#Azimuth 60
thorsenmark · 25 days
Maligne Canyon and River Around the Third Bridge (Jasper National Park)
Maligne Canyon and River Around the Third Bridge (Jasper National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While walking along the Maligne Canyon Trail around the Third Bridge area with a view looking to the northeast. This is in Jasper National Park.
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Temporary bonus: -1 Shivers: No shakes
It is generally understood that human beings are carbon-based organisms, fusing little carbon tubes together to form complex, mushy structures capable of thought, love, and locomotion. It is also known that these structures sometimes like to “take the edge off” by consuming ethanol, amphetamine, etc. In such cases, it is important to supplement your body with magnesium. Tired? Mag it! Down? Mag time! Liver damage? MAXIMUM MAG! Some people say magnesium doesn’t really do anything and you just need to quit. What do we tell them?
Temporary bonus: -2 Conceptualization: An idiotic idea
Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau – when you say it, it feels like you’re taking a bite of lemon meringue while sitting on the terrace of a seaside cafe. On a cool summer day. In Sur-La-Clef. It’s everything you’re *not*. You haven’t created many things during your stay in Martinaise, but you’ve created this. A fancy, sophisticated name that makes you sound intelligent. And that no one seems to *acknowledge*. Don’t you feel like you deserve a reward for coming up with something so special? And what would that reward *be*?
Temporary bonus: -1 Rhetoric: Weird jaw
Hey, so a little observation. It’s all cool, man. Don’t freak out, but every time you say “I am the law“ – and you say it *a lot*, it’s basically *hello* for you – your jaw does this *weird thing*. It sort of shifts sideways, hanging off your face at a jaunty angle, while the word *law* sounds oddly guttural and low. It’s… strange. You wouldn’t notice it, but after saying you’re the law eighty thousand times, the question *does* come up: why *do* you have Law Jaw?
Temporary bonus: None
Your face looks like it’s 58 and your body feels like it’s 60. Your mind feels like it’s lived for one day or a hundred. Both longer than they ought to be, the day and the century…. But for how long, then, has this thing attached to your sentience walked the planet’s crust? Time to start racking those brains of yours, Elder One. When and where were you born?
Temporary bonus: -1 Visual Calculus: Bizarre angles
At the edge of the map the landmass begins to disintegrate – into pure trigonometry. The ocean melts, becoming a tangle of sines and cosines, the mountain range turns into a sharp-angled azimuth. Its green rain shadow dithers, like music turning into a waveform. And then vanishes. This is the end, a half-remembered textbook from your childhood – the porch collapsing on the edge of the isola. A transition from reality to pale. A single vector shoots out, like a rocket. It’s the Motorway South, splintering off from the known pale! *To where*? Where does it go?
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pugwitharug · 1 year
Last Legacy Babygirl Poll Results: Round 1
Here are the winners of the first round! The colored names are the winners and will move on to the next round!
54 votes: Rime vs. Celena (74.1/25.9)
53 votes: Elowen vs. Florian (57.5/42.5)
69 votes: Sage vs. Azimuth (73.9/26.1)
51 votes: Ayanna vs. Gramme (94.1/5.9)
51 votes: Scylla vs. Orion (86.3/13.7)
60 votes: Felix vs. Saaros (80/20)
54 votes: Lucan vs. Escell (51.9/48.1)
87 votes: Anisa vs. Tulsi vs. Balsam (60.9/27.6/11.5)
Congrats to the winners and thank you to everyone who voted! Get ready for Round 2 coming tomorrow!
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I'm trying to design a board game that features a large map of the United States made of hexagons. I've spent days pouring over which projection to use to preserve distance and direction as closely as possible, and then figuring out the sizes and quantities of hexagons I'd need in order to preserve the latitude and longitude grids, and what I came up with was approximately this
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These are very rough sketches, but you can see how the longitude lines at the edges and center follow the hex grid (the US is almost exactly 60 degrees east to west, so the azimuthal projection worked perfectly), while the latitude lines are circle arcs, so I'd need to fill in some hexes underneath the two trapezoids shown in the third image.
The problem is that if I made each hex as big as I wanted them to be (1 inch tall), then the board would be nearly 5 feet by 10 feet, which is A LITTLE TOO BIG! If I scaled each hex down to 1/3 of an inch, it would be 3 feet by a foot and a half, which is like two Monopoly boards next to each other (about the same size as Risk). That's better, but it makes the hexes too small to play on; how are you supposed to keep track of where your pieces belong when each space is a third of an inch? It would be way too clustered. This means I need bigger hexes, and fewer of them, which means sacrificing a lot of detail I was hoping to include.
This project is WAY too ambitious, so I'll probably end up scaling it way down to a single state instead of the whole country, but it's got my creative juices a'flowing and it's distracting me from other projects I could actually potentially finish, so my brain has chosen to fixate on this for the foreseeable future.
I feel like either a genius or a madman, creating page after page of incomprehensible figures. The numbers, they sing to me... Can you not hear their music?
I dunno. Something about creating grids of hexagons in crude mspaint soothes me. Very mathematical, but with zero technical skills required. I'm also very reliant on this triangle calculator because trigonometry is where math starts becoming white noise for me; I'm an algebra wizard, I could teach it with my eyes closed, but I can't do trig in my head, and calc is completely beyond me.
