#Ayurvedic Treatment for PKD
kidneyandayurveda · 2 years
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Ayurvedic Strategies for Polycystic Kidney Disease Management
Discover a holistic approach to managing Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) with Ayurvedic strategies. Traditional Ayurveda offers a gentle yet potent alternative to conventional treatments, focusing on natural healing and long-term well-being. Ayurvedic treatments for PKD involve a personalized blend of herbs, dietary modifications, and lifestyle adjustments, aiming to alleviate symptoms, slow cyst growth, and enhance kidney function. By harnessing the power of Ayurveda, individuals with PKD can embrace a comprehensive and sustainable path to healing. Say goodbye to the limitations of conventional medication, and explore the world of PKD treatment in Ayurveda for a more balanced and naturally inspired solution.
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ompharmaayur · 4 years
Ayurvedic Treatment for Pkd | Polycystic Kidney Disease
Kidney cysts or polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder that causes a gradual occurrence of the clusters of the cysts in kidneys. These dreadful cysts are round and sac-like vessels containing fluid. Ayurvedic Treatment for PKD
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
What is The Nature of PKD Cysts?
An Overview of Kidneys: The Ultimate Multi-Tasking Organs of The Body
Several diseases are considered a point of severity as they have capabilities that can hamper the whole state of the body. The human body runs with a combination of bodily functions, and the internal organs maintain these functions. One of the major organs is the kidneys which are also known as the multi-tasking organs. Kidneys manage a string of crucial functions for the good health and vitality of the human body. They oversee blood pressure levels, manage the basic levels of electrolytes, are responsible for the efficient production of red blood cells and maintain the fluid levels in the body. In simple words, kidneys are the pillars that these duties depend on, or these bean-shaped organs are the overall support of the human body. But another major thing about the kidneys is that they are the holders of common over the filtering and disposing system of the body. They filter the blood accordingly and help the body acquire a purified bloodstream, beneficial for other internal organs. But certain obstructions arise when a kidney disease enters the functioning order of these fist-sized organs - kidneys.
Without healthy kidneys, the body can experience a string of health issues that can also hinder other bodily functions. Kidney diseases differ from each other, but their motive is the same, which is to provide irreparable damage to the kidneys. Some kidney disorders are inherited, and they tend to pass on from one generation to another. The whole game of genetic kidney diseases depends on the defective genes inherited by the children from their carrier (parents). One of the kidney diseases that accounts for the maximum number of cases of the inherited kidney disorder- polycystic kidney disease.
What is Polycystic Kidney Disease?
Polycystic kidney disease is defined as a genetic kidney disorder that is associated with the formation of cysts. It is responsible for causing damage within the functioning and structuring units of the kidneys through the cysts. The cysts associated with polycystic kidney disease have metastasizing abilities and can spread their maliciousness in the entire system of the kidneys.
These cysts are non-cancerous sacs that are round in shape and have fluid inside them. The cysts are not the same in size, they differ, and they can grow up to a tennis ball's size.
Polycystic kidney disease can meddle with other organs also as cysts can develop in your liver and elsewhere in the body. The disease causes extreme outcomes like kidney failure. That is why it needs proper treatment. Pkd treatment in Ayurveda is beneficial in reducing the growth rate of cysts.
What is the nature of PKD cysts?
People often get confused regarding cystic diseases that harm the kidneys. Because kidney cysts and polycystic kidney disease have similarities in their names, their severity differs from each other. Their names are the same, but their motives are different as the cysts of polycystic kidney disease can cause renal enlargement and impaired kidney function through metastasizing. PKD cysts are kidney harming in nature and tend to lead the kidneys towards the verge of malfunctioning. Unlike PKD cysts, simple renal cysts are not kidney hurting and don't cause such complications that hamper the functioning of the kidneys.
The central motive of the PKD cysts is to damage the kidneys and other parts of the body. However, PKD cysts are dangerous, and they are harmful to the whole balance of the body.
What Causes Polycystic Kidney Disease?
Causes are the building blocks of the disease, and they are responsible for the whole episode of polycystic kidney disease. When it comes to the cause of polycystic kidney disease, defective genes play a crucial role in transferring the disease from the parent to their child. The parent who has abnormal genes is the carrier. However, the causes of PKD depend on the two types that describe its severity.
