#types of salt
saltedsnailstudio · 10 months
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“becoming” banner by jasper alexander
linocut print on fabric, home sewn utilizing recycled textiles
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mysillycomics · 7 months
I’m glad you all like my fish so far! I have been drawing a lot of them and have many left to post so be on the lookout for fishies! 🐟🐟🐟
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qui-gg · 27 days
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I haven’t gjinka posted in so long. Some oldies and some new ones !! (Marsh and salt)
Drew @pankiepoo ‘s lightbulb gjinka in there too!! One of my absolute favs
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themortaldraw · 2 months
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july is disability pride month, here's a skord link that Needs Salt
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theweeklydiscourse · 21 days
God forbid you ever criticize the lack of consequences Bakugou experiences in MHA, or suddenly you’ll find dozens of Bakugou stans pouring into your mentions to make a speech about how cruel you are for forcing him to eat cement. They’ll act as though “consequences” inherently involves throwing him into the dungeon or putting him in detention for 100 years and then moan about how him facing consequences would only perpetuate a cycle of abuse/discrimination.
Listen, it’s not really that much of a consequence if the “consequence” in question isn’t directly connected to his current or past bad behaviour. “Oh but his scars!” “When he died that one time!” “His guilt for getting kidnapped” None of those are related to his bullying, and in my opinion, that makes them insufficient as consequences in an arc about changing for the better.
The consequences I would actually like to see could be as simple as: Izuku feels sad/mad because of what he went through, or certain characters reflect on how Bakugou’s past impacts their perception of him. More introspection on the victim’s end is needed, Bakugou doesn’t necessarily need to be pilloried for the arc to be satisfying.
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Watching Miraculous, I feel that the show is written that no matter what Marinette decides to do, she would be in the wrong - she is in the wrong for not telling Chat about Chat Blanc (ignoring her own trauma in the matter), but if she told him, the show would make it the wrong choice...
The head writer has publicly stated that one of the show's guiding rules is that Marinette has to do something wrong in every episode, so I'd say that you don't just have a feeling. You've actually picked up on one of the show's not-so-subtle core tenets. It's also a core tenet that I strongly disagree with because - as I said in the linked post - when it comes to shows like Miraculous, the only characters who are always in the wrong are the villains.
If Miraculous was a different type show and Marinette's blunders were more comedic, low-stakes, sitcom-type stuff, then it could work. Two examples that come to mind are:
That's So Raven - this is an old Disney Channel show where the main character was a psychic who randomly got visions of the future. A lot of the episodes focused on her having a vision, interpreting that vision wrong, and then doing something foolish as a result. So Raven was usually in the wrong, but she was wrong in a way that rarely hurt others. If memory serves, she most just caused herself unnecessary stress.
Phineas and Ferb - another Disney Channel show about two imaginative and inventive young boys who have fun doing crazy things like building a roller coaster in their backyard. They do these things without parental permission so their older sister - Candace - is always trying to get them in trouble. In spite of this, the general viewer feeling towards Candace seems to be one of amusement, not hatred. This is probably because she never causes pain for anyone but herself, making it hard to look at her as a negative force. If Candace was written more like Marinette, then people would probably hate her, too.
While we're on the topic, it's worth pointing out that, while Candace isn't a villain, she is the antagonist. Her presence causes much needed tension. Since she's always out to ruin her brothers' fun, every episode has the low-key stakes of, "Will the boys get caught this time?" Without Candace, you lose those stakes and Phineas and Ferb becomes a lesser show because even sitcoms need stakes.
Semi-serious magical girl shows don't need characters like Candace to add stakes to the story. This is because semi-serious magical girl shows have built in stakes from the presence of villains and evil magic. It is the height of absurdity to make a rule like "Marinette is always wrong" in a show with an evil villain who is out to steal Marinette's magical earrings and use them to rewrite the universe.
The presence of the "Marinette is always wrong" rule shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the type of show they're writing. You only make rules like that in low-stakes shows like the ones I listed above. And even those shows understood that, if you have this rule, then you also make sure that the only person who usually suffers is the one making the mistakes. The writers of Miraculous really haven't done that because of course they haven't! This isn't a low-stakes teen drama. Marinette has too much for responsibility and the narrative stakes are far to high for her mistakes to come across as minor.
This is especially true because they keep picking mistakes that should lead to character growth and then not actually writing any character growth. Once again, that style of writing can work in sitcoms*, but Miraculous has way too many serious elements to be written like a pure sitcom. That doesn't change the fact that the writers are writing it like one, but it does explain why the writing leads to so much frustration for fans.
