#Argentina sightseeing
travelernight · 4 months
10 Attractive Places To Visit In Argentina
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lucylagopus · 11 months
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moonlitdark · 2 years
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📷 Credit:
1. @/Fly_Rules (Twitter)
2. & 3. Via @/Jamiebowerao (Twitter)
JCB out and about in Argentina (pre-Comic Con).
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obsessivedilettante · 2 years
I’ve avoided most things World Cup this year out of sheer spite for FIFA’s corruptness by selecting Qatar as the host country (and then all of the terrible things Qatar has done to secure it and build the infrastructure).
But I am a weak woman who can’t help but watch the final because this might be the last chance Messi has to win a WC and I need to be there for it.
EDIT: just as I was typing in my tag essay, Messi scored! GO MESSI!
UPDATE: DI MARIA SCORES! Argentina up by 2! Beautiful goal!
HALFTIME UPDATE: I’ve fed the turtles their breakfast and have scrounged some leftover dumplings for mine. Mum is now up and cozily ensconced in her chair to watch the second half with me. Hopefully it will be just as exciting as the first half!
OMG UPDATE: Mbappé penalty goal and then a couple minutes later a legit goal! What?!?!?!? Tied 2-2! So stressful! C’mon Argentina, get yourself under control!
ANNNNNNNND now we go into Extra Time. What a game. We all need a moment to catch our breath and then try again.
France goalkeeper smashed in the face, rebound to Messi, then MESSI SCORES!!!! Argentina ahead in Extra Time! I screamed so loud I feel like I need to apologize to my neighbors on this peaceful Sunday morning.
AIIIIIEEEEEEE another Mbappé penalty kick! TIED UP! WHAT IS GOING ON! I mean congrats on a record-breaking hat trick but WHAT IS GOING ON THIS GAME IS SO INTENSE I CAN’T HANDLE IT.
Going to penalty shoot outs. It’s too much. I can’t handle this. I still hate FIFA but man what a game this has been.
Me to Mum: “I’m so happy that I want to cry.”
Mum, with tears running down her face: “I’m already crying.”
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vonlipvig · 1 year
spent the whole afternoon playing operation tango with my friend. imagine our surprise when the bad guy was revealed to be ARGENTINIAN.
DIVERSITY WIN! the evil hacker mastermind es argentooooo 🇦🇷.
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toursmaps · 11 months
About: Buenos Aires Argentina Travel Guide and Buenos Aires Argentina Maps for: Streets, Hotels, Metro, Airports, Restaurants
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About: Buenos Aires Argentina Travel Guide and Buenos Aires Argentina Maps for: Streets, Hotels, Metro, Airports, Restaurants Read the full article
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leclercsredhelmet · 15 days
Enchanted ✧ Franco Colapinto
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A/N: Hello! Back with another blurb for you all, this time it’s Franco themed because I’m just so happy that one of my f2 faves is on the f1 grid! (I’m still so sad about Logan) anyways here’s Enchanted with a Hispanic reader! I hope you all enjoy reading this one <3
“These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon, I was enchanted to meet you”
Being back in Italy has you buzzing with happiness, it’s been quite a few years since you’ve been back in the country. Yesterday you’d spent the day sightseeing and doing light shopping in Milan. This is your first big job opportunity fresh out of university and you’re extremely excited for what lies ahead. Once your alarm rang you leapt out of bed and opened the curtains. Music plays from the phone that sits atop the dresser, as you pass by the window you smile at the crowd of Tifosi chanting and you notice Charles signing their things. Smiling, you walk towards your suitcase and take out the outfit you had laid out last night.
Heading to the bathroom you change into a pair of jeans, a white tee, and a white and blue embroidered vest paired with your usual gold jewelry and white sneakers. Applying the last touch-ups to your makeup you grab your brown Longchamp bag and check that all the contents are there before grabbing your passes and the room key from the dresser. Locking the door you head towards the elevator. Looking around the hotel lobby you notice the flurry of staff getting ready to head out. You spot some drivers heading out and want to ask for pictures but you’re nervous and want to remain professional.
Briefly, you catch a glance of Franco Colapinto as he passes by in front of you and he offers a small smile once you lock eyes. Shyly you smile and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. Noticing your phone is starting to ring when you pick it up, your mother’s face greets you on the other line with a proud smile.
“Hola mi amor, ¿qué tal te va el primer día de trabajo?” she asks and you smile.
(Hi my love, how is your first day of work going?) “Hola ma, muy bien hasta ahora, estoy esperando a mis compañeros para tomar la guagua al circuito” you reply.
(Hi mom, very good so far, I’m waiting for my coworkers to take the car to the circuit)
“Bueno espero que todo te vaya muy bien y voy a estar al pendiente de las redes a ver si te veo entrevistando a alguien!” she beams and you giggle.
(I hope it goes very well and I’ll be tuning into social media to see if you interview someone!)
“Oye y no has visto al chico de Argentina que sustituye a Sargeant? (Oh, have you seen the young man from Argentina that’s substituting Sargeant?)
“Acabo de ver a Franco hace algunos segundos, no hablamos pero me sonrió ,” you reply. (I just saw Franco a few seconds ago, we didn’t talk but he smiled at me)
“Esperemos que te toque entrevistar a Franco, se ve como un chico adorable y se que es de tus favoritos,” she says. (Let’s hope that you get to interview him, he seems like a charming young man and I know he’s one of your favorites)
Smiling you reply, “Eso espero mamá bueno te voy a dejar porque ya vienen los compañeros de trabajo, hablamos luego. Te amo!” you say. (I hope so, mom. I’ll have to leave you because my coworkers are arriving, we’ll talk later. I love you!) “Yo tambien amor, exito hoy!” (I love you too, good luck today!)
