#Autism clinics near me
casualvoidbread · 8 months
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Trusted Speech Specialist in Gurgaon | Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic
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Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic stands as the trusted destination for individuals seeking top-notch speech specialist services in Gurgaon. With a dedicated team of experienced professionals, we are committed to enhancing your communication skills and ensuring that you achieve clear, confident, and effective speech. Our clinic provides comprehensive speech therapy solutions tailored to the unique needs of each individual, regardless of age or communication challenges. We understand the importance of effective communication in personal, academic, and professional life, and our specialists are here to guide you through your speech improvement journey. Whether you or your loved one is dealing with speech disorders, articulation issues, or language difficulties, our speech specialists utilize evidence-based techniques and cutting-edge technology to help you achieve your communication goals. Choose Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic as your partner in Gurgaon for trusted speech therapy services that empower your voice and transform your life. Contact Ayush Speech & Hearing Clinic today at 9667731272 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how we can help your child reach their full potential.
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goldenstars1 · 2 years
 ABA clinics near me for aba autism therapy in Golden Stars ABA
Finding ABA clinics near me for ABA Autism therapy? we at Golden Stars ABA provide the best ABA Therapies near me for your child. We also trainee children to improve his Communication skills and it’s behavior..
Golden Stars ABA Provides high-quality ABA Therapy services using a unique approach derived from the science of behavior & evidence-based research.
Services -
ABA Therapy
Parents ABA Therapy
Child ABA Therapy
For more Information visit website https://goldenstarsaba.com/
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goldenstarsaba · 2 years
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Golden Stars ABA offers personalized ABA therapies near me tailored to your child's skills, interests, and family situation, resulting in meaningful behavior improvements. Please book an appointment with us to discover the potential benefits, drawbacks, and debates surrounding ABA clinics near me. Positive reinforcement motivates the individual to develop and maintain skills, ultimately leading to significant behavioral progress through this applied behavior analysis program.
Autism Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA Therapy)
At the end of the day, when members of the child’s care team have returned home, the caregiver’s role is to continue learning and support behavior outside of formal service delivery. If parents and other caregivers have not received effective and ongoing training in treatment procedures, or if family dynamics have not been adequately addressed, treatment response or outcome may be slowed.
The results of the applied literature and the results of clinical practice tell us that the involvement of parents and guardians in the care of a child increases the effectiveness of the therapeutic program and creates optimal conditions for the preservation and generalization of skills over time.
Highest Quality Services by Golden Stars ABA Such as:
ABA Autism Therapy 
Autism Therapy Services
Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Applied Behavior Analysis
ABA Therapy Near Me
Autism Occupational Therapy
ABA Behavior Therapist
Certified Behavior Analyst
ABA Autism Therapy
For children and families who need help with certain problem behaviors, who are on waiting lists or live in rural communities. Sometimes a family may not receive care, which includes the provision of supervised technician services by a behavior analyst. 
This may be because the family needs targeted training for a variety of behavioral problems at home or in the social setting (eg. treatment rather than a full treatment program), the family may be on a waiting list for full treatment that includes the provision of services by a technician, or the family may live in a rural community where these services are not available.
When a family needs targeted care training to address specific undesirable behaviors that impair a child’s success at home, at school, or in the community, parent training with a behavior analyst is an option.
Golden Stars ABA - Given the large number of children waiting for ABA Clinics near me for aba autism therapy, parent training may be an option for families who want to access and expedite their child’s treatment. 
Your child may be on a waiting list for services to perceive the benefits of ABA, or services may not be provided in the area where the family currently resides. Once a treatment plan has been evaluated and developed, caregivers can be trained to begin implementing learning and behavioral protocols, under the supervision of a behavior analyst, to alleviate their child’s symptoms.
If the best ABA services near me is what is available to your child while you are in educational counseling with us, the supervising behavior analyst will work with the new ABA provider to transition your child’s clinical care. If you are interested in targeted parenting education services, please contact our office to speak with our provider.