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fabioafterdark · 2 years
i borrowed some binoculars to bring to the hospital while im locked up here w nothing to do, cos tonight/tomorrow the comet is meant to be the Most Visible Green Smudge It Can Be before it starts to recede back into the distance. and so i took my binoculars out onto the balcony of my floor, having taken careful notes of the current altitude (60°) and azimuth (20°, or North North East) of the comet as well as a quick sketch of the orientation of the balcony (south-facing but kind of on a weird inner obtuse corner), and it turns out that the ONLY PART OF THE NIGHT SKY NOT VISIBLE FROM THE ONLY OUTSIDE SPACE I AM CURRENTLY ALLOWED TO ACCESS is fucking. North North East.
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dawn-of-worlds · 1 year
The Sun-Divers
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On Turn 7, Corobel starts with 11 points: 5 (roll) + 3 (nonhoarding) + 3 (left over)
Question: what does the candle desire from the moth?
Answer: the same thing it desires from everything else.
One version has it that the Sky made them in a failed attempt to create a human being capable of learning; another, that the admixture of the butterfly was intended to replace the ophidian and simian content of their forms, and discourage the sinful consumption of flesh; another, that their metamorphosis purged them of original sin. Whatever the case may be, it is acknowledged to have failed, wholly or in part; nevertheless, those who cut themselves free from their own skins and drop, gasping, from the branches of the Great Flowering Tree and onto the shores of the lake of blood—the many-colored, the Sun-Divers, they who have eaten and digested themselves—are something new. Thus:
Sun-Divers grow from eggs, which, though somewhat smaller than human infants, are born in largely the same way. They have a reduced rate of maternal mortality, but the eggs must be kept safe for about six months, after which they hatch into a caterpillar the size of a small child; these do almost nothing but eat and sleep for about five years, and then form a chrysalis.
The chrysalis is bare, hardened skin, traditionally swaddled in protective cloth, apotropaic eyes, and hope (and the skin hardens around them, and the flesh devours itself, and the soul devours itself, and the brain keeps forming memories for a startlingly long time; in the vivid, terrible dreams that accompany the delirium of dissolution, they see the sun calling them away, away, away from a white mountain and a cold plain, back to the agony of birth and ecstasy of color).
New adults appear around 20 years old, and acquire the power of speech in less than a week. Upon emergence, they bear a single claw, quite sharp, on their dominant hand, which is used to open the cocoon. This is normally shed within a few months.
Adult skin and hair are vividly colored, either iridescent black, some color of the rainbow, or silvery white. Their body hair is a sparse coating of feathery scales; they shed colored dust. Their tongues, through which they eat and drink, are hollow tubes, coiled inside the mouth, nearly a foot long and narrowing to the width of a finger.
An adult lives for about 60 years, barring death by disease, starvation, injury, or violence, and then metamorphoses into another adult, retaining a similar personality, some memories, and an accretion of wisdom. About half of all eggs reach a second incarnation.
This is not necessarily the end of their development, or at least not the only route that it can take. Certainly, some take on more insectile forms after many incarnations—the body becoming slighter and growing wings, the mind becoming more alien. These cases are called Imagoes. There are stranger stories yet, of Ultimate Imagoes, of implacable powers inhabiting human-shaped cocoons, of final flights into the sun, of souls and memories paid in tribute to a world yet unborn.
The influence of Naakrsh is, perhaps, lessened in the Sun-Divers: their eyes are lidded, and their pupils and irises round; they treasure color and beauty above all things; some of them are even right-handed. And, though they still dream of grandfather Naakrsh and the world before, they dream also of losing themselves in the sun, in which their souls become molten, radiant, and renewed; and they dream of another world, a clockwork world of laws and orbits, born in vast and universal light.
But they also shed their skins and devour themselves, and their souls still curl around a great void, for they are made from human beings, and they came from the fruit of the Great Flowering Tree, and what watered the roots of the tree but the blood of the great snake?
On the moon-dust shores of the red lake, around the Wanderer’s Bridge and the Great Flowering Tree, they build the city of Azimuth, which contains the distance between earth and heaven. The Tree is their holy of holies, and haughty Azimuth their Delphi or Jerusalem. Reflections are unruly here, there is an ever-present sense of being watched, and wood sometimes sprouts flowers of its own accord.
That the sun may look upon the depths below, they begin a great work, a rounded stepwell with walls of pale granite, reaching into the underworld. This is the Well of the Omphalos, which links the underworld to the world and the Moon, and conveys the sun to the night below—or, at least, to one corner of it.
What of the Prophetic Twins? Their gifts—the crown, Law, and the veil, Prophecy, still lie on the pearly shore. They have not come down from the tree; two chrysalises still hang in its highest boughs, shot through by rays of evening sun—and some, in the right kind of darkness, may see a third, there, beside them.
Command Avatar to Create Race (-1): the Great Flowering Tree bears the Sun-Divers.
Command Race (-4): the Sun-Divers build the city of Azimuth, around the Tree.
Command City (-4): in Azimuth is dug the Omphalos, an entrance to the underworld.
2 points remain.
[To clarify the avatar situation, because I reread my last post and think it was a bit unclear: the Avatar was the Twins, who have “merged” with the Tree. Also, I’m not sure whether these guys are “really” a race or a subrace of humans; it doesn’t matter, points-wise, since it’s an avatar action. Image source.]
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mokhosz-nafo · 3 months
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The old S-125 air defense system is in service with the Odesa anti-aircraft missile brigade of the Southern Air Command. Lev, the commander of the S-125 launch battery, provides insight into its operation.
"The complex is not mobile and not automated; it was developed back in the 60s. We don't have the luxury of working in automatic mode, as in modern Western complexes. We have to set the azimuths every time, monitor the angular coordinates of the targets, control the antenna settings... The algorithm for shooting down enemy targets is multi-stage and not at all simple. And you also need to always check the rockets for serviceability, because most of them are from the 70s and 80s," says Lev.
