#Australian Values Party
axvoter · 2 years
Blatantly Partisan Party Review I (Victoria 2022): Angry Victorians Party
Prior review: federal 2022 (as the Australian Values Party)
What I said before: “such is the character of a man who has decided to call his party Australian Values, which I can only conclude is either a piss-take or a reflection of a very warped idea of ‘values’.”
What I think this election: Heston Russell—the ex-military controversy magnet mentioned in the quote above—founded the Australian Values Party to contest the federal election back in May. The state branch is the Angry Victorians Party. Someone somewhere is very pleased with themselves that these both abbreviate to AVP.
If this off-putting name immediately made you assume this party is for the most cantankerous and disagreeable people in the state, then you're on the right track. Its members include Catherine Cumming, a regressive bigot and anti-vax protester who was elected to the Legislative Council for Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party in 2018 and got disendorsed before she was even sworn in.
You won’t have much trouble guessing what the Angry Victorians Party is angry about. Yup, this is an anti-lockdowns party. They want legislation to restrict emergency powers but at no point indicate how they would have approached the pandemic or what general framework they think is appropriate for government responses to crises. They want politicians to be personally liable for their actions which is obviously code for “jail Daniel Andrews”. Politicians are accountable for their actions at the ballot box and can be prosecuted for offences in office; what these angry idiots want is to expand liability in ways that are implausible or dysfunctional in terms of cabinet government or parliamentary democracy and to have their vexatious legal demands legitimised.
The AVP’s small business policy is also really about lockdowns. They want business owners to be able to “assess and accept the relative risks for their own business, staff and families”. Yes, that’s right, bosses will make decisions for their workers. Got a shithead angry boss who wants to force you to work during a pandemic before there are vaccines or effective treatments? The AVP thinks this is fine and they would have risked your health during 2020. This is a contemptuous policy.
Even the AVP’s policies that have good aspects are flawed. They want to decriminalise marijuana and invest in suicide prevention, but this is as part of “broader alternative and natural mental health treatments”. Given the company they keep, it simply makes me wonder what snake oil they are happy to swallow.
The name is apt: this is just kneejerk anger without solutions.
My recommendation: Give the Angry Victorians Party a weak or no preference. Remember to vote below the line on the large ballot for the Legislative Council so that your preference goes where you want it to go; all ballots with 5 or more preferences marked below the line are valid votes.
Website: https://australianvalues.org.au/angryvictorians
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halfsixwakeup · 1 year
Can we appreciate the lunacy of season 9's plot so far? (I have seen some edits and corrections, and you are all absolutely right. I have now updated it)
>Bird man piles up diamonds to mine later
>Some of his neighbours also do this, but with more diamonds
>Neighbourhood-wide competition ensues
>Minor "war" over this, including missiles, portals and australian physics
>War ends, diamonds collected
>Everyone now has so many diamonds they have lost value
>Guy who is possibly part dog is declared king by a silly little guy covered in moss, and has everyone hand over all diamonds
>Dog Guy sets up a quest system with the diamonds as rewards
>Economy re-stabilises
> Dwarf hosts a DoomGuy themed party in Dog Guy's basement
>Dog Guy goes mad with power, recruits Zombie puppet-master, Flying Gun Vigilante, Literal Basement-Dweller (Positive) and Joe Hills. He also bans partying
>Local soup-obsessed Dwarf, Elf and Janitor start a revolution based on a vague interpretation of a prompt from a moustache-themed robot from another dimension.
>They recruit Birdman to assist their resistance and assassinate the King
>Civil unrest leads to a full scale revolt and raiding of the King's vault
>The King is killed by the dwarf and freed from a curse that made him evil
>Moustache Robot reopens dimensional tear and shenanigans ensue, including the Janitor being a Goddess
>Other dimensional visitors follow them back through the portal, hang out for a few weeks, and leave.
>A trading card game exists and is actually pretty cool
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An Australian lawyer's view of Trump being the front runner for the GOP presidential nomination
As an Australian living in a constitutional democracy and a defence lawyer I’m finding the whole Trump saga extremely disturbing. Disturbing that an individual who has attacked democratic norms and values, sneered at the jurisdiction of the courts and justice system and attempted to destroy any or all of the tenets of democracy, freedom for minorities and common decency is the front runner for the Republican nomination for president and if successful could have all federal convictions and charges brought against him expunged or otherwise dismissed. Had Trump been subject to Australian law he wouldn’t be a contender for any political position, he’d have challenges being appointed a dog catcher because no political party in Australia would have either defended or sanctioned his behaviour and he would have most certainly been expelled from every political party, no matter how conservative or left leaning. The Republican parties blind support of Trump that could land him back in the White House is a real and present danger not just to America but to the free world and risks American alliances carefully developed and nurtured over decades since the Second World War. Careful consideration should be taken when appointing a person to such power over national security, nuclear arms and a judicial system and diplomatic network which he has already demonstrated a willingness to weaponise in his own interest.* --Richard Busuttil, Australia, commenting on a NY Times opinion column
Seen through the eyes of this Australian lawyer, the Republican Party's decision to keep backing the traitorous Trump seems not only incredibly corrupt, but foolhardy and frightening.
Trump's comeback would not be possible if a majority of prominent Republicans had denounced him--and preferably impeached him after his attempted coup.
Clearly, Trump's behavior would not have been tolerated by many people in Australia or by many people in other affluent constitutional democracies. (Even Brazil has moved faster to prosecute Bolsonaro for spreading false information about the Brazilian election system.)
The character of the American people who vote for Trump must also be in question by the people in many constitutional democracies around the world.
If the U.S. reelects Trump, America will no longer be considered a beacon for freedom and democracy, nor the leader (or even a leader) of "the free world."
We as a nation will be in freefall, moving rapidly towards autocracy and neofascism.
And the world outside the U.S. will know it, years before it finally dawns on many Americans that by voting for Trump, they helped to destroy our democratic republic.
______________ *This quote was divided into paragraphs to increase readability.
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australianwomensnews · 7 months
Teenage girls know a lot more about democracy and what makes it tick than teenage boys, but when it comes to political ambition the boys win hands down.
A global study of 82,000 teenagers from 22 countries showed that almost without exception girls had a greater engagement with and understanding of government, equality, public trust, voting and representation, than their male peers.
But boys were more likely to say they were interested in becoming a politician
“Australian girls are outperforming boys on knowledge, attitudes and values that support a greater competency when it comes to participation in civic life,” said Rachel Parker, from the Australian Council of Educational Research, who worked on the study.
“One of the few areas where boys outperform girls in the study is the intention to be politically active.”
The report, Education for Citizenship in Times of Global Challenge, found that girls were far more knowledgeable about how parliament works, globalisation, independence of statutory authorities and voting and representation.
Girls were also far more likely than boys to support gender equality and equal rights for migrants and cultural groups to access education, employment and political participation.
They were more engaged with big issues such as environmental protection and more likely to participate in civic activities.
However, girls were less likely to report expecting to join a political party or a trade union or stand as a candidate in an election.
The study did not dig into the reasons why, but previous research identified parental influence and societal expectations as feeding gender norms relating to political ambition, as well as widely held perceptions that politics is a man’s world.
Indeed, 40 per cent of boys thought men are better suited to being political leaders than women, while 25 per cent agreed with the statement that women should stay out of politics.
Ella Curran, 18, harboured an ambition to become a politician when she was in Year 9, but a school excursion to Canberra cured her of that notion.
“I started to think more realistically about the sort of lifestyle I wanted for myself. And we did a legal studies excursion to Parliament House and watched question time,” she told AFR Weekend.
“I felt it was so aggressive and personal in the insults that were being thrown about that I just thought it was not the sort of workplace I could feel comfortable in,” said Ms Curran, a first-year arts and philosophy student at the University of Sydney.
“I’m just not prepared to face that kind of abuse or have my appearance or relationship status mocked in public rather than focus on what I am actually doing.”
Ms Curran’s two great passions are climate change and gender equality.
“I’m concerned about climate change, particularly Australia’s response to that because we are one of the worst countries in the world for our emissions,” she said.
Lulu Hamilton, 16, who counts women’s rights and climate change as her two greatest passions, also harboured a fleeting ambition to become a politician when she was younger but abandoned it without any fanfare.
“I thought it was the best platform to make change because if I could have power, I could make my goals become a reality,” Ms Hamilton said.
Having spent the first 12 years of her life in China, seeing democracy in action, including the free exchange of information and ideas, was a head-spinning affair.
“It was such a jarring difference. I never would have spoken to my friends in China about climate change, gender or politics. Even our textbooks had stuff whited out because the Chinese government didn’t want us to read about Tibet and Taiwan. We had very limited access to media.”
As for a future in politics? That’s out of the question.
“I feel the negatives outweigh the positives.”
