#Australian Values
axvoter · 2 years
Blatantly Partisan Party Review I (Victoria 2022): Angry Victorians Party
Prior review: federal 2022 (as the Australian Values Party)
What I said before: “such is the character of a man who has decided to call his party Australian Values, which I can only conclude is either a piss-take or a reflection of a very warped idea of ‘values’.”
What I think this election: Heston Russell—the ex-military controversy magnet mentioned in the quote above—founded the Australian Values Party to contest the federal election back in May. The state branch is the Angry Victorians Party. Someone somewhere is very pleased with themselves that these both abbreviate to AVP.
If this off-putting name immediately made you assume this party is for the most cantankerous and disagreeable people in the state, then you're on the right track. Its members include Catherine Cumming, a regressive bigot and anti-vax protester who was elected to the Legislative Council for Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party in 2018 and got disendorsed before she was even sworn in.
You won’t have much trouble guessing what the Angry Victorians Party is angry about. Yup, this is an anti-lockdowns party. They want legislation to restrict emergency powers but at no point indicate how they would have approached the pandemic or what general framework they think is appropriate for government responses to crises. They want politicians to be personally liable for their actions which is obviously code for “jail Daniel Andrews”. Politicians are accountable for their actions at the ballot box and can be prosecuted for offences in office; what these angry idiots want is to expand liability in ways that are implausible or dysfunctional in terms of cabinet government or parliamentary democracy and to have their vexatious legal demands legitimised.
The AVP’s small business policy is also really about lockdowns. They want business owners to be able to “assess and accept the relative risks for their own business, staff and families”. Yes, that’s right, bosses will make decisions for their workers. Got a shithead angry boss who wants to force you to work during a pandemic before there are vaccines or effective treatments? The AVP thinks this is fine and they would have risked your health during 2020. This is a contemptuous policy.
Even the AVP’s policies that have good aspects are flawed. They want to decriminalise marijuana and invest in suicide prevention, but this is as part of “broader alternative and natural mental health treatments”. Given the company they keep, it simply makes me wonder what snake oil they are happy to swallow.
The name is apt: this is just kneejerk anger without solutions.
My recommendation: Give the Angry Victorians Party a weak or no preference. Remember to vote below the line on the large ballot for the Legislative Council so that your preference goes where you want it to go; all ballots with 5 or more preferences marked below the line are valid votes.
Website: https://australianvalues.org.au/angryvictorians
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mycitizenshiptests · 10 months
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time-is-restored · 10 months
our foreign affairs minister shut off her phone line over the last few days. within the last few weeks of me calling it went from automated message about who to contact for consular assistance, then straight to a person -> prerecorded message with a dedicated 'press 1 to register your views on the israeli palestinian conflict' -> if you want to express your views on Anything you are taken to a message saying 'we can't always answer every call, please contact us via our website instead' and it hangs up on you. can't talk to a person.
i can still so vividly remember the years when penny wong (foreign affairs) specifically used to be the one good politician everyone would look towards for hope in our political space. we wanted her to be prime minister. idpol analysis specifically hoped that her race and sexuality had granted her a more empathetic and critical perspective on politics. now she's the one being called out by name in protest chants. our prime minister used to attend pro-palestinian rallies - we trusted them, our muslim + arab population trusted them. and now This.
apparently ethics and values mean nothing in the face of supporting US interests in the middle east. another minute that any of them spend in power is one minute to many.
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estradasphere · 4 months
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My hoodie here yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy🎉🎉🎉🎉
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retiredtothebriars · 9 months
it really sucks actually that australia doesn't have a go-away-for-uni culture bc some of the closest and strongest friendships ive made were from staying in a dorm during my exchange like i've somehow remained friends with some of these people across the world and for 10+ years now, while i don't have any friendships from uni that lasted at all.
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mumblesplash · 2 years
TRAGICALLY underappreciated bit i pulled back in australia was when one of the yard podcast guys was aimlessly yanking our entire group around sydney on foot and refusing to tell any of us where we were going so me and a couple others started lagging behind a bit looking grumpy and when joshman came over to play peacekeeper we had pulled up the wikihow page for “mutiny”
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constellaris-a · 2 years
i hate asking for literally anything,  but i’m basically at my limit. if anyone can spare anything at all,  i would appreciate it more than words can ever express. for the past seven months i’ve been basically fighting to make ends meet in this household,  and while one roommate has been doing everything she can to help,  it’s become too much for the two of us when the third basically refuses to part with a cent aside from rent. at this point in time,  i don’t really know what i can offer in return for any donations,  but i can try to find something? right now,  we need over $400AUD to cover electricity and gas bills,  both of which are close to being overdue. here is my paypal.me link,  but please don’t feel even remotely pressured to send anything,  especially if it means you would be putting yourself at risk in any way.
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fayeandknight · 2 years
Sometimes I like to play hide and seek with the dogs. It's a really good mental workout for them and very entertaining for me.
Want to guess if Faye the Corgi x ACD mix or Forte the Belgian Tervuren tends to find me first?
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wiser-girl · 1 year
My mother seriously just took the muffin I was given at a bakery today bc we were there when they were closing so they gave it to me for free and says she’s giving it to our neighbour bc I’m so fat I clearly don’t need it I’m fucking LIVID
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bitchfitch · 2 years
my greatest and most inconsequential pet peeve will always be cc's who give a value in Dollars without ever specifying Which dollar theyre talking about.
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baddingtonbitch · 2 years
antifeminist women are literally some of the goofiest people on the planet. fighting for a world where you won’t be able to fight for anything, talking non stop in service of people who want to revoke your right to talk at all, just to get in good with men who do not care and will never care if you live or die. loser behaviour. chumpette licking chump boots. teacher’s pet at clown college.
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mycitizenshiptests · 10 months
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techdriveplay · 2 months
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sportsallover · 8 months
I’m so impressed to see Luca win in a five-setter against a player such as Lorenzo Musetti. I love Lorenzo’s tennis, so it was a pleasure to watch him play, and it made me all the more happy to see that Luca used a similar play style here. Really great match, on both sides!
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Happy New Financial Year!
Happy New Financial Year to all in #Auslaw. It’s that strange time of the year when we start all over again as if the previous 12 months didn’t happen. Only it is not quite as simple as that. From today: most lawyers will be charging clients 10% or more extra for their services, with little or no explanation about where the extra value is being delivered and with the new fee rate being…
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