#Aricka x David
Vampire f/os 🍷
Edward Cullen, Twilight (also Jasper and Carlisle in separate AUs)
Aricka x Edward Cullen, you fascinate me my darling
Aricka x Jasper Hale, my southern bell blood-singer
Aricka x Carlisle Cullen, you’re so classic
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David Powers, Michael Emerson, Marko de’Este, Paul McCarter and Dwayne Lucia, the Lost Boys
Aricka x David, i need a cool rider, Aricka x Michael, a devil in skin tight leather, Aricka x Marko, blonde haired cherub boy, Aricka x Paul, if he’s cool enough he’ll burn me through, Aricka x Dwayne, His Juliet, her Romeo
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Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the vampire
Aricka x Lestat, an eternal love for you
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Aricka x Sebastian, my legacy is loving you
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Walter De Ville
Aricka x Walter, I don’t need an invitation to love you
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Roman Sienna
Aricka x Roman, my boyfriend’s a vampire
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Dorian Gray
Aricka x Dorian, the vampire’s blood-singer
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James Stark
Aricka x James, love you all my afterlife
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Aricka x Kalona, shelter me with your wings
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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The Lost Boys Fruit Bat Vampire Self Insert
(3 of 5)
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Name: Aricka Christine Campbell
Age: 21
DOB: August 14th, 1966
Age when turned: 21
Type of vampire: she’s a fruit bat! She doesn’t drink blood. Only fruit juice/nectar/honey. She craves fruity sweet things and she can and WILL bite you if you try to take her fruit.
Eye color: blue
Hair color: strawberry blonde
Height: 5’3”
Family: Lane and Joana Campbell
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Brothers: Jackson and Jordan
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Sister: Elaine
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Love interest; David Powers
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Best friends: Marko de’Este
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Paul McCarter
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Dwayne Lucia
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Michael Emerson
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Laddie Thompson and Star Collins
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Lost boys preferences:
Meeting Aricka for the first time
1. Marko
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Aricka wandered along the boardwalk in search of something fun to do. She found the carousel and hopped on, finding a horse with purple decals and climbed up, holding the golden metal pole as the ride started.
Someone brushed past her, but returned quickly to say, “I’m so sorry- I wasn’t paying attention- did I hurt you-?” He was the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen- golden curls and a sweet face that intrigued her; and she adored the jacket he was wearing.
Aricka giggles softly, “you barely brushed my leg, you’re fine.” The boy huffs a sigh of relief.
“It would be most embarrassing if I’d hurt a beautiful woman like you,” he says. “My name is Marko; you are-?”
“Aricka Jo Martin,” she replied. “Most people call me Aricka or Ari.”
“Luckily for me I’m not most people,” he says; and as the ride stops; he holds out his hand for her to take. “But first; how would you like to keep this conversation going, carino?” The foreign word tickled her ears as he spoke; and she took his hand willingly. (Pretty one in Italian- via Google Translate.)
“I’d like nothing more,” she says; and from that moment on, her life was forever changed.
2. Paul
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Aricka was in Max’s video store, looking for- you guessed it- a new movie to watch. Seeing none that grabbed her interest; she returned to an old favorite- The Outsiders. Tom Cruise and Patrick Swayze were two of her favorite actors, she could watch them act for hours.
“You’re really gonna go for that one when there’s a classic like “Silver Bullet” right in front of you?” A male voice says; reaching in front of her to grab said movie.
“I’m not a fan of horror,” she says. “I like found family.”
“Found family? Then you’ll love mine,” he says. “Name’s Paul. What’s a guy gotta do to get your name?”
Aricka smiles; unable to resist the lure of his charm. “Aricka Renee Hart.”
“Hart; huh? Gotta lot of love to give?” He teases. She rolls her eyes. “Tell you what; you watch Silver Bullet with me. If you absolutely hate it; then I’ll make it up to you by taking you anywhere you want on the boardwalk, my treat.”
