#Autism support groups in Bangalore
casualvoidbread · 8 months
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sumithahemavathy · 9 months
Facts on Autism Spectrum Disorder | Best Autism Centre Near Me Bangalore | CAPAAR
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As we perceive, children are always happy, cheerful, blabbering on their own, always spread a positive aura, and care a little about the world around them. However, you might have noticed a few children who show unusual behavior that makes them stand out from the rest. While some might not be comfortable in their social surrounding, showcasing abrupt anger issues, others may not respond appropriately or avoid eye contact when addressed.
Autism spectrum disorder may be the cause of why the little one portrays such unusual behavioral traits in their personal and social interactive mode with others. However, the extent of the disorder may vary, and the behavioral traits may not be the same for all.
ASD is a lifelong condition. Though it cannot be wholly cured, early detection and considerable support from infancy may help to bring notable changes in behavioral patterns in the young ones.
More about Autism spectrum disorders
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Though the young ones grow at their own pace, they must get accustomed to a fixed set of behaviors within a specified age group. Let’s learn more about ASD and gain appropriate awareness about the condition.
The signs of autism at the nascent stage
Kids with autism find it difficult to grasp new ideas and work on the instructions given to them. The challenge becomes even more difficult when they have to cope in school. The little ones may find it difficult to respond to their names or pick up the necessary learning skills at school. The level of complexity may differ. Some may not have functional ability, while others may have a high level of functionality and learning ability but find it difficult to communicate the same when asked.
How is social well-being affected?
Communication becomes a major cause of concern for individuals under the spectrum of autism. They might not understand simple questions or directions given to them. They might become aggressive and show signs of disrespect when others try to speak to them. They may also speak in different tones or utter words or phrases that may be meaningless to the listeners.
What should caregivers do?
Taking appropriate care of individuals with autism becomes quite a challenging task. Caregivers should be well aware of the disorder and become a support system for individuals with autism. Children with autism should be given activity-based tasks, and they should be kept engaged with interactive questions all the time. Caregivers must give them specific directions like “Bring the red ball” Or “Give me the blue pen” to increase their sense of responding and develop their social skills.
Awareness regarding the condition of autism is the need of the hour. It is essential to bring your child to a healthcare specialist and be acquainted with a support group if your child is showing signs of autism at an early age. Together, let us build a world of inclusion and make the world a happier place by embracing diversity wholeheartedly.
For more updates visit: http://capaar4autism.com or reach us @ 9986455919
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uprightkidsortho · 2 years
Managing Cerebral Palsy in Children with Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore | Dr. Jayanth S Sampath.
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The most common treatment for cerebral palsy is physiotherapy, which helps the child achieve their milestones and prevents complications such as contractures and deformity in later life.
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of conditions that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain posture and balance. It is the most common form of movement disability in children. CP can occur due to genetic causes or due to damage to the brain in the first two years of life. Premature babies with low birth weight, brain infections (meningoencephalitis), lack of oxygen to the brain during childbirth, and untreated jaundice in the newborn period and near-drowning are other common causes of CP. In addition to walking difficulties, children with CP frequently have speech delay, seizures (epilepsy), swallowing problems, visual impairment and difficulty in learning.
The management of cerebral palsy is best undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team of professionals. This improves the quality of decision-making, and reduces the overall cost and effort of providing care to the child and family. Specialists from a variety of fields have to work closely to provide optimum care to a child with CP.
An accurate diagnosis of CP is important and should be done by a paediatric neurologist. The most common treatment for CP is physiotherapy, which helps the child achieve their milestones, prevents complications such as contractures and deformity in later life. Splints (braces or special shoes) are used to support the legs when the child is learning to walk. Control of seizures and muscle tightness (spasticity) is achieved mainly through medication. In some situations, medicines are injected into tight muscle groups to relieve spasticity and casts applied to stretch the muscle gently.
