#Béla Barényi
alfaromeole · 7 months
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Germany, you can be so wunderbar! A lot of German history going on here
Mercedes-Benz (W 113) 230 SL Pagoda (1963–1967), a masterpiece by Paul Bracq and Béla Barényi 🍻
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motormania-2003 · 9 months
"The Evolution of Automotive Safety: From Airbags to Autonomous Driving"
The automotive industry has come a long way since the invention of the first automobile. Today, cars are not just a means of transportation but also a symbol of technological advancement and innovation. One of the most significant aspects of this evolution has been the constant improvement in car safety. From the early days of simple seatbelts to the current era of autonomous driving, the journey of automotive safety has been nothing short of remarkable.
In this comprehensive 2000-word article, we will explore the fascinating history of automotive safety, highlighting the major milestones, innovations, and technologies that have contributed to making cars safer than ever before.
Chapter 1: The Birth of Automotive Safety
In the early days of the automobile industry, safety was not a top priority. Cars were seen as novelties, and their designs and features were rudimentary compared to today's standards. However, as accidents became more common, the need for safety measures became apparent.
1.1 The First Seatbelts
One of the earliest safety features in automobiles was the seatbelt. In 1885, the first seatbelt patent was granted to Edward J. Claghorn of New York. These early seatbelts were not like the modern ones we know today. Instead, they were more like harnesses designed to keep passengers in their seats during bumpy rides.
1.2 The Invention of the Crumple Zone
In 1952, Mercedes-Benz engineer Béla Barényi introduced the concept of the crumple zone. This revolutionary idea involved designing the front end of the car to absorb energy during a collision, thereby reducing the impact on passengers. The crumple zone was a significant leap forward in automotive safety.
Chapter 2: The Rise of Passive Safety Systems
As the automotive industry continued to grow, so did the emphasis on safety. The 1950s and 1960s saw the introduction of several passive safety systems that aimed to protect passengers in the event of a collision.
2.1 The Three-Point Seatbelt
In 1959, Nils Bohlin, an engineer at Volvo, invented the three-point seatbelt. This design featured a lap belt and a diagonal shoulder belt, providing much greater protection than earlier seatbelt designs. Volvo made the patent open to other automakers, leading to widespread adoption of this life-saving technology.
2.2 The Airbag Revolution
The 1970s saw the introduction of airbags in cars. Initially used as an experimental safety feature, airbags quickly became standard equipment in most vehicles. These inflatable cushions deploy upon impact, significantly reducing the risk of head and chest injuries during a collision.
Chapter 3: Active Safety Systems and Electronics
With advancements in technology, automotive safety evolved beyond passive systems. The integration of electronics and computer systems led to the development of active safety features that could help prevent accidents altogether.
3.1 Anti-Lock Brakes (ABS)
In the 1980s, anti-lock brake systems (ABS) became widely available. ABS sensors monitor wheel speed and prevent skidding during hard braking. This innovation allowed drivers to maintain steering control even in slippery conditions, reducing the risk of accidents.
3.2 Electronic Stability Control (ESC)
Electronic stability control systems, introduced in the 1990s, use sensors to detect when a vehicle is losing control and apply brakes to individual wheels to help stabilize it. ESC has been credited with reducing the number of single-vehicle accidents caused by loss of control.
Chapter 4: The Road to Autonomous Driving
The 21st century brought about the dawn of autonomous driving, a technological leap that holds the promise of significantly reducing accidents and fatalities on the road.
4.1 Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
Adaptive cruise control systems, first introduced in luxury vehicles, use radar and sensors to maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front. This technology not only reduces driver fatigue but also helps prevent rear-end collisions.
4.2 Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)
Lane keeping assist systems use cameras and sensors to detect lane markings and keep the vehicle within the lane. If the car starts to drift out of the lane without the turn signal activated, the system can apply gentle steering input to keep it on course.
4.3 Collision Avoidance Systems
Modern cars are equipped with collision avoidance systems that can detect obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles in their path. These systems can provide warnings to the driver and even intervene by applying the brakes or steering to avoid a collision.
4.4 The Quest for Full Autonomy
Companies like Tesla, Waymo, and General Motors are actively working on achieving full autonomy
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soccomcsantos · 1 year
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Mercedes-Benz 230 SL “Pagode”: o ícone nasceu há 60 anos
Um dos mais belos automóveis de sempre foi oficialmente apresentado há 60 anos. O Mercedes-Benz 230 SL (W 113) foi lançado no Salão Automóvel de Genebra, em 1963, inaugurando uma nova era de design, segurança e prazer de condução. Esta é a sua história.
