#Aricka and John Winchester
Hi John. I’m your daughter from another universe.
(Main timeline!Aricka and AU!John Winchester.)
(Finale of the Winchesters series. Aricka comes face to face with someone she knows but doesn’t know.)
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Aricka stares at the man in front of her like he had five heads. Sure, she knew what she was getting into when Dean asked her at the start of all this- the finding out the truth of his parents-well- their dad, his mom- and what their legacy actually was.
Aricka thought Mary Campbell was the most beautiful woman she’d seen. If she admitted it in her heart of hearts.
But now she was staring at the man who; in her and Dean’s universe; had left her. In the end it worked out for her own good, but when she was four all she understood was that her daddy didn’t want her. Plain and simple.
Dean was talking about how they’d saved Mary- saved Dean’s mom- and Aricka couldn’t do anything but stare at John. She wasn’t- scared, or mad, like she thought she would be. No.
Aricka felt such a deep sense of longing and something akin to a little kid seeing their parent for the first time after said parent left on a trip somewhere.
She saw all the features she had in her reflection in the face of the man in front of her. Their eyes, the way they were both chewing their bottom lip like their lives depended on it, they even had similarly shaped noses. She’d bet anything that John also had a semicolon shaped mole on the inside of his right elbow. Dean and Sam didn’t; so it must’ve been a dad inherited thing.
“I’m sorry- who are you-?” John asks, startling her from her reveri. Askance, she looked over at Dean, Jack, and Bobby. At Jack’s and Dean’s nods of okay, she turns back to John. Bracing herself, she said,
“Hi John. I’m Aricka. I’m your daughter in the universe Dean is from.”
Immediately she saw the reaction those words had on John- his eyes widen and his jaw drops slightly. He looks at Mary- who was also incredibly surprised- and then back at her; and Aricka felt sick. Anxiously sick.
He walks over to her, stands so they’re inches away from each other. She could tell he was staring at her as intently as she was him just moments prior. Now up closer, she could see various moles and freckles on his face, scars dotting his arms and neck, and she noticed the Akidra anti-possession mark on his arm.
“You- you my daughter?” He asks. She nods.
“From another universe.- I’m not sure what all I’m about to say-It’s a long story but-!”
Then John moved towards her. She froze at first, not sure what was happening, and then it hit her-
This AU version of her dad- was hugging her. The way she always wanted “her” dad to hug her. The way she could only remember her mom hug her.
Tears fill crystal blue eyes and she hugs back, not ashamed to wrap her arms around him and press her face into the jacket John was wearing. He only held on tighter, as if to make up for lost time, and his hand moved from her shoulder to her head, pressing her just a little bit tighter against him, but it wasn’t uncomfortable- it felt safe.
John only let go to stare back into her eyes, wiping away tears as he did; and to say- no, demand, gripping her hands as he did,
“Tell me everything. What you like. What you did back then. Did you- were you a hunter too-?”
Aricka looks back at Dean, then at Jack. And then she suddenly vividly understands just why she was allowed to tag along with Dean at all.
This was her mission.
Dean’s was to record their family history.
Aricka’s was to connect with the version of her dad that could’ve been.
With shaky breath and teary eyes, she looks back at John, squeezes his hands like he did hers. “Is there room for one more in that van?” She asks, and before John could answer Carlos was swooping in, wrapping a tight arm around her shoulders and guiding her over to the others.
“You’re more than welcome, darling. Come join the Monster Club.” She laughs, and was about to climb in behind Mary when it hit her-
“Wait,” she says, jumping out of the van-
And runs back to Dean. The man she owed everything to.
Aricka throws her arms around her big brother’s neck. “I’ll see you later on down the road?” She asks, not wanting to say goodbye.
“Of course. You know the way back home,” he says. “You do your thing. I’ve got my own gig.” Dean kisses the side of her head, ruffles her hair. “I love you, sis. Have fun with- well- our dad.”
She smiles. “I’ll keep them safe for us. For Sammy. Bring him by to meet us when he comes-?”
“You know it kid.” And then Dean gets back into Baby; his beloved car, which makes her exclaim,
“WAIT MY MIXTAPE-!” To which Dean laughed and pulled said tape out,
“You gonna educate them on our music-?” Aricka grins.
