#Atreus rp
cryptiique · 1 year
in lieu of a proper promo, please welcome some new test muses: ATREUS, FREYR, HEIMDALL, AND ANGRBODA from god of war!
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                               “And All In The Shape Of Wolves.”
                          Rules Verses Headcanons Discord Main Blog
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pearlyheights · 1 year
Hello! I’m pearl and I’m looking to find someone willing to write as Atreus from God of War against my Oc! Absolutely willing to do double ups!!
For some background, I have experience in writing Atreus, Freya, Kratos, a little bit of Mimir, and Thor. However if you have other characters you’d prefer I can totally take my shot at them!
I’ve been roleplaying for 5+ years now, and seeing as I am 20, I’m only looking for 18+ partners to write with! No exceptions!
I maintain an advanced literate to novella writing style, usually anywhere between 5-10+ paragraphs per reply, third person and usually past tense. I expect more or less the same from my partners!
As for my oc, she is a half forest nymph, half god (Apollo)- I have a full character sheet and everything I can send for reference.
So yeah! If you’re interested, feel free to send me a message or leave a note or something!! :) Looking forward to writing with you ❤️
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savior-of-humanity · 6 months
@hymns-across-the-stars -- continued from here!
Atreus was no stranger to being lost in a foreign realm, with little - if any - means of getting his bearings regarding just where exactly he was. It was something he was accustomed to, really, especially given how far he had traveled and how many sights he had seen in his journeys through the Nine Realms and beyond. It usually didn't take him long to adjust to a new situation, to learn how to navigate both geography and conversations with any local peoples that lived there. But the place he found himself in now was unlike anything he had ever seen in his entire life. In every direction that the Jotunn looked and traversed, Atreus was surrounded by a sprawling labyrinth of ancient, worn metal; expertly constructed, yet weathered from wind and time. Even beneath the plant life that seemed to grow from almost every single surface of the complex, he could tell that the architecture and craftsmanship was utterly alien to him. Not to mention, given just how far the tunnels and shafts that made up its depths went, no civilization he knew of could've made such a massive complex. And yet, there was no sign of any people living here...
...well, except for the creatures that called this maze home.
Many were just as alien as the labyrinth itself, though they held similarities to other creatures Atreus had seen before; multi-colored lizards the size of dogs, roving packs of spiders, enormous armored centipedes, and too many other little things to list off. He swore he saw a glimpse of what looked like some sort of enormous bird-like creature soaring above, but given the huge towers that reached up to the heavens and obscured the sky almost totally, it disappeared just as quickly as he'd spotted it. Survival wasn't too difficult, which was largely due to the relative abundance of both safe food and drinking water; but as the sun eventually began to approach the distant horizon, he knew he'd have to find shelter for the night. There was no telling what sort of nasty critters would come out in the dark, after all - but the abrupt noise of some distant commotion snapped Atreus out of his thoughts of finding a place to hunker down. Atreus paused and listened; normally, he'd avoid it entirely as it'd usually just be a scuffle between some big lizards, but there were no snapping jaws, guttural snarls, teeth digging into skin and flesh. What he could hear insisted solely of ghastly shrieks and what he could only describe as small explosions. Logic dictated that he should ignore it and keep looking for shelter while he still had daylight - but something about it urged him to go, to look. And look he would. It'd taken him a while given how long and winding the passages of the labyrinth's underbelly were, but eventually he'd crawl out of a vent overlooking a small ledge to spot the source of the once-distant battle. There were two creatures that were of immediate interest to Atreus; one was a huge, gaunt and avian-looking creature, much like the one he had spotted a glimpse of earlier in the day. Its hostile gaze was locked upon the other individual; a small red-furred creature resembling some strange cross between a mollusk and a cat. And, based on the way they not only held their body posture but also wielded a spear, Atreus immediately guessed that the little thing was not only intelligent, but also exhausted from a previous fight. He didn't hesitate to notch an arrow into the string of his bow, draw, and then send it flying straight at the tusked face of the bird-beast. In that moment, Atreus learned two things; the first was that the skull-like face of the "bird" was not a face but rather a mask. Through a stroke of luck, the arrow had hit at just the right angle to dislodge it from the creature's true face, sending it clattering to the overgrowth below. The second was that this also happened to piss it off. Severely.
He didn't wait for its response - already he had leapt from the ledge to the ground below, landing into a roll to minimize potential injury from the impact, before he jumped back to his feet and began to run like Hel to the closest semblance of safety. Which, coincidentally, happened to be in the general direction of the red-furred spear wielder. "GO!" He had no idea if they could understand him or if they could even speak, but he hoped that at the very least, the urgency and volume of his voice would spook the creature into fleeing as well. "RUN! RUN! I HAVE ITS ATTENTION!" He knew that because he could literally hear it coming after him with those huge beating wings. All he could really do was hope that he was faster than it was.