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Construído entre 1963 e 1971, o W 113 ficou conhecido pelos modelos 230 SL, 250 SL e 280 SL, atualmente clássicos muito cobiçados da Mercedes-Benz. Isto é demonstrado, entre outras coisas, pelo preço de exemplares bem preservados da série W 113. O estudo de mercado atual da Classic Data para 2022/2023 prevê 128.000 euros para o 230 SL em condições de topo (grau 1) e 156.000 euros para o 280 SL nas mesmas condições (dependendo dos mercados). Muitos proprietários de um SL "Pagode" ainda hoje ficam impressionados com a robustez e conforto de um descapotável que, convém relembrar, é já sexagenário.
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Pioneiro na segurança de automóveis desportivos
Em 1963, o 230 SL impressionou os visitantes do Salão de Genebra com o conceito de um bilugar cabriolet, de alto desempenho e estilo marcante. O seu design foi criado sob a direção de Friedrich Geiger. Combinava linhas elegantes com o visual clássico do SL, incluindo a grande estrela central em destaque na grelha do radiador. O hardtop opcional evocava uma associação que acabou por dar a icónica alcunha ao modelo: a superfície do tejadilho curvada para dentro fazia lembrar os templos asiáticos, o que deu ao desportivo da Mercedes-Benz a alcunha de "Pagode". Paul Bracq foi o designer responsável pelo tejadilho removível que o tornava um elegante coupé.
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O nível de segurança do W 113 foi pioneiro entre os automóveis desportivos da época. A plataforma do 230 SL teve origem nas berlinas da Mercedes-Benz da série W 111. Esta foi encurtada e reforçada em comparação com os modelos de quatro portas. Em 1959, o "Fintail" foi o primeiro automóvel de passageiros do mundo com uma carroçaria de segurança, desenvolvido pelo pioneiro da segurança da Mercedes-Benz, Béla Barényi.
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O "Pagode" foi o primeiro automóvel desportivo a beneficiar do princípio da célula de passageiros estável com zonas de deformação à frente e atrás. A isto juntou-se o elevado nível de segurança de condução do chassis adotado a partir da berlina, que foi adaptado às exigências de um roadster. A suspensão era firme, mas quase atipicamente confortável para um automóvel desportivo dos anos 60. Pela primeira vez num desportivo SL, estava disponível em opção uma transmissão automática de quatro velocidades. O 230 SL já tinha travões de disco nas rodas dianteiras. Começando com o 250 SL apresentado em 1967, os travões de disco no eixo traseiro complementaram o equipamento de segurança e desempenho.
Três motores, o mesmo prazer de condução
A Mercedes-Benz ofereceu o SL com três motores diferentes durante o seu período de fabrico que durou oito anos. Isto distinguiu-o dos modelos 300 SL e 190 SL. Os motores destes dois primeiros desportivos que deram origem à saga SL, introduzidos em 1954, permaneceram praticamente inalterados até 1963. O motor desportivo M 127 de seis cilindros do 230 SL era baseado no motor M 180 do 220 SE, tendo a cilindrada sido aumentada para os 2.306 centímetros cúbicos aquando da utilização no SL.
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A unidade de potência produzia 110 kW (150 cv), a velocidade máxima era de 200 km/h e este desportivo acelerava de 0 a 100 km/h em 11,1 segundos, uma cifra de relevo para a época em questão.
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No final de 1966, o 250 SL substituiu o 230 SL. O seu motor M 129 de seis cilindros em linha tinha uma cilindrada de 2,496 centímetros cúbicos. A sua potência era similar (110 kW/150 cv) e velocidade máxima (200 km/h) também correspondia à do 230 SL. No entanto, o maior valor de binário ajudou a reduzir em 1,1 segundos o tempo necessário para acelerar de 0 a 100 km/h. Além disso, o 250 SL estava equipado com um regulador de força de travagem, discos de travão maiores dimensões à frente e travões de disco nas rodas traseiras. Outra diferença: o 250 SL estava opcionalmente disponível com um tejadilho tipo coupé e um banco de trás. Esta versão "California" complementou a variante de carroçaria tipo roadster já conhecida do 230 SL, com capota em tecido e tejadilho amovível. A Mercedes-Benz exibiu esta versão com banco traseiro pela primeira vez em Março de 1967, no Salão Automóvel de Genebra. A versão "Califórnia" não tinha nem a capota do roadster nem um compartimento para a mesma, para dar lugar ao referido banco traseiro.
