotor, who now remembers a world where his father wasn't an abusive bastard that serves Eggman out of some warped sense of social darwinism, something he can never have in this one.
On the other hand, your father, whom you know as a kind, generous, and reasonable man, was in this other world a controlling, emotionally abusive asshole, a major factor in a massive mental breakdown you endured and struggled with for months on end.
And then shortly afterwards, these memories begin to fade. Maybe you're okay with forgetting Mecha Sally. Maybe you're okay with forgetting that Nigel was ever Maximilian. But now you're also forgetting Alicia and Elias and Megan and Alexis, people who only existed in your memory. You won't remember how many people Eggman killed with the Super Genesis Wave. There will never be justice for them, and in a few short days, you won't even remember their names.
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sonknuxadow · 9 months
ive noticed when people make crossover stuff between the different sonic continuities they tend to refer to the different sonics as just. the continuity theyre from. like boom sonic movie sonic game sonic etc. which makes sense but realistically if the characters themselves decided to go by nicknames so they werent all going by sonic and confusing eachother they wouldnt be coming up with the nicknames we as fans are giving them. game sonic doesnt know hes from a game. boom sonic doesnt know hes from a spinoff called sonic boom. movie sonic doesnt know hes from a movie. archie sonic doesnt know hes from the comic series published by archie. etc. so i wonder what they would Actually call themselves if this ever happened...
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fernsnailz · 2 years
What is your opinion on Hope Kintobor.
i really miss hope :( i had more to say about her than i expected so i’ll put the rest under the cut lol
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i think she provides an interesting perspective into the robotnik/kintobor family, and she has some pretty good characterization from the beginning despite being a human side character. she’s consistently shown to be one of the smartest and most capable members of her family - she’s the first to doubt robotnik before the overlanders get roboticized, is the one who theorizes that the xorda followed her ship to mobius, and is able to create a portal into the special zone once she starts working with team dark. she has the robotnik intellect, but also has like. basic human decency which is a HUGE win for that family
the sheer tragedy of her story is also something that gets me - after her grandmother and stepdad get roboticized, any chance hope has at a family that loves her is gone. despite this, she still has hope in her snively, who repeatedly disappoints her - her faith in her family only brings her pain, and it just. hurts to see
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and, as is the nature of pre-reboot archie sonic characters, this is the last moment that hope gets in the story. she will never get the chance to be happier. what the fuck
however, i think the biggest issues i have with hope is her initial relationship with shadow and the general feeling that she’s written as a sort of maria 2. this is also a complaint regarding how shadow was written at this point in the comics, because oh man they had NO idea what to do with him.
issue 145 is a hot mess and the height of these problems for me, which is the chapter where shadow and hope get dragged into echidna family drama by locke. hope tells shadow he’s wrong to attack locke... even though locke literally kidnapped both of them?? i guess it’s supposed to be a moment of moral realignment for shadow (similar to maria’s final words), but it just makes it look like hope’s morals are completely backwards.
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even though shadow realizes she’s not maria after this, he’s still strangely obsessed with protecting her until they both return in sonic universe, and it's. bad to read? like the only reason he cares about her is because she looks like maria, and nothing in this part of the story ever disproves this idea. idk their dynamic early on feels so hollow and leaves a bad taste in my mouth!! i don't like it it's weird!!!
thankfully their dynamic get better once the sonic universe series begins, and hope’s dynamic with team dark is pretty fun. story-wise, it’s wild that GUN was willing to hire a 14 year old genius to be the tech guy for government missions, but hope’s somewhat absurd existence makes her feel strangely in line with team dark. like this is a team of rag tag losers with nowhere else to go, of COURSE they would take hope in.
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i think this is the reason why i miss hope so much: her entire character revolves around a missing family she’ll never regain, but if pre-super genesis archie continued, they could have made team dark into that family. and from what we have, it seems like that’s what they were trying to set up - her and shadow get some decent moments together eventually, and omega is the only one there to comfort her after she finally denounces her brother snively. i can only imagine what a story with her and rouge would look like and i WANT IT
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i miss hope, but i think elements of her character exist in belle from the idw series. it’s not an exact match, but both of them have difficulty coming to terms with the morality of their family and bring some extra depth to the robotniks/eggman. i really appreciate a lot of sonic stories for this reason, they bring a lot of depth to the freedom fighter/eggman conflict through the existence of characters like hope. idk i really wish her story could have continued she could have done SO MUCH MORE :(
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Round 3
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scrubf1re · 4 months
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Scourge vs Evil Ben 10
Self explanatory evil alt universe Sonic the Hedgehog vs evil alt universe Ben Tennyson. Why Evil Ben from the Ben 10 reboot and not Albedo? Very simple really, Albedo can't actually transform into Alien X whereas Evil Ben can and that a Celestialsapien fighting Scourge in his super form makes for cooler visuals anyways. Partially made via tracing over a screenshot of Alien X for Evil Ben, various Sonic Advance sprites and Archie Sonic comic panels for Scourge but in an attempt that was transformative.
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Thinking that, by some force of fate, like IDW, the Archie reboot could have become canon if it continued, and with it everything it introduced and everything it was going to introduce, How the original metal virus and null, I don't know, it would be nice to see Gold, Clove and the eggbosses (especially the chinchilla) And a small part of me would have loved Hope too if she were there And obviously Eclipse With unique models that are not from that Deviantart artist that later went to the covers of Archie, the few that them made for them, of course
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z0nic · 5 months
They should’ve adapted 06 so Sally could meet Elise
archie canon accurate 06 adaptation would honestly be p.d.s. (pretty darn sick) instead of whatever bullshit cse explanation there was. stuff such as the ixis masterworks/silver's time travel/chaos emerald situation/soleanna's relation to the overlander lore/etc etc. i know the bare minimum oabout 06's plot but if you send me enough death threats i might try to write a proper adaptation of it thats fully archie based
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tinyplanetss · 11 months
cries and cries and cries over shard the metal sonic
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lesiasmadness · 1 year
I remember being like 13 discovering Archie Sonic, and I stumbled upon the Stargazing sequence, and honestly I didn't actually know the gravity of the thing cause I didn't read the comics in order, thus I was used to Nicole being a hologram all the time (I think I got into late pre-reboot Archie before I watched SatAM), but the emotions here hit me HARD
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There's so much tenderness and vulnerability here, and back then the concept of living with such disconnect from the world was really new for me (girlie never read Frankenstein lmao ), same as the idea of being open with somebody on such deep level that you'd share your existential crisis ramblings with them (girlie was a closeted aromantic and didn't have good friends at the time).
This scene was never far from my mind for like a decade now, affecting how I write my characters, but only recently did I stumble upon it again, and realized how strong the queer coding is with this one (girlie didn't know what bisexuality was at 13)
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one-half-guy · 11 months
The actual reason why Silver and Werehog Sonic never met is that silver kills werewolves.
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