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duckprintspress · 9 months
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What are a bunch of writers if not a huge collection of nerds who love words? So we at Duck Prints Press thought we'd celebrate National Word Nerd Day to share some words we love!! Seventeen of our authors contributed to this list, many offering up multiple favorites cause dang it we just love words that much! Definitions are from Merriam-Webster unless otherwise specified.
hurkle-durkle. scottish; to lounge in bed long after it’s time to get up
认床 [rèn chuáng]. (chinese) the feeling of having difficulty sleeping in a bed other than one’s own (definition from duchinese)
ubiquitous. existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly encountered
plaudit. an act or round of applause
bubkes. the least amount; nothing
vituperative. uttering or given to censure: containing or characterized by verbal abuse
lugubrious. exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful
antithetical. being in direct and unequivocal opposition: directly opposite or opposed
consanguineous. of the same blood or origin – specifically: descended from the same ancestor
nacreous. possessing the qualities of, consisting of, or abounding in nacre; iridescent
pareidolia. the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern
defenestrate. a throwing of a person or thing out of a window; a usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office)
petrichor. a distinctive, earthy, usually pleasant odor that is associated with rainfall especially when following a warm, dry period and that arises from a combination of volatile plant oils and geosmin released from the soil into the air and by ozone carried by downdrafts
sanguine. marked by eager hopefulness: confidently optimistic; consisting of or relating to blood
hydrochlorothiazide. a diuretic and antihypertensive drug
eyjafjallajökull. a volcano in Iceland (source: wikipedia)
vestigial. remaining as the last small part of something that existed before
gloaming. the fall of the evening as the time of dusk or gloom; the twilight (source: wordnik)
insouciant. lighthearted unconcern, nonchalance
squamates. any of an order (squamata) of reptiles including the snakes and lizards and related extinct forms
flabbergasted. feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder: utterly astonished
rapscallion. a person who causes trouble, rascal
fiddlesticks. something of little value, trifle
liminal. of, relating to, or situated at a sensory threshold: barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response
ipsedixitism. dogmatic assertion or assertiveness
flibbertigibbet. a silly flighty person
oscillating. to swing backward and forward like a pendulum; to vary between opposing beliefs, feelings, or theories
fomite. an object that may be contaminated with infectious agents and serve in their transmission
sequelae. an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury
susurrus. a whispering or rustling sound
ascetic. practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline; austere in appearance, manner, or attitude
時々 [tokidoki]. japanese; sometimes (source: wictionary)
sequelae. an aftereffect of a disease, condition, or injury
onomatopoeia. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it
bodzermoggl. (franconian) pinecone (definition provided by neo scarlett)
petrodraconic. a word created by australian rock band king gizzard & the lizard wizard (source: wikipedia)
What are YOUR favorite words? Tell us in the tags or comments!
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passerkirbius · 5 months
If you want, please tell us more about the ranking voting system in Australia
Have a good day :)
*cracks knuckles*
The exact workings of our voting system changes somewhat from state to state, but let's talk about the Federal Australian voting system first.
So, we have different voting systems for our two houses of parliament. We'll start with the Lower House since it's the simplest:
Lower House Voting
So, let's start with the House of Representatives (aka the Lower House). This part of our vote is a mandatory preferential vote - You must number every preference on your ballot, 1 to X, for it to be valid, where 1 is your highest preference. Here's a sample Lower house ballots all filled out:
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When the ballots get counted, we use a system called "Instant Runoff", which basically means that all the votes get allocated according to first preference, then we eliminate the candidate with the least votes, and their vote gets redistributed according to the next valid preference, and this continues until one candidate gets the majority of votes.
It's important to stress here that this doesn't mean we distribute preferences until we're down to two candidates and then choose the winner, we knock candidates out until one party has more than 50% of the vote, even if distributing them further might change the allocation.
Upper House Voting
So, what about the Senate, AKA the Upper House? We also use preferential voting for Senate Voting, but it's significantly more complicated, because we're actually voting or multiple candidates (in a standard election 6 for each state and 12 in a "double-dissolution" election, for territories, it's always 2). Here's the basics of how it works:
Senate ballots are huge, and are divided into "above the line" (ATL) and "below the line" (BTL), and you get to pick one or the other. ATL is for parties, BTL is for candidates. You must number at least 6 boxes above the line, or at least 12 boxes below the line, and you can only choose one or the other (no jumping across the line!). Here's a sample ballot, the first filled above the line, the second below the line:
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You'll note that there's an "Ungrouped" section that doesn't get a box above the line, and that's because the Senate voting system is almost entirely built around parties, not single Independents, so if you don't have a registered party, you're at a strong disadvantage in the Senate.
Before counting starts, ATL votes get converted to BTL votes via each Party's Group Ticket, that says how ATL votes should be translated. Your overall preferences get preserved though - a party's Group Ticket only affect party candidates.
Once the number of votes is known, the AEC establishes the "quota" of votes required to get elected (typically 1/6 of the state's total votes rounded down + 1 for half-senate elections, 1/12 for double-dissolution elections, and 1/2 for territories). Basically, any candidate that gets a number of "1" votes equal to the quota is elected.
Now, usually a candidate gets elected with *more* than a quota. Those votes aren't wasted, and they can go on to elect other candidates. But how do they know *which* votes didn't count towards the quota? How could they decide that fairly?
Well, they don't! Instead, they basically let *all* the votes through, but at a discount equal to the percentage of overflow votes over the quota. So, if I got 2 quotas worth of votes, I'm elected, and all those votes get redistributed to other candidates at 1/2 value. Then, if anyone else now *also* gets a quota, we repeat the process.
After everyone with a quota of votes is elected, the process works like the House vote, with the lowest candidates being excluded and their votes being distributed in full to the next preference. If there *isn't* a next preference on a ballot (because the voter didn't number every box ATL or BTL), it stops counting from there - it "exhausts" and has no further effect on the counting process.
Once someone else reaches quota, they're elected, and *their* overflow votes get redistributed at a discount. This keep going until either 6 candidates get elected, or the candidates remaining equal the number of seats remaining (basically they get elected by default).
How does this change from State to State?
The Federal process doesn't change state-to-state - we all vote using the same process there. But elections for State Governments aren't run federally - they're instead run by State Electoral Commissions, and each state is free to run their elections how they see fit. For the most part, states run their elections pretty similarly to the Federal Model (with each state splitting themselves into Upper House Regions, rather than there being little sub-states), with the following major exceptions:
Queensland doesn't have an Upper House, having abolished theirs in 1922.
Tasmania does things very weirdly - their Lower House voting system is very similar to the Federal Upper House system, and their Upper House voting system is much more akin to the Federal Lower House system
Victoria's Upper House system still uses the "Group Ticket" voting system, which still has an Above the Line and Below the Line distinction, but you only mark 1 box above the line, and that above-the-line vote gets converted into a full below the line vote based on what that party submits to the electoral commission. In short, voting Above the Line in Victorian State Elections means that you let that party decide your vote for you. This used to be how our Federal Elections worked too until about a decade or so ago.
How are your candidates chosen?
In Australia, each political party gets to choose how they choose their candidates. Microparties tend to choose by fiat (ie, the guy in charge decides who's on the ballot for which electorate), whereas major parties and larger minor parties tend to engage in "preselection", which is where members of the local electorate chapter of a political party vote on which candidate will represent their party for that electorate.
This might sound similar to an American Primary, but it's really important to stress that most Australians are not members of a political party, nor is there such thing as registering with a party. To put some numbers to it, in 2020 The Australian Labor Party (one of the two major parties) had 60,000 members, and the population of Australia was 25.65 million, so a very small number of people choose the candidates that Australia at large gets to vote for.
How long do your elections run for, and how often?
Federally, elections don't have a fixed date - a government can, in theory, call for an election at any time. In practice, there's some practical restrictions on election timings that tend to limit the exact window, but ultimately until an election is called, no one know for sure the date of the next Federal Election. In general, the time between the official writ to hold the election and the actual election date needs to be more than 33 days, and typically tends to be around 6-8 weeks all up.
This means that Election campaigns tend to be short and extremely concentrated - 6-8 weeks of election ads, policy announcements, controversies and meet-and-greets.
The frequency of Federal Elections tends to be roughly every three years, but as noted, that's very rough.
State Elections are completely different. I believe that with the exception of Tasmania, every State and Territory in Australia has moved to fixed election dates every four years (and Tasmania's Elections are still tightly fixed to a four-year cycle), and every State and Territory has a different fixed date.
What this means is that Federal and State (and Local!) Elections are entirely decoupled from each other - you never go to the ballot for more than one election.
Who runs our Elections?
Since 1984, our Federal elections have been run by the Australian Electoral Commission, which is a independent statutory agency. The AEC is funded by and ultimately answers to the Federal Parliament (not, it is worth noting, the Prime Minister, or any particular Government Department), but is operationally independent from the government of the day. The AEC decided Electoral Boundaries, manages electoral rolls, and is the body that managed party registration (ie the registration of political parties for inclusion on ballots). During Elections, generally an army of volunteers is engaged to do the work of manning election booths and count votes, and between Elections, the AEC mostly maintains the electoral roll and provides papers to the Parliament about ways to improve the electoral process. The AEC is really serious about this and does a lot of work advocating for accessibility in voting.
Among the various ways the AEC works to improve voting accessibility (because remember, not showing up to vote incurs a fine here) are:
Multilingual and Easy Read voting instructions so that everyone can learn for themselves how to vote.
