twincitiesgeek · 9 months
The Twin Cities Geek 2024 Minnesota Convention Guide
Our guide to the coming year of conventions in Minnesota is here! Which ones will you be attending?
A new year is here, and that means it’s time to update your convention calendar. There’s at least one con happening in almost every month of the year, with events focusing on gaming, comics, sci fi and fantasy, anime, horror, LEGOs, Broadway musicals, general pop culture, and more. Fandom-specific events include conventions dedicated entirely to Doctor Who, Pokémon, The Vampire Diaries, and…
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austxnland · 4 months
Premios pre-apertura del foro
¡Buenas, Austies! Haremos una ronda de premios previo a que abra el foro y esa ronda de premios, se elegirá a través de una rifa. Se puede tener más de un número para ganar, dependiendo cuánto sea lo que hagan de las propuestas que les dejamos aquí abajo (si hacen diez de las propuestas, tienen derecho a diez números). Serán cien números que podrán elegir y cuando se haga la rifa mediante un bot virtual, irán ganando premios que van desde cuentas gratis, objetos costosos, subforos propios, dinero para comprar en la tienda y miles de ideas más que se nos irán ocurriendo.
Para todos los premios, asegúrate de definir claramente los criterios de elegibilidad, los premios a ser otorgados y cualquier regla o restricción adicional que pueda ser necesaria. Además, es importante comunicar claramente este sistema de premios a los participantes para fomentar una participación justa y transparente.
1) Casting más elaborados:
Seleccionaremos un panel de jueces imparcial y competente que evalúe cada casting. (Serán los mismos usuarios los que lo decidirán)
Se otorgará número de rifa a los tres mejores castings.
2) Registro en las primeras dos horas:
Establece un sistema de registro en línea con marca de tiempo para rastrear la hora exacta de registro en el foro apenas abierto. Quién se registre dentro de las primeras dos horas, tendrá un número para la rifa.
3) Búsquedas originales subidas a Tumblr:
Tendrá un número para la rifa quién suba búsquedas al TUMBLR del foro.
4) Picspam/Edits enviados a Tumblr:
Tendrá número para la rifa quien envíe edits al tumblr.
5) Participación en las consignas propuestas:
Quién participe en las consignas, podrá elegir un número.
6) Ser cordial e integrado con todos los usuarios nuevos:
Establece un sistema de monitoreo para identificar a los miembros de la comunidad que demuestran amabilidad, cortesía y disposición para ayudar a los nuevos usuarios.
Reconoceremos públicamente a los miembros de la comunidad que se destaquen por su cordialidad y apoyo a los recién llegados y les daremos dos números de rifa.
Consideramos la posibilidad de establecer un programa de "embajadores de la comunidad" que se encarguen específicamente de dar la bienvenida y apoyar a los nuevos miembros.
Otorga premios especiales o reconocimientos a los usuarios que se destaquen en esta área, mediante votación de la comunidad.
7) Traer nuevos usuarios o hacer promoción:
Los usuarios que traigan más usuarios o hagan promoción tendrán 1 número en la rifa.
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
Whumpmas in July - Day 15
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Prompt - “Stop”
Yes, this is ages late lol but BEHOLD. THE FIRST INSTALLMENT OF  “Bust Your Kneecaps” WHUMP. I think this story is more so going to be an excuse to write my favorite whump tropes than anything, but honestly I’m cool with that. XDD The Wilsons do go through a lot of whumpees after all, so. It works. :)
Anyway, welcome to my first crack at mouth whump, This piece doesn’t have too much of that in it, not like the second piece will, but it’s definitely whumpy. :) These two pieces can definitely read as a standalone, because Austin, our recently kidnapped whumpee, is just one of the dozens of victims the Wilsons have accumulated so. Yeah.
I don’t think this piece is as bad as the huge CW makes it seem, BUT please note this is one of the darker pieces I’ve written. Please proceed with caution.
CW: Amputation mention, begging, beginnings of mouth whump, blood, brief nausea (no actual emeto), broken bones, crying, cursing, death mention (no one actually dies), drool, gag, gangrene caused by infection (mentioned smell of rot), gore (?), food mention, hand whump (mentioned pulling fingernails, smashed, stabbed with fork), implied kidnapping, knife, mentioned unconsciousness, mutilation (hand),  !!non-con kiss with a minor (minor is 17 and is the one doing the kissing)!!, non-con touching (non-sexual), referenced past torture, sadistic whumpers, tied with rope, torture
Tagging: @whump-it​, @abitefullofwhump​ (Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the taglist!)
Austin’s First Tooth - Part 1
Austin has been stuck sitting in his own blood and filth for three days. He knows this because he’s watched those days go by through the drawn living room curtains in the form of golden sunlight and milky moonlight. It’s been wildly helpful in determining how long he’d been passed out from the pain.
Of course, the cheery “Good morning!” the Wilsons always start their days with is a pretty solid indicator.  
His wrist gives an involuntary twitch against the rope binding his wrists, and Austin lets out a muffled wail—way too loud for the early dawn sunlight filtering into the room. His hand, his completely smashed, mutilated hand. He can’t see it, but he remembers it. 