“You know it, big bro-!” He gives her a meaningful Dean Winchester Look, one she knew well; one she had been on the receiving end of since she was four years old-
I’m proud of you, kid.
She smiles; and waves as he drives away; and out of sight. She turns to the four in the van, waiting for her. Gripping the tape in her hand, she looks at Jack. “Watch over us, okay?”
“Always,” he promises. “But I’m staying hands off. You know this.” She nods.
“ARICKA!” She nearly jumped out of her skin at the very-Dean-like yell coming from the van.
John was waving at her. He was smiling and he looked eager to spend more time with her. The sight made her want to cry more, but she didn’t.
“COMING!” She yells back. Turns to Bobby. “Thank you.”
“I’ll always be here for you, little rascal,” he says, lips twitching up in a little grin. “You were always my favorite.” She grins and hugs him, giggling at the fake noise of protest from the grumpy old man. “Go on; get out of here.”
That was all she needed before she ran towards the van, grabbing John’s hand and letting him pull her inside.
The road awaited them.
And Aricka couldn’t wait to tell John all about her life.
Behold- I have a new sandbox to play in.
I’ve been thinking about how I would use the prequel The Winchesters with my usual canon, and I’ve decided I’m making even more universes for my beloved characters.
This is main canon timeline (2005-2020) Aricka Winchester, the girl who is dumped in Dean’s lap when she’s four years old and grows up in the hunter life, in a versions of the Winchester’s series that’s like heaven. She will travel with them and tell them what happened to her in her universe to prepare them for what they might possibly encounter. Making an entire new timeline.
However I said universes which means that as always I’m making new ships and new families and it’s going to be good chaotic fun.
Until next time-!
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @callsign-revenge @tsundere-selfship
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rosieshipper · 4 years
Rose’s random imagines
Some more supernatural angst
So y’all know those episodes where Sam or Dean end up in an alternate universe where things are different for them and perhaps their lives are better
So at one point, Rosie probably gets hit with a witch’s curse and falls into a deep sleep. While in said sleep, she wakes up in an alternate world where she was actually born a Winchester. Where Mary and John are her parents and Sam and Dean are her actual biological older brothers
They never started hunting, Rosie never became a half demon. Their life is perfect. Rosie is happy with her family and the life she’s living. But throughout the whole time she’s there, Rosie can’t help but get the sneaking suspicion that something isn’t right. She feels like she isn’t meant to be there
Eventually she realizes that John and Mary aren’t her actual parents and Sam and Dean aren’t her biological brothers. She slowly remembers that Sam and Dean found her while on a case and they took her in. She remembers how she became a half demon
Once she realizes the truth, her reality around her begins to crumble until there is nothing left but Rosie and darkness. But eventually, Rosie wakes up in the real world after Sam and Dean manage to cure the curse with an elixir. Rosie is saddened by the fact that her dream wasn’t a reality, but she is happy that she’s alive and with her dear older brothers for real this time
Tags: @astralshipper @aricka-and-her-fictional-others @cringyalienships @nougatships 
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astralshipper · 4 years
Okay so I'm feeling sappy for my older Aricka Winchester AU (Where she's older than Dean and Sammy) And just John getting mad at Dean and Aricka pushes Dean behind her likes she's his shield . ... Protective older sister stuff
YES!!!! protect those boys!!!! they look up to her so so much. they’re so grateful to have an older sister that loves them so much and is willing to do anything for them.
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mariposalass · 5 years
Self Ship Couple Q and A
Got tagged by @husband-of-lucoa, I will briefly taking over the blog again just to do this. Putting under the cut because it is going to be a long one.
Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do?
M: “Hi, my name is Mari, dorky as heck assistant librarian and aspiring writer trying to survive life without losing my sanity.”
P: “My name is Philip, I currently work as a journalist, but I also write stuff, usually letters or poems to Mari.”
How was your first meeting like?
M: “Well, me, my siblings Harry and Kairi, pals Kirby, Karina, Ahk, and Issa were actually visiting a Hamilton exhibit in Daly City more than a year ago. Harry had made a weird suggestion of using Ahk’s Tablet to temporarily bring life to the statues, which he took as a yes. They then got into a fight about it and had messed up with the configurations on it, which leads to...”
