#Art Advisory UK
seoengineer23 · 5 days
For getting expert aid for Art Analysis UK, look no further than our reputable company that is Art Market Solutions. We are very reliable and experienced.
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A Potted History of The Princess of Wales and the Early Years
I had an idea, at about 6 o'clock this evening, to go through everything Catherine has done with the Early Years before tomorrow and this has been rushed but let's go...
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After marrying Prince William in 2011, the then-Duchess of Cambridge began working with a number of grass-roots charities, which focused on mental health, addiction, and hospice care. Her first set of patronages - announced in January 2012 - included three charities within this sphere: Action on Addiction, The Art Room and EACH. Early the following year, Place2Be joined her list of patronages. During this time, Catherine visited her patronages, as well as other charities, and began to develop an understanding of the importance of childhood and mental health. She also made a number of private visits to children's hospices and her patronages. In 2013, she became a mother for the first time, which she spoke about in a 2020 podcast with Giovanna Fletcher (Happy Mum, Happy Baby), allowing her insight into what new mums experienced. It was around the same time she first began to publicly support Children's Hospice Week.
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Her work continued to develop and she began supporting the initiatives started by her patronages, such as M-PACT, which aims to improve the well-being of children and families affected by substance misuse. In 2015, Catherine began to engage in more "taboo" topics, such as fostering and the care system, as well as hospital schools, and women in prisons. By doing this, she was able to see how early intervention could positively impact on young lives. Catherine also undertook an engagement with Mind (her first engagement on World Mental Health Day) and began to meet with professionals, such as headteachers, to develop her knowledge.
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In 2016, Catherine supported the first ever Children's Mental Health Week (fun fact, in 2021, Kensington Palace retweeted some CMHW work I did in school). She also guest edited the Huffington Post, promoting Young Minds Matter. She became Patron of both the Anna Freud Centre for Children and Familes and Action for Children that year (a representative from both patronages is in her recently-convened Early Years Advisory Group). 2016 also saw Catherine bring together her work along with her husband's and brother-in-law's to set up Heads Together, an awareness campaign focusing on mental health. The trio also continued to celebrate World Mental Health Day, which they would continue to do for many years.
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The then-Duchess of Cambridge visted the Anna Freud Centre’s Early Years Parenting Unit, which works with parents who have personality disorders and aims to help them seek help and keep families together. Throughout this period, she undertook a number of engagements focusing on promoting Heads Together, including releasing a personal video alongside William and Harry for #OktoSay and appearing on BBC Radio 1. Heads Together culminated in the 2017 London Marathon, which she attended. 2018 saw Catherine begin to promote Mentally Healthy Schools. She also continued to expand her range of interests, attending the Headstart conference privately and visiting GOSH.
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She continued to develop her interests and began looking into neuroscience and its impact on mental health and early development. She also, for the first time, began showing an interest in the perinatal, with her also becoming Patron of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. In mid-2018, Catherine attended a symposium on the importance of early intervention. That year, she also convened an Early Years Steering group - showing the beginnings of her current work - and attended the Mental Health in Education Conference.
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Alongside William, she met with the BBC, where she spoke about children's wellbeing and the positive impact media can have. She also undertook a two-week private work placement at Kingston Hospital, on the maternity wards. In 2020, Catherine launched 5 Big Questions, and promoted this with a UK-wide tour, including a return visit to HMP Send. The questions were in the form of a short survey, open to the public.
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The afore-mentioned Happy Mum, Happy Baby podcast aired in early 2020. During the chat, Catherine confessed to feeling upset and scared after the birth of George, and spoke about the importance of mums' seeking help. During the pandemic, she chaired a Zoom roundtable of health professionals and joined a number of calls with midwives. Throughout the pandemic, a number of her Zoom calls and phone meetings were held with medical and mental health professionals, as well as with schools, children, parents and young families. She leant her public support to the BBC's Tiny Happy People project, as well.
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Catherine used her resources to pull together donations for Baby Banks in the summer of 2020, and confessed to volunteering for her local Norfolk branch in her own time. The partnerships created by Catherine continue to this day. She met with parents and peers who have been supported by peer-to-peer parent-led support programmes, as well as representatives from Home-Start UK and the National Childbirth Trust. She continued her work with the Scouts, with whom she had been volunteering from the early days of her marriage, and continued to promote the importance of the outdoors, an area she really focused on when producing her Back to Nature garden in 2018. The Duchess of Cambridge also looked at miscarriages, during a visit to Tommy's. The results of her 5 Big Questions survey were shared as 5 Big Insights later that year. Catherine met with First Lady Jill Biden in 2021, with whom she co-hosted a roundtable discussion with a number of representatives from the early years sector.
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In 2021, Catherine finally launched the Royal Foundation's Centre for Early Childhood. Since the launch of the Centre, she has continued to develop her understanding of early neurodevelopment, and travelled to Denmark - world leader's in childhood mental health - to learn how they promote early years wellbeing. Catherine continued to focus on young people, with a long-awaited appearance on CBeebies Bedtime Stories, where she read The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark, a book she later shared was one of her childhood favourites. During the year, she became Patron of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance, adding to the other child-focused patronages she had gained over the years (including Family Action and Evelina London). Catherine hosted another roundtable to learn about the progress made by the Centre for Early Childhood and recently convened an Early Years Advisory Group. Throughout the past few years, she has attended regular "Early Years" meetings.
