#Audio and Video Transcription
skulandcrossbones · 6 months
audio transcript:
hi there, non emergency line, how can I help you? power outage? have you gone outside to see if the entire block is out? okay well then go outside - it's just you? I have to ask, did you pay your power bill this month? you didn't— oh you're a sovereign citizen? well see therein lies the rub— hey chill out, I- I don't like paying my bills either! and I just need to say, I'm a government employee and you called me so the irony is not lost—
non emergency line how can I help you? there's birds blocking the exit to your apartment? have they attacked you? no? okay good. can you count how many birds there are? yes it actually does matter. if it's eight or less we can send out keith, if it's nine or above we're gonna have to contact animal control. oh it's not arbitrary, it's aviary— I'm kidding, I'm kidding, no! no yeah we'll send out keith — KEITH GET THE NET!
non emergency line how can I help you? got a noise complaint? well it is.......3pm. we can't do anything until 10. okay i guess uh, yeah I guess children's laughter can be grating but—
non emergency line how can I help you? okay I'm going to have to transfer you to poison control for that— no it's a very common issue we have here so don't even worry—
non emergency line how can I help you? okay so yeah you will want poison control for that—
eehhh poison control– poison control– poison contr– buddy I love the way that gasoline smells too but unfortunately we're gonna have to loop in poison control—
non emergency line how can I help you? OH MY GOD SOMEONE'S SHOOTING AT YOU??? oh shouting at you, I was gonna say, you should [laughs]– we have a hold you should've called 911! what are they shouting at you? it does matter, see, the police and I have uh split custody of, of verbal altercations so it really does... okay so they're saying "no you incompetent buffoon, the birds are out--" KEITH IS THIS YOU??
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sneakyboymerlin · 9 months
If no merwaine, then why…
Transcript and analysis below ⬇️
Gwaine: Thanks for everything that you did for Eira.
Merlin: There’s no need to thank me, it was the least I could do. And you seem to care for her.
Gwaine: I could hardly leave her for the Saxons, now, could I?
Merlin: [teasing] Was that your only reason for rescuing her?
Gwaine: [lying] Of course.
[Saxons attack. Gwaine fights them off, but one knocks Merlin to the ground. He curls up and shields his face, completely helpless.]
Merlin: [screaming] Gwaine!
[Gwaine turns his back on the man he’s fighting and saves Merlin. He finishes off the last Saxon without even looking, eyes still on Merlin. He helps Merlin off the ground.]
Gwaine: Are you okay?
Merlin: Yeah, I- I think so. Thank you.
Gwaine: There’s no need to thank me, Merlin. It was the least I could do.
aaaaaaand END SCENE!
To start off with, we have a self-aware parallel in Merlin and Gwaine’s dialogue. We’re going to be examining the subtext of this conversation.
Subtext is simply what can be inferred without direct statement or revelation. It is not, as fandom is wont to believe, inserting any meaning you want between the lines: it is a cohesive message expressed by indirect means. Here’s an example:
A student goes to turn in his paper. After looking through two pages, his teacher asks, “Are you sure you want to turn this in?” The subtext of this question is the intended clue to the student that the paper is not ready yet to be turned in and he should edit through it again.
Moving forward… The repetition of, “There’s no need to thank me, it was the least I could do,” is a deliberate allusion to a core theme of Merlin and Gwaine’s relationship through the years: helping another soul—soon to be friend—in need, with no expectation of a reward.
The subtextual reading of this parallel, of course, is that Merlin does not owe Gwaine, and vice versa, because that is not why they help each other. They do it because they care about one another. As a result, they’ve both helped each other innumerably. Gwaine alludes to the help Merlin’s given him as a way of saying that there is no need to return the favor, because 1) he didn’t do it expecting a favor in exchange, and 2) Merlin has more than repaid the favor already.
Another instance where we see this kind of exchange between them is in this deleted scene from 4x07 The Secret Sharer (scene 47 at 15:10).
Gwaine: We’ll find him.
Merlin: I won’t forget this.
Gwaine: I haven’t done anything.
Merlin: One day I’ll repay the favor.
Gwaine: Considering the trouble I get into, that may prove to be a rash promise.
[Gwaine offers Merlin some food]
Merlin: I’m full.