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rhythmsmith · 11 months
Shouting into the void but I have been thinking about a ‘Faye Lives, but Kratos dies’ style au for Atreus…
Specifically I blame my Atreus cosplay from Halloween week, but in short the concept stems from an Atreus who took more after kratos in hair and eye color, and eventually learns to wield the blades of chaos in order to honor his father- alongside his bowman skills. Something something loosely following gow2018 but they go to Greece, something probably Ragnarök comes to pass alongside some post Ragnarök stuff
Most likely this verse is gonna be tied loosely to the Fawn Bear Wolf Falcon verse, since inherently all my aus fics tend to exist in the same grander universe…. Just parallel realities stuff, though I mean loosely bc the timelines might ultimately converge to some other fic in the future
(,,,, might mess around and use this as an rp idea too if anyone is interested in me yelling more about this au and plotting together)
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theruntwolf · 9 months
still looking to be Atreus in a literate roleplay!!! can be gen, mxm if you have a male oc<3 i have a few headcanons of him being bigender so please only queer people!!!
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sergiusreports · 1 month
For Old Time's Sake
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For a voidsent, Zilmat talked a lot. For anybody, Zilmat talked a lot and Sergius couldn’t decide if he was making up for lost time, had a quota to fill, or just had grown comfortable enough with his presence. Rising had stuck the nervous creature in the library because he had kept Jackal’s own collection of tomes in order and with that no longer an option, due to the man’s untimely death, she had brought him to Heartwood because she felt sorry for him. Or had inherited him. Sergius wasn’t quite sure. What he did know, because Rising had tasked him with the duty, was that he was supposed to keep an eye on the small voidsent and keep him out of trouble. 
So far, all Zilmat wanted to do was read, tell Sergius about what he read, and put the shelves in order according to his own cataloging system. A project Sergius was currently helping with because, what the hell else was he going to do? 
While Zilmat continued rehashing the latest book he’d read, Sergius backburned his main audio feed and played Rhua’s recent message through his system again. 
"Hey…Fireworks just went off near my apartment balcony. So I guess... it's beach season again right?...Would...Would you like to gather up and watch one of the night's fireworks? Just for old time's sake. It's... Well. It's fine if you're still busy. Well... Uhh... Good luck with work if it was too much."
He’d already listened to the message more than he’d ever admit to, had sifted through the audio channels and deciphered every shift in Rhua’s tone, every blank space and if Sergius had to point to a picture to describe how he felt after each listen, he’d pick a wet blanket, crumpled on the floor. 
“You’re not listening.” Zilmat had caught on. 
Sergius didn’t bother to reply. 
“You’re doing that thing where you tune me out.” He sighed, his enthusiasm draining from his rotund body. 
Just to be an ass, Sergius recited the last (lengthy) set of sentences the voidsent had uttered. It wasn’t that he wasn’t listening, it was that he didn’t care. Which, he learned, was not something you said aloud. Even to a small voidsent. Even if it was true. Which seemed stupid to him, everyone going around lying to each other half the time, feigning interest where it didn’t exist but apparently that was what passed as acceptable social interaction.
Zilmat, however, took his dry recitation as permission to continue and from one of his drone feeds Sergius watched the creature’s little wings flit in excitement. 
“Ah! Yes! S-so then we come to the crux of the story’s dilemma, which is…”
Maybe Sergius should share Rhua's voice recording with Zilmat, get his opinion, and get a real case of the blind leading the fucking blind going. Maybe he should also just stick his hand in a live electrical current. Both ideas held the same amount of merit.
The problem with Rhua’s prior admission, the thing that had sent him all but running back to Heartwood like the star’s greatest coward, wasn’t Rhua at all. 
It was that all he could think of, all he could see was Lucian, framed against the halo of rooftop lights and swirling snowflakes, a look of disappointment stamped across his face as he teetered on the ledge, the cusp of the moment right before he tipped back and let himself go over the edge.  
“I think I owe you an apology. I’m sorry, Sergius. I’m sorry I ever created you. You were a mistake.”
As far as final words went, they were as messy and obliterating as a hollowpoint round. 
Because he didn’t say it was the act of creation that was a mistake or even that Lucian himself was to blame. No. It was him. Sergius. He was the mistake. He was the problem. He was the thing to regret.
And it wasn’t as though Lucian was wrong. Scrolling back through his logs was like looking through a greatest hits collection of the variety of ways Sergius fucked things up. Losing Lucian was just the biggest one and after the resulting cascading systems failure Sergius experienced, it was just one shining example after another that had led him here. Standing in Heartwood’s library, staring at the reorganized shelves, playing nanny to Jackal’s book-loving voidsent because the creature made some members of the company uncomfortable. Welcome to the club. 
Point being, he had hard evidence that he was neither equipped or capable to handle any interaction messier than the basics required to get a job done.
Obviously, he couldn’t accept Rhua’s invite. He had screwed that up enough and he could never be what she wanted him to be. She didn’t get that yet but she would. Better to rip that bandage off now. While Zilmat excitedly chatted on, he recorded a reply:
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. They have me on babysitting detail. I hope you manage to get a good seat for the fireworks.” 
