#Are there just scouts killing in a highly illegal event
fallen-goldfishcracker · 11 months
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Yeeess cower before the child. Be afraid. You should be shaking in your boots that's a man on a mission. He's there's, he's square, he's terrifying, he's gotten two hours of sleep in the last week. Cower before him.
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hugsqueeze · 5 months
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Since they're on my mind, I wanna ramble a bit about Yasmin & Kayla and A Girl's Guide to Power Tools in general >_<!!!!! Smiles normally!!!!!!
A Girl's Guide follows Yasmin as the protagonist. I think I briefly mentioned before that she is a socially anxious college student who struggles with stepping out of her comfort zone. Trying new things and socializing are very difficult for her, so she has avoided them as much as possible throughout her life to save herself from embarrassment. As a result, she has no friends and little actual life experience outside of staying at home and helping her family. Eventually, she reaches a point where she realizes this and decides to try and push herself to meet new people. While looking for local things to do, she sees a flier for a home improvement workshop. Called........ A Girl's Guide to Power Tools. LOL.
Despite her anxiety, she attends the event. And here is where she meets KAYLA. Kayla is the daughter of the woman who runs the whole seminar thing and it is CLEAR that she doesn't want to be there. HAHA. Kayla is cold and unsociable and seemingly perpetually bored with the whole thing. She's meant to help her mother with the class(es), but it's evident that she's only participating on the most minimal level she can get away with in order to appease her mom. Yasmin, trying to stretch herself and talk to new people, introduces herself to Kayla and tries striking up a conversation.... As you can imagine, Kayla is not very receptive and brushes her off almost immediately. This makes Yasmin feel horribly embarrassed. She wants very badly to give up after being shut down like that, but Kayla's mother (Malvasia) encourages her to stay after a little pep talk.
SO BASICALLY..... The more time she spends coming to these workshops, the more shady it becomes until it's revealed that the DIY workshop aspect of the whole thing was just a coverup for a business? Type thing? A highly illegal way of making money via. Killing people.... 🧍‍♂️ Every time Malvasia opens up these workshop things, she starts off teaching the class normally but then she picks out one person who catches her eye and eventually scouts them (IN PRIVATE) for this type of thing... Of course, Malvasia ends up taking a liking to Yasmin. When she pulls her aside, Yasmin is of course horrified and unwilling to kill anybody. And etc etc....
Kayla was naturally first to join her mother's killing for money scheme and she's been doing it for a couple years by the time the story takes place... Over the course of the story, Kayla softens up to Yasmin and ends up turning on her own mother, defending Yasmin from Malvasia and saving her life. 🫶 And they end up together in the end. But.... EEK. I think that's all I'll say for now. ^_^ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING, I HOPE THIS MAKES SOME KINDA SENSE!!!! BYE BYE 🌈
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lovelyirony · 4 years
“But I remember you the way that we rehearsed” for winter13, please?
Fake dating. Bucky didn’t like that it had come to this. He glared at his agent, Natasha, who pays him no attention. 
“And this is necessary exactly why?” 
“Because you scare people,” Natasha says. “And it proves on some level that you have a heart somewhere in there.” 
Bucky snorts. “Let them think I don’t have one. It’s how I get all my roles, right?” 
He had had previous experience in the military. With squared shoulders, a deadset gaze, and good-enough looks to be noticed by a talent scout? He’d been shipped off to Hollywood and gotten typecast as a handsome military man in every single movie. He didn’t mind it. As long as it paid the bills, he’d do it. 
Natasha didn’t like this. Apparently he had to be a “real person” and “interact with people.” 
He did not like that. Why interact with people? He talked with Steve. He made fun of Sam. This was enough! 
“At some point, people grow bored of the whole ‘I’m tough and distant, watch me gaze stoically’“ Natasha tells him. “And I know it goes quickly. With a dating life, it proves there’s more to you.” 
“There’s really, really not.” 
“Then it will boost Carter’s career,” Natasha says. “You don’t want to kick a fellow star down, do you?” 
“I don’t particularly care.” 
Sharon is dragging her heels in the dirt. 
“Maria, what the hell? What’s all this about me dating Barnes?” 
“It’ll be good for his image.” 