He gags at the memory, tastes burning bile on the back of his throat. Behind his eyes he sees his hand last night on the kitchen table, oozing blood and what can only be described as looking of macerated strawberries. They started in on his nails after that. 
All for refusing a second helping of Valerie Wilson’s casserole.
Austin turns his head against the memories, like looking away will help, when he’s met with something far worse. A smell. A horrible one, like something well and truly died beside him. 
Truthfully, he wouldn’t be surprised if something did, but the smell of rot is so pungent he can taste it. He wishes the horrible whirl of rose pink stepping down the stairs is shocking enough to take his mind off of it. Instead, Austin settles on breathing small, shallow breaths around the gag over his mouth. 
“Good morning, Austin!” Valerie coos when she reaches the bottom of the stairs, sickly sweet.
Austin doesn’t look at her straight on. He keeps his eyes on the too-perfect living room in front of him, knowing full well Valerie spins around the banister and steps into the kitchen. 
 “Well, a bit of an earlier morning than usual.” From the corner of his eye, Austin sees Valerie dip into the cupboards beneath the countertop and come up with a bowl. In the sink behind her is a rolling pin. The rolling pin. “You did wake us up with your crying, darling.”
Before he can think, Austin spits back “If you hadn’t smashed my fucking hand...” into his gag.
He hears the barely audible venom, too muffled to make out the words, and still he whips around to face Valerie and freezes. His breath catches. Did she hear him? She couldn’t have. His eyes widen on their own accord when she turns to look at him. 
But all she does is smile. “What do you think, Austin? Pancakes or French toast?”
Austin stares and slowly, oxygen snakes its way back into his lungs. “F-French toast,” he mutters weakly into his gag. Valerie points to the loaf of white bread on the counter and he nods. 
Valerie’s heels click against the tile as she sweeps through the kitchen, pulling eggs from the fridge and vanilla from a cupboard, never spending a moment too long in one place. And her dress. Coming down from his fear-fueled adrenaline high, Austin finds himself entranced by the way the bottom of her pink skirts brush against her calves and spin when she turns to the stove. She's fluid right now—in her element. Beautiful really. 
Then again, she held that same gorgeous air when she and Jude went to work on his hand. Like she was a blood-spattered, murderous ballerina.
There’s a heavy creak at the top of the stairs, and Austin finds himself staring at Lillian, Sunny, and Jude himself. Just like that, his stomach drops.
Lillian skips cheerfully down the steps, adjusting the sweet lavender bow in her hair when she reaches the bottom. She turns to Austin and flashes him a perfect smile. “Good morning, Austin!”
Austin doesn’t take his eyes off her until she reaches the far end of the kitchen. 
Today, she’s a total sweetheart. Last night, she tortured him. “Quiet, Austin,” she’d whispered to him, and then she dug her fingers into the bloody pulp of his hand. Just to see how he bleeds, she said. 
Austin had whined and tried to pull away, but she was behind him and so were his hands, and when she tugged at his ring finger, his whining turned to frantic, barely thought out pleas. “Nonono, stop, stop, stop it!” Lillian could hear him, not his words but those incoherent, desperate sounds the gag created. The way she continued, more enthusiastically shoving splintered bones apart, Austin could tell she loved to hear them.
Against his will, the pleas turned to cries. Lillian hummed to herself and dug her nails particularly deep into the skin around his thumb. Getting a grip, Austin realized helplessly. 
Without warning, she wrenched his finger, and pulling his thumb farther than it was ever meant to go, he screamed. He could barely feel the rush of fresh blood down his digits over the tearing of his own flesh.
Lillian slapped a blood-slick hand over his covered mouth and his nose and hissed at him again, “Quiet, Austin.” His scream withered back into whimpers when she added, “You don’t want to wake Daddy. If he comes down here, he’ll hurt you worse.” So Austin swallowed his cries—for the most part, because when your bones and the horrible tendons attached to them move in ways they shouldn’t, can you really stay silent? 
Which is why Austin is staring at her, even though he knows full well that she’s only barely worse than the others. 
Sunny comes stepping down the stairs after her. Austin watches his delicate hands dance over the banister. The two meet eyes, and when Sunny reaches the ground floor, he offers Austin a polite, “Good morning, Austin.” Austin turns back to the living room and flushes pink. 
Last night, Sunny kissed him.
In the dead of night, not too long after Lillian had finished with him, Sunny came creeping down the stairs, his fingers doing that same dance over the stair’s wooden guard rail. Austin watched him approach through teary eyes. His breathing was still shaky, hitching with every twitch of his fingers.
Without warning, Sunny rushed over to him, ripped his gag off his mouth, and sealed their lips in a passionate one-sided kiss. 
Austin’s eyes blew wide, and he pushed back against the back of his chair, trying to get away. That is, until he felt the edge of a blade pressing into his neck.
Austin froze, and Sunny deepened the kiss. Finally, after what felt like hours, Sunny pulled away and the pressure on his throat lessened. He must’ve figured the threat was clear enough. It was. 
Sunny brought the hand holding the blade around the back of Austin’s neck and pulled him close, careful not to nick him as he pressed Austin’s sweaty forehead to his. 
