#At least the Dust/Husk duet at the end was very good!
rottmntrulesall · 8 months
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You're a loser, baby.....
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istadris · 8 months
Some thoughts and theories after watching Hazbin Hotel :
Thoughts :
All in all, I think that compared to its premise, the show was...mild ? I feel like the season could have benefited a lot from more episodes to help flesh out the characters. Each main protagonist and antagonist just got one episode before we rush to the final episode battle and I feel it wasn't enough to care about them. Take Charlie's demon lambs Razzle and Dazzle. They're barely present on screen, their names are only given a couple of episodes before the end and I don't even know if it was Razzle or Dazzle who was killed...so I have trouble having any emotional emotion to his death apart from "aw shucks, I guess"
Likewise, the cannibal colony episode felt very rushed. In one episode everyone is introduced and then rallies to Charlie. At least with Carmilla we got a previous episode where her character, motivations and agenda was fleshed out before she was brought back in the last episodes.
The Vees better play an important role in next season. In this one they just show up, establish a conflict, and then...do nothing ? Velvette claims to have an attack plan+ knows Carmilla is hiding something but doesn't do anything with it, Vox has it out for Alastor but only watches from his couch the final battle...at least Valentino's conflict with Angel is clearly established and further clarified with his following interactions.
All in all, I feel like the antagonistic songs (Stayed Gone, Respectless, Hell' Greatest Dad, You Didn't Know) were more catchy and entertaining than the rest. With some exceptions. But maybe I'm just a sucker for villain songs or duets where each character fights. But Charlie's songs felt ...okay at best. Not for the lack of good singing from the actress, far from that. They mostly felt like the rug could be swept from under her feet at any time, while in comparaison Alastor's songs always felt like he owned every single second of them.
Ah, Alastor. My beloved. He's by far the most entertaining part of this show, partly because he's staying relevant in every single episode (while Angel Dust, Husk and Sir Pentious fell a bit in the background after their one-episode arc), and also because in a story where everyone's motives and goals are clear and for all to see, he remains a complete enigma. How much of his behaviour is him actually caring for Charlie and how much of it is him playing everyone like pawns for his goals ? It's a constant guessing game and it keeps you on your toes.
Charlie could definitely use more moments where she doesn't end up being "rescued" in one way or the other. Sure, they acknowledged that her kindness was a powerful weapon by inspiring others to die for her cause...but even when she gets angry at Adam, or shows him mercy after beating him, something comes along and takes away her moment of glory. Hope she gets better.
Vaggie best girl though. I totally relate to how she wants to protect Charlie from everything.
But for real, people devoted to hating on every single aspect of the show ...could do better with their time. Why are you so mad at everything. It's not that serious.
And now for the theories :
I think Alastor's contract is held by Lillith and it involves not being able to talk about her disappearance, but also depowering him a lot. He implies strongly that his own smile is a way to hide his own weaknesses, and while he's still strong enough to crush small-time sinners, threaten Husk (who's bound to him by his own deal) and frizz Vox' signal, I think he couldn't repeat his Overlord massacre from before. Which he is very careful to not let anyone know about; presenting instead the façade of the all powerful Radio Demon.
I think his real reason to help Charlie is because he knows Lillith is hiding in Heaven. Either Charlie managed to redeem Sinners, which gives him a way to plant spies inside and gather intel, or she goes to war against Heaven; if she wins , she manages to break the doors to Heaven (and Alastor can get inside), but if Heaven is forced to take a stand, Lillith has to intervene.
In every case, Alastor is winning.
And in the meantime, Alastor is also carefully grooming Charlie into a leader (and the heir to the throne of Hell). Her powers are growing with her confidence and Alastor is playing the long game, carefully waiting for the moment he can take advantage of that power. He already has a favor; I'm ready to bet it's for Charlie to break her contract.
His breakdown at the end of the season is hard to decipher...but in my opinion, it's mostly that he realizes how high the stakes are : he almost died to Adam, all in the name of playing Charlie's trusty ally. Was it worth it ? Does he have to keep playing the good guy when his clipped power isn't a match against Heaven's strongest ? And maybe, maybe he is growing fond of the hotel residents and is starting to freak out about that. But he soon reassures himself : it's all in the name of the long game, and once he's done fretting about these pesky feelings of friendship, nothing will get in his way.
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weirdtrashpanda · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Songs Analysis
Aka Rei has a new hyperfixation and has to talk about it or he will explode
Since I basically grew up on Musicals (it's in my blood) and I do appreciate a hell centered cartoon/animation, of course my new fav is Hazbin Hotel.
Since the first episode I can't stop listening to the songs and well... my theorist brain is doing overtime. So here's a layman analysis of the music.
I will get to my theories about the story and such at some later point.