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is the primary type of polycystic kidney disease and only causes cysts in the kidneys. The symptoms occur between the age group of 30-40. Single carriers of the disease transfer the disease to the child, inheriting the disease with a 50% chance.
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease: Another type of polycystic kidney disease is commonly detected as ADPKD. The growth of cysts in ARPKD is found in the kidneys and liver. The signs and symptoms become visible shortly after birth or, in some cases, do not experience the symptoms until late childhood or during adolescence; both parents are the carrier of the abnormal genes and transfer the disease to the child with the chances of 25%.
What Symptoms Appear Due to Polycystic Kidney Disease?
The visibility of the symptoms is linked with the growth rate of the cysts. The more these cysts spread in the kidneys, the more your kidneys procure damage and leads to kidney failure. When kidneys lose their functional abilities, dangerous waste products and excess fluids accumulate in the blood and cause several complications.
Symptoms are the emblem of the kidneys' functioning state and describe how your kidneys are performing. These signs and symptoms occur when cysts impair kidney function.
Abdominal pain.
The bloody appearance of the urine.
Frequent urges to urinate.
Side pain.
Urinary tract infection (UTI).
Kidney stones.
Sensitive skin that bruises easily.
Back pain.
Unusual pale skin colour.
Joint pain.
Nail abnormalities.
If you detect these symptoms, opt for  PKD treatment in Ayurveda, as it effectively reduces the rate of cysts and manages the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease.
Does Ayurveda Have a Solution For Polycystic Kidney Disease?
Ayurveda differs from other medical practices as it is the ancient art of medicinal science that has acquired expertise in even treating major diseases linked with the kidneys. Pkd treatment in Ayurveda focuses on understanding the pathology of the disease and identifying its major cause to provide efficient treatment. The ayurvedic treatment does not use dialysis or surgery. It is wholly based on the authentic and holistic ways to better the patient's mental, physical and spiritual well-being.
A course of herb-based medications is provided to the patient to enhance kidney function and maintain their vitality. These medications work to reduce the growth rate of the cysts and stop them from spreading in other parts of the kidneys. Ayurvedic medicine also maintains elevated blood [pressure and sugar levels because they are the primary reasons for kidney damage. A string of natural healing therapies is also performed in order to detoxify the body. Pkd treatment in Ayurveda states that following a healthy diet and lifestyle is necessary to acquire a healthy body and healthy functioning of internal organs. A PKD patient is the centre of health issues, and one of them is malnutrition. A kidney-friendly diet that includes superfoods for kidneys can help the patient possess strength and a healthy kidney function.
However, Pkd treatment in Ayurveda is natural and effective in treating the extremity of Polycystic kidney disease by boosting the natural healing capabilities of the kidney patient.
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roshny1306 · 5 years
Ayurvedic doctor for Polycystic Kidney Disease in India
One of the major causes of death around the globe is polycystic kidney disease lead by diabetes, respiratory failure and chronic kidney diseases. These diseases are linked to one another in various aspects if we observe closely. Today most of us are approaching the bonafide treatment by Ayurveda; some millennials are still struggling with the after-effects of kidney disease. It is a fun fact that Ayurveda hails its roots from India and its subcontinents. Despite the fact, we find those attractive packages containing chemically made tablets. The rage of kidney diseases in India is speeding up the progression because of the unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits. There is no control over such acts and after-effects; because of which we are inviting diseases to invade our immunity systems. Not only this, but we’re also allowing the passing of faulty genes to our upcoming generations. Polycystic Kidney Disease is one such kidney disorder that we pass to our next generation in the form of a faulty gene. No wonder if we have this disease as a Mendelian trait too. To stop this cycle we should focus on repairing the damage with Ayurvedic therapies, where the best Ayurvedic doctor for PKD in India can help you optimistically.
Also read: Polycystic Kidney Disease and its types
If you are looking for the most effective Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure in humans then do not stop your search until you find the authentic and bonafide treatment provided by Karma Ayurveda. The Ayurvedic medicines for PKD are that Dr. Puneet Dhawan prescribes are the medicines that help in rejuvenating the functioning. The medicines for kidney diseases are effective and help in recovering from related disorders.
