#the different types of salt
hesina · 1 month
I think the reason Lopen getting his arm back doesn't both me as much as other similar stories is that Lopen never stops being someone who had one arm. He takes the time to cheer up a wounded soldier who lost his arm after the battle of thaylen field. He connects with Rysn through their shared experiences being disabled. When Hobber is able to heal his legs, that's the first time Lopen does the bridge 4 salute with both arms. Lopen never stops being someone who was disabled.
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tittyinfinity · 5 months
1 am is "eat an entire box of mac n cheese" time
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invinciblerodent · 8 months
one part of BG3 that I appreciate a lot (and feel like I don't see mentioned quite enough) is just how many different ways there are for the companions specifically to break up with the player, or for them to openly say that though they love the PC, they either cannot abide by whatever it is they're doing/have done, or that they know that there isn't really a chance of a happily ever after for them.
the characters having their own morals, and actual, strict boundaries that are immutable and which they abide by, that's always really nice to see, and I feel like it's not quite as common as I'd like it to be.
like, sometimes I feel like in certain big or popular games, the players are kind of... coddled, in a way? either by not being given the option to do heinous shit (and thus there not being a need for them to experience consequences), or by negative consequences to actions being written in a way that makes them inconsequential, or avoidable altogether. I like that this time, there are things for which that's simply not the case.
every time I see someone be like "I did this thing that this character told me they hated, and they DUMPED me for it! that's so stupid!" I always just feel glad that the characters were written mostly to stand up for themselves, even if it's against the player. that's just always really nice.
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agrebel18 · 2 years
 I do not understand people who make fun of others who make a romantic pairing between fictional characters queerplatonic as if it’s a “downgrade”
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nartml · 9 months
I realize that my hatred for THW may look a bit disproportionate to many people, casual fans and non fans alike.
I... don't particularly care. I'm far too attached to this franchise to be chill.
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anotherpapercut · 10 months
last week I was talking to my partners sister in law about music and I mentioned that I love hip hop and rap especially from the 80s and 90s and one of his sisters was like "I would NOT have thought you liked rap" and I can't stop thinking about it. what part of my vibe says I don't like rap and how do I fix it
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the-trans-dragon · 8 months
Added a fourth ingredient to my most complicated food dish I can make >:3 I even wished I had some butter to add! Ill have to remember to buy some ^w^ I don't think I've bought butter in months
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celestialtrolls · 5 months
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"One of the baristas at a place I occasionally include in my 'buy a coffee and stare into space for 5 hours' rotation decided to put three packets of salt in my coffee today while I 'wasn't looking'."
"Still can't figure out if I should have downed it right in front of their face just to prove a point."
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It’s Fine to Only Have a Crush on One Side of the Mask
I read a lot of fanfiction and one trend that I’ve noticed is that A LOT of fics do this thing where, post reveal, Adrien confesses to having a crush on Marinette that he ignored in favor of his crush on Ladybug and/or vise versa with Marinette having feelings for Chat Noir. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this take, it’s a good way to add non-toxic drama, but a lot of times it’s presented as making their love more valid and it really doesn’t.
Let’s take a step away from Miraculous and present an alternate scenario. I have a significant other. We both like to play video games. Let’s say that we both start playing the same game, but don’t think to mention it to each other for whatever reason. However, we unknowingly meet in game and start questing together. We both start to develop feelings for our ‘new friend’ and think about them all the time, torn between them and our romantic partner.
That’s not romantic. It’s emotional cheating that only ends up being cute post reveal. The far more likely scenario is that our new friends are just people who are similar to our romantic partners and that we are, in fact, cheating.
Now, in pretty much every fic that does the ‘crush on both sides’ thing, Adrien and Marinette aren’t dating pre-reveal, so there’s no cheating going on. But the principle is largely the same. Adrien is in love with Ladybug. Marinette is in love with Adrien. Being loyal to that crush and blind to all alternatives isn’t a bad thing. It doesn’t invalidate their love or make it lesser. The only reason that it feels satisfying to the audience is that we have always known that Marinette is Ladybug and Adrien is Chat Noir, but they don’t. They’re not looking for their love in their partner/friend and why would they? The more likely scenario is that they’re completely different people, which is why it makes for good, non-toxic drama when handled well. It’s all the tension of a love triangle without the pain of a side losing. But it’s not required.
Ladybug is friends with Chat Noir. Adrien is friends with Marinette. (In theory, the show isn’t the best at letting them be close for fear of upsetting the status quo/triggering a reveal). The line between a good friendship and a good romantic relationship is very thin. The best romantic partners are also best friends with each other. In my video game example, the cute version of the story is that my partner and I become platonically close with our ‘new friends’ and arrange a meetup to just hang out, then discover exactly who we’ve been questing with to the amusement of all. Add in the crush issue and that cuteness becomes tainted, but only because we were actually together.