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cambriancrew · 1 month
What is Young Wizards, is it anything like The Aepects by L C Mawson at all????
(And if it isn't that's even more of an excuse to Tell Us About Young Wizards!! Win-win!!!)
AHHH YES. We could talk about Young Wizards literally for hours.
So. It's, in a nutshell, a series by @/dduane Diane Duane, about teenagers who get the ability to use magic, which is enacted primarily by use of the wizardly language The Speech, in exchange for using it to fight the Lone Power who created death and entropy. The main wizard characters are Nita Callahan, a nerdy bookworm with an affinity for plants; her best friend Kit Rodriguez, who has an affinity for mechanical things; and Nita's little sister Dairine, who is a geek whose Wizards manual is a walking laptop. The books are incredibly inventive, with places in them like an alternate universe Manhattan where cars and other vehicles are alive; multiple distant planets, each with amazing aliens; the bottom of the ocean; Ireland where the myths really are true; a Mars where people's ideas of Mars from various forms of media including War of the Worlds and Marvin the Martian from Looney Tunes are present.
They're also beautifully diverse and life affirming. The Senior Advisory wizards are a gay couple. Kit is Hispanic. One major side character is black and autistic. There's other various queer characters. The series deals with serious topics like bullying, cancer, death and loss. But there's a throughthread of determination and hope.
Also, supportive adults! Parents who really care about their kids and support their wizardry! Family dynamics that are actually really good! (Most of the time. Nita and Dairine have their moments lol.)
And then there's the Oath. It's so wonderful, we patterned our Code of Conduct partly on it. There's many different versions, but the one we love the most is as follows:
In Life's name and for Life's sake, I assert that I will employ the Art which is Its gift in Life's service alone, rejecting all other usages. I will guard growth and ease pain. I will fight to preserve that which grows and lives well in its own way. Nor will I change any creature unless its growth or life or that of the system of which it is a part are threatened, or threaten another.
To these ends, in the practice of my Art, I will ever put aside fear for courage, and death for life, when it is right to do so, looking always to the Heart of Time where all our sundered times are one and all our myriad worlds lie whole in That from which they preceeded.
Also an art version of the Oath:
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I can't seem to find the original creator of the art, it was someone on Tumblr but Tumblr search isn't helping, as usual.
We want two tattoos based on this series. One would be Wizard's Knot plus the first little part of the Oath, "In Life's name and for Life's sake". The other would be the traditional greeting of the Lone Power: "Fairest and Fallen, greetings and defiance." Probably would have that one surrounding the semicolon for depression survival, as suicidality is our personal battle with this universe's version of the Lone Power.
They're also super cheap to get as ebooks through the author's own website, as long as you're not in the UK due to Brexit.
We cannot recommend this series highly enough. If you do end up buying the series and reading it, let us know! We'd love to hear what you think. :)
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livesunique · 2 years
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In Memory of Queen Elizabeth II: Her Majesty’s Life in Portraits
(Elizabeth Alexandra Mary; 21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022)
Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest reigning monarch, passed away peacefully on Thursday at the age of 96.
The world-beloved queen was an inspiration to numerous artists and resulted in a multitude of unforgettable images in every imaginable medium during her 70-year reign. 
Together, The Queen’s official portraits, nearly 1,000 of them, present a portrait of a woman unflinching in her sense of duty. But they also reveal someone who has repeatedly embraced change, new ideas and experimentation through her sitting for such a wide range of portrait artists since she became Queen in 1952.
Arthur Machin’s portrait used on postage stamps. Photo: Jack Taylor/Getty,
If official imagery helps to mythologise a monarch, Arthur Machin did more to epitomise the idea of Queen Elizabeth than any other artist. Commissioned by the Stamp Advisory Committee, Arthur Machin developed his profile of the Queen in 1967. Known as the “definitive” in philately circles, it has since been reproduced more than 220 billion times and is still used on stamps today.
“Queen Elizabeth II” by Pietro Annigoni, 1955. Tempera, oil and ink on paper. Fishmongers' Hall, London,
“Equanimity” by Chris Levine, 2004. Gelatin silver print on matte fine art paper on aluminum mount, 22 × 17 1/2 in (55.9 × 44.5 cm),
“Her Majesty the Queen on Worcran” by Susan Crawford, 1977. Credit: Royal Collection Trust,
“Portrait of Queen Elizabeth II” by Justin Mortimer, 1998, Oil on canvas, © Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts Manufacturers & Commerce,
“Queen Elizabeth II” (From Reigning Queens) by Andy Warhol, 1985. Complete set of colour screenprints on Lenox Museum Board, 100.0 x 80.0 cm (each, sheet),
“Portrait of the Queen” by Dorothy Wilding,1952 (Hand-coloured by Beatrice Johnson) taken shortly after she acceded to the throne at the age of 25,
“Queen Elizabeth II” by Lucian Freud, , 2001, Oil on canvas, 15.2×23.5 cm. Royal Collection (Buckingham Palace), London, UK,
“The Queen” by Oluwole Omofemi, 2022, (Special commission for the cover of Tatler’s Platinum Jubilee issue. Based on a 1950s portrait of the Queen holding a fan) Courtesy Sotheby’s
“Eight portraits of Queen Elizabeth II onto Stonehenge” in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee, 2022; Each picture is from a different decade of The Queen’s reign, illuminating the ancient monument’s iconic façade in a spectacular display. (Jim Holden/English Heritage/PA Wire)
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fluralbannach · 27 days
Benefits of Membership of Art Organisations and Professional Bodies
Scotland's creative landscape is supported by various organizations like Creative Scotland, VACMA, Creative Scotland Open Fund, Jerwood Live Work Fund, William Syson Foundation Funding, Balavoulin Art Group Grants, and Tasgadh Small Grants for Traditional Arts Fund. These funding programs help artists, organizations, and museums realize creative concepts, offering networking and professional development opportunities.
