#Are also here I guess oh and emporio
tobysbadhorns · 2 years
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Body type headcanons for the protagonists of stone ocean I can talk about them if you want.
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Heartbreak, Jailbreak - Narciso Anasui ( Non Pucci AU)
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Life in prison isn't particularly the most beautiful thing to encounter, especially if you've been framed, and unfortunately, I had to learn that the hard way. 
To be fair, I don't even think one could call it "framed", since it's mostly police negligence and ignorance. They just wanted to get rid of me and this burden of a murder case faster. 
But honestly, how could a 17 year old kill her family and completely destroy her seemingly perfect life? 
For me, the police's logic is a complete mystery... But that's exactly how I was sentenced to 40 years in prison. 
They thought that I, a prodigy student, ready to take the Medicine University entrance exam, threw it all in the garbage and gruesomely killed my parents and dog, only to then go on my merry date with my then-boyfriend, that was in reality, nothing more than a scumbag.
Well, it's not like I could really do something else, and I pleaded for having a split personality, so for the past 5 years, I've been pretending to be a very dumb, soft and innocent little girl that would never hurt a fly, which made it easy for me to gain the favour and pity of most of the guards around for being a harmless angel. 
Haha, if only they knew. 
 At least I was allowed to read and study at my leisure, I was later given my own cell, shared with nobody else, I could perform piano and violin recitals during certin occasions or events and many other favours. 
Prison life was incredibly boring, especially since all women around were incredibly aggressive and hostile, or just plain dull and uneducated and you couldn't really coverse with them. 
Well, that all changed now, present time, when I met the 2 new girls, Jolyne and Hermes. Let me tell you, these girls were absolutely amazing and you could always have great conversations with them, especially with JoJo. And to think that I met her when I bribed the hairstylist not to cut their hair, and further on, when I'd give them money for random stuff they'd want to get.
Over the time, I realised that the girls also somehow managed to get Stands, but unlike mine, with which I was born, they got theirs through some way or another. And thus, began our random battle with evil as Jolyne had to fight the men who wanted her dead and framed her, mainly her boyfriend, while Hermes was there to kill the man who killed her elder sister. 
We were there for each other, emotionally, morally and physically at all times. The weirdest things happening were, however, this little kid who could use some kind of ghost ability, and inside this ghost music room, a silver haired man was leaning on the piano - They said his name was Weather Report and that his Stand is named the same way. 
Weird, but who am I to judge. 
Emporio, the little kid, mentioned that sometimes another man would join them, but he was much less sociable and was always in a grumpy mood.
And so, here we are, present day- A beautiful day of Spring in the Dolphin whatever Prison, where the men and women were allowed to spend a few hours in the courtyard to get some fresh air...Or something. 
I can only guess the guards were in a good mood or something, who really knows? 
I took my sweet time getting to the courtyard as I was reading while walking, already knowing the path there, my feet dragging me there automatically, and when I looked up from the book, I saw Jolyne, Foo Fighters and Hermes playing catch...I think? 
I greeted them with a soft smile, making my way to the bench, my long pastel pink dress swaying gently on the Spring breeze as flower petals were dancing around gently. 
Everything was perfect, everyone was smiling and laughing- But that all changed when some girl got in front of me and snatched away my book, looked at the cover, then scrunched her nose in disgust.
"Eww, you read this shit? No wonder you're the guards's pet. And to think they all say you are actually a cold-blooded murderer or something, how lame!" she scoffed, walking away with my book. "Please give me back my book. If you want to borrow it, let me finish it first." I spoke in a soft and sort of aloof voice as I stood up, looking after her. "Why the hell would I wanna read some boring bullshit- No, actually, why are you talking back to your superiors?!" she sneered, seeing me walking towards her casually. "Y/Nick, do you want me to get rid of that bitch?" Hermes looked at the girl in disgust. "No, thank you, dear. Let's not resume to violence on such a beautiful day, it would be quite a shame." I smiled mockingly at the enemy, only to have her get in my face, screeching at me. "Shame? Like what your parents felt heaving you as your daughter? Oh, wait, I forgot! They're dead! You killed them!! Hahaha, how vile of you, Miss perfect!" she laughed tauntingly, which only made me bite my lip to stop myself from snapping and twisting her neck in a fit of rage. "Give me my book back, please." I repeated in a lower, more threatening voice, making her gasp and hitting my face with my own book. "WHO DA HELL D'YA THINK Y'RE, Y'WHORE?! You think you're so fuckin' perfect 'cause everyone loves ya or somethin'?! Well, how 'bout I steal all yo' money, ehhhh?!" she shrieked, but the only thing that made me afraid was getting some spit from her on my face. "Your loss." I sighed, rubbing my cheek, taking out my Stand and pulling her hair on fire. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO, BITCH?!PUT IT OFF! PUT IT OFF!!!" she took out a small revolver from her pants, aiming it at me, but I quickly dodged it, and proceeded in engulfing her on fire and getting my book back. 
What I wasn't expecting, however, was to heard a grunt, followed by a thud and some gasps, and upon snapping my head back, I realised a pink haired man was on the ground, and the girls were gathered around him. My jaw dropped in dread realising that because of me, that man was shot, and I rushed to his side, pulling the girls away as I brushed the hair from his face.
"I'm so sorry, mister...Because of me, you got shot. Let me heal you, please." I spoke in a softer voice, taking out my Stand and using her healing water to successfully extract the bullet, then healing the wound. "Are...You an angel...?" he murmured weakly. "No, but my Stand is. Her name is Lilium and she's pleased to meet you...Although she'd prefer to have met you under less...Fatal situations." I offered him a tender smile, as Lilium's wings spread a bit more. "Y/Nick, I don't think you've met him. He is Anasui, the other guy who's around Weather in the ghost room." Jolyne patted my head, introducing us. "Oh, so you're the mysterious man I was supposed to meet! It's really nice to meet you! My name is Y/N L/N, but my friends call me Y/Nickname or other variations, so feel free to be creative." I got up, dusting my dress before offering him my hand to helping him get up. "I'm really sorry about the whole ordeal, I just hope it doesn't hurt too much anymore." I gave him an apologetic smile as he towered over me, looking down at me. "It's fine. Narciso Anasui, call me whatever you like. And uh...Thanks for the fix. You have a nice Stand." he looked at me somewhat awkwardly, unsure of how to react.  "Thank you, Narci! You have beautiful hair! It looks great with Spring. If I had a camera, I'd have loved to take pictures of you in nature." I hummed in amusement as the girls started laughing at the thought. "That's the funniest shit I've heard in a while, I swear-" Hermes booming laugh echoed around the place, annoying Annasui greatly. "I don't get it, why is this little mouse around anyway? You can't tell me she actually did something bad. Why did she get put here? Didn’t smile for a minute?" he crossed his arms, looking at us with a raised eyebrow, almost as if he were interrogating us, but instead of an answer, a deafening silence fell. "Uhm...Anasui..." Jolyne tried to mutter, but instead, I raised my face up to him, smiling with a fake innocence that dripped with a paralysing poison, making him feel that the whole place was thrown into the Ice Age all of a sudden. "I massacred my family." was all I said before walking past him, my hands behind my back, gripping my slightly burnt book, letting my long crimson hair fly behind me.
So much for first impressions. 
For the following days, I stood by Jolyne’s and Hermes’ side for the majority of time, and so, I was able to understand most of what happened to them and why they are here, and more, the fact that Jolyne’s dad was going to come over and try to get her out of jail, only for her to try to get all of us out, since his influence is just that great.
What I had to do was to assist their private meeting by knocking out the unsuspecting guard that was supposed to be in the same room and negotiate, but also, tell the older man about the Stand Users and leaders of the prison...
After all, being a “Pet” in this place is rather beneficial.
The meeting went smoothly, so Hermes, FF and Jolyne were preparing their strategies, while I hurried in the Ghost Room to tell Emporio and the other the plan.
“Great, everyone’s here. So, uhm...We have a plan. To escape, I mean. And...It’s going to work. But we need everyone’s help. It won’t be easy, but if we get out of here, Jolyne’s dad promised to get us new identities and places to stay, and a chance to live a normal life from now on. So, uhm...What do you say?” I look at the 3 of them, whose eyes seemed to burn holes in my skin. “Sure.” Weather nodded nonchalantly. “Can we really get out of here? And I won’t have to go to an orphanage?” Emporio looked up at me with hopeful eyes. “Uhm...As far as I know, Jolyne mentioned something about making you her little brother or something, if you’d want that too, of course. You’re a kid, you shouldn’t have to worry about things like these. You’re going to have a normal childhood from now on. You deserve it.” I smiled warmly at him, patting his head. “That’s amazing! I can’t wait!” he hugged me tightly with his little arms. “...Narci...? What about you? You’ve been quiet all this time...Is it because I snapped at you back then? If so, then I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” I spoke in a softer voice, hoping he would answer back. “I’m not coming.” he scoffed, going to the bookshelf, taking out a book, in a way to show that he’s not interested in talking. “Wh-What?! Why?! Don’t you want to get out of this place?! You already have like...15? 20? Years in this place. You’ll get out of here at 40-50 years old, and that’s basically your whole life being lost doing nothing! Don’t you want a second chance to live and learn to be happy again?” I approached him, looking at him with a sad pout. “Don’t give me that look. You only know me from the others. I’m a bad person, why’d you care what happens to me? After all, unlike you, little liar, I am an actual murderer.” he didn’t even raise his gaze from the book to look at me. “...Because in the little time we spent together, I could feel you weren’t a bad person. You are just extremely emotionally hurt and you try to hide behind your cold wall...And...You’re the only person who was sure from the get-go that I’m not a murderer. So...You’re not as bad as you say you are...Murderer or not. I’m sure you had your reasons.” I tried to reason, as he snapped his look at me, his eyes sparkling with confusion and a myriad of mixed emotions, until he threw away the book and slammed me on the bookcase, putting his hands on both sides of my head, towering over me. “I know purity when I see it. You’re the embodiment of innocence and purity, just like your Stand. But your kindness isn’t just that, it’s an act. What are you trying to pull here? And why do you cling so much on Jolyne?” he talked in a low, threatening voice, almost as if he was a wolf ready to tear at my throat. “I can’t tell what you see so nice and kind in me...I really don’t...But even so, I...I want to help Jolyne. She is like me, but she still has a family out there that loves and waits for her. They miss her, and she misses them...But me? I have no one. I, like her, got framed for such horrible crimes...But there’s nobody to support me. Even if I get out of here, I’ll still be alone...But frankly, I was beginning to lose my mind doing the same things over and over again and pretending to be a dumb idiot with some kind of psychotic split personality.” I tried to say, as my breath was taken away from the sudden closeness, blushing at the embarrassment and the anxiety I felt, as I wasn’t used to people being in my personal bubble. “Hmmm....Fine. I’ll help, but on one condition. If you agree, then you can do what you want with me and my power. What do you say? I could be asking anything...Are you really going to do anything to make sure Jolyne gets out of here? That all of us get out of here and have that stupid happy end you see in those Disney movies?” he was so dangerously close to me that I could feel his breath, as his long hot pink hair was brushing against my cheeks. “...What is your condition, Narci?” I bit my lip, trying to stay composed and breath again. “Marry me when we get out of here.” he smirked, making both myself and the kid gasp in shock. “H-Hey, Anasui, you’ll really help?!” Emporio looked at him with his jaw hanging wide open, but all I could do was stare at the magenta-eyed man, as my head was swimming with a hundred thousand of thoughts. “...M-Marry...M-Me...?! Wh-Why would you...?! Me?! O-Of all people?...I-I-I thought you liked Jolyne, she’s much better than me...A-And...I-I j-just...Me?! Why’d anyone want to date me, let alone marry me?...Are you making fun of me, Narciso Anasui, because if you are, it’s not nice messing like that with people’s hearts!” I tried to yell at him, but no matter how I tried to make my voice firm, it was trembling, making it obvious that I was trying my hardest not to cry. “If I wanted to mess with you, I’d have told you to let me fuck you. Yes, Y/N, I know, I look like a very harsh and cold man...I am a murderer, after all...But your conviction to help us get out, your gold heart...They touched me. But I’ll be very clear, I won’t help Jolyne to get us out of here, I’ll help you get a better life. I’m doing this for you, not for anyone else.” he explained strictly, as I could only clutch my shirt where my heart was, trying to regain my composure. “Can you also promise me something...” I whispered, putting my other hand on his neck, to get closer to him. “What is it?” he asked, skeptically. “...Promise me...You won’t play with my feelings...And break my heart...? I don’t think I can handle it again...I don’t know what I’ll do if...” I whispered in his ear, not able to finish my sentence, as he wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head. “I killed my girlfriend for cheating on me and breaking my heart...I couldn’t possibly put you through what I’ve been through.” he muttered back, burying his face in my hair. “Thank you...” was my last, very broken whisper, as I hurried out of there to tell Jolyne that we have full support from everyone.
