sugaardd · 14 days
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MI VIEJO CUMPLE AÑOS HOYYY!!!!🗣️🗣️🗣️💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜✨✨✨
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spoopers-bloopers · 11 months
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weird cat concepts
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 2
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
Sue Mary (Shirley A. Gonna)
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“I am nothing more than a shambling corpse, designed to demonize systems everywhere. It is obvious. I shouldn’t exist, sister.”
Shirley A. Gonna was originally a main antagonist, who existed to blame a neurodivergent person for society’s woes. Jilly Bean, sensing a scapegoat villain, changed Shirley’s life forever with a second chance. Wishing to atone and help her new friend, she put her all in reforming villains like her. Until one proved they really were just a villain, and everything went black for her. Years later… She woke up. An inky slime, Sue Mary, had accidentally merged and resurrected her body. Feeling immense guilt for her failures in life, “Sue Mary” decides to heal her friend one last time before leaving for good. She is the final main character of TYFE: Death of the Author.
Primary Inspiration: Tsumugi Shirogane from Dangan Ronpa (Read that full name title again)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Plural
Art of Sue Mary by: Sunnyside_Cakes
Amber Berri
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“Shut up, go away, and give me back my hand right now.”
With body stability slipping through their grasp, Amber is one of many slimes struggling with control in the energy crisis. A pawn shop owner and piano player, Amber stole the lost Hero’s pawned armor once their hands started melting from energy deficiency. This draws ire from Paltinum, as Amber isn’t aware of the armor’s side effect: Gaining unwanted passengers. Amber, already spiraling from their brother (Barry Berri) reduced to just a slime head, only spirals deeper once their hand gets accidentally possessed by Yuni. Can Amber live with not being in 100% control to save their brother? Amber is the main character of TYFE part 3: Slymberpunk.
Primary Inspiration: Heather Mason from Silent Hill (..........Seiji Sawamura from Midori Days.)
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent
Art of Amber Berri (and everyone else) by: ragingwoodcock
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sanctuary-of-muffins · 3 months
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Seems like Muffie got herself in a bit of situation. Though, she seems like she’s perfectly fine and is enjoying it either way. =w=“
Silly and goofy ferret
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seagiri · 2 months
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harvests your moon
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dunyun-rings · 7 months
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Femslash February doodles based on requests from earlier this month 🧡🤍💜 (part 1/2)
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chiefprinterpaper · 2 years
i found, in my bag, a "muffie" that I bought from panera yesterday. by habit I called it a muffin top, because it looked like a muffin top. but when I ate it, I realized that it was something else entirely. the experience was indescribable. my brain is searching for words to describe it, to no avail. sure i can describe the slightly spongy yet dry texture or the sweetness with vague hints of chocolate. but no composite of traits can quite recreate the emptiness of the complete experience. it was not unlike seeing an eldritch horror for the first time. but the opposite. where the eldritch contains more than the human mind can comprehend, this so-called "muffie" contained less.
it was true liminality in food. not a cookie. not a muffin. no discernable unique traits.
i was eating a null object.
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mullomohiam · 6 months
I have nothing to add to this im just obsessed with the way hawkeye lies down. miss girl.... ur fucking spine.........
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tobitobi90art · 12 days
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Posted using PostyBirb
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crazyjokermoments · 1 year
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Muffy my love... <3
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kroganloveinterest · 1 year
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muffy the cat hops in the crops then takes a snooze
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lunarin64art · 6 months
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More people need to play this game🥺
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TransPanda OC Tournament Round 1:
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The rules of the tournament
Brief introduction to "Thank You For Existing"
(Also unreality tw)
Azzie Bestos
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“Come on, Amber… Join us won’t you? ‘Communal living’ is on the rage! You don’t gotta do this alone… As they say, resistance is futile~...”
Azzie, like many slimes struggling to stay stable in Slymberpunk’s energy sapped world, turned to somewhat desperate means. Abandoning full control of her body, she bonded with her first slime behind closed doors. Both of them found the process to noticeably ease the strain of stability. Then she bonded with another. And another. And another Repeating. Azzie became a hivemind of slimes focused on survival. They tend to call it “communal living”, like Azzie herself is an apartment building. Azzie’s sight is now set on Amber, who seems to be struggling heavily keeping control with their new hand companion. They think Amber just needs to let go a little…
Primary Inspiration: The Borg from Star Trek
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: Adjacent (but VERY plural)
Art of Azzie Bestos by: @shinysuryoday
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“Hi, I’m Muffie!”
Wait, who is this? Why is she here? I didn’t add this character to this poll. She just appeared on the list without me typing it… Okay, according to our files, Muffie is kind of an enigma. She mysteriously appears anytime, anywhere, no matter how much no one actually wants her there. She only says “Hi, I’m Muffie!” and nothing else. What is her goal? Is she an observer? Why does she cameo in every part? …Wait, WHAT? It says here she becomes Yuni’s girlfriend from the AU overlap?? HOW? Her character is about having one line! Is… Is she more than she appears? I stare into the dark abyss, and the abyss speaks back: “Hi, I’m Muffie!”
Primary Inspiration: UNKNOWN
Plural or Plural Adjacent?: UNKNOWN
Art of Muffie by: UNKNOWN (...JK it's Sunnyside_Cakes)
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sanctuary-of-muffins · 4 months
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Been updating our emoji in our little server of ours! And I would say their pretty cute. >w>
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domesticangel · 1 year
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I’ve been watching harvest moon (or story of seasons. Whatever) playthroughs and it’s making me nostalgic for My Wife. 12 yr old me would be stoked if she knew it would one day be possible to be in lesbians with muffy
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dunyun-rings · 3 months
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Muffy 🍻
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