Mobile Polling Stations that travel to remote towns and communities to ensure that even people thousands of kilometres away for the next town get a chance to vote. There are also Mobile Polling teams that go to Residential care facilities and hospitals to record the votes of those who can't get to election booths on the day.
Prison Polling teams, who go into Prisons to ensure those in Prison get a vote (and in case you were wondering: your electorate is the electorate of the place you lived in before going to prison not the electorate of your prison)
Early Voting, where people who know they won't be able to get to an booth on the day can go in and vote (some even still have sausage sizzles!)
Postal Voting, which is likely very similar to postal voting that you might have in the US
Phone Voting, a recent service introduced in 2013 originally designed to cater to blind voters. Blind voters had an issue in that all our votes are paper-based - not great if you can't see the ballot. They generally had to have someone come to the voting booth with them to help them fill out their ballot, which unfortunately breaks the secret ballot somewhat for these voters. So, a phone system was developed whereby a voter puts in a voter id and pin, then talks with an AEC assistant on the phone, who then records their vote onto a paper ballot and lodges it into a ballot box. Still not perfect, but the system ensures that blind voters can vote without anyone being able to know how they, specifically, voted. It ended up being used last election for people who'd caught COVID-19 and were under quarantine, so bonus there!
As mentioned above, each State has their own Electoral Commission, based broadly on the Federal Model, who generally run State and Local Elections within their State.
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Be wary of the Canis cyanus.
The Canis cyanus, also known as the "puppy dog plant," is a dangerous and unique organism that poses a serious threat to humans. This plant is not only distinct in its appearance, with its striking blue color, but also in its behavior. Its seeds have the ability to attach to human skin and then sprout into tiny puppies that burst out of their host's body. This phenomenon is alarming and has caused many to fear the Canis cyanus. It is the only known organism that is both a plant and an animal, making it even more intriguing and mysterious.
The Canic cyanus was first discovered in 1989 after a group of hikers brushed into one. Here's what Kelly Silva, one of hikers, had to say when interviewed:
"I am one of the few survivors of the Canis cyanus plant, a nightmare-inducing plant that attaches its seeds under the human skin. I still shudder at the memory of feeling a sharp sting on my arm while walking through the forest. The next thing I knew, tiny bumps were forming on my skin, and within hours, they began to sprout into small puppies. I was in excruciating pain as they burst out of my skin, wriggling and yelping as they emerged. It was a horrifying experience, something no one should ever have to go through. The experience left me with deep scars and an intense fear of plants. I am grateful to have survived, but the thought of those puppies growing inside me still haunts me to this day. I urge everyone to stay away from [the Canis cyanus plant] at all costs."
Canic cyanus puppies are often confused for Australian blue heeler puppies in appearance. It is important to be able to distinguish between a blue heeler puppy and a puppy that comes from the dangerous Canis cyanus plant. While both may have similar physical characteristics, there are key differences that can help you identify the latter. The most noticeable difference is that Canis cyanus puppies do not have genitals, and their eyes are often unfocused due to blindness. Additionally, these puppies may exhibit unusual behavior, such as digging or scratching at their skin. It is also important to note that these plant-born puppies may have more aggressive tendencies compared to a well-bred blue heeler puppy. Therefore, it is crucial to observe their behavior and appearance carefully to spot any signs of being from the dangerous Canis cyanus plant. In case of any doubts, it is best to seek professional help to properly identify and handle these potentially dangerous puppies.
In 2008, some individuals became interested in owning a Canis cyanus puppy. One pet store said this:
"At our pet store, we prioritize the well-being of both our customers and the animals we sell. While we understand the novelty and curiosity surrounding [Canis cyanus puppies], after careful consideration and consultation with experts, we have decided not to sell these puppies. This decision is based on several factors, including the potential harm to the owner, the unknown long-term effects on both the puppies and their hosts, and the ethical implications of selling such a unique and potentially invasive species. We believe in promoting responsible and ethical pet ownership, and selling Canis cyanus puppies goes against these values. As much as we appreciate the interest in these puppies, we prioritize the safety and well-being of all parties involved and have chosen not to sell them in our store. We apologize for any disappointment this may cause but stand by our decision in the best interest of all involved. Thank you for understanding."
As of right now, buying and growing Canis cyanus is illegal in 39 states. There is much debate about whether Canis cyanus should be hunted for sport or even kill on sight due to the threats they pose for the environment. Others argue that Canis cyanus deserves to live just like everyone else, and that attempting to make them kill on sight is animal cruelty. This debate is still a very hot topic of discussion.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#Shezow #ThinkingAboutReviewingEachEpisode #MakinBank #Sheviews #MyThoughts
This is the only episode I remember watching during the summer when the Hub network first aired Shezow.
This title card gives me Sonic the hedgehog 1 start screen vibes.
Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis) - The Cutting Room Floor (tcrf.net)
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This show has a guitar hero like VR game and I also like guy's green spikey hair rock star hair.
I had to look up if there even was a VR guitar hero but there is a game similar to it.
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I like it that when when Guy grabbed Maz into camo outfits he already had a sidekick character ready called Dan-o-flage.
Maz just saying there's a changing room while Guy is in Shezow form yet Maz is wearing stolen camo outfit.
I didn't see him pay for it unless he got it off screen.
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Anyways the Little Moochers remind me of the Munchkins from the Wizard of Oz but do crime and they all have helium voices.
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I like it that Shezow just joke about the bank not having a drive thru while also causing property damage by hulk smash breaking in the bank.
Couldn't Shezow just sneak through the vents or sneak around the back to cause less property damage?
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Guy almost blew his cover as Shezow since he didn't do the fake female voice but good thing everyone was too busy with the crime to notice.
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The battle music gives me Splatoon vibes 2:51-3:14.
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I like it that Maz is useful and helping the bank hostages leave the scene safely while the battle is still happening.
I like it that it's canon that everyone knows that Shezow is sidekick less and gets called out on why Maz is here.
But I'm glad this cartoon gave the sidekick something to do instead of just having them be there.
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My favorite pose for Shezow and the guard keeps messing up Dan-o-flage's name by calling him something other than his sidekick name.
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Maz gets no credit since he helped move those people to safety while Shezow was busy fighting villains but all he gets is a pity clap from a random background character with no name.
But life be like that though.
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Guy's expression is like "Hey there some money under my boot and don't mind if I do."
Which he shouldn't do and also where are the camera's in the bank that would catch Shezow stealing?
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Also the autograph paper is the beta pitch design for Shezow which is a nice touch.
I remember seeing that design online when looking up the show at the time the show got cancelled and wanted to know more about it.
SheZow – Moody Street Kids (moodystreetproductions.com)
SheZow on Behance
This has the beta Shezow design photo as a silhouette that Shezow was signing as a autograph.
DHX Media Acquires Rights to Australian animated comedy series "SheZow!" (cartoonbrew.com)
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Also there is a Shezow Cosplay outfit online but no bootleg plush of Shezow yet that I know about.
COWOWO Game SheZow Cosplay Costume SheZow Jumpsuit Bodysuit Cloak Halloween Uniform Men Carnival Cos Party Outfits Clothing - AliExpress
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I like that the cops come in at the last minute to try to stop the crime but Shezow and Maz already got it.
Also I want a episode where it's just Guy's cop dad and his cop sidekick in a episode.
Like Shezow (Guy) just let's him have a cool hero moment to make him feel better maybe his dad would be less angry at Shezow.
I like it that the background music in the bank is just the Shezow theme but a elevator version of it and slower in speed.
It's a nice touch.
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I like it that Guy's guitar strings broke in the VR game which symbolizes his guilt for stealing the money.
The only way Guy could get the full money back as a refund he might need the receipt but if it's a game store the game console might lose value.
I know from experience.
Apparently in Megadale 500 dollar bills exists but I'm not sure if the USA $500 is a thing you can still use.
Maz says "That's gangster." like a nerd thinking he's cool.
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Also the show mentions that the cameras were on to record Shezow stealing and the secret identity thing which is a first for a cartoon calling itself out.
Most just pretend that cameras at the bank are not everywhere but the show did the oh yeah the bank didn't see the video so now you have a time limit thing.
This is before Tik Tok was a thing where everyone had cameras and recorded everything.
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Oh yeah Shelia says there is a rule if Shezow steals literally anything then the shero will just shrink out of existence.
This is another reason I remembered this episode.
Later Guy proceeds to make fun of leprechauns and jockey's so basically small people.
I like how Guy is not freaking out that he is becoming Ken doll sized and is like this is fine then gets told it's a Shezow side effect that Guy will become Antman small.
Guy calls it Sherinkage and Shelia calls him a thug to his tiny face.
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It's cool that the store returned Guy's stolen money VR game consle with a full refund even though Maz had the receipt.
Most stores wouldn't take it back without the receipt or give store credit instead of the full amount.
Also Guy returned it as a tiny being and I'm surprised no one thought he was a bug and tried to squish him or any animal wanting to eat him.
I would love to see that side of the episode.
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Also the ring doesn't work when the side effect is in play so that's a nice touch to the lore.
Also is it double stealing if you destroy the bank camera footage?
