#Atsukashiyama Ibun 2018 Paris
mihotose · 2 years
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gloriuspandablog · 2 years
TouMyu Atsukashiyama 2018 Paris
Does anybody has a list of the locations where the boys went to in Paris in the Shibuya no Oto documentary?
I know that Ryuji went to Cafe de la Paix
Shunya and Daichi went to Le Tire - Bouchon
Mario is Norte-Dame
Im looking specifically for the cafe that Tsubasa and Ryo went to (the place where they had a pretty interesting conversation with the French dude lol)
The place where they all have lunch with Kayano-san
and the rooftop cafe (garden?) where they sat and have a meeting regarding the future of TouMyu (with the Eiffel Tower as the background iirc)
Im planning a trip to Paris this year and I'd appreciate the help in locating these places for my pilgrimage lol
Thank you so much!
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blackfireswallow · 4 years
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Have a photo of Mario in Paris, sitting by the Seine close to the Notre Dame cathedral from 2 years ago. ^^ I chose this photo because they performed AtsuIbun on July 15 and today it's 15th, too.
Source of the photo: https://twitter.com/nhk_oto/status/1055761270714990593
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hanaritsukrizza · 5 years
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that look... that wink... that smile... plus that wave... //dies// (version 2)
[See version 1 here]
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mandilo · 6 years
They Published a promo for atsukashiyama ibun 2018 paris for the upcoming release !
Soon the blu-ray and DVD will be out finally ! 
i can’t wait to recieve it... 
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kaashuus · 6 years
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Atsukashiyama Ibun 2018 Paris
Iwatooshi (Saeki Daichi) flinging Imanotsurugi (Ohira Shunya) and Kashuu (Sato Ryuji)
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sakurasakiyama · 6 years
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[News/Announcement] Musical Touken Ranbu ~Atsukashiyama Ibun 2018 Paris~ Main Visual
Kuroba Mario as Mikazuki Munechika
Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Ishikirimaru
Saeki Daichi as Iwatooshi
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Main info about the performance dates in Paris & Tokyo can be found: HERE
French ticketing info can be found with Ishikirimaru’s French Comment for the Paris performances: HERE
Source: HERE
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niekra · 6 years
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Kashuu, please talk to the hand. I am too busy combing out my beautiful fur for Nushi-sama.
I think I have spent the last 5 mins laughing hysterically over the amount of sass Iwasaki Daisuke portrays as Kogitsunemaru, in this scene alone. XD
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lomelindesama · 6 years
TOUKEN RANBU Atsukashiyama Ibun 2018 Paris fan report
Will contain spoilers I wrote this very quickly last night before going to bed, but I wanted to lay down my impressions before they faded.
The stage opened with all of the cast on stage (minus Kitazono Ryo), along with the producer and director. They came forward and both the director and producer apologized for having to present a show that was incomplete. Then the producer said Ryo wanted to say a few words and he came on stage.
Ryo was wearing black pants and a Touken Ranbu Musical hoodie, and his glasses. You could see just how frustrated and sorry he was about not being able to perform. He actually cried as he apologized for not being able to perform. It was really heartbreaking to watch, and we tried to encourage him with a lot of applause.
The director explained that Ryo would be sitting behind us with the technical staff and do the voice performance live from there. They apparently decided against having a stand in, so it was understood his place on stage would be left empty. Then they left the stage for the actual show to start.
Regarding the upgrades from the previous show, I think the majority of them were in the beginning, and they were very clever because they linked the Atsukashiyama musical with Tsuwamono. The rest of the upgrades were mostly added lines to certain scenes.
The first scene was new and had Mikazuki singing the lotus flower song from Tsuwamono with some of the human cast acting behind him.
Another new thing was the Kogitsunemaru/Mikazuki song, which was about how they were forged and became 'partners'. It was supposed to be a dance as well, but obviously only Mario performed that, and it was similar to the dance Kogitsunemaru performs for the Saniwa at the beginning of Tsuwamono.
That scene was followed by a bit of dialogue between Mikazuki and Kogitsune, and I found it sweet that Mario said most of his lines while looking in the direction where Ryo was sitting, rather than at the empty spot at his side on stage. Obviously there were moments in the show where he couldn't do that, but he kept glancing towards there at some stages.
