#Ashes to Ashes | Mainverse
scuddle-bubble101 · 9 months
Ashes, favorite food?
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"Raw meat......................................... And Angel's baking- Its-... Its surprisingly good."
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braveburned · 1 year
I know I joke fairly often about how people should adopt gregory and while that's because I genuinely want him to have that kind of love and care, I need to clarify he's not going to make it an easy path to get there — gregory is a deeply angry kid with a strongly rooted distrust of adults that, given the circumstances, can be genuine fear ( particularly of authority figures ).
he's going to lash out in an attempt to keep people away from him. he's going to assume anyone who tries to care doesn't actually care about him, and only does so out of obligation. he genuinely believes when people get to know him, they stop caring about him.
freddy gets off easy because he's an ai. he's literally programmed to care about kids. real, actual people though? he's convinced himself they will always leave him behind.
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blacklight-shadows · 2 years
Tag Dump! (Characters/Verses)
#Now life goes on/But I’m stuck in December | Writer/Etch#No more golden weather/All war and no surrender | Macaque/Blacklight#I’m either numb/or feel too much/and there is no in between | musings#So I close my eyes/and lose myself/not doing like it’s only today | ship musings#We gotta party for a lifetime/and we don’t care about the bad nights/and for a second I can feel like this | Blacklight Shadows#successor of my beloved’s/you’ll be strong/just give it time | goldenpathtotheheavens/Monkie Kid#Descendant of the dragon/ring of fire without end/daughter of fire/of ash/of ends | goldenpathtotheheavens/Mei#Successor of the shadows/inner darkness never fathomed/friend from another time/chaos forever on the mind | goldenpathtotheheavens/Mike#I’ll do better (this I swear)/so you never have reason to fear | goldenpathtotheheavens/Guanyin/Lotus#I’m gonna live loud/until there’s no breath left in me/I’m gonna live through hell/so I’m left with no regrets | Sun Wukong/Glow#These scars won’t define you/rise above the Hell that made you | sharpshooternomoremoxxie/Moxxie Devoe#break the chains/prisoner no more/we’re on our own/what could the future have in store? | Mainverse#pull a story from the stack/just make sure it doesn’t crack | Unspecified Verse#haven’t we made it obvious?/we’re not going away without a fight | Season Three Verse#An eye for an eye/window to the soul trapped inside | Soulmates Verse#I know some people/they would die for me/we run together/they’re my family | goldenpathtotheheavens#Follow me/take my hand/sailing the same course/wild and free/waves and sand/what’re we waiting for? | Neon Shadows and Arcade Lightshows
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dragonmuse · 2 years
In the latest little snippet with Eddy and Lucius you mentioned Lucius’ sometimes sketchy Grindr dates, and it got me thinking. What does Izzy think of those once they get closer? He always seems like he wants to run a background check on anyone who stays still long enough. Has Lucius ever had a Grindr date that was just too sketchy?
(this got combined with anon asking if Izzy is demisexual in the mainverse and a very old ask about how Izzy reacted to Lucius' 'ethical slut' speech which never appeared 'on stage' )
The fourth time they spent the night together, Lucius got a look on his face in the morning that Izzy was already beginning to recognize. Brow furrowed, lips slightly pursed. The beginning of a thought that was yet to be sneezed out fully grown. 
He didn’t yet know how to tease them loose or when to let them go without comment. Instead, he just watched him warily even as he made the man breakfast. 
“Listen,” came the pronouncement as Izzy was buttering toast. “I’m not sure I’ve been clear about this yet, but you made a comment about condoms last night, so I want to be crystal on this.” 
Izzy’s knife paused in its motion. Was this how it ended? 
“On what?” He asked, forcing himself to resume. 
“I don’t just have Pete, I hook up a lot. It’s practically a hobby.” 
Izzy put the butter back in the fridge, trying to buy time. What did that mean? Why was he even being told this? Why the fuck was his life slowly turning over like a snowglobe, everything  suddenly full of glitter and unfamiliar? 
“Okay,” he settled on when he turned back. 
“So when I say we use condoms, it’s because I’m fucking often enough that I could be an actual danger to you, got it?” 
Izzy picked up his toast and gave a short nod. “Got it.” 
Lucius studied him, took a bit of his own piece and chewed through it.  “You have any questions about that?” 
“Pete care?” 
“He doesn’t indulge, but he’s into it,” Lucius shrugged. 
And if Pete didn’t care, Pete who had far more right to Lucius than Izzy’s paltry handful of nights, what the fuck was he supposed to say?   
