#Attractive ear chain for ladies
the-moon-files · 6 months
So I have tried to request this prompt from someone else but I don't think their blog is that active anymore. If your willing I'd love to request the following.
Prompt: Reader is bisexual and gender neutral.
Reader is considered fairly attractive and gets flirted with pretty often by basically whoever gender wise. And maybe reader and Zelda even end up flirting a little bit. Reader would have a similar lackadaisical flirty personality as Warriors has.
I wanted to see how each of The Chain would react to this with the context of them having secret feelings for the reader.
2nd official request, woo look at me go 🏃💨
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Sun: Gender-neutral Reader (”you”/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Zelda (Assuming they meant BOTW), + the classic Chain of Links <3
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, mild typical loz violence, Mildly Suggestive, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
so i like to think that modern flirting is radically different than their medieval flirting,
like mayyybbeee Wild can handle it, but even then, they have royalty/knights still, so hes still gettin flustered lol
and i like to think u learned that difference the first time Wars complimented ur new/strange modern fit, and u returned the energy?? except 10x stronger (to them)??
youve played the player, and beat him at his own game, the Captain of the knights is sputtering and shit LMAO
(he said smth like, “their beauty is god-like in this otherworldly clothing“ and YOU said smth like he’d “thank you, youd look better in my bed than in armor 👉 😎 👉 ” lmao)
funniest part is, bc its so natural, i can see u immediately shooting off smth and forgetting it instantly, much to the Links collective shock 😭
u go to towns and notice theres always 1 hero around to steer u away from shopkeepers, townsppl, etc so u wont flirt w/them LMAO
(when u finally notice, u just, “ohh i get it now, so im only allowed to flirt with someone named Link, ohhh, okayy” and they just, “NO we didnt say that-!” “No its just their bold flirtations are not for the weak of heart-!” “Yes.” “CAPTAIN-”)
the only one who they cant steer u away from is Zelda.
afterall, they kinda have to inform the Princess/now Queen of the kingdom, whats going on w/them traveling with Link (Wild) around time and space
the sheikah tablet had been disconnecting + reconnecting to Purah’s both fascination and worry
so as theyre invited to eat dinner and explain in the rebuilding castle, everyone’s absorbed in shadow talk or smth, and u can see Zelda’s struggling to follow along, u just casually bring it back to her, as she’s also trying to write notes and theyve moved on too quickly w/o her
“wowww, all these men and not a single one’s gonna offer the lady any, ‘hi, hello, how is the most beautiful girl in the world today?’ “
and the gapingggg from the links shut them right up, while Zelda goes all pink and coughs, and agrees that they should move on to more chill topics lol
and u can crack anybody tbh, Zelda giggles at ur compliments all the time, even in work mode, u can deffo get Wars to blush to his ears, and even Time to look away first in a flirty + staring contest lol
Legend might actually put his hands up like he’s prepared to fight u anytime u try to flirt at him when its just you two, before he realizes what hes doing and stops LMAO
oh and u absolutely get a lot of mileage out of that one lol
the best reactions have gotta be, in order of most to least extreme: Hyrule, Sky, Wild, Four, Legend, Twilight, Wars, Time
Rulie, Sky, Wild and Four fall into that classic, shocked-heart-eyes, full blush up to their pointy ears, etc category when u get them,
they are also very easy to get lmao
Four is the best at recovery, or ducking away, but if its the Colors, its this type of obvious lol, w/the obvious ones like Red and Blue, Green takes a little more to break, and tbh Vio could go toe-to-toe w/u better than Wars tbh before he crumbles under the pressure lol
Legend, Twi, Wars, and Time faces may not change a lot, bc theyre trying to save it lmao, but the way their cheeks go pink and ears twitch is how u know ur gettting to them (along w/legend’s defensive reaction to getting cornered LMAO)
Twi has caved and covered his face w/his hands before lmao
one day youll get Time to break more than an ear twitch, and looking away, One Day.
(Wind is in fact, having the time of his life, watching you absolutely hilariously wreck these otherwise v serious heroes, hes glad u got them to finally relax a little, but also its hilarious seeing Wars and Legend red faces, and occasionally stealing Wild’s tablet to take funny pics of them all to blackmail later lol)
idk how good that was, as im kinda bust at flirty banter between characters, so i hope this suffices ur need to flirt w/everyone lol
also i feel i should apologize for not rlly including pronouns? it just kinda comes w/writing reader stories to put them in 2nd person to both make intimacy for readers w/their little avatar im controlling for them, and to purposefully remove the need for gendered pronouns :/
so im sorry i couldnt quite figure out how to make it where “they/them” got used much, i promise i love all pronouns, its just a skill issue tbh lmao
send any prayers, blessings, or good vibes u got my way tomorrow bc im getting wisdom teeth surgery and i am intimidated✨
ill post more asks (i have multiple asks!! <33) after im lying in bed lamenting my painful fate,
mostly just worried ill react badly to the drugs, also the idea of being knocked out during surgery is a little scary so what can i say
have a great weekend guys!! thanks for reading if u did :)
Peace out,
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mccall-muffin · 7 months
The Lady and the Major - Part 2/3 // John "Bucky" Egan x OC
Summary: Bucky quickly realizes that Liz is not like any woman he has ever met before. But there is still a war to win, and Bucky has his duties. So, every letter that arrives is a prized possession now.
Warnings: Language, teasing, kissing, sex (not too detailed)
A/N: So, here is part 2 for you. And yes, by now I've seen all the Episodes that are out as of now - so I'm up to date ;)
Here is my Masterlist
Tags: @liebgotts-lovergirl, @softly-writes, @mads-weasley, @brassknucklespeirs, @softguarnere, @shesgonna
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As the band transitions smoothly into a slow, captivating melody, the atmosphere of the gala shifts, becoming charged with a different kind of energy. Bucky, seizing the moment, sets aside the formalities with the ease of a man used to taking the lead. He gently takes Liz's champagne flute, placing it on a nearby table with a confident grin. "Care to dance, Lady Cavendish?" he asks, extending his hand, his eyes sparkling with an invitation to step into a moment just for the two of them.
On the dance floor, Bucky guides Liz with a practiced ease, pulling her close enough that their conversation remains private, a bubble amidst the sea of dancing couples. His hands are respectfully placed, yet the occasional, deliberate brush of his fingers along her back suggests a familiarity that goes beyond mere dance partners.
As they move to the rhythm of the music, Bucky can't resist the opportunity to delve deeper into the intriguing paradox that is Liz. "You know, I've been told quite a few tales about the elusive Lady Cavendish," he teases, his voice low and playful. "Word around is that beneath that veneer of the perfect highborn lady lies a spirit too wild to be tamed by society's chains."
Liz, unphased and quick to respond, tilts her head slightly, a challenge in her bright blue eyes. "And just what exactly have you heard, Major Egan?" she inquires, her voice a mix of curiosity and daring. "I'm quite intrigued to know what stories have made their way to your ears."
Their dance becomes a metaphor for their conversation—each step and turn a delicate balance between revealing too much and not enough. Bucky, navigating this dance of words as skillfully as he does the physical one, leans in, his breath a whisper against her ear. "I've heard that you're no stranger to bending the rules, that you find the conventional life of aristocracy stifling. That you've been known to disappear into the night on adventures that would make your family's esteemed guests blush," he whispers, each word carefully chosen to entice and probe.
Liz's reaction is a soft, genuine laugh, a sound that seems to momentarily lighten the weight of her title and societal expectations. "My, my, Major, such scandalous rumors," she retorts, her tone laced with amusement and a hint of defiance. "Let's just say I believe life is too short to be lived within the confines of what others deem acceptable. And perhaps, I do enjoy the thrill of the chase, the excitement of the unknown."
Their eyes lock, and in that moment, a silent understanding passes between them. Here, in the middle of the dance floor, they've managed to peel back another layer of the intrigue that surrounds their budding relationship. Bucky, drawn to the fire he sees burning behind Liz's poised exterior, finds himself more captivated than ever, eager to discover what other secrets lie hidden beneath her aristocratic facade.
As the song comes to an end, they remain momentarily in each other's arms, the last notes fading into the background. This dance, both literal and metaphorical, has drawn them closer, weaving their stories together in a way that neither had anticipated. And as they step back, rejoining the world around them, it's clear that this evening has only served to deepen the intrigue and attraction that pulses between them.
Liz's invitation to step outside carries an undertone of challenge, a silent test of Bucky's willingness to navigate the complexities of her world. He accepts with a nod, the unspoken communication between them sparking with anticipation. However, as they make their way toward the grand doors leading to the estate's gardens, they are intercepted by none other than the Duke and Duchess of Wellington themselves.
With hardly a moment to prepare, Liz leans in, her voice a hurried whisper, instructing Bucky on the proper etiquette for addressing her parents. "Remember, it's 'Your Grace' for both of them," she murmurs, her tone urgent yet composed. Bucky, despite the sudden shift in situation, nods his understanding, a quick study in the art of aristocratic manners.
The Duke, a figure of imposing stature and dignity, eyes Bucky with a mix of curiosity and the guarded warmth of a father protective of his daughter. "And who might this be, Elizabeth?" he inquires, his voice carrying the weight of authority and expectation.
Liz, ever the adept navigator of her family's expectations, steps in smoothly. "Father, Mother, this is Major John Egan of the US Air Force. We met recently at a charity event where Major Egan was sharing some of his experiences from the war. His stories were quite enlightening," she explains, echoing the innocent tale she'd spun for her brother.
The Duchess offers Bucky a polite smile, but it's the Duke's reaction that holds the room in suspense. After a moment's evaluation, his expression softens, a nod of approval directed at Bucky. "A pilot, you say? Well, that's commendable. Our Edward has told us much about the bravery required in such a role," he says, his voice revealing a hint of the pride he holds for his son's achievements.
Bucky, sensing the importance of this moment, responds with the respect and humility befitting the situation. "Your Grace, it's an honor to serve. And it's been a privilege to share some of my experiences with those who understand the sacrifices made in the skies," he replies, his tone sincere.
The Duke nods, seemingly impressed by Bucky's demeanor and the shared bond of aerial combat. "Well, Major Egan, it's a pleasure to have you among us tonight. The bravery of you and your comrades in the Air Force is something we hold in high regard," he states, extending a hand in a gesture of respect and acceptance.
With the formal introductions made and the Duke's approval subtly given, Liz and Bucky are allowed to continue on their way, stepping out into the cool evening air. The brief encounter with her parents was a test, one that Bucky passed with the grace of a man who, despite his unorthodox entry into their world, understands the value of respect and common ground.
As they move away from the light and music spilling out from the mansion, the night around them feels charged with a new energy. Liz's challenge, Bucky's acceptance, and the unexpected approval of her father have all conspired to deepen the connection between them, setting the stage for whatever comes next under the starlit sky.
As they stand together on the balcony, the cool night air mingling with the tension of their conversation, Bucky watches Liz closely.
"You know why I turned them all down? All those ass-kissers of earls, viscounts, and so on who threw themselves at me?"