After this, the show mostly progressed in the same way as the first version with a few upgraded lines. For example, when Iwatooshi and Imanotsurugi ask Kashuu what to do about their posture when Iwatooshi carries Imanotsurugi on his shoulders, Kashuu goes ".... is that a Zen Kouan?" and then says he doesn't have the answer - whereas in the first musical he just suggested Imanotsurugi should get down. In the scene before deploying, Mikazuki threw a paper plane at Kashuu and Ishikirimaru drew his portrait, which Kashuu complained didn't look like him at all.
There were some upgrades in the human cast scenes as well. More lines of dialogue, and Araki Kentarou who plays Yoshitsune was really good.
There were more lines between Kashuu and the Saniwa both at the beginning and at the end. With the Saniwa talling Kashuu he looked more grown up and Kashuu saying he learned some new things thanks to the Sanjou swords. Kashuu also wondered about what he would do if he were to meet his former master, but ended it with 'Well, I won't know until that happens'.
Musically, there was a lot more harmonizing in certain songs that were sung in unison in the first version, probably because they all got better and more assured with their singing.
There were maybe one or two scenes where not having Ryo on stage was really jarring mostly because the other characters are supposed to look towards him and they were looking at an empty spot. But on the whole, and as frustrating as this was for Ryo, I think they made it work because Kogitsune is a supporting character in this particular show. I am still grateful to Ryo for doing the voice performance no matter what and I understand he probably wanted to do something since he couldn't be on stage. He did really well, too.
Idol had upgraded costumes, and Ryo also performed his bits of the songs from behind the audience. I had my own little personal heart attacks when they all came into the audience. I got to see Tsubasa, Ryuuji, Mario and Shunya from up close and they were all so beautiful and having fun interacting with the audience.
And of course Idol had my favorite moment. Mikazuki was the one skipping training again and was supposed to create a dialogue that would make people happy... and instead he just turned his back on us, undid his jacket, and stripped to show us his bare back. That was both very IC and also Mario being a smartass because he keeps posting pictures of himself with his back bare from idol all the fucking time and he knows people love it.
They all learned a few words of French to introduce themselves, too! And Kashuu/Ryuuji said 'A bientot!' when it was time to say goodbye.
The drums were also very impressive, and it was almost a physical sensation. You could feel your body vibrating with them. I loved the cast performance with them.
We gave them a standing ovation when they finished. And then the audience all turned to the back so we could applaud Ryo as well, and we applauded him until he left the theater. He bowed a few times before he did, and I really hope that he got a little bit heartened by everyone cheering for him. [ETA: I didn't notice it at the time but all the people with glowsticks turned them to yellow for him at that time too.]
Performance-wise, Ryuuji does remain the best vocalist out of all of them and I was really impressed with his performance. His voice was a little tired but even then, he gave it his all and he really delivered.
Tusbasa's voice was really great especially in the slower songs. He does better in the musical proper than in idol because I think the fast dancing makes it harder for him to breathe properly when singing. In the musical, though his voice was so smooth and beautiful.
Mario also did beautifully on the slower songs and all in all this was a solid performance for him. He is not the strongest singer among them but he clearly has worked hard and in general his breathing seems to be more correct and his voice more stable.
The one who I feel really improved the most from the first performances is Daichi. He was the weakest singer from the start. If you watch even the original DVD performance, there are moments where he doesn't quite hit his notes or he's off-pitch ever so slightly. Today he did really well. Nagoritsuki is one of my favorite songs in this musical and I liked today's version very much.
Now the one aspect that I feel was lacking was not at all the show, but the official goodies shop. It was way too small, with too few cash registers and this resulted in gigantic lines. In fact, I gave up and did not buy anything because we ended up waiting 45 minutes in line and spent the last twenty not moving an inch in the line. We were among the first queuing and never even made it to the space where we could actually shop. I think they clearly underestimated how many people would want goodies and did not size the shop area appropriately.
But apart from that, it was a really magical experience and I hope they come back with some other performances!