Jealousy hadn’t done him much good so far. 
“Is that safe?”
Lucius barked a laugh, “Absolutely not. Most fun things aren’t.” 
“Yeah.” He was old friends with the rush of adrenaline. 
“I always tell someone where I’m going,” Lucius said a little more seriously. “Usually Pete. Address, phone number, name of the guy or at least the one he provides. The guy knows that. I’m not taking unnecessary leaps.” 
“Your business, not mine,” Izzy grunted and they finished breakfast without much more talking. Lucius sayed a few more minutes, then left with a jaunty wave and a promise to be there again next Tuesday. 
He washed both their plates. It took a long time. 
Seven Months Later  
Lucius' phone chirped and he plucked it up from the counter. Then set it back down, wiped his fingers on a napkin, displacing syrup, then picked it up again. Izzy watched his expression shift from neutral and sleepy to pleased and attentive in seconds. He typed back quickly and then set the phone back down with clear satisfaction. 
“Sell something?” Izzy guessed. 
“I wish. Could use a little extra cash this month, but no. There’s this guy I hook up with every time he’s here on business and he’s swinging back in tonight. It’s been a while.” 
Izzy stabbed a bit of pancake and shoved it into his mouth so he didn’t say something that would put an end to the congenial morning they were having. He never knew how to react to Lucius saying those things. It didn’t seem to be a test, but somehow, Izzy always felt like he failed at them anyway. 
“You look like you’re trying to use your mind powers to fry him to ash,” Lucius said, amused. 
“What do you want me to say?” He asked and instead of angry, it came out a little pleading. 
“Do you want me to not talk about them? I could just do that,” Lucius frowned. “I know you’re not comfortable about it, but it is a part of my life.” 
Would it be better or worse not knowing? Having an entire door firmly sealed shut? 
“I can hear about it. Just....don’t know how to respond.” 
“Say ‘cool, happy fucking’  or you know, just ‘okay’. That’s all right too.” 
“Yeah, goblin. I can take you being slightly checked out over my hook ups. Or not wanting to hear about them at all. As long as you’re still okay with how things are,” Lucius’ brow started to furrow. 
“It’s fine, pup,” he said quickly. 
“Okay, then.” 
He couldn’t bring himself to say anything like ‘happy fucking’. It sounded about as likely out of his mouth as him taking up knitting. But when Lucius got ready to leave, he did say, very quietly, 
“Be safe.” 
“Always am,” Lucius leaned in and kissed him once, very softly. “But thanks.” 
That became the ritual as far as Izzy could say they had one. If Lucius mentioned going out with someone or heading to a club, he’d ask for him to be safe and Lucius would accept it with good grace. 
Izzy fought down urges that had ruined him in the past. He talked to Donna. He didn’t get in his car. He didn’t go looking. He set down his mental binoculars and forced himself to breath through it. It was Lucius’ life, his body, his choices. Izzy just had be glad that he was one of the people, who got to share in it. 
A Further Six Months Later  
“Getting up at some point today?” Izzy asked as he came into the bedroom to change. 
Lucius was awake, but stretched under the covers, laying on his stomach as he read his book. His hair was a disaster, and there was a stray spot of glitter on his forehead that caught the lamp light. 
“Maybe,” he grinned without looking up from the page. “You’ll just have to go to work and imagine me living my best life in your bed all day.  Reading, jerking off. Eating.” 
“Do not fucking eat in my bed,” Izzy groaned as he pulled out a pair of jeans. He had to look casual today. Staking out a cheap motel in a vest and button up would catch attention. 
“You won’t be here to stop me. By the time you discover my crimes, I’ll be long gone.” 
“I know where you live,” Izzy pointed out. “And you’ll show back up here eventually.” 
“Yeah, true,” setting down his book, Lucius turned onto this side to watch him. “Some of my favorite things are here.” 
Izzy didn’t touch the cuff, but it was a close call. It was still new enough that he was sometimes acutely aware of it. In some moments, like just now, it was as if Lucius’ fingers were circling his wrist, tugging playfully. 
“The coffee machine?” 
“That’s one of them. Hey, is your stuff today going to take you out of the city?” 
“Shouldn’t. Just a sit and stare uptown.”
“Okay cool,” Lucius snagged his phone. “I’m going clubbing with this guy I met at the bar last night. Should be fun. Going to send you his details though, just in case. Pete is going out with some friends tonight too, probably won’t be home until tomorrow afternoon.”
