#Avarice aavakäsi
grokebaby · 2 years
Oh yeah I don't think I've mentioned yet but Avarice has dated a certain member of the Dissing order. They're exes though but thine may or may not still be helplessly pining for them regardless (the breakup wasn't initiated by Ava thineself).
But thine may or may not also be crushing on another different member simultaneously. I may reveal who Avas two sweethearts are but I will leave you to guess for now :)
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grokebaby · 2 years
Random character notes but they're wholesome
- In the sanctuary that Ezekiel created for himself and the other exiled angels, he's frequently called Gramps/grandpa due to having aged so much visibly. His hair is grey. He takes this in good spirits, though claims he's not like a grandpa at all and still feels more like a big brother to everyone
- Lassi reads dumb sappy romance novels on the regular, at his job too but he takes careful note to not let anyone see him. I'm talking the most corny, walking into the sunset and picking roses kind of romance novels. Written by and for demons, of course. He acknowledges how cringy they are and would die before admitting he doesn't actually read them ironically but he has a huge weak spot for sappy genuine wholesome romance. He does read more erotic books too but he's honestly way more comfortable being seen reading that than the sugary shit he enjoys the most
- Xerxes likes sunflowers alot, they're his favorite flower. He got his first kiss (among other things) in a sunflower field, but even before that he just always liked them. Sometimes he visits earth, during which he can be small/normal sized again, just to walk along some nice fields and enjoy nature. It's soothing to him. He'd always want to bring back sunflowers with him but they'd become nearly microscopic once he returns to his giant High judgement size again
- One of Maiju's biggest dreams is to see a rainbow one day. She doesn't talk about this dream, of course, so nobody knows of it, but she partially wants to see it to make sure she isn't colorblind and also just to see all the possible colors that could exist in the world. She hasn't seen many colors in her life
- Avarice has created dozens of servants and workers for the "Castle" thou lives in, and they're all collectively referred to as The Bobos. This is due to the fact that they all appear to be of the same species, and all but one speak exclusively in various beeps. Even the strongest and biggest ones, the guards, make low pitch "boum" sounds. Most people don't understand what they're saying at all, except Avarice thyself. The only one who speaks using words is Avas second hand and personal advisor, named Bojoing
- Memphis and Chickfleece are actually good friends and get along great against everyone's expectations. Unlike Larry, Chickfleece doesn't mean most of what she says in a negative way, she's just crude. She also doesn't actually think all that badly about people as much as she claims to, she just likes complaining. Due to sensing emotions, Memphis knows this and thus has an easy time interacting with her without feeling the slightest bit offended by her bitching. To Chickfleece, his genuine thoughtfulness is a huge breath of fresh air and Memphis not being soured by her attitude at all makes it easy for her to talk to her or even open up sometimes. Memphis has taken a sort of auntie role over Chickfleece due to her being one of the youngest employees and him being one of the oldest. She lets Chickfleece do her hair or nails often. That, along with many beauty/self care activities is very soothing for Chickfleece so Memphis is more than happy to be her model
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grokebaby · 2 years
About Torpor / Fervor
She's absolutely massive, and incredibly heavy. Both as Fervor and Torpor, but especially in her stagnant form she's almost supernaturally immovable. While it's able to become unconscious, most of the time it isn't, and is completely aware of it's surroundings, as far as her range reaches. Most people just don't realize her awareness due to the fact that she's unable to express it outwardly. Facial or physical gestures are rare, even down to simple eye movements, led alone speech. For most life forms it's difficult to even tell if it's a living being at all, or an inanimate entity. Due to the power she holds over her surroundings (paralysing), her entire range will become completely barren and devoid of life with time. Although it's more severe the closer you are to it. Her effects include both physical and psychic symptoms, such as intense fatigue, bodily deterioration, nihilism, apathy, depression and general inability to get any message of activity from the brain to the body. Even inanimate objects, whether moving autonomously (vehicles), or having been launched in her direction, will quickly lose momentum regardless of their power or speed. Right next to her it would almost seem that the air is incapable of moving. Torpor doesn't breathe.
Fervor wakes up very very rarely, to the point that there are members of the Dissing order who've gone their whole lives without any awareness or encounter to Fervors presence (Torpors yes, but the inactive state specifically). When she does activate though, it can last anywhere from a few minutes to a day. Currently the longest active period known amongst Dorder is a week, although this claim is debated. When Fervor is awake, it's a very intense event. The ground shakes, air ripples, there are shockwaves, there may be storms or other natural disasters and weird things just tend to happen due to the intense amount of energy radiating off of her. Her awakening isn't completely negative nor positive exclusively. Usually, if the area she's been dormant on has become uninhabitable, or has had habitants in the past, Fervors activation is a good thing by default. Despite the hardcore energy radiation Fervor emits, she has to plan her every move very very carefully, as whatever action she decides to take will be her only one. If she decides to revive the area she's burdened, it'll take all her zest to do that and she'll fall dormant again, not having moved from her spot, and thus making the revival completely pointless, as Torpors effects start creeping in soon after deactivation. She rarely moves, since she's unable to scout any good spots to go dormant without harming the entire area. Of course, if she does know a good spot she will move happily when given the chance. It's hard to be a scout for her either, since it's difficult to get close enough to communicate safely. Due to this Torpor has psychic connections to a select few members of the Dissing order (more on that in the next section). Then on the part about weird things happening when Fervor awakes: due to the radiation it emits, being pure unfiltered energy, it can have interesting effects on living beings. It can grant them momentary superpower, since it enhances whatever supernatural abilities they already have, or it can corrupt their very bodies and cells. In the case of the former, it's possible that this awakens new abilities in the individual that will remain after Fervor falls back again. Although they won't be as intense as during the moment of activation. In the case of the former, it's not necessarily that Fervors powers are corrupting, but it's that 1. She will stimulate individuals around her psychically which can manifest in various intense ways and mess with brain chemistry, which, 2. Will effect their physical states due to 3. Her energy stimulating cell growth, regeneration, mutations and various other physical effects. In the case of someone like Hysteria, whose emotional state heavily manifests on shrieks body, Fervors presence will cause changes for sure. In more psychosomatically stable individuals, the changes either aren't severe or don't tend to last beyond Fervors presence.
