#Assassin's Creed 1
greenlaut · 4 months
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bitter tea & oranges
sequel -> tea & dates
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yosb · 2 months
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the eagle and his sword... the mentor and his dai
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sc4llywag · 5 months
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Posting this here because he deserves it <3
I need to make more meme art for my guys
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hyeonoll · 2 months
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Doodle I drew with my friends
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hard-times-paramore · 1 month
Sorta curious as to how the Assassin's Creed fans feel about the modern plots of the games - since I've been told most people don't enjoy it. So here's a poll.
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alexiios · 5 months
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mysticalfg · 11 months
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Old pairing only a select few care about... part TWO!!! I care them so much...
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raging-guanche · 11 months
assassin's creed fans when you tell them to draw arab people with arab features
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sombertide-0 · 14 days
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it started as just doodling as a warm up and it devolved into this, our beautiful boys!!! and then self portrait in the bottom right lmao (i don't actually have snake bite piercings but gods i want them so bad)
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rk1kincorrect · 11 months
(altaïr’s redemption arc was so funny)
altaïr: hi malik
malik: KILL YOURSELF!!!!
3 months later
altaïr: hi malik
malik: you are the best man to have ever set foot on this planet and i love you i forgive you for anything you have ever done and ever will do
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basimsenkidu · 4 months
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greenlaut · 4 months
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anatomy of an assassin
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yosb · 2 months
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the eagle of masyaf
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sc4llywag · 5 months
Since I got Tumblr and have free range to rant however I want, its time for the Assassin's Creed main characters and how they walk post!!!
With each of the games, they change the main characters walking animation to fit their vibe and I need to be able to study them beheehe
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I don't have too much to say about Desmond's other than his is simple and similar to Ezio's and Altaïr's and I like to think that this is due to the bleeding effect(it happened to me too I walk like the assassin's all the time) his is a little more confined and he keeps his arms closer to himself so he's very typical in the way he walks
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In his walk he has a sway to his hips and steady hands(probably to keep himself ready for any assassination), but goddamn the SWAY I never noticed it.
His shoulders also sway with his walk and I love how fluid he is in general, this ties back to his robes for me and how flowy they are to show the grace of an assassin in high profile but when low profile they stay to his sides and he's all in the shadows and I REALLY love that about him.
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This gif is all I could find so i can't really remember if Ezio's walk is different in Ac2 from Altaïr's because ubisoft is the king of recycling things but whatever. He still has the outward stance but I do notice his head is pointed low to try and keep himself hidden(shadows shit be like) but ofc hes holding the apple here so it's hard to tell if he's trying to swing his arm a lot lol, anyway body language is important to Ezio so hes very good at looking broody as well as fluid in his movements
(Walk Cycle Research | PKlover4078)
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My man my man my man my man😍‼️‼️
The way Connor walks with his hands stretched out and then clenching his fists every moment because he's always ready for a fight goddamn this MF could take me in an alleyway and I'd be happy. I'd like to note with this gif, it doesn't show his slow slow walk and I remember it pretty well, he has a slight cautious aura in his walk, he's really careful in his foot placement(I think) and he's super awesome and I love him a lot. Since we have him running I'd like to talk about that too. He has such an efficient sprint it's so mesmerizing, he keeps his head low and just fuckin vrooms across the colonies<3
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You can barely see her here bc the damn community doesn't care for Aveline much but I like her even tho I haven't played Liberation, I enjoy the way she walks in a proper manner and she's got that strut the runway strut is everything. I also like how she has a wider swing in her arms, more carefree and comfortable.
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This is such a great quality gif thanks so much Ac fandom!!
Anyway, I really love the difference in Edwards walk compared to the rest of the assassins because he's a pirate, he hasn't had the teaching of grace and secrecy. Therefore his walk is staggering in his footwork but still proper bc he's a sword fighter and very good at it. In a longer gif you'd be able to tell but his footing is a little messy, showing that drunken sailor pirate personality shows in his walk. He has a close arm swing due to him always needing to be close to his weapons, ready for a fight(like his grandson<3)
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I can barely see how he's walking but I'm pretty sure he had his hand on his sword hilt which says so much abt his character, again always being ready for a fight. He has a very straight posture due to his pompous nature, quick in his form to be efficient because why walk if you don't look proper and efficient?
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Ok he's a Templar and so is Haytham but fuck you I love them.
His walk is so GOOD his walk has a heavy step and he's very prominent, got that straight posture again, not much to say about his arm sway other than the added shoulder sway, love that for him bc he's just so intimidating.
(For reasons I'm not doing Arno, Evie, Jacob, Kassandra, and Eivor since I haven't played their games)
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Bayek's walk is very different from every other assassin and that makes me love him so much more. He feels very carefree and relaxed but when in combat good lord does he go off!! He puts more sway in his arms than his hips and that's probably why he has a combat centered walk, like Edward.
If you've reached the end thank you for reading my rambling ass get over excited over walk cycle animations :) follow for more rambling!!
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hyeonoll · 3 months
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I miss them
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evilbeing · 4 months
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