Putting your phone away you stand up and introduce yourself to the rest of the crew that hasn’t met you yet. Smiling, they start chatting with you as you walk towards the van that’s already waiting for everyone. Climbing in you take a seat by the window and adjust the passes around your neck, you run your thumb over the black and purple media pass supplied by Formula One and look at your picture and credentials before smiling. “The first day on the job is a little overwhelming but you’ll be fine,” one of your coworkers says. You smile, “Yeah it’s starting to feel like it,” you say with a little chuckle. Everyone smiles, “Lucky for you, we’re not leaving you to your own devices on the first day so the nerves will ease,” someone else reassures.
“It’s more like anxiety but thank you. I just want to be great at the job and have fun. It’s a little hard to believe this is happening and it’s not a dream,” you add with a little chuckle. “It’s pretty surreal but you’re going to enjoy it,” the woman says. “I’m Christine by the way,” she says, outstretching her hand for you to shake. Smiling, you shake it, “Y/N it’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve seen you race in Dakar,” you reply. Quickly you fall into conversation with everyone and get to know them. Fans line the sides with merch and excitedly wave to every car that passes, there’s a lot of Tifosi and you smile.
“Are you hoping to meet any specific driver?” Roldán asks you. “Honestly mostly everyone but especially Charles, Lewis, and Franco,” you answer. “You should ask them for a signature or picture once you can, they’ll be happy to do it,” he says and you smile. Once the car parks you gather your things and leave the car. Adjusting your passes you walk with them and greet the workers in Italian.
Deciding to film such an important moment for you, you put an Airpod on and open Tiktok. Filming your feet heading towards the paddock, you pan up, show the entrance, and film the moment you scan your pass and walk in before capturing your reaction. Quickly you save the video and press play on one of your playlists. There’s press so of course some pictures of you are taken and you smile at the cameras. The nerves have eased significantly and now you’re just happy to be here. Picking up your pace you join Christine and Melissa and resume the previous conversation.
The paddock is quite busy but it’s all team staff, drivers, media, and other personnel. Given the news that broke earlier this week about Franco replacing Logan in Williams, everyone wants a shot at interviewing the young driver from Argentina. Making it into the media room you sit next to your coworkers and immediately begin to work. Sipping some water from your bottle you review your notes and wait for the assignments to be handed out. “And this next one is for Y/N, you have Franco in the media pen,” Melissa says. Feeling your cheeks flush, you smile and nod, “My very first interview with and it’s with one of my favorites this is crazy,” you comment and everyone chuckles.
Quickly you start to prepare by jotting down a few questions and getting into the work mode headspace. When it’s time to start heading to the paddock everyone filters out towards the media pen. At the media pen, you get settled with the in-ear monitors and microphone. Christine decides to film the moment which makes you chuckle and wave at the camera. “You got this, you look great” she encourages and you thank her. The drivers start to come out and you ask questions to a few such as Max Verstappen, Alex Albon, and George Russell. You spot Franco approaching you and you discreetly adjust your shirt.
“¡Hola, ¿qué tal Franco?” ”Soy Y/N y estoy con DAZN!” you say in your native language and he smiles. (Hi Franco, how are you? I’m Y/N and I'm with DAZN) “Hola, muy bien ¿y vos?” he replies smiling. (Hi, I’m very good and you?) You smile back, “Todo bien,” you reply. “Es un gusto conocerte, tenés un acento bonito, ¿de donde sos?” he asks. (It’s a pleasure to meet you, you have a pretty accent, where are you from?)
The question makes you blush a little and you chuckle, Franco smiles. “¡Puerto Rico!” you reply. “Ah! Muero por visitar, es un país muy bonito,” he replies. (I'm dying to visit, its' a pretty country)
“Lo es, bueno primero que nada ¿cómo te sientes al debutar en la fórmula uno?” you ask. (It is, first of all, how do you feel about your formula one debut?) “Gracias por la pregunta, estoy en una nube todavía, es una gran oportunidad y estoy muy feliz y emocionado” you smile at him and continue to ask questions. (Thank you for the question, I’m still on a cloud, it’s a great opportunity and I’m very happy and excited)
He’s been a little flirty but you chalk it up to be the Argentinian charm and once the interview ends you thank him again and he chats with you off-camera before going off. Being busy with work makes the day roll by and when it’s time to get some lunch you decide to go off on your own and join everyone else later. Heading out of the media room you walk around and pass the Ferrari motorhome, smiling you decide to take a picture of it and marvel at how amazing and fulfilling it feels to finally see all your hard work pay off.
The years away from home, while you studied to chase your dream, are finally paying off. It happens to be your lucky day because you spot Charles and Lewis walking. Politely you go over to them and ask for pictures and signatures, “You must be new, I haven’t seen you before,” Lewis comments. Smiling you nod, “Actually, I’m fresh out of university!” You beam and they smile kindly. “In that case welcome to the paddock Y/N,” Charles says. “Hopefully we see more of you in the media pen,” Lewis adds and you smile and nod. “Thank you both for the pictures, I can’t wait to see you both in red next year,” you say. Grinning, they bid goodbye to you and you head in search of food.
