#mom rhythm is having au ideas again-
rhythmsmith · 7 months
Shouting into the void but I have been thinking about a ‘Faye Lives, but Kratos dies’ style au for Atreus…
Specifically I blame my Atreus cosplay from Halloween week, but in short the concept stems from an Atreus who took more after kratos in hair and eye color, and eventually learns to wield the blades of chaos in order to honor his father- alongside his bowman skills. Something something loosely following gow2018 but they go to Greece, something probably Ragnarök comes to pass alongside some post Ragnarök stuff
Most likely this verse is gonna be tied loosely to the Fawn Bear Wolf Falcon verse, since inherently all my aus fics tend to exist in the same grander universe…. Just parallel realities stuff, though I mean loosely bc the timelines might ultimately converge to some other fic in the future
(,,,, might mess around and use this as an rp idea too if anyone is interested in me yelling more about this au and plotting together)
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petitelepus · 2 months
The Demon Gift: Choosing Hantengu, Part 1
Demon!Slave!Hantengu X Fem!Reader
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Summary: It's your birthday and your adoptive father who is filthy rich and corrupted, takes you out to get you a brand new present, a Demon slave and you get to pick one! Only you pick the worst there is, Hantengu, and suffer for it.
Warnings: Abuse, Violence, Domestication, Implied Domestic Abuse, Hantengu Is Abused, Reader's Father Is A-Grade Asshole, But Things Get Better
A/N: Demon Slave AU, Domesticated Demons, Reader Insert, Fem!Reader, Hantengu, Master/Slave
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9
EXTRA: Originally this was a Demon Pet!AU, but I wanted to travel to the depths of Demon Slave!AU and I think I can do more with slaves than pets. Please, sorry, and thank you for understanding!
You were on your family's limousine, on your way to God knew where. One moment you were in your room and the next moment the servant had come to fetch you, telling you that your father wanted to see you. Why, you had no clue.
The dark windows didn't offer you much to see, so you had no idea where you were at. You glanced at the man sitting across from you, scrolling through his phone and not even sparing a glance at you.
"Dad-!" You were saying but the man shot you a quick glare, "What was that?"
"I mean father." You quickly corrected yourself. "Where are we heading?"
"You're an adult woman already, Starfish."
God, you hated that nickname. You used to love it as a kid, but as you grew and learned what responsibilities, and burdens came with the nickname you started to hate it.
"So you deserve some responsibility." This man who had married your mom and taken you as his own when you were just a toddler, said and you tried your hardest not to frown, visibly at least. He always had something in his mind, and most of the time it was not your well-being.
"Father, I-!"
"Hush, we are here now!"
The limousine came to a halt and the servants rushed to open and hold the doors for you and your father.
"Happy birthday, Starfish!" Your father smiled and you followed him out of the car and looked at the huge warehouse before you. You blinked, confused and completely unaware of your surroundings or place. This place was secure and far out from any civilization, just what was here that he wanted you to see?
"Father, this is…?" You left the sentence unfinished, giving your father a chance to fill you in.
"It's a Demon Market!" The man smiled as he stepped forward and one of the servants closed the car's door behind him and you. You looked at the place and frowned, "Is this place even legal?"
"Why, does it matter?" Your father asked and you wanted to frown and object, tell him how cruel and horrible these places were, but you saw the look in the older man's eyes and you knew to keep your mouth shut.
"I guess, not…" You murmured and your father nodded as the two of you walked up to the warehouse's door and knocked in a quick rhythm. The doors slid open and the smell of blood and rotten meat struck you like lightning. You coughed a little, trying to hide the gagging as you followed your father inside the dark building.
You looked around in horror, seeing Demons in cages on top of cages, running from one side of the warehouse to another, stacked on top of one another. Despite the smell and the darkness, it looked like the Demons were in fairly good shape but you could never tell unless you got closer to inspect them.
"Mister Sliver!" A man, a human walked up to you and you were momentarily taken aback by how huge the man was. He was tall and pure muscle, but maybe it was needed when handling Demons.
"Barney, I'm happy to see you!" Your father laughed as they hugged and you almost gawked. You had never seen your father hug anyone, even your mother before, so this man Barney must have been important.
"And is this beautiful woman your wife?" The muscly man asked and you almost gagged again. Your father laughed, "No, no, this is my beloved daughter!"
"My bad!" Barney laughed, "Nice to meet you, young Lady."
"Good afternoon." You nodded back but you didn't return the smile. Not that it seemed to make any difference.
"So Slick-!" Barney started and you assumed Slick was your father's nickname, "You said you are looking for a Demon for a special someone?"
"Yes, that would be my daughter!" Your father laughed and you almost felt your heart drop down your stomach.
"Da- Father!" You gasped, "A Demon? For me?"
"Why not? Your siblings also got their Demons from here!"
Same siblings who made your life living Hell and once they matured they turned their abuse to those poor Demons they had chosen? No, you weren't like that and you didn't want to turn into something like that!
"Father, as nice as the thought is, I doubt I want-!"
"Nonsense! Pick any Demon you want and I will buy it for you!" He said, "What you do with it is up to you!"
"I…" You swallowed, "I'm not sure I'm cut out for it…"
"Picking your first slave can be challenging, but you are my daughter!" He laughed as he patted you on the shoulder with a little too much force, "I'll be waiting outside. Oh, I can hardly wait to see what you pick up! I expect nothing but perfection from you!"
Yeah, nice, lay on the pressure.
"Take care of her Barney and send me the bill! Remember, nothing but the best!"
You weren't sure if your father meant the rest of his sentence to you or this master, and you honestly didn't care. You watched him leave the warehouse and you felt sick as you looked around almost as helplessly as a baby chick.
"So?" Barney grinned and you noticed he was missing one of his front teeth, "What kind of Demon are you looking for?"
"I… I don't know yet." You replied honestly and he nodded, "Nice. Just look around and whistle if you find something that catches your eye!"
"Sure…" You nodded as you stepped away from the muscle man and started to go through the cages filled with Demons. They were all very different and no one was similar to one before them. Despite their awful living spaces, they were all pretty well taken care of.
How should you be able to choose one and what would you do with them? Maybe make them help around the house? That would require either muscles or grace so maybe a strong Demon or a woman perhaps?
"Yaaah!" A sudden blood-freezing screech almost made you jump out of your skin and you turned before heading towards the source of the scream.
It was just around the corner, in a more lit area of the factory which confused you since Demons preferred darker surroundings. What you saw shocked you to the core.
A muscular man, thinner than Barney but pretty damn muscly also, was roughhousing a Demon dressed in nothing but rags, showing off his boney body. He was such an ugly feeble and old-looking Demon, but the most notable thing in him was the large bump on the top of his head, just above his horns.
"Please…! Please stop! It hurts…!" The Demon cried, big fat tears running down from his red eyes as he covered in fear.
"Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit!" The man, another master shouted as he reeled his hand back and smacked the Demon on the cheek so hard that the force of the slap almost sent him flying. The Demon landed on the floor with a loud thud and let out an even louder cry of pain, moving quickly to huddle into a corner and curl into a defensive ball.
"Get back here you ugly son of a whore!" The man shouted as he started to undo his belt and you froze as memories flashed through your mind. The belt, the swoosh, the burning pain when it made contact.
Suddenly it was harder to breathe in the stuffy blood-smelling warehouse. Time felt like it froze around you and everything stilled. You would have been trapped in the trance if it wasn't for the sound of the belt moving through the air and hitting the Demon, making him cry out in pain.
"Little shits like you don't deserve to-!"
"S- stop that!" You don't know where the courage to go between the man and Demon came from, but you stood there, arms wide and protecting the Demon, "Stop that at once!"
"Who the fuck are you!?" The man shouted and raised the belt over his hand, about to hit you also, but you stood your ground and-
"Charlie lay off!"
You and the man turned to look and saw a very mad-looking Barney walking at the three of you, "That's Slick's daughter!"
"Shit." This master, Charlie cursed as he looped the belt back around his pants just as Barney made it to you guys, "Everything okay?"
"What the Hell?" You hissed like a furious cat and Barney looked at you, "Charlie didn't hit you, did he?"
"No, but he was hitting this Demon!" You pointed at the poor Demon shivering and crying behind you.
"That one?" Barney laughed, "That's Punchy!"
"Punchy?" You repeated, highly doubting that it was this Demon's name and if it was, it was either a horrible name or had a darker meaning.
"Yeah, he is our little friend, aren't you Punchy?" Charlie laughed as he stepped past you and nudged the Demon with the heel of his shoe, making the poor thing whimper in fear.
The master laughed, "Don't worry girlie, Demons can take a lot of beating! As long as you feed them, they heal. As far as I'm aware, Punchy has always been an ugly piece of shit. Haven't you?"
"P- Please…!" The Demon cried as he furiously rubbed his tear-filled eyes, "Don't hurt me…!"
"Go look for a slave you like. Charlie will take Punchy to another room and you can focus on some prime Demons!" Barney said and his friend Charlie grabbed the Demon's upper arm and was about to yank the poor man up… But before Charlie could do so, you snapped your hand around his wrist and squeezed as hard as you physically could.
"What the-!" He looked at you and you glared at him, "I'm buying him."
"What?" Both Charlie and Barney were shocked and honestly, so were you. Did you really want this old Demon as your first one, no, as your only one when there were much younger, prettier, and stronger Demons?
…But something in this one pulled your heartstrings. You wanted to save him and that's what you were going to do.
"That?" The masters could barely believe what they were hearing so they replied with laughter and mockery. You frowned as you listened to them badmouth poor the Demon while he was right there. Had they no shame?
"You have a good humor kid!" Barney laughed as he reached for you, no doubt going to escort you away to look at some other Demons, "Let's just go there and-!"
You were damned if you would let this barbarian touch you! You slapped his hand away and he looked stunned as you frowned and stood by the poor Demon's side, "I'm picking him. No buts or ifs, I want to buy him."
Barney and Charlie shared looks before they both burst out laughing.
"Chick is crazy!" They laughed as they walked away and you growled but stopped when you heard the Demon behind you whimper in fear. He was so pathetic when you looked at him, trying to press so hard against the wall as if he wished it would swallow him. You tried to show sympathy to the frail being so you kneeled down to his level to make yourself less scary.
"Can you stand up?" You asked, voice hushed and gentle as you offered your hand to him. The Demon shivered and sobbed as he looked at you and your hand like he was expecting this to be a mockery and for you to smack or do something much worse to him.
But you were patient with him and finally, he nodded and shakily raised his bony hand and placed it on your awaiting palm. You smiled a little as you helped him up to his feet, but as soon as you got him standing you noticed that he didn't straighten his back.
No, he was crouching as he got behind you and grabbed your upper arm with both hands, making you winch a little. Despite looking frail, he was rather strong.
"Easy, not so hard please?" You whispered and the Demon shivered as he looked at you, and slowly he nodded and loosened his grip a little so it wasn't painful anymore.
Walking outside with him was a little more challenging with him clinging on to you, but you made it. Sun was setting so there wasn't so much light that would burn him, but what sunlight there was must have stung him as he sobbed and clung to you tighter.
Your father was leaning against the limousine, smoking a cigarette, but when he saw you step outside the factory he flicked the cancer stick aside and smiled… But that smile died when he saw the Demon clinging to you.
"Barney, what the fuck!?" Your father snapped as he looked at his friend, "What the fuck are you playing at!? What is this ugly piece of shit!?"
"Relax Slick, your daughter picked him!" Barney laughed as he pointed at you with his thumb. You realized that you might have made a huge mistake choosing this Demon, as you hadn't even stopped to think how your father would react.
"Take it back and choose something else!" Your father shouted, his loud voice scaring the Demon behind you. You frowned as you stood your ground, "I want this one."
"Take it back or else-!" He left the thread hanging, and despite fearing him, you stuck to your decision, "You told me to pick a slave I wanted and I want this one."
"Your girl sure is funny Slick!" Barney laughed, not helping at all and he just made your father angrier. Seeing that there was no way for him to win this argument, he scowled as he turned around and the servants opened the car door for him.
"Get in the car." He snapped and you swallowed nervously as you followed him, your Demon clinging close to you. As the servants got in with you guys, the limousine took off.
The Demon was on his knees, hugging your legs like he was too scared to let go of you and what would happen if he did so. You couldn't help but notice that his nails were long and chipped, not being taken care of at all. You glanced at the servants and even they were looking at Demon of your choice with disgust.
Your father was on his phone again, but he was frowning and that alone was a scary sight. Suddenly you weren't feeling as brave as you felt back at the warehouse. The whole drive back to the civilization was quiet save for the Demon's sobbing but finally, your father broke the silence.
"You made a fool of me today." He stated and you swallowed nervously, "Father-!"
"I have never been this humiliated!" He shouted suddenly and pointed at your Demon who let out a small shriek of fear as he hugged your legs tighter, "You got the weakest, ugliest thing there was!"
"I'm sorry-!" You were trying to apologize but the limousine came to a halt. A servant stepped out and opened the door for you, but you looked out and saw that you weren't back home but by some hotel. You blinked in confusion and turned to look at your father who didn't even spare a glance at you.
"As far as I'm aware, I have one daughter less." The man grunted and your eyes widened in shock. Was he really going to disown you for this? How petty could a man be?
"Father, I-!"
"Here," He snapped his fingers and a servant offered you a briefcase.
"What is this?" You blinked in confusion as you accepted the heavy case and your father grumbled, "Take that as your inheritance."
"My what?"
"I'm buying you out of the family. You get all that money and you stay away from me, your mother, and your siblings."
"Y- You can't just-!" You tried to protest but he shot you a glare that made you quiet down immediately.
"I can, and I will!"
"What about my stuff at home?"
"I'll have a servant bring them to you when you find your own place." Your father glared at you, "Now get the fuck out of my car you no good brat, and take that ugly thing with you!"
You bit your lip, trying to hold in your tears as you got up and out of the car, your new Demon slave following close behind you. As soon as you were out, the limousine door was slammed shut and the car left quicker than you could blink.
You sighed as you looked at the hotel and then at your Demon who was shivering and sobbing. At least he didn't appear to be in any pain thanks to the sun setting down and nighttime coming while you were in the car.
"Let's get a room for the night, okay?" You said and the Demon whimpered as he nodded shakily and followed you inside the hotel. You got yourselves a room meant especially for customers with slaves with them.
The briefcase you had gotten from your father was full of money, like, lots of money. He appeared to be pretty generous when he wanted stuff or people gone from his life.
"Okay, this will be our place for a while until I find us a proper place to live in." You said as you opened the door to the hotel room and you let your feeble Demon step inside, who immediately went to cover in the corner of the room.
Seeing that he was pretty shy, you decided to give him a moment alone. After you locked the door, you set the briefcase down by the bed and collapsed on the soft mattress. What a heck of a day you had.
"I- I'm sorry…!" You heard the Demon suddenly whimper, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry…!"
You blinked as you pushed yourself upright and looked to see the poor thing crying and apologizing like it was his mantra. Frowning, you got up and walked to the Demon, but he flinched as soon as he noticed you and froze like he was expecting you to lash out at him.
"Hey hey, it's okay…" You said quietly as you kneeled by the Demon's side and gently rubbed his upper back in a comforting manner.
"What's your name? Do you have one or are you really Punchy?"
"…H- Hantengu…" He replied quietly and you smiled a little, feeling like you were making progress with him.
"Hantengu, none of this was your fault." You were lying, but honestly, maybe this was a blessing in disguise, being kicked out of your own horrible family and getting money from it also. It wouldn't be easy, but you could start again now with a fresh start.
"First thing first, are you hungry Hantengu?" You asked and the poor thing was absolutely shivering as he nodded shakily and you nodded also, "Okay, I'm gonna order you some meat to eat. You like meat, don't you?"
It was a pointless question as Demons were almost completely carnivores, but you wanted to be polite. He nodded and you smiled as you got up to order him something to eat from the hotel's kitchen.
Once the morning would come, you would head out to find you and Hantengu an apartment where you could live and some proper clothes for him instead of the rags he was in. Despite the rocky start, you had a good feeling about this.
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gooeyringtown · 7 months
drummer au headcanons
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barbie as a drummer in a grunge/garage rock band has been IN my mind so hard lately & well i had to do something…….
credits to @hellsfireclub & @el-fandom-phantom for some of these too btw <33 feeding my delusions 😋
it starts when barbie is like in 8th or 9th grade, she and her friends (probably ken & basketball ken [kingsley ben-adir’s ken, to clarify]) find some instruments at a garage sale or thrift store
they’re not in the greatest shape, but they get the job done and they sound decent. the three of them spend their afternoons after school playing random beats and just messing around, simply having fun while trying to get a hang of the instruments
barbie tries her luck with the guitar but she doesn’t quite like it. she can play it just fine, but she doesn’t feel it flow out of her the way it seems to for ken
(basketball ken plays the bass)
barbie has a little bit of a crisis…. her friends are really great at guitar & bass, and what about her!! what is she good at?? does she have any musical ability??
she doesn’t realize that whenever she listens to music, she is always tapping her foot/bouncing her leg, or drumming her fingers, or tapping out somehow, the rhythm of the song. always following the beat, without even thinking
basketball ken’s dad has an old drum set in the garage that barbie sees one day when they decide to practice at his house one afternoon
and as soon as barbie sees it…. it finally clicks
she is an absolute natural with the drums. the beat simply flows through her and it’s like she doesn’t even have to try
(obviously she does, though. she is only around 14/15, and far from the greatest in the world.)
she feels damn proud of herself though, for finally finding her calling. and she has so much fun playing. it’s addicting, and they’ll all spend hours, until barbie has nailed a new routine or solo and feels extremely satisfied
it continues like this through high school. as they get older, they get a little more ‘serious.’ aka they branch out and try new styles. ken takes up vocals alongside guitar, and basketball ken + barbie do back-up.
by senior year, they’ve amassed a pretty impressive base of people who know them. they mostly stick to covers, though they do dabble in attempting original music from time to time
(it’s also worth noting that all 3 of them can play the instruments interchangeably, but they strongly prefer to stick to their one, mainly)
they play local gigs at taverns & such in their town, and they’re always a blast
barbie finds herself loving & craving more of that. she’s obsessed with the feeling of the spotlight sort of on her, the adrenaline from when she’s cranking out this music, feeling the beat in her and causing people such a fun time. it’s the idea of creating that fills her with this joy
barbie saves up and for her graduation gift, her parents help her pay half and half for a new drum set. and this is quite possibly the happiest day of barbie’s life
the 3 of them take a gap year: basketball ken undertakes an internship at a law firm his mom is a partner at, ken is a leader at an equestrian camp, and barbie does some volunteer work at an animal shelter
in between their work, they still meet up and practice. the summer after their gap year is the greatest; they play with a renewed freedom, and let months of repressed musical talent finally bleed again.
they book gig after gig, at some local places for the summer but also branching out to new and nearby towns, just to get a taste
(barbie only seems to get prettier and prettier, and she most definitely has people lining up trying to get her attention. she is so oblivious though, and frankly, just not interested. no one has caught her eye. music is her priority and she’s busy with figuring school out and reworking her job schedule, so she doesn’t have time.)
that is, until, one night at a gig, barbie spots literally the most beautiful girl she has ever seen in the crowd, just before their set
she has these gorgeous big brown eyes that look at her for a second, and it’s enough to have barbie’s heart running wild. she finds herself playing with extra vigor that night, trying extra hard to be at her very best and shine just a little brighter
the kens definitely notice and are hyping her up like crazy after the show
“barbie, holy shit, you KILLED IT!” “where did THAT come from!!!”
turns out the girl is there with allan, ken’s friend. and she’s invited backstage with them
barbie turns to look at her, and the kens immediately know why barbie was so extra sublime that night
her name is gloria, and barbie is like marry me
the kens most definitely tease her immensely following that night. whenever they have an upcoming gig, barbie tries to very subtly and sneakily ask if any of ken’s friends will be there. (if allan will be there again.)
(her sneakiness is to no avail, though, because the kens know she’s asking if gloria will be there again, and they make so much fun of her.)
all barbie can do is blush and hide her face.
(though she does grumble that at least she has girls who have been interested, unlike the two of them.)
yep. that does the job. the kens are pouty messes for the rest of the day.
the next time barbie sees gloria at a show, gloria is wearing this pink flowery band-aid on her finger, from a little cut she received
barbie traces the pad of her finger along the band-aid, while the two of them sit on a couch backstage and talk
(it’s so subtle, her touch, but gloria’s heart is hammering in her chest.)
summer ends, and barbie goes off to school. it’s not too far away, but not close either. and gloria goes to school elsewhere. they definitely keep in touch though, and actually talk and text constantly
they meet up halfway during every possible chance they have. 3 day weekends, spring or winter breaks. you name it.
actually, for spring break, they have a gig. barbie has just turned 21, and they’re going to some bar in the dusty middle of nowhere
it’s an amazing show. gloria is there, so of course it is, for barbie
they buy her a round of shots afterwards, and they stay to dance and play pool
barbie sobers up and is quite hungry, so she and gloria sneak off to get some burgers and a milkshake
it’s nearly 2 in the morning by the time they leave, and the kens are probably wasted, so they decide to buy some cheap clothes to sleep in and find a motel to spend the night in
while gloria gets settled into their room, barbie goes out to get them some waters from the vending machine
when she comes back, she sits on the bed while gloria changes into the pajama shirt
but there’s a mirror … and gloria’s back is right there, with no bra, and barbie can see—
gloria looks up, and the two lock eyes through the mirror, and she knows barbie is looking
barbie flushes a fierce red, looking away quickly and feeling horribly invasive and gross. she gets up briskly and walks over to the bathroom, muttering a ‘sorry’ the whole way there
she shuts herself in, but the door is just barely closed when gloria knocks on it
barbie is shaking, but she opens it. she hasnt even turned the light on, and she is a tall shadow in the doorway
she and gloria stare at each other, for a few moments, the tension palpable
and then gloria pulls barbie down and kisses her
and fucking finally
(is what the kens say. and allan. everyone who knows them, pretty much.)
they start dating and are long distance while they go to school
barbie does this thing where she wears the pink flowery bandaids on her finger, the kind that gloria had on the night they first met
it kinda helps her feel like she is showing off her loyalty. it’s like her version of a promise ring, essentially
she also takes exceptional care of her hands, after gloria tells her how soft they are despite the expected callouses from years of drumming
granted, her right (and dominant) hand is a little more roughened up than her left, but they’re still very soft
(plus that little callousness, that touch of roughness, is delicious on gloria’s belly, trembling and pulled taut, as the softness of barbie’s other hand travels up the inside of gloria’s thigh and in between her legs)
(i mean come on. just because barbie isn’t a guitarist doesn’t mean her fingers aren’t deft and very skilled.)
gloria is a rockstar gf
no seriously like she’s at every one of barbie’s gigs, front row, and barbie dedicates every show to her.
(she kisses the bandaids on her fingers to give herself luck as well.)
barbie turns 22, and ken helps her paint her drum set pink. she also gets pink drumsticks
as a birthday gift, gloria gets barbie this heart shaped locket where she can put any picture in it
(barbie, of course, puts a picture of them kissing in it)
(gloria melts)
as a surprise, for their anniversary, barbie secretly writes a song for gloria. and at their gig, she performs it at the end of their set
gloria starts crying as she watches barbie sing and listens to her beautiful voice, knowing the song is just for her and how hard barbie must have worked on it
barbie pulls her onstage at the end of the song
and her hair is all messy and tousled, face glistening with light sweat, body warm and wired with energy, hands on gloria’s waist, blue eyes twinkling and smile so pretty and brilliant and in love
and so is gloria, so she throws herself around barbie and kisses her passionately, right under the pink concert lights in front of everyone
because her gf is a rockstar!!!!!
SORRY THIS IS MESSY but i needed to get it out <33 THEY ARE SO CUTE! my bbys
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electing strange perfections (in any stranger i choose) - Chapter 1/?
next | masterlist | AO3
Word count: 5117
The fae world and the human world had always been mostly separate. Fae crossed between the two realms while humans remained oblivious to their very existence, and that was how it had been for centuries. But when the lines start to bleed, and humans start catching on, who's going to step in and put an end to the conflict that follows? Human or fae, fate does tend to fall into strange hands (aka, logince fae au)
((AN: this is like 60% based on an rp i did a while back on tumblr. I definitely strayed from the original storyline a lot but the idea and the characters are like… pretty similar i think. this is also incredibly self indulgent bc im a sucker for logince. enjoy :] ))
~ * ~
Humans liked to consider themselves to be intelligent. Masters of the world they lived in. They dug up coal to power their great machines, and cut down trees to put up the scaffolding for towering buildings. They sacrificed their share of the Earth for the wonders they saw fit to create, and they turned to each other with unsatisfied smiles, as if to say: ‘Look at that. Look at the greatness we have achieved’.
They never quite finished with their powerful innovations, there was always something more. Some turned to science, and quickly became bored, many claiming that we had already mastered the Earth, there was nothing more to learn. Yes, humans quickly convinced themselves that they understood most everything, and whatever they didn’t understand, well, they at least could pinpoint its existence, could say with confidence that it was infact real. Although this mindset has led to great discoveries, it is the hinderance of the most vital secrets that the Earth holds close to her chest.
Then again, perhaps it’s not always the important people making the important discoveries. After all, sometimes fate does tend to fall into strange hands.
~ * ~
Logan awoke just like he did every other morning, the smell of coffee drifting up the stairs, the sound of his mothers poorly singing along to some ABBA song, the summery morning air drifting in from his window that he always forgot to close, his homework still strewn across his desk from his late night study session. All was normal because that day was a normal day.
He got out of bed as usual, ten minutes before his alarm was supposed to go off, as he always tended to wake up earlier than he needed to. He blamed it on his circadian rhythm, and would usually bore his mothers to death with some scientific spiel whenever the topic came up, but if asked if he would set his alarm back ten minutes to compensate for it, he refused for whatever reason.
He put on his school clothes that he had laid out the night before, black jeans, a blue button up and a black tie, similar to what he always wore, formal and neat. He heard that type of clothing would get kids bullied in some schools, but he kept his head down, was quiet and polite, and his peers were always kind to him, even if he never found himself with many friends.
He brushed his hair, cleaned his teeth, made himself seem presentable, turned off his alarm once it went off, picked up his already packed schoolbag and slung it over his shoulder, before he went downstairs, everything going the way it always did. Today would be a normal day, why wouldn’t it be?
Logan’s feet had barely left the bottom step when one of his mothers swept into the hallway from around the corner. April was her name, named after the month she was born in. She often joked about her parents lack of creativity, and her surprise that her younger brother wasn’t named January. She was a shorter woman, with deep golden tan skin and kind eyes shining from behind a pair of round framed glasses. Her hair was long, dark, and curly, and her face was adorned with deep smile lines to compliment her dimples. Logan knew his mom had always been a beautiful woman, though he didn’t need to say it, his other mother, Natalie (named after nothing in particular, her parents simply adored the name), did her best to remind her wife every morning.
April walked to up to him with a skip in her step, going on her tip toes to run a hand through his hair “Oh Logan, look at you, always so professional looking. It’s high school, not a business conference you know?” she smiled fondly as she stepped back to admire her son.
“Mama, please, I have a reputation to uphold,” Logan replied, flattening down his hair. It was insatiably curly, and he always did his best to keep in neat. Just another trait he shared with his mama. People had always pointed out how similar he and April looked, ever since he was a child. April always tried to convince him that he had Natalie’s eyes, but he knew now that he was older that made no sense. Natalie, with her pale skin and pin straight brown hair, played about as much of a part in his genetic makeup as the anonymous man from the sperm bank played in his upbringing.
Logan’s almond skin, his poor eyesight, his curly, dark hair, all were traits he shared with his mama. He figured that the anonymous donor must have been tall though, as he was almost a head taller than both of his mothers, with a bit more room for maybe one more growth spurt.
“Oh please, all of your teachers already adore you” April hummed and tugged on Logan’s tie gently “At least lose the tie, it’s going to be hot today. Come on, breakfast is ready, we might even let you have two cups of coffee this morning if you promise to not stay up so late studying tonight” she said with a grin, walking out into the kitchen.
Logan followed behind her, the sounds of a familiar song filling his ears as he stepped into the kitchen alongside his mother.
‘-my destiny in quite a similar way. The history book on the shelf, is always repeating itself…’
“Waterloo? You couldn’t have picked a better song?” Logan teased lightly, immediately going to pour himself a cup of coffee.
Natalie turned her head around from where she was sitting at the kitchen bench “Excuse you young man, Waterloo is and always has been a hit” she argued back with a light-hearted tone, her voice still a bit rough from sleep..
“No, it was a hit in 1974. The Winner Takes it All is objectively a much better song, if we’re talking ABBA” Logan pointed out. Their musical debates were common in the mornings. It was all routine, his mothers put on a song, Logan came downstairs and critiqued it over coffee, rinse and repeat.
