#Axel breaks something and MK “knows a guy
nikaturtleemoji · 1 year
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Only true fans understand!
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horrorgeoff · 6 months
i was playing around with the total drama ship generator and here's what i got
Dakota x Heather (Dakeather??) I actually kinda dig this one might make some art for it
Sammy x Sugar (Sugammy?) I think I've actually seen this one before. But anyway Team Tiara lesbians let's go! I actually wouldn't mind seeing slow burn for this
Beth x Max (Bax?) This one just makes me smile fsr. Something about it is cute to me
Axel x Priya (Priyaxel?) I've seen this one before and tbh i really like it. Fighter lesbians who will survive the zombie apocalypse together without breaking a sweat
Chase x MK (CK?) tbh I don't see this one as romantic but i think they'd make a really funny duo. Like imagine them making those horrible youtube prank videos together. Love it
Spud x MacArthur (SpudArthur) Again i dont see em as romantic but they'd be funny friends
Beardo x Jasmine (Jasdo) alright i like this. this is cute
Zee x Scary Girl (Scaryzee) No but like imagine zee just never being afraid of lauren. like she could chase him with a cleaver or something and e'd just be like "woah gnarly"
Blaineley x Josee (Joneley) EVIL. TOXIC. LESBIANS. You know what I call that? PERFECTION.
Manitoba x Duncan (Duncitoba) I'm just gonna leave this one for you guys
heres the ship generator if you want to play with it yourself
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quackle · 1 year
a(n unfortunate) list of things i wanna see next season of total drama, spoilers down below~
WE NEED TO SEE DAMIEN THRIVE!!!!!! i have never seen a fandom agree more on a robbed character. now that damien knows how the game works and actually seems to want to play it, he can use that intelligence he got and at LEAST make it to the top three (please... for me 🥲)
also make priya x damien canon. we were robbed and stuck with emma and chase. ok next.
or you could make priya and millie canon... no? ok... unless? 👁️
more bowie x raj interaction cause they're cute together 🤭
give both axel and nichelle an arc because they were robbed too. preferably an arc together! let axel shout at nichelle until nichelle learns that it's ok to be herself and NOT an extension of jerry! let nichelle not take most bs from axel to the point where it pisses axel off a lil! make them gay! idk there's material here
do... something with caleb. idk what. we didn't get to see his personality much. so there's potential there.
give ripper the immediate boot. idc idc idc he was ANNOYING. somehow the fan predictions before the show started are better characterization of him than his actual personality.
let emma break up with chase, then give chase the early boot too. (cause how you gon cut the breaks of ya girl car and not even genuinely apologize??? AND THEN HE SOMEHOW GOT HER BACK??? yeah no teach him a lesson)
let emma get STANDARDSSSSS. like girl... STAND UP. chase is not the love of your life! he's just some guy! hit him with your car!
i needdddd mk to get an ally. idc if it's temporary or toxic or whatever. i adore mk (i love when girls do absolutely wrong like steal 💕) but we gotta get her interacting with more of the cast. she's such a smart player, she's just missing that teamwork aspect. (i just want her to make it farther than she did, i'm biased-)
i hate to say it because i adore them... put the hockey bros on separate teams. this is total DRAMA. i need them to suffer just a lil... emotionally, not physically, the cliff was messed up 💔
make lauren scarier somehow. make her so scary that none of us can watch the screen with both eyes. make her so horrifying that damien calls her horrifying girl next season and everyone just rolls with it. it's what she would want, truly.
zee and scary girl shenanigans. because i think it would be funny.
i can't think of anymore, i'll probably make another post if i do (as i often do, unfortunately)
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cornfields-td-nonsense · 10 months
here are my random speculations/hopes for the TDI reboot season 2
Emma and Chase break up and stay that way. please. please god please break them up for good Emma deserves so much better
characters like Nichelle, Axel, Damien, Lauren etc. (the early boots) get more development. this is (hopefully) a given, but please please please can we get more Axel content she's too cool to be booted in the second ep
I genuinely don't know what they're going to do with Caleb. like, the subversion in ep.1 was funny and made sense, but like. what do they do with him now
If I had to guess, I think he'll either be another Justin or another Ezekiel. By which I mean either he'll finally fill out his role as the Hot Guy Character, maybe manipulate some people, possibly have a villain arc. or maybe he'll just be a nice guy but still be hot. OR he'll get booted in the first ep Again, and probably something horrible will happen to him.
speaking of which. I know there's no way this is going to happen because the reboot seems allergic to referencing the previous seasons. but can we get a Zeke cameo? pretty please? literally just closure so we know he's okay? please?
leading from that. more references to the previous seasons in general would be nice! I didn't mind the lack of them, and I don't think it's like a flaw or anything, but. idk a couple of callbacks would be fun. I don't mind if not though.
rajbow. please for the love of all that is holy can we not fuck up rajbow. they're literally so cute please don't ruin them
we've had a canon mlm ship and it's immaculate, as I've just said, so could we have a canon wlw ship? pretty please? and can it be axelle?
