#Asgore x Bud
gay-hoodie-boy · 2 years
(A prince of chaos has arrived!)
“If you have multiple f/o’s: if you lived in the same house with every single f/o, from romantic to platonic to familial, how would that go? Would it be paradise? Would the house burn down within the hour?”
Edit: wow shoot this got long, had to add a cut dskfjdskjn-
Oh oh my god this would be a mess BUT i think i'd manage to get all my f/o's in order. The most chaotic of the bunch is Rouxls for sure, followed very closely by Itto, and they'd absolutely cause the most trouble. A lot of my f/o's are super chill even if they can be loud and boisterous, but I also imagine there'd be at least one or two fights every now and then (likely caused by Rouxls). But other than that:
Reyn and Leon would vibe so hard together. They would be buds for sure.
Pierce, Mac, X, Shulk, Osfala, and Link would get along too, they're the quieter of the group and would probably have a bro nod vibe goin' on
Daruk and Asgore generally being dadly. Like. Just the vibe. Bobbery, too
Malon and Sidon would be such a chaotic duo, but like the good wholesome kind of chaos
Leon and Itto and maybe Osfala trading hair care routines and products
Raihan yelling "World star" when Rouxls gets mad /j
Herlock and Rouxls discussing puzzles and Herlock just messing with Rouxls' head for kicks
Pierce and Link interacting with Leon's Pokemon
Joe being impossibly patient with everyone somehow
Rouxls setting "traps" around the house and everyone else having to either play along or risk making him upset
Oh but on that note, X and Osfala giving Rouxls actual logic-based tips to improve his puzzles
Malon and X doing a musical duet... (can I join? no? ok-)
Shulk asking Malon for tips on how to impress Fiora and Malon just telling him to be himself which is not what Shulk asked for
Sidon being very distraught learning X can't swim and not understanding that he can't just teach him
Raihan trying to explain his relationship to me and Leon being gay but platonic but also gay, Leon is called over to explain but it just gets more convoluted
Speaking of Raihan, him introducing social media to the f/o's who don't have it and Itto in particular becoming *obsessed*
Shulk wanting to know EVERYTHING about how X functions and operates (and Click infodumping to him about reploid anatomy and introducing him to Patches)
sdjfdsfjhdfsj Bobbery causing an explosion when things get too crazy and everyone just leaping to attention at his command (this happens most often on game nights, Link and Shulk and X figured out how to blast-proof the furniture in the game room after a few times)
Reyn seeing Joe skate and begging him to teach him, Joe agrees and oh my god Reyn's a sk8r boi, he said see ya later boi-
Sidon and Pierce asking each other about their respective species, X and Shulk listening intently
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sariels-world-ella · 2 years
Just some random doodles of pairings in my AU, SW!Fallenswap, So.. shipping warning.
(sorry for the shadow, nothing I can really do about that)
Undertale by Toby Fox
Underswap by Popcorn Pr1nce and the Undertale community
Au by me.
Since people can feel strongly against ships, I'll put it under the cut
The ships are
Sans x Toriel
Asgore x Rudy
Undyne x Alphys
Muffet just saying she'll flirt with anyone
Riverperson X Gaster
Mad Mew Mew X Red (I still don't know why I made this a thing in this au)
Pre-Events Soriel (Sans x Toriel):
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Description: Sans is showing Toriel something in a book
Post-Events Asrudy (Ashore x Rudy):
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Description: Asgore and Rudy are sitting on the couch watching a movie, with a beverage and blanket. Temmie is sleeping.
Pre-Events Alphadyne (Alphys x Undyne)
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They never got to be a couple in this AU, but Undyne did have a crush on her childhood best friend.
Alphys: I guess you couldn't help but to spend time with me since we are best buddies!
Undyne: yeah.. just best buds hanging out..
