#Are there any minecraft servers where you can build with friends for fun?
aquaquadrant · 6 months
Hello! I've been told to ask you this =D
What do you think about Jimmy as a minecraft player, what is he?
It's for a project =3
ooh a project, how fun :0
i should preface this by saying i’m not the BEST person to give this opinion, cuz despite how much i write jimmy, i uh… don’t actually watch his pov? i haven’t seen any of empires (except the hermit’s crossover in s2), i don’t watch his streams, and i don’t watch the one-off vids he posts on his channel. most of my knowledge of jimmy comes from his appearances in other pov’s life series episodes and how ppl portray him in fandom.
howEVER, that said, i’m curious how my interpretation would line up with other ppl’s. i view minecraft players as generally fitting into a few broad categories- tho there can def be overlap between them or a jack-of-all-trades situation. and this prob applies more to people who actually play minecraft professionally (ie. ‘play video games for a living’) than the casual player (such as myself hagshdha).
builders: have a creative eye and practiced skill in building to the point where they can, generally speaking, throw down a decent build on the fly (things that require a lot of planning/detail work often drafted in creative mode first). have good understanding of achieving a certain shape and color with their block placements. may or may not include terraforming ability. generally drawn to the game’s building aspect and spend a lot of time/care making things look good.
redstoners: have an adequate amount of base knowledge for how most redstone components work and interact with each other, tho they may occasionally still use tutorials or take inspiration from others (can only reinvent the wheel so many times). usually capable of making simple redstone machines/contraptions on the fly. generally drawn to the game by the possibility of farms and automation. some take it to extreme game-breaking lengths (doc).
competitors: have highly-trained skill in areas such as PVP, parkour, and/or any other multiplayer server type minigame. think hypixel and MCC. this isn’t to say they don’t have their own solo worlds for building or other projects, or don’t participate in smps, but their main draw to the game initially was competitive multiplayer and it features heavily on their channels. to me, speed-runners/challenge-seekers are a subcategory of this.
explorer: this type doesn’t actually show up often in popular mcyt bc it’s a largely solitary- and in some ppl’s opinion, boring- experience. but these are the players that spend hours in their solo worlds just traveling around, mining out massive caves, or doing any other kind of repetitive grindy work as a manner of relaxation. some ppl really enjoy this aspect of minecraft and it’s a major draw for them. special mention for kurtjmac, a mcyter who’s spent 13 years and counting just walking to the farlands in an old version of the game (tho he does other things on his channel as well).
and now for what category i think jimmy fits best in (which again, doesn’t mean he can’t build or do other things). i don’t have a good name for it rn so i’m just gonna call it ‘the sillies’ (affectionate).
sillies: above all else, they’re here to have fun. most, if not all, of their content is on multiplayer worlds (both public servers and private smps), and on these worlds they are extremely social, making a concentrated effort to interact with others even if not legitimately roleplaying. high amounts of pranks and hijinks abound, as well as ‘committing to the bit.’ lots of videos feature them doing some kind of funny little challenge, game, or mod with their friends. again, that doesn’t mean they can’t engage w the other aspects of the game or be skilled in those categories, but generally, it’s not their main objective and not how they spend most of their time.
that’s what i’ve got! obviously u could split all of these into many subcategories, and your average player is gonna be fairly well-balanced. but for our pro cubitos, i think this is a nice way to categorizing things (and it at least makes sense in my mind).
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gatitties · 2 years
Please please please part 10 of the seijoh manager!!!
Manager Miniseries
─Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: you were trying to have a relaxing afternoon playing minecraft with the team and ended up making a new friend
─Warnings: none
It's your lucky day because I was thinking of updating this miniseries soon so… 👀
9 < 10 > 11
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You sat on your chair, turning around a couple of times until decided that you should enter the Discord voice chat that you shared with the guys on the team, you didn't use it much, but it was fine when you all had to discuss some things about training. But today you weren't here for any of that. You clicked on the group icon, immediately being greeted by different voices.
"Are we all here?"
"I don't understand why I'm doing this."
"It will be fun Iwa-chan!"
You sighed silencing the group until you could enter the game,you had been very addicted these last few days playing Minecraft, so much so that you proposed to create a server to be able to connect with friends and play. You clicked on the logo waiting several minutes, when it was loaded you went back to Discord to let them know that they could enter the world now but you only heard screams and screams from your classmates calling you.
"(Nn)? Have you forsaken us?"
"She's been online the whole time."
"Is she muted? It doesn't surprise who would want to listen to shittikawa?""
"Hey! shut up, I'll make a better house than yours and then I'll hunt you Iwa-chan!"
"That, that! Show him who's boss Oikawa."
Matsukawa's laughter was heard, encouraging the rivalry between friends.
"I don't think Iwaizumi will be defeated so easily, right?"
"I'll kill that idiot and have the best house."
"I bet on Oikawa."
"Huh? Really Makki? then I go for Iwaizumi."
"Oi don't bet on us!"
"Makki you have made a good choice! but what exactly are we betting?"
"Mmh, now that you mention it I don't know, any ideas guys?"
"Whoever loses pays for a dinner for the whole team."
Both parts agreed with the proposal that Kunimi had made, immediately reaching a deal, chaos would return to the chat if it weren't for a grunt and a blow, creating a silence, which you took advantage of to speak.
"Guys, you can join the server now."
"I'll win against Iwa-chan so that he and Mattsun pay!"
"I don't think it was a good idea to agree to join."
"Yahaba, don't be so negative, I'll help you with your house and get materials."
"Thank you (N), I really adore you."
"Could I also have some help?"
"Sure Kindaichi, I guess I'll have to help you with the main thing."
You all started with the basics, gather some wood, kill a couple of sheep, create a small house until it got dark. Right now you were playing alone without using voice chat, you were concentrating on mining until you heard an explosion followed by a message in the in-game chat.
[King_Oikawa has been blown up by a creeper]
You couldn't help but giggle as watched your companions foolishly die one after the other because of the creatures of the night.
[Makkinotfound has been killed by a zombie]
[Yahaba_pro has tried swimming in lava]
[xXKentaroXx has drowned]
[Mattsun777 exploded]
[Iwaplay has fallen from a very high place]
You came out of your house armed with a stone sword, killing some zombies and skeletons, you met the first year boys who were trying not to get killed by a mini zombie that was running around like a demon. You got into a voice chat where only the three of you were, you were trying to help them.
"Help us please, we haven't finished the house yet."
"Sure, what do you need?"
"How do you make a torch?"
"Oh, Kunimi, let me guide you while Kindaichi finishes filling that hole with this."
You tossed Kindaichi some wood, then you explain to his partner how to craft some things, Kunimi really got interested in how to build a bed while the turnip boy was trying not to get hit by arrows. After a long while and ending up helping the third year pranksters a bit as well, you muted the voice chat again. You frowned looking at the game screen where a new message had appeared, apparently no one had noticed that another person had entered the game.
