#Azzie Bestos
TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
(Also unreality tw)
Azzie Bestos
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“Come on, Amber… Join us won’t you? ‘Communal living’ is on the rage! You don’t gotta do this alone… As they say, resistance is futile~...”
Azzie, like many slimes struggling to stay stable in Slymberpunk’s energy sapped world, turned to somewhat desperate means. Abandoning full control of her body, she bonded with her first slime behind closed doors. Both of them found the process to noticeably ease the strain of stability. Then she bonded with another. And another. And another Repeating. Azzie became a hivemind of slimes focused on survival. They tend to call it “communal living”, like Azzie herself is an apartment building. Azzie’s sight is now set on Amber, who seems to be struggling heavily keeping control with their new hand companion. They think Amber just needs to let go a little…
Primary Inspiration: The Borg from Star Trek
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent (but VERY plural)
Art of Azzie Bestos by: @shinysuryoday
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“Hi, I’m Muffie!”
Wait, who is this? Why is she here? I didn’t add this character to this poll. She just appeared on the list without me typing it… Okay, according to our files, Muffie is kind of an enigma. She mysteriously appears anytime, anywhere, no matter how much no one actually wants her there. She only says “Hi, I’m Muffie!” and nothing else. What is her goal? Is she an observer? Why does she cameo in every part? …Wait, WHAT? It says here she becomes Yuni’s girlfriend from the AU overlap?? HOW? Her character is about having one line! Is… Is she more than she appears? I stare into the dark abyss, and the abyss speaks back: “Hi, I’m Muffie!”
Primary Inspiration: UNKNOWN
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: UNKNOWN
Art of Muffie by: UNKNOWN (...JK it's Sunnyside_Cakes)
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