[at Haivan's funeral] Asella: *places her hand on the headstone and sobs* Asella: How could you do this to me? We are so understaffed.
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laxmipharma · 5 months
Automatic Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine in Ethiopia
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Company Overview: Laxmi Pharma Equipment is a leading Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Automatic Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine in Ethiopia. Established in 1985 in Phase III, Vatva, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, the company specializes in pharmaceutical machinery. Laxmi Pharma Equipment Offers a comprehensive range of high-quality pharmaceutical machinery including Washing Machines, Filling Machines, Stoppering Machines, Capping Machines, Labelling Machines, Packaging Machines, and Process Equipment. Provides Automatic High-Speed Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine (Model: LASL series) and Vertical Linear Sticker Labeling Machine. Designed to label glass ampoules that have been previously filled and sealed. Operates at a minimum output of 250–300 labels per minute, depending on label size and quality. Operation: Ampoules are loaded onto a conveyor system and transported to the labeling station. The machine dispenses adhesive labels from a roll, detecting gaps or notches between individual labels using sensors. Features: Operates with servo or stepper motors for flexibility and precision. User-friendly modifications with minimal tool requirements. Ensures accurate labeling without compromising ampoule integrity. Increases productivity, reduces labor, and eliminates labeling errors. Applications Across Industries: Suitable for Pharmaceuticals, Food, Cosmetics, and Pesticides industries. Service Areas in Ethiopia: Laxmi Pharma Equipment provides Automatic Ampoule Sticker Labeling Machine in  Ethiopia Including Abomsa, Adama, Adaba, AddisAbaba, AddisAlem(Ejersa), AddisZemen, Adet, Adigrat, Adwa, Agaro, Akaki, Alaba(Kulito,Quliito), AlETAWONDO, Amaro, Gojjam, AmbaMariam, Ambo, Angacha, Ankober, ArbaMinch, Arboye, Areka, Asaita, Asella, Assosa, Awasa, Awash, Axum, Azezo, Alamata, AlemKetema, Aykel, Awbarre, Babille, Baco,  BadmeBahirDar, Bati ,Batu, Bedele ,Bedessa, Beica, Bekoji, Bele, Bichena, Bishoftu, Bitena, Boditi, Bonga, BurieDamot ,Butajira, Chiro, Chimdesa, Chelenko, Chencha, Chuahit. For more information, please feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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willowwhack · 5 months
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The girlfriends are ready for the meet-up tomorrow!! So happy I redid Val's outfit, the yellow looks so cute on her ❤️
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The Dangers of Summoning A Fire Ghoul
A snippet focusing on Dewdrop's summoning.
notes: this is part of my Life Eternal au, where Dewdrop's ghoulish name is Chanda.
(more under the cut)
“What? Why haven’t you finished up and taken him off?” The words themselves made no sense to him, but the annoyance in the man’s tone was bright and clear.
“There’s a, ah, problem, Papa…” the shorter of the two ghouls grumbles, sounding like he wanted nothing more than to not be there.
“Problem? What problem? He is right there, the mask is in place.” The human’s tone grew irritated and impatient with every word; if he were a ghoul his tail would be twitching, or perhaps even whipping side to side.
“It’s not that, it’s just…” the short ghoul whines, petulant.
“We can’t tell what element he is,” the other ghoul―this one tall with broad shoulders and chest―finishes, shrugging. “He feels like both, we dunno who has to take him.”
The human sneers at them, managing to look down at them despite being shorter than both. “And how does that involve me, precisely? Just go ask him, stop wasting my time!”
“It’s rude to ask…”
“Yeah, and,” the taller one cuts in, “we don’t wanna start off on the wrong foot, you know? Could you just, I dunno, ask him for us?”
“Oh for Belial’s sake, fine!” The man throws his arms in the air and turns on his heel, stomping over to the magic circle.
“You, ghoul,” he barks in heavily accented ghoulish, a gloved hand coming out and snapping at him, “what are you.”
“Get this fucking thing off my head and maybe I’ll tell you,” Chanda snarls in return, baring his fangs behind the silver mask. If his tail weren’t shoved away under the mask’s glamor it would be lashing, a clear message of ‘you have ten seconds before I try to rip out your throat’.
“If not, go fuck off elsewhere you pompous dick.”