A separate challenge is the constant change of positions. The complex is stationary, so moving it from place to place is another complicated task. Often, something goes wrong due to the age of the air defense system.
Despite these challenges, they "debuted" by destroying a "Kalibr" missile and have since successfully intercepted around fifty enemy missiles and drones of various types.
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helmerichpayne · 5 months
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Tighter well spacing, multi-well pad designs, and longer laterals create drilling conditions with higher collision risk and the need for greater positional accuracy. Using high-accuracy In-Field Referencing (IFR) models will improve anti-collision separation factors (SF) by as much as 60% as compared to main field magnetic models used in standard MWD surveying. This not only reduces collision risk, but also enables more accurate well placement. IFR does NOT require additional downhole tools, on-site personnel, or rig time.
IN-FIELD REFERENCING (IFR) IFR is an industry-recognized, low-cost method for reducing wellbore positional uncertainty associated with MWD surveying. Applying IFR can significantly increase the SFs for wells drilled in congested fields. While H&P survey corrections do not require re-entry/re-surveying old wells, that option is available to further reduce uncertainty of previously drilled wells in congested fields.
Higher SFs will require fewer dispensations and reduce risk of well-to-well collision and lease line infractions. Reducing positional uncertainty also enables future in-fill drilling campaigns. Main field geomagnetic models used in standard MWD do not capture local crustal anomalies of the geomagnetic field. IFR is the industry-leading method of accurately predicting the magnetic field magnitude and direction for a geographic location and time. IFR relies on independently acquired measurements of the local magnetic field to accurately map regional variations caused by magnetic minerals in the Earth’s lower crust.
IFR improves MWD surveying by providing highly accurate reference directions for azimuth calculation. IFR also provides more accurate estimates for magnetic dip angle and total field strength, which enables more precise survey quality control and correction. Visit us here to know more about us: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/technologies/survey-management or contact us at: https://www.helmerichpayne.com/contact.
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cointahmin · 10 months
İstatistiklere nazaran, Mart ayındaki NFT satışları bir evvelki aya oranla yüzde 31 azalarak 882,89 milyon dolara düştü. Mart ayında alıcıların ve süreç sayılarının azalmasıyla, NFT satışları Şubat ayına nazaran yüzde 31 oranında düşüş yaşadı. Şubat ayında 1,03 milyar dolar seviyesine ulaşan NFT satışları, Mart ayında 882,89 milyon dolar düzeyinde kaldı. Açıklanan istatistiklere nazaran bu satışların 537,89 milyon doları Ethereum blok zincirinde gerçekleşti ve Ethereum blok zinciri Mart ayı satışlarında yüzde 60’ın üzerinde bir oranla hakimiyet sağladı. En Çok Satanlar Belirli OlduCryptoslamIo’nun 31 Mart 2023’te paylaştığı datalara nazaran, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) ve Cryptopunks NFT koleksiyonlarını Otherdeed, MG Land ve Degods takip etti. Otherdeed 29,20 milyon dolarlık bir satışa imza atarken, MG Land 25.71 milyon dolarlık süreç gerçekleştirdi. Birinci on NFT koleksiyonu ortasında yer alan Degods, Şubat ayına kıyasla yüzde 70.53’lük bir satış artışı yaşadı. Mart ayı içerisinde satışlarında artış görülen öbür kıymetli koleksiyonlar ortasında Y00ts, Claynosaurz ve Whiko NFT yer aldı. Bu ayın en kıymetli NFT satışını 704 milyon dolara Azimuth Points gerçekleştirirken, onu 689 milyon dolar fiyata satılan Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) takip etti. 
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thorsenmark · 4 months
Hiking Early One Morning in Coconino National Forest by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While along the Devil's Bridge Trail in Coconino National Forest. The view is looking to the northeast with trees and distant cliff face of Capitol Butte towering above.
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ENCYLOPEDIA - [Formidable] Find the source of the Expression.
RHETORIC - [Legendary] Convince Gaston to give us his sandwich.
CONCEPTUALIZATION - [Impossible] What’s up with the backyard wall?
SUGGESTION - [Medium] Why is Annette familiar?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY - [Impossible] Stop making the Expression.
COMPOSURE - [Legendary] What makes Rene stand so proud?
REACTION SPEED - [Medium] Find a Dick Mullen book.
INTERFACING - [Challenging] Fix the broken faucet in our hotel room, [Medium] Find a figurine in Roy’s store.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION - [Legendary] What kind of gun fired the bullet? MAXED
Temporary bonus: -1 Shivers: No shakes
It is generally understood that human beings are carbon-based organisms, fusing little carbon tubes together to form complex, mushy structures capable of thought, love, and locomotion. It is also known that these structures sometimes like to “take the edge off” by consuming ethanol, amphetamine, etc. In such cases, it is important to supplement your body with magnesium. Tired? Mag it! Down? Mag time! Liver damage? MAXIMUM MAG! Some people say magnesium doesn’t really do anything and you just need to quit. What do we tell them?
Temporary bonus: -2 Conceptualization: An idiotic idea
Detective Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau – when you say it, it feels like you’re taking a bite of lemon meringue while sitting on the terrace of a seaside cafe. On a cool summer day. In Sur-La-Clef. It’s everything you’re *not*. You haven’t created many things during your stay in Martinaise, but you’ve created this. A fancy, sophisticated name that makes you sound intelligent. And that no one seems to *acknowledge*. Don’t you feel like you deserve a reward for coming up with something so special? And what would that reward *be*?