Muffet saying she'll flirt with anyone:
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Riverperson x W.D Gaster (Prof. River x Wingding)
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+ Comic Featuring Underswap Gaster
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I am not exactly sure why I made this a thing in this AU.. but.. uh.. Mad Mew Mew X Red
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Twenty | Ooo I Ooo I Ooo I Ooo I (Part 2 of 2 | His POV) [First] | [Previous] | [Next]
Song Referenced
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did he give you an exact date?
Unfortunately, no.
At first, I had at least until the end of the year, but…
CPS wants this resolved quicker than he thought.
guessin' you need to finish tourin' the underground first then, right?
Would it be possible the day after tomorrow?
Or just… sometime this weekend?
I can go by myself, but…
Asgore won't allow that unless I'm with someone else.
Says I shouldn't be walking so far and so long alone if I haven't recovered yet.
you don't need to go alone, either way.
be it my job or not, I still wanna help out.
so the day after tomorrow's fine with me, bud.
we can discuss those details better when we drive over to tori's school tomorrow.
Are you sure?
Does that 'we' imply you'll be picking us up?
but yeah, i'll drive you guys there.
and pick up paps on the way, too.
it's easier for all four of us.
don't believe me?
Oh, I believe you.
I just don't think that's the only reason why you're picking us up, when I already have the address.
so what's the other one?
Don't get cocky, Serif.
I'm not gonna type that out.
It's a godsend Frisk will be with us, too.
'Cause I sure don't trust being alone with you anymore.
inna bad way?
pick you guys up tomorrow, then?
We'll see you tomorrow.
And thank you in advance.
∆ Sticker | Happy Cartoon Bunny™ waving goodbye ∆
"You've changed, Sans."
He ignores that comment to view (Y/N)'s last two messages again.
While he doesn't know why that particular sticker bothers his mind so much, a few scrolls up to revise his chat history with the human reveal this is the first time they've shown any sort of informality or spontaneity in their typing. (Y/N) came off cold in their texts, though -- based on how they acted outside of a chat app -- that wasn't their intention, but more of an automatic way for them to talk with someone they didn't exactly deem trustworthy enough yet. He grins at that thought and feels his face warm up, something he confirms when touching his cheekbone, cold palm contrasting with that heat.
"You're wasting your time with that human," Drunk Bun says, snapping him out of his daydreaming.
They've sat themselves on the bar stool next to him and slam what looks like their tenth can of cheap, off-brand beer against the counter, crunching it down into more than half its size. He doesn't know how long they've stood there or why he's lost this much awareness of his surroundings. The bar's practically empty and calm now compared to before, though there's loud music blaring from the jukebox, playing an already overplayed song on repeat. There's no excuse for his distracted mind other than having lost himself while texting with the human, so he admits that fault with partial sourness, against accepting he's that smitten with them.
"You're changing for the worse," his company adds, narrowing their eyes at him. "Every time we come here to catch up, you mention something stupid about that (L/N) person, or just text the whole evening away with them. I... I've never seen you worry so much about someone so inconsequential." They scoff and cross their arms tight. "I may understand you caring after Frisk as a way to repay them for rescuing us, but (L/N) is completely useless. They've done absolutely nothing remarkable beyond creating a huge scene at that bus you were both on."
"Being harassed by a rando and faintin' after's them causin' a scene?" Sans asks, quirking an eye socket.
"Oh, screw off, bone boy -- You know what I mean. They've brought you nothing but trouble and needless responsibilities!" The bunny grits their teeth and slams their hand over the table, dragging eyes to their side. "I'm betting you can't go a day without texting them or without you doing something for them."
"You need to-"
The phone is snatched from his hands just as quick as that noise rings.
"Give that back."
"No." They keep the phone right above him, taking advantage of his shorter height. "Your fault for not putting a lock on it."
Drunk Bun scoots away and holds the phone tight as they fumble with it. Then, they stop to look at what he assumes is another text message from the human. A grimace shows on their face and they grasp the device tight, enough to make the screen complain and warn them over the pressure they're exerting against it. "Now this is beyond pathetic, Sans," they comment, letting out a loud, burst laugh. "Is this seriously the one you're sacrificing your entire personality for?" They give him his phone back, though not before hesitating when it's time to let go. "That human is-"
"Gimme a sec."