*I wanted to note that even sitcoms often make the audience hate the leads because it's hard to write anything where the leads keep making endless mistakes without making the leads look awful and sitcoms run off of every episode containing a mistake. This is why long running sitcoms tend to have a good number fans who hate at least one member of the core cast. Ted and Lily from How I Met Your Mother are great examples of this and it happens because the mistakes they make usually effect others. If the show had only been two seasons long like originally planned, then they would have been fine.
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blue--ingenue · 1 month
Draco hates muggle technology until he learns about smartphones. You mean it allows people to contact their children in seconds? He wouldn’t have to wait hours or days between owls from his son?
He enlists Hermione (because Harry knows about smartphones, but he’d never hear the end of it if he asked for Harry’s help) and returns to the Manor with 2 iPhones.
Scorpius has been begging his dad for one ever since Albus introduced him to the devices over the Christmas holidays. He’s ecstatic.
Hermione develops a charm that allows the phone to function even in the presence of magic, and Scorpius sends his dad pictures of anything and everything that tickles his fancy: selfies of him and Albus in their dorm, an adorable pygmy puff they spotted at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, a video of him successfully casting his first patronus.
It takes Draco forever to learn how to use it, but it’s so worth it in the end.
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bylertruther · 1 year
i respect the "mike would take the bug outside" believers, but personally i think tht mike would get them with the same swiftness he almost got dart with in s2. just grabs the nearest object and neutralizes the target with it immediately, then stares at the bug guts on the cover of his book or whatever like "oh. 😳 maybe i should've grabbed something else... heheh... 😅"
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unnecessary fruit purchase!!!
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coven-of-genesis · 2 years
Types of salt magick
Himalayan salt -
love & cleansing. Protects relationships, removes negative blockages & curses.
Table salt -
All-round good cleansing properties
Red salt -
Home protection. Blocks negative energies
Black salt -
Powerful protective properties
Sea salt-
Purification, good for cleansing. Helps balance emotions
Green salt -
money & blessings. Good fortune
Blue salt -
Evil eye protection, cleansing & healing
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mc-lukanette · 10 months
It was the day after the class seats had been swapped around, Marinette having since resigned herself to being moved to the back. She wasn't happy about being alone, but everyone else was with their own seats and the last thing she wanted to do was stir up a fuss again just to have it turned against her.
Making a case would've been less of an issue had she told everyone that she was actually no longer into Adrien and had an entire boyfriend to show for it, but Alya was too unpredictable in how she might react to that and the others hadn't seen her and Luka together long enough to understand. She loathed the fact that an infatuation of less than a year was what people were basing her character on - nowadays, she looked back on it like an artist who grimaced at their week-old work - but her private life was no one's business but her own. If she had to reveal it to convince people that she wasn't an evil person going after a "perfectly innocent" girl over a crush, then—
Well, normally she would say that it was her fault, but Luka had been firm about her not blaming herself for everything under the sun and she was really trying to stick to that.
Maybe being in the back won't be so bad, she thought, attempting to calm her mind. I feel, um... taller? That's something.
It wasn't helping.
"Alright, class," Miss Bustier called out, clapping her hands to earn everyone's attention, "before we start today, we have a new student who just transferred to our school and I'd like you all to give them a warm welcome."
A new student? Marinette shut her eyes and held back a groan, thinking that the current "new student" was already more than enough. If it was another Lila or Chloe, she might have to seriously consider bribing Master Fu for the fox miraculous so she could Mirage herself into class to avoid them altogether.
Also, as she was quickly realizing, the only available seat was next to her. This was a disaster, an absolute disas—
"Luka?" Juleka blurted out, uncharacteristically loud in her shock.
At the name of her boyfriend, Marinette's head jerked towards the classroom door, seeing him standing next to Miss Bustier like he belonged there. She blinked, glancing out at the hall as if the real new student would come in, but nothing happened. Even when she looked back at Luka, he met her gaze as if to wordlessly tell her that yes, he was there.
Just to make absolutely sure, she dropped her arms to her lap and pinched her forearm until it hurt.
After giving a general introduction that Marinette processed none of, Miss Bustier turned to Luka to ask, "Would you be alright sitting in the back next to Marinette?"
He nodded, not waiting to start heading up the stairs. Eyes, either curious or puzzled, followed him as he went, but he had his own eyes on his decided-upon seat.
Marinette could only continue gaping at him, even as he sat down and made himself comfortable. He eyed her, smiling softly, then reached out and slowly closed her mouth. The cheek caress that followed was so subtle and quick that no one could've caught it even if they were looking, but it finally brought her back to life.
