#Australian pink salt
calumsrockstar · 10 months
Surf's up - Ashton Irwin
a/n: possibly thinking of making this into a series?
Word count: 1.4k
Where you go to the beach, and you encounter a very sexy australian surfer
contents: fluff, swearing, weed use
Surfer!Ashton x Reader (fem)
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You were always a fan of the beach, the way sand felt on your toes, how salty the water was... But, since your family went on a holiday every summer, it turned out to be a bore.
"y/n y/l/n! you are going to the beach whether you like it or not!" Your mother exclaimed. You rolled your eyes. "I don't get why you force me to do these things." You exclaimed.
You felt like a teenager again, being pushed into trips with your family, the problem was, you were an adult now, and still were being treated like a kid.
"Fine, but I won´t have to stay with you guys the whole time! Deal?" You asked your parents. "That´s fine." Your dad replied.
You finally got to the beach house. Immediately you put on your bathing suit and went to the beach.
One of the things you enjoyed the most was making sandcastles, even though you were 20 now, this reminded you the most of your childhood, comforting you in ways that touched your soul.
While you were making your sandcastle, someone bumped into it, destroying the whole thing. "What the fuck? Watch where you´re going!" You screamed. "Sorry..." You heard a voice from above you.
You looked up, and there he was, his brown hair, lightened from the sun, his tan skin, slightly sunburnt, and the most beautiful green eyes you´ve ever seen.
He reached down with his hand, pulling you up. "I´m sorry, I can help you rebuild it?" He said. And he had an australian accent. God damnit.
He looked you up and down. He was thinking the same as you, your hair was curled from the salt water, your delicate face, and the way your coverup hugged your body made him stare.
"It´s fine, don´t worry about it... I´m way too old to be making sandcastles anyway." You rubbed your hand at the back of your neck and laughed. He smiled back.
"I think it´s adorable." He winked. You started blushing. "Are you from around here?" He asked. "No i´m just here on vacation with my family." You replied.
"Oh... that´s too bad." He uttered. You raised an eyebrow and smiled. "Why´s that?" You asked. "I was just wanting to know you better." He smiled. Your legs went weak.
"Well, I think i´d like to get started by knowing your name first, mystery man." You laughed.
"The name´s Ashton, what about yours?" You grinned. "I´m y/n, nice to meet you." You stuck out your hand, into his, creating an awkward handshake.
"I don´t know if this is too sudden, but... Would you like to hang out at another beach tonight with some friends? It´s something casual, just a few buddies." He asked, tugging at his green choker, with a pearl on the center. "Yeah, i´d love to." You replied.
"Awesome, would you give me your number so I can give you the info?" He questioned.
"Yeah, no problem, my phone´s just in my bag, i´ll go get it." You turned around and walked to your beach chair. Ashton turned around, trying not to stare.
You gave him your number, and to text it to know if he got it right. You recieved a notification saying "Hello, nice to meet you, y/n." You smiled.
"See you tonight then." You smirked, showing the dimples on your face.
"See you." Ashton said. When you left, he couldn´t hide his joy, wiping the smile off his face.
The evening came, you went to go take a shower, wondering what would happen tonight. You washed the salt off your skin and shampooed and conditioned your hair.
You finally picked out an outfit. A white skirt paired with a pink bikini top.
You braided your hair and put on some mascara, breathing deep. "We´re just gonna hang out", you told yourself.
Meanwhile, Ashton was at Calum´s house, accompanied by Mike and Luke, were getting ready.
"So... you finally got yourself a girl?" Calum asked Ashton. "She´s not my girl, she´s just someone I met, we´re just gonna hang out." He replied.
"That´s not what you sounded like when you were describing her to us." Luke said.
Michael teased Ashton, repeating what he said. "Oh! She´s so pretty! She seems perfect." He exclaimed while putting a hand on his forehead.
"Shut the fuck up dude..." Ashton said, combing through his hair and putting on a floral red shirt.
It was finally time, the sky was clear and the night was warm, Calum, Mike, Luke and Ashton were sitting around a campfire at the beach, waiting for you, listening to the crackling of the fire.
You arrived, walking, since the beach was not far from your house and Luke was the first to see you.
"Dude, is that her?" He asked Ashton. All of them turned to look at you. "A bit out of your league, don´t you think Ash?" Michael punched him in the shoulder. "Smokin´ hot." Calum agreed.
Ashton ran up to greet you, and you both hugged. "Hi." You giggled and looked into his eyes. "I was thinking you would never show up, you look good." He laughed.
Luke looked at the boys. "We´re literally a collective third wheel right now."
He held your hand to bring you to the other guys, they all stood up and hugged you, then you all sat down around the campfire, you were sitting in the middle of Calum and Ash.
"Guys, this is y/n." He said, introducing you.
"So, what brings you here to our beautiful beach hangout spot?" Calum laughed, taking a drag of his joint. "Well, i´m here with my family on vacation, not really by choice. But I got invited by Ashton here, so it´s not that bad." You winked.
"How did you two meet?" Michael asked.
"I was just surfing on the beach, and I knocked over her sandcastle." Ashton laughed. "Yup, true story." You agreed.
"You smoke?" Calum asked you. "Occasionally..." You smiled. Calum laughed and passed the joint to you, the light dimming down with the wind.
Calum passed you the lighter. "Ash, can you help here?" You asked. He put his two hands over the joint while you light it. Looking at you, thinking about how lucky he was to have met you. You took a puff.
"Thanks." You smiled up at him. "No problem." He blushed.
Calum looked over to Luke and whispered. "You could cut the tension here with a knife." Luke giggled.
Luke whispered something in Calum´s ear. "Well, we´re going inside, we´ll let you two be." Calum exclaimed. Michael also understood the message, and left with them.
You looked at Ashton, and he shrugged his shoulders. "You can finish it." You told him, passing the joint to him, watching him take one last puff, throwing it on the sand.
"I have an idea." Ashton smiled. "What?" You asked him. He took you by the hand and dragged you close to the ocean.
"Let´s jump in." He told you. "Are you crazy? it´s like 10 PM." You laughed at him.
"Who cares? I promise to save you if you drown." He told you. You punched him in the arm. "That´s not funny!" You laughed. "It´s a little bit funny." He replied.
"Okay fine, but baby steps." You told him, taking off your skirt. He froze, and you smiled. "Hey, my eyes are up here." You laughed. "Sorry."
He took off his shirt and took your hand.
He tricked you, he picked you up and ran into the ocean with you, as you screamed and laughed. "Ashton! Put me down! I don´t wanna wet my hair!"
You both splashed in the water together, fully submerging yourselves.
You came up for air, so did he. "Too late, princess." He smiled.
You couldn´t even be mad at him, he looked so beautiful in the moonlight. His hair going curly after it got wet.
He took your face in his hands and pulled it closed to your face. "May I?" He asked. You smiled and nodded.
He placed a kiss on your lips, momentarily breaking because of the force of the waves, but kissing again after.
You both got out of the water, and you started running. "Where are you going?" He asked you. "Come get me and you'll see!" You shouted.
Ashton ran after you, and soon enough he caught up and wrapped his arms around you. "What was that?" He asked you, turning you to face him. "Wanted to feel you hold me."
"There's more than enough time for that." He smiled and kissed you again, more passionately.
"I'm so glad I met you, y/n." He told you.
"Me too, Ash."
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servin-up-surveys · 4 months
survey #211
Are you an only child? Nope.
Do you like the color pink? Pink is my favorite color. I love basically any shade of it.
Do you take vitamins? Not necessarily vitamins, but I take daily fiber pills.
Where was your last kiss? Girt's car when we got home from Charlotte. He was too exhausted to come in.
What health problems run in your family? A fucking lot. High cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, heart issues, cancer, asthma, some mental health issues (I think depression is most prominent), and I'm sure I'm forgetting more.
Ever have an eating disorder? Not exactly. I do have binge-eating tendencies, but not with a frequency where I think it's an actual condition, but I could be wrong.
What’s your favorite Ben and Jerry’s ice cream? Phish Food.
Do you have a cat? Yes, named Roman.
Do you like polka dots? Yeah, I just like circles because I find them aesthetically pleasing.
Have you ever had surgery? Yes, I had tubes put in my ears as a baby and in my early 20s I had a pilonidal cyst removed.