Also the short jokes are everywhere and I like how Guy's voice is normal while the Little Moochers voices where helium sounding.
Also the cops like donuts joke thing.
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Also Kelly holding mini Guy is a weird out of context image if you have never seen the show.
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Oh the show found a loophole where someone else or a outside force has to destroy the evidence.
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Also the show called out Maz for not paying for his outfit and gaslight him like the police is there.
But Maz still got away with not paying for his outfit but Maz doesn't have powers so it's good.
I give this a 8/10.
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Fun Fact in the dub of the anime Mix Master there is a character called Chino who has the same voice actor as Guy Hamdon.
I got a request a long time ago that doesn't exist anymore of Guy in his VR rock gear guitar rocking with Chino from this anime.
They were both on model but in sketch form not colored in.
This episode made me remember this anime was a thing and I might review this too.
Chino (Card Wang: Mix Master) - MyAnimeList.net
Some weird gross bootleg apps I found for Shezow but I wouldn't upload them if I were you.
Little Doctor Ear For: Shezow Version | Apps | 148Apps
Dentist Game for Shezow Version | Apps | 148Apps
Quiz Game for Shezow | Apps | 148Apps
A Shezow plush that might be either Etsy made or fanmade.
I'm trying to find this plush but I found the store that is a spanish store that is in the red and white color with the price tag.
Resultados de la búsqueda por: 'felpa' (laparisina.mx)
Image not mine but link is there.
shezow peluche - Meme by GrillAndEggs :) Memedroid
(Images and video not mine but links are there.)
SheZow S01E02 Making Bank & Super Sidekick - YouTube
Mix Master King of Cards | Episode 01-1 | NEW Episode | Cartoon | Animation | Anime - YouTube
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uncannysam · 6 months
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PARTIES: @eldritchaccident, @uncannysam, ft. Scout & Teddy & Sam's son TIMING: Mid January SUMMARY: Sam and Teddy are in for a real treat when a recent trade-in comes to life and wreaks havoc on the store! WARNINGS: None! Just some cuteness!
Something about comic shops always enraptured Teddy. A nostalgia filled promise of a familiar welcoming space. Despite never having been in this one before, they had a few ideas of what they could expect. Rows and rows of the newest covers, the latest stories, and the biggest names. At least a few tables of old comics, worn from love. The lovely glass counters containing trinkets that could transport you across ages of nerdy content. It was one of the things they could always rely on no matter where they moved. The consistency the kid needed as they grew. 
The bell chimed nicely as the ex-demon pushed through the entrance, happily holding the door for the stranger who was rushing out. Maybe they had a whole stack of Magic the Gathering cards to unwrap, or just really wanted to dive into the latest Gwenpool. Understandable. Teddy offered them a smile, didn’t even really care that it wasn’t returned because the clerk (and the adorable dog) at the counter both seemed to be sporting a grin. 
“Oh man I think this just became my favorite shop, who IS this little guy??” If there was one constant in this crazy world, it’s that Theodore Jones fucking loved dogs. Any kind of dog really. Golden Retriever, Rottweilers, Mutts, Poodles, Schnauzers, Perro specifically, Labs, Cats, Papillions, Spaniels of all sorts, Huskies, Malamutes, Dobermans, Shepherds Australian, German, or otherwise. Didn’t even have to be a real dog, Ted’d probably like it. 
“Thanks! Come again!” The trade-in value of some of the comic books and things the previous customer had just turned in was going to be enough to help with rent, bills and food for the rest of the month, and Sam wasn’t complaining. In fact, she had promised to take some homemade looking Funko! Pop off of his hands just because he had thrown in so many other good comics, which hadn’t raised any suspicions at all aside from the fact that it had been one of the ugliest looking things she had ever laid eyes on.
“Scout, I think he just bought us a good dinner tonight.” Sam smiled down at the dog as she picked up the box full of back issues of many popular comics off the counter and moved them to a countertop lining the wall behind her. And when she turned around, she noticed another customer had entered the building, and one who was apparently very enthusiastic about dogs.
Grinning and in a rare good mood, Sam walked over to Scout and kneeled down, “This is Scout. My right hand man, and I’m Sam.” She looked up at them and stuck out her hand, “What can I help you with today?”
Among Ted's multitude of mixed and matched jobs, walking or grooming dogs (any animals really) was probably the top pick. Any place that let man's best friend ‘work’ alongside the far less impressive and lovely humans, was a winner. A grin split their cheeks wide as they approached, happily taking Sam's hand before offering their own for the pup to sniff. 
Admittedly, Teddy had almost forgotten why they came by as soon as they saw Scout. The momentary lapse left them fumbling slightly for the words. The verbal version of opening the refrigerator just to stare into the chilly depths before finally grabbing what you wanted. “Right uh– hey, hi, I'm Teddy. Sorta just– walked by this place a few times and never had a chance to actually come in. Which is a crime, because it's amazing in here.” 
Their eyes wandered around for a moment, excitedly soaking in the colorful covers and interesting figurines and decorations, until their eyes fell on a statue of a familiar red demon with a tan trench coat and a big old right hand. “Any chance you guys carry the latest BPRD series?” Hellboy itself was done, the story finished, but the series about all the other folks in that universe? Well it was still going and still amazing. 
With all the attention on the dog, the shop owner, and the rest of Escape Your Fate Comics, Teddy didn't even notice the slight shaking of the odd little box off to the side of the counter. 
Sam gave Teddy a firm handshake, before releasing it and watching as they went to greet Scout. Scout was the star of Escape Your Fate. He usually hung out by the register or in the back, but it never failed that once people laid eyes on him, they had to say hello; which Sam never minded, because he had been a great ice breaker for people who might have been nervous about coming into the shop.
With a warm smile in the direction of her best friend, Sam put her sights back on her potential customer, “I get that a lot, unless comics are your primary goal for leaving the house. She actually came in on a good day. The guy that left as you were coming in just traded in some good books.” Sam didn’t even acknowledge the weird looking Pop that sat in off on its own. If Teddy noticed and wanted it, it was theirs.
“BPRD...Let me check.” Sidestepping, she pulled up the inventory in her computer and found what she was looking for. “So anything I have in stock is going to be over here.” Moving out from behind the counter, she walked over to the shelf that held a few of the volumes and some of the past issues of Hellboy. “I’ve also got back issues over there in the corner, but you’d have to sort through those. All those books are 99 cents. Anything else I can help you with, just let me know. And if I come across anything in that stack on the counter, I’ll let you know.” Sam moved back to her pile of comics to sort through to give Teddy some space.
The strange little pop figure in the box didn’t like being overlooked so easily. The human behind the counter gave it sidelong glances like it was ‘homemade’ rather than crafted by the gods themselves (okay, well, the miniature creature didn’t exactly know how it came into being, but it liked to believe that it was a gift to the earth.) Then this caster comes in and doesn’t even spare it a second look! What did a figurine need to do to get some respect around here? Huh? The box began to shimmy and shake as the stone came to life, springing from its trappings and alerting the others in the shop to its presence. 
A tiny roar, not quite… small sounding, but almost distant. Teddy heard it, but at first they weren’t looking in the shop to find its source. If it wasn’t for the clarity they would have assumed it was far down the street, but no. It just sounded… tiny. The ex-demon’s attention shifted from the jackpot collection of books (That they were absolutely about to purchase almost all of, and probably then some more from the other displays.) to the minuscule terror throwing a tantrum on the counter. 
Magic cards and mystery box figurines were being tossed left and right as the creature raged. It jumped up on the cash register and held aloft a tiny scepter it stole from a very well crafted Skeletor statuette. It cried out again, but Teddy didn’t understand what it was trying to say. “S-Sam??” Was this normal in this shop? Ted looked on in a mix of confusion and a little awe, it was… surprisingly cute, for how filled with anger and fury it seemed to be. 
Scout immediately stood up and started barking loudly at the tiny creature shaking its small box prison. The dog was curious, but also startled by its actions. He had been around the shop long enough to know that mom’s figurines and stacks of delicious looking paper to tear up was not to play with and never moved on its own unless prompted. But this was completely different, and with his bright colored eyes, he followed the creature’s movement across the counter and over to the computer; tail wagging fiercely as he continued to bark.
It had certainly garnered Sam’s attention. And turning around, she set her eyes on the dog, “Scout! Hush!” It wasn’t until she heard Teddy speak her name that her eyes went from Scout to them to the figurine that was now crying out a tiny war cry and threatening her with its scepter, “What the actual fuck?” She quickly glanced back at Teddy with narrowed eyes, “Well that explains why that guy was in such a hurry to leave…”
Not hesitating any longer, Sam slowly began to approach the animated object that continued to yell at her in its miniscule booming voice, “I can’t…What are you saying?” As she moved in closer, she finally leaned down, not feeling one bit threatened trying to hear what it was saying, until she was whacked fiercely and repeatedly with the end of the tiny toy it was holding, “Ow! You little shitass!” Jumping back, she rubbed her cheek seeing the tiniest bit of blood on her fingers, “Okay, I don’t know what the fuck you are, but we’re not playing this game.” After rubbing her hand on her jeans, Sam moved in and reached out to grab the tiny gargoyle, until she watched it quickly take off towards the ceiling; Scout, still barking excitedly at the moving figurine.
