sowa9 · 6 months
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scary-senpai · 9 months
blades and banter
Fandom: One-Punch Man
Genre: Humor, drabble, fluff
Summary: Iaian has an idea. Kamikaze has a better one.
For Wanpanmas 2023.
Prompt: Ugly sweater
“It’s impossible to swing a sword in this, let alone spar…" Kamikaze tugged at his crimson-colored pullover, embellished with ribbons and bells and a grinning llama. "And Silverfang really does this? Every Christmas?" "Every Christmas," Iaian nodded. His own jumper resembled a bedizened Christmas tree, sporting sequins and a lone star atop the hood. Kamikaze scoffed. “So they show up in hideous outfits and what? Make fools of themselves?” "They have dinner," his disciple said quietly. "Oh. That's what this is about." Silence from Iaian. From Kamikaze, a sly smile and a preposition: "Because that's not exactly a bad idea…"
[[it's a drabble, so--that's it! that's the story! here's a link to the ao3 version if you're inclined to read there--you can see my other stuff/other works in the series]]
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unfortunatelycake · 9 months
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Wanpanmas Day 5: Ugly Sweater
It’s a little known fact that Atomic Samurai can knit.
Even his disciples didn’t know.
Then he overheard Iaian talking about how impossible it was to find festive sweaters to suit his needs— “Master hasn’t taught us the method of cutting yarn. If I shorten a sleeve, it will unravel.”
So Atomic Samurai got out his yarns and a set of knitting needles, and set to work.
At Christmas, he handed Iaian his gift.
“Wow, Master,” said Iaian. “You really shouldn’t have.”
“Heh! Say nothing of it, Iai!” Atomic Samurai grinned proudly. He was certainly the best master!
So as to not leave his other disciples out, he knitted a gift for Okamaitachi and Bushidrill, too. With leftover yarn
Something for them to share.
Nobody has the heart to tell him that not only is a “get along scarf” not a thing, but if it was, it isn’t something for people who ‘get along’ as well as they do. ;)
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beileil · 1 year
WIP folder thing... Atoia Day 7 - Outclassed ?
(WIP folder ask game)
Certainly! I ended up publishing three fics for Atoiaweek 2022, specifically using the Day 1/2, Day 4, and Day 6 prompts. The Day 7 prompts were: AU/Free Day; distractable/excited; and "I didn't expect to see you here, that's all." Outclassed is the story I started writing for the Day 7 prompts but never finished. Unlike the other Atoiaweek fics I wrote, this one is multichapter. The doc is something like 10,000 words at this point. And yet! In that 10,000 words, I could not come up with an actual plot. 😅
Outclassed is a high school AU, but instead of focusing on the students, it follows the teachers. Kamikaze is a chemistry teacher starting his 10th year of teaching at City M North High School. (I wrote him as a chemistry professor in Chemical Reactions, too. Like for some reason I just find the idea of a guy called Atomic Samurai having a PhD in chemistry to be really funny and I will get as much mileage out of this dumb headcanon as I can.) Iaian, in this fic, is the brand new World History teacher, replacing Bang, who has retired. (Kamikaze makes a joke that Bang will be hard to replace because he's "old enough to have been around since the beginning of the world's history.") Kamikaze and Iaian have a meet-ugly where Kamikaze mistakes him for a student. (Though he does have the passing thought that wow, kids these days look so much older and world-weary than I was in school.) The next day when Kama introduces them in the teachers lounge, he has a Gay Panic Attack.
The first part of the story is a lot of 1)Kamikaze denying that he has a crush on Iaian and 2)Iaian initially being kind of cold to him but eventually warming up enough to start asking his advice on how to handle his students. Kamikaze is widely respected and well-liked by students and staff, and Iaian is....well. He's fresh out of college and barely older than the senior students, so he's overcompensating.
Eventually there's going to be a side plot about them sponsoring a kendo club together, but I haven't worked out the details of it.