Izzy nodded, concentrating on getting clothes on his body,  “Yeah fine.” 
“Great, thanks!” 
When his phone vibrated in his pocket as he went out the door, he pulled it out, just to see. Lucius had sent him a name, a phone number, an address and then a text: 
Lucius: I’m not hiring a private dick. This is just for my boyfriend, detective. 
Izzy: understood 
It was trust, Izzy knew. A tentative attempt on Lucius’ part. Not a test. He was firmer on that now. If there had ever been testing, the time for that was in the past. Lucius knew that Izzy needed a clear direction. He wasn’t allowed to go digging. This was for security of only the most tenuous, pedestrian kind. 
Yet he felt entrusted with something important.  He walked with his head a little higher that day. And if he was tempted to run down a background check, that was his own demon to wrestle with. He didn’t give in to it.  He didn’t even do a cursory google. Lucius could do his own research.  If he made a mistake, then Izzy was now the one on the other end of the phone. He could go in and help fix things. 
A rope had been thrown and caught, another tie binding them carefully together. 
And yet another six months after that....
“What a smokeshow,” Lucius’ gaze was not on the new sketchbook that they had ostensibly come out to buy, but on some point much further down the aisle. 
“What?” Izzy followed the look. There was a guy about fifty feet away, studying the paints. Medium height, broad at the shoulder, deep skin and a handsome enough face. 
“Mm. Surprised me. Usually it’s all the weekend crafters in here, this time of day,” Lucius’ focus returned to the paper. “Guess you never know when you’re going to run across a good looking man.” 
“If I wasn’t here, would you flirt with him?” Izzy asked idly. They had had a long session that morning and he was still only tenuously connecting with reality. 
“Uh, maybe?” Lucius shrugged. “I’ve found people in less welcoming locations, but hard to tell if he’s interested.” 
“Because it’s not sex-focused location-” 
“I meant why would you hit on him?” 
“He’s good looking? Not sure what you’re asking.” 
“I’m not sure either,” Izzy admitted, and went quiet while Lucius took his time perusing his options. 
“This one is so cute, but I never use the small paper. I always think I will and then I find them at the bottom of the drawer two years later.” 
“Yeah....okay, no I think I know why I’m asking,” Izzy decided. 
“Hm?” Lucius glanced up. “Oh right, okay. Lay it on me.” 
“I don’t have that.” 
“Don’t have what?” 
“At the wedding, Eddy was pointing out that people in the room were hot and I got it, once she mentioned it, but I don’t. Notice people that way.” 
“Huh,” Lucius’ thumb ran over the edges of the paper, slowly considering flicker. “But you find people attractive.” 
“Yeah? Yes. But not a lot of people.” 
“You’re picky, no surprise there.” 
“But I don’t...notice? Am I supposed to be noticing?” 
Lucius set down the pad entirely. “There’s no supposed to be, you know that by now.” 
“When you say someone is hot, what does that mean?” Izzy was enjoying a mildly numb sensation that buoyed him through. Because that question sounded very very stupid once he’d articulated it. 
“For me it means I see them and I think they’re someone I want to touch. I like their body,” Lucius seemed to just take the question on it’s face, at least. “Sometimes it’s literal, like I get flushed and kind of tingly or warm. Hot.” 
“It’s literal?” 
“Where’d you think the word came from?” Lucius’ eyebrows went up. “Not for you?” 
“I get the feeling. For you. For Eddy once. For a few people in between. But not just some guy I see in a store or in a club or an app. I need more than a picture.” 
“You know that actually makes a lot of sense,” Lucius picked up the first pad he’d looked at when they came in. “I’ll get this one. Come on.” 
“Does it?” Izzy followed him, bewildered. 
“Yeah, I always wondered how you’d had such a long dryspell, but maybe that’s how you’re wired. If I went that long without sex...I dunno. I think the longest I’ve gone without since I met Pete is a week and that’s because I had the flu, then he had it. Then I met you and now it’s even more consistent.” 
“I like that. The consistency,” Izzy said quickly. 
“Yeah, goblin, I’d noticed,” Lucius winked at him. “I think I know what you’re getting at though.” 
“Good. Cause I’m not sure.” 
“Let’s check out and then we can talk about when we get back to yours.” 
“Yes, pup.” 
The line was fairly long and it was nice not to talk about private things while standing next to a family of five. The walk home wasn’t long and soon enough they were back at the island in the kitchen, sharing a bowl of popcorn. 