P: “Me finally back to the world of the living after being dead for 200+ years. The adjustment took a while to get used to this new environment.”
M: “But Pip here is a good student and managed to thrive in it as well.”
P: (blushes by Mari’s comment)
How did you get together? Who confessed first?
M: “It was an interesting first month we had: Philip had to share the same bedroom with Ahk, teaching him to use electronics, get him updated on the current news and events, stuff like that. Then the feelings started to grow like crazy as the weeks passed, and it was pretty hard to admit to each other and to our friends.”
P: “So I did approached Harry, Issa, Kirby, and Kairi about helping me set up a date on Valentines’ Day, it was meant to between friends at the backyard.”
M: “Yeah, it really was supposed to be that, but somehow the dinner, I accidentally ‘fessed up first out of the blue. I got tongue tied. Normally, you expect the guy to say the feelings first, but I broke that rule.”
P: “And a good one at that. 
What are your thoughts on PDA?
P: “I have no idea of what it does to be honest. And Mari can be quite squeamish over people trying to give her too tight of a hug at times.”
M: “Kids, go easy on your smooches and hugs because it could sometimes make some folks a little awkward about them.”
How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
P: “Usually through chatting stuff that interest us, writing letters and poems to each, have quiet meals with just ourselves a few times a month.”
M: “Reading stuff together, watching films and TV shows, sometimes we even play a couple of games: video, computer, mobile, board and card alike.”
Who’s more introverted and who’s more extroverted?
M: (raises hand) Shameless socially awkward introvert here!
P: “So that leaves me the extrovert in the relationship then?”
M: Yes, because you’re almost like your dad, but not as ridiculously brash as he was.”
P: “Okay then...”
Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
(Both sweatdrops like crazy because they are too nervous and chickened out to talk about it, NEXT QUESTION)
What do you like doing together the most?
M: “Just being two nerds from different worlds in love.”
P: “The fact that we can go well with the other and enjoy life despite such differences is quite remarkable. And I am sure that my folks would’ve jealous of us then.”
M: “Because we don’t a Reynolds situation behind our backs?”
P: “Or it could be pure weird luck and a wonderful support system and an amazing daughter on our side then.”
M: “That is really true.”
P: (winks back)
Tell us a fun fact about the other!
P: “She has to be the biggest history nerd I have ever known. Honestly, you could imagine how many hours she could go, going through facts less talked about or revisiting more common ones all the time. She has a deep interest on the House of Romanov and she couldn’t get over them.”
M: “He has a crazy knack for making people stunned by speaking in French for funsies and most people who don’t speak or understand it will get confused as I am when he talks to me in French. I really need to work on that area.”
P: “Do not fear, I can help you with that.”
M: “Just don’t make me fluster all the time, okay, my beloved?”
Tag other selfshippers and their f/os.
Only if you guys want to! Also anyone who isn’t tagged can also pick up from this to do their own :D
@jenny-snoopers-world and Snooper, @self-shipping-angel and Levi Ackerman, @astralshipper and Sam Winchester, @aricka-and-her-fictional-others and Jefferson Hatter, @ghoul-bellhop29 and Gideon Grim, @jaklovemail and either Jak or Ash Williams, @angelfairy-ships and either Terry Bogard, FGO Bedivere, Ada Wong, or Takumi, @yamiselfships and BSD John Steinbeck, @spectrumselfshipping and Lucio Dos Santos & Reinhardt Wilhelm, @withlovefromlyell and either Mon-El or Barry Allen, @soulnottainted with Copia/Papa Emeritus IV
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The Winchester Kids
(… aka I decide to add a whole buncha kids to the narrative.)
1. Aricka Winchester. The youngest Winchester sibling, the “eldest” of the Winchester children.
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2. Jack Kline. Biologically he’s the next oldest, but he doesn’t come into the picture until season 13.
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3. Claire Novak. The daughter of Jimmy, Cas’s vessel. She typically hangs with the Wayward Daughters but she sees Aricka and Jack as “cousins/siblings.”