Another deleted scene (they really did just delete every meaningful Gwaine scene in s4 huh) which we have only a script for (though it’s possible it was recorded and the audio edited out) is when Gwaine and Arthur ride out to find Merlin in 4x06 after he’s been captured by bandits. Although this scene did not make the final cut, it is referenced again when Gwaine calls Merlin “Bog Man,” so it clearly has a place amidst the canon material.
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(Find the transcription here.)
I think it speaks for itself here, but, “And finding him will be reward enough?” truly captures the selfless devotion that Gwaine feels for Merlin.
Fandom generally accepts the idea that Gwaine would do anything for Merlin, but that Merlin never seems to do the same in return. However, this is likely a misconception of what counts towards a returned favor. Merlin is a physician, not a warrior. Or, as Morgana puts it, “a lover” (not a fighter). We cannot expect Merlin to help Gwaine in the same area of expertise that Gwaine helps him in. He applies himself in other ways.
When they meet in 3x04, Gwaine offers Merlin and Arthur aid in a tavern brawl where they’re clearly outnumbered. Gwaine is injured when his opponent pulls out a knife in a fistfight, and Merlin rushes to tend to his wound. Already, a favor is given and returned between the two.
And, while Gwaine does intend to help both Merlin and Arthur, not to mention the tavern employees, he takes a special interest in Merlin. Merlin is the only one who Gwaine takes the time to introduce himself to mid-fight, even as Merlin shouts for him to watch out as he is being actively attacked. And then, of course, Gwaine does fall to an attack. Merlin treats his injuries both on the spot and back in his own chambers.
One could argue that the introduction of Gwaine to Eira follows a similar format, with Gwaine coming to her rescue, only for her to save him when their attacker knocks him to the ground. Perhaps Gwaine even takes on Merlin’s role as caretaker from 3x04 when he brings Merlin in to treat Eira in 5x12, as opposed to receiving the treatment himself. Then again, it might be more similar to the scene in 4x07 where Gwaine jumps in to battle against Alator’s guard. Like Eira, Merlin also rescues Gwaine when he’s knocked to the ground (though Gwaine doesn’t know it).
As we can see, though, Merlin is not lying when he tells Gwaine, “I’d do the same for you,” in 3x08, nor when he tells Gwaine, “One day I’ll repay the favor,” in the deleted scene from 4x07. Merlin and Gwaine have different services to offer, but they offer to help all the same.
The next portion of the aforementioned 5x12 scene on our to-dissect list is the actual subject matter of the conversation, followed by a visual representation of the very same act.
After Gwaine thanks Merlin for helping Eira, Merlin mentions that Gwaine “seem[s] to care for her.” Gwaine, in an effort to avoid the sexual and romantic implications, diverts to the chivalrous explanation: “I could hardly leave her to the Saxons, now, could I?” Merlin teases him with no relent, though, and asks, “Was that your only reason for rescuing her?” Gwaine responds with a curt, “Of course.”
The subtext of this conversation is that Gwaine’s hurried involvement to protect/take care of Eira stems from a crush on her. This is true, as there were many enemies around, but Gwaine chose the one attacking the pretty “damsel in distress” to fight. He then takes one long look at her and decides to forgo the battle to take her to safety.
Merlin can’t help but notice Gwaine’s feelings for her. She is, after all, staying in his bed even after her wound has been treated, so there is a connection between them… much like Gwaine stayed with Merlin for the remainder of 3x04 until he had no choice but to fulfill the demands of his banishment. This is especially interesting, since the wound that Merlin treats Eira for is on her leg, which is the same spot where Gwaine was stabbed when they first met. Merlin similarly wrapped his wound at the time.
But the main point is the fact that Gwaine rescued Eira from the Saxons with a single-minded fervency, in part because he was attracted to her, and then quickly grew attached.
Gwaine then proceeds to rescue Merlin from Saxons a matter of seconds after this is established.
Allow me to remind you of Gwaine’s sudden change of course in saving Eira.
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Now compare this to his rescue of Merlin.
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Let’s take a closer look at their dialogue:
Merlin: You seem to care for her.
Gwaine: I could hardly leave her for the Saxons, now, could I?
Merlin: [teasing] Was that your only reason for rescuing her?
Gwaine: [lying] Of course.
When applied to Gwaine’s rescue of Merlin, the conversation about Gwaine rescuing Eira takes on a more powerful meaning. After all, Eira is a virtual stranger who ends up being the traitor in the court. Gwaine sends her to her execution on Merlin’s word (via Gaius as the messenger), whereas Merlin is someone Gwaine has known for nearly a decade. There is a consistent history of Gwaine acting as Merlin’s body guard, which is being enacted again now as Gwaine escorts Merlin through the Valley of the Fallen Kings.