 A-N Membership Benefits
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A-N: With operations in Newcastle Upon Tyne and London, The Artists Information Company is the most well-known artists' membership organisation in the UK, with over 29,000 members. A-N provides a range of services and supports specifically designed to meet the needs of visual arts professionals and artists for an annual fee of £308. This essay examines the many advantages of A-N membership, the function of professional associations in different fields, and the value of art associations in promoting professional and community development.
A-N offers artists invaluable resources and opportunities, including access to information for applying for art bursaries ranging from £500 to £1500 and comprehensive guides on Degree Shows. The organisation provides research on creative industries and education, ensuring artists stay competitive and knowledgeable. A-N's extensive network connects artists to potential collaborators, mentors, and patrons, fostering a sense of community and reducing isolation. The job and opportunities board lists residencies, administrative roles, and initiatives like cultural reforesting projects, providing financial stability and new avenues for artistic expression and professional development. Participating in A-N helps artists feel connected to the larger community, which lessens the isolation that sometimes accompanies solitary artistic endeavours.
 Professional Bodies for Artists
In the art world, professional associations for artists provide vital support networks essential for both emerging and established creators. The Visual Artists Association (VAA) offers a comprehensive suite of resources, including business management guidance, personal brand development strategies, and tools for sales generation, all designed to assist artists in building profitable art enterprises. Additionally, VAA members gain access to various events, extensive online resources, personalised business advisory services, and specialised training programs, all within a supportive and friendly community. Similarly, the Royal Society of British Artists (RBA) fosters excellence in painting, sculpture, and printmaking. It achieves this by organising prestigious exhibitions and events that provide artists with critical exposure and networking opportunities. Membership in these organisations is often tiered, with categories such as Associate, Member, and Fellow, each with specific requirements and benefits. This structured approach ensures that artists receive the tailored support and recognition appropriate for their career stage, facilitating professional growth and artistic development.
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Historical and Regional Art Institutions
The Royal Academy of Arts and the Society of Artists of Great Britain are the country's most famous historical art institutions. Nine eminent art societies with various media specialisations make up the Federation of British Artists. These societies are common throughout the United Kingdom, ranging from Edinburgh to St. Ives, and they offer artists networks of support. To preserve quality and encourage a wide range of artistic expression, they employ strict selection procedures and welcome submissions from all backgrounds.
 The Value of Art Associations
The Society of Artists of Great Britain and the Royal Academy of Arts are the nation’s most well-known historical art organisations. The Federation of British Artists comprises nine distinguished art societies specialising in various media. These societies, from Edinburgh to St. Ives, are widespread in the UK and provide support networks for artists. They still use stringent selection processes and accept submissions from artists of all backgrounds to maintain quality and promote a broad spectrum of artistic expression.
Community and Professional Development
Being an artist can be a lonely endeavour, but joining an art association helps by bringing artists together in lively groups. These forums provide priceless chances to exchange ideas, get inspiration, and learn from peers. Because collaborators encourage one another to achieve greatness, collaborative environments can greatly enhance artistic practices.
Getting together with other artists can be inspiring in smaller or bigger groups. Knowing that people will view and value their work inspires artists to push themselves, finish projects, and improve their work. A community of artists also encourages open and sincere dialogue, which expands one's contacts and opens doors to new prospects.
In conclusion, becoming a member of a professional organisation such as A-N: The Artists Information Company has several advantages beyond receiving financial assistance. Membership offers invaluable networking opportunities, access to critical information, and a caring community that can lessen the sense of isolation often felt in the creative industry. Art associations and professional organisations from various sectors play an essential role in cultivating talent, fostering professional growth, and maintaining ties to illustrious artistic traditions. For instance, these organisations frequently offer workshops, seminars, and exhibitions that provide artists with the latest industry insights and trends, thereby enhancing their skills and knowledge base. Additionally, Joining a professional community can boost an artist's confidence and motivation, allowing for the exchange of ideas and constructive feedback. This can lead to collaborations, new avenues for artistic expression, and career advancement. These communities often advocate for artists' rights and interests, providing a collective voice that can influence policy and public opinion. This advocacy ensures that artists' challenges and needs are addressed at higher levels, contributing to a more supportive environment for the arts. Thus, joining a professional organization like A-N improves an artist's professional and personal fulfilment and contributes to the creative sector's broader health and vibrancy.
a-n The Artists Information Company
The Benefits of Membership to Art Organisations and Professional Bodies | by Gemma Murray | Medium
The Benefits of Joining Professional Bodies in 2024 | Crucial Services
Joining a Professional Body or Art Society
About - Visual Artists Association
Art Associations and its benefits - Aartzy
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marwahstudios · 22 days
Sandeep Marwah Nominated Global IGC Chair for Media & Arts in the United Kingdom
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London, UK: In a landmark announcement, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, a distinguished international personality and media icon, has been nominated as the Global Chair for the Media and Arts Division of Ishkama Global Change (IGC). This significant nomination was made public by Abhnash Bains, the founder and CEO of Ishkama Global Change, during a recent press interaction in London.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, the visionary founder of Noida Film City and a holder of nine world records, is a towering figure in the media and entertainment industry. His contributions as the Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts, coupled with his reputation as an educator and philanthropist, have left an indelible mark on the global stage.