"What, to prove he can date someone?” 
“On the nose,” Maria says. “He needs someone that shows a...softer side of him.” 
“Does he have a softer side?” 
“You can make one.” 
“And if I don’t?” 
"Then you have a lower chance of breaking out.” 
“Still a chance.” 
“Do it and I’ll make sure that you get a wine cellar,” Maria says. 
They both look at each other carefully. 
“I’m Bucky.” 
“Sharon. Good to meet you.” 
She sticks out a hand for a shake. It’s firm, to the point, and they’re both thinking this might not be the worst. 
“So, how do you want to spin this?” Natasha asks Maria. 
“They meet at a red carpet event,” Maria says. “Bucky asks after her, she gives him her number. They meet up for coffee. Become a thing. Short and sweet, exactly how it should be.” 
They nod. 
Sharon stares. 
“So we don’t get input?” 
“What would your idea have been?” Natasha asks. 
“I meet her at the shooting range,” Bucky mutters. 
“That’s literally the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” Maria says flatly. “Nope. Red carpet. We’ll coordinate outfits a bit, leave the public saying ‘aw’ that it was ‘destined in the stars’ or whatever bullshit they’re going to put in the magazine. Any questions, concerns?” 
“Can I pick the coffee shop?” Sharon asks. 
The red carpet event. One of Sam’s newest spy flicks, and Bucky can’t lie and say he isn’t excited. Sam makes a good spy with smooth looks, an easy smile, and a way with a suit and acting like he’s acting for espionage. 
It also helps that he can make fun of him while they’re at the theater. 
Sharon looks nice in a simple blue dress. He’s wearing a blue tie. 
Coordinating. By chance. He almost laughs at the absurdity of it all. 
She saunters over to him. 
“Bucky Barnes, right?” she asks. 
“You, uh, got it,” Bucky says. 
“I’m Sharon. I liked your last movie. You pulled an impressive move with the motorcycle. Was that a stunt double?” 
“Nah, although I did have a nice guy for the building leap,” Bucky answers. “You were in the last murder movie, right?” 
“The detective, yeah,” Sharon says. “How’d you meet Sam?” 
Conversation goes smoothly. Sharon fills in where Bucky breaks off. She doesn’t say anything about his short, blunt answers that so many others flounder over. She doesn’t even pause for any pity when he mentions the prosthetic. 
“Is it a Stark model or something else?” 
“Um. Stark.” 
“Good choice,” Sharon says. “I was reading about the success rates.” 
“What, because you knew I have one?” Bucky asks. 
“No, my cousin’s Tony,” Sharon says. She puts on a teasing smile.��“Not everything is about you, Mr. Barnes.” 
“I wouldn’t presume, Ms. Carter,” he answers, a smile playing at his lips. “Mind if I escort you to your seat?” 
Take notice. Pictures. He knows it’ll be on one of those late night “News” stations. (News. What a fucking joke.) 
He gets her number at the end of the night. She slips him a notecard. 
“Special occasion and all,” Sharon says. “I’ll send you the address for the coffee shop once you text back.” 
That night he stays awake a bit longer. He tells himself it’s just because of the fancy, late event. 
It is not because he thinks Sharon may just be one of the most interesting people he’s ever met, and not just because she’s his type. 
Besides, coffee is nice. He can drink it and not answer anything while he’s sipping on it. 
He’s early. By half an hour. She is five minutes late, orders some fancy concoction, and sits down. She looks very nice, put-together. Bucky can already see everyone staring and taking pictures. 
“So, how was your night?” Bucky asks. 
"Not anything happening besides sleep after the premiere, you?” she asks, stirring the foam around. 
“Not really. Ate a hot pocket.” 
He cringes. 
He really made the choice to say that, didn’t he? Ugh. 
To his surprise, Sharon laughs to herself. 
“Glad I’m not the only one who still eats garbage food. The amount of people who say they eat a smoothie bowl...” 
They launch into conversation about stupid foods that celebrities eat, and how much they both would kill for a grease-stained-paper burger that honestly tastes like your aorta is gonna fail. That’s how unhealthy it is. 
Sharon finds out that he likes rock climbing, and she offers to host the next outing at the club she goes to. 