This is also one of the last ever scenes between Merlin and Gwaine. In truth, we are being shown a brief summary of their relationship as it comes to its narrative end—one last hurrah, if you will. And what they choose to show us is Gwaine protecting Merlin in an act of unconditional love.
Eira, like any character, is a plot device. Her interference leads to Merlin being trapped in the Crystal Cave, and Gwaine being tortured for information on Merlin and Arthur’s location. However, her presence as a person Gwaine wants to protect is meant to evoke the memory of every time Gwaine has protected Merlin. The chosen method to imply this was by creating a parallel between Gwaine’s protectiveness over the woman he’s currently sleeping with to his protectiveness over Merlin. Take that as you will.
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knittedbond · 1 year
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same energy to me
[video 1: clip from The Road to Palisade: Lancer pt. 2 from Friends at the Table. transcript:
Jack: At the same time, another hatch opens, and a spindly, little, horrible little freak emerges. Um,
(Sylvia and Dre laugh)
Keith: (laughing) What does he sound like?
image 2: screenshot of tweets from Jack @/notquitereal: "the ONLY note i would give to wasabi, award winning dog who looks like this, is that i'm disappointed he's not making some kind of foul noise whenever he moves". image attached is of Wasabi, a small, brown-grey Pekingese dog with long fur who does indeed look like he's making a foul noise whenever he moves. next tweet: "i think i want him to be going WRAGBLRARGRBLRGBALGRARLBGBLE". end transcript]
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felassan · 5 months
the full official transcript from yesterday's EA investor conference call is now available [source]. I updated this post to reflect this. from what I can see, like was heard on the call, there was no mention of BW/DA/ME in the Q&A section.
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I was not prepared for the experience of speaking to Chris Tester for nearly an hour. Just imagine your own private chat with Heinrix van Calox, and sometimes you think wait what, that's Benedict Cumberbatch speaking.
A true gentleman and genuinely a pleasure to talk to. The time flew by like nothing.
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apollos-olives · 10 months
is it too much to ask people to make videos accessible like please for the love of god add captions or subtitles or transcripts or SOMETHING please it's so hard for me to spread information through reblogging videos because i do not and cannot listen to what they are saying so im not sure if i should reblog or share if it's important news. please just do me and so many others the basic decency of making videos accessible
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ethersierra · 1 year
Oksamber Audio Edit!
I would have done this whether or not TAZ Sapphic Week was a thing, because THEM<3. But I have had more experience using audacity lately (mostly for cursed reasons) so I wanted to try my hand at something longer and more complex. And I have so many songs that fit them. So. Here you go, my artistic vision!
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itwoodbeprefect · 1 month
i love websites that contain text-based information
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menlove · 3 months
if I can't find this interview I May explode
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immortaltale · 1 year
pep: jurgen! klopp: they told me the last, the last question and then [inaudible] ten minutes pep: how's- how's your family? klopp: see you in six days pep: where's your family? [inaudible] pep: they have quality klopp: i told, i told- pep: we are rich people *laughs* klopp: i know, i know, i told her don't do it but she was against united, she was in the crowd pep: okay klopp: and got an elbow pep: yeah klopp: and now she wanted to go there pep: oh yeah klopp: but then the security, huh, and another guy *laughs* pep: bodyguard? klopp: yeah yeah yeah
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sneakyboymerlin · 6 months
This deleted scene. This transcript for it. The fact that it took place during the filming of 4x06 A Servant of Two Masters. What the fuque…
Transcript: https://chayiana.livejournal.com/64956.html
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 year
It’s become a bit of a trend of mine to write epistolary novel style fics that require tons of research for really mundane things. So, I’ve found myself with one regarding Ms. Perumal trying to find her kid, featuring phone calls varying in their level of helpfulness, anagrams, and a brochure about fishing locales.
Also written under the cut if a Google doc is not ideal.
Letter, addressed to Reynie Muldoon, Boatwright Academy, 100 Copernicus Road, ST0087
Dear Reynie,
Congratulations on your acceptance to Boatwright! I’m so proud of you, and I always will be. I sent a package with some of your belongings and a couple gifts from me, but do let me know if there’s anything I missed. And, of course, you are always welcome to reach out if you ever need me. You know where to find me.
