#Atp soldats x reader
donshowmachine · 1 year
I shall request romantic scene:
agent reader with a bunch of soldats surrounding them, and reader thinks the soldats are going kill them.
But the soldats are like "date us or die"
That's all could i think of....the end
I can only imagine the soldats being aggressive when asking someone on a date
AMAZING request and taste, anon! :D i hope you will enjoy. <3 And i can also write sequel if someone ask ;D
Gender neutral reader, crying reader, bad english probably because im not native and don't have beta. 1K words. And soldats acting like agressive bullies and scare the hell outta poor reader, be cautious :D
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It was scary to apply to AAHW. You tried to calm yourself with thought that they shouldn't treat newbies bad if they're so desperate to recruit new workers, and promised payment at least good. But it's funny how because of the heavy schedule and the mere apocalypse in Nevada, You had nowhere to spend your money, and no time. When you understood this, you only was like "Aha. Good job, Auditor." And sarcastically applaused. You was bited, but at least you had "home", bed, food, no personal space, and... "Family", as many of agents called this military hell. They were born here, of course, technically clones here were genetically identical, so, siblings, and this is their real family, but you always wanted to scream: "WHAT'S SO FAMILYISH HERE, NAME IT?!"
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But you never will, because you would be the wrong one, and no one will understand you. "Wdym, Y/n, here is family dinner, family training, family dying. We're just amazing big family. Name one thing that isn't family here."
You always feel uncanny here. Not like life in Nevada wasn't crazy, but here it is crazier. You weren't ready. Not for schedule and physical trainings, but for how all other workers behaved. It was a crazy mixture of excessive friendliness, and complete disregard and disrespect, at one time.
The most scary part were ATP soldiers. They were trainers, and oh god, they were stern and loud. You started shaking, when they yelled at you at training sessions, and it happened everyday. Of course, your fear caused bad performance, more yelling for that, and it turned into self-repeating loop.
"I-i can't perform better when im s-stressed!" Finally you had determination to speak, barely holding on to trembling legs. The black glasses hid the fact that you were almost ready to cry, but not flushed face. The soldier looked at you with an unreadable, cold expression on his face.
"Oh, you poor little thing!" Soldat said sarcastically, approaching you obscenely close and caressing your cheek. You only felt worse from the touch. "You will poop yourself out of fright when you hear your own dying scream, BECAUSE IT WILL BE LOUDER THAN THAT! NOW CLIMB ON THIS WALL. NOW."
You wish you could quit, but the contract said that your whole life now belongs to AAHW. Aw crap. Oh damn.
ATP soldats never acted friendly, they sure had some arrogance and disrespect for all agents, they just show it passively. It would be weird if they could bond, since they're modified only for one purpose, they never socialised the way you are, and now you were Inadequate freak for your normalcy, because mostly everyone around you aren't. They're isolated in AAHW, like this is some kind of military sect.
Just the sight of their glowing yellow lens made you feel worse. And you haven't even met Hank yet!.. But you believed you would be less scared then, because Hank at least wouldn't yell in your ear and demand something from you...
But this is worked somehow. Now, you were training alone, without even those yellow lenses of hell glowing on your back... The big training rooms were so peaceful and calm when you're here alone. Of course, you were forbidden to sit back, and you were watched, but this was much better. Even if it wouldn't last long. Now You were next to the wall you jumped off. It was funny how many trainings is just climbing on ropes, walls, breaking windows from the outside, And, of course, the most unexpected and funny thing - crawling on ventilation.
Door is opened, and bunch of ATP soldats arrived. With weapons. They aimed their guns at you. They looked angry.
"...Good morning, Y/n." this was most threatening way to say good morning to someone.
"We have one topic for you." Started quietly one of them, still aiming at you. You heard him perfectly in eerie silence. Your uplifted hands trembled, and you couldn't say a thing, scared of possibility of being killed... If It was a possibility, and not your immediate future.
"Wh... What i did?"
"We noticed that you have feelings for us..."
...What? Why the hell they even would think so? Now you're more confused than scared.
"Wh-w-w... Why y-you would ever think so?" it sounded much more calm in your head.