There were probably several things wrong with his message, dry brevity for one, but analyzing it wasn’t going to make it better. At the very least (and we’re talking lowest bar possible, here), he hadn’t made a pile of sorry excuses. Surprise, surprise, that did nothing to stop him feeling like shit as he sent it out. 
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asoothingmelody · 10 months
I craaave God of War roleplay
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lettersnorth · 10 months
Lend a Hand
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In light of Heartwood’s…unfortunate state of affairs, the workshop had become a de facto hub for anything that might need some sort of power source. The bank of generators and aetheric cells were designed to resist a lengthy outage, redundant systems left in place by a paranoid Florus once upon a time. Now a myriad of cables ran this way and that across the shop floor, a veritable rabbit warren resisting any of Aislinn’s attempts to corral them into order.
Sergius currently leans idly against the workshop’s large terminal, his synthetic gaze silently following Aislinn around the room as she steps over cables, ducks under wiring in a weird, complicated dance as she goes about trying to get things ready. She’s not speaking but she’s obviously thinking because she bites her lip and squinches up in her eyes in a way that said whatever had crossed her mind had her suppressing an emotion.
He logs the expression but doesn’t ask her what caused it.
N'yami came stomping through the halls of the Heartwood estate, more or so walking so fast to the point it looked like running. It was project time! Once the door was in sight the Seeker kicked it open, and gave a small salute to the two in the room already. "Heyo! I'm ready to start bulidin' and blow som--little too early for that nevermind." She paused once noticing Linn was pacing. "Yer goin' to carve out a path with all that pacin'. Do ya need a snack? Or did ya drop somethin'?"
Yayaji Yaji absolutely was running in order to keep up with the hyperactive Miqo'te, though she would be lying if she said she wasn't also feeling the excitement. Building robot arms was her favourite! So many cool knickknacks that can be shoved up in there, and Yaji was planning on shoving them all. "Hello hello! What a wonderful day to be back in the Heartwood estate!" Yaji cheers, despite the wreckage they had just passed. "It is wonderful to meet you both! Quite wonderful!"
Professor Meowitzer putts in the air behind her, examining the room carefully with mechanical eyes that eventually fall on Sergius... and stay there. It's mouth opens and a gutteral <ME-OW> is released, prompting Yaji to pat it on its head happily
Sergius and his ever present drones seem to swivel as one to the door as it’s kicked open and N’yami announces herself. Aislinn is weaving her way back to the drawing board and doesn’t appear startled by the noise, she only flicks her gaze at Yami with a slight smile as she leaves her thoughts. “Hmm? No. No, just…trying to clear things up. Mind the cables. And the wires. Just…be careful.” She says as she wipes down the drawing board. Best to start with a clean slate for this. Her motions do halt, however, at the sound of the new voice. “Ah. Good to meet you, miss…” She trails off but then shakes her head. “I’m Aislinn. Glad to have another head in on this project.”
Sergius doesn’t feel the need to add anything. As far as he was concerned, Aislinn had the social exchanges covered.
"Yayaji Yaji, enchante! My wonderful friend slash boss has told me much about you Miss Aislinn, though she did not mention you had beauty to match the brains!" Yaji says, flashing her best business lady smile, then turns to Sergius. "And you as well good sir! You have an air of mystery about you, perfect for the debonair type that I'm positive you must be. The Professor seems quite taken with you! Do you like cats?"
N'yami made a beeline for Sergius. "Boop." She said while reaching up to boop him on the nose then going straight to Linn at the drawing board. "So what's goin' through that brain of yers? Are we puttin' a gun in it? A hidden blade!?! Wait...maybe we should start with the metal that we're usin'. I heard this guy is havin' a kid so we gotta figure out the part of havin' the metal mimic his body temperature. Oh! Gotta worry about rustin' too!" Some of Yami's ideas spewed out in a word vomit. She was talking so fast, and no she didn't have coffee or sweets before this. "Should we make it so it can detach? Man, I'd pay to see him pull his arm off and beat the shit out of someone with it."
Aislinn blinks at Yaji’s silver-tongued flattery. Aside from a certain roguish pirate, it wasn’t something that had often been turned in her direction. “Um. Yes. Well, thank you?” Sergius, for his part, stares blankly at Yaji. “I don’t have an opinion on them.” He tells her, cutting through her chatter and addressing the question. He does this while swiping an arm out, seeking to guide N’yami’s boop off to the side before it can reach him. 
“Right.” Aislinn steps back from the board and takes a breath. She tilts her head at Yami’s ideas. “Knife. That’s interesting. Maybe? Probably not a gun.” She stops and clears her throat. “As I’m sure you all know, we’re here to see what we can do to create a prosthetic for Yakih’ra. One that will allow, as much as possible, for him to regain sensation, which means connections to the nervous system. And…if possible something waterproof that will resist rusting.” She glances at Yami, her lips quirking up in a smile. “Then. We can see what we can do about weapons. You all have various experience with this kind of thing so I’m thinkin’ that putting all our heads together will be Yakih’ra’s best shot.”