Our Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore saysMany children with CP will benefit from an intervention called Gait Improvement Surgery, typically after the age of 7, once natural brain maturation has been completed. Children with CP can also develop deformities of the feet and legs, dislocation of the hip joint, scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and difficulty in hand function. Therefore, regular follow-up with a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon is important for the early identification of these issues and appropriate management. We aim to complete any corrective surgery before the age of 12 so that the child’s education is not disrupted during the secondary school years suggested by our Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore
Pragati, our state-of-the-art facility located at Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Marathahalli, Bengaluru, provides all the services required for children with cerebral palsy, autism and disabilities under one roof. This includes multi-dimensional physiotherapy such as gross motor, fine motor and virtual reality rehabilitation, occupational therapy, Sensory Integration (SI), speech therapy and paediatric psychology services in an integrated manner.
Our therapy centre is supported by an experienced team of specialists in the field of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Paediatric Neurology, Clinical Genetics and Child development. We have an orthotics workshop that fabricates custom-made splints and braces.
Walking problems in CP are complex and it can be difficult to decide the correct surgical plan. For such cases, we use the 3D Gait Analysis Lab which provides accurate information about the child’s walking pattern at every level from the trunk to the foot. The motion capture equipment in the gait lab is similar to the technology used by Hollywood for CGI and special effects. This data improves the decision-making regarding surgery and eventual surgical outcomes are much better when 3D gait analysis is used as part of the assessment process.
The government has a medical insurance plan called the Niramaya scheme under The National Trust for children with cerebral palsy, autism and multiple disabilities, which provides reimbursement of health-related expenses to the family of up to Rs 1 lakh per year. We also encourage parents to obtain a disability certificate from the state government as this will assist the family to obtain various concessions and access to government schemes meant for persons with disability.
Our Best Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore says Children with cerebral palsy can expect to lead a fairly normal life as fully functioning members of society. Providing the correct treatment at the right time during the childhood years is essential for a successful result.
For more information visit - https://www.uprightkidsortho.com/blog/managing-cerebral-palsy-in-children-a-doctor-explains/
Our website- https://www.uprightkidsortho.com/
Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Bangalore
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Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Whitefield
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Bangalore
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albertalice920 · 3 years
All of us transition from one activity to another over the course of our day. We freshen up when we get out of bed, eat breakfast, head to school or work, come back home, and so on. For people with Autism, however, transitioning from one activity to another can be hard. They tend to have a greater need for predictability, as well as an aversion to any one activity being disrupted, which means that they may either fail to transition or resist it aggressively. There are, however, several useful tools to help children with Autism handle transition at school, home, or anywhere else. Let’s take a closer look at this.
Understanding Autism
Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a range of neurodevelopmental disorders that affect social, behavioral, and communicative abilities. Children with Autism tend to display repetitive behaviors, have trouble understanding social cues, and often withdraw from or refuse to participate in group activities. There is no cure for Autism, although treatment can help children lead highly functional lives. Treatment for Autism in Bangalore consists of speech therapy, stem cell therapy, and occupational and behavioral therapy to help them adjust better to social settings.
Transitioning for children with Autism
Transitioning is an indispensable part of any school day. Children may move from one classroom to the other, from the classroom to the playground, from the playground to the lunchroom, and so on. For a child with Autism, these transitions can come as confusing, as they require a higher degree of sameness and predictability than other children. They may also have trouble comprehending and sequencing information if the transition involves multiple steps, such as putting away the crayons and shutting the books before standing up. Particularly if the transition is an unexpected one, such as a change in the location of a certain class, it could confuse and disturb the child to the point where they resist the transition and disrupt the rest of the class. Transition strategies, in this regard, are techniques to support the child during the transition process through visual, verbal, or auditory cues. Done correctly, transition strategies can reduce the time taken for the child to move from one activity to another and can also help them behave appropriately before, during, and after the transition.