“Sorry honey but I have to agree with Nat on this one” April chimed in, sitting next to her wife “I mean, you can’t win Eurovision with a mediocre song. Besides, The Winner Takes it All doesn’t fit the morning vibe”
Natalie nodded to what her wife said, a tiny strand of her hair falling out of the tight bun it was held in “Very true. And really if we’re going to talk better ABBA songs, I’d consider Hole in Your Soul over any other song any day”
April put a hand over her heart in a dramatic fashion “Whoa hold on a second, you’re taking Hole in Your Soul over The Visitors? Now that’s crazy...”
‘-couldn't escape if I wanted to, Waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you…’
Logan smiled a little to himself as his mothers continued to playfully bicker over ABBA. He took a sip of his coffee, drinking slowly so he didn’t burn his tongue.
His mothers had known each other for years, but for all Logan knew they could have known each other forever. He had never met two people who were closer than they were. They met in their sophomore year of high school, and Natalie proposed when they were both twenty-two, back in 1999. Of course, they couldn’t actually get married until about sixteen years later, for obvious reasons. Logan was ten at the time, he still remembered the wedding, and how much his mothers had smiled all throughout the ceremony. He was sure if he dug around in his closet a bit he could find the little black suit and tie he had worn, all dusty and stiff with seven years of no wear.
Logan eventually finished his coffee and put it down on the bench, filling his cup up again, slowly and carefully so as to not spill a single drop. Natalie looked over at Logan, not mentioning the second cup as it was merely routine for all of them by now “What’s on the agenda today Lo?”
Logan hummed, taking a sip of his coffee before speaking “I have a science project to wrap up, and then I might stay late to finish up my English essay in the common area”
“Why don’t you just come home and finish it?” April asked, tilting her head to the side.
“If I come straight home you’ll spend all the time I spend on work trying to pull me away from it, and I can’t risk that sort of distraction,” Logan answered.
April scoffed “Oh please, it’s probably not due for another month, you’re far too organised”
Natalie nodded in agreement “Yeah, you certainly didn’t inherit either of your mothers’ tendencies for procrastination”
“Well inherited procrastination or not, I’ll stay late today. What time should I be home by?” Logan asked, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl next to him on the counter, intending on taking it for breakfast even though he knew the chances of being able to leave the house without first eating a proper meal were slim.
“Hmm how about you be home by… now. And ditch school. And we can do something fun as a family and have a together day” April suggested, tilting her head to the side with a crooked smile.
“As tempting as that sounds-“ Logan began in a way that sounded like he wasn’t tempted in the slightest “I have a perfect attendance to uphold, and besides, I promised Virgil that I’d meet up with him to help proof read a paper for him”
Natalie sighed heavily, her shoulders slouching in an melodramatic disappointment “Oh dearest Logan, always working, never enough time for his boring old mothers”
Logan rolled his eyes in amusement, tucking the apple away in his bag to save for his walk to school “Look, tomorrow’s Saturday, we’re all free all day so we can have a together day then; we’ll do whatever you want. How does that sound?”
“I thought you had to tutor on Saturdays?” April pointed out.
“The student cancelled, they came down with the flu, or they were out of town, I can’t really remember. Either way, I don’t have to tutor them tomorrow so I’m free” Logan explained.
Both April and Natalie smiled “Well that’s wonderful! Yes, tomorrow it is, and you better not cancel otherwise you will never live it down” April warned.
“Yes mama, I know” Logan said with a fond smile, about to turn to head out the door when Natalie picked up a brown paper bag off of the counter and tossed it to him.
“Breakfast” She said simply “Eat it or I’ll come down to the school and tell them you have a doctors appointment and-“ she gasped dramatically for effect” “-force you to skip school!”
“Yes ma” Logan said, his tone exasperated but downplayed by his smile. “Love you Lo, have a good day” “You too ma” “And me?” “Yes mama, and you” “Bye Lo, have fun at school, do not work too hard today” “Goodbye”
And with that, Logan was out the door. The walk to school wasn’t a long one, and though Logan was perfectly capable of just driving to school, he enjoyed going by foot. It was good exercise and he lived on the brink between suburb and nature, so it was nice to hear the birds and see the green of his surroundings in the mornings, it helped to wake him up.
His actual school was a lot less lively than its surroundings, but that didn’t bother Logan all that much. He enjoyed school, which some people found strange, but didn’t everyone enjoy the things that they excelled at?
He walked into first period with his arms heavy with books and his bag heavy with homework, either to be handed in early or to bring up questions about some aspect of the assignment. First period English went smoothly, he handed in his annotation homework, made good progress on analysing the text they were studying (which they weren’t due to start analysing until next week, Logan just liked to get a head start), and engaged in a friendly debate about the textual meaning behind the piece they were studying, which always brought his mood up, especially considering he always had a tendency to win said debates.
Second period algebra was just as simple for him, writing examples on the board, getting extension work halfway through the class once he had finished all the other material, making notes and areas for improvement. He studied in the library during his morning break and then went straight back in for a physics class in third period.
Everything went pretty well, until fourth period biology, where he hit a small bump in the road.
The first half of the period went well, with Logan handing in one of his projects a week early, as he usually did. Although just as he was packing up to leave, his biology teacher called him up to the front, his project folder open on his desk, “All of your work is exceptional, as always Mr Sanders, however you seem to have missed a small part of the assignment”
Logan was immensely proud of his project. They had been tasked with identifying one common plant that grew in the area, and giving a detailed description on its properties, environment, cellular makeup, evolution over its existence and the like. Logan had taken great care to include every detail, so what could he possibly have missed? “Oh, my apologies sir, I wasn’t aware. I had checked and double checked my project against the instruction guide last night and found no issue, so I am curious, what did I miss?”
Logan’s biology teacher shook his head “It’s nothing major, and I won’t mark you down for it if you don’t want to go and add that now that you’ve already submitted. I’ll admit, it’s only a small detail. In the instruction guide, at the top of the page, students were asked to include either a picture or a physical example of the plant that they had selected” his teacher said, pulling out the guide and sliding it over to Logan, pointing out the part that had instructed that, “It’s easy to miss, don’t stress about it. Now, I can see that you have chosen stinging nettle, so of course I don’t expect you to go out and pick any-“
“I’ll do it” Logan said abruptly, “My apologies sir, I didn’t know that I had missed something so simple. If it’s alright, I will unsubmit my project now and I’ll bring the completed version with me tomorrow”
“Oh, you really don’t have to-“
“Nonsense, I wouldn’t want my work to be of a substandard quality. I assure you, I will have it done properly by tomorrow. Good afternoon sir” Logan said, quick to pick up his project off of the teachers desk and whisk himself out of the classroom without another word. How on Earth could he have missed something so small? He supposed he would have to put off finishing his essay that the afternoon, opting instead to take the walk into the woods at the edge of town to collect some nettle. It was fine, the essay wasn’t due for another month anyways.
When Logan sat down in the library at lunch, he was thoroughly disturbed. He still could hardly believe that he had missed something so simple, so easy. Completing the task would have taken him five minutes, and not only had he not done it, he had completely skimmed over actually doing it, he didn’t even forget, he just didn’t process the instruction.
Logan barely noticed someone sliding into the seat next to him until they cleared their throat to get his attention.
“You good there bud?” Virgil asked, seeing Logan stare off into the distance with that look in his eyes that he only got when he was overthinking something sparking a bit of concern in the older boy. “Hm? Oh, hello Virgil, yes I am perfectly adequate” Logan replied with a small nod towards his friend.
Virgil and Logan had known each other for twelve years. Twelve long years of what started out as enduring each other’s presence, to accepting it, to enjoying it. They had met in kindergarten when they were put in the same class, and forced to sit together after an argument broke out about who owned which pencil when their stationary got mixed up during arts and craft. It was some tactic to get them to get along, and for a while it didn’t work; arguments broke out every day, and many pencils were snapped in half in the process, but by the end of the year, they had begrudgingly accepted each other as acquaintances rather than enemies, and now, years down the line, that bond had only strengthened.
Virgil and Logan wouldn’t quite consider the other the only friend they had, but they would be stupid to not consider each other best friends.
Which was why Logan’s inner turmoil was more than obvious to Virgil.
“Come on, spit it out, what happened” Virgil said, dropping his bag on the floor next to him with a thud.
“It’s nothing, no time for distractions, we need to proofread your paper” Logan said, trying to grab the essay out of Virgil’s hands, not before Virgil had lifted it up and out of Logan’s reach.
“Nuh uh, nice try. You’re not getting this until you tell me what’s wrong” Virgil said, waving the paper around above Logan’s head, making the shorter boy frown at the thought of the creases the taller would be making to the paper. Much to Logan’s dismay, Virgil had always been freakishly tall, standing at almost 6’4”, towering above Logan who stood at about 5’10”. They had been the same height for most of their earlier school years, but as soon as Virgil hit the seventh grade he shot up, and ever since then he had often used his height to his advantage, and seemed to take much enjoyment out of holding things just out of Logan’s reach.
Logan sighed in annoyance and conceded “Fine. I handed in my biology project early and my professor informed me at the end of class that I had missed an instruction so it was unfinished”
Virgil blinked “And?”
“That’s all” Logan replied simply.
“That’s all?” Virgil echoed, biting back a laugh “Lo that’s no big deal, don’t worry about it. You handed it in early too so it doesn’t matter. You can just unsubmit it and bring the completed one in when it’s ready”
“I know I know, it’s just… I never miss details like that. It was such a small thing, a physical example or a picture, that was all I was missing, and the instruction was right at the top of the page and I just… missed it” Logan said, his tone suggesting that it was some crucial thing that he had skimmed over and not just a small part of his project.
“Y’know what I think Lo? I think you’re overworking yourself” Virgil said, resting his chin in his hands, keeping his paper pinned under his elbow on the table so Logan still couldn’t get to it “You need to take a break, step away from schoolwork for a bit. You’re already like months ahead of everyone else on classwork. It couldn’t hurt to stop for just a little while, clear your head. I mean, no one in a right state of mind freaks out about missing a simple part of their project, do they?”
Logan sighed heavily, wanting to argue but figuring that it was no use, Virgil had always been the stubborn type, and in some way he was correct. “I suppose you’re right, maybe I am in over my head. I’ll try to step back a bit” Virgil smiled, pleased “Good, you need it specs”
“If you say so. Now, you wanted me to proofread your paper?” Virgil raised an eyebrow amusedly and shook his head, to which Logan huffed in annoyance “Certainly your work doesn’t count as my work, I’m simply going to proofread it-“
“Nope, you’re taking a well-deserved break and that includes all forms of work including proofreading. It’s in the fine print of our agreement, and I would recommend you read it but I’m sure that counts as some kind of proofreading so no, don’t do that” Virgil said, snickering at his own joke.
Logan just rolled his eyes “You are incorrigible”
“You’re very welcome L”
The two boys sat like that for a while, engaging in a bit of friendly back and forth. It was all familiar for them, after all it wasn’t the first time that Virgil had insisted Logan took a break. He always found some way to overwork himself, through school, personal projects, or anything else that required his attention for extend periods of time. Of course, it’s not as bad as it used to be. Virgil remembered the times when he wouldn’t see Logan at all outside of classrooms for days, or sometimes weeks on end, always too busy studying at the library or finishing the mountains of extra work he had asked for in each subject. He remembered how irritable he always was, how tired he always looked. Over time, things changed, and it was better now, but it always felt like Logan was at risk of falling back into that spiral, constantly teetering on the edge. Virgil wished that Logan could eventually find some way to just step back from reality, even just for a little while, not get so caught up in school.
By the time they were supposed to head off to their last class of the day, both of the boys were in good spirits. A lively conversation mixed with a casual debate usually did wonders to lift their moods, so they both parted ways to their classes with smiles and promises to organise plans together soon.
Logan was feeling better, that little weight on his shoulders felt smaller, everything felt more manageable now that he was no longer so worked up over something so unimportant. He walked into his ancient history class with a lighter feeling in his chest, ready to get the class done and be finished for the day. He sat down in his usual seat, pulled out his notebook and pens, and started taking notes as the class began, writing down the work and answering any questions that the teacher asked. It was all normal and completely usual once more.
Logan often had a habit of getting too into his own head about minor things, especially when it came to matters of academics, something that he took very seriously. What had started out with him doing accelerated math and advanced reading in elementary school had led to him being the top of his year, winning awards for essays he submitted to competitions, and having several, rather persistent college scouts trying to persuade him into submitting an application. Even though he was at a point in his senior year where potential colleges was something that students were beginning to think over, Logan had already planned out his course and top picks for colleges, all of which he was certain he would be accepted to, and his mind was rarely changed. He liked to have things planned out in advance after all. At the very least, he was modest about it. In fact, his mothers seemed to brag more than he did about his numerous achievements. He would always claimed to be embarrassed whenever they started to boast about him, but in reality, he didn’t mind too much; it was nice to be recognized. The end of class rolled around quicker than Logan had expected, the teacher signing off with giving them a hefty homework task to complete over the weekend, leaving students groaning and mumbling in discontent while Logan just jotted it down in his notebook.
After placing his things neatly in his bag and staying back to ask his teacher one question about the homework, he left the classroom, heading towards the school gates. On a normal day he would walk home with Virgil, since he only lived about a five minute walk away from his home, however Virgil was not waiting for him at the gate today. He had messaged him a little while ago, letting him know that he was going to stay back in the library to proofread his paper that they didn’t get to read at lunch with some of the student volunteers there. Logan was very tempted to join him in the library, but he knew Virgil wouldn’t let him stay and would bring up the whole ‘overworking’ thing again, so he kept on walking, past the school gates, onto the street.
At about fifteen minutes into his walk, the lack of the usual conversation he would be having with Virgil began making things a little dull, leaving the occupation of his mind to his thoughts. At any one time Logan was thinking of many things, and this was no exception. He was thinking about how best to start his ancient history homework, if his mothers had brainstormed any weekend plans, what his grade would be on their recent math quiz, a rather tricky chemistry question that had puzzled him for quite some time, and unsurprisingly, his biology project. Even though he tried to ignore it, he couldn’t help that prickly feeling under his skin when he thought about it being handed in incomplete.
Logan stopped in the middle of the path and looked around. A decent distance from him, yet well within his line of sight, he could see the tree line that separated the suburbs from the woods that all the infrastructure was built around. Logan had heard about developers fighting over the woods for a long time, wanting to build apartment blocks, but the land was protected by the government under an environmental act; Logan was pretty sure it was a national park, or at least something of the sort.
He stayed looking at the tree line for a few moment, hesitating on a decision. He knew that Virgil warned him against worrying over the project too much but surely it couldn’t hurt. It shouldn’t take long to find a sample anyways, stinging nettle was rather common around these parts, and taking a short detour was surely better than leaving his biology project unfinished. Without another thought, Logan diverted from the sidewalk and started heading towards the woods. It was a short walk, mostly downhill, so it didn’t take long, and once he passed the tree line, the shade provided by the canopy was a welcome protection from the warm afternoon sun.
The air was cool and damp from the recent summer rains, and the leaf litter crunched softly under his feet as he walked further in, his path illuminated by the few rays of afternoon sun that snuck in through the canopy. Logan took a short moment just to look around and appreciate it all. He had always had a soft spot for nature, ever since he was a small child. His mothers were obsessed with showing him environment documentaries and watching how excited he would get over the pretty plants and cool fauna. Eventually, as he got older, that excitement turned into a genuine passion and curiosity. The natural world was certainly considered to be one of his personal interests.
He was interrupted from his thoughts by a sudden strange feeling that burrowed it’s way into his chest. He didn’t know where it had come from or what exactly the feeling was, all he knew was that suddenly, his body felt a little lighter, and he felt the sudden urge to keep walking forward. For a moment he thought it was like he was being beckoned, but that was an illogical thought, it was just some strange instinct. All thoughts of the strange feeling were forgotten when he finally stumbled upon what he had been looking for; a patch of stinging nettle, well he supposed it could hardly be considered a ‘patch’, as it was arranged in a rather strange manner, growing in a perfectly neat circle on the ground in front of him, with little white flowers blossoming below each leaf. In the middle of the circle sat a smooth stone, with little tufts of moss growing off it. Logan admired it for a few moments, almost like he couldn’t quite take his eyes off of it. The feeling in his chest ached softly, he ignored it.
He thought it was strange, for the nettle to be growing in such a perfect circle like it was. Perhaps someone had come along and planted it like this, or maybe it was some wonderful coincidence. He wasn’t entirely sure, but for some reason it captivated him.
After a minute or two he caught himself getting distracted by his thoughts and snapped himself out of it. He knew collecting a sample of this stuff would be tricky, he didn’t want to get stung, and he didn’t really have the right equipment for the job. He considered turning back and waiting for another day to return when he had something safer to carry the plant with, but quickly dismissed that thought, he was here now, he might as well get it done. Besides, he had told his teacher that it would be completed by tomorrow, and he intended to live up to that claim.
Crouching down, Logan put his hand in the hem at the bottom of his shirt and used it to safely pick a piece of nettle, tearing off a few leaves near the bottom so he could let go of his shirt and hold it by the stem. He observed the piece he had taken, it was adequate, but the leaves were small and the flowers were a little wilted, not the most pristine specimen. With a slight frown, Logan looked back at the circle, and a stem of nettle across from him on the other side of the circle caught his eye; large green leaves, a tall stem, numerous little white flowers, it would do perfectly.
The young man gingerly stepped into the circle, careful not to tread on any of the other bits of nettle, and crouched down inside of it, reaching out to pick the nettle from the base of the stem to avoid getting stung. He smiled a bit, admiring it once it was in his hand as he felt that strange feeling in his chest soar. It would work perfectly, he was sure to get a good mark on his biology project, now that everything was accounted for.
Logan had time for only one more thought, that being that he was suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded, before everything suddenly went dark.
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Crossover AU Theory: If Sari Sumdac Formed A Band With Cherri Bomb
[Note: Mature Reader Audiences Only, and Reading this crossover au theory which is a fanon theory, along with any off topic stuff, is optional. so only read this post if you want to.]
technically this would be a Fanon Timeline Theory.
so anyway is it weird to think about a idea of Sari forming a band with Cherri, but it being Sari's future Adult self who now has purple eyes in her human form and even purple optics in her robot form.
anyway Sari could still have a Human Soul, but at the same time it is a hybrid between a Human Soul and Cybertronian Spark, but instead of going where her Autobot friends will go eventually, she ends up going to one of the Afterlives for Humans, because she is technically a human.
they could also have a Robo-Fizz as part of the band, who can be the same one that Sari ends up calling Rozz, once again is still pronounced like Roz with one "Z" but it is spelled with two.
the first song that Sari and her new friends and band could play, is Bad Romance by Lady Gaga, with Sari as it's lead singer.
and unknown to Sari, her powers end up taking over some TVs and Radios and having the music that they are playing play on both the TVs and Radios that are normally Vox and Alastor's territories...
Sari can understand machines and what they need to be fixed.
so she might have other powers besides having multi-weapons on her and her being hinted to be a Seekerling when she was younger.
her teenage form when in robot mode has what appears to be Seeker Wings, so it makes sense that before Sari becomes much older later in her life, she was a Seekerling in her childhood.
I might add the idea about Sari forming a band with Cherri in "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" and the story is going to stay in hiatus a bit longer...
even if the original main character wasn't Sari at first, but ideas started to change and so Sari is the main character and heroine of the story.
and I think I like the idea that Bumblebee in the story doesn't have the same alternate mode from before, because he gets a bit taller and bigger like his counterparts from Transformers Prime and Earthspark.
so he has the same alternate mode as TFP or Earthspark Bumblebee.
and yeah, Adult-Sari having developed feelings for Bumblebee but being turned down, is just one of the heart breaking parts in the story.
and Swindle ending up as the rebound guy is just one of those ideas that I added in....but the ship between Swindle and Adult-Sari might still be a Semi-Ship, meaning they might not fully end up together right away and there could end up being love rivals for Sari's Love.
and yeah even in that story, Sari is secretly Megatron's Daughter who he had no clue he had went through the mitosis and had her in Sumdac's Secret Lab....who I'm starting to think Isaac Sumdac could have a Twin Brother, maybe I could add that as one of the plot twists.
Sari could be sassy to Megatron and either call him Dad-2 or Mom.
for all we know Sari could end up being a hybrid between looking human but with dragon scales and wings in her sinner form, but for now she is just gonna be very much alive and just uses the Asmodean Crystals to disguise herself as a Imp-Succubus Hybrid.
her horns are suppose to be female imp horns but instead of white they are pink, and well they are a bit like Sallie-May's and Striker's horns but still being slightly different.
I wonder if it be funny if Shockwave shows he can be a very good dancer at a party, and proves this by grabbing a random young lady, and unknowingly picks Adult-Sari who is in her disguise form or having died and end up in a sinner form...
and it becomes like a Autobot/Decepticon Tango (which references Transformers Earthspark) and the song playing could be something that match the perfect rhythm of their dancing even if they aren't in a romantic relationship.
the song that could be playing could be Romeo & Juliet by S.O.A.P.
and picture Shockwave gracefully dipping Sari and making some other Sinners and Hellborns swoon, well Sari isn't swooning the same way even if she could be suspicious of him but tries to hide her being impressed by how well he dances.
and yeah the place Sari ends up in, is the Lust Ring instead of the Pride Ring.
but in that crossover story, Sinners will be able to move freely and live in either ring they want...even if it is just in the Fanon.
Lucifer is pretty much a Himbo who doesn't understand that he is part of the reason the Pride Ring is overpopulated.
if it turns out that Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel is just as Adorkable as Ozzie and Fizz, who are the most Adorkable Sweet Potatoes Ever...
I wouldn't be surprise if it ends up overwhelming cuteness that will cause some fans to fall over a bit from the super cuteness.
I still want to give the Lucifer from our dimension the cold hands to face punishment, because he is one of the reasons why it took so long for the Feminine Energy to get better, and we seriously do not need Omni-Mom to be harmed anymore than she and the Feminine Energy has been already, and if I was allowed to and was strong enough for it, I would use boxing gloves to punch him and any Eon-Boomer who even tries to pull that abusive masculine bull slag.
but I have to do the pacifist way and try to hope things work out.
they been getting away with it for FAR too long, and I refuse to let them keep doing that messed up stuff, the Feminine Energy took some time to heal and possibly still in a fragile state at the moment.
the positive masculine needs to help with the healing of the feminine energy possibly...and yeah still have a bit of trust issues for some percent of the Eon-Boomers, even if I can only trust some of them.
anyway back to the whole talking about TFA/Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Crossover AU....is it weird to view Sari in that Crossover story called "Falling For The Angel In Disguise" as someone who doesn't really believe in Primus but more is a Gaia Believer, you know believing in the Cybertronian Goddess instead...
I don't think I have added that yet, but I might put it in the maybe, like I might add it in if I haven't already.
I might also change the timeline of the story, being a bit more in the future thanks to what I had viewed before...
so since the timeline in the TFA Universe, where Sumdac found Megatron in the year 1958, and it could mean that Sari meets her Autobot Friends in the year 2008.
but it could also mean that Isaac Sumdac could of found Megatron in 2008 and 50 years after 2008, Sari meets the Autobots.
anyway if Sari and Cherri did form a friendship, it be like a Big Sister & Little Sister type, Cherri being like the Cool and Reckless Older Sister. which will just be Fanon of course, and I might add that to Falling For The Angel In Disguise...
I think Sari could still be able to heal other Transformers, even without the Key, it might be that she can only use the healing ability when she fully matures over the years of her life, even if she ends up aging much slower at some point when she becomes a adult.
Sari aging much slower could be because of her being half-human and half-cybertronian.
which would possibly mean that she will end up out living Isaac Sumdac, and even if one could have a story where Sari's human half and cybertronian half age in sync, like the one story where Sari's human half is 23 years old and 23 thousand years old.
it could be possible if Sari hadn't upgraded herself, her cybertronian half would still be around the human age she was before her upgrade...
and it could be possible she would still age much slower at some point even if she hadn't upgraded herself, and yeah in Falling For The Angel In Disguise, it will have Sari be aged back to how she was before the upgrade, which is mentioned in a type of flashback way even if the present day Sari is 23 years old/23 thousand stellar cycles old.
she keeps some of her upgraded self when she is turned back to being 8 years old, but in her childhood, she is not only 8 years old in human years, but also 8 thousand stellar cycles in cybertronian.
Sari had to go through becoming a teenager again, but it would mean she didn't skip from just going from 8 to 13 or 14 going on 15 years old...
so yeah, even if she does keep some of the upgrade and keep the same power to transform into robot mode, but when she is aged back to how she was, the said robot form will be much smaller and be technically a Sparkling, and yeah Sari's childhood is mention even if she is much older and around 23 years old in the present.
flashbacks in stories do happen, even when the character is talking about their childhood in a third person type of way that the readers are reading about.
I think if Sari told Cherri both her human and cybertronian ages, it might confuse her or maybe surprise her.
it does seem confusing and might not make much sense, but not all ideas have to make sense.
even the whole Swindle and Adult-Sari being ship together doesn't have to make sense, even the whole fanon theory about the whole Sari and Cherri forming a band together with a Robo-Fizz who Sari calls Rozz.
in their band, Cherri could be the original lead singer until she hears Sari singing, and Cherri decides to have Sari be the lead singer.
not everyone has to take the whole fanon theory seriously, but I may or may not decide to add that idea in the future to one of the future chapters of that Crossover story where Swindle and Adult-Sari are in a type of Semi-Ship but may become a Full Ship later on...
maybe I will add a love triangle, not counting Alice from the Transformers Movie who in the story is suppose to be a TFA version.
Sari has no interest in her, and yeah I am kind of spoiling it a bit by talking about it...but Swindle does end up helping Sari get rid of Alice The Decepticon.
and Sari ends up getting Alice as a type of Stalker when she was in college. even if I do decide to have Sari as being bi or pan, she still wouldn't be interest in that Decepticon Womech.
like if she had to choose between dating Alice or Shockwave, I think Sari would choose Shockwave.
and I don't really plan to have Alice make another appearance in that story for a very long while...or even if I do decide to, I might end up giving Alice The Decepticon as some bad luck.
anyway even if I do decide to add the whole Sari being in a band with Cherri and a Robo-Fizz, it probably wont be mention much in the story and would probably be a once in a while maybe...
also a Fanon theory isn't really involving Canon, it is more of a possible what if type of idea...
and well Sari could form a platonic relationship with a Robo-Fizz, ya know just being friends and not being in a romantic one, well unless I decide it could lead to that, you know when characters start out as friends but slowly fall in love...
but I could decide to have Sari and the Robo-Fizz she forms a bond with, have a type of platonic relationship where they don't fall in love.
anyway I don't think I have much to say about the whole Sari, Cherri and Robo-Fizz forming a band, but it is just a idea and fanon theory like if they did form a band, I think Sari would become the lead singer even if Cherri was the original lead singer before deciding to let Sari become the lead singer instead...
and anyway like it says at the very top, reading this is optional so it's okay that not everyone reads this, even if it talks a little about that whole band idea and some off topic stuff...
0 notes
milkshaketg · 7 months
skewbald belgian named Inksplash. palomino cream or smth.
Florence and Tuscany go the realm. feline hall. human was a bitch who “I turned out fine so they should, too.” maybe I make her too sick to be able to tell anything. black cat companion with purple eyes who can see your death.
someone who comes face to face with their killer who through time loop shenanagins it isn’t in the past it’s the current except they’re alive even though they did kill them and the killer is just like nonchalant or at least appears unbothered
like others are in a time loop and she comes back and is like what
another character just disappears and it isn’t mentioned at all until dead girl returns and is like where are they and everyone else is like who
maybe they come back somehow except not alive
au self inset w Joot in JoJo where I’m a lesbian and therefore an outcast and he and I find solidarity in that and whatnot. I yell at him for how he treats his mom.
Dollarpaw as in sand dollar
SSO Vid Ideas:
dive into SSOblr
Autumn “TroyTheBoy” after their fursona Troy
fear look in her eyes as the sword is about to come down on her, but is saved by someone else last minute. she doesn’t question it. she just runs. she has no idea what happened to that person.
Angela on a throne looking kinda shocked and surprised and anxious and Akuma is at her feet, all seductive n draped over her n shit and just staring at the viewer sure of herself. not smug, though. just confident.
pink haired self insert for FE3H to draw a Ashe, Catherine, fuckin uhh other pretty lady, maybe Sylvain? Felix? anyone tbh. Claude, too. ladies as well ofc.
-traumatized lady, cannot be on the battlefield or she shuts down. mayb a new crest, a special one. bc she’s special :>
-self regenerating from a big battle who lost everyone and everyone was starving then offered herself up to eat and they found out she couldn’t die by mutilation alone, eventually was captured and used as a human shield and then ofc this fucks her up real bad so they erase a ton of memories so now she’s just ditzy lady being studied except gently at the monastery. ig she can’t really work out bc regeneration.