Abhnash Bains extended this prestigious invitation to Dr. Marwah during her visit to the international headquarters of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry at Marwah Studios in Noida. She emphasized the critical role Dr. Marwah will play in advancing the mission of IGC, particularly in the context of media and arts.
“I am deeply honored to accept this nomination and to join the advisory committee of IGC,” said Dr. Sandeep Marwah. “This platform presents a unique opportunity to collaborate with global leaders and institutions to drive meaningful change, especially in promoting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 5 on Gender Equality.”
In his new role, Dr. Marwah will also inaugurate the forthcoming Global Convention organized by Ishkama Global Change in London. This high-profile event aims to foster dialogue and collaboration among MPs, Ministers, and influential stakeholders across the UK, and extend its reach to international bodies such as the UN, EU, AU, GCC, and Commonwealth. The convention will also engage Governments, Corporates, Business Leaders, Foundations, Universities, and Civil Society.
Abhnash Bains highlighted the critical importance of this initiative, stating, “Dr. Marwah’s leadership and vision will be instrumental in driving our agenda forward. His vast experience and commitment to education and philanthropy align perfectly with our goals at Ishkama Global Change.”
The Ishkama Global Change (IGC) is dedicated to facilitating global consultations and meetings aimed at fostering sustainable development and social justice. By focusing on SDG 5, Gender Equality, IGC strives to create a more equitable and inclusive world.
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unhingedwomandiaries · 5 months
50 Things To-Do Before I'm 50
1. Write my will.
2. Solve a Rubik's Cube.
3. Visit Aigre, France.
4. Go mining in the Mines in Hare Hill, New Cumnock, East Ayrshire, Scotland, UK.
5. Earn £50,000+.
6. Get the tattoo design I've wanted since I was nine.
7. Try olive oil and sea salt on vanilla ice cream.
8. Go golfing in Scotland.
9. Finish a tube of chapstick.
10. Take a photo of my Aunt to Paris. Show her picture around all the sites.
11. Figure out x's surname and meet the people from my half-family.
12. Run in the London Marathon.
13. Complete the hidden Tetris levels.
14. Run a mile in under 15 minutes.
15. Go to the corner bodega and pick out a soda flavour that sounds completely disgusting or out of the ordinary for me.
16. Make at least one Strava Art.
17. Adopt a cat and name it after my late Aunt.
18. Eat a homemade quiche that doesn't make me gag.
19. Try Opiate Dentiare toothpaste.
20. Own an ereader with a digital pen.
21. Try a deep fried Mars bar from the chippy shop.
22. Buy a bottle of wine and drink it in twenty years.
23. Start a women's football team at work.
24. Discover a new band.
25. See a Yankees game in London.
26. Fast for a day.
27. Go to a restaurant and order something completely different from my usual.
28. Reconnect with an old friend.
29. Grow my cuticle back on my pinky finger on my right hand.
30. Don't dye my hair.
31. Own a set of bed pillows from The Ritz.
32. Eat a hog roast leg at Peppa Pig World.
33. Eat fufu with my hands.
34. Kiss the blarney stone.
35. Find a four leaf clover.
36. Go to Turf Tavern in Oxford and have a cider.
37. Read a banned book.
38. Bowl a strike.
39. Eat a Colin the Caterpillar cake on my birthday.
40. Learn Korean.
41. Become a British citizen.
42. Eat insects that aren't covered in chocolate, sour coating, sugar, or spicy dusting.
43. Be the Mother of the Bride/Groom at a godchild's wedding.
44. Petition to get a statue of John Woodcock next to Baxter Hulme's.
45. Try a Korean corn dog.
46. Time travel to experience New Year's Eve twice.
47. Watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace on the 25th anniversary of 9/11.
48. Try carbonara the traditional way without cream.
49. Swim in Bulgaria's Black Sea.
50. Put a flag on my bicycle.
I'm just minding my business on my lunch break, trying to savor a few moments of solace in the bustling chaos of the office, when x decides to make my midday sandwich a lot less digestible. He strolls up, bold as brass, seeking my profound wisdom on the intricate dance of romance. I mean, really? Do I emit the vibe of a seasoned dating guru?
In front of my entire team, he unveils his quest for love counsel, completely oblivious and unbeknownst to him my questionable dating history – like that time I tolerated a man who thought physical abuse was an acceptable form of communication. Oh, and let's not forget the somnambulant escapade with an ex who had a peculiar fetish. According to him, consent is optional if it aligns with one's peculiar predilections. Not exactly credentials for Cupid's advisory board.
To add a splash of absurdity to this charade, the guy is a whole fifteen years my senior. I'm left pondering what peculiar rites of passage the Gen Xers engage in. Amidst his quest for love, he drops the bomb that he's on a race against time to conquer a checklist of fifty exploits before hitting the half-century mark. At 49, he's got his sights set on the Andes Mountains.
As he rambles on about his bucket list, my mind drifts to more pressing matters – namely, my unfulfilled yearning for an Andes candy bar. You know, the one with those charming mountains on the packaging? A moment of whimsy amidst the absurdity of it all.
Yet, amid the lunacy, a spark of inspiration ignites. I crave my own checklist, one that transcends the mundane. To outlive my father and face the challenges with unwavering courage – now that's a list worth crafting.
