#Ask drstone-100-tales a question
drstone-100-tales · 5 years
(i don't know if you do xreader HCs but,, i just love your writing aAAAAA–💖💕💗💓) Out of our main cast rate who do you think woukd be most protective of their significant other? Also some mini headcanons about that if you can? (if you don't do xreaders it's a-okay i just had to try 😚🤗💖)
Hey Nonny, don’t worry I got your back. ;) I’m not usually an x-reader creator but I view x-reader headcanons as things to expand on as well with canonxcanon or canonxoc or whatevs. I like ‘em as writing prompts. So, here’s some headcanons hot off the grill!
Ishigami Senku
- Senku, would look out for his SO, around the lab. He would be on top of lab safety especially if it came to his S/O and not wanting to see them injured. Goggles, coat, gloves the whole 9 yards… While happily ignoring his own safety.
- In the modern day, Senku would be the one to make sure they never had any dates in a place that might be shady… and insist every time on walking his S/O home from said outings.
- In the Stone World, it’s worrying over hypothermia, sicknesses of all kinds.. Be wary of literal Dr. Stone armed with his self made medical tools and poultices. (I’m sure his S/O would laugh it off and even tease him… Before realizing nope. Senku’s utterly serious)
- Or resting curled up around his S/O, keeping them warm. 
- If they were a Stone Statue and Senku came across them, he’d hesitate initially at revival, unlike with Yuzuriha and Taiju. It’s one thing to revive your friends because your worried about them or scared for them… It’s another, to realize that someone you loved, so dearly might not even be conscious. In the end, he would of course choose revival versus risking The Kingdom of Might finding them and hurrying them back to the village. All the while keeping public affection to a grand minimum to avoid giving Tsukasa someone to target. 
- Maybe this would cause a bit of tension, until Senku explains that, his feelings haven’t changed, but he has to choose the group versus his feelings. If they lose even one person, in his eyes they’ve already lost the war. “There’ll be a time and place for this all. But right now, we cannot act like we usually do while Homura’s spying on us.”
-Mr. Rules are Rules would definitely be a protective S/O, focusing heavily on ensuring they can still defend themselves if he can’t. While his job keeps him very busy, they find little moments… Mostly when Kinrou can get someone to watch the bridge… and watch Ginrou for him. 
- If an enemy was attacking, he’d gladly ensure his S/O was covered, while the blows bounced off his reinforced shield…. Before using all of his might to attack. 
- Of course, there’ll be times where KInrou can’t always be there… but he will do his hardest. As far as he’s concerned, the village and those who mean the world to him in it, will always be guarded as long as he breathes.
- Someone’s flirting with Kinrou’s S/O? Cue Kinrou getting between them and ensuring this crap ends right there. 
- S/O’s fighting an enemy WITH the group instead of ducking for cover? Kinrou’s got their back and ensuring they’re fighting as a team not as just him being over protective.
- Though forget competing in the Grand Bout if your his S/O. He’s not going to watch someone he’s dating get beaten up.
Shishio Tsukasa
(This one’s for you Tsukasa fans. Especially you all who’ve caught up on the manga ;) ) 
- He’d hunt their statue down first if they were petrified and do as he said. Bury them and mark it so he can find them later, when victory is surely going to be ensured.
- However, at the same time, he would hesitate. He would very much hesitate before deciding to break his own principals and swearing them to secracy. That no matter what, while he’s trying to fight for his cause that they cannot, absolutely cannot be seen together. “I have enemies even among my own cause. I don’t trust any of them with your life.”
- Of course, this would lead to tension. If Tsukasa’s S/O knew about what he was doing, they would be arguing with him the whole time and maybe even call their relationship off because of this. 
- Tsukasa would of course be devastated but convince himself, it’s for the best. They’ll see to reason when the new world is fully as he envisions it.
 - However, after the Stone Wars and Tsukasa is dying, he only asks for two people to see him before he’s put into stasis. To see those who mean more than life itself to him. His dear little sister and his S/O. 