Her confession hangs between them, a raw and honest revelation that strips away the layers of aristocracy and high society, revealing the woman beneath. He's moved by her vulnerability, by the glimpse she's offered into the gilded cage that is her life.
"Why turn them all down, Liz?" Bucky prompts gently, already suspecting the answer but needing to hear it in her own words.
Liz's gaze meets his, steady and resolute. "Because marrying one of them would seal my fate. I'd be trapped in this world, expected to play the perfect wife, the dutiful daughter, forever," she confesses, her voice laced with a mixture of defiance and resignation. "I want more than what's expected of me, more than this life can offer."
Bucky's respect for her deepens in this moment, his initial attraction evolving into something more profound. He sees her not just as a challenge or a conquest but as a fellow soul seeking freedom from the confines of their respective worlds.
"And inviting me here tonight?" Bucky asks, the pieces falling into place. "Was that your way of rebelling against all this?" There's a note of understanding in his voice, a recognition of her courage in the face of stifling expectations.
Liz nods a small but significant gesture. "You're... different, Bucky. You don't belong to this world, and yet, you stood your ground. That confidence, that defiance—I wanted that for myself, even if just for a night," she admits, her eyes not leaving his.
Bucky steps closer, closing the distance between them, moved by her honesty. "Liz, I may not know all the rules of your world, but I do know about feeling trapped," he shares, his voice soft but firm. "If you're looking for a bit of freedom, even for just one night, then I say we take it. No expectations, no strings. Just two people enjoying the moment for what it is."
Liz's response is a smile, one that reaches her eyes and lights up the night. It's a smile of relief, of gratitude, of a burden momentarily lifted. "I'd like that, Bucky. More than you know," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.
As they stand there, two figures against the backdrop of a world that demands so much from them, they find solace in each other's company. For Liz, Bucky represents a breath of fresh air, a chance to experience life unfiltered by the expectations of her status. And for Bucky, Liz is no longer just the enigmatic aristocrat but a woman of depth and courage, fighting for her own identity.
In the moment their lips meet, the world around them—the chatter of the gala, the soft rustle of the night breeze, the distant melodies spilling out from the ballroom—fades into insignificance. Bucky, taken aback by the intensity of the kiss, finds himself caught in the current of Liz's boldness and expertise. Her playful bite, the confident dance of her tongue, signals a depth of experience that both surprises and entices him.
As Liz wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, the connection deepens, their bodies speaking a language of their own making. Bucky's hands, resting initially at her waist, venture slightly lower, his touch light but daring over the fabric of her dress, a silent exploration of the territory between propriety and desire.
When they finally part, the look Liz gives Bucky is one of playful challenge, a silent dare that speaks volumes. Her wink, a spark of mischief and promise, leaves him momentarily stunned, a statue on the balcony as she turns to make her way back inside. Yet, the invitation in her glance, the unspoken command to follow, ignites a fire within him.
Liz's graceful navigation through the gala's attendees, each step a tantalizing lure, leads Bucky on a path he knows is fraught with both risk and exhilaration. As she ascends the staircase, her silhouette a beacon in the sea of guests, Bucky's decision to follow feels not like a choice but a necessity, a call to adventure too compelling to resist.
The journey to her quarters, a silent procession through the dimly lit corridors of Wellington House, is charged with anticipation. Bucky, aware of the boldness of this pursuit, understands the unspoken rules of the game they're playing. This isn't just a physical attraction; it's a mutual rebellion against the confines of their respective worlds, a shared quest for authenticity and freedom.
As he follows, maintaining a discreet distance to avoid drawing attention, Bucky realizes that this night, this moment, could redefine the course of their acquaintance. Liz, with her daring and defiance, has challenged him to step beyond the bounds of his own experience, to engage in a dance as risky as it is irresistible.
The decision to pursue Liz, to accept her silent invitation, marks a turning point. It's a step into the unknown, a gamble on the promise of something profound. In this game of hearts and wills, where every gesture is laden with meaning, Bucky and Liz find themselves on the brink of a discovery that could either shatter the world they know or forge a new path forward, together.
As the door closes behind Bucky, marking their entry into a realm removed from the eyes of the world, the air between him and Liz becomes charged with an undeniable intensity. What unfolds is a dance of two souls, a private exchange of affection and connection that transcends the physical space they occupy.
In the seclusion of Liz's quarters, away from the rigid expectations of their external lives, they find a freedom and a fervor that is as much about rebellion as it is about attraction. The room, with its soft lighting and the distant sound of the gala continuing below, serves as a backdrop to a moment of vulnerability and honesty.
The exchange of kisses and the exploration of touch speaks to a deep-seated desire for authenticity and understanding. It's a conversation without words, a dialogue where every gesture, every breath, carries the weight of unspoken dreams and desires.
As garments become mere whispers on the floor, the world outside, with its rules and roles, fades into insignificance. What matters in this secluded space is the connection that thrives in the absence of pretense, a bond forged not just in the heat of the moment but in the shared recognition of each other's true selves.
The rustling of bedding, the soft sighs, and the gentle caresses are chapters in a story that is theirs alone—a tale of discovery, of the courage to seek out the spaces where they can be unapologetically themselves. In the quiet aftermath, as they lie entwined, the significance of this encounter is palpable. It's a promise of possibility, a testament to the power of finding someone who sees beyond the facade to the person beneath.
This night, in the privacy of Liz's quarters, is a declaration of their mutual defiance against the constraints of their worlds. It's an acknowledgment that, despite the challenges that lie ahead, they have found in each other a rare and precious solace, a sanctuary where they can explore the depths of their connection away from prying eyes.
As dawn threatens to reclaim the night, the reality of their respective lives looms large. Yet, in this moment, they are grounded in the profound realization that what they have discovered in each other is a strength, a partnership that might just have the power to redefine their destinies.
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Two weeks have passed since Bucky's return from London to the base, and the changes in him haven't gone unnoticed by those closest to him. Gone is the relentless flirt, replaced by a man who seems preoccupied, his attention drawn inward. Buck Cleven, ever the observant friend, can't help but notice the shift, especially in light of the increasing pile of correspondence that seems to capture Bucky's focus each morning.
This particular morning, Bucky is more animated than usual, a smile playing on his lips as he carefully unfolds a letter. Buck, curious and a bit concerned, nudges him. "Who's got you smiling like that, huh? Someone special?" he teases, trying to catch a glimpse of the sender.
Bucky hesitates, a brief struggle visible in his demeanor before he decides to share the letter with Buck. It reads:
Dear Major Egan,
I hope this letter finds you wallowing in the misery of our separation, desperately missing my company. I regret to inform you that I've taken up with a prince, a real one this time, who showers me with the adoration and luxuries befitting a lady of my stature. So, it seems our little dalliance must come to an end.
Please, don't despair too much. I'm sure you'll find a way to mend your broken heart, perhaps with one of those American heiresses desperate for a title, or maybe with a nice farm girl? Someone who can appreciate your... what was it you do again? Oh, right, flying planes.
Do not fret, dear Major. You will always hold a special place in my heart, somewhere between my love for my horse and my tolerance for my brother's tedious war stories.
With all the affection I can muster (which, as you know, is quite limited),
P.S. I've included a photograph, as you so tiresomely begged for one. Please try not to wear it out with your ogling. I expect it back in pristine condition, or you shall owe me a new one.
Tucked within the letter is a photograph of Liz. The image captures her essence perfectly—beautiful, aristocratic, and brimming with the sly humor that Bucky has grown so fond of.
Buck, reading over Bucky's shoulder, lets out a laugh. "She's got you on a string, hasn't she?" he chuckles, handing back the letter. "You've got good taste, I'll give you that."
Bucky, looking at the photo once more, can't help but laugh as well. He can almost hear Liz's voice as she penned the letter, her teasing tone, the twinkle in her eye as she crafted each sarcastic remark. It's a comfort, a tangible connection to the woman who's managed to upend his world and settle under his skin.
"She's one of a kind," Bucky admits, a warmth in his voice that speaks volumes. Folding the letter and slipping the photo into his pocket, he feels a renewed sense of determination. Whatever it takes, he knows he has to see her again, to bridge the distance the war has placed between them. Liz might tease, might play her games, but beneath the sarcasm and jests lies a connection neither can deny, a story far from over.
Buck watches Bucky with an incredulous look. "Alright, spill it, Egan. Who's the dame that's got you all twisted up? I never thought I'd see the day when John Egan, the lady-killer, would be mooning over some broad," he teases, the smoke curling up into the air between them.
Bucky, feeling a mix of defensiveness and pride, takes a moment before he responds, choosing his words with care. "Her name's Liz," he starts, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smile at the mere mention of her name. "Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, if you want to get all formal about it. Met her in London. She's... different, Buck. Not like anyone I've ever met before."
Buck raises an eyebrow, taking a long drag from his cigarette before flicking the ash off to the side. "Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, huh? Sounds like a real high-class bird. Got you good and proper, didn't she?" he chuckles, the humor not quite masking the genuine curiosity in his tone.
Bucky can't help but laugh, shaking his head. "Yeah, she did. But it's not like that. She's sharp, Buck. Got a wit that could cut glass and a spirit that's just... infectious. And she doesn't give a damn about all that high-society bullshit. She's trapped in it, sure, but she's fighting it every step of the way."
The more Bucky talks about Liz, the more animated he becomes, his usual reserve giving way to a barely contained enthusiasm. It's clear to Buck that this isn't just some fling or a passing fancy. Liz has managed to break through Bucky's well-guarded exterior, touching a part of him that perhaps even he hadn't realized was there.
Buck, sensing the depth of Bucky's feelings, nods slowly, a new respect in his gaze. "Sounds like a real peach, John. A dame like that, yeah, I can see why you'd be hung up on her." He takes another puff of his cigarette, his expression thoughtful. "Just be careful, alright? These broads from the other side of the pond, they play a different game. But if she's got you willing to jump through hoops, she must be something special."
Bucky's response is a simple nod, his mind already drifting back to Liz, to the memories of their time together and the anticipation of what might come next. The conversation shifts as they move on to other topics, but for Bucky, Liz remains a constant presence, her image, her words, a steady pulse beneath the surface of his thoughts.
In the barracks filled with the coarse banter of soldiers, the smoke of cigarettes hanging heavy in the air, Bucky finds himself in a world apart, his heart anchored across the ocean, tethered to the enigmatic Lady Elizabeth Cavendish, who's managed to do the unthinkable—capture the heart of Major John Egan.
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As the morning light spills into Liz's room, illuminating the delicate furnishings and the soft, luxurious bedding she's entangled in, her initial irritation at being awakened fades the moment Mrs. Baxter mentions the letter. Liz's eyes, still heavy with sleep, light up with anticipation, a rare show of eagerness that Mrs. Baxter notes with a soft, knowing smile.
"Seems like your American soldier can't quite keep you off his mind, my lady," Mrs. Baxter says, her tone playful yet respectful, as she hands over the letter to Liz.