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leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』マラソン (musical touken ranbu marathon)
the following streams are currently on sale (50% off) @ DMM [~May 11th, 2021 (1pm)] [remember that you need to use a VPN to watch the shows^^]
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~トライアル公演~ (musical touken ranbu ~trial performance~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~阿津賀志山異聞~ (musical touken ranbu ~atsukashiyama ibun~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 in 嚴島神社 (musical touken ranbu in itsukushima jinja)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~幕末天狼傳~ (musical touken ranbu ~bakumatsu tenrouden~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~真剣乱舞祭 2016~ (musical touken ranbu ~shinken ranbu sai 2016~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~三百年の子守唄~ (musical touken ranbu ~mihotose no komoriuta~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』加州清光 単騎出陣 2017 (musical touken ranbu kashuu kiyomitsu tanki shutsujin 2017)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~真剣乱舞祭 2017~ (musical touken ranbu ~shinken ranbu sai 2017~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~つはものどもがゆめのあと~ (musical touken ranbu ~tsuwamono domo ga yume no ato~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~結びの響、始まりの音~ (musical touken ranbu ~musubi no hibiki, hajimari no oto~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 ~阿津賀志山異聞 2018 巴里~ (musical touken ranbu ~atsukashiyama ibun 2018 paris)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞 』~真剣乱舞祭 2018~ 最終公演 (musical touken ranbu: shinken ranbu sai 2018 saishuu kouen)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~三百年の子守唄 2019~ (musical touken ranbu ~mihotose no komoriuta 2019~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』加州清光 単騎出陣 アジアツアー (musical touken ranbu kashuu kiyomitsu tanki shutsujin asia tour)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』髭切膝丸 双騎出陣 2019 ~SOGA~ (musical touken ranbu higekiri hizamaru souki shutsujin 2019 ~soga~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 ~葵咲本紀~ (musical touken ranbu ~kishouhongi~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』 歌合 乱舞狂乱 2019 (musical touken ranbu ~ utaawase ranbu kyouran 2019)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』髭切膝丸 双騎出陣 2020 ~SOGA~ (musical touken ranbu higekiri hizamaru souki shutsujin 2020 ~soga~)
◎ ミュージカル『刀剣乱舞』~幕末天狼傳 2020~ (musical touken ranbu ~bakumatsu tenrouden 2020~)
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mihotose · 3 years
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rz-jocelyn · 4 years
hi there! or more like hi again! i used to be a regular on your blog for touranbu musical, but kinda lost touch due to college and stuff. I was looking through your blog earlier and omg, there are so many new stages? I lost touch around 2018 and looking through the tags was super confusing, it was like an overload of info, especially that one called daienren? are there seriously that many swords on stage now? I was wondering if you could give a concise list of all the stages after 2018 (1)
Hiya! :D Welcome back, and I hope that everything has calmed down and is going well ♥
I know you requested a list of productions post-2018, but I figured since I was doing a compilation, I might as well do a list of all the productions? *is bricked*
So, what I've done is I've split this post into three parts:
2015 to 2017
2018 to Current
Touken Ranbu Daienren 
Please feel free to skip straight to the “2018 to Current” and “Touken Ranbu Daienren” sections. The full list can be found under the cut.
2015 TO 2017
Trial Performance (2015)
Kuroba Mario as Mikazuki Munechika
Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Ishikirimaru
Saeki Daichi as Iwatooshi
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Atsukashiyama Ibun (2016)
Kuroba Mario as Mikazuki Munechika
Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Ishikirimaru
Saeki Daichi as Iwatooshi
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Premium LIVE @ Akasaka ACT Theater (2016)
Kuroba Mario as Mikazuki Munechika
Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Ishikirimaru
Saeki Daichi as Iwatooshi
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
*The video for the “Premium LIVE @ Akasaka ACT Theater” is only available to members of the Musical Touken Ranbu Website. To access the video, please log in: HERE
Bakumatsu Tenrouden (2016)
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Torigoe Yuki as Yamatonokami Yasusada
Arisawa Shoutarou as Izuminokami Kanesada
Ogoe Yuuki as Horikawa Kunihiro
Imari Yu as Nagasone Kotetsu
Takahashi Kensuke as Hachisuka Kotetsu
In Itsukushima Shrine (2016)
The combined casts of "Trial Performance/Atsukashiyama Ibun" and "Bakumatsu Tenrouden".