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O 280 SL, já com o motor M 130 de seis cilindros em linha de 2.778 centímetros cúbicos, apareceu em 1968. Foi a terceira e a mais bem-sucedida versão da série W 113. A potência aumentou para 125 kW (170 cv), o que permitia ao 280 SL acelerar de 0 a 100 km/h em nove segundos. A sua velocidade máxima ainda eram os mesmos 200 km/h. Em Março de 1971, a produção do W 113 terminou depois de um total de 48.912 veículos terem sido construídos. Os 230 SL representaram 19.831 unidades, os 250 SL 5.196 e os 280 SL chegaram às 23.885 unidades produzidas.
Bem-sucedido até no desporto...
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A Mercedes-Benz também utilizou com bastante sucesso o 230 SL no desporto automóvel. A vitória alcançada por Eugen Böhringer e Klaus Kaiser no Rali-Maratona de +5.000 km que fez a ligação Spa-Sofia-Liège, de 27 a 31 de Agosto de 1963, foi notável. No ano seguinte, a dupla de pilotos alcançou o terceiro lugar neste mesmo rali de longa distância, também aos comandos de um 230 SL.
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qenulohofe · 2 years
Skobbler iphone handbuch mercedes
                    laden-brennstoffzelle-fuer-iphone--co-vorgestellt 2012-02-29T12:31:00+01:00 -anbieter-skobbler-stellt-app-fuer-android-ein 2012-02-21T10:54:00+01:00Wenn Karten manchmal nicht ausreichen, weiche ich auf Navi-Apps auf dem iPhone aus, meistens Skobbler oder Google Maps, die auch eine brauchbare Telepolis</A> <DT><A HREF="imore.com/sharing-ios-8-explained" PRIVATE="0">Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship Robert C. Routenplanung und Navigation mit dem iphone Handbuch : CTFPND-1 V4 - Navigation starten (Seite 1) - Einstellungen (Seite 2-17) - WindowsCE Modus (Seite -firma-telenav-kauft-deutsche-navi-app-skobbler 2014-01-31T13:24:00+01:00 /apple-gesteht-schwache-iphone-5c-nachfrage-ein 2014-01-28T09:15:00+01:00 entsprechenden Inhalt den kostenlosen QR Code Reader by Scan (iOS und Android). Mercedes-Benz-Ingenieur Béla Barényi erarbeitete in den. iPhone Life_05-2012. Etwas schneller möchte Mercedes-Benz die Modelle der A-Klasse fiehlt sich, zunächst das Handbuch. durchzulesen, das beim länge-. Technik-Aficionados waren davon ausgegangen, dass bereits das iPhone 5 mit einem unter anderem für Audi, Mercedes, Rolls-Royce, Porsche und Rosenberger. all-andorra.com/mercedes-benz-a210-w168-grey-color-from-amg-250-hp/ Vrt240f bedienungsanleitung yamaha Skobbler navigation 250ml Herunterladen:
https://sijabidamix.tumblr.com/post/694497996208062465/bedienungsanleitung-fur-samsung-gt-s5230-deutsch, https://qenulohofe.tumblr.com/post/694498045534011392/rollei-35-t-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha, https://qenulohofe.tumblr.com/post/694498045534011392/rollei-35-t-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha, https://sijabidamix.tumblr.com/post/694497996208062465/bedienungsanleitung-fur-samsung-gt-s5230-deutsch, https://qenulohofe.tumblr.com/post/694498045534011392/rollei-35-t-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha.
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abombordo · 2 years
Coleção Primavera-Verão - Capitulo 8
Propaganda é a alma do negócio, certo?
Alma só? Não .... é o corpo e a alma, do ócio e do negócio.
Vou deixar o ócio para o próximo capítulo porque hoje vou falar de negócio. E o negócio de hoje é o AUTOMÓVEL.
Você já intuiu, né? Vou falar da VW, claro!!
Volta lá para o início do século passado, para a década de 20, na Europa. Já existia uma indústria automotiva se desenvolvendo em vários países (lembra do meu capítulo sobre esse tema quando morava na Itália??), cujo produto era algo acessível apenas para uma elite, mas começava a maratona para popularizar esse meio de transporte individual.
Béla Barényi, engenheiro austro-húngaro, desenvolvia um modelo básico. Hans Ledwinka, outro cientista que morava na região dos Sudetos, aquela parte da Tchecoslováquia que a Alemanha anexou, já produzia um carrinho chamado Tatra T77, com motor atras, e o judeu Josef Ganz ainda não tinha desenhado um carro, mas já tinha escolhido o nome: o carro do povo, o VolksWagen.