Spotting a stand making pasta you stand in line and once it’s your turn you order and pay. With your food in one hand and phone in the other you reply to some messages from friends. As you reply to the messages you lose sense of direction and collide against someone’s chest. Your phone, bag, and sadly your food all fall to the ground, and embarrassment floods over you since a few passersby witness the incident.
“Disculpame, no me di cuenta,” a familiar voice says. (Sorry, I wasn't aware) You lock eyes with Franco, “No, discúlpame tú, fue culpa mía. Estaba en el celular y no estaba al pendiente” you apologetically say. (No, I’m sorry, it was my fault. I was using my cellphone and wasn’t aware)
The young driver chuckles and bends down to help you pick up your things. His fingers brush yours as he hands you back your phone, “Escuchás a Taylor Swift?” he asks. (Do you listen to Taylor Swift?)
Smiling you nod, “Si, soy swiftie,” you say. (Yes, I’m a swiftie!)“¡Yo también! ¿Pudiste ir a algún recital?” he asks you. (Me too! Did you manage to go to a concert?)
“¡Si, fui a la última noche de Londres!” you reply. (Yes, I went to the last London show!) ¿Cómo te sentiste sin tener el anuncio de Reputation?” he asks with a laugh. (How did you feel about not getting the Reputation announcement?) Giggling, you adjust your bag, “Me sentí como toda una payasa,” you reply and he laughs. (I felt like a total clown)
Fran walks with you to a nearby bin and you toss the pasta and napkins. “Me siento re mal que perdiste toda tu comida por mi culpa, dejame comprarte otra,” he offers. (I feel so bad that you lost all your food because of me) “No, está bien no te preocupes,” you reply. (No it’s fine don’t worry)
“Por favor déjame hacerlo, me siento mal que ya en mi primer día acá accidentalmente le he tirado la comida a alguien al suelo,” he says. (Please let me do it, I feel bad that on my first day, I already dropped someone’s food by accident) You giggle, “Ay no te sientas mal, son los nervios del primer día,” you say. (Oh no, don’t feel bad, it’s the first-day jitters)
Franco chuckles in agreement, “Es tu primer día también?” he asks. (Is it your first day too?)“Ajá, me gradué hace unos meses,” you reply. (Mhm, I graduated a few months ago) “Felicitaciones, con más razón tengo que pagarte la comida,” he says and you laugh. (Congratulations, with all the more reason I should pay for your food)
Franco looks over at you and smiles, you smile back and tuck a rogue curl behind your ear. As you stand in line you chat and your stomach flutters every time you catch him looking at you. Both of you order food and he pays for your meals, walking back you’re careful to not drop it or bump into each other again. “Gracias por la comida pero probablemente debo ir a sala de medios,” you say as you start to walk away. (Thanks for the food, but I should probably head towards the media room)
Franco reaches for your hand and stops you, “Quizás esto es muy atrevido pero podés conmigo acá en el motorhome de Williams,” he pauses and looks at you. (Maybe this is a little too bold but you can eat with me at the Williams motorhome)
“Solo si quieres, si no pues esta bien,” he quickly adds. (But only if you want to) You smile at his sweet demeanor and he nods, “Okay, acepto la invitacion Colapinto,” you say and he laughs. (Okay, I accept the invitation Colapinto) “Franco por favor,” he sweetly says. (Franco, please) “Acepto la invitación, Franco,” you add and he laughs. (I accept the invitation, Franco)
Franco leads the way and you go up to the floor in the motorhome reserved for the staff and into his driver's room. “Bueno, almuerzo de primerizos entonces,” he says and you laugh. (Well then this is the lunch of first-timers) “Primerizos que se tropezaron en el paddock,” you joke and he laughs. (First-timers that stumbled upon each other in the paddock) You eat in comfortable silence and after you finish you talk and joke around. He’s made you laugh so much you started to cry and your stomach hurts.
“Me di cuenta de que tenés buen italiano, ¿viviste en Italia?” he asks. (I noticed that you have great Italian, did you live in Italy?) “Solo unos meses, hice un internado en Italia y regresé a España,” you say. (Just for a few months, I did an internship in Italy and returned to Spain) “También lo estudié un poco en secundaria y seguí practicando por mi propia cuenta,” you answer. (I also studied it in high school and kept practicing it)
“¿Cómo es que ambos somos tan parecidos ya?” he comments and you nod in agreement. (How is it that we already have so many similarities?) “Lastima que España es tan grande, si te hubiera conociera antes, habríamos salido o algo,” he adds and you blush. (It’s a shame that it’s so big, if we had met before we would’ve gone out or something) “Quizás hubiese sido una probabilidad,” you say with a little laugh. (Perhaps it could’ve been a probability)
You continue talking and decide to exchange numbers, Franco insists on walking you to the media room. Once you reach it he stops and turns to you, “Fue un placer Y/N, espero no volver a tirarte la comida,” he comments and you laugh. (It was a pleasure Y/N, I hope to not be the cause of you losing your food again)
“Bueno, pero si no pasaba entonces no hubiésemos tenido el almuerzo de primerizos juntos,” you reply attempting your best to flirt back. (But if it hadn’t happened we wouldn’t have eaten lunch together) He smiles, “Tenés razón, esperemos que no sea la última,” he says. (You’re right, let’s hope that it’s not our last time) “Hagamos algo, yo pago el almuerzo en la próxima semana de carrera,” you propose while stretching out your hand. (Let’s do something, I’ll pay for our lunch on the next race week)
Franco shakes it and little jolts run up your body, “Trato hecho, nos vemos pronto Y/N” he says. (It’s a deal, we’ll see each other soon Y/N) Hearing him say your name delicately makes you smile and blush, “Buena suerte mañana, se que vas a demostrar lo bueno que eres en pista,” you say. Franco blushes and gives you a friendly wink and hug before walking away. (Good luck tomorrow, I know you’re gonna prove just how good you are on track)
Blushing, you head inside and greet your coworkers, they notice your blush but don’t ask anything until Melissa points it out. You tell them a little about the encounter and continue to work until it’s time to go.
