#Autism specialist in Bangalore
casualvoidbread · 8 months
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maargamindcare1 · 3 days
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sumithahemavathy · 5 months
#Shorts - Benefits of Occupational Therapy | Best Autism Therapy in Bangalore | CAPAAR
#Shorts - Best Autism Therapy in Bangalore | CAPAAR. April is Occupational Therapy Month!! Occupational therapy provides a wide range of benefits to individuals across the lifespan and with various conditions or challenges. Here are some of the key benefits of occupational therapy said by our autism specialist in Bangalore.
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uprightkidsortho · 2 years
Managing Cerebral Palsy in Children with Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore | Dr. Jayanth S Sampath.
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The most common treatment for cerebral palsy is physiotherapy, which helps the child achieve their milestones and prevents complications such as contractures and deformity in later life.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of conditions that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain posture and balance. It is the most common form of movement disability in children. CP can occur due to genetic causes or due to damage to the brain in the first two years of life. Premature babies with low birth weight, brain infections (meningoencephalitis), lack of oxygen to the brain during childbirth, and untreated jaundice in the newborn period and near-drowning are other common causes of CP. In addition to walking difficulties, children with CP frequently have speech delay, seizures (epilepsy), swallowing problems, visual impairment and difficulty in learning.
The management of cerebral palsy is best undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals. This improves the quality of decision-making, and reduces the overall cost and effort of providing care to the child and family. Specialists from a variety of fields have to work closely to provide optimum care to a child with CP.
An accurate diagnosis of CP is important and should be done by a paediatric neurologist. The most common treatment for CP is physiotherapy, which helps the child achieve their milestones, prevents complications such as contractures and deformity in later life. Splints (braces or special shoes) are used to support the legs when the child is learning to walk. Control of seizures and muscle tightness (spasticity) is achieved mainly through medication. In some situations, medicines are injected into tight muscle groups to relieve spasticity and casts applied to stretch the muscle gently.
Our Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore saysMany children with CP will benefit from an intervention called Gait Improvement Surgery, typically after the age of 7, once natural brain maturation has been completed. Children with CP can also develop deformities of the feet and legs, dislocation of the hip joint, scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and difficulty in hand function. Therefore, regular follow-up with a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon is important for the early identification of these issues and appropriate management. We aim to complete any corrective surgery before the age of 12 so that the child’s education is not disrupted during the secondary school years suggested by our Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore
Pragati, our state-of-the-art facility located at Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, provides all the services required for children with cerebral palsy, autism and disabilities under one roof. This includes multi-dimensional physiotherapy such as gross motor, fine motor and virtual reality rehabilitation, occupational therapy, Sensory Integration (SI), speech therapy and paediatric psychology services in an integrated manner.
Our therapy centre is supported by an experienced team of specialists in the field of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Paediatric Neurology, Clinical Genetics and Child development. We have an orthotics workshop that fabricates custom-made splints and braces.
Walking problems in CP are complex and it can be difficult to decide the correct surgical plan. For such cases, we use the 3D Gait Analysis Lab which provides accurate information about the child’s walking pattern at every level from the trunk to the foot. The motion capture equipment in the gait lab is similar to the technology used by Hollywood for CGI and special effects. This data improves the decision-making regarding surgery and eventual surgical outcomes are much better when 3D gait analysis is used as part of the assessment process.
The government has a medical insurance plan called the Niramaya scheme under The National Trust for children with cerebral palsy, autism and multiple disabilities, which provides reimbursement of health-related expenses to the family of up to Rs 1 lakh per year. We also encourage parents to obtain a disability certificate from the state government as this will assist the family to obtain various concessions and access to government schemes meant for persons with disability.
Our Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore says Children with cerebral palsy can expect to lead a fairly normal life as fully functioning members of society. Providing the correct treatment at the right time during the childhood years is essential for a successful result.
