#Aricka x Dwayne
The Lost Boys Fruit Bat Vampire Self Insert
(5 of 5)
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Name: Aricka Brielle Wells
Age: 25
DOB: December 24th, 1962
Age when turned: 25
Type of vampire she is: she’s a fruit bat! She doesn’t drink blood. Only fruit juice/nectar/honey. She craves fruity sweet things and she can and WILL bite you if you try to take her fruit.
Hair color: blonde
Eye color: blue
Height: 5’5”
Parents: Sam and Cora Wells
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Love interest: Dwayne Lucia
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Best friends: David Powers
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Paul McCarter and Marko de’Este
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Michael Emerson and Star Collins:
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Laddie Thompson
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Vampire f/os 🍷
Edward Cullen, Twilight (also Jasper and Carlisle in separate AUs)
Aricka x Edward Cullen, you fascinate me my darling
Aricka x Jasper Hale, my southern bell blood-singer
Aricka x Carlisle Cullen, you’re so classic
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David Powers, Michael Emerson, Marko de’Este, Paul McCarter and Dwayne Lucia, the Lost Boys
Aricka x David, i need a cool rider, Aricka x Michael, a devil in skin tight leather, Aricka x Marko, blonde haired cherub boy, Aricka x Paul, if he’s cool enough he’ll burn me through, Aricka x Dwayne, His Juliet, her Romeo
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Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the vampire
Aricka x Lestat, an eternal love for you
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Aricka x Sebastian, my legacy is loving you
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Walter De Ville
Aricka x Walter, I don’t need an invitation to love you
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Roman Sienna
Aricka x Roman, my boyfriend’s a vampire
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Dorian Gray
Aricka x Dorian, the vampire’s blood-singer
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James Stark
Aricka x James, love you all my afterlife
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Aricka x Kalona, shelter me with your wings
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Lost boys preferences:
Meeting Aricka for the first time
1. Marko
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Aricka wandered along the boardwalk in search of something fun to do. She found the carousel and hopped on, finding a horse with purple decals and climbed up, holding the golden metal pole as the ride started.
Someone brushed past her, but returned quickly to say, “I’m so sorry- I wasn’t paying attention- did I hurt you-?” He was the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen- golden curls and a sweet face that intrigued her; and she adored the jacket he was wearing.
Aricka giggles softly, “you barely brushed my leg, you’re fine.” The boy huffs a sigh of relief.
“It would be most embarrassing if I’d hurt a beautiful woman like you,” he says. “My name is Marko; you are-?”
“Aricka Jo Martin,” she replied. “Most people call me Aricka or Ari.”
“Luckily for me I’m not most people,” he says; and as the ride stops; he holds out his hand for her to take. “But first; how would you like to keep this conversation going, carino?” The foreign word tickled her ears as he spoke; and she took his hand willingly. (Pretty one in Italian- via Google Translate.)
“I’d like nothing more,” she says; and from that moment on, her life was forever changed.
2. Paul
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Aricka was in Max’s video store, looking for- you guessed it- a new movie to watch. Seeing none that grabbed her interest; she returned to an old favorite- The Outsiders. Tom Cruise and Patrick Swayze were two of her favorite actors, she could watch them act for hours.
“You’re really gonna go for that one when there’s a classic like “Silver Bullet” right in front of you?” A male voice says; reaching in front of her to grab said movie.
“I’m not a fan of horror,” she says. “I like found family.”
“Found family? Then you’ll love mine,” he says. “Name’s Paul. What’s a guy gotta do to get your name?”
Aricka smiles; unable to resist the lure of his charm. “Aricka Renee Hart.”
“Hart; huh? Gotta lot of love to give?” He teases. She rolls her eyes. “Tell you what; you watch Silver Bullet with me. If you absolutely hate it; then I’ll make it up to you by taking you anywhere you want on the boardwalk, my treat.”
Aricka considers her options. Go on a date with a cute boy- and if she hates the movie he suggests; she gets ANOTHER date with said cute boy anywhere on the boardwalk she wants.