“Okay,” Lucius took a sip of water between bites. “So. I think maybe it’s a vocab thing.” 
“You’ve got words for fucking everything,” Izzy mock sighed. 
“Yeah, and they do a body good, so listen,” Lucius tossed a kernel at him. Izzy caught it between his teeth. “Nice trick.” 
He curled his tongue around and pulled it into his mouth. Lucius grinned wider. “Very nice.” 
“All right. So, hey sexuality continues to be a spectrum.” 
“Got that part.” 
“One of those spectrums is allosexual to asexual.” 
Izzy nodded, “Heard that one.” 
“You know what it means?” 
“Hates having sex.” 
“Uh, too specific, but yeah you can start from there. Some asexual people hate it, some are neutral. Some might have it and even enjoy it. And some people might be demisexual.” 
He took another piece of popcorn and just waited, Lucius was warming to something, 
“Demisexuals are people that only want to have sex when they form an emotional connection first. And you know, if you might happen to be someone who struggled with forming emotional connections....”
Izzy ate the popcorn. He stared into space, then rubbed at his forehead with the heel of his palm, 
“Does this ever fucking end?” 
“Figuring yourself out? Not that I know of,” Lucius said, not without sympathy. 
“What’d you call it again?” 
“Sounds made up.” 
“All words sound made up if you think about them too hard. Anyway, they all were at some point.” 
“Demisexual,” Izzy heaved a sigh. “Fine. Yeah, that fucking too, I guess. But I didn’t really know you when we started up.” 
“No, but I think we had a connection,”Lucius said flippantly. 
A hand flattened to his chest in an alley. The certainty that he was being read like a book. A certainty that had never been shaken, even now. 
“Guess we did.” 
“So wait, what did you think other people were experiencing all this time?” 
“Didn’t think about it much. Assumed if I had any fucking urges like that, they’d run their course or I’d pushed them too deep to hear them. Figured I was just more disciplined or something,” he admitted. 
“Of course you did,” Lucius snorted. “Well, surprise. Some of us are just hornier than you.” 
“It explains a lot,” he allowed. 
“Really does. Your masturbation fantasies alone.” 
“No,” Izzy said firmly. “I can only take so many goddamn epiphanies in one day. Have mercy.” 
“All right, all right,” Lucius grinned. “But it’s good, you know that, right?” 
Izzy took a sip of water, watched Lucius over the rim. 
Lucius was gorgeous. Looking at him made Izzy want things. Sometimes it made his palms itch to touch, his lips tingle for a kiss. When he looked at Lucius, he wanted.  He was glad that that wasn’t true of a random guy in the craft store. 
And in a way, he was glad that Lucius did.  There was something consoling and safe that no matter who Lucius found attractive, who he slept with, he came back here regular as clockwork to love Izzy. 
“Yeah,” he smiled at him. “It is good.” 
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poptimus-prime · 2 years
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[Image ID: A drawing of Tandem from the waist up, with Stormy sitting on their right shoulder. They are both looking down and to their left, as though they are looking at someone. Tandem's mouth is open as though they are speaking. There are shadows and lighting from below that suggest fire, and ashes in the air. End Image ID]
It is 2023, which means purple they/thems get to hunt their shitty parental figures for sport.
No one tell Ratchet or Screwball where they went, those two would have a cow.
(Mainverse) Tandem belongs to @voiidbots
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genetixtra · 2 years
Bio & Verses
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Name: Mewtwo
Alias(es) & Nicknames: M2-110999-B
Birthday: November 9th
Gender Identity: Non-Binary (They/It/She/He/Xe)
Residence: Wandering, Hidden Island, Cerulean Cave, Mount Quena
Height: 6’07” / 2m
Weight: 269lbs / 122kg
Fur/Body Colour: Grey/Purple
Eye Colour: Purple
Powers & Abilities: High Psychic power (telekinesis, barriers, attacks), High Physical power, Intelligence, Fast-learning, the ability to communicate telepathically (in any language that would be understood by the other party)
Weaknesses: Aggression, Physical Vulnerability, resistance to authority, distrust
Important Relationships: 
Giovanni/Team Rocket as a whole (antagonistic)
Amber-Two (deceased, friendly)
Team Rocket Trio (neutral, verse-dependent: Freedom Sought)
Ash Ketchum/Satoshi (friendly, verse-dependent: Freedom Sought)
Misty/Kasumi (friendly, verse-dependent: Freedom Sought)
Brock/Takeshi (friendly, verse-dependent: Freedom Sought)
Alignment: True Nuetral
Skills: Engineering, 
Likes: Rain, swimming, sweets, nighttime, flowers, quiet places, winning, the moon
Dislikes: small spaces, the color orange, being spoken down to, being forced into a pokeball, being ‘commanded’
M2-110999-B, later dubbed ‘Mewtwo’, was born of genetic experimentation and manipulation in service of a program to successfully clone Pokemon, and specifically the ancient Pokemon Mew. To fill in the missing gaps in the fragmented ancient DNA extracted from an eyelash— and to enhance their strength as desired and mandated by the program’s wealthy benefactor, a gang lord named Giovanni— their DNA was heavily augmented, resulting in a drastic change in size and appearance from their genetic source. The program was plagued with constant problems, however, including Mewtwo awakening prematurely and showing a spike in psychic energy that reached dangerous levels, an incident which had to be stifled with heavy sedatives that kept them asleep until physical maturity, though they still experienced the trauma of the experimentation. They were the only subject amongst the original four subjects to survive to maturity.
