#Ark 4
aboard-ark-4 · 6 months
Reviews for All Encompassing
Day 269 of Year 21 of the Journey
All Encompassing
(Released 239th day, 2183)
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Plot synopsis:
Set in 2186, we follow the story of Kriki, an amateur astronomer. His otherwise unremarkable life is suddenly interrupted when, while examining the feed of an external deep space camera, he notices something. Taking his findings to the Astronomical Research Subcommittee he is initially dismissed as insane, but as stars outside the windows slowly start to disappear the truth becomes increasingly obvious; there's something alive surrounding the ark.
Top Reviews:
User TerersGreatest65
The premise was pretty good, but I think the actual writing was too generic. Especially that scene near the end when the computer guy said “This might not make it.” I mean come on, use a less clichè line.
User RiltIsAKingsStool
Most people went into this with unreasonable expectations due to its unique status. If this had been made 36 years ago on Vivis the average score would have been a whole point higher, but because social media hyped it up as the first movie produced on Ark everyone's acting like it was supposed to be some sort of firearm level innovation!! Seriously guys, be happy with what you got!!
User Unsolicited÷Sun
It was alright, but I feel they really fumbled the catch with the ending. Sometimes not knowing what the monster looks like is better than actually seeing it. Yes the special effects on it were good, but I liked it more when the monster was just some unspecified thing that defied description. Instead we got a something that looks like a Tirkitei crossed with a fish.
User CriticTreikitiv
Verified User
I can best describe this movie as “wonderfully average”. It runs the same race as every other Mystery Monster movie, with the one original element being that it is set aboard our own ship. While I'm sure that before we left the contact range there would be a large market on Vivis for this film, it came five years too late and everyday life is seldom interesting to the ones living it. If you are a fan of the genre you will enjoy All Encompassing, but not more than any other film.
User ImKriki12
I've got the same name as the main character!
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dapper-lil-arts · 7 months
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Unlike Marion, Rarity couldn't play it cool.
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noisyghost · 1 day
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back at it again redrawing all my OC ref sheets; Ark was next up bc even though i seem to redraw his ref every single year, i always start to dislike it about 6 months after drawing it lol
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fosermi · 3 months
On this ARK we sail together...
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@stillafanofsonic enabled me and I RAN with it.
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retzuki · 13 days
I realized some people don't have Twitter so I wanted to post this here! (And because I wanted to discuss it :3)
Can't wait for the series and ark 4! (Even though in only on ark 2 atm... but I'm working on it!)
They also said somewhere else that Tui is working on another book series first! Then they will work on the stuff listed below!
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numijulie · 1 year
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Coming back a year of inactivity to post this little bit.
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guillotineman · 1 year
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dustyratt · 2 years
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fullbody outfit (body and tail separately)
for large dogs
20 swatches
all LODs | maps | no morphing
custom thumbnails
HQ compatible
Cats & Dogs DLC is required
ARK: Survival Evolved conversion
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(early access, public 02.26.2023 | FEB 26)
@sssvitlanz 💜
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doodle17 · 24 days
I'm genuinely curious so PLEASE don't attack me, but I've seen some people complain about Keanu as Shadow because he doesn't sound "young enough" (and yet no one said anything about Idris Alba as Knuckles?) But last time I checked, Shadow was ageless? So why would it matter whether he sounds young enough or old enough?
Like- I'm genuinely curious because recently I've started seeing Shadow as ageless since that's just what I've seen and been told
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mmeowzer · 3 months
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redraw of my old managarmr art!!!!
old one under cut
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this thing is 2 years old. wow.
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vivanightcity · 3 months
Folks who play games that are modded, what do you consider the meaning of 'vanilla'. I always considered it only official content (base and DLC) but heard someone use it to refer to base game only recently.
If you aren't familiar with its use, either don't answer, or pick which one makes sense to you having just learnt of it.
(And please consider reblogging, especially if you post game content, to get a bigger sample size across multiple gaming communities)
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aboard-ark-4 · 6 months
Transcript of the Meeting to Reduce Suicide and Depression among Citizens
Day 198 of Year 274 of the Journey
Meeting Members present:
Zisiek, representative of the Entertainment and Recreation Subcommittee
Tistizi, representative of the Park Maintenance Subcommittee
Krit’zit, representative of the Child Education Subcommittee
Zikit, representative of the Food Production Subcommittee
Triek, representative of Production Factory Maintenance Subcommittee
Iei’ik, representative of the Mental Health Subcommittee
Zikit: Alright, I've started the recording. For the sake of record keeping I will restate the purpose of this meeting. We are to discuss ways to reduce the overall suicide rate, which is currently the cause of all but three of the 102 deaths in the last two years. Iei’ik, what has your team found regarding the underlying cause of the issue?