[Applepie has entered]
'I forgot to put a password to the server? what if they're a hacker or something? Nah.'
[(N): hello??]
[Applepie: oh I think I got the wrong serv]
[(N): don't worry, at least you're not a hacker or something]
[(N): or so I hope…]
[Applepie: I'm not]
[Applepie: Some servers are down and I thought this would be fine, your IP was open]
[(N): well it's just a server between friends, but you can stay and play :)]
[Applepie: thanks]
[Applepie: I think I'll stay, no lag here]
[(N): feel comfortable in Seijoland]
[Applepie: I will]
[(N): maybe we could talk on discord? If you don't mind of course]
[(N): I would like to have a internet friend]
[Applepie: ok]
You practically spent the whole afternoon playing with the boy named Kenma, you both had a good time, apparently had some things in common.
"Then he left me in the tree for an hour."
"I should meet your friends, they seem interesting."
You laughed at Kenma's story, according to a very tall boy from his club, he left him on the branch of a tree to take a picture of him as if he were a kitten but forgot to come back for him.
"Your friends also seem… curious."
"Believe me, you couldn't bear to spend much time with them."
[King_Oikawa: i just finished my house]
[King_Oikawa: mattsun and Iwa will be paying the team a dinner!!]
[Mattsun777: sorry dude, i don't think so]
A 'tss' followed by an in-game explosion was heard, the characters of Kenma and you looked at each other silently wondering the same thing in their minds.
"Did they just blow up the house of that 'King Oikawa'?"
"Yeah, they're betting."
"I guess they take it very seriously."
"No one wants to pay a dinner for the entire team."
You two continued to ignore the boys chatting about Oikawa's house, while you asked your online friend for help to build something like an area so they could fight for that dinner. The rest of the team seemed to be starting to understand the game more so they were exploring everything without any help from their manager.
"Kenma, are you playing again?"
A faint voice came over the call, as Kenma's character stopped.
"Don't you have to bother Lev or something?"
"No, I like to bother you." the voice was getting closer to the microphone "Are you playing with someone else?"
You laughed at the clear irritation of your recent friend, catching the newcomer's attention.
"Hey? Are you playing with a girl?"
"Yeah, and she's listening to you, so shut up."
"Hello! I'm Ku-"
There was a blow followed by curses, several whispers, and finally Kenma spoke again, irritation spilling over his tone.
"I'm disconnecting now, my friend is very annoying."
"Okay, see you Kenma."
"Bye (N)."
Before he could hang up you heard a scream over the line.
"Now I know her name!"
Returning to your team who were still arguing over who should pay, you decided that was enough. You went through all the houses not understanding how Mattsun and Makki had built a bunker out of diamond blocks, Kunimi and Kindaichi had accidentally burned down their house for trying to make a Nether portal, or how Kyotani was chasing Yahaba with a bucket of lava because apparently he had accidentally killed Kentaro's dog. You blinked a few times to laugh out loud hitting your desk and inadvertently joining the voice call again.
"What is (N) laughing at?"
"From your trash home Iwa-chan."
"The only garbage here is you."
[Iwaplay has killed King_Oikawa]
"Hey! That's cheating."
When your laughing fit stopped, you were able to speak correctly, still with a mocking smile on face, trying to stabilize yourself, since it began to hurt your chest from laughing so much.
"Guys, why are your houses totally blown up?"
Apparently neither Iwaizumi nor Oikawa were near their houses because just hearing what you said they screamed in surprise.
"NOO my house dude!"
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fandomshenanigans · 1 year
Minecraft!Reader in a SAGAU World: Introducing the Server!
[Fun fact!: They're all based off old Minecraft skins of mine and a few from former servers that I've joined in the past
Also most of these names came out of a generator since I could not for the life of me, think anything up]
KakuriPierrot (Admin)
- Prefers either Uri or Pierrot as a nickname
- Admin of the Server and father figure to everyone
- The kind of guy who would pull up to a McDonald's drive thru and order himself a single black coffee
- But then he'd loop back and let the kids order what they want because he'd feel guilty
- Exceptional redstoner, exceptional builder, disaster when playing survival on his own
- He's decent at PVP though
- Very protective of server members, to the point where he can be a bit overbearing (he means well though)
- Has a poker face but when the emotions hit him, he is an open book
- He is the calm and sensible type but can also be an airhead at times
- Prefers to be called Gator as a nickname
- Redstone expert of the server
- They are the equivalent of DocM77 when it comes to both redstone and breaking Minecraft as a whole
- Very dramatic in personality and are kind of a smartass at times
- Godly in redstone, decent in building, decent in Survival (whether on his own or in multiplayer) and they're good at PVP, mainly one on one
- The kind of person who complains when you ask for help but then they go above and beyond to help you with whatever issue you may have
- Undeniably soft for their friends and has no shame when admitting it
- Prefers to be called Lory, Seven or Rihanna
- Expert Builder who makes large builds and calls it a 'starter base' (Just imagine Boatem Scar or Pearl, that's the kind of builder she is)
- Incorporates an ungodly amount of pastel colors into her builds, regardless of the theme she uses
- She's hyper and bubbly but she's got some dark and cynical humor
- Short Queen!
- Expert Builder, Terrible Redstoner, decent in Survival as well as PvP
- She's also an expert in potion making and often makes trips to the Nether for Blazerods
- Prefers Link as nickname
- Explorer and Miner of the group
- He is homeless and doesn't seem too eager to make his own base so he'll bunk with whoever is available
- He will pay you back with anything you'd like within the mines or what he obtained from his constant wanderings
- Metals like iron, copper or gold? You'll find a chest in your kitchen that filled with stacks of the raw metals. Need Diamonds or Emeralds? He pops into your line of sight, hands several Diamonds or Emeralds to you before he disappears again
- He is just gone almost the entire time he's on the server, often disappearing for days or weeks before reappearing again without warning
- The ghost of the server
- An expert in PvP, whether one on one or by group, bad redstoner, Decent Builder (or so he claims) and an amazing Survivalist, both in solo and multiplayer worlds
- Prefers Vanny or just Van as a nickname
- Explorer and Builder, also the kind who makes big builds and claims it to be her starter base but then she never makes another build ever again
- Disappears frequently to explore but will stick around to make farms and such
- She also goes out of her way to 'beautify' the area around other people's builds (with permission, of course)
- Has a villager farm set up for most of her materials as well as a few autofarms for things she can't get through villagers
- Is not afraid to get her hands dirty and will work hard as long as the end goal is worth it, or if it's hilarious enough, really depends on the mood
- Decent Redstoner, Pro Builder but is just very lazy, Decent Survivalist and a Decent PVPer, mainly in groups but can hold her own if one on one
- Prefers to use long ranged weapons like crossbows, bows and tridents rather than close ranged weapons
- Prefers Mind or Cat as a nickname
- An all rounder and a casual player, almost never makes any major projects but is more than happy to join other projects
- Is mostly here to vibe and shall vibe alongside you
- Has like three to five dogs and would often take them with them whenever they go somewhere that's bound to have mobs
- The resident prankster, will target anyone and everyone but if his pranks cause any damage, don't worry! They'll help out with the cleaning process and will replace anything lost.... Most of the time at least..