For the rest of the week, the rest of us would meet up outside, in the courtyard, discussing what each of us has to do, all while Anasui kept me by his side or in his gaze range at all times, looking after me like a hawk, his excuse being that he didn’t want me to get hurt or something.
Getting this much attention was sure...Weird.
But as long as we get out of here...
And the worst thing was that...
His embraces were so fucking warm that I lost myself in them.
Because Anasui’s Stand was the strongest, while mine was the most versatile and could heal, it was decided that we would be the ones on the watchout and make sure everyone got out safely before us, which meant that we were in the most trouble...But as he assured me, he would protect me with his life...So, okay?
The big day came by sooner than expected, and the first to go were Jolyne and Hermes, to scout ahead and make sure no harm comes to Emporio, who’d be guarded by Foo and Weather, and then us, in the back, guarding the rear.
As I told them, the master of this prison, who was a Stand User, was going to come after us without a doubt, but what nobody was aware of was the Stand’s power, so we have to be constantly on alert, otherwise...Who knows what would happen.
“Narci...?” I asked in a hushed voice, afraid to attract attention to our hiding spot. “What is it?”  he grunted slightly. “What’s the first thing you want to do when you get out of here?” I looked at him timidly. “Dunno...I think I’ll kiss you.” he spoke to nonchalantly that it sent shivers down my spine. “Y-You can do that here too. I mean, like...When you’re free.” I pressed on, hoping to hear something more humane. “Then, I’ll get a job, get paid, and take you out on a proper date.” he smirked softly, watching my face turn red. “...You shouldn’t be so obsessed with me. You should think of yourself too. I-I really don’t get why you think I’m so great anyway. I mean, I got pity-dated before. A-And I got trophy-dated. And someone lied and covered his obsessive carnal needs under the pretext of loving me. So, uhm...I dunno...But if 3 people decided I’m that of a girlfriend...Maybe there must be some truth behind it. You should settle for someone like me.” I looked away from, feeling my heart ache like never before. “And you’re telling me that I deserved getting cheated on?” he asked in a mocking tone, making me jolt in my place and retort rather vehemently. “No, of course not! Nobody deserves something as cruel as that! Especially not you!” I refuted his statement, which only made him chuckle. “Then why would an angel like you deserve any less? Honestly, you got those fuckers get to your head and you lost all sense of self-worth. You see...I have this...Thing. For showing people important to me that they are special. And there you have your answer.” he stroked my hair gently, making me calm down a bit.
We stood in that comforting silence for a little longer, until we decided that we waited long enough, and we should move out... However, that was the perfect opportunity to get attacked by the enemy Stand User, as it got me by the throat, as I could only dangle my legs in mid air, trying to gasp for air, before darkness took over me and I felt myself hitting the ground.
When I woke up, however, I found myself in some kind of abandoned warehouse, where I hugged my knees tightly to myself, looking around, trying to see everything around that was illuminated by the dim, flickering lights.
I was alone.
And I was much too scared to move from the corner in which I was huddled in.
What was I supposed to do...?  I’m all alone. And I’m scared. Is this the work of an Enemy Stand User? Is this the work of the master of the Prison? Either way, I have no idea what to do.
This is the definition of “I’m screwed”.
As I tried to stop myself from crying, the door opened, and in front of me, with a huge, sadistic smirk, stood one my my exes, the one who still terrorizes my nightmares and who still keeps all my insecurities ablaze.
Wait, no...I’m wrong...
It’s not just one person...It’s all 3 of them, mashed together.
This can’t be...This is not normal, even for Stand powers...So what the hell...?
Wait...Did I just say...Nightmare?
Could this be a Nightmare? Could the Enemy Stand’s power be based on people’s worst fears?
Does that mean that Narciso is also witnessing and trying to fight his fears?
Oh goodness, if that’s true...I have to get out of here and help him...
I have to...I must...But why can’t I move my legs...? And why am I shaking like this? Is this also the work of the Stand?
Oh, no, silly me, this feeling is all too familiar to me...It’s fear. It’s helplessness.
I already know what’s gonna happen to me is inevitable...It already happened so many times times before...
He would pin me down, I would protest and try to fight back, and yet....
I didn’t realise how hard I was spiraling, until I heard a familiar voice, screaming out in despair...Almost like a wail...
That voice...It was Narciso.
I didn’t realise when I bolted to my feet, my Stand setting the monstrosity of my combined exes on fire, for the Divine Retribution, and I ran through the door, trying to follow his voice, only to find him on the ground, bloody, a version of myself and another woman, dressed both in skimpy clothes, standing over him with knives in their hands, wearing the same kind of sadistic grins as the horror in the other room.
The fire of rage ignited so hard in my heart that I set them both on fire, not even caring about my mirror image, and wrestling the knife out of their hands, I started stabbing them...
I was being blinded by anger...I never felt something like this in my life...It was absolutely terrifying...
But I had to save Narciso...And without him awake and safe, neither of us could get out of here.
I used my Stand’s Divine Redemption to start healing him up, but I couldn’t focus too much on that, as from the room in front of me, huge zombie-like abominations carrying chainsaws seemed to blindly approach our room.
I cursed myself for playing too much The Evil Within and Resident Evil, and I started dragging the semi-conscious man out of that room, using the 3rd door, only to find myself in a large room that had 2 ropes hanging from the wooden, most likely rotten beams above.
The only thing I could do was climb on the first rope while Lilium used the bottom part of it to make a swing-like knot, so I could sit, while I would use my arms to coil around the rope and drag myself up, along with Anasui on my lap, as closer to the top as possible, to avoid getting attacked, while Lilium would fight them, as much as she could, despite not being a powerful attack type, and my mental strength wavering from all the physical strength I was overusing.
“Narci...Narci, dear, please wake up...I don’t know how long I can keep this up...My arms are hurting so much...The rope is digging into my arms, making me bleed...And you’re so heavy...” I pleaded for him to wake up, seeing as one of the zombies got directly under us and used the chainsaw to cut at my thighs, making me scream in agony and force myself to climb further and further.
Lilium couldn’t take it...I couldn’t take it either...I was feeling my body beginning to lose all its strength...I was going to fall...
“Fuck...Did I make you cry, Y/Nick? Gosh, I’m such a failure as a man...And as your future husband. I will never forgive myself for making you protect me...When I should be to one to protect you.” he growled in anger and disappointment as he jumped off and started killing all of them with such ease, that it was almost with grace.
I finally felt myself beginning to calm down, the adrenaline rapidly disappearing, and I let go of the ropes, falling to the ground like a ragged doll, thanking every deity existent that we were both okay.
When he finished taking care of the enemies, he returned to me and falling to his knees, pulled me in a tight embrace.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I fucked up. I don’t deserve to be your husband. I was weak, I couldn’t protect you when you needed me the most...I should have been there to save you, not the other way around...And because of me, you got hurt.” he growled, obviously hating himself for something like that. “Narci...Please don’t say that. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to escape my own room...And now, it was you who saved us, not me. You were the one to give me strength, so please, don’t be upset.” I threw my arms around his neck, cradling him. “I really don’t deserve an angel like you...” he muttered, which only made me scoff and pull him in a deep kiss, which made him widen his eyes in utmost shock. “You’re my husband, I won’t allow you to pull yourself down like that. You promised to stay by my side from now on, so do that! I need you NOW and I need you FOREVER, so don’t you dare go back on your promise, do you hear me, Narciso Anasui?!” I shook him by the shoulders lightly, as he could only nod, still in shock. “Let’s get out of here. We’re going home.” he said in a firm voice, picking me up bridal style, as we started looking for the way out.
The way out was actually killing all the monsters, which was much like a symbolism to killing our own nightmares and traumas, and in a way, it felt empowering to finally have someone by my side to help me go through the darker periods of my life.
And together, we succeeded, and found ourselves back to our hiding spot, with the master of the prison laying down in a pool of his own blood, dead.
Smiling at each other in accomplishment, we held hands, intertwining our fingers together, and ran the hell outta there to the meeting spot, where everyone was waiting for us a bit impatiently, but it all worked out, and we were taken away by the Speedwagon Foundation.
Jolyne and Emporio went to live with her family, Foo, Hermes and Weather got a house close by, while I and Anasui were lucky to get our own place, since we were ‘married’. To top it off, SPW provided us with jobs and the possibility to get any kind of degree we wanted, so of course, with my Stand ability, I chose Medicine, while Anasui chose something to his own strengths, so he chose Engineering, and thankfully enough, both jobs were rather profitable, so we could afford to pay back everything in a short time period.
Days, weeks, months passed, and living together with Anasui proved to be as natural as breathing, and our routine was making us forget about all the troubles we encountered during our lives.
Night time, however, proved to be much cruel, as nightmares were still plaguing us, playing on our insecurities, trying to weaken us...And I was already weak.