His attention falls on the picture displayed on screen, revealing (Y/N) and Frisk posing in it. The adult wears a suit and tie while the child has Toriel's school uniform on. The former's pose appears forced and awkward while the latter seems to be the reason the picture was taken with how excited they seem about their outfit.
Frisk wanted me to show you this.
It's what we'll be wearing for tomorrow!
There's a three-minute interval between that and the next message.
I know classes still haven't started there, but… They wanted to wear it, so I joined them by trying on something special for, well…
That job offer you told me about.
I don't know if I'll accept or not yet, but…
Thank you for the opportunity, and for believing in me.
∆ Sticker | Happy Cartoon Bunny™ giving a thumbs-up ∆
"You're grossing me out, honestly. What kind of look is that?"
It takes him a while to react, focus glued on (Y/N)'s messages.
"What look?"
"That lovesick look on your face." Tears form on their eyes -- almost abruptly, hadn't their voice shaken right before that. "I- I've been flirting with you for years, and yet you've never once looked at me like that before." They stand up straight, stare down at him, and rest their hands on the table, blinking their tears away throughout. "I've known you for so damn long, and yet you fall for the first human you see up here? I-"
"So that's what this's about," he says, chuckling. "You're-"
"Don't you dare brush everything off as me having a crush on you, Sans." They hiss. "You're not the same as before, and that's as clear as day. You worry a lot more now, and… And you actually seem to care more about other stuff beyond your job and sleeping on it. Y- You-"
"Aren't those good things?"
"Maybe, but your entire personality changing isn't. I liked you better when you were less worked up with stuff that's none of your business." They stop to grab his phone again; a grin breaks the sorrow on their face. "But hey, y- you're just doing your job, aren't you? You should set things straight with that human and remind them you're only with them because Asgore told you to in that agreement letter you gave them."
"Won't work if I flirted with 'em first. Pretty sure they'll see right through my lies."
"Y- You flirted with them first?!"
He dodges a punch aimed right at his face.
They throw a second punch -- this one turning out to be a spoof -- and laugh at the sight of him falling for it; they then toss the phone high over his head after he's finished dodging that fake attack, and aim yet another punch right after.
He salvages the device, though at the cost of taking the blow right on his left eye socket.
"How can you admit that so easily? You're awful!"
"'Cause you're only a close friend. I don't owe you an explanation about who I'm dating, and even less if you're gonna be actin' this way."
Drunk Bun springs at him, only to be held back by the rest of the regulars sitting near the scene, sufficiently fast enough for them not to wrangle Sans in anything major. They struggle and thrash at everyone around, trying to break free, but failing each time. It takes a fully-armored guard dog and a buff bear for them to be fought back into their rightful place, and yet another strong monster for them to let go of a wine bottle they insist on downing when seated.
Grillby intervenes as well by warning them to calm down, unless they want to be kicked out. Meanwhile, Sans turns on the camera and looks at his reflection through it, revealing a faint soreness already forming around his eye socket -- right where his companion had punched at. Being primarily made out of bones brought advantages, but having magical properties often led to him bruising easily.
Another regular approaches him and offers him a first aid kit, one he brings back to his seat to heal himself there.
While he takes out an antibiotic and some cotton pads with one hand, he uses the other to busy himself with (L/N)'s messages, against leaving them on read for so long.
no probs.
here at your service.
frisk looks great, btw.
and you? hot. 😘🔥
awkwardly hot.
Frisk is reading the replies, you know?
i mean…
don't tell 'em i said that.
∆ Audio | 0:46 ∆
He clicks on it to hear Frisk giggling along with (Y/N) commenting they won't. It later continues with them asking if he's alright, specifying what they mean by highlighting a picture, this one sent by him. Blurriness makes up most of it when he clicks on it and zooms in, yet he can identify what looks like his companion from earlier, who'd apparently snapped and sent the human a photo by accident.
that's a friend o' mine.
they're, uh, kinda tipsy, so they got inna fight with me.