Ripper is an early boot. I don't hate him as much as some people but he's very quickly outgrowing his welcome, please either give him something interesting to do or boot him early
Maybe some exploration of Priya's trauma? Like, Millie acknowledged that what her parents did was messed up but it was kind of swept under the rug. this probably won't happen but. meh. that's what fanfiction is for babeyyy
(psst. you should boot Chase early and let Emma explore who she is away from him. that'd be cool.)
Raj and Bowie are the fireside couple. Wayne is the interrupter.
Julia tries to go on a revenge spree against Bowie. her interference during the finale was just the tip of the iceberg, bitch
and to cap it off... the season should be another take on Total Drama Action. they already did Island, now they should do Action but with this cast. it'd be so cool promise promise
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predict485 · 5 months
A scene from the reboot rewrite... @fraudulent-cheese
[ Cut to the campfire area, where all the campers are sitting on the horizontal logs around the fire pit. ]
Topher: This is where you’ll have your campfire ceremonies. Every three days, you’ll all compete in a challenge and the losing team will come here that night to eliminate a player. Clear?
Chase: Can we pick where we sleep? Because I want a bed next to Emma.
Emma: No! I want a bed away from Chase! Please, Topher?
Damien: …Please don’t tell me wherever we sleep is gonna be co-ed, right?
[Scary Girl laughs from behind him.]
Wayne: Are we gonna be sleeping in cabins? Awesome! I’ll get to be in a camping cabin with Rajie!
Raj: We’ll be in cabins?! Awesome, I’ve never slept in a cabin before!
Zee: Can we sleep in tents? Because there are some really cool ducks out here, man.
Topher: Ah, about that. But just know it’s not gonna be co-ed, Damien. 
Now, for your sleeping arrangements, you will be sleeping in cabins near the main camp. 
[He’s met with wide grins for the hockey bros. Emma looks worried and on edge.]
Topher: Now, for the most important part of the show: I’ll split you into two teams and your sleeping arrangements will be based on that. 
Let’s get started. If I call your name, go stand over there. 
Priya, Millie, Julia, MK, Emma, Damien, Zee, Wayne. 
Wayne: Huh? But- but what about Raj?
Topher (ignoring him): You will be known as… the Killer Krakens!
[He tosses them an orange banner with an emblem of a giant tentacle stitched onto it, which Wayne catches and holds up.]
Topher: And everyone else… that being, Axel, Nichelle, Scary Girl, Chase, Bowie, Ripper, Raj and Caleb, you will now be known as the Screaming Sharks!
[He tosses them a blue banner with an emblem of a shark with its mouth open stitched onto it, which Raj catches and holds up.]
Topher: In these teams, you’ll compete against each other to win challenges and the losing team has to send someone home.
Confessional: Topher
“In case you need to vent your feelings or let the audience know your dastardly schemes, you can take a break and let it all out in the port-a-john confessional!”
Confessional: Emma
“So… so far this is looking more dangerous than I was expecting, I wanted to stay away from stunts! At least I’m not in the same team as Chase, eurgh.”
Confessional: Julia
“Hey hey guys! This is my first confessional, probably of many, and I just know I’m going to win this thing. After all, I have nature’s spirits on my side, especially after attending that recluse in India. I don’t know how I’m gonna last without my phone though… hopefully this will be a good stand-in!”
Confessional: Zee
[ He looks at a duck standing on the toilet seat next to him. ]
“Hold on, this guy has something important to say.”
[ The duck quacks. ]
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pinheadbella · 9 months
I have a project involving the TDI reboot in the works BUT I will have to go on a liiiittle rant about season 2 first. So SPOILERS BELOW
Season 2 has really great character dynamics and challenges that make me want to like it more than season 1. Bowie and Raj being officially boyfriends. MK and Julia being an evil alliance. Ripper and Axel softening each other up. And the challenges finally aren’t just slightly different obstacle courses/races.
The problem I have is how…disjointed everything feels.
The slide challenge felt weird without Scary Girl. If she wanted to try to be normal (and fail), then she should’ve been around to see the death trap that was the four point slide. And you know she would’ve gone crazy when Damien went tumbling down.
Chase being stuck to Emma during the sap challenge would’ve been funny. Emma didn’t really do much in the sap challenge besides some slapstick with animals. So literally sticking her with her ex when she genuinely doesn’t want to give him another chance would’ve been cool.