For more information visit - https://www.uprightkidsortho.com/blog/managing-cerebral-palsy-in-children-a-doctor-explains/
Our website- https://www.uprightkidsortho.com/
Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Bangalore
Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Whitefield
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Whitefield
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Whitefield
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curahospitals · 3 years
How to Find Child Specialists in Bangalore
In case you are looking for an ideal pediatrician in Bangalore, you will find that the facilities of Child Specialist in Bangalore are world class. This hospital is well equipped to meet the requirements of a child specialist. It has all the modern facilities of general pediatricians and pediatric surgical centers. It also provides the services of cardiologists and orthopedic surgeons.
The Pediatric departments of the hospital are well developed and offer better facilities to the parents who are looking for the best pediatrician in Bangalore. The doctors here are trained with the latest techniques of cardiology and pediatric surgery. The hospital staff is very cordial and caring. If you are planning to give birth to a child in this hospital, you can be sure of the safest and exclusive treatment.
The best feature of the hospital is its perfectly kept waiting hall where you can register your name along with your newborn baby. The hospital staff here acts cordially with the parents and makes arrangements for the room care. You need not worry about the bill of bills since they are very affordable. There are separate rooms allocated for the parents and the child specialist. These rooms are staffed by fully qualified and experienced pediatricians and orthopedic surgeons.
The other amazing aspect is that the hospital staff is very responsive. Even at times, during mid-night or weekends, the doctors and other members of the team attend the calls of the parents. The doctors here are also trained and certified with the latest techniques of pediatrics and cardiology. The emergency department is well equipped with all the necessary amenities for the treatment of newborns. This is the reason, why most of the parents prefer to go for the best pediatrician in Bangalore. Even the newborn blood test is very much available here.
Now coming to the main clinic of the hospital, it has a very unique approach to treating the children. Here you can also get a consultation with the pediatrician. There are pediatrician-led wellness centers as well where you can have a tour around the entire clinic. The entire Bangalore Pediatric Center is focused towards providing quality health services to the families and the children.
Apart from the hospital, there are many other places that can provide you best child specialists. You can visit these places for getting valuable advice on health issues. The most preferred clinics in Bangalore, which comes very close to the railway station is the Vibgyor Children's Hospital. The hospital has separate departments for the specialized treatments like ENT, Pediatrics, Gynecology, Cardiology, Ophthalmology, Neurology and ENT. It has all the essential equipment for the treatment of the child.
The Bangalore Metropolitan Infant Hospital is also one of the famous hospitals in Bangalore, which provides the best facilities to the parents who are looking for the pediatrician. At the Metro Health Center, you can get the best services apart from being attended to by the child specialists. The facility of a pediatrician at this hospital includes cardiology, gynecology, ENT, Pediatrics, neurology, heart functioning and pediatric. The hospital also offers specialized outpatient services to patients.
In case if you need any other specialized treatment apart from the ones mentioned above, you need to look for it. You can find all kinds of services that can help you manage the health issues of your child. If you want a pediatrician for your family, then you should make sure that you know the exact requirements for the service. The center, which can provide you with the best service is the Autism Healthcare in Bangalore which can provide your child specialist with all the necessary equipment and knowledge about autism and related health issues. For this you just need to fill an online form and they will help you find the best center in Bangalore, which can provide the best medical facilities.
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nufertilityworld · 5 years
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How age causes infertility risk in men?
It’s probably an already established fact that women’s fertility declines after the age of 35, but many men are not aware of their age and how it can affect their ability to become a parent, too. While less is known about male fertility and age, there’s increasing evidence that the older a man becomes, the more his fertility diminishes. Obviously, you can’t alter your age, but you can arm yourself with some knowledge to improve your chances of successfully having a family.
It is impossible for older men to father children, in fact, many men remain fertile until they are 60. But conceiving does become a problem with age.
It takes longer: If a man is over and the woman is under 25, it can take about two years to get pregnant. On the contrary, if both partners are under 25, it takes just about 4.5 months, on average.