Tools to help children with Autism transition better
Transition strategies are designed to prepare the child for the upcoming change by giving them enough time to process the necessary information. The information itself is provided through cues that they can easily understand and respond to. Some easy transition strategies that a teacher or parent can use for a child with Autism are as follows.
Visual timer: This can help the child ‘see’ how much time is left before an activity is complete. It is more concrete than simply telling a child to ‘wait for five minutes’, especially if the child is not good at telling time from a clock.
Visual countdown: This is a visual board that illustrates how many steps are left before an activity is complete. The ‘steps’ can be represented by coloured strips of paper or by photos. Someone is assigned to take off each strip or photo as the step is complete, allowing the child with Autism to see how many are left before it’s time to transition.
Transition cards: This is particularly useful when there are multiple steps involved in a transition. For example, if the act of transition is packing away things before leaving a classroom, the child can be given a set of cue cards or photos that explain each step in the right order, such as ‘shut your books’, then ‘put away your crayons’, then push your chair back into place’, and so on. Once all the steps are complete, the child knows it is time to go.
A ‘complete’ box: It can help to have a designated box where children with Autism can place items that they are done using when it is time to transition. It should be kept in a clearly visible area and labelled properly so that the child knows where to go.
Schedule reevaluation: For a child with extreme transitioning difficulty, teachers and parents can work together to re-evaluate the schedule of the child and possibly remove any non-essential activities. They can also restructure the order of activities so that the child moves from a non-preferred to a preferred activity, which could be easier for them.
Transitioning can be hard for a child with Autism, but the right strategies can slowly make it easier for them. This, combined with the best treatment for Autism in Bangalore, will help the child gain confidence in social settings and participate just like their peers.
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awakeningwellness · 3 years
Awakening Wellness Retreat
The Awakening Wellness Retreat is one of the best rehabilitation centers located around the Gurgaon and New Delhi sector, focusing on the mental health community and has thereby succeeded in serving a diverse range of clients in the past 10 years. With a multi-specialty team of qualified and experienced professionals, we offer a caregiver therapy available with 24/7 support. Our biopsychosocial model of treatment along with the psychotherapy and medication process ardently ensures a supportive and a speedy recovery.
 The Awakening Wellness Retreat Rehabilitation center mainly focuses on the mental concerns of our clients having at the different stages of their lives and preventing them from reaching their complete potential of turning into an addict and becoming a part of the society and their families. Using certain comprehensive assessments for behavioral, emotional, psychosomatic and neurological disorders we help each of our patients individually. Providing individual group therapy, family and marital counseling sessions, crisis intervention and management of stress, management of chronic pain associated with the stress and poor mental health, we focus and start from the absolute basics.
 Our team treats a variety of mental conditions such, which are as follows:
●        Adjustment Disorders
●        Anxiety
●        Phobias
●        Panic disorders
●        Depression
●        Bipolar Mood Disorders
●        OCD
●        PTSD
●        Schizophrenia
●        Personality Disorders
●        Dementia
●        Geriatric Psychiatry
●        Drug Addiction
●        Alcohol Addiction
●        Autism
●        Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
 We understand that mental health is very important for well-being and to lead towards a successful life. An individual who is emotionally and mentally balanced is absolutely capable of working productively and making ever significant contributions towards their society and community. On the other hand, the mental issues are absolutely non-negligible and form a negative impact on the way we individuals think and behave and react in our personal goals and satisfaction levels.
 If an individual is left without the treatment process, their mental health will surely decline which can cause effects on their life emotionally, socially and in their interpersonal front too. By seeking the help of our team, you can address them in a safe and secured, totally supportive and confidential environment. We also provide tele-counselling sessions with our international patients comforting and guiding them from their homes.
 Having years of experience in treating alcohol and mental disorder patients, our team consists of clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and special educators, where we use the evidence based therapy sessions and als special interventions bringing a positive change in your life. The age groups we tend to undertake are: Child, Adult and Adolescent.
 Key Takeaways:
 ●        Medications are usually provided by the expert and experienced in-house doctors keep the record of the patient in mind.