Shinken Ranbu Sai (2016)
The combined casts of "Trial Performance/Atsukashiyama Ibun" and "Bakumatsu Tenrouden".
Mihotose no Komoriuta (2017)
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Ishikirimaru
Araki Hirofumi as Nikkari Aoe
spi as Tonbokiri
Yokota Ryugi as Monoyoshi Sadamune
Zaiki Takuma as Ookurikara
Ota Motohiro as Sengo Muramasa
Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017 (2017)
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Tsuwamono Domo ga Yume no Ato (2017)
Kuroba Mario as Mikazuki Munechika
Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru
Saeki Daichi as Iwatooshi
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi
Miura Hiroki as Higekiri
Takano Akira as Hizamaru
Shinken Ranbu Sai 2017 (2017)
The combined casts of "Trial Performance/Atsukashiyama Ibun", "Mihotose no Komoriuta" and "Tsuwamono Domo ga Yume no Ato".
From the cast of "Bakumatsu Tenrouden":
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Arisawa Shoutarou as Izuminokami Kanesada
Imari Yu as Nagasone Kotetsu
Takahashi Kensuke as Hachisuka Kotetsu
Musubi no Hibiki, Hajimari no Ne (2018)
Torigoe Yuki as Yamatonokami Yasusada
Arisawa Shoutarou as Izuminokami Kanesada
Tamura Shin as Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki
*Sakamoto Shougo as Horikawa Kunihiro
Imari Yu as Nagasone Kotetsu
Kiyama Haruki as Tomoegata Naginata
*From this production onwards, Sakamoto Shougo permanently replaces Ogoe Yuuki as Horikawa Kunihiro.
Atsukashiyama Ibun 2018 Paris (2018)
Kuroba Mario as Mikazuki Munechika
Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Ishikirimaru
Saeki Daichi as Iwatooshi
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
*Iwasaki Daisuke replaced Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru for the DMM Stream/DVD performance of the production. For more information about this, please refer to this post: HERE
**This production is a rerun of 2016's "Atsukashiyama Ibun".
Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2018 (2018)
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
*This performance has major differences from the "Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017" with new songs and new live outfits.  
Shinken Ranbu Sai 2018 (2018)
The combined casts of all the productions up to this point, except Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Takuma Zaiki as Ookurikara.
Mihotose no Komoriuta (2019)
Sakiyama Tsubasa as Ishikirimaru
Araki Hirofumi as Nikkari Aoe
spi as Tonbokiri
Yokota Ryugi as Monoyoshi Sadamune
Ota Motohiro as Sengo Muramasa
*Makishima Hikaru as Ookurikara
*From this production onwards, Makishima Hikaru permanently replaces Zaiki Takuma as Ookurikara.
**This production is a rerun of 2017's "Mihotose no Komoriuta".
Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin Asia Tour (2019)
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
*This performance is a mix of "Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017" and "Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2018" with an extended encore setlist.
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Higekiri Hizamaru Souki Shutsujin 2019 ~SOGA~ (2019)
Miura Hiroki as Higekiri
Takano Akira as Hizamaru
Kishou Hongi (2019)
Nakada Hiroki as Akashi Kuniyuki
Ota Motohiro as Sengo Muramasa
spi as Tonbokiri
Okamiya Kurumu as Tsurumaru Kuninaga
Tanaka Ryousei as Otegine
Tamura Shougo as Kotegiri Gou
Utaawase Ranbu Kyouran (2019)
The combined casts of "Musubi no Hibiki, Hajimari no Ne", "Mihotose no Komoriuta" and "Kishou Hongi", except Ota Motohiro as Sengo Muramasa.
From the casts of other productions:
Kitazono Ryo as Kogitsunemaru
Ohira Shunya as Imanotsurugi
Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso (2020)
Okamiya Kurumu as Tsurumaru Kuninaga
Makishima Hikaru as Ookurikara
Itokawa Youjirou as Urashima Kotetsu
Ishibashi Hiroki as Hyuuga Masamune
Tachibana Yuuta as Buzen Gou
Sasamori Hiroki as Matsui Gou
*This production was postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19.