Other teachers and staff include: Bushi (math), Kama (drama and public speaking), King (computer programming), Saitama (higher level math), [Tanktop] Master (gym and sports coach), Darkshine (weight training), Dr. Genus (biology), Mumen Rider (guidance counselor), Blast (principal...though he's seen so rarely that he's more of an urban legend to the students), and Tatsumaki (vice principal and the one who actually runs things). Maybe others as the story progresses. Bushi and Kama are of course married. Tatsumaki and King get a bit of a ship tease, as do Mumen and Tanktop Master (though honestly the latter could be seen as bromance).
There aren't that many teenagers in OPM so I took some liberties on who the students are. There's obviously the Shitty Teen Squad - Genos, Badd, and Garou - as seniors. Genos had to repeat his sophomore year due to a serious accident he got into, so he's a year older than his peers, but he's super smart and expected to be valedictorian. Badd is the star athlete on the football and baseball teams. Garou is the school's most infamous bully, though in recent years he's calmed down and now only beats up the other bullies. He's got a bit of a cult following among the freshmen. (There's a teensy bit of Batarou in the background. Though I don't really ship it, the scene where Garou asks Badd to prom was oddly one of the most fun to write!) Lily is a sophomore and in the very beginning of the story. Isamu and Zenko are freshmen. I'll share the scene with Zenko, because it's also one of my favorites.
Other fun things:
The school's mascot is the Watchdogs. The student in the mascot costume is very dedicated.
Bushi and Kamikaze are bffs and were in kendo club together when they were in high school.
Kama and Iaian, same thing, though they were a couple years apart.
Kama and Kamikaze are co-sponsors for the LGBT club.
The Shitty Teen Squad became friends in Kamikaze's class during their sophomore year, when there were an odd number of students for lab partners and they were forced to make a group of three. No one really understands this friendship.
Literally everyone, including the Shitty Teen Squad, likes to tease Kamikaze about his crush on Iaian.
Genos has a crush on Saitama, so he really has no room to judge.
Blast's son, Blue, goes to a rival high school because he doesn't want to deal with his dad as principal.
It's implied that the band teacher is Homeless Emperor and that he lives in the school.
Pig God is a cafeteria worker and everyone loves him.
Snippet under the cut quoted below (because the "keep reading" option keeps fucking up). This is a scene that takes place after Iaian starts warming up to Kamikaze and asks his advice. During one of his planning periods, Kamikaze decides to sit it on one of Iaian's classes to see what his teaching style is like. It's an honors class so the freshmen are well-behaved, but seem kind of bored.
A girl with short, jet-black hair held back in barrettes sighed heavily. She looked familiar, but all of Kamikaze’s classes were sophomore level or above, so it wouldn’t be because she was one of his students. Iaian stopped writing and turned around to regard her with a curious look. “Something wrong, Zenko?” That’s why she looks familiar! Kamikaze mused. Her older brother Badd never shut up about how proud he was of her. It was one of his few redeeming qualities. Kamikaze was a little excited to meet the famous Zenko. She was far better behaved than her rowdy sibling. “No, it’s just…” started Zenko. She seemed like she was trying to find the words to accurately explain her issue. “Like, were there any interesting women in history? And I don't mean the ones that have one sentence in the textbook that just say they were so-and-so's wife. It seems like all we talk about is men starting wars and signing treaties and starting more wars. It’s kind of boring.” A couple other girls nodded in agreement. Kamikaze smirked. He liked Zenko already. He did feel a little bad for Iaian, though. Hopefully he didn’t take her jab personally. Iaian raised his eyebrows and stood stunned for a moment. Then, his lips twitched upward into a huge grin. Well, that was interesting. He almost seemed excited at the callout. “Of course,” he said. “There were tons of badass women warriors throughout history. Unfortunately they tend to get overshadowed by their male counterparts…” He grinned wider at Zenko. “You want to learn about some?” The classroom instantly got more animated. The students’ faces lit up, especially the girls, although some of the boys seemed to perk up as well. “Yeah!” exclaimed a few of the kids, Zenko leading the charge. “Okay, well, we’re supposed to finish up this unit on the Habsburg Empire-” A couple of students groaned. “-but I’ll write up a quick summary of it next class,” Iaian finished, waving his hand dismissively. He hopped up to sit on the desk and folded his hands on his lap, i.e. The Cool Teacher Stance. Kamikaze was a little jealous. He didn’t master The Cool Teacher Stance until his second year.  “Alright, since we’re already talking about Spain, let’s start with the Order of the Hatchet. They’re one of my favorites. So, the Order of the Hatchet was an all-female order of militants in the 12th century that we’d now refer to as knights…” Kamikaze settled back in his chair, abandoning the papers he’d been grading so he could listen to Iaian. He couldn’t stop smiling. He had been worried about his junior colleague, but as he watched him now, waving his hands excitedly as he lectured (no, not lectured—told a story), his students now fully engaged, Kamikaze knew that Iaian would be just fine. As he found himself falling for the blond, he wasn’t sure if he could say the same for himself.