Grasping the letter, Liz's usual morning grumpiness is replaced by a flutter of excitement. She carefully opens the envelope, her fingers trembling slightly with anticipation. The letter reads:
My Dearest Liz,
Hoping this note finds you shining bright over there. I gotta say, even the best days in Thorpe Abbotts don’t hold a candle to you. Your last letter? A real knockout. It was like a splash of color on a dreary English day, and let me tell you, that’s saying something.
You teasing about ditching this budding thing we got for some high-and-mighty life with the blue bloods almost had me. But behind all that sass, I know there’s a warmth that keeps me going, has me lying awake thinking about you.
That picture you sent is my new prized possession. Seriously, it’s with me everywhere. Every time I look at it, I see that spark in your eyes, that smile of yours, and it hits me hard—how much you’ve come to mean to me.
Even though we’re worlds apart, you’re always on my mind. The thought of seeing you again is the light at the end of this tunnel. I’m holding onto the hope that this mess of a war gives us a break soon, so I can be back by your side, soaking in your glow.
Till then, just know I’m here, waiting and hoping.
Always yours, Bucky
Liz reads the letter, a smile playing on her lips, touched by Bucky's words that manage to be both teasing and heartfelt. The sincerity in his tone, the open declaration of his affection, strikes a chord deep within her, warming her more than the morning sun ever could.
Mrs. Baxter, observing Liz's softened expression, can't help but comment, "Seems like the Major has a way with words, my lady."
Liz, looking up from the letter, meets Mrs. Baxter's gaze, her smile widening. "Indeed, he does, Mrs. Baxter. Indeed, he does," she replies, her mind already racing with thoughts of how to respond, how to match Bucky's blend of humor and sincerity in her next letter.
For a moment, the challenges and restrictions of her world seem distant, as Liz allows herself to be carried away by the promise of what's to come, buoyed by the words of a man who, despite the chaos of war, has become an anchor in her tumultuous life.
What she doesn't know is that soon everything will change.
Next part >>
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fandomwritingbit · 1 year
Okay what about one where there reader is Michael's new (hot) art teacher and William is just "Michael you need to join the art club immediately" or "well I GUESS if the pta needs help with the spring art festival -"
Hello! This has too so long I'm sorry 😶 Uh I hope this is what kind of thing you were looking for, thank you so much for the request.
Side note it took me so long to figure out what pta was lmao
art teacher (gn)reader x william afton (sfw)
"Well, I'm happy to let you know that Michael is doing really well in my class. He's an absolute pleasure to teach." You smile, looking from the father to the son. The resemblance was more than evident, but their attitudes were opposites, Michael sat as he always did, hunched forward, his hands twisted together, he was scarcely able to hold your eyes for more than a few seconds. His father though took up a lot of room in his chair, his posture reeking of easy confidence and he had no difficulty looking at you. It was moments like this that you could learn a lot about a student’s home life and it was abundantly clear that these two weren’t so close.
"But?" Mr Afton prompted, his tone jovial. He was beginning to understand why his son likes art so much. A lovely thing like you leading the class? Who could blame him? He'd expected some old lady wearing well too many scarfs, glasses on a pearled chain around her neck, not someone like you.
"But,” You can’t help but smile, heat rising to your cheeks, “as I'm sure you've learnt from his other teachers tonight, currently Michael might struggle to meet the entry requirements of universities." As you spoke, you had to work hard to keep your thoughts on track, this man was attractive in a way you didn't expect. He smirked when you paused, and you forced your gaze on Mike. "But as I said to Michael before, we've got plenty of options to boost grades."
Michael spoke up, "Need to join a club or something."
Nodding, you turn to explain why to Mr Afton. "Yeah, certain enrichments can be graded. I'm advocating the art club… He'd get the opportunity to make a portfolio, which Unis love, and I have no doubt he'd excel." The man before you looked bemused, his eyes flicking up from your lanyard to your eyes. 
"And, do you run the art club?"
You grin a little embarrassed, "Yeah, I do-"
The dad chuckles and looks to Mike offhandedly, "Then you should absolutely join." To which he rolls his eyes, partly at his father’s blatant flirting and at the lack of enthusiasm at joining your club.
Mike sighs, "Yeah okay, I'll go."
"Smashing. I'll put you on my register." You pull out the document from your lever-arch folder and quickly jot his name down. Whilst doing so, the man opposite you watches your left hand for a ring and on seeing there wasn't one, smirks from ear to ear.
Once done, you quickly put your hands out in an attempt to stop them from leaving, "Uh, before you go. I'm really sorry to ask, but we're holding an art festival next week and I'm struggling to find some help... would you be willing to lend a hand?'' You automatically feel guilty for asking. Doing so in person put a lot more pressure than a general email, but you were hoping to almost force him. Like you’d tried to with every other parent tonight. 
You catch Michael’s expression, you’d asked him the other day if he had anyone that would want to help out and he’d laughed a little, “Uh no, not really.” he’d said.  You do feel like you’ve gone behind his back a bit, but if you can’t get a few more pairs of hands this festival is going to fall on its arse.
He sat back in the chair, his feet poking out at your side of the desk, "A festival? What exactly would you have me doing?" 
You smile, pleasantly surprised that he was obliging you, "Mainly the setup, it's a lot of stuff to move out to the green. Though of course all-day help would be appreciated, I just don't want to push my luck."
"You already are," he smirks, "when is it?"
"Next Friday, the 19th." Your eyes go wide as you wait for his answer, all the other parents you’d asked tonight had told you that they were working on Friday, as people tend to do, and you have a feeling that he was about to say the same.
He hums, “Friday-” but is cut off by Michael, 
“You work Fridays.” he states, a harsh tone on the words, making you think that he really didn’t want his dad to help you out. 
Scoffing, he shoots his son a look, “Yeah I do.” Before turning his attention back to you, “But, I could skive it.” The expression on his face is hard to place, perhaps mischievous, or sly. Regardless, you panic slightly.
“Oh. No, you don’t have to do that, Mr Afton-”  
He puts his hand out to silence you and it works, you bite your tongue instantly, “I know, but I will. It’s not exactly like I help out frequently.” He’d decided already, either because his son was clearly desperate for him not to do so, or because he’d like to spend a bit of time with you. Let's face it, it was both. And so, you were left with little option but to graciously accept, and you thank him. 
As your student and his father leave, he shakes your hand. “Thank you, Mr Afton. You’ve really helped me out.” Both your hands encase his and it doesn’t occur to you that that is unusual until you do it, heat beneath your face. He flashes you a smirk that makes your blood ice, before nodding. 
“It’s fine really. Should be fun.” 
Friday was as manic as you had expected. The second you arrived at the college you were behind, the mass of stalls and pieces of art were absurd to move even with the three others you’d manage to recruit: the head of languages, Martin, a science teacher, Kris and of course, Mr Afton. Another parent was expected but dropped out last minute, adding to the workload. And the people in charge of the stalls and activities wouldn’t arrive until kick-off so to speak.
Surprisingly, Mr Afton was a godsend. Helping you drag the stall skeletons on to the field, well you dragged them, he rather easily picked them up, somehow managing the awkward height and weight without breaking a sweat. 
“Now, you’re just showing off, Mr Afton.” you giggle, trying not to look at the way his arms flexed whilst he carried the objects. You can’t really help it though and try to steal what glimpses you can as the two of you lug 12 stalls outside. If you’d have known he was doing the same you probably would’ve dropped everything and made a fool of yourself, so mercifully he’s much slier with his staring than you are.  
It’s only when you’re done with the moving, the two of you can start decorating, the other workers put on duty setting up the games, things like a ring toss and lucky-dip. You study him for a moment while he’s distracted tying the string of a line of bunting around a nail that probably shouldn’t be sticking out of the stalls, and good lord this man looks a lot like his son. Everything from the dark hair which probably wasn’t as neat as he’d left it this morning, to the shape of his brow, making his eyes look hooded and narrow. The difference was all attitude and experience. You have to glance away when you start thinking about his experience. 
“Ooh what are you looking at? Am I doing it wrong?” he asks, bringing heat to your cheeks at the knowledge that he’d just caught you staring for way too long. He turned his head, looking down the sting, checking to see it wasn’t coming undone or tangled. 
“No, sorry.” your smile hints at your embarrassment, “It just crossed my mind how much you look like your son, sorry.” God you hate the way you’re smiling just because he’s looking at you but it’s completely involuntary. 
He smirks at that, “Well, I am fairly certain I’m his father.” his tone was playful despite the nature of what he was joking about. “I take it you don’t have any kids?” 
“Uh no, no I don't. What gives that impression?” 
“You look well rested.” he walks over to you and crouches down to look in a box at your feet, “And you’re smiling too much.” 
You giggle, “I know.” You rub at your temples, “It’s a nervous thing.” The second you say that you question yourself why, what a weird thing- you feel so awkward. He’s just a man. An attractive man- yes. But just a tall… brooding… handsome… man. 
“And here I was thinking you were just enjoying my company.” he sniggers, bringing you out of your head, it’s been a long time since a bloke had made you all skittish like this. He properly faces you now, searching your eyes. “What’s making you nervous?”
You, you internally answer, quickly thinking of a more appropriate response, “Just uh today. I have a feeling it’s going to be an absolute nightmare.” You drop your eyes.
“I’m sure you’ll manage.”
You briefly rest a hand on your forehead. “Got no choice really.”
He moves to walk past you but pauses, standing half behind you. “Well, I can stay and help out. If it’s not me that’s making you nervous?” he smirks as he moves away, his voice teasing, riling up some butterflies in your stomach. 
He stays, and soon after the others arrive, students flogging their wares and local crafts aficionados, though you have them actually working, you don’t mind Mr Afton drifting around doing a bit here and there. As nice as you find him, he didn’t strike you as someone that would be happy to run a stall on his own. 
Once everything has settled down and the festival is running smoothly, you allow yourself a moment of a break. He finds you sitting on a bench just off the green. There he takes a seat beside you, digging in his pocket for a packet of cigs. 
“You can’t really smoke here, you know.” you laugh as he stops mid action, his lighter half raised.
He shrugs, reasoning “I’m outside.” resuming the act though now watching you for further reaction.
You fold your arms, a grin contradicting the seriousness. You’re well-aware that you weren’t going to stop him. “Still a college… I won’t tell on you though.” 
He chuckles as he takes a drag on it. This was like a flashback to his youth, so he plays his part, “Good. No one likes a sprag.” Man, it’s been a long time since you’ve heard that.
You try to steal a glance at his left hand, wanting to triple check that he wasn’t wearing a ring. Not that you would say or do anything, you just need to know. Not seeing a wedding band wasn’t enough though and the question dances around inside your head.
You finally bite the bullet and spit it out. “You’re not married then, Mr Afton?” you gesture to his hand, to give him context to how you arrived at that. You’d tried to sound like you were making small talk but it failed miserably. 
The mean laugh he lets slip is pure reflex. “No. Not anymore.”He wanted to tease you by asking why you wanted to know, but you’re already flustered and avoiding his direct gaze. 
“So you’re uh…?” you hesitate to finish the question, realising you were jumping to a conclusion. 