N'yami’s tail whipped with excitement behind her. "Buildin' the arm is a different thing for me but actually settin' up the wirin' with the nerves is somethin' I won't know too much about, what wires would we use for that? I assume you and Ma will be doin' the attachin' of that?" She asked with a raise of a brow towards Linn. "Don't think ya want me in the surgery room. We should also make a piece that covers the part where he lost his arm, little detatchment part. Plus if a wire needs to be replaced pop that bad boy off and take a look under the hatch see what's goin' on. Hm...gotta worry about water gettin' in there."
Yayaji Yaji: "You're all in luck! As a matter of fact, I have built a prosthetic arm before for a fierce pirate during my time in the roguish city of Limsa Lominsa! Of course, that arm exploded a few weeks into use, but that was on purpose and I was long gone by then! I'm sure the fundamentals remain the same!" Yaji explains proudly, meanwhile Professor Meowitzer putts on over to Sergius and begins rubbing its cheek against his leg. The sound of grinding gears can be heard from inside its metallic frame, vaguely reminiscent of purring
Something flits across Sergius’ expression, barely noticeable before the blank wall smoothes back into place. “Connecting a prosthetic into whatever nerve endings remain is painful. They have to be awake to facilitate alignment between the biological and mechanical systems.” At least, that had been his experience with Rhua. Aislinn shoots Sergius a troubled look at hearing that particular bit of news, but then nods to Yami “Aye, we should try and make any maintenance or repair issues easy to navigate.” 
She begins drawing a rough schematic on the board. Sergius stares down at the mechanical cat but curiously, doesn’t stop it from doing what it’s doing. “Hell if I know about waterproofing. It’s better to start out with a water resistant metal and figure shit out from there. You’re going to want Allagan wootz and that’s not cheap.”
“Right. Well. No built in explosions, this time.” Aislinn says in reply to Yaji, without halting her drawing as she speaks. “That would be…counterintuitive.”
N'yami Synch: "Well let's hope this arm doesn't blow up! That would fuckin' hurt like hell. Just think yer walkin' along one day and BAM. Arm blows up!" Her ears perked up at Sergius' comment. "Never fear! I know where to get allagan wootz from! Well, gotta see if the old man will allow me to have some of his supply but in this type of situation I don't think he'll say no. I'll use the puppy dog face on him, then have Yaji steal it while he's distracted."
Yayaji Yaji gives N'yami a thumbs up before addressing Aislinn again. "Come now, I would *never* give an exploding arm to a friend! However, what are the patient's opinion on gadgets? Any weapons of choice? I've been tinkering with this flamethrower device you see, and..." Yaji is cut off as Meowitzer lets out another <ME-OW> as it looks up towards Sergius. "Oh ho! The Professor really likes you! Careful now, it has a habit of spontaneously combusting when it gets too excited!"
Sergius studies Yami as if he can’t decide if she’s serious or not. His drone drifts towards Aislinn and circles around to check her expression but no, she didn’t look like she was laughing at anything Yami said. Instead, she looked relieved. “Oh good.” She breathes. “That should shorten the timeline up if we already have the metal on hand. If he’s upset, tell him we’ll replace it. It’ll just take some time for my source to make a run.”
Sergius’ attention returns to the cat as he attempts an exploratory ping. Did the creation even have that functionality?
Aislinn passes Yaji a subdued look, recalling Yakih’ra’s explosive rants in the midst of his turmoil. “He…wouldn’t be opposed to weaponry. I question how healthy that might be in the long run but…” Aislinn trails off. Because wasn’t that just the pot calling the kettle black? There had never been a moment she had regretted what she had done in vengeance. 
N'yami was 100% serious about stealing the wootz from her old man. "No worries, I'll take the fall for anythin' related to that so if he asks none of ya had anythin' to do with it." Her ears perked. "Flamethrower would be a nice touch!" Yami took an extra marker and started writing off in the corner a list of supplies they'd need, and features that came to mind to be added. "Alright, gonna start makin' a shoppin' list. What else we needin'?"
Professor Meowitzer is absolutely not designed for spontaneous combustion, however the sheer amount of explosives and weaponry that had been stuffed inside the small cat chassis was definitely a fire hazard. The bot seems to reply to the ping as well, starting to fly circles around Sergius excitedly. Yaji however was too busy thinking up what cool new weapons could be placed into a robotic arm. "Ah, revenge! The perfect motivator for innovation! Now, ah, perhaps we should talk finances? Who will be paying for all this work, and how much exactly?"
“He’s angry right now. He has a right to be. Cultists attacked his home and took his arm. I’m thinkin’ he’s dealing with a lot right now.” It was an understatement and Aislinn knew it. A lot of guilt. A lot of wanting to do something about it. A lot of wanting to get even. And damned if she didn’t understand that perfectly. At Yaji’s assumption of payment, Aislinn tilts her head to Yami. “This was trauma dealt on the job. Your boss will send an invoice to Heartwood.”
"Wonderful!" Yaji declares with a grin and clasps her hands together. "Judging by the impressive stature of your estate, that must mean your boss will only want the very best! Yami and I shall deliver exactly that, have no fear, young Yakih'ra will be most definitely get all the revenge his wonderful heart desires!"
