reinen5astro · 1 year
Your Income Indicators According to Your Natal Birth Chart
One of the indicators of income is your 2nd house, particularly your 2nd house ruler. [In my next post I'll go over the 10th House]
~ First find the sign your 2nd house is in by pulling up your birth chart
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As you can see their 2nd House is in Pisces [I circled it + pointed to the line that indicates what sign it's in]. If you don't feel like pulling up your birth chart right now, you can just think of the sign after your rising sign. For example, a Sagittarius rising has their 2nd house in Capricorn [the sign after Sagittarius], while an Aries rising has their 2nd house in Taurus.
~ Next, look at the ruler of that sign. This is the ruler of your second house. I've written them down below
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Uranus and Saturn
Pisces: Neptune and Jupiter
~ Lastly, find what sign your ruler/rulers are in. My interpretations are down below.
2nd House Ruler In The...
1st House:
You are the prime creator of your own wealth. If you don't work for it, you're not gonna get it. So have confidence and work hard ;). Also, your profession may be related to the expression of your talents or the utilization of your own body
2nd House:
Rapid acquisition of wealth awaits you. it will be incredibly easy for you to gain wealth. You are able to earn money through your own industry/business. Your practical and realistic sense will aid you in your professional activity. This is also an indicator of wealthy marriage as well.
3rd House:
Your income may be derived from a job or career which involves verbal as well as written communication, studies, travel, and also by working with a brother or sister if you have any, or another close relative. You also may work in teaching, particularly early education. Your peers, community and siblings will aid you.
4th House:
FAMILY!! Your family could be a prime source of income for you [including your ancestors and especially your father or paternal side]. Your income is related to your home, the city where you reside, and also to real estate in general. You may work at home or in professions such as interior decorator, gardener, farmer or real estate ventures.
5th House:
Your income is related to creative endeavors, publications, entertainment, sports or arts, investments that imply certain risk or speculation, education or children. You are likely to earn money through some pursuit that will offer satisfaction and pleasure. Your children may even aid you in your business ventures. You may work in fertility, Obgyn matters or in surrogacy. Consider turning your hobbies into a business because you will earn considerable income from them. However, I don't recommend gambling or doing investments that imply risk or speculation if the ruler is Mars or is conjunct/opposite/square to Mars, it will have an adverse effect.
6th House:
Your income is related to fields of sanitation, diets, health, hygiene, nursing, or occupying a subordinate position and organization in important companies. You may work in animal care, as a life coach or fitness coach as well. Your coworkers, associates and employees will aid you on your quest towards financial security :). This is also an indicator of an inheritance from an uncle or aunt.
7th House:
MARRIAGE period. This is a great indicator of financial security through marriage. If not that then your income may be related to an activity related to the public, such as commercials. You could also earn money involving legal affairs, such as contracts and agreements.
8th House:
Your income is related to the administration of other people’s resources, joint investments, banking, brokerage, insurance, or politics. There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance. This position also favors profit by marriage. Or it could be fortune after an emotionally inharmonious marriage [take this with a grain of salt]. You also may work in the occult, such as an astrologer ;). You may work in investigative fields as well; you'd do amazing as a detective! You also may work in the sex or death industry.
9th House:
You can earn money in foreign trade, import and export, travel, tourism, or a liberal profession, science, philosophy or religion, or teaching in a university. Indicator of earning money from a degree too. You will have very profitable voyages [long term travel], so travel the world dearie! [I have this placement as well and I truly want to go to college no matter how much it costs because I feel like I won't regret it [Pisces moon tings; my intuition is on point]. I'm even adamant on studying abroad as well. AND I want to work a professor too.]
10th House:
It's your choice :). Your income is related any career or profession that you choose. Thanks to your daily effort, you will be able to establish a sense of achievement. This position enables you to earn money in some government capacity or politics, or to acquire a profession of great social status. You will have a comfortable worldly position and will rapidly acquire wealth.
11th House:
You will have MANY influential acquaintances and their support will help you improve your income. Your income is closely linked with those of friends, your relationships, or to activities that you perform in certain social groups. There is a possibility of earning money through administrative or political positions in social organizations. It would be a good idea to join/participate in social groups/activities/organizations as it will bring you income. You may also work in humanitarian activities, such as in the environment or the UN
12th House:
Your income is related to some kind of service in connection with healing and welfare or helping the less fortunate. You may have difficulties evaluating your self-worth, which will impinge your level of income. Evaluating your natural talents would bring even better financial opportunities [so get on that ;)]. This influence could bring confidential financial support, but also may incline to clandestine or illegal business. Avoid any easy business that may imply some risk or commitment. There may be numerous difficulties in establishing the position [doesn't mean that it won't happen; with astrology nothing is impossible, it's just an obstacle]. However, if the ruler is Venus/Jupiter you will gain through farming and leases and will avoid these difficulties.