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blockchainbank · 3 months
Revolutionizing Finance: Blockchain Bank & Trust Leads the Way
In the dynamic world of banking and finance, innovation is not just a buzzword—it's a necessity. Blockchain Bank & Trust emerges as a beacon of progress, marrying decades of banking expertise with cutting-edge technology. As we delve into the realm of global finance, Blockchain Bank & Trust stands out with its commitment to revolutionizing the industry through blockchain technology and innovative financial solutions.
A Legacy of Excellence
With a rich history spanning over three decades, Blockchain Bank & Trust has established itself as a premier offshore banking firm, catering to an international clientele that includes the USA, Canada, Brazil, Peru, Switzerland, the UK, Germany, and many more. This extensive experience underpins the firm's deep understanding of the complex challenges facing today's financial world.
Tailored Financial Solutions for a Digital Age
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Blockchain technology is at the heart of Blockchain Bank & Trust's mission to provide state-of-the-art financial solutions. The firm's flagship services include the creation of bespoke Investment Banks & Blockchain Trusts, featuring white-label banking software and private label Visa and MasterCard programs. These offerings are not merely technological achievements but are designed from the ground up to align with clients' unique business needs, design preferences, and branding standards, ensuring a seamless integration into their existing operations.
Building for the Future
The philosophy at Blockchain Bank & Trust is built on endurance and scalability. Every financial product developed by the firm is designed to stand the test of time, providing a user experience that is both intuitive and impactful. The team's dedication to creating futuristic financial solutions ensures that clients are always ahead of the curve, ready to meet the demands of tomorrow's banking landscape.
Empowering Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Blockchain Bank & Trust is a firm believer in the power of SMEs to drive economic growth and innovation. By offering solutions that eliminate taxes and reduce entry barriers, the firm empowers these businesses to compete on equal footing with larger industry players. Over the years, Blockchain Bank & Trust has enabled countless SMEs to establish cryptocurrency exchanges, investment banks, offshore banks, and even their own Visa and MasterCard private label programs, all at costs that are manageable for emerging businesses.
A Global Leader in Finance
With a portfolio of over six million corporate clients, Blockchain Bank & Trust is a global powerhouse in the financial services industry. The firm's strategic partnerships and licenses as an Investment Bank and Statutory Trust enable it to offer a wide range of services, including equity investments, financial advisory, M&A consulting, and the establishment of various financial institutions in collaboration with the Blockchain International Corporate Registry Authority.
Join the Financial Revolution
As Blockchain Bank & Trust strides forward into the future of finance, it invites individuals and businesses alike to explore its comprehensive range of services. With a vision that knows no bounds and a commitment to innovation, Blockchain Bank & Trust is not just a service provider but a partner in navigating the evolving landscape of finance.
For those looking to be part of this financial revolution, Blockchain Bank & Trust extends a warm invitation to explore its services and reach out for further information. The future of finance is bright, and with Blockchain Bank & Trust, you're always one step ahead.
Pioneering Blockchain in Banking
Blockchain Bank & Trust is not just utilizing blockchain technology as an adjunct to its existing services; it's integrating blockchain into the core of its banking solutions. This integration allows for unparalleled security, transparency, and efficiency in transactions. The use of blockchain significantly reduces the time and cost associated with cross-border payments, asset management, and compliance with financial regulations. By doing so, Blockchain Bank & Trust is setting new standards for what businesses and individuals should expect from their financial institutions.
Customized Financial Ecosystems
One of the most striking aspects of Blockchain Bank & Trust's offerings is the customization it brings to financial solutions. This personalization goes beyond mere branding to include the tailoring of financial products to meet the specific needs of clients. Whether it's an investment bank looking to launch its own digital currency or a retail chain wanting to offer branded payment solutions to its customers, Blockchain Bank & Trust provides the technological and regulatory infrastructure needed to make these visions a reality.
Fostering Financial Inclusion
Blockchain Bank & Trust is deeply committed to financial inclusion. By leveraging technology to reduce costs, the firm is able to offer services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that were previously available only to larger corporations. This democratization of financial services is not just about offering SMEs the tools they need to grow; it's about changing the narrative of who gets to participate in the global economy. Through its innovative solutions, Blockchain Bank & Trust is helping to bridge the gap between emerging markets and the global financial system.
A Global Network of Strategic Partnerships
The reach of Blockchain Bank & Trust extends far beyond its direct client base, thanks in part to a vast network of strategic partnerships across the globe. These partnerships with other financial institutions, technology providers, and regulatory bodies ensure that Blockchain Bank & Trust stays at the forefront of financial innovation. They also facilitate the firm's ability to offer a wide range of services, from equity investments and financial advisory to the establishment of new financial institutions and tax-exempt real estate developments.
Sustainable and Ethical Finance
In today's world, finance is not just about making money; it's about making a difference. Blockchain Bank & Trust recognizes the importance of sustainability and ethical considerations in financial dealings. The firm is committed to responsible investing and offers advisory services to clients looking to make investments that are not only profitable but also beneficial to society and the environment.
The Road Ahead
As Blockchain Bank & Trust looks to the future, it's clear that the firm is not content to rest on its laurels. With ongoing investments in research and development, Blockchain Bank & Trust is continuously exploring new ways to leverage technology to solve the world's most pressing financial challenges. From enhancing financial security to increasing access to banking services, the firm is dedicated to leading the charge towards a more inclusive and innovative financial future.