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princesssarisa · 6 months
The next series of tales in Heidi Ann Heiner's Cinderella Tales from Around the World are tales of the Love Like Salt variety.
This is a subtype of Donkeyskin, but in place of a father wanting to marry his daughter, it opens with a different scenario. A king (or just a rich man, but usually a king) asks his three daughters how much they love him. The elder two daughters describe their love in terms that please him, but the youngest says that she loves him as much as she loves salt. (Or that she loves him as meat, bread, or food loves salt.) Because salt is common and cheap, or because it tastes bitter alone, the king takes this as an insult and banishes his daughter. (Or worse, he orders a servant to kill her in the forest, but the servant lets her go, a la Snow White.) From this point on, the story usually becomes like Donkeyskin or All-Kinds-of-Fur: the princess finds lowly work at another palace, somehow acquires beautiful gowns, attends festivities, and wins the prince's love. (Or sometimes, he simply finds her in the forest and marries her right away.) When they marry in the end, she invites her father to the wedding, usually without revealing her identity, and she has the food cooked without any salt. When the king tastes the bland food, he realizes the preciousness of salt, and that his daughter was telling him how dearly she loved him. Then the princess reveals herself and joyfully reunites with her father.
Needless to say, Shakespeare lovers will recognize this scenario. While King Lear was allegedly based on true events in ancient British history, the fact that it contains a common fairy tale archetype seems to imply that the story as we know it is more legend than fact.
I don't personally like this type of Cinderella story as much as other subtypes (or King Lear as much as other Shakespeare plays), for a very personal reason: my autism and self-diagnosed ADHD, which cause Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria. Seeing the princess rejected because of a misunderstanding by the father she loves more than anything is heartbreaking to me, because all my life, I've been irrationally afraid that my loved ones might reject me if I mistakenly say or do something they think is wrong. I tend to feel as if the king is too easily forgiven, because while my head says it just shows the princess's immense love and grace, my heart feels as if it means "He deserves her forgiveness, any parent could have made that same mistake (including yours)." But I suppose the solution is to look at the story from the king's point of view. The king arguably shows Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria: he only rejects his daughter because he feels rejected by her and his heart is broken. Arguably, when he banishes her, he's behaving like an AuDHD child howling and raging at his mother because she said "When you act like this, I don't want to be near you" and he heard it as "I don't love you anymore." When his daughter helps him to see her love and forgives him, I should see it as a reminder that my rejection fears have no real foundation, just like the king's sense of rejection by his daughter was wrong, and that my loved ones will forgive me for my mistakes too.
Besides, a case can be made that the princess is also in the wrong, for describing her love in such plain and "untender" terms that her father couldn't understand. @queenlucythevaliant has posted eloquently on this subject and has even written an interesting retelling of the story with this interpretation. It applies even more to Shakespeare's Cordelia, with her seemingly cold and clinical talk of love as a duty, than it does to the fairy tale princess, who at least means to convey that she loves her father more than anything, and just words it badly. Arguably, all Lear really wants at the beginning play is to hear warm, tender words of love from his daughters, and Cordelia chooses to be morally right rather than kind.
By the way, I don't know if this is true, but I've read the suggestion that the Love Like Salt tale might have originated as an attempt to bowdlerize Donkeyskin, replacing the king's efforts to marry his daughter with a different way of demanding too much love. So when people talk about possible incest subtext between King Lear and his daughters, especially Cordelia, they might have a point whether Shakespeare intended it or not. The folklore the story grew from may have been born from still older folklore where the king did have incestuous love for his daughter.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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awetistic-things · 1 year
Have you ever wished you weren’t diagnosed as autistic? I do. My parents thought something was wrong with me and took me to an iq test at the age of two. I ended up getting some ridiculous score that was like 167 or something stupid but the proctor noticed that I had unique behaviors.