Flayn x Dedue
someone with a pet named Cream Cheese
self insert where I’m broken and Dirk fixes me I’m a cyborg except he’s got complete control now and I become a husk just used by him to accomplish his misguided deeds. robot turns to flesh eventually even the tail n shit.
oh wait fuck he’s gay.
we don’t gotta fuck it can be platonic extremely fantastically toxic codependency
I am a pet.
this again, except I am a lesbian who forms an unhealthy codependent relationship with Sylvain. he’s chasing my friend who I have a massive crush on, so I approach him. he ofc thinks I’m going for him/his crest but is visibly taken aback when I admit I’m in love with my friend and I need him to back off. we chat a bit and become acquainted or whatevs. he does. then after the five years comes back and she’s dead, I’m heartbroken obviously. emphasis on bad disassociation too. and boom, codependence. then he’s basically backed into a corner and forced to marry so he chooses me bc he knows I’m not tryna use him for his crest. I’m literally 90% into girls thank u.
fire emblem + blorbos + desired self inserts
Canary method(if you’re gonna act like a clown I’m gonna treat you like one)
did I fuck up my circadian rhythm in middle school? because this is not a case of bad habits.
no food :(
issues at work bc girl I don’t have peripheral hearing. god I feel so fucking disabled.
Rush retains the same mass no matter her form, in addition to being albino.
(hey, are you alright?)(pans to me full strawberry outfit + strawberry makeup + accessories)(yeah, why?)
goth in beanie: are you okay?
strawberry: yeah, why?(HEAVY pink blush w white freckles + lashes and whatnot)(holding my stuffies)
goth in beanie: alright,,,
caption: inside you there are two wolves
me, blank expression: listening to a cat get graphically and brutally murdered and remembering how violent my favorite books as a kid were
Skyclan’s Destiny or whatever is literally just skyclan getting slowly slaughtered one by one
dark eyes of ebon
Rose looked up at Silva. She honestly looked kind of pathetic, one of her lashes hanging haphazardly and her lipstick was smudged. She had seen better days, certainly.
She looked from Silva’s hand, to her face, then back to her hand, not even seeming to register her face wasn’t all that visible. Without much hesitation she took her hand. She had no reason to even consider refusing the help. This was a safe town, no one knew who or where she was so no one would be coming for her. If she had articulated these thoughts they would have sent a pang of pain through her, but as luck would have it her brain stayed full of fluff for now.
“Thank you, appreciate it.” She allowed herself to be pulled to her feet, flashing a smile at the girl. “Now… do you happen to know where we are? Of course you do, you must if you’re out here. Could you show me to” she looked down at her unsightly appearance. She didn’t even want to know what her face looked like. “I guess going out isn’t an option, now is it? You know the direction to Fen’s stable? If you could be a gem and take me there.”
Mon: 10-3
Tue: off
Wed: 10-2
Thurs: 5-9
Fri: off
Sat: 3-7
Sun: 10-3
0 notes
printedpeterparker · 2 years
The Serving Suitor
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Masterlist | Part 2
Pairing: Servant!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
Type:  AU One-Shot
WC: 3.5k
Warnings: Sexual suggestion, some swearing, angst but you know I love me some fluff
Summary: The one where Y/N has to show loyalty to her love or to her kingdom.
Note: I so glad to be back and writing again! It’s been like 2 years but I have some WIPs and new ideas that I just wanna get out there. Page dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more​  :) Bxx
Tomorrow you will find a suitor after all these years. 
Word of your ball had spread throughout many kingdoms. Your father said only the best for you. He promised music, food, and you. Suitors had visited and promised to be in attendance tomorrow. Not a single one interested you; you were sure most of them were even interested in you. An unmarried king is just unheard of, and all these princes and dukes were looking to be kings one day.
Many came off snobbish and egotistical. They weren’t there for you; they were there to create a new heir to their throne. They had little interest in you. You wanted more; you already had more.
Only you called him Bucky. He worked as a servant like his father and mother before him. He was the youngest server and aid; he was just older but not much older than the suitors coming for your hand. He was always kind and hardworking, always eager to help. But when no one was looking, he treated you like a real person— like a friend, maybe more than a friend. You’d both spend long nights talking about your dreams and fears in the garden, always hoping you could steal a little more time.
But the night he kissed you was unforgettable. 
“Okay, but you’re not a princess,” Bucky stated as you both laid in the grass, gazing at the stars. “What would you be?” He turned his head to meet your gaze.
You hummed looking into his blue eyes. There was something about Bucky tonight. Maybe it was his exposed arms or the sound of his voice when tired from the day. All you knew was that when he looked at you, you could feel your heart race. You almost forgot to answer the question. 
“Umm probably a baker.” Bucky smiled and nodded. “What? It just sounds amazing,” you smiled. “You mom would make the best bread, and if she could have taught me how she did it, opening a bakery would be easy money.”
“No, no, I agree. I thought about baking too actually. When my mother would bake, she’d let me help sometimes, and my father would taste test. Something about the kneading was always relaxing,” he muttered. “Maybe if you’re sick of all this royalty shit, we can just open a bakery in town.”
“Why don’t you do it then?”
“Open a bakery?” Your nod was met with Bucky’s furrowed brow. “I don’t know. This is literally all I know. I was trained to do this since I was basically a kid. Becoming a baker now would be insane. I mean, my mother left recipe cards for break, cakes, cookies, but—”
You sat up and nodded, “I think it’s worth being brave, y’know. As someone who doesn’t get many choices in life, like I didn’t even get to pick out my outfit for today or the meals I ate, I think it is just right to be brave.”
Bucky sat up too and nodded. He bit his lip and muttered under his breath, “Be brave.” You felt Bucks hand on top of yours.
There went your heart again. You looked down at his hand on top of yours and then back at Bucky. His features softened before his other hand moved to your cheek. 
You swallowed, “Bucky…what are you doing?”
He didn’t respond. Before you knew it, his soft lips were on yours. You felt your breath hitch in your throat out of shock, but you soon reciprocated. You’ve dreamed of this for years. Your lips formed together perfectly and moved in perfect rhythm. Bucky’s hand caressed your cheek, bringing you in closer. You instinctively moved your hand to his bicep, feeling every ridge and groove. In this moment, you wanted him to devour you. And god, Bucky wanted the same.
He pulled away from you with his eyes still on yours, “I just wanted to be brave. And I know your the princess and I’m just…some guy but—“
A small smile creeped your lips, “Hey, Bucky?” He stopped speaking immediately. You tugged at his shirt, lining your finger against what you could already feel as a strong chest, “I think you should be brave again.”
That was two years ago. It was your first kiss. It was the first time you actually felt special.
After that day, beyond your royal life, your life became filled with stolen kisses, long nights, letters under your pillow.
But when word of your ball started to spread, you could see Bucky become distant. Conversations were short in public, the letters stopped, he stopped visiting at night and there was even talk about him joining the military.
You were worried.
Maybe you could see tonight, but his quarters were outside the grounds. You couldn’t make it there without being seen. Maybe—
A small pebble knocked your window.
His usual sign.
You quietly moved off your bed to open the window.
“Bucky,” you smiled, “I thought you’d never come back.”
“I know tomorrow is...the day and I might not see you again” he sighed. “Can we talk?”
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Bucky climbed through your window. He had on a cloth top that exposed his strong arms, and you could practically see his bulging thighs through his pants. You were just in a white nightgown as you were just preparing for bed, but the sight of him was almost enough to make your mouth dry. 
“I thought I’d never see you up here again,” you told him as you took a seat on your bed.
“When I heard about your ball a while ago, I don’t know, I got a little insecure,” he admitted as he took a seat across from you on an ottoman. “I don’t know what I expected to happen after the last two years, and I should have seen this coming.”
“Y/N, we both know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. You’re going to find a prince or duke and become the perfect queen and receive everything you deserve. Things we both know I can’t offer you. My parents served yours and I served you; that’s just the way it is and that’s okay,” Bucky tried telling you. His eyes were sullen and he looked defeated. That’s what broke your heart.
Bucky was right, but he was also wrong about one thing. 
“Bucky…” you placed your hands in his, rubbing your thumb across his, “My days with you, the mere minutes I got to spend with you everyday, was all I ever needed. You gave me everything I could possibly want. This place, these things,” you gestured to the room around you, “it’s not enough to make me happy; Bucky, you were always enough.”
As much as it pained him, Bucky kept his eyes on you. For all he knew, these could be his final chance to memorize the curve of your face, how your eyes gleamed when the light hit it just right, or things you considered imperfections that Bucky simply couldn’t fathom why you thought that. He didn’t want this moment to pass, no matter how painful it was.
You both sat there in silence for a bit, too scared to admit what this all meant. Bucky was the first one to make movement, standing from the ottoman. You could tell that he looked stressed. For a second, you thought he was going to leave. He turned back to you, tears brimming his blue eyes.
“Y/N, I love you,” Bucky admitted. Your eyes widened at his confession. “I am hopelessly, desperately in love with you. When I wake up, I’m disappointed that you’re not by my side, but I find solace in the fact that you’ll grace me with your presence, maybe even give me the time of day after dark. Being with you, not even just intimately, just talking to you, is always the highlight of my day. I go to bed, and I only dream of you, running away with you. Maybe opening that bakery we always talk about. I’d be scared as hell to do it, but you’re worth it,” he slightly chuckled. “I’d never ask you to renounce your status as a princess, but I could let another day go by without letting you know, Y/N.”
You felt your breath hitch in your throat. As the date of your ball began coming up, you could only dream about Bucky, reliving the moments you had in the garden, especially Bucky’s sweet words as his hands roamed your body, searching for new ways to make moan. As of lately, you were having the same dreams. What if you ran away with Bucky? What if he could put his hat in the race to be your suitor? Questions like these flood your head every night. 
You stood up too, slowly approaching Bucky. He was hesitant when you placed your hand on his chest, hoping you weren’t kicking him out. Instead, you just wanted to feel him and his beating heart. He placed his hand over yours.
“Everyday, every single day, I wish to move to the countryside with you. Share a life with you. Have a few children, and make it work,” you whispered, smiling at the thought. “But I can never abandon my country, Bucky. As much as I want to be with you Bucky, I can’t and that tears me apart every waking moment of the day because I love you, James. I don’t want to marry anyone else because no man has ever cared about me the way that you do. It’s not fair, Buck” you sobbed in his chest. “I don’t want to lose you.”
Bucky couldn’t help but to wrap his arms around you, pulling you in closer. He kissed your forehead wishing he could change the trajectories of both of your lives. But this was the best he could do at the moment.
“Hey, hey,” he muttered, lifting your chin to meet your tear-stained face, “you’re never gonna lose me, love.”
Before another thought could cross your mind, you brought your lips to Bucky’s for what may be the last time. You became fully enveloped in the kiss when Bucky reciprocated the kiss fully. What started as a gentle kiss became desperate in nature. You’ve never shared a kiss like this before. Bucky’s strong hands spread across your back, sending chills down your spine. 
You tugged at the roots of his hair, receiving a moan from the servant. He moved from your lips down to your neck, careful not to leave any marks for your big day tomorrow. You couldn’t help but to pants as Bucky’s lips and tongue danced across your neck.
“Please, Bucky,” you quietly moaned out, “I…I want you to have me.” 
Bucky momentarily stopped and sighed, “I’m not…it’s not my place, Y/N. As much as I would love to ravish your body until dawn, I’m not your husband, you’re not my wife; it’s not right.”
Bucky was always big on traditions and doing things the right way. Sometimes it drives you crazy, especially right now. 
“You’re right, but I don’t care anymore, James,” you told him, fingers lining his chest. “Not only isn’t there another man I want to be with but there isn’t a man who deserves the privilege besides you, my love.” Your hand caressed his scruffy face, praying for the answer you desperately wanted.
“Y/N…” You began lining his neck with soft kisses making Bucky lose his train of thought. With your hands on his chest and lips on his neck, Bucky wanted to cave, he desperately wanted to give in and have his way with you. “Fuck, you’re making this hard, love.”
“Then say yes.” Your hand went under Bucky’s cloth shirt, feeling the ridges of his abdominal muscles. “Please just say yes.”
Pain panged in Bucky’s heart, stopping your hands from roaming his chest. “You’re not mine to have.” Bucky could see the pain in your eyes and immediately felt awful. The last thing he wanted was to hurt you; that wasn’t his intention when he climbed through your window that night. “Maybe I should go. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
Your eyes widened as you saw Bucky begin to leave. You felt panic settle in. Bucky was already in the window about to climb down.
“Bucky!” you almost yelled but you were quick to hush your volume. Bucky immediately turned back to you with his brow furrowed. His name came out of your mouth before you could even realize what you were saying. “Please don’t go,” you choked out, “Please.”
He wanted nothing more than to take you with him, show you exactly how well he could treat you.
“I’ll see you at the ball tomorrow.”
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“It’s been a pleasure speaking with you, sir” you forced a smile before performing a small curtsey. 
“Trust me, the pleasure is all mine, my fair lady,” the duke swooned before kissing the back of your hand. “I hope to see you soon.”
You nodded before the Duke of Goldigo went on his way. Internally, you wanted to gag. The Duke of Goldigo was ignorant and a narcissist, a lot like many of the men here tonight. Yet, he wasn’t the worst of the night, and that’s saying a lot. 
Whenever you finished talking to a suitor, you would immediately look for Bucky. Your eyes would quickly scan the room, hoping to still see him there serving. You missed him a few times but caught him talking and giving to a few guests from time to time. You desperately wanted to talk to Bucky, but you knew you would get wrapped up in conversation with him as you did on a daily basis in the garden. And you knew the both of you would get in trouble if you both weren’t on your jobs— your job being to find the next king of your country. 
But maybe grabbing an appetizer wouldn’t hurt, right? Of course, it would be Bucky holding your favorite. It’s like he knew you could eventually bring yourself over. You began your trek over to Bucky who was just across the ballroom, and damn, he looked amazing in that white button up.
You happily nodded at the guest as you walked past other guests. A couple of the men you talked to earlier smirked or winked at you, some vying for your attention, but you pretended as if you didn’t see them. As you neared him, Bucky looked up and saw your eyes meet his. He gave you a soft smile.
“I didn’t know they would be serving bruschetta at this event,” you smiled as you grabbed a piece.
“Only the best for the princess,” Bucky smiled, but you could  tell that it wasn’t fully heartfelt. You could imagine that he was still hurt after yesterday. You were still hurt too, but putting together a good appearance is something you were used to doing for these types of events. 
“How are you, James?” you muttered, attempting to keep this low key.
He took a deep breath and sighed, “Honestly?” You nodded. “I wish I could take you out onto the floor and dance with you like a proper gentleman, but I guess holding your favorite appetizer will have to do. How about you?”
You slightly smiled and nodded, “Wishing I could be anything but a princess right now.” 
All you wanted was to take Bucky’s hand and run out of the dance hall— show him how much you want to be with him. Bucky wanted that too, and if he had the money and power the other men in this room beheld, he would have. He would’ve whisked you away, whispering sweet nothings into your ear until you were alone.
“The fair and beautiful, princess Y/N,” another prince almost growled as he took your hand. You immediately felt uneasy; it was also obvious to Bucky. Instead of giving the prince the face of disgust, you softly smiled. “Care for a dance?”
You looked back at Bucky who looked like he was trying to keep his composure. You placed your appetizer back on his tray. “It would be my pleasure.”
He led you to the middle of the floor, but you couldn’t help but to look back at Bucky as he went away to cater to the guests, his heart breaking in the process.
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The evening was ending and many of the guests began their departures, even you had retired to your chambers. There were some suitors there, talking with your father. As Bucky helped clean up the hall, he overheard conversation between the men and your father. He hated the way they talked about you. They didn’t care if you were happy or not. Even your father seemed to be neglecting your happiness. They pondered if you were submissive, had a good body to bear sons, and so on.
They talked about you as if you were a thing when in reality, you were Bucky’s world, all he ever needed.
Enough was enough.
Bucky left his section to clean before heading down the hallway. He attempted to maintain his composure as he passed by maids in the hallway. But he was making a beeline to you. He could feel his adrenaline ramping up as he got closer to your room. His heart could practically beat out of his chest. He finally reached your door. He took a deep breath before putting hand on the handle.
Before he could turn the handle, he heard a brief huff and then a sob.
You were crying.
Bucky didn’t even knock. He cracked the door open and saw you looking outside the window, your hands covering your face. You were already out of your ballgown and in a simple slip. He quickly slipped in before anyone saw. You didn’t hear the door close between the sounds of your sobs. He hated seeing you like this. He knew he’d do anything to make you feel better.
“Y/N?” Bucky sighed from across the room. You heard him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to turn to him. He approached you from behind, wrapping your arms around you. “I’m here.”
You shook your head, “Bucky…I can’t…” you hiccupped. He turned you around to see your face. Your eyes were puffy and red, but you were still a beautiful sight to him. “We can’t keep doing this, seeing each other. It only makes this harder.”
“I know, I know, so if you want, I won’t come to you like this anymore. I just—” Bucky voice drifted. “I know I said I couldn’t ask you to do this and I know you love this country, but I need you Y/N, and I can’t live knowing you’re married to some pompous asshole who doesn’t respect you or love you.”
You took a deep breath as your eyes widened, “Bucky, what are you—” Before you could even finish your sentence, Bucky was taking a knee. “James…”
“I know I’m asking a lot of you. I’m asking for you to live a humble life— a life without the riches and spoils you no doubt deserve with a man who has only served you all his life. But I’ll be damned if a day goes by that you don’t feel loved, respected, and cared for. And I wanna spend the rest of my life making sure you feel that way.” Bucky pulled out a necklace from his pocket and showed it to you. “This betrothal necklace belonged to my mother the day my father proposed. I’ve carried it with me everyday after they passed. My mother said I should give it to person I can’t live without. And after seeing and hearing how those men think of you, I can’t allow you to marry someone who isn’t absolutely in love with all of you and can’t live without you.”
You didn’t even think you could produce more tears, but you felt more brimming. Luckily, they weren’t tears of sadness.
“So, ask me, James.” You fell to your knees to meet his eyeline. “Please.”
“Princess Y/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honors of living a humble life as my wife?”
You quickly nodded and huffed, “Only if we can leave tonight.”
“Anything you want, my love,” Bucky wildly smiled as he wrapped the necklace around your neck. You pulled him into a kiss that was more passionate than the one from yesterday. You felt your heart warm, and for the first time all day, you felt comfort, warmth, love. Bucky pulled away from you, his eyes bright and his smile wide, “We better get out of here before someone notices that my work isn’t done, love.” You also nodded before getting up with him, preparing your things to leave. You were going to miss your life; it was an easy one. Yet, a life without Bucky would have been much harder.
I’m a slut for feedback so leave it here xx
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raccoonhearteyes · 2 years
I don’t know how I keep doing this to myself but…
Clexa Castle AU
Clarke Griffin as Castle, famous mystery author
Lexa Woods, as the too hot too focused Detective Kate Beckett
Anya and Lincoln as Esposito and Ryan
Raven as ME Lainey
Thoughts so far:
Clarke is a little bit of a playboy fuckboy. She’s had early author success with a few bestsellers and isn’t afraid to flaunt her wealth to get who and what she wants
BUT tasked with caring for her younger brother Aden, she’s not as much as a fuckboy as you might think. she loves her little brother and dotes on him, paying for fancy private school for him and practically raising him herself since her father died and her mother flitted between less than lucrative jobs.
but honestly, writing has gotten kind of stale and she’s bored with her characters. nothing inspires her... UNTIL detective lexa woods walks in on her book signing to ask her a few questions
apparently some killer has been using her mystery books as inspiration for their murders and she asks clarke to consult on the case
clarke is SMITTEN from day 1. she flirts with lexa constantly.
lexa would never admit it, but she’s a huge fan of clarke’s books. but in person? she’s never met anyone more annoying. clarke spouts off theories with no evidence and it drives her nuts. the worst part? she won’t stay in the goddamn car and keeps getting tangled up with suspects.
they wrap up the first case and lexa is happy to be rid of her, but clarke’s got connections with the mayor and agrees to let her shadow nypd’s finest.
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they bicker but eventually find a rhythm of solving cases together
lexa realizes how sweet clarke is with her brother. how quick witted she is.  how she always brings lexa her favorite coffee whenever she shows up to a crime scene or the precinct. it’s sweet, the person behind the persona.
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clarke tries to pull lexa out of her shell, but she’s guarded. she became a cop after her mom was murdered and the case went unsolved. she works too hard. she’s brilliant, amazing, sexy, and everything clarke could want in a muse.
clarke flirts relentlessly. lexa toys right back with clarke just to see if she can get her to walk into a wall.
Long hours spent on cases turn into late night dinners at the precinct, getting in sync with each other and eventually finishing each others sentences as they spin theories for murder motives.
It also means opening up, longing looks, questions about if it’s one sided or not
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The biggest change that lexas colleagues notice is that she’s happy. She’s having fun again. And that’s not something they had seen out of their friend that was all work and no play.
It’s obvious to everyone but them that the feelings are mutual. So they date other people. And they can’t explain why those relationships keep failing or why they’re in such a terrible mood when they see the other one with someone else. They’re friends, why would they care? (Big dumbass denial energy)
They kiss on a case once. They’re trying to sneak past a guard and lexa plans to go in guns blazing but Clarke has a better idea. They pretend to be stumbling home drunk.legs not buying it griffin” and she reaches for her gun but Clarke pulls her hands away to stop her and leans in. They kiss briefly and then pull away from each other staring into each others eyes before lexa leans back in, this time leading the kiss and sighing into it. They get lost in it for a second until lexa suddenly spins out of Clarke’s arms and knocks the guard unconscious. Clarke’s brain takes a few extra seconds to catch up.
They never talk about it.
Every time they’re about to talk about it, someone interrupts. An almost confession becomes a conversation about dna results. A longing look gets forgotten for lexa being called into the captains office. A flirtatious conversation ruined by Aden asking for a permission slip to be signed.
At one point the almost freeze to death after getting trapped in a freezer after finding a body.
Another case they wake up handcuffed together as they have to piece together the last two days to see who drugged them. They realize they wouldn’t want to be handcuffed to anyone else. They don’t say anything.
Every time clarke seems lexa dressed up for an undercover case or her book signing her heart stops. The first book based on lexa is dedicated to her. “To the extraordinary LW and the rest of the 12th”. Lexa secretly loves it.
There’s a steamy sex scene in Clarke’s book. Raven relentlessly mocks lexa for it trying to see if it was based on fact or if Clarke just has a vivid imagination. Upon lexas insistence, she relents with “The girl writes /that/ about you and you still think you two are platonic?” It’s not me, Raven! *sassy disbelieving judgey look*
Clarke gets caught in the middle of a bank robbery. Lexa saves her even after the bank blows up. This is her face when she rescues her:
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They start keeping track of who has saved who the most. Thank you for having my back conversations become pretty standard. They look exactly like canon clexas post-fight to the death scene.
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But lexa gets in over her head when she goes up against her moms case. She’s in the crosshairs of a conspiracy and will die trying to get justice for her mom. Clarke begs her to back down before she gets hurt
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And that finally FINALLY it leads to the “I’m in love with you” conversation and they end up in bed together.
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Also kate beckett hair porn is lexa in a nutshell
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209 notes · View notes
floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song vii (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader   au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, smut; includes jacuzzi (oral) sex, outdoor sex, the angst/drama comes knocking!  words; 8,336
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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A few days after Arin’s birthday party school started back, and just as you’d known you got incredibly busy, incredibly fast. With admin and getting to know your new students you found that you were too distracted to dwell on all the things that had been worrying you. Yes, it was strange not being able to see Seokjin practically whenever you wanted, and yes, you missed him – and the summer, but with work so hectic it cushioned the blow. You didn’t have time to live inside your own head or get sad about stupid, tiny things. 
Letting the school know about your relationship wasn’t mandatory now that you weren’t Arin’s teacher, but you felt better for it, meeting with Hoseok one morning to inform him. Eunbi already knew, being quite a close a friend to you, and slowly, over the next few days you let some of the other teachers you were friendly with know too. You found it quite exciting. You’d been single for such a long time so finding yourself in conversations about your boyfriend filled you with a happiness you weren’t quite used to. You liked talking about Seokjin, bigging him up, some could call it bragging… He’d even very kindly donated money for a new playground to be built in the kindergarten area. He wanted to help Primrose Hill any which way he could. It meant a lot to you and his daughter. 
It only took around three weeks to get yourself into a routine. For both of you to find a rhythm and make it work well. Your lunch break wasn’t long enough for you to zip to Seokjin’s office and join him so he always made an effort to come to you. Sometimes you’d eat in his car, sometimes yours, or sometimes you’d meet in a small café near the school. You cherished that short time together because sometimes that’s all you could have. Depending on how busy you both were you often couldn’t spend time together in the evenings. You tried to at least once in the week, but weekends were reserved for things like spending the night. 
It was Tuesday today and you somehow had a night free from lesson planning which meant you could join Seokjin and Arin for dinner. You were glad really, because Seokjin had been stressed since yesterday and you hadn’t had a chance to see him properly. He had to go away on last minute business this weekend but it coincided with Misook’s family vacation. He’d asked Nana if Arin could stay with her this weekend but she was busy too. He didn’t know what to do, other than try and postpone the trip. Key word: try. 
Misook had left for the day just as you were arriving, Arin in her room, too busy playing on the Nintendo Switch she’d gotten from Nana for her birthday, so it gave you some brief time alone with Seokjin. You were shocked to see him still in his suit, sat in contemplation alone in the family room. Oh, boy. You hated seeing him so stressed. He was never one to mope or even show his mood. You knew him well enough by now to be able to tell when he was drained, but he still didn’t let it affect him too much, always smiling, always joking around. This evening was different. He’d barely said a few sentences, mostly it involved apologising for his bad mood. He felt selfish, not being much company, yet still needing yours. He had nothing to be sorry for, you reassured, resting your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you, holding you close. You reached for his hand, and there you stayed like that for a little while, fingers laced together. 
Arin made her way in soon enough, stomach rumbling, a hopeful lilt to her voice as she walked over to you both, hands behind her back. “Can we have pizza for dinner?”
Seokjin shifted, unlacing your fingers and dropping his arm from your shoulders as you both sat up straighter. “Didn’t we have that yesterday, Arin?”
Arin didn’t miss. She was a professional. “But Y/N wasn’t here yesterday. She missed out.” 
Her comeback even managed to draw a quiet chuckle out of her dad. “We’re not having pizza, sweetie.” 
She sighed softly, crossing her arms around her chest as she looked your way. “Daddy is moody today.” 
You raised an eyebrow, your mouth unable to stop quirking up in amusement. “He is?”
“Why do you say that?” Seokjin asked. His tone was light, but you could tell by his frown lines her casual words had him worrying. 
“I heard you on the phone this morning to mommy. There’s no one to look after me when you go away this weekend and she can’t do it.” 
Seokjin faltered, not expecting such a frank answer. He composed himself quickly. “She’s just really busy, Arin. She wanted to look after you, she just couldn’t this time.” 
“I know,” she replied simply, nodding her head. 
There was a beat of silence and then Seokjin reached for her, kissing her cheek, his voice quiet with apology. “I’m sorry. Was I really moody today?” He looked unsurely your way too. 
“Uh huh. You hardly smiled, and when I tried telling you about the field trip I’m going on next week you weren’t even listening properly.” Arin’s small voice filled with such attitude was comical. 
Seokjin chuckled. “Daddy’s really sorry. I’m smiling now, though, right?” Arin nodded. “And if you’re kind enough, you can tell me about your trip again over dinner. Is that okay?” 
“Hmm.” She thought allowed. “So can we get pizza?”
Seokjin snorted. “Nice try, young lady. It’s still a no.” 
Seokjin ordered from one of his favourite restaurants, helping you set the table as Arin went to check on her rabbits. You ate together, listening as Arin spoke all about her upcoming field trip, finally having her father’s undivided (and interested) attention. However, halfway in, she completely changed the topic, throwing you both. 
“Can’t I stay with Y/N this weekend?” 
“Hm?” Seokjin looked over at her, visibly surprised. 
You swallowed what was left in your mouth just as Arin’s eyes found yours.  “I can just stay with you while daddy has to go away.” Your lips parted, trying to think of something to say, your years of teacher training falling short. 
Seokjin beat you to it. “No, no, sweetie,” he shook his head, sounded a little flustered, taken by surprise. “Y/N will probably be busy on the weekend. That’s her only free time, she can’t look after you.” 
With a small shrug, she put her fork to her mouth. “It was just a thought.” 
Seokjin looked over at you, expression apologetic as he mouthed sorry. 