●        Psychotherapy which includes family, group and individual.
●        CBT
●        Mindfulness training or other complementary and alternative medicine therapies which are repetitive transcranial with a magnetic stimulation.
●        Neurofeedback and Biofeedback.
●        Services for international patients.
 We are one of the premium rehabilitation centers having patients from Noida, Faridabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Goa, Pune, Mumbai, Indore, Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Dehradun, Ahmedabad etc. Also, we have our international patients coming from The United Kingdom, The United States of America, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Uganda, New Zealand, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Malaysia etc.
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fragilexindia-blog · 8 years
Fragile X Society Organizes Upcoming Events In 2017 To Spread Awareness On Fragile X Syndrome
Fragile X Society – India is dedicated to spread awareness about the Fragile X syndrome (FXS), a common factor responsible for inherited intellectual impairment that affects millions of people all over the world. It is also the most common known genetic factor for autism or the autism spectrum disorders. From causing mild learning impairments to severe intellectual or cognitive impairments that are often referred to as symptoms of mental retardation, Fragile X syndrome (FXS) can cause a number of serious symptoms that can make it extremely difficult for a person to lead a normal life. Delays in speech and language development are common, as are a variety of physical and behavioral characteristics.
Hundreds and thousands of lives are affected by this syndrome in India and people yet have little awareness about this serious condition. It is necessary to take special steps so that the lives of people affected by it can be improved. It can be a painful experience for any parent to have an autistic child at home. The lack of awareness about this condition within the Indian society also makes people’s life difficult here. There is a strong stigma associated with being the carrier of the genetic makeup that gives rise to Fragile X and people affected by this condition often face serious problems in their social lives. Due to such reasons, it is necessary to educate people about this condition and how it can affect their lives. Since it is a genetic condition, it can happen to practically anyone and people should know how to deal with their lives if it does.
To spread awareness about Fragile X syndrome (FXS) and promote effective medical treatment of the condition, Mrs. Shalini Kedia founded the Fragile X Society – India that aims to take medical treatment for this condition to an all new level. Organizing the first-ever International Fragile X conference in India 10 years ago, the society is all set to join hands with UC Davis MIND Institute in California and sponsor a number of upcoming meetings between February 24 and March 5 in various cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore and Mumbai that will improve the prospects of medical treatment of this syndrome.  
Medical aspects of Fragile X syndrome
Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome
Fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a condition that causes balance, tremor and memory problems in some older male (and less commonly, female) “carriers” of the FMR1 gene. FXTAS is caused by a “premutation” of the FMR1 Gene.
Fragile X-associated Primary Ovarian Insufficiency
Fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI) is characterized by decreased ovarian function, which can lead to infertility and early menopause in some female “carriers” of the FMR1 gene. FXPOI is caused by a premutation of the FMR1 Gene.
Fragile X-associated Disorders (FXD) can be passed on by carriers of the FMR1 gene mutation who have no apparent signs of an FXD. In some families a number of individuals may be affected, while in other families a diagnosed individual may be the only known family member to exhibit symptoms. Also, in some families, only carriers are identified and there are no apparently affected family members.
FXS In India: The Lack Of General Awareness & Contribution By Fragile X Society
It is estimated that there are as many as 300,000 to 400,000 Indians with FXS and millions of carriers of the mutation. However, only very small numbers have been diagnosed, a problem that is common throughout most of the world. Due to the inherited nature of Fragile X, this lack of awareness and diagnosis leads to there being multiple family members with, or at risk for, one of the Fragile X-associated Disorders and it is not uncommon for there to be two, three, five or even greater numbers of affected individuals within an extended family.
Thanks to the efforts of the Fragile X Society – India, there is some awareness about Fragile X in India, including a clinic in Mumbai, and an International Autism and Fragile X Syndrome conference was held in Mumbai in 2007.