What are you best at? I think my best skill is probably writing.
What are you worst at? Lots'a contenders here, lol. Catastrophizing. Social inadequacy. Overthinking in general.
Do you like men in suits? are you seriously asking this, I am but a basic bitch
Which of the seven deadly sins fits you the best? Sloth.
Do you go hunting? Absolutely not.
Have you ever wanted to be a ballerina? No.
Are you in a band? No.
Where did you last have sex? I've never had actual penis-in-vagina sex because of a combination of living with parents and my boyfriend has absolutely crippling performance anxiety that makes it kinda impossible right now. I last did sexual stuff in my boyfriend's bed.
Did you ever want to be an astronaut? No.
What’s the last party you attended? My niece's bday party.
Do you have your own computer? I have my own laptop, yes.
Are you trick or treating this year? No, I haven't done that since I was a young teenager.
What month were you born in? February.
Do you like where you live? No, this place drives me insane.
Do you get along better with your mom or dad? Mom.
Do you read classic literature? I've enjoyed classics I've read. I don't read them exclusively or necessarily favor them.
Do you have a deviantART account? I have two active ones; my main one is for photography, and the other is for mainly drawings.
Are spiders scary? They can startle me, but I'm not exactly afraid of them. I love them, even if I can be jumpy around certain types. I actually tend to be much more comfortable with tarantulas; I say that because I know for most people, that's their nightmare spider, but they're in my top three or four favorite animals.
Cheetos. Poofy or regular? Crunchy. The poofy ones get so stuck in your teeth. I mean I'll eat them and enjoy them, but I will always prefer crunchy.
What’s a total deal breaker in a potential bf/gf? A history of getting violent when angry is one. I will NOT fuck with that. But I honestly have a lot of dealbreakers.
When you read a book, do you use a bookmark or simply dog ear/fold the top of the page? I've used a bookmark since I got a meerkat one from my Australian friend Shaz! She sent me a meerkat postcard and included the bookmark.
Have you ever seen a panda in real life? Where was it? I have not.
Does it snow where you live? Not often and not a lot of it generally, but yes.
Have you ever been bitten by a spider? Not to my knowledge, anyway.
What movies did you watch a lot as a kid? The first two The Lion King films, Finding Nemo, Milo & Otis, Napoleon, Homeward Bound, etc. Mostly Disney or Pixar movies.
Do you like cucumber? Yeah, it's a vegetable I actually find fine. I especially like them with salt and vinegar.
Do you have milk in your fridge right now? What kind? Yes, I think it's 2%. I think Mom also keeps almond milk for herself, I don't pay attention back there.
When was the last time you were hungover? Never.
Do you know anyone who is anorexic? I don't think so.
What's the last insult someone said to you? Idk.
How much did your car cost? I don't have a car.
What is the last picture you received on your phone of? uh good question
Who did you last share a taxi with? I've never been in a taxi.
What do you hear right now? "They Don't Care About Us" by Beast In Black. Girt's got me obsessed with them.
Do you do anything to help the environment? We recycle. I take spiders outside (I know that sounds very minor, but come on, they serve the environment). I wouldn't even dare to litter.
What do you think of people who complain about Valentine's Day? I honestly totally don't get it. "You should celebrate love every day!!!" well no shit but what's the harm of having ONE day specifically dedicated to it???? I love Valentine's Day.
Have you ever had to get stitches? Twice that I remember.
Is your tongue pierced? It's not anymore; I had snake eyes years ago and it was my favorite piercing. I took it out however because I'm sure it was damaging my teeth when I would accidentally chomp down on it when eating and stuff.
Do you think that you have a pretty smile? No, I think I look high when I smile, especially with my mouth closed.
Are you keeping a secret that would shock people if they found out? I don't think so.
Are you scared to lose the person you fell the hardest for? I already did.
Do you have any friends that actually model? No, I don't think so.
Are you for or against gay marriage? jump off a bridge if ur against it <33333
Do you know anyone who’s committed suicide? An online friend named Journee when I was a teenager, at least to my knowledge. I guess since she was an online friend I never truly met, I really have no ACTUAL way of knowing, but I definitely believe she did kill herself. It affected me more than I even realized at the time, and I felt it then, too.
Have you ever imagined how it would feel kissing a certain someone? lmao yes
Is there anyone who doesn't like you? Multiple people.
What was the last thing you cried about? When we were in Charlotte, I had to walk much farther than my body could handle; frequently I felt like I was going to crumble onto the sidewalk. I had to cry a little bit in the bathroom when we got to where we were going because I was stressed, overwhelmed, scared, and mad at myself.
Do you have nice eyes? Meh. I wish they were bluer.
What are the bad things you've heard people say about you? I would much rather NOT do this to avoid falling into a self-loathing trap lmao
Have you ever caught a friend cheating on their bf/gf? My sister's friend, anyway.
Have you ever kissed someone that was high? No.
Do you think Jersey people are annoying? No. Making blanket assumptions about people depending on where they're from is dumb as hell.
How many exes do you have? If you include everybody that had the title of boyfriend or girlfriend, four, or five if you consider Girt an ex since we technically dated before this go-around.
Does your mom think you’re a virgin? Yes.
Is there someone that wants you to give them a second chance? shrug
Did anyone give you anything last Valentine's Day? Yeah, Girt got me flowers.
Do you keep condoms in your room? Not right now. We did in the past, but after failed attempts to even have sex, there's none left right now and since it's pretty clear sex is probably never going to happen until we live without our parents, we just. Don't keep any here.
Is there a secret you've never told your parents? Yes, but it's nothing important. Just things I keep private that affect nobody.
Does the person you last kissed still like you? Yes.
Are your parents still together? Hell no.
Do you have a large dog? If not, are you afraid of them? No and no.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? Yes. That's when I decided hey, maybe flirting with your best friend's boyfriend behind her back isn't a great idea.
Who is your favorite photographer? Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya.
Were you shy in high school? No, not really.
Do you know anyone autistic? Me. My niece Aubree. Pretty sure more.
Do you like your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents? I love his mom. Never met his dad, he's dead.
Do you like Polaroid photography? Yeah!!!
Who was the last family member of yours that died? My maternal grandma, I think?
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No.
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? Honestly, probably Girt. He's the one that came to the ER after I tried to kill myself, when I'd completely given up on life. But I suppose maybe it's Jason, who saw me basically fucking insane with heartbreak after he broke up with me. Idk. I lean towards Girt.
Were you raised by someone other than your parents? No.
What’s the last chore you did? Refilled Venus' water dish.
Is your father injured? He's had issues with his back forever. I think he recently had a leg problem, too.
Are you part Native American? No.
What are your pets’ names? Roman, Venus, Cookie (not exactly mine, but).
Have you ever worked two jobs? hello I'd rather die
What are the names of all the dogs you’ve ever owned? Trigger, Angel, Teddy, Dale, Cali, Delilah, Bentley, and Cookie. We had one more dog very briefly but I can't remember what Mom named her.
What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you? I'm a weak-willed deadweight that lies about being traumatized. Love you too, Sara.
Who have you most feared in your life? My dad, honestly.
What one natural thing would you most like to see? Aurora borealis.
Do you like the game Tetris? No, it stresses me out.
What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done? I dunno.
Have you ever wanted to be a model? No.
Who was your first online friend? I think it was actually a girl named Kat, but it may have also been Mazzy. I met a lot of people around the same time when I joined the MM forums.
Does your mom dye her hair? Yes, the gray makes her self-conscious.
What’s the best kind of video game? (Adventure, shooting, etc) Horror.
Have you ever tried to break up anyone because YOU liked the guy/girl? I wanted to when Jason got a girlfriend after me, but I just barely managed to have at least SOME respect and left their relationship alone.
Do you draw fanart of anything? Not really. I've drawn meerkats from Meerkat Manor and portraits of celebs, but this isn't something I do regularly. I'm far more likely to draw meerkat OCs, if I'm gonna draw.
What was the last music video you watched? Did you like it? I think it was "Bleeders" by Black Veil Brides. It was fine, I mainly clicked the video just for the music.
Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? Oh, my mom by a trillion miles, I'll be real.
What band has the power to make you cry by splitting up? Oh Rammstein easily, they've had the same lineup since they started and they're like brothers so if they split I'd be devastated. I'll very likely cry when they simply retire, lol.