Once in the hotel room, you call your mom to debrief before showering and after you come out you find a text from Franco and decide to reply. This leads to you two talking for a few hours until you have to call it a night and get some much-needed rest for the hectic weekend that awaits you both.
You were absolutely enchanted to have met him after a slight mishap but it proved to be quite a turnaround.
(all photo credits go to the respective owners)
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hldailyupdate · 6 months
“I was saying before, we never really get enough sightseeing in to be honest. Truthfully, we often maybe squeeze a nice restaurant in, or maybe find a good nightclub. There’s an amazing one here that we went to last time, but other than that yeah I’m not the most cultured guy in the world… yet.”
-Louis on if he has a favourite spot to visit in Argentina when he visits. (6 April 2024)
via Tu Música Hoy
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13a07s · 4 months
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Cost You
(Tooru Oikawa)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to kimmy_begopart]
Requested by: Me
Word Count: 3,450
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Attempted Fingering
Name Calling: Baby Doll, Daddy, Spoiled Brat
Slight Choking
Pornographic Themed Photos Described
Part two?
     Tooru's lips have my skin on fire, more so than the Argentina sun ever could. His hands recently moved from their spots around my throat and on my hip to gripping the carbine copy of his jersey I'm wearing, balling up the material to pull me closer to him. "You're so hot," he almost whimpers, tongue sliding against the spot he was just sucking on.
     As soon as the compliment is out, his mouth is attached to the spot again, sucking on it even harder. He has no shame, the suctioning sloppy sound of his desperate attempt to mark my neck filling the empty locker room. A few whines mix with the erotic noises, Tooru humping me like a dog in heat.
     "To," I murmur, trying to shake the fog out of my head and loosen my grip on his hair. The skin under his lips sizzles from the past four or five minutes he's been working it over. It almost hurts at this point. I can only imagine how dark the bruise is going to be by the time he's done. "You're going to... to be distracted during... your game."
     "Fine by me," Tooru mutters, back to comforting my hickey with his tongue. The soft kitty licks make it sizzle more, prickling the corners of my eyes with tears. "I'm always distracted with you in the bleachers," he teases, a soft chuckle breezing over my skin. "Especially today, with my jersey number hanging on your titties, and these tiny shorts showing off your delicious thighs, so tight I can see the exact shape of your ass," he mumbles, a hand falling away from my shirt to the front of my shorts.
     "You look so sexy. I'm going to be serving with a boner all game," Tooru continues to mumble, snapping the button of my pants open. Shivers race down my spine as the popping noise fills the locker room, anticipation quickly making me quiver.
     His hand slides against my stomach as slowly as his tongue slides against the promised hickey. Just as his fingertips dip past the band of my panties, the room fills with a loud knock. Tooru chuckles as he pulls away from me, slender fingers buttoning my shorts again. "Oikawa, line up in fifteen. Hurry up," someone yells, the voice muffled by the still-closed door.
     An audible - and embarrassing- whine rips from my lungs, my body and mind both pissed about the teasing I just received. Tooru chuckles at me again, tugging on the belt loops of my shorts. "Sorry, Baby Doll. I have some Australian ass to beat."
     "Beat my ass," I whine, slouching backward.
     "After the game," he coos, arms around my back to stop me from tumbling to the floor, ruining my plans to continue my tantrum. Tooru's arms are tight around me, his half-on pressing against me as his lips attach to my neck again, stamping soft kisses against it this time.
     "Stop being so whiney, Baby Doll. After I win, and all the after-game stuff is done, we'll spend the rest of the evening locked away in our hotel room. I'll use my hands and mouth you love so much to make you cum until you can't think straight."
     "Promise?" I sigh, letting myself melt into his kisses.
     "Promise. Then, tomorrow we'll do the same thing after we go sightseeing and try some genuine chicken parmigiana. I'll rock your whole damn world, Baby Doll."
     I let out another sigh, finally releasing his hair. "You're so mean to me," I whine, new shivers creeping down my body when his tongue slides against my throat again.
     Tooru pulls on me, straightening the both of us. "I treat you well. You get to travel because of my job. There's not a thing in this world you need or want," he coos, rubbing Eskimo kisses against my nose. "I spoil you rotten, you little brat."
     "I'm not a brat," I whine, the brattiness in my voice ringing in my ears. "And there is something I want in this world that you won't give me. Your dick."
"Oh, my poor Baby Doll," Tooru teases, his cooing fake this time. "My poor gets everything she wants, gets to spend a week in Australia, blew ten thousand dollars because she 'likes looking' at a pretty art piece, Baby Doll. You're just so mistreated all because I have to go work to so you can keep living your best life. I'm so mean for ensuring you can keep buying all that pretty art you like."