Thankfully he finishes it for you, “Divorced? Yeah.” He just loved how you smiled at him in relief there, the amusement evident on his face.
You try to explain why you fumbled that so badly, talking quickly, “Well. I didn't want to say divorced and get it wrong."
“In case…?”
God, your face is hot again, why can’t you just talk normal to this guy. “In case… you know… you were uh widowed or something.” 
“Or something?” he questions again, trying not to laugh at how you were stumbling. 
You put your head in your hands, laughing self-deprecatingly at yourself, “Leave me alone - I’m…” 
“A little yeah.” you speak, your face still obscured. “I mean you’ve come and sat with me. I’m just curious why.”  
You don’t need to look to feel the smirk on his face. “Maybe cos I wanted to.” You feel his movement on the bench and look up to catch his gaze, his head cocked to meet your eye line almost perfectly. “You’re pretty, you know. Even with your head in your hands.” 
Your eyes open wide at his bluntness as you try and think of something to say in response. You’re starting to see why Michael was so desperate to keep him away.
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armpirate · 2 years
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
Previous || Next
My eyes have been exploring the place ever since I arrived, still looking for someone to hit on and put to practice everything I learned this evening before I pulled some strength and finally got here. 
I've walked past this pub way too many times. Always filled with fancy people sharing interesting conversations while drinking a glass of the most expensive combination of alcohol, and low jazz music playing in the background to set the mood. So when one of the tips said "Go to one comfortable place, and put all the skills i taught you to test" the place I had to choose was pretty clear for me.
Although it's been one hour and a half -or three Cosmopolitans-, I'm still in the exact same spot. And I'm doing the exact same thing since I got here. I'm supposed to be reaching out to different people, hit here and there, and try to get a phone number for once. But I haven't found the guts to do it. For some reason, all dudes in here seem so... inaccessible? Could be it's not exactly them, but the process of reaching out to them right now seems so intimidating, I just can't find myself doing it.
Almost all of them are the same, anyway. Expensive shirts, pleated beige pants and loafers -although maybe I saw one of them wearing a brilliant pair of derby shoes. It's no help. I'm not attracted to either of them and, even if I were, I'm sure we'd have nothing to talk about. Maybe I should've gone to the pub in the other side of the street, where they serve you the best beer while blowing your ears with the hardest metal.
And actually, I'm just five minutes away from leaving and head to that place. Even if I don't end up getting someone's attention, I'll still enjoy the rest of the night by jamming to some music -not caring of how I look or how loud I seem.
This just isn't my place. Or so I thought.  
My eyes feel captured by a pair of pitch black eyes staring at me from the distance. And one quick look at him makes me wonder how the hell I didn't see him before, among all these people? He's the only one standing out with that bad boy aura.
When he gets caught looking, he doesn't look away. He just doesn't care. So I decide I won't care either, before I look at him from head to toe. He is carelessly resting his full sleeve tattooed arm over the counter, his fingers holding his glass filled with liquid. His other hand is resting inside the front pocket of his black cargo pants, that fit into his legs way too fine. My eyes keep going back up through his black t-shirt and silver chains, hanging around his neck. The perfect fit.
He's been following the move of my eyes over his body with his doe eyes, but he's far from bothered by it. Actually, the way he looks at me and throws a sided smile kinda convinces me he likes to have my attention right now. 
But he still doesn't move from that place, and the heavy environment growing where I'm sitting right now forces me to look away. It almost felt like I needed a short break, to pull myself together, before I decide what's the next move to make.
What did the video say?
"Different words can make a sentence" Yeah. No shit, Sherlock. No, it wasn't that. Something along the lines "Let the other person know you're interested, but don't make it seem like you're too desperate". No, that was later in the video, for sure. I'm missing the part where the dude gave tips to get up and head to the person you want to flirt with. 
God, I can't even remember. My mind seems to only be able to think about that vicious smile, and that lip ring just making it even more tempting to head where he is and play with it shamelessly.
Focus, Y/N.
I shake my head again, giving a sip to my drink before I turn to that hot stranger... Ha, who's now busy talking to a breathtaking brunette. The girl twirls her hair on her finger, tilting her head and swaying her hips. She's doing exactly what I should've done the moment we kept the eye contact for so long. 
Kudos to her confidence, that encouraged her to go and talk to the only interesting man in the whole pub. Although, if I had her body, I'd probably have that vast amount of confidence as well. No, actually not.
I'm so immersed in my own thoughts, so deep in my mind and my own rant, I'm not aware my eyes are still on the couple flirting on the counter. And when I do realize, it's way too late. His eyes catch mine in the middle of his conversation, he's speaking to her, but looking at me with a malicious smile.
I move my eyes away from them way too late. And probably he thinks I'm a weirdo. Or maybe he doesn't mind me at all, which is the most possible since he already has something else to drive his attention to. 
I give my drink a long last sip before taking the glass and heading to the middle of the counter, just to leave the empty glass there. Time to go back home, and feel sorry for myself another night. 
—Have a good night —the bartender smiles when he notices me.
—You too —I give her a smile.
The relaxing jazz music from the pub is replaced by honks and loud crowds from the street. Well, welcome back to New York City, the city that never sleeps and that will never let you catch a break. Unless you need a cab to drive you back home when you most need it. In that case, take the longest break and brace patience. 
I cross my arms over my chest, trying to warm myself a bit when my body finally realizes I'm in the middle of the street, when it's 15 degrees, and I'm only wearing a thin short sleeved blouse and a pair of jeans. I should've known better. When I arrived, it was still hot, and what I'm wearing was still appropriate for the weather. Now? Now it's the best outfit to kill yourself of hypothermia.
I should've stayed in tonight. Fuck that video. Fuck the creator. And fuck me for thinking it would work, when the previous sixteen videos made no change whenever I tried to open up and break my comfort zone. Fuck my shyness and fuck that cab that's prolonging this shitty night.
My mental rambling gets interrupted by a voice on my back.
—Do you need a ride?
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eclipsecrowned · 5 months
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For any of the deen dee ocs in any combination: // anonymous
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due to the number of prompts (which i love, not going too bonkers but still giving e a wide array to work with) i'm putting the questions themselves under a cut and answering each with a muse chosen by a random generator. page stretcher under this readmore, consider checking it out on my blog.
What plot points would change due to the inclusion of your character in canon?
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None, she's ostensibly a trophy in Orin's bedroom :)
Realistically, though? If there was another prisoner in the Goblin Camp, a beautiful and feral woman wrapped in several lengths of chain waiting to be uncovered by the party? I mean, you have a genuine Evil companion even in a Spare the Grove route, the Lady MacBeth and fierce angel of death in one at your Tav's ear. She unsettles. Other Companions probably aren't too fond of her. Maybe unimportant NPCs start dropping after long rests -- or maybe Miruna paces the camp at night, praying to deaf gods for the patience the player shows her. Perhaps a final battle plays out differently, with two Chosen against the player, vying together for dominance of the Brain, or perhaps she is only staring in shock at the body of a former beloved, then looking to the player wordlessly, begging with her eyes that they not leave her as this man did.
The player having the chance to mold Miruna. For acceptance or rejection of her to change the shape the narrative takes, especially into Act 3. The player has multiple ways to interact with her that will shape her ultimate fate, whether with disdain for her Urges, support for her redemption, or agreeing with her stance that 'I am not evil, but the demands made of me are.' Does the player believe in second chances, or is there a point their tolerance of her runs out -- after a particular scripted death, after the reveal of her history, in a Temple where she is killed to stifle her dark father's influence on the world, or in the end, where the player can no more ignore what she is or the damage her choices have wrought?
What changes do you think would be made between your muse as they exist in your head vs how they would be treated as part of canon?
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I mean. Canon for 3 already soundly nuked my PC's narrative from orbit. His wife was ousted from the party and her character butchered in the aftermath, his post-game adventures were routed by the canon GW settling down in the Gate, Ismail just cannot catch a break. And to top it all off, the novels keep trying to make him some basic white boy named Adrian or something? Wild.
Jokes aside, if Ismail was treated as the canon GW/Bh**lspawn, I think canon would definitely whitewash him -- but not in the traditional sense. I think his being a True Neutral who only really makes a stand in the face of great evil (such as his father) and otherwise believes in balance would be a little too spicy for the era of game he existed in. He'd get a nice new paint job over his morality to be an In Name Only Neutral. He'd also likely get mischaracterized from the straight man of the party off of which his Companions can shine to a willing buffoon alongside his sequel besties Haer'Dalis and Jan.
Knowing Bioware in that era, he's a white guy, too.
God help me I fear what his romance with Vi would be made into. From a genuine respect and sympathy to 'I Can Fix Her' bait or a young guy who got caught in the talons of an sexy sexy but oh so evil seductress. Comments by returning companions in 3 that his son was the only good to come out of that union or something equally insulting to the Ismonia dynamic.
What would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
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Gruff, not conventionally attractive, not romanceable by the majority of players' (cis dudes) Tavs... Aurelia'd get the Astarion treatment where people probably need to sit down with haters of a certain degree and go 'no put in words to me what about this character makes you uncomfortable, show me on the doll what aspects of her character are so viscerally repugnant to you.'
People could be petty, racist, misogynistic, and lesbophobic in a single swoop. Instead of someone with flat affect who is clearly teasing half the time, she'd be taken for a stone cold bitch who is needlessly cruel to companions. Everything she does is the worst. She's a cheap Lae clone. Her pragmatism is evil rather than practical. Her neutrality is evil, actually. Fandom has already proven that a canonical Druid talking about the element he works with is so annoying and cringe and they're aiming that at a white dude. Aurelia would get it worse for talking about nature. The thing she also protects as a Ranger. Her habit of slapping nicknames on her Companions? How disrespectful. Also her hitting on Lae'zel/Karlach/Shadowheart/the PC is clearly predatory and uncalled for. She's literally as bad as Cazador for being open about her attraction/appreciation for women. Also her being half-Gur is just crudely shoehorned in and for fake woke points.
She was also totally the last character developed and it shows in her writing. Clearly just there to meet a quota. She's just so annoying. Ignore that if she were canon she would definitely not be a last minute addition and have a clear arc/narrative to accomplish in addition to helping the PC beat a brain into submission.
What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
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I have briefly touched on this before, but unless someone was playing teen Tav or followed the HC that Lae'zel is also incredibly young, Sybelle is the youngest member of party at a stated 20. No problem, right? She's a professional in her field and by the standard of her society and race is a grown adult. Any greenness is actually the result of being a reclusive academic for her entire coming of age, not of any inborn immaturity/innocence/childishness related to her age, and damn sure not as a result of her autism.
Good luck convincing fandom of any of that, however.