Alrighty, I hope you enjoyed!!
Part 2 [10th House]: https://www.tumblr.com/reinen5astro/725400186242940928/your-statusincome-indicators-based-on-your-birth?source=share
Anyways bye bye ;)
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mayatheserpent · 1 year
this is an astro analysis of the physical appearance and beauty of each specific nakshatra, series are coming ahead:)
also this analysis is based on Vedic/sidereal astrology. if ur unfamiliar u can calculate ur chart in Kundli - Create Free Online Kundali by Date of Birth and Time (astrosage.com) MOON SIGN IS MOST IMP!
1.Ashwini (0° – 13°20′ Aries)
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Because ashwini's symbol is the male horse, these women have a very well structed and balanced facial ratio like that of a horse. It may also seem fish-like and these women are so beautiful having the souvenirs of "foxy eyes" that people tend to recreate.
It may seem as if God took all his/her time carefully placing their features. Their lips are full no matter the size (which is usually average to large) and look very plump having a very faint cupid's bow...
(dm me for more detailed info if u want)
2. Ashlesha (16° 40′ – 30° Cancer)
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Square or rounder face (if not round then jaws are sharp) due to the rulership of moon and youthful mercury, often cheek apples (especially when smiling).They have sparkling eyes with darker shades (common to be dark brown or green) due to the Cat yoni association.
They have thick hair, cat-like eyes and almost mixed appearance. Eyes are likely to be hooded and almond shaped as well as smaller, Sensual appearance, their eye contact is very penetrating and makes the person in front distracted or freeze.They also have teeth that resemble vampire fangs, as well as bony nose.
(dm me for more detailed info if u want)
GUYSSS... im gonna post other nakshatras as well in the upcoming post so please be patient and since i cant go to deep (for the aesthetics and data) if u want to know more or have any requests/reviews feel free to message me on this account. Thankyou!!
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linnienin · 1 year
⁕Chiron conjunct AC: the Ugly Duckling? 🥀⁕
A research by Linnie
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Disclaimer: "no one is born ugly, we are just born in a judgemental society" K.Namjoon
(Other disclaimers will be added below)
⁕⁓ This will be a pretty long post, so make yourself comfortable and take your time to read ⁓⁕
Chiron's phyisical appeareance in mythology:
In the traditional Greek representations of Chiron, his front legs are human rather than equine like all the others centaurs.
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This clearly sets Chiron apart from his fellows, making him easily identifiable.
Chiron is also often depicted wearing clothes, demonstrating he is more civilised, unlike a normal centaur.
In Roman depictions of Chiron, we see a fully equine lower body, in contrasts to the ancient Greek representations. Chiron's appearance is further altered with his ears, matching those of a satyr, folded over at the top (he had human ears in the Greek representations)
Take into consideration it may be possible that due to the rise of written sources, Roman artists were inspired by written descriptions of Chiron; simply using the word centaur, rather than having available traditional visual representations. This may then, not be a deliberate reworking of the Chiron myth on the part of the Romans, but simply a lost nuance of the character in its migration from Greece to Rome.
Source: Wikipedia
Chiron conjunct AC natives' appeareance:
Disclaimer: our appeareance is not delineated by just ONE aspect, these are just my observations on celebs who has this placement
These natives have features that don't usually conform to the beauty standars or ideal proportions, making them stand out from average looking people
🥀 They have the look of a tormented soul, this can make them unforgettable
🥀 They also appear wiser than their years, they have the face of an individual that has been through a lot ,and knows a lot too
🥀 Can have distinctive ears (very small, or protuding, towards one extreme or the other, usually bigger)
🥀 Can have distinctive legs (quite short or long in proportion to the other parts of the body)
🥀 Can have long torso
(Their features can resemble those of a Sagittarius natives cause Chiron is also represented by a centaur)
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Fred Astaire had very long elegant legs and distinctive ears, making his presence even more unforgettable.