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4. Ben Braeden. For my canon purposes he begins remembering that Dean is his dad and he decides to take on the family business.
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(An older Ben fancast for y’all.)
5. Emma Winchester. Dean’s daughter, she’s an Amazon and she becomes Aricka’s cousin/sister. They absolutely adore each other, and give Dean and Sam gray hair by the hour.
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6. Bobby-John Winchester. The shifter baby from season 6, rescued by Aricka before the alpha shapeshifter could snatch him away. Aricka decided to teach him to control his powers and use them for good.
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7-9. Krissy Chambers, Josephine Barnes and Aidan
Three teens turned hunters after their families died.
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10. Joe and Ryan Silver
They rescue the boys from being monster chow; Aricka adopts them as her little brothers.
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(The two boys behind Sam and Dean
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @letsgofoletsgo @yeehawselfshipping @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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His little sister
(Aricka and Dean Winchester)
(The first time Dean interacted with his baby sister after John left.)
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She was quiet. Too quiet. Dean wasn’t sure what to do with her.
Her. Aricka. The new little sibling his dad had just dropped into his lap; told him to look after, and left promptly after dumping a suitcase of her things along with a car seat in the backseat of the Impala.
Once Dean had figured out how to install said car seat, he watched her climb in, and then he buckled her in, only because he felt like she allowed it, and then he took off, not sure where he was headed, but he knew with a four year old tagging along now; more pit stops would be needed.
Aricka was small; he realized. Standing up, she only reached his hip, but she was- petite? He guessed- and looked a lot smaller. More fragile. Like a strong breeze would knock her down. He gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter, knuckles turning white with the realization that she was only four when exposed to the same life he’d grown up in-
Just like he was. Only four when a demon killed her mom. Only four when she herself almost died. If their dad hadn’t got there when he did- Dean shuddered with the implication.
She was cute; he’d admit. He’d always had a soft spot for kids- he raised Sammy after all- and he could admit that the kid in the backseat of his car was cute. Chin length brown ringlets framing a rounded, pale baby-fat face, freckles dotting her cheeks and nose like stars, and the brightest blue eyes he’d ever seen. She clung to a light brown teddy bear she had yet to reveal a name for, and her lower lip seemed to continually quiver with unshed emotion.
Dean wasn’t sure what little kids liked to listen to music wise, but he had an inkling it wasn’t the loud rock music that he enjoyed. He was, however, greatly impressed that the girl- Aricka, Dean, her name is Aricka- was bobbing her head in time with, “Cherry Pie,” by Warrant, but he still resolved to try and find some kid friendly music she might enjoy. She had had a hard enough time lately; the least he could do was give her music she could potentially sing along to.
His dad didn’t even tell Dean if she was allergic to anything- didn’t even tell Dean if she had a routine she was used to. Dean would once again have to make it up as he went along.
They drove until Dean figured Aricka might be starting to get hungry, and he pulled into a Dairy Queen drive through. “Hey; shortstop,” he said; and winces as the kiddo flinched. Blue eyes met his, and Dean held her gaze steady. “You hungry? Want some food?”
She nods, points to the picture of chicken strips and fries with the garlic bread. “Sounds good, anything else? A drink? Ice cream?” Those blue eyes widen and she points to a blue slushy looking drink. Dean wasn’t sure that was a good combination, but if the kid ate it why was he complaining?
She squished the slushy between her legs, and clutched her box of food in her tiny hands, humming softly as she ate- the first noise Dean had heard her make all day.
Dean watched as she put a chicken strip on a piece of bread, folded the bread over it, and took a bite- wow. Kid was a genius, figuring out how to make a sandwich like that.
She met his gaze in the mirror, and Dean expected the smile on her face to fade, but it seemed to only grow-?- as she watched him.
Then it hit him- he’d never told the squirt his name. He clears his throat. “So- kid. My name’s Dean. Dean Winchester. I’m your big brother. Your name’s Aricka, right?” She nods. “That’s a pretty name. I’ve never met an Aricka yet. Must be special, huh.” The girl nods.
Dean was struck again- she wasn’t talking. Almost like she could, but couldn’t at the same time.