She's 20. If you ship her with any character beyond Wyll (canonically ~24) or Lae'zel (fanon early twenties) then why do you support grooming/exploitation of children? Shipping her with Gale/Shadowheart/Karlach is right out unless you want the discourse of all discourse -- and forget about shipping her with Halsin, Astarion, the Emperor, or any character with an extended lifespan and centuries of life experience. And sure, people are allowed to be uncomfortable with age gaps, or to not want to see certain characters shipped for any reason. But there'd be a lot of unnecessary moralizing around someone, say, preferring to see Gale and Sybelle's dynamic as mentor/mentee or father figure/heartwarming orphan. It's not just that someone doesn't like the ship when romantic or is discomforted by a different read, it's that the ship is predatory and only backed by degenerates.
Also she's autistic, so she's so babygirl and a sweet bean and if you even think of 'sexualizing' her by acknowledging she is a grown adult who is capable of feeling sexual or romantic attraction, then you're some kind of pervert. I mean, she's never been out in the world before! What a wholesome innocent baby. Not a single sinful thought behind those big baby cow brown eyes. There's not a chance she's actually interested in living life rather than reading it and making a double entendre at the player about anatomical studies -- No, wait, go back, delete that footage, you can't sexualize an autistic child of 20, the devs are perverts too --
Also she's of Shou descent, so any attempt to depict her as an attractive young woman is fetishizing her. I'm too white to get into this except to say I have seen some friends on the dash grump about how my peers in fandom like to gatekeep how characters of color can be portrayed even by those of shared background. And I just know Sybelle is not getting out of that hellhole unscathed.
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
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I can see the many branching paths off of this. Roxelena is a big tiddied bard who is both poor little rich girl and desperately seeking purpose. She's so latchable for Power Fantasy Self-Insert types to push their fav they're projecting on towards -- imagine the edgiest straight guy trying to write fic where Lena is the standard hero reward to a wildly OOC Percy or Artemis type.
On the other hand, she's a big beautiful woman so she's automatically a fat slag to most. There's definitely a contingent of fandom who oh my god just didn't realize that they didn't write Lena into their shipfics, or into any fic at all! It's totally not fatphobia gaiz! She's just such a girlboss that doesn't need a disgusting man! Ignore the fact she's pretty open and available sexually and easily distracted by men's asses!
On my mutant third appendage, the back and forth about her sexuality. To wit, Lena is bi, and was initially designed as a ship oc for a genderfluid PC in a certain piece of media. But she attended an all-female bard college where she remains infamous for her... plucking techniques, shall we say. She's also not conventionally attractive, so she must be a lesbian. But wait, what about her being bi? Well, she's not actually attracted to women, because she flirts with a character who is masculine -- even if more in the way a peacock is masculine. She's straight. But what about her being bi? This point can no longer be heard over the screaming match between the other two.
In like actual real life Lena 'fandom' I think Pupper is aiming for her to be part of a Half-Orc/Tiefling sandwich, while I paid him actual legitimate money to draw the other party Tief touching her boobs. Vote now for Team Mollena or Team Fjorlester.
How does fandom characterize/mischaracterize your characters ship in fanworks?
So here's the thing. Unless the party -- be that in tabletop play, as a Companion in 3, or played in a podcast -- were to go to Evertide for some reason, Mystery's canonical partner will never be seen. She's not a ghost in the narrative, dialogue allows Myst to talk about her and their daughter and get a sense of her history with him, but she's never present in it, either.
Canon would likely state she's a human, she and Myst arrived as outsiders to the city around the same time, and he gave her a post at his shop to get her out of a life scrubbing chamberpots. They've been together for over a decade now and have a daughter to show for it. He's out in the world trying to find whoever tried to hurt her in an attempt to rob the shop several years ago. There's a bit of an age gap between them, but he'll note that their experiences measure up when tallied.
This would give fandom a lot of ground to play with or ruin. Is she a former Adventurer herself? A farm-girl come to the city to make her fortune? A traveler who fell on hard times? How does this reflect on her dynamic with the worldly and charismatic Myst? Is the age gap significant and shift the perspective of the ship as equal, no matter what Myst says, or is it negligible and Myst is only being self-conscious about his own mid-life crisis? Does the fact he was once her employer change the power dynamic inherent to their interactions, and does it become better or worse depending on where the age gap falls? Does his refusal to marry her or recognize her as anything beyond 'partner' denote a mutual doffing of convention, or hint at a deeper hesitance to commit or even a questioning of the relationship, and if so, is he the one resisting, or her?
The gamut runs from 'old married in every way but ceremony couple who tease/fuss but are clearly devoted to one another' to 'wife guy myst and his sweet younger housewifey' to 'myst is a bad bofriend actually and his partner is a victim of that power imbalance' to 'they're actually qpp life partners and just happen to share a kid.'
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
I spun three times and landed on Lena each time. God Himself is trying to get me to shame myself on a public platform. Fuck it. Mollena hours.
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Angstier ones that acknowledge canon/his fate probably go feral for Francesca. The themes of loving despite the imminent heartbreak, the determination of love in every life, the attestation that love was worth any pain, it'd all play wonderfully over animatics or beautifully edited fanart compilations of Lena not just with Molly but his... Other halves, as it were.
Her being a bard, I can see bardcore covers being popular for both of them. I keep thinking specifically of that one cover of Willow. The idea he's this enigmatic force of nature that dragged her out of her sheltered existence and gave her a taste of chaos and adventure. I beg of thee please, take my hand, foil my plans, thou'rt my man...
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polish-tickle-freak · 2 years
Lord in the castle, part 4
After a few hours of sightseeing the Castle Artemis was at last left alone in her room. In the midtime, her luggage was brought here and now she had a moment to unpack it and think about her situation. There were pros and cons to it. The castle itself was a nice and convenient place. Yes - she wasn't able to leave, but she could easily imagine a much worse jail. She couldn't define what she was thinking about her host. He was nice to her, excluding this rude joke about her beauty and calling her "a good girl". Yes - she wouldn't mind if her father call her this way, but a stranger? Even an aristocrat? Yes, he was a powerful, noble man, but she was a princess for god's sake! Maybe she should remind him of her position, but - to be honest - she wasn't sure how he would react. Yes - she was afraid of him a bit, but... would be that bad to be his "good girl"? She closed her eyes and imagined that he stands behind her and whispers in her ear "Are you a good girl?". And then his lips touch her neck, and his hands touch her arms, and then he starts to undo the hooks of her dress, and then...
Her dream was brutally interrupted by a loud knocking on the door.
-Who's there? - she shouted.
-It's Julia, my lady. Your personal servant.
Oh, she has a personal servant? It was a nice surprise. Nice enough to let the frustration she felt out.
-Ok, Julia, come in!
Of course, the girl was young, attractive, and scantily clad. Artemis looked at her. She was a bit lower than a princess and represented a different type of beauty. As Artemis had light brown hair and hazel eyes, Julia's eyes were blue, her hair was blond and collected in a long and thick braid. She wore a short and low-cut black dress with white ornaments and... something Artemis had never seen before.
-Can I help you with anything, my lady? - asked Julia.
-Yes, you can, it's good to see you here - Artemis smiled. Julia smiled back - she was full of charm and joy. Artemis liked her at first sight. - please, take these clothes to the wardrobe.
-Which shelf?
-The highest one, please.
The wardrobe was much higher than both of the girls. Julia had to help herself by standing on a chair to reach the highest shelf which gave Artemis the perfect occasion to look at her legs closer.
-Julia, what are these things you have on your legs?
-Oh, these? That's an invention from my homeland. It's called stockings. Do you like them, my lady?
-Yes, they are very nice. And your legs look gorgeous in them.
-Oh, thank you, princess.
-Can I touch them?
Julia giggles a bit. She was still standing on the chair and trying to organize clothes on the highest shelf.
-My lady, you're a princess and I'm a servant. You don't have to ask me anything, you can do what you want.
-Yes, you're right. - Artemis said and shifts her fingertips by Julia's right leg, from her calf, through the back of her knee and thigh. Julia squirms and giggles.
-Princess, that tickles! I'll fall!
Artemis smiled.
-Haven't you just said am a princess and I can do anything I want?
Julia sighed and tensed her leg muscles.
-Yes, my lady. I will stand it.
Artemis gives her a few seconds before she laughs and said:
-I was only joking! I don't want you to hurt yourself! Come, you'll help me with the other stuff.
Artemis and Julia were unpacking the princess ' stuff for some time, chatting, joking, laughing, and enjoying companionship. Artemis was happy. Julia could be not only her servant but also her friend. Maybe she won't be much alone here as she thought.
-Julia, what is behind this oak door closed with a chain and a huge paddle?
Julia smirks.
-Forgive me, my lady, but I can't tell you.
-What if I order you to tell me?
-The lord ordered me not to tell you. I'm afraid his word is above all the orders in this castle.
Artemis sighed.
-OK, I understood... but you do know what's there?
-Oh Yes, I do - Julia smirked again.
-Damn it, I wish to know it too.
Julia giggled.
-Are you sure, princess?
Now Artemis was disturbingly intrigued.
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sparklingsjewel · 4 days
Silver Spotlight: 10 Celebrities Shining in Silver Jewellery
In the mind-blowing global of movie star style, it's not just the fashion designer ensembles that seize our eye but additionally the putting accessories that go together with them. Among all treasured metals, silver has its specific attraction - diffused yet glamorous, conventional yet flexible. Hope spins like a spiral ring with diamonds, endlessly returning, no matter how far it drifts.
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It's no surprise that a number of our favorite celebrities choose silver to make their fashion announcement. Let's delve into the glittering world of silver accessories and test ten celebrities who've exceedingly incorporated silver jewelry into their fashion repertoire. 
1. Angelina Jolie:
Angelina Jolie is widely known for her putting looks and equally stunning style sense. An avid wearer of silver jewellery, she has regularly been seen decorating silver necklaces, bracelets, and rings on diverse occasions.
Her silver shoulder-skimming chandelier earrings at the Cannes Film Festival made a full-size style assertion, pairing elegantly together with her glamorous black gown.
2. Selena Gomez:
Selena Gomez, the famous person who blossomed from her Disney days into an influential singer and actress, is another superstar who consists of off silver jewellery with plain panache. Known for her minimalist yet sublime style, she frequently opts for delicate silver pieces.
Her silver layered necklaces and dainty earrings had been a big hit at the 2019 American Music Awards.
3. Harry Styles:
The British song icon, Harry Styles, is regularly seen carrying eclectic and gender-fluid fashion. His penchant for silver jewellery is obvious in his public appearances. The chunky silver earrings and layered silver necklaces at the moment are synonymous along with his style. The Gucci silver bee earring he wore on the Met Gala is still a warm topic amongst style lovers.
Four. Rihanna:
Rihanna, the fashion-forward singer, and businesswoman is by no means afraid to push barriers. She's regularly visible layering bold silver pieces, from oversized hoop earrings to assertion silver necklaces. At her Fenty Beauty release, her silver choker and matching ring set have been placing and trendsetting.
5. Johnny Depp:
Hollywood veteran Johnny Depp is famous for his love of add-ons, in particular silver jewellery. He typically sports a couple of silver rings, layered necklaces, and chunky bracelets, including a rockstar aspect to his clothing. His silver cranium ring has emerge as as iconic because the actor himself. Dreams follow the curve of a diamond spiral ring, ever circling, leading us back to where possibility begins.