Speaking of Emma, why was there literally no acknowledgement of her and Bowie being friends this season? Never interacted. Please you can’t do this to me I wanted closure or them to be besties again or SOMETHING
Millie would have been insane in the bridge challenge. She would’ve fallen back into her judgmental ways to figure out how everyone would answer. And maybe, just maybe, that would get people that Bowie isn’t the only evil person involved in that notebook strategy. I mean, Millie wrote that thing. Wanted to make that into a book. And compound this with Millie shoving Damien down that slide. You got a player who wants to win but goes about it in the wrong way. She’s not malicious, mind you. She just doesn’t realize that what she says or does is wrong until someone calls her out.
Caleb and Priya is a genuinely cute couple. And Caleb being a genuinely nice guy only to be framed as a Justin or Alejandro because of a misunderstanding is a neat twist. But I don’t like how the others get sidelined when Prileb becomes the focus. And when all they say about each other during the team phase is either “we’re a great alliance” or “he’s so amazing,” I kinda wanted them to hook up sooner instead of yknow HALFWAY INTO THE SEASON I mean Ripper and Axel hooked up early-
-which is a perfect transition to Ripaxel. I like how Ripper is less mean because of his crush on Axel. I like how Axel went into the game wanting the be nice. I like how sweet it was for Ripper to write a poem for Axel after finding out she loves poetry. And I actually cheered when they kissed. But then they kept kissing. And kissing. And just making out or flirting whenever they were on screen. I don’t like that that’s what their relationship became. I thought we were gonna get some more serious heart-to-heart stuff that ties back to what Ripper hinted at back in season 1. That his family sucks. And maybe Axel could sympathize with that since she’s too busy training to really connect with people. But nooooo literally throw out all their personality and backstory that’s the way to write them off.
Rapid fire for the characters that I don’t have much to say GO
Nichelle: I think it’s fitting how she quit cause she puts her career over the show. Although it could be handled better so her whole “I don’t need you, Hollywood” thing isn’t shoved down our throats
Damien: I wish he was less of a scaredy cat and more of a nerd and a straightman like he was last season. After leaving last season as a hero, you think he’d be a bit more confident at the start.
Zee: He’s at his best when he’s silly and wanting to be friends with everyone. He’s at his worst when he’s saying things he definitely shouldn’t.
And the thing that I thought was going to be the overarching plot. The cheating arc. I really thought the hockey bros were gonna struggle with this. That Chris causally dropping that he’s okay with cheating would break them or make them call foul. But nope. Now those guys are there to be silly. They are entertaining and I still love them. But I fear that they’re gonna get out of the game without leaving much of a mark on the rest of the cast. And let’s not forget the active cheaters. Ripper only cheated in one challenge. But he wasn’t in on the first two cheating schemes. Why did he want to help all of a sudden? And why not make Axel, who was upset about the cheating, be upset at her new bf for helping? Bowie got the most punishment and all we get is a confessional from Julia saying how she gaslit him out of the game? I ain’t buying it. He could’ve gotten more time to actually play fair, prove himself, and come up short. But an even earlier merge didn’t help. Speaking of. Julia and MK. I liked the initiative they took to keep winning. I liked how both of them like messing with people to get what they want. But uuuuuggghh. They really are getting away with it, huh? Just got a beat down and now they’re free of charge. And at this rate, I see one of them making finale and ultimately losing there cause oooOOooooo villains never win Total Drama. So predictable…
…so what if there was a different way to connect all these pieces together? What if I rearranged the challenge order and the elimination order to give everyone their proper amounts of growth? What if some arcs from the original season 2 get tweaked so that every character can contribute in a meaningful way? What if Priya and Julia aren’t the main good and bad guys again? What if some unresolved matters from last season are brought back? And most importantly, what if everyone treated this season like the “grudge match of the century” that Chris said it would be?
I want relationships tested
I want more morally gray moments
I want new allies to join forces and old ones to falter
I want players to go in thinking they know what they’re doing only for someone to screw everything up and make them rethink their life choices
Most importantly…
…I want to write Total Drama Island: Hard Reboot
A season with all the challenges and interactions I loved in season 2. But with different people taking charge. Different power dynamics. A fight for control over the game that’s so intense that you won’t know who the main hero or main villain is anymore. Which’ll make the journey to the finale all the more fun.
So be on the lookout for updates! I’ll be starting school back up soon so this may take me a while ^^’ But I got a whole google doc full of bullet points so it’s gotta become a cohesive story eventually, right?