Lily Rose Depp has a long torso that she likes to accentuate by wearing low raise pants
Martin Luther King had very cute small ears with a unique shape, almost like the ones of an elf
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Clark Gable, Maya Hawke and Antonio Banderas all have beautiful protuding ears that look like butterflies 🦋✨
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Amitabh Bachchan and Whitney Huston and their long legs, Priyanka Chopra has a sinuous long waist
We will continue to analize how Chiron conj. AC manifests in ones appeareance with the roles the actors with this placements has been playing 👇
The hero, the weirdo and the badass:
We all know that cast directors have an eye for one's demeanor, so we will take advantage of this to further see how this placement affects one's image
Good or Bad?
Doesn't matter, they have that main character vibe, usually the hero/villain has deep wounds from the past left unhealed that still hunts them in the present, and usually they cover this deeper part of them with a mask (for some of them quite literally)
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Julie Newmar in the role of Catwoman , George Clooney in the role of Batman and Antonio Banderas playing the unforgettable Zorro
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Willem Dafoe playing the iconic role of Goblin,Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye and Margot Robbie in the role of Harley Quinn
Misunderstood and rejected by society, loners, unusual personalities, they have a unique and peculiar view on life. Usually suffered from difficult traumas that left a mark and shaped who they are.
They might escape reality through art
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Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora, Willem Dafoe as Vincent Van Gogh, Louis Garrel as Théo
They might obsess over proving their worth to others
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Giulietta Masina as Gelsomina, Margot Robbie as Tonya, Maya Hawke as Robin
They might shape their own absurd reality and impose their beliefs on others
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Vincent Price as Dracula, Antonio Banderas as Armand, Robert Carlyle as Tremotino
They might just live in silence, outcasted and distrusted by others, but still finding their own way to survive
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Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood, Peter Dinklage as Trumpkin, Penelope Cruz as Angelica
Fierce, steady and determined. Those people developed a tough personality due to previous experiences. They don't want to be taken advantage of anymore, and they'll stand their ground.
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Lily Rose Depp as Catherine of Valois
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James Coburn as Flint, Priyanka Chopra as Alex Parrish, Jeremy Renner as William Brandt and Amitabh Bachchan has done multiple roles in action movies
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Robert Carlyle as Franco, George Clooney as Danny, Maya Hawke as Eleanor, Willem Dafoe as Elias and Antonio Banderas as El Mariachi
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Penelope Cruz in 'Jamon Jamon'
( These three 'roles' often can merge into one)
The pretty crier
I have noticed people tend to find somehow attractive when those natives cries (especially women)
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There's something deep and inspiring when these people shares their vulnerable side, and somehow the impulse to control these emotions while experiencing them (usually these natives don't like to share this emotional side in public) make them look even more 'interesting' and 'appealing' to the others (as distorted as it can sounds, sometimes people just idolize other people's pain for the wrong reasons)
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But others don't understand how difficult and exhausting really is to cover their vulnerability all the time, and even when they explode because they can't take it anymore, they feel so bad and guilty that they try to stop their "pity party" (in their view) as soon as they can, apologizing immediately for their behaviour (even if you can still see the pain in their eyes)
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Good dancers?:
These natives can have a great sense of music and their body, finding it easy to move to the rhythm.
In Greek mythology, Chiron was taught by his foster father Apollo the art of music, archery, hunting, gymnastic, prophecy, herbs and medicine.
No wonder we see people with this aspect attracted to these activities, and they also seem to posses a natural talent for them.
Can you recognize them in the pictures below? 💃🕺
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The sacrifice:
In Greek mythology, Chiron sacrifices his immortality for the freedom and life of Prometheus.
The reasons behind Chiron's sacrifice aren't just those of his noble spirit. The centaur was fated to suffer from the wound of a poisoned arrow that Heracles shot at him by mistake while trying to complete the fourth task described in the Labours of Heracles.
Ironically, Chiron, the master of the healing arts, couldn't heal himself, so he happily gave up his immortality to free Prometheus of his excruciating pain and destiny.
We can see this theme of sacrifice in the characters mentioned above, some of them with literally sacrificing themselves, while others having to sacrifice an important part of themselves (i will not mention the details because i don't want to make spoilers if you haven't seen some of the series/movies)
And how not to mention the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., fought his whole life for the American civil rights and racial equalty, making himself vulnerable to any attack for the good of his people
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TW: body shaming, abuse, use of drugs
Disclaimer: please remember that if you have this placement it doesn't mean you will certainly use drugs or experience other disorders. These are just consequences of deeper wounds left untouched that haven't been fully healed yet, please, if you can't heal by yourself exactly like Chiron, don't be ashamed to reach others out for help and professional treatment
These natives can be mistreated by others especially at a young age, they can be victims of bullying and this can make them struggle with how they perceive themselves and their worth.