Aricka considers her options. Go on a date with a cute boy- and if she hates the movie he suggests; she gets ANOTHER date with said cute boy anywhere on the boardwalk she wants.
Okay then. “Alright,” she agreed. “But if it’s scary I’m hiding my face against your shoulder. It’s only fair.”
“But of course, m’lady,” he tips a fake hat before offering her his hand as they make their way to the register to rent their movies of choice.
3: David
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He was back again. David Powers. Him and his gang had been kicked off the boardwalk several times, but had always managed to come back every night. Aricka couldn’t help but be intrigued by their leader. He was- ethereal. Like some famous painting. She could look. But never touch.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be frowning so hard, you deserve to smile,” she was pulled from her musings by an unfamiliar voice-
It was him. David. She felt her face grow warm. “You shouldn’t tell a lady what to do; it’s rude.”
“Oh; a lady huh?” He sits down beside her. “What’s a lady doing in the so called murder capital of the USA then?”
“She has nowhere else to go?” She said, but it was more of a question. David nods.
“I understand that feeling. But if you want; you could become part of a family that understands you better than anyone else ever could. I’ve been watching you. You intrigued me. I’m dying to get to know you more. If you’ll let me.” His words were so pretty; Aricka was helpless to withstand his charm.
“Tell me more?” And so he did.
Or at least- the condensed version. Until she could actually meet the others; it would suffice.
4. Michael
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Aricka was playing a game at the boardwalk when someone bumped into her rather hard, and she almost fell to the ground; but solid arms wrapped around her and steadied her. “Woah… careful,” a masculine tone of voice says. “I’m sorry. I got pushed- are you alright?”
Aricka couldn’t reply- she was busy staring into electrifyingly cold blue eyes. When her brain caught up to what he was asking, she nods. “I’m fine. I’m just not walking away with a teddy bear tonight,” she jokes. “Aricka Claire Williamson.”
The beautiful boy shakes her hand, “Michael Jason Emerson. The pleasure is all mine. Truly. And as an apology, I’d like to win you that teddy bear. My treat.”
Aricka finds herself agreeing, and leaning against him as he plays the dart game, and they end up walking away with Aricka holding a teddy bear the size of her midsection- from shoulders to waist.
5. Dwayne
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Aricka was perusing the bookstore when she heard an unfamiliar voice. “If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this: My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.” She turns to see a tall, dark and handsome stranger towering over her: leaning his arm against the shelf. He bows low at the waist and kisses her hand. The movement makes her blush and she giggles softly before replying;
“Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.” She begins walking away; and he pursues,
“Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?”
“Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer…” she leads him through the fantasy section; fingers trailing behind her as his try to catch them.
“O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.” If Dwayne still had a heartbeat it would have been a frantic beating pace; this woman understood his language, was speaking it back to him.
She laughs softly, “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.” They were now in the romance section, and he gripped her wrist; tugging her to him. Her hands were braced on his arms, and his were resting on his hips, as he said,
“Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.” He leans down, waits in case she wants to withdraw from their little game, and when she makes no move, connects their lips in a sweet but searing kiss, her arms sliding up to his chest, his around her back. “Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged…” He breathes.
She could barely speak her next line, “Then have my lips the sin that they have took?”
He gasps and utters, “Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” And kisses her again, and by now she was cradled against him; and Aricka found herself not wanting to leave his embrace. “My name is Dwayne: sweet Juliet.”
Aricka blushes and says, “my name is Aricka Brielle Wells, gentle Romeo.”
“Would you like to go on a proper date? I promise more kisses if you want.”
Aricka laughs and hides her face in his shirt as she nods, “nothing would make me happier- other than a new book.”
