#you’re so classic
Vampire f/os 🍷
Edward Cullen, Twilight (also Jasper and Carlisle in separate AUs)
Aricka x Edward Cullen, you fascinate me my darling
Aricka x Jasper Hale, my southern bell blood-singer
Aricka x Carlisle Cullen, you’re so classic
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David Powers, Michael Emerson, Marko de’Este, Paul McCarter and Dwayne Lucia, the Lost Boys
Aricka x David, i need a cool rider, Aricka x Michael, a devil in skin tight leather, Aricka x Marko, blonde haired cherub boy, Aricka x Paul, if he’s cool enough he’ll burn me through, Aricka x Dwayne, His Juliet, her Romeo
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Lestat de Lioncourt, Interview with the vampire
Aricka x Lestat, an eternal love for you
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Aricka x Sebastian, my legacy is loving you
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Walter De Ville
Aricka x Walter, I don’t need an invitation to love you
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Roman Sienna
Aricka x Roman, my boyfriend’s a vampire
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Dorian Gray
Aricka x Dorian, the vampire’s blood-singer
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James Stark
Aricka x James, love you all my afterlife
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Aricka x Kalona, shelter me with your wings
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@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge
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“Oh but listening to mario noises for an hour would be so annoying!”
have you ever played any mario game in your life.
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pensivegladiola · 1 year
You can’t be too good at your job: FALSE.
Richard Mansfield’s 1880s onstage portrayal of Dr. Jekyll’s transformation into Mr. Hyde was so good that people accused him of being Jack the Ripper and even wrote letters to the London police encouraging his arrest.
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wigglebox · 1 year
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Suptober - Day 1 || Liminal [x]
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paulic · 8 days
Never forget when Howard Stern said to Paul that his sexuality was so powerful over John that Paul “could have his way with him” and Paul just looked at his finger nails and said “well…💅” or “wooow 💅” and after Stern went on, Paul said “well you know I mean, I like that theory”
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chirpsythismorning · 8 months
Mentally I'm here (wait for it…)
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communistkenobi · 1 year
reading orientalism some more and I like that the introduction is mostly Said listing all the caveats to his thesis. like for pages and pages he’s like I’m NOT saying this or this or this so don’t respond to me like I said any of that shit. I love when academics preface their work with “here are all the reasons why you’re not allowed to get mad at me”
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brennan lee mulligan: old king cole was-
me: omg a mechanisms reference
brennan lee mulligan: -a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he so he called for his pipe and-
me: king you’re getting the lyrics wrong this is so embarrassing for you
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aalghul · 3 months
comics are difficult to get into and the inconsistencies can be annoying/confusing and there is a lot of material to get through if you want to read major characters. but: it’s never so serious that you should let this stuff overwhelm you. just pick stuff up and try to figure out what’s going on. if you have a hard time going through a character’s reading order chronologically, just pick an event and read the issues for that specific story (trade paperbacks will make your life easier here). it’s literally not a commitment, tou can jump around however you like. reading comics isn’t homework, it should be fun
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strawberryteabunny · 9 months
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winter coords from a recent trip I took 🎁
My friend and I went to Staunton, Virginia (with a stop in Alexandria on the way there and back, where these pics were taken) for a short trip right before Christmas! It was a lot of fun, both towns look super cute and we went to Shenandoah National Park, Monticello, and I got to go antiquing!!
1st coord rundown:
JSK: BTSSB Milk-Chan and Snow Strawberry
Apron: handmade
Headdress: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Blouse, socks: offbrand
2nd coord rundown:
OP: IW Tartan Check
Sweater: Liz Lisa
Shoes: Cotton Candy Feet
Socks: offbrand
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yabagofmilfs · 6 months
unfortunately i know exactly what would have happened if id known sidney crosby in high school, because i did have an intense academic rivals to obsessed with each other thing with the quarterback in high school, but we were both in long term relationships with other people we didn’t want to hurt so we existed in will we won’t we i want to but it isn’t right hell for three years before going our separate ways after high school. he was shortish and stocky with curly brown hair and freckles and a nice smile. so like. the writing is on the wall unfortunately.
rip high school me you would have loved sidney crosby’s puka shells. :(
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yourdeepestfathoms · 1 year
something about Clara and the Albino just makes my heart ache, and their relationship deserves more content and recognition because it’s so sweet
the fact that he loves her unconditionally and doesn’t care about who or what she is. he isn’t afraid of her. he just loves her so, so much.
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fritzmonorail · 9 days
At the end of this episode, the doctor causes the great fire of Rome. And then he and Vicki laugh about it like it’s really neat and cool, presumably while thousands of innocent people burn to death.
The first doctor truly was a man to be feared.
Vicki: isn’t history, cool?
The people of Rome: Screaming in agony
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azure-clockwork · 2 months
How Does it Feel to Read Classic Sci-Fi?
Orson Scott Card: Two of the most interesting books you’ll ever read if you’re willing to look past a handful of things. And then you find the planet of Chinese people who worship having debilitating OCD. And the Mormonism. And the fact that the author is wildly homophobic and ought to read his own books.
Robert Heinlein (or at least the Wikipedia Summaries): I guess that’s a neat concept—oh, it’s a sex thing. Um. Gotcha.
Ray Bradbury: Man, I gotta read this thing for class huh. Well here’s hoping it’s good! *three hours later* oh. that’s why he’s famous. this will stick with me forever and I will never look at the phrase ‘soft rain’ the same again. christ. And then repeat 3x.