🥀George Clooney suffered from Bell's palsy (a partial paralysis of the face) during his first year of high school and was bullyied by his peers. He declared that he had a hard time but the experience made him stronger.
🥀Lily Rose Depp has always been in the eye of the public and the medias, feeling pressure since a very young age (coming from very well known parents) she also admitted to have suffered from anorexia.
🥀Demi Lovato has been victim of bullying, bulimia-nervosa, self-harm, bipolar disorder and has been experiencing lots of mental and physical abuse. She couragiously admitted to have used cocaine and she added that she began using opiates at the age of 13 after a car accident and "was already drinking" by that time.
🥀Selena Gomez suffers from lupus (that can be treated assuming drugs) and bipolar disorder, she also spoke about suffering from anxiety and depression
🥀Whitney Huston and Carrie Fisher both suffered from drugs abuse
The legend:
In Greek mythology, after Chiron's death, Zeus placed him among the stars in the sky to be honored. The Greeks identified him as the constellation Centaurus.
It is easy to say these natives will always be remembered for what they did and they will inspire and encourage lots of people that feel lost or hopeless
Their battles with pain and their courage to whithstand it will make others feel heard and understood, lightening their internal burdens and spreading light to their path ahead.
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Congrats! You have reached the end of the post 💞
Here's the LIST of every Celebrity i have analized that is mentioned in this post:
Julie Newmar
Clark Gable
Demi Lovato
Margot Robbie
Amitabh Bachchan
Robert Carlyle
Martin Luther King
George Clooney
Penelope Cruz
Priyanka Chopra
Antonio Banderas
Luis Garrel
Evanna Lynch
Maya Hawke
Peter Dinklage
James Coburn
Selena Gomez
Jeremy Renner
Giulietta Masina
Vincent Price
Lily Rose Depp
Willem Dafoe
Whitney Houston
Carrie Fisher
Further disclaimers:
Disclaimer: I am not a professional astrologer, i like to research on it and i use this blog as a sort of diary where to keep track of my observations while also sharing my thoughts with you
Disclaimer: i made the collages (because there were way too many photos and i coulnd't insert them as singles because of the limits in numbers) but in no way i own the photos in them
Wikipedia and Astro.com
Thank you 🥀
for sticking to the end, i hope you enjoyed this little research of mine.
As a Chiron conjunct AC native myself, i wanted to dive deeper into the meaning of this placement because i realized there's not much out there on it
I also wanted to gather more info to further understand myself and my patterns because sometimes i find it easier to write down and analize others to realize things about myself lol
Let me know if you resonated or if you have something else to add, you know i always appreciate your feedback 😊
I wish you a great day! 🥀
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celestewilllow · 1 year
>> 🦋cancer risings tend to develop weaker limbs once they are growing older with age. it's just more evident with them.
>>💙 those with Gemini in their 12th house should learn to control their thoughts a little more.
>>🫂 when asteroid aphrodite(1388) is conjunct your seventh house in sr chart, you could get a very beautiful partner.
>> 🐦a lot of world-famous chefs have aries/scorpio and or virgo and capricorn prominent in their big 3. ex: gordan ramsay, joel robuchon,alaine ducasse, pierre gagnaire .
>> cancer dominant men usually have a mommy fetish.
>> Cancer mixed with Capricorn in the big three could make excellent entrepreneurs.
>>💙 Taurus risings are also quite intuitive. if you see they have sag in the 8H which means Jupiter rules over it, which makes sense as Jupiter is the planet ruling spirituality.
>> 😇Geminis are so emotional it's super underrated. they could be the definition of an emotional wreck. But but but , the same developed Gemini can make an excellent diplomat.
>> 🐳from what I've experienced Leos are not exactly very loyal all the time. they like the attention and flirting a lott and do participate in it irrespective of whether they are in a relationship or not. So with them you either have their full attention or don't.
>>the one thing i've heard a lot of Aquarians say: "i don't do love."
But when they fall, they fall hardddd.
>> ascendant conjunct Venus, and sun conjunct Venus take the spotlight just as much as Venus conjunct mars.
New Year almost here<3
Grateful for waking up every day.🌞
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astroballin · 1 year
Aquarius Rising? Uranus conjunct Ascendant? Who dresses weirder? Is it supposed to be weird??