Austin shuddered being so close to him. His stomach flipped when he realized, worse still, that Sunny simply sat back and watched as his parents tortured him, Whatever display this was, it certainly couldn’t have been real.
Of course, it certainly felt real. Austin had never seen him as anything but quiet and polite, and now, well...
“I’ll be eighteen next year,” Sunny whispered breathlessly against Austin’s ear. “Until then I’ll keep you here, with me.”  He smiled a genuine smile and pressed their lips together again, in small pecks thankfully more chaste than the first. 
In that moment, feeling that shift in his mood, Austin dared to whimper against their joined lips, “P-please stop.”
Sunny froze at that, and then pulled back to look at Austin’s face fully for what felt like the first time. 
There was disappointment on his face, yes, but no definite signs of anger Austin realized. Still, the silence hanging in the air was thick and heavy. Austin couldn’t breathe. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow to fix you up,” Sunny said abruptly. He grabbed the cloth hanging around Austin’s neck and pulled it back into his mouth. “ You’ll need me.” 
Sunny started back up the steps. Austin finally breathed, and then the dread came back two fold as he pondered exactly what he meant by that. 
Now, the look Sunny gives him on his way to the kitchen is back as it usually is; well-mannered, almost respectful. Not the slightest bit worried. Somehow that doesn’t do anything to ease Austin’s nerves. 
Because last night, Sunny looked like none of those things, and after a visit from both him and Lillian, Austin had stared at the stairwell until he could barely keep his eyes open anymore. He needed to know who would be coming down those steps next. He needed to know why he’d ever need Sunny to fix him up and why he couldn’t just do it now. But no one came down those stairs, and he eventually fell into a light, dreamless sleep. 
Now there is someone at the top of those stairs. Jude, the last Wilson, and there’s something about his manner today that says this is what Sunny was talking about. Austin watches wide-eyed as Jude steps down the stairs, so horribly slow—at least that’s how it feels to him, because while Valerie is elegant and Lillian is sadistic and Sunny is apathetically passionate, he’s come to realize that Jude is raw. He’s made that very clear.  
Last night at dinner, with his legs still tied to the chair, Austin had sat at their table and eaten what he was offered. But after the casserole and the veggies and the sheer terror that stole his appetite away the moment his chair was sat down between Lillian and Jude, he wasn’t hungry when seconds started going around. 
“Oh, please reconsider, Austin,” Valerie said, holding the casserole dish in the crook of her arm. She walked around Austin and served Lillian with a small smile. 
“N-no, really, I’m fine.” Austin nervously fiddled with the fork by his empty plate but managed to shoot Valerie a scared polite smile. 
These people were acting so casual, like having your kidnapping victim at your table was normal. News flash, it was not normal. 
“Well, that’s quite alright.” Valerie served Sunny and then turned to Jude. “I suppose he just hasn’t been taught too much about etiquette, has he, Jude?” 
Jude smiled up at her from his chair, stood, and gave her a soft kiss on the head. Then he’d turned to Austin and taken his glasses off, a seemingly strange thing to do in the moment. But after that, all Austin remembers is blood and pain and panic. 
Somewhere along the line, his fork was wrenched from his hand, and Jude returned holding Valerie’s heavy wooden rolling pin. 
“Hand flat on the table, dear.” Valerie flashed Austin a winning smile. 
Austin looked between them, at Valerie’s smile and Jude’s unadorned face and finally the rolling pin he was holding like a baseball bat. Like hell was he about to do that. He decidedly shook his head and clenched his fingers tight together, clutching his hands to his chest. 
Valerie’s smile never faltered as she pulled his right fist from his grasp, spread his fingers wide, and splayed them out on the table, his palm against the tablecloth. Stronger than she looked. Jude pulled his arm back. 
“No, no, please, I’m sorry!” He didn’t know what he was sorry for, but he’d say anything to get these sadists away. It didn’t work.
“Don’t, don’t, DON’T—!”
Jude brought the pin down on Austin’s hand with a distinct crack! That’s all it took to get him screaming. 
“STOP! NONONO—” Jude hit him again. And again. And again. 
And Austin screamed again and again and again. They tore from Austin’s mouth, guttal, animalistic, growing more frantic as the blows quickened their pace. Until Austin wasn’t screaming anymore because he was passing out. 
Only whatever sick sense of humor this universe has, its jokes were at his expense. As soon as he was on the edge of numb unconsciousness, he jolted back awake, and the pain in his hand shot back worse. 
But he wasn’t bleeding yet, no, even though his hand was a crushed nightmare to look at. That didn’t happen until Jude brought out the fork.   
Staring at Jude now, coming down those steps, Austin feels the fork pierce his hand like it’s happening right now. He feels the resistance of his skin against the prongs, then the give of flesh and finally the white hot agony of blunt metal on bone. Again. And again. And again. 
Austin gasps when his bound hand twitches again, and that horrible stench of rot overtakes him again. 
His hand, Austin realizes, and he chokes. That smell of decay is his hand. The horror sets in sharp and fast, and he has to fight back tears. If he ever gets out of this place—when, he reminds himself harshly, when he gets out of this—they’ll have to cut it off.  