Can grills be sexy on a guy? Grills are sexy on literally nobody.
What’s your favorite comic book/graphic novel? I don't have one.
Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? SOUR
Do you find it easy to pass the time or do you get really bored? One of my most prominent depression symptoms is anhedonia. I'm always bored out of my mind.
Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yes, I was forced to go to a Catholic church as a child and also was occasionally brought to confession. Don't do this shit to your kid, btw.
Who was the last non-relative you rode in a vehicle with? My boyfriend.
Do you expect to be married in the next 2 years? I have a feeling we'll at least be engaged.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No.
Who IMed you on Facebook last? Girt's sister Ashley.
What flags do you have in your room, if any? None. I'd like at least a small LGBTQ+ one, though.
If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara.
Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? I think it was Ariel, whose horses I photographed towards the end of last year.
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lilacjaemin · 6 months
mutuals i’d like to get to know better 🌟
tagged by: @jentwt (omg ive been meaning to message u hiii!!!)
last song: carat cake - nct dream
favorite color: any and all pinks :p
spicy/sweet/savory: out of these id choose sweet but im a very big potato chip fan <3 salt 4ever
currently watching: season 11 of australian survivor lol its sm better than the us version but shh dont tell jeff probst
relationship status: girl a tumbleweed just rolled by...
current obsession: im super back into stardew valley bc of the 1.6 update so that is taking over my life again! i did not think id like starting from scratch but im having sm fun :D
tagging: since my blog was so ia for so long i only have one (1) active mutual left😭 hi arie sharkie @spldeyboy ily
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starlightrows · 1 year
Welcome back to Krax Watches! Today I’m watching: Sons of Summer
Spoilers below!
Movie starts out fantastic, first person we see is Tem! A++
Exactly what we saw in the trailer with the hand off
You guys, his salt and pepper stubble is EVERYTHING
You know this girl is cool because she has a chuck of pink in her hair
Getting right into it with “one last job”
I have a terrible habit about picking up accents, this is going to make me parrot an Australian/New Zealand accent for the next several days
Several minutes of unnecessary surfing B Roll
They call it liquid ballet… I hope they don’t actually call surfing that
More surfing B roll
These actors are really stiff
Flashback montage of their looooove
This is a stupid stupid stupid stupid plan. Like the definition of a half cocked plan
No one drives a fancy car to a drug drop. Aren’t you supposed to blend in and not stick out?
Oh my fucking god that suit!
I can just see it now, him in the suit checking his watch will be made into a gif in the next week
A mob bridal dinner?
I kind of forgot Tem (still don’t know the character name yet) is kinda the bad guy in this
Ew ew ew smarmy man
I was confused as to what just happened…. They stole the car that had the drugs in it.
The intense red lighting in this (very tame) car chase
More very stiff acting
This dude is more concerned about his girlfriend leaving him for being involved in drug trafficking than the traffickers finding him and busting his skull for it… what the fuck?
How does he know that the girl knows anything?
Or what? What do you mean or what?
Also Tem’s character finally has a name, Frank
Ooooooh he’s in the apartment….. he’s not a bounty hunter in this but I feel like whatever he is, is worse
I don’t know how he didn’t catch her… but the second she leaves that closet he’s going to be sitting there
More surfing
I went to the kitchen to get a snack and make a cup of tea and they are STILL surfing
Who is this woman? That the girlfriend called out of nowhere
Can’t tell if this is trying to be a murder mystery about who killed the blond guys dad? Or if it’s just weird background information
Another rando is introduced
More surfing
Oh… now one of the surfer boys is comatose
Finally a fight scene!
More love scene flashbacks
What the fuck just happened? 😂 why did this bro-y campfire just turn into a fight? The dialogue was more like a porno line than a threat
Oh my god. I can’t stop laughing. “You’re old!” “No you’re old” stab stab slow motion stab 🔪
What the fuck he wasn’t even holding anything to stab him with?
More god damn surfing
So is the cost of dying…. What does that even mean?
Hand is bloody before he punches the tree
This movie just cuts from random scene to random scene with no connection
Blondie is suddenly fine after punching that tree, screaming in the rain and weeping about his dead friend… also their other friend is comatose in the hospital still
Please god no…. Not another surfing montage
Their hair is lightly damp and perfect
ooooh a bromancy vacation montage
Dramatically on a bus for a singular second before cutting to another unconnected scene
Another surfing montage?! How? Why? Fucking why? There’s only 20 minutes left, this better be the last one (just kidding I know there is at least two more coming)
Hang on… there’s only 15 minutes left and this girl has still not been kidnapped like in the trailer… what the fuck?
Lying is bad for your health…. Okay that was funny
Sean Bindaboo… that can not be a real last name
So…. Did the girl just decide to take a bus to nowhere and go on a walking holiday?
Fuck him up Frank!
There is no way. On this entire god damn planet of earth. That Frank just runs into the girlfriend on the side of the road
Finally she’s been kidnapped! I never thought that would make me happy
At least Frank isn’t violent with her
Not gonna lie…. The way Franks speaks when threatening big blond idiot…. Pretty hot
They way Sean runs 😂
His friends are so fucking stupid
What the fuck? The rando girl from the surfing montage agreed to help them with this drug drop? What the fuck is this movie?
I do not buy it. Blondie successfully drowned Frank. I know that’s what happened in the canon of the movie, but that’s dumb
Old footage? For no reason?
Plastic lei and all of them surfing
Wow comatose guy lived! And is surfing with a bandage on
No! Don’t leave the plastic lei in the ocean you assholes
Frank’s not dead!!!! Wait what? How is that the last scene of the movie?
You guys this movie is terrible. 3/10 at best. Glad I watched it though, had to see for myself
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survey--s · 1 year
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What does your town’s name begin with?  An M.
What number house do you live at?  Yeah, I'm not putting my house number on here, lol.
Are you a seafood fan?  It depends what time - I love clams, prawns, crab and lobster but I'm not a huge fan of mussels or oysters.
Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate?  Milk chocolate is my favourite closely followed by dark.
Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means.  Schokolade means chocolate in German.
Can you cook Thai food? Not without a recipe.
Do you get easter eggs at easter?  I normally buy myself one, yeah, but I don't really get given Easter eggs anymore as an adult.
How long does it roughly take you to do the weekly or bi weekly shopping?  I get an online shop once a week and it takes me about 15-20 minutes to put it all together and order it.
Who taught you the most valuable lesson in life and what was that lesson?  I honestly don't know. I can't think of one particular lesson that stands out to me more than any other.
Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris?  Madrid or Tunis as I've already visited the others several times over.
Would you rather visit Australia, Germany, Croatia or Jamaica?  Croatia. I have no real interest in visiting Jamaica and I've been to the others already.
Have you got perfect vision?  No, my eyesight is about -9 in both eyes -_-
What colour bedspread or blanket is on your bed now?  I just changed the sheets this morning actually - currently they're white sheets with pink & purple butterflies on them.
What colour is the door to your house?  Silver metal with privacy glass.
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider?  A lizard or a snake maybe. Though I looked after some lizards recently and they ate live insects which freaked me out slightly, hahah. They were pretty cool animals though.
What song(s) do you put on repeat often?  At the moment it's Cinderella Snapped by Jax or Savage Daughter by Ekaterina someone or other. I can't spell her surname and I'm not even going to try lol. I believe she's Ukranian.
 How many letters long is your last name? Six. <–Same! <--- me too!
Can you play the violin? If not, would you like to?  No and no, not really, but I remember being jealous of my friends who took violin lessons when I was younger lol.
Can you keep a pokerface and not show your emotions easily? No - my emotions are written ALL over my face.
Are you a good liar (tell the truth this time)? Sometimes. It depends on the situation.
Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet?  I have bare feet at the moment.
What word or phrase is disgusting in your opinion and you hate hearing it?  I can't stand the worst moist.
Do you like the smell of a barbecue or bonfire?  Ooh, I absolutely love it. It reminds me of summer.
Do you prefer to write etc, ecetera or something else?  etc.
Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated?  I love a rainbow.
Are your lips chapped?  Nope.
Have you ever fallen into a hole or crevice whilst hiking?  Not a major one, no.