Let's go! Spoilers ahead, duh.
First of all: Sam Haft is a genius. Alex Brightman is amazing. And every character has a genre or at least signature instrument. And obviously a lot of my own opinions.
Happy Day in Hell
We basically get hit in the face with a classical Musical Number and get to know Charlie's dream and her musical style. Plus some small hints at Vaggie's background.
The music and the style is very reminiscent of Overtures from modern Musicals, which is very fitting.
Hell Is Forever
Already a callback to previous songs, but fast. Once Adam starts the genre switch to rock, which is Adam's signature style.
Before his guitar solo is a pretty nice reference.
The message is basically "Fuck you, I do what I want bitch"
Stayed Gone
Ah yes, the sexual tension /hj
The beginning is very rhythmical, controlled and straight (ha). Once Vox gets going it gets more swingy with repeated patterns. The quick parts show what a talker he is.
Alastor slides in and slowly takes the song over like in Hells Greatest Dad. Also the piano gets a bit more present once Alastor joins.
In the end Alastor completely took over.
It Starts With Sorry
At first this song seemed so random, but well. Now it makes sense.
When Sir Pentious starts singing, in the background there's a guitar mimicking snake Rattles.
Again a very Broadway song. I cannot get over that this again is Alex Brightman!
I love it.
Carmilla's theme is obviously Latin with a Spanish guitar. And Velvet's Hip Hop or at least something similar, not sure because not my type of music.
Zestials small part shows how adaptable he is.
Whatever It takes
Hopefully we get more songs with Zestial.
Again it starts with guitar, and turns into a amazing power ballad. It shows Carmillas passion and devotion to her family.
Veggies part on the other hand is so "weak". Which totally makes sense, since she is still so scared. We also get some hints again. In the background you can hear a kind of glockenspiel.
The duet makes now more sense. Daphne Rubin-Vega is crushing it, amazing voice.
Ah yes, the controversial song. Tbh stop, listen again and start thinking. Chill.
EDM seems to be Angel's genre which is so fitting.
The lyrics are heartbreaking. No, he is not glorifying his abuse, he doesn't know another way. Angel has given up, he is trapped. So the least he can do is have fun. He's already in Hell, so fuck it.
The last chorus. Ah! This is not Angel Dust, this is Anthony breaking down.
Loser, Baby
No one was prepared for this. Keith David could fuck me just with his voice, respectfully.
Husk's style is kinda idk, brass ig. But don't quote me on that.
The lyrics are perfect and so relatable.
Fun Fact someone on TikTok pointed out: Husk offers Angel his hand and only pulls him along when Angel takes his hand. We stan a gentleman.
Hell's Greatest Dad
Electro Swing! The title alone shows Lucifers Pride. And how much he cares about Charlie.
Again Alastor butting in to take control. God, he loves being that guy.
The violin solo, such a nice reference.
Headcanon: Mimzy waited for the perfect time to bust in.
More Than Anything
Ah yes, the midpoint dramatic ballad duet.
It's so boring but sweet. They harmonize so nicely. Who doesn't love a good healthy bonding song.
Also harmonies in this song a peak.
Welcome To Heaven
I know this voice! Blaine from Glee went to Heaven!
The style is so clean and fake, perfect. Also organ.
The lyrics are low-key petty. Also Molly?!
You Didn't know
Such a dramatic song, very musical end of act 1.
Love the switch when Lute starts singing, again with rock but much more controlled than with Adam.
Emily's theme is also very mousy in the beginning.
The callback to Hell Is Forever is so nice, the harmonies though...
Big reveal at the end. Adam is a Dick. (Hehe)
Out For Love
Heck yea! Carmilla centered song.
Very Latin and passionate, love it, still with a modern flair.
Tbh Carmilla is underrated.
Ready For This
You go girl! Again very Broadway.
Once the cannibals join in it gets more old-timey, which fits the period the Town is in. Really sounds like a cheery war song.
Rosie and Alastors dynamic is amazing, just two queer besties being their true self.
This song also gets us excited for the final battle and stills shows Charlie's anxiety.
More Than Anything (Reprise)
This was torture. Normally a Reprise is very telling, example Hamilton.
I was so scared for Vaggie. Still amazing song, good representation.
What an ending! I was in tears.
The little callbacks amazing, Lucifer being there for his daughter. Everyone supporting her now. It's really a perfect Finale song.
Vox and Valentino being gay and their usual self.
Alastor's part reaks of foreshadowing. No, Alturist is probably not his surname. And no, he doesn't really care about Charlie and Co, he is there for power.
Amazing music and storytelling. Perfect for the mental ill 18+ theater nerds.
The Living Tombstone are amazing! Listen to their music.
Looking forward to the next season.
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