- Good Builder, Good Redstoner and amazing Survivalist. He can survive just about anywhere as long as he has a tree and some access to water
- Decent PvPer who prefers to set up traps instead of doing face to face confrontations
- Prefers Pepper or Pat as a nickname, he'd still respond if you call him just about anything as long as it's from his original gamer tag
- PVP expert and bloodthirsty psycho who mastered redstone for the sake of causing even more conflict via traps
- Nothing stays alive when he's within the vicinity with the exception if his servermates make it clear that he can't kill them
- Goes hunting for Woodland mansions a lot for the loot so they're stacked when it comes to Notch Apples or Totems
- He is THE Scary Dog Privilege™
- Feral and will snap at anyone who approaches him but is as sweet as pie with their servermates
- Pro PVPer, Pro Redstoner (mostly for traps and such), Pro Survivalist, Decent Builder
- They have mastered the use of any weapon and miscellaneous items that can kill if used right
- Very fond of TNT Traps and will use it at any time he can
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becca4leafclover · 4 months
Wait this isnt really related but what are hd skins even used for? Theyve always kind of looked off to me and i dont know where/when theyre used
Aha! You've triggered my trap card! Minecraft roleplay production! >:D
My fan skins that are 128x128 (doesnt really count as HD, which are any resolution above that, most commonly 2048x2048) are mainly just for fun, basically the same as any other fanskin. You can wear them on Bedrock MC or with mods on Java, which (at least used to be) semi common on rp/minigame servers because the mods were client side but you could see them on anyone else using the same mod/s
Full HD skins are mostly used for roleplay purposes, on servers for fun but the communities I'm in use them for making machinimas/cinematics/roleplay videos basically! If you're familiar with the old Aphmau RPs from the 20-teens, it's stuff like that (but without her as she's very much not involved in these productions or communities post like 2019 or before.) Her videos from back then very much set the precedents for modern RPs, including using HD skins, and that's never really gone away and has evolved into a majority of creators STRONGLY preferring full HD skins over any kind of pixels
Technically I make 128x skins also for the purposes of roleplays (that's where I learned for my friend who for years was the only person to ever commission me for my 128x skins) but besides him, it's only been in the past 2 months that I've been commissioned for 128x skins from one group. And I'm not complaining, it was great! And I'm so excited to see that RP premiere. But for two instances of it vs making and promoting my work in various servers for years, I've very often felt a bias when I see people pay more for lesser quality results purely because they chose full HD over considering any type of pixels :/
It's ultimately just a style choice from a creator/actor depending on the format of the RP, but depending on the way that sets are built they can seem more or less out of place. If they're using mods like Chisels and Bits or Decocraft that add building options and props that are more detailed than vanilla, then HD skins match better and vanilla skins look out of place while on SMPs it's the opposite- at least that's my opinion but I think a good amount of people agree with it?
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watatsumiis · 2 years
more Minecraft au thoughts:
ayato definitely gathers lots of flowers and/or refuses to live anywhere but a flower forest biome. (<-biased headcanon. i do this)
his house is ornamented with diamond blocks (he likes the color) but when he actually has to mine anything himself (rare) he has to borrow tools because he forgets/doesn't want to carry them on him. this makes him very easy to trap in cobweb traps. i think at least once per week yae miko tricks him into falling into a simple cobblestone box or black concrete box and he has to beg Thoma to come let him out.
prefers the diamond sword that he carries with him to be unenchanted which is lucky for him because it makes it much easier to replace (he has a large chest full of emeralds in his house and he can just go to Zhongli's beautifully cultivated/restored village and trade with them to get a new one). he has to replace it often because other players steal it from him when they kill him kind of like a kill count. yae miko has two full large chests full of unused unenchanted diamond swords
he likes building and designing and landscaping and making his house look pretty and he gets very sad when it gets attacked by creepers so now it's surrounded by cats
wait no because i do the same thing 😭😭 I love the flower forests, or the flower plains. they're so pretty/
These headcanons are so fun and in character for him honestly, I adore them--
He probably bothers Thoma into gathering resources for him, since he prefers the building aspect a lot more over the exploring aspect. Thoma has links with like every group in the server, so he's able to get tons of stuff easily by trading for the hundreds of stacks of items that Ayato has suddenly decided he doesn't need (until the next day when he changes his mind and asks where it all is-- oops). Ayato really has no interest in the exploring or fighting aspect of the game, he just likes having valuables at his disposal and occasionally standing near spawn and starting arguments when he gets bored. If he wanders off on his own, expect to see a death message within about ten minutes. he tends to multitask while playing and often just walks into ravines or goes afk somewhere silly so he can go get a drink or snack and gets killed by mobs.
Thoma is totally the helpful friend on the server, gathering any resources anyone needs - if someone sends a message into the group chat asking for a couple of logs at 2am? he has two stacks of every type of log for them. He keeps the donation bin at spawn fully stocked, and is one of the few people that Capitano allows to approach his castle (since he helped plant the farms inside)
Ayato probably builds a super lovely and gorgeous house for Ayaka based on her favourite novel at the moment - it's super detailed and pretty, but she politely turns it down in favour of the giant chaotic block that she shares with a bunch of the other girls in the server - they all like to pool resources and have so many pets that the server lags a little when loading them all in. Every pet has a different collar and name tag, they're so extraordinarily loved, it's tradition that when one of the inhabitants comes home from a long journey, they feed each and every single pet. it spirals out of control pretty quickly. They also have an automated defense system across their very pretty front yard, that will trap and kill anyone or anything that dares to cross. You have to go a couple of thousand blocks out from spawn because their group has strip mined EVERYTHING.
Though the bonus to this is that Sucrose is in good with that clique, and so they have access to all the resources they need to build fancy contraptions for the whole server to use - exp farms, automatic fishers, elytra launchers, automatic furnaces and brewers, everything! They often team up with Albedo to find ways to streamline tedious processes - though if you travel out far enough, you'll find their testing ground, a huge flattened-out desert biome with failed machines all over it that they just never bothered to clean up.
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violentkeysmashing · 9 days
Hi there!
Im Emrald (violentkeysmashing), a silly little pansexual furry who has an unhealthy addiction to computer hardware.
I use arch btw.
