#im so sorry im so normal about this au (lying)
also ur aus, NEOW
what are they about???!!?!?!?! who lives??!? who dies!!?!?!?!? who kiss kiss falls in love?!?!?!
Ahem sorry for the violent energy. Im totally not planning to consume it <-lying liar who lies
Cough Cough Lmme rip thru my list of Aus actually
So let's start with the cowboy au that i NEVER draw for (sorry abt that LMFAOO)
Urhm basically Nari was the sheriff but his found family (the bishops) banded together to shoo him away and he runs away n shit. THen he finds an abandoned town and settles there for a WHILE, then Lamb (a runaway criminal) stumbles in that city and from then they bond a bit n lamb wants to help nari get revenge yadi yada
Its all general strokes for this one sadly, kinda gave up on it
urm urm for who kisses kisses smooches, i went with,,, shroomwool,,, Yknow the classic runaway and bartender typa shit.
Also i dont think?? anyone dies?? unsure
For the main Au, the Nepotism au as I call it, its all centered about Ludo and Ratdad mainly?
Its very feel goody bcs Im a sucker for that i must admit...
Ok so basically the gist of it is Ratau collected a Lot of riches during his crusades before the lamb came along? ANd he still has the skills to fight,, He just had to give the crown away bcs TOWW had asked him to, for the prophecy? Ratau Immediately adopts the lamb, teaches them everything, dad even killed Leshy Because the lamb was too tired and unused to big crusades or smth.. Ratdad did get nerfed bcs of that tho, he has a leg wound now so Ludo does everything in their power to defend their dad. The fact that Ratau , having a lot of riches and whatnot, decides to spoil the everloving shit out of Ludo to kinda make up for the whole Species extinction and having to be the chosen one led the Lamb to be sorta of a nepobaby?ish? THey still work hard but had a lot handed down to them to make it easier and all
This is totally not based off of my own 100% file in which Because im just THAT good no one ver died because of sickness, there was no revolts and all :3
Speaking of my file, it also inspired the Lamb's romantic life !! Policule for the win!! I think i will go more indepth about all of them in some other post some other time, but we have Sillium, the first wife, Fiar, the second wife, Narinder, the honorary wife and Femer, the last wife. Lamb has that chill rizz or smth
Then theres the secret au !!! WHICH I CANT TALK ABOUT RAHHHHHDSAJD going feral hellp
THEN theres also the uhh rebranded Heathers au? Still haven't done much, mostly just formed a few thoughts in my crevace!! I wnna rebrand it as an actor au? but like broadway actors with a few normal ish roles (by normal i mean like non musical ones)
I was also planning an Emo band Au but i wnna save myself some sanity
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Do Howdy and Barnaby ever get together in your human au 🥺🥺
of course they do, who do you think i am
oh BOY do i have things to say about human!Laughingstock! im so unwell about them allow me to talk and talk and talk and ta-
so in this au they're like... the ultimate slowburn. their feelings for each other slowly simmer and grow over the course of *checks nonexistent watch* a lil over a decade i think. it's not very dramatic - just soft & silly w/ just a heap of pining and a pinch of angst for Flavor
it starts when they were teens - Howdy had a lil crush on Barnaby in middle school. and how could he not? Barnaby was cute, hilarious, and kind. at this point, they weren't friends! Barnaby knew Howdy's name, but only because they'd shared a school since elementary (as with 6/7 of the other neighbors) & speaking from experience, you just Know Those Names. Howdy slowly "grew out of" this crush, especially when the friend group started forming and he & Barnaby became actual friends.
that crush would fluctuate over the years. It starts out strong and then softens into just this hum in the back of Howdy's mind. always there, often easy to ignore, just... part of him, in a way.
Barnaby has a similar experience. when he and Howdy became friends, he got a lil crush - how could he not? Howdy was cute, laughed at all of his jokes and had a few of his own, and was endearingly eccentric. but at the time, Barnaby didn't recognize the crush for what it was. so he elected to ignore it until the crush dwindled to something easily manageable, something he wouldn't realize is still there. as with Howdy's, it'd never fully go away
and its noticeable enough to their friends that they'd all kinda side-eye how touchy Howdy & Barnaby are with each other (Barnaby is a physical guy, but damn. if Howdy is nearby they Will find a way to be touching at all times), the way they always laugh at each others jokes, the way they always ask "where's [x] / is [x] coming with" whenever the other is absent. but the group couldn't be sure if they were looking into it or not. it's too subtle. over time they get so used to it that they don't bat an eye - Howdy is Barnaby's best friend after Wally. of course they're close!
but then there's this one college party Howdy drags Barnaby to (and by extension, Wally). they're drunk off their asses, Wally's edible has kicked in, the party is pretty chill and everyone is having a decent time. all three of them are on the couch, and Barnaby and Howdy start drunk-complimenting each other. naturally, this feeds their mutual attraction, and one thing leads to another! they make out on the couch. naturally with Wally sandwiched between them, snacking on chips and committing the moment to memory (it's a surprise tool that'll help them later!) neither Barnaby nor Howdy will remember this
now, something i'd like to state for Barnaby in this au! he has had a lot of relationships - from one night stands to actually dating someone for months. sometimes the one night stands were a "he takes someone home after a date, & they leave while he's sleeping and ghost him" situation. with actual dating, the other person always breaks things off after a few weeks, if not days. it breaks Barnaby's heart a little bit every time. to the point where in his mid-20s, he just... stops dating. he avoids other people's advancements towards him, he always takes a friend with him to bars/etc as a buffer, he becomes an expert at gracefully turning people down
("why, pray tell" no one asks "do they always leave him? he's such a catch!" that he is! when he was in school, it was his friend group. he'd try to introduce his 'girlfriend' to his friends, and it'd be an immediate "eugh, you're friends with those freaks? no way!" as an adult, people found it off-putting how (by societal standards) unusually close he was with Wally. also, again, a "weird" friend group. they'd think it's too much, or just not their scene, or 'why don't you date your little blue haired boyfriend', etc. Barnaby never holds it against Wally or his friends. he has the mindset of if that person was the one, they would accept every part of Barnaby - and his friends are indeed part of him. Howdy has also dated around a little, but to a much lesser extent. he's too busy! he doesn't have time for that!)
but the ball really starts rolling in their late 20s. something the group does together - as a fun lil rare hobby - is LARPing. they get really into it! Sally made them all custom costumes, Julie helped make the weapons (like a giant sword for herself), etc etc. they fully commit to the bit (even Frank <3). so at this event's point in the timeline, Eddie is fully integrated into the clique, but that's unimportant - just to show where we are!
so they're all doing their thing, it's a pretty big LARP event - there's always way more people than our dear neighbors, yk. they're just part of the crowd! & there's a big battle hosted, the group is split between teams, but Barnaby & Howdy are on the same side! yay! during the battle, Barnaby is "mortally wounded." Howdy half-drags him away from the main battle under the cover of their teammates (including Eddie and Julie) and sits him down by the tree. now, Howdy & Barnaby are the ones who get into the roleplay the most. they get lost in the sauce! they perform the hell out of everything they do!
& since Barnaby is "dying", he really acts like it. Howdy acts accordingly, but again, they get a little too emotional, a little too into it, a little lost in the sauce. genuine tears are in their eyes, Howdy's voice is genuinely shaking a little as he holds Barnaby in his "dying moments" (Barnaby is holding the sword between his arm and his side. he has ketchup on his armor.) Eddie and Julie are getting choked up just watching this happen. and as Howdy & Barnaby look into each others' tear-filled eyes, those little feelings that have been so quiet for so long come right back babey! full force! but then they all get hit with "arrows" and have to die right there and then, and the moments over. but! both Barnaby & Howdy walk away from this LARP session grappling with Partially Realized Feelings.
Barnaby struggles with this the most, since yk at this point he's sworn off dating. he's being careful with his heart! but when he tells Wally all of this, cause he tells Wally everything, Wally's like "oh. yes, i know! remember that one college party where you two kissed for an hour". and then he goes on to point out every instance where he's thought "right, Howdy and Barnaby are in love" (bc Wally is way more observant than he lets on! he saw that shit! his peepers were peepin!)
Barnaby and Howdy don't approach each other about this. they're both in the boat of "well, i'll just keep going and see what happens" to the point where they're practically dating without ever saying anything to each other. Howdy notices how Barnaby lingers around the store more. Barnaby notices how Howdy keeps turning up at his work to talk more. (they already chat so much...) but they still! dont! say! anything! but they both Know! they're not emotionally circling each other they are Dancing to their Own Music!
and Barnaby is letting himself believe that this can work because, well... Howdy already accepts him as he is. Howdy is part of the group. Howdy loves Wally just like the rest of em. Howdy has seen Barnaby at his (presumed) worst and didn't even flinch! as for Howdy, well, he just thinks this is right! his whole life no one has really caught his eyes or heart, but Barnaby is different. he's always been in Howdy's peripherals. it feels natural to love him so deeply. Barnaby slots into his life like the final piece of a puzzle!
there's a lot of stuff that happens in this inbetween state - Howdy's store burns down & almost takes him with it, there's some family drama that needs to be handled, The Crash happens, etc etc etc - so it's a while before they "actually" get together. but they're both patient! they've waited this long, even if they didn't know they were waiting. neither of them are in a rush. they're young. they have time.
#oughhhhhh so normal about them sooooo so normal (lying)#'do you know how they get together' yes. obviously. its not dramatic or a big thing or anything#they're just at a function together - maybe there's a little late evening art show in town that wally is participating in#or an afterparty for one of sallys successful plays#but in my mind barnaby and howdy are ofc sitting together off to the side#Flirting. yk how it is. barnaby's like 'hey can i practice some pickup lines ;)' & ofc howdy agrees yk yk#they're all terrible btw. howdy laughs at every single one. barnaby is on an emotional high. the rizz is strong w this one#one thing leads to another - barnaby says a terrible line essentially asking if howdy wants to ~come home with him~#but like. howdy agrees. and immediately the tone between them goes from lighthearted & joking to dead serious & tense#everything between them has gone unspoken until now but Now Theyre Saying It#suffice to say they leave the party early! they're giddy giggly lil bitches about it - acting like teens sneaking out yk yk#GOD THEY'RE SO FUCKING AGHHHHHH THROWING THEM FULL STRENGTH INTO A WOODCHIPPER#sorry. sorry. im calm now. thats a lie. i will proceed to explode#but anyway anyway#so that was a whole thing & basically long story short Barnaby has the morning of his dreams#Howdy makes him and Wally pancakes and they all have a nice quiet breakfast together. The Domesticity🤌#im gonna go shove my head in a blender now. excuse me#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#gonna leave that as the tag#but yeah their story is just! slow! its a soft descent!#meanwhile frank & eddie are stumbling through their feelings like newborn fawns#but yeah and howdy & barnaby continue to take their time#its a while before barnaby is like 'hey wanna move in with us?'#howdy '....yeah sure'#and Boom! Howdy moves in!#and they actually get married a while later without anyone but wally knowing. they do it for tax reasons initially.#since they're not ready to be Married married but! they! want! the! benefits!#they keep their own last names and dont have rings bc again! theyre not ready for that yet!#FUCK IM OUTTA TAGS I HAD MORE TO SAY! TUMBLR INCREASE YOUR TAG COUNT! AGH
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watatsumiis · 1 year
more Minecraft au thoughts:
ayato definitely gathers lots of flowers and/or refuses to live anywhere but a flower forest biome. (<-biased headcanon. i do this)
his house is ornamented with diamond blocks (he likes the color) but when he actually has to mine anything himself (rare) he has to borrow tools because he forgets/doesn't want to carry them on him. this makes him very easy to trap in cobweb traps. i think at least once per week yae miko tricks him into falling into a simple cobblestone box or black concrete box and he has to beg Thoma to come let him out.
prefers the diamond sword that he carries with him to be unenchanted which is lucky for him because it makes it much easier to replace (he has a large chest full of emeralds in his house and he can just go to Zhongli's beautifully cultivated/restored village and trade with them to get a new one). he has to replace it often because other players steal it from him when they kill him kind of like a kill count. yae miko has two full large chests full of unused unenchanted diamond swords
he likes building and designing and landscaping and making his house look pretty and he gets very sad when it gets attacked by creepers so now it's surrounded by cats
wait no because i do the same thing 😭😭 I love the flower forests, or the flower plains. they're so pretty/
These headcanons are so fun and in character for him honestly, I adore them--
He probably bothers Thoma into gathering resources for him, since he prefers the building aspect a lot more over the exploring aspect. Thoma has links with like every group in the server, so he's able to get tons of stuff easily by trading for the hundreds of stacks of items that Ayato has suddenly decided he doesn't need (until the next day when he changes his mind and asks where it all is-- oops). Ayato really has no interest in the exploring or fighting aspect of the game, he just likes having valuables at his disposal and occasionally standing near spawn and starting arguments when he gets bored. If he wanders off on his own, expect to see a death message within about ten minutes. he tends to multitask while playing and often just walks into ravines or goes afk somewhere silly so he can go get a drink or snack and gets killed by mobs.