"Never fear Yaji! It'll be a nice Starlight bonus for the Synch forge!" She grinned at the lalafell. "From the damage I've seen around the estate I can imagine that he's out for blood. Revenge does crazy things to ya, hopefully he doesn't fall too far into it." She thought it over for a moment as if thinking about shit she's done in the past related to revenge. "Annnnyyywwaaayyysss." Her ears flicked as her brain went back to focusing on the arm that needed to be made. "We'll get this all sorted for him, with us four workin' on it Yakih'ra will be back to normal in no time. He'll just be 15% metal is all." She shrugged like it was a normal thing.
Sergius’ system makes a handshake with cat-bot’s own and begins to make an ID query. “That’s not what Aislinn meant.” He stated right on the heels of Aislinn’s own sigh of “That’s not what I meant. Don’t load this arm up with all the bells and whistles he needs to go and get himself killed. He’s a desperate hand looking for a gun.” She turns her gaze to Yami. “I can do the intricate biometric wiring that’ll need to feed into his nerve endings. The connectors are going to be touchy.” 
She cut a glance to Sergius. “No need to reinvent the wheel, can you get me schematics for the connectors on Rhua’s arm?” There was a fraction of silence before Aislinn’s terminal on the bench beeped. “Sent.” He told her. Aislinn turned back to Yami and nodded. Then, because she thought it might bear repeating. “No flamethrowers. Not yet. We can always modify it after Yakih’ra’s in a better headspace.”
N'yami looked between Aislinn and Sergius then she heard the beep. How did he do that? "Hold on, are we not gonna talk about how Sergius sent you files without movin'? How in the hells did he do that?" Her gaze locked onto Sergius. "Aislinn's right though, should wait on the weapons till everythin' is settled. Don't need him settin' off one of the weapons when he doesn't even know how to function the arm yet." She said all this without shifting her gaze.
Yayaji Yaji sighs and shrugs. "Fine, fine, the customer is always right I suppose! We will defer to your expertise, my lady!" Yaji says with a polite and sweeping bow. Meowitzer meanwhile pings Sergius back. <Designation: Robon|\|//PROFESSOR MEOWITZER COPYRIGHT YAYAJI YAJI DO NOT STEAL|//\?yan>. It then curiously pings Atreus back for his ID
Sergius shifted his gaze to somewhere in N’yami’s vicinity. “All this aether magic shit people do around here and -that’s- the thing that trips you up?” he returns. Through his feed with Professor Meowitzer, he shoots a reply //Sergius-IV.// It seemed anything else about copyright wouldn’t be forthcoming. “That’s another good point.” Aislinn said, moving along as if Sergius wasn’t the oddity in the room. “It’s going to take time for Yakih’ra to learn his new arm. If we do our job right, physically, the arm should sync with the body quickly after the connection is made but mentally, it’s going to be an adjustment.”
Yayaji Yaji: "Aside from working hard to ensure the tactile sensors are properly attuned, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to help in that regard. The boy will need someone to talk to for certain, perhaps someone with experience of wearing a prosthetic. I am sure that won't be too difficult to find amidst this rabble of adventurers though!"
N'yami: "Sure is!" Even with his grumpy attitude it didn't stop the Seeker from wanting to befriend the grumpy man. "You'd be surprised at the amount of weird ass aether I've run into." She made a disgusted face at past memories of people she's run into. "Yyeeeppp." And back to focusing on Linn. "We'll have to do some physical therapy with him, well, whatever you want to call it. Might have to make adjustments when it's attached so it feels comfortable." She thought for a moment. "Only person I've known with a prosthetic is Nys but that's just her eye. So I'm out of options for ya."
Aislinn hums in thought as she studies the board, turning Yaji and Yami’s words over in her mind. “I don’t know of anyone with a prosthetic either.” She frowns. Sergius may have been a machine but there wasn’t anything biological about him. But he did know someone like that. The viera that had dropped in while Aislinn was repairing him out in Garlemald. Even as she carefully edged her attention his way she could feel the foreboding rolling off him in waves like he had already pegged her intention. So that was a ‘no’. She sighed. “I know you both will put it through its paces before you bring it here but the sooner we get this going, the sooner we might soothe a bit of Yakih’ra’s mind. We’ll just have to help him figure it out in lieu of anyone with any real experience being where he is.”
Aislinn turns one of her barely-there smiles on Yami and Yaji. “G’lewra and I can handle that. If you can both handle the engineering part.”
Professor Meowitzer suddenly stops its rushing around, bringing its little arms up to its neck like its choking. Horrible noises arise from its throat, coughing and retching before finally tilting forward and barfing up a... grenade. There is a moment's pause, but thankfully the pin remains inside and Yaji walks over with a sigh. "I told you, if you rush too much you'll cough up a hairball! You never listen to me!" She sighs as she plucks the grenade up and pops it into her pocket.
"Whatcha say Yaji? Time to pull our famous all nighters? And totally not steal somethin' before headin' home." She watched Meowitzer cough up the grenade as if it was a normal every day thing. "Don't worry, Linn! We'll handle the engineering part! We may call with questions though but other than that we'll let ya know what we come up with."