Aywhomst, trans rights are human rights, and for any of my fellow LGBT+ friends, I love you.
If you dont like that, fuck off <3
And for my fellow hardware nerds, here is a list of all the machines i own / have owned!
Theta 1
- my first machine
-HYPA 12 minecraft laptop??
- bad (thats all i can really say)
Was my first PC really, played a lot of minecraft and roblox as 12 /13 yr olds do. Got this arround the time just before Covid. Stopped using as the enter key would short the laptop and turn it off.
later down the line (when i got my first PC) became a server that i gutted and fucked arround with. Originally ran "Ubuntu server" as the thing was labelled. No fucking idea what that is but im not looking it up to find out
Bravo 1 (Bog-chan)
- Wooo first decent machine
- prebuilt Asus towet i got 2nd hand
- 1050Ti
- intel i3 7th gen
- 8GB DDR4 RAM that i upgraded to 16GB
> notes
Rgis little guy served me as my first real gaming machine, been through thick and thin, a few installs of windows, illegally getting keys for it shit like that. Im glad this little guy is off for bigger things (handed off to one of my friends so he could start gaming - this is where bog-chan came from).
Theta 2
- my second server
- optiplex 990
- came with 8GB DDR3, upgraded to 16GB
- free office PC that my friend gave me B)
- intel i5 4c4t 3.6GHz (i think?)
> notes
Probably my longest running machine, had this guy for a whillleee (2 years)
Bravo 2 (Current)
- my first real gaming machine
- Ryzen 9 5900X
- RX 6700XT
- 32GB DDR4 (upgrading to 48GB soon)
- WDblack 1TB NVME
- 860 Evo Smasnug SSD
- Segate 2TB HDD
> notes
Built this machine from parts and honesly is my favorite little guy i own. Currenly runs Arch with KDE as my DE and a dualboot with wimblows for VR.
Theta 3
- a little beast of a server i got for free!!
- 2C4T intel Xeon (plans to upgrade are there)
- Nvidia qaudro P4000
- 120GB 840 evo
- 1.5TB RAID0 array of various HDDs that i had laying arround
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I plan to give it a yummy 64 GB RAM and a 10C20T xeon at some point (when i can afford to)
-= my random machines =-
Foxtrot (Aka floor bitch)
- a cheap little HP elitedesk i build a friend for like £50
Sierra (The abuse PC)
- annother cheap little HP elitedesk i abuse for fun
- a laptop that i snapped the screen off and use to run a web server
- currenly out of wall sockets and surge protectors so offline sadly but hey
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vintagedoctor · 3 months
ok heres my ocs part two cuz i reached the tumblr picture limit
heres a skin im currently wearing cuz
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its june duh! happy pride! i love this skin and only wear it during june. my base skin is also a pride flag so im not doing the rainbow dollar thing anyways. i just switch it up for some color, thats all.
next up is a skin i spent so much time for next to no payoff.
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this was for a lore event in s1 of the smp and.. i think.. was the last "canon" lore event. this is the skin where i first changed the mask color to match the vibe. i love it so much. i spent so much time building the venue, making the skin, sending out in character invites and getting everyone good on a time. it was the big finale we didnt expect but surely needed. this skin serves as a reminder of that. then i wished it ended a bit better but now i think its kinda ironic. that server "ended" with a chaotic explosion with much confusion and all planning going out the window much like how the server felt while playing.
anyways next up is a skin i like but really shouldnt be as good as it is
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this is a pirate skin i had just laying around but used for my second village minecraft event with that one youtuber. they announced it was an ocean theme and omg i immediately knew i had to use that skin. no one recognized me cuz i didnt have the plague doctor mask but i couldnt pass up a chance to use this. its a good looking skin
this next skin was for s1.5 of the smp... (we were bored).
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im not the biggest fan of this skin but i remember spending a while finding the right skin base. this was for a server on 1.19 bc the server owner then wanted to try a new server to keep the community alive. this server was short lived. this was meant to be another corrupt business man or actor? i forgot. but it looks good, ig.
i think the last skin i wanna talk about thats not so deep in the smps lore that id need paragraphs explaining it would be
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my pokemon skins! my friends made a couple pixelmon servers years ago and i had to make skins for them. the 1st one is for the one that actually lasted but i think i prefer the 2nd more. i do wanna play around with changing the eye color. ive only done it a couple times for cringe things but i think its cool.
anyways thats all the skins i wanna talk abt rn. im not ashamed of these two long posts; i had to get it out somehow. anyways hope any of this made any sense and maybe inspires you to create variants of ur skins. its fun and ud be surprised how creative u can get.
i do wanna address something real quick. i wanna say that about 99 to 100% of these skins were bases i put my face on. im not a skilled pixel artist and i want to thank everyone who made these skins. if you recognize any of these as urs, thank you ever so much for making a beautiful skin that inspired my creations. i hope youre proud of your work cuz i was honestly blown away by the skill of the minecraft skin making community. you guys are so dedicated and cool i wanna shout out all of yall.
so yeah thanks for reading all this. look out for my server lore explanation and... i said something else but i forgot atm.