IVF becomes more challenging: The risk of not having a baby after IVF (In vitro fertilization) is more than five times higher if the male parent is above 40 years or older.
Semen volume decreases with age: The amount of semen a man produces, as well as the sperm’s ability to move towards an egg, decreases continually starting at the age of 20.
Autism risk increases: Children fathered by men above 40 years are more than five times as likely to have an autism spectrum disorder as those fathered by men under 30.
How to improve your fertility
Thankfully, there are things you can do to improve fertility as you age, so you need not panic:
Eat healthy and exercise: Obesity can contribute to infertility in men, and eating a healthy diet and being more active can reverse some fertility problems associated with obesity. On the other hand, losing weight can increase sperm count. Healthy diet and exercise can turn into a form of fertility therapy in itself.
Consider alternating your lifestyle: Severe stress, alcohol, smoking and the use of hard drugs can all affect your sperm count. If any of these habits are a part of your daily lifestyle, working toward changing them could raise your chances of remaining fertile as you age.
Consult a specialist: Fertility specialists are not only beneficial for women. If you and your partner are having difficulty conceiving, a specialist can help you combat age-related fertility issues and make you undergo some testing for proper detection and treatment. NU Fertility@NU Hospitals certainly has the best set of fertility doctors in Bangalore.
At NU Fertility@NU Hospitals, you’ll be offered with the best infertility treatment in Bangalore.
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raman123me-blog · 6 years
Pediatric physiotherapist in kolkata
We have the ability to give a scope of administrations, some of which are:
Extensive formative appraisal
Screening for and conclusion of social issues
Screening and conclusion of Autism and Asperger's disorder.
Restorative administration of ADHD,
Conclusion and treatment for a mental imbalance.
Parent Training to advance positive child rearing, particularly for youngsters and youths with social or scholastic issues
Downs disorder: development and bolster facility
Administration and follow-up of neuro-inability patients like neuro degenerative scatters, complex epilepsy, acquired clutters
Cerebral paralysis including follow up center,
Formative screening and observing of ordinary youngsters alongside well infant/wellbeing check ups.
School Liaison to encourage and advance thorough improvement of youngsters in school
Give preparing to guardians and instructors for compelling conduct administration
Guardians, relatives, carers, educators, schools or some other intrigued individual or association, keen on welfare of youngsters may get in touch with us for any worry that they may have or in the event that they are anxious to advance wellbeing and prosperity
Asimayan Nandi with Dr. Gillian Saloojee, Senior SANDTA tutorMan Behind Child Development Center
Dr. Anjan Bhattacharya
Specialist Developmental Pediatrician
In control Dept-of Paediatrics(Academics),
Apollo Gleneagles Hospital,Kolkata ,India
Youngster Development Center
Apollo GleneaglesHospital, Kolkata
Cerebral Palsy Services
What is CP?
Experimentally, Cerebral Palsy implies youngsters who have some injury (scar) in the mind and endure inabilities out of that.
Be that as it may, for everyday utilization, any kid with disfigured body parts, who is confronting inability attributable to this distortion, is thought to have CP. These gatherings of kids are assembled under the term of Neuro-handicap (ND).
How to treat CP?
All aspects of human body works couple. Every one of these exercises are co-ordinated by the cerebrum. At the point when at sound state, we underestimate these capacities. We just have a tendency to welcome the estimation of our organs, when we miss them. For instance, one doesn't need to be helped to remember the misery confronted when one loses one's voice amid an assault of say, "influenza" or when one breaks his/her arm and mopes in a mortar cast for 3 months or somewhere in the vicinity!
Envision, if a kid needs to endure the misery until the end of time! That is the reason it is so vital to convey the correct treatment to their shore.
Despite the fact that solutions are helpful extras, the complete treatment of CP/ND includes master target evaluation and institutionalized administration strategies. One without the other may not just demonstrate deficient, it might at some point hurt as well!