However, not even their scheduled awakening went as planned. Mewtwo reacted to the sudden shock and confusion of awakening to a new world— and their creators’ apathy towards their questioning beyond telling them that they were to be a weapon— with an explosion of psychic energy that leveled the laboratory and attached mansion.
Mewtwo was quickly picked up by the program’s benefactor and used as a weapon to defeat, steal, and catch pokemon, as well as attack business rivals mercilessly. Eventually displeased by the inequality in the arrangement in which they were basically enslaved, they broke free, attacked their captor, and fled to the nearest quiet place they could find.
Now, dwelling in a cave and viciously guarding it from any human being who would dare enter— especially those who relentlessly hunt them or try to capture them again— they only lurk out to sate their own curiosity or seek challenge, still believing that it is the only purpose to their existence.
(if you want to play a specific one, go ahead and DM me ahead of time! You’re always welcome!)
Mainverse (tagged ‘:: Forged Ahead ::’): Mewtwo dwells in Cerulean Cave, only lurking out to hunt and attacking any and all humans who come near, or threaten the Pokemon they have deemed to be within their territory. They occasionally move out in the open when they see fit or seek fighting, or our drawn out by hunters.
Anime/Movieverse (tagged ‘:: Freedom Sought ::’): Mewtwo was acquired by Giovanni of Team Rocket after destroying the lab they were born in, breaking free later and devoting themself to a future rid of humans and the Pokemon who would aid them. However, upon meeting not only a brave group of Pokemon trainers, but their progenitor Mew, they were given a new perspective, and gave up their mission to pursue one of peace instead. However, they were sought out by Team Rocket again, and saved once more by their old friends. Even after erasing their existence from Giovanni and Team Rocket’s minds, they were too nervous to stay put. So, to protect those they cared about, Mewtwo left to travel the world and remain ever out of reach.
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monochromatictoad · 2 months
Just making a list of my S/Is.
Maycella(🩷🕊️): Yellow Garden Spider (Castlevania)
Chicky(🎃): Human (Tomodachi Life)
Mono(🌸): Human (Naruto)
Buttons(🖥️): Slug-like Creature (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream)
Nancy (💪🚃): Human (I'm on Observation Duty)
Bamboo(🔗): Human (Pokémon)
Saul (♨️): Was Human, But Became A Demon (Godzilla NES Creepypasta)
Miriam(👹): Was Human, But Became A Succubus (Darksiders)
Kai(💀), Kiran(🔫), Ash(🔔), Danni(🪃), and Vivian(🗡️🪶): Human (Darksiders)
Pearl(🦝): Blue Otter Mini Rex (Animal Crossing)
Delilah(🃏🥊): Was Human, But Becomes The Southern Belle Puppet. (Puppet Master)
?: Speckle Park Minotaur (TBA.)
Kostas: Mainverse(🦷🦂)- Shire Horse Centaur. MK1(🦷)- Quarter Horse Centaur (Mortal Kombat)
Komodo: Mainverse(🦎)- Tokay Gecko. MK1(🦎🌷)- Leaf Tail Gecko (Mortal Kombat)
Bugperson(🪞🍄): Wood-Boring Beetle (Darkwood)
Florina(🎩): Human (Chzo Mythos)
Roland(🧬): Human (Prototype)
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soltempus · 2 years
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Name: Drupadha Yudha (Mainverse) / King Yuda (Oracle) 
Age: 135 year old (Mainverse) / 72 year old (Oracle) 
Height: 1.98 m 
Weight: 95 kg 
Body Type: Mesomorph. 