They’ll have to cut off his hand.  
Jude Wilson’s bleary form reaches the bottom of the stairs, and the first place he goes is the kitchen, where all the other Wilsons are. He gives Valerie a soft kiss on the head, and then Lillian and Sunny. And then he opens a drawer. 
Austin hears it, the scrape of kitchen utensils skidding on wood. Jude must find what he’s looking for because the drawer then shuts with a bang. 
“Good morning, Austin,” Jude says finally.
Austin blinks back the tears, stowing away his grief for another time, because Jude’s approaching him, and there’s something in his hands. 
Tongs? Austin guesses experimentally. Maybe scissors. But as the tears clear his eyes, he realizes—it’s a pair of pliers. Bloody pliers.  
“W-What are you doing?” Austin doesn’t take his eyes off the tool. 
“We haven’t finished your punishment for last night’s behavior, Austin.” Like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
But it’s not, and Austin’s eyes widen watching Jude come closer. What they did to his hand wasn’t enough? Now they’re going to add whatever the hell those pliers are for into the mix?
Jude crouches down beside his chair. Austin sends another glance at the tool in his hand and squirms against the ropes binding his wrists and legs. “What are you doing?” he asks warily again.
Jude ignores him and gives the pliers a click. 
“Open your mouth, Austin.”
Austin isn’t sure he’s heard him right, but there’s no room for interpretation when Jude digs his fingers into Austin’s jaw and grits out, slower, “Open your mouth, Austin.”
“N-no.” Austin tries to turn his head away against Jude’s bruising grip and presses his lips together. 
Jude doesn’t sigh or let out any other sounds of frustration. His fingers just dig deeper into his face and hold him steady, and the other ones, the ones holding the pliers, wriggle between his lips and pry his mouth open. 
“Be good and this’ll go fast, Austin. We’ll only take a few.”
A few?! A few teeth? Austin’s eyes sting with fresh tears. 
Jude presses the tool into Austin’s mouth. “Stawh,” Austin pleads, trembling. He tries to shake the intrusion from his mouth but Jude holds him fast. His tongue hits the pliers in his mouth and he tastes cold salty metal. “‘Lease.  ‘Lease stawh.”
Jude ignores him and the way his drool and tears leak onto his hand. Austin feels Jude’s hand push further into the side of his mouth, and the pliers knock between his molars with a small click. 
There’s no way to close his mouth now, not with that tool between his teeth. Satisfied, Jude turns to Valerie in the kitchen with a smile, then to Sunny and Lillian. “Come on now, don’t be shy. Valerie, are you alright to push breakfast back a bit?”
“Of course, darling.” Valerie herds Sunny and Lillian into the living room, and they gather around the bound captive in their living room. 
Austin eyes them all with squirrel-like skittishness. 
Jude pushes his glasses up on his nose and turns to Austin. He looks excited.
He turns back to his family, his hand still hanging from Austin’s mouth.
“What do you guys think? Should we start with a molar?”
To be continued...
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dejoyaenjoya · 4 years
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Let me introduce you the Seashell mismatched earrings by Gearry Suen (24 years old) 😲🐚😲 This young and talented designer could revolutionize modern luxury with another ones from his generation (as Austy Lee or Emmanuel Tarpin) next years for the naturality he has to make complex creations. His exquisite and personal taste catches any look 🔥 Innovation on an organic shape made in titanium & 18k gold with opals, yellow, brown & white diamonds, sapphires, paraiba tourmalines, aquamarines, blue and yellow zircons, heliodors and orange beryles.
Permíteme que te presente los pendientes desiguales Seashell de Gearry Sue (24 años) 🤩🐚🤩 Este joven y talentoso diseñador podría revolucionar el lujo moderno junto con otros de su generación (como Austy Lee o Emmanuel Tarpin) por la naturalidad que tiene para hacer creaciones complejas. Su gusto exquisito y personal atrapa cualquier mirada 🎯 Innovación sobre un diseño orgánico realizado en titanio y oro de 18k con ópalos, diamantes (amarillos, marrones y blancos), turmalinas paraibas, aguamarinas, zircones azules y amarillos, heliodoros y berilos naranjas.