An Awe-Inspiring Contribution ByThe Founder Chairperson Mrs. Shalini Kedia
Mrs. Shalini Kedia is the founder and chairperson of the Fragile X Society – India. Through her efforts and her team, including volunteers and advisors, families impacted by Fragile X have somewhere to turn within India. The society organized the first-ever International Fragile X conference in India 10 years ago and, along with the UC Davis MIND Institute in California, is the main sponsor of the upcoming meetings.
The Upcoming Events
A team of American clinicians and researchers will be meeting with families and professionals at medical institutions in Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore and Mumbai between February 24 and March 5. The goals of the visits include:
• Expand and develop relationships between Indian and American researchers and clinicians. • Improve awareness of all Fragile X-associated Disorders throughout India. • Exchange knowledge between Indian and American professionals about the latest evidence-based treatments for Fragile X-associated Disorders. • Highlight the relationship of fragile X syndrome to autism. • Further engage the patient community to expand the reach of the Fragile X Society – India.
The Future Plans By Fragile X Society
The Fragile X Society – India will build on the upcoming meetings to improve the rate of diagnosis, especially early diagnosis, which will lead to earlier and better interventions that are evidence-based. We also hope to establish treatment clinics in all of the major Indian cities and to foster more research. We plan to continue to be an active member of the International Fragile X Alliance, an online organization of parent support groups, and to encourage new clinics to become members of the Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium (FXCRC), a U.S. based group of 30 medical institutions that recently voted to expand internationally.
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sumithahemavathy · 1 year
Challenges and experiences of women and girls with autism | Best Autism Centre in Bangalore | CAPAAR
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has long been thought of as a predominantly male condition. However, recent research has shown that autism in women and girls is much more prevalent than previously believed. In this blog, we will explore the unique challenges and experiences of women and girls with autism.
Prevalence of Autism in Women and Girls:
Recent studies have shown that autism in women and girls is much more common than previously believed. It is estimated that for every four males diagnosed with autism, there is one female diagnosed. This discrepancy may be due in part to differences in how autism presents in males versus females, as well as differences in diagnostic criteria and assessment tools.
Challenges and Experiences:
Women and girls with autism often face unique challenges and experiences that may differ from their male counterparts. Here are a few examples:
Social communication challenges: Women and girls with autism may have difficulty with social communication, but may be better at masking or camouflaging their difficulties. This can make it more difficult for them to receive an accurate diagnosis and support.
Sensory processing challenges: Women and girls with autism may experience sensory processing challenges, such as sensitivity to touch or sound, that can be overwhelming and distressing.
Mental health challenges: Women and girls with autism are at a higher risk of developing mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression, than their male counterparts.
Stigma and stereotypes: Women and girls with autism may face stigma and stereotypes related to their gender, such as the assumption that autism is a male condition. This can make it more difficult for them to receive a timely and accurate diagnosis, as well as access appropriate support and resources.
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Strategies for Support:
Increased awareness: Increasing awareness of autism in women and girls can help reduce stigma and improve understanding of the unique challenges and experiences they may face.
More targeted assessments: Using more targeted assessment tools and diagnostic criteria that consider the unique presentation of autism in women and girls can help improve diagnosis and support.
Sensory support: Providing sensory support, such as noise-cancelling headphones or weighted blankets, can help individuals with autism manage sensory processing challenges.
Mental health support: Providing access to mental health support, such as therapy or counseling, can help individuals with autism manage co-occurring mental health conditions.
Community support: Providing access to community support, such as support groups or peer mentoring, can help individuals with autism feel less isolated and more connected to others who share similar experiences.
Autism in women and girls is more prevalent than previously believed, and individuals with autism may face unique challenges and experiences related to their gender. Increasing awareness, using targeted assessment tools, providing sensory and mental health support, and offering community support can all be helpful strategies for improving the lives of women and girls with autism. By working together, we can ensure that all individuals with autism receive the support and resources they need to thrive.