Face: Squared jaw. 
Eyes: Brown with red concentration. 
Hair Type: Spikey (Mainverse) / Spikey with ponytail (Oracle) Hair Colour: Silver ash white. 
Accessories: Headband which usually came from batik fabric; a lion head  emblem to tied his tunic; a stray batik fabric on the side of his pants; a pair of  coppers armband with ancient kawi craved on it. 
Outfit: Crop top navy blue vest with yellow linings, with wide silk pants. Hair ref: Aegir’s hair from housamo with a combination of Tangaroa’s hair  style. Beards and sideburns are casually trimmed. 
Other info: The tattoo on his left chest represent his tribe. Due to  misinterpretation, Yudha is actually an orc.
Despite his look, nether in Mainverse or Oracle, Yudha is always easy to approach.  He’ll make friends with anyone who deem worthy of his time. A caring person  underneath the rough face and always put others first before himself, he will protect  anyone who comes to him for protection. Although, there’ll be time when his moral  compass is questioned. 
- Mainverse 
Sekala and Niskala, The Seen Worlds and The Unseen Worlds has been in  war for a long time without any of its residences aware of the war going on,  thanks to The Seal of Razzlestaf that separate the worlds in two. Yudha was  named Chandrakranta Yudha when he was taking care of his late friend’s son,  Andrian who was the last bloodline of the family who keep The Seal of Razzlestaf  working. Due the murder of Andrian’s family when he was 17, Yudha took care  of Andrian who take the name of his father, Erik to hide the identity. For the last  5 years, Yudha took care of Andrian like his own son, that until Andrian fused  himself with the seal to keep both worlds safe. 
After the loss of Andrian, Yudha decided to join the Drupadha, a group of  an elite warrior in the world of Niskala. During his training, Yudha able to develop  his magic, especially sinden magic where he uses singing to execute the magic.  Not just magic, Yudha also train to wield magic weapon such as the kukris he got.  When he put his magic flow to the kukris, the kukris will turn into a microphone  and speaker where he could use his sinden magic in the combat field. He aced all  of his training, thus gaining the Drupadha title on his name. He rarely used  Chandrakranta thus he dropped the name making him Drupadha Yudha. 
As a Drupadha, he able to worked both in Sekala and Niskala as the secret  forces. When undercover in Sekala, Yudha was amazed with idol culture. For him,  idols are like enchantress because they able to gather a mass of people to cheer  for them. Yudha thought that he could do the same with his sinden magic, thus  he tried to execute his theory by setting up a gig. His first gig was on a small café  in the buzzling metropolis of Jakarta, people called him weird when he appears  on the stage because of his ears but those people shut themselves after Yudha  started to sing in ancient language of kawi. He also worked his magic to made his  audiences feels a bliss from his song. There, he met with someone who reminds  him with Andrian, who also shocked him because that person knows that Yudha  used magic. Later, the guy introduce himself as Ryuu, a runaway from Niskala  who found his place in Sekala as a theatre student. The two started a friendship 
and worked together in each gig. Yudha who found his place, graduate from the  Drupadha early to join Ryuu as a duet. 
- Oracle (For ref: Phantasy Star Online 2) 
Yuda was a failed artificial Newman created by Luther The Fallen in the  year 170 A.P whom later being taken care by Xion until 180 A.P. As a kid in  the orphanage, he sometimes asked what it feels like to live under a real sky.  He was amazed by ARKS who able to explore new planets, protecting the  citizen when there’s a problem, just like any other kid would to their heroes.  For him, being an ARKS is the coolest job he could have. He could feel another  people photon through the air around him.  
On the year 228 A.P, his ship was attacked by a hoard of D-arkers who  was led by Dark Falz Apprentice. When he was evacuating, he could feel a  surge of photon spiking on the city, he felt something that strangely almost  the same as him. A couple months after the attacks, he decided to join ARKS.  He took the name King because he thought that it was cool, which he kind of  regret somehow. Due to his biology as a Newman, Yuda took the Force class  where he could use the surge of photon for good. 
10 years after he joined ARKS, he met with another Luther’s throwaway,  Ash who recently joined with ARKS. Yuda believed that it was Ash’s photon  he felt back on the ship invasion. Yuda quickly befriends with Ash, and for the  first time, Xion appeared in front of him. Xion’s explanation of their conditions  put Yuda on a shock, yet he knew that Xion had intention for the better future.  From that point, Yuda started to take care of Ash as his own brother.  