Sergius watches the exchange as Yaji pockets the grenade and he backburns the alert that went off in his systems. “That seems like a design flaw.” He states.
"You must really like this one to be so riled up." Yaji gives the cat a pat on the cheek, earning herself a <ME-OW> before something more is output from the robot's mouth, this time appearing to be a small slip of paper. "Hmm?" Yaji accepts this, reads it over for a moment, then pauses... "...Hmm." She repeats again, but in a different tone, and looks up to Sergius. "My dear... Has anyone told you how beautiful you are..?" She speaks, sounding actually genuine in her compliments for once.
The little lalafell barely cleared Sergius’ knees but that didn’t stop his proximity protocols from threatening to go off as she approached him. There was a tonal shift in her voice he couldn’t identify. Her question appeared to stymie him. He immediately shifts to Aislinn for assistance but she’s already lost in designing the delicate wiring roadmap that will be needed to make contact with what remained of Yakih’ra’s nerve endings. “I’m going to go with no.” He tells Yaji, unable to make eye contact with her. To be fair, he didn’t make eye contact with anyone really. “I’m going to get back to repairing the clinic.” He states. Aloud. In case anyone was wondering.
Yayaji Yaji: "Oh my... My dear... This is truly a crime, for your beauty has truly swept my heart into an uproar... Please, allow me to assist with your efforts to repair the clinic! I am... er, certain the Professor would like to spend more time with you!" She insists, the robotcat giving an approving <ME-OW> from behind her
N'yami’s gaze shifted to Aislinn and then back to the two in front of her. She was finding this rather amusing.
Oh hell no. There’s a measurable spike as his systems plot an escape from having to deal with any more interaction he didn’t have the bandwidth to parse. This time, Aislinn does seem to pause long enough to attempt to intercede on the poor A.I.’s behalf. “Yaji, I think we need your talents with building this prosthetic. This is a tight deadline.”
"Hm? Oh. Well. I suppose that is why I'm here." Yaji says, sounding saddened. The soot-covered Lalafell offers one more bow for Sergius, "Until next we meet then, my dear. It was truly a wonder meeting you." She says, then begrudgingly rejoins Aislinn and N'yami's brainstorming session
Aislinn cuts a meaningful glance to Serigus. He was free to go. And go he does, making a rapid exit out the door. “He’s a touch anti-social.” Aislinn murmurs as she turns back to the board. That might have been the largest understatement Aislinn had ever made. And she made them in droves.
N'yami: "What a nice fellow."
Aislinn snorts as if N'Yami had just made a joke
Yayaji Yaji nods a few times absent-mindedly, then leans in to N'yami only after Sergius had left for the clinic. "Er... Yami, I may have need for your advice when we get home. I appear to be in love."
N'yami: "I will give you all the advice you need!"
Aislinn's marker streaks wildly off course on the board. "Wait...what?"
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dantedemorium · 11 months
god of war mpreg Rp
looking for a 1x1 god of war 2028/Ragnarok roleplay. I'm 21+ and my partner must be 18+. I reply daily and am exceptionally literate. My partner's do not need to perform to my standard. The rp will be plot driven with liberal use of smut. My primary kink is mpreg with preference for a consistent casual experience not entirely sexual.
Main pairing I'm searching for is Kratos/Atreus. There will be angst about the taboo of their relationship but I prefer things work towards a supportive dynamic where they find the relationship is good for them.
Two possible plots below with samples under the keep reading.
A cannon divergent god of war 2018. Looking fore someone to play kratos. Upset by grief of faye's passing Atreus crawls into his father's bed for comfort and fucks his dad in a desperate bid for love and touch. The next morning they find Atreus's belly has swollen with child magical matured to eight months. Kratos must avoid the truth of their godly blood while protecting his son in his who is now more encumbered that ever. Atreus is yearning for the love and touch his father won't show him. Desperate to prove his worth he is at odds with his swollen belly and it's wiggling cargo.
post Ragnarok Atreus doesn't leave and returns home to rebuild with his father. Looking for someone to play Atreus. Each night he wanders to his father's bed passed by the need to feel the drum of his heart and know he's alive. One such time struck by teen hormones Atreus fucks his father and loses his virginity unleashing a wave of magic. The next day they find the wolves and fenrir heavy with pups but are sure the consequences end there. Three moons later feeling unwell kratos finds he has become pregnant by his son. The old spartan has reservations about this. Conservative spartan teachings and his age haunt kratos. Atreus could not be more happy fawning over his father's growing belly and vibrating with excitement over being an older brother.
Like this post so I can contact you or DM me and we can discuss.