Fervor's abilities
Due to being full of power juice, it has the ability to create living beings. She has, in fact, created a few members of the Dissing order. Past and present. This includes Avarice, Hysteria and Mamonde, Temperance and a few others (who are currently wip lol). She also has the ability to grant abilities to others, as well as obviously anything else that would require massive amounts of energy to happen (natural or supernatural, hence the whole "Reviving her burdened area" thing). Usually, during a varying period of time before awakening, Torpor will send (intentional or unintentional) energy waves forward. It usually acts as a warning, or an alert to Torpors presence, and Fervors upcoming arrival. These will commonly also cause weird things to happen.
Torpor has a psychic connection to all those who she's created, although it's possible to sever one way or another. She has the ability to send psychic messages, so called "thoughts" to any of these connections but does it rarely, since that requires alot of effort on her end. Subconscious thoughts sometimes float off of her though, either when something notable enough happens that it raises her alertness momentarily, or when she's falling asleep. If she becomes unconscious, it's possible to receive messages or visions of her dreams. All her creations have a differently functioning connection: Hysteria will know when Fervor is around, or if Torpor becomes more alert for whatever reason. Mamondes connection has dulled down over the years, but to the extent that she's able to sense it, she'll know when Torpor is unconscious or asleep. Temperance will know if Torpor/Fervor is creating something, and Avarice will know when Fervor is moving, and more specifically where.
Sometimes the things they can sense may get scrambled up for whatever reason, most usual one being conflict within the group. Torpor doesn't like it when her creations and Dorder in general is infighting, since she cares for them all greatly.
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grokebaby · 2 years
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Avarice heard they have ffffaaaaaaannnnnnnssssssss
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(latter picture is from past events. Also featuring their highness' reliable advisor)
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grokebaby · 2 years
Random character notes but they get dark
- Mamonde and Avarice don't actually like or get along with each other at all, despite what many people would think at first. Avarice did like and admire Mamonde when she was still Mania, but says that she "Downgraded" upon becoming her current self, which Mamonde ofc finds maddeningly offensive. She, in turn, finds him a useless brat and "A personification of what's wrong with today's society".
- Setä is actually pretty frail due to how long and spindly he is. He gets bruises fairly often and has gotten into some pretty bad scuffs over the years. He also has joint pain every so often but fortunately he knows lots of DIY tips and tricks for that, along with many other ailments he or Aalto are inconvenienced by. Still, many tumbles or falls that normal people could walk off in a week can easily break multiple bones for him, and depending on the landing, certain falls are lethal. Hysteria takes great anxiety and care over making sure shriek catches him, or that he in general, isn't placed somewhere he isn't secure.
- Memphis ended up in hell due to being murdered, although despite this she isn't a spirit or a soul per say, her species just has regenerative abilities. She was married back then and has no idea where her wife ended up, and it worries him alot. He misses her. He's afraid that she died permanently due to protecting him from their attackers. While she doesn't remember alot from the incident, including who the attackers were, she remembers being paralyzed by fear so badly she didn't fight back, and she's ashamed of it, especially considering she remembers her wife fighting back. Most of the incident is completely blanked out of her mind but she has traumatic flashbacks and episodes sometimes. During the very severe ones she has delusions/hallucinations of being attacked again. The flashbacks don't make her memories any clearer and thus it's sometimes hard to predict what would trigger them
- Related to all that, Memphis isn't in hell to be punished necessarily but bc heaven doesn't take in demons. It's an unfortunate and old tradition set by the ancient High angels, and it causes demon souls (ones who have souls, at least, not all of them do) to not appear at heaven's gates at all. Thusly if a demon species has the possibility of an afterlife, they appear in hell regardless of moral, in which case they'll be registered as Neutral district inhabitants, unless they choose to go to some other district. If Terjey were aware of this limit, ge would undo it, but as of now it remains due to most current angels not even being aware of it (Ngah knows and would never undo the restriction, Kxxxtr knows but hasn't thought about it all that much and it's just sitting at the back of her mind. If she were asked about it, she'd show hesitance about whether or not any demon would get to heaven even if the restriction was lifted)
- Lassi had an eating disorder way back when he first came into the Pride district, but he hasn't really consciously realized this fact yet. He'd spent a good while on the streets before being moved to the Pride district so he'd lost alot of weight and food was scarce, which contributed to it. He had pretty bad body dysmorphia and dysphoria about how small he was, and insisted on wearing clothes several sizes too big for him. The disorder itself was binge eating but he has made a full recovery since. Though he still has a habit of comfort eating
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grokebaby · 2 years
Avarice is either extremely good at writing (because of all those hands) or extremely bad at writing (because of all those hands)
I'm not sure which one would be better
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