Hey, listen…” You began, feeling oddly nervous as you looked up at your boyfriend. It was a couple of hours later, Arin was in bed, time was getting on, you had to leave soon, but cuddled up against him, both curled up on the sofa as you watched mindless television, you really didn’t want to go anywhere. Seokjin had relaxed a little by now (the wonders of food), but you could still tell his mind was exhausted as his gaze fell on yours. You took a breath, deeper than intended, psyching yourself up. “I really don’t mind looking after Arin this weekend.” 
You didn’t miss the way his eyes widened a tad, obviously taken by surprise, but then his mouth lifted at the side, his head shaking from side to side lightly as he let out a breathy chuckle. “Y/N, don’t feel like you have to just because she brought it up.” 
You found yourself relaxing. He didn’t want you to feel obligated. You’d thought so, but the teeniest tiniest most worrisome part of your brain had thought he might now have wanted, or trusted you, to look after Arin. That wasn’t the case. You could tell by the look on his face. He didn’t want to put you out, ask too much of you. 
You moved and straightened your back, eye to eye now. “No, I honestly don’t mind at all, Seokjin.” You reassured, talking faster as you noticed him open his mouth. “Seeing as Arin was the one who suggested it, I guess she’s fine with the idea. I…” Hesitating, you added something else. “I wanted to suggest it myself but… If she’s comfortable with it, I’d love to.” 
It was the truth. Ever since Seokjin had called you at lunch time, telling you Nana couldn’t manage this weekend, you’d wanted to tell him you were up for it but something had stopped you. Even as he’d tried to think of options this evening – maybe his mom could stay for the weekend, his aunt – you’d held back and bitten your tongue. What if you were pushing boundaries? Inserting yourself into situations that didn’t concern you? Arin liked you, yes,   but being entirely in your care for 48 hours was different. She might not want to, she might feel uncomfortable. However knowing that it wasn’t the case, suggesting it herself so casually over dinner had given you the confidence to push through. Seokjin needn’t be worried about asking too much of you. 
Regarding you silently, he considered your words. Lovingly, you glided your hand up his arm, reaching out for his cheek. He pressed into your touch automatically. “I want to help you out.” At that, he smiled gently, lips turning up in a way that rounded his cheeks, making him appear at least a decade younger. It was wholly unfair. 
Turning slightly, his lips grazed your palm. “I’ll ask her about it in the morning.” You grinned, visibly pleased, and Seokjin took your hand to tug you gently to his chest. This time he placed a kiss on your mouth, humming happily. “Thank you.” 
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Arin was more than happy about it. Seokjin suggested you stay at his home for the weekend, seeing as that would be easier for the both of you, but she was pretty adamant she wanted to stay at your place. You understood, kid’s curiosity and all. She wanted to know what your home looked like, she wanted to meet your “pretty best friend” she liked to ask about sometimes. Honestly, you felt touched that she wanted to learn more about your life. It was just another reminder of her acceptance when it came to you, and you’d be forever touched by how easily she’d let you into her life. She was more than welcome to come stay at your place, but of course you’d run it by Soojung first. She’d agreed quite easily, even after you informed her you’d be sharing her bed all weekend, Arin of course using yours. 
On Thursday night Seokjin’s guilt was getting the better of him. He had you on the phone, making sure you were 100% okay with looking after Arin. He didn’t want you to feel as if you were trapped just because you felt compelled to help him. He could cancel his trip. You told him how stupid he was being. Cancelling would put so many people out, including himself. Besides, you not only wanted to help him out, you wanted to take care of Arin. You felt as though you were capable, and if you were being even more honest with him, you felt really happy it was happening. Knowing Arin trusted you this much was a great feeling. Knowing he trusted you enough… 
“Why wouldn’t I trust you?” He scoffed in disbelief. “You’re great with her. She loves you.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you laughed. 
“How come?” He was hellbent on proving you wrong, voice softening as he continued. “You’re so easy to love.”  
You felt your heart skip a beat. He’d said it so casually, so easily, you felt dumb searching too much into his words. It was far too early to think of things like that – for confessions like that. Right? Still, he sounded genuine enough. He meant it, even if it wasn’t in that way. Not that you were expecting anything. You were perfectly happy with how things were, your feelings growing stronger each day. You weren’t in a rush, neither was he. That’s what made your relationship so great. But your heart still felt all fuzzy regardless. You found yourself smiling down the line, your thanks obvious in your tone. “I’m going to miss you.” 
“I’ll miss you more.” He ignored your noises of complaint. “I’ll video call you a lot – and Arin of course.” Then he laughed. “Although, I’ll have a feeling she won’t miss me at all this weekend.” 
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The next day you finished up work early, it was a Friday anyway, so you never made a habit of sticking around too long, but this time you were packed and ready to go the same time as the kids. Arin would be waiting in her classroom, ready to go home with you for the weekend. Seokjin had dropped off her things early this morning before his flight, indulging you in a few sleepy kisses before he had to go, a promise of ‘I’ll see you Sunday night,” slipping from his slightly downturned lips, hands reluctant to let you go. 
Arin was visibly excited when she saw you, seconds away from jumping up and down on the spot, your first name rushing out of her mouth without realising. It was no big deal of course, but her reaction was cute, eyes widening as her lips parted into a circle, a noise of realisation leaving her. She looked very much like her father, which made it even funnier. You took her hand, saying your goodbyes to Mr. Moon, her second grade teacher, and left the building for your car. 
“This is a really nice car, Y/N,” she complimented as you made sure she was strapped in properly. You weren’t nervous, but you were slightly on edge, cautious, being a better word, to make sure everything was okay. You needed all bases covered. Arin was in your care for 48 hours after all. You told yourself to calm down, if Seokjin knew you were being this antsy he’d be highly amused. You wouldn’t stop hearing about it for a week. 
“I’ve always wanted to ride in it,” Arin continued. 
You smiled down at her. “Thank you.” She was one of the sweetest kids you knew. Your car was average. Not that she knew anything about makes and prices and whatever else there was. You didn’t either. As long as it drove you from point A to B you didn’t care what it looked like. 
“Will your best friend be home when we arrive?” She asked as you got inside the driver’s seat, sticking the key in the ignition. 
“Soojung? She’ll be still in work. Remember I told she works at a department store?” It was adorable how excited she was to meet Soo. Your best friend’s head would be double the size soon, ego inflated. 
“Mhmm,” Arin hummed responsively.  
“She won’t be done until around 6.” You turned back to look at her, knowing your next sentence would make her day. “I think she wanted to get pizza for dinner. Would you like that?” 
“YES!” Arin exclaimed immediately, eyes lighting up. “Soojung likes pizza too?” 
With a chuckle, you started the vehicle up and started backing out of your spot, replying as you did so. “She does.” But in truth, the pizza tonight was Seokjin’s idea. He’d given you one of his bank cards to spend on the food bill with strict instructions to only feed her the doughy delicacy once this weekend. He knew what she was like – you both did. She’d eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could. If you suggested it tonight, then that was it. She’d be eating your menu come Saturday and Sunday. 
“How far away is your house from the school?” 
You’d lost count of how many questions she’d already asked you since you’d arrived to collect her. It was comical. Seokjin had not warned you about that, but your years of experience had told you to expect it. What was a kid without questions? You’d be worried if she was silent. 
“Not too long.” You replied, glancing in the rear view mirror to see her happily looking out of the window. “When we get in, I’ll text daddy and see if he’s free to videocall.” 
You tried to stop the smile that wanted to break across your face at her nonchalance. “Do you miss him yet?” 
With a brief shake of her head, still staring at the whizzing scenery outside she answered pretty simply. “Not really.” 
This time you burst out laughing, unable to stop. She looked over at the noise, meeting your eyes in the mirror as you took a right turn, giggling along. “Don’t tell him though, Y/N. It might make him sad.” 
“I won’t, Arin.” You reassured with another chuckle. “It can be our little secret.” 
She settled in well that night, immediately warming to Soojung (who despite her lifelong insistence, was great with children). You thought perhaps Arin would begin to get homesick once it was time for bed, but after watching a movie you tucked her in and said goodnight. You thought she’d have trouble sleeping because she was in a strange bed but checking in on her twenty minutes later you found her fast asleep, hugging her rabbit plushie. You on the other hand got ready to share a bed with Soojung – the bed cover hogger… 
The next day Arin had you awake at 6am. You already knew about her liveliness in the mornings, so it was no surprise. You’d been woken up countless times over the summer by a knock at Seokjin’s door, Arin’s voice calling out for him. On days you weren’t there she’d even barge in and jump on the bed. Where she got her energy from so early in the morning was a mystery. This morning however, she caught you on the way out of the bathroom. You’d been tossing and turning all night, wresting the covers from Soo. You’d thought about maybe taking a blanket and having an hours nap on the sofa, but there Arin was creeping out of your room, a smile on her face as she saw it was you. 
There was no tempting her back to bed, so you sat her down at the table and made her some breakfast, snapping a picture to send to her father. (Captioned: Guess who had me up at 6am 😴) You had a few things planned today. Seokjin always made sure Arin was busy on the weekends, it was the only time he got to spend with her fully unless she was with her mom, especially now that she was back in school. Even if it was just something as simple as going to the park, he always made plans. So, to do your part and to keep her entertained, you were going to run by her house to make sure the rabbits were fine (fed and watered), then go to the mall. It was simple, yes, but you needed to get a few things anyway, and you promised after all that walking around you’d stop by the food court. Then she had to accompany you to the grocery store to get ingredients for tonight’s dinner. 
She was pretty damn excited regardless. “I like going to the mall with mommy because daddy finds it boring,” she informed you as she picked out her clothes that you’d helped her unpack yesterday. That definitely sounded like Seokjin, you thought to yourself, laughing along with her. “Mommy told me that next weekend she’s going to take me shopping and buy me anyyy-thing I want.” 
“That sounds like great fun,” you smiled, telling yourself you’d pretend you never heard that… Seokjin was keen not to spoil Arin so you didn’t think he’d be best pleased to find this out. “What do you want to buy?”
“Hmm. Something for Olive and Ariel, I think.” 
You smiled again, admiring her caring nature. Her rabbits were the most well looked after in this entire country. She adored them. “I think they’ll really appreciate that.” 
You continued helping Arin get ready first, and thankfully by the time you were done Soojung had risen. You left them watching cartoons together while you showered, eager to leave by 10am. 
Arin you found out, didn’t just like the mall, she loved it very much. She was practically skipping around the place as she held your hand, helping you pick out the things you needed for your craft session with the students on Monday. While she was recommending paint colours to you, she surprised you with a confession. “I wish you were still my teacher, Y/N.” 
“How come?” You asked gently. 
She gave a tiny shrug. “I’d get to see you every day.” 
Oh. You didn’t know what to say to that, touched at her matter-of-fact revelation. Instead you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a loving squeeze. 
“But actually, maybe I wouldn’t like it.” She added as an afterthought. You waited, curious as to why she’d changed her mind so suddenly. “I’d have to call you Miss Y/L/N. I’d get too confused.” 
You laughed, this child was far too funny for her own good. “Me too, Arin. It’s better this way, right?”
“Right,” she agreed with a nod. 
“Y/N, this is pretty,” Arin cooed, calling your attention as you rounded the stand. You’d gotten everything you needed and were now browsing around some other stores. You’d let Arin pick a couple out, worrying she might be getting bored, and one of her choices had been Claire’s. She was holding up a charm bracelet. 
“Very pretty,” you agreed. 
And then she struck. “Can I have it?” She didn’t give you time to answer, eyes widening as she began to beg, voice soft and hopeful. “Please. Pretty please.” 
You chuckled. You were practically immune to cute kids, so that wouldn’t work on you. However, she had been really well-behaved all morning, in your eyes she deserved a small treat. “You can. But just this one thing, okay?” 
“Thank you, Y/N!” She squealed, rushing up to you. She gave your arm a squeeze. “I like you much better than daddy.” 
“That will hurt his feelings,” you burst out laughing. She didn’t have to butter you up, you’d already said yes. 
As you were paying the cashier, she wondered off to a stand of keychains, her eyes catching something instantly. “Oooh, pretty,” she purred and the cashier, a woman no more than a few years older than you, laughed. 
“Best escape before she wants something else,” you joked, handing over some cash. 
“My daughter is just the same. Kids, who’d have them, right? We’re glutton for punishment.” She joked. 
“Oh, no, I’m –” You stopped yourself dead, unsure what to say. Had this woman just mistaken you for Arin’s mother? It definitely sounded that way. But just how could you correct her? 
“Don’t get me wrong,” the cashier said, shaking her head. “They’re definitely worth it.” 
You forced yourself to smile, feeling a little wooden, but the chuckle you got out sounded better. “Yeah, yeah they are.” You glanced over at Arin, thankfully she was too distracted by the abundance of cute animal keychains. You turned back and took your bag from the woman, trying to shake off how awkward you felt. “Thank you. Bye.” 
Walking over to Arin you took her hand. “Hope to see you again soon,” the cashier called behind you and you gave a wave, telling Arin to do the same.
“Thank you,” she sang sweetly as she did so. 
“So, something weird happened today,” you told Soojung as you prepared food, careful to keep your voice low even though Arin was well and truly distracted inside the living room. Taehyung was a master with children. The guy needed a career change immediately. You’d never heard Arin laugh so hard. She’d been in stitches for the last hour. You were worried she’d be way to hyperactive for bedtime once it came. 
Soojung looked up from where she was chopping onion, interested as her eyebrow raised. 
“The woman at Claire’s mistook me for Arin’s mother.” 
Soojung scoffed, lifting her shoulders in a casual shrug. “I’m not surprised. It was bound to happen. It’s normal.” She added, reassuring you as she saw the look on your face. “People just naturally assume.” 
“I guess…” 
“What did you tell her?”
Your expression turned sheepish. “I just went along with it,” you confessed, placing spaghetti in a pan of bubbling water. You caught the look she gave you. “I didn’t know what to say!” It was the truth. “I’m her father’s girlfriend seemed too… I don’t know…” Too impersonal? 
“That’s what you are though,” Soo snorted.
You gave up, knowing you were probably making a huge deal out of this. Was it that serious? Probably not. “I just felt awkward.” 
“Because you hate correcting people, or because you didn’t like someone mistaking you for Arin’s mother,” your best friend pried. 
“It’s definitely not that. It’s just…” You sighed. “How would Arin feel about it? What if she’d heard?”
Soojung shrugged. “She loves you. You’re great with her.” 
That wasn’t the point you were trying to make. “It still might have upset her though. She adores her mom.” You weren’t trying to take Nana’s place and you didn’t want her to ever think that. 
It was Soo’s turn to sigh, dropping the chopped onions into a fry pan. “Do you want my opinion?” 
“Please,” you requested meekly. 
“I think you’re looking way too much into it.” Obviously. “It’s not a big deal at all, and Arin didn’t hear anything so nothing to worry about.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, telling yourself to shake it off. 
“Of course I am,” she quipped, rooting around in a cupboard now. She turned back, a can of tomatoes in her hand. “I’m sure Seokjin will be able to ease your mind with his sexy Dilf powers or whatever he calls them.” 
“Shut up,” you groaned. You weren’t even sure if you were going to tell him. Like she kept saying, it wasn’t a big deal, right? It was an easy mistake to make. Probably happened all the time. 
From inside the living room you heard Taehyung roar loudly, mimicking a lion (possibly) and Arin shrieked out his name, laughter exploding from her. “Quick, let’s get dinner ready as soon as possible.” Soojung begged, dramatic as always. “I’m scared Tae might be getting ideas. I’m too young for kids!”
The rest of the weekend went by smoothly. Despite the excitement levels that Saturday night brought, Arin was knocked out by 9pm. You, Soojung and Taehyung stayed up for another hour before he had to leave and then Soo made her way to bed, needing to wake up early tomorrow for work. That left you on the couch, awaiting Seokjin’s video call. He’d already called once today, but Arin was so hyped, talking a mile a minute about her day, you couldn’t get a word in edgeways. (Neither could he.) You were thankful for some alone time. You were missing him. He’d gone away on business trips a couple of times in the summer but it didn’t mean you’d get used to it. You both talked about your day, and you decided there and then not to tell him about the Claire’s “incident.” Soojung was right, it was no big deal. It was a common misunderstanding, one you’d probably made unknowingly before too. After you’d said your goodbyes you went to bed, already strategizing how you were going to steal the covers back from Soojung. As much as you’d enjoyed looking after Arin, you couldn’t wait to have your own bed back. Sharing with your bestie was torture. Taehyung was an admirable man. 
Sunday was a chillout day, although Arin still had you awake at 6am. You made her breakfast, watched some cartoons and shared turns on her Switch before you both got ready for the day. You checked in on Olive and Ariel briefly before driving back to your place. There was a park nearby and you promised you’d take her. The weather was still warm despite September trickling by. It was crazy how fast this year had gone, autumn already nearly here. For the rest of the day you both relaxed in front of the TV, waiting until Soojung was home to watch a movie, and then you made dinner. Seokjin was due back around 7pm, so you made sure all of Arin’s things were packed up ready to go. It was just gone eight when he turned up at your door. Arin had already passed out on the sofa after her hot chocolate so he couldn’t stay long. You thought with how entertaining this weekend had been it had finally all caught up with her. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to spend the night?” He asked, careful to keep his voice down as he strapped Arin inside his car. (Still sleeping.) You’d followed him out as he carried her towards the vehicle, wanting to say your goodbyes. 
He straightened up, closing the car door as he stepped closer to you. You rubbed his arm. “You must be exhausted.” 
“Don’t baby me.” Reaching forward, he wrapped his arms around you, squishing your arms to your side. “I missed you.” 
You hummed, pressing your lips to his, careful to keep your voice a whisper. “Your dick missed me.” 
He scoffed in disbelief but couldn’t argue. “That’s…not a lie. My heart missed you too though.” 
“How sweet,” you joked, but couldn’t keep your charade up for much longer. “I missed you too.” This time the press of your mouth was much firmer. He matched it, letting you slip your arms around his sides, holding him too. 
“Tomorrow, then?” He asked hopefully, tip of his tongue wetting his bottom lip slightly as he pulled away. “I know it’s a school night but I swear I only get a good night’s sleep lying next to you.” 
Laughing, you nodded your head. “Tomorrow.” You agreed wholeheartedly. Sleeping alone was no fun anymore. 
He captured your mouth again, humming happily. “Can’t wait.” 
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The following weekend Arin was with her mom so you and Seokjin had the entire weekend to yourselves. Saturday was busy, you’d both probably been a little too ambitious when you’d decided to cram as many different activities as you could into the day, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You didn’t get many days to spend together likes this; walking hand in hand as you explored the local market, having brunch together, checking out a new museum exhibit, watching a movie at the theatre… You treasured days like these. And what better way to end one with? Jacuzzi time! 
Seokjin’s jacuzzi was fast becoming one of life’s staples lately. Who were you? A changed woman, that’s who. This was your favourite space in Seokjin’s garden(s). An area of decking, solar lights draped over the sleek fencing. In the middle was the jacuzzi, set into the wood. Now that the nights were drawing in, it was especially cosy out here, summer holding on for just a little bit longer as the weather stayed quite warm. It wouldn’t be like this for long so you had to make the most of it right now. 
You were sat inside the jacuzzi, water gently bubbling around you as you gazed up at the stars that had just started to appear when you heard Seokjin emerging from the house. His footsteps sounded against the wooden steps as he made his way towards you. You didn’t bother looking but when he didn’t join you straight away, you glanced over curiously. To be met with a rather naked boyfriend. 
“What are you doing?!” You exclaimed, eyes bugging out. 
He grinned. It was hardly innocent. “Jacuzzi’s are much more enjoyable naked, didn’t you know?” 
You tsked, watching him climb into the tub and make his way over to you. His mouth was immediately on yours, arms around your waist as he tugged for you to stand up. This wasn’t just any type of kiss. Like you’d said before, you knew Seokjin very well by now, and besides, you’d already noticed his dick was half aroused as he stood above you… He had a plan. 
On cue, he broke away, corners of his plump lips tugging upwards with a suggestion. 
“Join me?” 
“Seokjin…” You warned, voice low, hands grazing the tops of his arms. He couldn’t be serious. 
“No one can see us,” he reassured you with a wider smile. 
You mean, he was correct. This time you let your hands make their way to his shoulders, massaging them lightly. “You’re crazy.” 
“Yeah, crazy for you,” he smirked, leaning in to kiss you once again. His lips were slow, coaxing. Even more so as they made their way down your jaw and to your neck. You keened into his touch, his hands grazing down your sides, fingers toying with the sides of your bikini bottoms. “C’mon…” He sunk his teeth into your skin gently and you whined. “I know you want to.” You did indeed. Very much so. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, voice suddenly hoarse. You cleared your throat just as his fingers began to untie the strings of your bra, mouth still peppering your neck with kisses. Until that was your chest was bare, and then his lips were wrapped around one nipple, water rippling with the sudden movement. You moaned as quietly as you could, wanting to encourage him because it felt good, but also nervous as hell because you were outside. You didn’t care if there was no one around for a good mile, you were still out in the open. 
Cupping your breasts in his palms he gazed down at them, sighing dreamily. “Have I ever told you how much I love your tits?”
You raised an eyebrow. “One. Don’t be so crude.” (Not that you didn’t like it.) “And two. Yes, yes you have.” You broke off with a laugh, reaching for him to mesh your mouths together. He couldn’t help but chuckle too, but elsewhere he had a hand down your bikini to grab your ass. 
“What’s gotten – Seokjin!” You practically roared, cutting yourself off as he suddenly dived down into the water, fully submerged, hands attempting to tear your bottoms off. “What are you doing,” you giggled, clinging to his back as you tried to stay upright. He had one of your ankles in his hand, wrestling with the fabric. 
A few moments later he arose successful, flicking his head back to stop his wet hair from dripping in his eyes. He pushed it back further with his hands, forehead now devastating, skin glistening with water droplets. You heart stilled, he looked gorgeous – and naughty. Behind him your bikini bottoms floated to the surface. A smirk spread across his face as he finally replied. “Getting you naked.” And then he was on you. 
He kissed you hungrily, his erection pressed up against you, hot and eager now, just like his tongue. Your fingers threaded through his wet locks, letting him push his body weight into you until the backs of your legs hit the seat. 
“Up here for me,” he pulled away briefly, command light, tapping his hand against the deck behind you. You let him slip his hands around your hips and lift you up, legs spread to accommodate his body, feet still in the water atop of the seat. 
“You’re not too cold?” He made sure to ask, concerned despite being ravenous. You shook your head, desire for him enough despite the night air cooling the water against your skin. Satisfied he immediately dove in, leaning forward to place a kiss against your wetness. You pulsed against the touch, moving back on your elbows to get comfier just as his tongue came out and flicked against your clit. Suddenly you didn’t care that you were outside. 
From up here you had a great view of the expanse of his broad, wet back, muscles rippling as he ate you out. You moaned softly, running a hand through his hair, gaze falling to his face. His eyes were closed, water droplets caught in his dark eyebrows and as if he could feel your eyes watching him, he looked up, smirking against you before he sucked the sensitive bud into his mouth, actions growing more eager as he heard you go crazy for it. 
He knew your body well, which is why he cruelly held off slipping a finger inside of you. Actually, on second thought, he knew damn well that the second he did so, your orgasm would soon follow. It wasn’t hard to tease your body, to control it how he wanted. As soon as you felt his middle digit push inside, you clenched around it, hips bucking into Seokjin’s face as a stifled cry forced its way out of your mouth. He grunted, inserting another finger, curling and uncurling them as his other hand gripped your hip, trying his best to keep you still. It was no use, you were a woman possessed, pleasure beginning to hurtle through your body at an alarming rate. You stretched out, fingers of one hand sliding along the wood beneath you, desperately trying to cling onto something as you moaned uncontrollably. Seokjin hummed along, encouraging you, coaxing the orgasm through your body. With each wave your breath shuddered harder. 
You only started coming to when you felt his fingers slip out of you, his tongue ceasing, mouth now at your inner thigh, kissing you wetly, passionately. Your hands reached for him, wanting him close, but he was already on it, straightening up to meet your mouth. “I need you,” he breathed. You could taste yourself, it was intoxicating. “Here.” 
“Here?!” You exclaimed weakly, unfocused eyes trying to concentrate on his face. 
He kissed you once more, moaning a little. “Yeah.” His hands wrapped around your hips, lifting you further up the decking before he climbed out of the water and crawled over your body, reaching for something behind you. “Look – let’s use this.” He had a beach towel in his hand, the one you’d left draped over one of the wicker chairs, and he hurriedly laid it out, pressing you into it to kiss you again. His cock was hard and wet, bobbing against your inner thighs. 
“Are you sure you’re not cold?” He asked, wet hair now having fallen in his eyes. 
You cupped his face, nodding your head as you leaned up. You were still thrumming from your high. “Yes.” Your tongue curled against his open mouth, slipping in to meet his own. The kiss was messy, distracted, as he spread your legs, hooking one up under your thigh. 
Breaking away from your mouth, he straightened his back and aligned himself at your entrance, needing no hands he was so erect. You clung to his shoulders, waiting for the first thrust. His skin was still dotted with water droplets. “I’m too impatient, baby,” he told you simply, and then he pushed inside. 
Slowly, savouring the feeling of your walls stretching around him, both of you gasping as he bottomed out. With a slow thrust he groaned. “You feel like heaven.” As he leaned in to kiss you, he noticed you trying to hold back a giggle. “What?” 
You burst. “That was so cheesy.” 
Chuckling, he kissed you again, tips of his ears turning red. “Don’t laugh at me.” You snorted, unable to help it, reaching for him in silent apology, despite laughter still escaping you. “Seriously, stoppp,” he whined, dropping his head. 
You grinned. “Or what?” 
That got his attention. Looking up, his top lip twitched. His hand cupped your face, thumb brushing over your lips. “I’ll have to teach you a lesson,” he murmured, voice an octave lower. You opened up, sucking the digit into your mouth, looking up at him knowingly. He knew what you were thinking. That didn’t sound so bad. 
“My mistake.” He smiled, gaze intense as he pulled away, his thumb leaving you with a silent pop. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” 
You were seconds away from agreeing but became distracted, watching him lift both legs up by the back of your thighs now, hiking them above his shoulders. He dick slipped so deep you choked, feeling so full you didn’t know what to do. 
“S-seokjin,” you panicked, your hands clutching his arms. 
He cocked his head to the side, voice soft. “Trust me?”  
You nodded, something already so addicting about feeling him inside you like this. You felt beyond sensitive, beginning to tremble as he slowly thrust in and out of you, bringing the tip of his cock almost all the way out before sinking back into your warmth. You moaned out, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with a pleasure so overwhelming. He sped up, going harder now that he was certain you were enjoying yourself, wet squelches sounding along with your moans and his grunts. You loved watching him fuck you like this, towering down over you, the wet spikes of hair falling down around his face, fucking you with his entire body weight, your ass sliding back and forth against the towel. 
However, you also loved kissing him. Holding him as he thrust inside, keeping him to you. 
“Seokjin,” you breathed, voice tight, hands reaching for him. He got the message, easing your legs to the ground carefully as he took one of your hands and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it tenderly, your name slipping from his lips, breathless and husky. 
He moved closer, capturing your lips eagerly and you hooked your legs around his waist, clinging to the back of his neck in the process as your hips jutted up to meet each roll of his own. You were both panting by now, grunts of exertion slipping from your mouths as you continued to make out. His movements were messier, wet bodies pressed up close, enough to provide enough friction for a second orgasm. 
“Ah… I’m close,” he panted, mouth grazing down your throat as he attempted to keep the same momentum. 
“M-me too.” 
That spurred him on, hips snapping into yours with a cry, newfound determination, lips pressing into yours once more. You came together, out of breath and quite sweaty, but mouths unrelenting. You’d never get enough of kissing him. It was addictive – especially like this. 
Spent, he slid out of your dampness naturally, having grown flaccid, kissing you slowly now, indulgently, until he was moving south, capturing your left breast in his mouth, tongue encircling your nipple. You shuddered as he pulled back, one of his hands cupping the right breast to give that a parting kiss too. It wouldn’t be long before you started growing cold, but you were so content here you didn’t care. 
Seokjin lifted his head up, gazing straight into your eyes. His were warm and soft, drunk on your beauty (or so he would say). “I want to give you the world,” he breathed, sealing his confession with a press of his mouth. 
Your heart swelled, heat prickling your skin and you clung to him. But despite that, you felt the need to joke around. Call it a defence mechanism, who knew. “Men are so weak,” you chuckled, running your fingers through his hair to pull it back, revealing his face again. The tips had already started to dry. “Let them cum inside you and they’re like putty in your hands.” 
He laughed too, genuinely amused, but his eyes were still soft and he leaned into your touch, content with the way you held his face now. “I mean it though,” he whispered. “Tell me what you want. Anything. I’ll make it happen.” 