- Back in the modern age, Tsukasa would be protective and ensure no one was harassing his S/O… However, while they await for Senku and the others to return on the Perseus, S/O focuses on taking care of Mirai and guarding with a silent vigil of Tsukasa’s frozen tomb.
- When their reunited, it’s the best day of all of their lives. Mirai has her older brother back, S/O and Tsukasa can be together… and Tsukasa can work on atoning properly for what he’s done. 
- Not to say the second someone like Magma even LOOKS at S/O wrong, Tsukasa doesn’t punch their lights out immediately.
- He’s teased to high heaven by everyone else about this and Senku threatens to petrify him a second time. “At least I’d be able to watch him!” S/O would chime in, much to Tsukasa’s chagrin.
Here ya go! I might not to xreader HC’s all the time, as I’m normally not a consumer or creator for it but I love writing headcanons. XD So I hope you enjoy nonny! Thanks for dropping in!
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
I know you literally just wrote the RurixChrome headcannons, but could you do a parental one with them??
Anon, you’re in luck! I was actually just finishing these up!
RuriXChrome Parental headcanons
-Chrome by this point in time, is actually plenty prepared, when they found out Ruri was pregnant.
- Senku teased him about being “late” to the party… but secretly was relieved, because it had already been Hell enough making vaccines in 9 months. He was very happy not to have to repeat that.
- Ruri’s pregnancy goes by without any complications. On a snowy December day, a little girl is born in the village. A child that to Ruri and Chrome is the finest treasure of them all, who makes Chrome’s collection of crystals look dull in comparison.
They name her Takara… Their little treasure.
- Ruri actually cried a lot when Takara was born. When she first held her, she could hardly believe it, that this tiny little human was her baby. She had lived to see her wedding and now lived to meet her baby. HER BABY. 
Chrome was just a champ during this, holding his wife and child tightly and reassuring Ruri it was all okay. She would get to see Takara grow up and be part of her life.
- Ruri began reading to Takara at a young age. At three, Takara’s favorite is the 100th tale… The tale about Senku.
- Chrome works double time at this point, both at the village clinic and at the school. He’s pretty hands on and doesn’t play favorites… Even though, if you ask him, Takara’s the smartest little girl in the whole village.
- Takara takes after her mom and Aunt Kohaku a lot. She has their blue eyes and long smooth hair… but she definitely inherited Chrome’s hair color and his ears too. She also posesses the notorious Chrome stubborness.
- Takara is one year younger than Chiyo. The two little girls are best friends and play together all the time when their not spending time with their family. 
- Chrome’s only vice as a parent, is how overprotective he is of Takara. In particular her health… When Takara was five months old, she came down with a very awful case of pneumonia herself. They were terrified that she wasnt going to make it initially.
- During this time, they basically lived at the village clinic, Senku spearheading Takara’s treatments himself with Chrome working round the clock as well. Even with the sulfa drug, a baby’s reaction to sickness can be even worse than an adult’s.
- But much like her mother, she survived it. It took awhile, but she got better… Though it left Chrome quite worried when it came to her health. He is THAT Dad who worries even if his daughter leaves the house without a sunhat on a summer day.
- No, seriously. Chrome makes “Paranoid Uncle Senku” look like a joke, when it comes to worrying that much. If Takara gets caught up in the rain, he’s got her wrapped up like a blanket burrito in front of a heater, checking her over.
- Ruri has had to put a ban on “weekly” checkups. 
- As Takara gets older, Chrome cools down. It’s her first few years of life, that’s especially bad. But when she gets past the age where Ruri’s sickness was at it’s worst in childhood, he cools down… And he really does enjoy every moment of being a father.
- Despite the overprotection, Takara is Daddy’s Little Princess through and through. She adores spending time with him and is always eager to learn something new.
- Her favorite thing to create are pyrotechnics… Chrome isn’t sure sometimes whether to be proud or concerned.
- Winds up being proud as she learns to make fireworks.