Temporary bonus: -1 Rhetoric: Weird jaw
Hey, so a little observation. It’s all cool, man. Don’t freak out, but every time you say “I am the law“ – and you say it *a lot*, it’s basically *hello* for you – your jaw does this *weird thing*. It sort of shifts sideways, hanging off your face at a jaunty angle, while the word *law* sounds oddly guttural and low. It’s… strange. You wouldn’t notice it, but after saying you’re the law eighty thousand times, the question *does* come up: why *do* you have Law Jaw?
Temporary bonus: None
Your face looks like it’s 58 and your body feels like it’s 60. Your mind feels like it’s lived for one day or a hundred. Both longer than they ought to be, the day and the century…. But for how long, then, has this thing attached to your sentience walked the planet’s crust? Time to start racking those brains of yours, Elder One. When and where were you born?
Temporary bonus: -1 Visual Calculus: Bizarre angles
At the edge of the map the landmass begins to disintegrate – into pure trigonometry. The ocean melts, becoming a tangle of sines and cosines, the mountain range turns into a sharp-angled azimuth. Its green rain shadow dithers, like music turning into a waveform. And then vanishes. This is the end, a half-remembered textbook from your childhood – the porch collapsing on the edge of the isola. A transition from reality to pale. A single vector shoots out, like a rocket. It’s the Motorway South, splintering off from the known pale! *To where*? Where does it go?
Temporary bonus: -1 Suggestion: Outsider
It’s Wednesday evening and something heinously exciting is under way. People have gathered beneath the billowing roof of an oddly shaped trophy building, sipping wine and exchanging opinions. 29-year-old wunder-twins Guy and Keith Joost are the stars of the show, with their bomber jackets and white sneakers – head curators of this art exhibition. It’s the wompty-dom-di-dommiest event of the year and all the cool kids have RSVP’d. Where are you, if you are not there?
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spacenutspod · 11 months
In 2017, astronomers detected gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars for the first time: a kilonova. Enormous amounts of heavy metals were detected in the light from the explosion, and astronomers continued to watch the expanding debris cloud. Researchers have continued to study this event. Now, using a three-dimensional computer simulation, they have created a new recreation of this merger — second by second, as it happened — giving insights into all the high-energy mayhem and heavy elements formation in this catastrophic event. This artist’s impression shows two tiny but very dense neutron stars at the point at which they merge and explode as a kilonova. Such a very rare event is expected to produce both gravitational waves and a short gamma-ray burst, both of which were observed on 17 August 2017. Subsequent detailed observations with many telescopes confirmed that this object, seen in the galaxy NGC 4993 about 130 million light-years from the Earth, is indeed a kilonova. Such objects are the main source of very heavy chemical elements, such as gold and platinum, in the Universe. “The unprecedented agreement between our simulations and the observation of kilonova AT2017gfo [also known as GW170817] indicates that we understand broadly what has taken place in the explosion and aftermath,” said Luke J. Shingles, scientist at GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (GSI/FAIR) in Germany. Shingles is the lead author of a new paper in published in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Neutron stars are the crushed, leftover cores of massive stars that long ago exploded as supernovas. The merging stars likely had masses between 10 and 60 percent greater than that of our Sun, but they were no wider than an average-sized city. The pair whirled around each other hundreds of times a second. As they drew closer and orbited faster, the stars eventually broke apart and merged, producing both a gamma-ray burst and a rarely seen explosion called a kilonova. This event was observed on August 17, 2017 by the LIGO–Virgo gravitational wave facilities. Several telescopes watched the aftermath of this event including the space telescopes Swift, Hubble, Chandra and Spitzer missions, along with dozens of ground-based observatories. The Pan-STARRS survey was able to capture the fading glow of the blast’s expanding debris. At a press briefing shortly after the detection of this event — observed both in graviational waves and light — researcher Edo Berger, from the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said, “These observations reveal the direct fingerprints of the heaviest elements in the periodic table. “The collision of the two neutron stars produced 10 times of mass of Earth in gold and platinum alone. Think about how as these materials are flying out of this event, they eventually combine with other elements to form stars, planets, life … and jewelry.” The data from all the observatories now have allowed the researchers to produce, for the first time, a three-dimensional simulation that recreates the neutron-star merger and the subsequent radiative transfer with tens of millions of atomic transitions of heavy elements. A three-D morphology of a kilonova. Mollweide projections of direction-dependent quantities for 3D AD2 UVOIR packets arriving at the observer between 1.3 and 1.7 days: radiant intensity times 4? solid angle (top), mean temperature at last interaction (middle), and line-of-sight velocity at last interaction (bottom). For these figures, we use 32 × 32 direction bins, uniformly spaced in azimuthal angle (horizontal) and cosine of the polar angle (vertical) to give the same solid angle in each bin. Credit: Luke Shingles et al, 2023. The researchers said that with a 3D model, the observed light can be predicted for any viewing direction. For example, when viewed nearly perpendicular to the orbital plane of the two neutron stars (as observational evidence indicates for the kilonova AT2017gfo) the model predicts a sequence of spectral distributions that look remarkably like the observations for AT2017gfo. “Research in this area will help us to understand the origins of elements heavier than iron (such as platinum and gold) that were mainly produced by the rapid neutron capture process in neutron star mergers,” said Shingles in a GSI/FAIR press release. In their paper, the team said about half of the elements heavier than iron are produced during an event like a kilonova, within the environment of extreme temperatures and neutron densities. The explosion ejects matter with just the right conditions to “produce unstable neutron-rich heavy nuclei by a sequence of neutron captures and beta-decays. These nuclei decay to stability, liberating energy that powers an explosive ‘kilonova’ transient, a bright emission of light that rapidly fades in about a week.” The researchers said their 3D simulation combines several areas of physics, including the behavior of matter at high densities, the properties of unstable heavy nuclei, and atom-light interactions of heavy elements.  With further research, they hope to increase the precision with which they can predict and understand features in the spectra, which will further our understanding of the conditions in which heavy elements are synthesized. The post A Kilonova Simulated in 3D appeared first on Universe Today.