After Ash defeating The Profound Darkness, Yuda became Xiao’s  assistance during the reformation of ARKS. His main work is to oversee Ash’s  de-containment from the F-factors. He also helped with other works like  administration and such. 
When ARKS discover planet Earth, he worked by himself by joining the  Mother Cluster, this made Ash went crazy with Yuda’s decision for an  amount of time. As the member of Mother Cluster, Yuda worked under Phaleg  who intrigued him the most. After the crisis on Earth is done, he oversees the  operation for Ash to save Persona which later created Omega. Yuda didn’t  take any part on any Omega’s conflict, he went to Omega once and it was  enough for him. 
Omega’s conflict brought Shiva to the surface. Yuda felt a massive surge  of photon when The False Goddess appeared. He talked with Ash after Ash  fought with Shiva and promised Ash that he will give any supports to Ash.  Shiva’s appearances put him in an intense study of The Profound Darkness 
and how they could deal with it, especially when Xiao went missing due to  Shiva hijacked Mothership Xiao.  
When Xiao revived, Yuda proposed to Xiao about his findings from his  study. Although that the material is not completed, Yuda will do his best to put  an end to Shiva.
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string-cutters · 2 years
[Writings - “Won’t Lose You Again”]
A short drabble from my Discord. Takes place shortly before the Mainverse, and for context...:
Writer (in my timeline) had their Talisman AoE taken down for a time by LBD, after days of being surrounded by the other’s demonic power. They were possessed with the Mayor’s own power and (upon LBD’s death), the Mayor’s power grew more unstable- and started to disintegrate them from within. So, Zimo (the Mayor) took it on themself to free Writer from xeir power, after they collapsed, unconscious.
"I lost you once, I won't lose you again." The last scraping of chalk filled the night, the circle lighting up as its creator stepped within, eyes on the cracking form of his beloved. They couldn't handle the power they'd been forced to wield. Much like his own shell, they had begun to crack under the pressure- under the immense strength they were never meant to carry. Unlike him, they had been cracking faster, fractures of white appearing like spiderwebs across their skin in the past few days. Only now had they grown too weak to remain awake, and he had taken it upon himself to free them. He knew the pain the power brought- the mass instability it forced upon the mind. But he would find a way. The circle pulsed, glow growing ever stronger as the smell of bone and ash filled his lungs. The lines started to retrace, the cracks losing their power to be replaced by scars that weaved across the other's flesh as he lowered his head.
This was for the best.
"...I'll see you soon." He smiled as the chalk on the floor became blinding, pure-white filling his vision as he saw the chest of the other begin to rise and fall once more, for a brief moment assured that they would live.
And then, everything was burned away in a tidal wave of blistering, painful white.
 ".....ugh..." Writer pushed a hand against the floor- or at least, tried. The last thing they remembered was taking a step towards the sink to do dishes, and then....falling. They could barely move, energy drained beyond any form of breaking point. It was as if every cell in their body was aching, on its own version of a deathbed as they inhaled the taste of bone and ash. Writer coughed.
"...hello, darling." A familiar voice greeted them, looking up to see the forever-disquieting smile of Zimo looking back, eyes once more glittering a pure, dangerous white. They felt hands picking them up, pulling them into his arms as his smile became a fraction softer, eyes not quite-so-wild. At the edges of his cheeks, they could see... White cracks. Cracks that, not a day prior... Had been nothing but scars.
"....Z..." They wanted to ask why. They weren't from this world- if they died, it didn't matter. If he died... "...you..."
"...yes." His smile never faltered, never faded. "...you're safe, now."
"....bastard..." A chuckle.
"...I have been called that, yes..."
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ariensoul · 2 years
❝  not everything needs an explanation.  i care about you.  i don’t have to sit here and figure out why.  i just do.  so maybe you should try just accepting it too.  ❞
e - mo - tion — @moondrrops​
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          logic was comfortable, logic was safe. and caleb wanted safe right now, even as they were gaining more and more renown as the mighty nein. it unnerved him, almost as much as the flames devouring their enemies did when the human thought about it too much.  
          ( and he thought about that more than he wanted to, if that was how his parents looked when he... no, those were bad thoughts right there. )
          but then molly was looking at him, and logic wasn’t at play at all when he was involved. fear was, fear of what had happened when the man who had been bren risked caring about others. if something bad happened to mollymauk because of him, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. he still hadn’t entirely forgiven himself for the last time.  “ it’s... scheisse... it’s not that simple. “
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scuddle-bubble101 · 10 months
10. Is your OC sentimental or pragmatic? Do they keep mementos or only what they need to survive? Have they always been this way or did something happen to make them change?