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How to Download and Install the Latest Minecraft APK
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The Minecraft game is a hugely popular sandbox game played by millions of people. It allows players to build their own world using blocks and other materials, and to explore the world they have created. To get the latest version of Minecraft, you need to download and install the latest Minecraft APK. First, visit the Google Play Store and search for "Minecraft". You should see the game listed among the search results, with an option to download it. When you click on the download button, you will be asked to agree to the terms of service. Once you have accepted these terms, the download will begin. The download process may take several minutes, depending on your internet connection. When it is complete, you will be asked if you want to install the game. Click 'yes' to proceed. The installation process should only take a few minutes. Once the game is installed, you can launch it by clicking the 'play' button. You will be taken to the main menu where you can customize your game settings and create your own world. If you encounter any problems during the download or installation process or have any questions about the game, you can contact the Minecraft support team for assistance. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you get the best experience from the game. With the latest version of Minecraft, you can enjoy all the latest features and updates from the game. Download and install the latest Minecraft APK today and start building your own world! All the Cool Features Included in the Latest Minecraft APK The latest version of the popular game, Minecraft, is packed with a variety of new features and content for players to explore. The new version, known as the Minecraft APK, is an open-world game full of fun, adventure, and creativity. Here are some of the coolest features included in the latest Minecraft APK: • Expanded Multiplayer Options: The new version of Minecraft offers a wide range of multiplayer options. Players can now join servers, create their own world, or join online games with their friends. Players can also build their own custom game modes and share them with the world. • Improved Graphics: The latest version of Minecraft has improved graphics, featuring more vibrant colors and textures. Players can now explore a landscape full of vibrant landscapes and detailed terrain. • New Mobs and Items: The new version of Minecraft includes a variety of new mobs and items, such as new creatures and weapons. Players can also craft unique items and use them to defend their base or explore the world. • Creative Mode: Players can now create their own custom levels in the Creative Mode. This mode allows players to build whatever they want and share it with the world. • Multiplayer Servers: Players can now join multiplayer servers and play with others. They can join different game modes, such as Survival, Creative, and Adventure. • Resource Packs: The new version of Minecraft also includes a variety of resource packs. These packs contain a variety of different textures and items for players to use in their adventures. These are just some of the cool features included in the latest version of Minecraft. With so much content and features to explore, players can now create their own world and share it with their friends. The Top 10 Mods for Enhancing Your Minecraft APK Experience 1. Optifine: This mod allows players to customize graphical features in Minecraft and enhance their gaming experience. It increases performance and improves the overall look of the game. 2. TooManyItems: This mod is a great utility for players who are looking to quickly get access to all the items in the game. It allows players to craft, enchant, and customize their items without having to search for them. 3. IndustrialCraft: This mod adds a whole new level of complexity to Minecraft. It allows players to build machines, craft items, and even construct nuclear reactors. 4. BuildCraft: This mod adds a series of tools and blocks to Minecraft which allow players to build much more complex structures. It also adds a variety of new items, machines, and mechanisms. 5. AdventureCraft: This mod allows players to take their Minecraft experience to the next level by adding an RPG-like element to the game. It adds a quest system, custom NPCs, and other features to help make the game more exciting. 6. Mo’ Creatures: This mod adds a whole new range of creatures to the game. Horses, tigers, and even dinosaurs can be seen roaming the lands of Minecraft. 7. TooMuchTNT: This mod adds a variety of explosives to the game, allowing players to blow up blocks and create massive explosions. 8. Flan’s Mod: This mod adds a variety of weapons, vehicles, and other items to Minecraft which can be used to explore and wreak havoc. 9. Pixelmon: This mod adds a variety of Pokémon-inspired mobs and items to the game. Players can capture, battle, and trade these creatures with each other. 10. Aether 2: This mod adds a whole new sky dimension to the game. Players can explore the new biome, battle new creatures, and find new items in this magical world. How to Create a Custom Minecraft APK World Creating a custom world in Minecraft is a great way to enhance your gaming experience. If you are looking to create a world of your own, here are some steps to guide you. 1. Download and install the Minecraft APK. This online game is available for download on different app stores and websites. 2. Once you have the game downloaded and installed, open the Minecraft app. You will be presented with a main menu. 3. Select the ‘Create New World’ option from the main menu. This will open up a window where you can customize the world you are about to create. 4. Here, you can choose the world type, difficulty level, game mode and even the size of your world. The size of the world will determine how much exploration and adventure you will have. 5. Once you are done customizing your world, click ‘Create’. Your world will now be created and ready for you to explore! 6. When you are in your world, you can add more features to it such as structures and characters. You can also create custom textures and sounds to make your world even more unique. 7. Once you are happy with your world, you can save it and share it with other players. You can even upload it online so that other people can enjoy your creation. Creating a custom world in Minecraft is an exciting and fun way to personalize your gaming experience. With the right tools, you can create a unique and memorable world that you can enjoy for years to come. Tips for Making Your Own Minecraft APK Skins 1. Start by familiarizing yourself with the Minecraft APK Skin format. The Minecraft APK Skin format is a special file format used for creating Minecraft character skins. It contains a 256x256 pixel PNG file containing the skin, as well as a .json file containing the metadata for the skin. 2. Decide which type of skin you want to create. Minecraft APK Skins can be either standard skins or 3D skins. Standard skins are 2D and feature a single texture, while 3D skins are more complex and feature multiple textures. 3. Gather the necessary tools for creating your skin. You will need a graphics editor such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP to create the skin texture, as well as a text editor such as Notepad++ to create the metadata file. 4. Create the texture for your skin. Start by designing the basic shape of your character in the graphics editor. You can then use the tools available in the editor to add details such as eyes, clothing, and accessories. 5. Create the metadata file. This file is a .json file which contains information such as the skin name and version, the type of skin, and any other relevant data. 6. Test your skin to ensure it works correctly. Use a Minecraft APK Skin viewer to make sure all the details of your skin are displayed correctly. 7. Publish your skin. Upload your skin to the official Minecraft Skin database or a third-party website for other players to download and use. Following these steps should help you create your own Minecraft APK Skin. With a bit of practice and patience, you will be able to create some truly unique and creative skins for your Minecraft characters. Troubleshooting Common Issues with the Minecraft APK The Minecraft APK is a powerful tool that enables users to create and explore virtual worlds. However, like any software, the APK can occasionally run into issues. Here are some common problems users encounter, and how to fix them. 1. Game freezing: This is often caused by a lack of resources on the device. To fix it, try closing other applications and freeing up memory. 2. Outdated version: Make sure you are running the latest version of the APK by checking for updates in the app store. 3. Crashing: This can happen for a variety of reasons, but often it is caused by a system incompatibility. Try reinstalling the app, or updating the device’s operating system. 4. Connection problems: If you are having trouble connecting to a server, it is likely due to a firewall or antivirus blocking the connection. Make sure to disable or whitelist the Minecraft APK in your security settings. 