I know this is a big change for you, but I also know that everything will turn out perfectly fine. You can do this! You’ll learn a lot more from the Boatwright Academy than what I could ever teach you, and I know that this will be a great opportunity for you. Though, as I’ve said, I’ll be here if you ever need me.
Much love,
Ms. Perumal
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and Boatwright Academy Offices
MAN: Boatwright Academy, how can I help you?
MS. PERUMAL: Good afternoon. I recently sent a package to Reynard Muldoon, a new student at your school? It just arrived back at my house, and I wanted to make sure that he was alright.
MAN: Things don’t just get sent back, maybe there was a mistake in the address you wrote. Nothing to worry about.
MS. PERUMAL: I’ve double checked it multiple times, I am certain that I haven’t made any errors.
MAN: Well, if there wasn’t a mistake, I’m afraid I can’t help you any more. We–
MS. PERUMAL: You’re the only ones that can! I cannot reach out to him any other way.
MAN: (sighing) What was the name? I’ll see what I can find but I can’t guarantee–
MS. PERUMAL: (frustrated) Muldoon. M-U-L-D-O-O-N. Reynard Muldoon.
MAN: Ma’am, I’m sorry, but–
MS. PERUMAL: This is the Boatwright Academy, isn’t it?
MAN: It is, but our policy states that we are not allowed to disclose any information about our students to non-family members.
MS. PERUMAL: (increasingly firm) Be that as it may, I sent a package to one of your students. Why was it returned?
MAN: I have no idea.
MS. PERUMAL: He is a student there, is he not?
MAN: Ma’am, there’s no Reynard Muldoon enrolled here.
MS. PERUMAL: There must be a mistake. Tell your headmaster that I’m on my way to talk to her in person.
(call ends)
Security Feed, Boatwright Academy Headmaster’s Office
(The HEADMASTER sits at her desk, typing something on a computer. After a moment, there is a knock at the door.)
(MS. PERUMAL enters and sits in the chair across from the HEADMASTER.)
HEADMASTER: (curtly) Ms. Perumal?
MS. PERUMAL: (just as curtly) Yes.
HEADMASTER: You are lucky that I agreed to see you, Ms. Perumal. You have no affiliation with anyone at this school, but we deemed it more beneficial to everyone involved if we prevented you from… (pause) breaking in.
(The HEADMASTER shifts to fully face MS. PERUMAL and places a paper in front of her.)
HEADMASTER: A class roster, M section, of course. You’ll notice there is no “Muldoon”.
(MS. PERUMAL picks up the paper and skims through it. She frowns.)
MS. PERUMAL: He would’ve been admitted just a few days ago, are you certain this is up to date?
HEADMASTER: (sighing) Yes. I printed it just this morning. Our records are updated upon any student’s admission. Reynard Muldoon is not a student here.
(MS. PERUMAL rifles through her bag and pulls out her own paper. It is a newspaper from a week or so prior. She places it on the table.)
MS. PERUMAL: What’s this then? (reading aloud) “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities? Boatwright Academy is offering gifted children a chance to participate in a special testing day. Children who pass the test will be offered a full scholarship to Boatwright Academy”. My student attended these exams, and, following their conclusion, I received a call that he had been admitted into the Boatwright Academy. (with force) Why is he not here?
(The HEADMASTER frowns.)
HEADMASTER: Those tests are run by an affiliate of ours. They informed us that no one had passed the tests this year.
(MS. PERUMAL looks stricken.)
HEADMASTER: Is there anything else?
MS. PERUMAL: No, I— no. (She clears her throat.) You’ve helped me enough. (MS. PERUMAL stands.) Thank you for your time.
HEADMASTER: Of course. I hope everything turns out well.
(MS. PERUMAL nods, turns, and exits the room.)
(feed ends)
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and The Stonetown Gazette Offices
CAROLINE: You’ve reached The Stonetown Gazette, my name is Caroline. What can I help you with today?
MS. PERUMAL: I’m looking for the name of the person or organization who ran the ad that offered scholarship opportunities for the Boatwright Academy. They did not include clear contact information and I’d like to get in touch.
CAROLINE: I’ll see what I can find, ma’am. What did the ad say, exactly?
MS. PERUMAL: In large font, “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?” It was quite unique.