1) The cold is beginning to seep into the cabin as summer falls to autumn. The night is deep and dark with the fire in the Hearth nothing but dull embers. Despite the time Atreus lies awake looking up to the lofty darkness and counting each rumble of breath from his sleeping father a few feet away. The cabin feels large. Impossibly large in a way it never has before. Before when it was three. Mother lies delicately wrapped in the shroud she spent months crafting. She takes up their one table, but she's not really there. Her breath is absent, her warmth is gone pulling in a chill that sinks into his young bones. Atreus stand up from bed letting the furs that cover him slide off onto his mat. What little of Mani's light that can slip through the thatch renders him in a sickly tone. Skin too pale and freckles to stark as the spot his face. Limbs too thin with bony joints that stick out strongly.
Atreus creeps close to his father's cot over old boards dreading every groan of the wood. Under dark bear fur his father lays on his back unmoving. Only the subtle up and down of his breathing shows. No movement even as Atreus lifts the furs with small fingers sliding in as warm air rushes out. His father is solid not soft as he hoped. It doesn't matter. He curs into the heat melding into the curves of his father's side and placing his head under fur on the meat of his father's chest where he can hear the drum beat of his father's heart and let heat fill his hollow chest.
2) His son has been touchy lately. It had started when Kratos returned to the snow sodden shell of his home alone. To rebuild or collect the wolves and lay the poor hutch to it's final rest he did not know. In the wooden carcass he found his son perched solemn and silent upon his old cot dusted in snow that failed to mute the red rim of his eyes. Atreus had flung himself into his arms. A tight desperate hold while the boy babbles apologies. For leaving, for not leaving, for coming back, for not having the strength. Kratos holds him . Fits the boys head under his chin and holds him tight till the tear tracks are tacky. The first night they spend together huddled in the Valkyrie chamber over the cliff. It's the same. Sharing one bed room to ward of the snow which is melting fast but not fast enough. They clear the snow and down comes the broken walls. Atreus with a bright and clever fervor explains to him dwarven building techniques. They can build a bigger, better home.
It starts when Kratos begins to fell trees. Atreus's slim finger edges hand wrapped around his father's thick bicep guiding him though he doesn't need it. He indulges his son. In battle he's constantly using his father's shoulders as a spring board. Leaping and twirling in deadly dramatics like a fanciful bird performing a mating display. But it's only ever the two of them.
By the time the cellar is dug Atreus weasels his way into sole possession of his father's razor. With no mirror and Mimir absent grooming has been waylayed. No longer. Atreus takes his father's face in his nimble hands every new full moon and scraped the Ill gotten hair from Kratos's face with fine movements. Kratos does not take the razor back. Atreus delights in the practice and Kratos has always cared less for his grooming.
When the first floor is done, there will be a second. Because his son asked for it they start bathing together. Something Kratos hasn't done with his son since he was eight summers and the gulf between them reached it's widest. His boy is still pale like his mother, but new constellations of freckles cross his fallow belly. He does not shy from his father's gaze instead Atreus stretches cat-like and with a slowness when he finds his father looking. The boy latter's his father's beard and skin. Kratos works a whit froth in his son's hair. Something blooms between them but what?
On the last day of thatching his son brings him excitedly to the second floor. For the moment it's empty. Yet when he looks kratos finds a noble four post bed. On high feet to ward the rats and piled with furs. A gift from son to father. For what he does not know? That night they both crawl under the furs. It seems ignoble to leave Atreus to his old cot on the first floor. So they climb into the bed to big for one person. "It is nice. Well made" He says for what else can he say for this gift,for his son's hard work.
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ofluckandmagic · 9 months
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A young man made his way through the Wildwood’s winding paths. He had lanky limbs and strong features. His auburn colored hair was styled in a mohawk he’d adorned since his youth, he had blue-green eyes. He had scars across his left cheek and eye, small thin jagged lines. It had been nearly four years since Atreus left with Angrboða after Ragnarök, in an attempt to find the remaining Jötunar. A journey, which had taken him all over the Nine Realms and beyond them.
He stood about 6’0 now, and was around 18 years old. It felt like just yesterday he’d bid father goodbye, and yet, here he was, back home again. Well, close to home, at least. He was trekking towards the Protection Stave, hoping that when he returned to the cabin back home, father would be there. His ears caught the sound of something up ahead, so he was on edge.
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ladyseidr · 1 year
@ofluckandmagic liked for a short starter from Atreus.
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". . . and next thing I know, it's on fire and I'm pretty sure I caused it." He was sitting cross-legged, brow furrowed. "You think that's a giant thing or a god thing?"
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ofangelsanddemigods · 2 years
I'm looking for a kratos if anybody is interested
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universalambients · 5 months
Celtic Sea (403 AD)
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savior-of-humanity · 4 months
Atreus didn't know what was worse; that he was currently lost in a completely unfamiliar realm, that he couldn't even remember how he got here, or that he was totally alone.
There were a handful of times that Father allowed him to stray from his side on hunting trips - usually to get a visual on whatever prey they happened to be tracking - but it was never far. He always had him stay close, so that in case something happened, he could rush to his aid. But here, he was by himself, with no-one to watch his back except for his own senses.
Fortunately, he still had his bow and arrows on him, and he had a decent bit of survival knowledge under his belt - so it wasn't like Atreus was totally helpless. He figured the first course of action would be to familiarize himself with his surroundings.