Enquanto isso, em 1932, Konrad Adenauer, então prefeito de Colônia, inaugurava a primeira Autobahn (autoestrada) ligando Colônia a Bonn. Hitler, que vinha sabotando esse projeto do Adenauer, acusando de ser útil apenas para a aristocracia, chegou ao poder 6 meses depois e fez aquilo que seu pupilo tupiniquim iria repetir no milênio seguinte: inaugurou de novo a Autobahn como se fosse ele o autor da obra.
E agora que a temos a Autobahn, temos que oferecer o tal carro popular. Hitler chamou Ferdinand Porsche e encomendou um carro pequeno, que acomodasse dois adultos e três crianças e que não ultrapassasse 100 km/h (tipo o rádio popular que não alcançava ondas internacionais....)
Porsche chupou então o desenho do Tatra e apresentou o carro popular: Kdf-Wagen (Kraft durch Freude - "Força através da Alegria"), com motor traseiro refrigerado a ar (que não congelava), suspensão de barra de torção e uma forma de besouro.
O preço tinha que ser tão pequeno como o espaço no porta-malas, ou seja, 990 Marcos e financiado com a prestação de 5 Marcos semanais ("Fünf Mark die Woche musst du sparen, willst du im eigenen Wagen fahren" - "Cinco Marcos por semana você deve reservar, se em seu próprio carro você deseja passear"). Claro que o valor era inviável para uma empresa privada, então o Führer criou uma empresa estatal, em 1937 e chupou o nome do judeu criativo chamando-a de VolksWagen.
336 mil alemães pagaram a prestação do Baú da Felicidade germânica, mas ninguém levou o prêmio porque a guerra começou antes do final do financiamento e todas as plantas fabris do território tiveram que se dedicar à produção dos acessórios bélicos.
Quando acabou a guerra e a Alemanha foi dividida entre os vencedores, o território e a fábrica da VW ficaram na zona britânica. E como vocês podem imaginar na Europa pós guerra, faltando tudo, um carro pequeno e baratinho de se produzir vinha em boa hora. Assim recomeçou a produção de carros de passeio.
Após 1948, a Volkswagen cresceu e se tornou um símbolo da recuperação econômica-industrial da Alemanha Ocidental. Começou a produção do "VW tipo 2", a querida Kombi, e o superesportivo Karmann Ghia.
Em 1960 o Estado Alemão se retirou da sociedade e a empresa passou a ser totalmente privada.
Bem a tempo porque a Tatra tinha processado o Porsche pelo plágio, lá no início dos confrontos nazistas, mas como a Alemanha ocupou os Sudetos, o processo foi engavetado. Quando acabou a guerra, a Tatra retomou o processo e em 1965 a VW acabou negociando e pagando uma compensação de 1.000.000 Marcos para os tchecos.
E quando ao ócio, falo disso daqui a pouco...
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Mercedes-Benz 230SL, 1963. The W113 series SL replaced both the 300 SL (W198) and the 190 SL (W121) and sold in much greater numbers than either of its predecessors. Developed under Head of Styling Friedrich Geiger, the lead designers were Paul Bracq and Béla Barényi, who created its patented, slightly concave “pagoda” hardtop. It was the first Mercedes model to have radial tyres fitted as standard equipment. During the SL’s 9-year production life the M-series straight-6 engine grew from 2.3 to 2.8 litres though an experimental V8 version never made into Mercedes showrooms
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stegal · 4 years
Amúgy a világnak fogalma sincs erről..
A magyar ember látott egy reklámfilmet hazájáról, és ezért elhatározta, hogy a mai napon csupa olyan dolgot vesz a kezébe, amit MAGYAR feltalálóknak köszönhet az emberiség.