Mind you, the vaccines caused autism baloney came out around the time I was tested. So I got an autism diagnosis as a result.
The next two decades were full of being seen as an embarrassment and a disappointment. If I got less than perfection on my grades in elementary school I knew I would have to prove why I didn’t get anything absolutely perfect. I watched special ed teachers slam other kid’s heads into the table until they bled and they couldn’t say a damn thing against it because they were nonverbal. My needs didn’t matter because no one knew what my needs were. I had such bad anxiety I constantly vomited at school. I remember the layouts of all the school clinics more than any teacher’s class. I was labelled a hypochondriac and a liar. I was thrashed in the sixth grade and put into homeschool, where my parents made me teach myself as they were busy with work. Both of them. I was isolated and not allowed to leave the house for a year and a half, when I skipped eighth grade due to acing two grades of state exams. I have a deep abhorrence for myself and I’m starting to learn that autism may be more than just a symptom but my whole outlook on life. Could you teach me how to smile like you do?
hi :)
first of all, i just wanna say that i am so sorry that you went through and witnessed all that you did, nobody should have to go through that, especially for something they can’t control
and you’re right when you say that autism isn’t a symptom, because it’s more like a collection of traits, behaviors, and perspectives that make you the person you are
autism affects you to the point that establishing a line between your autism and you, isn’t very plausible, and it’s easier to just consider yourself as autistically you
but please know that the way other people treat you isn’t a reflection of who you are, but rather the person they are (in this case, a very awful one)
you aren’t an embarrassment or a disappointment because you’re autistic
you aren’t a liar or a hypochondriac for voicing your needs
what you are however is someone who’s trying their damn hardest and isn’t being appreciated nowhere near enough, even though you should be appreciated no matter your level of effort or results
now i can’t tell you a perfect guide on how to be happy, but i can tell you that you deserve all the happiness and love in the world, and i hope that from now rather than trying to be perfect, you just try to be happy, and know that your smile should always come before anything that makes you frown
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iron-bullogna · 2 months
I'm going to vent a bit about it here then. I'm a bit flustered so hopefully it isn't all over the place. Over my life I've experienced a lot of cruelty, primarily at the hands of white cis women and men. I grew up in a town of 1,000 people and my graduating class was 32. I went to the same school my entire life. The area was predominantly white and I mean that in a "I can count on my fingers and toes the amount of POC I encountered in my life before 18" way. I was also born AFAB. It was very clear from a young age I wasn't "normal". I have preschool paperwork highlighting my very obvious autistic traits (playing alone, organization, and at one point I could see from one quarterly report to the other how I taught myself to mask a behavior the aids noted as an issue, etc). My first "best friend" was a boy from the Ukraine who no one wanted to befriend because everyone assumed his English wasn't good. I can't even tell you how his English was because I don't remember that. I just remember he didn't care that I was a little weird and liked "boy" stuff and wore boys clothes when I could cause he liked "girl" stuff.