They get photographed exiting. She admires the beat-up car that he refuses to get rid of. 
“Still runs, don’t see why I would get rid of it,” Bucky mutters. 
“Can I just say, for one, that I don’t know why anyone in Hollywood would deny having a car that’s fifteen years old and has a ‘My Son is an Eagle Scout!’ sticker on the back,” she says. “Oh my god, did you get this from your mom!” 
Bucky laughs. 
Dating is easy. 
Feelings are hard. 
Because Sharon can go on dates. They go on walks and answers questions and grin for pictures, and that’s all good. She can do that. 
What she can’t do is at least attempt to stop trying to feel the way his fingers press into her waist, the way she smiles at him. She knows how she’s smiling at him. 
She needs to stop sitting with him at an old diner at sunset, cheeks red with laughter and long-faded sun, and they bicker over who has the best shake. 
She needs to stop taking his jackets and shirts and wearing them out and feeling a sense of pride that other people know that she knows him more than anyone else. The way that he only smiles at her. 
They’ll have to talk to the Oscars board to get him nominated for Best Actor. Hell, maybe she can even convince them to have him win. He’s convincing like that. 
Bucky hates that he has feelings as well as memories. Had lobotomies not been highly risky and (mostly) illegal, he probably would have signed up for one right about now. 
Dating is...nice. He likes Sharon. He hopes that she likes him, at least. Tolerates maybe. 
Natasha says their break-up is scheduled for a month from now. Mutual parting, careers in the way. Whatever excuse is cooked up, he’s sure it’ll make sense. Sharon probably has a life to get back to, and Bucky...he’s sure he’ll think of something to say in the interview when they invariably ask him about it. 
It’s Sharon who comes to his house at ten-thirty at night in old cut-offs, a t-shirt that’s paint-splattered from when she helped him paint his kitchen table chairs one boring afternoon, and her eyes are rimmed with red. 
“Feel free to tell me I’m stupid, but I don’t wanna break up,” Sharon says. “We have a good time, I think you’re probably the only actor in this whole scene that I’d ever date, and you’re the best guy I’ve ever met.” 
Bucky blinks. 
“Are you...me? The best guy you’ve ever met?” 
Sharon giggles a bit. 
“Yeah, you.” 
“Sharon as long as you’ll have me, I’m yours,” Bucky confesses. “Can’t promise I’m the most interesting guy alive.” 
“Says the guy who drives a beat-up town car with stickers on the back,” Sharon says with a snort. She pulls him into a hug. “But yes. I want you, Bucky. I really, really do.” 
They inform Natasha and Maria, who already saw this coming from the moment they met. 
“Another match in the books,” Maria says, pouring a glass of wine for herself. “Who’s next on your list?” 
Natasha thinks, sliding her sunglasses down. “Well, I think Sif and Jane would do quite nicely together, don’t you think?” 
“It’s gonna need more planning than Bucky and Sharon,” Maria says. “You sure you’re up for that?” 
Natasha grins. 
“When have I not been, dear?” 
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kdtheghostwriter · 6 years
SNK 113 - Ruthless Aggression
(A strange light fills the forest. Twilight is shining through the leaves. It seems the journey is finally over.)
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(Levi is filled with DETERMINATION.)
The people who pick this story up after it’s been completed will enjoy it so much better than some of those reading it month-to-month. Those who get to read it in one go will in no way believe that Levi - humanity’s strongest soldier - surrounded by high anchor points in the Forest of Big Ass Trees, armed with a full tank of gas and a full stock of blades could ever lose a fight to Zeke or any amount of Titans.
Upon his return to Marley, Zeke hoped and prayed to the gods he doesn’t believe in that he would never see an Ackerman ever again. Now you see why. Zeke fights an Ackerman; Zeke goes splat.
I’d like to introduce to you the concept of ‘reads.’ Many of you are no doubt familiar. For those that aren’t: it’s the concept of predicting your opponent’s next action based upon whatever habits you have perceived from them. This concept is relevant in every kind of sporting event but also in video games and even chess, where much of a player’s moves are determined by the characteristics of whatever piece they are using.
TL;DR – Zeke attempted a hard read on Levi and got exposed.