“I can grant this request.” And they went back to the fantasy section to look for new books- together.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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Lost boys romantic f/os
1. Michael Emerson
Aricka x Michael, escape from a world of greed anger and boredom
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2. David Powers
Aricka x David, his sweet little thing
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3. Marko
Aricka x Marko, her blonde haired cherub
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4. Paul
Aricka x Paul, mischief and romance
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5. Dwayne
Aricka x Dwayne, how ardently I admire and love you
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@yeehawselfshipping our boys ❤️
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Harry is MY boyfriend; you don’t tell me who to love-!
(Part two)
(Aricka x Harry Hook. Aricka and the Hero Kids. Aricka and the Isle Kids. Aricka and Chad Charming.)
(The aftermath.)
(Note: in my Descendants canon Emma Swan is the teen daughter of Snow and David Charming, of the White Kingdom. Killian is the son of Will and Elizabeth Turner. )
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Evie, Aricka and Harry stumbled into the room the Charming twins shared together (their mother had payed the school to allow them to be in the same dorm), and Mal magically locked the door behind them. Aricka was pulled onto her bed, which currently housed Chad, Uma, Gil, Aziz, and also now herself and Harry.
Harry pushed her so she was leaning against her twin; and he surprised everyone (excluding herself and Uma) by laying his head down on her shoulder, arms wound tightly as possible around her middle. She busied herself by running her fingers through his too perfectly gelled hair, mussing it up back to his usual style, noting that Chad was undoing her own perfect French braids- all twelve of them, symbolizing the hour her mother ran down the palace steps when she was still just a scullery maid- and detangling every knot and snarl he came across with a gentle hand.
Mal and Evie were warding the room, while Ben and Jay and Doug were discussing how to keep everyone in the room safe until the noise died down. Uma was doing the opposite of Chad and was braiding Gil’s hair, the golden curls easily manageable and braidable it seemed. Aziz was texting furiously- probably letting his awesome protective parents know that he and his friends and cousins were okay and all in one place.
Carlos, Lonnie, Audrey, Jane L, Jane C, Emma, and Killian were all on Chad’s bed, Carlos being wedged between Jane LaFae and Audrey, both girls asking if he was alright and seeming very protective of him.
Aricka’s stomach churned and she felt like she might cry. She was suddenly aware of a presence in front of her and she looked up to see Azalea hovering nearby, a worried look on xeir face. The look was enough to make her face crumble and the first few tears fall down her cheeks. “Oh- oh no,” she mumbled, “my- my makeup- it’s- I’m- oh no-!”
Harry immediately sat up, hands coming up to cup her face, thumbs wiping away the salty water slipping from her eyelids, as her shoulders began to shake. “Love, you’re not tainted, not dirty. Crying is natural and healthy and your body needs this release to move forward. Just let it happen. You’re safe here; everyone here loves you.”
“But my mascara- my eyeshadow- I’m dirty, Harry. Unclean. Gross….”
“You are absolutely not gross,” Evie says, tugging one of Aricka’s hands from Harry’s grip, “I cry all the time, am I dirty? Or unclean?”
“N-no-!” Aricka cried, face pale and eyes red rimmed. “Evie you’re beautiful and lovely and smart and kind and-!”
“Then so are you. Purely because you are an Auradon girl who never stops trying to be better and to understand.”
“I can’t- Chad- she said- she said-!”
“I got this,” Chad says, “excuse me a sec Harry.” The pirate moved over so Chad could take his spot. “Hey sis-a-roo. Sis. Sissy. Twinny. Look at me. I’m right there with you. I don’t think what our mother taught us was right. If we were gonna be rejected the second we showed a flaw or imperfection everyone would’ve already left but look up.” She shook her head. “Ariellllllll….” He sang. “Come on tiny. Teeny. Itsy-bitsy…. Starburst?” Nothing. “Butterfingers?” The name got her to finally look up at Chad only. “Look around us. Please?”
She glances around the room to see what Chad saw-
Everyone was still there. Watching her, granted, and yes that was humiliating all in itself but they-
They didn’t think she was loathsome for having runny makeup and nose. For having a torn skirt. For having a bright red slap imprint on her cheek.