[Iei’ik sighs]
Iei’ik: It's the lack of a goal. The vast majority of people are either clones or the children of clones and almost all of the training we recei-, sorry, the brain scan volunteers received back on Vivis was about actually establishing The Colony. We-, they were expecting to constantly be fighting back against a hostile environment. That adventurous aspect is what appealed to most people who signed up. Being born with the expectation of exciting struggle and instead ending up in a boring, unchanging, ship for the rest of your life is a lot to take in. It was okay at first because the repairs and corpse cleanup gave everyone something to work towards, but now that that's done there's just nothing meaningful to do.
Zikit: Well, any ideas? The only things my team was able to come up with involved cooking competitions or psychedelics, neither of which sound very promising.
Zisiek: We've seen limited success with video games, vr especially is popular, but it's hit a lull. No real motivation to get started on something new.
Iei’ik: Besides, just playing a game or watching something isn't a very healthy or stable way to stave off depression.
Tistizi: I’d like to suggest more public events, especially competitive ones. Gives people something to work towards. Obviously it's not an all purpose bandage but I don't think we're going to find one. Better to focus on lots of little solutions than look for a big one that might not even exist.
Krit’zit: Agreed, though if it's any help I think we don't have to worry too much about the next generation. Children raised onboard seem generally more accepting of ark life.
Iei’ik: Yes, but that was the case even before the Hizt outbreak.
Krit’zit: Fair point.
Triek: Sorry if this is a stupid question, but why wasn't this a problem when we first left Vivis?
Zisiek: Those people were specifically chosen for their ability to acclimate to this lifestyle.
Triek: Ah.
[23 second silence]
Zisiek: We did have one idea, though the ethics of it are questionable at best.
Tistizi: Yes?
Zisiek: We control what people see and hear, at least digitally, we could easily manipulate what people think. It couldn't be too difficult to introduce the concept that suicide is somehow selfish. People won't want to kill themselves if they think it makes them a bad person.
Krit’zit: That's horrible!
Zisiek: It was just a suggestion.
[A further 112 seconds of silence]
Iei’ik: Wouldn't work. All it would do is exacerbate the problem by making people feel guilty in addition to depressed.
Zikit: What we're looking for is a long term project that will remain engaging and gives people small, frequent, bursts of satisfaction. It also has to be something that will get people excited now, before the problem compounds. Constantly hearing about suicide doesn't allow for much happiness on my, or anyone else's, part.
Krit’zit:...The terraforming data banks do contain the DNA for Rietivs. Maybe we could-
Triek: Not a chance.
Krit’zit: Why not? We cloned people just fine and it's not as though we'll be giving a Rietiv to everyone. Besides, pets meet all the requirements we're looking for.
Triek: It's not just the Retivs you would be making. It's their food, grooming equipment, housing, toys, clothing, and everything else they need to live!
Zisiek: Vet training too.
Triek: Yes, exactly! My point is there is no way you could make enough Retivs to satisfy this issue without cutting into either the maintenance supply, the terraforming supply, or materials used in the creation of everyday objects.
Krit’zit: I don't see why that matters, it's not like we're anywhere near using the terraforming stuff. So long as we recycle what we use when we actually need it there's no reason to be conservative with those supplies.
Triek: I suppose you're right, it just feels wasteful.
Tistizi: If we’re seriously considering cloning as an option then there are a few trees that require pollination which would look great in the parks. The insects would also probably add to the ambience.
Triek: Alright, I'll get started on a project proposal to send to the Maintenance Committee. Education Committee too, we'll need vets if this is to work.
Iei’ik: Don't forget the Law Enforcement Committee! There's going to have to be some sort of animal abuse laws put in place.
Triek: Right. I'll send it to all three of the Governing Committees. Not at all stressful. Great.
Zikit: Anyone have any more ideas?
[Zikit looks around, though nobody says anything]
Zikit: Excellent. If this gets approved then I'm sure the committees will assign some more useful people to actually managing the introduction process. If it gets denied let's meet back for a follow up in twelve days, but as of now this meeting is adjourned.
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usafphantom2 · 9 days
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A-6’s and F-4’s USN aboard HMS ARK ROYAL
@CcibChris via X
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noisyghost · 2 years
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lightly redesigned ark and nicks werewolf forms because i wanted them to have more interesting fur patterns and also so i had an excuse to draw gay werewolves (werewolves who are gay)
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
steam summer sale is going to have me making a poor financial decision
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lyricthecat-12 · 2 months
Top 5 favorite animated series in the first half of 2024:
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Honorable Mention to: ARK The Animation Series
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