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e-energyit · 2 years
Classification, principles and test methods of vehicle-mounted millimeter wave radar
The realization of autonomous driving cannot be achieved without the "eyes" of insight into the surrounding environment, and in-vehicle millimeter wave radar is just such a pair of "wise eyes". It not only sees far, but also penetrates clouds, fog, smoke, and darkness, making it the most widely used intelligent environment sensing sensor for front-mounted mass production. Today we will take a closer look at millimeter wave radar, to understand its classification and principles, as well as test experimental methods.
The realization of autonomous vehicle driving is inseparable from the "eyes" of the surrounding environment, the vehicle millimeter wave radar is just such a pair of "wise eyes". It not only sees far, but also penetrates clouds, fog, smoke, and darkness, making it the most widely used intelligent environment sensing sensor for front-mounted mass production. Today we will take you closer to the millimeter wave radar, to understand its classification and principles, as well as test experimental methods.
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1. Classification of millimeter wave radar and ADAS applications
In-vehicle millimeter wave radar is a detector that measures the distance, bearing and speed of a target by emitting electromagnetic waves and receiving the reflected echoes from the target. The current electromagnetic wave frequency emitted by the vehicle-mounted millimeter wave radar is in several frequency bands from 24 GHz, 77 GHz to 79 GHz, and the wavelength is between 1 mm and 0.1 cm, also known as millimeter wave. The use of electromagnetic waves in this band can form a narrower beam with better directivity, improving the radar's resolution of targets, while having a strong ability to penetrate sand, dust, smoke and rain fog.
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From the detection distance and installation position, the vehicle-mounted millimeter wave radar can be divided into forward radar and corner radar. The detection range of forward radar is within 200 meters, and the field of view can reach ±45°, which is installed on the back side of the front bumper of the vehicle. Corner radar has a detection range of about 70 meters and a field of view of up to ±60°, and is usually installed on the four corners of the vehicle. The current millimeter-wave radar-based autonomous driving functions include adaptive cruise control, automatic emergency braking, forward collision warning, blind zone detection, lane change assistance, etc.
2. The principle of millimeter wave radar
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The in-vehicle millimeter wave radar hardware can be divided into two parts: the RF front-end and the low-frequency substrate. The RF front-end transmits electromagnetic waves modulated by FM continuous wave, which are reflected by the target and then received by the RF front-end again. By comparing the frequency change between the transmit and receive waveforms, the time difference between the transmit and receive of the electromagnetic wave can be calculated, and then the distance to the target can be calculated. Meanwhile, since a moving target causes Doppler frequency bias, the received signal is Fourier transformed by the signal processing unit of the low-frequency substrate, and the velocity information of the target can be obtained. The detection of the target azimuth angle by the vehicle-mounted millimeter wave radar is based on the phase difference of the radar wave reflected from the target reaching different receiving antennas. With the multi-transmitter-multi-receiver MIMO antenna array setup, the vehicle-mounted millimeter wave radar can detect the horizontal azimuth and even vertical azimuth of the target.
3. Vehicle-mounted millimeter-wave radar testing
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The electromagnetic waves emitted by the vehicle-mounted millimeter wave radar are invisible and untouchable, how to test its performance? Millimeter wave radar testing can be divided into laboratory simulation testing, scenario simulation testing and field or open road testing according to the product development cycle. In-vehicle millimeter wave radar parts testing covers RF performance, detection performance and electrical and electronic characteristics. Shanghai Auto Inspection is one of the few national quality inspection centers that support the testing of the whole range of automotive millimeter wave radar components.
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Laboratory simulation testing is a common method to test the RF performance and detection performance of automotive millimeter wave radar. The test system consists of a radio dark box, a turntable and a radar target simulator and a spectrum analyzer. Through the radar target simulator simulation of different distance, orientation and speed of the target, with high precision, high stability, repeatability characteristics. 
Prepare your supply chain
Buyers of electronic components must now be prepared for future prices, extended delivery time, and continuous challenge of the supply chain. Looking forward to the future, if the price and delivery time continues to increase, the procurement of JIT may become increasingly inevitable. On the contrary, buyers may need to adopt the "just in case" business model, holding excess inventory and finished products to prevent the long -term preparation period and the supply chain interruption.
As the shortage and the interruption of the supply chain continue, communication with customers and suppliers will be essential. Regular communication with suppliers will help buyers prepare for extension of delivery time, and always understand the changing market conditions at any time. Regular communication with customers will help customers manage the expectations of potential delays, rising prices and increased delivery time. This is essential to ease the impact of this news or at least ensure that customers will not be taken attention to the sudden changes in this chaotic market.
Most importantly, buyers of electronic components must take measures to expand and improve their supplier network. In this era, managing your supply chain requires every link to work as a cohesive unit. The distributor of the agent rather than a partner cannot withstand the storm of this market. Communication and transparency are essential for management and planning. In E-energy Holding Limited, we use the following ways to hedge these market conditions for customers:
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Add E-energy Holding Limited to the list of suppliers approved by you, and let our team help you make strategic and wise procurement decisions.