“It’s alright, darling, don’t worry, it was just a nightmare. I’m here now, calm down, it already passed.” Anasui pulled me in his arms, showering me with kisses all over my face, playing with my hair, the lights on to shoo away the nightmares. “Don’t leave me, Narci. Please don’t leave me. I’m so scared...I don’t think I could stay by myself. I love you, please don’t leave me.” I clinged to him, crying, not able to calm myself down. “I love you, Y/Nick. You are my wife, how could I leave you? I promised you, I would stay by your side for the rest of my life...Ah...Okay, fine, I was going to keep this until your birthday, but...” getting up from the bed, he went to the wardrobe and pulled out a little pink satin box, and got in front of me, kneeling, and looking at me with a tender expression. “I guess choosing the right time is better, especially if this will reassure you that I will never leave you, or cheat on you...Or anything. You have no idea of the effect you have on me...That you’ve always had, since we met that day. I need you more than you need me. I cling on the kindness and light that you show me, more than flowers lean towards the Sun and moths go towards the light. I love you, Y/N, and if you ever doubt it, I will be here to remind you that you are the most important being in my life and I will treasure you forever. Will you officially be my wife?” he confessed, a soft smile on his face, as I couldn’t stop myself from crying harder, nodding vigorously. “O-Of course! There’s nothing else that I’d want more than to spend the rest of my life together with you...I love you so much, Narci...I will never understand why you can hold so much love for me...But I’m the luckiest girl in the world. I don’t deserve you, but...But now you are my husband...And I’m so happy...I’m so happy, I don’t even have the words to express it...” I hid my face with my hands, to try to stop myself from blushing, but it was in vain.
Chuckling, Anasui got back on the bed, putting the ring on my finger and pulling me into another embrace, wiping my tears and kissing me passionately, then cuddled again, holding tightly to each other.
“I love you endlessly, Y/N.”
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cassyapper · 3 years
ive sputtered about this on twitter before that’s gone now so i get to do it again anyway jotaro and kakyoin featuring proposal. just bear with me here this got kinda long
post-part-6-but-happy-ending-au kakyoin wakes up in hospital after the fight and he wasnt injured too badly all things considered. by that i mean he manages to shuffle his way to wherever jotaro is cause he just needs the assurance he’s alive cause th last thing he saw before blacking out earlier was jotaro’s face almost getting cleaved in half. once he sees nd hears the heart monitor and jotaro’s chest rising and falling he kinda slumps into the chair next 2 the bed and goes to bed. obviously he gets scolded by doctors when a nurse comes by doing rounds and finds kak in jotaro’s room but kak refuses to budge from the room so the docs are like “FINE” and they both get moved to a double room
kak just kinda fades in and out of consciousness while he waits for jotaro to wake up. while he’s waiting tho jolyne and emporio come visit. jolyne confirms everyone’s okay and hermes is getting fitted for arm prosthetics and kakyoin brings up avdol cause he had a similar procedure done. basically he’s reassuring jolyne it’ll go well. she appreciates it. then they both just kinda stare at jotaro for a sec. jolyne asks kakyoin if he thinks he’ll be okay and kakyoin is like hmm. probably. just cant let him out of our sight anymore. jolyne laughs but it’s tired. kakyoin tells her to go rest so she heads out w emporio
a couple hours after jolyne leaves kakyoin wakes up to jotaro’s heart monitor picking up. kakyoin only just gets his bearings when jotaro shoots forward gasping “jolyne”
kak immediately gets up and sits next to jotaro and helps him calm down. he takes his hand while doing this. basically “jolyne’s okay” “kakyoin?” “im here” jotaro blinks at kak w his only visible eye (the other’s buried under bandages) before his heart monitor starts 2 slow again and he slumps a bit
kak asks how he is and jotaro just grimaces which kak laughs a little at like “that’s understandable” jotaro grumbles that’s he’s getting old and kak is like “rather u old than dead” jotaro hums thoughtfully and neither speak for a second
anyway kak is Also getting old and he’s tired of beating around the bush and frankly with all he and jotaro have gone through there’s no way unrequited feelings will get inbetween them so he’s like “jotaro i am in love w u” with no warning
jotaro’s like “HUH?” and kak kinda elaborates cause why Not lay his heart bare the world almost ended
jotaro’s like stammering for a good minute before he’s like “u. i. u. me too” “what” “you. i. .” jotaro sighs but he’s always been more a man of action than a man of word so he takes kak’s hand which is still holding his and kisses it. kak is like “oh” and he cant bite back his smile
so basically they confess finally after (does the math) 23 years. god. then after they both get discharged from the hospital they go to a beach cause jotaro and kakyoin’s nerves are FRAYED and what else is more calming for old ppl than just sitting outside together. so they do that at a beach
anyway it’s nice and theyre there all day. jotaro pokes fun at the sunburn kak has on his nose and kak just throws sand at his face (star plat blocks it). when it’s dusk jotaro’s talking abt how some fish creep up the water column at night to hunt and kak is just smiling so softly at him before “marry me” just drops from his lips. completely unthinkingly but like it’s sincere
and jotaro just shakes his head before kissing kak. they break apart and kak is like “uHh” all dazed and jotaro just rolls his eyes good naturedly like “ur acting like an excited teenager” “shut the HELL UP kujo” “kujo-kakyoin to you” “SO DID YOU- DO YOU REALLY??? WANNA?? MARRY ME???”
so there’s that. kakyoin doesnt have a ring to give jotaro cause even he didnt know he was gonna do this that night but it’s ok cause then they go ring shopping the next day and they both take the other out on cute little dates wherein they give each other their rings (like jotaro takes kak on a museum date and gives him his ring there, and kak takes jotaro on a boat for a couple of days wherein he gives HIM his ring)
uh yeah.
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whereistheonepiece · 5 years
A Night Out (Part Two)
Part One
Note: I banged my face on the keyboard and this came out. 
Also, a quick reminder that my OC Luna makes an appearance in this because she’s a drag queen in her original universe. She’s a beautiful, funny trans babe and I hope you like her.
And tagging @optigeress because without you, this AU would be nothing more than a small idea in the back of my head. ^^
And, uh, sorry, if you’re seeing this and just now following my blog and you don’t know what the Performance AU is. I have a whole tag about it if you’re really curious to know more.
Sanji was confused. After the I.D. check at the door, he’d looked around the interior of The Whole Cake bar, looking for where Usopp would be set up to perform his song. He only found a small dance floor with tables situated around it in a semicircle, set up in front of a DJ booth. He looked at Zoro, who’d driven them, but his co-worker spotted Luffy, Nami, and Vivi holding a table for them next to the dance floor, and he walked off before Sanji could start asking questions.
“Zoro! Sanji! You came!” Luffy yelled from his spot when he noticed them. The young man scrambled out of his seat and ran up to Zoro, jumping up into his arms and wrapping his four limbs around him in a tight embrace.
Nami and Vivi looked at Sanji as he approached the table. Nami’s brown eyes glittered with amusement while she sipped her drink and Vivi smiled warmly at Sanji, getting up out of her seat to give him a hug. “Hi, Sanji,” she said, pulling back and ushering him to one of the free seats. “We’re so glad you could make it.”
“Yeah we are,” Nami said, an enigmatic edge to her voice.
Sanji beamed at them. “I’ll always have time for you two lovely ladies,” he chirped.
“Of course you will,” Zoro said as he and Luffy turned their attention to the rest of them, an arm hooked around Luffy’s neck. “That’s because you’re predictable.”
Sanji scowled at Zoro, who grinned at him as he and Luffy headed for the bar. Vivi giggled, causing Sanji’s irritation to melt away instantaneously as he turned his attention to the two women. “So I’m confused,” he said. “Zoro said Usopp’s doing a song tonight, but I don’t see a band or any kind of equipment set up.”
“That’s because Usopp’s going to–” Vivi began to say, until Nami quickly pressed her fingertips to her girlfriend’s lips.
“Ah ah!” Nami said cheerfully, the saccharine smile curling her lips at odds with the glint in her eye that reminded Sanji of a predatory cat–beautiful, deadly, and ready to pounce. “It’s all a part of the surprise. Remember, honey?”
Vivi smiled from behind Nami’s fingers. She nodded. “Oh, right,” she said when Nami pulled her hand away. “My mistake.”
“What’s with all the secrets, ladies?” Sanji asked, glancing across the room and scanning for Zoro and Luffy in the small crowd gathered at the bar. “Usopp’s just performing a song.”
Nami sipped at the last of her drink, her straw sucking up the the bright orange-pink liquid sitting at the bottom of a pile of ice. “We just want you to be surprised, Sanji-kun,” she said, pushing away the tall glass. “It’s best to go in not knowing anything.”
“I’ll take your word for it,” he said as Luffy and Zoro returned. 
Zoro handed Sanji a beer, sitting down next to him and taking a drink from his.
“Oh,” Sanji said, looking down at the bottle in his hand. “You didn’t have to.”
“Accept the drink, Cook,” Zoro said, eyes trained on a curtain situated in a corner of the room directly opposite to them.
Sanji looked at the curtain and figured that it led to a room where the talent could set up. That had to be where Usopp was. Given the DJ and the empty dance floor, Sanji assumed that Usopp wasn’t playing with a live band. He tried to guess what kind of genre of music Usopp would be working with until he heard Luffy say his name. 
“Did you bring any singles, Sanji?” Luffy asked, excitement coming off him in waves.
“Why would I need to–”
The room came alive with cheers and applause as the song currently playing transitioned into a drumroll. Sanji’s eyes turned to the curtain when he heard a loud “HEE HAW!” coming from its direction.
A purple haired drag queen sauntered past the curtain onto the dance floor, a microphone clutched in her gloved hand. “Good evening, candy boys, candy girls, and candy everything in between!” she bellowed into the microphone. “How are you all doing tonight?”
Sanji immediately looked at Zoro, who was grinning at him like a kid on Christmas morning. Suddenly his cagey responses and outright refusal to elaborate leading up to tonight made sense.
“I am your host, Emporio Ivankov!” the flurry of red and purple cried from the dance floor. She turned quickly, her gown spinning around her feet dramatically as she surveyed the crowd. Her eyes landed on Sanji’s table. “Do we have any newbies here tonight?”
Everyone at the table pointed at Sanji, who just sat there, frozen to his spot. Ivankov strutted up to the table, shoving the microphone in Sanji’s face. “Well, hi there, candy boy,” she purred. “Is this your first time at Whole Cake?”
Sanji nodded, unable to speak with his mouth clamped shut.
Ivankov stared down at Sanji through her outrageously long eyelashes. She chuckled. “Awww, you brought us a shy one. That’s adorable,” she cooed to the table. She turned with a swish of her skirts, the sequins on her gown sparkling in the light as she moved onto the next table. “I’ll remember that,” she said ominously.
While the hostess grilled other patrons, Sanji wheezed and turned his attention on Zoro, the weight of everyone’s stares pressing on him. “You didn’t tell me you were taking us to a drag show!” he shouted over the music.
Zoro, the rim of the bottle in his hand paused on his lower lip, smirked at Sanji. And despite his irritation, Sanji found himself distracted by Zoro’s mouth, jumping when he realized what he was looking at and forcing his gaze back up into Zoro’s eyes. “You didn’t ask.” Zoro said.