I have both. I am an Aquarius Rising and I have Uranus sitting on top of my ASC. I don't dress weirdly nor uniquely. See, your choice of clothes, accessories, piercings, hair, and colors are not entirely dictated by your rising sign.
My Uranus is conjunct my ASC but it is in retrograde, my Venus is in Virgo in the 7th house, my Moon squares my ASC from the 3rd house, while my Mars is opposite my ASC from the 7th, and my 2nd house is filled with the presence of Jupiter--also in retrograde. Having known all these, I am going to summarize my clothing style as quick, comfortable, hip. Sometimes, I love wearing oversized clothing, anything that would make me feel unrestricted, and other days I like wearing body hugging dresses. But unique and weird? Definitely not. I would even say that I dress based on whatever is the trend--as long as I'm comfortable wearing it.
When looking into clothing choices, consider not just the rising sign, but the planets connected to the rising sign and if the planet is hidden (retrograde) or not (direct). Further, consider the Venus sign and house and its most notable aspect, also the planets in the 2nd house (the body, physical manifestation of the chart, what one has and what one is willing to buy). Piece these things together and you'll have a snapshot of how one dresses.
What I will agree with, however, is that the rising sign will give you a glimpse into how someone carries themselves from the get go and how other people receives the energy that someone's rising sign gives. In my experience, as an Aquarius Rising with Uranus on top of it, people do stare at me when I walk by, sometimes to the point I'm uncomfortable with it. Some strangers and friends told me that I'm striking, while in a conversation with me or as a greeting. "Striking" can be "weird" and "unique" and it contextually denotes disruption, which is aligned with what Aquarius is intended to project.
Fashion trendsetters are not made by putting on a bunch of clothing and calling it "street style" or "chic." Again, one's choice of clothes can be influenced by a lot of things, but how one carries these pieces of clothing is projected by the rising sign. Get to know your rising sign and its aspects from which houses and planets plus your Venus sign (+aspects) and 2nd house sign (+planets), and you've got your very own style formula.
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imagineastrology · 2 years
Mercury enters Virgo ♍ ✨ 4th August!
What sign is your mercury in 💭
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#astrologersofinstagram #topthreereading #astrology #astrologyposts #scorpiomoon  #dailyhoroscope #ceresretrograde #aries #astrologynotes #neptuneretrograde #libra  #sagittarius #capricorn #watersigns #pisces #topthree #airsigns #astrologymemes ⁣#dailyastrology #astrologyfacts #throwbackthursday #virgomercury #cancerfullmoon #astrologymemes #astroobservations #julyforecast #leoseason
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thesolarrealms · 2 years
rahu dominant ♡︎ ardra, swati, shatabhisha 🫖 🎀
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They can honestly be very fond of the high life, Rahu individuals. They will always spend a lot on interior designing. Rahu can have quite a lot of unrealistic fantasies and are usually controlling, they can be a bit little vain too. They have a very good sense of humour though and take life very lightly. They are intellectually flirtatious and usually have a striking, powerful and hypnotic beauty. They are yin and highly feminine in nature. They can sometimes be very vague and cloudy, which can lead to delusions and psychosis. They’re always mysterious and charismatic though, but can be considered an airhead at times, they’re a little scattered and have inflated egos. Rahu is great with mass media, fame, entertainment, foreigners and foreign countries. Rahu can also develop insatiable cravings due to its ambitious nature and these people get quite stuck in the material world.These individuals usually have a deep desire for freedom, fame or independence, they may be the black sheep of the family in some way and can often show a genius spark that is revolutionary and changes the way that an outdated system operates. They challenge societal institutions a lot. There is always something ghostly about their appearance and they can be quite sensitive and skittish. They tend to get hysterical sometimes too through crying, threats of suicide etc and always seem to have a fascination with people or things that are destructive to them.
They are highly alluring and tempting individuals, because they always keep their calm, with the exceptional outburst, that’s how they draw people in really - there’s a futuristic feel to them. Rahu is developmental and these individuals do tend to constantly act like teenagers - it’s very progressive and energetic - think of it like Uranus. It’s opulence and indulgence is similar to Venus - they’re just more independent and not so attached to people or emotions, rather their ambitions and their future goals. They can also have quite harsh speech and their life is subject to many sudden changes. 