If Zeke was anything more than a disconnected third party – if he had lived in the hell the Survey Core has known for years – he would have known better than to tempt Levi with a choice of morality. Levi Ackerman came from nothing. Born in the underground amongst outlaws, raised by a serial killer to be stronger than his frame would allow. Levi has done many heroic deeds, but no one, not even his colleagues in the military, would confuse him for a hero. Not in the classic sense anyway.
Think about Batman. DC Comics’ most enduring icon, he has been in publication for more than eight decades. He has to his name some of the most daring feats in fiction (including beating the shit out of Superman, repeatedly) but is he a hero, though?
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Sadfleck is right! Bruce is a “good guy” by all accounts. He fights villains and saves his hometown. And he does so in highly illegal fashion. Levi is quite similar. He’s a vigilante with diplomatic immunity, that is unless I imagined the whole military coup to overthrow the puppet monarchy. The famous panel of Levi forgoing his humanity as Armin has so often referenced has been reposted too often to count, but it’s the most important one to his character. We know for a fact that Levi’s empathy is his defining trait; however, people like Zeke mistake that empathy for all-around goodness.
Levi is a good soldier that does horrid things, but he does those things in the interest of completing his goal, which usually involves saving as many innocents as possible. Thus, when you give him the choice of killing his comrades or dying and failing his mission, there is no choice anymore. You didn’t stop him. You didn’t even slow him down. All you did was make him mad. An angry Ackerman is scarier than any giant.
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(Hanji feels like they are going to have a bad time.)
Again, I’ll say: Hanji Zoe was the right and only choice to succeed Erwin. I’ll add to that this chapter by saying that Keith Shadis wasn’t as bad as he thinks he was. Just unremarkable. Erwin’s scouting tactics were a stroke of genius that only a gifted mind could have devised. For the last decade, Shadis has been carrying the weight of his shortcoming and punishing himself. It’s why he doesn’t reprimand the students in the newly minted 109th Squad who brazenly call him obsolete for the entire class to hear. It makes the following interaction very interesting.
Floch Forster and the Jaegerists (what a punk band that would be) storm into the hall in order to recruit the graduated soldiers to their cause. Floch gives them the Durden-esque task of assaulting their instructor Shadis until he can’t stand. What I find interesting here is Shadis’ reaction. Hanji does their best to defuse the situation, and the rookies even look hesitant about attacking. That is until Shadis provokes them, and they brutalize him in a fit of rage. Is this the retribution that Shadis has been seeking all along?
If Eren is the Heel who thinks he’s the Face and Zeke is the monster Heel that destroys everyone (except his rival, lol), then Floch is the classic chicken shit Heel that gets all his confidence from hiding behind his meal ticket. It is a classic archetype that precedes wrestling by many centuries and Isayama has executed it to perfection with Floch. So over-the-top and dastardly. No person could be this mean unless they were written to do so. It makes the eventual comeuppance that much more satisfying when it happens.
 We finally have a name to put with the face we’ve seen in past flashbacks. The previous owner of Zeke’s glasses whom I must assume is the previous holder of the Beast Titan based upon the impromptu game of catch. In a pain-filled haze, Zeke recalls his sensei and tells him to wait, as he still must complete his mission. You can imagine that sentiment extends to his half-brother as well.
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If that’s not Archvillain Energy, I don’t know what is.
Stray Thoughts
- We got a new tally of all the people under Zeke’s influence. Spoilers: it’s a high number. Falco is included, Hanji is not. Not only did she avoid the wine but it also tells me that Onyankopon is legit (for now at least).
- Floch apparently had this little revenge planned for Shadis from the rip. Add “petty af” to his long list of offenses.
- We still don’t know everything about how P A T H S work. Given that Zeke is royalty and Eren is related, there is at least a slim chance the next chapter ends with the older brother being tracked and his sibling showing up at whatever location Levi is taking him.
- The 104th has been detained and imprisoned. We see them in varying states of discouragement and sadness - except for Mikasa, whose face is hidden entirely. Big yikes.
- The Queen is a ticking time bomb in more ways than one. Her status and well-being means nothing less than the future survival of Paradis. If that’s where Levi is headed, boy is he in for a Soo-Prise.