“You…!” The shocked gasp caught the attention of the remaining ghouls and humans still lingering in the chamber, all eyes suddenly staring at them. The shock quickly turns to rage, mismatched eyes gleaming angrily.
“You insolent little whelp! How dare you speak to me in such a way! Don’t you know who I am?!”
And again, the words spill from his lips before Chanda could stop them, dripping in vitriol, “Some self-important asshole who’s decided to play dress-up in his mother’s clothes?”
There is a twitch of an eye, the white one, he notes absently, before it feels like the very air around him had become solid, constricting around him like being caught by a moor basilisk. He glares defiance for as long as he could, till his muscles screamed and spasmed, forcing him to lay flat on the frigid stone floor.
‘The circle isn’t drawn,’ he notes absently, mind attempting to think of something besides the thought of his eyes bursting from the pressure. ‘They’ve carved it right into the ground and cast the lines in… Silver?’ Fancy...
“I am Papa Emeritus the third,” the man says, his voice once again soft and melodious but now edged in steel. “I am Lucifer’s chosen here on Earth and I speak with His authority. You, little ghoul,” the word ‘little’ given hard emphasis, “have been summoned by me, bound to my will to this plane of existence to carry out His will. I am being kind to you now, but further insolence will see you chained in Splendor-blessed silver. Or worse. Do I make myself clear?”
“Fine,” he spits out, yet the pressure does not abate, only becoming concentrated on his chest as if a foot were pressing against his sternum.
The man tsks at him, waggling a finger as he smirks at the prone ghoul, “Yes, Papa.”
Green and white eyes bore through him in the scant milliseconds it takes him to respond with a grimace, spitting the words out as if they burned his tongue.
“Yes… Papa.”
“Very good! Now, let's try this again. Tell me, ghoul, what element are you?”
For the briefest moment he thought of actually complying meekly but his entire being balked at such an idea. Instead he gives a snort, rolling his eyes as he concentrates on the golden lace that peeked out from the heavier black robe at his feet. His fire springs to life hungrily, igniting on the metallic thread and beginning to devour it.
Papa doesn’t notice at first and tsks at him yet again in impatience, “out with it, ghoul. What is your element?”
The only response he gives is the slow bloom of a shit-eating grin across his face; ‘pity he can’t see it behind the mask…’
Approximately three heartbeats later, Papa yelps as the fire begins to chew on the thicker purple-lined black robe, flailing and twisting as he yells in his incomprehensible language, attempting to extinguish the flames. The larger of the two ghouls leapt forward to aid him, yelling a short burst of words as he Papa bodily.
The two minutes of the ghoul forcibly rolling the cleric across the chapel floor while enthusiastically beating at the now-extinguished yet quite singed robes was well worth the pain that followed. Papa finally managed to screech loud enough for the ghoul to “fucking stop already, it’s out, fuck, the fire is out you idiot stop rolling me on the floor!”
The big ghoul merely steps back, holding his hands up in resignation, “hey, I’m just making sure, yeah? Don’t want you to like, be all burnt and shit.”
“Whatever,” Papa snarls, gesturing at his new, ill-mannered ghoul, “now you know what he is, but you can take him after I’m done with him.” 
The last thing Chanda remembers was the bright gleam of rage in Papa’s eyes before pain wracks his body, twisting and chewing at his nervous system till his vision blacks out.
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maintaining-sanity · 2 years
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I'm just putting her everywhere because she's gorgeous. My lovely Ophelia photographed by a friend ❤️
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belle--ofthebrawl · 1 year
Alright. Start to finish, Phantasm Masquerade writeup and photos. (Kind of. Tumblr only allows ten per post.) Extremely special shout out to @blacklight-ghoulette , who designed and painted my mask! As well as the earrings I wore. Asellas is a truly wonderful person to have taken my commission and dream to and so, so thoughtful. She explained and sent photos of every step of the process and went above and beyond in her work. She was willing to work with me on prices, figure out a payment plan and in this water devil's humble opinion, undersold her work and effort. This fandom has so many talented artists and she is my favorite. I received so many compliments it made me dizzy trying to remember them all! Rumor has it she's planning a sale, so if you have some extra dollars and an eye for shiny things, check out her shop!
To business.