For more information, visit: http://capaar4autism.com/ or call us @ +91 9986455919
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sumithahemavathy · 3 years
Autism Mythbusters | Best Centres for Autism in Bangalore | CAPAAR
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ASD only affects children but it might be helpful to assist them by treating them early. It will reduce symptoms and enhance a child’s natural development. It will also improve a child’s quality of life. They also have feelings like others but they are more egocentric than normal individuals. So handle them carefully, remember it works better than forcing them to socialize.
In today’s article, we’re back with another special topic – Autism Myth busters. Where we are going to discuss Myth busters to debunk all the myths about Autism Spectrum Disorder to stop getting misled by wrong information.
In this article on Myth busters, we are going to discuss the concept of why people with ASD do not like to socialize with others. And why does ASD only affect children?
You will come to know the reason behind the unfriendliness of those affected individuals.
What is ASD?
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a group of complex neurodevelopmental disorders which are characterized by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and difficulties with social communication and interaction. It mostly appears during a child’s first 3 years of life.
What is the myth?
ASD is social dysfunction that can be exemplified in a range of behaviors, from completely avoiding any sort of personal interaction at all… to completely monopolizing discussions on a single issue that nobody except the person speaking appears to be very curious about.
Why do children get affected by ASD more?
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ASD is believed to be a disorder of very early brain development. A recent study has shown that ASD is estimated to affect about 1 in 54 children, with boys being more likely to have ASD than girls. Researchers do know that ASD is not induced by what a parent does to bring up a child.
Why do people with ASD not socialize with others?
Well, when human beings see a face and socially engage with another human, we get a hit of the good feeling. But this is not the case for the majority of people with ASD. It has been assumed that children with autism have developmental deficits that make it difficult to read people and their emotions.
People with ASD may go on to live regular lives, but there is always a desire for continued services and support as they age. Social interactions can be frustrating for people on the autism spectrum. As they have problems communicating with others, parents and surrounding people should not force them to socialize, let them be happy in their world. Following medication and other behavioral therapy will help them to cure, don’t go through wrong information.
 For more information visit: www.capaar4autism.com
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sumithahemavathy · 3 years
World Autism Day | Best Treatment for autism in Bangalore | Capaar
Autism Awareness Day: Let’s Light it up Blue
‘Autism’-This word is still considered as an indication of disability by most people. But is that so?
Not at all. Autism, more specifically Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is nothing but a neurological development disorder. We are living in a scientifically and technically advanced century, it’s 2021… Still, most people are unable to differentiate between disability and disorder. Our society still looks at an autistic child as a mentally challenged individual. Let’s break that social myth by supporting autism’ #Lightitupblue program.
Unlike every year, Autism is going to celebrate autism awareness month, starting from 2nd April. Since the last few years, autism awareness among people has indeed raised to an ample extend but still, children with ASD face lots of negative experiences in their neighborhood, schools, and in social gatherings. So this year Autism decided to look after the spread of the required kind behavioral approach to worldwide autism patients with the theme “Light It Up Blue”.
Why Kindness is crucial to communicate or treat an autistic patient?
Kindness is the result of balanced love and patients. As usual child with ASD remains short temper and mentally depressed. So, rude behavior might harm their mental growth. Treating them with strict and rigid behavior might make them feel differently tackled in comparison to other children. As a consequence, they become reluctant to learn new skills or communicate with people and other children. Only kind behavior can help them to gather self-confidence with which they will be able to overcome the effect of their mental disorder and learn lots of skills as normal children do. Apart from kindness, patience is another thing that is very important to the brought up autistic child. Sometimes such children indeed take much more time to learn a basic thing but that is not intentional. Rather, it’s their limitation but that does not mean they are unable to learn that particular skill. Even, if an ample amount of time and scope is given to them, they can give far better output than the usual children in some cases.
So many of us will now tell that autistic children themselves remain reluctant to social gatherings, group communication, or any kind of communication. Yes, it’s true but only to a partial extent. Because the fact is somehow different. Have you ever tried to analyze the cause of such reluctance?