“Chad…” she whispered. “You- they- I don’t understand-?”
“Oh, evil,” Mal says, “of course you knew how to comfort us about our crappy parents; you’ve got a crappy mom.” The purple haired demigoddess Fae suddenly marched over and wrapped the pale-blonde princess in a protective but careful embrace, “my mom used to do the same thing- act all flowery and sweet one minute and the next she was pulling the rug from underneath me.” Aricka was shaking again, face pressed firmly against Mal’s light purple jacket. “You’re une princesse guerrière, and I am going to be your fée protectrice.”
Aricka gulps and whispers, “You are ma reine des fées, Mal. Have been for a while. Ma reine dragon, as well.”
“She’s right about that, min modige kriger,” Uma says, wrapping herself around Chad, “while your perfect parents tried to take our voices- while my mother stole voices- Aricka, you GAVE us your voice. Gave us A voice. You spoke for us when we couldn’t or risk being sent back to the Isle.”
“U-Uma, I wish you had been born here; safe, wish we could’ve all been friends from the beginning,” Aricka croaked; and then Uma was hugging her, saying,
“That’s why you were our first chosen friend here. You never once saw us as different, you saw us as friends you just hadn’t truly met yet. You saw us as equals. You explained to us how you worked, how life here worked.”
“She’s right, meine Kriegerprinzessin,” Evie said, adding to everyone calling Aricka a warrior princess. “We chose you.”
“Since the moment we met you’ve been my compass, my treasure, mo chridhe, love, nobody is replacing you.”
“Chad; we didn’t forget you, you’re every bit as dear as your twin. You both helped us in different ways.” Then CHAD was crying and Aricka gripped her brother and then every VK and Hero Kid was in a giant cuddle heap.
“I- I can’t believe she hit me,” Aricka whispers. “She’s never hit me before-,”
“And if she knows what’s good for her she never will again,” Jay said, affirmed by Azalea.
“I’m going to make protection bracelets for you and Chad; if she tries anything you’ll just have to activate the beam and we can teleport to you or vice versa,” Mal swore.
“Same here princess, you and all the hero kids, you’re all getting some form of a protection charm,” Uma adds.
“I want one for Aricka Page,” Seb White suddenly spoke up. “She can handle herself but- it would make me feel better. Knowing we can find each other.”
“We can make that happen,” Azalea assured. “Everyone in this room has done so much to help us it’s the least we can do.”
“Indeed,” Evie says. “I will make sure that all of you get something of ours to ensure everyone knows you’re under our protection.”
“Hey-um-princess Aricka-?” Gil. Aricka wiggled up so she could see the blond pirate. “Those things you said back there- did you really mean that?”
Aricka and Chad don’t even glance at each other as they both move over to Gil, moving as two parts of the same brain almost. Aricka slowly reaches for Gil and then when he didn’t flinch or move away she wrapped her arms carefully around him, Chad doing the same. “Gilly…” she says. “You are the sunshine of this group. We need sunshine to thrive. We all love and need you, Sunny. Don’t doubt your place here. You try so hard; and you’re so Good. You just absorb everything good like a sponge, and you smile at the smallest pleasures. I’m proud to call you my friend. My sunshine. My Gil.”
“And you’re super strong and athletic,” Chad adds. “You’re going to be one of the best graduating Tourney players in Auradon. And one of the best swords and shields players. I bet you could even learn to be a super amazing chef, with all the recipes you’ve been working on.”
By now the “sunshine” of the group was crying too, and Aricka sent Uma a panicked apologetic glance, only for the teal-haired pirate to wave her on. “It’s okay Gil, they mean it,” Uma asserts. “Aricka and Chad only say what they mean. If they say you’re sunshine, they’re just affirming what we all think and know.”