Bobath Method is one of the many institutionalized strategies use to lighten issues of CP/ND youngsters on the planet. At our Child Development Centre,Apollo Gleneagles Hospital , Kolkata (CDC, AGH) we utilize Bobath strategy, at whatever point demonstrated, with great clinical result.
All parts of a kid's CP/ND are productively overseen by Child Specialist specialists prepared abroad in this order. For instance, we gloat of having Developmental Pediatrician at CDC, AGH for Care Co-appointment of such kids .
Early Detection and Early Intervention is our exceptional quality.
We bring the best of the administrations that the nation can offer. We orchestrate a Specialist Orthotist, master in helping kids with the fantastic devices fundamental for a portion of these kids influenced, from Mumbai. We additionally welcome a Consultant Geneticist specialist from Bangalore from one of the prime foundations of India , who has filled in as a Consultant at the plain best of the focuses in the UK.
We have the entire help of a tertiary multispeciality healing facility, where we can bring the tyke the help and advantage of Pediatric Super-pros [Developmental Pediatrician, Pediatric Neurologist, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Pediatric Nephrologist, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Pediatric Intensivist, Pediatric Hematologist, Pediatric Cardiologist, Pediatric Rheumatologist, Pediatric Ophthalmologist, Pediatric Dentist, Audiologist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Special Educators, Counselors, Nutritionalists, to name a few] all under one rooftop.
No big surprise that we give so much additional esteem contribution with enhanced result.
We are additionally dedicated to inquire about and proceeding with therapeutic instructive movement through Apollo Clinical Excellence Forum and through our dynamic encouraging system of the department.The grin we convey to these youngsters and their nears and dears gives us the force to move forward with these intricate issues, which were viewed as inconceivable in not all that far off past!
Our team is providing the best Pediatric physiotherapist in kolkata at a very reasonable prices and give some guidelines regarding exercise in child’s daily life
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maargamindcare1 · 3 months
Pediatric mental health specialists | Pediatric psychiatry
Discover expert pediatric mental health care at Maarga Mindcare Hospital. Our specialized pediatric psychiatry services provide comprehensive support for children's mental well-being. Trust our dedicated team of pediatric mental health specialists to guide your child towards a brighter future
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maargamindcare1 · 3 months
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sumithahemavathy · 9 months
Facts on Autism Spectrum Disorder | Best Autism Centre Near Me Bangalore | CAPAAR
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As we perceive, children are always happy, cheerful, blabbering on their own, always spread a positive aura, and care a little about the world around them. However, you might have noticed a few children who show unusual behavior that makes them stand out from the rest. While some might not be comfortable in their social surrounding, showcasing abrupt anger issues, others may not respond appropriately or avoid eye contact when addressed.
Autism spectrum disorder may be the cause of why the little one portrays such unusual behavioral traits in their personal and social interactive mode with others. However, the extent of the disorder may vary, and the behavioral traits may not be the same for all.
ASD is a lifelong condition. Though it cannot be wholly cured, early detection and considerable support from infancy may help to bring notable changes in behavioral patterns in the young ones.
More about Autism spectrum disorders
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Though the young ones grow at their own pace, they must get accustomed to a fixed set of behaviors within a specified age group. Let’s learn more about ASD and gain appropriate awareness about the condition.
The signs of autism at the nascent stage
Kids with autism find it difficult to grasp new ideas and work on the instructions given to them. The challenge becomes even more difficult when they have to cope in school. The little ones may find it difficult to respond to their names or pick up the necessary learning skills at school. The level of complexity may differ. Some may not have functional ability, while others may have a high level of functionality and learning ability but find it difficult to communicate the same when asked.
How is social well-being affected?
Communication becomes a major cause of concern for individuals under the spectrum of autism. They might not understand simple questions or directions given to them. They might become aggressive and show signs of disrespect when others try to speak to them. They may also speak in different tones or utter words or phrases that may be meaningless to the listeners.
What should caregivers do?