You raised an eyebrow. He was being ridiculous, acting drunk. Still, you were pretty simple. You didn’t have many wishes, many dreams. “I want to travel on a plane.” 
It was his turn to lift an eyebrow, intrigued. “Like a private jet or?”
“No,” you giggled, “just a plane in general.” You kissed his nose. “You know I’ve never been out of the country before.” 
“You want me to take you on vacation?” He hummed, turning suggestive pretty quickly. “A sexcation?”
“Seokjinn,” you whined, dropping your hands from his face. 
He nudged his nose against yours playfully. “Well, of course there’ll be sex involved, but,” he grew serious, genuinely interested, “where do you want to go?” 
“Hm, anywhere?”
“Anywhere,” he confirmed, adding, “unless it’s another planet, or the moon.” 
You smiled, amused, yet deeply preoccupied now. Where did you want to go? What was your dream destination? You’d had one place in mind since you were a child. Running a hand down his bare chest you suddenly felt coy. “I want to visit Paris.” 
He grinned. “France, Mademoiselle?” 
You matched it. “Oui.” 
“Done.” He kissed you, sealing the deal. “Let’s go there tonight.” 
You burst out laughing at his idiocy. “I have school. You have work – a daughter!”
He laughed too, but he was distracted, gazing at you tenderly once more. He opened his mouth, about to say something but hesitated. Instead he smiled, nodding his head resolutely. “Okay, soon. Very soon.” He laughed when you squealed in excitement, bringing one of your hands to his lips. “I’m going to take you to the most romantic city on earth, baby.” 
It was Sunday the next day, which meant only one thing. Lazy morning sex. It was his favourite, his time to indulge in all things beautiful and pleasurable he told you. (i.e. You). You’d grown used to his lame lines, he couldn’t help it, and deep down you secretly loved them. A man so shameless with his desire, his devotion. You really had hit the jackpot. 
Sundays were also your excuse to just be lazy in general. You usually skipped breakfast in choice of an early lunch, but today you wanted to picnic outside. You knew in a week or so the weather would begin to change more drastically so this was your last chance. You made a reluctant Seokjin get out of bed and shower with you, ignoring his advances as you did so. He was like a dog in heat. Not that you usually complained, but today you really wanted to hit the grocery store before rush hour. Sundays were always busy. 
A few hours later you had everything ready, outside in the spot that saw the most sun. It bleated down on you as you kneeled, arranging all the dishes across the blanket you’d placed down across the lawn. 
“Oh, shoot. I forgot the salad.” Seokjin realised by the side of you. “I’ll be one sec, honey.” He kissed your cheek as he stood, smacking your ass playfully in the process. “Don’t start without me.”
“What will you do about it?” You called out to him, unable to help it. 
“If you’re feeling brave, I guess you’ll find out.” He called back with a laugh, retreating into the house. 
A good girl, you waited patiently, but then time started to tick on. One minute, then five… At ten you stood up with a sigh. Where was he? You had visions of the salad bowl on the floor smashed to smithereens. You made your way through the doors that led inside the back of the house. You past his study, calling his name. “Seokjin? Did you get lost?”
You were met with silence, which wasn’t surprising, his home was big after all. Down the corridor, closer to the kitchen you began to hear voices. Seokjin’s familiar rumble, although you couldn’t make it out, and then a louder, unfamiliar voice – female. You followed the sound, realising it was coming from the living room nearest the front door. A sick feeling was slowly creeping its way up your throat, but you didn’t understand why. As you got closer your heart began to race, blood rushing through your ears. There was this sudden feeling of dread. It was so strong you could practically taste it, and you were so frazzled you couldn’t concentrate on the words you were hearing as you rounded the corner of the open door, although you did acknowledge them. 
Immediately as you came into view you heard them loud and clear though. Directed at you. 
“Oh, and this is her, right?” 
They were coming from a woman, her dark eyes piercing into yours. She was beautiful, was your first thought. Tall and slim, with long black hair, so silky she could have come straight from a shampoo commercial. It reminded you of someone. Her hair just as dark and shiny. Arin. 
At the thought of the child’s name, you looked down, spotting her beside the stranger, clinging to her hand, eyes wide and shiny with worried tears. Everything clicked into place then. Confusion clearing, yet the sick feeling got stronger. This wasn’t a stranger. It was Arin’s mother. Seokjin’s ex-wife. Nana. And she looked angry. 
You glanced around, spotting Seokjin who was looking your way with apologetic eyes. His face looked torn. He murmured your name, stepping towards you, a protective hand reaching for your own. He held it tight, giving you a comforting squeeze. His palm was clammy. 
“Yes, here she is!” Nana laughed harshly, needing no reply. It made you wince. Beside you Seokjin groaned quietly, rubbing his free hand across his face before he took a deep breath. As if he was gearing himself up. 
You looked at Nana, chest a little tight, something heavy in your stomach. When your eyes locked the corners of her mouth curled upwards. 
“The stepmom!” She sneered. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
757 notes · View notes
The Stars Were Bright Above | Peter Parker
✦ pairing — Peter Parker x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 12k
✦ fake dating AU
✦ summary — in an attempt to make your best friend Harry jealous, you accept to fake date Peter who needs to cover up his big secret.
✦ request — I just read your Harry series and I was wondering if you could do something similar where reader is in love with Harry and she fake dates Peter and falls for him?
✦ warnings — angst, family issues, mentions of food and alcohol, language, reader and Peter are in college, brief depictions of anxiety, sexually suggestive content, drama between friends, fluff.
✦ author's note — whew, this one was supposed to be a quick one shot that’d help me get back into writing after days with a horrible migraine and then I completely lost control of it. I managed to find a compromise in 12k words after an excruciating editing process. Hope it’s coherent and that you like it!
“I would love to stop and chat,” you told Peter as you looked for your keys, “but I’m in a hurry.”
“I’ll walk you to your car.”
If only you could find the stupid keys first! Oh, well, you’d check your backpack once you were in the parking lot.
Peter could have used the time it took you to cross campus to tell you whatever it was he wanted to say. Instead, he fiddled with the straps of his backpack and walked beside you in complete silence.
“I need a favor,” he finally said when you stopped in front of your car. As though it hadn’t been obvious.
“Peter,” you sighed, trying to hold your open backpack against your knee. A horrible idea, really. “My mom will kill me if I’m late for lunch.”
He took your backpack in his hands and held it for you. “I... it’s embarrassing.”
“We can talk about it tomorrow.”
“It can’t wait!”
His tone made you lift your head. “Are you alright? Is your aunt sick or something?”
He shook his head. “It’s about May in a way... oh, that rhymed.”
“Right, right. Uhmmm she thought I was hiding something from her—“
You interrupted, “Were you?”
“Kind of,” he admitted. “So I told her I have a girlfriend.”
“I didn’t know you were dating anybody.”
“I’m not.”
“So why did you—“ You groaned. “Oh my God, you’re an idiot.”
“I deserve that one.”
“You want me to convince Gwen?”
“Gwen? Why would—“ He shook his head. Avoiding your eyes, he said, “I told her it was you.”
“And she believed you?”
“I’m as shocked as you are!”
“So you want me to lie to your aunt and tell her I’m dating you.” You closed your backpack, having had no luck finding your keys.
“More or less.” Peter continued holding your backpack, patiently waiting for you to retrieve it. “I was thinking more along the lines of lying to everybody and tell them we’re dating.”
You brought a hand to your hair, lightly gripping it for a moment. “I’m not a good actress.”
“I think your keys are in your hoodie.”
You palmed the front pocket where the sound of metal against metal let you know he was right. Introducing your hand, you withdrew the keys. “How did you know?”
“I heard them.”
“You have amazing hearing.” You reached over to take your backpack.
He handed it to you. “It’s a blessing and a curse.”
You unlocked the car and opened the back door on the driver’s side. Leaving your backpack onto the backseat, you heard Peter ask, “So... are you helping me?”
Standing straight, you turned to peer at him. You had to squint as the sun hit your face. “Can we talk later or tomorrow?”
He nodded. “Text me. Please.”
Peter had always been considerate with you and this time was no different. He patted your back before walking away on the opposite direction.
You bit your bottom lip. “Hey.”
Peter turned around. “Mmh?”
“Want me to drop you off?”
It was nice to have some company in the car after a pretty lonely day. Gwen was nowhere to be seen and you didn’t share classes with Mary Jane. You had other friends, but they didn’t make you feel complete like Gwen, Mary Jane, Flash, Peter, and Harry did.
You couldn’t stop yourself from asking, “Did you tell Harry?”
He didn’t sound surprised. “I was waiting for your answer. I told May she was the first person to know.”
You hummed. “What would I have to do?”
“She’ll want to confirm it’s true so you’d have dinner with us and then we would act like a couple in front of everybody.”
“Like a couple?”
“Just holding hands and hugging,” he clarified. “Maybe the occasional kiss on the cheek to throw people off their rhythm. Oh, and pet names!”
“You’ve got everything planned, huh.”
“My life depends on this,” he said dramatically.
“Do I get to know your secret if I say yes?”
He considered your question for a moment. “Eventually.”
You couldn’t believe you were doing this. “When should I come over for dinner?”
Peter’s eyes lit up. “Probably this weekend. I’ll ask May and text you.”
“Cool. I’ll talk to you later, then.”
He nodded. “Be safe.”
“You too.”
You pulled over a few blocks from your family home to put on some makeup, that way you would avoid the chastising that came every time your mom saw the bags under your eyes.
Wondering if Peter could tell the reason behind your helpfulness, you got rid of your hoodie and slipped a sweater on.
Doing this every time you visited after school was tiring, but it was better than putting up with meaningless fights.
Your mom was losing her patience when you arrived, you could see it on her face. She glared at you as you approached her to kiss her cheek. This and the fact that you couldn’t stand pretending so many aspects of your personality, were what lead you to choose to live on your own.
She hadn’t been too happy about it, but she was busy with the family business, her social life, and your sister to complain. Your dad always did what any of you wanted, mostly to make you three shut up.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry! Peter needed help with something.”
You sat down next to your sister who lifted an eyebrow.
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with him lately,” your mom suspiciously pointed out.
Oh, so she was keeping tabs on what you did on your free time...
The truth was there had never been anything between you and Peter.
You met him on his first day of college. He was the new kid everybody was intrigued by. Harry hated him at first and although you didn’t, you didn’t speak to him until Harry decided to stop being an asshole.
Now Harry was too busy with Liz, his gorgeous girlfriend, to care about you, his best friend.
It hurt, it really did. You befriended Harry when you were kids and had been inseparable up until now. Of course you had to put up with his weird flings, but he had never cast you aside for them.
You had harbored hope that he was secretly into you, but the less he spoke to you the more you realized he hadn’t found the one until he met Liz. That hurt even more — you were supposed to be the one.
Everything had played out in your mind from the moment you realized you had a crush on him. You would start dating in high school or college, get married, have kids, be a happy family...
But ever since he left you by yourself at a party when he was supposed to be your ride, you realized he hadn’t cared as much as you did.
Peter walked you to your apartment that night and made sure you drank plenty of water. He didn’t have to do it, Gwen and Mary Jane had already offered to do it themselves, but for some reason he felt like it.
You took a sip of water, realizing your mom and your sister were waiting for an answer. “He’s nice,” you opted for saying.
“Nice, eh,” you sister teased you.
“Yeah, nice. Is there a problem with that?”
You knew that attitude would only make them believe they were right in their assumptions. It was what Peter needed from you either way.
Truthfully, Peter wasn’t always nice, but you knew he tried.
“Are we waiting for dad?” you asked.
Your mom nodded. “He’ll be home any moment now.”
Your mom never complained when your dad was late, or when he was too busy to come home for lunch. You were used to it, she was biased in his favor — she had been since you were a child.
You checked your phone to keep yourself entertained. The Notification Center showed multiple badges, but the messages one caught your eye immediately.
Gwen💛: Missed you today.
You unlocked your phone to reply that you had missed her too when another text came in.
Pete: May said it would be cool if the three of us had dinner on Saturday.
You answered Peter first.
Sounds good to me. Just tell me what should I bring.
Your presence is more than enough, you’re our guest.
You huffed a laugh as you typed. Look at you trying to be cute.
I’ll have you know I’m extremely cute all the time.
Yeah, yeah. Should I bring dessert?
You don’t have to bring anything if you don’t want to.
I will strangle you the moment I see you, Peter.
Just say yes or no.
I hate you.
That’s not the proper way to treat your boyfriend :(
You could picture the glint in his eyes as he tried not to laugh.
You went along with it. I’m sorry, babe :(
I forgive you because I’m a nice boyfriend.
Won’t happen again. <3
Now let’s hope we can talk like that in person.
Are you daring me to sweet talk you in person?
Your mom called your name. “Your dad asked you a question.”
You lifted your head. “Mmh?”
“No, no, continue texting,” he said sarcastically, “I have all day.”
You quickly typed TTYL and locked your phone. “Sorry.”
Your dad shook his head. “You and Harry always do this.”
“I wasn’t texting Harry,” you felt the need to explain. Harry didn’t deserve credit for this. “What did you want to ask?”
“I asked,” he remarked the word. “If you would be busy this weekend. Your sister won’t be.”
“I— uhmmm... I’m having dinner with Peter and his aunt on Saturday.” You saw your sister purse her lips beside you. “Did you need anything?”
“To spend time with my family.”
“I guess I can come over on Sunday or Saturday morning.”
“I was thinking about going out of town for the weekend,” he clarified.
“The three of you can go if you don’t want to wait another week,” you assured them. “I already told Peter I would have dinner with him and his aunt so I can’t cancel. I also have projects to do.”
You rested your head on Gwen’s shoulder as both of you waited for Mary Jane in the cafeteria. They never made you feel like a third wheel even though they were dating so you never avoided spending time with them.
Mary Jane arrived accompanied by Peter. He looked extremely serious but he didn’t say anything as he stood across the table, staring at you like a child scared of saying what they had been up to. She elbowed him on the side before sitting down.
Peter got closer to you. “Can we talk?” he asked. “It’s important.”
You nodded, lifting your head off Gwen’s shoulder. As you stood up, you felt her hand squeeze yours which prompted you to turn and look at her.
She gave you a playful look that made you realize she wanted to know every detail once you were done. As your eyes crossed Mary Jane’s, you saw a similar sentiment in them.
“I’ll be right back,” you told them to pacify them.
He guided you to an empty area which wasn’t such an easy task. You ended up resting your shoulder against the wall, facing Peter while he looked around.
His eyes landed on you as he spoke in a hushed voice. “Can we start today?”
You mirrored his tone. “Fake dating?”
“You don’t sound too sure.”
“Well, you’re changing the plan,” you explained. You hated changing plans, even more so when you weren’t sure you were the right person to execute them.
“I know. Just a day earlier, though.” He unashamedly pouted.
“Okay,” you said, this time sure. “Any particular reason?”
“There’s this freshman who thinks I flirt with her just because I’m nice to her and she’s creeping me out. I feel like she follows me around.”
You sighed. “She just has a crush on you, don’t be a baby.”
“I already said yes, you baby.”
“You kinda like calling me baby, don’t you?”
You playfully shoved him “You’re so annoying.” However, before he could leave to do whatever it was he did in his free periods, you grabbed him by the wrist. “Does Mary Jane know about your plan?”
“No. Why?”
“You arrived together.”
“Ah. No.” He shook his head. “I was looking for you and asked her if she had seen you.”
“Makes sense.”
You shifted on your feet. “So what now?”
“Do you have class next period?”
He chuckled. “I’ll walk you to class.”
“Wanna hang out with us for a little bit?”
“I gotta talk to Flash.”
You wiggled your eyebrows. “Gonna ask him out too?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m never telling you who I find attractive ever again.”
“Good. Don’t wanna make your girlfriend jealous — do you, babe?”
Peter leaned over. His breath fanned on your face as he said, “Don’t worry, baby, I only have eyes for you.” He then kissed your cheek. “I’ll be right back. Wait for me with Gwen and Mary Jane.”
You nodded, hoping you didn’t look as stunted as you felt.
Both your friends stared at you, desperate to hear an explanation. You understood why, but you were still trying to come up with an excuse as to why you were so flustered over a kiss on the cheek.
You checked your phone, but there was nothing worthy of your attention.
Mary Jane spoke first, “What did Peter need?”
“We are a thing now.”
Gwen hummed. “But what did he need?”
“Permission to make it public.”
Mary Jane scratched her cheek. “Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
“You think he’d be a bad boyfriend?”
“I think you shouldn’t use him to make Harry notice you.”
That was harsh. Perhaps you deserved the reminder that Harry couldn’t care less about you, and perhaps you also deserved to feel bad for trying to use Peter against him — you would’ve preferred if the reminder didn’t come from your best friend.
“I’m not,” you partially lied. “I genuinely like Peter.”
True to his word, Peter walked you to class. You didn’t hold hands, it didn’t feel right, but he sweetly told you that he’d be waiting for you after your last class.
You saw Harry across the hallway, talking to Liz and one of her friends. For a second you thought he would walk towards you, the way he held your gaze had been almost cruel.
But he didn’t, he just gave you a nod and walked in the opposite direction, hand in hand with Liz.
You had better things to worry about. Your classes, your family’s expectations, helping Peter — reciprocal things to an extent. So why couldn’t you just get over the fact that Harry didn’t care about you?
Somebody poked you on the arm with their finger. Turning to the side, you found Flash who shot you a smile.
“What’s up?” you greeted him.
“We have a project to finish.”
You cursed under your breath. “Are you free on Sunday?”
He tilted his head. “Yeah. I’ll drop by your place.”
“At what time?”
“Like 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Don’t wanna wake you up by mistake again.”
Peter laughed behind you, having caught that last part.
You ignored Peter. “I have something to do after 5. Why don’t you come over early? I promise I’ll be awake.”
Flash shared a look with Peter and then patted your shoulder. “Cool. See you tomorrow, sleeping beauty.”
Peter snickered, standing beside you now.
“Stop laughing.”
“I just can’t believe you’re that grumpy in the mornings.” He started walking towards the exit.
You walked beside him. “You don’t know the whole story.”
He opened the door for you and then followed your steps. “You can tell it tomorrow at dinner.”
Craning your neck go look at him, you asked, “You want your aunt to laugh at me?”
“I’ll defend you.”
You suddenly remembered that you didn’t know what you were supposed to do or say in front of his aunt. You had met her before, but that fact made this situation even more bizarre.
You tried to start with an easy question, “Should I wear a dress for tomorrow?”
“You can wear whatever you want,” he assured you.
Well, that wasn’t helpful at all.
You checked the time on your phone and realized you had a message from Flash. He was on his way.
Looking around your bedroom, your eyes fell on the bed where a pile of clothes laid. The sight stressed you out, and even more the fact that you didn’t seem to be able to set your mind on an outfit.
You anxiously waited for Flash at the door, pulling it open the moment you were aware of his presence on the other side.
He lifted both eyebrows. You usually took your sweet time to answer the door.
“We sh—“
You interrupted him. “I need your help with something else first.”
Flash softly dropped the materials he had been carrying onto the couch as he gave you a skeptic look. “I’m not disposing of a body for you.”
You took him by the wrist, dragging him to your bedroom. It wasn’t an abnormal occurrence by any means, he honestly should have had expected it.
“God, not again.” He sighed as his eyes fell on the pairs of shoes scattered around the room.
“Come on, just tell me if I should wear that skirt.” You pointed at the black skirt on top of the mountain of clothing. “Or jeans.”
He opened his arms, unsure as to what to tell you as his hands stayed in an awkward angle.
“What would you want me to wear if I were meeting your family?” you encouraged him to help you.
He cocked his head, looking at you through his lashes. “A straight jacket.”
“Please take this seriously.”
Inhaling deeply, he set his eyes on the pile of clothes. “Is the skirt more comfortable than the jeans?”
“I’m not thinking about comfort.”
“Well, you should. You know May will make you squirm with her questions.”
“No skirt, then.”
“It’s just dinner,” Flash reminded you, “wear something casual.”
”Yeah,” you sighed, “just dinner.”
What an easy thing to say. You knew so few details that you might as well make a fool of yourself in front of May.
Flash ignored your semblance even though you knew he took note of it. He reached his hand into one of the bags he had been carrying then handed you a paper bag. “I brought breakfast.”
“Why didn’t you say so when you arrived?”
He glared at you. “Why don’t you get us something to drink instead?”
You ate breakfast sat on the living room floor while discussing your project. Flash wasn’t the most responsible person ever, but he was by far the best partner you ever had for a project.
However, his comment from earlier made you wonder something. Unable to hold it anymore, you asked, “How did you even know about the dinner?”
“Peter told me,” he answered simply.
“He did?”
“Why are you so shocked?”
You shrugged. “I thought we would wait a little bit longer.”
“Yeah, but it was bound to happen.”
“Don’t,” you warned him.
“Why not? I told you you’d end up having a crush on him.”
You hated to prove him right and although this was different, you wouldn’t lie and say Peter wasn’t attractive or crush material.
“Peter’s cool.”
“You don’t have to convince me, I’m already dating him.”
“I’m just pointing out that he’s an upgrade.”
There it was.
Flash took a dislike towards Harry when Harry started dating Liz which was normal because she was his ex, but it turned into vitriol really quickly.
Both Flash and Harry put Peter in an awkward situation the first few months. Now you didn’t know much about it — Harry complained about it with you at first, but he stopped.
“It’s different.”
“That’s the point, isn’t it?”
You frowned, looking into your half-empty cup of coffee.
“I can see through you.”
“Mary Jane told you her theory, didn’t she?”
“She thinks the same?” You nodded. He pensively hummed. “She didn’t tell me, to be honest. I’m only trying to look out for you and Peter.”
“I like him, I don’t know why you think I don’t.”
Flash didn’t spare you as he reminded you, “Because you said the same about your ex.”
“Yeah and look how that went!”
“Stop comparing guys you like to Harry and I promise you things will go well.”
He really could see right through you.
“I’ll stop. I promise.” Not knowing why, you added, “It’s not even that hard, Peter is... Peter. You know what I mean? Like how can you compare him to other people or other people to him?”
“Yeah, I get it.”
Oh no. “Do you like him?” you blurted.
Flash laughed softly. “Not in that way, no.”
“You sure? I don’t want things to be weird.”
“Peter might be handsome and cool,” he admitted, “but we wouldn’t work as a couple.”
“You think Peter and I would?” you incredulously asked.
“You will, yeah.”
You were truly nervous now. Not because of May’s potential questions or because you would have to lie — actually, you didn’t know where the nerves were coming from.
You just knew that Flash’s words resonated with you. He went from hating Peter to being his close friend which in your eyes meant he knew Peter better than anyone.
Did Flash know what Peter was hiding? Perhaps that was what he was alluding to when he assured you Peter and you would work as a couple.
The day went by extremely quickly. You weren’t mentally ready when Flash left or when you were on your way to Peter’s for that matter.
Peter was waiting for you in the lobby with hands in his pockets and shifty eyes.
“Is she like mad or something?” you asked instead of greeting him. You were ten minutes early so tardiness couldn’t be the issue.
He made a face, jerking his head as he gazed at you. He looked confused. “She’s just worried.”
What if she got angry at you when you hadn’t done anything? Peter told you to act normal, but normal you wasn’t madly in love with him.
As you approached the apartment, you found yourself thinking you were either going to ruin this or find out you deserved an academy award.
Peter opened the door and allowed you to come in first. May smiled at you before giving you a side hug in greeting.
“I brought dessert,” you told her as you parted from her.
“Oh, honey, you didn’t have to.”
Okay. Not angry yet.
She placed the dessert onto the table and motioned for you and Peter to sit.
Peter and you grabbed the chair at the same time. He opened his eyes wide, making you withdraw your hands immediately. He took the chair out for you.
Peter could be polite when he wanted, but you were getting worried. Since when did he treat the people he dated like this?
Nonetheless, you sat down.
May didn’t waste time and touched the subject pretty quickly. The moment she served dinner, she said, “I thought Peter was messing with me at first.”
“I wouldn’t do that,” he defended himself.
“Sure you wouldn’t,” she said sardonically.
“I thought he was messing with me when he asked me out, so I get it.”
Peter looked at you in shock and you unconsciously smiled at him.
May cooed. “I don’t understand why you two hid your relationship for months when you’re so cute together.”
“I didn’t want it to be awkward with our friends,” you quickly lied. “What if it didn’t work out or something?”
Your answer would have made sense if your relationship with Peter was real and that would be your strategy from now on. He couldn’t have a secret that would need you to lie that often.
May was so happy with your answers that the conversation deviated from you and Peter to everything but your love life.
You felt a little silly now, having expected the worst when Peter had already told you she was just worried.
He walked you to your car at the end of the night, something you guessed would become a common occurrence.
Things had gone well with May so you had no reason to think things wouldn’t go well with your friends.
You gnawed on the inside of your bottom lip. “Are things going to be awkward now?”
“Between us?”
You nodded. “I mean... saying shit is one thing, but you know...” God, you felt awkward already.
Peter frowned for a moment. “Give me your hand.”
Shifting on your feet, you asked, “You want your hand to be under mine or on top?”
“I don’t mind. You choose.”
You slid your arm under his, opening your palm but not touching him yet. He took the initiative and pressed his hand against yours.
“Is this okay?” he softly asked.
He intertwined his fingers with yours, squeezing a little bit. You huffed a laugh.
“This too?”
You nodded.
“Well, that’s the only thing that’ll change between us. We already hug pretty often.”
Oh, Peter gave the best hugs. Although Gwen was a close second, you preferred his because he was always warm. He also smelled good, but you had to give it to Gwen and admit she did too.
“I’ll see you on Monday, then, boyfriend.”
“Drive safe, girlfriend.” Before you could say anything, he added, “Text me when you get home.” Yet he didn’t let go of your hand immediately.
Harry didn’t take the news of your relationship with Peter that well. The moment he saw you holding hands, he made his way towards you.
Peter squeezed your hand, easing your nerves. He was there, nothing could go wrong with Peter there.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” Harry drily asked you.
“In twenty minutes or so,” you softly answered.
“Well, can I talk to you?”
You turned to Peter, hoping he’d save you from an awkward conversation. Sure, you wanted a reaction from Harry, but not an angry one!
“It’s okay, baby.” Peter kissed your hair as he let go of your hand. “I’ll see you later.”
With a shaky sigh, you motioned Harry to lead the way.
He immediately asked, “Why Peter?”
You stuttered. “I... things just happened.”
“Did they have to happen with my other best friend?”
In a twisted way, they had to. But you couldn’t possibly tell him that. “You didn’t care when Gwen had a crush on him, why is this any different?”
His eyes sharpened. “It just is.”
Many things just were. That didn’t mean anything. You wished you had the courage to reply.
As always, you gave him the upper hand and allowed him to make another question. “It’s not serious, right?”
What were you supposed to say? The thing that’d make him angry or the thing that’d pacify him? How selfish of you to be thinking about making Harry jealous when Peter needed this to be believable.
“It’s too soon to know.”
Harry hummed, softly nodding. “I’ll walk you to your class.”
You frowned. He had never done something like that.
“You’re coming to my birthday party, right?”
You almost tripped as you answered, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Cool. I’ll see you there.”
Thirteen-year-old you was right when she thought boys were confusing, but Harry surely took the cake. You assumed he’d ask you to hang out more often given his reaction, but there he was telling you —on a Monday— that he’d see you on Saturday.
Harry’s attitude soured your entire morning. If classes were already unbearable, he made you want to skip each one of them. Your friends noticed, but nobody said anything.
What a horrible morning and what a horrible week it would be until his stupid birthday party rolled around and you’d have to see him show his girlfriend off.
Your friends decided to go to the coffee shop near campus after class and although you weren’t in the mood for socializing, you would rather suck it up than be by yourself.
Besides, coffee shops were always a good place to do homework and you had quite a few projects accumulated.
Peter rested his head on your shoulder in the same way you always rested yours on Gwen’s. You threw your arm around his shoulders as you rested your eyes.
“Are you getting sleepy?” you whispered in case he was.
“No,” he mumbled. “But I don’t wanna move.”
“I have to pick up my sister from the mall in a couple of hours so you’ll have to.”
He whined.
“Who would’ve thought Peter would be a clingy boyfriend,” Gwen teased.
“Literally anybody who has ever seen him drunk,” Flash continued teasing him.
Peter was red. He shifted, trying to hide his face on your shoulder.
In all honesty, you didn’t mind if he was clingy or not. You had been told you were a little too effusive when it came to affection so you had a soft spot for people who were similar in any way.
You withdrew your arm from his shoulders in order to continue typing on your computer.
Peter went back to his previous position, facing your computer too. “You made a typo,” he told you. “Third line on the second paragraph.”
Mary Jane arrived late and she seemed to be in a bad mood so Gwen made up an excuse in front of your friend group as though she knew something you didn’t —she probably did— and took her home.