     I whine again, lulling my head back and forth as I try to fight the smile curling on my lips. "Spoiled brat," he repeats, voice still light and flirty as he lifts me off my feet.
     My legs wrap around his torso, my hands buried in his locks again. "You're so mean," I continue to fuse, burying my head in his hair.
     "Oh I know, Baby," Tooru hums, his strong hands cupping my ass, squeezing it after every few steps. I tingle every time he grips me, whining even more as he carries me toward the locker room exit. "I'm so sorry you have to survive two whole hours not being the center of my attention," he continues to tease, shouldering the door open.
     "I might just survive..." I murmur, burying my head in his neck once we're out on the court.
     Instantly, a million flashes flicker, the sound of cameras going off and fans cheering booming in my ears. Tooru checks my legs, tightening them around himself before his hands jump up to help cup my face. His head tilts down, his lips pressed against me so I can hear him better. "But?" He mutters, pecking my cheek as he continues carrying me around.
     "But it's going to cost you," I tease, biting my lip when I feel the jerk of Tooru's body. He's a prideful man, one that has told me a million times he feels the most pride - and the horniest - watching me use his Amex card.
     "Perfectly fine by me," he hisses out, the groan he wants to let out stuck in his throat. Tooru nudges my head when his steps stop, his hands still pressed against my cheeks. I obey the soft order, picking my head up. "There's my Baby Doll," he hums, his hands sliding back to run through my hair before dropping back down to my ass.
I nibble on my lip some more because of the soft acknowledgment of my existence. I'm pretty sure the only time Tooru's mind isn't drenched in me is when he's on the court. Even then I'm not entirely sure that I'm not his every other thought. "Here I am," I whisper, relaxing my legs as he pulls me off of him, gently setting me on my feet.
His hands fall to my hips, squeezing them as he looks down at me. I break away from the staring contest first, my eyes flickering around the court. Most of the players are wrapped up with their partners as well, cuddling up and drenching them in attention before the game starts. A few single stragglers are stretching or bouncing volleyballs off the walls as they wait out the rest of the time before the lineup starts.
"Look at me, Baby Doll. I want to see your pretty eyes," Tooru coos, inching down so his nose is rubbing against mine again. When my head tilts up, leaving just a centimeter between our lips, cameras go off like crazy.
The sound makes him smile more, eyes sparkling with pride from the attention and anticipation for the game. "You, my perfect girl," he starts, a hand sliding under my hair to grip the back of my neck. "Are the best win of my life," Tooru finishes, finally closing the gap between us.
My hands jerk forward, balling up the front of his jersey as I kiss him back. Soft chuckles spill into the kiss, Tooru finding amusement in my still present tingling need for him. A huge grin rests on his face when he pulls away from me, his fingers busying themselves with twirling the ends of my hair. "You have to go now, Baby Doll."
"I know," I exhale, glancing around the court again. A few of the players have started leading their partners to the hallway where security waits to walk us to our front-row seats.
He pecks my lips again before pulling away from me, no longer wrapped up or pressed against me. His hand does slide into mine, easily taking its place before he leads me forward. When we get to the door, Tooru holds it open for me, coating my face in kisses and refusing to let me go.
"Come on, Oikawa. You're not going off to war, you'll be fine," one of his wing spikers teases. He's an older gentleman, on the team for seven years, and married to his wife for nine. She's a nice lady too, always insisting that us 'younger' pro-partners don't go anywhere alone; she's the mom of the group.
"I know," Tooru mutters, his cheeks dusted a light pink from embarrassment. "See you later, Baby Doll," he murmurs, focusing back on me long enough to say goodbye and kiss me once more before he fully parts from me.
As soon as the door is closed behind him, one of the guards steps towards me, holding out my VIP badge. "Thank you," I murmur, looping the lanyard around my neck. The guard grunts, motioning toward the group already heading up the hallway.
I quickly walk forward, the mom of the group instantly opening up a spot for me to squeeze into. "There you are, Sweetheart," she greets, beaming as she looks at me. "Seems like our setter is pumped for the game," she teases, poking the still-stinging bruise on my neck.
"Uh," I stutter, cheeks heating up and a hand shooting up to hide the hickey. "Ya, Tooru is pretty excited." I'll have to yell at him about not leaving hickeys right before a game.
Oikawa Tooru: Quickie Before the Argentina vs Australia Game?
My eyes roll over the short TikTok video essay, skimming the comments as I wait for Tooru to finish changing. Like always, there's trolling, hate, admiration, and jealousy mixed in the comment section. The video is littered with pictures and snippets bits of us; him carrying me out of the locker room, our kiss before we parted for the game, and a few blown-out pictures of the very dark hickey on my neck.
Our clingy moments before the game didn't go unnoticed - nor did my hickey. TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter have been going off nonstop since the game started; my accounts were tagged and shouted out a million times during the two hours.
I skip down my feed, focusing on a different snip-it of gossip surrounding us.
Argentina's Number Thirteen Obsessed or in Love?
The title makes me silently giggle, catching my curiosity. I click play on the video, skimming the comments once again.
There are two main parts of the video, the first noting Tooru's constant change of his Lock Screen. There are about twenty to thirty different blown-out pictures of his phone; all different pictures of me or us. It's something I'm aware of, my boyfriend changing his wallpaper every day.
Tooru easily has hundreds of photos of me, which is why he constantly changes the picture on his phone. He insists he 'wants to love them all equal' and can 'only do that if he changes it daily'. It's one of the small things he does that makes my heart skip.