Isaac Asimov: Wow, this is such an interesting concept! I wonder how the exploration of it will influence the plot! Wait, hey, are you going to add any characters? Any of em? No like, with character traits other than ‘robot psychologist’ and ‘autistic’ and ‘woman’? None of em? No, ‘detective’ isn’t a character trait. Those are all just facts. Aaaand now I’m bored.
Ursula K. Le Guin: Hah, get a load of this guy! He’s never heard of nonbinary people before. Lol, what a riot; how dumb do you have to be to comprehend that these people aren’t men *or* women actually? Oh, wait, what’s happening. Oh shit, it was about society and love and learning to understand each other? And now I’m crying? And perhaps a better human being for it??
Andy Weir: Alright, this guy’s a really good writer. Funny, creative, knows so much engineering stuff…ooh, a new book! …I guess he can’t write women. Well, he wouldn’t be the first sci-fi writer…ooh another new book! And it’s more engineering problem solving and—wow. It’s not just women he can’t write. Please stop letting your characters talk to each other.
Lois Lowry: Oh, I remember this being fun when I was a kid! Wouldn’t it be fucked up to not see color? …upon reread, it would be fucked up to have your humanity stripped away, replaced with a tepid, beige ‘happiness’ for all time. Yeah.
Tamsyn Muir (let me have this ok): Haha, “lesbian necromancers in space” sounds fun. Lemme read this. Oh wow, yeah, this is right up my alley. OH GOD WHAT. NO. FUCK. OH SHIT WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING AND WHY IS IT REFERENCING THE BOOK OF RUTH AND HOMESTUCK BACK TO BACK!!! AHHHHHHHHH!! Now give me more please.
#Late night book reviews with Bluejay#Not really#and it’s 1pm#If you’re curious which books#or just wanna read another essay:#Card: Ender’s Game and Speaker for the Dead are good* and the rest is Fucking Bonkers. Xenocide is the one called out specifically#Heinlein: Stranger in a Strange Land’s Wikipedia page but my understanding is it’s not the only book Like That#Bradbury: short story “There Will Come Soft Rains” will fuck your up; double if you check out the comic. See also “All Summer…” and °F 451#Asimov: I; Robot is the specific ref but also its sequel novels where you’d more expect real characters and not just fact lists also#Le Guin: Left Hand of Darkness specifically but also I just love her lmao#Weir: The Martian then Artemis then Project Hail Mary#Lowry: the only stuff of her’s I’ve read is The Giver Quartet but I was shocked how good it was upon revisiting. Damn. That’s pointed.#Muir: Gideon the Ninth and its sequels. They’re so good. Read them. You will be confused by book two. That’s on purpose. They’re so good.#Yes don’t come at me for my tag formatting; 140 chars isn’t a lot. You try getting all three Bradbury titles in there#Also the lack of commas is an issue#Anyways I would rec basically all of these if you like sci-fi save for SiaSL (haven’t read it) and all of the Ender’s Game/SftD spinoffs#Also if you do wanna read Card’s work pls get the books 2nd hand or from a library. Or via the 7 seas. His money goes to homophobia :(#But most of em are good and all of em are classics for a reason (save for Muir who really should be lmao)#Also also don’t come at me for including Weir; he’s one of the most popular sci-fi authors AND came up in the discussion that prompted this#As did everyone else except Muir because that one is actually just self indulgent.#I worked so hard to tag the first few things such that it would be clear there was an essay beneath the tag cut#Anyways tags for like actual categorization n such:#orson scott card#robert heinlein#ray bradbury#isaac asimov#ursula k. le guin#andy weir#lois lowry#tamsyn muir
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 5 months
On the subject of gotham county line and batman noel and so on and so forth it’s pretty frustrating (from a watsonian pov) that anytime Bruce hallucinates Jason being loving/ caring/helpful/compassionate towards him it’s always as robin and never as his current self
#it's ironic because Jason as robin never got the chance to become as obedient & devoted (malleable) to Bruce as he currently is#which is a result of being abused/manipulated for a more prolonged period of time#“maybe if I try harder and do it right this time he'll finally see the truth”#classic abuse tactic#no matter how well the victim fits the mold set by the abuser they’ll never acknowledge it#rather if they see you trying they’ll push harder and tell you you’re not perfect#the small shreds of affection here and there are important for motivating the victim to keep trying#kelseethe#Jason initiating the hug in rhato 27 after Bruce insinuated that those beatings will be a regular occurence bc he deems it a necessity#continuing to support Bruce even after Ethiopia and sticking around to help get Damian back#eagerly cooperating with Bruce + co in event leviathan then getting surprise pikachu faced/hurt after being betrayed#making a conscious decision to comfort Bruce in gotham war after Bruce fucked him up and left him behind#having undying conern for Bruce's wellbeing while Bruce regularly endangers his life#ex. Bruce's weird habit of committing vehicular assault on Jason whenever they're on the road demonstrated both in tfz and gotham war#point being: Jason was much more psychologically fit to be defiant towards Bruce when he was robin compared to now#he's more of a “good son”™ now than he was as robin Bruce is just too used to thinking whatever he wants and never being satisfied#the only times Jason got mad/upset at Bruce during one issue and continued to stay mad until the next#other than lost days and utrh was batman 410-411 and early in aditf before Bruce helps Jason find Sheila#so much worse has happened since then and all that just magically became water under the bridge off-panel
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reality-schmality · 3 months
archive.org has all the classic who episodes!
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