Blockchain Bank & Trust is more than a bank; it's a visionary institution dedicated to shaping the future of finance. With a combination of technological innovation, commitment to inclusivity, and a global perspective, it's poised to continue leading the way in transforming the financial landscape for businesses and individuals alike.
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digitalseo1 · 3 months
Create the right actionable art sales strategy with top Art Advisory UK! We, at Art Market Solutions, are here to help you handle different types of art such as old master paintings, modern art, impressionist art, modern British art, contemporary art, and more. For more information, you can visit our website https://www.artmarketsolutions.co.uk/ or call us at 01462 612268
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spainvisas · 6 months
Spain Travel Itineraries for UK Travelers This New Year: Explore The Best of Spain
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Planning a trip to Spain from the UK during the New Year offers an array of exciting possibilities. From vibrant cities to picturesque landscapes, Spain beckons travelers with its rich culture and diverse experiences. Here are seven remarkable itineraries to make your Spain travel unforgettable. Apply online Spain visa From UK
1. Barcelona: Experience the Vibrant City Life
Start your journey in Barcelona, a city brimming with architectural wonders, art, and culture. Visit iconic landmarks like Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, explore the charming Gothic Quarter, and savor Catalan cuisine at local eateries. Don't miss the vibrant New Year celebrations in Plaça d'Espanya or along the bustling La Rambla.
2. Madrid: Dive into Spanish Heritage
Head to the heart of Spain, Madrid, where historic sites like the Royal Palace and Prado Museum await. Wander through Retiro Park, indulge in tapas at lively markets, and join locals for the traditional eating of the twelve grapes at Puerta del Sol to welcome the New Year.
3. Seville: Embrace Flamenco and Rich Traditions
In Seville, immerse yourself in the essence of Andalusian culture. Witness flamenco performances, explore the magnificent Alcázar Palace, and stroll through the enchanting streets of Santa Cruz. Join the locals in Plaza Nueva for festive celebrations on New Year's Eve.
4. Valencia: Delve into Culinary Delights
Visit Valencia for its stunning architecture, including the City of Arts and Sciences and the historic Silk Exchange. Experience the lively atmosphere of the Central Market, taste the famous paella, and join in the Las Fallas festivities that begin in late December.
5. Granada: Discover Moorish History
Explore Granada's fascinating Alhambra Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and wander through the labyrinthine streets of the Albayzín neighborhood. Enjoy the panoramic views from Mirador de San Nicolás and immerse yourself in Granada's rich cultural tapestry.
6. Bilbao: Indulge in Art and Culture
Bilbao, known for the Guggenheim Museum, offers a blend of contemporary art and Basque traditions. Visit the museum, stroll along the riverside, and savor pintxos (Basque tapas) at local taverns while experiencing the lively ambiance.
7. Andalusian Road Trip: Explore Scenic Routes
Embark on an Andalusian road trip, meandering through charming white villages like Ronda and Arcos de la Frontera. Enjoy breathtaking views of the countryside, taste local wines, and immerse yourself in the relaxed pace of rural Spain.
Planning Your Spain Trip from the UK
Ensure a smooth travel experience by applying for the Spanish Schengen visa from the UK. Familiarize yourself with the visa application process and plan for local travel within Spain, whether by train, bus, or car rental, to make the most of your itinerary.
These top seven itineraries offer a diverse range of experiences, allowing UK travelers to discover the best of Spain and create unforgettable memories during the New Year celebrations. Adjust your plans based on your interests and preferences to craft the perfect Spanish adventure!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the Spain travel restrictions for UK citizens amid the ongoing pandemic?
UK travelers should stay updated on Spain's current travel restrictions, including COVID-19 entry requirements, quarantine mandates, and any testing protocols. These regulations might change, so regularly check official sources and advisories before traveling.
2. How do I apply for a Spanish Schengen Visa from the UK?
To obtain a Spanish Schengen Visa from the UK, applicants need to visit the Spanish consulate or embassy's website, complete the visa application form, gather required documents like a valid passport and proof of accommodation, and book an appointment for submission.
3. What are the essential things to do or places to visit in Spain for first-time travelers from the UK?
For first-time visitors from the UK, must-visit places in Spain include Barcelona's Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, Madrid's Prado Museum and Royal Palace, Seville's Alcázar, Granada's Alhambra, and the beaches of Costa del Sol or Costa Brava.
4. How reliable and accessible is local travel within Spain, particularly for non-Spanish speakers from the UK?
Spain has an efficient and well-connected transportation system, including trains, buses, and domestic flights, making it relatively easy to navigate even without Spanish language skills. English is widely spoken in tourist areas, enhancing accessibility for UK travelers.
5. Are there any cultural etiquettes or customs I should be aware of as a UK traveler in Spain?
While in Spain, it's respectful to greet with 'Hola' (hello) and 'Gracias' (thank you), observe siesta timings when some shops might close in the afternoon, and embrace the local dining customs, such as late dinners and savoring tapas with drinks.
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costassouris · 9 months
Roadside RetailRetailing … is the NEW Normal- Costas Souris Quality Group
Roadside RetailRetailing … is the NEW Normal Insights of shoppers, “Roadside retailing is changing fast. It is no longer possible to rely on fuel sales and a limited impulse offering – customers expect much more! - Costas Souris Quality Group
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“To thrive, retailers need to use shopper insights and tailor an in-store offering that meets the changing needs of the modern consumer. The modern roadside retailer needs to offer a broad range of products, including fresh produce, covering a variety of meal occasions.