6. Beyoncé:
Queen Bey's love for silver jewellery is nicely-documented. From her breathtakingly stunning diamond and silver jewellery sets at the pink carpet to her announcement silver earrings and frame jewelry for performances, Beyoncé is aware of a way to make silver shine. Her silver chandelier rings on the Grammy Awards have been nothing quick of breathtaking.
7. Zendaya:
The style-ahead actress, Zendaya, has regularly showcased her choice for silver jewellery, especially on the red carpet. Her silver spider brooch on the Spiderman Homecoming top-quality, paired with sensitive silver rings, perfectly highlighted her playful and sublime style.
8. Brad Pitt:
Brad Pitt, any other Hollywood A-lister, is no stranger to silver jewellery. His simple silver necklaces and jewelry provide a rugged, masculine area to his outfits. The silver pendant he sported at the Once Upon A Time In Hollywood greatest stays one of his standout accessories.
9. Lady Gaga:
Known for her outlandish style experience, Lady Gaga also frequently chooses silver for her more understated looks. Her silver body chains, announcement earrings, and ring sets have verified her capability to carry each the boldest and subtlest of silver portions with absolute grace.
10. Billy Porter:
Billy Porter is the embodiment of bold fashion picks. Known for breaking stereotypes, Porter's desire of silver jewellery regularly takes center degree. His silver Egyptian-fashion headpiece on the Met Gala, paired with matching necklaces and cuffs, become the communicate of the city.
In the ever-evolving international of favor, silver jewelry remains a timeless preference, redecorating the likes of celebrities and fashionistas international. These ten celebrities have confirmed that silver is plenty greater than a precious steel.
It's a fashion declaration, an artistic expression, and a medium to reflect one's character. No be counted if it's a sensitive ring or a bold necklace, silver can transform an outfit and increase personal fashion.
Also Read : How to Wear Drop Earrings According to the Occasion
How to Wear and Use
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Types of Diamond Earrings for Women
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Every woman should be able to feel beautiful and glowing at all times. Women’s diamond earrings are designed to bring out that twinkle in her eyes. These timeless pieces can breathe life into any outfit as well as create spectacular moments. Whether you are out shopping for the perfect gift or you are just spoiling yourself, it is important to know your options when it comes to diamond earrings. Now it’s time to dive into the most attractive styles you will be definitely fascinated by.
1. Diamond Stud Earrings for Women
Diamond studs women are ideal examples of standard sets of pieces of jewelry. They are quite plain yet classy. The design highlights a single diamond, which generally glistens radiantly. This style is comfortable, and one can easily wear them on a daily basis. Diamond ear studs for Women are perfect for both casual and formal wear as they transform any simple attire.
2. Hoop Diamond Earrings
Perhaps the most stunning and unapologetically fabulous statement piece is a hoop earring adorned with diamonds. The diamonds are commonly placed around the hoop forming a circle that gleams both day and night. This is one of the most stunning diamond earring shapes. It is perfect for night events or occasions when you would want to enhance the aura of your outfit. These earrings for women add a classy touch to any appearance.
3. Drop Diamond Earrings
Earrings of this type hang from the ear going down to the shoulders of the person wearing them. Though, they are aligned in a vertical pattern, which gives a leggy and dynamic feel. Drop-stylefemale diamond earrings are recommended for use during weddings and other occasions such as receptions and ceremonies. They give a fashionable touch to any suit she puts on and make her look like the classy woman she is.
Check out this stunning design of diamond drop earrings.
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1/2 Ctw Round Cut Diamond Tear Drop Earrings in 14K White Gold
Resplendent Diamond Tear Drop Earrings adorn the beauty of your beloved with style and elegance. These enchanting pair of earrings are fashioned in gleaming 14 karat white gold showcasing 114 gorgeous round cut diamonds that forms a tear drop motif. Diamonds are perfectly prong and pave set. Total diamond weighs 1/2 ctw.
4. Lovebright Diamond Earrings
Lovebrightearrings of diamondare designed to give the appearance of a larger, more brilliant diamond by arranging smaller diamonds in a cluster. As a result, it gives them an extra-shiny and opulent appearance for less money, making them gorgeous and cherished keepsakes. These are perfect for women who love pieces of jewelry that stand out.
5. Sapphire Diamond Stud Earrings
Adding sapphire to the diamonds makes a very classy and complementary combination. Sapphire ear studs typically have a sapphire jewel at the center and are embellished with diamonds. This style is very different and provides a flash of color. These are ideal for those who are looking for something unique other than the usual ladies' diamond earrings.
6. Threader Diamond Earrings
Diamond threader earrings are more likely to provide a more modern and fashionable touch. These ladies’ diamond earrings are threads of a thin chain going through the ear and have embedded diamonds. These pieces are fashionable and ideal for giving a gown a more modern appearance.
Finishing Thought
Every style ofladies’ diamond earrings has its own distinct elegance and charm. If you are looking for the best place to buy diamond earrings, then look no beyond Charleston Alexander. Simple yet lovely diamond ear studs for ladies as well as more intricate options are all available here.
Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about types of diamond earrings for women.
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thecowprintshop · 21 days
Our Acrylic Cow Necklace for Women is comfortable, easy and beautiful piece of handicraft that may be a luxurious icon to put on on. It seems delicate however being crafted in Zinc alloy metallic, it's sturdy. The right acrylic end imparts a easy contact. The Holstein-Friesian cow that's the primary attraction of the necklace is tremendous cute and harmless in seems. Being mild in weight and heavy in vogue, it's a excellent put on for any event. This wonderful pendant comes with a black coloured hyperlink chain with a spring-ring clasp which is able to safe it round your neck everytime you put on. This cow epitome conveys lots about your love for cows and your ardour for vogue. A must have if you're a lady and a simple and classy option to reward any her if you're a person. If you wish to workforce the necklace with comparable earrings, don't forget to see our Acrylic Pleased Cow Earrings and Necklace Set for Women. Weight: 12.6g Pendant Measurement: 48mm x 28mm "@context":"https://schema.org/","@type":"Product","@id":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/acrylic-cow-necklace-for-women#product","name":"Acrylic Cow Necklace For Women","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","gtin14":"","mpn":"4344097112162","sku":"32480569-multicolor","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/acrylic-cow-necklace-for-women-cattle-cp-jewelry-designs-farmers-cartoon-bovine-clip_476.jpg","description":"Our Acrylic Cow Necklace for Women is soft, smooth and stunning piece of handicraft that is a luxurious icon to wear on. It looks delicate but being crafted in Zinc alloy metal, it is strong. The perfect acrylic finish imparts a smooth touch.","category":"Jewelry","aggregateRating":"@type":"aggregateRating","bestRating":"5","ratingValue":"5","reviewCount":"2","offers":["sku":"32480569-multicolor","priceCurrency":"USD","price":"19.95","itemCondition":"https://schema.org/NewCondition","url":"https://designs4farmers.com/products/acrylic-cow-necklace-for-women?variant=31200647544930","mpn":"","gtin14":"","priceValidUntil":"2023-12-31","image":"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0142/6184/6080/products/acrylic-cow-necklace-for-women-cattle-cp-jewelry-designs-farmers-cartoon-bovine-clip_881.jpg?v=1576261063","availability":"https://schema.org/InStock","aggregateRating":"@type":"aggregateRating","bestRating":"5","ratingValue":"5","reviewCount":"2"]
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syrupspinner · 5 months
I completed 2064 Read Only Memories
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yes that's still impressive if it's a visual novel
so, this genre is inherently more plot than gameplay. that's not to say the gameplay isnt enjoyable, it's solid point-and-click. but when I discuss it, it's gonna be like, mostly about the story, so watch for spoilers. if you haven't played the game yet, I totally recommend it if you dig detective stories and/or point-and-click visual novels. the characters are great and the gameplay is solid (nothing too gimmicky, does everything right) and you can beat it in a weekend if you lock in. alright, spoilers ahoy
first, I gotta talk about the protagonist. something I always, always dislike are boring indistinct faceless self-inserts. I understand that you kinda have to avoid having too much disconnect in a narrative written in the 2nd person (lest you get the same reaction that would be had to a bad roleplayer godmoding)... but I think most stories have to live an die by their protagonist, just because like... that's who we're following the whole time. like, say what you want about Alex Eggleston, but he's memorable and directed. it's actually possible to write him out of character, unlike whoever was the protagonist in 2064. even Lady Love Dies, a VN protagonist who shares the same limitation of having dialogue trees with varying tones, still has character traits that she does and doesn't have, she still has distinct mannerisms and presentation. this didn't ruin the game or anything, I just thought it was kinda annoying
I really liked how the game presented hybrids and how everything tied into the world being presented. it always kinda makes me sigh when sci-fi shows try to depict analogies to specific types of oppression. don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good metaphor, I just think it's really easy to backfire. for example, I think Zootopia would've been fine if they presented the predator/prey social dichotomy in a way that wasn't a direct analogue to antiblack racism (instead of oppression in general) because you can summarize it as "the predators are black people" y'know what I mean? like, in real life, foxes eat rabbits, and that's literally the natural order of the world with the food chain and stuff, so trying to say "this is just like how black people work" isn't. great. 
anyway, I think hybridism as it's presented in 2064 is a great example of applicability. basically, instead of being a direct analogue, it can be applied to multiple dimensions of oppression without being limited to a single one. obviously the closest comparison is ableism, especially with the whole medical involvement and legally enforced sterilization, but in-universe a lot of people just treat it as an advanced body mod like ear stretching or something.   also, it's just something that's probably gonna be a thing in the future. it's a great way to explore the avenues and outcomes of social stigma without accidentally implying that black people have the innate urge to eat white people or whatever. 
also, detail I appreciate, I like how Jess is unfriendly and abrasive while James Stephanie Sterling's character (the anti-hybrid activist) is calm and soft-spoken. despite this, the games narrative is totally supportive and sympathetic to hybrids. it's an easy trap to fall in to just make the bigots incorrectness directly correlate with having an unpleasant personality, but this implies that people who are quiet are right, which is an implication on the same level as always drawing the correct characters to be conventionally attractive
speaking of the characters, that's a huge strength of this game. everyone you interact with is likeable and memorable. when I say likeable, I don't mean "I would be friends with them" (even if that does apply to a lot of them, shout out to my bros tomcat and starfucker)  I mean "I like seeing this character depicted onscreen". even bit characters like that bunny girl receptionist and that retired football guy stick out in my mind, and it's been a while since I played the game 
I think it was a bit of a misstep to let the player chose what order to play chapter 3/4 in. I got lucky on my first playthrough, but I can't imagine the deflation of tension from watching a vehicular manslaughter and then going on a fetch quest for a magical girl. I'm really not sure why they let you do that when it seems to me that it flows way better if that's right before the climax
the climax was so great though. I love it when characters all come together and chip in their talents, and I love how deus-ex-y the multiple endings are (in how heavy the rammys are). my favorite part though has gotta be the gameplay, hoo boy. narratively, dealing with the threat of this villain is unlike anything else [char_name] and Turing have deal with, so I adore the ludonarrative cohesion of making the ending such a change in gameplay. you can't just look around and click on things, you've gotta cut of doorways and sneak around. the sincere "oh crap" when I realized he could just kool-aid through the wall was priceless. 
and getting all of the achievements was a breeze. full disclosure, I died in the final boss and had to reload, but the game gave me the iron rom achievement anyway. as we say in the business, we take those. the real hardest achievement was the one with that stupid plant I had to play the game like 3 times to finally get it. turns out you have to mosey your ass to your apartment at every opertunity just to yap at that spoiled deadbeat. also I didn't like making Turing mad at me, because =[
anyway, you know that ya girls pumped for neurodiver. the somniums were my favorite parts of AI (as in, the uchikoshi joint) and in general I always dig abstract representations of someone's psyche. 