The boy and girl stuff mentioned here are literally as simple as Pokemon and Britney Spears. We were bullied by our peers, family, and parents for just being children. The only female friend I had growing up that I chose myself was bullied for being indigenous, looking masculine, (I believe Shoshone/Cherokee but I was 9 and I can't recall now apologies) and liking "boy" stuff. She moved only a few years later. I did not have another female friend until my senior year in high school and big shocker that a few years ago she was diagnosed with autism alongside her son. I knew from age 12-14 roughly that I was trans. I thought I was a transman back then. This was pre-internet btw folks. I had NO IDEA wtf a trans person was or that it was even a real thing. I just felt like I wasn't a girl and I couldn't possibly be a girl, all because of how those around me treated me. I'm not saying every transman is just a traumatized cis woman, but I know for a fact for me and my personal situation, being told I looked like a boy, all the stuff I liked was for boys, just literally everything about me = well that is what boys do, not girls. I genuinely think in my case, that it impacted me psychologically in a way so deep it gave me a lot of mental health issues surrounding gender. I would go through phases of hyper performing femininity and hypersexuality to try and fit in. I developed a huge complex around my self worth and being desirable that still persists to this day. This is the part Twitter was angry about and wouldn't let anyone interact with. I'm now 34 and it's manifested in a new way since quarantine since I didn't have interaction with people outside of close friends for that entire time. I find myself with an intense fear of pretty cis women, particularly white women. It's a genuine uncontrollable fear response where my entire body starts trembling because I can't stand the thought of being perceived by them. I feel so lacking. I don't even fucking identify as a woman anymore either but I can't even describe the dread I feel about being near them. It isn't even their fault either. They can be the nicest in the world to me but societal pressure and the treatment of women, cis and trans alike, has caused me so much harm I'm actually actively searching for a new therapist to help with this issue. TERFS out here literally causing the issues they say are "plaguing women from being women". Like HUH? You're literally reinforcing stereotypes babes!!! The same stereotypes you say are misogynistic! You're the problem!!! I actually have surgery on Monday and I told my husband I'm more afraid at being perceived by the beautiful women in the clinic (it has an attached MedSpa, trust me, they're all flawless goddesses in there) than I am being awake for the actual surgery. I don't doubt I would still come out as trans (rn I identify vaguely as non-binary/transmasc) because I just don't really vibe with the concept of gender as a whole. I would have just probably figured out that those feelings weren't necessarily me wanting to be or actually being a man a lot sooner. My heart just hurts for Imane Khelif because I can't imagine if she legit is just a normal ass cis woman with higher testosterone how it must feel right now to be attacked like that. And if she is intersex, how much she probably faced a lot of similar treatment that I did growing up. At this point I'm just rambling, but it has all made me very very sad and just brought up a lot of trauma from my own life.
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whiterosebrian · 6 months
Suicide and Satire
Several months ago, I stated that I would take an extended break from posting to social media to focus on personal rehabilitation.  It seems to have gone poorly.  For starters, the manual labor at the mass-mailing warehouse still causes pain and leads me to spend much time resting and recovering in bed, watching videos on my smartphone.  The weather hasn’t been right yet for wandering outdoors for meditation.  Due to multiple unhappy accidents causing delays, I haven’t been able to meet with a clinical social worker often enough and make much progress in counseling.  Even apart from those complications, I came to realize that I can’t make significant progress in healing deep-seated personal wounds within a neat, limited timeframe. 
I have issues.  I have increasingly struggled with feelings of inadequacy, with self-loathing, with a sense of utter failure in life, with lifelong dreams that have seemed more and more distant and impossible.  I still feel wounding from my years of trying to live as a proper Catholic Christian while also seeing the serious accusations and difficult questions about the religion and its claims of truth—further reinforcing my sense of having wasted my life.  My autism has made relating as a normal human being difficult. 
There is one further aspect that I have been tight-lipped about until now.  The stigma around its discussion is understandable, as it could potentially encourage harmful actions.  I’ve been plagued by thoughts of suicide.  The doomsaying that I’ve seen around the Internet has provoked thoughts of life being utterly, utterly pointless.  If everything is irreversibly doomed and no one is trying to save or restore or prevent anything, as a large number of voices suggest or bluntly proclaim, why bother doing anything whatsoever?  Thus, my thoughts have turned to suicide being the only logical response.   
Even apart from that, I’ve wondered if my personal existence in general has any purpose, given that I seemingly failed to achieve anything meaningful and made too many wrong choices.  Am I merely a spoiled brat who brings nothing but pain and suffering?  Am I merely a parasitic colonizer?  Would my death somehow bring healing?  I’ve tried looking online to see if “white guilt” ever becomes suicidal in the real world, but I’ve seen only mean-spirited right-wing mockeries of the entire concept.  You might be pleased to hear that a new medication that I’ve been taking has reduced such extreme depressive thoughts. 