They tend to be very restless individuals. It is quite similar to Venus in its gorgeous femininity, but more ghostly and tricky. It is however the base of fame and celebrity. A lot of these people can obsess over the material realm and many do partake in buying branded clothing and enjoying elite things in life. Sometimes they come across as confused or obsessed, or just overly dramatic. They have incredible networking skills and persuasive talent. They are however quite lustful and attracted to the opposite sex. Similar to Uranus they have a very impulsive nature. They link and tie to high society - think Coco Chanel, Lily Rose Depp. (She has a lot of Rahu in her birthchart) - as does Margot Robbie.  They do really enjoy breaking tradition and reforming structures. Rahu dominant people can sometimes feel like a bit of an outcast - similar to Uranus energy. Rahu women especially tend to attract a lot of people's attention online due to them being so typically attractive. It is responsible for wealth. A lot of people with this dominance are born wealthy or at least in upper class of the economy. A lot of them too are born in a family where the family members enjoy refined quality of life. Many of them tend to love expensive things too.
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astrobyoph · 3 years
Astro observations #3 🌶
Spicy edition 🌶 18+
Hello everyone!!! Sorry for not posting much content, finally finishied writing this spicy astro placements post for you all. I tried to mellow the content, but viewer discretion is adviced? Don’t say I didnt warn you, if you’re uncomfortable with sexual content, please move past this
With that said, thank you to my friends for helping (you know who you are <3) and hope you guys enjoy! Of course i know you will lmao 💀
Pisces placements take aftercare very seriously, they want to baby their partner after sex
Taurus placements might have a thing for people with nice necks/collarbones
Aries placements might be into crying during sex. Either enjoys crying from pleasure or making their partner cry from pleasure
Leo + Scorpio placements are usually really proud of their partner, they probably enjoy getting marked by/marking them. They probably enjoy the concept of ownership a lot lmao
Capricorn stelliums tend to have very masculine and dominant energy no matter their gender. Usually tend to be the dominant one too
Scorpio placements only have an either/or when it comes to sex. They’re either extremely kinky & dirty, OR they’re actually extremely vanilla and don’t understand any of the appeal to kinky sex.
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3H Stelliums really enjoy dirty talk, probably can get off it easily too
8H Saturn people are probably into extremely dirty stuff, maybe BDSM as well
Gemini placements might have a hand kink. Or even might be into breathplay during sex 
Virgo stelliums enjoy being brats, or being disciplined in general. Probably because they are so disciplined in the day about their lives, they need an outlet to be lazy and be forced into their place
Virgo stellium boys enjoy being ordered around 
Pisces mars men can't be rough normally, unless you explicitly ask them to get rough with you, they most likely can’t.
2H/7H/9H Stelliums might have a thing for big age gaps in sexual encounters, they enjoy the thrill of being with someone that’s older than them
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Water dominants may enjoy sneaky sex, the thought of getting caught probably turns them on so much more, might be into exhibitionism as well
Virgo/Aquarius placements might enjoy getting fucked by their teachers, teacher student kink perhaps. Or at the very least they might fantasize about their teachers/authority figures
Leo mars people enjoy standing up and having sex, probably against the wall. Or watching their partners masturbate turns them on too
Aries placements are passionate and sometimes reckless in love (or bed) but they don't go bat shit crazy. They know how to stop before messing up shit, probably have surprising amounts of self control too
Cancer placements have a serious breeding kink problem. Probably because cancer is linked with fertility so..
Leo risings can tend to have a very strong sex appeal over the internet, or in person as well. People usually get attracted to them easily because of this
Moon/Venus dominant people might be masochists, either enjoys inflicting/receiving pain with their partner
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Aquarius/Capricorn placements might be into bondage. Either getting tied up or seeing their partner get tied up can turn them on
Mars in 6th in a composite chart is a blessing and a curse. Probably having sex but being bored at the same time. Might just intergrate sex into their daily routines even though they’re bored
Wanna get a Libra turned on? Show emotions when you’re having sex. Act like you melt under their touch. Also the mood is very important for them
Libra placements probably enjoy foreplay too much
Leo + Pisces placements can result in someone being a switch, but still leaning to the submissive side because they want to be cared for
Sag mars people are probably secretly kinky but they just don’t want to get outed for having such a filthy mind
Phewww that was kind of spicy lmao 😮‍💨. Thank you for reading till the end, really hope you enjoyed the post! Let me know if anything resonated, I’ll be glad to listen :) Drop any suggestions into my ask box for future posts, see you next time!