Bakumatsu Tenrouden 2020 (2020)
Sato Ryuji as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Torigoe Yuki as Yamatonokami Yasusada
Arisawa Shoutarou as Izuminokami Kanesada
Sakamoto Shougo as Horikawa Kunihiro
Imari Yu as Nagasone Kotetsu
Takahashi Kensuke as Hachisuka Kotetsu
*Although this production is supposed to be a rerun of 2016's "Bakumatsu Tenrouden", this musical has major changes from the original one, including new scenes and new songs (for both the main performance and the live).
The songs that are bolded in the list below are the songs that were also included in 2016's "Bakumatsu Tenrouden".
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This production is currently ongoing and all the performances are being live streamed. For more information on how to watch the performances, please refer to this link: HERE
Higekiri Hizamaru Souki Shutsujin 2020 ~SOGA~ (2020)
Miura Hiroki as Higekiri
Takano Akira as Hizamaru
Kotobuki Ranbu Ongyoku Sai (2021)
The full cast list can be found: HERE
Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso 2021 (2021)
Okamiya Kurumu as Tsurumaru Kuninaga
Makishima Hikaru as Ookurikara
Itokawa Youjirou as Urashima Kotetsu
Ishibashi Hiroki as Hyuuga Masamune
Tachibana Yuuta as Buzen Gou
Sasamori Hiroki as Matsui Gou
*This production is a rerun of 2020's "Shizuka no Umi no Paraiso", which was cancelled due to COVID-19.
NOTE: VPN is required to access the download links.
The “Touken Ranbu Daienren”, scheduled for August 11, 2020, was supposed to be an event which celebrated the 5th anniversary of “Touken Ranbu -ONLINE-”. The cast performing at the event would have included the actors from both of the Touken Ranbu 2.5D franchises: the Musical Touken Ranbu (Toumyu) and the Touken Ranbu Stage (Tousute).
However, due to COVID-19, the event was cancelled. Instead, an alternative event called “Touken Ranbu Daienren ~Hikae no Ma~” was held. This event was a group Zoom meeting call featuring all the actors who were supposed to participate in the original event. 
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blackfireswallow · 5 years
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Mario updated his Twitter twice ^^
First he retweeted a post from Digitarou who is the producer of Toumyu about the 5th anniversary of Touken Ranbu and wrote:
"Happy 5th anniversary ㊗️"
Then he retweeted his previous post about his upcoming drama and wrote:
"The broadcast starts today!
I'll leave myself in your care for Paravi, too."
As for tne photos, I chose some from his Twitter from AtsuIbun 2018 ^^
As for the drama: It’s an original story named “Madamada koi ha tsuzukuyo doko made mo” which belongs to the drama “Koi ha tsuzukuyo doko made mo”. - start of the broadcast: January 14th - broadcasting channel: Paravi
About Paravi: it’s a paying broadcasting site where you can watch drama, variety etc. You can register using an email address and the first month after the registering is free, but after that you’ll be charged immediately for a monthly fee if you don’t delete your account by the end of the trial month. The monthly fee is 925 yen.
Sources: https://mobile.twitter.com/m_kur…/status/1217010774062723072
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hanaritsukrizza · 5 years
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so apparently, this is the sequel of fufufu.gif 
[See fufufu.gif here]
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mandilo · 6 years
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I love the changes done to imanotsurugi’s part in the Paris concerts and i was going image by image to get the best screencaps to attempt my first Gif set. He has grown so much in 3 years in every way. I love the sequence where imanotsurugi takes kashuu hostage because there is a level of trust and strengh from kashuu to support both imanotsurugi’s conflicted feelings and shunya during his most complicated song of the play. But they also upped the ending fight and the level of badass for the ima/iwa solo fights  .... 
Then comes the moment my brain says  : “F* You i’m crying even if the tenth time you see kimi no uta and i’m not doing anything else including remembering to breathe on a regular basis” !
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kaashuus · 6 years
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Countdown to Touken Ranbu Musical: ~Atsukashiyama Ibun 2018 Paris~ image masterpost
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