As someone who is significantly more water than the rest, the heat and stuffiness of the Ministry did not bother me too much! Clergy staff thoughtfully laid out refreshments in a gorgeous chapel with fresh fruit as a tribute to our dear Aether. Justin Andrews as Young Nihil was just...hanging around. I turned around several times and BOOM jumpscare! Young Nihil. (Of course I wasn't really frightened but! It was so easy to get lost in the glamour of it all.)
The costumes. Oh, the costumes. Everyone brings their A game to Rituals and everyone brought their A game to the ball. I felt quite like the fish out of water but everyone was so kind and lovely to each other. My heart belongs to the Copia cosplayer who casually insulted the Green Bay Packers then knelt and begged for forgiveness when he realized he was insulting my crew. I don't even care about football, but, you know. Represent. He was gracious enough to allow me to dance with him for a photo op later, so either he wasn't truly bothered or I scared him good.
(Someone with entirely innocent intentions: Do you read/write fic? Look at this Papa edit I made!
Myself, entirely too aware of what the last fic I posted was about and running calculations on how fast I can throw myself out the nearest window:🧍)
The Ministry itself...what an incredible building. We toured, and found the hallway where the Ghoul jammed in Rats. The place where Nihil was rejected by Seestor after watching the Cardinal crash his trike. Copia's bedroom and so many more places...if Tumblr allowed more than 10 per post...
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(We WERE, in fact, allowed to pose seductively on the couch, but they handed this soggy creature a towel first.) (Get your mind out of the gutter, I was sweaty.)
There was unholy communion, the wafer placed by young Nihil himself. I drank the apples blood of our enemies. I roamed and haunted and cried and wailed. What a night!
The real star of the show though....was the little bat that got stuck in the building. Poor thing. I hope it's safe.
And just like after the Ritual...my feet are sore. My head hurt like the devil. But my heart? Ah, my heart...if I hadn't given it to the ocean years ago, it would be very, very full. So much love for everyone who puts themselves wholeheartedly into this community. I have never seen anything like it.
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struungout · 2 years
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I’ve been meaning to write up a shareable post for some time now regarding the fiasco with Layla Szczepaniec and her company JpopDolls. I’ve been putting it off for months now because the whole situation just makes me so unbelievably angry that it is hard to calmly and succinctly explain all the bullshit Layla has put not only myself through, but also dozens of other customers and doll artists through.
I’m writing up this post because I do not want anyone else to be in the same position as I am now where they’re out of luck getting back their money and have nothing to show for it other than a few Facebook messages and emails full of nothing but excuses and lies. If this post prevents even one person from doing business with JpopDolls, I’ll consider that a win. If it causes Layla to shut down the business for good, I certainly wouldn’t shed any tears over it.
The short of it is that I preordered an Asella Raspberry doll in coffee skin back in October 2020. I never received the doll nor have I received a refund. Layla has not posted to the JpopDolls Facebook page (the only active source of information) since June 2022. Comments are also limited on the FB page (or at least I know that I am personally blocked from making comments on it). I am not the only one in this position either. There are people that preordered dolls from early 2020 that never received them, and there’s people that purchased in stock goods that either never received them, or it took months to receive them.
The long story is that back in February of 2022, Asella herself posted on her Facebook page that she had recently been in contact with Fdoll and Island Doll (2 companies that JpopDolls had used in the past for casting Asella’s dolls) since she was planning to run some preorders herself, and found out that neither of them had received orders from JpopDolls in the last 1-2 years, despite the fact that Layla had been regularly running preorders since 2020. Prior to this news, I’d spent a little over a year emailing and messaging Layla asking for when dolls would be arriving, and always given something along the lines of “soon”, and once given an actual month for when the dolls should get delivered to her.
When contacted about this news, Layla stated that Asella was misinformed and that the dolls were delayed due to the 2020 COVID shutdown and casting problems. She then stated that the dolls would be delivered by spring, and if they weren’t, customers would be refunded. Spring came and went and no dolls materialized and no refunds were sent.
In summer of 2022, a public Facebook group was created called People and Businesses who lost money to JPOP dolls. It currently has 79 members. It was a group that aimed to try and organize all of the JpopDolls customers that had been having issues with the company. Together, dozens of us filed formal complaints to the Washington state Attorney General’s Consumer Resource Center, as well as the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center. Unfortunately, nothing came of these complaints. I believe some individuals also filed police reports and knew of at least one person that was thinking of trying to go to small claims court since they lived in the same state as Layla. I haven’t heard any updates regarding that though.