Thoma is totally the helpful friend on the server, gathering any resources anyone needs - if someone sends a message into the group chat asking for a couple of logs at 2am? he has two stacks of every type of log for them. He keeps the donation bin at spawn fully stocked, and is one of the few people that Capitano allows to approach his castle (since he helped plant the farms inside)
Ayato probably builds a super lovely and gorgeous house for Ayaka based on her favourite novel at the moment - it's super detailed and pretty, but she politely turns it down in favour of the giant chaotic block that she shares with a bunch of the other girls in the server - they all like to pool resources and have so many pets that the server lags a little when loading them all in. Every pet has a different collar and name tag, they're so extraordinarily loved, it's tradition that when one of the inhabitants comes home from a long journey, they feed each and every single pet. it spirals out of control pretty quickly. They also have an automated defense system across their very pretty front yard, that will trap and kill anyone or anything that dares to cross. You have to go a couple of thousand blocks out from spawn because their group has strip mined EVERYTHING.
Though the bonus to this is that Sucrose is in good with that clique, and so they have access to all the resources they need to build fancy contraptions for the whole server to use - exp farms, automatic fishers, elytra launchers, automatic furnaces and brewers, everything! They often team up with Albedo to find ways to streamline tedious processes - though if you travel out far enough, you'll find their testing ground, a huge flattened-out desert biome with failed machines all over it that they just never bothered to clean up.
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zhaosbin · 2 months
what about fwb with gyuvin?? AND MAYBE HIGHSCHOOL AU!! like everybody thinks that you are just friends but in private it's something else..
ohhh i'm obsessed with this idea...THANK U ANON🫡
just friends — k. gyuvin
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summary: to your peers, you and gyuvin were the best of friends...only you and gyuvin knew how far that friendship really went
reader: gyuvin x afab reader
warnings: fwb, dom!gyuvin, sub!reader, sex in a janitors closet lol, MINORS DNI
the dreaded day had finally come...monday. to make this particular monday more bearable, you and your friend hanbin had decided to meet up at a cafe before school started. you both order a small iced coffee and sit down at a booth nearby for a few minutes.
"did you study for mrs. choi's exam yet?" your friend asked you curiously. you quickly snap your head to look at him.
"we had an exam?" you say with an almost terrified look on your face. your friend, being used to ur laziness when it comes to school, simply laughed at you and offered to help you study as he always did.
"maybe if you weren't so busy with gyuvin, you would've known" hanbin says while giggling. you roll your eyes at your friend. everybody knew you and gyuvin were best friends, almost inseparable these days. it didn't stop them from teasing you both about it though.
"i already told you, there's nothing going on between us. we're just best friends"! you semi shout while hitting hanbin with you bag.
of course, you didn't like lying to your best friend. but you couldn't exactly tell him you were fucking one of his closest friends, could you?
you walk into your fourth period class exhausted. of course you got stuck with gym first period and had to go the rest of the day sweaty and tired. you take your seat next to your desk mate gunwook and you two casually talk about your days before the teacher comes in and begins the lesson.
unfortunately, the subject being taught right now was math. you couldn't care less about fractions and exponents right now. not when your phone was blowing up with text messages and calls. you knew right away who it was.
from: gyuvin 👹
can you come to the west wing?
it's important
answer me
from: y/n🫣
gyuvin i am literally in class
you were surprised when your needy "best friend" didn't immediately answer your message. putting your phone away, you went back to trying to figure out what ur teacher was even teaching.
a few moments later, a rather hard knock on the door snapped you out of your trance. the teacher looked annoyed until he opened the door to see his favorite student. kim gyuvin.
"im sorry sir, may i borrow y/n for a yearbook picture"? gyuvin says with a perfect smile on his perfect face.
you have to stop your jaw from hitting the floor. you cannot believe the nerve of this guy. the teacher, who absolutely ADORES gyuvin, immediately nods and motions at you to gather your stuff.
you both leave the classroom as gyuvin shoots the teacher a wave and another award winning smile. when the door finally shuts, you immediately slap his shoulder.
"are you crazy! what could possibly be this important?" you shout at him in the empty hallway.
gyuvin immediately pulls you to the closest janitors closet. he takes your hand and you look at him confused, until he places it on his very obvious boner.
"im sorry, i just couldn't stop thinking about being inside you again" gyuvin says casually like it's something normal.
you shake your head in disbelief, but you couldn't lie to yourself, just the thought of you making him hard was a huge turn on.
gyuvin could tell you were slipping into your submissive role already, the state he most adored you in. he placed a stray hair behind your ear and smiled at you.
"do you wanna help me out?" gyuvin asked with those beautiful puppy dog eyes. although u could tell he really needed this right now, you know he wouldn't force you into anything you didnt want to do.
instead of responding, you pull him in for a long and heated kiss. what started out slow and innocent turned into gyuvin shoving you against one of the shelves in the closet.
you gasp as your back hits the shelf. while part of you wanted gyuvin to publicly be yours, you couldn't deny how exciting it was having these secret sessions only the two of you knew about.
gyuvin moves from your lips down to your neck, being careful not to leave any noticeable marks there.
growing impatient, you nudge your knee against his crotch as he lets out a deep groan. gyuvin giggles at your lack of control and quickly gives in and lifts up your skirt. yeah, this was definitely his favorite part of the uniforms you guys had to wear.
he moves your panties to the side and immediately feels the wetness between your legs. you let out a sweet whimper, possibly one of gyuvin's favorite sounds in the world.
he slowly rubbed circles around your clit just to get you to relax a bit more. this only continued for a few minutes because he was simply too impatient. he needed to be inside you again.
helping him undo his belt, he quickly gets rid of his pants and throws them somewhere behind him. he then takes out a condom and rolls it onto his length, fingers fumbling due to his speed.
gyuvin gives you another sweet kiss as you feel him finally enter you. he groans at the feeling of your tight walls around his throbbing cock.
knowing the last time he was inside you was only two days ago, he wastes no time in fucking you mercilessly against the shelf.
your latch on to him and rest your forehead on his chest, his strong arms holding you up.
"fuck, you always feel so good around my cock baby" gyuvin pants almost breathlessly.
you moan in return, barely able to speak a sentence due to his cock hitting all the right spots inside of you.
trying to focus on something, you glance down at his hands. those veiny fucking hands.
as of gyuvin could read your mind, he wraps one of them around your throat. you knew it was game over for you.
"gyuvin i-im cumming" you're barely able to spit out before your orgasm shakes ur entire body. knowing you can get loud when you cum, he takes the hand that was around your throat and places it over your mouth.
"hold on baby, im almost done" gyuvin says as he kisses your forehead. he only manages to get a few more thrusts in before he's cumming with a deep moan.
he pumps into you a few more times before finally pulling out and helping you to stand. when you guys make eye contact again, you both let out a laugh. you couldn't believe this was your life.
after you both clean up the best you can, you exit the janitors closet together. when you step outside, you see hanbin standing on the other side of the hallway, a look of disbelief but also humor on his face.
"I KNEW IT!" he shouts loud enough for anyone passing by to hear. you and gyuvin look at each other and he grabs your hand.
"let's just make it official" he says with a look of adoration on his face.
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mikareo · 7 months
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“ ࣭⸰ ★ WHEN SPRING COMES . . . ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀呪術廻戦 ; megumi fushiguro x fem reader
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⊹ ⠀⠀ your love for megumi can be compared to a snowflake; delicate and beautiful, stunning and unique. however, spring is coming— and eventually, all snowflakes have to melt. (1.2k)
contains; hanahaki au, rejection, angst, implied death author's note; this is 2 years old pls forgive me,, n hanahaki used to be my favorite trope IM SORRY I POST IT SM ajskl
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it’s been over a decade, fifteen years really, of the never-ending winter that you’ve grown so accustomed to. the settled snow has been your comfort zone, a weighted blanket tying you down to his presence since primary school, freezing the ribbon that tied your heart to his for eternity— though only now, you realize that ribbon is a chain, shackling you to a hopeless series of unrequited feelings that could never be returned. you’ve imprisoned yourself to an idea of love that never was. love that you viewed as your personal one-of-a kind snowflake between the two of you; something special and passionate with no barriers or boundaries, which softly flurried around you for your entire lives...
...but snowflakes melt when they touch the ground.
the soft powder is nothing but water now; dirtied water on the blood-ridden pavement, speckled with pink petals of a flower that you used to love. the snowflake is dying. it’s dead. and spring has come.
“tilt your head up,” megumi murmurs with the softest, most lovely voice you’ve ever heard. “you’ve still got some on your chin.”
he’s being generous with his words. you know your skin is stained red, dripping with blood and broken leaves that refuse to be wiped away. luckily for you, he tells you that red is his favorite color— that the scarlet shade compliments your complexion and makes you look beautiful— but you know he’s lying.
the deep clots and black chunks would send anyone into a nauseous fit, he’s too kind to you.
you wish he would be horrible. that he’d hurdle insulting comments, awful remarks, and unforgivable curses— but he’d never.
— and you love him for that.
it’s too bad that he doesn’t feel the same.
he never has. 
he never will.
“does that feel alright?” his washcloth is cold and damp. it’s a muddied mahogany after previously being a gorgeous forrest green. “it’s still warm, right?”
you nod, believing that one more lie won’t hurt your already dreadful situation. “i think you’ve got it all,” the reflection before you is one you recognize, a person of the past that you can’t seem to let go of no matter how many hours you spend wishing them away. “thank you, really.”
despite the normal appearance you now display, with rose-tinted cheeks and swollen eyes, there’s a garden growing in the sink. vines slithering their way down the drain as the water stream attempts to rid them from view. torn tulip petals are strewn across the bathroom floor, and in another life perhaps it would have been romantic to see a flower petal pathway leading towards the bedroom— that’s not your life though. you’ve been left with emptiness and a void of feelings with no return. 
“i’m always here to hold your hair back, i hope you know that.” he smiles with kindness, a genuine goodness that can only be portrayed by him. he’s the best person you know. there’s no mystery as to why you fell for him all those years ago, and why that love has followed you through adulthood. “it’s almost pretty…y’know, in a morbid way.”
hm, funny. morbidly beautiful.
“yeah,” you reply in a snap. “maybe they can be my funeral flowers.”
you've made him angry.
“don’t even joke about that, what the hell?” megumi always gets upset when you say those type of things. his vision turns red and he’s blinded by his own sadness that he forgets that he’s the cause— he’s the calamity that uprooted your formally blissful life. he’s the one who fell in love with someone new. 
winter could’ve lasted forever had he not gone to class that day.
it could raged onwards had he not met her.
you could’ve been hand-in-hand dancing beneath the moonlight on a snowy eve if she hadn’t asked for directions to the library. his kisses could’ve been peppering your face rather than hers if only you’d been more fun, more outgoing, more persuasive, more everything, then maybe he would’ve stayed. 
but megumi didn’t stay...
...he left.
he left as the leaves grew on the barren trees and pollen drifted through the breeze. he said his brief goodbyes to your heart while his chased her’s in yearning. he didn’t so much as glance your way as the hanahaki roots planted themselves in your heart— only choosing to show concern after they’d already grown terminal. he disappeared from your point of view before you could even acknowledge his absence— which was and continues to be unfair.
megumi was yours and now he isn’t. it’s as simple as that. as awful and simple as that. 
“we both know i’m dying.” you murmur, hands folded together as if they're the only things you have left to hang onto. you wish one of those hands could find their place in his warm palm, but the black marker ink etched onto his skin in the shapes of mini hearts and smiley faces are more than enough to drive you away. “there’s no point in denying it anymore. i can barely breathe.”
he shakes his head, backing away from you despite your obvious need for physical comfort.
you thought he knew you better than that. you thought he’d know exactly how to ease your pain, but he doesn’t. he’s very clearly not your soulmate, but for some reason your heart tells you otherwise.
“you’d be able to if you’d just get the surgery,” he says. “please.”
he's begging for something he could solve.
megumi's eyes look dark under the overhead light. “please don’t make me have to see you in a casket.”
the surgery in which the roots are removed from your heart is a tricky one. a procedure that many endure and survive, where they get to continue living their lives healthy and happy— though, are they truly living if they’re void of the love that once consumed them?
“i wouldn’t be able to live with myself, you know that.” your voice is firm, after having had this conversation many times before, “i’d know a part of me was missing. you’re too important for me to just…erase.”
if you’re being completely honest with yourself, you’d rather remain in your eternal winter for the rest of your soul’s existence. yes, it’s cold and dreary, with little to no sunlight and hope of a new love or progression in your relationship with him— but it’s familiar. you find it comfortable and there’s no fear in the feelings that you’re already so accustomed to living with everyday. the thought of spring is terrifying. the season following your beloved winter that represents rebirth and new blossoming love is one that you’ll never come to know— which is completely by choice. there’s no point in limping yourself towards spring when there’s no one you’d rather love than megumi. 
these hanahaki tulips won’t see the sunshine they yearn for when the grass regains its color. they’ll simply wither away with you and the lock that refuses to fall, holding your feelings for him in an eternal slumber that will never be woken. 