#DeJoyaEnJoya #GearrySuen #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #HighJewelry #earrings #MismatchedEarrings #seashell #caracola #concha #spiral #JewelryDesigner #revolutionary
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sardegnapradio · 5 years
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Carnevale a Genoni 2020 La Pro Loco di Genoni, in collaborazione con il Comune di Genoni, organizza: Carnevale a Genoni 2020. Domenica 1 marzo, dalle ore 16:00 Sfilata di maschere tradizionali sarde: Boes e Merdules Bezzos – Ottana Sos Colonganos – Austis Su Sennoreddu e s’Iscusorzu – Teti I Sonaggios e s’Urzu – Ortueri A seguire, ore 18:00 circa balli presso la piazza ex- Scuole Elementari in compagnia di: Fabrizio Bandinu – chitarra Alessandro Melis – voce e trunfa Matteo Casula – organetto Carlo Crisponi – voce Luca Schirru – launeddas e pippiolu In piazza anche panini e bibite. Per maggiori informazioni: [email protected] Facebook: Pro Loco Cesarino Piseddu – Genoni #sardegnapuntoradio #genoni #carnevale #carnevale2020 #sardegna #sardinia (presso Genoni) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8iycWFKbT0/?igshid=d20898smf7z
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sardegnaterraemare · 2 years
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📌 Austis e dintorni ❤️ Complimenti a @vandelustravel per questo fantastico post 👏👏👏 ✔️ Visita il nostro sito internet sardegnaterraemare.it per conoscere la #sardegna con noi (presso Austis) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce5iTpMDbH0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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La leggenda della ragazza di Cabras
Nel centro della Sardegna c'è un luogo ricco di boschi, una valle ricoperta da una fitta vegetazione mediterranea in cui gli arbusti di mirto, leccio e lentischio si aggrovigliano tra imponenti massi calcarei. Nell' incantevole territorio del Mandrolisai, nel territorio di Austis , la natura è un incanto, testimone silenziosa e impotente di un amore struggente, consumato tanto tempo fa dove si narra che;
In un tiepido giorno d’inverno un gruppo di pastori proveniente da Austis giunse finalmente in pianura, nella piccola cittadina di Cabras, è qui nacque l’amore tra un affascinante giovanotto che rimase colpito da una fanciulla del posto: il suo nome rimane un mistero, ma si dice fosse giovane e bellissima, avvolta nel magnifico abito locale.
Bastò un semplice sguardo e tra i due fu subito idillio, tanto che si scambiarono doni e promesse di matrimonio. Ma quell’idillio, nato in un giorno d’inverno, si spezzò in primavera, quando il giovane pastore riprese la via della montagna, lasciando la ragazza in attesa del suo promesso ritorno. Passarono i giorni e la fanciulla, stufa di aspettare e preoccupata per le sorti del suo amato, decise di incamminarsi verso Austis per capire cosa fosse accaduto. Il sentiero impervio e faticoso non la spaventava, la fanciulla proseguì lungo il cammino, desiderosa solo di riabbracciare il suo innamorato. Al suo arrivo, però, nessun abbraccio, nessuna dolce parola. La giovane ragazza scoprì l’inganno di quell’amore: il pastore, quel giovane che doveva sposarla, era in realtà già legato a una donna del posto. Affranta dal dolore, la fanciulla decise di riprendere la via di casa, ma non giunse mai a destinazione. Durante il suo ritorno a valle, nel sentiero che riporta alla pianura, la giovane venuta da lontano decise di fermarsi per rivolgere un ultimo sguardo al paese del suo amato, ma il dispiacere fu così forte che rimase pietrificata per sempre. La donna di Cabras, “Sa Crabarissa”, è ancora lì, avvolta per sempre in una splendida veste di pietra, che guarda solitaria il suo amore perduto.
Questa leggenda veniva tramandata oralmente specialmente ai più giovani , come metodo d'insegnamento e con l'invito di non giocare con i sentimenti altrui.
( Leggende Sarde) Foto de sa Crabarissa un masso granitico alto 50 metri
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berkelita · 3 years
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👵 Cuentan los más viejos que un día Quetzalcóatl, el dios grande y bueno, se fue a viajar una vez por el mundo. 🌟 Cuando Quetzalcóatl camino hasta que las estrellas comenzaron a brillar y la luna se asomó a la ventana de los cielos. decidió pasar la noche con la liebre que estaba en el campo. 🥘 Ya con la oscuridad en el cielo, Dios Quetzalcóatl, le preguntó a la liebre si tenía algo para cenar. 🐰 La liebre preparó unas hierbas mientras el Dios Quetzalcóatl, 🛌 se tumbaba a mirar las estrellas, suponemos que pensando algo como: "qué hermoso me ha quedado el universo". 🔥 De repente, Dios, sumido en el típico déficit de atención que le caracteriza, se percató de que olía a quemado. 🐰 🔥 Era la liebre, que había decidido autococinarse para que Dios pudiera comer. 🏃 Corriendo y sin dudarlo rescató a la liebre, curó sus heridas, Entonces el dios Quetzalcóatl, acarició al conejito y le dijo: 👑 Tú serás más que un conejito, pero todo el mundo, para siempre, se ha de acordar de ti. 🌑 lo levantó alto, muy alto, hasta la luna, donde quedó estampada la figura del conejo. 🎢Después el dios lo bajó a la tierra y le dijo: 🌔🐰 Ahí tienes tu retrato en luz, para todos los hombres y para todos los tiempos. 🌒Desde entonces y para siempre, una de las caras de la luna deja ver la silueta de la liebre. 💫La leyenda chinanteca (extracto de El Conejo en la Cara de la Luna de Alfredo López Austi 💞Que esta noche te conectes con tus hijos en un nivel tan profundo como el amor del conejo 🐇 a Dios Ese es mi deseo para ti, de todo corazón. 💞Me gustaría que lo compartieras en comentarios. 💝Ayúdame a llegar a más mujeres guardando este post para que llegue a más mujeres 👯‍♀️SÚMATE a la Tribu, dando like 👍 #aromaterapia #energiafemenina #alquimiafemenina #aceitesesenciales #objetivoserfeliz #mujerholistica #emociones #sanandoelalma #somostribu #mamablogger #cambiodevida (en Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWb4N_WMOQ6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jormiboced · 3 years
The Great Bug hunt
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twincitiesgeek · 2 years
The Twin Cities Geek 2022 Minnesota Convention Guide
Our annual guide to Minnesota conventions is here—featuring a few new events on the scene in 20231
Doom Patrol cosplayers at Twin Cities Con 2022. Madeleine Vasaly If you’re like me and your 2023 New Year’s resolution is to make more adult friends with similar interests but also keep up with the young ones and make more trendy TikToks, then you probably want to hit up as many conventions as you can this year. As always, Twin Cities Geek is your go-to resource. Check out our list below to find…
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austxnland · 4 months
Queridos austies
Queridos usuarios: La primera semana de vida del foro ha pasado, y estos son los hitos y avisos más importantes al respecto.