5. Graphics errors: If the graphics are not rendering correctly, try disabling any visual enhancements in the settings menu. If these solutions do not work, there may be more serious issues with the APK. In this case, it is best to contact the app’s developer for further support. Exploring the Different Multiplayer Modes in Minecraft APK Minecraft is an incredibly popular sandbox game with an even larger fan base. As a result, many players are constantly looking for new ways to enjoy the game. One of the most popular aspects of Minecraft is its multiplayer mode, offering players the opportunity to play with their friends and explore the world of Minecraft together. There are several different types of multiplayer modes available in Minecraft APK, each with its own unique features and playstyles. The first type of multiplayer mode is known as Survival Mode. In this mode, players work together to survive in a hostile environment. This can involve gathering resources, building structures, and fighting off hostile mobs. This mode is great for those who want to experience a more challenging version of the game. The second type of multiplayer mode is Creative Mode. In this mode, players are given an unlimited amount of resources and are free to build whatever they want. This mode is great for those who want to let their imaginations run wild and create some truly amazing structures. The third type of multiplayer mode is Adventure Mode. Adventure Mode puts players in the middle of a story-driven experience, allowing them to explore and discover new lands and dungeons. This mode is perfect for those who want to experience a more story-driven version of the game. Finally, there is the Multiplayer Server Mode. This mode allows players to join a server and play with their friends or other players. This mode allows players to join a world and play with anyone, regardless of their location. No matter which type of multiplayer mode you choose, you can be sure that you will have an amazing time playing Minecraft APK. Each type of multiplayer mode offers its own unique playstyle, allowing players to explore and experience the world of Minecraft in their own unique way. How to Use Command Blocks in the Minecraft APK Command blocks are a special type of block in the Minecraft APK that can be used to automate tasks and create interactive experiences in the game. They are a powerful tool that can be used to create a variety of different types of effects and experiences in the game. Command blocks are accessed through the “Commands” tab in the game’s main menu. When the tab is selected, players will be presented with a list of commands that they can use to create different effects. These commands can be used to spawn mobs, teleport players, set time, and more. Once the command is entered into the command block, the command will be activated when the block is powered. The block can be powered by redstone or a lever, or manually when the block is clicked. After the command is activated, the effect will be seen in the game. Command blocks can be used to create a variety of effects, from simple to complex. Experienced players can use command blocks to create custom games, interactive puzzles, or even entire worlds. Command blocks are a powerful tool in the Minecraft APK and can help players create unique and exciting experiences in the game. Creating and Sharing Your Own Minecraft APK Maps Creating and sharing your own Minecraft APK maps is a great way to add a unique twist to the popular game. With a few simple steps, you can create a whole new world for your friends and family to explore. Before you begin, you will need to download the Minecraft APK file from the official website. This will provide you with the base game and all the necessary tools to create your own map. You will also need a graphics program such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP. These programs will enable you to create custom textures and objects for your map. Once you have everything you need, it is time to begin building your map. You can start by drawing a basic outline of your world in your graphics program. This will give you a general idea of what the map will look like when it is finished. Once you have your basic outline, you can then add in textures, objects, and other features to make your map unique. When you are finished creating your map, you can save it as an APK file. Once you have saved it, you can then upload it to a website or sharing platform. This will allow you to share your map with other players and allow them to explore and enjoy your creation. Creating and sharing your own Minecraft APK maps is an easy and fun way to add a unique twist to the popular game. With a few simple steps, you can create a whole new world for your friends and family to explore. So, get creative and start building! Pros and Cons of Owning a Minecraft APK Server Pros: 1. Owning a Minecraft APK server can provide you with a unique gaming experience. You have complete control over the game environment and can create custom maps, worlds, and other content. 2. Your server can be used to host online tournaments and events, offering players the chance to compete with one another and earn rewards. 3. You can use your server to invite friends and family to join you in the game, making it a great way to socialize with loved ones. 4. You can also make money by charging players for access to your server or through donations. Cons: 5. Setting up and maintaining a Minecraft APK server can be expensive, especially if you want to include features such as plugins or custom content. 6. Having your own server also means you are responsible for ensuring it is secure and free from malicious activity. 7. If your server becomes popular with players, you may need to invest in more powerful hardware and additional bandwidth to ensure it remains stable. 8. Minecraft servers can be subject to sudden spikes in traffic or technical issues, so you need to be prepared to deal with these problems quickly and efficiently. Exploring the Different Textures Packs Available for the Minecraft APK The Minecraft APK offers a variety of different textures packs to customize the look and feel of the game. Whether you’re looking for a bright and vibrant world or a more realistic experience, the variety of textures packs available will help you create a world that suits your taste. The Faithful texture pack is one of the most popular texture packs available for the Minecraft APK. This texture pack is a faithful recreation of the original textures found in Minecraft and is ideal for those who want to play the game in its original form. The textures are crisp and clear and provide a more accurate representation of the game’s environment. If you’re looking for something a bit more unique, the JohnSmith textures pack is a great option. This pack features a unique selection of textures, giving the game a more creative and unique look. The textures in this pack are more vibrant, making the game more visually appealing. The Dokucraft texture pack is another popular choice for those who want a more realistic experience. This pack features textures that mimic the look and feel of real-world materials, such as stone, wood, and metal. The textures in this pack are incredibly detailed, and the overall look of the game is more realistic than other texture packs. The Pamplemousse texture pack is a great option for those who want a more cartoonish look. This pack features cartoon-style textures, giving the game a whimsical and lighthearted feel. The textures in this pack are vibrant and cheerful, making the game an enjoyable and relaxing experience. Finally, the Jolicraft texture pack is perfect for those who want a more vibrant and surreal atmosphere. This pack features surreal textures, giving the game a dreamlike feel. The textures in this pack are incredibly vivid, making the world of Minecraft even more magical. No matter what type of experience you’re looking for, the variety of textures packs available for the Minecraft APK will help you create a world that suits your taste. Each texture pack offers something unique, giving you the chance to customize the game to your liking. The Best Resource Packs for the Minecraft APK Resource packs can be a great way to change up the look of the Minecraft APK. They can range from simple color and texture changes to more elaborate pack designs. There are many different resource packs available for the APK, and it can be hard to choose the best one for your game. To help you out, we have gathered a list of the best resource packs for the Minecraft APK. 1. Sphax PureBDCraft: This pack is one of the most popular resource packs available for the APK. It features a cartoon-style design with vibrant colors and textures. The pack also includes a variety of 3D models, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a unique look. 2. Soartex Fanver: This pack includes a wide range of textures and models. Most of the textures are smooth, while some are heavily detailed. The pack also includes a variety of 3D models, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a unique look. 3. Consertive HD: This pack is a great choice for anyone looking for a more realistic look. It features high-resolution textures and 3D models, making it perfect for anyone who wants a more realistic experience. 4. LB Photo Realism: This pack is one of the most popular resource packs available for the APK. It features realistic-looking textures and models, making it an amazing choice for anyone looking for a more realistic experience. 5. John Smith Legacy: This pack is a great choice for anyone looking for a more traditional look. It features a medieval-style design with warm colors and textures. The pack also includes a variety of 3D models, making it a great choice for anyone looking for a unique look. These are just a few of the best resource packs available for the Minecraft APK. With so many options available, it can be hard to choose the best one for your game. However, these packs are all great choices for anyone looking for a unique look. Strategies for Winning in the Minecraft APK Survival Mode 1. Gather Resources: One of the main objectives in the Minecraft APK Survival Mode is to gather resources. This can be done by mining for ores and minerals, chopping down trees, and gathering food. Gathering these resources will allow you to craft tools and weapons which will help you to survive. 2. Build Structures: Building structures such as shelters and fortifications will help protect you from hostile mobs and dangerous terrain. Read the full article
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Alright, after that hellfire of a ending, I present you some semi-serious, semi-crack propaganda:
*Note that watching hours upon hours of S1 episodes are not needed, though they will occasionally reference or build plot lines off of S1 things, if you have any questions, one of us will be kind enough to explain!*
13 empires and pov's to choose from! All with an interesting storylines, beautiful buildings, and in general a different style/vibe! Presenting:
Mythical Sausage, who I would consider to be the most lore-heavy out of the bunch, while you don't need to watch S1 to watch his pov, it is very based off of S1, as said in the note above, any questions, one of us will answer! Sausage's empire, Sanctuary, is inspired from Encanto (yes he talks to animals), he has some very fun lore and an interdimensional dog (Bubbles) and some very dirty jokes!