CAROLINE: Ah, yes. I remember that one. Quite unique, indeed. Excuse me for a moment while I look for this, I’m going to put you on hold.
(soft piano music)
(several moments pass)
CAROLINE: Unfortunately, I only have a name, no further contact information, though I’m sure you could reach out to the Boatwright Academy for further details. It was paid for by Cheri Turpintown. Spelled C-H-E-R-I, T-U-R-P-I-N-T-O-W-N. Anything else I can do for you, ma’am?
MS. PERUMAL: Oh, no. That’s all I needed. Thank you very much.
CAROLINE: Of course! Have a nice day, now.
MS. PERUMAL: And you too.
(call ends)
Stonetown Registrar, List of Local Business Owners
Affiliation: Boatwright Academy
Phone: None
Address: None
Journal, Owned by Ms. Dipika Perumal
Cheri Turpintown
Placed the ad
No known address
Connections to Boatwright
Possibly the test proctor
truth in ceinoprw
prow cein ice
power cin inc
truth in power inc
Power in Truth Inc.
Stowntown Registrar, List of Local Businesses (Shell Companies)
Owner: Withheld by request
Phone: None
Address: None
PO Box: Power in Truth, Inc.
PO Box 2733
Stonetown, USA 02748
Security Feed, Stonetown Market (Video Only)
(MS. PERUMAL approaches a storefront. This store belongs to the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER greets her and asks a question. MS. PERUMAL shakes her head and asks something in return. She speaks for a moment, making some gestures with her hands, and eventually points toward the salmon displayed behind the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER frowns and shakes his head.)
(MS. PERUMAL says something more, and swiftly walks away and out of sight.)
Brochure, Stonetown Fish and Game Commission: Fishing Locations
There are a multitude of picturesque locations in and around Stonetown that are perfect for fishing. The waters off the coast are known for their catches of mackerel, sea bass, Atlantic cod, and plenty of other species. Beginners can find many coastal areas or freshwater ponds and rivers in the area, while more seasoned fishers can try their hand at sites off the coast.
Due to the importance of fishing on the local economy, fishing licenses are required in almost all shorelines and waters off the coast of Stonetown. Licenses can easily be acquired from the Stonetown Fish and Game Commission offices, but caution should still be taken to not fish in dangerous areas or private property.
Should one wish to spend a weekend casually fishing without a license, the Beauchamps Woods, central to one of Stonetown’s many public parks, is home to a two-mile stretch of shoreline where unlicensed fishing is permitted. For convenience, multiple trails lead to various spots in the area.
[image: A map of a section of Stonetown’s coast, which is surrounded by Beauchamps Woods. Multiple trails are marked in colorful lines throughout the area, most leading to various spots along the water. Across the water, on the edge of the map, one side of Harbor Island is pictured. Boxed in red, centered on the map, is a section of coast that is labeled “UNLICENSED FISHING AREA”.
This particular brochure copy has multiple trail ends crossed out but one, which seems to have a good view of Harbor Island, is circled in several frantic rings.]
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
[Video description: an instagram reel of a video call between two women and a man. The two women are from Israel. Only one woman does the talking. What they say is being captioned over the video between them (though not entirely accurate). Audio transcription: Woman: People in Gaza need to die! Man, serious: Is that seriously what you think? Woman: I am--I am kill two people Palestinia. Man: I don't believe you did that. Woman: I am in the army. In Israel. Man: Are you actually in the army? Woman: Yes! I--I am in the army, and I (mimics shooting someone, miming with finger guns) boom boom! Two people! Man: Two Palestinians? Woman, emphatic: Yes. Man: And you're happy about it? Woman, excitedly: Yes! Of course! I want to kill more, more more more! Man: The world's going to see your actions. End video description.]
If anyone knows these people, please feel free to expound on that!
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white-weasel · 9 months
Genuine question about audio transcription: when transcribing something from before a trans person came out and they have since changed their name, should I substitute usage of their deadname/pronouns for their new ones in brackets (denoting that it was something before but this is what it is now) or should I transcribe the audio directly, deadname and all, since that’s exactly what’s being said for equal accessibility to those reading?
In both cases when labeling the person speaking I would always use their new, chosen name (so something like “New Name: Hey everyone, I’m happy to be here.”) but I’m wondering for the actual name being said within the audio
I tried googling if there was standard practice on this but had a hard time finding anything, so any insight is appreciated!
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