“Is there a problem, Sanji-kun?” Nami asked sweetly, grinning devilishly. 
Vivi gazed at him gently, concern furrowing her brow. “This isn’t too much for you, is it, Sanji?”
Sanji deflated. “I’m just...surprised, Vivi-chan.”
“Yeah, Cook,” Zoro said, grinning at him. “You got a problem with drag queens? Your friend’s one of ‘em, you know.”
Sanji puffed back up, grabbing Zoro by the collar and shaking him. “I didn’t know that because you didn’t tell me!”
“Hey!” Luffy said sharply, an uncharacteristic scowl darkening his features. “You’re gonna get yourselves kicked out! Usopp’s already nervous enough, wondering how Sanji’s going to react.”
Sanji looked over Luffy’s shoulder and saw the security guard posted by the entrance eyeing them. He grinned nervously, letting go of Zoro and making a show of brushing the other man off and patting down his shirt. “Sorry, Luffy,” he muttered, staring down at the tabletop. Luffy was just being the supportive boyfriend, looking out for Usopp’s best interests. Sanji couldn’t fault him for that. “This asshole just blindsided me.”
“You couldn’t have made it any easier.”
“Okay, but when you tell someone that you someone’s going to perform a song, they’re probably going to assume you meant singing!” Sanji snapped.
“Enough, you two,” Nami said, leaning against Vivi. “The first act is going to come on in a little bit. Just drink your beer.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Sanji said, shrinking in his seat.
Ivankov strutted back onto the stage. “All right, candies, grab a cock...tail, grab a shot, tip your bartender, and let’s give a warm welcome to our first performer tonight, Mizz Sakuraaaaa Sunriiiiiise! HEE HAW!”
Luffy cheered, throwing his hands up into the air as the rest of the bar clapped politely. He grinned at Sanji as a sultry jazz song came on. “That’s Usopp’s friend Luna!” he said, pointing as a drag queen in a champagne colored dress and faux fur wrap sauntered past the curtain and onto the dance floor.
Sanji blinked a few times as he watched this vision in gold lip synch to the music, her movements fluid and graceful, oozing feminine sexuality. Already people were surrounding the dance floor, holding out singles. Sanji looked at Zoro. “We tip them?”
Zoro nodded, sliding a small stack of singles towards him. “You wanna tip her?”
Sanji snatched the bills up. “I’ll pay you back,” he muttered, irritated that Zoro had kept him in the dark like this, leaving him unprepared in every sense tonight.
As their table was close to the floor, Nami and Vivi remained in their seats as they smiled at Luna–or should Sanji call her Sakura?–and held out their money for Sakura to reach out and take. She set her eyes on their table, gliding over to them and leaning down and kissing Nami and Vivi on their respective cheeks as she took their money. 
Zoro smirked, holding a folded up bill between his fingers. Luna smoldered over at him after she accepted money from Luffy, pushing her chest out towards Zoro and leaning closer. Chuckling, Zoro slipped the money into her cleavage and kissed her cheek as she kissed his. Sanji felt himself blushing, too flustered to do anything as Sakura winked at their table and glided away. He took a quick swig of his beer, deciding he’d get up and tip her when he got his bearings.
Ms. Sakura finished her route around the tables that the surrounded the dance floor, strutting to the center, where she tilted her head back as she pretended to belt out a sustained note. She raised her hands over her head, her fur wrap falling to the ground. The security guard came up behind her and picked up her wrap, folding it and setting it on the DJ booth for her to grab later.
Sanji adjusted his tie and cleared his throat, pushing himself out of his seat and joining the rest of the patrons circled around the floor, stopping at a long, tall table that came up to his chest. He grinned when Sakura turned her violet eyes on him, and he held his dollar bill out for her as he waited for her to approach him. Sakura Sunrise graciously accepted the money, leaning up to meet him halfway as he bent down to kiss her cheek. “Thank you, baby,” she said over the music before she turned her attention to the next patron.
Zoro caught him grinning as he returned to the table. “Looks like you’re having fun,” he observed as Sanji plopped back into his seat.
Grabbing his beer, Sanji glanced at Zoro. “I am, in spite of your attempts to make me look like a fool tonight.”
“You do that enough by yourself, Cook.”
Sanji slugged him in the shoulder while he took a drink.
“You do realize that everyone else had to be in on it for it to work, right?” Zoro asked.
“Yeah, well, you’re the ringleader, so you get all the blame,” Sanji said, sneering at Zoro as he set his drink back down.
Zoro laughed at him, holding a hand up placatingly as the song came to an end. Ivankov stood up from the seat she’d taken by the curtain, thanking Sakura as she disappeared into the back room. “HEE HAW! Up next is my adorable little protege, Miss Candy von Satin!” Ivankov said. Luffy howled in anticipation, already jumping out of his seat and running to stand by the dance floor, a stack of money at the ready. Sanji raised his eyebrow. 
“You know,” Ivankov continued, “she used to bartend here. She was scared of her own shadow until I told her to get out there. So you guys can thank me for what you’re about to see.”
“AND ME!” Luffy shouted.
Ivankov glanced at Luffy. She laughed behind her hand. “That’s her boyfriend over there. He’s a generous tipper.”
“You bet, Ivan-chan!”
Nami, hand in her cheek, chuckled. “He’s cute, isn’t he?” she asked and Sanji found himself nodding, happy that Usopp was dating someone so supportive.
“You all could learn from him,” Ivankov declared, exiting the dance floor. “Anyway, you better put your hands together for Miss Candy von Satin!”
Sanji could hear Luffy cheering above the crowd and the music pumping through the speakers as someone Sanji could only assume was Usopp, based on context and the familiar nose, pushed past the curtain and raced towards the floor. Sanji had to assume, of course, because he had not been expecting this person in a platinum blonde wig, a sparkling white leotard, thigh high boots, and a corset. He hadn’t expected this person, who was currently skipping in a circle on the dance floor while she lip synched to a bright, upbeat pop song.
Sanji’s mouth dropped. He rubbed his eyes and found that his vision was perfectly clear. He watched, taking in Candy’s energy as she danced all over the floor. It made sense, he supposed. Sluggish, Usopp was not. That pent up energy could easily be channeled into dancing. But Candy seemed so sure of herself, so confident as she dropped into a split to a roaring crowd, tossing her hair back and winking at Luffy, who hadn’t shut up since she’d come onstage.
Luffy tossed his handful of money over Candy’s head while she slowly, seductively pushed herself out of the splits and began her work on the floor, writhing and sliding like a dancer in a music video. Sanji blinked, looking at the rest of the table. Nami had her phone out, taping Ms. Candy von Satin. Zoro watched approvingly, holding his beer up as Candy looked over at their table, crawling slowly in their direction before getting to her feet, doing her circle around the dance floor to accept money from her adoring audience.
No one who knew Usopp seemed surprised, and the crowd was eating up Candy’s performance. And her energy was so infectious that Sanji found himself letting go of his preconceived notions of his friend, applauding with the rest of them and getting up to stand next to Luffy, holding out a couple of dollar bills. While he waited, he told himself that he’d have to visit the ATM he’d noticed earlier near the entrance, not only to pay back Zoro, but to take out more money. He’d be a hypocrite to not be a better tipper than the rest of the audience, knowing what it was like to put on a show for tips.
When Candy came to him, she pointed to her corset, instructing him to slip his dollars inside. Sanji obliged, mouthing the word “Hi” at her before they kissed each other’s cheeks. “Thanks, hon,” Candy said near his ear before prancing off to accept money from the rest of Sanji’s table.
When Candy von Satin finished her song, Ivankov walked onto the dance floor and whispered something in her ear. “That was Miss Candy von Satin, everybody!” Ivankov said while Candy panted and waved. “Oh, I just get tired looking at you,” Ivankov moaned. “I used to be able to do that...hmm-hmm...years ago.”
Ivankov passed the microphone to Candy, who was still trying to catch her breath. “How’s everyone doing tonight?” she asked the crowd.
The bar cheered. Sanji smiled and clapped.
Candy looked in Luffy’s direction, beaming when she saw him holding up a cup of water. “That’s Luffy, everyone,” she said, approaching him and taking the cup from him while everyone cheered for Luffy. She took a quick drink, then handed the cup back to her boyfriend, walking back to stand next to Ivankov.
Sanji took his chance to walk up to the ATM while the two drag queens talked, probably stalling for time. He took out enough money to pay back Zoro and plenty of singles for the rest of the night. He returned to his spot, trying to hand the money to Zoro, who refused. “Use it on the talent,” Zoro said, getting up out of his seat and heading for the bathroom.
Sanji watched Zoro, confused. So not only had Zoro invited him out and driven him here, but now he was paying for him. It was almost like this was a date.
Sanji startled at the thought, shaking his head violently as he got out of his seat. “Who wants shots?” he asked the table, earning cheers from Luffy and Nami.
“None for me, Sanji,” Vivi said, smiling at him. “I’m driving tonight.”
“Isn’t she adorable?” Nami asked, poking Vivi’s cheek. “So responsible.”
“Can I bring you a soda, Vivi?” Sanji asked, not wanting to leave her out. “Water?”
“Surprise me,” she said, giggling as Nami continued to poke her and praise her.
By the time everyone was back at the table, Candy and Ivankov introduced the next act. Everyone at the table held up their drinks, clinking them together. Sanji caught Zoro’s eye and found himself smiling at him. He felt warm when Zoro smiled back, but he wrote it off as the alcohol doing its job.
“So, ready to go, Cook?” Zoro asked as he and Sanji left the bar after paying their tabs.
“In a bit,” Sanji said, nodding. “I wanna talk to Usopp. And I’d love to meet Luna.”
Zoro nodded, settling back into his seat while the girls chatted.
“Didja have fun, Sanji?” Luffy asked, cheeks red, lightly swaying to and fro to the music in his seat.
“I did.”
Luffy laughed. “Good. You should come more often.”
“I’d love to.”
“You didn’t even get to see Robin perform,” Nami said.
“Who’s Robin?” Sanji asked.
“Robin’s great!” Luffy exclaimed. “She goes by Damien Boulevard here.”
“Robin’s...a drag king?” Sanji asked hesitantly. With a drag queen named Emporio Ivankov, he couldn’t be too sure.
“Yep,” Nami said, nodding. “She also sometimes does burlesque. She and Vivi used to dance together.”
Vivi chuckled nervously, a sad smile on her face. “Oh, that was forever ago.”
Nami leaned her head against Vivi’s shoulder. “You could always try again...”
“Hey, guys!” Usopp called, still in the fuschia jumpsuit and black bob wig he’d changed into for his second performance.
“Babe!” Luffy threw his hands up. “You were great!”
“Aw, you always say that,” Usopp said, settling down into Luffy’s lap. He wrapped his arms around Luffy’s neck, resting his cheek against his boyfriend’s head. He looked at Sanji, smiling nervously. “Uh, hi, Sanji.”
“Hey, Usopp,” Sanji said, grinning at him. “Luffy’s right; you were great.”