Joel, also known as Smallishbeans, who decided that last season's giant palace was not enough and decided to build two (2) empires, his videos are shorter, so catching up is easy, any 'lore' that he does is clearly fakely acted (last season he denied the demon, yes there is a demon), but it is very hilarious and he is the 2nd contender for dirtiest jokes in empires (Sausage is 1st). He also has a child with Sausage, Hermes, where they had some form of a one night stand and a child appeared.
Lizzie, like Joel's videos, Lizzie's are shorter videos, and she finds glorious ways to commit animal-based atrocities to villagers and several scams (This is Lizzie, cmon), within the city/town of Animalia, Lizzie's videos are always fun to watch!
Fwhip, the scrunkly little goblin man that lives in a cave and has great stonks. Not as lore heavy, but there are various hints and various worldbuilding things you can pick apart within the empire of Gobland. Fwhip is an insane builder and always has something interesting going on. His videos are longer, but he is also juggling a hardcore world where he does lots of mega-projects. Check those out as well!
Scott, I almost want to say he's the true #1 of dirty jokes, but Sausage's are more prominent. Either way, Scott as probably everybody knows of, is the ruler of the Empire of Chromia, where he sells various dyes. I will admit, I haven't watched Scott's pov, so most of the stuff I am gathering are from my dash and other things from people's videos. Though Scott is always a good watch!
The Great Witch Shelby, or Shubble, is a witch with questionable morals and a secret great power, don't worry about the mysterious fog... don't worry about it! As I know of, Shubble does not have as many episodes out, but she has been fairly busy last I have heard! Shubble, as always is fun to watch!
Joey Graceffa, the pirate with a grudge against Skeletons and a need to steal from others. His gunpowder farm is better than Jimmy's, yes. I haven't been watching his POV as well, since I am busy person myself, but Joey is a very fun POV to watch and the only non-pg person on the server, though the definitions of 'pg' in minecraft smps is iffy, for here being pg is not swearing, anything else like dirty jokes are applicable and subject to change depending on the creator.
Solidaritygaming, also known as Jimmy! Or even better, The Sheriff. His export is supposed to be gunpowder, but his gunpowder farm sucks, don't worry, Jimmy loves being the butt of the joke and even requests it from his friends! The Sheriff is slightly corrupt in his 'ruling' over the server, which will be a fun plotline to see unravel later! His videos are a bit on the shorter side, and in the mid-range lore wise!
KatherineElizabethGaming, or just Katherine, is a princess with a dark secret, by night she slays various monsters with a giant axe and a cool outfit (yes there is a magical girl transformation!). As I know off, there is a very interesting plotline with Katherine that I don't know much about since I'm not watching her POV, but I think it's corruption based!
Geminitay, or just Gem, another princess (but she's just larping shhh), with a sun themed empire and lore! Gem's empire I would consider to be the most medieval-fantasy based with her build style and palette. Gem does not have as many episodes as the others because she is also in Hermitcraft! Which I will get to in a moment!
Falsesymmetry, or just False, the ruler of Cogsmead, who got iskaid into Empires and is wary of everybody except for the dead bodies who clothes she robs. False is also part of Hermitcraft and has less episodes, but I believe her episodes are around 20 minutes or so and are fairly lore-heavy for empires.
Oli. Yes. Oli. He has 2 videos out now, but my god are they worth it! Oli has to be one of the most funny and entertaining people I have ever watched. Oli's POV is always worth the watch and wait! He was also iskaid into empires but doesn't have amnesia and is totally aware of the people around him who all think he's a bard.
Pixlriffs, while not playing a character exactly, is bringing an empire back from the ground as the archeologist and preserver of the server. He keeps his supplies inside a tomb, and thought the pain of being murdered was actually the loss of deepslate emerald ore. Pixlriffs is also a part of the Hermitcraft recap!
SO. Hermitcraft!
Why are there a bunch of Hermitcraft members in Empires?
Fwhip and Grian have been planning a crossover event for several months now where in Hermitcraft, Grian has a rift underneath his base and it's counterpart in Empires S2. When Grian's rift went from a foggy glass effect to an actual portal he sent notes through which showed up in empires and a game of telephone ensued. To the point that Grian and a bunch of other Hermitcraft members went through the rift and showed up in Empires SMP.
As of now the rift has closed behind the hermits and something lore related will allow them to return to Hermitcraft.
Watching hermitcraft I find will not be necessary for watching any recent episodes, though references will be made throughout!
You said 'episodes' not 'streams'?
Yep! Empires is all on Youtube, allowing you to easily go back and watch any episode when you please. Any streams on empires are just people chilling, gathering resources, ect.
Who do I watch?
Up to you! With 13 members, you can pick and chose who you want to watch and who you vibe with! I watch Pixlriffs, Mythical Sausage, Joel, Fwhip, Oli, and Gem!
Not that I know of, and if you want to have petty arguements on the internet over characters, please tag correctly so people can filter out if need be.
Does Empires have any PVP?
Ehhh, not necessarily, there are arena's and PVP fights, but no main PVP based creators, everybody in Empires I would consider to be builders or redstoners, rather than PVPers. Though Joel I would consider to be the strongest PVP wise!
Empires is PG?
Yeah, it is, Joey isn't though and I think that the dirty jokes make up for it!
Wow, I haven't made a post this big in a while, if you have any other questions, feel free to send me an ask or ask your question on the comments or reblogs! I am always happy to help!
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knowledgewint · 2 years
Lifecraft awakening rules
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has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying the item if they had known about it Mage: The Awakening Rulebook is the core rulebook for Mage: The Awakening.
You can choose a refund or exchange if an item has a major problem. If a product that you have purchased from one of our stores does not meet expectations of the item as it was advertised, or the product is faulty, then please return the product to where you made the purchase for an exchange or refund, in accordance with Australian Consumer Laws. The Aeldari, Chaos Space Marines, Tyranids. So far, we’ve already seen a host of new army-wide abilities, build-your-own sub-faction rules, extra Stratagems, psychic powers and more. Over the course of the saga, every Warhammer 40,000 faction will gain access to new rules.
In some cases we can offer an exchange or store credit, please contact our customer service team for more information. The Psychic Awakening books act as a codex update for your armies. Good Games TCG does not accept change of mind returns. If your purchase was from our retail stores, please contact the store directly. If you have any concerns regarding your purchase, please contact us. Publishers use these marks when books are returned to them.At Good Games, we want our customers to be completely satisfied with their purchases. Whether you are building up your base, exploring the server worlds or completing game or daily quests, we have. Minecrafters team up with online friends to survive, build, explore, fight the enemies and have fun using their chosen role.