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atoia-crusu · 1 year
Chishiya ♥️
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lupines-slash-recs · 2 years
Rec: Drawing the Sword by vote-sensei
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Title: Drawing the Sword Author: vote-sensei Canon: One Punch Man Pairing: Atomic Samurai/Iaian; side of Okamaitachi/Bushidrill Rating: Teen [PG] Word Count: 12,232 Summary: After losing an arm in battle, Iaian nearly gives up on his swordsmanship training. But Atomic
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moon-drunk-monster · 1 year
Some Na'vi and recom oc stuff
Jager was on a mission to get samples for Linette. Plant and if possible live specimens from the polluted swamp area. Ako had returned to her dead home to retrieve something from her rotting spirit tree when she's spotted. Jager is bigger, 10ft, stronger and a fighter and has little trouble subduing her. There trip back is far more problematic when a giant river creature kills most of the human team and jager looses his gear in the escape
He now has to trek towards a base with a very reluctant Ako protesting the whole way. Her partner Atoai will be furiously searching for her.
Through the ordeal Jager and Ako bond a little, having playful banter and insulting one another. Jager mainly communicates through grunts or growls but does call her by her name after she insisted. Ako has a very positive outlook on life and trys to befriend Jager, despite not gelling with him.
Meanwhile Atoia is tracking close behind and would kill Jager on sight if they saw Ako getting dragged away. Without their ability to ride any mount theyre forced to follow on foot.
Atoai has a very close platonic relationship with Ako and views her as their life partner. Especially after they take in an orphaned na'vi to raise together.
Jager is very distressed being on his own but won't admit that to Ako. He's used to having people telling him what to do and is lost without Linette or another scientists direction.
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atoiaweek · 2 years
today is the first day of atoia week! here are the prompts:
Training / Battle
fierce; playful
"It'll be over before you know it!"
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ismeborax · 3 years
does kamikaze smoke bc the kiseru rlly fits him
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summersaigenos · 2 years
while we may have reached the final day, please don't let that deter you from joining! as i've said before, late participating is more than welcome.
anyway, thank you everyone who joined this little fanweek, and thank you even to those of you who just enjoyed it from the sidelines. i'm glad we got to share this together ❤️
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sowa9 · 9 months
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unfortunatelycake · 1 year
Flirting with the idea of writing more samfam fic. Which you know means kamabushi and atoia. Got a million and one other fics to write but I want more of them.
Got no ideas just want content. Gotta be the change I want to see, right?
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beileil · 2 years
Fic for @atoiaweek Day 4!
Summary: Two months after the attack on City A, Atomic Samurai discovers something interesting in his and Iaian’s Hero Association personnel files.
Atoia Week Day 4 Prompts: Misunderstandings / Secrets confusing; informative “We'd better talk about this.”
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atoiaweek · 3 years
atoia week is planned to start in about 3 weeks on august 8! (please do check out the blog or carrd for more information, such as rules and prompts!)
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ismeborax · 3 years
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decided to color this. its pretty quick and the colors r a bit muted. i also fixed iai’s eyes
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sowa9 · 9 months
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I like the idea of Iai calming him every time
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