Ever been quad biking? Was it any good? No, I've never been. I would if I was given the opportunity though.
What is different about you than others you hang out with?  I'm autistic.
Are you more skeptical or gullible?  Skeptical.
How often do you drink sodas or fizzy drinks?  Everyday.
How many cups of tea or coffee do you have a day?  Normally two cups of coffee and occasionally an iced coffee too.
Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional?  Yes, and I certainly can be in some situations.
Favourite crisp/chip flavour?  Salt and vinegar, cheese, paprika.
Do you put salt and vinegar on your fries?  Yes, always. Especially if they're proper "chippy chips".
What accent is the sexiest?  Irish, Scottish, Australian.
Do you currently live in the same country you were born in?  Yes.
What’s your current mood?  Relaxed. Also surprised at how quickly my time off is going lol.
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings?  Not on here, no, but I do struggle with it in real life sometimes.
A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park or go to a concert?  Theme park.
Prefer being in control in a team environment, helping out or taking orders?  I would just rather not be in a team environment lol.
Do you like carrot cake?  Yep, it's one of my favourites lol.
Don’t you hate it when people say ‘I don’t mean to be rude but…’? Especially considering 98% of the time they ARE trying to be rude?  No, because I say it all the time lol. I just think people are away too easy to take offence these days. I know that's an unpopular opinion though.
Would you say yes to a drink from a friend of a friend?  Yeah, if my friend was also there.
How good is your memory? Annoyingly good. I wish I found it easier to forget thing sometimes.
On a scale of 1-10 how was this survey? Did you enjoy it?  It was actually pretty good as there were a few decent and original questions - I'd say a seven.
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perthfoodreview · 2 years
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INVITED // Our “Classic Oscar” four courses meal tasting menu (aud60pp) plus additional beef and dessert courses (deserts will be on a separate post) from Oscar’s at Guildford Landing, Swan Valley. @oscars_guildford We got to try the following: First Course: - Dingo lager sourdough and malted ricotta - Pickled garden vegetables and whipped blue cheese Second Course: - Fremantle octopus, avocado, horseradish and orange - Local grains, native leaves and honey Third Course: - Red mullet, york gum smoke, salt bush and cucumber - Robinson Bream fish wings, eggplant, lemon thyme and tomato Fourth Course: - Gwamby grazing lamb, silverbeet and olive - Burnt broccoli, macadamia and fig - Ruby lu potato, buttery soft and crispy Additional fourth course (not normally included in their four courses menu but is included on their six courses menu): - Dry aged Stirling Ranges beef, steak sauce and fire (medium rare) Dessert courses & drinks (not pictured here): - Apple and rhubarb crumble - Baked cheesecake - Argyle Pink Gin & Tonic - Bombak Distillery Pickle Gin & Tonic Beautiful tasteful interiors with their own vege & herb garden and spacious outdoor area. Friendly, attentive service and delicious, value-for-money tasting menu. Plenty of parking in front of the restaurant. My favourite courses were the Robinson bream fish wing which was perfectly cooked and 180 day dry aged Stirling Ranges steak. The mashed potatoes were creamy and love the other element with the crispy potato skins. Love the no-wastage ethos behind using fish wings and how it’s perfectly cooked over the fire grill. The menu focuses exclusively on local Western Australian produce - both in food and drinks (beer, wines and spirits). Chef Justin Hughes has an impressive background completing his apprenticeship at Becasse in Sydney before working under Neil Perry and Phil Wood at Rockpool on George for three years. Thanks so much to Drew, Simon and Justin for the invitation and hospitality. Enjoyed the food and can’t wait to be back. Definitely one of Perth’s most value-for-money tasting menus. ❤️🙏 #Invited #OscarsAtGuildfordLanding #Guildford #SwanValley #PerthFoodReview #PFR_Oscars (at Oscar's at Guildford Landing) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnW_gn6vU1a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Nutra Red Velvet and Lover's latte
Dried Beetroot* (72%), Chai Spice Blend (8%), (Turmeric, Ginger, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Black Pepper), Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin, Rice Extract, Chai Spice, Monks Fruit, Hibiscus, Rosehip, Vanilla Bean.
-Lovers- Cacao (75%), Australian Roasted Carob, Arousing Blend (3%) (Maca, Damiana, Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus), Coconut MCT Oil, Vanilla Bean Extract, Sunflower Extract, Pink Himalayan Salt, Monks Fruit Extract
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askwhatsforlunch · 4 months
Cognac Cream Duck
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Leftover duck can be turned into an even more-ish recipe, like this Cognac Cream Duck, beautifully comforting on a chill and rainy day!
Ingredients (serves 1):
about 140 grams/5 ounces leftover Lemon and Rosemary Duck 
1/3 cup good Cognac or Brandy
a pinch of fleur de sel or sea salt flakes and freshly cracked black pepper
2 heaped tablespoons crème fraîche or sour cream
1 teaspoon demerara sugar
Heat a medium skillet over medium-high heat. Once hot, add Leftover Duck Breast, skin-side down, and cook, 5 minutes.
Flip onto the other side, and cook, a couple of minutes more. 
Transfer Duck Breast to a chopping board, and cut half of into thin enough slices with a sharp knife. Keep the other half warm.
Add Duck Breast to the hot skillet and cook, until browned on all sides.
Pour Cognac, gently over the Duck, and cook, 1 minute. Season with fleur de sel and black pepper, and stir in crème fraîche. Once the sauce just thickens, sprinkle in demerara sugar, stirring until dissolved.
Cut remaining Duck Breast halve into slices.
Serve Cognac Cream Duck hot, topped with beautifully pink Duck slices, a side of and a robust red wine, like a good Côtes du Rhône or Australian Shiraz.
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sycamoretrees · 7 months
tagged by @teex bless you thank you
9 people i’d like to get to know better
Last song: Young Man In America by Anaïs Mitchell is stuck in my head a lot (in my theoretical wrestling fanmix it aligns with Daniel Garcia), last song I added to my current playlist was Vor í Vaglaskógi by KALEO because I was watching a lot of Scandinavian crime drama. But I've mostly been listening to old MBMBAM episodes instead of music lately
Favourite colour: all the cherry blossom/apple blossom/magnolia pinks that are starting to bloom RN are very good. Also that one soap from Lush that's like vivid translucent blue and opaque white
Currently watching: current NJPW, ca. 2020 NJPW, current AEW, this one youtube channel where an australian guy does chemistry in his shed, i have failed to find a new tv show that compels me for some time now :(
Spicy/savoury/sweet/(sour)/(salty): salty! Gotten really into crisps lately. I can do without sweet but man I do crave salt (ibex coded) . Of the original 3, savoury, although I do enjoy a lot of fruit
Relationship status: nope
Obsessions: pomegranates, wish they were easier to eat. Lychees, ditto. this hiromu takahashi artwork 💛. Learning Japanese. The smell of Dove body wash and also Byredo Blanche, only one of which I can afford. The arrival of spring thank GOD and also at a later date Hades 2.
tagging but only if you feel like doing it! : @benchwarming @thistledropkick @bitterscampi @yoshihashismattebum @wrestleish @amazonplanet @hyggles @immoveableobject
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marketinsight1234 · 8 months
Gourmet Salts Market: Global Industry Analysis and Forecast 2023 – 2030
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Gourmet Salts Market was valued at USD 7800 million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 13260 million by the year 2028, at a CAGR of 7.87 %.
Gourmet salts (NaCl or Halite) are special salts that are unrefined and naturally gathered. They usually contain no additives and generally have minimum sodium content. Gourmet salt is observed to be high-quality salt, different from standard table salt in size and texture to flake, flavor, and color. They are specialty salts, deliciously unique, and perfect for boosting and improving ordinary dishes or drink. Gourmet salts are huge in minerals and impart properties of flavor to the food. In addition, gourmet salts are also desired for their vibrant colors. Some well-known gourmet salts such as Himalayan pink salt, Peruvian pink salt, red and black Hawaiian salt, and Australian salt.