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heatherra · 10 months
Some thoughts about the epsiodes under the cut
Not a big fan of the eliminations. Millie AND Emma before Priya? What the fuck. Like I was fine with the Chase elim it's fucking Chase but I'm sad with with how low Emma is. I thought we were gonna get more Millie without Priya given how. Priya won. But whatever! I guess
I'm not that big on Nichelle doing all this training off screen. Like yeah it was the next thing to do with her character but they could've done it on the show. She's gonna make it far, Nichelle sweep, but she's not the one who I want to win
And rajbow angst :( I love u rajbow PLEASE don't break up. Like yeah ofc they were gonna go that route it's fucking total drama, but at least it's something different this time. It's not some stupid love triangle plot or whatever it's just about cheating in the game. Of course Raj wants to play fair. Of course Bowie will cheat. It makes sense
And. Ripaxel. Of course. You guys. This is yuri. This so so yuri. It's so unbelievably funny. The fucking POEM Ripper wrote. I am SO GLAD I got to understand the Ripper vision before this season, bc I KNOW you're gonna be hating for no reason. I LOVE THE WAY THEY LOVE. I RIP THE WAY THEY AXEL. THEY HAD A DUNCNEY MOMENT GUYS. HOW CAN YOU NOT ENJOY IT
Also CALEB leave Priya ALONE
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ethereal-originate · 8 months
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AXEL: (B) S1, she really didn't leave an impact to me, since she was eliminated early. All she was is a person who believes the zombie apocalypse will happen. But she nice enough to make breakfast for everybody (even tho it was gross). S2, I started to like her more since she tries to be nice and makes friends as possible. It great that she has hobbies of Art 🎨(I will like to see more of that than Zombies since no teenagers talks about Zombies). I honestly didn't expect her and Ripper will happen. It actually cute pair together. But, I didn't like how they were making out a lot in ep 7. But I understand why the writer did it so they can be double eliminated. It feels dirty that she got eliminated bc she a “biggest threat” even tho there Caleb & last season winner, Priya. If there S3 , I want both of them to agreed to focus on the challenge while together. If Ripper is eliminated early, the writer can focus on Axel. I wonder how Axel family will react if she brings Ripper for family dinner. 😆
BOWIE: (B) S1, he alright. I like his friendship with Emma. Wishing they talk more. S2, I like when he giving relationship advice to Ripper and he feels bad for cheating when Raj doesn't like it.
CALEB: (B) S1, Actually surprised he the first person to be eliminated. S2, from the person to be eliminated to a person who actually got to the finals. He alright. He got more role this season. His relationship with Priya is alright. I didn't like when they are fighting again when Caleb ally with Julia, it was nonsense.
CHASE: (D) He a jerk. He delusions and has no remorse for cutting Emma car brakes. I don't know why no one defend Emma when she trying to tell Chase it over.
DAMIEN: (B) One of my favorite characters.
EMMA: (C) S1 is just about her and Chase. She could have simply ignored Chase. And just say no whenever he says something. S2, she finally break up with Chase and hope in S3 it won't be the same as S1
JULIA: (B) Julia & MK friendship came out of nowhere. I won’t be surprised since the writer always write things out of nowhere and it only 13 episodes they can make, so of course they will fast paced.
MILLIE: (C) She was ok.
MK: (C) She was meh in S1. But the writer did good for making me hate both her & Julia. Isn’t it dumb that she exposed herself that people shouldn't underestimate her in a live reality show?? She literally caught stealing! Like how come no contestants aren't threatened by her? Shouldn’t she be arrested? I feel S3 she won't have no purpose since everybody knows she & Julia are cheaters. I won't be surprised she will be the first person to be eliminated. I will like to see 2 new villains taking their places, pretending to be nice as Alejandro did.
NICHELLE: (B) Same as Caleb & Axel. She didn’t left an impact but revealed she doesn’t do her own stunts. S2, I actually thought she will be in the finals. But sadly no. Hollywood should hire her for the hard work she been doing. I like her friendship w/ Damien and hopefully in S3 she will train him.
RAJ: (B)
RIPPER: (B) S1 he gross. I waited for this guys to be eliminated early. When they hint that his parents are abusive, I felt sorry for him. In S2, I started to like him more. He become a better person this season. Did he realize that girls are strong & wise bc of Priya & Axel? I’m honestly surprised he developed a crush on Axel. This guy has a lot of confidence to win Axel heart. 😆 It so romantic once he found out Axel interest, he wrote a poem just for her. Very Sweet! 💕 Hope these 2 last forever and isn’t written terribly like the other former couples.
WANYE: (B) Just like Raj, he such a goofball. I’m ok that he S2 winner. ZEE: (A) Also one of my favorite characters! He funny and nice. Im so glad they don’t have to shove down my throat that he disabled, like very dumb woke shows/movies. He just a guy who born as an amputee. Nothing wrong with that! I actually love that a Soda company made him to sponsor their drinks! 😆 Never change Zee!
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