“i love you.” you say, whilst knowing that that’s the last thing he wants to hear. “i love you so much.”
your confessions of love are a reminder of your little time left, and he hates it.
he wishes it would all stop; but it can’t and it won’t.
perhaps he should’ve given you a chance when the opportunity arose. then you may have been happy. however, he knows that there’s no forcing love.
you’ve been doomed since the moment you’d laid eyes on him. 
love isn't your happiness.
“i’ve only ever loved you.”
it's your demise.
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⊹₊。 reblogs are greatly appreciated! ˚₊⊹
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So I just started playing In Stars and Time because I got curious about the sad little blorbo you occasionally post about and afshdjdkrn
I just. Wanna hug them. So badly 😭
Siffrin isat my everything my cinnamon fucking apple WKDNWKDNEKEKSK HE IS SOOOOO SQUISHABLE...... THEY NEED A HUG SO BAD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Incredibly pleased im helping spread the isat propaganda like the dev rlly just Made a whump fic in video game format huh....... for tumblr girlies by a tumblr girlie.... my gods we respect the grind as if i could EVER be normal abt that
I'll be so real ive already written little tidbits for a longer au oneshot i want to write in between chapters of hunger au, and the exercise in 2nd person pov is SO MUCH FUN im enjoying myself immensely :] here, a snippet for both fun and profit (and more fun):
"Siffrin...." Odile says, and it strikes a sour chord, a ripple of dissonance that screws rivets around your chest and tightens. She shouldn't have to say your name like that, with that kind of weight— as if all the Craft in the world isn't enough to carry it. Pure reflex ducks your chin into the collar of your cloak; you avert your gaze back to the rubble-littered floor of the tunnel, tracing dark crags in the stone where sputtering torchlight fails to reach. There you go again, stardust. Loop's voice is an ephemeral echo in your ears, a byproduct of months, years worth of past loops gone by. It isn't real. Gone and made yourself another person's problem. It isn't real. "— need you to start taking this more seriously." Odile bites out each word with the same deportment of a dog tearing off chunks of meat, clipped and cutting. Her brows knit together, mouth pulling down in a sharp curve; the lines around her eyes are tight, carved from the knife's edge of her own disappointment. Her disappointment in you. You almost miss the next sentence as well. "I have no way of helping you if you don't speak to me," she says. "And when you minimize these things you went through— you realize that's going back on your word, yes? Gems alive, Siffrin. We want to help." You speak before your mind has caught up with your mouth, hundreds of loops sanding down the words into something practiced, rote. "But there's nothing to help me w—" "Stop lying to me." Odile snaps, and your jaw shuts so fast you miss biting your tongue by a mere hair's-breadth. Your lungs threaten to buckle— inhale. Exhale. Come on, stardust, Loop's imaginary voice sneers, can't you do something as simple as breathe? Or are you just that blinding useless? ... Shut up. Odile's eyes slip shut. She raises a hand to meet them, kneading at the soft skin between her brows. "I'm... sorry, Siffrin," she says, halting, stilted. "I shouldn't— that wasn't productive. I apologize." Tentatively, you say: "You don't have to." "Yes, I do." Odile straightens once again, tucking a strand of sweat-slicked hair back behind her ear with a grimace. "It's not... conversations like these are... hard. Yelling is pointless for both of us. I'm sorry." "But you didn't—" "Siffrin," she says, and this time the syllables of your name twist, a rise and fall that cracks wryly in the middle. One sharp eyebrow arches up into the canopy of her hairline. "You're supposed to say you accept the apology." You stare. She stares right back. Oh. She's serious. "I..." you look down. "Um. Accept?" "Excellent," Odile says brusquely, and bends to peer at an invisible speck of dirt clinging to her forearm. She brushes at it with absent, studious flicks, the epitome of single-minded focus. "Then now we can move on with our lives."
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misguidedasgardian · 2 years
The White Dragon (19) 2/2
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19. Where loyalties lie, part 2
Summary: Certain events in your family makes clear where loyalties truly lie
Pairings: main Harwin Strong x Fem!Targaryen reader
Warnings: cursing, medieval and A song of ice and Fire AU customs, talks about cheating, angst, political plotting, talks about death, 
Wordcount: 4 k Notes: Don’t hate me for the decisions I made in this chapter, I BEG OF YOU. haha you might wonder, why did you divide the nineteenth chapter in two? well, because, as a normal person that is in reality unhinged and with a little bit of OCD in their system… i wanted the twentieth chapter to be the last one before the Dance starts hahaha IM SORRY OK??? but it looks so good in the doc 😂😂 And it's going to be even better if I pull another 20 chapters for the second part 😂
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“Good morning beautiful wife”, Harwin purred in your ear, drawing you to him 
“Good morning”, you whispered. He put a sloppy kiss on your temple, as he pressed you to his chest. And you felt his growing manhood in your lower back, “Harwin”, he drop a kiss in your neck, his facial hair tickling you 
“Wife”, he purred, dropping more kisses
“I’m sorry, I… I’m not in the mood”, you said. So he released you gently.
“Alright my love, I’m sorry”, he said, dropping a last kiss on your cheek. it was still early, so you enjoyed a few more moments in bed. 
“I have to ask you something”, you said, looking at the wall
“Ask away honey”, he whispered
“Why did you marry me?”, you asked, and you felt him freeze in his spot besides you
“Did you ask for my hand, or was it my father?”, you whispered
“Why does it matter?”, he asked
“My father, then”, you answered for yourself
“Our fathers had the idea, yes”, he confessed
“And you agreed”, you continued
“Well, you can’t say no to the King”, he whispered
“Oh, right”, you mumbled, feeling your heart break a little. But he hugged you tightly again. 
“But deep inside I was jumping in joy”, he whispered, “after two years of not speaking to you because I believed you were betrothed to Cregan Stark, you came back to me”, his voice was sweet
“Is that why you started fucking my sister?”, you asked him, “because you thought I was already betrothed?”, there was an awkward silence
“Don’t lie”
“I’m not lying”, he said gently, “you were sixteen, and betrothed to the wolf”
“And Rhaenyra…?”, you encourage
“I don't think that denying a woman is a manly thing to do”, he said softly , “No matter how much I regret it”
“Do you regret it?”, you asked
“Being with her, yes”, you finally turn to look at him. “Because then I married you and I brought you so much pain”, in his eyes was truth 
“Why are you being so honest?”, you asked
“Because I don’t want to hurt you anymore, I don’t want to lose you”
“Have you ever been with her since you married me?”, you asked, this is it, the last truth, what you truly needed to know, “and that includes the time I left”
“I’ve never laid with her again, although…”, he closed his eyes in repentance 
“What?”, you asked, in panic 
“There was this one time in which she…”, he swallowed, hard, and you feared the worst
“Talk to me”, you pleaded
“Remember after you came back, it was your birthday…”
“Alright…”, you called
“Then Joanna came back, and the accident with her husband”, he continued 
“I remember”, yes when you had a man killed because he was abusing your friend. No regrets
“And at night, we had a small feast, just the family, you nodded, asking him to continue, “You went to bed early because you were tired, you were pregnant with the twins”
“When I was walking back she grabbed me and cornered me in a room” 
“What?”, you asked, surprised
“She wanted me, she wanted me to give her another baby, and she kissed me”
“Did you kiss her back?”, you asked
“I refused her, gently, told her I loved you, and that I couldn’t be with her ever again”, Harwin was many things, but he wasn’t a great liar, “So she has hated me ever since” 
“What about Jacaerys?”, you asked
“He is my son”, he admitted, “I love him as much as I love our babies, and I missed him, deeply”, he concluded, “I wanted to see him, I wanted to make sure he was practicing properly…”
“I see”, you whispered
“I tried to stay away, but I can’t”, he admitted, opening his heart to you
“You will have to be more inconspicuous”, you warned
Harwin’s confession had turned your head into a spin, a deep spin of doubts and resentments and you spent the entire day evading everyone, even your children, to think… And you came to a conclusion… 
Where did your loyalties lie?
You asked yourself
With your husband? With Rhaenyra? with your family? The Crown? Your father?
Rhaenyra has been using you all this time, for her benefit, and in the meantime trying to fuck your own husband. Even though it was 16 years ago. 
You walked hastily towards your father’s chambers, it was already late so you were confident he was there, awake.
His guards barely had time to announce to you before you opened the doors widely, storming in. Your father, withered, tired, was sitting by the hearth, a blanket over your shoulders 
“Daughter”, he called
“I need to ask you something, and you will answer me with the truth”. You said firmly, he seemed startled, fighting for consciousness
“What is it?”, he asked
“Why did you marry me with Harwin, and not Cregan Stark?”, you asked
“It was 16 years ago!”, he said
“Answer me”, you demanded. Your father’s withered face looked at you, one of his eyes empty with sickness
“I didn’t want you to go live in the North”, he confessed, “you would have been alone in the other side of the World, far from your family”
“You made me marry my sister’s lover”, you accused
“And you had a beautiful family”, he defended
“You took my future away from me!”, you screamed 
“What are you talking about?” He said, “I gave you a future! A man that loves you, a home, five beautiful children!”
“It was not your decision to make!”
“But it was, I’m the King! and you are my daughter!”, the fight suddenly escalated, “I did what was best for everybody!”
“You let Rhaenyra choose, but not me, you used me to clean up her mess”
“I didn’t use you, it was what's best!”
“You did used me, and you and Rhaenyra still use me to this day 
“You are playing the part you are meant to play, of a Princess”, he said, “you are keeping the family together”
“Now you notice?”, you asked, sarcastically, “you are right I’M THE ONE WHO IS TRYING TO KEEP THIS FAMILY TOGETHER!, where is Rhaenyra now? I wonder, she has done nothing but break it, over and over!”
“I’ve always notice, since you came back, everything has been better”
“While Rhaenyra is living her quiet life in Dragonstone, and then she is going to live the life I’ve work so hard building for her”  
“What is it with you? Why now after all these years?”, he demanded, he seemed tired, “It’s because of the Starks” 
“Yes”, you admitted, “I discovered my father lied to me for 17 years” 
“I did because it was best, and I don’t regret it, even though you are so angry now” 
“You cursed us all”, you said bitterly, “I’m not your heir but Rhaenyra and you make me work like I am”
“Your family needs you”
“I needed you!”, you said, “I needed your support, your love, and you did nothing for me, you are not doing anything for me now! you made me take Rhaenyra’s place in your court of vipers, and still you are setting us all to fail!”
“Rhaenyra will be Queen, with you and your family by her side the transition was going to be smooth, and easy”, he said, confident
“We are all going to die”, you said, you walked away from him towards the exit, and you saw the Valyrian model, “you pinned us against each other, a war will break, and we are all going to die” 
“(Y/N), Don’t!”, he called, but your rage was such, you grabbed a model of a dragon and you threw it against the floor, and it broke into a thousand pieces. It was childish, but it was a message, you never realized that it was the figurine Alicent had fixed and gifted your father. 
And you exited your father’s chambers. It was already night, dark night, the castle was almost empty, so you went to the Godswood, wanting solitude, but of course, there was no such thing in the Red Keep. Because there you found Cregan Stark on the flesh
“The godswood is the only place that makes me feel safe here in the capital…”, he said, looking at you, but when he saw the tears in your eyes, he ran towards you, “are you alright?”, you shook your head
“No, Cregan, I discovered we had been robbed”, you whined 
“Don’t cry”, he consoled, surrounding you with his big arms
“I learned that my father refused yours, because he wanted to keep me here, I never knew you wanted to marry me”, you cried. 
 “We were robbed, my beautiful princess, we were robbed”, he said gently 
“Aren’t you angry?”, you asked
“I was, when your father refused us, but then I realized something…”
“What?”, you asked him
“Something you also need to realize, and you must understand”
“What is that?”, you cried into his chest.
“Our destinies were always intertwined, but never joined”, he said softly caressing your hair, “asking us what could have been is denying the last 18 years”, he said, “Although I’m sure you’d be the most beautiful bride, and mother if any children we may have had…”, he took a time, to gaze upon your eyes as you did his, “I’m sure you don’t regret it”, he said against your temple, “I know you love your children, I’m sure I love mine, and I wouldn’t had them any other way”, he say gently
“I know, you are right”, you said, finally separating and cleaning your tears
“And this love that didn’t flourish in this generation, might flourish in the next”, he whispered, “you son asking for my daughter’s favor, for example…”, he chuckled
“Seems us dragons have a certain… thing… for wolves, apparently”, you giggled 
“And believe me, it’s completely reciprocated”, he whispered. He leaned in, kissing you in the head, “ they found a bride for me”, he told you
“I wish you all the happiness in the world”, you answered. And he smiled warmly
“And to you, as well”, he said gently. But then, his face turned serious, “And I must warn you…”, he said, worried, “I have been approach by men at court, high ranking men at court, who would taste my allegiance”
“What do you mean? Allegiance?”, you asked, “towards what?”