I doubted that I could write about my personal torments in more detail here.  I wrote about them more extensively in an outline of topics for discussion that I printed and handed to the aforementioned social worker—that in itself was draining.  What I can more easily write about is possible plans for near future. 
Are you familiar with the phrase Juvenalian satire?  The likes of Mad Magazine and the Simpsons have led many to think that satire is inherently comical and silly—that type is called Horatian.  Satire can also be quite dark.  For example, Watchmen is a satire of superhero comics and general heroic narratives.  The most infamous example of a dark satire, in this case about the pursuit of wealth and pleasure, is the horror novel American Psycho.  That type of satire is called Juvenalian. 
Concepts for a philosophical novel on cultural warfare have bounced around in my mind for nearly twenty years at this point.  Fairly recently, I began typing developmental documents for a novel acting as a Juvenalian satire of Catholic fundamentalism.  The very basic premise is this: a Heathen wizard tries to bring solace and healing (and later investigate a rumored though plausible conspiracy) as his college campus faces murders by a slasher likely radicalized by a reactionary order of Catholic priests.  Considering the rise of audiobooks, I could see myself attempting to perform an audiobook after publication like some oral storyteller.  I have considered going ahead and writing that novel as a means of working through my religious angst.  Indeed, I would have started during January if I didn’t think that I needed to focus on getting help through counseling and meditation. 
I may do that later.  An organization supporting adults with disabilities (recall that I am autistic) has been building a new housing complex at a former military base.  The construction is projected to be completed during the fall, and I will very likely move in shortly afterwards.  I may take go on another extended break from social media after I move, focusing on the formal composition of the novel.
What shall I do in the meantime?  Shall I write and post more poetic exercises?  Incidentally, I still don’t think that I’m ready to seek out open-mic events yet, as I still intend to prioritize not only counseling but also continued magical research.  I may yet make and post a new digitally colored drawing or two as well as a several sketches if I feel like I can do so.  Don’t expect me to post frequently or regularly by any means. 
I can’t expect you to say much regarding my personal problems.  I do ask you that you contact your elected officials and put pressure on them to hasten the transition away from fossil fuels, encourage environmental restoration, work towards peaceful diplomatic resolutions in foreign relations, place stringent regulations on artificial intelligence, demand a ceasefire in Israel-Palestine, and take action on various current genocides.  Whenever I post public journal entries like this, you’ll likely see more generalized calls to action, as I do believe that we all need to what we can for the Earth and all its inhabitants.  I do indeed wish to personally make as big of an impact as possible.
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For that matter, can we stop pretending we have mental illnesses at all? It's genuinely so insulting and harmful.
People always say it's not hurting anyone but it is, I'm clinically diagnosed with a secret anxiety disorder and high functioning autism and after my therapist left for another job, it's been hell to find a new therapist. Nobody wants to take my case file near me because they've had so many "faking" patients that they just can't handle it. So I have to go two miles out of town to see my new therapist but guess what?
He prescribed me anxiety medicine, right? Except they were placebo pills, that I figured it out when my anxiety went through the roof, because it wasn't being treated!
I'm sure there's a lawsuit in there somewhere but that's not relevant, the people acting like mental illness is quirky or the new cool thing is causing actual, now medical harm to the people that genuinely suffer.
Not to mention, there are these quizzes you can take online to see if you have depression/anxiety/ADHD/etc. Undoubtedly, there are some people out there who have used that as a means of trying to say they have this or that
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 11 months
Exciting good news! Gods know I fucking need it right now.
I'm starting ADHD meds this week!!!!!
So, I had made the appointment for a referral, but my PCP cancelled the appointment after I confirmed it. This is the third time she's cancelled, so I opted to see someone else in the clinic today. The new doctor? Oh, I fucking love her.