Teddy tried to hold in the laugh that burst from their chest in a way that would make Ridley Scott proud. They tried. Even put a hand in front of their mouth to catch the huff of air. It wasn’t funny, it shouldn’t have been funny. Sam got thwacked and the small stone creature was still throwing a tantrum. But the sight of its ‘extremely fierce’ weapon complete with glittery light up resin bauble at the top was a little too much to take seriously. 
Which of course, only angered the now flying creature. The gargolito swirled and swooped. Covering the distance of the store like a vulture looking for its next meal. One it found in the mop of Teddy’s peachy pink hair. It dove and grabbed a fistful, and was surprisingly strong enough to carry the cackling caster a few feet before giving up and huffing a loud sigh. Teddy swatted and squirmed but the ‘danger’ was over before they even had a real chance to react. 
“Hey!! Rude!! That hurt you little shit.” Their eyes flicked back to Sam, who was clearly just about as stunned and done as they were. “What the hell do you want??”  
The grumpy mini-grotesque perched on top of a revolving rack of comics and eyed the trio. Squinting and baring its teeth as Teddy yelled, but then tilting its head when asked. That was more like it. The humans should have been asking that from the beginning. But unfortunately neither seemed to understand its tiny tyrades. So it pointed. Using the scepter to aim at a different glass case. Though Teddy couldn’t quite tell what it was looking for specifically. Maybe Sam would have a better idea, it was her store. 
Sam followed the little menace with her eyes as it flew around her store, and when it landed in Teddy’s hair, she set her focus on it. What is this little shit up to? However, seeing the person be picked up off the ground and moved a few feet by something so tiny left the woman stunned. How could something so small have so much strength? But before she could make an effort to run over to make sure they were okay, she noticed it had put them back down and now found a spot on a rack, “Are you okay?”
It didn’t seem like the conversation was going so well, until it cocked its head to the side – cute, but something Sam wouldn’t openly admit. She let her eyes follow the scepter to the glass case containing a rare, unopened WWE Sheamus action figure dressed in royal garb, and then it hit her; the little hellion wanted the crown and the cape from the action figure, “Are you fucking kidding me?” She looked back over at the statue and glared, “No. That thing’s worth nearly a hundred dollars. I’m not opening it up, just so you can play dress-up!”
Scout had finally tired himself out barking and laid down on the floor looking between Sam, Teddy, and the tiny demanding toy with his head cocked to the side. It was more excitement than he was used to experiencing in the store.
Sam shook her head no and moved over towards the corner. This TOY wasn’t going to bully her into opening something that would pay a bill. Grabbing a broom, she spun it around with the broom head facing upward prepared to chase the little nuisance out the store if she had to.
For the briefest of moments, Teddy thought the tiny stone menace was going to pull a cosmic horror Charlie Brown on the pair. When they saw the broom come out, they could see the arc of where it might land. The creature dodging the bristles just in time for it to come crashing down on their head. But no, the angry little gargoyle was already off terrorizing a different part of the store. 
Teddy was just playing catch up. Drifting back from the daydream that unwillingly played out as if it had happened. A fairly common thing for them really. Everything always seemed to feel a bit dreamlike. Sometimes a bit more nightmarish, but you know, kept shit interesting. 
The creature was lamenting, pointing at something it wanted and Sam was shouting something about rent. When their head had stopped spinning from the shock of being pulled by their hair and the vision of a broom crashing over their noggin, Teddy snapped back to the present. 
“Woah hey, if the little guy wants that, I’ll buy it. I’ll pay double. Maybe it’ll calm him down??” Teddy wasn’t sure, but it was worth a try, wasn’t it? Better to soothe it than anger it more, right? 
Sam stopped dead in her tracks when Teddy said they’d pay double. If they really wanted to buy the little menace a $100 toy, then that was their business, and she wasn’t going to stop them, “If you really want to pay that much, then fine.” She slowly put the broom back down, keeping her eyes trained on the little stone statue. Sam didn’t trust the thing, and she wasn’t ready to turn her back to it just yet.
Eyes still trained on it, Sam moved over to where she kept the keys to the case full of her most valuable goods, “Are you happy you little, shit ass. You’re getting exactly what you want.” She glared at it while she moved towards the case and when she found the key she needed, she unlocked it and reached up on the top shelf to grab the figure of Sheamus, untouched and still in the original packaging. It was going to pain her to see Teddy open up the box just so some little possessed Funko! Pop Doll could feel like a king.
When Sam got back to the register, after locking up the case again, she put the keys away and rang up the toy, “If you’re sure about this, then the total comes to $100 even. I’m not charging you double. But consider this the most expensive toy you’ve ever bought just to watch it get trashed.” She refused to put it in a bag. What was the point? “And you’re opening it for him, because I can’t bear to see what happens.”
There should have been a twinge of guilt. Or perhaps remorse, but Teddy Jones had not been raised to worry about things like giving into temptation. If anything, it was encouraged. If anything, Teddy could understand the small stone creature’s desire a little too well. Back home, there was a litany of expensive toys. Rare collectibles. Mostly paid for. While they may not have been a demon anymore, they were certainly raised by one, though one might have expected a damn dragon with the way Teddy tended to hoard things. 
It wasn't always like that. They weren't always as lucky. Teddy had spent the better part of their childhood staying in motels or camping if they were on land, otherwise the child simply slept on their father's monstrous back or belly while floating in the ocean. Like an eldritch otter family. (No wonder they'd taken to Pascal so quickly) It wasn't until much later that Leviathan started using its connections and prowess to collect a much more permanent source of income. A much more vast vault of wealth. Something Teddy could spend frivolously for the rest of their days and still not burn through. 
So maybe they should have felt guilt that they were spending a hundred bucks (so incredibly not the most expensive toy they owned) on something just to have it ‘wasted’. Teddy didn't see it like that. They saw a small creature trying to figure out its place in the world. Trying to vye for the respect it wanted, and the care it deserved. Teddy smiled towards Sam, paid in cash, then carefully removed the crown from the packaging. 
The creature was delighted. It cooed and crooned, twirling in the air and yelping with joy before landing on a shelf behind the counter and reverting back to its still stony form. A watchful, and very prideful, little guardian gargoyle. 
“I think he likes your shop. Just wanted to be a little King.” 
Sam had worked hard to get where she was. It had taken her years to build up her courage. To tell herself that she was good enough and deserving enough to have her dreams and then some. That just because people in the world saw her as being different didn’t mean she deserved any less. And when she had finally built up enough courage to take her first step forward, she then had to work on gaining the knowledge for pursuing her hopes and goals. Working harder than her fellow classmates and not giving up anytime rejection pushed her back down. And once she had far surpassed those who assumed they were better than her, even if the assumption had been unspoken, Sam had to financially tackle her dreams. Another task that took even more work, time, and energy piled on top of a never-ending uphill battle, and the day she was finally able to flip on the Open sign to Escape Your Fate, was the day she knew she had made it.
But now, Sam stood watching as a possessed little toy was pampered with one of the most expensive things in her shop; bought by someone who threw away money like it was no issue to them. And with it, came an unexpected dig into her heart and all she had worked for and continued to work for. But the money was in her pocket now, and once she had seen the reaction to the toy spinning in joy, before quietly taking its place behind her as if nothing had ever happened, she realized it was probably for the best.
“He’s not going to do this every time he wants something from me is he? I can’t afford to give a toy anything it wants just because he tries to trash my shop. If that’s the case, you might as well take our son home with you.” Their son. So aptly named, because in that moment Sam and Teddy had to calm down a cursed Funko! Pop that was acting like a five year old.
As she looked back one last time at the small statue dressed as a king, Sam couldn’t help but shake her head, before turning back to face Scout and Teddy, “Is that all or were you looking for something else today?” 
“Who can say? But uhh. How about this, put me down for a subscription of toys and comics and what not. You choose ‘em, just a whole bunch. Whatever you think is fair. And I'll send money every month. If he wrecks something, put less stuff aside. Or nothing at all.” Teddy hummed happily, loving the idea of a little surprise box they'd get to pick up. A good enough reason to come out of the house, an even better reason to come and check in on the store to make sure everything was still okay. 
“Call it child support.”
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gayleviticus · 11 months
it occurred to me that I think I can endure (not tolerate in the sense of minimising it, of ignore it in the sense its not upsetting) christian homophobia when it's coming from individuals who are sort of on an equal level but the minute it feels like its coming from an authority or a system it becomes very blackpilling.
even in a group made up of Christians who are not affirming its doable, if unpleasant, but I think if it comes to like, a pastor, or a church body, or a christian school, or yknow, stupid politicians and lobbyists pushing homophobia the stakes r v different, there's a stark imbalance between the parties.