Okay then. “Alright,” she agreed. “But if it’s scary I’m hiding my face against your shoulder. It’s only fair.”
“But of course, m’lady,” he tips a fake hat before offering her his hand as they make their way to the register to rent their movies of choice.
3: David
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He was back again. David Powers. Him and his gang had been kicked off the boardwalk several times, but had always managed to come back every night. Aricka couldn’t help but be intrigued by their leader. He was- ethereal. Like some famous painting. She could look. But never touch.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be frowning so hard, you deserve to smile,” she was pulled from her musings by an unfamiliar voice-
It was him. David. She felt her face grow warm. “You shouldn’t tell a lady what to do; it’s rude.”
“Oh; a lady huh?” He sits down beside her. “What’s a lady doing in the so called murder capital of the USA then?”
“She has nowhere else to go?” She said, but it was more of a question. David nods.
“I understand that feeling. But if you want; you could become part of a family that understands you better than anyone else ever could. I’ve been watching you. You intrigued me. I’m dying to get to know you more. If you’ll let me.” His words were so pretty; Aricka was helpless to withstand his charm.
“Tell me more?” And so he did.
Or at least- the condensed version. Until she could actually meet the others; it would suffice.
4. Michael
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Aricka was playing a game at the boardwalk when someone bumped into her rather hard, and she almost fell to the ground; but solid arms wrapped around her and steadied her. “Woah… careful,” a masculine tone of voice says. “I’m sorry. I got pushed- are you alright?”
Aricka couldn’t reply- she was busy staring into electrifyingly cold blue eyes. When her brain caught up to what he was asking, she nods. “I’m fine. I’m just not walking away with a teddy bear tonight,” she jokes. “Aricka Claire Williamson.”
The beautiful boy shakes her hand, “Michael Jason Emerson. The pleasure is all mine. Truly. And as an apology, I’d like to win you that teddy bear. My treat.”
Aricka finds herself agreeing, and leaning against him as he plays the dart game, and they end up walking away with Aricka holding a teddy bear the size of her midsection- from shoulders to waist.
5. Dwayne
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Aricka was perusing the bookstore when she heard an unfamiliar voice. “If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” She turns to see a tall, dark and handsome stranger towering over her: leaning his arm against the shelf. He bows low at the waist and kisses her hand. The movement makes her blush and she giggles softly before replying;
“Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.” She begins walking away; and he pursues,
“Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?”
“Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer…” she leads him through the fantasy section; fingers trailing behind her as his try to catch them.
“O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.” If Dwayne still had a heartbeat it would have been a frantic beating pace; this woman understood his language, was speaking it back to him.
She laughs softly, “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.” They were now in the romance section, and he gripped her wrist; tugging her to him. Her hands were braced on his arms, and his were resting on his hips, as he said,
“Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.” He leans down, waits in case she wants to withdraw from their little game, and when she makes no move, connects their lips in a sweet but searing kiss, her arms sliding up to his chest, his around her back. “Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged…” He breathes.
She could barely speak her next line, “Then have my lips the sin that they have took?”
He gasps and utters, “Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” And kisses her again, and by now she was cradled against him; and Aricka found herself not wanting to leave his embrace. “My name is Dwayne: sweet Juliet.”
Aricka blushes and says, “my name is Aricka Brielle Wells, gentle Romeo.”
“Would you like to go on a proper date? I promise more kisses if you want.”
Aricka laughs and hides her face in his shirt as she nods, “nothing would make me happier- other than a new book.”
“I can grant this request.” And they went back to the fantasy section to look for new books- together.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Lost boys romantic f/os
1. Michael Emerson
Aricka x Michael, escape from a world of greed anger and boredom
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2. David Powers
Aricka x David, his sweet little thing
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3. Marko
Aricka x Marko, her blonde haired cherub
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4. Paul
Aricka x Paul, mischief and romance
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5. Dwayne
Aricka x Dwayne, how ardently I admire and love you
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@yeehawselfshipping our boys ❤️
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