"Look at you! Can't even connect two words, always shaking, blushing when you see us, avoiding us..."
From fear and from urge to cry. How they didn't understand that?!
"Even sobbing, because you think we are such an attractive men, who would just reject you when you confess, am i right? We are tired of waiting. DO IT NOW! DON'T PLAY SHY."
"No... It isn't... Like that! You completely misun..." You barely can talk, only sobing. "Misueueghhnghh... Misunderstood me!"
"We said CONFESS, NOT PLAY SHY." The soldier shot into the wall centimeters from your head. You squeak from surprise, and then burst in tears, unable to contain your voice. Soldat speaks again. "You played enough for us to get bored. If you're so timid to take next step, we will teach you HOW. CONFESS YOUR FEELINGS."
You cried, as you were trying to grab wall behind you, In order not to fall. You tried your best to confess your "love" that they imagined, with your messy breath and sobs. It turned out something like "i lu... Whhww... Hnnggh... I lov u..."
You screamed it at them, drowning in tears, your voice cracked like a teenager. It was it. The breakpoint. You couldn't feel worse now.
"Y-yes, sir!" You cried, as you fell to your knees, and hid your red mess face with your hands.
"Aww, look at them, they're so happy they can't even stand!" One ATP soldat whispered to other. "Aww. Look how defenseless and weak they are..." Soldats didn't know word "cute", so this is closest thing they had in their dictionary. If you had force to look at them, you will notice how yellow they became from your cuteness, no one aiming now. You can hear how they remove the guns, and walking closer to you. Now they're just covering you like snow on the asphalt, hugging, stroking you, bumping each other's elbows, silently, but agressively fighting for a territory where they can touch you. You sure now look like very upset christmas tree with all those yellow lights.
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idyat · 5 months
Overprotective Sanford x reader
They'll never hurt you again
Requested on Wattpad
Summary: The AAHW has captured you. That will not stand with your lover.
WARNINGS: Violent threats, torture, murder, lots of gore in general
...What time was it? You couldn't know inside your empty, dark, sealed of from the world room. Your ennemies had got you, the chances of you dying in terrible agony were at an all time high. Lucky for you though, they wanted to try and get some information out of you first.
"So, are you gonna talk?" The ATP soldat in front of you asked. But there was no way you were saying anything. Ever.
"Oooh playing tough huh? If you love staying quiet so much maybe you'd like to have your throat ripped out?" They threatened, pointing a knife towards said throat.
You couldn't do anything to fight either. Your arms, your legs, even your torso were strapped to a very uncomfortable chair. Judging by the look, it was electric too.
While you were dwelling on your thoughts, the soldat got a call through their earbud.
"Huh? Yeah don't worry I'm not actually killing them. Might cut the bitches tongue though. You guys do your jobs and make sure absolutely no one's breaking in okay? Okay."
They were probably serious about the tongue thing. Your body was already covered in cuts, burns and bruises.
But you knew your condition wouldn't last long. You knew he would just need to know about what was going on to bring hell upon these assholes and their base. Which is why, even through the pain you managed to smile.
"Oh? You're smiling now?" Your captor had focused back on you.
"What's making you so happy huh? Is there something funny going on on the wall?" They were baby-talking you and turned around to this time look at the wall in front of you with stupid movements. Idiot, they're only embarrassing themselves even more.
You suddenly got punched in the face real hard.
"Are you enjoying this, huh?! You like being hurt or do you like being annoying, you stupid brat?!" They continued to hit you as they yelled.
"Maybe you'll enjoy the stretchers even more then, you useless fu-"
The building's alarm suddenly went off. Filling every room with a flickering red light and ear-splitting ring.
"What the-" The soldat got once again interrupted, this time by the sound and sight of explosions, screams, and guts flying out not far from your own placement.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" You smiled even more at their panic.
Both of you knew that motherfucker was already dead.
One last explosion of your interrogation rooms door, and their body was already getting hooked from across the room, right before it was their heads turn to get crushed onto the ground. And when I say crushed I mean crushed. Brain and eye flying out and everything.