Leaning towards him, she whispered in a panic, "Luka! What are you doing here?! How are you here?!"
He took a single glance at Miss Bustier, who was turned towards the chalkboard, then leaned in and whispered back, "I didn't want you to have to do this alone."
"But—!" Her face scrunched, mind racing in an attempt to understand. She'd told Luka about what happened with Lila, but that was only yesterday. For him to have found a way to transfer between then and now was—was— "That's crazy!"
He shrugged, unphased.
She gripped the table, as if it would give her the mental support needed to juggle the thoughts in her head. "You didn't have to go through all this for me! It's too much!"
That finally got a reaction out of him, but not in the way she suspected. He frowned disapprovingly, leaning in further and raising a hand between them to further muffle his words to others' ears. She felt his breath against her ear as he explained, "You're my girlfriend, Marinette; my girlfriend and my best friend. It's not 'too much' if it's what I wanted to do."
He left it at that, straightening up again and putting his focus towards the front of the class. She could only pout at him, hoping no one saw the blush on her cheeks.
It felt wrong, somehow. It was Ladybug who was supposed to swoop in to save people, not the other way around. She was the one who had to make choices on the fly to help others.
She could already hear Luka's voice in her head, shooting that idea down: "Ladybug can't be the savior all the time. Someone has to look out for Marinette too."
It was almost frustrating, losing a battle of words in her own head, but she'd be lying if she said that it didn't make her feel relieved to have someone who would back her up no matter what. Whether she chose to go after Lila or not, he'd be behind her the entire way.
She couldn't help herself. Checking to confirm that there still weren't eyes on them, she leaned up towards Luka and imitated his gesture, raising her hand between their faces. He'd seen the gesture out of the corner of his eye and tipped his head to listen better, but she kissed his cheek instead.
Pulling back quickly to look normal just in case the pecking sound had been caught, she dared only a single peek at Luka to catch his reaction. He was trying and failing not to grin, probably looking as if he was just very interested in the lesson to any outside eyes. It occurred to her then that, had they been in the front or middle rows, it would've been impossible to not be seen by anyone behind them.
Letting an imaginary Marinette in her mind cheer and jump around for her due to being unable to do anything even close to that in class, her thoughts screamed, Being in the back is the best!
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hesina · 1 month
I think the reason Lopen getting his arm back doesn't both me as much as other similar stories is that Lopen never stops being someone who had one arm. He takes the time to cheer up a wounded soldier who lost his arm after the battle of thaylen field. He connects with Rysn through their shared experiences being disabled. When Hobber is able to heal his legs, that's the first time Lopen does the bridge 4 salute with both arms. Lopen never stops being someone who was disabled.
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st-just · 9 months
Interesting, but how can we tell media won't cause a problem (Joker) whereas something will (Lolita) even though one is portrayed positively and the other negatively? I can assume we're all in it for harm reduction, no matter the topic
I mean, has lolita caused problems? It's not like the sexual abuse of children wasn't an entirely common thing in European culture beforehand.
Anyway it's not to say you can't. But, like, when you're reading a Camp of the Saints or a Turner Diaries or whatever, they're usually not particularly subtle about what they're about? (and frankly if you're reading the Turner Diaries and thinking it has points and needs serious consideration I'm not sure how much credit the book deserves. More blame for the radicalization probably goes to whatever social environment they were in that funneled them towards the book as, like, An Important Text in the first place).
Like I don't want to just say 'always blame the audience' here but like, I am just pretty skeptical of the ability of any single work of art to do more than evoke stuff that already exists in its audience, y'know? When media causes problems it's afaict usually because masses of it constantly present the same ideas everywhere until they just seep into the groundwater of popular consciousness - and even then (e.g. any given police procedural is, like, whatever, but also generations of presenting defense lawyers as mustache-twirling devils and limits on police powers as letting murderrapists get away with it for no reason probably hasn't been great for public opinion but also it's not like cops weren't doing police brutality before Dirty Harry or Law & Order got big. Y'know?)
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tittyinfinity · 5 months
1 am is "eat an entire box of mac n cheese" time
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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saradika-graphics · 9 months
hi!! i know my last request wasnt that long ago, but was wondering if you had any supernatural dividers, especially for Sam?
Hi @superegosystem! 💕 I made some themed Supernatural / Sam ones for you - I also have links to some completed in the past that might work as well:
vampire | werewolf | halloween
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[Free] Masterlist Headers & Dividers!
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