#Astral Knight 24 Exercise
defensenow · 4 months
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nawapon17 · 4 months
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militaryleak · 4 months
US Air Force 52nd Fighter Wing Execute Base Defense During Astral Knight, Saber Knight
The 52nd Fighter Wing completed their readiness exercise Saber Knight in tandem with the United States Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa Exercise Astral Knight 24 here and at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen May 8-15. The linked and simultaneous exercises tested the wing’s ability to execute air base defense at home station and at an Agile Combat Employment location as part of multi-nation, theater-wide Integrated Air and Missile Defense operations during a regional contingency. The exercises placed Spangdahlem in a contested and operationally degraded environment, pushing Saber Airmen to rapidly generate F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter aircraft sorties in support of Astral Knight 24 objectives while concurrently defending the base and recovering from simulated threats, such as cyber, drone, missile and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks.
The 52nd Fighter Wing completed their readiness exercise Saber Knight in tandem with the United States Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa Exercise Astral Knight 24 here and at NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen May 8-15. The linked and simultaneous exercises tested the wing’s ability to execute air base defense at home station and at an Agile Combat Employment location as part of multi-nation,…
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otherworldseekers · 3 years
Character Profile: Severia Zetsuen (updated 3-21-24)
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Name: Severia Zetsuen
Nickname: none 
Age: 30 at the start of Dawntrail
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: unsure, doesn’t think about it. (Nerosexual)
Birthdate: last day of First Astral Moon (January 31st)
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Homeland/town: The Azim Steppe
Current residence/popular haunt: A house in Lavender Beds where she lives with Nero. 
Languages: Eorzean Common, Old Auri, Doman. Currently learning Garlean.
Are they a WoL? Yes. 
Height: 5’2”
Eyes: Crimson, white limbal rings
Hair: Long, Black, no bangs. Normally straight but has a tendency to curl when she uses magic. 
Body type: Slender but athletic.
Features: Dark blue scales, horns, tail typical of Xaela. Scars on the undersides of her wrists. Significantly more scale growth on her body than is normal at her age. 
Style: Practical and modest. She doesn’t like to call attention to herself with her clothes. And because she travels almost all the time, she favors clothing that can stand up to the wear and tear of adventuring. Hair is generally worn in a braid when adventuring. She is rarely seen without her Choral Chapeau.
financial: // filthy rich / wealthy / comfortable / modest / poor / destitute
medical: // fit / moderate / sickly / disadvantaged / disabled
class: // aristocracy / upper / middle / working / poor / enslaved
 education: // advanced / post-secondary / vocational /secondary / primary / none / self-taught / other
 criminal record: // yes for major crimes / yes for minor crimes / yes but wrongfully accused / none / has committed crimes but hasn’t been caught
Family: She is completely cut off from her biological family that lives on the Steppe. 
Friends: Most of the Scions, Cid and the Ironworks crew, Cirina, Mikoto
Current Partner(s): currently in a long term relationship with Nero Scaeva
Former Partner(s): none
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Botanist | Fisher | Miner | Alchemist | Armourer | Blacksmith | Carpenter | Culinarian | Goldsmith | Leatherworker | Weaver
fun | profit | self-sustainability
Other Talents/Skills: Musical instruments: harp, flue, shamisen, xiao flute, morin khuur. 
Unique features of their Echo: I headcanon that the aspect of the Echo that translates meaning is something that can be turned off or on at will. Severia prefers not to use it unless she has to as she enjoys learning new languages. However, in her early days in Eorzea she relied on it pretty heavily, especially any time she had to talk to Urianger. 
(Bold for main/IC jobs, italics for secondary/OOC jobs)
Gladiator/Paladin | Marauder/Warrior | Dark Knight | Gunbreaker | Astrologian | Conjurer/White Mage | Arcanist/Scholar/Summoner | Thaumaturge/Black Mage | Blue Mage | Red Mage | Pugilist/Monk | Lancer/Dragoon | Rogue/Ninja | Samurai | Archer/Bard | Machinist | Dancer | Reaper | Sage
Fighting style: She favors a style that allows her to stay at range and think tactically to defeat her foe. 