For Ashes
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"No...... And no. I don't keep things to remember... Its too much of a liability........... And- I don't want to remember... Either."
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askgreyscalecast · 3 years
To Sinnoh Arc Ash: Hey I was wondering, where did you take Skye for your first date?
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Ash; Why would you think we’d be doin’ somethin’ like that? Don’t be weird! You’re freakin’ Skye out!
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rxcusant · 5 years
"You had it coming, y'know." Ventus intends for it to contain more sass, but it's practically a coo. Mussing through his own hair to get it dry is a mundane, everyday undertaking he's never thought much of, but there's something strangely captivating about doing it for Vanitas. It's tempting to take over with his fingers once the towel has served its purpose. Reining that in, he lifts a thumb to swipe at the wetness that remains on his cheeks instead, looking far too content all the while.
      “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Vanitas grumbled, fighting against every urge in his body to wrench the towel out of Ven’s hands and scrub himself dry. This might just be his hardest battle yet: sit still, soaked through his clothes, while someone else has their hands on him. The kind of tooth grinding thing he absolutely hated. The only reason he was sitting through it was because of Ven. Had it been anyone else he wouldn’t have agreed in the first place.
      He knew he had it coming too. After tormenting Sora on top of all the stress he was under as Xehanort’s vessel getting pushed into the ocean had to be getting off easy. That’s how anyone else would see it. But for someone who hated water it felt like appropriate enough punishment. Vanitas could just do without being reminded that he brought it on himself.
      Perhaps, and he would never admit it, a little part of him was glad Sora pushed him into the water. As foreign and strange as it was Ven gently mussing with his hair was oddly … nice? That’s what he chose to interpret it as anyway. Lately whenever he realized he could look at something without feeling a shred of negativity he decided that ‘neutral’ was as close as he’ll ever get to ‘nice’ or ‘enjoyment.’ 
      And by the look on Ven’s face he was enjoying himself too. This was new for them both despite Vanitas going as far as to crash in Ven’s bed sometimes. A strange unknown closeness … or maybe he was thinking too hard about Ven lending a hand and towel drying his hair. Probably the latter.
      “This is weird,” Vanitas said flatly. Not a minute later Ven so gently swiped his cheek and his face instinctively scrunched up. “I never woulda guessed that after years of hating you you’d be toweling my head off.”
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      Guess he should get dunked in the ocean more often.
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waywardfeathered · 5 years
                                                                      @lcsthearts          ↷
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     Castiel was nearly passed out. This kind of a physical exhaustion wasn’t something he experienced often; his grace usually kept a strict, unconscious eye on his vitals, but as it now was rendered useless by the cuffs connecting him to the chair... his vessel was bruised and worn, with no better ability to heal than any man would have.
          His senses were still working well enough for him to be able to tell the form at the doors was an angel. Though not... quite. And maybe he was just confused; the form lit a spark of recognition somewhere inside Cas. He didn’t know why; it wasn’t like he knew all of his siblings by name. Any angel (though not quite?) in this room would be in this room to hurt him further.
     ❝ You are wasting your time. ❞    His words didn’t have any fight in them, but neither did they relent; they just were, with a silent endurance and determination.
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half-vulcan Ash just talks in whole ass paragraphs
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argentumtonitrua · 5 years
calamitousheir replied to your post “OMEN // YOUR EYES BURN WITH WHAT YOU’VE SEEN He’s currently pinned to...”
nova, a german shepherd decides to inevitably join in the commotion, what first motivated her interest was another dog!! a friend! coming on top of him as well, only to subsequently flop before adjusting herself up a bit, looking rather proud of herself, is she helping??
“ Arrrrff? “ and a curious tilt of the head to the side from Ashe who proceeds to playfully nudge Nova. A friend! Another pup friend which means they can both have fun together and!! Maybe they can even get Omen in a better mood together!! 
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On the other hand, the ex-Prince himself can’t say that he’s sharing their excitement. He’s still trapped under quite the fluff and now he has a second dog curled up against him. Well, the German Shepherd doesn’t seem to want to cause trouble so it should be fine. Right? So he’s going to her head a gentle pat to the best of his abilities. “ Hey there, buddy. Eager to join in, aren’t you? ” 
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