awkwardgtace · 2 months
Thinking about the eclipse today. Imagine a giant who doesn't know and gets panicked as the sun disappears. Grabs a human who hiked up a mountain to see it in an attempt to protect them. Awkward explanation that it's fine
Or a borrower who lives with a human that hangs out on their balcony a lot goes out and freaks cause again the sun is disappearing. Maybe they knock something down so the human notices them and the human is torn between the once in a lifetime eclipse and this little person looking thing having a panic attack
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good-bi20 · 5 months
James: "Regulus, mate, ever tried the Jugulus position?" Regulus: "What's that?" James: "It's like trying to find a shooting star in the bedroom. Catch my drift?" Sirius (enters, annoyed): "I leave for five minutes, and you two start discussing constellations in the sheets?" Regulus: "It's just a joke, Sirius. Lighten up." James (grinning): "Yeah, lighten up, Padfoot. Not everything is as serious as you." Sirius (groans): "You two and your cosmic humor. I'm outta here." Cue James and Regulus sharing a cheeky glance as Sirius exits. 🌟😏 #NotForSiriusEyes
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wordsofafreak-blog · 6 years
He: Let's talk!
Me: Okay.
He: Okay .
*end of the conversation*
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thevagueambition · 6 years
I’ve figured out how to get video from my Matador DVDs, so if anyone wants gifs of a specific scene or similar, feel free to request it
just going to tag some people in the “fandom” 
@havlebbe @lucithefer @awkwardtalking @thatdanishchick @agentscullysgirlfriend @charlie-thealmightypeacock @luna-lovegood-for-life @perlockholmes @mahouwl @ceciliethesloth @neseej
I haven’t talked to all of you before so sorry if you feel weird about getting tagged in this ^^; I just don’t know how else to make sure matador people see it ya know
I’m also going to upload the first ep with english subs to a google drive folder so if anyone wants that link shoot me a message
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this-awkward-queen · 10 years
So there's a rumor going around in my neighborhood about a mysterious chicken flying into people's backyard
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bunnyawkwards · 10 years
I just got back from a long trip with kitten scratches all over me and I just burned my hand and I'm tripping over everything WHAT DID I DO?
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Awko Taco
Having a chill fb chat when suddenly BAM! Plot twist: apparently I should have pervs hitting on me cuz I have big boobs...errrmmm no...nobody hits on me sooo yeah😅 lol
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awkwardgtace · 1 month
It's now 7am i haven't slept so I'm subjecting tumblr to more random rambling. As my name implies i do feel awkward when i do this
Started thinking about how tinies would react to giants who get described weird. Example of the write I've been told i have kitten hands (i asked once it's cause my hands are small and feel like a kitten paw apparently). Like what if they just hear the giants being like oh yeah my friend's gonna house sit or visit or something and this description is dropped.
The fear of a human with cat paws. Or if it's to like clear out candles they have a dog's sense of smell. Just apply a would description. Cold blooded, heartless, snake's eyes, etc. Descriptors taken literally and cause a very confusing meeting or period of time.
I'm going to do this eventually.
Alternatively describing the different size person with literal descriptors taken metaphorically (their bark is worse than their bite. Literally they bark louder than a jet plane but can't break skin with their teeth)
I might do this instead. We shall see which wins out first
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Last night i was roped into playing pretend and since my brain is on gt family dynamics right now i had a thought.
Giant/human just chilling doing whatever when this absolutely miniscule little kid comes up and just recruits them into a game of pretend. The kid's parent coming along and seeing this massive being pretending to need the little kid's help to lift things and stuff like that
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awkwardgtace · 8 months
Gonna share a dumb story
Running the newest final fantasy 14 alliance raid where a character becomes a straight up giant.
Me: this is my favorite fight for normal reasons
Two friends who know my sizey interests being the sarcastic assholes i love them for being: oh right normal sure
Friend who doesn't know: my monster fucker senses are tingling
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awkwardgtace · 1 month
I've decided if i were a tiny I'd be a menace. I have chronic insomnia and love caffeine. A duo that will cause me to vibrate like a cell phone getting a phone call
Thank you for coming to my tiny talk
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awkwardgtace · 16 days
Small update. Working on something for mermay. Hope to have it done soon. It might be late. Also melody and kyrie Kaiju au is probably gonna be put on pause this year too, but i might give you a sneak peek at it in june!
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awkwardgtace · 9 months
Just thought about being small enough to literally run around the keys of a keyboard. A giant that knows you're there smiling while you go on an adventure. Maybe it's an rgb keyboard so they turned the lights down for you.
Anyways yeah tiny small enough to use a fun keyboard adventure and just having this massive protective being watching them maybe carefully pressing keys down to make walls
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awkwardgtace · 5 months
It's super late but i wanna say it anyway. I finally finished the wip I've been working on! Took forever and i finally realized why. I just wanted to put too much in it and it made it hard to make it feel good. Posting it when I wake up before i can rethink it again lol
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awkwardgtace · 10 months
I highly doubt any of you have seen this old anime called pretear but i just got an idea.
All the leafe knights are tiny. Everything else is the same the knights are tiny. That is all
For the record transformations in this anime are done by the main character holding hands with the knight and then they basically merge. Idk how to explain it but yes that is all i have for you folks
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awkwardgtace · 4 months
working on a lore doc today and realized tumblr hates that i am organized in how they post. why must this website i use and enjoy torture me in this way
anyways guardian lore drop incoming thanks to @smolcomfycat sending in that ask the other day that i answered. Gotta get a nice solid lore dump out in the open now lol
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