Also read: Dr. Puneet Dhawan – The best Ayurvedic kidney expert
Ayurveda incorporates the solutions for every disorder occurring in the body. There is an Ayurvedic medicine for kidney failure, kidney creatinine, and chronic kidney diseases that no other type of treatment can beat. Today, Ayurveda is standing along with the most-preferable treatment ‘Allopathic treatment’ and we should thank the Ayurevdacharyas like Dr. Puneet Dhawan of Karma Ayurveda.
The services of the best Ayurvedic doctor for polycystic kidney disease, Dr. Puneet Dhawan are widely available over the globe. The total count of successful treatment by Karma Ayurveda is crossing 45000 every consecutive year. The know-how is not a mystery and you can find Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure in Kerala, Chennai, & Karnataka and all over the world. Also read: Ayurvedic nephrologist in Chennai
Generally, Polycystic Kidney Disease’s effects are visible even in the womb of the mother with prenatal tests. If it was not present then the presence of PKD can be diagnosed with the help of various tests available at the laboratory. All you have to do is to seek the guidance of the healthcare provider who will be guiding you about which test you should get done.
Once you are sure about the presence of such disease then do not forget to choose a wise treatment ‘Ayurvedic treatment for polycystic kidney disease’ by the best Ayurvedacharya available globally.
You can reach out to avail of his services within the reach of a click and sign up. Follow the link and sign in to get free assistance at karma Ayurveda
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kidneyayurveda · 5 years
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Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) is an inherited disease where the biological parents transfer one type of mutated gene to their child. This is a genetic disorder disease that develops fluid-filled pouches on the kidney’s surface.
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karmaayurvedahealth · 4 years
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helloshivanius · 5 years
Being diagnosed with kidney disease or while being at the stage of kidney failure, a kidney patient tries to find out a natural solution. Ayurvedic Medicines for Kidney Disease!
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karmaayurveda · 7 years
किडनी डायलिसिस रुकवा चूका है ये अद्भुत उपाय | Amazing Remedy To Stop Kidney Dialysis
Karma Ayurveda is the definitive Ayurvedic clinic that is ideal in #KidneyTreatment of the patient through(#किडनी_की_संजीवनी_दवा) herbal medications and balance diet plans. Here the medications are organic and works on the root cause of the disease and #StopKidneyDialysis and also Patient can recover with time and #Amazing_Remedy_to_Stop_Kidney_Dialysis without the etiquette of Dialysis and transplants. किडनी रोग के लिए आयुर्वेदिक दवा (किडनी की संजीवनी दवा) किडनी रोग के लिए #आयुर्वेदिक_दवा के कई फायदे हैं किडनी की स्वास्थ्य स्थितियों के इलाज के लिए आयुर्वेदिक दवा का उपयोग करने वाले किसी भी व्यक्ति को एक योग्य डॉक्टर से बात करनी चाहिए।
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kidneyandayurveda · 2 years
How do you slow down PKD?
How do you slow down PKD?
Ayurvedic kidney treatment Pkd treatment in ayurveda is the best ayurvedic treatment for kidneys without any side effects that naturally treat the kidneys. What’s PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease)? Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disease caused by a mutation in the genes. Distinct genetic mutations can cause PKD. PKD causes several cysts to grow inside the kidneys. Cysts are growths…
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Ayurvedic Kidney Care: Your Path to Optimal Kidney Health
Discover the power of Ayurvedic Kidney Care, your ultimate solution for achieving optimal kidney health. With a focus on ancient Ayurvedic principles and treatments, we offer a holistic approach to renal well-being. Our expert team, including renowned nephrologists and kidney specialists, combines traditional wisdom with modern expertise to provide personalized care. Embrace the healing potential of Ayurveda and explore our range of home remedies, herbal therapies, and alternative medicine options, carefully designed to support your kidneys. Experience the transformative benefits of Ayurveda and take control of your kidney health today.
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ompharmaayur · 4 years
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Most of the Kidney Diseases now treated with the Dialysis but nowadays the role of Ayurveda Treatment is also vital for the people. Polycystic kidney disease ayurvedic treatment is also one of the best treatments for the people to treat the disease of Kidney. You can get polycystic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda from Ompharmaayur... https://ompharmaayur.com/why-is-ayurvedic-treatment-for-pkd-is-most-effective/
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monika0101 · 3 years
PKD is a hereditary disorder and can lead to death if not treated timely. Ayurvedic treatment for polycystic kidney disease gives you a permanent cure.
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