Taking appropriate care of individuals with autism becomes quite a challenging task. Caregivers should be well aware of the disorder and become a support system for individuals with autism. Children with autism should be given activity-based tasks, and they should be kept engaged with interactive questions all the time. Caregivers must give them specific directions like “Bring the red ball” Or “Give me the blue pen” to increase their sense of responding and develop their social skills.
Awareness regarding the condition of autism is the need of the hour. It is essential to bring your child to a healthcare specialist and be acquainted with a support group if your child is showing signs of autism at an early age. Together, let us build a world of inclusion and make the world a happier place by embracing diversity wholeheartedly.
For more updates visit: http://capaar4autism.com or reach us @ 9986455919
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sumithahemavathy · 9 months
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Nonverbal communication in children with Autism | Autism Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR
Autism Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR. Nonverbal communication can be attributed to being helpful for a larger number of people with autism. With the help of gestures of action, Autism people can effectively convey their feelings and emotions to others said by our Autism Specialist in Bangalore.
For more updates on "Autism" visit: http://capaar4autism.com/ or call us @ 9986455919
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sumithahemavathy · 9 months
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Play Therapy for Autism Childrens | Best Autism Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR
Best Autism Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR. of the most crucial elements for helping children develop their skills is through playful activities. Play helps in developing social skills and fine motor skills, enhances communication skills and language skills, and also builds problem-solving abilities in a child said by our Autism Specialist in Bangalore.
For more updates visit: http://www.capaar4autism.com or call us @ 9986455919
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sumithahemavathy · 1 year
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Podcast: Misconceptions of Autism | Best Autism Treatment in Bangalore | CAPAAR
"Autism Parental Tips" Show by
Dr. P. Sumitha Hemavathy (PT), Best Autism Specialist in Bangalore and Director of CAPAAR is now exclusively live on Anchor.fm with an interesting topic i.e., "Misconceptions of Autism".
Click on the link below to listen: https://shorturl.at/ghCFH
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sumithahemavathy · 1 year
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Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) | Best Autism Treatment in Bangalore | CAPAAR
Best Autism Treatment in Bangalore | CAPAAR. Our Best Autism Specialist in Bangalore says, Symptoms of autism are different for each child, so the treatment for each child’s autism can also be different. But remember that early intervention can bring the best results for your child. In addition, there are other options besides play therapy.
For more updates visit: http://www.capaar4autism.com or reach us @ 9986455919
#CAPAAR #DrPSumithaHemavathy #Autism #autismawareness #Capaar4autism #Physiotherapist #AutismTherapy #AutismCenter #ASD #AutismChild #AutismClinic #AutismSpectrumDisorder #AutismSigns #AutismSymptoms #AutismSpectrum #AutismTreatment #AutismParenting #Bannerghatta #Hulimavu #Bangalore
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sumithahemavathy · 1 year
#Shorts - Early Therapies and Support for Autism | Best Autism Treatment in Bangalore | CAPAAR
#Shorts - Early therapies and supports are the best way to help autism children develop and thrive. Early intervention is widely recognized as a crucial approach for supporting children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to develop and thrive. Research suggests that providing targeted therapies and supports during the early years can have a positive impact on a child's developmental trajectory and improve their overall quality of life. Our Autism Specialist in Bangalore says, Different children may benefit from different therapies and supports based on their individual strengths and challenges. Early intervention plays a critical role in helping children with autism reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.
For more updates visit: http://www.capaar4autism.com or reach us @ 9986455919
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sumithahemavathy · 1 year
#Shorts - Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder | Best Autism Treatment in Bangalore | CAPAAR
#Shorts - Is your child doesn’t look at you when you call their name or responds inconsistently? It could be a a sign of Autism. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neurological disorder that starts early in the childhood and usually is permanent throughout the patient’s life. Interestingly boys are four times more susceptible to it than girls. The severity of the disease may vary from mild to severe and can affect children in different ways as well. Consult our autism specialist in Bangalore today!!
For more updates visit: http://www.capaar4autism.com or reach us @ 9986455919
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