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sandyhookhistory · 2 years
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Good afternoon, folks. Here's our next round of photos from Army Heritage Days (AHD). As I had mentioned in a previous post, the Sandy Hook History Team was requested to participate here, as well as given a specific role and mission. That mission was to provide a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) program for the public, with a focus for children. We feel that we met, and surpassed, that objective. The request from AHEC was due to the Coast Artillery's STEM-centric mission from the late 1800's through to 1945, embracing, heralding, and driving the development and adaptation of many technologies we still use today. To complete the task assigned to us, we custom-built a 180-degree Coast Artillery Plotting Board, modeled off of an original "Whistler-Hearn" Board from the early 1900's. As the focus was to provide education to kids, we upsized everything - including a custom-built Prediction Scale and Set-Forward Slide Rule (aka, a 1900's computer!) so that little hands and eyes would have an easier and more indepth learning experience with them. We also set the Board on a low table, so children would have a better view of it. It worked beyond imagination. In conjunction with our M1910A1 Azimuth Instrument set on a low-tripod, all of our younger visitors were glued to the Plotting Board as we walked them through the 60-Second Fire-Control Plotting sequence, and the looks when we called the slide-rule a "computer" were, as always, priceless. The Coast Artillery Fire-Control solution used in this instance was the "Horizontal Position Finding System," which utilized a known-distance between two observation towers. The two angles - or Azimuths - of view from the towers focused on the target ship, completing a perfect triangle. While extremely complex in practice, Sandy Hook History Team members were able to provide a block of instruction on Coast Artillery Fire-Control and mathematics, which included the rotation of the earth, height of the tide, meteorology, shell weight, propellant temperature, and several other variables, to our visitors from age four through 80, with everyone understanding it. It was a great day. (at United States Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEIQzpgfAw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wintgourmet · 2 years
Polar plot mathematica
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The concepts of angle and radius were already used by ancient peoples of the first millennium BC. The polar coordinate system is extended to three dimensions in two ways: the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Planar physical systems with bodies moving around a central point, or phenomena originating from a central point, are often simpler and more intuitive to model using polar coordinates. Polar coordinates are most appropriate in any context where the phenomenon being considered is inherently tied to direction and length from a center point in a plane, such as spirals. The initial motivation for the introduction of the polar system was the study of circular and orbital motion. Grégoire de Saint-Vincent and Bonaventura Cavalieri independently introduced the concepts in the mid-17th century, though the actual term "polar coordinates" has been attributed to Gregorio Fontana in the 18th century. Angles in polar notation are generally expressed in either degrees or radians (2 π rad being equal to 360°). The distance from the pole is called the radial coordinate, radial distance or simply radius, and the angle is called the angular coordinate, polar angle, or azimuth. The reference point (analogous to the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system) is called the pole, and the ray from the pole in the reference direction is the polar axis. In mathematics, the polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a plane is determined by a distance from a reference point and an angle from a reference direction. In green, the point with radial coordinate 3 and angular coordinate 60 degrees or (3, 60°). The sequence of figures shows clearly that the region U is symmetric with respect to the xy-plane: the portion of U above that plane is congruent to the portion below it.Points in the polar coordinate system with pole O and polar axis L.
As usual, to produce such a plot, position your cursor at the end of the last line of code below, and hit the Enter key (or press Shift-Return ). That is so because the intersection of a cylinder r = c with the horizontal plane z = k is a circle of radius c. Note that the plot of a horizontal plane z = 3 looks circular, not like the parallelogram one sees in a Cartesian plot. It is easy to generate plots of the basic cylindrical surfaces z = c, r = c, and θ = k, where c and k are constants. An expression of the form P ( x, y, z ) = P means that a point P ( x, y, z ) has cylindrical coordinates r, θ, and z. To distinguish them readily from Cartesian coordinates, the cylindrical coordinates of points in this notebook are in square brackets. The cylindrical coordinate system is just the hybrid that results from crossing polar coordinates in the xy -plane with the ordinary vertical Cartesian coordinate z. This notebook discusses cylindrical-coordinate plotting. The standard package Graphics`ParametricPlot3D` contains commands for 3-dimensional plotting of regions with cylindrical-coordinate descriptions. Hurley, Department of Mathematics, University of Connecticut, Unit 3009, Storrs, CT 06269-3009. CylindricalCoords.nb Cylindrical Coordinates in MathematicaĬopyright © 1995, 1997, 2003 by James F.
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suite43 · 3 years
PS Neither the egg fic nor the vegan freak have anything to do with M/gastar before you try it. That's all pure Starscream stanning, baby. And one of them is St/rop, the supposedly ""good""" ship LOL.