���The male heir of the King”, he whispered, and you paled, “I left it clear that we bend the knee to Rhaenyra, and she was the rightful heir, and they didn’t like the answer”
“What happened?”
“Nothing, but, I saw it in their faces”, he said, “the Lannisters”
“Are you scared for your life?”, you asked, worried, “because I could…”
“No, but I’m scared for yours”, he said, “when the king passes, you are not going to be safe, it could mean war”, you nodded, “Rhaenyra against Aegon”
“I’m aware”, you said
“The plots against you both might be more advanced than you think, the Lannisters are a powerful family, more will follow them”, you nodded, “I want you to know, you have me, and the North behind you, don’t ever forget that”, he said. “for anything you may want or need, the North is yours”
“You mean, my sister’s”, you whispered
“Yours”, he sentenced, smiling softly, “I just needed you to know”
“Thank you Cregan, It means a lot”, he bowed his head
“Now… I believe that someone is waiting for you”, he looked above you and you followed his gaze and met Harwin, who was waiting for you at the entrance of the Godswood. You nodded your head towards Cregan, and walked towards Harwin. He waited for you with open arms and that sweetness in his eyes
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The events of the week also brought back one of the most important allies of the crown, Lord Corlys, who sailed for King’s Landing from his home, completely recovered. 
And your father wanted to celebrate with a feast in the throne room. 
A huge feast for everyone in the castle, your friends, and your foes, all of you, in one room. Your closeness with Cregan had all the Lannisters in the room looking at you with scared eyes, and you looked back with defiance. You had the North. You had the Stark’s Alliance 
But it all exploded in one single moment. Your father had gone to bed for the night, and since the Ale and wine had flowed so freely, everything turned into a celebration. You were talking with Cregan, who was seated by his betrothed Alysanne Blackwood and you with Harwin. You really wanted to go to the North, perhaps see the wall and this was turning into just that… a tour… and Harwin even seemed positively delighted by the idea. 
You and the wolf sporadically looked towards your son, who was courting his daughter, Lady Sarra, who was a beautiful young woman, with pitch black hair, fine features and gray piercing eyes just like her father. And your son seemed so smitten, he even blushed when he was talking to her.
Alicent looked ghastly, as you were speaking to his father, and the rest of the family that made the trip from Oldtown. She always had this tragic look on her face. And in some faint moment you thought about how unhappy she must have been.
Your poor Aemma seemed positively unhappy, with big sad eyes, seated by Jacaerys, looking all the way over to the other side, where Aemond was talking to a Baratheon. not paying any mind to the young lady by his side. Baela. 
Daemon wanted to kill the one-eye prince. He, as you, didn’t want his daughter to marry Aemond, but your father was immovable, and they were both a year to be of age. So… 
You keep feeling Rhaenyra’s gaze in you, but for the very first time, you didn’t even bother to look at her. You were done, with her, with your father. You will, from now on, work on your own and your family’s benefit. For yours only.
Did you want the throne for yourself? No
Did you care? Yes. Even though Rhaenyra could fend for herself, since she was the one to inherit it, you will put her there, only to guarantee the safety of your family. If Rhaenyra was Queen, your family would be safe, if the hightowers took power. Nothing was guaranteed, you might stand Alicent, but you hated Otto as much as he hated you back. Aegon was a drunken fool, and Otto had him eating in the palm of his hand. He could manipulate him, you had seen it. And Alicent would sell you all for him, you also knew it. 
You even considered leaving for Harrenhal, but… your own children had begged you against it, Maekar had the city watch, Rhaegar was training to become a knight, officially, and Aemma wanted to stay with her family. Your smaller children didn’t have a vote, they were going to stay with you. So no, you wouldn’t be going back to the White hall. 
But you could find your own amusement here. 
Jacaerys was talking and laughing with Maekar, sharing anecdotes, of course they didn’t count on Jason’s Lannister big mouth.
“It's uncanny!”, he said, claiming the attention of all of them around them, “you two look like brothers”. The two boys seemed surprised, and even fearful 
“I don’t know what you mean”, said Maekar, tranquil, “were are cousins”
“Well I don’t know about that”. he said, “I heard Ser Harwin Strong feasted on both the realms delight’s, no need to hide it anymore”, he whispered, but Jace stood up, planting his hands on the table, getting the attention of everyone else
“I will not tolerate this!”, he muttered, raising from his seat
“Jace?”, called Rhaenyra, luckily she didn't hear. “What’s happening?”, but all hell broke loose.
“I will have your tongue!”, the boy threatened. Daemon had to stand up and put himself between Jason and Jace
“What’s happening?”, he asked 
“Lord Jason is drunk and doesn’t know what he speaks off”, said Jacaerys, “speaks dangerous and treasonous words”
“Don’t talk to me like that, boy”, mocked Jason
“You are speaking to the heir to the Iron Throne”, Intervened Rhaenyra
“Is he? the heir to the Iron Throne?”
“What you are saying is a vile accusation!”, Rhaenyra was the one to jump, “We could have your tongue for this!”
“Prince Daemon, take his head”, chanted another 
Soon everyone was standing and a huge argument ensued. Lord Jason Lannister came to the second plane as all members of the court started to scream profanities, this was a true circus, and in one second, all the masks fell down their faces. Especially Otto, since he smiled triumphantly. 
“Why would he? He only speaks the truth!”, one spoke, and since there was so many people in the feast, now it was impossible to find the source
“Harwin”, you called, and he looked at you, “leave, now, to the small council chambers behind the throne”, a door that was just behind you. And he doubted
“No”, he said gently, “I have to own up for what I did”, he said firmly
“This could end badly”, you whispered
“If they harm Jace or our children I would never forgive myself” 
“The King will hear of this”, accused Rhaenyra. you looked over to Alicent and she seemed like she was about to cry, nevertheless, she didn’t do anything to stop it. One phrase of a drunk man and Rhaenyra’s claim was collapsing around her
Rhaenyra looked at you, looking for support, but you just sat there, looking back at her. Raising one of your eyebrows
Oh how the mighty have fallen. 
You saw panic in her eyes, a clear symbol that she didn't know what to do. But you were done trying to save everyone, she could fend for herself, if she wanted the throne, she would have to fight for it. She could see for herself all the things you had to fight since the day she got back to court.
In a corner, Larys was smiling, a small vial in his hand, it wasn’t poison, not deadly, but it was derived from milk of the poppy which would loosen the tongue and worsen the drunkenness. Maybe they would have Jason Lannister’s tongue, but they still had Tyland, who was the member of the small council
“Lord Jason you are making serious accusations”, Alicent finds her voice to say. “Do you have anything to back up your claim?”
“Of course I have them!”, he laughed, “look at him!” 
“This isn’t an audience!”, fought Rhaenyra. “This is treachery!”
“I concur”
“Yeah, off with his head!”. You finished in one long sip the rest of your cup of wine. The last bitter days are taking a toll on you. Finding out the truth, mourning what could have been your life, realizing your father and sister had been using you. And now this.
You saw Aemond walking into the other side of the room, grabbing Aemma gently placing her behind him, when people started pushing each other, you knew it was going to come to blows. Maekar was right next to Jacaerys, and he was the eye of the fucking hurricane. Rhaegar was doing the same as Aemond, he took lady Sarra’s hand and led her to your table, where her father received her. 
And then the white cloaks. The Knights that only obeyed the authority of the King entered, five of them, you guessed the other two where protecting the King. And stood in front of Jacaerys and Lucerys. You found Steffon and he nodded at you, letting you know it was his idea
“Due to the nature of the festivities we will give you a chance to apologize before we lock you in the cells and execute you for treason”, warned Steffon. 
“You are talking to the Warden of the West”, Jason clamined, “the head of House Lannister!”
“A cunt!”, screamed one. And then came the blows. Of course the white cloaks didn’t even draw their swords, but one squire of the house of the lions received a nasty blow from an Arryn boy. 
And when it was getting truly out of control. You decided to act. You just stood up from the table slowly, making the heavy wooden chair resound against the stone tiles of the throne room, and everything seemed to stop. And when they looked at the high table, they saw you, dressed in a blood red dress, with Lord Cregan Stark and his family, and the Prince of Dorne who had been also invited to the celebrations. 
“Unless you want to be treated as a traitor I suggest you shut your mouth Lord Jason, only the Gods know how insufferable you result in all of our minds, and also everyone knows you had extended your stay in this court more than anyone can stand you”, everyone laughed, “so shut your wine poisoned tongue before you lose it, I’m sure you are aware of what happened to Lord Vaemond, of course, he got to keep his''. And the Lannister was red with courage and embarrassment. He dramatically accommodated his cape. “Ser Steffon, escort Lord Jason out of the Keep please”
“It will be my pleasure”, he said, and he roughly grabbed Lord Jason and took him out. And everyone applauded. Yes, distracting everyone by offending and humiliating the culprit wasn’t the best of plans, especially if it was a Lannister, but it worked nonetheless. 
“You saved your family, but gained a powerful enemy”, whispered Cregan
“Just one normal day at court”, you whispered back, “they were already my enemies, just now they are so publicly”
And Rhaenyra looked at you with an amazed look on his face, everyone looked at you then in the same manner
So the next day, when you send off personally your friends from the North, your almost husband Ser Cregan and their families, and the Prince of Dorne. In their mouths were promises of aiding in everything you needed, and in your eyes there was the promise that one day you will ask them for the highest of sacrifices. 
The next day, your father call you inside his chambers, he had used this last days to think, and he called for you
“I was selfish”, he confessed, “I wanted you to stay in King's Landing, and when I saw the need to take Harwin away from Rhaenyra I used you to do it, because I remembered how fond you were of him”, you swallow the tears that wanted to come out, “you blossomed in here, you are a smart, powerful woman, with allies, and good judgment, in your own right, but I took a choice from you and for that I am truly sorry”.
“I am”, he said, “I am dying, and I don’t want to leave this world thinking that you are mad at me”, he whispered. And a single tear fell down your eye, “everything good that this family has it’s been thanks to you”
“I doubt that”, you whispered
“It’s true, you had even made Alicent happy, a feat I thought that no one could achieve”, you giggled. He then, slowly placed his hand on your cheek. “My two daughters”, he whispered. 
“Defend us father”, you pleaded, “the vultures are circling”
“I will”, he whispered, “I will” 
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more notes: quoting pirates of the caribbean for the win.
Don’t hate me, please, but this is after all a Harwin x reader story. Cregan is amazing, but he is a Stark, and at that time they kept their oaths (I’m talking to you… Sansa), so he would never confuse the reader, who is married. I know you all wanted him instead of Harwin, but we are going to need both...
They can be dear friends though… Please, don’t hate me, we have a long road ahead, a bloody one. And Cregan Stark IS COMING BACK
Now if you excuse me... I'm going to go hide in a ditch or sm
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daemour · 1 year
Answer (1/2)
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Pairing: ghost!Seonghwa x Reader ft. future San
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Ghost AU, Mystery, Supernatural elements, vaguely horror
Warnings: Religious content, toxic possessiveness, slight yandere, mentions of death, death
Word count (part specific): 1228
Summary: For as long as Seonghwa had been roaming the world as a ghost, he hadn’t remembered much of his life when he was... well... living. But one thing he does remember is you. His childhood friend whom he hadn’t seen since he moved in primary school. So naturally, he seeks you out.
To his surprise, you can see him. He immediately decides to hold onto you for as long as he can. After all, you’re the only tie he has to the living world. He doesn’t want anything to get in the way of what could be a normal life. 
Not even your potential partners.
im sorry this took so long T-T it's for @flurrys-creativity's 666 Milestone Collab but I totally lost all motivation and didn't even know how to finish this. The second part comes out next week (6/23)!
Part 1 - Part 2
“So….you’re like…dead?” You look so confused and Seonghwa honestly finds it adorable.
“(Y/N), dear, when you first saw me I was floating a foot in the air. I am currently transparent. What more could you ask?” You roll your eyes and attempt to smack Seonghwa, but again, he is a ghost and your hand just passes through him. “See, even more evidence!” He can’t help but tease you. The look on your face is worth it.
“You are so not funny, Seonghwa,” you hiss, frowning at him. “I haven’t seen you since we were in primary, and now you’re just dead?”
“Sorry, sorry,” there’s still a laugh in Seonghwa’s voice, but he stops teasing you. “I died, yes. I don’t really remember how, but all I knew were fragmented memories…and your face was in most of them. So I decided to find you, and lo and behold! You can see me.”
Your eyebrows furrow and for a moment Seonghwa worries that he might make you cry. “That’s so sad. I’m sorry,” you frown at Seonghwa and he waves his hand as if trying to brush away your pity.