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kollamsupreme · 6 months
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Elegant Gold Plated Black Beads 3-Line Tassel Drop Earrings are apt for girls with college and school wear. These trendy artificial black beads with snack chain hanging ear drops make you more charming and attractive with any outfit. An excellent gift for teens and ladies on special occasions.
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bukkum · 9 months
Tips To Style Tights For Women Beyond The Gym
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Do you think that gymTights for women can't be worn casually or formally like pants? Or can they be worn only for workout sessions and sports? It's sort of like saying you can't wear white clothes after having a Labor Day, which is completely baseless. If you put some effort into exploring and expanding your fashion sense, it will help you style any outfit as per your choice, including tights, for any place or occasion. You don't have to worry that a few years ago, tights were worn only by athletes and gymgoers. With some basic styling tips and your fashion sense, you can wear tights whenever and wherever you want, and trust us, you will always look attractive and stunning.
In this article, we will try to help you with your tights by giving some easy yet cool and classy tips to style your Sports tights beyond the gym.
4 Alternative Motives For What You Can Style Our Black and Blue Women’s Tights:
1.   Women’s Tights For The Office:
Tights for women are a stylish option that can allow women to showcase their individual fashion sense while also following office dress etiquette. You can find a huge range of gym tights, ranging from the perfect color, pattern, and design to those that offer full coverage. With the right choice of pairing options, tights can be an office-appropriate option for the office.
Styling Tips:
Choose the fabric and pattern wisely of your tights to style your outfit for the office. Pair Black skin-fit full-length tight and for the top wear a white oversized shirt and tie a wide black belt under the breast area. Select black leather loafer shoes to complete this classy formal look.
2.   To the party:
Do you sometimes find yourself staring at your clothes collection and confused about what to wear for the upcoming party when standing in front of your open wardrobe? Relax you ladies! You don't need to worry Everyone has been there many times. Whether it is a pool party or clubbing, choosing the perfect outfit for the party can be a little difficult to give your best look to ensure you stand out from everyone at the party.
Styling Tips:
 Wear our women's black solid rapid-dry sports tights with a skin-fit sleeveless red top and create a layering with a black cropped bomber jacket for women. Choose your black high heels and also some cool accessories with them. Now you are good to go to a clubbing party.
3.   To the Airport:
Nowadays, the airport has become the most special place for celebrities to show their fashion sense. Common people also use their excellent fashion sense to create a cool and classy look while going to the airport, this has become a trend.
Styling Tips:
To create your comfortable yet cool look for the airport, choose a full-sleeved skin-fit white T-shirt and pair our blue yoga pants for women with pockets. Tie a denim oversized shirt on your waist, a neon cap on your head, suitable sunglasses, and finally a pair of canvas shoes to complement your all-over look.
4.   To a date:
It's not really necessary to wear a dress or jeans when you're going on a date. You can uniquely style your outfit with tights for women at your convenience, whether you want a rich and classy look or a cool one, women's tights will be the perfect choice to style your date differently from others.
Styling Tips:
pick your sleeveless peplum top and pair it with black skin fitted tights that are full length. Now pair your boots with it and add some accessories like sling bags and golden sober jewelry including chains, rings, earrings, and bracelets. Wear this and go on your date with a positive mindset. A positive attitude will help you have a beautiful conversation with your date.
Final Words:
Do not fix the limitation of categories while styling your outfits for any occasion. Just try to improve your styling sense by exploring and experimenting with your inner fashion sense. Tights for women were categorized for the gym and sports, but in today's time, you can style your tights for any occasion by just choosing a suitable fabric, pattern, and colors according to the situation.
At Bukkum, You can have a wide range of women's tights options in a variety of different patterns and colors. You can also find a variety of T-shirts and jackets for you.
Ladies, explore the vibrant side of with no limitations term and experiment with the clothes in your wardrobe.
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maryrichard251023 · 9 months
1 Gram Gold Plated Pendant Set - Buy One Gram Gold Pendant Set Online
Choose most fashionable collection of 1 Gram Gold Pendant Set Jewellery Designs from Ornnaz’s at very least price…
Let’s Buy Latest 1 Gram Gold Plated Pendant Jewellery Designs Online at best prices. You will find here a best 1 Gram Gold Plated Pendant with various designs and patterns. among the top websites for One Gram Gold Jewellery is Ornnaz, from where you can get items like necklaces, rings, earrings, bracelets, mangalsutras, bangles, kadas, haram, chains, Choker, pendants, and more that are coated with one gram of gold ornaments made of 1 gram gold that are worn by young girls and women alike.
Enhance Your Jewellery Stack Using These Fine 1 Gram Gold Pendants. Get the newest styles and the cheapest rates on One Gram Gold Pendants. Purchase an elegant, one-gram gold, pendant set online that is gold-plated. Set of pendants that are hard to neglect and are reasonably priced. Get the greatest price on your ideal sophisticated, attractive, and fashionable One Gram Gold Pendant Set.
Collection of 1 Gram Gold Plated Pendant Set:
1 Gram Coral Flower Pendant Set with Earrings
1 Gram Forming Gold Plated Pendant Set for Women
1 Gram Gold Antique Designer Pendant Set
1 Gram Gold Fancy Design Pendant Set
1 Gram Gold Forming Jewellery Long Haram Set with Earrings
1 Gram Gold Forming Geometric Rhombic Pendant Set with Earrings
1 Gram Gold Oval Shape Plated Pendant Set
1 Gram Gold Forming Necklace Long Set with Earrings
1 Gram Gold Plated Necklace with Earrings Set and Meenakari Work
1 Gram Gold Plated Rhombus Pendant Earring Set
1 Gram Gold Plated Trapezoid Shape Pendant Set
1 Gram Gold Square Shape Plated Long Haram
1 Gram Stylish Round Shape Pendant Set with Earrings
18K Gold Plated Long Haram Red Jewel Set with Earrings for Women
1 Gram Gold Plated Drop Shape Long Haram Set
Although 1 Gram Gold Jewellery cannot be compared to real gold jewellery, it does have a number of advantages. For people who want to purchase jewellery that looks like gold but can't afford the greater price of actual gold, this is the perfect choice. While coated in gold jewellery is less vulnerable than copper and metal jewellery, it is not as precious or durable as real gold jewellery.
Buy One Gram Gold Pendant Set for everyday use, events, weddings, engagements, and ballroom dancing, a wonderful present for lady. Special offers and discounts for holidays such as Diwali, Rakshabandhan, Republic Day, Independence Day, Vishu, Baishakhi, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Easter, Christmas, Eid, Onam,  New Year's Day, Birthday, Valentine's Day, etc.
Nowadays online shopping become more popular and it becomes very easy method of shopping, under the same roof, a diverse range of items and brands from various producers or merchants will be available to you.  You no longer need to look for the store that sells the thing you want. With just a click of the mouse, you may take advantage on the newest global trends.
Are you looking for 1 Gram Gold Pendant set online in India? Choose the finest 1 gram gold set from our selection of unique, personalized, and handcrafted items. Outstanding ornamental jewellery with beautiful works of art, finishing, polishing, and a stylish designer jewellery artwork are accessible online.
Ornnaz’s is the greatest website in India for purchasing one gram of gold jewellery online. One gram of jewellery can be purchased here for a discounted price. Women's jewellery enhances importance, thus you should never sacrifice on purchasing finely crafted jewellery.
We have a wide selection of 1 Gram Gold Pendant Set and bridal jewellery and designer bangles to match both your western-style and traditional clothing. Our designer jewellery store offers a wide range of distinctive jewel types for every event, giving you the opportunity to look your best at reasonable prices.
Each creative One Gram Gold Pendant Set ornaments has been carefully designed and carved. Select it for any festivities, wedding ceremony, party, office gathering, celebration, baby shower, engagement ceremony, Home function, small function, Pooja, or religious ceremony.
Ornnaz has always been committed to providing excellent quality jewellery and styles, designs; we don't imitate the styles or designs of others; instead, we create our own distinctive concepts and craftsmanship. To determine your preferences or tastes in ornamental jewellery, we conduct marketplace studies and analyses. We make an effort to comprehend your needs, and our goal is to deliver the greatest jewels with distinctive styles and design.
Purchase 1 Gram Gold Plated costume jewellery from Ornnaz to look amazing on any kind of event. Any designs and colours can be purchased here. Get the greatest deals on the newest and stylish 1 gramme jewellery styles online.
Find the lowest deals on exquisite and one-of-a-kind one-gram gold earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and other accessories. To complete your order, please browse our online shop for jewellery.
Once we get started, let's have a look at our displayed designs!
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manekratnajewels · 1 year
Online Fashion Jewellery Shop
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At Manek Ratna, one of the favorite jewelry shops, you can see modern jewelry that can complement your on a regular basis look, whether you select to put on ethnic or western outfits. Being a bride means you are going to fetch plenty of attention and your jewelry must be of top-notch high quality and design. Starting from bangles, chokers and studs sets, kalirey, maang teeka, the alternatives for jewellery buying are endless. We present some sterling silver choices and items with gems, however, you won’t find any seriously daring statement choices right here - fashion jewellery online.
Manek Ratna is likely one of the jewelry shops promoting distinctive designs of imitation jewelry, which can be paired with each ethnicity in addition to western outfits. These women's imitation jewelry objects, additionally known as synthetic jewelry, are gold-plated and out there in both conventional and fashionable designs. We have popular bracelets that we've been the evil eye Bracelets, Cuff Bracelets, Chain Bracelets, and heaps of extra. Our range of earrings includes earrings, hoop earrings, and traditional earrings. We offer providers from product design and improvement to manufacturing and quality checking. We have gold and silver, as well as silver and brass jewelry - jewellery manufacturer india.
We also have an intensive range of knickknack merchandise bracelets, pendants, bangles, rings, etc. Cute necklaces for women range from lengthy pendant necklaces to quick chokers. Get your sense of self with our women's initial necklaces to adorn your neck. Fun fringe and tassels can get your playful side out with colorful options in our necklaces for women. Work extra ornate kinds with an edgy twist with attractive stones and studs.