The second part of the video is focused on the mid-game break he took. His coach subbed him out for half of the third set, giving Tooru time to rest and rehydrate while they had a good lead going.
There are only two photos in this part of the video. One is an image of him scrolling through his photos, the big bold letters of 'Baby Doll' titling the album. The other photo is an image of him nibbling on his cheek as he scans a photo of me on the beach back home. The photo on his phone is blown out, my boyfriend caught being a perv as he stares at my boobs spilling out of my swim top.
I roll my eyes, both at Toru and the TikTok, swiping to slide back out of my notifications before switching over to my feed. I scroll two or three times before a video of him pops up on my feed.
"Oikawa! Oikawa! I have a question!" A girl's voice spills out from the audio.
"What's up, cutie?" My boyfriend answers, sending a wink and throwing up a peace sign as he acknowledges her.
"Is your girlfriend here?"
Tooru chuckles as he looks at the camera, his eyes lighting up at the question. "Yes, my beautiful Baby Doll is in the audience, like always."
"Instagram is blowing up with a picture of you looking at her photos. Is that something you do a lot?"
"Well, duh," he teases, glancing at his phone to unlock it before showing it to the camera. His phone is still open on his photo app, showing off his photo album full of pictures and videos of me. "I can't hold my Baby during the game but I sure as shit can look at her."
"That's so cute!" The girl gushes, squeals spilling from her before the video starts again.
This time I shake my head, a bit embarrassed with how much Tooru gushes over me. I swipe over to my TikTok notifications again, glancing through them in search of something else to watch. It doesn't take long before a mention from my boyfriend stumbles across the screen.
I tap on the notification, a video, and his comment pops up. It's a video of me cheering, standing on my feet as I shriek about Tooru's successful setter dump. The video is captioned 'This is the type of girlfriend every player dreams of'.
'Damn right, @Oikawa.s_Baby_Doll is my biggest cheerleader' the comment reads, filling me with even more embarrassment and giddiness. Tooru is such a simp on and off social media when it comes to me. Of course, the video itself and his comment are a mix of hate-filled speeches about us, me, and the hickey, weaved in between girls thirsting for my boyfriend and people complimenting our relationship.
     My phone vibrates in my hand, making my eyes flicker upward to see the notification. The colorful Instagram symbol is in the left corner of the notification, Oikawa.Tooru mentioned you in a post is squiggled next to it.
     I tilt my phone down, glancing around the stands and the court in search of the man responsible for the notification. I don't find him, all that's left is the player's partners and a few official people of the gym.
     With no sight of him, I decide to click on the notification to see what he posted. Instantly, the app is open and the post is pulled up. There are five sections on the post, the front one being the TikTok of me cheering for him.
     In case anyone forgot, @Oikawa.s_Baby_Doll is my #1 Cheerleader. Thank you for supporting me today, Baby Doll. Oh, and for always helping me calm my nerves before and after a game ;)
     A huge thank you to @ArgentinaVolleyball. Thank you to @AustraliaVolleyball for a good game (and a win). I also would like to thank...
     My eyes skim over the rest of the tags, most of them being teammates, news producers, and other official businesses of the volleyball world.
     Once the post is fully read, my eyes jump back up to the photo line, watching the video once more before scrolling onto the next section. My cheeks heat up as I scan the picture. At some point in the locker room, Tooru snapped a picture of me. More specifically, of his hand around my throat, my head tilted back, cheeks flustered, and his fingers positioned just right to show off the hickey he was working on.
     "I'm going to kill him," I mutter to myself, swiping to look at the next photo. This one only makes my cheeks heat up more. It's the picture from our afterparty from his game last week against Canada. I'm sat on his back, a shirtless Tooru smiling like crazy as I'm in nothing but his jersey, massaging his back for him. The general public doesn't know, but I know that picture was taken five minutes after I got railed in his official jersey.
     The fourth section is a bit better, as in the public viewing it anyway. In the muted video all you can see is a shirtless Tooru. My fingertips trail over the calligraphy fonted tattoo of my nickname pressed into the skin over his heart as silent words spill from him.
     You can't see it from the video, but I know in the moment he's buried nine inches deep, taking a five-second breather between rounds. I also know what he's saying in the video. Tooru is spilling his guts about 'not being able to wait to fuck me with his Olympic medal around my neck'.
     "Son of a bitch," I murmur under my breath, more curses falling as I slide to the next picture.
     Luckily, this is the last section, and honestly, isn't as bad as the others; kind of. I'm dressed up like a cheerleader - one of Tooru's favorite outfits to see me in. A bit of skin shows, a chunk of thigh between my skirt and knee highs, and a thick strip of my stomach, but nothing too bad. The outfit, pom poms I'm holding, and the bow in my hair are all the white and pale blue colors of his team. The hand not holding his phone is buried under one of the garters, squeezing my thigh hard enough that even the image picks up on the indent it makes on my flesh.
"What are you doing?" The question startles me, making me jump and drop my phone to the ground. "Sorry, Baby Doll, I didn't mean to scare you," Tooru laughs, leaning to press a kiss to my head.
"I was looking at the post you tagged me in," I answer, arching down to pick up my phone. "You did great today, Lovey."
His smile grows at the compliment, Tooru leaning down to wrap his hand around my throat gently. "Thank you, Baby," he mutters, peppering clumsy kisses that coat my neck and his fingers.