Get Full PDF Sample Copy of Report: (Including Full TOC, List of Tables & Figures, Chart) @
The latest research on the Gourmet Salts market provides a comprehensive overview of the market for the years 2023 to 2030. It gives a comprehensive picture of the global Gourmet Salts industry, considering all significant industry trends, market dynamics, competitive landscape, and market analysis tools such as Porter's five forces analysis, Industry Value chain analysis, and PESTEL analysis of the Gourmet Salts market. Moreover, the report includes significant chapters such as Patent Analysis, Regulatory Framework, Technology Roadmap, BCG Matrix, Heat Map Analysis, Price Trend Analysis, and Investment Analysis which help to understand the market direction and movement in the current and upcoming years. The report is designed to help readers find information and make decisions that will help them grow their businesses. The study is written with a specific goal in mind: to give business insights and consultancy to help customers make smart business decisions and achieve long-term success in their particular market areas.
Leading players involved in the Gourmet Salts Market include:
Cargill, K+S Aktiengesellschaft, SaltWorks, Cheetham Salt, Amagansett Sea Salt, Murray River Gourmet Salt, INFOSA, The Savory Pantry, Evolution Salt, HEPP'S Salt, J.C. Peacock & Co, Morton Salt and other Major Players. 
If You Have Any Query Gourmet Salts Market Report, Visit:
Segmentation of Gourmet Salts Market:
By Product Type
Coarse Salt
Flake Salt
Fleur de Salt
Indian Black Salt
Italian Sea Salt
By Application
Bakery & Confectionery
Meat & Poultry
Sauces & Savory
Desserts & Frozen Food
By Regions: -
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, The Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Rest of Eastern Europe)
Western Europe (Germany, UK, France, Netherlands, Italy, Russia, Spain, Rest of Western Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, The Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of APAC)
Middle East & Africa (Turkey, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Israel, South Africa)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of SA)
What to Expect in Our Report?
(1) A complete section of the Gourmet Salts market report is dedicated for market dynamics, which include influence factors, market drivers, challenges, opportunities, and trends.
(2) Another broad section of the research study is reserved for regional analysis of the Gourmet Salts market where important regions and countries are assessed for their growth potential, consumption, market share, and other vital factors indicating their market growth.
(3) Players can use the competitive analysis provided in the report to build new strategies or fine-tune their existing ones to rise above market challenges and increase their share of the Gourmet Salts market.
(4) The report also discusses competitive situation and trends and sheds light on company expansions and merger and acquisition taking place in the Gourmet Salts market. Moreover, it brings to light the market concentration rate and market shares of top three and five players.
(5) Readers are provided with findings and conclusion of the research study provided in the Gourmet Salts Market report.
Our study encompasses major growth determinants and drivers, along with extensive segmentation areas. Through in-depth analysis of supply and sales channels, including upstream and downstream fundamentals, we present a complete market ecosystem.
If you require any specific information that is not covered currently within the scope of the report, we will provide the same as a part of the customization.
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Introspective Market Research (introspectivemarketresearch.com) is a visionary research consulting firm dedicated to assisting our clients to grow and have a successful impact on the market. Our team at IMR is ready to assist our clients to flourish their business by offering strategies to gain success and monopoly in their respective fields. We are a global market research company, that specializes in using big data and advanced analytics to show the bigger picture of the market trends. We help our clients to think differently and build better tomorrow for all of us. We are a technology-driven research company, we analyse extremely large sets of data to discover deeper insights and provide conclusive consulting. We not only provide intelligence solutions, but we help our clients in how they can achieve their goals.
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spriteofmushrooms · 1 year
A write-up of my thoughts on my Oakcha shipment, mostly for Nova's benefit. I haven't smelled any of the originals besides love... don't be shy, so these are my opinions based only on what's in the bottle.
Ruby 34, inspired by Chanel No. 5 Grand Extrait Baccarat.
Top Notes: Aldehydes, Ylang-Ylang, Neroli, Bergamot and Lemon
Heart Notes: Iris, Orris, Jasmine, Rose and Lily-of-the-Valley
Base Notes: Civet, Sandalwood, Moss, Vetiver, Patchouli, Amber, Musk and Vanilla
One of Mom's favorites.
My thoughts: fresh, clean, lightly floral, fruity. it's weird that I like this since I don't care for no. 5 in general. 4/5
Emerald 13, inspired by The Spirit of Dubai Shumukhj.
Fragrance Notes: Amber, Sandalwood, Musk, Indian agarwood, Turkish rose, Patchouli, Ylang ylang and Frankincense
My thoughts: complex, woody, dry. feels expensive. subtle. 3/5
Diamond 15, inspired by Morreale Paris Le Monde Sur Mesure.
Top Notes: Basil, Lavender, Lime, Mint, Rosemary, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Neroli and Sweet Orange
Heart Notes: Fir, Juniper, Black pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Madagascar cloves, Jasmine, Lemon, Indonesian nutmeg, May rose, Rosewood and Ylang-ylang
Base Notes: Cypress, Pine, Ginger, Cedar, Patchouli, Australian sandalwood, Vanilla and Vetiver
My thoughts: clean, herbal, complex, almost soapy? like carrying a bundle of plants. 3.5/5
Sapphire 7, inspired by Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes.
Top Notes: Egyptian cassie, Pepper flower, Pink pepper
Heart Notes: Jasmine, Geranium, Rose
Base Notes: Balsam, Myrrh, Amber
My thoughts: laundry detergent. 0/5
Pearl 22, inspired by Clive Christian No. 1 Imperial Majesty.
Top Notes: Bergamot, Sicilian mandarin, Ylang-ylang, Neroli
Heart Notes: Musk, Clove, Vanilla, Vetiver
Base Note: Sandalwood
One of Mom's favorites.
My thoughts: spicy, fruity, woodsy. not too dry, not too sweet. 5/5
Grey Santal, original.
Top Notes: Amber, Vanilla
Heart Notes: Leather, Jasmine, Sandalwood
Base Notes: Cedarwood, Guiacawood, Smoky Musk
My thoughts: smoky woodsy leather. 2/5
Dream Fuel, original.
Top Notes: Ambergris, Rose
Heart Notes: Pink Pepper, Berry
Base Notes: Oud, Patchouli
Mom's favorite of all of them. Can you tell she likes patchouli?
My thoughts: green, complex. 3.5/5
Sorcery, original.
Top Notes: Salt and Ozonic notes
Heart Notes: Turkish Rose and Praline
Base Notes: Vanilla, Patchouli and Amber Extreme
My thoughts: intoxicating. 5/5
Cosmic Fusion, original.
Top Notes: Rosemary, Bergamot and Pineapple
Heart Notes: Lavender and Cinnamon
Base Notes: Ambroxan, Sandalwood, Benzoin and Vanilla
My thoughts: smells like clean linen... 2/5
Ukiyo, original.
Top Notes: Bergamot, Pineapple, Melon
Heart Notes: Patchouli, Dry Woods
Base Notes: Oakmoss, Ambergris, Vanilla, Leather
One of Mom's favorites.
My thoughts: also intoxicating. too dry for me to wear, but I love sniffin' it. 4.5/5
Amber Aura, original.
Top Notes: Cardamom, Cinnamon and Bergamot
Heart Notes: Rose and Jasmine
Base Notes: Amber Extreme, Vanilla and Labdanum
My thoughts: delectably spicy. like I told you, I layered this with Heavens Speak, and it's divine. 5/5
Secret Duchess, inspired by Kilian princess.
Top Note: Lemon
Heart Notes: Green Tea, Ginger, Peach, Hedione, Jasmine and Apple
Base Notes: Marshmallow, Vanilla and Benzoin
My thoughts: very secret. I like it best after it dries down. 4/5
Heavens Speak, inspired by Kilian angels' share.
Top Notes: Cognac
Heart Notes: Cinnamon, Tonka Bean and Oak
Base Notes: Praline, Vanilla and Sandalwood
My thoughts: perfect. 6/5
Miss Girl, inspired by MFK's Baccarat Rouge 540 & Tom Ford's Lost Cherry.
Top Notes: Bitter Almond, Sour Black Cherry, Saffron
Heart Notes: Warm Tobacco, Jasmine Sambac, Turkish Rose, Tonka Bean
Base Notes: Moss, Sandalwood, Rich Amber, Vanilla, Caramel
My thoughts: cherry syrup and almond extract. 2/5
Almost Nude, inspired by Kilian good girl gone bad.