Usopp chuckled softly, his blush visible even in the low lighting and the pounds of makeup he had on.
“Where’s Luna?” Luffy asked Usopp. “Sanji wants to meet her.”
“And she wants to meet him,” Usopp said, getting to his feet. Sanji sat up straighter in his seat. “Let me go grab my stuff and I’ll bring her over here.”
Nami looked at Sanji while Usopp walked off. “Well?” she said, expectantly.
“Well, what?”
“Aren’t you glad Zoro didn’t tell you anything?” Nami asked. “Didn’t that make the surprise better?”
Sanji scowled at Zoro, who looked pleased with himself. “I’m glad I came out tonight,” he said, choosing his words carefully.
Nami chuckled, shaking her head at him.
Usopp returned with Luna, who gasped and waved when they approached the table. The three women squealed and hugged each other, chattering about how pretty Luna looked tonight and how good her performances were.
“Luna,” Usopp said. “I’m going to bring our stuff to the car.”
“Okay, Usopp,” she said, pulling her phone out before handing her bag to him. “But let’s take a selfie first.”
They stood next to each other, arms wrapped around each other’s waists. Even with Luna’s four inch heels and Usopp changed into comfortable shoes, Usopp was taller than her, so he held up the camera for them. “Look off to the left and look like we’re judging someone’s outfit together,” Luna instructed. 
“Got it,” Usopp said, falling into character and snapping the picture for them.
Satisfied with the final product, Luna grinned and hugged Usopp. “I’m gonna steal your boyfriend someday, Luffy,” she said as the couple walked off.
“You can’t steal him, Luna, but we can share,” Luffy laughed over his shoulder, waving at their group one last time.
“We carpool together,” Luna explained, turning her attention to Sanji. She smiled sultrily. “Now, who’s this tall glass of water?”
“That would be Dumbass,” Zoro said while Sanji blushed at Luna’s compliment. 
Sanji jabbed him in his rib cage, scrambling to his feet to stand before Luna. “Ah, I’m Sanji, Luna-chan,” he said while Luna offered him a hand to kiss.
“San-ji,” she enunciated while Sanji pressed his lips against her skin. “Why haven’t I see you here before?”
“No one’s ever invited me,” Sanji responded, chuckling softly.
“Zoro did last week,” Nami said.
“That, he did,” Sanji agreed. “And I’m glad. I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of meeting you otherwise, Luna-chan.”
Luna tilted her head, humming. “Well, I better see you here again, okay?” she said. 
“You will!” Sanji promised. “I-I like seeing you perform.”
Luna giggled, bouncing cutely on her toes. “Thank you. It takes a lot of work to look this good.”
Nami yawned loudly, stretching her arms. “Well, we better get going,” she said as she and Vivi got to their feet. “I still have her for the weekend. Don’t ask me to go anywhere because I won’t be checking my phone.”
Vivi giggled. “Bye, everyone,” she said, giving Luna one last hug.
"Oi! Luna!” Luffy called from the entrance, waving. “Let’s go.”
Zoro got out of his seat and Luna hugged him. “Bye-bye, Zoro,” she said, rubbing his back briefly before she let go. “Thanks for bringing him around,” she said, sending them both a wink before joining Luffy and Usopp.
“Night, Luna,” Zoro said before looking at Sanji. “Okay, you’ve had your fun. Now are you ready?”
Sanji nodded. “This was nice, Marimo,” he said as they made their way out the door. “Different than I was expecting, but nice.”
“You’re welcome.”
Sanji chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re obnoxious, you know that?” he said as they walked closer to Zoro’s car.
“You still said yes to going with me,” Zoro said, pulling his keys out and unlocking his car as they got close.
Sanji watched him as Zoro got into the driver’s seat. He paused, hand resting on the door. “Yeah,” Sanji said. “Yeah, I guess I did.”
Exhaling softly, Sanji got into the passenger seat of Zoro’s car, knowing he wouldn’t say no if Zoro offered to drive him the next time.
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483-484: ‘Looking for the Answer! Fire Fist Ace Dies On the Battlefield!’ and ‘The Navy Headquarters Falls! Whitebeard's Unspeakable Wrath.’
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Actually watched these on Friday but was too bummed about what had happened to post. Turns out one of the spoilers was real, after all. Joy of joys. One more to go and then all I’ll have floating around my head is that Sanji has a sister.
Annoyed at the spoiler-tastic title, though. Thanks, Toei, for ruining that in advance. I was also unwittingly spoiled by the latest Uniqlo/SJ 50 t-shirt drop (but didn’t know it at the time because I was clueless about the panel’s context).
Yes, I am delaying the inevitable...
Better get on with it.
R.I.P. Fire Fist Ace
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I am sad and mad at the waste of life.
Ace had so much to live for, but he had no regrets, so from his perspective, it is okay. I mean, the old cliche is true, right? Death is easy for the dead. Those they leave behind have to deal with the fallout. And Luffy is... beyond distraught. Catatonic with despair, actually, to the point Jimbei had to step in or else he would have been fried by Akainu.
Picking up where 483 left off, despite the Big Damned Spoiler Title, I knew Ace was not in a good way. If that title hadn’t ruined it, I might have thought even then that Ace would make it through. If Whitebeard can fight on with a hole in his chest, why couldn’t Ace? And the Pirate Alliance had Emporio Ivankov on their side, right?
There were a few final twists and turns, a few flashes of drama, before the quiet, sad moment happened. Garp rushing down to Ace, Sengoku having to pin him to stop Garp killing Akainu (I wish he hadn’t. I still want that Garp Monkey D. Family Team to happen). The nightmare fuel scene when Akainu was shot point blank by bazooka fire and walked back through the flames like a zombie with parts missing. The moment when Jimbei stood between Ace and Akainu “You will not touch him again! I have been ready to die since the beginning!” with Akainu retorting, “Looks like I need to execute a traitor.” Marco breaking free courtesy of Mr 3, enabling Luffy to take Ace away...
Damn, I really didn’t think Oda would have the cajones to kill off Ace. The moment was done well, though, so at least there’s that. Weirdly, the scene reminded me of Mufasa’s death (from The Lion King). Just Luffy’s fragile, tentative questions, “Hey. Hey... are you alright?” mixed with the horror of realisation something was terribly wrong when he placed his hand on Ace’s back and it came back thick with blood.
But still, he could deny it then. Ace could be treated. Ace could be cured. Emporio Ivankov was on his side!
Unfortunately, the damage was irreparable. Ace’s organs had been completely burned away. The moment Ivankov had to break that news was horrible. I felt so bad for Luffy. He tried to bargain desperately: “You can’t die! You promised you would never die, no matter what!”
Knowing he didn’t have much time left, Ace took advantage of the quiet moment to have a last talk with his little brother. I liked how Toei froze the battle, cast everything and everyone but Ace and Luffy in greyscale, because for that moment, the only alive people in the world were two brothers. 
“I wouldn't even have had a will to live if it weren't for Sabo and a high maintenance brother like you. If you see Dadan someday, say hello for me. When I face my own death, I even miss a woman like her. There is one thing that makes me wanna stay. That is my desire to see you fulfill your dream. But I'm sure that you can do it. Because you're my brother. Like we promised that day, I have no regrets in life. Something tells me that what I truly wanted was not fame. Did I deserve to be born? What I wanted was the answer to that question.
I can't raise my voice to let anyone hear anymore, Could you tell them what I'm about to say now? Old man, everyone, and you Luffy. Thank you... for loving someone like me: a good for nothing who has such bad blood in his veins... Thank you!”
Yeah, so at that point, I was just staring at the screen, watching Ace die and labouring under the same haze of denial as Luffy. It still wasn’t real. Then Ace’s eyes glazed over, the little flame inside him finally winked out and he slumped to the ground with a smile on his face. Even the vivre card burned to ashes.
Watching Luffy realise his brother was dead was worse than Ace’s last words. Eyes wide, he just stared at his blood-soaked hands and shook. “Ace...? Ace...?”
Then he screamed. The grief was too much and he shut down completely.
This is the second gut-wrenching loss Luffy has suffered in quick succession. As far as he’s concerned, he’s lost his crew. Now, he has lost his only brother. I wonder how this will affect Luffy going forward? I’m assuming Luffy will use Ace’s death to swear vengeance on the Marines and World Government. Take note, Marines: this is how you create a mighty enemy. Luffy does need to be stronger. But, damn, if that is not a harsh way to learn that lesson...
Oh, and I don’t ever want to see Jimbei sobbing again. That was too much on top of everything else. ;_;
Akainu Is Not A Good Person
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He’s behind me, isn’t he?
That shot is honestly the only thing that cheered me up over these two episodes. I watched it three times and laughed like a drain every time.
Then it just got better because Oda let Whitebeard loose on Akainu and it was glorious! It’s as if Oda realised, “Yeah, the fans will be grieving and seething, let’s give them an outlet for their feelz.”
Akainu made another swipe at Luffy, but Marco stepped in. Unfortunately, Marco was wearing sandals. (Not the most effective footwear for facing off against Akainu. You’d need steel toe capped boots or special heat-entry PPE for that. Marco, you must update your look. Function over fashion. I know it will sting but it is for a good cause.) He couldn’t hold off Akainu completely. But someone who could rumbled up behind him.
Man... Whitebeard was mad. Beyond mad. “I will hammer you into the ground like a tent peg” mad. “I will punch you to pate” mad. I actually cheered when that first punch connected. The best part was when he grabbed Akainu by the collar, tossed him in the air and broke him with a devastating punch. I’ve never been happy to see someone bleed before. That was new.
But Akainu did get a hit in. Note to All Pirates: Do not let Akainu anywhere near your torso. Reblog to save a life!
It’s maybe too late for Whitebeard, though. I am not going to jump the gun again because Oda has subverted tropes before, but it seems like Whitebeard is intent on Marineford being his last stand. He split the battlefield so the Pirate Allies could escape, trapping himself on the other side with all the Marines. 
It was also satisfying to see Marineford sinking into the sea along with Akainu! I may also have cheered at this and laughed: “YES! BYE, SAKAZUKI! SINK INTO THE OCEAN AND DROWN!” A measured response? Absolutely not. Do I think he will be saved? Hopefully not!
Then Teach appeared.
This is the first time I was not excited to see him and his crew. I thought, “Come on, mate. There’s a time and a place...” 
But clearly, for Blackbeard, this is the perfect time and place.
Not Even In The Mood For Blackbeard
Teach has the chutzpah to turn up at Whitebeard’s last stand and advertise his new crew. I might be going off them. There are now ten Blackbeard pirates, so that’s my Individual Blackbeards vs Individual Strawhats theory up in smoke.  (Unless Luffy recruits another crew member. Then it’s back on!) 
So far, we have:
1. Blackbeard 2. Van Augr 3. Jacques Laffite 4. Jesus Burgess 5. Doc Q 6. San Juan Wolf 7. Catalina Devon 8. Shiryu of the Rain 9. Vasco Shot 10. Guy With Horns I Don’t Remember
Now it makes sense why Teach was sniffing about Impel Down. He was recruiting! Still don’t know what his game is, though. Why is he here now? What’s the point in having a chuckle at Whitebeard’s expense? Why advertise your new crew? I don’t think the Marines will be impressed that you took time off to recruit while there was a big battle going on.