From what I read in the group, JpopDolls has been ripping off artists that worked with them for years, at least since 2017 (when Grace was still alive, so this isn’t a new problem with a new owner). This has led those artists to stop working with them in the past. A post from October 2022 also stated that they received an email from JpopDolls about a sale on doll clothing and accessories as well as in-stock dolls, so Layla is clearly still actively trying to do business and the website is still up and running. I have not personally heard anything from her since emailing her in March.
I have personally come to accept that I will not be getting my money back, and even if I did receive the doll by some act of God, I wouldn’t want it anyway. The entire situation soured me on a doll that was my grail for a majority of my time involved with this hobby. At this point all I want is to make sure that nobody else does business with JpopDolls (or Layla Szczepaniec) ever again.
Do not buy anything that’s in stock or on preorder. Do not give your hard-earned money to someone that is more than happy to take it and then never send you what you paid for. If you have an order with JpopDolls that is still within the timeframe your bank or PayPal give to file a claim, get your money back now.
Please do share this information with your fellow doll collectors, new and old alike. I don’t want anyone else put through this nonsense.
You can find my old posts about this issue on my Instagram story highlights under “jpopdolls” as well as my feed here and here.
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mintwaaa · 1 year
Introduction of Character
Name: Oliver Florian (FC: Timothee Chalamet)
Age: 17 (2023: 22)
Gender: Male
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Bisexual
Nicknames: Olly, Torchy(Percy), Matches(Will)
Date of Birth: Jan. 2, 2001
Godly Parent: Hephaestus
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Species: Half-Blood
Ethnicity: Italian-American
Blood Type: O
Theme song: Vibe By: Coyote Theory
The Character’s Appearance
Height: 5'11”
Weight: 156lb
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Jewelry/Accessories: He has both his ears pierced with silver studs.
About the Character
Personality: ENFJ-A
Camp: Half-Blood
Favorites: He likes tinkering with old projects that have already been completed
Least Favorites: Water.
Hobbies/Interests: Quiet walks with mini Festus at his side, working on humongous projects.
- Aquaphobia: Fear of Water
- Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder/untidiness
Habits: His right leg tends to shake if he gets overly nervous, humming random songs to keep himself focused
Disorder: ADHD + BPD
Mannerisms: He uses slight, everyday slang and is rather polite to others but won’t hesitate to cuss someone out for touching his stuff without asking.
Skills/Talents: He has the gift of Pyrokinesis and Technokinesis
Best Qualities: He's fiercely loyal and competitive. He’s the type of person you want on your team for anything. He’s extremely handy in any situation and keeps his cool during any chaos.
Worst Qualities: Oliver can be secretive when it comes to his emotions or any of his “projects”. He, also, gets hyper-focused on his insecurities when even the slightest things go wrong. He’s very stubborn and bull-headed and will prove his point to the end. Extremely hot-headed because when he gets mad… oh boy is he mad. COMPETITIVE.
The Character’s Relationship With Others
Reputation: Second best inventor with Leo as first.
Love Interest(s): N/A
Friend(s): Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Will, Nico, Rachel, Mini Festus
Mini Festus: He is Oliver's first full-on project. He was originally created for Leo but, ended up keeping him and he continues to get his best friend and adjusts him.
Percy Jackson: All time best friend. They have a secret handshake. At some point Oliver had feelings for Jackson (Like Nico) but, continued to be his friend through it all so that it wouldn’t jeopardize their friendship.
Leo Valdez: His half-brother and, also, best friend. They love getting into shenanigans together. Entertaining the younger campers in their cabin all the time!
The Character’s Abilities
Fighting Style: He isn't very much of a hand-to-hand kind of fighter but, he knows the basics of it. He is more of a weapon user and magic user more than anything. He mostly uses his powers. (YES I KNOW ONLY ZEUS CHILDREN CAN CONJURE LIGHTNING BUT HEY MC RIGHT?) He was given pyrokinesis from his father but is forcing himself to get stronger by trying to conjure lightning, using concentrated heat of the bolt.