art | adventuring | business | crafting | cooking | exercise | fashion | fighting/sparring | fishing | gambling | gardening | hiking | hunting | lacks hobbies | music | physical sports | reading | needlework | sailing | sightseeing | socializing | training | traveling | writing | other (…)
combat skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
 communication skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
 literacy skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
 artistic skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
 technical skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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Traits & Tendencies: 
extrovert // introvert // balanced // contextual
disorganized // organized // balanced // contextual
close-minded // open-minded // balanced // contextual
calm // anxious // balanced // contextual
disagreeable // agreeable // balanced // contextual
cautious // reckless // balanced // contextual
patient // impatient // balanced // contextual
outspoken // reserved // balanced // contextual
leader // follower // balanced // contextual
empathetic // indifferent // balanced // contextual
optimistic // pessimistic // balanced // contextual
traditional // modern // balanced // contextual
hardworking // lazy // balanced // contextual
cultured // uncultured // balanced // contextual
loyal // disloyal // balanced // contextual
drinking alcohol: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
smoking: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
recreational drugs: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
indulgent in food: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
splurge spending: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
gambling: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Personal Beliefs:
Severia was raised to believe in Azim and Nhaama and in particular always felt a connection to the Dusk Mother. This feeling has been somewhat shaken with the revelation of the probable origins of Azim and the nature of the Twelve. She still believes there are things in the universe beyond her understanding, but she wants to learn the truth instead of being content to remain in ignorance. 
Severia has a hard time thinking in terms of hopes and dreams for the future. Her life has always been one of day to day survival. Sometimes though she has vague daydreams about there being an end to all the strife, to the world’s need of her and being able to travel freely with the man she loves, to see everything in the world, and never have to say goodbye to him again. 
Severia’s life has been ruled by fears for as long as she can remember. The fear of not being good enough and failing those she cares about. The fear of being abandoned for her insufficiency. The fear of losing the people she cares about. The fear of getting close enough to people to let them leave her hurt and alone. 
Stress Response: 
Severia is the type of person who needs to have frequent alone time somewhere quiet and peaceful. When her stress levels get too high, she’s likely to just disappear and seek out someplace to be alone, especially at night when she can gain comfort from the stars and moon. 
How they would describe themselves: 
Average, boring, and inadequate. Just barely managing to keep up with the other amazing people around her. 
How others would describe them:
Dependable, clear headed, open minded, good at seeing through problems and making the right decisions. Strong in battle and in spirit, a light in the darkness.
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She was born within the Tumet tribe of the Azim Steppe. As such, she was not given a true name when she was born, but is called by a name meant to ward off evil spirits and bad luck until such a time as she can complete her trial to become a named member of the tribe. This “avoidance name” was Khünbish, meaning “not a human being”. 
 At the age of 10 she went through her tribe’s ritual of being tied to the sacred tree. Children who could free themselves and catch up with the tribe on the move would be given a name and become a member of the tribe. Severia was a small and weak child and was not even able to free herself from her bonds. She remained tied to the tree for three days before a man named Ayanga Mol passed by and found her, nearly dead. 
 Even though it is taboo to aid a Tumet child during their trial, he freed her and nursed her back to health. Knowing that there was no chance that the child could return to her family and that he would be ostracized for rescuing her, Ayanga took her and left the Steppe for Yanxia. For the next 10 years they lived as traveling merchants, earning just enough to survive. Shortly after Severia turns 20, Ayanga is discovered by the occupying Garleans to be a spy who has been passing information between pockets of resistance fighters. He is arrested and executed. His last wish is that Severia escape to some place where she can live a life of peace. 
 Severia flees to Kugane and ultimately stows away on a ship bound for Eorzea. It is at this point in her life when she finally decides it is time she choose a name for herself. Severia is a name she makes up based on sounds she likes. Zetsuen she takes as a name that signifies something that has been cast adrift by fate. She uses this name when she arrives in Eorzea. 
Severia lands in Vesper Bay in Thanalan with nothing but the clothes on her back and her beloved but battered shamisen. Not knowing the language at all, she goes through a very trying period where she busks on street corners to earn just enough to not starve and to slowly travel the land. But she has a good ear for language and gradually manages to pick up the Common tongue. Hearing people talking about a huge forest realm in the north, Severia slowly makes her way to the Shroud and Gridania. Looking lost and bedraggled from her travels, Mother Miounne takes Severia under her wing and advises her to join the Adventurer’s Guild and to take up a combat skill for survival. Severia feels drawn to archery. And thus she finally sets out on the path to become the Warrior of Light. 
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~Highlights of ARR~ (Age 21-24)
Severia’s story follows the MSQ very closely for the most part, though I headcanon that the timeline from first becoming an adventurer to her triumph over the Garleans lasts about 3 years. 
The most important events in her development: 
Gaining the Echo. 