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plaguetrolls · 8 years
Troll Fame/Notoriety List
Because @runictrolls​ had a really good idea and setup and this will be good for potential plots/CR.
Vatrra Asilas ✦Fame: Very well-known for being a highly skilled, lowblood blacksmith. If you look for weapons, armor, even hand-crafted jewelry then Vatrra's name will come up. A perfectionist with her work.
✦Notoriety: Having a foul temper at worst and being cold at best, especially to highbloods. Has troll horns mounted on her wall and eyeballs on display. Praise for her skill often goes hand-in-hand with a warning for her attitude. Also much smaller than what you would think!
Vittez Hestur  ✦Fame: Climbing the ranks in the Knighterrors! If your troll is around his area or for some reason is interested in an archaic military branch that's still running then they may know him. He's also an accomplished athlete and competes in tournaments for jousting, wrestling, etc etc, but again: only around his home region. Also a literal giant.
✦Notoriety: A literal giant, but also seems TOO friendly? Or too dumb. His skill in combat and sports coupled with his easygoing personality don't make sense to a lot of people, maybe they think he's faking it or trying too hard to be kind.
Jolett Auudev ✦Fame: Acolyte to Mandra, and a pretty dedicated one at that. Jolett frequents carnivals and will lend a hand almost anywhere asked of them. It isn't unusual to see them going to help Mandra before anyone else, as he's their main priority. Also skilled in tap-dancing, very entertaining and WILL fall face-first into a pie if one is set out for them.
✦Notoriety: Mandra's acolyte, somehow still alive and rarely tired of Mandra's dedication. Dresses in VERY traditional clothes for clowning and is probably seen as a little weird for it. Also tries very hard to be vocal about how great the church is and why all these heathens should join in! It's probably annoying to be scouted by an acolyte.
Warron Taucer ✦Fame: Has a nice little name for herself as a florist/botanist. Nothing too special but she boasts cheap prices, flexible delivery times/locations, and quality plants. She can boast these because she's a powerful florakinetic. Her online handle may venture into less-than-legal parts of the internet on the subjects of extending lifespans, raising the dead, things like that. That online handle is also a good one to contact if a body needs to be disposed of for a (relatively cheap) fee.
✦Notoriety: In real life, Warron may have a rep among repeat customers for being ballsy as hell, delivering to dangerous places, sassing highbloods, that kind of thing. The only other weird thing would be her choice to cover herself from neck to toe. Her online handle will be notorious for shady body-disposal (nobody knows WHAT she does when she cleans up, she just Cleans Up). If your troll has a sensitivity to the supernatural, Warron sets those kinds of people off due to horrorterror influence, just a little bit. Something about her seems off, but they won't be able to pin down a reason!
Sielan Reisov ✦Fame: Sielan (legally) runs a network of trolls that help immigrants acclimate, find jobs, learn the local language, etc. She's known as a by-the-rules troll and is "supervised" by a cerulean (one of her partners in crime, Basill) who keeps everything in order. If your troll is interested in these services, whether it's for themselves/someone else or if they're interested in joining the network then they would have heard of her.
✦Notoriety: Sielan is the head of a highly illegal outfit who specializes in trading or selling classified information, identity changing/protection, and falsifying documents. She will also use her legal business to cover up for people seeking an identity change. Want to dodge the draft? Sielan can do it. Need a new identity? Sielan can do it. Change your chrome number in official documents? Name/gender change on legal documents that the local gov just won't do for one reason or another? Need to escape and start a new life? She can do it all.
Mikkel Idiias ✦Fame: Touted as one of the most interesting contemporary artists out there, Mikkel has a decent mainstream following and a HUGE underground following. While his best work (and his favorite) are his sculptures, it's his paintings that people adore. He paints weird, controversial, grotesque, beautiful, and more all on each canvas he has. Known to be a little dramatic, and to have a missing arm with no reliable explanation. He absolutely HATES being famous for painting and people think his chagrin is either an act, or "idk just a moody artist thing".