Are you okay?
yeah, just a lil' sore where they punched at.
i'm fine, puddin'.
dw about it.
Where's that bar at?
I'm near the mall, so I can drop by if you need anything.
aren't you still shoppin'?
take it easy.
I'm almost done.
Just trying out one more outfit.
can I see?
∆ Attachment | 2 images ∆
To his surprise, they're not only posing much more freely now, but they've also made the effort to strike another pose from a different angle. The human's outfit is composed of a dark green, semi-formal (suit/dress), fit for a night out. They've gone as far as to edit a wink emoji and some hearts at the corner of one -- the most flirty of the two.
What do you think?
*jaw drops to floor, irises pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, soul beats out of rib cage, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of teeth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens jacket, combs skull* ahem, you look real lovely.
*bwushes* Thank uwu kindwy, handswome. I'm vewy fwattewed.
...frisk ain't there anymore, right?
If they wewe, duwu uwu twhink I'd be twyping wike thiws?
faiw poiwnt.
I noticed the changes you made in that copy-paste, and…
You didn't edit the tongue part out.
What that tongue do, baby?
...ice cream.
Ah, that's hot.
Or should I say cold?
And speaking of cold…
I'm gonna get you an ice pack or something.
You should take care of where it's sore, if you don't want it to bruise more.
whatta way to change the subject away from our moment, puddin'.
but uh, thanks in advance.
Anytime, teddy bear.
• • •
"Am I really changin', Grillbs?" Sans asks, emptying his beer in three long gulps. "Be honest with me."
The one questioned takes the empty can from his hands and shakes his head in what looks more like disapproval rather than him answering that question. He first warns the skeleton about getting drunk, and reminds him to stay sober if he wants an answer as well as prevent himself from drunk-texting the source of his lovelorn self. When receiving a promise from him in response, he later answers with a 'no' and that he's still the same whenever he came to visit the bar.
"So I'm only different when I'm talkin' about 'em?"
Grillby nods.
"Inna bad way?"
He shakes his head.
Sans is stopped with a hand over his and faced with a stern look, despite the owner of it having no eyes or mouth.
"If they make you happy, then it's alright for you to show it," a regular states, intervening in the conversation. "You're not a lifeless machine. And nobody's one-dimensional either, so you shouldn't force yourself to act the same, strict way all the time. If you want to be all mushy with that human, then so be it. Aren't you the one who always says stuff like 'nothing really matters; in the end, we'll all die'? What's stopping you now of all times? Where's that hardcore nihilist I've known since years ago?
Sans rubs the back of his neck and huffs.
Clearly, neither the regular nor Grillby understood what he truly meant to say with his questions. He didn't mind his relationship with the human, but he also didn't want his old self to be replaced by someone he wasn't, as a result. There were things he didn't want to change about his old self -- things he feared would fade away now that he seemed to be getting into something as complex as a romantic relationship. There were parts of him he needed to keep in case the world were to start over again -- in case something went wrong. He couldn't allow himself to grow soft.
A pat on his shoulder lets him know he's lost himself in those thoughts.
"It's alright to fear change, but don't let that hold you back. If you like that human and they do, too -- Then what's there keeping you from going for it?"
It's not that easy.
Still, he keeps that thought quiet and replies with, "Thanks, but I'll probably have to give that more ti-"
The door of the bar opens to reveal someone new to it, but not so much unknown to Sans, who already finds himself distracted by them. (Y/N) stands in front of the entrance, looking this way and that. Frisk holds on to their hand, while a reusable shopping bag's hung over their parent's arm; a pharmacy's logo and name can be seen stamped on it. The eldest human approaches the area with caution, until their child assures them -- once, twice, and then thrice -- they've been to this place before and that it serves other purposes beyond that of providing alcohol and provoking fights. When they look forward, he meets their eyes and tries to glance away quickly, only to be called out by them soon after. They don't take long to smile wide and bright, wave, and -- finally -- approach his side after he waves back at them.