Looking at the time, you realized it was time for you to get going too so you started to put your things away.
‘I’m leaving with Flash,” Peter reminded you. “Text me or call me if you need me. I might not answer quickly because we’ll be playing video games but just try for a second time, okay?”
He kissed your forehead. ”Drive carefully.”
You hummed. “Have fun, Pete.”
“You too, baby.”
Your mom didn’t give you many details when she asked you to pick your sister up. You didn’t even know with which friends she was hanging out with or why they were at the mall on a Monday and not somewhere more fun.
There you were, judging her like you hadn’t followed Harry like a puppy when you were her age.
She texted you that she was on her way to the entrance you were waiting at, telling you she had been all the way across.
It was probably a lie, but you’d let it slide.
Your sister tugged the door open and got into the car in silence, putting her cellphone away as she got comfortable.
“Did you have fun?”
She nodded and smiled at you.
You snickered and poked her cheek. “You have dried lipgloss all over your mouth.”
Your sister bashfully looked down.
You handed her a tissue. “Hey, it’s okay. There’s nothing to be ashamed about.”
She stayed silent for a small moment before worriedly asking, “Are you telling mom and dad?”
“No. But I’d like to know who it was.”
She whined. “Do I really have to tell you?”
You tried to put yourself in her shoes. You didn’t know how embarrassing it would have been for you to talk about your first kiss —or kisses— with a family member because nobody really cared when you started dating classmates.
But it didn’t sound fun so instead, you asked, “Are they your age?”
“Yup ”
“You promise?”
Realizing the question was serious, she nodded for emphasis. “Yes.”
“Cool. That’s all that matters.”
Your dad was home so you were forced to stay for dinner which again, was better than being on your own.
You couldn’t wait to either get together with Harry or over him. As things were going, you could only admit it would be the latter.
“Did your friend have a good birthday?”
Your sister looked at you before answering. “Yeah, we saw a movie.”
“What was the movie about?”
Your dad really tried to get along with both of you, you had to give him that. He was bad at it most of the time, but he tried.
Your phone started ringing. As you stared at the screen, you frowned. Unknown numbers rarely called you.
Hesitant, you answered, “Hello?”
“Hi, (Name),” May tried to speak sweetly. The moment you heard her voice, you stood up from your seat on the couch and left the living room. “Peter isn’t answering his phone, can you put him on the line for me?”
You walked into the adjacent studio, weirded out by her request. “He told you he’d be with me?”
“Isn’t he?”
“He is,” you said hurriedly, “I was just curious.”
“Can I talk to him now?” May laughed nervously.
“He went out to buy food and left his phone here. I’ll tell him to call you as soon as he’s back.”
“Thank you.”
You texted him multiple times as soon as May hung up.
May called. Where are you?
She sounded worried.
I had to lie and say you had gone out to buy food and forgot your phone in case she asks.
Dude, you’re scaring me.
Come on
Istg I will lose my shit if you’re messing with me
It’s not funny
You made your way towards the bathroom, needing to splash some water onto your face or something. Anything.
He couldn’t be so immersed in a video game as to not answer multiple calls or texts.
Why would Peter tell May he was with you when he could easily tell her he was with Flash? Was he not at Flash’s anymore?
Perhaps Flash would reply!
You texted him and called him dozens of times before giving up. You didn’t want to think the worst, maybe they were out buying something, but they could be in danger too.
Your hands started shaking pretty quickly when the idea of something happening to him overpowered your thoughts.
You needed to get out of that bathroom and back to the living room where a distraction could meet your anxiety before you went crazy.
So you splashed your face and bolted.
Back in the living room, you caught pieces of your dad’s conversation with your sister. He was boring her with business talk.
You had been in her place many times, and although his tone was more lighthearted with her because the expectations to follow in his footsteps were on you, it was clear he was trying to get her interested in things she didn’t even understand.
Your phone dinged. You immediately looked down.
Pete❤️: I’m okay
What the fuck, Peter?
Where were you?
Busy, sorry.
Did you call May?
You didn’t know what else to say. ‘I had a shitty day and you almost gave me a panic attack’ didn’t sound appropriate. It would be truthful, but you couldn’t do that to him.
Where are you?
At my parents’.
He didn’t reply anymore so you locked the device and rested your head on the arm of the couch.
What a fucking day. If your week would be half as exhausting, you were ready to give up on the entire month in advance.
Remembering you were meant to ask if Mary Jane was okay, you unlocked your cellphone again.
As you finished typing your message to Gwen, one from Peter came through.
Can you come out for a few minutes?
Yeah. Give me a moment.
You took a deep breath, fixing your outfit as you slipped your phone into your pocket. You rounded the couch as you attempted to take the path towards the front door.
“Where are you going?” your sister asked.
“Outside. I need to give something to Peter.”
“Don’t take too long,” your dad told you.
You said a meek yes as if you were going to listen to him when you needed to inspect Peter from head to toe just to make sure he was truly okay.
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak as Peter slowly approached you. To his credit, he looked fine so he hadn’t lied.
He spoke first, as he should have, “Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not mad,” you mumbled.
He gave you a look.
Clearing your throat, you opened your arms only to slap your hands against your thighs in defeat. “You had me worried sick.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“Are you going to tell me where were you?”
“I can’t.”
You scoffed. “So I have to cover for you without even knowing what the hell I’m covering?”
He whispered your name, placing his hand on your cheek as he tried to make you look at him.
You closed your eyes. “I don’t mind lying for you,” you softly said, meaning it like you had never meant anything else in your entire life. “But don’t I deserve to know why I’m lying?”
He brought you onto his chest, holding you tight against him. “You do deserve to know,” he admitted. “And I’ll tell you everything, but not tonight.”
You were scared to ask why.
Peter draped his arm over your shoulder, holding you close to him as the two of you stood with your group of friends.
You hadn’t been in that place in a long time but still remembered where every room was. You also knew in which one Harry would fuck Liz at the end of the night.
You took a sip of alcohol. It didn’t taste like much — a bad sign.
Your eyes fell on the beer pong table. A guy you didn’t recognize and Harry were playing against Mary Jane and Flash. That was a bad sign too.
“I’m gonna refill my cup,” you whispered in Peter’s ear, “do you want me to refill yours?”
He shook his head. “I’ve still got plenty.”
It took you a moment to move and he didn’t make a sign to having found it weird.
The kitchen was quieter, not by much but the change was nice. Something you had always disliked about Harry was his taste in music.
You crashed against a thin body.
Liz took you by the waist and you awkwardly placed your hand on her hip, each of you steadying the other. “Sorry,” both of you apologized at the same time.
“I was distracted,” you insisted.
She took her hands off you and you did the same. Liz extended her hand so she could refill your cup for you.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she said as she refilled your cup. “Harry thought you wouldn’t come.”
She shrugged. “You know how he is.”
You didn’t. Not anymore. You took your cup from her, thanking her before bringing it to your lips.
“Well, we’re all here,” you said in pretended optimism. “And we’re all having fun.”
She smiled, looking as pretty as ever. “Damn right we are!”
You went back to Peter while Liz took off to talk to some of her friends. Once again, he threw his arm over your shoulders, hand almost brushing your chest as it dangled.
Mary Jane was back, bored of playing. Flash asked Peter to team up with him. Peter removed his arm from you, telling you he’d be back.
You focused on Peter as he rolled his sleeves on his way to the table.
Feeling something move in your pocket, you took your cellphone out. Your dad was calling.
“I need to take this call,” you told your friends.
The air was cold in comparison to the inside of the house. You let your dad call again and answered the phone, already expecting some kind of bad news.
To his credit, he sounded disappointed while telling you the plans the family had made for the next day were cancelled. He said your mom was upset.
As a child you often heard excuses for his absence. He was busy, his success depended on sacrifices, he tried his best so you and your sister could have everything you wanted.
Harry always told you to be grateful that you had loving parents. You weren’t sure you had the same definition of love.
You still assured your dad you weren’t angry and promised to spend the day with your mom and sister. His silence as an answer to your offer was a reminder that he didn’t believe you were capable of fixing meaningful problems.
You didn’t show how much it hurt you, there was no point. He meant well, your mom and sister did too.
Leaving the party sounded appealing, but your friends didn’t deserve it. You sucked it up and went back to the house.
Peter and Flash were bumping fists when you approached the area. They had won the game.
You went directly to the couch, not in the mood for dancing. Peter walked towards you, fixing his hair.
Sitting down, he twisted his upper body. “Is everything okay?”
“My dad just cancelled tomorrow’s family plans and said mom’s kinda upset.”
“I’m not surprised.”
“Neither am I.” You changed the subject, “I’m surprised you won that game, though.”
“You don’t have faith in me?”
You swiped your tongue across your bottom lip. “I never said that. But you have to admit you’ve never been one for taking part in games. Last time I saw you play something, you got your ass handed to you by Flash.” Twisting your mouth, you tilted your head. He looked down. “You’ve never played sports, right?”
He didn’t answer.
You insisted, “Right?”
He hummed, nodding at the same time as though it made any sense.
“Were you even listening?”
“No,” he quickly admitted. “Can I kiss you?”
Oh. He had been looking down at your mouth.
He caught you off guard. You couldn’t say no, though, you didn’t want to say no. “Yes,” you answered him.
He started slow and sweet, with his hand on your cheek as the other rested on his lap. You didn’t know what to do with your hands, so you just closed your eyes and kissed him back, following his rhythm.
He slowly build the kiss up, sucking your bottom lip between his. Gripping the front of his sweatshirt, you boldly bit down his bottom lip in return.
Peter wrapped his free arm around you then he brought you closer, flush against him. His tongue tried to pry your mouth open in the exact moment you were about to do the same. Your tongues clashed together and instead of turning it all awkward, it only prompted you to grab him by the hair.
Peter hummed on your mouth and continued kissing you. Now he had both hands on your body, holding you tightly by the waist.
Maybe you could take him to another room, maybe you could feel his hands on you without the burden of your clothes.
His vice grip on you made you feel like floating and you suddenly wondered why you hadn’t made out with Peter before. It didn’t have to be anything serious, it didn’t have to go past messing around.
He was attractive, so were you. Why hadn’t you seen it before? Why had you denied yourself this when he was so good at kissing and his touch was so rough you were sure he would leave marks? And you wanted him to do it, you wanted him to let himself loose on you.
Fuck, you were getting horny over your fake boyfriend.
And as if he knew exactly what was going on inside your hazy mind, he attached his lips to your neck. It was over, you were done — it would be a failure if you didn’t manage to take him to a private room or back to your apartment.
Resting a hand on his thigh as you pushed yourself over, you felt the vibration of his throat as he whimpered while you kissed him.
Something buzzed under your hand, prompting both of you to part. Panting, you stared at each other for a moment. His hair was a mess and he had never looked prettier.
He withdrew a hand from your body to take his cellphone out. You knew the mood had completely been killed when he sighed and locked the device.
“I need to do something,” he announced as he stood up. “I’ll be back.”
What? You didn’t have a chance to react, he just left you there, hot and bothered.
You padded your way toward the kitchen for the second time since you had gone to bed. Sleep wasn’t necessarily elusive that night, but you found yourself waking up every hour.
Turning the lights on, you looked at the time. Almost 4:00 am. You filled a glass with water and slowly drank it.
You knew the tough day you had with your family was still doing a number on you even though you had left early, you also knew you should have been used to it by now.
Tapping against glass took you out of your mind, bringing you goosebumps. As the sound continued, you realized it was coming from the living room.
You considered going back to your room and locking yourself up which sounded safer, but curiosity overpowered logic.
A figure loomed over the windowpane. You wondered if your mind was tricking you — you lived in the fifth floor.
The figure became clearer as you got closer to the window. You let out a relieved sigh. Spider-Man waved. You tilted your head — why would Spider-Man want to visit you?
Maybe he was hurt and needed help.
You opened the window. “Can I help you?”
He nodded upward, letting you know he needed to come in. You let him, moving to the side.
He took the liberty to close the window once he was inside. You stood before him, assuming he would verbally tell you what he needed.
He wasn’t hurt from what you could see. He walked just fine, his breath wasn’t ragged... You were more confused now.
Reaching to the back of his head, Spider-Man took the mask off. Brown eyes bore into yours.
“You wanted to know what I was hiding...” Peter trailed off.
“You’re joking.”
He stepped closer to you. “I’m not.”
He had to. His sense of humor wouldn’t match a joke like this, but he had to.
The suit didn’t look like a cheap costume, but there had to be another explanation. Yes, it made sense — every time he disappeared out of nowhere and worried you sick, those days he sported black eyes or cuts on his face... but you didn’t want this to be the truth.
You dragged your finger down his arm to feel the texture of the suit.
Peter took a deep breath.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
“It’s okay, baby,” he huskily said. When he got no answer, Peter added, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you baby.”
You inhaled deeply. “I get it, you’re getting used to it.”
He hummed, eyes on you as he sighed.
You placed your hand on his bicep. “Are you okay, Pete? I’m not going to tell anybody if that’s what worries you.”
His hands found their place on your waist. You leaned closer, seeking his warmth. Peter opened his mouth to say something, then decided against it.
He leaned in and kissed you, tentative as he gave you time to push him off you. But you didn’t, why would you?
You ran your hand through his hair as you kissed him back, already familiar with the shape of his lips and the warmth of his mouth.
He pushed you onto the wall as he shoved his tongue inside your mouth. His kiss became sloppy while his hands started wandering down.
He gripped your thighs, bringing your legs up so you’d wrap them around his waist. Both of you ground against the other, sloppily kissing. You could hear the sound your mouths were making and feel his hot breath on your face.
He was driving you crazy.
Peter didn’t stop there. Giving you room to breathe, he lowered his mouth to your neck where he took his time to find your sweet spot.
You felt his fingers up your thigh, where he played with the edge of your sleeping shorts.
He kissed, sucked, and licked his way up to your ear. “Is this okay?”
You hummed against his mouth before kissing him again pawing at his suit, desperate to feel his skin under your fingertips. Frustrated, you broke the kiss. “How do you even take this thing off?”
He chuckled and gave you another kiss. “I’ll teach you.”
“Are you gonna strip for me?” you joked. Why were you making jokes right now?
Peter tilted his head. “Is that what you want?”
The idea wasn’t bad at all, yet you answered truthfully, “I just want to touch you.”
He didn’t deny you anything that morning. You couldn’t remember the last time you enjoyed yourself that much with a sexual partner.
You didn’t leave an inch of his body untouched, relishing in his reactions. He wasn’t ashamed to tell you if he liked something, or to ask you to touch him firmly.
Peter didn’t hold back either. All he wanted was you and you weren’t complaining. He gripped you tightly and sucked on your skin as much as he was able to.
There would be bruises on you by the next day, and there would be scratches on him if his powers didn’t heal him quickly.
You liked this side of him, the side that fucked you into the mattress and groaned above you. He wasn’t scared of breaking you or hurting you — for a moment you wondered how it would feel if he did it.
He came on your belly then cleaned you up afterwards which was more than appreciated. You weren’t even sure you could speak properly when he asked if you needed water.
He brought you a glass either way, of course he did.
The sun was up when you were done, too tired to move and too spent to complain. Peter was back on the bed, warm body pressed against yours.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No,” you tiredly answered. “I’m good.”
He held you tighter, laying his head on your chest.
You lazily dragged your fingers down his spine. “Is everything okay?”
“It was a long night,” he told you in a low voice.
You chose to believe he had visited because he thought you could provide him comfort, and you also decided that you always could — that you were okay with doing so. Even if most things about your relationship were fake, this one didn’t have to be.
Peter and you never talked about it, and although you would have liked to hear the reasons behind his actions that night, you didn’t need to because it continued happening.
Having sex made pretending easier. He always had an arm around you or a hand on your body around your friends and by now you not only were used to his touch but sought it.
You often woke up next to him, sometimes clothed and sometimes naked. He always woke up before you, but he never left immediately. You wanted to know why.
Flash had been right to assume you’d develop a crush on Peter and now you had a sinking feeling that it wasn’t just a crush anymore.
You worried about him and wanted to be around him every second of every day, you liked hearing him tell you about his classes and his day — you liked that he always asked about yours, that he was willing to drop things for you because you would drop everything to be there for him.
Covering for him became a reflex. You had an inkling that May knew you were lying sometimes, but she never said anything according to Peter.
Your friends were happy with the development of your relationship which would have been lovely if this was real. But now you worried that the supposed breakup would disrupt your friend group.
It was hard not to think about it. The day would surely come and you’d be by yourself most of the time again. As if that was the only problem.
And problems continued rolling onto you. The last person you expected to see was at your door.
Harry gave you a smoldering look as you stood speechless. “Are you letting me in?”
You did.
He sat down on the couch, making himself at home even though he had barely visited your apartment.
“I thought you were sick,” he said in reference to the fact that you cancelled plans with your friends the day before.
“I was busy.”
Disgust contorted his face as his eyes fell on your neck. “Busy fucking my best friend?”
You flinched at his tone.
“I should’ve known you were only spending time with him because you wanted to get him into your bed.”
He said it as though you were the type of person to fuck anybody you met, as though you hadn’t rejected people because they weren’t him specifically.
“Believe it or not,” you coldly lied, “I started dating him months and not days before your birthday. You would’ve known about it if you talked to me.”
“Rubbing it on my face, aren’t you? Do you know how embarrassing it was to hear you were making out with him at my house after I told my friends multiple times that you were off limits?” He was seething, expelling droplets of saliva as he reproached you.
“Why would you do that in the first place? You knew I’d end up dating somebody who goes to the same school as us.”
“Why would you go for my best friend specifically? Don’t you care about my relationship with him?”
“Is this what our friendship has come to be? A reproaching fest?”
“You’re the one who crossed the line.”
“Harry, you didn’t have a problem when half our friend group drooled over him!”
“Because that’s different. I know Peter, he’s not right for you.”
You incredulously scoffed. “Funny how you’re the only one who says that.”
“I’ve never been wrong about the guys you’ve dated.”
Well, you couldn’t argue against that. But Flash was right, those guys hadn’t been the problem — the fact that you compared them to Harry was.
“Let time prove either of us right.”
“I don’t think I can.”
“You promised nobody would ever be more important than me.”
You both promised a lot of things as kids... that you would never bring dates to an event you could attend together, that you would attend the same college, that you would be part of the same friend group your entire lives, that you would tell each other everything...
“I’m not saying Pete is more important than you, I’m j—“
“Break up with him, then.”
“You’re making it sound like I have to choose between you and him.”
“Because you have to.” When he didn’t get an answer, he added. “I’ll give you time to think it through.”
You wanted to do anything but think. You wanted to have your best friend back — you didn’t care if he was jealous anymore, you never should have. You weren’t Liz, it was okay, he liked her and you liked somebody else.
“Harry, come on...”
But Harry walked himself out and forced your words to die in your throat.
You never thought he would be as angry as you wanted him to be. You got your anger and your jealousy and your dilemma. He had it all clear, you were the idiot who had to get into this mess.
A shower and a portion of your comfort food later, you decided that you couldn’t be inside your head right now and left your apartment.
It was drizzling. Such a perfect weather to be inside doing everything or nothing alike.
You loved being by yourself at your place. The plan for the day had been just that. But as always, Harry made you change them.
Chastising yourself for forgetting your phone at home, you knocked on the door in front of you.
The door opened and you were greeted with a smile.
You wished you could’ve smiled back. “Hi, May, is Peter home?”
She motioned for you to come in. “He’s in his room. Do you want something to drink?”
“Not now, thank you.”
You knocked on his door, hoping he would answer before May could tell something was wrong with you.
Peter yelled for you to come in. You were an idiot, he probably had heard you talking to his aunt.
Pushing the door open, you stuck your head in. “It’s me,” you softly said just to make sure you had his permission to come in.
“Come in, baby.”
God, not that pet name. Not now.
You closed the door behind you before facing him. He was sat at his desk, writing something down on a notebook as he looked at the computer screen.
Approaching him, you leaned in to see what he was doing. You didn’t understand much of it, science was his thing.
He rotated the chair to face you. “What’s up? You didn’t text me...”
“Forgot my phone at home.”
Peter frowned and dropped his pen on top of the notebook before standing up to move towards his bed. “Are you alright?”
Did you look that bad? You weren’t wearing makeup, but he had seen your bare face plenty of times to be weirded out.
“Can I have a hug?”
Now sat on the bed, Peter opened his arms and legs so you’d make yourself at home between them.
And you did. You hugged yourself to him as tightly as you could, afraid he would let go at any moment.
He didn’t let go, you should have known he wouldn’t — your mind was playing tricks with you, that was it.
“What happened? Why are you upset?”
You didn’t have the heart to tell him. Not yet, not when you were scared he would cut you off from his life just because Harry thought it was for the best.
“Had a long day yesterday and didn’t want to be alone today,” you mumbled.
“Why don’t we watch a movie?” he offered. “I’ll let you pick which one we watch while I go get some snacks.”
You whined. “I don’t wanna move.”
“It’s just like ten minutes. We’ll cuddle the entire runtime.”
“You promise?”
He kissed your forehead. “I promise.”
It amazed you how easy it was to trust him, to like him, to want to be with him no matter the moment or the activity.
It took you longer to pick a movie than it took him to come back. You didn’t want any snacks, but you still took them because you didn’t want him to worry too much.
You would worry on your own later.
Peter hugged you from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder. His hands rested on your belly as he watched the movie, giving you butterflies every time he laughed against your skin.
How were you supposed to give this up when it felt so good?
Mary Jane sat across from you, playing with the glass between her hands. She was listening to you, but by the way she was tapping her fingers against the glass, she was dying to interrupt.
You went on and on because you still couldn’t believe Harry would make you choose between him and somebody else. It didn’t even make sense when he had thrown you and Peter to the side when he started dating Liz.
When her time came, Mary Jane spoke, “You shouldn’t care about what Harry says.”
“I care more about the fact that I ran to Peter like a fucking idiot.”
“He’s your boyfriend.”
You knew she was trying to be the voice of reason, but no, he wasn’t. That made it worse. “But doesn’t it make it look like I already chose?”
“Kinda,” she conceded. “But that’s not a bad thing necessarily.”
“Harry and I grew up together.”
“And Peter fucks you stupid. They have different roles in your life.”
You remained silent. Your cup was already empty and you didn’t need more caffeine. In fact, a soothing tea would have been a better choice — you needed to drive after this once your sister was done with her friends.
“Do you still like Harry or something? I will kill you if you say yes.”
You got that from her tone, she didn’t have to tell you. “I don’t know.”
“But you like Peter more... Right?”
“Yeah, I do.” Maybe liking was selling it short at this point.
Peter didn’t make you choose, and if anything between you were real he wouldn’t make you choose either. You were so sure that you would’ve bet your own life on it.
That fact was a problem. Why couldn’t Harry be like Peter?
“Maybe I need another opinion,” you mused out loud.
“Gwen will tell you the same.”
“What about Flash? Maybe if he had all the details...”
“Flash will try to convince you to kill Harry in his sleep.”
“You think so?” Of course he would, but you were desperate.
“He’s team Peter all the way. Honestly, I would think they have something going on if Peter wasn’t so into you.”
You avoided looking at her. “What should I do?”
“What do you want?”
“Just... I don’t know. About what? From what?”
“Do you want to choose?”
“You could choose neither of them.”
“But—“ You shook your head.
“No, say it.”
“I can’t.”
Mary Jane wouldn’t pressure you to talk, she wasn’t that kind of person.
“At least tell Peter about it before Harry does,” she advised.
“I’ll tell him once I’m done here.”
It was late when your sister met you at your table. Mary Jane had left two hours earlier and you had even entertained yourself looking around a few stores and come back.
You drove in silence, allowing her to talk if she wanted to. Maybe asking something would’ve been better, but you didn’t have the energy to find out who your sister was dating or why she had decided to hide it.
Enough was already on your plate, and you needed to trust her, unlike your parents.
Stopping the car, you waited for her to get inside. Your mom hurried outside the moment she opened the door and walked towards your car.
She made you a sign with her hand, asking you to roll the window down.
With a sigh, you indulged her.
“Dinner tomorrow,” she drily told you. “You should bring Peter, I think it’s time your dad meets him.”
“Mom, I’m not marrying him or something like that.”
“I don’t care. Bring him.”
Great. Another fucking problem you had to deal with now. Your dad had always been clear on the type of person he wanted for you and Peter was not it. A shame, really.
“I’ll ask if he isn’t busy,” you compromised.
She looked happy with that. Your mom wished you a good night and turned around. You watched her get inside the house, wondering if she truly wanted you there the next day or not. You never knew with her.
You didn’t get to talk to Peter that night. Instead of telling him you wanted to see him so you could talk in person, you told him your parents wanted to have dinner with him.
Peter said yes immediately and asked about the dress code. God, you didn’t even want to think about clothes.
And with good reason — it wasn’t fair that everything suited him. There was no color or style Peter couldn’t pull off.
But it was probably for the best, he’d make a good impression that way.
You wanted your dad to like him and your sister to trust him and your mom to laugh at his lame jokes. You wanted them to see the person you desperately wanted to be in your life until your last day alive.
Truthfully, you didn’t care if he had feelings for you like you did for him. You enjoyed being around him, his friendship was enough.
The surprise the two of you got when Norman and Harry stood up to greet you was extremely hard to hide.
Norman gave you and Peter a warm smile. “I told Harry to bring his girlfriend, but he didn’t listen to me.”
You shifted on your feet, using Peter as leverage to ground yourself by squeezing his fingers between yours.
Your mom smiled tightly. “Next time it will be.”
Much like Flash did with you, Norman talked wonders about Peter to your parents.
You avoided looking at Harry with the pretense of being polite by gazing at whoever was speaking. Such gesture didn’t sit well with him and he showed it by standing up and walking towards you.
Harry inhaled deeply. “Can we talk in private?”
Unconsciously, you turned to look at Peter. He patted your thigh in encouragement.
“Sure,” you feigned enthusiasm.
You walked across the house in silence, wishing he would tell you to forget about what he said before.
Harry stared at you as you looked around the backyard. Not only were you avoiding speaking first, but you were confused as to when the lighting fixtures had been changed.
The spot you were awkwardly standing at had witnessed many secrets being exchanged between you. Perhaps it would be witness and accomplice of your fallout too.
“So you’ve made your choice.”
His furious eyes bored into yours. “Why the fuck did you bring him?”
“I wanted to,” you confessed. “Mom told me I should and I agreed.”
“We never bring dates tho dinners like these. We promised,” he reminded you.
“He’s not just a date, this is different.”
“I didn’t invite Liz because I keep my promises.”
“You didn’t invite Liz because you didn’t want to.” You hated that he couldn’t own up to his mistakes with her when he loved her so much. “Stop holding a stupid promise I made when I was six against me.”
“You wouldn’t have liked it if I brought her here while you were single.”
“You stopped talking to me the moment you started dating her. I would’ve expected it.”
“So you went and tricked my best friend into a relationship.”
Was that he thought about you? That you manipulated or forced people to be around you?
“Your best friend? You barely talk to him anymore, Harry. And don’t you dare tell me it’s Liz’s fault.”
He ignored your first comment. “Now I will get in trouble with her for not taking her here if she sees pictures.”
“Call her and tell her the truth. Or blame me, I don’t care.”
“It is your fault,” he bitingly said, “you brought him to something special for us.”
“I didn’t even know you’d be here! And honestly, you should be happy for me.”
“I would be if he wasn’t my best friend.”
“Again with that...” You sighed, hoping you could find the right words. “I don’t want to choose, Harry, and it fucking hurts that you from all people are putting me in this situation God knows why.”
“I’ve told you before, it’s because Peter is—“
You interrupted him, “Peter being your best friend doesn’t matter, he’s not going to drop you like you dropped us.”
“I know I dropped you for a while, but Liz needed my attention.”
You didn’t blame him for focusing more on her, or for wanting to spend most of his time with her, but you knew for a fact that Liz made time for her friends; Harry could’ve done the same.
You started tearing up There was the problem, Harry couldn’t make time for you or Peter or Gwen even when he was free.
Harry stammered, but not a single word came out of his mouth after that. It only made you cry harder. Did he not care even a little bit?
“I’ll give you a moment alone,” he finally mumbled.
You walked further down the backyard, cursing yourself for crying and for wearing uncomfortable shoes. You were supposed to look pretty and taller, not to ruin your makeup and walk around furniture and plants.
You sat on the couch before deciding to lay down on your side. You used to do that when you were a kid too. You’d wait for the pool to be ready in that position and you would lay on your back when you wanted your mom to ask if something was wrong.
Right now, you weren’t sure what you wanted. You definitely didn’t want to talk to whoever the approaching steps belonged to.
You still looked up as a figure stood before you.
Peter crouched down and reached over to wipe your tears. The gesture made more tears come out.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, placing a hand on your waist and slipping his other hand to your back to make you sit up. He sat down beside you. “Come here.”