Just like him. He swallowed something painful, dread filling his stomach that this kid was already so similar to him. Mom dead, dad bent on revenge now not just for his mother, but for her mother. “Hey,” he said, and she looks at him. “I know- I know you went through a lot today. And yesterday and all week before now. But- right now? I’m promising you. I’m never letting another bad thing happen to you, as long as I can stop it. You’re safe with me, kiddo. I’m a good guy. I fight the bad guys.”
Her lip quivers again, but she nods, pink lips stained blue from the slushy, and her eyes droop with sleep as she reaches with grease covered fingers for her teddy that’d fallen to the floor.
“Hey kiddo. You can get your teddy back when we get to that motel, see? It’s not far,” Dean says. The girl looks and nods, leaning back against her seat. She yawns, and rubs her eyes with the back of her hand.
And- yepppp. Dean was a goner. The girl in the backseat had officially stolen his heart with a single gesture. And he wasn’t even upset about it.
They pull into the first parking spot at the motel, and Dean unstraps Aricka from her seat, and to his surprise, once her bear was secured in her grip, she latched onto him, wrapping tiny arms around his neck and even scrawnier legs around his waist, and held on for dear life. He froze momentarily, forgetting what it felt like holding a kid, having never been tall like this to properly hold a kid, but now that he was here, he wrapped an arm back around her, supporting her back carefully as he grabbed her suitcase, pink with a Disney princess on it- he didn’t remember which one it was, but she had brown hair like Aricka, along with his bag from the trunk , and somehow managed to carry all those items inside, which garnered a smile from the receptionist. “Long day of travel?” She asks.
“Yeah, my-,” Dean almost said his sister until he realized that might’ve sounded sketchy. “My daughter and I need a room for the night.” He hands her one of his multiple fake identifications, this one happening to be “Brian Downey.” “Name’s Brian. This is Ella.” Thankfully Aricka seemed to be the shy around strangers type, because she didn’t call Dean out on the lie.
“Alright. I’ve got you in room 207, second floor, seventh room. Here’s your key, and enjoy your stay!” Dean thanks her quietly and makes his way to the room, where he set Aricka down, and began setting up the room, warding it like he’d done since he was a few years older than the girl sleeping on the bed.
Once he was done, he began waking up the kid on the bed so she could get ready to sleep- he knew he could’ve just let her sleep but she’d wore those clothes who knew how long and he wanted her to feel comfortable.
The girl roused as he rubbed her shoulder; those blue eyes pop open slowly, and she smiled, a little sunbeam after a storm, and she sat up, holding her arms out to Dean. He didn’t hesitate to scoop her up and hold her for a moment; letting her wake up for a moment. “We’ll discuss house rules tomorrow, kid,” he says, “but one thing that isn’t negotiable is shower-time before sleep. Deal?”
She nods and burrows her head in his shoulder, and she didn’t even know about Sammy yet but that was such a Sammy gesture Dean almost got whiplash from the memory.
The pair make quick work of the new bedtime routine, and Dean even manages to wrangle her hair into a pair of neat braids for overnight. The resulting smile was worth the struggle, Dean decides.
He lifts her into the bed and she snuggles down, her bear still tightly clutched against her. He runs a hand across her cheek, watches how she leaned against his touch, before tucking her in and whispering a little, “Good night,” before turning off the bedside lamp.
And so was day one of a beautiful sibling bond.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Meet the “upgraded” Winchester clan
Dean Winchester. The oldest son. Child of John and Mary Winchester.
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Sam Winchester. Second oldest. Son of John and Mary.
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Adam Milligan-Winchester. 3rd oldest. Son of John Winchester and Kate Milligan.
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Aricka and Eddie Munson. Aricka is older by five minutes. Aricka is the daughter of John Winchester and Katherine Miller. Eddie is the son of John Winchester and Bella Jones. They were born nine months apart. Hence why they look so similar in age and get called twins.
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Gareth Emerson. Son of John Winchester and Linda Emerson.
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Jane Hopper-Byers-Winchester. Honorary member of the family. Travels with the Winchesters and Cas to learn more about controlling her powers. Daughter of Jim and Joyce Hoppee-Byers.
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