“Don’t worry about it. I get to see you again anyways, so it’s not too bad,” he jokes to lighten the atmosphere. “How is it, being an adult? You’re getting so old.”
His attempt works for the most part, although you’ve still got sadness in your eyes. “Shut up, you’re only a couple years older than me.” You attempt to shove him again, and this time Seonghwa lets himself materialise just a bit more so that you can make contact, and he falls onto his side with a giggle.
“That wasn’t very nice, (Y/N)! I am just trying to inquire about your life.” Seonghwa pouts and you roll your eyes at the sight.
“Life is good, I guess. My parents don’t live here anymore, but they let me stay since they paid off the mortgage and it’s closer to my university. I just pay the utilities myself,” you hum. “What else, what else. I’m going to community college to get my gen-eds done…and I think that’s about all.”
“Oh, where are your parents now?” Seonghwa asks. “They were always so nice to me. At least no one will think you’re crazy for talking to ghost me.” He nudges you a little and you slap his elbow away.
“Oh, shut up, I probably am a little crazy if I can see you,” you say lightheartedly, and Seonghwa can’t lie—those words stung. “But they moved in with my maternal grand-aunt. She’s been having health issues. And my mom loves it there. She practically grew up there so it’s a second home to her.”
You trail off as your phone rings, and you smile at the sight of the caller id. “Oh, I have to take this call, sorry, Hwa. It’s my partner for this project I’m doing.”
And just like that, you were out of your room and down the hall. Seonghwa watches you leave with a soft smile on his face. He missed you. And now he gets to see you again and be with you forever.
“How was school today?” When you get home from college, Seonghwa is lying on your couch. Or rather, floating above your couch because maintaining a physical form for that long is tiring. He’s the epitome of relaxed, although a little bored since he can’t leave the house for too long without you since he’s tied his spirit down.
“It was good,” you reply, setting your bookbag on the coffee table to take off your shoes. “A little boring today since all I had were an English class and a long Chem lab. How was watching YouTube?”
“Exhilarating,” Seonghwa teases, finally straightening up to float towards you and greeting you with a hug. “Snuck a little bit of Netflix in there too.”
You hum, moving into the kitchen with Seonghwa following close behind. “Sounds like a fun day. Sorry that you have to be inside a lot though…I’d take you to class but I might get distracted and look like a fool talking to you.”
Seonghwa laughs shortly, hands moving to wrap around your stomach as he peeks over your shoulder at the bowl of cold pudding you’re eating. “Is that all you’re going to eat?” is all he says in response.
“Mmh, yeah. I just came back to grab a snack but then I’ll be going to the library and will grab lunch somewhere.” You pause, turning your head to take a glance at the ghost leaning on your shoulder. “You can come along this time if you’d like? I can get a study room at the library and so we can chat or you could read.”
Seonghwa’s eyes widen. He can feel his heart lurch like it's been stabbed—it’s only now he realises how different his routine has become now that he’s died. He stays at home 90 percent of the time so he always forgets how much you have to accommodate for him to accompany you.
“I’d like to,” he mumbles out, and as if you can tell how he’s feeling, you lean into his touch as a slight comfort.
“Yeah! You’ll have to tell me all about the YouTube and the Netflix,” you joke, a smile on your lips that Seonghwa can see out of the corner of his eye. God, he’s glad he finally found you.
“Where were you?” Seonghwa asks when you come back as the sun is setting, a far cry from when you usually arrive at two in the afternoon. “I got worried.”
"Oh no, I'm so sorry Hwa!" You exclaim after a quick glance at your watch. "I totally forgot that there's no way to contact you and lost track of time. I had gotten a partner project assigned to me so we went to the library to start to plan it out. I'm sorry."
Seonghwa purses his lips but relaxes. "That's okay. I just thought you got kidnapped or hurt or something. It seems like much longer when you're just here by yourself."
You hum in understanding, offering him a small smile. "Yeah, I get that. How about we order dinner since I worried you? It'll be a treat. And we gotta figure something out about the communication."
Seonghwa sighs affectionately. "That's more like a treat for you since I technically don't need to eat, but hey, I can still taste it so I'll take it."
You roll your eyes, poking him in the side. "Don't think I didn't notice you stealing all of my pudding, Seonghwa. Don't try to play cool with me."
Seonghwa laughs, batting your hand away. "Hey, you eat too many of those anyway. I'm actually doing you a favour by keeping you from getting sick.”
You scoff. "I take great offense to that—I haven't gotten sick yet."
"Just wait." Seonghwa rolls his eyes. "And I'll laugh when that happens."
Instead of being a mature adult who will accept when you're wrong, you just start ignoring him, looking through the menus you have pinned up on a billboard. "What do you want to eat?"
"Dude, nice way to dodge that. And I really could care less. Pizza?"
"Only if we can get stuffed crust," you offer and Seonghwa laughs.
"As if I would eat it any other way."
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clay-pidgeon · 5 months
post title pending. my weird swap au
this is the post im making for scratchswap, my au where i switch the post-scratch kids with the post-scratch trolls sharing their aspect (dirk-nepeta, roxy-equius, jake-eridan, and jane-feferi) and then the pre scratch dudes get swapped accordingly. yes this bc of the Parallels between feferi and jane and then i got a whole Thing out of it. im working on classpects/ages. characters under the cut
pre-scratch trolls
note for the record i did not think much about these guys
johune peixes: i have done 0 thinking on johune so sorry. theyre swapped w meenah and everyones really confused about how that funny little guy was a huge scary empress in every other universe
rozela zahhak: the sorcerer wooooo! pretty similar to canon rose shes just really fucking strong. good friends w aranea
dayves leijon: im still not 100% sure how to go about this one tbh but he does like romance in some form. also i got in in my head hes skittish. no idea where that came from. capitalizes b (glasses) and maybe something else?
jaidli ampora: oh i actually thought about this one a little! fashion is sorta fifties inspired like cronus but shes not a greaser thats his schtick. you dont steal a mans shtick. is there a c in that word or not
post scratch trolls
jaynce peixes: feels like i should work on that name huh. anyways jaynce does Not want to be the heiress (for reasons both transgender and not) at all and is in a little bit of denial about this. i lied actually a lot of denial. may or may not be moirails w jayque havent decided. replaces e and o with -E and -O forks and spoons!
roxxie zahhak: a little more into robots n shit than coding but still does that. bit of a jack of all trades! thinks deyirks lusus (its. kity) is the most special boy in the whole wide world. probably moirails w deyirk now that i think abt it but maybe not. im on the fence abt a lot of stuff here. uses some kind of prefix, emoticons have X for eyes, replaces x sounds with x, y (as a vowel) with ie, and s w z
deyirk leijon: WORLDS MOST NORMAL MAN (lying) lives in a cave in the middle of the woods not for catgirl reasons but because this guy is going insane in solitude works best when isolated. also uses some kind of prefix for a quirk. roxxie drops off robot parts at his house every few weeks and they make a day of it theyre Pals
jayque ampora: he helps feed gloybsub or whatever her name is and hes so normal about the deaths on his conscience. really hes so normal guys cmon. normal
pre scratch kids
mimi egbert: token cis friend sorry meenah. or not idc. more mellow because dad egbert is just a normal guy and isnt raising her to be the literal queen of the world. still meenah tho
hans lalonde: i am unsure about the name but i think its fine. the ultimate horse girl (therian). keeps maplehoof in the foyer. if he had to interact with his dad for more than 20 seconds they would both implode from the sheer awkwardness. the house is big as shit they just gesture to each other when they see each other and thats fine for both of them
manu strider: wears heart shades everywhere as a sort of joke. he doesnt actually know. caps lock is broken and refuses to fix it + uses kaomoji a lot. fujoshi to transmasc pipeline haha who said that
crow harley: im stilling working on which animal to furrify cronus with. watches a bunch of old movies and picked up those speaking habits. other shit pending
post scratch kids
fifi crocker: she wants to be crockercorps new ceo sosososo bad she would make up for all of their horrible crimes against humanity by uh. shes working on it ok?
neta strider: the she/her to she/they to they/them to he/they to he/him to he/they to she/he/they to The Creature pipeline. percentage of their diet that is fish he caught w her own bare hands has been steadily increasing. is trying to buff up on history but keeps on going down wikipedia rabbit holes and rereading the nyan cat article for the thousandth time. would still do the detective pony rewrite but would get sidetracked by the lolcat metaphor for way longer
eqis lalonde: do you know how hard it is to smush equius down to four letters? i just made this name up man. anyways i dunno what to do with her but shes a girl of the horse variety
dani english: diversity win this sickly victorian orphan child is genderfluid! fucking terrified of the lusi on the island. fancies herself sort of a romantic poet
the entirety of this was brainstormed while i was bored in class for the record. still brainstorming so im gonna edit this when more shit arises
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stars4ni · 3 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
-gloomy days turn to happy days- ⋆·˚ ༘ *
✿ (    genre⠀ )   …   oneshot, kai x reader, gn reader, friends to lovers, fluff, comfort, highschool au
𝜗𝜚 (    warnings⠀ )   …   swearing, crying, comforting, hugs, kissing, rain, suicidal thoughts, pet names
☆ (    word count⠀ )   …   1.884k
my pillow was drenched, i paused between my tears to lay on my side. i just stared at the cream colored wall in front of me. tears started to fall again, i had been crying for an hour. god i’m so worthless, so pathetic. no one wants me, not even myself. i’m such a loner, i have only one friend, who i doubt even truly likes being with me. i have a shit relationship with my parents. it’s 3pm on a fucking wednesday during my break, my classmates are all on vacation or hanging out, and i’m here crying in my bed wondering if i should even still be on this planet. i have nothing going for me, again no friends, parents basically hate me, okay grades but won’t get me into good schools, no job, no boyfriend or girlfriend, im ugly, no one likes me, no one wants me. i covered my mouth as i let out a loud sob, if my parents heard they would come in and give me a huge lecture about all my problems and if that happened i think i’d just off myself right then and there. i sobbed and sobbed. tears falling down my cheeks, falling into my neck and behind my ears, getting my hair all wet. the rain was loud on my window that was behind me, it made me want to cry even more. rain makes me so depressed, it’s so beautiful but makes me so sad. the gloomy colors of the sky, the wet feeling on my skin, driving in it is hell, i hate it. i felt so alone, but was i gonna do anything about it? no. i heard my phone buzzing, i didn’t really care though it was probably my mom telling me to do something, she can wait, i honestly don’t give a fuck, i don’t care about anything right now. i just wanna cuddle up in my fluffy comforter and cry, no one to bother me. it felt like hours of me just laying there staring at the wall crying and crying until the tears got softer and calmer. it was actually only 15 minutes of that but left longer. i heard a knock at the door, i let it pass, until 5 seconds later i heard another knock. “mom! i’m busy!” i yelled annoyed.
“uh…it’s kai, can i come in? your mom let me in” your friend kai said through the door. fuck i completely forgot i was supposed to meet my friend kai at this cafe to study 45 minutes ago. “yeah um…hold on give me like 5 seconds!” i quickly wiped my tears away, tried to breathe normally and ran to my drawer to grab some pants to put on, since i was okay in a crop top and underwear. i sat on my bed, my feet dangled off the side, i anxiously swung them back an forth. “okay you can come in now!” kai opens the door and closing it behind him. his blonde hair was all damp, he had a concerned look on his face, he stood there looking at me. “what’s up? i’ve been calling you like crazy, i waited and waited then i just gave up and came here cause-” i interrupted him. “sorry! i just lost track of time, i was asleep, we can study here!” i faked a smile. he took a seat next to me, he looked at me. he noticed you were acting different, and noticed your puffy eyes “hey we’re you crying? your eyes are red and puffy” he asked softly and concerned. i looked at the floor, breaking eye contact with him. “y/n are you okay?” he asked moving his head at an angle trying to make eye contact again. “i was crying earlier…but i’m fine kai” you said trying to get him to stop asking. “are you sure? i can tell when you are lying to me” he said as he grabbed my hand. “look at me” i looked at him. “you can be honest with me, i’m here for you y/n” he said squeezing my hand, then caressing it. he never broke eye contact with me, he acted like he really cared. “i’m just feeling unwanted and things like that…” i said looking at him. he frowned “and whys that hmm?” he scooted closer to me still holding my hand, still looking at me, he listened so well. “i feel like no one wants me, i’m lonely, i have no one, i’m nothing, i wonder if i should even stay here kai…” tears started to fall down my cheeks. “y/n please don’t think that way, i’m here for you, always, i want you, i need you in my life, please know that” he said with a mix of smiling and frowning. “ kai, but i don’t believe you. you can always find someone better than me. i’m really nothing special.” i said sobbing wiping my tears away with my free hand. “but you are special, you are so special, so unique, so beautiful, i don’t say it a lot but…i love you so much, i really do y/n” i let go of his hand reaching around him and laid my head on his shoulder, crying into his hoodie. he put his arms around me, he hugged me, his hands on my lower back. he rubbed my back up and down with his hands. i felt so safe, so comforted. my cries were muffled from being smushed into his shoulder. he moved his hand up to my hair as he gently played with it, it calmed me.