Peter brought you closer, making you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I don’t understand why he’s making me choose between you and him,” you lamented.
“He is?”
Fuck. You had assumed Harry had told him and that was why he was there. “I didn’t know how to tell you...”
Humming, he rubbed your arm up and down. “You can tell him the truth if you want.”
You lifted your head off his shoulder, searching for his eyes. He didn’t seem to mean it in a bad way. You shook your head.
“Are you sure? I can tell him if you want.”
“It would be pointless.”
“I don’t like seeing you cry.”
“We should change the subject then.”
“I didn’t mean it that way. I just...” Peter pursed his lips, second-guessing his next words. “It pains me to see you upset.”
“Peter,” you pleaded, “don’t do this to me.”
“Don’t do what?”
“You’re making everything more difficult than it already was.”
He slanted his head, taken aback. “Because I care about you?”
“Because I think I’m in love with you.”
Peter blinked rapidly before his eyes started dancing all over your face as though he was waiting for you to say something else.
But you didn’t have much to say anymore. All your cards were on the table. Although you had to admit his lack of response would drive you insane if he continued looking at you like that.
“You don’t have to say anything,” you lied. “I’m okay with being just friends. I just thought you should know.”
“No, no, no.” He shook his head, taking himself out of his self-absorption. “I feel the same, I promise! But... I don’t want to ruin your friendship with Harry.”
“So you’re making me choose too?”
“No. I just don’t want you to regret being in a real relationship with me because you lost your best friend.”
“It wouldn’t be your fault.”
“Yeah, you’re right...” Peter looked up at the sky and huffed a laugh.
You mirrored his movement. The sky was clear, allowing you the privilege to gaze at the stars.
“Remember that night I walked you to your place and we stopped in the middle of the street to look at the stars?”
You giggled. You had been on the verge of crying that night after Harry ditched you for Liz if it hadn’t been because Gwen distracted you. “Yeah, I remember.”
“Should I have kissed you that night?”
You weren’t sure, it was hard to know if you would’ve kissed back or not. You wanted to believe you wouldn’t have, but who knew. “Does it matter?”
“No.” Peter twisted his body and cupped your cheek so you’d look at him. You softly smiled at him and he gave you a small kiss. “Not anymore.”
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lepusrufus · 3 years
Don't know if you're up for this but 👀👀👀 can we get a family bonding? Like Alcina and the girls with their maidens. 👀If you have time?
You mean headcanons (or more like canon to my au lol)? Because yes I will gladly ramble abt all of them being a big gay family
Look the girls know that Alcina loves and supports them, but they're all very much hesitant to go "hey mom I'm in love with one of our maids"
Bela being the mild exception since Laura is Donna's apprentice and Alcina already respects her by proxy but even then they wait to break the news on their own terms
Let's be honest though Alcina knows
She knows everything that goes down in her castle and just because she won't mention it doesn't mean she's not aware of it (and Dani is the epitome of lacking subtlety)
"Yeah sure Cassandra i bet you enjoy your new little lab partner and all she does in your study is mop the floor and section bodies mhmm.."
Fine you're in a relationship with a maid let's dress her in some more presentable clothes though
Alcina knows how it's like to be forced into a relationship/marriage you don't want so she would never impose such a thing on her daughters
So yeah needles to say she's supportive of their relationships
She does have the talk with them
Ya know, good ol "what are your intentions with my daughter" while menacingly sipping on wine
Nicole's answer goes like "with all due respect my Lady but I would rather throw myself off the tallest tower than pretend to love Cassandra"
It does take a little while for them to settle into the family rhythm especially for the maidens
You know, going from "this 3 m tall lady will cut me to ribbons if I make a mistake" to "welp guess she's my mother in law now and asks me if I'd like some wine over dinner"
Once they do settle in, they really are a big gay family
Nicole is the one that in a way keeps her "job" in the castle, while Anita is uhhhh.... idk trophy wife but male it wholesome af
Laura, who still works with Donna, is the only one not permanently staying at the castle, but it gives Bela an excuse to visit her aunt more often
They all watch Eurovision together you can't convince me otherwise
Nicole is hella confused the first time, being the only american there
Each and every one of them would strung up and torture the poor idiot who thinks hurting Anita in any way is a good idea
Mostly Daniela and Nicole
Laura: Daniela please stop plucking the flowers in the garden to give to Anita just ask me for some you're ruining the composition
Laura joins in on the classic lit reading sessions and Anita watches them reenact the scenes while laughing and occasionally making suggestions
Meanwhile Cassandra and Nicole are in a corner with the biology textbooks
Until Nicole starts quoting Dante and Cassandra groans into a pillow for 5 minutes straight
Alcina watches this unfold over her copy of Carmilla and is highly entertained
Nicole: okay so which of you would like to make the sacrifice of 1 (one) fly for me to dissect
Nicole, walking in Dani's bedroom: Anita i got you some- stop screaming it's just me- i got you some chocolate and water, good for the blood loss.
Alcina now has double the number of gremlins to keep track of and prays that nobody starts a prank war
Nicole called Alcina mom once. Accidentally. Nobody brought it up ever again
When she's not busy, Donna joins them for dinner and maybe a little walk in the forest if the weather allows for it
She's pleasantly surprised with how they all like Angie (i mean Laura likes her from the get go, but the other two are a surprise)
Nicole thinks te creep factor is hilarious and nicknames her Annabelle (after explaining the context obv)
They all gave a gool ol' murderous time like the evil cultish family they are yay
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
spring tenderness | l. sangyeon
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🌱 word count: 2.1k 🌱 pairing: dad!sangyeon x mom!reader 🌱 genre: tooth-rotting fluff, dad!au, very domestic! au 🌱 tw: mention of food, past pregnancies and breastfeeding 🌱 synopsis: just a cosy morning where you spend some time with your husband and your two boys, Hyungseo and Youngjae. (yes i took kevin and eric’s korean names, don’t ask) 🌱 a/n: i’m not used to write this kind of au but it was so soft and domestic, i’m pretty sure that sangyeon will be a good dad one day 🥺🥺💖 i’m tagging @staywithmoon bc you wanted to read it and i can only thank you for that bub! <33
You smiled when childish laughter erupted from the garden, the sound warming your heart at your son's joy. The curtains in the children's bedroom filtered the sunlight, generating a subdued and colourful atmosphere. Your son was in a deep sleep, his tiny shut fists resting delicately at the sides of his head, his pacifier moving to the rhythm of his breathing. With the back of your finger, you tenderly stroke his cheek, a joyful smile on your lips.
You sighed lightly, remembering your husband's reaction the day you announced the good news. When you first learned that you were going to be a mother, you weren't sure what to think. Sangyeon's potential bad reaction terrified you, having no idea how well he was going to take this news. The weight had come off your shoulders as he fell to his knees in front of you, eyes sparkling with happiness and excitement, you knew you wanted to live this experience with your boyfriend by your side.
Three years have passed since that wonderful event, and it's safe to say you've never been happier. A beautiful, healthy little boy had joined your pair, and Sangyeon had become an overprotective father, always ready and prepared to take care of his son by relying on the many readings and Internet researches that he had completed during your pregnancy. While you were feeding your son or resting, he would transform into a man-of-all-work and help around the house. It took a huge weight off your shoulders, just like when he woke up instead of you to soothe your child who was struggling to sleep through the night, allowing you to sleep and recharge your batteries. Your husband made a great daddy and loved you and your son to death, showering you both with unconditional love.
You announced your second pregnancy on his birthday, a few weeks after returning from your honeymoon. You stumbled across a video in which a woman was giving her husband baby clothes for his birthday on social media, and you decided that it was a creative idea and did the same.
During all these years of living together and this new experience as parents, Sangyeon had decided that you were the one with whom he wanted to settle in and share his life, proposing to you two years after your son's birth. The preparation for this fabulous event had brought you together a lot, and your skills in relationship communication had evolved exponentially.
Here you are now in a life of four, living in a house with a dog and a garden, a place your oldest son loved almost more than his bedroom and his toys. He spent most of his time there when the weather was nice and warm, having fun playing soccer with his father. He also loved making angels when the snow was in abundance, the smile that radiated on his face filled you with the greatest happiness in the world.
Taking your new born son in your arms, you rocked him gently against you, feeling his warm body all wrapped up in his pyjamas against your chest. He struggled to open his eyes and let his dummy fall against his chest. He was so cute that you couldn't suppress a smile, your son returning almost instantly the second his eyes met yours. The big brown orbs he got from his father held a lot of love, and his little feet wriggled in excitement when you kissed his forehead.
"Did you sleep well, my little angel?" Your thumb stroked his cheek, and he continued to gaze at you in awe, your heart softening with tenderness as he let out a gurgle to answer. Gently fixing his position in your arms as his cheek rolled against your chest, his eyes still misted with sleep bored into yours as he slowly emerged from his slumber.
Opening the patio door to the balcony, you tightened your cardigan around yourself as a light wind blew, creating a slight chill in the comforting morning heat of late spring. Your eldest son was chasing a foam ball, your husband standing in front of the miniature goal that reached his thigh, purposefully missing the ball for your son to score.
"Goaaaaaaaal!" Your other son threw his little arms in the air and ran around the garden, your dog following him with his tail wagging. Sangyeon shrugged but smiled, amused by your son's attitude and enthusiasm. You smiled too from your spot on the balcony, gently cradling your other son in your arms. "Good job, Hyungseo!" Your husband looked around the living room for a short moment, looking for you, but he gave you a smile you couldn't imagine brighter when he noticed you up there, congratulating your son for his accomplishment, but the latter didn't hear you.
Once he finally stopped, breathless, Sangyeon walked over to him while chuckling, bending down to be at the same level with him. You watched your husband whisper something into your son's ear, who almost immediately looked up at you. You gave him a little wave with a smile, and he came running up, locating himself just below the balcony, a huge smile on his face.
"Hi Mom! Hi Youngjae!" He moved his small hands from side to side, and you gave him a flying kiss, Sangyeon lifting him from behind to settle him on his shoulders. He laughed as he kept waving, sending him a playful wink in return as you couldn't reach him. 
Your husband grabbed Hyungseo's hands and started running around the garden, still with him on his shoulders, a crystal-clear laugh falling from their lips as they were brimming with energy already so early in the morning. You walked down to the garden, and they stopped when they saw you, Hyungseo touching the ground again. He ran to you as you sat in a lounge chair, watching his younger brother with attentive eyes.
"Are you going to feed him, Mommy?" He asked, and you nodded, making sure your new born was comfortably positioned in your arms. "Come on Hyungseo, let's go make some bread and jam, hm? Youngjae needs to be calm to eat. We can come back to them as soon as we prepared breakfast, okay?" Your husband explained to your child, whose face immediately lit up at the mention of food. “Yesssss!" Your son exclaimed and clapped his tiny hands, Sangyeon gently pushing him inside the house. You looked up smiling, closing your eyes for a quick second as he kissed your lips. "I'll be back in 5 minutes," his hand came to cradle your cheek, and you nodded, enjoying the tender gesture.He kissed your forehead before striding towards the kitchen, closing the sliding door behind him.
You took the opportunity to breastfeed your son, who had his tiny hand resting against your chest, trying to cling onto his food source as your two other boys bustled about and laughed in the kitchen. Your thumb stroked his chubby cheek and you beamed, the tightness you felt in your breast from the milk not being able to compete with the happiness that bloomed in your heart.
"Here you go Mommy," your son's frail voice reached your ears again as your gaze stared into space for a brief moment out of exhaustion, your hand still against your child's face. Hyungseo was holding a tall glass of juice with his two hands, Sangyeon appearing again, balancing three plates in his hands. He put two on his side and one at the other end of the table where Hyungseo usually sat. You kissed your son on the forehead as a thank you and took a few sips, feeling the sweet, pulpy liquid run down your neck and quench your thirst.
"Breakfast served for the best mom in the world," he handed you a plate with two slices of toasted bread spread with butter and honey cut into small squares, smiling at the fact that he had thought about you and your health. "Thank you very much honey," he kissed the top of your head and watched for a few moments Youngjae in your arms as he suckled quietly, his finger caressing his tiny, plump arm. "He's just as handsome as his mother," Sangyeon muttered before looking up at you, a tender smile on his face. You kissed him again, this time on the cheek, your heart going fuzzy at the notable sweetness and sincerity behind his words. 
Your husband sat down with Hyungseo and began to enjoy breakfast, chatting and exchanging looks with great affection. You had never been so complete, and you could only thank life for making your path cross with Sangyeon's. He gave you a wink and quickly wiped off the chocolate spread that decorated the corner of your son's mouth with his finger before bringing it to his own mouth, the latter asking a lot of questions about his little brother and his health. 
He was indeed going through the phase when curiosity was the only thing on his mind, your husband sometimes losing patience as your son wondered about anything and everything. Fortunately, he hadn't yet been amazed at how he and his little brother were created and brought into the world, but it won't be long in coming.
"Mommy! Are you coming to play with Daddy and me?" Hyungseo ran to the rocking chair in which you always fed Youngjae, your eldest child stroking his little brother's skull with his hand. "No Hyungseo, leave Mommy alone, she needs some rest. Nourishing a child can get pretty exhausting for your mother, but she will come and play soon," Sangyeon explained as he carried the plates to the kitchen, his body in the glass doorway. He nodded to his son to follow him, and he obeyed, a sad pout decorating his lips. "Honey, I'll come and play with you after I put Youngjae to bed for a nap, okay?" Sorrow left your son's eyes almost immediately, beaming as he heard his father call him from the kitchen. "Come on, go help Daddy with the dishes. Mommy promises to take care of you as soon as possible," he trotted back to your chair and pressed his lips on your cheek in a slobbery kiss before running to the kitchen. 
You chuckled through your nose when you heard Sangyeon scold him for running around barefoot before shifting your attention back to your son, who was looking at you with a lot of admiration in the eyes. Giving him a lovely smile, your thumb came to caress his cheek again, a wave of relief flooding your chest as he finally let go of your breast. After you burped him, you were about to go upstairs to change his diapers, but Sangyeon emerged from the kitchen right at the same time, smiling at the sight of you cradling your son on your shoulder.
"It's okay, I'll take care of it," he winked at you before taking his son from your arms and kissing him on the forehead, Hyungseo walking up to you to hug you, his little arms struggling to wrap themselves around your thighs. "Come on, Hyungseo, let's brush our teeth and then we'll play, okay?" He nodded, still leaning against you, and you took his hand, leading him to the second floor, following the same path your husband had taken a few seconds ago. 
Being the big boy he wanted to be and in a hurry to get back to playing with his foam ball, your oldest awkwardly brushed his teeth on his own, putting toothpaste all over his face and fingers. You lowered yourself to his level and showed him the right movements he needed to do to brush his teeth properly. Sangyeon was in the corner of the room, a smile on his lips as he changed your son's diapers, moved by the attention you paid to your children's education. He gently wiped Youngjae clean and tickled his belly once he was done clipping the press studs of his bodysuit, your son immediately giggling at his father.
"Everything's good, you can go back to play, but don't run down the stairs," you ruffled your son's hair with a tender hand, Hyungseo dashing outside the bathroom. You were about to raise your voice, but you listened to him go down the stairs one by one with a content smile, satisfied that he obeyed you. "Thank you," you mumbled, wanting to take your son off the baby-changing table, but Sangyeon was quicker.
"You already carry him all day, let me relieved your back and take care of him," you rested his head on his shoulder as he hugged your son, feeling a hand cling to your cheek, making you laugh as Youngjae also wanted to participate in this moment of tenderness. "Come on, let's go downstairs before our other one gets all jealous," you chuckled before kissing your son then husband, letting him grab some sunglasses and a little hat for your son. 
Grazing the railing with your fingertips, you sighed with ease, feeling loved and cared for by the three men who lived in your house. You used to have many doubts and insecurities about motherhood, but your husband's help and support had erased them all. You were happy to be a mom, and nothing could change that.
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
Dog Days Are Over
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers AU
Word count: 4.8K
A/N: Hi all! This is something I’ve been working on for a little while now and I’m really proud of it! As usual, a massive thank you to Miss Lu (@meetmymouth​) for being the best and beta reading. You can read more of my work in my masterlist and please please please send feedback to my ask! Thank you so so much for reading and I hope you enjoy it!! 
Jagger was a good boy. He was a massive Great Dane with a shiny black coat and goofy wide eyes that softened his overall intimidating appearance. Great Danes had been bread as guarding and hunting dogs, but the gentle giant was nothing like his ancestors. He trapesed around the park every morning with his clumsy oversized paws and a tail that never seemed to stop wagging. A sunshiny yellow collar sat around his neck with a leash connecting him to his owner, a curly headed man with kind eyes.
She had built a rapport with Jagger over time, always willing to spare a few of the treats she kept in her pocket for her own dogs, Annie and Hallie. The pair of speckled Dalmations always looked up to give her a disappointed look that seemed to ask “Why are you giving our cookies away, Mom?” when she offered the chicken flavored morsels to the charming brute. She would lean down (not very far due to his massive size),  give him two cookies, a scratch behind the ear, and a kiss to his forehead every morning, murmuring a “Good morning buddy.”
While she greeted Jagger, the man would always give her spotted ladies the attention they loved and a couple treats of his own, earning a few thankful and loving licks from the dogs. After the affectionate moment with the dog of a perfect stranger (she didn't even know his name), the pair would always give each other a smile and move on with their days.
This was their routine for months, meeting briefly every morning through falling leaves of a New York autumn that eventually gave out to the first snowy mornings and the charm of winter in Central Park. They never spoke more than a friendly morning greeting, occasionally commenting on the weather, but always taking a few moments to say hello to the endearing animals that accompanied them.
Her favorite coffee shop was especially busy one morning when they accidentally brought her two hot coffees with cream and sugar, instead of just one. When she had tried to return it, her favorite barista, a girl with golden skin and eyes to match, told her to take it anyway because it would just be thrown out. After the barista herself declined to keep the drink with a light chuckle, Y/N was sent on her way, each hand holding a coffee and both her wrists each looped through a leash.
Y/N, Annie, and Hallie made their way into Central Park, a surprisingly difficult task on his specific morning.  She struggled to maintain control over the hot liquid and the two strong dogs with strong opinions of where they wanted to walk. Inevitably and like clock work, they ran into Jagger and the man with the kind eyes, Y/N slowing to a stop to greet her giant furry friend. It wasn’t long before her K-9 balancing act gave her an idea.
“Do you drink coffee?” she quickly questioned, the words leaving her mouth without permission and directly addressing the man with the kind eyes about something other than the weather or their dogs for the first time since they had known each other. Jagger bumped his oafish head gently into her hip, seeming to ask for her attention back, just as surprised as she was with her uncharacteristic interaction with his dad.
“Uh, yeah,” the man answered, eyes locking with hers and seeming to be just as shocked that she spoke to him as she was. His deep and velvety voice was a sharp contrast to the sweet and fairly high pitched tone he usually used with Annie and Hallie.
“Well, the cafe gave me two instead of just one by accident. Do you want it?” She offered the cup to him with a hopeful shrug and a smile spread across her face when he took it.
They continued on with their routine of saying hello to each other’s animals without another word, the man with the kind eyes taking a sip of the coffee to test it out. She was pressing the usual kiss to Jagger’s massive head when she watched a ring clad hand offering itself towards her in the peripheral of her vision. “My name is Harry, by the way,” he said with a friendly close lipped smile playing across his lips. “We never really did introduce ourselves, did we?”
“I don’t think we ever did,” she said with a chuckle, reaching her hand out and connecting it with his. His hands were soft, but felt strong like he worked with his hands and his palms felt hot despite the freezing temperatures from where he had been clutching the coffee. “Y/N.”
“It's nice to formally meet you, Y/N. I usually just think of you as Annie and Hallie’s Mom.” His lips saying her name made it sound like it was sung by a million angels and she just couldn’t get over the idea of him thinking about her outside of the park. Of course she thought of him, a British beautiful man with kind eyes who loves her dogs was like finding a unicorn, but it had never crossed her mind that the thoughts could be mutual.
Before she had a chance to respond, Jagger began to walk forward, ready to take on the rest of his walk. “I guess it’s time for you to go,” she joked looking down as the giant animal who began to pull Harry forward.
“I guess so,” he agreed, jerking forward as he tried to slow Jagger down. “Thank you again for the coffee.”
“No problem!”
“Next time,” he said over his shoulder, a teasing smirk on his face, after Jagger had led him a considerable distance from her. “I take my coffee black!”
She thought about him all day after the park. She couldn’t believe that the tiny conversation had with him was all it took for him to occupy her every thought. She wondered if he enjoyed the rest of the coffee, if she would ever run into him at the cafe that had its logo drawn across the side of the drink she had gifted him, or if his girlfriend was suspicious when he came home holding a coffee order that definitely wasn’t his. What if he thought what she had done was weird? Would he change Jagger’s walking schedule? Or maybe change his route completely to avoid her?
Y/N ignored every one of those thoughts the next morning when she attended her usual coffee shop; and especially when she ordered one hot coffee with cream and sugar, and one without. She even asked her favorite barista with the golden eyes to write a little ‘H’ on the black coffee so she wouldn’t get them mixed up.
“To make up for all the treats you’ve given to Annie and Hallie over these last few months,” she lied when she handed the coffee over to him, relishing slightly in how his fingertips brushed hers when he took the drink from her hands. She knew that she didn’t get him the coffee for the treats; she got it because she had a crush.
“Oh, thank you so much!  You didn’t have to do this,” he insisted as he took a sip. “You even had a little ‘H’ put on it for me?” His eyes lit up at the possibility and from that second forward Y/N pledged to herself that she would do anything she could to see his eyes sparkle like that again.
“I just wanted to make sure they didn’t get mixed up.”
“H is what all of my friends call me.” She watched his plump pink lips move as he spoke, his warm breath creating a small steamy cloud in the frosty air.
“That’s really sweet,” she said smiling like a fool, endeared by the nickname.
“You can call me H, ya know?” he spoke and her heart just about stopped. “I think if our dogs are friends,” he said, gesturing to their dogs as their dogs played amongst themselves, “we can be friends too.”
She knew she would be unable to contain herself as soon as she got out of his line of sight in a few moments. She might bust out into a happy dance, or maybe even let out a small squeal;  but for the moment she just nodded her head. “I think I would really like that, H.”
“So,” he began with the smirk she had already begun to fall in love with, “friends don’t let friends buy them coffee two days in a row without returning the favor. Tomorrow is on me.”
“Sounds good, H,” she said as the pair of dalmations began to pull her forward. “I take my coffee with cream and sugar!” she shouted over her shoulder, shooting him a wink as she went on with her walk.
“I know.”
She was unable to contain herself and did, in fact, do a little wiggle when she was out of his sight.
Of all places she thought she could end up this Saturday morning, she didn’t think it would be in Harry’s apartment.
She had casually mentioned that morning when they met up in the park, more to make conversation than anything else, that the heat in her apartment was out but she had never expected him to invite her and the girls back to his place to warm up.
They had fallen into a delightful rhythm of bringing each other coffee over the past few weeks, taking turns and spending a few fleeting moments speaking to each other before one of their pets decided it was time to move on with their walk. She had learned that he was a physical therapist and that he had rescued Jagger from a puppy mill when he was a baby, but to be completely honest, she didn’t know much about him beyond that. They could only learn so much about each other  in 5 minute bursts before the dogs got bored and pulled them apart once again.
What she did know about him for sure was that his eyes didn’t lie when they said he was kind. He never missed a day getting her coffee and he always profusely thanked her when she brought him his. He always asked about how her day was going, and seemed to be genuinely interested in when she spoke about her work, hobbies, or whatever else ended up being the topic of their short conversations.
While she wouldn’t go as far as saying he cared about her, she knew that she cared about him.
“It’s not much,” Harry said, opening the door for Y/N and her dogs to pass into his home, “but it’s mine.”
As most New York City apartments were, it was a tiny shoe box of a living space; but it felt cozy, and most of all, warm. It was a small studio, with all the essentials packed in tight. His sofa sat up against the right wall of exposed brick, mirrored by a small kitchen on the left. She had to admit it was well styled; dark woods and stainless steel decorated the apartment and various posters and framed pictures on the walls made it his own.
The most breathtaking feature was a massive bay window that sat above his bed on the far back wall. The window directly overlooked Central Park and she couldn’t help but feel a pang of sentimentality because that’s where they had met. His bed was perfectly made with dark charcoal grey sheets all she could imagine was being wrapped up in them with Harry.
Walking through the door, she was intoxicated by the most delicious smell that she could only assume was Harry’s cologne, but she was brought back to reality when he asked for her coat. Their hands met as she handed it over to him and a flash of concern immediately flashed through his face, bushy eyebrows furrowing. “You’re absolutely freezing, love.”
Once again, her heart began to burst with joy. Just that little word, the little pet name and term of endearment. It made her feel like a kid on Christmas, like she was ready to burst.
“Oh, I’m okay,” she managed to get out, still overwhelmed by his words.
“We’re gonna get you and the ladies all warmed up, okay?” She watched from her spot by the front door as he began to run around the apartment with one goal: to warm his friend up. He moved gracefully from the thermostat to a chest of drawers, making a small triumphant noise when he pulled out two dog sweaters that were Jagger’s. “They’re a little big, but I think they will work,” he said with a helpful smile.
She watched as he knelt down in front of Annie and Hallie, asking for their paws. Both of them quickly responded, clearly trusting the curly man in front of them as much as she did. He delicately slipped the knit over both of the dogs, and with anything he did, Y/N’s heart swooned.
To her, those dogs were her everything. She had moved to the city completely alone and had rescued the pair of sisters from a kill shelter only a week after arriving. She named them after the twins from The Parent Trap, her favorite movie growing up. She felt it was symbolic; like she and the dogs had been brought together by some twist of fate but had known each other in a past life. Those dogs were her everything and watching them interact with Harry ignited a fuzzy warmth within her; a sharp contrast to her still frozen nose.
“You next,” he teased, beckoning her over from her spot at the front door. She took careful steps over to him, trying her best to stay respectful of his space, already feeling intrusive for being there. She met him in the middle of the room, where he had grabbed a blanket off the couch, placing it over her shoulders and enveloping her in soft warm fabric and the smell of him. Shocks were sent up her arms as he rubbed them in an attempt to generate more heat. It was the first time he had ever really touched her other than light brushing of their fingertips, and she had never felt like anything was more right in the world than the way she felt in his arms.
She watched his face closely as he held the blanket tight around her frame. He had a light stubble peppering his strong jaw and his eyes were the most vibrant yet soft shade of green she had ever seen. His brows were still slightly knitted together in care for her, trying his best to accomplish his goal of warming the woman who had become his friend. Her eyes narrowed in on his plush pink lips and it took everything in her not to learn forward and press her lips to his; but she wouldn’t. They were casual friends; nothing more, nothing less, and her school girl crush didn’t change any of that.
His hands on her arms slowed and their eyes finally met, the deep green feeling like it had penetrated her soul. “I have soup in the fridge,” he said softly, eyes narrowing in on her still cold nose, “let me heat it up for you.” And as soon as the moment had happened, it was gone, him walking away from her in a flurry and starting his next task of making her soup.
“H, I promise I’m okay,” she said with a light chuckle. “I will warm up, eventually. Don’t worry yourself over it.”
“You have been in a frozen apartment for four days. You’re going to get sick,” he said, head still stuck in the fridge out of her line of sight.
“What do you care if I get sick?” she teased. “Won’t get your coffee?”
“No,” he said in an exasperated tone, popping back out from behind the fridge door to connect his eyes with hers, “because then I won’t get to see you.”
Despite the chill still present in her bones, she felt her cheeks heat with his words. “Oh, okay,” was all she could muster before he returned back to his search for the soup.
He did eventually find the soup and nearly force fed her the hot liquid, insisting that “you’re not getting pneumonia on my watch.” And while she kept up the act that she was totally fine and didn’t need him to fuss over her, it felt so good to be cared for like this. She had been on her own for so long now, lacking the care and affection that came with an overbearing mother-hen-esque friend, and she was honestly loving it.
It was later that day, while they were sat watching a movie on his couch, Y/N still wrapped up tight like a burrito in the flannel blanket that smelled like him, when he informed her that she wasn’t allowed to go back to her apartment until the heat was fixed. “H,” she had playfully groaned, “I am a big girl and will survive a little chill.”
“There’s a cold snap coming,” he justified his demands. “Saw it on the news this morning.”
“H, this is all too much. All of this has been so kind and the dogs and I appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts, but I can’t let you put your life on pause because I might get a little cold.”
“Please stay,” he began gently, almost pleading with her in a deeper and softer voice than he had ever used with her before, “for Annie and Hallie,” he finished. Her heart sank, reminding herself that the pair were just friends. He was just doing a favor for her out of the goodness of his heart; nothing more, nothing less.