Remainder Mark - A remainder mark is usually a small black line or dot written with a felt tip pen or Sharpie on the top, bottom, side page edges and sometimes on the UPC symbol on the back of the book. Pinoy LifeCraft is a massive multiplayer online role playing game enhance Minecraft: Java Edition server.
If excessively worn, they will be marked as "tray worn."
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In most cases, boxed games and box sets do not come with dice.
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Boxed items are listed as "code/code" where the first code represents the box, and the second code describes the contents.
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veganpolh · 2 years
Rush team unblocked
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Now you can get the newest Rush Team news right in your Mac OS X Dashboard. The design team decided to prevent purchasing costumes with Tokens and Bananas, while the blueprint currency has also been discontinued. My Unblocked Games only had four games, anyways: Bad Ice Cream 2, Earn To Die 2, Gun Mayhem 2, You Left Me. Rush Team is a free first person shooter online multiplayers game. Since the URL was just a bunch of random letters, because we thought of the name later, we decided to restart. Advertising opportunities and requests will be denied.Does this site have a Discord server?Yes, we do! You can join it here.Who made this site?Two different people: Linh and cobi.What is the backstory of this website?This website started as "me Unblocked Games". You can choose from a variety of different weapons such as. Play in a variety of different game modes such as team deathmatch and free for all and try to rack up as many kills as possible. Keep in mind that you can only suggest browser games.Does this site have ads?Nope! This site does not, and will not, have ads. Assemble your squad and push back the bad guys in this online multiplayer first-person shooter. Rush Team is an epic intense multiplayer first person shooter game in which you can test your shooting skill against other players from around the world. Can you add it?Yep! We have a form you can fill out to request games. What is the purpose of this site?It exists so you can play Flash games at school! Teachers can't block Google sites, so you can play a bunch of games here!I know a really cool browser game.
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spainjust · 2 years
Terraria servers
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Terraria servers full#
From monitoring and maintenance to security, DDoS attacks, and backups, the service provider will take care of everything. Renting a Terraria server: It incurs a certain monthly amount, but it is great to use, and it requires no input from you.If you want complete freedom in the game 24/7, you need to set up a server of your own. Why go for Terraria server hosting?Īlthough Terraria offers you the in-game feature of “Host & Play,” where you can invite friends via Steam, the current session ends when you leave your game. The game actually shines brighter with its multiplayer mode when you conquer the world with your friends.Īnd if you want to invite your friends, you must choose a decent Terraria server hosting to add users from anywhere in the world. Whether you are an explorer, adventurer, builder, or fighter, Terraria has interesting offerings for everyone. It includes a progression gaming system where you get hours of exciting content, 200 or so block types, innumerable crafting recipes, 4 combat classes, and tons of useful accessories for defense, mobility, and offense. It perfectly blends classic action elements and the creativity of sandbox games to give a surreal gaming experience.ĭo not consider Terraria to be just like a 2-D Minecraft it is much more than that. The game is playable in single and multiplayer modes. It features exploration, building, painting, crafting, mining, survival, combat even with dangerous creatures, and more in a procedurally generated 2-D world.Īccording to Wikipedia, Terraria has already sold 30+ million copies by April 2020. Terraria is a powerful action-adventure sandbox video game that was released in 2011 by Re-Logic. So, let’s talk a bit about Terraria and then the best server hosting services.
Terraria servers full#
As a result, you can play the game with your full potential without any nuisance or interruptions. Therefore, you need reliable game server hosting, allocating minimal users on a server and preventing it from overcrowding. There are many fantastic multi-player games such as Minecraft, Rust, ARK and if you play with so many users on the same server, frequent crashes and issues start surfacing repeatedly. This is the reason why we have game enthusiasts from all over the world, including me. The high-quality graphics, elements, and exploration possibilities have added to the popularity of these video games. You can fight to win the game and build shelter, craft weapons, make friends, and take the game to the next level. Video games are advancing to become more and more sophisticated as we speak.Įven if you can’t really go out to have fun and adventure, emerging technologies have made it possible to get that thrill and excitement through video games.
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bananawebhosting · 2 years
Minecraft download for mac
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#Minecraft download for mac license key
#Minecraft download for mac software license
#Minecraft download for mac install
#Minecraft download for mac license key
Important update for OpenVPN Access Server licensing system Please note that activation a license key does not mean you get to keep the 2 connections in the demonstration mode. The advantage of using and activating this is that you can then manage the amount of allowed connections on a subscribed OpenVPN Access Server. On our Access Server portal, we also offer the ability to generate subscription keys with 2 connections allowed for free. This allows to try out the product for free.
#Minecraft download for mac software license
While picking the right server community or modifying the game may require patience, Minecraft is big enough to encompass a world of playing styles.When OpenVPN Access Server is used without any software license at all, it will automatically allow 2 connections. Minecraft's open-ended nature is a big part of why it is so fun to play. The results, when done right, make the game much more fun but require skill and patience.
#Minecraft download for mac install
Modifying the game may require you to browse shady-looking websites, synchronize mod and game version numbers, install software your computer may warn you against, and dig through folders you probably shouldn't know about. Modding not for the fearful: Minecraft doesn't have an easy mechanism for adding mods, and the effort can be frustrating. While many servers are well run with supportive and attentive admins and mods, some are more anarchic and not appropriate for everyone. ConsĪ few unruly server communities: Joining a server community is a good way to learn about the game and participate in projects and events you could never take on alone. You can find everything from detailed explanations for building redstone devices to live streams of players running around bashing mobs. Redstone acts a bit like an electrical circuit, letting you power items on and off to build surprisingly sophisticated devices.Įngaged community: The game is supported by a large and passionate community, running wikis, forums, YouTube channels, and Twitch streams. And you can change the characteristics of your game through community-created mods: Add a map to track your travels, for example, or introduce new items and crafting recipes.Ĭreate useful mechanisms: Using redstone, you can build automated devices, from lamps, passcode doors, and automated farms to Rube Goldberg machinery. Single or multiplayer: You can create a single-player world to play alone, set up a world that you and others can play on a local network, or join a world (or create your own) hosted on a server, with dozens to hundreds of players.Ĭustomize the game: When you start a new world, you pick your style of play, including Survival mode (where you collect resources, craft items, and work to stay alive) and Creative mode (where you can quickly spawn items, fly around, and spend your time building). Or fight mobs - including zombies, skeletons, and dragons - and even other players. Or explore to discover mansions, villages, and fortresses and enter different dimensions. Collect raw materials, grow food, and craft items. Play like you want: You don't beat Minecraft - there are no princesses to save, no armies to defeat, no obstacle courses to complete - so you can spend your time as you wish. With Minecraft, the wildly popular lo-fi sandbox game, you can explore maps, fight (or avoid) mobs, build automated contraptions, and design structures, by yourself or with friends.
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