It would almost gross you out if you weren't concentrated on the hunk responsible for the carnage. Well, "hunk". At the moment all he was was terrifying. Blood and shadows covering his face with only the light of his sunglasses perceivable as he wiped out everyone in his way with horrid shrieks of agony.
He looked up before bolting towards you. Your heart almost stopped until you felt your face being grabbed and restraints being torn as if they were mere paper.
"Oh god, Honey are you alright?! Holy shit, what did they do to you..."
You could almost see the darkness fading away as he worringly yelled if you were okay.
"I'm definitely better now that you're here." You smiled, still panting from the pain and recent beating.
He finally destroyed all the straps connecting you to the chair before grabbing you and tightly, yet gently, hugging you.
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I took so long just look at what they did to my sweetheart..." Sanford's voice was trembling as he scanned over your wounds to make sure none needed urgent attention. It was quite funny honestly, to see such a murderous and sadistic man turn so nurturing within a few seconds, all for his lover. It's a very strong contrast for one person.
"Hey, Love, it's okay! You saved me in the end, isn't it all that matters?"
You gave him a kiss. "No buts Honey. It's all over now. Let's just go home."
He nodded before picking you up bridal style. No way he was going to let the love of his life walk with legs injured like that. He also took the time to get to the entrance (or to blow up a hole in the nearest wall) to comfort you and made sure you were ok physically and mentally. You were the one who just got kidnapped and tortured, there's no way he's the only one getting reassured!
You two eventually made it outside. To which your boyfriend suddenly stopped.
"...Uuh...I got here all by myself...Could you call Deimos to come pick us up?"
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offbrand-turntech · 2 years
Yandere! Hank J. Wimbleton x ATP engineer! Reader,,, another one
- [ ] Eyes flutter open as the Nevadian sun gleams red.
- [ ] The fire blanket amplifies the warmth to an uncomfortable degree, rustling the engineer below
- [ ] They look at the sun, only a few feet in the sky, at least from this angle. It’s an hour before roll-call and mandatory wake up time.
- [ ] At least they were early and not late.
- [ ] Happy, they fold the blanket, unwrinkle the cot’s fabric and packed their bag again
- [ ] Slinging the green duffel bag over their shoulder, zipping up the mandatory leather jacket over their black shirt
- [ ] The engineer looks out the window, to look at the red sunrise.
- [ ] They fail to see the outer windowsill, stained with bloody hand prints
- [ ] Lowering the mandatory mask that the people of their rank wear over their face, it’s time to leave the room for attendance.
- [ ] “Another day, another mission” said Sanford as they drive down the scarred road.
- [ ] Deimos on the passenger side and Hank in the backseat,
- [ ] Today, Doc told them to go to the nearest A.A.H.W building and to take what was most important to the organization.
- [ ] Their numbers
- [ ] Hank was ecstatic, he could not wait to get his hands on some grunt corpses, so much so he momentarily forgot about a certain engineer.
- [ ] About a half mile away from the building they stopped in order to survey the situation
- [ ] No walls around the building, but there was a truck stop and a fuel station, not much activity other then the occasional agent coming out to smoke or to guard the building
- [ ] Sanford and Deimos thought it was easy supplies but Hank thought otherwise,,,
- [ ] Saddling up with important equipment, they make hast to the building with the intent of slaughtering everything within its walls
- [ ] Killing the few agents that were outside they opened the door with a stolen ID
- [ ] The door flew open as the few other agents that were in the room started to attack, bullets and melee weapons flew through the air as the group mercilessly culled
- [ ] Once one side of the room was delightfully covered in red, Hank set off on his own, separating from Sanford and Deimos
- [ ] Bashing in the skull of a soldat, Hank let out a grunt of frustration. He wasn’t exhausted by any means he was just mad
- [ ] Why hasn’t His engineer showed their pretty little head yet?? He could’ve sworn this was the place they were stationed.
- [ ] A small explosion could be heard from the other side of the building, probably just Deimos blowing up some equipment, nothing out of the ordinary
- [ ] Hank was taken aback for a second,
- [ ] “If it’s an engineer’s job to fix broken equipment, and a piece of equipment was broken… It calls all the engineers”
- [ ] That revelation make Hank turn around immediately and book it to where the sound was heard.