i moved back looking at him, “kai…i haven’t gotten an i love you in months…you don’t realize how happy that made me…i love you too” i actually smiled. his hand moved up to my face, gently wiping my tears away with his thumb. he smiled at me. he leaned down, removing his hand and pushing back my hair, he kissed my cheek. “you are so special y/n, you belong” he smiled. a couple tears shred down my face, i looked up at him smiling. “no more crying…it makes me sad y/n” he pouted. “i have an idea to cheer you up…what about a walk in the rain hm?” he suggested. i usually hate the rain but it sounded fun. i just wanted to be with him, i was scared if he left i would feel so alone. i nodded and smiled. “let’s go!” he ran to my closet and got a hoodie out for me. he ran back to me, he was so excited, he was like a child so eager to go outside on a snow day. he put my hoodie on me as he grabbed my hand, ran to my bedroom door, opening it than to the front door. “sit down, i’ll put them on don’t worry” he gestured to my sneakers that were on the floor. i sat on the small bench right next to the door, he put my shoes on for me and even tied them. i looked down at him while he was tying, he looked so fucking adorable. my stomach started to turn, heat going to my cheeks. i was blushing. he looked up at me as he finished the last knot. “your cute when you blush” he laughed as i then giggled. he stood up, i followed. he grabbed an umbrella, opened the door as he walked though first opening the umbrella putting it above me. we started to walk down the sidewalk as he just kept the umbrella over me and not him. “kai, come closer! your getting soaked” he moved closer to me, now both of us were under the umbrella. we walked down the sidewalk as he reached out his hand to hold mine, i grabbed his. my face turning even more red than it already was. “nice isn’t it?” he said looking at me. “yeah it’s calming, i actually love it” i said smiling at him. “you see that giant puddle over there?” he said pointing at it. “yeah?” “wanna go jump in it?” i laughed at him, thinking he was joking. “i’m being serious y/n… it sounds fun!” “okay sure!! but i’m not getting my sneakers all messed up” he set the umbrella down in the sidewalk as we both took our shoes off and placed them underneath the umbrella. he grabbed my hand as we ran to the puddle jumping and kicking water at each other. we laughed and screamed at each other. pants getting soggy, feet frozen. i felt so happy to be with him, the rain was fun. it didn’t make me feel sad anymore, it was a good thing now. he came closer to me. he grabbed my face, “i love you so so much!” i looked up at him to see his huge smile. “i love you too kai”
he looked away then looking back a little nervously, “can i kiss you?” he asked anxiously for your answer. “please” i said. he crashed his lips into mine. caressing my cheek, moving our lips together, rain falling on us. it felt perfect. it was perfect. he pulled back, pushing my wet hair back. “god i love you so much” he said leaning his head back in awe. i grabbed his hand, “more than friends…right?” i asked laughing. “obviously” he laughed as he kissed me again, with even more passion than the last one. i tasted the rain water on his lips, i melted into his lips, he’s one of a god damn good kisser. the kiss broke he picked me up from my back and twirled me around. i laughed. “kai! put me down!” “hmm okay okay princess, anything for you” he smiled. he took my hand again as he walked over to our shoes and picked them up as we walked back to the house. he opened the door as i walked in first. “go to your room, i’ll get you a towel okay?” i nodded as i walked to my room as i sat in the floor. kai came into my room with a big fluffy towel, he wrapped it around me from the back as he hugged me. he snuggled into me, “mhm… so comfy” he started to place small kisses on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. “you are so perfect y/n” he said in between the kisses he was sending up to my temple. “i’m so cold kai” i said whining. “oh no i can’t let my precious baby be cold, how about some fresh clothes and hot tea?” he said running his hands on my arms.“baby? your precious baby?” i said shocked. “well of course darling, you are so precious” he said leaving a sloppy kiss on my cheek. he felt the the heat on your cheek, “oh someone’s blushing hm?” he said giggling. i looked down embarrassed. “you are so cute…let me go get you those clean clothes and tea for my darling” he said squeezing me tight and getting up off the floor. i looked out the window, the raindrops falling down it. i used to get so sad looking at the rain but now it fills me with happiness. all because of kai, he make those gloomy days all the better.
stars4ni ©
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Looooong ass vent
TW for: Self hate. Lots of swearing. Use of not nice words. Eating disorders, purging, self harm, suicide, rants, venting, tons of triggers, dissociation, lying, all caps, me whining, me being a bitch, mistreatment, body shaming, hateful stuff, mental illness, all that- like seriously this has more TWs than I can think of. .
I'm a jealous person. I'm sorry, it's true. I'm jealous when other people have art that gets 40, 50, more notes. I get jealous when my friends have better friends than I ever could be. I get jealous of song writers because damnit please I want to make music. I get jealous of others art,voices, bodies. I get so jealous I get mad at nothing over nothing. I get jealous at others art styles, at other success, i get jealous at my own FRIENDS wow I'm awful
I'm selfish. I'm greedy because I can't just- be fucking happy with what i do have. I can't be patient to get better at drawing, better at recording my voice, more freedom. I am never satisfied, I'm a fucking whore for any sort of love and attention and likes and reblogs. You hear me? I'm, a, whore.
And I'm fucking awful because I can't take criticism for shit, I get so fucking unhappy at it and I lie and I say I'm happy to receive it. I lie all the time like this, I'm a dishonest whore, that's worse than a normal whore! I get so bent out of shape!
And I want to make it big in the Tumblr community BUT FUCK IT BECAUSE I NEVER FOCUS ON ONE THING
M so impatient
And when I talk to my friends I-
I forget all that. I calm down, I feel... wanted.
But I'm burdening them. I'm burdening them I'm burdening them I'm I'm fucking selfish and horrible because they give and give and give and I take like a needy selfish greedy whore.
AND I DON'T SHUT UP, I'm sorry I'm sorry I never shut up
...I'm... awful. And... I shouldn't keep posting shit like this, because nobody should have to read my rambling and shit and I'm overreacting and I want to die and
Im useless irl BTW. I've been nothing but a stupid moody bitch the past two weeks, I stay up all night doing nothing and wake up at 5 pm like a useless piece of human shit that should burn in the garbage
I keep forgetting who I am, who is talking too
Im sooooooooo uselessssssssssss
Its fucking because I think my family would be happier if I didn't exist. Because that'd be one less stupid moody bitch that can't do anything and hides in their room all day that they have to deal with
Im lazy I get apathetic I have no motivation to do anything and I don't cry at sad movies like a broken robot and everything about me is wrong
And my father wanted a daughter so fucking badly, but I'm not a girl I'm nothing and he'd be so mad if I ever told him
And BTW I'm literally awful like I've run out of things I'm a jealous whore
M a whore because all tye time I think of stupid sexual stuff and then I feel disgusted I'm disgusting I barely take showers
I'm pathetic btw I never finish anything I start I have so many half assed AUs and drafts and fanfics and art and chores and needs and shit
and I sit in my room all day and play on my phone like a fucking loser. Im also really stupid btw, I don't know half the shit I'm supposed too and I can't spell shit or know history AND I HAVE THE ABILITY TO LEARN BUT IM SUCH A STUPID FUCKING BITCH I NEVER DO ANYTHING
I'm also a hypocrite because I get so snappy and shit with my siblings when they do nothing wrong except be annoying or something but when I feel justified I shouldn't because I'm still a shitty person
I barely reach out to my friends unless they text first, I'm a horrible friend that never listens I'm sorry I'm sorry I never meant to abandon anyone
And I can't take blame or accountability I'm sorry I am shit why do I keep trying to hide behind myself??
Its past 6 am,people are statving and in here venting like a bitch
I never shut up
I Bother people
i sleep in and I'm moody and I demand attention like a whore whose demanding love idfk
I never know anything, I'm rude as hell
Im sorry
and I'm protective over shit nobody cares about, I'm so damn defensive
Im sorry I'm not doing better I'm sorry I'm not improving myself. I'm so mad at myself I have so much anger at myself I direct it at innocent people I'm sorry
Its justified BTW, i deserve hate
I feel like I'm lying abt being a system and artistic and depressed and anxiety like what I'd I just suddenly decided I had them?? I swear I promise I'm not faking I'm not I don't want to lie I want to be good I never meant to hurt anyone BUT I FEEL LIKE IM A FAKING BITCH
I binge food and throw it up, I hide food like a greedy pig just to purge I take others food because I'm so gluttonous and I LIE about it
and I vent and vent and vent and... and I still hate myself
I'm so fucking manipulative because anytime I talk I CSNT STOP IMSGING HOW THE CONVERSATION WILL GO, I CANT STOP TRYONG TO FUCKING GET MY WAY IRL, AHHGHGBTIDDHDH I ALEATS ACT LIKE I KNOW EVERYTHING WHEN I DONT and I purposefully annoy my siblings so they leave thr kitchen so I can binge like a fat pig, I'm a hypocrite too in every aspect. I'm toxic ok im awful
I s/h and then i forget about it so its not even a problem but I whine like it is and I want to do it so badly rn I wanna go deep
AND I RUINED MYSELF WITH UGLY SCATS they're so ugly like me inside and out
And I wanna cry and
and I'm so awful because like I get so... idk, I am. I've done shifty things, I'm a shit person. I act sweet than a condescending little bitch
and sometimes the smallest things set me off
Im jealous of everyone else
Hell I'm fucking jealous of people I've never met, I want so much so badly I'm so greedy and lustful for it and selfish
In... conclusion? The world, would, be, better, without, me
I'm useless, lazy, stupid, jealous, slutty, angry, sad, pitiful, pathetic, fat looking, no good child, moody, stereotypical, ugly, hateful, chatter box, greedy, selfish. Gluttonous, messy, dirty. I'm all the bad stuff
Dont lie, these are facts. I have so much awful in me, the world wpuld be better off without me
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quirkle2 · 9 months
(uhm warning for injury/blood/whump, parental death, uhhhhhhhhh fire? a lot happens (also idk if the read more thing has been fixed so let's pray. i refuse to smack these long ass paragraphs in front of innocent bystanders (this is so long. im so sorry)))
ok so reigen is the professor of the galaxy expedition team and u may be wondering how he got that job: lying :)! he claims he knows everything abt pokemon and that he's been studying them his whole life when in reality he's not even totally sure how many pkmn types there are. granted, the rest of the team doesn't either, so his ability to bluff himself out of any given situation is massively helped by their cluelessness
he just wants to sleep in a bed with blankets and eat food to survive and lying into the professor position was the quickest way he saw to get there. he'd been wandering in the wilderness for a while since coming to hisui before that and it kinda sucked. bro just wants a house in this crippling economy
mob n ritsu were originally from another village! they don't meet reigen until mob is 9 (ritsu 8). there's no powers in this au but mob's whole shtick is that he takes the,, extreme pacifist route i guess? he thinks pokemon r to be respected and loved and Not Bothered and he's against the use of pokeballs to store them and commanding them to battle each other, etc. essentially if he were in a modern era he'd think the way present-time people treat pkmn is, for the most part, cruel
anyway their hometown gets attacked by pkmn and the village is destroyed. their parents die protecting them, so 9-year-old mob was left to fend for himself n his little brother alone. they travel together kinda aimlessly for 7ish months until they get remarkably (unknowingly) close to jubilife village and come across that giant fuckin rapidash before the bridge
it's their first alpha pkmn encounter. neither of them have pkmn to defend themselves with (mob's reason: he ain't like that. ritsu's reason: He Is Eight and Scared). mob has always been able to empathize w pkmn a lot and sorta get a read on what they're thinking, so the vibes comin off that rapidash were rancid and he was worried abt it. mob has never been afraid of pkmn, not even the rly big and scary looking ones. so he approaches it with the intention of calming it down, seeing what's hurting it. he makes ritsu stay back in case things go bad
he's kicked in the head. if u forgot how big that rapidash is just google it. the hooves r the size of ur player character's head and ur player character is like 15. mob is 9. the fact that he doesn't die immediately upon impact is a miracle. the fact that he survives longer than 5 seconds after the fact is basically divine intervention
the doodle i made in the top left corner of ritsu screaming is this ^ encounter. he watches it happen, and then watches in horror more as the rapidash panics at ritsu's scream and rolls a flame wheel over his brother's limp form. ritsu manages to dive for him and run, but the kid is thoroughly terrified and traumatized
i'll spare u the horrid bits but long story short ritsu finds a cave to settle in and while he's rly inexperienced with medical treatment he does his best. his best isn't very good in the grand scheme of things but him being 8 is a pretty damn good excuse. he camps out there for Three Whole Days waiting for his brother to wake up or respond to literally anything but it isn't happening and the longer this goes on for the more terrified ritsu gets
mob's taught him how to survive pretty well all things considered, but ritsu is a lot more worried abt mob than taking care of himself and he ends up neglecting his own needs pretty fiercely. he feels too sick w guilt/fear to eat. he tries to stay up as long as he can in case mob stirs. by the end of it he's pretty worse for wear too
reigen finds them while out in the field doing research (wasting time). he sees a little kid half stuck in a bush looking for berries and when reigen tries to get his attention ritsu, who is extremely on edge and sleep deprived and scared, just straight up screams at him. reigen sees his dirty clothes and skinny arms and flushed face (fever. definitely fever) and alarm bells ring in his head to not let the kid go no matter what cuz he Will lose him otherwise
once ritsu gets his bearings and realizes this is a human (first one other than mob he's seen in forever) and not a pokemon coming to kill him he starts crying to him abt his brother and reigen feels his heart drop to his stomach bc if This kid is worried about a brother who is supposedly worse off,,, dear god
ritsu leads reigen to mob. the dressings around his arm where he was burnt are completely incorrect and most definitely horribly infected and ritsu didn't rly do Anything for the head injury other than clean the blood away bc well. again. he's 8. idek if eight year olds know what concussions are
reigen BOOKS it back to jubilife faster than he's ever ran and halfway through he realizes ritsu has passed out in his arms too (kid's probably exhausted beyond belief. reigen has no idea how long they've been like this but he guesses a while) everybody in the village is kinda horrified when the professor comes back with two hurt kids, one of which is on death's door. the medical team there does everything they can
it takes a while for mob to wake up, but thankfully he does in the end. reigen finds out thru ritsu that they've been alone for "a long time" (ritsu doesn't know. doesn't rly remember. reigen asks mob when he wakes up and mob says he stopped counting somewhere after day 140)
even though mob still isn't quite back to his old self and is still generally confused and Slightly Off, the doctors say he'll be okay after a few weeks and reigen has unintentionally gotten very attached to these kids. ritsu had told him their parents died during the attack on their village. they have nowhere else to go, and like hell is Any member of this village gonna be happy with simply throwing them out into the wilderness again. so reigen takes them in
anyway that's how they meet <3 GVEYAI mob is back to his normal self (the occasional Moment of Confusion comes around from the brain injury, but they taper off after a while) and reigen is very much surprised to see that mob, as ritsu has described to him, still very much loves every pkmn he comes across. he gets a bit nervous around rapidashes in particular, but other than that, mob is still just as caring and just as respectful as ritsu described him to be. ritsu is scared of bigger pkmn like any other kid is. mob is an exception, even after that experience.