I went in for two reasons. The first is to get the paperwork verifying I need immunotherapy aka allergy shots. Otherwise I'll be paying around $2k for a year of these. The second reason was to get a referral to a clinic that will treat and medicate my ADHD. She had me fill out a questionnaire, and then observed me while I was talking.
"If you hadn't been diagnosed with ADHD yet, I would diagnose you right now." She has experience treating adults with ADHD and can prescribe the medication.
She was also very angry when I told her that the last time the referral went through, the only clinic that picked it up doesn't accept Medicare or Medicaid. Do you know who most needs the care? People who use those as insurance. "We offer a sliding scale." To which I responded to the clinic with "you can slide that scale up your ass." That made the woman on the phone laugh because apparently no one has said that before. That was six months or so ago.
The doctor went over different meds and options. We determined I don't want anything that goes for 12+ hours. I have severe insomnia (and she supports my using an edible every night for pain management and so I can sleep) and don't wanna be alert longer than necessary. Basically, no overlap. I'm home 24/7, so something that will kick in fairly fast but wear off by dinnertime. That gives me plenty of time to do house stuff, sewing/quilting, yard stuff, and time to wind down in the evening.
She also fully supports my semi-self diagnosis of autism. My therapist diagnosed me with both, and this doctor also said I'm very much definitely autistic. I explained why I won't go through the official evaluation, and she 100% agrees it's in my self-interest to not have it made official. For the unaware: my parents will use that as a way to gain conservatorship of me should something happen to my husband. It will basically be what happened to Britney Spears. I would be dead in less than a year.
I'm starting at a low dosage, 10mg, to see how it affects me, and I'll remain at that dosage for at least two weeks. Then, if it's too low or ineffective, or even if I simply don't like it, we can make adjustments.
Oh, and the doctor thought my metaphor of "my brain is a bag of angry ferrets" was hilarious and 100% accurate.
Tomorrow, I'll be picking up my drugs, and day after, I'm getting up at 7AM and taking a dose. Let's see what it's like to be able to do housecleaning and not get distracted nor paralyzed on the couch because my brain says NOPE.
I'm so excited!
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Also, neither she nor the nurse believes I'm 40 years old. They asked me to write down the skincare stuff I use because my skin "looks amazing." Oh, and the doctor pointed out that ADHD referral was put as a note for the appointment, which is why they blocked 45 minutes rather than the 15-20 minutes, because they assume the patient will be, um, like me. Chatty, animated, bouncing between topics, constant interrupting, that sort of thing. I did make both of them laugh a lot, but Bubby and friends have informed me that's very likely my autism making it impossible for me to read people...so I just talk. I'm just talking. The fact I'm funny is a side effect others can enjoy. Ask damn near anyone who has spent time with me in person when I let myself loose. Otherwise, I'm silent and doing my very fucking best to pay attention.
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katsune-nya · 1 year
About me ♡.
Thought of telling you about myself 'cause I'm an open book and love hearing myself talk.
Name: Kiya, Kat.
Birthday: October 13th 2001.
Pronouns: It, She, They.
Chinese Zodiac: Snake ♡.
Big Three: Libra, Virgo, Aries.
Saphic, but fictional men...
In the AroAce spectrum.
AFAB Agender.
Self-Shipper, I live through fiction, tell me about your self shipps ♡, let's be delusional together ♡.
HEAVY smoker, dabbled in drugs and I'm a recovered alcoholic, so this is a safe space for addicts.
Eldest sister. Basically raised my siblings, I hate kids but they love me so i did some babysitting. From the 'burbs, near the hood.
I'm argentinian, white and native latina (I clarify the white cause gringos seem to believe we're all POC????? I'm not, babes, I'm priviledged as fuck i look so white). I'm TECHNICALLY mixed but, eh, mostly white, plus it's LATAM, we don't care that much, so.
I have tattoos and maybe too many piercings. Dress all in black and love silver. I had purple hair for too many years, but rn i have my natural dark brown with blonde.