Why do autistic children remain reluctant to communicate or mix up with people?
The reason is again they feel a lack of confrontment and support. Just imagine you are carrying out a group discussion, or a storytelling competition. Children are coming one by one and telling their speech or story. An autistic child is also in that group but when his turn comes after a few minutes’ audiences and even judges start showing annoyance. …And why so? Because that child was taking much more time to complete a sentence or maybe his tome was not as much as smart as others. But still, unlike other, he owns the ability to share his thought on the same topic. But you are not kind enough to give him his time and to understand his emotion. The key point is they are not disabled, need kind support, with which they can live similar life as of your child. Repeated feelings and experienced of getting ignored ultimately makes them reluctant to social gatherings, participations, and communications.
There is no need to take special classes to talk or bringing up a child having ASD. Rather you can support such a child with greater empathy just by following the few things listed below.
Spend time with them with fun activity not never make fun of them.
Observe their sensory sensitivity and train or act accordingly.
Praise them for their good behavior or new skill achievements.
Don’t force them to break their schedule without acute reason.
Always try to make them feel comfortable.
Wait for their responses during activity or verbal/ non-verbal conversations. Make them feel that their responses are equally important.
Why the color ‘blue’?
As already mentioned this year spreading, sharing, and supporting kindness toward the individuals with ASD is going to be the goal of Autism Awareness Month, so it’s expected that all the awareness campaigns will full of activities and things that ASD community children like. Cool colors are very good for such children as this gives them the feeling of calmness and sootiness of mind. Such feelings also improve their behavior and learning intentions. So blue color will symbolize the kind support toward the ASD community.
So let’s sprinkles the blues of care and support to such specially-abled children. Let’s stand by them. Join the CAPAAR’s Autism Awareness program.
CAPAAR is the Best Treatment for autism in Bangalore
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How Occupational Therapy Helps in Autism?
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sumithahemavathy · 3 years
World Autism Day | Best Treatment for autism in Bangalore | Capaar
Autism Awareness Day: Let’s Light it up Blue
‘Autism’-This word is still considered as an indication of disability by most people. But is that so?
Not at all. Autism, more specifically Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is nothing but a neurological development disorder. We are living in a scientifically and technically advanced century, it’s 2021… Still, most people are unable to differentiate between disability and disorder. Our society still looks at an autistic child as a mentally challenged individual. Let’s break that social myth by supporting autism’ #Lightitupblue program.
Unlike every year, Autism is going to celebrate autism awareness month, starting from 2nd April. Since the last few years, autism awareness among people has indeed raised to an ample extend but still, children with ASD face lots of negative experiences in their neighborhood, schools, and in social gatherings. So this year Autism decided to look after the spread of the required kind behavioral approach to worldwide autism patients with the theme “Light It Up Blue”.
Why Kindness is crucial to communicate or treat an autistic patient?
Kindness is the result of balanced love and patients. As usual child with ASD remains short temper and mentally depressed. So, rude behavior might harm their mental growth. Treating them with strict and rigid behavior might make them feel differently tackled in comparison to other children. As a consequence, they become reluctant to learn new skills or communicate with people and other children. Only kind behavior can help them to gather self-confidence with which they will be able to overcome the effect of their mental disorder and learn lots of skills as normal children do. Apart from kindness, patience is another thing that is very important to the brought up autistic child. Sometimes such children indeed take much more time to learn a basic thing but that is not intentional. Rather, it’s their limitation but that does not mean they are unable to learn that particular skill. Even, if an ample amount of time and scope is given to them, they can give far better output than the usual children in some cases.
So many of us will now tell that autistic children themselves remain reluctant to social gatherings, group communication, or any kind of communication. Yes, it’s true but only to a partial extent. Because the fact is somehow different. Have you ever tried to analyze the cause of such reluctance?
Why do autistic children remain reluctant to communicate or mix up with people?