Rather than giving him whatever's in the bag, they instead let go of Frisk's hand, ask them if they want anything to eat, and give them some money when they sign the word 'fries'. Then, they sit on the stool next to his and settle the bag on their lap. "Come closer, and close your eye sockets," they say, still smiling. "It's your left one, right? It looks really sore already."
He nods and tries to ignore the warmth in his soul when they place a hand over his.
In his favour, they let go of him not long after to disinfect their hands and slip some gloves on when these dry out.
(Y/N) holds his chin with their hand and grazes their fingers against his injury, their touch slow and careful as they apply some antibiotic over and around it. They then slide an eye patch on him and assumedly check around for any more bruises, based on the feeling of their hands grazing against his torso, arms, and neck. "The ice pack's in the bag -- Remember to throw it in the freezer when you get home." They touch his chest again, even more gentle this time. "So..." He notices some hesitance when they pull their hand back. "You're not hurt anywhere else?"
He shakes his head, words caught in his throat.
"Alright, but don't look yet."
Doing as told, Sans waits for whatever comes next. He stays still and stiff, until he feels their lips brush close to his eye socket, where they lay a soft, ticklish kiss at. They do the same with his other one and finish it off by kissing his nose cavity.
"Now you can."
[First] | [Previous] | [Next]
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So, here's a summary of all the events happening this month, which will affect Fairytale Complex's update schedule in various ways:
1. I will be rewriting all my other fics that aren't FaiCom, since I'm pretty darn happy and proud of the new writing style I've developed with this fanfic, and so I want to implement it into my older stories (with the exception of the Tom Nook x Reader one -- I'm rewriting that one despite being recent because it started off as a wild, 3 am energy project after finishing with finals, but then I actually had way more fun than I originally anticipated, so I'll be turning it into a long fic just like this one, lol). This means FaiCom will be taking a short, 1 to 2 week break after Arc 2 (Chapter 25) ends, to dedicate some time to all 4 of these stories.
2. I'm taking extracurricular classes/hobby workshops this summer, so I need to tweak my schedule again. This means FaiCom will be changing its schedule back to the old one, composed of weekly updates on Mondays, Wednesdays, and/or Fridays.
3. As mentioned previously, Pride Month is here, so I'll be making some one-shots and drabbles related to it, meaning updates might be slightly less frequent this month. BUT, a good majority of them are FaiCom related ones (and they will be posted on a different book to avoid conflicting with regular updates, too). More on that later on!
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redeyedryu · 7 years
Apathy & Happenstance
Chapter 2 - Vexation and Aversion | 1 | x | 3
And we jump straight in to the next! And mind the end, you have a choice to make.
Summary: There’s something oddly familiar about these skeletons but you just can’t seem to put your finger on what, exactly, it is about them that’s nagging at the back of your mind.
“hey. bud.” Don't look at it. Absolutely do not look at it. Don't acknowledge it, don't even breathe the same air as it. ...no, okay, that last one might be a bit hard to manage (speaking of, do skeletons even breathe in the first place?). “hey. i know ya can hear me, sweetheart.”
Your brows furrow, lips pressing into a tight, straight line. Ignoring them isn't working, they're still here. Why are they still here?
“HUMAN!” cries the second one—the obnoxiously loud, tall, and pointy one.
Don't look at it, girl. There's still a chance they’ll go away, that this is all a figment of your imagination or something.
“NYNNNGH!!” it growls in frustration at your unresponsiveness, to not being acknowledged. It stomps a booted foot against the ground, various knickknacks shaking and jostling with the impact.
...so much for them being imaginary.
“ARE YOU PERHAPS TOO STUPID TO COMPREHEND THAT THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS STANDS BEFORE YOU?” ...seriously? “OR PERHAPS… YOU ARE PARALYZED IN FEAR!” Oh it cannot be serious—though, it did sound rather smug just then...