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peachyastrooo · 2 years
My favourite placements/aspects in my natal chart ;)
pisces venus 1st house
taurus mars (2°) in 1st house sextile ascendant
uranus conjunct ascendant
medusa (20°) 1st house
lilith (1181) conjunct pisces ascendant
black moon lilith square ascendant
pluto 10th house conjunct mc
jupiter 7th house
mercury sextile venus
sun sextile pluto
moon trine mars
leo moon (29°)
aquarius mercury (0°)
my placements make me feel like that bitch
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astroohoe · 3 years
Heyy hooooeees, so im.back with another Aries placement....im done with aries sun and the rising...enjoy
Aries Moon
°Guuuurl, these people get soooo much angrier than the suns🙄......they're the type of people to pull up when you're talking shit......#dontmesswiththem
°Music to them is everything...they might love hip hop, or r&b, reggae
°They may look like their mother
°These people are caring but show it in a blatant, straight forward way you're not expecting
°They are loyal friends....they've got their backs with you in everything.
°They might have come from a toxic family, or a frustrated family.
°Because this placement is in the moon sign, they sometimes feel like they're the second mother to protect they're family at all cost.
°They are often attracted to cancer , LIBRA, Leos and Sagittarius.
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mayatheserpent · 2 years
ꜱᴀᴛᴜʀɴ ᴀꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛɪɴɢ ᴍᴏᴏɴ ɪɴ ᴀꜱᴛʀᴏʟᴏɢʏ🪐
(if you have any questions, feel free to message me)
Saturn (Shani) is the karmic punisher during lifetime, it also freezes emotional and intuitive qualities of the moon Native is prone to suffering from anxiety, depression and may cry easily (those who are hard hearted and will not cry have bad relations with mother) If benefic influence is not overpowering, native will have dry skin and diseases related to bones and heart. Native might be taller, skinnier and more tan in appearance. Native will feel responsible for carrying other's burden. Native might have had a childhood where they were always known as the child who was "mature" or " good" because they simply never expressed their needs, desires and emotions and let that bottled within them. This causes communication problems in adulthood. They might never feel fully secure and confident. Likely to feel unloved, detached and emotionally frozen. Native is capable of ignoring their bodily needs and working without the harmony of mind and body Native's mother might've grown up in poverty or had a very hard childhood/upbringing Native might be prone to self-harm/ suicide They are unable to reach their full potential easily and might need to work harder than the average person The native has parents who cares a lot about safety and stability and constantly gives them reality checks The native will be suspicious in nature and fond of dark arts, Ketu beauty, etc. They will understand that life is not sunshine and rainbows i will be continuing perhaps in a part two, suggest what i should do next<;33
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Astro notes!!! #2
Mars in Cancer are actually not as emotional as the stereotype says, they rather hold their feelings for themselves and then snap. When something annoys them, they don’t just start whining.
Moon square Uranus usually have a thing for heavier music genres, like metal or different goth subcultures’ music.
Venus in the 11th house can’t really make relationships outside of their friend group work, especially if they have an Earth Venus.
The best placement for procrastination is definitely a Leo Saturn, they can make a huge project just an hour or so before presenting it and still nailing it and stealing the show.
Aquarius stelliums are so efortlessly witty and they create inside jokes with their friends so easily!
Mercury in Gemini makes some huge people pleasers, to the point that they can be perceived as fake or deceiving.
Sun conjuct Mercury gives people a natural charm and love for people, even though other placements might point to the fact that they are introverts.
Aquarius moons really have a thing for art, they can either draw really well or act/sing.
Libra moons have a very pleasant presence, even though they piss you off sometimes you still go back to them, they’re like human magnets!
Water moons are SO good at hiding their emotions, even though they are dismissed as the emotional ones, they actually don’t show it a lot in public.
I saw my other one got very positive feedback, so i decided to make another one!! It’s a bit shorter though.
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i think gemini, scorpio and capricorn are the yod of enigmaticness, because they are the hardest signs to fully get to know and understand. they always keep parts of themselves hidden, on purpose or involuntarily, which creates a sense of "no one will ever truly know me” (can be a self fulfilling prophecy ofc), causing a specific kind of loneliness and sadness. if found in each other, it leads to a singular sense of understanding and bond between these astrologically “unlikely” inconjunct partners. 