I can have the grace to deal w individuals who express non affirming views if I otherwise have a relationship w them, and I think there can be value in that (but not at the expense of throwing lgbtq people as a whole under the bus or making it all about cishet peoples feelings, and I'm also mindful it's tempting to develop some kind of martyr complex where you need to expose yourself to bs to save people from their own homophobia)
but you can't ask a system to be kind to you or at least just listen honestly to your feelings, and that's why it ratchets things up when it goes from equal to equal conversation to cishet Christians invoking the powers on their side. like, I saw someone share a video from the Australian Christian Lobby and it just made me feel v small, whereas if someone was just being casually homophobic I think I would be mad for sure, but also convinced they were a fool who doesn't know what they're talking about. there wouldn't be the weight of considering all the people out there who hate you and view that hatred as christian love
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Advocates on the right side of history don’t punch horses.
An Australian politician is set to be expelled from the Liberal Party after she attended a pro-woman rally critical of gender ideology this week. Moira Deeming, who represents the Western Metropolitan Region in the Parliament of Victoria, is being scrutinized by her own party after attending a public Let Women Speak event in Melbourne on March 18.
The rally Deeming attended was part of the Australian “Let Women Speak” tour hosted by British women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen, the founder of Standing for Women. Keen has hosted rallies across the UK, USA, and Australia encouraging women to use her platform to speak about how gender ideology has impacted their lives.
Keen’s events typically draw both counter-protesters and detractors, and the event in Melbourne this week was no different. The rally was faced down by trans activists and required a heavy police presence to keep the protesters at bay. Violent trans activists reportedly attacked police horses, punching them in the stomach, attempting to get at the female speakers. 
During the rally, a trans activist rushed the stage and seized the microphone as one woman spoke about women’s suffrage in Australia and explained that Aboriginal women did not gain the right to vote until 1962. The activist, who was male and wearing a wig, was quickly restrained by private security. 
Due to the threat of violence presented by the counter-protesters, police shut the rally down early.
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Just after the rally concluded, Keen said in a YouTube livestream that the police appeared to be genuinely concerned about the rapidly escalating aggression during the event.
“We needed more police than I’ve ever seen to stop violent trans activists getting to us, who punched horses in the stomach,” Keen said in a video posted the next day.
A separate demonstration was held by a group of around 20 men who were reportedly members of the National Socialist Network, a neo-Nazi group. According to witnesses who were on the ground, the men had attempted to antagonize the trans activists, chanting “pedophile” and “communist” at the crowd while raising their arms in a Nazi salute.
Without any consultation from the women’s side, police onsite allegedly allowed the far-right group onto the steps of the Parliament building where they remained for around 15 minutes, posing with their hands in the air and holding a banner that read, “Destroy [Pedo] Freaks.”
Deeming appeared in a livestream with Keen after the rally where they discussed the day’s events. During the stream, Deeming spoke positively about the event, which she said allowed women to unite for their “basic human rights.” She also expressed concern about the police seemingly allowing the neo-Nazi group into the pro-woman area.
“There was a group of masked men who came in … we didn’t know who they were,” Deeming said during the livestream. “The police, for some reason that I do not understand, ushered them in and let them take photos on the steps next to us.” She went on to say she was horrified when she witnessed the men give a Nazi salute. 
Following the event, Deeming took to her Twitter to condemn the far-right group and express disappointment in the police for allowing them to get so close the women’s rally.
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Despite Deeming’s condemnation of the neo-Nazi detractors, John Pesutto, the Leader of the Australian Liberal Party, released a statement accusing Deeming of being part of the neo-Nazi demonstration. 
“Yesterday afternoon, Victorians witnessed an abomination on the steps of the Victorian Parliament when neo-Nazi protesters engaged in an affront to the values we should all hold dear as Victorians,” Pesutto said in the statement.
“The violence, prejudice and hate that these protesters conveyed by their odious actions will never be acceptable in our State. I condemn them and commit to opposing such hate wherever it may exist.”
He then explained how he confronted Deeming about her involvement and was moving to expel her from the Liberal Party despite her repeatedly stating she had no involvement with the separate far-right demonstration. 
The women attending the Let Women Speak event had also not committed any illegal acts and had formal permits for their rally. Many of the women also experienced violence and aggression from counter-protesters, including Deeming, who reported being kicked in the shin by a trans activist.
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Later, Deeming released a further statement addressing the situation. 
“I have been informed that there will be a vote in the Liberal Party room to determine whether I should be allowed to remain or be expelled from the Parliamentary Party. Let me be clear – I have done nothing wrong. Those who organized the Let Women Speak event on the weekend have done nothing wrong,” Deeming said in the opening of her statement published on Twitter. 
She then went on to explain that Standing for Women is a reputable group supported by women around the world, from many different political backgrounds and religious orientations.
“I and the other attendees were horrified to see masked men all clad in black inside the buffer zone. We thought that we were going to be attacked. However, the police did not seem worried and were talking with them over at the edge of the line.”
Deeming continued: “After the event I was informed that these masked men had in fact mounted Parliament House steps outside of our view on the other end and performed a Nazi salute, and that members of the [Standing for Women] group asked the police to make them leave, but were informed that the Police had no powers to move them on due to Labor’s removal of those powers.”
She denied any assertions that the attendees or organizers were affiliated with the Nazi detractors, and condemned their actions.
“I completely reject the beliefs of National Socialists (Nazis) and I have seen first-hand the impact that the Holocaust had on a family member. None of those organising the event had any involvement with these men, as has been confirmed by Victoria Police, the Australian Jewish Association and all the organisers themselves.”
In addition to Deeming refuting any association with the neo-Nazi contingency, the group associated with the far-right similarly denied any involvement with the women’s rally. 
During the rally, a member of the public confronted the group about their reasons for marching, one of the neo-Nazis expressed a lack of support for both the pro-trans side and the pro-women side. He called the pro-trans side “pedophiles” and “pedophile supporters.”
When asked what he thought of Let Women Speak, he said: “What rights don’t women have these days? We’re here for the little boys.” He then claimed that due to feminism, boys as young as 7 are forced to stand up in school and apologise for rape.
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A member of the National Socialist Network, David Hiscox, published an article on his blog denying support for Kellie-Jay Keen, and calling her an “atheist radical feminist” who promotes “lesbianism.”
In an article published by XYZ, an influential propaganda outlet for the broader neo-Nazi movement in Australia, Hiscox claimed Keen’s intention was to reduce the white birth rate. Hiscox also stated his Neo-Nazi group’s goal for turning up at the rally was to hijack Keen’s fight against gender ideology as she was “misdirecting them to reinforce the progress of Liberalism and maintain support for Israel.”
Hiscox wrote: “Both the groomer ideology of ‘trans’ activists and the lesbianism promoted by Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull are forms of Liberalism directed by the Globohomo regime at White people in order to undermine white families, birthrates and social cohesion.”
On Hiscox’s Twitter account, he celebrated the National Socialist Network’s successful hijacking of the event saying: “The rightful pushback against groomer propaganda cannot be allowed to be dominated by radical feminist atheists who will merely reinforce the gains of cultural Marxism.”
Despite efforts by trans activists to link the neo-Nazis to Keen and her rally, the Australian Jewish Association (AJA) condemned the far-right men as invaders who “saw an opportunity to hijack the event for their own publicity.” The AJA also called out the police for allowing the men to access the steps of Parliament undeterred. 
In a statement on their Facebook page, the AJA wrote: “Yesterday a ‘Let Women Speak’ rally was held in Melbourne featuring visiting British women’s advocate Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (also known as Posie Parker) as well as local women. This movement is concerned that biological men are undermining the integrity of women’s sport and spaces such as bathrooms … AJA unreservedly condemns the Nazis who invaded the rally. These ugly thugs likely saw an opportunity to hijack the event for their own publicity.”
The statement continued: “There was some very odd policing. While the Victorian police held back the trans activists who arrived to disrupt the rally, they did not do the same to the Nazis.”
The AJA then slammed politicians for associating the women’s movement with the Nazis, saying Let Women Speak had nothing to do with them. 
“The Nazis were condemned by the women’s rally organizers – one contacted AJA in distress explaining what had happened. The ‘Let Women Speak’ organizers had nothing to do with the Nazis. It is shameful that some politicians and media are now trying to smear this women’s movement with the false accusation of involvement with Nazis.” 
Despite credible evidence to the contrary, many Australian politicians have continued to claim that the ‘Let Women Speak’ rally was associated with the neo-Nazis, particularly members of the Australian Green Party. 
In a now-deleted tweet, party leader Adam Bandt wrote: “I’m disgusted by the anti-trans rally in Melbourne yesterday, protected by their allies: saluting neo-Nazis. The banners they march under and the hate they espouse have no place here or anywhere.”
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In the wake of the public outcry over the presence of neo-Nazis close by the women’s rights event, it has come to light that the Australian Greens of Victoria recently investigated a transgender member of the party for statements that were reportedly supportive of pedophilia and Nazism.
Just days before the rally, Australian lawyer Nina Vallinscondemned the Greens for not adequately disciplining Bianca Haven, a trans-identified male who has held senior positions in the party, after he defended pedophilia and incest and expressed views sympathetic to the Nazis on his personal Twitter account. After an internal investigation, Haven was only censured, prompting anger from some who had called for suspension or expulsion.