It starts laughing. A somehow even more obnoxious, grating sound than its nails-on-a-chalkboard speaking voice. You have to bite the inside of your mouth to keep yourself from saying anything (and boy would you like to say something) but a snort still manages to weasel its way out.
The taller, more pokey skeleton freezes, and despite not having any indicator of where its gaze is directed with those empty eye sockets, you get the distinct feeling it's staring right at you. Although… maybe glaring is a better word? Regardless, don't look to confirm; just continue to keep the skeletons in your peripheral vision and nothing more.
“HUMAN…” There’s something of a warning tone to its voice. “DID YOU JUST… LAUGH AT ME?” It doesn’t sound happy. The smaller, more rounded looking one seems to be… sweating? Is its perspiration red?
“c-c’mon, boss. i’m sure she didn't mean nothin’...”
“SHUT UP, SANS.” the pointy skeleton yells at the sweaty one, stomping its foot once more, the rather forceful action causing a couple more knickknacks around the room to rattle. You're silently hoping nothing winds up tumbling off the walls or shelves if it keeps that up.
It's just as you're releasing an incredibly heavy, woeful sigh that the loud one rounds its attention back on you. It’s taken a step towards you, one red-gloved hand perched on the crest of hip bones peeking out from tight black pants, the opposite hand aimed and pointing straight at your face. You silently thank small miracles for the fact the coffee table forcefully separates the two of you, as you get the feeling its gloved finger would probably be lodged somewhere in the vicinity of your own eye socket otherwise.
Bite your tongue, girl. Don't give it what it wants.
The next few seconds that pass are awkward and riddled with tension but you stay firm in your stoicism.
Attention. It clearly wants attention. Any kind of acknowledgement or validation.
You interrupt its little tirade with a loud slap from your laptop—perhaps closing it with a wee bit more force than you had meant—but it's enough of a distraction to shut the loud mouth up.
Perplexed, the two skeletons watch in silence as you slide off the couch, laptop grasped between your hands. As you bend over the coffee table you catch sight of the tall one snapping to attention, feet shifting to stand up straight and tall, arms crossing over its chest.
“NYEH HEH HEH,” it laughs as you set your laptop on the table, as you then lift to straighten yourself. “FINALLY BUILT UP THE COURAGE TO FACE OFF AGAINST THE TERRIBLE PAPYRUS, HAVE YO-” Its voice cuts off as you abruptly turn from it and its shorter, sweaty counterpart.
“HUMAN?!” Its tone is one of bafflement as you pad your way across the floor, from the plush area rug of the living room to the chilled wooden floors by your dining area, towards the key rack hanging by the door.
“WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!” You grab a jacket hanging nearby, slip into your shoes, and grab the keys off the rack, tossing them into a pocket. “WE ARE NOT DONE HERE!!” There's the unmistakable sound of it stomping its foot, of various knickknacks jostling about.
Don't turn to look. Don't even pause to consider. Just keep going through the motions of heading out.
You pat a pocket of your jacket, content when you're met with the feel of your cell phone. Pat another and you find your wallet. Good, you've got everything.
Hah. Joke’s on it if it thinks yelling demands and acting like an all around pompous buffoon will get you to acquiesce to its demands.
You grasp the handle of the door, twist, and without a glance back to the strange, red and black clad skeletons that had literally appeared out of thin air, you step out into the breezeway, door clicking shut behind you. You lock it before turning around and heading towards the stairs. There's silence at your back for a beat but as you reach the stairway you hear the unmistakable, muffled screaming of “The great and terrible Papyrus” coming from your apartment. If you were a more petty person you’d be reveling at the reaction you had elicited. Instead, you simply proceed on your way out. Judging by that particular skeleton’s reactions to being rebuffed, it's probably used to getting its way.