✦Notoriety: A huuuge, HUGE diva with dangerous temper tantrums! Really only known to others who have worked with him closely or have been unlucky enough to be in his studio when he has a meltdown. His painting commissions are also notoriously difficult to get (but just because he hates them). Harsh with critiques. Not unjustly so, but blunt and with little discression between someone who knows how to handle critiques and those who are still learning.
Aardyg Tacoul ✦Fame: Locally he's known as the weird hemoanon guy who will run your errands for you if you pay him. He tries to keep a low profile, but if your troll lives further down on the mountain he lives on then they probably have seen him buying someone's groceries or delivering takeout. Also a good photographer if you want some nice photos to hang around the hive.
✦Notoriety: Weird hemoanon hermit, suspiciously old, and lives WAY farther up on the mountain than anyone should be any more. It's known around the area that Aardyg lives around an abandoned town and keeps the area safe, but it's seen as sketchy and weird by some people.
Vyotia Cephes ✦Fame: Instagram famous for fashion! All about hipster and pastel goth #aesthetics.
✦Notoriety: Not much other than people online who don't like her fashion choices or "likes that fake-ass rainbowdrinker crap too much". Keeps her undead status a secret.
Sorrja Uhruhz ✦Fame: Known for selling carved-bone beads and decorations online. Known in real life for being good at brawling, hunting scary-big animals, and BEING a party animal. Sorrja frequents parties and is a social butterfly, often hanging out with Pertha (which creates MORE chaos). Sorrja is a huge flirt as well and isn't shy about taking trolls back home.
✦Notoriety: Being a masochistic brawler, and COVERED in scars. Even if she's not known by name, if someone frequents the same kind of events as her they'll recognize her due to the scars - especially the facial scar. Sorrja is also a huge flirt who has problems with red/black quadrant bleeding. She'll flirt one way and then decide it's more interesting if she does the opposite, or keep your troll on their toes so when they walk away they're like "wait was she trying to be pitch or...".
Ennkoh Poulpe ✦Fame: Well-respected in the clown community for being a fantastic contorturist, Ennkoh is seen as a strong, fear-inducing subjug who will get the job done well and in a timely manner. She's seen as dedicated to the church, but also a little morose. She is also known for her extensive knowledge in religious studies and can easily identify lots of sects of the Messiahs, as well as other non-clown religions. Some sects will know and respect her as the descendant to Tienne Poulpe, a historical clown martyr, but how much any troll would know that/be able to figure it out depends on the individual. She is also a skilled ballerina/comballerina and spends her free time dancing. Friends with the other Winterlands clowns.
✦Notoriety: Scary and seemingly unapproachable! Ennkoh comes off as very serious, and is pretty tall (and will only get taller), and even though she isn't ACTUALLY as scary as she looks, it's enough to ward off people. Depending on the sect, her being Tienne's descendant might add to the "scary" reputation because Tienne was widely feared. Ennkoh is also the odd-man out in her dance troupe because of her size and caste, and the fact that she doesn't seem to be close with the other dancers.
Clavis Icanum ✦Fame: Youtube famous (on accident) for being filmed while supernatural bullshit happens to him. Probably made fun of for it, at least a little. Also can be known through supernatural cleansing business, OR construction. Clavis likes to build and isn't opposed to helping someone renovate.
✦Notoriety: Probably became an internet meme for a while, and supernaturally-inclined trolls will feel a pull towards him. He attracts spirits and is known to flip-flop between aloof and over-friendly.
Arocle Donarr ✦Fame: As a tyrian he's known for being ruthless and a damn-near genius tactician, Arocle has orchestrated large and small events as a show of power not limited to his tyrian assassinations. In his neck of the woods as an "indigo", he's known for keeping large, dangerous animals away from neighbors' land and lusii. Arocle is also known (in real life and online) as being a literature buff as well as a history buff (more focus on literature though). He translates when needed and is an avid collector of tales (especially if he can get a copy in it's original language). Huge nerd.
✦Notoriety: He's a supposedly missing tyrian who has assassinated other heirs/heiresses before vanishing. Within his indigo persona, Arocle is intimidating and can be intense. He definitely gets what he wants with a combination of intimidation and having a silver tongue. Definitely known as a good friend to Widsth and will back him up (for good or bad) in a situation. Has and will kill for the chance to explore ruins before anyone can fuck them up.
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