reigen waits about a year so that they have time to settle and recover (and so that he has time to observe), and then he gives them each a pokemon. this might seem odd, but mob has never expressed any ill will toward Any pkmn, and ritsu still smiles at the smaller ones
he gives them a choice between the pla starters that have been hanging around his office. mob picks cyndaquil and names her cindy. ritsu picks rowlet and doesn't name him at all (this gives reigen pause, but ritsu seems to have a new fire in his eyes, so he brushes the worry away)
when they're of age (mob waits for ritsu to reach 13. they do everything together) they both join the survery corps, and mob ends up becoming reigen's assistant :]! reigen is admittedly a little worried abt this development, about his kids going out into the wild, but they both seem ready for it (ritsu seems ... a little Too ready for it considering his past) so he relents
mob has made his opinions about pkmn clear, especially to reigen, and reigen has ended up adopting some of his ideals since he met him bc they,, well thwy sound reasonable. they sound nice. mob doesn't ever put cindy in a pokeball, and cindy had never once been in a battle other than play fights with rowlet. mob treats cindy like any other normal pet, like a friend. he looks at those boxes of pokeballs in reigen's office with a frown. he finds the idea of fighting pkmn in the wild for sport despicable. he openly scratches out the pokedex tasks like "defeat 10 times" with disdain. reigen starts seeing another world that he never rly considered before, with mob
this is where reigen senses some,,, tension, between the boys. ritsu evolves his rowlet into a dartrix remarkably quickly since joining the survey corps, and not even a few weeks later he's a got decidueye on his side. ritsu catches pokemon left and right and if they're "not strong enough" he keeps them in pokeballs until he remembers they exist again. he works on building a team with no weaknesses, or as few weaknesses as possible. bro invents competitive pkmn
obviously, mob sees this and ,,, doesn't like it. he doesn't like how Distant ritsu is with his pokemon, with creatures that he wholeheartedly believes should be treated as friends or family. he doesn't name any of them, he spends nearly all his earned money from the survey corps on items that boost their strength, but almost no money toward items for comfort, or even treats, or toys. ritsu treats his team like they're tools. the relationship between ritsu and his pkmn is,, strained. mob can sense they aren't nearly as happy as they could be
but mob knows that he can't just,, police ritsu on how he should handle his own pokemon. he may not agree with how ritsu approaches the subject, or with how ritsu's first instinct for anything pkmn is usually "fight it," but mob knows ritsu Does like pkmn. ritsu's never hated pkmn, he's just,,, scared of them, sometimes. he thinks maybe this is his way of making himself feel protected. mob doesn't like the idea of taking that away from him, no matter how much seeing ritsu refrain from giving his team a break grinds on his soul
little does he know, ritsu's strictness with his pkmn isn't born out of a fear for himself at all. he's building a dependable team to protect his brother. that's the whole reason he's doing this, the whole reason he didn't name rowlet when he first got him. ritsu knew that if he were to do this, he couldn't get attached to them, bc losing pokemon in fights is a very real possibility. it's been drilled into each and every one of his pkmn's heads that they r to protect mob at all costs. if there's a repeat of That incident, ritsu doesn't think he can handle it (>:])
WOW THIS IS ALREADY SO LONG i haven't even gotten to the kleavor part yet. fuck. if ur still reading this can i have ur hand in marriage /silly
OKAY SO . The Game's Plot comes in, finally. took long enough. reigen starts getting reports of frenzied nobles and he's most worried abt kleavor bc it's rather close to them, and the village could very well be in danger if kleavor decides to say fuck you in particular. so reigen goes Hey This is an Actual Threat That Needs My Attention I Have to be Competent For a Sec and spends the next few weeks tirelessly searching for an answer for this kleavor. some of the staff have already gotten mauled by it. reigen cannot ignore this and put it on somebody else like he usually does
the whole town is getting antsy, and mob most definitely notices. ritsu's jumpy all the time anymore, like he expects kleavor to rampage through the streets any second now. reigen looks tired and worn down, and he's been coming home later and later. mob watches as reigen makes plans to use force against kleavor with a sour taste in his mouth. he tries to tell reigen that force isn't the answer here. reigen, bless him, doesn't know how to tell a kid that friendship and rainbows isn't always the answer
after another week or so, mob's had enough. they've gotten nowhere closer to calming kleavor and more people have gotten injured, so mob quietly writes a note and leaves it on his bed, makes sure he doesn't wake up ritsu or cindy, and leaves the house before reigen comes home. he sneaks out over the fence so the guards at the gate don't catch him. he sets off to go see kleavor
he fully and truly believes that force is not the answer. he fully and truly believes that if he goes up to kleavor with no pokemon to fight it with, no weapons or spears pointed at it, and just a calm voice and peaceful demeanor, kleavor will see there is no danger. the galaxy team's previous attempts have all centered around violence and scare tactics. nobody has recently come up to its territory without posing a threat. mob genuinely just thinks that kleavor needs calm
reigen finds the note. freaks the fuck out. immediately rounds up every person in the village that's capable of fighting and they march out of the village to save a kid who's in way over his head. reigen makes ritsu Promise him that he will not leave the village. he can see it in ritsu's eyes, the way he wants nothing more than the come with them, but reigen gives the argument that ritsu is their strongest soldier back home and they still need to protect the village from anything else while everybody's gone. it takes all of ritsu's self-control to not go against him (he's fully set on coming with them until reigen Grips him by the arms and says "i can't lose both of you.")
mob's plan does end up working in the end, but not quite perfectly and not at all in a good way. he steps into kleavor's territory and has it calm at first, but smth changes in kleavor's eyes and whatever Force that's corrupting it surges and kleavor snaps.
mob gets Fucked Up by that thing. sliced and thrown and clawed until he can barely stand up to run away, but it's the last blow that matters. kleavor comes down on him with a chop right to his middle and everything stops. there's a sizeable gash that cuts through mob's side horizontally and kleavor's axe is stuck in the flesh there, but once mob isn't moving anymore and nothing is making kleavor afraid, the fog in its brain clears and it sees what it's done
it also sees that mob is still awake, and despite everything kleavor did to him, he's still looking at it like he knows its capacity for gentleness. even through the pain mob looks at kleavor like he Knows this isn't what it's rly like. and as soon as mob sees the light return to kleavor's eyes he smiles, blood gurgling in his throat
kleavor hears shouts from the forest, sees torchlight and panicked yells for mob. it doesn't know what to do, don't like what it sees, what it Did to this poor kid. it winces when it has to slide its axe out from the gash in mob's side—the squelch it makes and the Noise mob lets out is the last thing kleavor needs to book it
u can only imagine how fuckin hysterical reigen feels when he sees mob on the ground like that. they brought half of the medical team just in case and reigen is rly glad they did bc if they didn't there's a good chance mob would've bled out right there within a few minutes.
he's in rly rly bad shape and is barely conscious by the time reigen grabs his face and tells him itll be okay. they bring him back to the village at record pace and every minute they take he looks paler. reigen is so scared the kid's going to die in his arms before they even get there
when they get to the gates someone from the medical team takes him from reigen's arms. reigen hears ritsu scream. the kid's shoving people away who're trying to comfort him and beelining his way to mob, but reigen catches him before he can fully see the damage bc he does Not want that bloody mess to be in ritsu's nightmares for the rest of his life
ritsu fights him and pushes him and shoves him away, screaming that he just wants to see his brother, but reigen holds him back and he ends up pulling ritsu close when the kid loses steam and just starts sobbing into his chest
to ritsu, he's failed again. to reigen, he's failed them both. to mob, despite holding onto the living world by a thread, he succeeded.
anyway that's the story so far VGEAYVUA I HAVEN'T .. FIGURED OUT TERU YET. or dimple. i know the gist of i how i want teru and mob's meeting to go tho. teru is just like ritsu but like . Worse when it comes to pokemon. uses them as tools and doesn't even rly think of them as sentient at all. until he meets mob that is :]
i'm thinkin he's the warden of sneasler! and yaknow what, just for shits n giggles and bc i love ingo too much to get rid of him, what if ingo is teru's unofficial teacher. what if. wouldn't that be fuckin hilarious and completely ruin any sense of consistency here. what if (it's happening)
i'm also pretty set on making dimple one of the wisps from the spiritomb quest that ends up following mob around. that's fitting i think
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anemonet · 8 months
hi hi, hello hello sorry if you've already answered but reverse iterators au? (Saw it and started squealing, kicking my feet, twirling my hair it looks so so so cool and the vibes are immaculate)
hi hi hi!! no need to be sorry im shaking out of my skin in excitement to talk about this :DD
so i got a couple different asks about this so im doing it in categories so in this one ima talk a bit about map changes and stuff!! if you want a general explanation go to this post :))
Just as a general rundown, the idea of the reverse au is that instead of moon being accidentaly screwed over by pebbles, its moon accidentaly screwing over pebbles, and pebbles is now stuck in a half way collapsed iterator can suspended high up in the sky, moons structure is semi fine except for the mold colony in her gut!
Ok first off im just gonna drop this here
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its a veerrry vauge idea of how i imagine the five pebbles region would look in this au, its also totally tailored to my region prefernces but it be like that,
quick summery is that some of pebbles legs collapsed and hes now leaning against the sky bridges by chimney He collapsed for reasons explained here and also sidenote, its not gonna be a saint era pebbles kinda deal, shaded is still moslty fine (with some smushed areas but overall whole, actully would be a bit brighter without pebbles blocking all of it) - and is instead a result of metropolis collapsing onto a side leaning pebbles, mixing the regions of five pebbles, metropolis and the exterior. This is fueled by my own love of doing jumps between pipes high up in the air, so alot of the region is gonna be that.