A hand slides into a pocket of your jacket to retrieve your phone. Maneuvering passed the lock screen, you pull up your preferred search engine. ‘Skeleton monsters, Sans and Papyrus’ is entered into the search bar as you work your way down a flight of stairs.
Your brows furrow as you hit ‘search’, lips pulled to one side in silent contemplation. There was something vaguely familiar about those two, their names especially so, but you just can't quite put your finger on exactly why they evoke such an odd reaction.
You reach the ground floor as the search index pulls up several pages worth of results. You only need to see the first to find what you're looking for.
“What the…”
You have to stop and take a good, hard look at the search results, at the images greeting you from the top of the page. It's unmistakable that Sans and Papyrus are indeed the names of a couple skeleton monsters but the ones smiling up at you from the pictures don't quite match the rather… for lack of a better world… edgy ones you had just left behind in your apartment. For one, these two look a whole heck of a lot more friendly. Secondly, you now remember why the names sounded so familiar.
Sans and Papyrus were part of the initial group of monsters to emerge from Mount Ebott, along with that one kid whose name you can't seem to remember. You think one of them had been some kind of mascot? A bodyguard?? You're not sure; you’ve never exactly been able to keep up-to-date with the news. Regardless, you recall having heard those name floating around for a good while, along with… who else was it? Alpyne? Undphys? No, those don't sound right… There's Toriel and Asgore—they're easy enough to remember since they're the Queen and King, respectively, and their names are always popping up everywhere, but you're finding it rather difficult to recall everyone else’s names… Oh well. Not like that's exactly pertinent to your current predicament.
Anyway! You're letting your mind wander. Get back on topic!
Alright. So. If you base the names to match up to general physical similarities, then the Sans you're looking at, aside from sporting a cooler color scheme of blues and whites, is missing the shark teeth and that one golden tooth of the other Sans. He’s wearing a loose white tee with a blue and grey zip-up hoodie over top, whereas the Sans upstairs is sporting a red turtleneck sweater under a black, fur-lined jacket accented in red and gold—and if you were being honest, it looked like something your younger self probably would have picked up from a certain store in the mall. Much like the sweaty Sans, this one’s also wearing black basketball shorts, though the line stretching down from top to bottom is white, rather than gold. The blue Sans also looks a lot less tense, more relaxed, despite noticeable dark rings around the bottom of his sockets.
The differences are more noticeable between the two Papyrus. ...Papyruses? ...Papyri? Whatever, that's not important.
While the pictured Papyrus definitely shares the physical characteristics of the one you left screaming in your wake, this one, too, is lacking in the pointy teeth department. He also doesn't have those jagged claw (?) marks across his left eye socket that his pointy doppelgänger does. He’s got some kind of rounded, white armor encasing his ribcage—it vaguely reminds to of an old video game from your youth that you never managed to finish. It's the polar opposite of his counterpart’s black, pointy variant. Some kind of blue underwear over black leggings (a reference to those good ol’ spandex wearing superheroes?) that counter the tight black pants of his other, though the red boots and gloves aren't too dissimilar. You find it interesting to note that both wear an overly large, red scarf wrapped around their neck, positioned in such a way that it could double as a cape.
“Weird…” you mutter, squinting your eyes at the screen and resuming your trek out and away from your apartment—from the nonsense that the universe decided to dump upon you. “They're like evil, edgy clones or something…”
You purse your lips, your face crinkling in intense thought and confusion. You ponder the possibility of the two pairs of monsters having the same names as being a coincidence—after all, just look at how many humans share the same name—but how would that explain their similarities? Twins? Monsters (or at least their King) do have a penchant for being absolutely terrible when it comes to names… but still, something just doesn't feel right, doesn't quite matchup.
You stop in your aimless wandering at a street corner, the signal across the road indicating pedestrian traffic to stop, and hang your head, an exasperated sigh escaping from between your lips.
Just what are you going to do about this?
* Contact the friendlier looking Sans and Papyrus
* Do nothing; you can deal with this mess later
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