“In short, the roadside retailer of the future should aim not to be a fuel retailer with a grocery offering, but a full-service grocery retailer with a fuel and state-of-the-art rapid electric charging point offering.
The move towards modern state of the art roadside retail infrastructure is a key area of expertise of our UK provider.  
The Developer Established in 2003, and headquartered in Birmingham, the Group has offices in Nottingham and central London and employs over 45 property professionals supported by a high-calibre Property Advisory Board. 
Roadside Retail The Groups commercial division develops and delivers projects for leading brands such as Lidl, McDonald’s, Burger King, Euro Garages, Greggs, Starbucks and Costa Coffee. At the same time the team works closely with electric vehicle charging providers, helping power the UK’s low carbon future. Non-Bank Lending Investors, known as non-bank lenders provide funding which enables the Group to secure property opportunities and progress the property projects at pace. The non-bank funding enables early phase development, and the cost of such funding is included in the purchase price paid by future partners and global brands that the Group delivers bespoke turnkey solutions to. Investors in fixed income by private lending benefit from above average returns with income or deferred income options Click Steady Fixed Income for a Fixed Term with Protected Capital
By Costas Souris Quality Group SA
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solentconsult · 9 months
Best maritime university in the UK
Solent Marine Consultants, your trusted maritime advisory partner, proudly recommends the world's best maritime university to steer you towards unparalleled success.
Best maritime university in the UK
The Best Maritime University: A World of Opportunities
Elite Faculty: The world's best maritime university boasts a faculty of distinguished experts, industry stalwarts, and cutting-edge researchers. Their guidance offers students invaluable insights and unrivaled practical knowledge.
Cutting-Edge Infrastructure: Equipped with state-of-the-art simulation labs, maritime technology hubs, and modern classrooms, this university delivers an immersive educational experience. Such facilities ensure students are well-prepared to navigate the multifaceted maritime world.
Global Reputation: This institution garners international recognition for producing top-tier maritime professionals. Graduates are in high demand by prestigious shipping companies, offering a promising and lucrative career trajectory.
Comprehensive Programs: From maritime engineering to maritime law, navigation, and marine science, this university offers an extensive array of programs. Students can tailor their education to match their interests and career aspirations.
Hands-On Learning: In the maritime industry, practical experience is invaluable. The best maritime university provides extensive hands-on training, including shipboard experiences, to equip students for real-world challenges at sea.
Pioneering Research: With groundbreaking research initiatives and collaborations with industry leaders, the university's curriculum remains current and relevant. Students benefit from exposure to the latest developments in maritime technology and practices.
Robust Alumni Network: Graduates of the best maritime university join a global network of accomplished alumni who have made significant contributions to the industry. This network can open doors and offer valuable connections throughout your career.
Internship Opportunities: The university's industry connections ensure that students have access to prestigious internship opportunities, allowing them to gain practical experience and build a strong professional foundation.
Safety and Environmental Focus: In today's maritime landscape, safety and environmental stewardship are paramount. The best maritime university prioritizes these aspects, instilling a sense of responsibility in students from the outset.
Global Perspective: The maritime industry is inherently global. This university provides students with a global outlook, preparing them to collaborate with diverse teams, adhere to international regulations, and meet global standards.
Solent Marine Consultants: Charting Your Maritime Journey
At Solent Marine Consultants, we recognize the significance of selecting the right maritime university. Our team of maritime experts is here to guide you through this process, ensuring that you make the best choice to achieve your maritime career aspirations.
Let Solent Marine Consultants be your compass as you embark on your voyage to the top of the maritime industry. Contact us today to discover the world's best maritime university and plot your course towards a successful maritime career.
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myresenas · 10 months
Media Advisory: Premier Furey to Make Arts and Cultural
To understand the new politics stance and other pro nationals of recent times, we should look to Silicon Valley and the quantified movement of the latest generation. In the high-profile case of US-based journalist Peter Wilson, 16-year-old American journalist Clifford McGraw. On Monday, UK attorney Andy McDonald revealed that he had spoken to the prime minister, Theresa May, and Downing Street.…
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ailtrahq · 10 months
A group of influential members of parliament (MP) suggests that the UK collaborate with its democratic allies to address artificial intelligence (AI)'s potential misuse, emphasizing London's aim to be a key player in advancing this emerging technology.The Science, Innovation and Technology Committee (SITC), an advisory body to the government, recommends in a report published on Thursday, Aug. 31, that Britain align with similar nations sharing democratic values. This collaboration aims to collectively safeguard against actors, whether state-affiliated or not, who seek to misuse AI for their objectives.Prime Minister Rishi Sunak intends to convene a summit in early November, bringing together global leaders and tech leaders at Bletchley Park, a historic World War II code-breaking center. The goal is to establish guidelines for AI, enabling the UK to assume a more substantial role in both regulating and becoming a central hub for the AI industry.Today we have published an interim report for our inquiry examining the governance of artificial intelligence: pic.twitter.com/hPLJ14bh2w— Science, Innovation and Technology Committee (@CommonsSITC) August 31, 2023 The report highlights AI's capacity to spread deepfakes, which could deceive the public and the risk of misuse in developing new biological and chemical weapons as concerns that malicious actors may leverage.Lately, the Culture, Media, and Sport Committee has been urging the government to abandon proposals that would grant AI developers unrestricted access to train their systems using pre-existing music, literature and art. In a different report dated August 30, the Culture, Media, and Sport Committee cautioned that the government's initial proposal to exempt AI-driven text and data mining from copyright protections could potentially diminish the value of arts and culture, relegating them to mere 'resources' for AI advancement. Within the government, discussions have arisen regarding the inclusion of China in the November meeting. This gathering is set to convene Group of Seven leaders and industry executives, as reported by Bloomberg, citing sources knowledgeable about the matter.According to the SITC report, it is advised that the government drafts an AI bill for deliberation during the upcoming session of Parliament, commencing on November 7. Failure to do so could result in the UK falling behind other legislative efforts, notably the ongoing discussions concerning the EU's AI Act. Source
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oliviajames1122 · 11 months
MOT History Checker: An Essential Service for Car Owners
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Owning a car comes with its responsibilities, and one of the most important aspects is ensuring its roadworthiness and compliance with legal regulations. In the United Kingdom, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) test is a mandatory requirement for vehicles to ensure they meet safety and environmental standards. To facilitate this process and provide valuable information to car owners, MOT history checkers and testing services have emerged. In this article, we will explore the significance of MOT history checkers, the benefits of MOT testing services, and how they can be useful for car owners in Reading and beyond.