Meeting Minfilia. Minfilia provides Severia with a sense of purpose she is sorely lacking at the time. 
Meeting Nero at the Crystal Tower and falling for him. 
~Highlights of HW~ (Age 25)
Loss of many important allies/friends has cumulative effect on her mentally and emotionally. 
Growing closer to Thancred due to their mutual grief for Minfilia. 
Nero returns, they promise to see each other again. 
~Highlights of StB~ (Age 26-27)
Return to Othard. 
Becoming involved with the Doman Resistance like her foster father was. 
Return to the Steppe. Adopted by the Mol tribe and given Xaela name, Sarangerel.
Taking up Red Mage
Growing closer to Nero during Omega.  
~Highlights of ShB~ (Age 27-28)
Taking in Light causes extra scale growth, becomes infertile. 
Discovering truth about Ancients/Amaurot. Feels drawn to past. 
Meeting Hythlodaeus. Loves him (platonically) immediately.
Learning about Azem. Feeling insecure about identity.
Confronting Elidibus. Feeling immense empathy for him. 
~Highlights of EW~ (Age 28)
Going to Garlemald and being confronted by their hatred. 
Walking on the Moon. Speaking with Hythlodaeus again. 
Traveling to Elpis. Everyone she meets there. 
Losing the Scions in Ultima Thule. 
Defeating and saving Meteion. 
~Post EW~ (Age 29-30)
Pandaemoniun. Befriending Elidibus and Erichthonios. 
Loporrit and Omicron tribal questlines. 
Cultivating her island sanctuary. 
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~Feelings about Scions~ 
Severia met the Scions at a time in her life where her growing powers were alarming her and meeting Minfilia was a very positive experience for her. She had great love and admiration for Minfilia, but found the Scions as a whole more than a little intimidating. As someone without an education, she didn’t really think she fit in among them. Though losing Minfilia was devastating to her, it was what ultimately led to her growing closer to her fellow Scions. In particular, sharing her fate as a fugitive with Alphinaud and Tataru in Ishgard and bonding with Thancred over their shared grief. Over time, she has come to feel the Scions are almost like family (her experiences with family are not great) but she will probably always be more than a little intimidated by Y’shtola. 
~Feelings about Alliance Leaders/Grand Companies~
Severia maintains a professional relationship with all the leaders. She prefers to stay out of the spotlight and leave others (Alphinaud) to deal with diplomacy and politics. While she initially joined the Maelstrom, she never returned to their ranks after her exoneration for the attempted murder of the Sultana, finding it a convenient time to cut off her ties to organizations she never really felt comfortable in. 
~Feelings about Garleans~ 
Severia grew up experiencing the Garlean occupation in Yanxia and was terrified of Garlean soldiers for a long time. Meeting Cid and befriending him was a big turning point for her as it made Garleans seem less like boogeymen and more like real people. Garlean society may be fundamentally flawed, but what society is not? She sees the Garleans people more as victims of Ascian machinations than as enemies at this point. (Though she spares no mercy for Zenos.) In fact, since falling in love with a Garlean, she hopes someday to be able to explore and get to know the region and its people much better. 
~Feelings about Ascians, Ancients and Azem~
Since learning the truth behind the Ascians, Severia has developed complicated feelings regarding them. She understands their motivations and has respect for their loss and grief even if she cannot condone what they have done because of it. But she also recognizes that they were under the influence of Zodiark and their will was inhibited. Mostly, she wishes there had been some other answer. Some kind of compromise that could have been reached between the Ascians and the people of today. But there was nothing else that she could have done in the circumstances she was faced with. 
She mourns Hades, Hythlodaeus and Elidibus, those she came to know best from her travels in the past. But feels content that they are at peace in the Lifestream. Her biggest regret is that she was forced to stand by and could do nothing to save Hermes. Having known the depths of despair herself, she feels a sense of kinship with him. 
When she first became aware of her former life as Azem, it threw her into a state of confusion and distress. She began to wonder if she only became what she is because of Azem, if her life is ruled by that soul and her fate determined. When it became clear that it was always her own choices and actions that mattered most, she was finally able to find the strength to be the beacon of hope that the world needed. The thought of Azem no longer distresses her, but she also prefers to let Azem remain in the past. 
