#Ave Atque Vale
ghostof2024 · 1 month
Just read the part where Kit died in Chain of Thorns, and I am heartbroken.
I knew it was coming, but whyyyyy?? 😭😭😭
So I made some fanart for Kit. Not my best work. Yes, I know the voyance runs is wrong, sorry about that. Enjoy, I guess!
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marxalittle · 3 months
We wrapped the Lancer campaign last night, after having captured a space fortress and witnessed a war crime/betrothal, and my character and their-- ahem-- gal pal headed out to the Long Rim. They'll keep taking mercenary jobs until the ten to fifteen year strategy to upend the current power balance in the KTB and take the high Barony for the House of Order comes to fruition. And then? Return home, covered in glory, to a nice civil service career.
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greyjadeexpert · 1 year
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I haven't even read TID yet, but I'll do it anyway.
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lemurious · 2 years
I love, love learning languages. The initial euphoria of being able first to read words, then to understand them, even if it’s something completely mundane - oh look, here’s an exit in the subway car, and the instructions tell you to boil the pasta for 10 minutes! And then, after some months of stringing words together into sentences, with much cursing at the dictionary, you attempt to read (yet another) poem...and after keeping the words carefully leashed in your mind to trace the meaning through them, something clicks! You realize that the poem is beautiful in the language you have been learning, not just in its content, not just in the language of the translation. In fact, you are beginning to catch the feeling that the translation could only approximate, but the feeling is here, in the poem, in front of your eyes. You feel that you have broken through, at last, a new language has opened up for you like a doorway (into a labyrinth, not an amusement park, but oh! the treasures that lie ahead).  
So I just got there with my Latin (Catullus - Ave atque vale) that I have been teaching myself since August, and I feel that I should at the very least be hearing trumpets and seeing fireworks, celebrating that I have made it, that a new language has just opened up for me and there is so much, so much more to learn and to discover. Dizzyingly, it’s also a poem that has been around for 2000 years, and, I like to imagine, hitting Latin learners with the grief and beauty in it for just as long. This connection to centuries of learners has been one of the reasons for me to learn classical Latin, in addition to its pleasant orderliness, the sheer joy of learning languages in general and an interest in the history of Rome.
Multas per gentes et multa per aequora vectus
advenio has miseras, frater, ad inferias,
ut te postremo donarem munere mortis
et mutam nequiquam alloquerer cinerem
quandoquidem fortuna mihi tete abstulit ipsum
heu miser indigne frater adempte mihi
nunc tamen interea haec, prisco quae more parentum
tradita sunt tristi munere ad inferias,
accipe fraterno multum manantia fletu.
Atque in perpetuum, frater, ave atque vale.
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bones-ivy-breath · 2 years
Black dreams; the pale and sorrowful desire Whose eyes have looked on Lethe and have seen, Deep in the sliding ebon tide serene, Their own vain light inverted; the vain lyre That only tells of love and languishing; Autumnal roses blind with rain; slow foam From desert-sinking seas, with honeycomb Of aconite and poppy—these I bring With this my bitter, barren love to thee; And from the grievous springs of memory, Far in the great Maremma of my heart, I proffer thee to drink; and on thy mouth, With the one kiss wherein we meet and part, Leave fire and dust from quenchless leagues of drouth.
Ave Atque Vale by Clark Ashton Smith
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ofmoonsandlight · 3 years
the bane chronicles ? ? ? ? oh, you mean
The Pain Chronicles
? ? ? ?
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nickcammi · 3 years
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atripinmymind · 3 years
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dtriad · 3 years
Frederic Rzewski - The People United Will Never Be Defeated! (1975)
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notgonnadoitgirl · 3 years
Who is your favorite tsc character and why is it Will Herondale?
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icycoolslushie · 3 years
Ave atque vale, Will Herondale
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bananacerise · 3 years
ave atque vale, william owen herondale.
you would’ve loved social media 😭💔
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tamquamm-alter-idem · 3 years
We’re all Will herondale trash
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emablckthrn · 3 years
I cant believe will ducking Herondale is dead today
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eiraaaaaaaaaaa · 3 years
Ave Atque Vale, William Owen Herondale,
The one who taught us to love,
The one who was blessed by the angel,
The one who loved poetry more than one ever could😂,
The one who made us hate lil evil ducks,
The one who was charm incarnate,
The one who wrote the most famous song of the millennium, "Demon Pox",
The one who sacrificed everything for those he loved,
The one who was cursed (but not really)
The one who went through the pain of a parabatai bond snapping,
The one who made people hate him just to protect them,
The one who was totally cool with the idea of bringing one's parabatai with them on a honeymoon😂
The one who was fierce,
The one who never gave up,
The one who thrust his hand in burning hot flames to save his parabatai,
The one who is the face of Herondales
The one for whom words aren't enough to describe how great he was,
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Ave Atque Vale, Will Herondale, Hail and Farewell
No matter what happens, you will always be the best Herondale and the most loved shadowhunter to ever exist.❤❤
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So umm
A friend of my aunt who i knew really well ever since I was a child died yesterday night. It was unexpected and sudden. Now, I'm not particularly fond of that aunt but i know she is rattled by it and not doing well.
The thing is, i feel it too. I feel really shaken despite her not being a close friend of mine and i haven't seen her in a long time. I know some of my aunts' friends and she was one that i knew well, i knew her ever since i was little and I remember her coming to visit us in England too. So it is affecting me and I've never encountered death that affected me, so this feeling is new and unexpected and I don't know what to do with it.
It's not like we were close. But i knew her well and all of my aunts' friends are kinda like my aunts and uncles when they are around.
Idk why i felt the need to write this, but I did.
Ave atque vale, Moran
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