List of female Transformers Main Complete list Following is a thorough list of the various female Transformers in canon thus far. Many of these characters were Japan-exclusive, featured only in fiction, or exist as limited-run exclusive toys. Female characters who had multiple toys are listed only once. Generation 1 (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Moonracer (2) Firestar (3) Elita One (4) Greenlight (5) Lancer (6) Arcee (7) Beta (8) An Autobot rebel (9) Paradron Medic (11) Nancy (12) Minerva (13) Clipper (14) Karmen (18) Glyph (20) Road Rage (21) Discharge[1] (22) Windy[1] (23) Vibes (24) Roulette (25) Flareup (32) Flip Sides (34) Rosanna (35) Windrazor (38) Thunderblast (46) Cassiopeia (47) Nautica (51) Windblade (52) Victorion (61) Velocity (63) Javelin (62) Proxima (64) Roadmaster (65) Acceleron (66) Override (69) Rust Dust (70) Pyra Magna (71) Skyburst (72) Stormclash (73) Jumpstream (74) Dust Up (75) Scorpia[1] (76) Eos (80) Lifeline (83) Quickslinger (84) Hotwire[2] (98) Strongarm (99) Slide[2] (104) Crush Bull[2] (107) Oiler[2] (108) Broadside[2] (109) Sky High[2] (110) Circuit[2] (116) Pyra Ignatia Spark[2] (118) Scorchfire (122) Orthia (126) Smashdown[2] (128) Esmeral (15) Lyzack (16) Clio (17) Nightracer (19) Shadow Striker (26) Howlback (31) Flamewar (33) Flip Sides (34) Crasher (39) Freezon[1] (44) Nightracer (49) Slipstream (50) Twirl (54) Nickel (60) Swift (77) Killjoy (79) Blackout[2] (81) Spaceshot[2] (82) Crash Test (85) Trickdiamond (92) Moonheart (93) Megaempress (94) Flowspade (95) Lunaclub (96) Megatronia (100) Buckethead[1] (103) Diveplane[1] (112) Seawave[1] (113) Mindgame (114) Tracer[2] (115) Devastator[2] (117) Cindersaur[2] (125) Shadow Striker (127) Nova Storm[2] (129) Termagax (133) Kaskade (135) Heavywait (138) Tyrannocon Rex (139) Cheesecake robot (10) Roulette and Shadow Striker's sister (27) Path Finder (28) Small Foot (29) Devcon's galpal (30) One of Optimus Prime's rescuees (36) Angela (37) Four members of the Kaon upperclass (40-43) Ma-Grrr (45) Red waitress Transformer (48) Windshear (53) Solus Prime (55) Female protester (56) Lightbright (57) Strafe (58) Mistress of Flame (59) Exocet (67) Vertex (68) Aileron (78) Gnash (86) Slice (87) Thrashclaw (88) Shred (89) A pair of Devisen twins (90-91) Maxima (97) Sieg[3] (101) Kari (102) Anode (105) Lug (106) X-Throttle (111) Rum-Maj (119) Praesidia Magna (120) Fastbreak (121) Crash Test (122) Stardrive (123) Magrada (124) Leviathan (130) Codexa (131) Gauge (132) Lodestar (134) Shutter (136) Sharpclaw (137) Cargohold (140) Half-qualifiers: Alana, turned into a Transformer for a short time. Aunty, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Combination granny and attack-dog-bots, human-sized drones supposedly based on Transformer technology. One of Maccadam's bartenders Nightbird Overlord, has a female side to him. Some of the "Teletraan" computers like 15 and 10 are female. There appears to be a female design among a group of old generics. Bayonet, the fake female Decepticon disguise of Britt. In the French dub of The Transformers: The Movie, Shrapnel and Starscream are considered female. Shrapnel is also female in the Russian dub. Beast Era (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (2) Kitte Shūshū (5) Rage (6) Botanica (7) Sonar[1] (13) Crystal Widow (14) Crossblades (15) Stiletto (16) Transmutate[1] (18) Binary (19) Wedge Shape[1] (24) Aura (25) Legend Convoy[1] (26) Stockade[2] (28) Rav (29) Hammerstrike[2] (31) Triceradon[2] (35) Skimmer (36) Nyx (44) Blackarachnia (1) Scylla (3) Antagony (4) Strika (8) Manta Ray[1] (17) Ser-Ket (20) Dead-End[2] (27) Jai-Alai (30) Max-B[2] (32) Gaidora (33) Soundbyte/Soundbite (34) Liftoff (37) Freefall (38) Snarl-blast[2] (39) Vertebreak (43) Skold (45) Libras (9) Virgol (10) Cancix[1] (11) Possibly Sagittarii (12) Dipole (21) Vamp (22) Plasma[2] (23) Deep Blue (40) At least two bridge officers of the Terrastar (41-42) Half-qualifiers: NAVI-ko, female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Yukikaze), female Cybertronian intelligent computer NAVI (Gung Ho), female Cybertronian
intelligent computer DNAVI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer Medusa, an Intruder-built robot modified with Cybertronian technology Robots in Disguise (2001) (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Optimus Prime[2] (1) Nightcruz[1] (3) Scourge[2] (2) Half-qualifiers: T-AI, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Unicron Trilogy (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Airazor (5) Arcee (9) Autobot nurses (10) Two Velocitronian band members (11-12) Override[4] (13) Joyride[4] (15) Quickslinger (16) Crystal Widow (24) Treadbolt (33) Chromia (34) Thunderblast (14) Spacewarp (30) Sureshock (1) Combusta (2) Falcia (3) Twirl (4) Sunburn (6) Cliffjumper[1] (7) Ironhide[1] (8) Spiral[1] (9) Offshoot[1] (17) Breakage[1] (18) Kickflip[1] (19) Mudbath[1] (20) Heavy Metal[1] (21) "Disco ball" (22) Road Rebel[1] (23) Guardian Speed[1] (25) Mugen[1] (26) Bingo/Triac[1] (27) Wedge Shape[1] (28) Sprite (29) Boom Tube (31) Windrazor (32) Rán (33) Half-qualifiers: A possible scooterformer Dark Nitro Convoy, evil clone of a character whose gender was switched in translation Red Alert, minimally-altered release of a toy that was female in Japan Midnight Express, unaltered release of a toy that