Iniciamos on rol la semana del 9 de abril de 1890 al 13 de abril de 1890. Nueva semana, nuevos chismes.
El diseño del nuevo skin del foro está próximo a su fin. ¡Paciencia que ya casi!
La tienda del foro también está casi lista. Muchas gracias por su paciencia, ¡y comiencen a contar sus chelines!
La Trama I del foro Baile de Debutantes ha dado inicio. Personajes de todos los grupos tienen tiempo para ingresar a ella hasta la noche del próximo lunes, momento en el que la segunda etapa de la trama dará lugar. Así que ya saben, ¡busquen sus mejores galas, vestidos, y modales! O bien, sus astucias.
Hemos creado un sistema de reputación que complementa el sistema de Stats.
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giuannemancasardus · 5 years
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Le casate di regnanti a noi conosciute sono i Lacon Gunale, Lacon Zori e Lacon Serra, per poi passare ai Serra Bas, Doria Bas e infine Narbona Bas. Le ultime tre dinastie, specialmente la Serra Bas, ricoprirono un ruolo di grande rilievo nella storia sarda e la prima tra loro fu quella che si impegnò maggiormente nell’obiettivo di unificare tutta l’isola sotto il proprio scettro, cacciando pisani e catalano-aragonesi in una serie di guerre che terminarono solo nel 1420.
Il territorio arborense, come quello degli altri giudicati, era diviso in curadorias, suddivisioni amministrative per la gestione giuridica, fiscale e della sicurezza del giudicato attraverso la figura del majore de curadoria, investito direttamente dal judike, a cui rispondeva personalmente. Ogni curadoria aveva giurisdizione su un certo numero di villaggi o biddas, gestite a loro volta da un majore de bidda scelto dal suo diretto superiore.
Questo sistema amministrativo molto sofisticato e totalmente alieno a quello feudale permetteva un sistema accentrato e decentrato allo stesso tempo, evitando quello spezzettamento in feudi familiari e dinastici che fu la rovina dell’impero carolingio e ottoniano.
Le curadorias arborensi furono 14 per la maggior parte della storia del regno: Barbagia di Austis, Barbagia di Belvì, Barbagia di Ollolai, Barigadu, Bonorzuli, Campidano Maggiore, Campidano di Milis, Campidano di Simaxis, Guilcer, Mandrolisai, Marmilla, Montis, Usellus e infine Valenza, per un totale di 5.500 km².
Ebbe tre capitali ufficiali, l’antica città di Tharros, che venne abbandonata formalmente alla fine dell’XI secolo, quella più longeva e famosa di Oristano, che perdurò fino alla caduta in mano aragonesi nel 1410, e infine Sassari, negli ultimi dieci anni di indipendenza, fino al 1420.
Va specificato, però, che il termine capitale è un po’ fuorviante, in quanto la corte era di solito itinerante e si spostava di curadoria in curadoria, per sorvegliare l’operato dei majorales. Forse solo nel tardo periodo arborense, quello delle gloriose e sanguinose guerre contro i catalano-aragonesi, Oristano assunse un ruolo centrale di rilievo come centro del potere sovrano di Mariano IV Bas Serra.
Ad ogni modo l’Arborea fu il rennu che sempre coltivò l’ambizione di unificare l’isola. Il primo tra tutti fu Barisone I, che nel XII secolo vantava legami con tutte le altre famiglie giudicali e continentali, tra cui genovesi e catalane. Durante l’ennesima guerra che oppose Pisa a Genova, entrambe con interessi contrapposti sull’isola, questi invase Calari nel 1163, venendo poi respinto dalla coalizione filo-pisana di Calari e Torres.
Non pago di questo tentativo, l’ambizioso judike acquistò per 4.000 marchi d’argento l’investitura di Rex Sardiniae all’imperatore Friedrich Barbarossa, venendo solennemente incoronato da questi nella cattedrale di San Siro, a Pavia, il 10 agosto 1164. Con questo titolo, per altro solo nominale, puntava ad unificare l’isola sotto il suo scettro, attraverso il sostegno dei ghibellini italiani. Il suo progetto fu vanificato dai banchieri genovesi che, accortisi che non poteva ripagare i debiti contratti per il suo titolo, lo trattennero in ostaggio a Genova per ben 7 anni.