I also have questions about San Juan Wolf.
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How does San Juan Wolf fit on any ship? He is so massive he barely fits into shot and suffers from goddamned distance fade. Does he just trail after Teach’s ship like a massive, violent puppy? Where did they keep him in Impel Down? Would Ikea be interested in such space-defying dimensions?
I’ll have to stay tuned, I guess.
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No, thank you, Ace. You’ve been great. ;_;
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
Ben followed a bunch of people, including his friend Brooke and Cassi (who is Rayanas bestie)
Yep lol I planned on coming back tomorrow but after the wild likes for Emma and Zoë yesterday, I looked at his profiled today and was like boy what the fuck???
So here a list of boy's new frens with ma, uncalled for, commentary. We have lotsa new faces, some refollows and random but appreciated unfollow... ENJOY!
Soooo refollows! Boy followed back land rover and Danielle Campbell. Chiké is back too but this is probably not boys doing?
Then we do have the new old faces. The best leo fren is back at it! So yep he followed Brooke and Cassi Thomson (dunno who is whose bestie tho but they follow each other ;c).
Then we have Lianne La Havas, Michael Kiwanuka, Neal Lett, Shawn Levy and Zoë Kravitz. Also known as the artist corner lol
And more tennis? Cuz boy followed Andy Murray, US Open and Wimbledon.
OH! and to go well with the others he hit that follow for porsche too xd
Next - The New York Times, the Onion, Esquire UK (IS THERE A COVER COMIN?? a girl can dream at least ;c) and Pubity (x.x boy lol why?)
For some reason boy followed Jimmy Kimmel Live even that they would never have him cuz he had no projects to promote. Then we have Apple TV and Disney+ which is weird cuz boy they won't hire ye for a like ;c and then BBC iPlayer and YouTube Music. Cuz boy is a musician right?
The final two are Emporio Armani and Tom Ford. And like god bless. Maybe next time boy will step onto the carpet he will wear something better than them Ted Baker nightmares ;ccc
So overall I counted 25 new addition compared to the last time. Up from 257 to 281.
And I hear ye saying. Coral ye stupid bitch. The math ain't mathing. And it does cuz boy also hit that unfollow once!!! Ladies, gents and all other wonderful people... we also said goodbye to text my eyes! The Songs For You era is over now I guess? He dropped his greatest (after twin flame...) inspiration sooo 🙊🙊🙊
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thirstyfortom · 7 years
RFA + Saeran and V meet MC’s really nice ex
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I decided to combine these two since they’re similar. And can I just say how I’m all yours when you start a request with “I always see things like this and that, but I want you to do different”?Iit makes me feel really special <3
So here it is, hope you like it! ^^
He thought he was the perfect man... until he met your ex.
What the hell? The guy is handsome, smart, rich and… did he mention he’s handsome?
Like, this man looks like he just stepped out of an Emporio Armani ad! Zen never advertised for Emporio Armani.
And the way he interacts with you, fuck! He’s a true gentleman, Zen bets he never has to be worried about a beast trying to come out everytime you smile.
He wanted to hate the guy, but… ahhh, it’s impossible! He’s nice as fuck!
“Babe, why did you two break up?” he needed to know, he asked as soon as the guy got in his hybrid car and went home.
“We just realized we were better as friends.” “Why? Why weren’t you better as a couple? He’s… great! He’s… perfect, MC!”
 “Yeah, and perfection is boring!” well, at least he knew he wasn’t boring, but that meant he wasn’t perfect either…
You notice he got insecure. “Look, Zen. Nobody is perfect. I’m not perfect, you’re not perfect, he’s not perfect. And he is somebody I chose to share a friendship, you’re somebody I chose to share my life with.”  Oh wow…
“And you have better abs too.” You winked and smiled at him, and the beast woke up immediately. This time he wasn’t worried.
Oh shit! This poor cinnamon roll…
He can feel the smell of testosterone emanating from the guy. It’ just Old Spice, Yoosung, chill
And he’s so manly, but he’s also cool and fun. And he’s also a gamer, how come he doesn’t have dark circles under his dreamy eyes?
He’s making you laugh all the time! Yoosung wished he could be this funny, he’s always so flustered around you…
He’s not jealous of you two, he’s legitimately envying the guy!
“Why did you break up, MC?” he felt awful and great at the same time.  Great for being able to say this out loud, awful for sounding so bitter.
 “He is great, but just as a friend.” “But MC, he’s amazing! Why did you let him for… me?”
You were legitimately shocked, sometimes you hated he couldn’t see himself the way you did. “I never compare the people I date, Yoosung. Everyone is unique.”
“Yeah, he is a unique good and I’m…” “You’re both unique. Period. And he’s a good friend, you are the greatest boyfriend ever!”  you hugged him and he knew you weren’t comforting him, you were telling exactly what you felt.
“Also, let’s say his gamer fingers aren’t as good as yours.” You kissed him, and it was halfway through the kiss he actually got it what you meant. For the first time, he wasn’t flustered (not that much)…
Your first girlfriend, the woman who introduced you to all of this.
Now she could see why you were so chill, this girl definitely was a great influence on you embracing your own sexuality.
Yes, she was so chill, so confident, so adorable, she was basically a older and more experienced version of you.
You two laugh together loudly over the silliest things, she never feels that comfortable like this, she barely giggles when you two are watching Zen’s musicals.
She wants to be besty with you two. Well, mainly with you, but the girl seems so cool…
 “She’s really nice, MC. What happened between you two?” something must have happened, right?
“Nothing. It didn’t feel like a romantic relationship anymore, she was like this big sister, you know?”  “Oh, but sometimes I feel like I’m your big sister, MC…”
“You do? I never noticed, I think you’re great at showing your… romantic affection.” “That’s because you’re blinded by love, I’m actually terrible at it.”
Oh god… you hated when she got all insecure… “If you were terrible, we wouldn’t be together. Do you think I would stand a relationship where I’m not appreciated?” you got a point, yes, she really appreciates you.
“Now, can I show you how much I appreciate you?” she laughed, but you weren’t joking, she got that pretty quickly…
He wasn’t really seeing the appeal of this guy at first.
Yes, he’s interesting, he’s smart, his jokes make sense, he looks elegant and refined even in a casual outfit, he… okay, Jumin sees now.
He could do business with this guy, he felt reliable and professional, and also very comfortable and never tense about anything.
And the way he treats you, he knows the perfect balance between being a gentleman and being a buddy. Jumin still struggles on the buddy part…
Ugh, this guy has charisma, he hates how not even him can dodge from all this charisma…
“Your friend is quite something, MC. Why did you two decide to keep it as friends?” he didn’t want to sound bitter, but… he was.
 “Hmmm, no special reason. We didn’t work as a couple, I guess.” “Why wouldn’t you work together? You look like a soap opera couple…”
“Well, and this is real life, so…” “So you’ll realize that, realistically, I’m not a good match for you.”
Oh my god… insecure Jumin was the weirdest and saddest thing ever. “No, realistically I’ll just enjoy a good friendship while I get to spend the rest of my life with the man I chose and love.” You swear you saw a blush there…
“Now, realistically, it’s time for me to fulfill some fantasies of you, right?” oh, and now there was a blush, but it quickly faded away…
That guy was a professional comedian!
He’s also really hot, clever and his glasses look cooler too!
Saeyoung is almost leaving you for him, lololol
Seriously, this guy feels… natural. Saeyoung feels like he has to try so hard with you, this guy is effortless.
“He’s really cool, MC. Why did you break up?” he asked as casually as he could.
“No special reason, we realized we worked better as buddies.” “Oh, sometimes I feel like I’m your buddy, does that work for you?”
“If I weren’t so desperately in love with you? Yeah, sure.”  He gagged on his Dr. Pepper,
He wasn’t waiting for such a honest and direct answer like this, though it was exactly what he needed to hear.
“Now, buddy, why don’t you give me a little of your Dr. Pepper?” he was reaching his can to you, but you stopped him “I meant from your lips.” He smirked, well, he didn’t really need to effort to oblige your wish this time, did he?
Okay, even if the guy were a prick, he would feel intimidated
But that’s not the case, the guy is cool! The super confident type who doesn’t give a shit about what other people can think about him
It’s almost like he’s a male version of you. He’s not that cute, tho, but… you get my point.
He usually doesn’t feel comfortable around your crazy and loud friends, but this is one he feels he could hang out with if he… wasn’t your ex, as in the man who probably saw you naked.
“He’s cool, why did you leave him?” he asked all of a sudden, you looked at him, puzzled.
“I… didn’t leave him, we decided together that we were better apart.” “Why? Do you really think you’re better now that you’re apart from him and… together with… me?”
“I do. Why? Is that a problem?”  “I don’t know, you tell me.” “Tell you what? That I love you?” “Yeah, exactly that!”
What was happening? Was this a fight about… you loving him? And he… loving you back, apparently?
“And I love you back, okay?” yep, it was a fight about love.
“So prove it. Show me how much you love me!” you tried to stay at that mad tone, but you couldn’t, now you were both smirking mischievously to each other, you know where this is going…
V would  like this guy no matter what, ad you told him how much this you admired and respected this guy
And yes, he was everything you said he would be.
He was a trustworthy and respectful young man, so clever and sweet!
And the way he treated you, not even V could compete with how much he cherished you.
Of course he liked this guy, he was the one you loved before him. Any person that is worth of your love has V’s unconditional respect.
“He’s amazing, MC. I almost don’t understand why you two broke up.” He just noticed the resentment when he said this out loud.
“Well, we… didn’t really have a reason. We just worked better as friends, I guess.” “I see… you guess.” Shit, you didn’t mean it like this…
“I mean, I… am sure. He’s really great, but…” “You can’t really finish this sentence, can you, my love?”
“Yes, I can! I’m in love with you now! Can you blame me for having such a good taste in men?” he blushed, he couldn’t blame you for anything, never. So he just gave in to your charms…
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dragoneko · 5 years
JJBA part 6 volume 17 reactions
This is it, the finale, time for the end of the world
- why is it so funny to see Pucci look so pissed off while walking on the ceiling
- thank you tiny bubble panel for Anasui Climbs Down the Flagpole updates
- “fuck you and your loops i punch head now” - Pucci probably
- Ah shit he’s got a gun!
- what a badass entrance, Pucci get rekt
- and Hermes is here too!
- “And this is the moment he realized, He Fucked Up”
- ah there’s the floaty door frame
- quick someone throw something at him it’ll be funny
- he’s the center of gravity right, anything you throw at him will hit
- Jotaro says “Just Fucking Shoot Him”
- sneak attack!!