was female in Japan Hourglass, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Bombshell, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Carillon, a female character who might be a Cybertronian Vector Prime, the former multiversal entity who was female in some universes Movie continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee (1) Elita-One (2) Chromia (4) Perihelion (8) HMS Alliance (9) Windblade (13) Fracture (3) Alice (5) Shadow Striker (6) Override[3] (7) Diabla (10) Howlback (11) Shatter (12) Nightbird Airazor Half-qualifiersJetfire claims to have a mother who may or may not have been a Transformer. Animated (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Sari Sumdac (2) Arcee (3) Elita-1 (4) Red Alert (6) Botanica (8) Flareup (10) Rosanna (11) Glyph (12) Lickety-Split (13) Lightbright (14) Chromia (16) Clipper (17) Quickslinger (18) Kappa Supreme (19) Override Prime (20) Windy (21) Road Rage (25) Flashpoint (26) Minerva (27) Sureshock (28) Nightbeat (29) Sunstreaker (30) Blackarachnia (1) Slipstream (5) Strika (7) Flip Sides (9) Antagony (15) Wingthing (22) Beta (23) Drag Strip (24) Half-qualifiers: Teletran-1, female Cybertronian intelligent computer TransTech (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Blackarachnia (5) Strika (3) Unnamed medic (1) Andromeda (2) Cyclis (4) Sonar (6) Hammerstrike (7) Scorpia (8) Proxima (9) Half-qualifiers: Axiom Nexus News Editor, a 'bot with one male and one female personality Shattered Glass (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Crasher (1) Esmeral (6) Howlback (7) Arcee (2) Andromeda (3) Elita-One (4) Strongarm (8) Windblade (9) Nautica (10) Beta (5) Half-qualifiers: Teletraan-X, female Cybertronian intelligent computer. Aligned continuity family (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Akiba Prime Arc Arcee Arcee Blade Assault Star Brushfire Cameo Catapult Chevalier Chromia Deep Blue Ether Walker Firestar Galaxy Flare Galaxy 'Questrian Glow Matronly Docent Quickshadow Rocket Plume Solus Prime Strongarm Tempest Spin Thunderclap Upkeep Windblade Airachnid Astraea Aurora Speeder Balewing Coldstar Crimson Phantom Cyberwarp Cyclone Dancer Diabla Duststorm Fallen Angel Filch Flamewar Flash Runner Glowstrike Hoverbolt Helter-Skelter Hurricane Hunter Ida Lensflare Metal Thunder Nebula Ripper Night Dancer Overhead Retrofit Rollcage Scatterspike Skyjack Slink Slipstream Spiral Zealot Supernova Flame Variable Star Void Pulse Zizza Ser-Ket Ripclaw Azimuth Cogwheel Elita One Mercury Moonracer Nightra Override Bot Shots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Buzzclaw (1) Kre-O (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Chromia (1) Arcee (3) Strika (4) Minerva (5) Windblade (6) Paradron Medic (10) Strongarm (12) Skimmer[1] (13) Airachnid (2) Thunderblast (7) Blackarachnia (8) Slipstrike (9) Ida (11) Liftoff[1] (14) Freefall[1] (15) Angry Birds Transformers (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Stella as:Arcee
(1) Airachnid (2) Chromia (4) Novastar (10) Moonracer (11) Greenlight (12) Silver as:Windblade (3) Energon Windblade (5) Elita-One (8) Matilda as:Energon Nautica (6) Nautica (7) Strongarm (9) Zeta as:Nightbird (13) Rosanna (15) Zeta as:Slipstream (14) Cyberverse (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Arcee Chromia Clobber Jazz[3] Windblade Alpha Strike Nova Storm Shadow Striker Skywarp Slipstream Blackarachnia Cosmos Operatus Solus Prime Half-qualifiers: In the Japanese dub of Cyberverse, Thrust was female, and went by the name Red Wing. Acid Storm fluctuates between the male and female Seeker body types in show. Mae Catt would explain this on Twitter as this being "just something Acid Storm likes to do" and that pronouns are "up to Acid Storm". This would imply Acid Storm is non-binary gender fluid, thus they semi-qualify for the list. BotBots (Numbers indicate order of appearance.) Aday Angry Cheese Arctic Guzzlerush Bankshot Big Cantuna Bok Bok Bok-O Bonz-Eye Bot-T-Builder Bottocorrect Bratworst Brock Head Chef Nada Clawsome Crabby Grabby Cuddletooth Dingledeedoo Disaster Master Disgusto Desserto DJ Fudgey Fresh Doctor Flicker Drama Sauce Drillit Yaself Face Ace Fail Polish Fit Ness Monster Flare Devil Flood Jug Fomo Frohawk Frostfetti Frostyface Glam Glare Fancy Flare Glitch Face Goggly Spy P.I. Gold Dexter Goldface Goldiebites Goldie Terrortwirl Goldito Favrito Goldpin Baller Gold Punch Grampiano Grandma Crinkles Grave Rave The Great Mumbo Bumblo Greeny Rex Grrr'illa Grimes Halloween Knight Handy Dandy Hashtagz Hawt Diggity Hawt Mess Highroller Hiptoast Ice Sight Javasaurus Rex Jet Setter Knotzel Latte Spice Whirl Leafmeat Alone Loadoutsky Lolly Licks Lolly Mints Miss Mixed Movie Munchster Ms. Take Must Turd Nanny McBag Nomaste Nope Soap Ol' Tic Toc Ollie Bite Outta Order Overpack Pop N. Lock Pop O' Gold Pressure Punk Professor Scope Rebugnant Roarista Sandy Shades Scribby Sheriff Sugarfeet Shifty Gifty Sippyberry Sippy Slurps Skippy Dippy Disc Slappyhappy Smooth Shaker Smore N' More Sour Wing Starscope Sticky McGee Sugar Saddle Super Bubs Sweet Cheat Technotic Sonic Terror Tale Torch Tidy Trunksky Tricitrustops Tropic Guzzlerush Tutu Puffz Twerple Burple Unilla Icequeencone Venus Frogtrap Vigitente Waddlepop Wasabi Breath Whirlderful Whoopsie Cushion Wristocrat
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