Top Notes: Osmanthus, Jasmine and May Rose
Heart Notes: Indian Tuberose and Narcissus
Base Notes: Amber and Cedar
My thoughts: refreshing, light. 3/5
Madame Rose, inspired by Parfums de Marly Delina.
Top Notes: Litchi, Rhubarb, Bergamot and Nutmeg
Heart Notes: Turkish Rose, Peony, Musk, Petalia and Vanilla
Base Notes: Cashmere, Cedar, Haitian Vetiver and Incense
My thoughts: fruity, floral, spicy, interesting. 4.5/5
Sweet Addict, inspired by Kilian love... don't be shy.
Top Notes: Bergamot, Neroli, Pink Pepper, Rose
Heart Notes: Bulgarian Rose, Egyptian Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Marshmallow, Orange Blossom, Orris
Base Notes: Civet, Labdanum Cistus, Vanilla, White Musk
My thoughts: meh!! nothing like my beloved :( 0/5 I'm so disappointed. the internet says to give it a few weeks and try again. blagh!!!
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Australian teen becomes first female to pull off Tony Hawk's famed '720' skateboard manuever
A 13-year-old Australian girl nailed a “720,” becoming the first female skateboarder to competitively land two airborne rotations and pulling off the amazing move in front of the sport’s pioneer, Tony Hawk. Arisa Trew won the women’s competition at Hawk’s Vert Alert in Salt Lake City over the weekend. The audience roared when Trew, wearing a pink helmet and with her ponytail flying, pulled off…
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menuandprice · 2 years
Outback Steakhouse Lunch Menu Prices & Hours [Updated February 2023]
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Any plans for steak feasting during lunch hours? Outback Steakhouse is a place for you. Here, you can choose your steak to be flame-grilled or seared. The menu of Outback Steakhouse is a treasure trove of delish steak dishes made fresh and healthy.  The lunch menu below is in accordance with the Outback Steakhouse in Florence, South Carolina, U.S.
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The lunch menu of Outback Steakhouse has many signature steak dishes like Victoria’s filet mignon, Outback center-cut sirloin, ribeye, and many more. You can have soups and salad combos and pineapple & pork medallions, Outback ribs, etc. Lunch is served at Outback Steakhouse between 12 P.M. and 4 P.M. Enjoy a delightful lunch here for less than $60. Outback Steakhouse also has limited-time offers on the lunch menu. You can read the entire menu for lunch from the tables below. You can also have bloomin’ bundle meals during lunchtime. You can also order your favorite menu items online. Keep reading to know how to order Outback’s food online. You’ll also find some of the best lunch dishes listed below. Do you know the history of the Outback Steakhouse?  Outback Steakhouse was founded by Bob Basham, Chris T. Sullivan, Trudy Cooper, and Tim Gannon with its first restaurant in Tampa, Florida. This Australian-themed steakhouse chain was established in 1988. It has about more than 1000 restaurants in the US. Its first overseas branch was established in Canada. 
Outback Steakhouse Lunch Menu With Prices
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Outback Steakhouse serves espresso butter filet, espresso butter porterhouse, and bloomin’ fried shrimp among its limited-time offers. The espresso butter filet is topped with espresso butter and is served with any two freshly made sides of your choice. It costs around $ 26.99. You can choose your steak to be cooked at your choice of temperature, like rare for the cool red center, medium well for warm brown/pink center, etc. For toppings, you can choose among roasted garlic butter topping, sauteed mushroom, Toowoomba, and grilled onions. Outback Steakhouse delightful steak combos served with any two freshly made sides of your choice. You can have sirloin & shrimp on the barbie, sirloin & coconut shrimp, Victoria’s filet mignon & lobster, and many more. Grilled shrimp on the barbie costs around $19.99. The lunch specials on the menu are soup & salad combo, grilled chicken on the barbie, coconut shrimp, etc. The Bloomin’ fried chicken has lunch-size boneless hand-battered chicken breast. It’s seasoned with Outback original Bloomin’ onion seasoning. This chicken is fried until golden brown and has spicy signature sauce drizzled over the chicken.  You can have side salads and soups like Aussie Cobb salad, Steakhouse salad, baked potato soup, creamy onion soup, etc. Freshly made sides served at this restaurant are home-styled mashed potatoes, dressed baked potatoes, fresh steamed mixed veggies, and are priced $3.99 each on the menu. Among desserts, you can have chocolate fondue flight, butter cake, triple-layer carrot, and many more. Salted caramel cookie skillet has a warm salted caramel cookie with white chocolate pieces in it. This cookie has almond toffee and pretzels. It’s tossed in a skillet and served with vanilla ice cream. Among drinks, you can enjoy Coca-Cola drinks, iced tea, and many other drinks priced $3.19 each. You can read the entire lunch menu in the tables below. To know the nutritional value of these items, click on the link provided in the nutritional information table. You’ll find all the other important links below in this article.  Limited Time Offers Menu With Prices New! Aussie Chook Ribs$ 13.99New! Sirloin & Aussie Chook Ribs (6 oz)$ 16.99New! Sirloin & Aussie Chook Ribs (8 oz)$ 18.99NEW! Steak & Lobster Tail (6 oz)$ 24.99NEW! Steak & Lobster Tail (8 oz)$ 26.99New! Crab-Topped Barramundi$ 26.99New! Tim Tam Brownie Cake$ 10.49 Signature Steaks Menu With Prices Victoria’s Filet Mignon (6 oz)$ 24.99Victoria’s Filet Mignon (8 oz)$ 29.99Outback Center-Cut Sirloin (6 oz)$ 15.49Outback Center-Cut Sirloin (8 oz)$ 17.49Outback Center-Cut Sirloin (11 oz)$ 20.49Ribeye (12 oz)$ 25.99Ribeye (15 oz)$ 29.49Bone-In Ribeye 18 oz$ 29.99Bone-In New York Strip 16 oz.$ 27.99Melbourne Porterhouse 22 oz.$ 34.99 Steak Combos Menu With Prices Center-Cut Sirloin 6oz & Grilled Shrimp On The Barbie $ 19.99Center-Cut Sirloin 8oz & Grilled Shrimp On The Barbie $ 21.99Sirloin & Coconut Shrimp (6 oz)$ 19.99Sirloin & Coconut Shrimp (8 oz)$ 21.99Sirloin & Ribs (6 oz)$ 26.99Sirloin & Ribs (8 oz)$ 28.99Sirloin & Grilled Chicken (6 oz)$ 21.49Sirloin & Grilled Chicken (8 oz)$ 23.49NEW! 6oz Sirloin & Aussie Chook Ribs$ 16.99NEW! 8oz Sirloin & Aussie Chook Ribs$ 18.9912 oz Ribeye & Coconut Shrimp$ 30.9912 oz Ribeye & Grilled Shrimp$ 30.996 oz Victoria’s Filet Mignon & Lobster$ 34.99 Chicken, Ribs & More Menu With Prices New! Spicy Jammin Meatloaf$ 16.99Bloomin’ Fried Chicken$ 19.99Caramel Mustard Glazed Pork Chops$ 21.49Outback Ribs – Full Rack$ 29.49Outback Ribs – Half Rack$ 21.99Grilled Chicken On The Barbie$ 15.99Drover’s Ribs & Chicken Platter$ 24.99Chicken Tender Platter$ 15.99Queensland Chicken & Shrimp Pasta – Pasta Only$ 16.99Queensland Chicken & Shrimp Pasta – All Chicken$ 20.99Queensland Chicken & Shrimp Pasta – All Shrimp$ 20.99Queensland Chicken & Shrimp Pasta – Chicken & Shrimp$ 20.99Alice Springs Chicken$ 18.99 Lunch Menu With Prices 6 Grilled Shrimp On The Barbie $ 9.996 Grilled Chicken On The Barbie (5 oz)$ 9.996 Coconut Shrimp$ 9.99Alice Springs Chicken (5 oz)$ 10.99Bloomin’ Fried Chicken (Lunch size)$ 10.99Spicy Jammin’ Meatloaf$ 10.99The Outbacker Burger$ 11.99Center-Cut Sirloin (6 oz)$ 11.99 Soups & Side Salads Menu With Prices NEW! Tasmanian Chili (Cup)$ 5.49NEW! Tasmanian Chili (Bowl)$ 7.99Baked Potato Soup (Cup)$ 4.99Baked Potato Soup (Bowl)$ 6.99French Onion Soup$ 7.99House Side Salad$ 4.99Caesar Side Salad$ 4.99Blue Cheese Pecan Chopped Side Salad$ 5.99New! Strawberry Salad$ 5.99 Seafood Menu With Prices New! Crab-Topped Barramundi$ 26.99Toowoomba Salmon$ 24.99Grilled Shrimp On The Barbie$ 19.99Perfectly Grilled Salmon$ 22.99Steamed Lobster Tails$ 31.49 Freshly Made Sides Menu With Prices New! Over-The-Top Brussels Sprouts$ 5.99Homestyle Mashed Potatoes$ 3.99Aussie Fries$ 3.99Sweet Potato With Honey & Sugar$ 3.99Fresh Steamed Mixed Veggies$ 3.99Fresh Steamed Seasonal Veggies$ 3.99Seasoned Rice$ 3.99Steakhouse Mac & Cheese$ 5.99Loaded Mashed Potatoes$ 4.99Asparagus$ 