- Takara actually doesn’t want to be a scientist though. She loves learning about science and medicine, but her interest lies in creating stories involving characters with those interests. She wants to write “200 Tales of Awesome” that are just for fun stories. She’s rarely seen without her handy dandy journal for writing her stories in.
- Chrome and Ruri are very proud of her and encourage her interests. Ruri will happily read over any stories her daughter creates and gently corrects if she thinks something could use a bit of a tweak. Chrome proclaims anything Takara makes is perfect… Even if sometimes both Takara and Ruri disagree. 
“What? I think the story you wrote a few years ago was pure genius!”
 “Daaaadd! That was just a ripoff the 100th Tale with you in it instead.” 
“Exactly why I said genius!”
- Ruri and Takara like to stay up late on starry nights, turn out all the lights around their home and look up at the stars in the backyard, telling stories to each other. It’s their favorite night of the week when they have these quiet moments to just bond.
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drstone-100-tales · 5 years
ahh i want more yuzutai parenting hc + interactions w/ Uncle Senkuu and Uncle Gen!!! (Also do Ruri and Chrome have kids later?)
Nonny, ask and you shall receive!
Yuzutai family feat: The Uncle Squad
- Senku is a very dedicated teacher to his little niece and nephew. He’s extremely patient with teaching them besides just science.
- Hisao took an interest at a young age in archery, surprisingly. Ukyo pretended he wasn’t getting misty eyed at getting to teach someone the art of the bow. Hisao is actually a surprisingly good shot. He does not have Ukyo’s keen eye but he can hunt.
- Chiyo likes flower language and likes surprising people with flower tricks. Gen was very happy to show her a thing or two about it and teach her how to perform the best illusions using flower petals and the like. 
- Hisao when he was very little, loved sitting on his mom’s lap while she was sewing, or knitting. He picked it up very easily at a young age and was making his own clothing by the time he was twelve. 
- Chiyo on the other hand preferred spending time with her father and learning the lay of the land. She was very happy to just sit on his shoulders, while he showed her what foods were safe to eat and how to properly tend to the field their house overlooked.
- Senku… is ETERNALLY extremely protective of these kids. Overly so, because he’s seen every step of the way of bringing them into the world. 
- No, seriously. He once tried to initiate a quarantine when it was suspected someone in the village had pneumonia, when Chiyo was born. For a moment, everyone wondered if it was truly a good idea to put this guy in charge.
- Chrome is just as bad as Senku and is even worse with his own child. (he and Ruri have one daughter, her name is Takara. More on her later)
- When Yuzuriha was still pregnant with Hisao, Chiyo would sometimes fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. Taiju would come in from checking on the fields, to see his whole world right there, asleep in utter bliss. (He may have grabbed the camera a few times)
- Taiju and Yuzuriha actually don’t get too overprotective of their kids. They want them to be able to fend for themselves and enjoy their childhoods… Not to say, that as brand new parents, they didn’t freak out over every little sniffle for their first child.
- Senku called this period “The reason I don’t drink” because he was woken up quite a few times to examine the oaflet and assure them “No, she’s not dying. She has a cold. Babies don’t die from colds when you have modern medicine.”
- Which Taiju now mocks him, because Senku now freaks out over every little sniffle… Though, he can’t blame him, because out of all the villagers… Senku didn’t settle down properly until the other kids were almost teenagers. (Which is it’s own post for another day.)
- Ginrou is banned from giving ANY form of advice to Hisao. At all. Taiju heard too many horror stories about his behavior during the grand bout to want to risk Hisao learning the word “harem” at a young age.
- Kinrou doesn’t have a super close tie with the kids. He’s always busy being leader of the village guard, but he will show up for the usual - holidays, birthdays and new years. They know if it ever came down to it though, they can count on him to watch out for the little ones. 
I think that’ll be it for now. I wanna go into detail more about Rurirome and Senku’s own familial situations later on since I already got that planned. :) 
Thanks for the ask!
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