So, if you want to have a love triangle dynamic in your fic to add some tension, absolutely go for it, but you really do NOT need to randomly have Adrien say that he’s always liked Marinette post-reveal or Marinette say that she secretly liked Chat Noir when that’s never been mentioned in your story. Just show the platonic sides of the square being close friends and the message that they’re meant to be will naturally come across because friendship is a type of love, too! Ladybug DOES love Chat Noir. She just doesn’t love him romantically and that’s okay.
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antique-symbolism · 1 year
In the very brief time that I was in Pool School (reading the CPO manual), I learned that the skin and eye irritation as well as the strong smell of chlorine is not largely due to chlorine levels, but to chloramine levels, that is, the chemical product of chlorine + ammonia (in sweat, urine, saliva, etc).
This explains why the YMCA has the exact same chlorine parts-per-million reading as the little neighbourhood pool I work at, but the Y always makes me itch and makes my whole bathroom smells like a pool when I hang my suit in there to dry.
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umbrellacam · 5 months
sure would be nice. if people could debunk a dumb exaggerated/incorrect fanon without people immediately turning it 180° and happily hauling ass right into another dumb exaggerated/incorrect fanon. while gleefully crowing about how canon and correct this opposite take is.
sure would be nice 🙃
#tw salt#tw negativity#venting#I'm crying the reactionary takes are just as bad 😭😭😭#to be clear people can do whatever they want in fandom#we are here ultimately to play with Barbie dolls in whatever way makes our brain go brrrrrrrr#and that is not going to look the same for everyone and we just gotta deal with that#what drives me BONKERS is when people confidently assert their sometimes Extremely Fanon takes as Canon#when every word they type is blaring through a megaphone “I don't know what I'm talking about! :D”#“No I haven't read the relevant comics! :D”#“Everything I think I know I learned from sad woobie fanfic and batfam tiktok and out of context panels from different continuities! :D"#“I am 200% confident in this info and will spread it around as a Subject Matter Expert! :D”#I'll happily run across some funny post with more canon-based characterizations and relationships#and browse through the reblogs only to be slugged in the face by “funny! but AK-SHULLY canon would be that [COMPLETELY INCORRECT FANON] 🤓”#let me have PEACE#going back and deleting a bunch of tag snark about specific examples before hitting post#actually I'll leave just one because it's what set me off#“Dick was a hostile resentful asshole to Jason as Robin and they had a terrible relationship before Jason died!”#versus#“Dick and Robin!Jay were sooooo brothers! just the brothers of all time & the model all later batsibling relationships were based on! <333”#*me taking 4d10 psychic damage from both attacks*#Cam posts
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kethabali · 5 months
very pleased with today's food choices
#been eating kind of shit the last week#which was making it hard to think clearly#brain fog.. made me think about what ppl in gaza are facing not having enough to eat daily for several months#when i cook eggplant or okra it makes me think of palestine somehow... actually most things i cook remind me of it#bc the prepation method is similiar#but yeah i had a chicken stew type thing#with okra eddo potato and tomato#i made two batches of different flavors & used a bunch of whole spices like coriander and cumin seeds black pepper bay leaves cinnamon stic#cloves etc.. and a bunch of whole green chillies#to add flavor.. but it wasn't spicy so i also added red chili powder#which made it perfect.. right amount of salt spice fat and vegetables#10/10 and i bought a big bowl today which made eating easy peasy#anyways i got sad for a bit too thinking about how easy food is to access for me bc i can get 5 leg+thigh for 6 bucks#and there was a post once about how this woman was pregnant and her husband had to pay like i think 20 bucks for a handful of meat#🧃#but bro i bought sumac and then completely forgot about it and was racking my brain to think what my second flavor palette should be#i used soy sauce/oyster/fish/black vinegar along with the whole spices and also some lemonade for citrus.. bc i didnt have lemons#and pouring juice is easier than squeezing oranges#it was surprisingly good like a nice flavor it came together well#i am gonna use the sumac next bc i want to make some version of musakhan
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fieriframes · 1 year
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[Roll it out. Wrap it around. And we make one type of pretzel dough, but almost went up to him and offered my hand and a lot of different salts. -Yes. Alright, we're gonna go to a water bath]
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missouri-and-woe · 1 year
"If you use salted butter you'll end up making it too salty!" or you could just not do that, it is quite literally that simple
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camembertlythere · 7 months
Not psyched about your instant ramen? Make some veggie curry real quick!
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fernsnouveau · 1 year
Anyway does anyone have recs for fiction with characters similar to Adrien but they don't devolve into edgy murderboys?
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