Vallins was present at the rally and used her microphone time to explain that the Greens had failed to suspend Haven for his tweets, but had suspended her for 6 months after she tweeted that domestic violence survivors were entitled to single-sex resources.
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Responding to the criticism, Keen has urged her followers to not get distracted. 
“I promote women’s voices, without distraction, because contrary to popular belief women are enough,” Keen said on Twitter while sharing one of the speeches from a woman at her rally which went viral. 
Speaking with NZ Herald, Keen stated, “They’re absolutely not associated with me whatsoever. I absolutely abhor anything to do with Nazis. It’s preposterous they even exist in 2023.”
She also expressed support for Deeming after it was announced the Liberal Party of Australia had expelled her.
Keen’s rallies have on several occasions drawn crowds of trans activists who have either threatened violence or physically harmed participants.In November 2022, two women were assaulted by a man at a London rally in Hyde Park.
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In May 2022, another woman was assaulted by a black-clad trans activist in Manchester. After her rally in Bristol, a gang of men in all black, who were primarily members of Bristol Anarchist Federation, followed a group of women to a local pub and blocked them in. 
During the US leg of her tour, at least nine people were arrested in Manhattan during protests that broke out in opposition to the Let Women Speak event.
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thetalentedmrkashyap · 9 months
B-9 : Schindler’s List @ 30 - A Tale of Courage & Compassion
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A still featuring Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley
December 15 marks the 30th anniversary of director Steven Spielberg's 1993 magnum opus Holocaust drama Schindler's List. Produced by Spielberg - with Gerald R. Molen and Holocaust survivor Branko Lustig, the film stands erect as a towering testament to the power of human resilience and the enduring fight against injustice and inhumanity.
One must remember that 1993 was "a living hell" for Spielberg - as he made Jurrasic Park - a contrasting adventurous film that same year. Fortunately, both movies emerged as blockbusters. While Jurrasic Park maintained Spielberg's obsession with stories filled with action and adventure, Schindler's List confirms the auteur's tribute to his parents and their shared Judaism and Jewish identity.
Set against the backdrop of World War II, screenwriter Steven Zaillian adapted Australian novelist Thomas Keneally's novel Schindler's Ark. Schindler's List chronicles the extraordinary story of Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), a wealthy German businessman associated with the Nazi Party who defied the Nazi regime by employing over 1,000 Jewish people in his factories, saving them from the horrors of the Holocaust - particularly from the atrocities of the SS commander Amon Göth (Ralph Fiennes). The film's unflinching portrayal of the atrocities committed against the Jewish people is both harrowing and thought-provoking, forcing viewers to confront the depths of human cruelty. With a cast featuring Ben Kingsley, Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagall, and Embeth Davidtz, the film has escalated to a level of excellence that very few movies could reach.
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Standing: Ralph Fiennes, Ben Kingsley, and Liam Neeson; Sitting: Steven Spielberg
Beyond its historical significance, Schindler's List has also contributed extensively to cinema. Spielberg's masterful direction, Janusz Kamiński's monochromatic cinematography, and John Williams' sorrow-filled score combine to create an immersive and unforgettable cinematic experience. The film's black-and-white palette, an unexpected product from Spielberg at that time - and a shift to critical topics add to its stark realism and emotional impact.
The film challenges us to confront the darkest chapters of human history while inspiring us to strive for a more benevolent world. Its enduring impact underscores the power of cinema to transcend entertainment and serve as a catalyst for social change. It also highlights the significance of preserving and sharing historical narratives. The film's impact extends beyond the confines of theaters - as its stories and characters continue to be discussed, analyzed, and shared through online platforms and social media.
Schindler's List retains its position as a cinematic masterpiece and a powerful testament to the human spirit. Its enduring legacy lies in its ability to challenge our perceptions, ignite our emotions, and inspire us to confront injustice and uphold the values of compassion and humanity.
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rf-times · 1 year
But what's the point of calling out double standards, acknowledging women are held to higher standards than men, if you're going to have less understanding and patience for women as a "feminist" and not give a crap about a female President? Like people will spend all day talking about how "Women can be just as bad as men" is used to excuse women have no power, but then do the same thing to the IDEA of a female president. Like does anyone even remember the black woman Shirley Chisolm who tried to run for president before Hilary Clinton did? Let's not even get into the racism of that. I honestly do think geniune practical liberalism that values logic and empathy is compatabile with feminism. I'm not confident in any Leftist "feminism" based on lefty cool women and Leftist men in general.
It's not about "Oh women can be as evil as men and therefore they could easily be as evil in the role of president." It's not about the individual woman's character or about group of women's characters, both of which are objectively more empathetic, caring and kind than men's due to the nature of patriarchy benefitting male violence. Female presidency has nothing to do with that. This is about whether or not having a woman at the top of a systemically evil, unjust, patriarchal, white supremacist institution will liberate women. And the answer to that is no. Obviously there are plenty of women who should have been elected and who were far far more qualified than their male opponents and party-members. The same principle with female CEOs of fucked up corporations. How does this help actually help women? Of course it's unfair but it's a symptom of a far far worse problem that will not be solved by focusing on allowing a few token women in positions of power.
Also I'm not American. As an Australian I can speak of what happened with our only female prime minister Julia Guillard. She underwent so much horrific misogyny from the media, from her party and political opponents, and was steadfast in the face of that, she gave a fantastic speech called the "Misogyny Speech" which has become a massive part of our cultural landscape. But she also ultimately went along with her (left wing for the record) party's liberal policies, including cutting single mums' welfare payments and saying she was "giving them the dignity of work".
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mariacallous · 1 year
The Italian PM is one of only a few big names set to appear at this year’s Budapest Demographic Summit, suggesting the Hungarian prime minister’s drawing power is on the wane.
Giorgia Meloni is saving Victor Orban’s pet project this year. The Italian prime minister will be the star guest at the fifth Budapest Demographic Summit, a biennial gathering of conservative to far-right figures that begins in the Hungarian capital on Thursday.
The decision to attend the two-day event by Meloni, whose election victory last September was greeted ecstatically by Prime Minister Orban, is all the sweeter for the nationalist-populist government in Budapest, as its hopes of having a new close ally in the EU have so far been dashed.
“Meloni’s visit is highly important for Prime Minister Orban, who has become increasingly isolated in the EU since the war in Ukraine, and needs to prove to his electorate that he still has some heavyweights on his side in Europe,” Zsuzsa Szelenyi, foreign policy expert and program director of the CEU Democracy Institute, tells BIRN.
Yet it is not only Orban who might gain from the visit. “Meloni has to perform a careful balancing act. She is pursuing a more pro-EU agenda than expected, but part of her electorate cherishes Orban,” Szelenyi, the author of Tainted Democracy, a book about the global rise of populist autocracy, explains. “She has to keep her party base happy.”
Szelenyi also believes that despite differing positions on Russia, Orban and Meloni – who will also hold bilateral talks – can find common ground on EU policies, such as rule-of-law issues, which the government could then sell to the Hungarian public as a big victory and preserve Orban’s image as an influential politician within the EU.
Guest list
Judging from the roster of speakers at this year’s Demographic Summit, Orban’s drawing power certainly looks to be on the wane.
From a political perspective, the guest list is lower profile than in previous years for the simple reason that several of Orban’s Central European friends (Andrej Babis and Janez Jansa) have been voted out of office since the last conference in 2021.
Besides Hungarian President Katalin Novak – the driving force behind the summit – and Orban, the political panel will include the Hungarian prime minister’s new best friend, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, pro-Russian Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, Italy’s Meloni and, from further afield, Philip Isdor Mpango, the vice-president of Tanzania. One could argue he represents the world outside of Europe, as former US vice-president Mike Pence or Australian prime minister Tony Abbott did in previous summits, but perhaps with a bit less heft.
The overall guest list is written proof of Hungary’s diplomatic shift eastwards. Ministers from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Qatar, Morocco and Bahrain will speak about protecting family values and how best to support families, while a keynote speech will be delivered by the speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament, Sahiba Gafarova.
Gafarova’s biography seems a little out of line with the Hungarian government’s general illiberal narrative: she is a graduate of women’s and gender studies in the US (gender studies are virtually banned in Hungary) and has also worked as a Council of Europe rapporteur on violence against women, refugees and migrants.
The intellectual highlights will be provided by the Canadian clinical psychologist and author Jordan Peterson, a controversial but highly influential public speaker and frequent guest of Orban. He once referred to Orban as a wannabe dictator, though later told the Hungarian pro-government weekly Mandiner that, “it’s always good to have something to constantly scare people with, to demonise someone. Europe also needs a bogeyman like Donald Trump, and that is the role that Viktor Orban has been appointed to play.” Peterson has also described Orban’s pro-family policies (see box below) as “impressive”.
The Nobel Prize-winning economist James Heckman, who has done most of his research on inequality, social mobility and early childhood education, will probably offer a more scholarly approach to family policy.
Of course, no demographic conference in Hungary could take place without the participation of Christian theologians and church leaders.