5.99 Appetizers Menu With Prices Bloomin’ Onion$ 9.99Bloomin’ Fried Shrimp$ 13.99Aussie Cheese Fries$ 10.99New! Aussie Chook Ribs$ 13.99Kookaburra Wings$ 14.99Grilled Shrimp On The Barbie$ 13.49Sydney Shrooms $ 8.99Seared Pepper Ahi$ 17.99Gold Coast Coconut Shrimp$ 13.99Steakhouse Mac & Cheese Bites$ 7.99Three Cheese Steak Dip$ 14.99 Desserts Menu With Prices Thunder & Lightning$ 10.49Chocolate Thunder From Down Under$ 8.99Butter Cake $ 6.99Triple-Layer Carrot Cake$ 8.99New York-Style Cheesecake$ 8.99Salted Caramel Cookie Skillet$ 8.99 Non-Alcoholic Beverages Menu With Prices Dr.pepper$ 3.49San Pellegrino – Sparkling$ 3.49Aqua Panna$ 3.49Iced Tea – Gold Peak Sweetened Iced Tea$ 3.49Iced Tea – Gold Peak Unsweetened Iced Tea$ 3.49Iced Tea – Gold Peak Coffee$ 3.49Lemonade$ 3.39Aussie Palmer$ 3.49Strawberry Lemonade $ 3.49Kiwi Strawberry Lemonade$ 3.49Iced Tea – Gallon$ 6.99Sweet Tea – Gallon$ 6.99Lemonade – Gallon$ 6.99 Coca Cola Products Menu With Prices Coke$ 3.49Diet Coke$ 3.49Coke Zero Sugar$ 3.49Sprite$ 3.49Hi-C$ 3.39 Bloomin’ Bundle Meals Menu With Prices Grilled Chicken For 4$ 50.00Grilled Chicken For 6$ 70.00Center-Cut Sirloin For 4$ 55.00Center-Cut Sirloin For 4 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 75.00Center-Cut Sirloin For 6$ 80.00Center-Cut Sirloin For 6 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 110.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Chicken On The Barbie For 4$ 70.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Chicken For 4 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 90.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Chicken On The Barbie For 6$ 100.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Chicken For 6 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 135.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Gold Coast Coconut Shrimp For 4$ 65.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Coconut Shrimp For 4 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 85.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Gold Coast Coconut Shrimp For 6$ 95.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Coconut Shrimp For 6 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 125.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Shrimp On The Barbie For 4$ 65.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Shrimp For 4 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 85.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Shrimp On The Barbie For 6$ 95.00Center-Cut Sirloin & Grilled Shrimp For 6 (Upgrade To 6oz Victoria’s Filet)$ 125.00
Outback Steakhouse Lunch Menu Nutritional Information
Nutritional Informationoutback.com/nutrition Read the nutritional value of the Outback Steakhouse lunch menu by clicking on the link in the above table.
Outback Steakhouse Lunch Hours
Outback Steakhouse offers lunch from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. The food delivery services are available for lunch from 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. The food delivery services of Outback Steakhouse are hassle-free, and the food is made with fresh-n-healthy ingredients.  The prices of Outback Steakhouse lunch menu items and lunch timings might differ according to the location of the restaurant. The table below has lunch timings of the Outback Steakhouse in Dumbarton Drive, Florence, South Carolina, U.S.  Monday12 P.M. to 4 P.M.Tuesday12 P.M. to 4 P.M.Wednesday12 P.M. to 4 P.M.Thursday12 P.M. to 4 P.M.Friday12 P.M. to 4 P.M.Saturday12 P.M. to 4 P.M.Sunday12 P.M. to 4 P.M. Read ahead to know how to find the latest lunch menu of Outback Steakhouse and how to order food online from its website. 
How To Order Online From Outback Steakhouse?
You can enjoy Outback’s lunch specials at home and win exciting rewards! For that, you just need to order this food online. Outbackers can enjoy these steakhouse specials for lunch under discounts and offers if they order the food online. Outback Steakhouse accepts online orders from its official website and also from its android app or iOS app. There are many food delivery platforms like Doordash, UberEats, Grubhub, Postmates, or Seamless. I’ve shared the steps below that you need to follow to know how to check the updated lunch menu and lunch timings of your nearest Outback Steakhouse.  Finding The Latest Outback Steakhouse Lunch Menu Prices & Hours Of Your Nearest Location - Click on the “Order” option on the homepage of the official website of Outback Steakhouse.  - Enter the name of your location in the search box, choose the order type – curbside or delivery, and enter the scheduled date or time for delivery. 3. When you add the location, the complete menu will be displayed
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- 4. Select your favorite food item and add them to the cart.
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- Select the lunch menu items you want to order. Click on “Check out” to proceed with your online order.  - Now, you can customize your order by choosing the order type, order time, etc. Enter your contact details, choose your payment method, and wait for your lunch to arrive.
Best Lunch Dishes Served At Outback Steakhouse
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If you plan to have lunch at Outback Steakhouse, make sure you try these famous dishes at this restaurant. I’ve listed these dishes below. You can try the recipe for these dishes if you wish to make it at your home. Find the recipe card by clicking the links in the name of these dishes. 1. Baby Back Ribs Baby back ribs are seasoned and slow-roasted. These are coated with house-made BBQ sauce and served with the sides of your choice. 2. Victoria’s Filet Victoria’s Filet has tender and juicy thick-cut beef. It’s seasoned and seared to perfection. You can have it cooked at your choice of temperature. Medium rare temperature gives warm red center; medium-well temperature gives warm brown crust and pink center to the filet. 3. Bloomin’ Fried Chicken Bloomin’ fried chicken has boneless chicken breast. It’s hand-battered in Outback original Bloomin’ onion seasoning, and then it’s fried until golden brown. Spicy signature bloom sauce is drizzled on top. This dish is served with any two sides of your choice. 4. Alice Springs Chicken Alice springs chicken has grilled chicken breast topped with crispy bacon, sauteed mushrooms, melted cheddar cheese, Monterey Jack, and honey mustard sauce. Served with any two freshly made sides of your choice. 5. Mac And Cheese Outback Steakhouse mac and cheese has macaroni flavored with seasoning spices, cheddar, and Velveeta cheese.
So, have a bangin meal at your nearest Outback Steakhouse or order its food online and enjoy your family lunch. You can also check out its breakfast menu and hours along with the dinner menu and hours on our website. 
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Outback Steakhouse Lunch Menu (FAQs)
What are the best Outback Steakhouse lunch dishes? Read the full article
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seeker372011 · 2 years
Lake Macdonnell is South Australia’ s best known pink lake and features in all the tourist literature; there are some spectacular photos of the lake on the internet.
Sadly when we visited it today there wasn’t much water and it was barely pink, disappointing, I am sure at least some of the many travellers who made the effort to get here. ( it’s really quite remote !)
Still, as salt lakes tend to, it still offered up to the visitor some truly extraordinary colours and textures. I think the winter months are when the lake is at is most Instagrammable.
We spent the rest of the day checking out the towns that lie between Penong- the windmill town-and Port Kenny- including Ceduna, Smokey Bay, Haslams Beach, as well as the Westal Loop near Streaky Bay, coming to the conclusion that while Ceduna has a nice bay and jetty, it is still overall an unattractive town , while in contrast Smokey Bay is very very pretty and the pick of these towns that line the Eastern Great Australian Bight.