~Feelings about Hydaelyn and Zodiark~
Severia never placed much faith in Hydaelyn. Her trust was grounded more on Minfilia. She would fight for anything Minfilia considered worthy. When she finally meets Venat, it’s like finally being able to talk to Minfilia again. But it’s very bittersweet because she already knows how this is going to go. And yet even so her experiences with Venat in Elpis reassure her about the path she is on, and take away her anxiety about being Azem. She was not Hydaelyn’s chosen because she was once Azem. She was Hydaelyn’s chosen because she was Venat’s friend. 
Zodiark remains a mysterious being that she wishes she could learn more about. There were so many unanswered questions she had. But she firmly believes that both Zodiark and Hydaelyn were necessary to give the Star the future it now looks forward to. 
~Feelings about Nero~
When they first met, her feelings toward him took her very much by surprise because though logically she should have despised him for his role in the Garlean invasion of Eorzea, she found herself feeling strangely attracted to him instead, quite against her will. She is even more surprised to realize he is attracted to her as well. Even though the world keeps tearing them apart she finds she cannot forget him. And when they meet again during Omega, she decides for once in her life to pursue something for the sake of her own happiness, despite logic and many, many friends telling her it’s a bad idea. 
Severia and Nero became a couple just after the conclusion of the Omega quests. At the beginning of DT, they have been together for almost 3 years. 
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Likes: tea, long baths, flying, nighttime, travel and exploration, learning new things
Dislikes: foods that are too sweet, cities, giant bugs, talking about herself, being famous
Favorite Mount: Kirin, Red Baron
Favorite Minion: Wind-up Nero tol Scaeva
Alignment: Neutral Good
Theme Songs:
ARR-EW: Gravity by Yoko Kanno
Is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet? Still the road keeps on telling me to go on Something is pulling me I feel the gravity of it all
DT: Itsuki Tabi ni Deru Hi by Maaya Sakamoto
If we want to, we could go anywhere at all From here, we can become anything at all While atoning for our mistakes, we obtained freedom
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metafinnwinchester · 7 years
About Finn
Full Name: Finnegan “Finn” Aedan Winchester
Faceclaim: Niall Horan
Birth Date: July 28th, 2017
Age: 24
Astral: Leo
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Irish
Living Conditions: Finn lives in a penthouse apartment in West Stone with his fiancé Daniel, and their three dogs.
Birth Place: Santa Monica, CA
Hometown: Santa Monica, CA
Social Class: Upper-Middle Class
Education Level: High School Diploma / most of college
Sibling(s): Aislinn (twin sister), Axel (brother)
Birth Order: Finn, Aislinn, Axel
Children: None
Pet(s): A golden retriever named Maximus, plus Daniel’s two dogs
Arrests?: None
Prison Time?: None
Occupation and Income
Primary Source of Income: Daniel
Secondary Source of Income: More recently, the Knight Life club has become his newest source of income.
Content with Their Job (of Lack Thereof)?: Finn technically counts his job as being the vigilante hero “Phantom.” It doesn’t pay him anything, but he does enjoy it, being able to use his C.A.R.M.A training for something good and to help others.
Spending Habits: He’s usually pretty conservative with money, only spending it for what he needs when he needs it, but sometimes he’ll splurge. He tries his best to invest his money.
Skills & Abilities
Talents: Singing, song-writing, playing guitar/piano/drums, fighting
Language(s) Spoken: English, a little bit of French
Drive?: Yes (although he doesn’t since he teleports)
Jump-Start a Car?: Yes
Change a Flat Tire?: Yes
Ride a Bicycle?: Yes
Swim?: Yes
Play an Instrument?: Yes
Play Chess?: Yes (he’s not the best but he knows how)
Braid Hair?: Yes
Tie a Tie?: Yes
Pick a Lock?: Yes
Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Naturally brunet, but dyed (and fading) blond
Glasses/Contacts?: Yes – he wears glasses for astigmatism, but doesn’t always need them
Dominant Hand: Right
Height: 5'8″
Weight: 161 lbs
Build: Slim/average, fit
Exercise Habits: Running, kickboxing, martial art training
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos: None
Piercings: None
Marks/Scars: An assortment of scars covering his back from multiple whippings in C.A.R.M.A. Small, faded scars on his arms, legs, abdomen, and chest from various fight injuries and gun shots. He has freckles on his nose, cheeks, neck, shoulders and back.
Notable Features: His eyes and smile
Clothing Style: Always skinny jeans and either converse or boots. He’ll typically pair it with either a simple t-shirt and flannel over-shirt or jacket (hoodie or leather), a nice collared button down shirt, or a sweater in the colder weather.
Jewelry: Just his engagement ring.