“Maybe,” she murmured. “I’ll have to see if it gets fixed tonight.”
It didn’t get fixed. Apparently, New York City landlords, especially the one that owned her very tiny, and very shitty, apartment didn’t care much about their tenants turning to icicles. Around 10 PM, she finally gave up hope of anything getting fixed today, much to Harry’s delight.
She had accepted the sweats Harry had offered for her to sleep in, enveloped by soft worn fabric that spelled like him. A dark blue crew neck with ‘Holmes Chapel Comprehensive School’ written across the front swallowed her frame and Harry laughed at her when she had to roll up the legs of the sweatpants so she wouldn’t trip on them. “It’s not my fault you’re a giant,” she giggled, poking him in the chest and sticking her tongue out at him like a child.
“You’re lucky you look cute in those or I would be taking them back after a comment like that.” Her cheeks reddened for what felt like the millionth time since she had entered his space this morning. They had fallen into a charming banter, a rhythm of teasing jokes and kind words intertwined with each other that made her heart sing. While she still felt like she was intruding on his space, there was a growing part of her that was glad her heat wasn’t back yet. She didn’t want to leave his warmth and light just yet.
When a yawn left her lips later that night, Harry decided it was time for bed. “We’re in the middle of the episode,” she had argued through another yawn, “we haven’t even seen who wins the technical challenge yet.” They had watched almost an entire season of Bake Off over the course of the day, both of them curled up on the couch under a pile of blankets and dogs.
“We have to be up for our walk in the morning,” he smiled as he lifted Jagger’s massive head off his lap to get up. “I’ll even buy the coffee.”
“Okay, I guess so,” she agreed gently. “Can I just borrow a pillow?” she asked as she adjusted herself and the dogs on the couch under the blankets.
“What are you doing?” he asked with a confused face.
“Getting ready to go to sleep?” she responded with an equally questioning tone.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch. Come on, get into my bed. I’ll take the couch.”
“Why not? You’re my guest.”
“Harry,” she spoke gently but was met with a lift of his eyebrow like using his full name was an insult. “H,” she began again, “I’m not going to come into your home, inconvenience your entire day, steal your clothes, eat your food, and then make you sleep on the couch.”
“Please, just let me sleep on the couch, Y/N,” he nearly begged.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch,” she repeated with a stern tone.
“Then neither are you.” Her breath caught in her chest and her eyes flashed to the dark charcoal sheets she had imagined being wrapped up in with him when she first entered the apartment. “It’s a big comfy bed and I want you to actually sleep well. I’m perfectly okay with it if you are.”
While her heart was beating out of her chest at the opportunity of being that close to him, all she said was “sounds good,” unable to come up with anything more than that in the moment.
She reverted back to her careful steps and bated breath as she left the couch and made her way over to the bed, suddenly so aware of the respectful boundaries she had created for herself when she first arrived. She lifted back his heavy comforter and slid herself inside, pulling the blanket to her chin as she watched, mesmerized, as the man walked around the apartment getting ready for bed.
He walked around the apartment on the pads of his bare feet almost silently, turning off lights and pouring them both a glass of water before refilling the dog bowls on the ground. He led Jagger to his giant dog bed and invited Annie and Hallie up onto his couch to sleep, gently coaxing them onto the cushions and laying the blanket Y/N had been wrapped in for most of the day over the speckled sisters.
There was only the light coming off the street lights streaming through the window above her head to illuminate the silent apartment and she watched as Harry made his way to the tall chest of drawers on his side of the bed. He lifted his sweater over his head to expose his muscular back and elaborately tattooed arms, and she prayed he didn’t hear the small gasp that left her lips. As quickly as his back and torso were revealed to her, they were hidden once again when he slipped a large tshirt back over his body. She had only ever known him in the colder months, always wrapped up in a sweater or a coat; she had never expected the beautiful illustrations that decorated his body or his broad muscular shoulders that stayed hidden under layers of clothing.
“Stop staring, ya perv,” his deep velvety voice joked with a laugh and she felt her cheeks burn worse than they had all day. “I’m only kidding, love,” he spoke softly when he turned around and connected their eyes.
“I was just looking at your tattoos,” she stammered while she watched him slip into the bed next to her, trying to wipe the adoring look from her face. “I like them a lot.”
“Thank you.” He settled into the bed, far enough to be respectful but still close enough for her to feel the warmth off his skin. He brought his arm out from underneath the covers, allowing her to get a closer look at the ink that illustrated his skin and she rolled herself on her side to face him. She carefully traced the veins of the anatomical heart on this bicep with her finger tips. “Your fingers finally warmed up,” he said barely loud enough for her to hear.
Her eyes flashed up to meet his eyes in the darkness, his irises still seeming to glow in the limited light. She felt his warm minty breath fall over her face and the sweet smell of him that had been enveloping her since she entered his space intensified with her proximity to him. He smelled of sandalwood and vanilla, mixed with the smell of clean linen coming from his bed sheets.
“I guess they did,” she said under her breath, like if she spoke too loudly the moment would be scared away. “We should get some sleep,” she said regretfully, remembering the respectful rules she had set for herself. She withdrew her hand away from his arm and rolled back to her previous position to stare at the ceiling until she fell asleep. If she hadn’t been so tired and if it wasn’t so dark, she would have thought she saw disappointment on his face before she dozed off.
When she began to wake the next morning, she was warm. Not a sweaty or sticky warm, a cozy warm that makes you want to curl up and spend an entire day in bed, seeking respite from the cold air that lives outside the cocoon of blankets you’ve created. She snuggled further into the warmth, and further into the arms that held her close. Her consciousness was blurred with sleep as she buried her face deeper into the warmth between someone’s shoulder and neck. She wouldn’t have woken up if she didn’t feel the body holding her release a light chuckle at her sleepy huffs.
Coming back to life, she lifted her head and opened her eyes to the strong jaw peppered with stubble that she had studied so intensely for months now. A gasp left her throat and she tried to pull herself away, wracked with guilt for passing a boundary she had set. But her movements were stopped when the pair of arms around her waist only pulled her closer, a deep gravelly voice next to her mumbling “don’t go.”
For the first time, she let herself occupy the thought that her fascination with Harry may be mutual. He had gone above and beyond for her and had always been kind and accommodating, always ready to take care of her any need or want. He had let her stay in his house for god sake, let her stay in his bed, and was now holding on to her like if he let go the little world they had created together would fall apart.
“Okay,” she whispered softly into his neck, melting back into his warmth once again. Her drowsiness must have clouded her judgement when she pressed a gentle and soft kiss over his pulse point.
It was Harry’s turn to pull back, a drowsy chuckle leaving his lips as he made eye contact with her still half closed eyes. “Did you just kiss me?” he asked incredulously.
“No, definitely not.” She buried her face in her hands, blushing uncontrollably and feeling her whole face heat up.
“You liar,” he grinned. “Come here.” He pressed his hands to either side of her face and pulled her mouth to meet his. It was a soft kiss, both of them unable to control their smiling lips. Her heart raced and so did his. Their lips moved together in a rhythm that was occasionally interrupted by excited giggles, and Harry pulled her closer to him than she ever had been before.
They stayed in that bliss for as long as they could; cheeks hurting from smiles, gentle laughter released often, and enjoying the warm cocoon they had created together. It was only a matter of time before they were interrupted, both of them letting out loud laughter when all three of their animals joined them on the bed. It was only then Y/N peaked out the window above them to discover Central Park covered in a bright white blanket of snow, flurries continuing to fall outside.
“I have been obsessed with you from the first day I saw you walking the girls,” he confessed as the dogs curled up around them both. “I thought you were so special and beautiful. I about lost it the day you offered me that coffee. I couldn’t believe you were actually talking to me and not my dog for once.”
“Let’s be honest, I fell in love with Jagger first,” she teased. “His hot dad was just a bonus,” she giggled against his lips as he pressed their faces together once again, bodies held apart by the dogs that had wiggled between them.
This moment felt like a fairytale. She wasn’t sure how long it would last or what would come from it but she knew that this was what pure joy felt like, and she would hold onto it for as long as she could.
They only had the dogs to thank.
Thank you so much for reading!! Reblogs/feedback mean to the world!!! 
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violetwolfraven · 2 years
And With Every Step Together
Hi @enter-plot-holes-here !!!! I’m filling a request for a blush scene in the rain. Anyway you said modern OR canon era, so why not a bit of both in the form of a reincarnation au? This should be fun. @newsiesgiftexchange
I’m sorry this is so late!!! I had one idea and it wasn’t work so I had to rewrite it as something else and that’s why it took so long!
Tw: past death, references to WW1
Well, this was a weird morning.
The whole friend group had slept over at the theatre to celebrate the start of the new school year for the drama club, and accidentally stumbled on memories of a past life where they lived and died together along the way.
Y’know, as you do.
They’d spent most of the remainder of the night after they woke up from a shared dream talking everything through. Reassuring each other that they were all here and safe now and reminiscing about the good times like right after the 1899 strike to make things like the fact that they’d all died in World War I feel less scary.
They had stopped talking around 3:00 AM, because Jack and Davey were ever the mom friends and they insisted that everyone needed it.
Mush doubted anyone had actually gotten more than a few minutes of sleep. Old habits died hard, after all. A life of being newsies and then soldiers and nurses meant most of them usually woke up around 5:00. That, and a good half of them were having existential crises.
Mush was sure the other half would have their own crises later on their own time, but he’d personally spent like an hour staring at the ceiling and internally freaking out.
And holding Blink, because he was the one constant in all of this. Loving him was something from both lifetimes.
Anyway, once everyone woke up for the morning and they all ordered Taco Bell breakfast burritos on Ubereats as planned, it was time for everybody to go home.
As if by some telepathic signal of reluctance, they were all kind of hovering in the general area just inside the door, none of them wanting to leave the others just yet.
Besides just the trauma factor, there was also that it wasn’t really cold on a morning this early in the fall, but it was chilly enough that Mush wasn’t too excited about walking home even though he only lived a few blocks away. Most of the others lived farther. Only a few of them had cars.
And some of the clouds overhead had decided it was a good time for some rain, so there was that.
It looked pretty, since patches of the horizon were visible and rays of the early morning sun were shining through the sheets of rain, but that didn’t mean anyone was eager to get out and walk in it.
“No,” Davey said suddenly.
When Mush looked over, he and Jack were having one of those telepathic conversations they always used to have. Looked like they were fully back in their old rhythm.
“No. Don’t even—“
But he laughed and didn’t fight it when Jack kicked the door open and dragged him into the rain. That was all the signal the rest of them needed to run out and start kicking up puddles, splashing friends and partners they now remembered their full history with.
Riding the chaotic energy of the friend group together again, Mush grabbed the little Bluetooth speaker he’d bought at Walmart out of his backpack and put on the High School Musical 3 soundtrack.
High School Musical didn’t exist, and wouldn’t for a good ninety years, the last time they’d all been together like this, but the vibes worked for right now, as everybody ditched their backpacks and sleeping bags on the benches in front of the school.
Blink laughed loudly when Mush grabbed him and spun him into some kind of disjointed swing dance that didn’t work quite right because the music’s tempo wasn’t like what they’d danced to before, but—
But the moment was still perfect. They were alive, they were here, and they were surrounded by their chosen family, though it felt almost as if there was nothing in the world but the rain, and the two of them dancing, and the euphoric happiness between them.
Mush yelped when Blink suddenly switched things up to take the lead, and spun him into a dip.
Not that he was complaining. Blink being an amazing dancer in this lifetime worked great for him. Not that he’d been a bad dancer in the last one, but… well, a couple of the dance styles they used in their shows now hadn’t really existed back then, so…
Blink didn’t smile like this often in any lifetime, open and carefree with joy. Not when other people could see them, especially.
“I missed you,” he said sweetly, everything else in the world just background noise.
Mush stepped back with his right leg for more stability as he reached for his boyfriend’s face.
“I’m right here.”
The morning rain was chilly, but Mush felt warm all over when they kissed.
They kept it short and sweet, of course, so they could get back to living out everybody’s teen romcom fantasy of dancing in the rain.
Mush didn’t want to look away from Blink’s eyes, but he wanted to think there was a rainbow somewhere above their heads right now.
This situation was more complicated than anyone was currently thinking about, and they all still had a lot to talk about some other day.
But right now, there was only the rain, the dancing, and the joy of being together.
Why yes, the title is from a High School Musical 3 song. What about it? :)
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the28thofseptemberr · 3 years
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helloooo!! i didn't do a fic rec last month because i was so busy with my exams and barely had time to read, so this month's post is going to comprise of mostly fics i've read in june but also some i've read in may.
thank you to all of the incredible writers, please go support them!! and remember to read all of the tags and possible warnings before reading the fic! here is the list of fics (mostly below the cut):
•° — led by your beating heart by @missandrogyny 29.4k | E | famous harry/non-famous louis
Nick leans over. "Oh," he says, his voice smug. "Who is that?"
Harry just blinks at his phone. "Um," he manages to stammer out.
"Who's that, Harry?" Nick asks again, but this time he raises his eyebrows and smirks. Harry knows Nick is just teasing, and that he's not really looking for new Harry Styles gossip, but, um. He might have found something. Accidentally.
Harry opens his mouth to speak, but all that comes out is another 'um'. He really needs to work on translating his thoughts into words. But then it probably wouldn't be any help right now, would it? His mind is as blank as a newly erased etch-a-sketch.
"Oh," Nick says again, this time gleefully, seemingly having picked up on Harry's distress. "Looks like we've got a story here! Are you going to call or delete her number?"
Her number. So Nick thinks it's a girl. Well, Harry can't blame him: 'Lou' is kind of an androgynous nickname. His stylist's name is Lou.
But this Lou, well, Louis, he's kind of, really, really not a girl. He's really pretty though, which, is something.
(Or: AU where Harry's in One Direction, Louis isn't, and they reconnect over a game of 'Call or Delete'.)
note: this was so funny and cute and well written, and everyone was characterized so perfectly!! i adored the chemistry between louis and harry, this fic kept me smiling for the whole time while i was reading <3
•° — sounds like love to me by @neondiamond 14.6k | G | kid fic
“Do you want to hear the heartbeat?”
Louis watches as Harry’s face falls with the realization that this is one of those things he won’t be able to experience. For a second, Louis considers saying no, to show Harry they’re truly on the same boat through all of this. But he nods in the end, reaching over for Harry’s hand as the doctor flips a switch. Noise fills the room then, and it takes a few seconds for the sound to become clear enough for Louis to make out the baby’s fast heartbeat.
“It’s really fast,” he voices his thoughts out loud as he uses his thumb to tap against the back of Harry’s hand, replicating the rapid rhythm of the baby’s heartbeat. It takes the younger man a little while to figure out what Louis’ doing, but a huge grin breaks out on his face as soon as he does.
“Is that them?” He signs with the other hand, his own eyes starting to tear up when Louis nods.
OR: Harry is deaf, Louis is pregnant. They figure it out.
note: i'm not a fan of mpreg or kid fics in general, but i stumbled across the fic post for this on my dash and the summary sounded really intriguing to me, so i had a go at reading and it did not disappoint!! it was really sweet and fluffy but also so touching and heartbreaking in some parts. plus, i really enjoyed how harry and louis worked together and supported each other.
•° — this restless dream by @afirethatcannotdie 5.6k | NR | first meetings
“Hiii, I called earlier about the dogs?” he asks, taking a few steps closer to the desk where Louis is standing. He’s taller than Louis, with a dimple when he smiles and bright green eyes. There's a cute eagerness about his whole presence. “Do you have any puppies?” He’s a bit like a puppy himself, actually.
AU. Louis works at an animal shelter and Harry wants a puppy. Things don't go quite according to plan.
note: this was so so adorable and soft, especially since i have a soft spot for h&l with pets. i also have a soft spot for h&l being oblivious lovesick idiots and this was perfect!!
•° — all i see is you, lately by @runaway-train-works 2k | G | first meetings
Harry noticed him for the first time three months ago. He couldn’t not, really, what with the man being so pretty and all, and Harry remembers it well because it was three days before his birthday and he had joked to himself that seeing someone so gorgeous for three days on the trot must be an early present from the Gods.
The one where Harry has a crush on a fellow commuter.
note: this one was quite short but so sweet and perfect and lovely!!
•° — the things i'd do to wake up next to you by orphan_account 36.1k | M | amnesia fic
AU. Harry wakes up to a pregnant Louis Tomlinson and a wedding band on his finger.
note: this fic was incredible, i'm always up for an amnesia fic and this one was heart-breaking and realistic but also sweet and fluffy as well :)
•° — this glorious mess by theweightofmywords 14.2k | M | post-breakup
His head lolls to the side, and his eyes float open to focus on what used to be his bedside table.
It’s empty now, devoid of the framed photo of the two of them. And Louis knows that he has no right to feel hurt, but somehow, this only confirms what this really is.
“This is the last time,” he cries, his voice breaking both from pleasure and pain.
“I know, baby,” Harry breathes, burying his face in Louis neck.
note: this is the third mpreg-centric fic i've read this month and... i don't even like mpreg?? but god the premise of this fic intrigued me so much, and it was lovely and emotional and beautifully written.
•° — BLAH BLAH BLAH there's a moment you know (you're f*cked) by @mercurial-madhouse 3.2k | M | spy au
Anyone impulsive enough to betray their country is either foolish or overly-confident. Louis’s too cunning for the former. So his inflated ego tips precariously close to the edge between pride and hubris. In sum: He may be an expert, (as proven by the .32-cal Beretta Alleycat Harry found strapped to his back) but ex-agent Louis Tomlinson will explode like a busted bullet misfiring in a broken gunbarrel if Harry can find his trigger.
Or, the spy AU in which Harry thinks he's prepared to meet Louis only to find he's not.
note: the banter and tension in this fic was so good and so fun!! i need moreee
•° — every lonely place by @ham-palpert 38k | E | time travel/alternate lives fic
Facing the fact that he’s been prioritizing his career over his relationship, Harry proposes to his longtime boyfriend Louis on a whim. But when yet another work emergency takes precedence over their plans, Louis decides he’s had enough. Harry goes to bed drunk and alone, and when he wakes, he finds himself in an entirely different world. Over and over again, Harry visits a lifetime he’s once lived, across time and dimensions. And wherever there’s a Harry Styles, there’s a Louis Tomlinson.
note: this was such a unique fic! and such an emotional one too, love the message it sends and the character arc and development was so good
•° — tick-tock by bubblegumclouds 6k | G | soulmate au
When Louis was born to Jay Tomlinson with a tiny 2 years on his clock, it starts the most beautiful love story. Even if things are missed, fate finds a way to make it work.
note: this was just so, so cute and fluffy and sweet! i loved it
•° — baby baby, you're a caramel macchiato by @missandrogyny 3.2k | T | coffee shop au
So, yeah, Harry doesn't think it's that far of a stretch to call himself a good barista. There are some particularly bad ones, and some particularly good ones, and, with his work ethic, his skill, and his charm, he'd probably be lumped in with the latter group.
note: this was so lovely, and i especially really loved the little section talking about louis' name and how it suits him!
•° — one shines brighter by @afirethatcannotdie 11.8k | T | wedding fic
“Hi, baby. You doing anything fun today?” Harry shrugs. “Dunno. Thought I’d see how I was feeling before making any plans.” “You wanna get married?” Louis asks. Harry’s face breaks into a smile, and he nods. Louis’ lips are just brushing Harry’s when Gemma appears in the hallway. “You two are in so much trouble.” Harry's wedding was never supposed to be the happiest day of his life. No, that was going to be the day after, when he finally got to start his marriage. Unfortunately his family (and Louis) have other ideas.
Featuring a pair of moms who only want the best for their kids, meddling sisters with too much time on their hands, and a groom who gets caught up in the fairytale.
note: i adore this fic!! it's so so so adorable and so soft and well written, and you can feel how in love h&l are with each other. so so good!
my own fics
•° — under your bed in new york 33.4k | T | exes to lovers
"We know you're still in love with Harry."
Louis' nostrils flared up. "I'm not—"
"I'm not!"
there are many things louis likes to tell himself. we broke up for a reason. it's been so many years. and of course, the classic: i’ve definitely moved on from him. but when he suddenly finds harry back in his life after three years, louis realizes he might be a little less moved on than he thought.
au; spilling coffee onto an ex, being set up on dates, and having a nosy puppy might be all louis needs to find love again
note: i didn't actually write or publish this one this month, but i did edit, revamp and make a fic post for it this month so i thought i'd put it in here anyway. reblog the fic post here!
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
currently having so many thoughts about aubrey getting sick of her moms mess one day and packing her bunny into her carrier and just leaving... she drifts about friends houses for a while before basil braves up to ask if she's okay :(( she's all out of energy + too stubborn to go home so she doesn't bother arguing and lets him take her to see polly (sorry me again with aubrey ramblings pls tell me to shush if you dont vibe w it)
Wow....I love this so much so I’m gonna combine it with that ask I got the other day and noodle on this a bit. Hope you don’t mind me taking your idea and running nonnie!!!
This got really long and kind of intense, so I’m putting it under a Read More. There’s also gonna be way more ahead!! This AU has caught me. But y’all Serious warning for emotional child abuse and neglect. Aubrey’s mother is decidedly not a good person, and their relationship is very damaged. Read only if you know you mentally can handle it, and no shame in skipping this. This part of it is heavy.  TW: Child abuse and neglect. TW: Alcoholism TW: Running Away TW: Homelessness
In the end it’s the rain that does it. The rain, the drafts in their weary old house, and the bucket that sits in the corner of her room next to her half broken laundry basket
On the last night Aubrey spends in her mother’s house the rain is coming down in freezing icy sheets. It’s bitterly cold, and she is weary. 
The summer of her 16th year has come and gone, and they are firm into the grip of September. It was a summer that had changed everything in her life. A summer where she found her way back to her chosen family, while becoming more isolated than ever from her real family. She had spent almost every hour out of the house- riding scooters with her gang, reconnecting with Basil, finding her way back into Kel’s loyal heart, letting her walls down around Hero, even discovering a hidden strength within her to forgive Sunny.  
It was the best summer of her life, even beating out the perfect summers spent in her childhood with Mari. In those days Aubrey had been naive. She didn’t know what she had, she just assumed she would always have it. This summer she had seen every experience for what it was- a gift. 
Fall coming had been difficult. Really almost nothing had changed, except it had. 
Hero had gone back to college, promising to visit at every chance he could. Aubrey had pushed down the spike of jaded denial that had risen up inside her at his words, and put her arm around Kel who was misty eyed saying goodbye to his brother. 
Sunny had spent most days in Faraway at either Kel or Basil’s house over the summer, but now he only came on weekends. He had started school again, a new school where no one knew his name or his face. He didn’t say much about it, but he hadn’t stopped going yet, so Aubrey considered it progress.
Kel and Basil had stuck close to her, and she was thankful for it. Aubrey knew now that nothing would ever separate the five of them again, but there was still the irrational fear inside of her that they would all leave her sooner or later. Her gang must’ve seen something too, because they had been awkwardly affectionate in a way that both irritated and comforted her.
But her mother....
Her mother had changed too. 
By sixteen Aubrey knew her mothers rhythms like the back of her hand. She knew the cycles that played out. Her mother would circle through various moods- cleaning, ignoring, depressing, drinking, regretting, promising, and then cleaning again. 
The regularity of it all had numbed her to the terrible conditions of her childhood home, and Aubrey spent most of her time out of the house anyway. (She had never been so grateful for nine hours at school, four hours after school goofing off in a big group, and the usual invitation to dinner with Polly or Kel’s mother. Aubrey usually only went home to sleep these days)
But her mother had added and taken away from her cycle. There was a new cycle now, and it was impossible to deal with. 
Ignoring, Depressing, Drinking, Angry, Regretting. Rinse and Repeat. 
Angry was new. Angry was (terrifying)....Angry was new. 
Aubrey had never tried to disrupt her mother’s cycle before, but Angry was enough to get her to try. She would clean the house top to bottom, putting in an effort she had never put in before to make things nice. She had thrown away bottles, cleaned dishes, cooked food, on and on all in an effort to change what she knew was coming. It still came. Her mother still wailed like a banshee, shrieking and hollering loud enough neighbors had called. 
The calls were the worst part. The low humiliation that sat in her stomach as she assured these people who didn’t really care that everything was fine, all while her mother continued to scream in the background. 
With Angry, Regretting was also different too. Aubrey, never one to take things lying down, screamed back until angry tears burst from her eyes. She would break down and sob in front of her mother, her walls finally ripped apart brick by brick by the woman who was supposed to love her most. 
Then her mom would hold her tight and promise things would be different. Regretting had mixed with Promising, and as much as Aubrey wanted to shove away the confusing affection, she couldn’t bring herself to. 
Screaming at each other was the only time that Aubrey’s mother looked at her. Curled in her mother’s arms weeping was the only time that her mother had a kind word. Aubrey couldn’t resist what she always craved, and some sick twisted part of her even longed for the point where her mother would snap and start yelling, just because she knew the release of emotions was soon to follow. 
That last night in her house was one of those nights. Her mother was yelling, too incoherent for Aubrey to even make out the words, but the tone said everything. Her mother had lost it over the dishes in the sink piling up. Aubrey had done them this morning, yet somehow she came home to a sink full of chipped dirty dishes. Those dishes felt like an ironic symbol of her life. No matter how many times she wiped it away. The dishes would be dirty the second she turned around. 
Aubrey was already in tears, her fists bunched at her sides and her teeth grinding down against each other. Soon enough it would be time for her to start yelling back, and the cycle would go on and on and on. The dishes would never be clean. 
Aubrey didn’t want it to go on. Not even her mother holding her was worth how torn apart her heart was becoming. She fled upstairs, slamming the door to attic and locking it tight. It didn’t matter anyway. By this point of drinking, her mother could barely stand, let alone climb a ladder. 
The rain was slamming against her windows, a steady drip already starting in the bucket in her room. It was freezing cold, and goosebumps rose on her bare arms. Maribelle was sitting in her pen, her nose twitching as she watched her Aubrey. Aubrey brushed at her damp cheeks and picked her bunny up, snuggling the tiny white creature close to her chest. 
Maribelle was too cold. Her mother hadn’t paid the heating bill again. The rain was too loud, and the wind sneaking in wrapped Aubrey in a tight grip. Aubrey sat on the edge of the bed and rocked her bun, trying in vain to warm them both up. A single thought ran through her head over and over
This wasn’t worth it. This wasn’t worth the love she craved from a woman who couldn’t give it. This wasn’t worth her pride at keeping things together. This wasn’t worth trying to fix over and over with no results. 
The rain began to slow to a quieter drizzle. Her mother was silent below. In the cold wet of her tiny attic room, Aubrey decided. 
No. This really just...wasn’t worth it. 
Aubrey slipped onto her knees, keeping Maribelle close as she pulled her backpack towards her and began to empty it out. She kept only her English textbook and her history notes. Everything else she could get a spare of. in her bag went two spare shirts and one pair of jeans. She packed in underwear and socks into the smaller front pouch. Aubrey stood and pulled the false bottom out of her desk drawer, taking the cash and the pack of cigarettes she had pinched off her mom and throwing them in as well. 
Finally there were the pictures. The frame of her photo of her and Kim had to be abandoned, but the actual picture was placed carefully inside her backpack. She had never been more happy to have her tiny carrier for Maribelle. The bunny happily hopped inside and burrowed deep in the soft downy blanket Aubrey put inside for her. 
It was depressingly easy to pack up her important things. Shockingly simple to write a note to her mother (I’m leaving. I’m not coming back. Two short sentences and that was it) It hadn’t even been hard to sneak out. After the hour or so it took to gather the rest of her necessities from the house and steal whatever money was in her mother’s purse, said woman had passed out on the couch in an alcoholic haze. 
Aubrey locked the door and stared at the silver key gleaming in her palm. She had only her backpack, a messenger bag, and her tiny bunny carrier. Her whole life fit into two bags. Aubrey left her key on the doorstep. 
She wouldn’t need it anymore. 
The rain had let up, but a harsh breeze whipped around her as she walked, pushing Aubrey to move faster. She took the sidewalks she had taken since she was little, letting her feet move as her mind went blank. Before she knew it she was standing on another street, one more familiar to her than her own. 
Aubrey spared a long look at Kel’s hosue. The lights were on inside, bathing their front yard in a warm golden glow. She stared at it for a moment, considering, and then the chill became too great. 
Aubrey bypassed Kel’s house and quietly snuck into the backyard of Sunny’s old home. The elderly couple that owned the house now was sure to be asleep. Kel said that they were quiet and almost never noticed anything going on. Perfect. 
Aubrey knew exactly where she was going. It was still standing. Faded and beaten down, probably rickety too, but it would be safe for her and her Belle. 
Besides only four other people even knew this treehouse existed. No one would ever find her here. 
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