- oh shit he moved in stop time
- you aren’t allowed to pull a Jotaro, we’ve got him right here
- goodbye floaty frame
- “Time to blast off motherfuckers, i’m going to the moon” - Pucci probably
- oh no he’s too sparkly
- ah shit that’s not good for your arm
- there he is, buttless horse man, he’s a man and a horse but only the front part
- “Pucci why does your mom let you have three stand powers?”
- everyone is disoriented and the rain is suspicious
- also Jolyne got healed somehow just then
- oh it’s time for time fuckery i see
- Pucci’s trying to speedrun the apocalypse while T-posing in a doorframe
- wait did Pucci just fuckin move them real quick so they wouldn’t notice??? did he pull a DIO on the staircase??
- those children are real fuckin hardcore about jump rope huh
- Pucci: /flips table “if you guys don’t let me win i’m cheating and making it win time”
- this would really fuck up people’s metabolism... like people would starve. I’m surprised they didn’t hit on that yet
- why is Jotaro having a watch so funny. Sir you stop time
- this is how NPCs feel during speedrun games
- he’s lurking
- Anasui: let me marry Jolyne Jotaro: who the fuck are you again
- “idk what you’re talking about, please stop” - Jotaro at Anasui
- “all we have to do is punch bullet train man” - Jotaro basically
- oh heck
- Oh shit, Anasui did a thing!!
- “i didn’t get this horse to kick your ass, i swear it’s like, for other people to have a good time, that’s definitely what is happening i am not in denial” - Pucci probably
- Ghost GUN!!!
- no of course it didn’t work but fucking fantastic anyway
- Oh my god they’re going to try to drown him because his time is really fast holy shit
- Anasui: i want to marry Jolyne Jolyne: /magic 8 ball “future is unclear, ask again later”
- that’s not the horse’s hand that’s Jolyne’s stand hand
- Pucci pulls some fuckery and meanwhile the rest of the world is still rekt
- Rohan making his manga deadlines lol
- huh confirmation that time stop is global?
- he did the knives thing of course
- ah fuck no arms
- everyone’s abruptly fucking dead i guess
- how the fuck did a knife kill Jolyne when earlier she had mobius strips in her torso and was fine
- there’s still a good chunk of book left too??? Hello??
- poor Emporio ; ;
- some wacky teleportation bullshit??
- i’m still not convinced everyone’s actually dead, that was lacking all the dramatics of a jojo death
- yeah there she is
- By the power of marine biology!!
- hey Jolyne maybe don’t traumatize the boy with your plan
- Well Damn
- Pucci talked a lot about ending the Joestars, and like, no one tell him but... there are other Joestars around...
- Like... everyone from part 4 and 5 just get to see the end of the world i guess? Did Pucci go out of his way to nuke those jojos too??
- hey that was an abrupt change there... in space with animals
- welcome to the cosmic animal zone... and now back to prison
- “I restarted the universe just to kick these people’s asses before they can kick mine! this is definitely not a power grab!! or an attempt to feel control over my life!! it’s not! it’s uh... fuckin happiness or whatever idk” - Pucci basically
- is the rest of this manga just a real mean man hunting down a small boy
- “i call it destiny because that sounds a lot cooler than ‘accurately predicting what you’re likely to do’“
- that’s happiness huh? i guess Pucci really doesn’t like surprise parties
- “I left my gun in the ocean!”
- Oh! But you kept your Chekov’s gun on you!!!
- “And Weather’s destiny specifically wanted to fuck you over so”
- /applauds the plot twist
- whoa shit he dead!
- I mean Emporio’s whole thing is ghosts so it makes sense he’d kick Pucci’s ass with a dead man’s stand
- just a lil ant, chillin in the destiny vortex
- Emporio just :o
- I mean fair
- Aww in this universe they get to have a fun roadtrip together
0 notes
Chapter Two Goodbye, Stone Ocean
-March, 2012, Outside of Cape Canaveral, Florida
The Speedwagon Foundation arrives at the scene with ambulances and other emergency vehicles. Annasui and Jolyne are lifted into an ambulance by paramedics while Jotaro is speaking with some SPW employees. “What should we do about the Priest?” asks one of the employees. “Retrieve his body. We may find something of interest on him that relates with ‘DIO’.” A rescue helicopter is sent over to the location of Pucci’s corpse. Jotaro walks over to Hermes and Emporio who are being patched up for their injuries. “I guess it’s over then. Pucci is dead and the world has returned to its normal speed.” “You’re right Emporio.” says Jotaro, “We shouldn’t have to fear DIO any longer.”
“Mr. Kujo,” says a woman wearing a white suit as she approaches the three, “He is here.” She walks towards a black limousine and opens one of the doors. Two figures emerge from within the limo interior. The two figures are the elderly Joseph Joestar and the young Koichi Hirose. “Hello Mr. Jotaro!” shouts the joyful Koichi. “Hermes, Emporio, this is my assistant, Koichi Hirose, and the owner of the Speedwagon Foundation, Joseph Joestar.” “It’s nice to meet you, uh… what did you say her name was Jotaro?” asks Joseph in confusion. Jotaro gets close to Joseph and whispers in his ear. “Ah, sorry about that! It’s nice to meet you Herpes!” “What the hell did he just say!?” shouts Hermes in anger. “It’s also nice to meet you too, Baseball Kid!” Emporio looks at Joseph and back at Jotaro with a bewildered expression. “Is Mr. Joestar alright?” “He’s growing weaker each day. His hearing is barely functional and it takes a while for him to process things now. To be honest, I don’t think the old man has much time left.” Jotaro says in a monotone voice. “Hey, don’t say it like that! Mr. Joestar still can enjoy things in life!” Koichi exclaims in rebuttal. “Sorry about that Koichi. I think it’s about time we get going.” Jotaro starts heading for the limo when Hermes shouts “Hey, what about Jolyne and Annasui? What’s going on with them?” “They are both in critical condition. The ambulance carrying them is headed for a nearby hospital that is associated with the Speedwagon Foundation. Let’s just hope they will be fine. I think it’s time for us to be leaving.” Jotaro climbs into the vehicle with Joseph and Koichi right behind him. Emporio and Hermes join the others in the limousine.
The black limo drives down the road with other Speedwagon Foundation vehicles accompanying it. Emporio is gazing out of the window, deep in thought about the adventure he had just endured. He returns back to reality when Hermes suddenly speaks up. “Hey, Jotaro! Where are we going after this?” Jotaro gives a confused look. “What do you mean Hermes?” “Am I gonna go back to the prison after this? And what about Jolyne and Annasui? Are they gonna have to go back to?” Hermes says as she has a worried expression on her face. “It’s good that you asked that. You and the others are free to leave.” Jotaro pulls out three portfolios with pictures of Hermes, Jolyne, and Annasui paper clipped to them. “Your criminal histories have been erased.” Hermes is in a shocked state, but quickly lets out a sigh of relief. “Mr. Jotaro,” says Emporio, “how did you even manage to get Hermes and others cleared?” “The Speedwagon Foundation tried to get them out through court cases, but nothing passed. We had to get help from an ‘outside source’.” Jotaro hands Hermes and Emporio a small, blank business card. They turn the card over and on the back is a name.
“Hermes.” Jotaro says as Hermes looks up from the card. “I want you to join the Speedwagon Foundation.” “What!?” Hermes exclaims. “I see you have a lot of hidden potential, that’s why I want you to join. Your persistence and craftiness is immense. An organization like ours would be grateful to have someone like you.” Hermes is so flabbergasted that she cannot speak. She looks away and bites her nails. “Hermes, are you crying?” Emporio asks as he sees Hermes eyes start to water up. She quickly catches herself, “What? Me, crying, no way! Hah!” Both Jotaro, Emporio and the others are all confused. “Sure, Mr. Jotaro. I’ll take the job.” Koichi and Joseph both smile. Hermes starts thinking to herself, “I’ve always wanted to help others. Ever since I was young, my sis and I would always help each other out, and help around the house. I have just wanted to help people and make their lives better. Do I make mistakes? Sure I do, and I also tend to hold grudges and want revenge. Hell, that’s why I came to Green Dolphin Street in the first place, to get revenge on Sports Max. However, if it weren’t for those grudges and mistakes, I wouldn’t be where I was today.” “I wonder what Jolyne and Annasui will do once they’re out of the hospital?” Emporio questions. “I’m guessing Jolyne will want to go back home to her mother. That other guy, Annasui, I don’t know about him.” Koichi says. “What do you think Mr. Jotaro?” Jotaro remembers back to what Jolyne said to Annasui when they were devising a plan to attack Pucci. “All right. Annasui… ask me… I’m not saying this because I’m despairing over this situation… Your plan… it still has hope. It’s not darkness that drives you… Even if there’s only one path that we can take, if there’s a hint of hope, then that’s the right path.” “I have an idea of where he’ll go next. What about you, Emporio? I doubt you’ll want to stay in the prison anymore after all that has happened. We can see if there’s a family that would be willing to take you in, if you want that.” Emporio shakes his head, “No… I want to stay with sister Jolyne!” Jotaro is surprised, but he calmly acknowledges Emporio’s desire and smiles.
A month passes by as Jolyne and Annasui heal in the hospital. Jolyne’s parents come to visit them one day. “How is my JoJo doing?” Jolyne’s mother asks to a doctor. “Oh, she is in excellent shape now, so is Narciso! Mostly due to ‘Josuke Higashikata’ and his ‘Crazy Diamond’s’ healing ability!” “Crazy Diamond?” She says in confusion. Jotaro steps into the scene, “Oh, it’s nothing to worry about. Let’s keep going. They should be this way.” The doctor, Jotaro, and his wife all walk to the room where Jolyne is being held. The doctor knocks on the door before opening it. “Ms. Kujo, I have someone here to see you. “Oh my god, mom!” Jolyne shouts in excitement. “It’s so nice to see you again, JoJo!” Jolyne’s mom comes close to hug Jolyne. “How are you doing, Jolyne?” Jotaro asks. “Pretty good. Ever since Josuke came here, everything has been a lot better.” Jotaro nods, “I’ll let you two continue your reunion. Doctor, where is Annasui stationed?” “Oh, Narciso’s room will be two doors down on your left.” Jotaro walks out of the door and heads towards Annasui’s room. “Hello Annasui.” Jotaro says as he opens the door. “How’s Jolyne been?” Annasui asks a bit worried. “She’s fine, we should be more worried about you.” Annasui gives a dazed look, “What do you mean?” “Do you not remember? You got punched through the chest back at the Kennedy Space Center.” Annasui now comes to realization, “Oh yeah! I… sorta forgot about that. I’ve just been thinking about how Jolyne has been doing ever since I gained conscious. When that Josuke guy came in here a few days ago, with his healing ability, I hadn’t had to worry as much.” “Thankfully Josuke had time to come down here to Florida in between his photo shoots. If not, you may not have made it.” Annasui’s smile goes away as he remembers how Foo Fighters had saved him after his encounter with Pucci. The priest had punched through his chest, so Foo Fighters healed Annasui, sacrificing her own life. “Why am I always the one who needs to be saved?” Jotaro looks at Annasui confused. “We lost Foo Fighters because of me. If she had survived… Weather may not have died. And we may have killed Pucci right there.” Jotaro abruptly cuts in, “If you hadn’t been with us at Cape Canaveral, Pucci would have killed me. However, thanks to your Diver Down, I was able to live and defeat him. If you’re complaining about Foo FIghters not living, all you did was delay the inevitable.” “B… But, what about Weather?!” Annasui screams in rebuttal, attracting the attention of nearby doctors and nurses. “He accomplished what he wanted, to protect his friends. If he had killed Pucci… He would’ve killed himself afterwards…” Annasui is shocked by what Jotaro had said. “What the fuck do you mean!? Weather wouldn’t just do that!” Jotaro sighs, “I asked the others about Weather Report, and they all saw something strange about him. It was hard for them to explain it, but it seemed like the only thing that was keeping him going was ‘finding his memory’ and ‘killing Pucci’. He had told both you and Emporio about that.” Annasui is perplexed by what Jotaro had said. “Do you ‘remember’, Annasui?” Annasui’s eyes widen as he recalls the situation back at the prison.