The rock formations known as Murphy’s Haystacks- listed on the South Australian Heritage Register can be found about 20 kms from Port Kenny; like Lake Macdonell these feature heavily in the tourist promotional material, and are actually quite impressive, and we thought, well worth inspection, especially in the late afternoon light.
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toast-part-two · 2 years
Whales of the Great Salt Lake
(TW animal death, animal cruelty, thalassophobia)
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[Image ID: A black and white stylized whale image. The whale is breaching the surface of the sea and is blowing a spout of water into the air. Its tail is coming out of the water in the background.]
Hey y’all welcome back to another cryptid post. The cryptid energy of this creature doesn’t come so much from the creature itself, but it’s location, the Great Salt Lake. 
As the leftover dregs of the massive prehistoric saltwater Lake Bonneville which drained about 15,000 years ago, Utah’s Great Salt Lake is a natural wonder. 
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[Image ID: a map of the former Lake Bonneville laid over the state of Utah and spreading into Nevada and Idaho, and about half the size of the state of Utah. It covers the area of the Great Salt Lake, only a fraction of the size in comparison.] 
With a salinity six times that of the ocean, the Great Salt Lake is a death trap for anything other than bacteria, a couple algaes, and brine shrimp, aquatic invertebrates the size of a pencil eraser. A few freshwater streams flow into the lake, providing lagoons for select fish and shorebird species, but the lake itself its mostly inhospitable. 
This makes the claim that several Australian whales, (known to exceed 50ft in length,) are alive and well in the Great Salt Lake, (about 42 feet at it’s deepest,) pretty hard to believe. 
As a Utah resident myself, I’ve always had a soft spot for these whales. We’ve all had an uncle or neighbor spend a night out on the lake looking for them, and occasionally sightings of them still get published on blogs and Facebook posts. They of course never existed in the first place, but it’s still a fun story. 
It began way back in 1890, when a local paper called the Utah Enquirer began documenting the efforts of one James Wickham to provide the budding economy of the newly settled Salt Lake Valley both with a novelty tourist attraction, and a cash crop of whale meat and oil. As whales are extremophiles, known to thrive under immense water pressure and in freezing temperatures, James believed the incredibly salty Great Salt Lake to be no match for them. The Utah Enquirer claimed that James began his project back in 1875, but records of this initiation could not be found. 
The June 24th, 1890 article goes as follows. 
“Intelligent newspaper readers have not forgotten the inauguration 15 years ago by Mr. James Wickham, a scientific English gentleman of the whale industry in the Great Salt Lake. As considerable time was required for the development of the experiment, the subject has passed out of the public mind but it has by no means been forgotten by naturalist or capitalists interested in the whale fishery.
The whale is the largest and probably the longest lived animal. They have been known to grow 100 ft in length and live to the age of 400 years. It is a mammal, or, in other words, suckles it's young. The project of Mr. Wickham was greatly assisted by this fact, for the difficulty that would attend the obtaining of whale eggs in the deep seas is at once apparent. It was only necessary to obtain a pair of whales in order to begin the propagation of animals under domestication. The southern or Australian whale was selected as the best suited to the Great Salt Lake. The greater part of two years were occupied off the coast of Australia by a vessel sent especially for the purpose and continued efforts to capture the young whales without injury. The feet, however, was at least accomplished, and the beasts, each about 35 ft long, were shipped to San Francisco in 1873 in tanks built expressly for them. 50 tanks of seawater accomplished their overland shipment to ensure plentiful supplies of the natural element.
Mr. Wickham came from London in person to superintend the "planting" of his Leviathan pets. He selected a small bay near the mouth of the Bear River connected with the main water by a shallow straight half a mile wide. Across this strait he built a wire fence, and inside the pen so formed he turned the whales loose. After a few minutes inactivity they disported themselves in a lively manner, spouting water as in mid-ocean, but as if taking in by instinct or intention the cramped character of their new home, they suddenly made a beeline for deep water and shot through the wire fence as if it had been made of threads. In twenty minutes they were out of sight, and the chagrined Mr. Wickham stood gazing helplessly at the big salt water.
If the Great Salt Lake were in Asia it would have been called a sea. It is 75 miles long and from 30 to 40 wide, so it is easy to perceive how readily the whales could vanish from sight. Though the enterprising owner was of course, disappointed and doubtful of results he left an agent behind him to look after his floating property.
Six months later Mr. Wickham's representative came upon the whales 15 miles from the bay where they had broken away, and from that time to the present they have been observed in intervals by him and the watermen who [sic]ply the lake spouting and playing.
Within the last few days, however, Mr. Wickham cabled directions to make careful inspection and report the developments, and the agent followed the whales for five successive days and nights. Discovering that the original pair are now 60 ft in length, and followed about by school of several hundred young, varying in length from 3 to 15 ft. The scheme is a surprising and complete success, and Mr. Wickham has earned the thanks of mankind.
Catching whales in the Great Salt Lake and following that business on the dangerous Greenland Coast are two different things. The enormous value of the new industry can be better appropriated by remembering that a single whale produces 20 tons of pure oil."
Article can be found here
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a modified train car. A large window on the side shows a young whale floating inside the train. There is a building behind the train on the left side, and some trees on the right.]
Claims that whales live up to 400 years and also lay eggs notwithstanding, the legend sparked to life again in the twenty-first century with the appearance of the image above. This photo depicts one of the whales in its train car bound for Salt Lake City. I’d love to believe the photographic evidence as much as anybody, but unfortunately this image was debunked in 2019 by the Utah news outlet Deseret News, who tracked down the creators. They revealed in an interview that this image was used to promote their business of preserving old photos. 
Further investigation by Deseret News revealed that there never was any Mr. James Wickham or his crew of biologists, no record of them anywhere other than the Utah Enquirer. 
And in a final blow to the story’s credibility, the Utah Enquirer published a denouncement on July 22, 1890, about a month after the original story ran, saying “It would be impossible for any whale to exist in the waters of the Great Salt Lake.” 
Full text here
Despite the fact that whales do not and cannot exist in the Great Salt Lake, sightings continue to crop up. The most famous instance of this continued phenomenon happened almost a decade ago, when a twelve-foot humpback whale reportedly appeared in a field in Farmington Utah, about ten miles from the Great Salt Lake. 
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[Image ID: A dead whale lying on its side in a grassy field. Two men in the top left look down at it.]
Inconsistency in whale species aside, the image above brought a renewed fascination and belief in the Whales of the Great Salt Lake, (one I admittedly got caught up in,) before being debunked again by Deseret News in late 2015.
The Great Salt Lake, like most places in the world, is full of oddities and legends both real and made up. The lake boasts tales of pterodactyl sightings and mosquitos the size of helicopters. A troup of animals that escaped their traveling circus and were left to wander the desert. A creature with the head of an alligator and the body of a horse that charges at campers, and Pink Floyd, the flamingo that escaped Salt Lake City’s Tracy Aviary and spent a few seasons on the lake hanging out with swans and seagulls. 
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[Image ID: A flock of birds on the Great Salt Lake, both in flight and on the water. Most are black and white California Gulls, but there is one pink flamingo flying in the right center of the image. Mountains are visible in the background.]
(You guys should look up the story of Pink Floyd the flamingo it’s pretty great.)
Lake Bonneville is theorized to have been a thousand feet deep, and to have drained into the Pacific Ocean. Fossil evidence suggests that sea life would migrate up the channels and swim above what is now desert and mesa and scrubland, and maybe even down in what would become the Great Salt Lake 15,000 years later. Maybe whales joined them. Maybe, for a brief moment in time, Utah had whales. 
But, if that ever was the case, those whales are long dead by now. It is with a heavy heart I must conclude that there are no whales in the Great Salt Lake. Even so, it’ll always be my favorite local legend <3
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simmerandsauce · 5 years
Salt, and all the many things I love about it.
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Salt is essential for life and saltiness is one of the basic human tastes. Such a vast topic, one can even find entire books dedicated to this very subject. One of the most well-know books being, “Salt, A World History,” by Mark Kurlansky, a fascinating read actually, should you be interested.
I am a salt fanatic. Salt, you learn in culinary school, can make or break your dish. Most people who…
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