Syrian Orthodox Church leader Efrem Ignac, who has publicly praised Orban for resisting Western political correctness and urged the government to prevent the EU from putting Russian Orthodox Church leader Patriarch Kirill on the sanctions list, will share his thoughts on how the church can protect families in the midst of wars. Ironically, Ignac recently moved into the restored villa of former Hungarian Communist leader Janos Kadar, which now houses the secretariat for persecuted Christians in Budapest.
Christiaan Alting von Geusau, founder and president of the fundamentalist, anti-abortion, anti-birth control, anti-divorce International Catholic Legislators’ Network (ICLN), will also take the floor. The ICLN calls contraception “intrinsically evil” and abortion a “crime against humanity”, while donating sperm and artificial insemination are “morally unacceptable”.
The Americans
Despite Orban’s growing popularity in US conservative circles, no senior US Republican politician is attending this year’s summit, with the exception of Valerie Huber, president and CEO of the Institute of Women’s Health.
Huber was former president Donald Trump’s special representative for global women’s health, and she drafted the anti-abortion Geneva Consensus Declaration, signed by mostly illiberal, autocratic regimes and whose secretariat is housed in Hungary. The Biden administration removed the US from the list shortly after being elected.
Panellists will also include Sharon Slater, co-founder of the fundamentalist Christian lobby group Family Watch International, which opposes abortion, sex education and birth control, and supports the criminalisation of homosexuality in Africa and the US.
Last but not least, the benefits of family life will be presented by Pat Fagan, a former deputy assistant secretary under former president George H. W. Bush and currently the director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute, which describes marriage and weekly religious worship as “sources of the greatest social outcomes”, and urges young people to come to the altar as virgins.
The official budget of the conference is estimated at 3.8 billion forints (around 10 million euros), which will paid for out of taxpayer money, even as the government is being forced to scrap some of its flagship family support schemes due to budgetary problems.
Family Policy
Hungary’s demographic summits were originally intended to publicise Orban’s “Family Policy”, which comprises generous financial incentives for mostly middle- and upper-income families, such as full tax exemption for mothers with four children or cheap housing loans for young couples willing to have several children.
The results of this policy have been decidedly mixed, though. Hungary’s female fertility rate did indeed rise from 1.2 to 1.59 (children per woman) between 2010 and 2021, but fell back to 1.51 in 2022. That means Hungary has moved from the bottom of the EU to slightly above the average.
However, most demographic experts consider it unrealistic to expect that Hungary can reach a fertility rate of 2.1, the rate needed to keep the population stable. According to current calculations, Hungary’s population will shrink from 9.7 million today to 8.8 million in 2050.
The picture becomes bleaker upon learning that the government has been forced to scrap some of the incentives for urban families in 2023 due to financial constraints, in order to focus mainly on its rural constituencies. Furthermore, in 2021, Hungary nationalised all private IVF clinics, officially to boost fertility but some suspect ulterior motives about centralising the lucrative business. Although treatment in general has become cheaper, many women complain of long waiting lists and have decided to go abroad for treatment.
While many experts note how Orban has managed to sell his family policies as a huge success abroad, most of his fans outside the country have little knowledge of the chronically underfunded education and health systems that are essential for creating a truly family-friendly country.
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
I'm throwing support behind you on your reply to Australian birthday girl because your advice is legit. Birthday girl: (happy birthday by the way!) if you don't want to throw a party then don't, if you do, then do it. But the question I would ask is "what is the end result you'd like to see?" If your answer (which you alluded to in your ask) is that everyone is chill and happy and y'all have a good time, then based on your explanation of the past history with the two friends, the magic 8 ball outcome reads as does not look promising. But as @webslingingslasher advises, you might want to broach the subject and see if it's just a misunderstanding. Be frank, be clear, and don't feel bad about talking about it. Resentment is like soup--it can simmer a looooong time but when you turn your back, it can boil over and cause a BIG mess. Note: I'm not saying that you resent your friends, but that misunderstandings are fertile grounds for its growth.
Make your birthday plans the way you'd like them to be. If a friend expresses disappointment at not being included (if that were your choice of plans), by all means, show sympathy that it didn't work out for them to attend. But, as adults, people have to learn how to handle all sorts of things: conflict, disappointment, change, jealousy, growth-- essentially the skills necessary we've been attempting to learn how to face with events and situations since birth but having left the nest are for which we really are held much more accountable with HOW we appropriately handle them. As it should be.
You value your friends and they should value YOU. You have worth, and while it's admirable that you want them to be happy, I'd like for YOU to have a happy birthday. Have yourself a day!
god ur so mother.... i love you for that.
anon, listen to mother.
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ariddletobesolved · 2 years
Hi, it's me again. Can you do a drabble of Helsa with number 4, please?
Thanks for sending me the prompt. Sorry that it took a long time to respond. Hope you're in the mood for some fluff :3 this one sets in the Tennis Players AU.
4. “Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?” From this post: send me a pairing and a number and i’ll write you a drabble. (if anyone would like to send a number, pls send it to @written-by-ariddletobesolved thanks)
The sound of grunts almost in sync with the sound of a ball being hit across the court greeted Hans when he got there.
Putting down his tennis bag on the bench next to a baby blue tennis bag bearing Elsa’s signature golden crocus logo, he then stood at the side of the court with his hands on his hips, observing closely. A towel bearing the tournament logo hung loosely over his shoulders, and he used it to wipe out the sweat trailing down his temple. The Australian summer sun was high in the sky, and Hans couldn’t help but admire his mixed doubles partner for not letting the heat beat her spirit.
“You’re done with practice, Hans?” Elsa muttered, still not losing her focus from the yellow ball that was mounted by the ball machine from the other baseline.
“Yup,” Hans said, before walking back towards the bench and grabbed a bottle of water. “And I’m here to deliver you some news from Coach Agnarr himself.”
Just when Elsa turned to Hans, the ball machine stopped working as the balls had run out. She tilted her head, her cheeks flushing and she was panting from running and returning the balls.
"What did my father say?" She asked, before doing a small jog to approach the auburn haired man. Elsa took the water bottle from his grasp and took a big gulp. "I hope he didn't plan on hosting a dinner party this time."
She almost cringed at that thought. It was an annual thing that her father liked to do: hosting a dinner party at the start of the year not only for their small team, which was mainly consisted of Agnarr and Iduna—Elsa and Anna's parents, who were coaching both Hans and Elsa respectively, Coach Mattias—Anna's coach, and the physiotherapists with whom they all travelled the world; but also for some of their sponsors, players who trained at Arendelle Tennis Academy who were competing in the same tournament along with their coaches, and some of Agnarr Arendelle's former rivals and friends who lived in Australia or were in town to watch the tournament. Elsa disliked large gatherings, and no matter how many times her parents told her how important connections are, even if you were an athlete, she still thought it wasn't exactly necessary for her to be there.
Hans grinned. "No, he didn't."
Elsa raised an eyebrow as she grabbed a towel from the bench. "Okay, don't play with riddles with me, Hans, what is it?"
"A picnic, tomorrow noon," Hans replied, biting back a smile. "But it's more intimate, so there'll be your parents, us, your sister, and Coach Mattias."
Letting out a sigh, Elsa took a seat on the bench. She started to roll her right shoulder which was seemingly sore from the practice.
"Well, at least I don't have to pretend I care about which qualifier is gonna have a good run this time," said Elsa, stealing a glance at Hans and smiling. 
"You're a top player, Elsa, of course they value your opinions about other players. Besides, you made history by being the first qualifier to win a Grand Slam two years ago, of course they're interested to hear what you have to say," Hans said.
"Now, that's just too kind, Hans." Elsa smiled even wider, but she tried to wave his reply off as a mere compliment. But her smile turned into a flinch and she went to massage her right shoulder. 
Hans, who noticed the sudden change of demeanour, quickly said, “Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?”
Nodding, she then patted the spot next to her for him to sit. When Hans gently worked to loosen the tense muscle, Elsa let out a sigh in contentment, her blue eyes fluttering close.
"Hmmh, it feels better now," she muttered. "Gosh, remind me to not sleep on my right side for a little too long again."
Hans grinned. "I would, if you weren't a heavy sleeper. You keep rolling onto your side and clinging on me, even after I push you so that you lie on your back."
At the comment, Elsa felt her cheeks flush even redder. "It's not my fault that you're more comfortable than a body pillow."
"I know." Hans pressed a kiss on the blonde's temple. "But also, maybe you need to slow down a bit with this intense training. I'm pretty sure your mum would want you to be fit and healthy until the Tour Finals."
"I'm not sure if I would qualify for this year's Tour Finals," Elsa sighed. "Not when you have players like Astrid Hofferson dominating the tour."
Hans stopped for a while, before brushing back a few strands of blonde hair from her face, making her turn to him. "You'll do great, okay, Kaere?" 
Elsa pressed her lips into a thin line, as if she was thinking. "Well, I do have an idea, but only if you're up for a challenge."
"I'm always ready."
"So I'll try my best to qualify for the Tour Finals, but only if you do too," she grinned. "We have months until the US Open, and whoever gets qualified first is the winner of this race."
"What's the catch?" Hans smirked.
"I haven't thought about it, to be honest, but I think the winner gets whatever they want. Deal?"
Hans leaned in to peck her lips shortly, before saying, "Deal."
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