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freedomtripitaly · 5 years
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Alla scoperta dell’entroterra sardo, lungo un itinerario che si snoda dal 7 settembre al 15 dicembre, attraverso trentadue incantevoli borghi della Sardegna. La rassegna Autunno in Barbagia, conosciuta come Cortes Apertas, porta ogni anni i visitatori nel cuore della provincia di Nuoro per scoprire le tradizioni, la cultura e la gastronomia tipiche di questa terra. Giunta ormai alla XXIV edizione, nata ad Oliena del 1996, talemanifestazione – anno dopo anno – ha coinvolto sempre più paesi e piccole realtà sarde, aprendo le porte ai turisti durante il periodo extra vacanziero: nei fine settimana le case storiche invitano nelle loro cortes, mentre i centri si riempiono di iniziative, incontri, antichi mestieri e sagre. Ogni borgo, a turno, riceve il testimone di questa rassegna itinerante. Ecco l’elenco dei paesi coinvolti quest’anno: Bitti, 7-8 settembre Oliena 14-15 settembre Austis, 21-22 settembre Orani, 21-22 settembre Dorgali, 28-29 settembre Sarule, 28-29 settembre Tonara, 28-29 settembre Gavoi, 5-6 ottobre Lula, 5-6 ottobre Meana Sardo, 5-6 ottobre Lollove, 12-13 ottobre Onani, 12-13 ottobre Orgosolo, 12-13 ottobre Sorgono, 19-20 ottobre Aritzo, 26-27 ottobre Ottana, 26-27 ottobre Desulo, 1-2-3 novembre Mamoiada, 1-2-3 novembre Nuoro, 9-10 novembre Tiana, 9-10 novembre Atzara, 16-17 novembre Olzai, 16-17 novembre Ovodda, 16-17 novembre Ollolai, 23-24 novembre Orotelli, 23-24 novembre Gadoni, 30-1 dicembre Oniferi 30-1 dicembre Teti, 30-1 dicembre Fonni, 7-8 dicembre Ortueri, 7-8 dicembre Orune, 14-15 dicembre Il territorio, tra vallate, canyon e foreste incontaminate avvolto nel profumo del corbezzolo, del mirto e della macchia mediterranea vi aspetta in un emozionante trekking tra le querce secolari e sentieri avventurosi da percorrere con uno zaino in spalla. Durante il percorso non potrete fare a meno di ritrovarvi nel mezzo di folcloristici balli tradizionali con le voci dei tenores; il carnevale barbaricino, un rito ancestrale, vi porterà in un mondo dal sapore parallelo, con le sue suggestive e grottesche maschere lignee che si muovono al suono ritmato di campane e campanacci: un tempo, secondo la tradizione locale, si diceva potessero influire sulle sorti dell’annata agraria. Godetevi i racconti e le descrizioni di Grazia Deledda, ma non dimenticate l’archeologia: i nuraghi, le tombe dei giganti e le fonti sacre sono rare bellezze assolutamente da vedere prima di tornare a casa. Ovviamente festeggiate ogni giornata della vostra visita, con la genuinità di una cucina sana e saporita: i formaggi freschi dal sapore delicato o stagionati dal gusto più deciso, sempre accompagnati dal pane fragrante cotto nei tradizionali forni a legna, non possono mancare sulla tavola sarda. Macarrones, malloreddos e culurgiones: la pasta fresca dell’isola ha nomi particolari ma un gusto semplice capace di conquistare tutti i palati; se poi vienaccompagnata da un ottimo bicchiere di vino offerto dai paesani della zona, ha decisamente una marcia in più. Forse, l’elisir di lunga vita, abita proprio qui. https://ift.tt/2HRunW6 Cortes Apertas, l’autunno magico della Barbagia Alla scoperta dell’entroterra sardo, lungo un itinerario che si snoda dal 7 settembre al 15 dicembre, attraverso trentadue incantevoli borghi della Sardegna. La rassegna Autunno in Barbagia, conosciuta come Cortes Apertas, porta ogni anni i visitatori nel cuore della provincia di Nuoro per scoprire le tradizioni, la cultura e la gastronomia tipiche di questa terra. Giunta ormai alla XXIV edizione, nata ad Oliena del 1996, talemanifestazione – anno dopo anno – ha coinvolto sempre più paesi e piccole realtà sarde, aprendo le porte ai turisti durante il periodo extra vacanziero: nei fine settimana le case storiche invitano nelle loro cortes, mentre i centri si riempiono di iniziative, incontri, antichi mestieri e sagre. Ogni borgo, a turno, riceve il testimone di questa rassegna itinerante. Ecco l’elenco dei paesi coinvolti quest’anno: Bitti, 7-8 settembre Oliena 14-15 settembre Austis, 21-22 settembre Orani, 21-22 settembre Dorgali, 28-29 settembre Sarule, 28-29 settembre Tonara, 28-29 settembre Gavoi, 5-6 ottobre Lula, 5-6 ottobre Meana Sardo, 5-6 ottobre Lollove, 12-13 ottobre Onani, 12-13 ottobre Orgosolo, 12-13 ottobre Sorgono, 19-20 ottobre Aritzo, 26-27 ottobre Ottana, 26-27 ottobre Desulo, 1-2-3 novembre Mamoiada, 1-2-3 novembre Nuoro, 9-10 novembre Tiana, 9-10 novembre Atzara, 16-17 novembre Olzai, 16-17 novembre Ovodda, 16-17 novembre Ollolai, 23-24 novembre Orotelli, 23-24 