“Oh wow…” Gilly said, glancing at the twin royals who looked so much like him- Aricka with her light blue eyes and pale blonde hair; Chad with his smile and curls and the similar facial structure. “Oh, wow… you really mean it- you meant it all-,”
Aricka was about to speak and assure him when the door opened-
And her dad walked in,
Then everything went chaotic once again.
@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @sappy-secrets @rosepetalcharm @mariposalass
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HSM families: the Evans family
Ryan Evans: dad, daddy, daddo
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Aricka Evans: mom, momma, Ma
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Sebastian Matthews-Smith, 16
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David “Davey” Ryan Evans, 14
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Eponine Cosette Evans, six months old
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo
Tags: Aricka x Ryan, you are the music in me, the Evans fam
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Top Gun Original Character Profile Sheet
Tags: Ricki x Blake, Leia x Rogue, purest form of soul mates
Blake’s theme song:
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Basic Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Full Name: Blake Cameron Davis
Reason/meaning: I wanted a name I would remember easily and funnily enough I remember Blake Cameron Davis pretty easily since his name is alphabetically ordered.
Nicknames: Bee, Bubs, Blondie, Charmer, Pretty Boy, Braveheart, warrior
Callsign: Rogue- based off Ricki Mitchell’s call sign of Leia- they both love Star Wars.
Birthday: January 18th, 1962
Birth place: Anaheim California
~~~~Physical Appearance and Characteristics~~~
Eye color: a deep, Caribbean blue
Hair color: blonde with streaks of brown
Hair length/style: chin length, soft wavy mullet (see above gif)
Height: 6’0”
Build: solid, muscular, lithe
Notable features: his puppy eyes, the dimples in his smile, the left side of his smile curls up, the moles on his cheeks, the perfect Cupid’s bow lips, strong athletic arms.
Jewelry/accessories: not sure if these count but he wears his dog tags everywhere.
Dominant hand: right handed
Speech style: low, husky, comforting, his voice sounds like what a dryer-warm blanket feels like.
Quirks: has one mole/birthmark on his cheek that’s bigger than the rest, chews his lower lip/inside of his cheek when nervous, allergic to shellfish, stutters when saying “I” or “W” words, breath always smells like cinnamon gum, very introverted unless interacting with Ricki, Pete, Nick, Tom or Ron, has a unique organizational structure, loves playing piano and guitar, has a special connection with animals, charms his way out of trouble every time.
Positive traits: a born leader, thoughtful, resilient, brave, cutest dimples ever, fast metabolism, a great RIO, trustworthy, loyal, hardworking, dedicated, observant, comforting, charming, respectful, polite, gentlemanly.
Negative traits: stubborn, can be easily angered, sometimes forgetful, can be apathetic at times, a bit of a perfectionist.
Accent: he doesn’t have much of one, being from California.
Hometown: Anaheim California
Best memory: the first time Ricki ever fell asleep on his shoulder. It was after a long day of training and she’d been exhausted, and while the four of them- Goose; Pete: himself and Ricki- sat in Blake’s dorm she fell asleep with her head on his shoulder with both her arms wrapped around one of his.
Where does Blake currently live: depends on the AU, but he always is close to Ricki.
Where does Blake want to live?: Florida, or back in Anaheim, he can take Ricki to Disney any time she wants to.
Parents: Lori-Anne and Michael Davis:
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Little sister: Michelle Nicole Davis
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Best friend and depending on the AU, love interest: Aricka “Ricki/Leia” Mitchell
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Friends: Pete “Maverick/Mav” Mitchell and Nick “Goose” Bradshaw; and the rest of the 1986 TopGun class.
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Fankids: Nike Ophelia Davis
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Gabriel Luther Davis
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Nieces and nephews: Aricka “Lucky Charm/Lux/Mini-Mav” Mitchell and Jeremy “JJ/Jere-Bear/Iron Man,” Mitchell
Aurora, Piper and David Kazansky-Mitchell
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @sappy-secrets @yeehawselfshipping @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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