Preferred Weapon(s):
- Celestial bronze war hammer
- Mini Festus(Can transform to a Halberd or a double edged Longsword)
(On a scale of 1-10; 1 being terrible and 10 being the best)
Knowledge: 7/10
Conceptualization Power: 9/10
Motivation: 5/10
Will to Act: 9/10
Agility: 8/10
Spiritual Power: 6/10
Swordsmanship: 9/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat: 4/10
Long Range Accuracy: 3/10
Offense: 8/10
Defense: 6/10
Social Skills:6 /10
The Character’s Familial/Biographical Information
Birthplace: Boston, MA
- Asella Florian: Mother, deceased
- Sala Florian: Grandmother, alive
- Hephaestus: Father, immortal
Character Background: Oliver was & is the only child of Asella Florian. He had lived alone with her up until the age of 5. Most demigods usually can’t focus or struggle in the human world. The other kids would taunt and sneer at him any chance they got cause his mom was “apart of a gang”. Asella owned The Challenger Auto Repair shop. Once he was old enough to help her at the age of 7, he was in the shop with her constantly. Every weekend he could get. The week days he would stay with his, 76-year-old, Noona Sala. It would be late nights when Asella would come to pick up Oliver from her mother. And those nights were when men would stalk her home.. and Oliver was getting to the age where monsters would try to track him. Once his 10th birthday came along, it was soon after when everything collapsed. One night, Oliver was with his Noona waiting for him mom to get him but, she never came that day or any time afterwards. The men that would try to follow her home finally got her at the shop and drowned her. Since then Oliver was always afraid of the water… When he turned 12, an older camper was sent to bring Oliver back to Camp Half-Blood. Sala agrees, knowing he would be much taken care of there then he would be in the human world. Each summer he would come back and visit Sala and take good care of that women.
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goalhofer · 1 month
2024 olympics Ethiopia roster
Abdisa Fayisa (Sululta)
Samuel Tefera (Addis Ababa)
Ermias Girma (Ezha)
Hagos Gebrhiwet-Berhe (Ts'a'ida Imba)
Biniam Mehary (Mekelle)
Addisu Yihune (Dega Damot)
Lamecha Girma (Asella)
Getnet Wale-Bayabl (Sekela)
Samuel Firewu-Fiche (Sidama)
Yomif Kejelcha-Atomsa (Addis Ababa)
Berihu Aregawi-Teklehaimanot (Makelle)
Selemon Barega-Shirtaga (Gurage)
Kenenisa Bekele-Beyecha (Arsi Kifile Hāgeri)
Tamirat Tola-Abera (Addis Ababa)
Deresa Geleta-Ulfata (Bareyu)
Misgana Wakuma (Wanchi)
Worknesh Musele-Handeno (Addis Ababa)
Habitam Alemu-Bayih (Merawi)
Tsige Duguma (Kamashi)
Gudaf Tsegay-Desta (Makelle)
Diribe Welteji-Kejelcha (Legetafo)
Birke Haylom (Alaje)
Ejgayehu Taye (Mendida)
Medina Eisa-Kumanda (Debre Tabor)
Fotyen Tesfay (Addis Ababa)
Tsigie Gebreselama (Saeda Emba)
Sembo Almayew-Welteji (Midakegn)
Lomi Muleta-Tefera (Addis Ababa)
Tigst Assefa-Tessema (Addis Ababa)
Megertu Alemu (Mi'irabi Shoa)
Amane Shankule (Hade)
Lina Selo (Adema)
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silvestromedia · 10 months
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St. Peter Pascual, Roman Catholic Priest and Martyr. he became bishop of Jaen, although the diocese was technically under the dominion of the Islamic Moors. Nevertheless, he preached extensively to promote the Christian faith in Islamic communities and sought to ransom Christian captives being held by Islamic Moorish captors. He was martyred in Granada. Feastday Dec.6
Bl. Adolph Kolping, Roman Catholic Priest. He was a leader in providing social support for young workers in the cities of industrial Germany, and worldwide. Dec. 6
St. Nicholas, Roman Catholic Priest. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus, whose modern name comes from the Dutch Sinterklaas, itself from a series of elisions and corruptions of the transliteration of "Saint Nikolaos".