     "That post is going to cost you too, by the way, and not just a lecture from your publicist and your team manager."
     A groan sticks in his throat, a soft coughing sound coming out instead as his hand tightens around my throat. "Spend all my money, Baby Doll."
     "Maybe I will. Especially if you're going to be a pervy daddy that posts pictures like that of me," I grumble, fake anger and uprightness in my voice.
     Another cough-covered groan and a tighter grip, this one cutting off my airway a bit. "Fine by me. Spend every last cent I have so I have an excuse to make you more."
     "Pervert," I giggle, shaking my head so he'll let me go; a request he instantly obeys.
     "You're fine, brat. You're covered in all of them and besides, the one video of us having sex only has your arm in it. Nothing is going to happen besides my publicist getting pissed because the post is 'too suggestive'," Tooru mutters, a huge grin on his face as his eyes drink me. He only gets more excited when I finally climb to my feet. "Well, and a missed call and pissy voicemail from Iwa-Chan."
"Ya? What did he have to say to you?" I ask, situating myself so I can take my dedicated place next to him.
"Oh, you know," Tooru starts, one arm wrapping around my shoulders as the other one waves around as if it could wave away his friend's lecture. "That the Argentina sun must have fried the rest of my brain cells and that I'm as 'Shittykawa as ever' and to call him back 'to get my full lecture'."
I giggle at the quotes, leaning against Tooru as he leads me away from the bleachers and toward the gym exit. "You know the team is going to give you shit about the post too, right?"
     "I don't mind, Baby Doll. If the cost of loving you is my whole paycheck and some teasing from the guys, I'm more than happy to pay it."
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louisupdates · 6 months
I haven’t done any sightseeing this time around. I did have an incredible night out last time I was here with the tour. Really, really good fun. It is on my plan of stuff to do. I need to get myself a proper steak today, while I’m here. That’s on the list of to do. Hello, hello! I like your shirt!
- Louis Tomlinson, Los 40 Argentina [6.4.2024]
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autumnmylife · 6 months
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April in Argentina is peak autumn season with cooling temperatures and fiery colors, especially in the southern forests. Crowds begin to wane in Patagonia but decent hiking weather is still possible, while the northern wine regions, desert, waterfalls, and capital city offer great weather for sightseeing and outdoor adventures.
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cityseeker789 · 18 days
Buenos Aires City Tour with Lunch
The Buenos Aires City Tour with Lunch offers visitors a comprehensive experience of Argentina’s capital, exploring its most iconic neighborhoods and landmarks. The tour typically includes stops at sites such as the colorful streets of La Boca, the historic Plaza de Mayo, and the upscale Recoleta district. Along the way, a knowledgeable guide shares insights into the city's history, culture, and architecture. The experience concludes with a delicious Argentine lunch, often featuring local specialties like empanadas, steak, or asado, providing a perfect blend of sightseeing and culinary delight.
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schooloftango04 · 2 months
Discover the Magic of Tango Lessons in Argentina: Your Ultimate Guide
Argentina, the land of passion, music, and dance, is synonymous with the enchanting rhythm of tango. For dance enthusiasts and curious travelers alike, Argentina offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the world of tango. This ultimate guide will help you discover the magic of Tango Lessons in Argentina, from classes and events to shows and shoes.
The Origin of Tango
Tango originated in the late 19th century in the working-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. It’s a dance of emotion, storytelling, and connection. Understanding its roots will enhance your appreciation for every step you take in your Tango Lessons in Argentina.
Why Take Tango Lessons in Argentina?
Argentina is the birthplace of tango. There’s no better place to learn this dance than in the environment where it all began. Tango Classes in Argentina offer a rich cultural experience. You’ll not only learn the steps but also the history, passion, and soul behind each movement.
Finding the Right Tango School
Research and Reviews
When looking for Tango Lessons in Argentina, research is key. Look for schools with positive reviews and experienced instructors. Buenos Aires is filled with reputable tango schools.
Types of Classes
Most schools offer group and private lessons. Group classes are great for socializing and meeting fellow tango enthusiasts. Private lessons provide personalized attention, helping you improve faster.
What to Expect in Tango Classes
Beginner to Advanced Levels
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, you’ll find classes suited to your level. Beginners start with basic steps and posture, while advanced dancers refine their technique and style.
Practice and Patience
Learning tango requires practice and patience. Don’t rush the process. Enjoy each lesson and celebrate your progress, no matter how small.
Tango Events in Argentina
Milongas are social tango dance events. Attending a milonga is a must for anyone taking Tango Lessons in Argentina. It’s where you can practice your moves, meet locals, and immerse yourself in the tango culture.
Tango festivals are grand events featuring performances, workshops, and competitions. They are perfect for witnessing the best dancers in action and gaining inspiration.
Experiencing Tango Shows in Argentina
Buenos Aires is famous for its spectacular tango shows. These shows feature professional dancers and live musicians, offering an unforgettable experience. After taking Tango Lessons in Argentina, watching these shows can provide insight into the dance’s professional level and artistic expression.
Tango Shoes in Argentina
Proper footwear is crucial for dancing tango. Tango shoes are specially designed to provide support and flexibility. When you’re in Argentina, visit local stores to find the perfect pair. This will not only enhance your dancing but also serve as a memorable souvenir.
Combining Tango with Sightseeing
Explore Buenos Aires
While focusing on your Tango Lessons in Argentina, don’t forget to explore Buenos Aires. The city’s vibrant neighborhoods, historic sites, and cultural attractions will make your trip even more memorable.