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astroballin · 3 years
Mars and Pluto
Pluto has always been thought of as the higher octave of Mars. The term higher octave doesn't really do it justice, though. Mars has always been seen as the will. Motivation. Desire. For anything, really. Doesn't have to be just sex or romance or anything. It could be in life, towards improving the self, career, and relationships. Depends on the house where Mars is. But these things-- motivation, desire, passion-- these are not the same as power. Yes, you need those things to be successful; however, those two aren't synonymous. For a lot of people, that might be the case; for example: getting a high position can be considered successful, yet also powerful, solely because being in a high position can have some power over people or decisions. But not everyone's definition of success means gaining power. Other people's definition of success could mean independently living without care for others. Now, power is different. Power is influence. Power is traction, the ability to grasp something or someone, to enchant people. Independent-- yes. But independence is where others are dependent on you. In our chart, Pluto is where we want power. Mars is where we are driven. Those two are different things.
Say, you have Mars in the 10th house. That alone will give you the desire and ambition to be successful in what you do. You invest your efforts in making sure that you stay driven to fulfill the pinnacle of your persona because the 10th house is the highest point and one of the most exposed houses in the chart. On the other hand, Pluto in the 10th goes beyond drive and ambition. Individuals with Pluto in the 10th know that drive and ambition will motivate them to achieve their goals which can help them be successful, but they don't stop there. It is not enough that they walk into a room wearing a nice dress that people will be impressed with. What they want is to walk into a room where everybody instantly knows their name, and those who don't will be dying to know it. They will leave the crowd wanting more of them, regardless if they're wearing a nice dress or shirt and jeans. It is not enough that they have a nice car, a high-paying job, a nice house, or whatever people's definition of success is. People with Pluto in the 10th house want success beyond themselves. They want people to remember their name even after generations beyond them. They want to be written in books and talked about even after they are long gone. To leave a legacy. Influence. That's what Pluto is.
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viviannee · 3 years
Astrology observations 🌔
🔸 Virgo moons either have a really bad relationship with their mom or she isn’t in their life at all
🔸 Leo placements + Cancer placements in a chart makes someone overly protective of their children to the point it’s annoying
🔸 Cancer placements can be super rude to their closest.. (mom, SO, sibling) The more they love you the worst they treat you
🔸 Saturn opposite Venus in synastry makes Saturn very critical out of fear and insecurity. After awhile Venus can become resentful
🔸 Venus conjunct MC can make a relationship very public, where the two of you are always together and have the same social circle. Venus likes to bring MC everywhere
🔸 Many people say Venus square Mars or Mars square Mars indicates sexual incompatibility, but it’s not true. Especially if Jupiter is conjunct Mars
🔸Two people with Mercury in the same sign can talk to eachother without even stopping to think what to say
🔸 Eros in Leo get off on themselves lol
🔸Pluto conjunct Moon in a chart can sometimes indicate one parent is dominant, possessive and likes to interfere in the child’s life.
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angelvibezluv · 3 years
Lonely placements observation
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12th house stelliums extremely aware of everything and everyone around them it makes them feel out of place, an awkward feeling.
Aries and Virgo Venus has a hard time finding the right one. Can and will wait for them. Turns down alot of people.
Pisces Suns feeling of not fitting in, simular to 12th house placements. Not too sure of what to express initially, usually waits to see how everyone else acts.
Libra Suns although they seem to have many friends and be around people most of the time, theres a look of loneliness in their face. Feeling like they have to be perfect and surprisingly more than a Virgo would.
Saturn conjunct Sun, Moon and in the first house growing up they had to mature fast and were disciplined often. Feeling they should hold back whatever they feel or how they want to act. This makes them feel they cant truly express themselves to certain people and feels no one understands them.
Scoripo Suns and Moons feels things so deeply but dosnt like to truly express them due to them thinking its too dark and depressing. Masks themselves.
Pisces Moons and Risings can become extremely disconnected from the real world and people if someone hurts them. Disassociates alot.
Virgo Moons also has a disassociation vibe to them. Also feels no one understands them because they have a specific way of dealing with their emotions.
Taurus and Gemini Suns, Aquarius Moons feels they are smarter and more practical than everyone else therefore they dont need friends. (Not saying they dont have any though, they need intellectual friends)
Aquarius and Capricorn Risings had to learn how to be independent from a young age. Usually dosnt get the help they want from others so they have to get things done on their own.
Although these placements often feel lonely, they usually learn how to vibe by themselves and enjoy their own company. I've noticed they also like to make sure everyone is helped and feels included because they understand what its feels like to be alone.
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