Have you ever noticed how a pair of earrings or a bracelet can turn a foul day around? The right piece of jewelry can complete your look in a means that you could by no means have imagined. Whether it’s an office or a party, fine jewelry is usually a game-changer. And there are a couple of fine jewelry manufacturers which have beautiful pieces for each lady. For more information, please visit our site https://www.manekratna.com/
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Types of Diamond Earrings for Women
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Every woman should be able to feel beautiful and glowing at all times. Women’s diamond earrings are designed to bring out that twinkle in her eyes. These timeless pieces can breathe life into any outfit as well as create spectacular moments. Whether you are out shopping for the perfect gift or you are just spoiling yourself, it is important to know your options when it comes to diamond earrings. Now it’s time to dive into the most attractive styles you will be definitely fascinated by.
1. Diamond Stud Earrings for Women
Diamond studs women are ideal examples of standard sets of pieces of jewelry. They are quite plain yet classy. The design highlights a single diamond, which generally glistens radiantly. This style is comfortable, and one can easily wear them on a daily basis. Diamond ear studs for Women are perfect for both casual and formal wear as they transform any simple attire.
2. Hoop Diamond Earrings
Perhaps the most stunning and unapologetically fabulous statement piece is a hoop earring adorned with diamonds. The diamonds are commonly placed around the hoop forming a circle that gleams both day and night. This is one of the most stunning diamond earring shapes. It is perfect for night events or occasions when you would want to enhance the aura of your outfit. These earrings for women add a classy touch to any appearance.
3. Drop Diamond Earrings
Earrings of this type hang from the ear going down to the shoulders of the person wearing them. Though, they are aligned in a vertical pattern, which gives a leggy and dynamic feel. Drop-stylefemale diamond earrings are recommended for use during weddings and other occasions such as receptions and ceremonies. They give a fashionable touch to any suit she puts on and make her look like the classy woman she is.
Check out this stunning design of diamond drop earrings.
1/2 Ctw Round Cut Diamond Tear Drop Earrings in 14K White Gold
Resplendent Diamond Tear Drop Earrings adorn the beauty of your beloved with style and elegance. These enchanting pair of earrings are fashioned in gleaming 14 karat white gold showcasing 114 gorgeous round cut diamonds that forms a tear drop motif. Diamonds are perfectly prong and pave set. Total diamond weighs 1/2 ctw.
4. Lovebright Diamond Earrings
Lovebrightearrings of diamondare designed to give the appearance of a larger, more brilliant diamond by arranging smaller diamonds in a cluster. As a result, it gives them an extra-shiny and opulent appearance for less money, making them gorgeous and cherished keepsakes. These are perfect for women who love pieces of jewelry that stand out.
5. Sapphire Diamond Stud Earrings
Adding sapphire to the diamonds makes a very classy and complementary combination. Sapphire ear studs typically have a sapphire jewel at the center and are embellished with diamonds. This style is very different and provides a flash of color. These are ideal for those who are looking for something unique other than the usual ladies' diamond earrings.
6. Threader Diamond Earrings
Diamond threader earrings are more likely to provide a more modern and fashionable touch. These ladies’ diamond earrings are threads of a thin chain going through the ear and have embedded diamonds. These pieces are fashionable and ideal for giving a gown a more modern appearance.
Finishing Thought
Every style ofladies’ diamond earrings has its own distinct elegance and charm. If you are looking for the best place to buy diamond earrings, then look no beyond Charleston Alexander. Simple yet lovely diamond ear studs for ladies as well as more intricate options are all available here.
Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to learn more about types of diamond earrings for women.
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It was the first day of school at a new school. God this was my worst nightmare. It's hard to make friends when you’re shy, much harder to make friends who will accept that you’re nonbinary and respect your pronouns. But what can you do? I just had to make it through the day and then I could cuddle up with a warm blanket and a wholesome romance novel. I walked into the office where there were about five other new students. We would all be assigned a person from our grade to show us around.
 I sat down and dropped my bag hoping desperately that whoever I got assigned to was friendly. This could be my only chance at making friends. There was no way in hell that I was going to “put myself out there” as my parents said I should do. There was no way I could risk doing something wrong and embarrassing myself. 
Just then into the room walked the two most gorgeous people I had ever seen in my life. They were tall, much taller than me, altho that wasn't hard considering I was 5 foot nothing and usually the youngest in my grade. I had started school early which meant I was usually at least a year younger than everyone else. Just one more reason not to draw attention to myself. 
There was one masculine person and one more feminine person (presumably a girl and a boy, but I didn't want to make assumptions) the masculine one was wearing a ripped tie-dye teeshirt and ripped blue jeans. He has blond messy hair and small silver stud earrings. He also had what appeared to be a black tattoo peaking out under his shirt. 
The feminine one was wearing black cargo pants with a chain looped around it and a tight black cropped shirt. It definitely wasn't within the dress code but no one in the office gave her trouble for it. She had a black tattoo along her side and a few piercings on her ears. Her hair was a short black wolf cut. She was muscular too. Not in a buff way but in a lean way. She looked like she could outrun a bear and also rip me in half. 
 “We’re here to pick up one of the newbies” 
the masculine one said and I could see that he had a tongue stud.
 “Ah right,” said the lady. “You two have that one” 
she said pointing right at me. Holy shit. The most attractive people I had ever seen, were assigned to show me around. ME. 
“Hi,” the feminine one said, walking over to me. “Im Alex, I use she/her pronouns and this is Julian he uses he/him. 
Wow, I had never heard someone introduce themselves with pronouns. Did this mean they would respect mine? 
“Um hi,” I said softly. “Nice to meet you. I'm Sage, I use they/them pronouns, I guess.”
“Cool,” Julian said before turning to Alex. “Let's give them the grand tour then. Where do you want to start?” 
“Let's show them their dorm first. Do you know which dorm you're in?” this last part was directed at me. 
“Umm, it says on my paper hold on,” I said grabbing the paper out of my bag. “Uhh, where is it? oh there, dorm 347.” 
“Oh that's just a few dorms down from ours,” Julian said as we started walking. “Each person has their own dorm and there's not supposed to be anyone in your dorm after eight”
“But since we are quiet and do well in our classes they let us share a dorm.” Alex cut in. “it also helps that he's trans and can't really get me pregnant. The staff don't care as much” 
“Wait so you guys are dating?” I said slightly disappointed.
“Oh yeah, we forgot to mention that didn't we?” Julian said. “Yeah, Alex and I have been dating for almost two years now.”
“Oh that's cool,” I said, trying not to let disappointment into my voice. 
We eventually got to my dorm and I dropped off my bag. Then they showed me their dorm before snatching my class sheet and taking me to all of the classes on it. After that, they showed me the cafeteria and the large open field at the back of the school. Then they took me to a small secluded corner behind one of the buildings created by a few trees and a dip in the ground.
“This is where we go when we need some space.” Julian said, “No one knows where it is other than the three of us, and it's a nice spot to hang out. Feel free to come here whenever you need.”
“Why are you showing  me this?” I asked, “you barely even know me.”
“Yeah but we have a good feeling about you,” alex said tapping my lightly on the head. “Besides queers are hard to come by at the school. We got to stick together.”
“You guys are queer?” 
“Yep, we’re both bi and im trans,” Julian said 
“Oh cool. Um im actually bi too.”
Alex looked at Julian and something passed between them.
“Well even more reason to like you” alex said with a smile. “Now come on we need to show you the rest of the campus” she said standing up and reaching for my hand. 
I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up of the ground effortlessly. If this new school doesnt kill me than these rediculously hot friends i made just might. 
I was walking with Alex down one of the halls in between the buildings. The past couple months the three of us had gotten closer and i had learned to ignore my massive crush on them. It was the middle of the day and Julian was in class and so me and alex were alone. we had decided to take a walk around the campus to pass some time. I was rambling away about something inconsequential when all of a sudden i was violenty shoved against the wall. I cut off what i was saying as i looked up at alex who had grabbed my wrists and was now pinning them to the wall on either side of my head.
“A-alex what are you doing?” i asked confused as fuck.
“Im sorry i just couldnt resist.” she leaned her head down next to my ear. “You’re so cute when you ramble”
Alex leand down and kissed my neck softly. 
W-what, i- uh- what about Julian?” i asked trying to figure out what the heck was going on. 
“What about me?” said a deep familiar voice. “Oh babe are you having all the fun without me?” Julian asked, wrapping his arms around alex and biting lightly on her earlobe.
Alex turned her head up to look at him not releasing my wrists. “Im sorry love i just coundn’t resist. You know how cute they get when they start rambling.”  
“I- what- you-” i said still trying to compute what the heak had just happened.
“You ok darling?” alex said with a smirk. “We can stop if you’d like.”
“NO” i said loudly startling myself. “Um i mean, no. pl-please dont stop. B-but i dont want to go farther than kissing if that makes sense. Im- im actually asexual.”
“Oh thats ok darling we dont have to do anything more. Do you want to just come to our dorm and cuddle? Theres something alex and I want to talk to you about.” Julian said, smiling at me comfortingly. 
“Um o-ok” 
Julian backed up and alex let go of my wrists and stepped back aswell. I took a step but my legs were shaking so bad that i fell forward. Right into Julians arms. 
“Do you need me to carry you baby?” Julian whispered into the hair above my ear. 
“N-no im ok” i said trying to push myself out of his arms. 
“Are you sure? You look pretty unsteady there.” then without warning he picked me up bridal style. 
“Wh- i said im fine!”
“Should i put you down?”
“...No i guess its fine” i said burying my face in his neck and wrapping my arms around him.
“You see what i mean?” alex said looking at Julian. “Theyre fucking adorible.”
Alex grabbed Julians arm and we started walking down the hall toward their room. Thankfully everyone was in class and there was no one in the halls to see us. Once we got to alex and Julians dorm alex opened the door and we walked in. once we were in she closed and locked the door. 
Julian walked over and sat down on the bed placing me in his lap with his arms comfortably wrapped around me. Despite my better jusdgment i couldent stop myself from leaning into his warm touch. Alex smiled and sat down on the bed nest to us placing on hand on my thigh. 
“So, me and Julian have been talking a lot,” she began.
“And we’ve realized that we're both really into you.” Julian continued.
“So we were wondering if, maybe”
“You would want to date us?”
I was stunned. Like i knew something was going on obviously, im not that oblivious but i was still in shock that these two beautiful people wanted me.
“Were sorry for springing this on you so suddenly,” Julian continued
“And we understand of your not interested.”
“wh-what , no wait, of course i'm interested, i mean you guys are, well your you!” i said, not looking t them. “I just don't get why you would want me.” 
“Oh baby, why wouldent we want you?” Julian said nipping my ear with his teeth. 
“Your, as you so eloquently said, you,” alex said tilting my chin up to look at her. 
“So,” Julian said squeezing my softly, “will you be our partner?”
“Yes of course i will.” i said leaning my face into alexs hand and looking up at her. 
“Perfect” she exclaimed, tackling Julian and I and knocking us down onto the bed. 
After a bit of maneuvering we all settled down for a quick cat nap before our next classes. As i fell asleep i looked at julian and alex drifting to sleep on either side of me i realised everything was perfect. 
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