1. Understanding MOT History Checkers
What is an MOT history checker?
An MOT history checker is an online tool that allows car owners to access detailed information about the MOT status and history of a vehicle. By entering the vehicle's registration number into the checker, users can retrieve data regarding previous MOT tests, including pass or fail results, mileage readings, and any recorded defects or advisories.
How does an MOT history checker work?
MOT history checkers compile data from official sources, such as the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) in the UK. These databases contain comprehensive records of MOT tests conducted on registered vehicles. The checker uses the registration number provided to fetch the relevant information and present it to the user in an easily understandable format.
Why is it important to check the MOT history of a vehicle?
Checking the MOT history of a vehicle is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows potential buyers to assess the vehicle's condition and maintenance history before making a purchase. Additionally, it helps car owners track the vehicle's performance over time and identify any recurring issues that may require attention. Regularly checking the MOT history can also aid in identifying potential scams, such as sellers trying to conceal a vehicle's true condition.
2. The Importance of MOT Testing Services
What is MOT testing?
MOT testing is a comprehensive assessment of a vehicle's safety, roadworthiness, and environmental impact. It is a legal requirement for most vehicles aged three years or older in the UK. The test examines various components of the vehicle, including its brakes, lights, exhaust emissions, and structural integrity, to ensure they meet the minimum standards set by the DVSA.
How does MOT testing ensure roadworthiness?
MOT testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that vehicles on the road meet the necessary safety and environmental standards. By conducting regular MOT tests, potential issues or defects can be identified and addressed promptly, reducing the risk of accidents and breakdowns caused by faulty components. It also helps in maintaining a cleaner environment by monitoring exhaust emissions and encouraging the use of vehicles that comply with emission regulations.
What are the benefits of regular MOT testing?
Regular MOT testing offers several benefits to car owners. Firstly, it ensures the safety of the driver, passengers, and other road users by identifying any potential hazards or malfunctions. Secondly, it helps in maintaining the overall performance and reliability of the vehicle by addressing minor issues before they escalate into major problems. Moreover, MOT testing provides peace of mind to car owners, knowing that their vehicle has undergone a thorough inspection and complies with legal requirements.
3. MOT in Reading: The Local Perspective
MOT testing centers in Reading
Reading, a vibrant town in Berkshire, offers numerous MOT testing centers to cater to the needs of local car owners. These centers are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and qualified technicians who conduct thorough inspections according to DVSA guidelines. Car owners in Reading can choose from a range of testing centers based on location, reputation, and convenience.
How to find a reliable MOT testing service in Reading
When searching for a reliable MOT testing service in Reading, it is essential to consider a few factors. Firstly, look for testing centers that have a good reputation and positive customer reviews. Secondly, ensure that the center employs certified technicians who are knowledgeable and experienced in conducting MOT tests. Lastly, consider the location and availability of appointment slots to make the process convenient for you.
What to expect during an MOT test in Reading
During an MOT test in Reading, the vehicle will undergo a comprehensive inspection to assess its safety and roadworthiness. Trained technicians will check various components, such as brakes, suspension, lights, tires, and emissions, to ensure they meet the required standards. If any issues or defects are identified, the owner will be notified, and recommendations for repairs or replacements will be made.
4. How to Use MOT History Checkers
Accessing MOT history checkers online
Accessing MOT history checkers online is a simple and user-friendly process. Numerous websites offer this service, allowing users to enter the vehicle's registration number and retrieve the relevant information instantly. It is advisable to use trusted and official platforms to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data obtained.
Understanding the information provided
Once the registration number is entered into the MOT history checker, the tool will present a comprehensive report summarizing the vehicle's MOT test history. The report may include details such as the test date, test result (pass or fail), mileage at the time of the test, and any recorded defects or advisories. Understanding this information is crucial for assessing the vehicle's condition and making informed decisions.
Interpreting the MOT test results
Interpreting the MOT test results requires a basic understanding of the pass and fail criteria. A pass result indicates that the vehicle met all the necessary requirements during the test. On the other hand, a fail result indicates that one or more components did not meet the standards and require attention. It is essential to carefully review the specific issues mentioned in the report to gauge the severity and potential costs of addressing them.
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