Back within Emporio’s stand, Burning Down The House, Annasui just finished with telling Emporio and Weather Report about his childhood. “What about you, Weather? What were you like as a kid?” Weather just sits there blankly. Annasui decides to ask the question again, just a bit louder. Weather looks at Annasui and finally speaks. “I don’t ‘remember’.” Annasui and Emporio both look at Weather Report with confused stares. “What do you mean you can’t remember?” “I don’t remember anything from when I was a child, even my teenage years.” Annasui thinks Weather is joking, “I get it, you don’t want to talk about when you were a kid. You just don’t wanna get personal.” “No, I really can’t recall anything. I can remember basic things, like mathematics and how to do everyday tasks, but I can’t remember my childhood experience.” Emporio and Annasui look at each other and back at Weather Report. “Isn’t that troubling that you don’t know about your life?” Emporio asks curiously. “It is, Emporio. To be honest, I want to kill myself.” Emporio and Annasui both look stare at Weather with shocked expressions. “However,” Weather says abruptly, “it feels as if the key to my memories are ‘hidden’. ‘Hidden within this prison!’”
“I… I ‘remember’ now.” Annasui says looking up at Jotaro. “Now he’s happily at peace knowing that his ‘mission’ had been completed. All thanks to what we’ve accomplished.” Jotaro says. He begins to leave the room when Annasui asks Jotaro one more question. “Hey, Jotaro.” Annasui says, “What will it be?” Jotaro turns around and looks at Annasui with confusion. “What?” “Will you allow me to ‘marry’ Jolyne? This is the last time I will ever ask this question. So what will it be?” Jotaro gazes at Annasui. After a few seconds of silence, Jotaro finally answers his long awaited question. “When we first met, I would’ve said no. However, seeing how far you will go to protect the ones you love and care for, there can only be one answer. Narciso Annasui… I’d be glad to have you marry my daughter.”
Annasui screamed so loudly that the doctors had to rush in as they thought he had a heart attack. A week later, Annasui and Jolyne were finally released from the hospital. In September of that year, the two were married at a church near Jolyne’s home. The Joestar family came to the wedding along with Jolyne’s newly adopted brother, Alnino Emporio, and their friend, Hermes. On June 18, 2014, the elderly Joseph Joestar passed away at the age of 94. His first daughter, Holly Kujo, took over his real estate business in New York City. Jotaro Kujo was promoted to head of the Speedwagon Foundation and moved his station to the SPW Department in ‘San Francisco, California’. Koichi and Hermes had also moved to that station to help Jotaro out with his work.
Josuke Higashikata, the son of Joseph Joestar, continued with his modeling business. He would be featured on the in advertisements or on the covers of clothing magazines such as ‘Gucci’. Finally, Joseph’s adopted daughter, ‘Shizuka Joestar’ would reside within San Francisco where she is beginning her first year in college. However, she’s not your ordinary japanese-american girl…
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sorayahigashikata · 6 years
Chapter 21: "Sports are serious business."
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dragoneko · 5 years
JJBA part 6 volume 15 reactions
It’s been a while so I completely forgot where I left off this is going to be wild
- baby theft
- pucci just fuckin trips
- oh boy this is the flashback
- Dio: i’m trying to hide but my elf shoes keep alerting the priest
- “you have passed the weird ass promise test, now time to examine leg”
- Pucci realizes upon meeting dio that his toes are straight but he is not
- fate didn’t chose you, that one lady didn’t chose you
- Weather stops crime! this implies he was a good boy at some point maybe
- wait people already called him weather
- oh shit i remember being told about this
- oh there’s the racism too, this backstory has all of the bad things happening huh
- he LIVED??? i mean of course he did because he’s in the present, but jeez i thought they were going to pull some stand bs first
- :(
- for a second i thought dio just jumped out of the water like that pppfffttttt
- did dio stop time and stick the arrow inside him back then because... where did that come from... you think he woulda noticed otherwise
- it was in his pocket oh okay, it just detected it was stab time
- that does mean Pucci just had the arrow on him this whole time. that mood when you stick something in your pocket and forget about it until later when it’s a surprise again. Does this mean the arrow went through the washer
- “hey i’m real upset and i am going to kill you but quick what do you know about snails i’m asking for a friend”
- Weather is Fucking Pissed and like... fair i guess
- “weather unconsciously called for snails”
- wanting to kill your brother is something that happens after meeting dio apparently
- Pucci counters with a yoink
- back to the present, but still more snails
- “this is what happens when you taste touch the rainbow”
- heck yeah rope swing
- NOOO the ceiling is snails too!!!
- oooooh a “yare yare” shit’s getting real
- not the traditional definition of “double door” but it works
- “Anasui: doesn’t really understand what’s going on” mood. thanks infographic for explaining all this
- okay so the snails are confirmed accidental, so he’s not deliberately trying to murder innocents, that’s less bad than i thought before
- nope Emporio also trying to gtfo
- don’t punch the boy!! >:o
- thwarted by ghost technology
- is the whole car a snail???
- “damn i’ve been found so now i have to stop bullying this child”
- how many snails is that bug going to be able to eat because i cannot stress how many snails there are here that aren’t the mostly-people characters
- oh my god they made Jolyne have snail shell spiral boobs of course they did
- Hermes knows a lot about specific bugs
- HAHAHAHA Here they are!!! It’s the maimi dolphins!!! i was wondering when they were gonna show up, it’s like the one thing i knew about part 6 going in along with dio flashbacks and that danger snails were involved somehow. to think we got all three of those in one volume here, wow, what a series
- Jolyne has been stolen by sports
- this guy must get a lot of dirt up his nails
- snail physics for the win apparently??
- “snails are weak against salt! it’s super effective!”
- wow he transformed real fast there
- Weather has some hot takes on Pucci’s morality thanks to the side card here
- “joint pain?? just become a snail, idiot” - Weather probably
- Anasui is having a bad day
- Weather is having a bad... life...
- Uuuuuhhhhh hi there you were just chillin in snails huh
- how are your expensive pants now??
- is he immune to the snails because they’re twins “technically the same” bullshit?
- just gotta say... i’m really sick of the snails... i don’t think it’s very interesting to just keep going “oh no the snails... bad touch... the floor is lava”
- heck yeah air punch Pucci
- sounds fake but okay
- light says become snail? oh shit i gotta now
- tiny disc
- before he took his vision out could you have in theory subliminally messaged Pucci to stop
- “i’ll just take your legs, it’s not like snails need them anyway”
- okay but how did you hit Anasui because you can’t sense him
- Pucci has no idea wtf is going on
- so he can steal senses too? :/
- but he’s touching a snail person, and that did it too
- Anasui GPS
- they’re in range so they’re gonna fight oh boy
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dragoneko · 6 years
JJBA part 6 volume 11 reactions
Things are going bad oh no what are they gonna do
- ah yes starting back up right where we left off: hhhhHHHHHHH FOOF NO ; ;
- oh shit Pucci get ready to be tattled on
- They know now!! Enemy Identified
- Weather Report is Here to Kick Some Ass and Make it Precipitate
- Pucci’s eyelashes are crazy white to match his hair but only when his eyes are closed ???
- if the green goblin in the victory condition then you’re currently losing
- Baby Need SNACK
- Would it be too optimistic to believe it could be Foof and Weather??
- Nope, it was just the right amount of optimistic!
- Anasui is a jealous bitch
- Weather Report has also risked his life for her!! and she even asked for his help!! let her hug him if she wants
- Anasui that’s racist
- UM
- he cut off her fucking arm goddamn i didn’t even see that
- He’s just fucking lurking in the bushes
- the good old severed-arm-string-trap, a classic
- The tables have turned! Pucci you have been arrested
- Jolyne probably has the upper hand in close combat, not including stands i just dont think Pucci is all that proficient in punching people
- ahhhh shit proximity loopholes
- okay... time for a flashback i guess, DIO here with some fun facts
- two bros chillin on a bed, five feet apart cuz they’re not gay
- DIO looking to commission a statue of the World
- with some surprise paranoia on the side
- *distantly, as if shouted from the back of a quiet auditorium* GAY
- damn pucci out here throwing shade at the whole jojo bloodline
- DVD rental has never been more intense
- tactical hand violence by Jolyne!
- Pucci getting rekt and knows it
- Pucci: That bitch gonna be empty!! YEET Jolyne: Aww Fuck, I Can’t Believe You’ve Done This
- Pucci approaching the gremlin with the bone: Enjoy entertainment baby, Enjoy toy mommy buy for you
- Oh My God he’s gonna trade with Foof???
- Holy shit Anasui offering to do something selfless??? too bad he won’t survive this character development...
- FOOF ; ;
- hhhhHHHHHHH having a spirit proves she was alive!!! and she’s happy for that!!! hhhhhhhhhhhh ; ;
- Foof has had a rough day... like i knwo everyone had a rough day but Foof had like Four Near Death Moments back-to-back
- OHH YEAH FUCK poor Weather Report!!! He doesn’t know what the fuck is going on!!!
- uh sir your hand is awfully bubbly today
- oh shit he got the mark! and his crazy eyelashes back!
- Wait they only found Jolyne??? Where’d Anasui go???
- all this talk of Ultimate Trust Friendship, like guys it sounds like you’re dating
- “I’m Jolyne Cujoh and I say Fuck The Rules!!”
- “You’ve got guts.” WAS THAT A PUN
- Direct Action!
- oh no it’s a fucky one
- oh my god how long has this happened for??
- she keeps forgetting that she’s forgetting
- i feel a little bad for Guess who has definitely been interrogated by a distressed Jolyne without end for two days straight
- oh no Guess that is too much information
- the range is the whole fuckign prison oh good
- Jolyne no....
- He’s affected too!! and he keeps hurting himself!! ; ;
- “Don’t think, Just Punch” “Well, if the hand said so...”
- Don’t you think?? the guards would be informed that she lost her memory?? so they don’t try to kill her every time she forgets where she went??
- stealth nat 20 right there
- ah shit
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