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dubaireliablellc · 2 years
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@DubaiAgentz wa.me/971554453028 #Vihiga #Voi #Wajir #Watamu #Webuye #Wote #Wundanyi #Kigali #Butare #Muhanga #Ruhengeri #Gisenyi #Byumba #Cyangugu #Nyanza #Kabuga #Ruhango #Rwamagana #Kibuye #Kibungo #Gikongoro #Umutara #Kigali #Kicukiro #Rutongo #Nyanza #Muhanga #Kamonyi #Ruhango #Butare #Gisagara #Nyaruguru #Nyamagabe #Byumba #Ruhengeri #Kibuye #Cyangugu #Gisenyi #Rwamagana  #Kibungo #AddisAbaba #Mekelle #Gondar #Adama #Hawassa #BahirDar #DireDawa #Sodo #Dessie #Jimma #Jijiga #Shashamane #Bishoftu #ArbaMinch #Hosaena #Harar #Dilla #Nekemte #DebreBirhan #Asella #DebreMark'os #Kombolcha #DebreTabor #Adigrat #Woldiya #Sebeta #Burayu #Shire (IndaSelassie) #Ambo #ArsiNegele #Aksum #Gambela #BaleRobe #Butajira #Ziway #Adwa #Areka #Yirgalem #Woliso #Welkite #Gode #Meki #NegeleBorana #AlabaKulito #Alamata #Chiro #Tepi #Durame #Goba #Asosa #Boditi #Gimbi #Wukro #Alemaya #MizanTeferi (at Reliable Cargo Dubai Kenya Tanzania Zanzibar Dares salaam Nairobi & Mombasa) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClQ0j-jS-5H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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willowwhack · 11 months
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My lovely girls at today's meet-up!! Still getting the hang of posing Val, but I have a little couple photo shoot in mind for them. Fingers crossed I can pull it off
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teenmanhua · 2 years
Don’t Be Obsessed With A Spirit Like Me!
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A supporting character in a novel. 'Asella' already possessed the body of the weakest, lowest level wind spirit. Asella was inherently very weak, she was always harassed by other spirits and forced to swallow her anger to survive. All souls must enter into a pact with a knight that is destined for God's will... Asella signed a pact with the empire's top knight, Lassez Siertensya!? "Lassez, the soul he signed the pact with will die in the first battle?" To survive, she must break her pact with Lassez. Fortunately, the two people who don't want to be rivals have decided to continue the pact until they are saved and start the "temporary pact"! However, she had to be sober when she was around Lassez. “…Can I do it?” Finally, the time for a limited treaty had arrived. Asella may have broken this pact, but Lassez's attitude has changed a bit! "There seems to be a mistake here, you are not allowed to leave me" Suddenly he said not to cancel the treaty! Even Kairos, the second knight she accidentally picked up, pushed Lassez away and said he would be the first. Even Prince Lancelot and the so-called playboy of the Edward Empire begged her. And even Herfis, the high soul, became jealous of these men. Countless men wanted to approach Asella, a useless low-level soul! What a burden to her, who managed to survive this novel quietly... "Please don't be attached to a soul like me!" Read the full article
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pkmnomegaverse · 4 years
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“How about that cute boy over there, he’s been eyeing you up all evening.”
“...I don’t think...”
“Oh!  Or how about that up and coming debutante in the corner.  She’s quite the looker!”
“Can we go to the dessert table already?  I’m sure there’s some cute omegas over there.  Ones with better taste.”
There’s a Fankid Winter Gala event going on today over in the Fankid Discord, so wanted to draw the crew that has to attend many many galas, due to who their father/stepfather is, the Alamos siblings.  Left to right is Axel, Asella, and Aracelis
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belle--ofthebrawl · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @st-danger ! This looks fun.
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder (art, fics or both), regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Here are the five I've worked on recently!
1) A Little Lunacy
2) DewIfRain
3) Sympathetic Magic/Pseudo Gravida/These are both horrible and I Hate them
4) with the whole world as your phantom limb
5) uh oh (Request from Asellas)
I tag @blacklight-ghoulette @miasmaghoul @forlorn-crows and you, the person reading this if you haven't been tagged yet.
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saxafimedianetwork · 2 years
Ethiopia Ships 492 Tons Of Donkey Meat
#Shipments of processed 492 tons of #donkeymeat & #skin earned #Ethiopia over USD 600,000 in #exports during the just ended #fiscalyear. Over 600 #donkeys were #slaughtered at the #donkey #abattoirs. #Somaliland #HOA
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