Allergies: None
Body Temperature: Normal
Diet: Finn eats whatever he wants in moderation (for the most part).
Mental Conditions/Disorders: PTSD, anxiety, depression, ADHD, some anger issues. Due to C.A.R.M.A erasing some of his memories at one point, and those lost memories being retrieved by telepathic interference from his sister, Finn also has some very minor memory problems.
Sociability: Extrovert
Emotional Stability: He’s very quick to anger and has an extremely short temper. His anger is intensified by his enhancement gene producing extra amounts of adrenaline.
Obsession(s): None
Phobia(s): His worst fear is ending up back in C.A.R.M.A forced to kill and torture others again.
Addiction(s): None
Drug Use: Very rarely
Alcohol Use: Very frequently
Prone to Violence?: Yes
Speech Style: Finn speaks naturally very quickly with a bit of a “lazy, relaxed drawl” in his tone. He tends to slip into a subtle Irish accent when he’s angry or upset while speaking.
Accent: American/slight California, subtle Irish sometimes
Hobbies: Guitar, writing, vigilante street justice
Positive Traits: Witty, romantic, charming
Negative Traits: Stubborn, impulsive, sarcastic
General Outlook: Realistic, but his levels of optimism or pessimism depend on the day and his mood
Do They Curse Often?: Yes, all the time
Activity: Playing music, fighting, sex
Animal: Dog
Beverage: Whiskey or Coke
Book: Harry Potter
Color: Blue
Holiday: Christmas and St. Patrick’s Day
Movie: Deadpool
Sport: Soccer
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defensenow · 5 months
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defensenow · 4 months
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defensenow · 4 months
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militaryleak · 5 months
US Air Force Aircraft Arrive in Lithuania Poland Romania for Astral Knight 24 Exercise
U.S. Air Force Airmen and aircraft, based in the European theater, kicked off exercise Astral Knight 24 at forward operating bases in Lithuania, Poland, and Romania. AK24 is U.S. European Command’s capstone integrated air and missile defense exercise focused on development and employment of the theater-wide, coalition IAMD architecture. The exercise will feature live flying and simulated combat scenarios, concentrated in Poland and the Baltic states. A total of six NATO Allies are participating in AK24 to include: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, U.K., and the U.S. There will also be observers from Denmark and Greece. Exercise participants will focus on testing the deployment and sustainment of IAMD assets and capabilities, while exercising defense plans for distributed air operations through the ACE concept. The exercise will also demonstrate USAFE-AFAFRICA’s ability to transfer operational control of assets and personnel to NATO Allied Air Command. Collaboration with NATO Allies strengthens the organization’s collective defense capabilities across the European theater. Through early collaboration and integration of Allied air and missile defense efforts, including efforts like AK24, USAFE-AFAFRICA and NATO nations deter aggression by potential adversaries and remain ready to address common threats. AK24 falls under the Department of Defense’s broader exercise program dubbed the Large Scale Global Exercise 2024. The program encompasses a range of joint and multinational military activities to demonstrate the U.S.’s robust global presence, as well as the cohesion of enduring global alliances and partnerships devoted to security and stability.
U.S. Air Force Airmen and aircraft, based in the European theater, kicked off exercise Astral Knight 24 at forward operating bases in Lithuania, Poland, and Romania. AK24 is U.S. European Command’s capstone integrated air and missile defense exercise focused on development and employment of the theater-wide, coalition IAMD architecture. The exercise will feature live flying and simulated combat…
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militaryleak · 5 months
Astral Knight 24 to Exercise US EUCOM’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD)
Focused on exercising Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) and the incremental development of theatre-wide security capabilities, the U.S.-led multinational military exercise Astral Knight 2024 (AK24) kicked off on May 6, 2024 over Poland and Baltic countries. AK24 is scheduled to host nearly 5,000 Allied personnel from six participating Allied nations and more than 50 aircraft. Four Allied nations will provide aircraft for the exercise: Lithuania, Poland, the U.K. and the U.S. Other participating nations include Denmark and Greece, which will observe elements of the exercise, advancing Allied interoperability throughout the Baltic regions.
Focused on exercising Integrated Air and Missile Defence (IAMD) and the incremental development of theatre-wide security capabilities, the U.S.-led multinational military exercise Astral Knight 2024 (AK24) kicked off on May 6, 2024 over Poland and Baltic countries. AK24 is scheduled to host nearly 5,000 Allied personnel from six participating Allied nations and more than 50 aircraft. Four Allied…
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