He appeared to be in some sort of incredibly elaborate ruins, so large that they sprawled in every direction he looked. But instead of being built of stone and wood, his surroundings were almost entirely made of metal. Who had the capacity to build such elaborate structures, he wondered? Either way, it was clear that this place had been abandoned for a very long time, judging by the flora that grew on almost every single surface.
Well. Standing around wasn't going to do him much good - so Atreus got moving.
He quickly found that, while devoid of people, the ruins were bustling with life. It mostly consisted of just small bugs like moths and grasshoppers nestled among the vegetation, though on occasion he spotted some particularly large bugs that looked and fluttered about like bats. They quickly scattered, however, and Atreus would soon discover why.
There was a sort of shuffling and thumping noise - like something was heaving itself along the ground - until, from around a corner, emerged a particularly large lizard. Black, save for its bright green head and accents, and easily the size of a wolf. It scented at the air for a moment, before its beady black gaze landed on him.
...Uh oh.
Believe it or not, for a lizard whose primary means of locomotion was basically dragging itself along the ground, it was surprisingly fast. Fast enough that, by the time Atreus managed to climb up one of the skinny pole-frames that jutted up into the air, it was already at the base of the pole, huge jaws snapping at the air beneath his feet. He drew his bow and fired a warning shot; to his immense surprise, the arrow bounced off the lizard's head and did absolutely nothing to deter it. It just paced below, hissing and drooling with thoughts of hunger and prey clouding its animal mind.
He had a feeling he was going to be stuck up here for a while.
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helreginn · 11 months
Hey! I know this seems random, but I’ve been looking for people to rp vikings and I’m Norse, have you found many people? I would make a blog for a Viking character if I knew there were people out there. Let me know, thanks! - ooc.
Hope you don't mind me posting this publicly. I myself am in search of people. I even resurrected @theroleplayingedda (a masterlist of rpers) in hopes of finding people with limited success. But I did find as many active (this year, at least) blogs in my followers and in the tags that I could. So I figured I'd put this here in case others were having trouble too.
Really hope you guys do not mind me tagging you like this... If not, lemme know and I'll remove you. :)
@nykrose Nyk, the Näcken.
@valkxrie Brunnhilde, the Valkyrie
@varldsormr Jormungandr, the world serpent
@eddapoetic Havar, a fun fusion of many trickster deities
@starwrittenfates Sigyn, too many monikers. IDK, man.
@astridnorddottir Astrid, a valkyrie
@wildserkr Victor Halvorsen, a berserkr
@gulldrengur Baldr
@brknmnds Ivar, Sigurd and Hvitserk of Vikings as well as Angrboða and Jörmungandr
@arcanigenum Loke and Ull, the gods
@yggdrasilushxrt Dvalinn, one of the four deer of Yggdrasil
@savstaroth Thor, the god and a couple of OCs that might fit the descriptor idk like Ida Fjalarsdóttir, a witch
@mistressesandmastersofmythos Odin, Hel and Freyja, gods
@cryptiique Angrboda, Atreus (loki), Heimdall and Freyr (Of God of War canon sorta)
@storiedhistories SO many God of War muses.
@tessastormrp Baldr, Freyr, Harald Finehair, Loki, Tyr, Ubbe (GETS HIS VERY OWN TRIGGER WARNING!) Ragnarson and Sihtric of TLK
@all-that-is-gold-is-now-gone So many Vikings and Vikings: Valhalla and The Last Kingdom muses!
@entangledmuses Lagertha, Anma and Katia of Vikings. Eadith from TLK and lots of ocs with Viking and TLK verses!
@eclipsecrowned Fenrir, Freyja, Hel (Listen. LISTEN, Kadian's Hel is the BEST Hel. I DO make the rules), Hnoss, Laufey, Odin, Sigyn and Utgard-Loki
@belcvednanna Nanna
@melodicwitchlight Kiwi Hel (XD), Aslaug, Thorunn, Floki, Siggy,
@moonhoundman Hati, son of Fenrir
@berserkerofrealms Garmr, Hel hound
@paracosmms Angrboda, mother of Jormungandr, Hel and Fenrir
@bebbanburged Uhtred of the last kingdom
@sigynthevictorious Sigyn mother of Narfi and Vali
@bruadcr Þrúðr Þórradóttir, Sif, Ullr Lokison, Sigyn & Jormungandr
@runaljod Magni & Móði Þórsson, Fenrisúlfr, Þór, Loki, Frœyjɑ, Angrboða, Óðinn, Jörð and Loki
@mystiokinesis Bergfinnr Thrymrson
@kingoftheravens Loki, Fenrir, Jormungandr, Hel, Angrboda, Hati and Skoll
@deficd Ragnar Lodbrok, Hilda Ragnarsdottir, Gyda Ragnarsdottir, Sindre Ísleifsson, Solveig Ísleifsdottir, Valka
@crowsandmurder Bjorn Ironside, Ragnar Lothbrok
@alldaddy Odin
@kissofthemuses Freyja, Sigyn,
@heartsdefine Sigyn
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