Day Trips
Consider taking day trips to nearby towns like Tigre or San Antonio de Areco. These trips offer a glimpse into Argentina’s diverse culture and stunning landscapes.
Tips for a Successful Tango Journey
Stay Open-Minded
Tango is more than just a dance; it’s a form of expression. Stay open-minded and embrace the emotional journey it offers.
Connect with Fellow Dancers
Building connections with fellow dancers can enhance your learning experience. They can provide support, share tips, and make your tango journey more enjoyable.
Practice Regularly
Consistency is key in tango. Practice regularly to improve your skills and gain confidence on the dance floor.
Taking Tango Lessons in Argentina is an enriching experience that goes beyond just learning a dance. It’s about immersing yourself in a vibrant culture, connecting with others, and discovering the magic of tango. Whether you’re attending Tango Classes in Argentina, participating in Tango Events, watching Tango Shows, or shopping for Tango Shoes, each experience will bring you closer to the heart of this beautiful dance. So, pack your bags and get ready to dance your way through Argentina!
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tajmirrortours0 · 3 months
Golden triangle tour with Ranthambore by Taj Mirror Tour Company.
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Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore by Taj Mirror Tour Company
Overview Greetings from the Golden Triangle Tour with Ranthambore What is unique about the Golden Triangle? An Overview of the Taj Mirror Tour Company's Tour of Delhi After Arriving in Delhi
Welcome to Indira Gandhi International Airport and transportation to opulent lodging in Delhi Delhi sightseeing
a trip to the historic Red Fort Examining the Cultural Wonders of Chandni Chowk and Jama Masjid
Discover Delhi's dynamic culture. Dinner in a classic restaurant Traveling to Agra Journey to Agra
Leave Delhi and take a picturesque journey to Agra Wonders of Agra
Tour to the magnificent Taj Mahal; breathtaking visit of the Agra Fort; Local Flavors
Enjoy the regional food of Agra. Purchasing mementos Travel to Jaipur Calling Jaipur
Visit the Pink City Upon arrival at a historic hotel Jaipur's Wonders of Architecture
Cultural Immersion Tour of Amber Fort, Hawa Mahal, and City Palace
Take in a folk dance and music performance. A regal Rajasthani restaurant for dinner Ranthambore's Wildlife Safari: The Adventure Begins
Travel to the National Park of Ranthambore Getting settled at a nature retreat The Safari Experience
Wildlife safaris in the morning and afternoon observing tigers and other fauna when on nature walks
nature walk with a guide in the area Opportunities for birdwatching Go back to Delhi Journey Returning from Ranthambore Return to Delhi after your trip. In summary Treasured Moments Highlights of the Ranthambore trip and the Golden Triangle Treasures to treasure
Copa America 2024: The Greatest Football Match in South America
The excitement around the 2024 Copa America event is building as the football community prepares for yet another exciting edition of the competition. This tournament unites nations, supporters, and athletes in a spectacular sporting display, serving as both a showcase for South American football skill and a cultural celebration.
Host Nation and Locations
Ecuador, a nation with an ardent football fan base and a rich football heritage, has been awarded the privilege of hosting Copa America 2024. Important games will take place in famous stadiums in a number of towns, such as Estadio Monumental in Guayaquil and Estadio Olímpico Atahualpa in Quito. Fans from throughout the continent and beyond are anticipated to visit these locations, which are sure to create an electrifying environment.
Teams Involved
The ten CONMEBOL members—Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela—will compete in Copa America 2024. Two additional guest teams will compete, giving the tournament an even greater international flavor and depth of intrigue.
Structure of Tournaments
The format of the competition is still the same, with teams split into three groups of four. The top two teams from each group and the top two third-place teams advance to the knockout stages. Each team plays each other in their group once. The ultimate winner will then be decided by the knockout stages through the quarterfinals, semifinals, and championship match.
Important Dates and Timetable
Estadio Olímpico Atahualpa will host a grand opening ceremony on June 14, 2024, to officially launch the competition. Important dates are the group stage matches, which take place until the end of June, and the early July knockout stages. The much awaited matchup, the final, is set for July 13, 2024.
Players to Watch Out for
Some of the best football players in the world will compete in Copa America 2024. Keep a watch on Brazil's Neymar, who is still dazzling with his skills, and Argentina's Lionel Messi, who may be playing in his final Copa America. Up-and-coming talents such as Federico Valverde of Uruguay and Luis Díaz of Colombia are anticipated to have a noteworthy influence.
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bridgertonopinions · 4 months
Hello blog Queen!first I want to apologize in advance cause I'm from Argentina and english is not my language, so probably you and everyone are going to see some mistakes here. Also, thanks for this blog, I am in bed with a broken leg, so this has been entertaining.
I've been reading your blog and all the latest articles and I was pretty sure that Harrient and Luke were together. I literally saw it here that Harriet has been seen with the other actor Perry Fitzpatrick. From what I saw there were a couple of sightseeings and one called my attention. Someone saw them in a concert or something like that in Nottingham. I found it a little hard to believe so, being bored, I went to good old facebook, and to be honest I was quite surprised that I found some post saying the saw Perry and H there with his group. So that anon wasn't lying apparently, and maybe there is someting between them.
She seems happy and Luke too, so who knows really right?
Love and keep with space.
Oh thank you! Good to know
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openingnightposts · 1 year
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