The area now being divided into a couple different types of terrain, with where the wall was is now still connected to chimney but with the structure leaning sideways making the parkour much harder, also im obbsessed with the idea of having a gate hang in the air so thats how the chimney entrence looks, also its the gate from top of pebbles, that fell down, so the karma requirment stays at one in both directions - both for the mechanic of making it less punishing if you die, and also because i think theres something in having the first karma being the only requirment to meet pebbles , which actully drives me crazy in normal rain world to but anyhow - also having upsidedown dens like the one on top of metropolis but flipped over would be sick. you will then find pebbles at the top of it all
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Second theres collapsed metropolis which, while still similar to normal metropolis also has alot of areas like the open air pipe swinging in chimney canopy and is much more accesible, as other slugcats than artificer needs to be able to traverse the area. This area is probably the most creature infested with the scavs still hanging out (they would be able to make it back to metropolis after artificer murdered them all, seeing as the citizen drone gate is lying crushed somewhere) there would also probably be some fun funky merged structures because of how the living blocks work - i asume they try to repair and mend damages, presumebly leading to accidental merging between collapsed buildings - and then theres pebbles own guts, whith all his chambers, antigravity is overall gone, even if i think it be nice to leave less damaged areas still with wonky gravity, but overall its a crambed tunnel maze with the occacional open mega rooms, this is probably where the yellow lizards set up camp, super fun, also probably lantern mice who crawled up from shaded to the partially collapsed underhand and then up to pebbles.
other area things worth of note is that i coulnt help but sprinkle in the karma murals up by pebbles in the broken down metropolis, most of them got shattered but i think it would be ironic if the fifth (survival) karma stayed intact \/
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it also raises the question of what happens to the echos, while the echo by the wall is likely hanging out, im kinda like wondering about the echo up in metropolis, the question being if the echo is tied to the specific coordinate - high up as fuck - or if it will follow the structure it resides by, the tallest tower - i dunno but well im voting for them following the place in this case (and not just because i think it would be sad to be trapped miles in the sky surrounded by nothing at all) so the echo is staying, even if the dialouge would be different.
Also for anyone curious im saying that moon in this au is resposible for the scav king, she tought it be fun to make a scav enlightened and it scampered up to pebbles, pebbles is not happy about this.
another general note is reverse pebbles is still above cloud levels and rain is not a factor in the usual areas of pebbles and metropolis, also also im banning vultures after a certain point, specificly in the worst parkour areas high up with hard jumps that totally exsists, im doing that because fuck vultures, and also because i genuinlly think they ruin the thrill of making hard jumps, i am misrable about how the priciple bridge turned out because a vulture can just fuck up a cycle. anyhow!!
Moon on the other hand is much the same, similar to spearmasters campaign but with some parts infected with the rot similar to unfortunate developments and sans the wonky gravity..mostly, also the priciple has collapsed and you cannot go between moon and pebbles
also her chambers would be much more active, with alot of overseers hanging out , not just her own but neighbor itertors also, seeing as pebbles lockdown woudlnt have happened, also there will be the semi often ERROR and red blinking messages which is from pebbles cyber attacking her, hes petty like that. Also think it be funny if she had a livefeed of different creatures in her facility grounds.
other notes would be that shoreline likely would stay as waterfront facility, the acid pits would probably still disapear, same goes for garbage wastes, but the brother long legs would not be there anymore. but thats the major changes to the map from this au, really its just to have pebbles misrable high up in a broken box unable to escape!!
I was about to go into detail about how the story route would change because of this reversal, but uh i already talked alot so ima not do that!!
so thats all i had for you, hope my confused ramblings on game levels was....semi fun, but anyhow thanks for the ask! also you wont belive how hard i fought to not have all drawings just be this kind of shot of a leaning wall, but have the one that survived!! have a great week :D
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definitelynotshouting · 6 months
Ask game #25?
mcytblr writer ask game
25.) What works and/or authors in the fandom do you recommend?
OH MAN..... GODS OKAY well this is about to become me gushing about my friends, but i think everyone and their mother should be reading @raichett, @droidofmay, @good-chimes, @sillyfairygarden, @sisyphean-writes, @renardroi's writing. Like holy shit i know some incredible authors. Grim in particular went and fully changed my brain chemistry with his fic Total Apogee of the Heart, which i do believe i described to him as "like reading an oil painting," and "like you've taken an axe to my chest and deftly split it down the middle to show me the inner workings of my heart," which is truly the palest of terms i can use to describe something that ended up feeling so soul-shocking to me /pos. The skillful way he twists words to layer these rich, saturated themes into his stories makes me INSAAAAAAANE, its pretty much the epitome of how i want to write when it comes to thematic elements and imbuing my narratives with symbolism. I genuinely dont know how to describe it, but the way he crafts sentences and weaves in references to other media is like reading a fairytale, and it leaves me feeling like ive just resurfaced from a dream every time.
And, ofc, my very good and dear friend Raichett with their ACP-verse-- oh my gods what an incredible read. Reincarnation fic with modern minecraft worldbuilding FUCKING SIGN ME UP..... i think this might be my favorite fic in the fandom because truly you can just feel the heart-wrench of how long Grian has been waiting, of all those words left unsaid during his and Scar's initial conversation that we the reader happen to be privy to. AND THE SEQUEL!!! THEE SEQUELLLLL THE ONGOING SEQUEL RAAAAAAAHH okay im normal im normal im normal <- lying. It just manages to hit every fucking trope i love all at once so i start frothing at the mouth whenever it gets updated or they send me snippets. I could read Raichett's writing for hours and hours and just feel so warm within it, truly beautiful prose and characterization :]
And ohhhh Sisyphean my beloved..... if you havent been reading their anonymous scarian fic series then please please do so, especially Bread and Butterflies, a fic they gifted me that made me simultaneously want to cry and also curl up into for the rest of my life. Something about the atmosphere in their fics, along with the juxtaposition of their unique form of humor, really just knocks it out of the park for me. And, of course, the gut-wrenching wing scene-- trust me, you need to read this fic. The reveal is so incredibly well done that it feels like a gauze being lifted from your eyes so you can finally see more than the lurking silhouette of what's been hinted at. Beautiful fic and evocative writing, i dont feel like i can do it justice you're just gonna have to go read it for yourself >:]
Sorry i told you this was gonna be me gushing so i am going to gush can we talk about Droid's fucking fics please. Can we talk about those. I've always been captivated by their writing, worldbuilding, and the way they so deftly weave implications into their prose to present a fic that feels so neatly-woven it practically breathes. Every work i've ever read from them, regardless of fandom, is some of the most engaging writing ive ever read before. Not to promo a fic inspired by hunger au, but im especially enamoured with their gift will the curse be reversed if you say it backwards. Reading that was like getting kicked in the chest a billion times until it ached, and the way they portrayed the two Grian's dynamics brought me perilously close to tears multiple times while reading, which is admittedly very hard to do. Also i think reading that fic is the closest ive ever gotten to what yall experience whenever i upload a new hunger au chapter-- i stg the dread i felt as the fic progressed had me HOLLERING in their dms like "IS THIS WHAT THATS LIKE. OH MY GODS" truly just a phenomenal fic all around
Thello, oh Thello, my beloved friend, her fic you are here to risk your heart had ME heartbroken in the best of ways when i first read it, and every reread since has only solidified it as a stunning cross-section into 3L!scarian's dynamic. Thello's writing in general is always so deeply elegant and refined-- reading it feels a lot like shoving the world's richest, gooiest, most delicately-layered cake into my mouth to melt on my tongue. She just gets intimacy in a way i rarely see done, highlighting the fragile way people can come together while straining to stay apart. Her writing is so deeply, utterly human in the details she chooses to focus on, and that level of groundedness paired with her fantastical prose makes me feel like what im reading is both very real and also the whisps of a beautiful, colourful dream.
And, last but very much not least, my wonderful friend Telk. Telk's writing is so utterly unique, bursting at the seams with both humor and a quiet rawness that punches me right in the ribs every single fucking time. They're also so deeply, insanely skilled at being able to say so so much in a story while dancing around the actual core of it, drawing you into understanding whats really going on below the surface like an event horizon. Their fic A Certain Je Ne Sais What is, in my mind, a particularly good example of the subtle and skillful way they weave implications into their work-- im perpetually in awe of how meticulously they poured Grian's cognitive dissonance between how he really feels about Scar, and how he wants to feel about Scar, into the narrative. That, and their characterization is genuinely flawless, im not sure ive ever read better character voices that capture the inherent humor of their owners than in Telk's writing.
Gods i have so much more to say about so many more of my friends and their fics but i'll stop here otherwise i will never shut up. Local guy loves his friends so fucking much i will shout it to the sky any chance i can take<3
And as a bonus, here's the hermit/trafficshipping collection i run on ao3, affectionately nicknamed The Body Count!! Its chock-full of incredible authors and writing, all of whom are my close friends, and its recently expanded to contain 60+ fics!! 60+!!!! INSANE. MY FRIENDS ARE INSANE AND I LOVE THEM PLEASE GO READ AND COMMENT ON THEIR WORKS BC THEY DESERVE THE ATTENTION :] THANKS FOR THE ASK AAAAAAAAAA OKAY BYE ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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denzartriste · 2 months
Writing rn. Sorry im being so mentally ill about my guys. You guys get a snippet because i cant be alone in the illness
Under cut because of usual cursed pirate things. Such as talking about murder.
“I—I don’t know what you mean.” Ranboo looks around the room, avoiding his eyes, lying.
“I’ll kill them if they’re being a problem—” It’s the kindest he’s ever been, disgustingly. He’s offering to use his own two hands if he has to. He will use these new teeth and tear their throats open, if Ranboo so much as asks. If it will get them to be a little more normal Techno is willing.
“What?” Ranboo breathes out the words in fear. Very, very raw fear.
“Their—Their blood, it won’t spill the side of the ship. It won’t touch the water; Gods won’t bother us.” He reaches towards Ranboo but they flinch away, back to the wall, eyes wide at Techno.
Pirate au chapter 3 is going to be Fun :)
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2soul2 · 2 months
Sleeping by yourself
(Aizawa with child AU)
Im so sorry for my bad English
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Blood, that’s all you remember when you think about how you got here. So much blood. But not your blood, your parents blood. Villains suck. And Aizawa knows that so when he saved you, he took you in.
That was six months ago, now you’re sitting with his cat on the small but cozy couch watching a weird show you don’t really pay attention to anyway.
Aizawa is leaning against the kitchen counter with his cat mug in his hand, watching you. He has no experience with kids other than that they cry a lot, you’ve cried a lot. But not anymore, one day you just stopped, but for some reason he liked it more when you cried, he knew what to do when you cried.
He knew that you needed comfort, but now you’re just staring. Staring into nothing with those empty eyes. And he’s clueless on what to do.
He wants to give you a normal life, a normal routine you can stick to. So he gas to cure the main problem for that. Making you sleep alone.
Nightmares were an everyday thing for you after your parents death, but they instantly stopped when Aizawa’s cat started to join you in your bed. Now you can’t sleep without him.
The clock on the kitchen counter shows that it’s 10PM,your bed time. He puts his coffee on the table and joins you in the living room.
“Alright kid, bedtime.”
You don’t look at him, you just stand up and put the cat in your arms.
“No, not with him.”
Now you look up.
“It’s time to sleep alone.”
You hate this, so does he.
“Come on, drop Kotaro and get ready.”
You did, you always do. But this time he swears he saw a glare.
You get ready in the bathroom anyways.
Meanwhile he’s busy getting the cat from your bed, kotaro doesn’t glare but Aizawa heard the growl as the cat leaves the room.
Ten minutes later and there you are, sitting on your bed feeling oddly uncomfortable. At least you feel something after these months.
“Sleep well Y/N.”
You don’t answer, you never do but no you don’t even seem to acknowledge his presence. Ouch…
So he leaves, and now you’re here, lonely in your bed, trying to find some comfort but you can’t without the black fluffy ball that’s usually always on your lap or right next to you.
You don’t sleep.
Neither does Aizawa.
It’s weird, why does it feel like you’ve lost something again? Not like the day the attack happened but the feeling is kinda the same, there’s just no crying, no screams, no hyperventilating and no blood, oh the blood. There was so much red blood. Weird to think that it once was your favorite color.
But the worst has to be the eyes, oh dear the eyes, no injuries on the eyes, just empty eyes. Like the ones a doll has. Cats don’t have empty eyes, there’s always something going on in them. But there wasn’t even a light in your parents ones.
Okay this is stupid.
You stand up, the toilet is calling you once again.
For the seventh time this night.
Weird. Why is it dark in the small apartment?
It wasn’t that dark when your parents died, everything was bright. The red and blue police lights were everywhere, but not only the light was red, the body’s-
“Why are you still awake?”
You flinch.
“It’s 1AM kid.”
So that’s why everything was dark.
“You can’t sleep do you?”
He expected a head shaking or just nothing.
“No, I’m scared.”
He didn’t expect that. He forgot how fragile your voice sounds.
Aizawa rubs his face, he can teach students that are full of hormones. But a child? That already saw the real cruel world?
“Come on.”
You follow him, into..his bedroom?
Oh, his bed is big, and on the edge lies a little black fluffy ball.
“Kotaro also can’t sleep.”
Aizawa neither.
He planned to have a normal routine, that you sleep alone in your bed and somehow get back to reality.
And now here you are, lying on the other side of his big bed with a cute cat next to you and an aizawa on the other side.
This was the best sleep you’ve got in six months.
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Haha my second fanfiction ever! :D what do you guys think? (Again I’m so sorry for my bad English)
You can send me requests! If the ask me button doesn’t work then just write a comment!
I do not write NSFW!
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