The reason is again they feel a lack of confrontment and support. Just imagine you are carrying out a group discussion, or a storytelling competition. Children are coming one by one and telling their speech or story. An autistic child is also in that group but when his turn comes after a few minutes’ audiences and even judges start showing annoyance. …And why so? Because that child was taking much more time to complete a sentence or maybe his tome was not as much as smart as others. But still, unlike other, he owns the ability to share his thought on the same topic. But you are not kind enough to give him his time and to understand his emotion. The key point is they are not disabled, need kind support, with which they can live similar life as of your child. Repeated feelings and experienced of getting ignored ultimately makes them reluctant to social gatherings, participations, and communications.
There is no need to take special classes to talk or bringing up a child having ASD. Rather you can support such a child with greater empathy just by following the few things listed below.
Spend time with them with fun activity not never make fun of them.
Observe their sensory sensitivity and train or act accordingly.
Praise them for their good behavior or new skill achievements.
Don’t force them to break their schedule without acute reason.
Always try to make them feel comfortable.
Wait for their responses during activity or verbal/ non-verbal conversations. Make them feel that their responses are equally important.
Why the color ‘blue’?
As already mentioned this year spreading, sharing, and supporting kindness toward the individuals with ASD is going to be the goal of Autism Awareness Month, so it’s expected that all the awareness campaigns will full of activities and things that ASD community children like. Cool colors are very good for such children as this gives them the feeling of calmness and sootiness of mind. Such feelings also improve their behavior and learning intentions. So blue color will symbolize the kind support toward the ASD community.
So let’s sprinkles the blues of care and support to such specially-abled children. Let’s stand by them. Join the CAPAAR’s Autism Awareness program.
CAPAAR is the Best Treatment for autism in Bangalore
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How Occupational Therapy Helps in Autism?
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sumithahemavathy · 5 years
My Child Is Suffering From ADHD? | Best ADHD Treatment in Bangalore, Hulimavu | CAPAAR
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I live in South, Bangalore and my child has ADHD. What are the treatment options that really work?
Well the good news is that there are multiple treatment techniques for the treatment of ADHD in India. Such treatment techniques come in a combination of two things - medication and therapy. So below are the treatment options:
Treatment through Medication for ADHD
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The medication options are prescribed based on response of the child towards fast acting or intermediate-acting or long-acting types. Your physician may need to spend some time and analyze to arrive at the best medication, dosage, and schedule for your child. ADHD drugs may few times come with some kind of side effects however they tend to occur in the early weeks of treatment and a relief is these side effects are temporary and mild.
Behavioral Treatments for Children with ADHD
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This Behavioral Treatment will involve in encouraging the development of a congenial environment that promotes more successful social interactions. Such setting up of environment includes creating paths to follow, encouraging routines, and clearly stating expectations of the child with ADHD.
Other Modes of Treatment :
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CAPAAR is one of the Best ADHD Treatment in Bangalore, Hulimavu. Dr. P. Sumitha Hemavathy (PT) is one of the Best Autism Doctor in Bangalore who has been treated autism child with multiple treatment techniques. Here are the few other modes of treatments:
Social skills training – This involves encouraging children to learn behaviors that will help them develop and maintain social relationships.
Support groups – Educating parents and supporting them on how best to treat their child with ADHD is very necessary and thus support groups come into great help.
A well analyzed combination of such treatment options may offer much more effective results.
What is ADHD?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurological disorder that appears in early childhood. During this it becomes challenging for individuals to control their spontaneous responses—responses ranging between involuntary physical movement to speech to attentiveness.
Typically the signs and symptoms of ADHD can be noticed by the time the child turns seven. But being able to distinguish between attention deficit disorder and normal ‘kid behavior’ won’t be easy. Especially when the recurrence of the symptoms is only on few specific occasions
For more articles on ADHD, visit our ADHD section. Do follow us on Face book and Twitter for all the latest updates!
 To Know More,
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