novembre Gadoni, 30-1 dicembre Oniferi 30-1 dicembre Teti, 30-1 dicembre Fonni, 7-8 dicembre Ortueri, 7-8 dicembre Orune, 14-15 dicembre Il territorio, tra vallate, canyon e foreste incontaminate avvolto nel profumo del corbezzolo, del mirto e della macchia mediterranea vi aspetta in un emozionante trekking tra le querce secolari e sentieri avventurosi da percorrere con uno zaino in spalla. Durante il percorso non potrete fare a meno di ritrovarvi nel mezzo di folcloristici balli tradizionali con le voci dei tenores; il carnevale barbaricino, un rito ancestrale, vi porterà in un mondo dal sapore parallelo, con le sue suggestive e grottesche maschere lignee che si muovono al suono ritmato di campane e campanacci: un tempo, secondo la tradizione locale, si diceva potessero influire sulle sorti dell’annata agraria. Godetevi i racconti e le descrizioni di Grazia Deledda, ma non dimenticate l’archeologia: i nuraghi, le tombe dei giganti e le fonti sacre sono rare bellezze assolutamente da vedere prima di tornare a casa. Ovviamente festeggiate ogni giornata della vostra visita, con la genuinità di una cucina sana e saporita: i formaggi freschi dal sapore delicato o stagionati dal gusto più deciso, sempre accompagnati dal pane fragrante cotto nei tradizionali forni a legna, non possono mancare sulla tavola sarda. Macarrones, malloreddos e culurgiones: la pasta fresca dell’isola ha nomi particolari ma un gusto semplice capace di conquistare tutti i palati; se poi vienaccompagnata da un ottimo bicchiere di vino offerto dai paesani della zona, ha decisamente una marcia in più. Forse, l’elisir di lunga vita, abita proprio qui. Cortes Apertas, la rassegna Autunno in Barbagia, porta ogni anni i visitatori nel cuore della provincia di Nuoro per scoprire tradizioni e sapori.
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dejoyaenjoya · 5 years
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The Flamingo Pink earrings by Austy Lee from The Garden of Myth collection 💟🧡💟 made in 18k rose gold with heated Mozambican rubies, fancy orange diamonds and more rubies.
Pendientes The Flamingo Pink del diseñador hongkonés Austy Lee, de la colección The Garden of the Myth 🧡💞🧡 realizados en oro rosa de 18 kilates con rubíes calentados de Mozambique, diamantes fancy naranja y más rubíes.
#DeJoyaEnJoya #AustyLee #ArtJewelry #JewelryArt #earrings #RubyJewelry #HongKong #FancyDiamond #diamond #orange #vivid #intense
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sardegnapradio · 4 years
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Posted @sandros.erra Sul calar della sera ed in direzione del tramonto sa crabarissa, la ragazza di Cabras, tornava a casa. Non vi meravigli se proprio in quel punto della montagna stesse raccogliendo le proprie forze per oltrepassare con un sol balzo il fiume Tirso lì sotto, avendo essa una statura leggermente sopra la media di almeno 30 metri. 😏 In quell'istante si voltò ancora una volta verso il paese di Austis ed il suo cuore non resse: diventò duro come una delle più dure pietre, il granito. Ma tanto forte fu il suo dolore che si espanse per tutto il corpo, costume tradizionale compreso, tramutandolo in quell'enorme statua che ora svetta davanti ai nostri occhi. Più nessun bacio ora l'attende se non quelli che il sole a suo capriccio decide di regalarle. Mai nessuna carezza, come sognava, potrà avere dall'uomo desiderato ma solo quelle eterne del vento che la sfiora. È l'unico, il vento, che manterrà la promessa ed un giorno lontanissimo, pietosamente ed anche molto dolcemente, la consumerà fino a darle pace, nella strada per tornare a casa. . . . . . #sardegna #unionesarda #sardiniatales #sardegnagram #igersardegna #sardinia #sardinia_exp #lecodibarbagia #lauralaccabadora #sardiniaexperience #sardinia_photogroup #igersardegna #sardiniamylove #sardiniacultura_photogroup #sardegna_puntoradio #bestsardegnapics #vivosardegna #sardegna_cartoline #instasardegna #yallerssardegna #welcometosardegna #lanuovasardegna #sardegna_illife #alluring_sardegna #sardegnaterraemare #sardegnaofficial #sardegnalive #sardegna_super pics #sardegna_in_grande #sardegnageographic (presso Sa Crabarissa) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBNPHhIq2pJ/?igshid=dpfy9l3vips1
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weirdcards-org · 6 years
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Come for #mtg #war release at Austi-Con, May 3-5! (at Austin, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/weirdcards_org/p/BvhBJWtnEbN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16qoopp7nsrx1
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