- [ ] Peaking around the corner, Hank could see at least 4 ATP Engineers all talking and rewiring the broken machine, putting and pulling together pieces of it
- [ ] Dismayed, Hank didn’t know what to do. All of them looked the same, he didn’t know if his lovely was even in this small sample of people.
- [ ] But he would be reassured, because one of them perked their little head up and turned around.
- [ ] Making eye contact with him
- [ ] Quickly alarming the rest of the group, everyone dropped what they were doing and ran to the next room, but sadly you were not so lucky
- [ ] Hank grabbed the engineer by the collar, hauling them up to look at their face
- [ ] “Oh, for sure, this is my engineer”
- [ ] A sweet moan of pain, breaks the silence further solidifying Hank suspicions.
- [ ] Pulled to the chest, being suffocated by the black leather and cloth, He hugged you to the highest degree.
- [ ] Silently begging him to let you go, smacking the meat of his arm, he did…
- [ ] Only to shove you into a locker lining the wall, jamming the lock he cracked his neck turning to spread more carnage
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offbrand-turntech · 2 years
Yandere!Hank j. Wimbleton x ATP Engineer!Reader 2: electric bogaloo
- [ ] Hank was sitting on his bed, still thinking of you. He drew circles in his palm, tracing over the scars and wrinkles. He wanted his finger to be yours.
- [ ] Remembering the warmth that your small body brought to his, He regrets not taking you back to base.
- [ ] You were knocked out and it would’ve been so simple! But Sanford was tired and didn’t want to spend another minute away from home, and Hank (idiotically) agreed.
- [ ] But his hope of finding you again wasn’t completely squashed as he had something that would definitely help him find you again.
- [ ] Your name tag
- [ ] While he was exploring your body, he had found a Velcro name tag placed atop of your right bicep. Ripping it off and shoving it into his pocket.
- [ ] He didn’t know exactly why he did that but he thanked Jebus that he did.
- [ ] He basically threw himself off of his bed to the laundry basket in the corner of the room, pulling out the pants he wore that day.
- [ ] Hank digged through the pockets of his poor pants, but he found the patch. Cradling it in his hands, he felt it was an artifact of some kind
- [ ] The name tag had your serial number, a barcode and a 6 digit number that was supposed to be your name. This small patch wasn’t just a name tag, it had all of your personal information on it.
- [ ] You had reported that incident to your higher ups, the Soldats but you never heard back from them sooo, they probably discarded the incident report.
- [ ] Hey, at least you’re not dead! Too many of your fellow Engineers have lost their lives just because of raiders or other accidents that compromised the load.
- [ ] You’re glad that they decided to leave half of the load intact, you did get a good slap on the wrist but it’s better then death.
- [ ] Currently you’re serving detention, it’s not anything bad it’s just a forced break period after a compromised load was delivered. This one was two weeks long.
- [ ] Ugh, this would be a boring two weeks
- [ ] You laid down on a temporary cot, a few other grunts laid down as well, also serving detention.
- [ ] Unzipping your personal bag to pull out a fire blanket, coating yourself in it. Finally resting for the night.
- [ ] Someone else wasn’t sleeping though.
- [ ] Hank had managed to figure out where you were delivering to, it wasn’t hard. He just had to find a truck stop and pick your yours from the crowd. Which was easier said then done.
- [ ] But that doesn’t matter now, all that matters is that he’s here. Watching you sleep.
- [ ] You couldn’t fathom how much Hank just wanted to open the window (the lock was flimsy) and steal you away that night. But something told him he should wait
- [ ] Maybe it was the fact that there were other grunts in the room, and you would surely make noise if he took you. (He could easily kill them though)
- [ ] Ahhh~ you looked soo heavenly in your sleep he could barely handle it, hands twitching as he pulled them from the window sill
- [ ] He wanted to keep the cat and mouse game going on a *little* longer. He told himself as he reluctantly left the premises.
- [ ] He has no idea what spell you put on him, but he wants to ride this high for a little while longer
((I wrote this bc I still had ideas))
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