I love Metal, Punk, Hip Hop, Trap, Classical music (Mostly from the romantic era), K-Pop, Rap and Fussions.
I'm broke as fuck so if I'm not taking long to write for my mental health I'm working cause the disability aid is just not enough.
I love baking but hate sweets. I love animals and rescue sometimes when i have enough money. I'm a plant lover but can't take care of them well :c.
I love cold weather and rain, i sleep during most of the day and stay awake at night.
My collection of diagnosis ♡:
C-PTSD, ADHD, DID, BPD, Autism, Generalized Anxiety with panic attacks, Clinical Depression with Mania, EDs on and off.
I love Dark Content, especially Non-Con. Could it be my trauma? Maybe, but it's too good, so who cares.
Feel free to talk to me, I'm actually a chatter box and love talking to people, just don't talk first 'cause i tend to be WAY to annoying.
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wahbegan · 2 years
The problem with the youth of today is they will see a handful of traits or symptoms related to a disorder and be like oh shit that's me without considering the full picture of what the diagnosis is actually referring to and y'know shit's over-pathologized as well, i genuinely loathe the phrase autism spectrum, because it's made an autism diagnosis utterly worthless.
Everyone is on the "autism spectrum". Every person has, at some point, experienced something or had a personality quirk that can be read as a symptom of autism. Lumping all these people together as "on the autism spectrum" is clinically worthless, it accomplishes nothing in pragmatic terms
I have special interests, i bounce my leg habitually, i have strange habits and especially had them as a child, i'm an infamously picky eater, but i refuse to label myself as on the autism spectrum.
Why? Because AUTISM was invented as a diagnosis for those struggling to relate to other people, struggling with basic empathy and social interactions and sensory overload, none of which i have ever had any problem with. The quirks of my personality do not impact my life near enough to be pathologized.
Could you make a case for an undiagnosed attention-deficit disorder, yeah, maybe but that's quickly becoming a useless diagnosis as well so
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goldenstarsaba · 2 years
ABA clinics near me for aba autism therapy-ABA Therapies
Finding ABA clinics near me for ABA Autism therapy? we at Golden Stars ABA provide the best ABA Therapies near me for your child.
Golden Stars ABA Provides high-quality ABA Therapy services using a unique approach derived from the science of behavior & evidence-based research.
Services -
ABA Therapy
Parents ABA Therapy
Child ABA Therapy
For more Information visit website https://goldenstarsaba.com/
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hannaweeen · 2 years
My Autism Diagnosis Process in the UK.
Firstly, my mum referred me to a local learning disability clinic. You may be able to research if you have one near you; if not - you’ll have to go through a GP. Unfortunately, I am not experienced talking to a GP about an autism diagnosis.
A few months after, I had a Zoom call.
My first assessment. It had to be over video call so the assessor could see my mannerisms as I spoke. This call lasted for about an hour, and I left happy and cheerful. My assessor was an amiable guy.
The second step in the process was asking about childhood. The assessor will ask you if a parent or someone around you at this time can answer for you. If not, I’m pretty sure you can answer these things yourself. (as best as you remember). Not 100% sure. My mum answered this.
Lastly, I had to wait a year for my final assessment. This one was face-to-face. There was an assessor asking questions and another observing you and writing. It sounds scary, but it was reasonably okay, I was pretty anxious, and they were very understanding and kind.
The last assessment has to be face to face so they can genuinely observe your tone, mannerisms, how you speak and even do puzzles. I was asked to “roleplay” how I would brush my teeth and how fast I could do a puzzle (fast, not to brag). I was also asked questions about the following.
Past friendships, work, relationships, mental health and childhood! The questioner was lovely and engaging - she made me feel comfortable like we were having a general chat. It felt informal almost. Overall, the process was long but a positive one for me.
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Feel free to ask any questions.
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