Kezdetnek fogott egy golyóstollat (*Bíró László, 1931*), felírta, hogy Találékony magyarok, majd egy mágnessel feltette a hűtőgépre (*Szilárd Leó 1929*), utána zajtalanul gyúló foszforos gyufával (*Irinyi János 1836*) rágyújtott egy cigarettára, közben CD-t hallgatott, nézegette a hologramos matricát a borítón (*Gábor Dénes, 1947*), majd beszedett egy C-vitamint (*Szentgyörgyi 1931*). Eszébe jutott egy barátja, telefonált egyet a vezetékes telefonjáról (*Puskás Tivadar 1878*). Még volt egy kis ideje, ezért játszott egy kicsit a komputerén (*Neumann János 1944*), elmélázott, hogy mely rendszert használja, végül a Basic Computer mellett döntött (*Kemény János 1964*), és Excel táblázatba rendezte tennivalóit (*Simonyi Károly 1974*). Megnézett (volna) egy 3D-s filmet, de ezt még egy 3D-s szemüveggel (*Rátai Dániel 2010*) sem tudta megoldani. A kudarc után feltett egy bakelitlemezt a hagyományos lemezjátszójára (*Goldmark Károly 1948*), és bekapcsolta a tv-t is (*Mihály Dénes, 1919*). Látva, hogy éppen New Yorkot mutatják be, megörült, hogy színes tv-je van (*Goldmark Károly, 1948*). Nagyon tetszett neki a város, elsősorban a Centrál Park (*Asbóth Sándor* ö készítette a város rendezési tervét is). Még megnézett egy tudományos filmet az űrkutatásról, ismét elcsodálkozott a hold autón (*PávlicsFerenc kb. 1960*), majd még indulás előtt megpróbálta kirakni a Rubik kockát (*Rubik Ernő 1976).*
Már semmi nem kötötte le, így elindult sétálni, és mivel a közeljövőben autót kívánt vásárolni, autókat nézegetett. Ezért magához vette automata fényképezőgépét (*Mihályi József 1938*), dilemmázott kicsit, hogy a régebbi típusú kontaktlencséjét (*Dallos József 1928*) vagy lágy anyagú kontaktlencséjét (*Gyorffy István 1959*) használja-e? Az első kocsi, ami megtetszett, egy Ford T-modell volt (*Galamb József 1908*,) aztán talált egy dízelmotoros BMW-t (*Ansits Ferenc 1983*), és megnézett magának egy Chevroletet is, amelynek automata sebességváltója volt (*Bíró László 1932*). Még felmerült egy VW bogár is a speciális dizájnja miatt (*Barényi Béla, 1925*). Ez annyira tetszett neki, hogy ennek még a karburátorát is megvizsgálta (*Csonka János 1893*). De hamar rájött, hogy marad neki a bicikli, hazamenve meg is nézte a pincében, hogy rendben van-e, főleg a dinamója (*Jedlik Ányos 1861*), majd ámultan nézte a szomszéd ház tetejére leszálló helikoptert (*Asbóth Oszkár1928*). Ezt a tényt azon melegében elmesélte Pulitzer díjas (*Pulitzer József 1917*) újságíró barátjának, akivel egy múzeumban találkozott, ahol éppen bemutatták a fényáteresztő üvegbeton feltalálásnak fázisait (*Losonczi Áron, 2001*) - magát a betont nem tudták megnézni, mivel annak jogi hercehurcáit 13 év alatt nem sikerült befejezni.
Mikor végre hazaért, már sötét volt, felkapcsolta, régimódi lévén, még kriptontöltésű lámpáját (*Bródy Imre 1930*), megivott egy pohár szódát (*Jedlik Ányos 1940*), és mivel megfájdult a feje, keresett egy gyógyszert is, meg is találta a legutóbb Bécsben vásárolt Kalmopyrint (*Richter Gedeon 1912*). Az egész nap fáradozásait kipihenendő visszatért a bakelit lemezhez, és feltette a Kodály-módszer vívmányait világszerte elterjesztő (*Kodály Zoltán 1929*) Psalmus Hungaricust.
(És nem gondolt Teller Edére.)
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911legendsneverdie · 4 years
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Without a doubt, the Mercedes Benz W113 - popularly known as the "Pagoda" - is one of the most beautiful cars in the world and a true classic in automotive history! 😍👌🏻 © Photos: @andreasselter_automotive #W113 #Pagoda #SL280 _ HISTORY: The W 113 SL was developed under the auspices of Mercedes-Benz Technical Director Fritz Nallinger, Chief Engineer Rudolf Uhlenhaut and Head of Styling Friedrich Geiger. The lead designers were Paul Bracq and Béla Barényi, who created its patented, slightly concave hardtop, which inspired the "Pagoda" nickname. All models were equipped with an inline-six cylinder engine with multi-port fuel injection. The bonnet, boot lid, door skins and tonneau cover were made of aluminum to reduce weight. The comparatively short and wide chassis, combined with an excellent suspension, powerful brakes and radial tires gave the W 113 superb handling for its time. The styling of the front, with its characteristic upright Bosch „fishbowl" headlights and simple chrome grille, dominated by the large three-pointed star in the nose panel, paid homage to the 300 SL roadster. W 113 SLs were typically configured as a "Coupe/Roadster" with a soft-top and an optional removable hardtop. A 2+2 was introduced with the 250 SL "California Coupe," which had a fold-down rear bench seat instead of the soft-top. #911LND #911LegendsNeverDie https://www.instagram.com/p/B60KB-_ouIo/?igshid=khu05wi2eke7
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meandmybentley · 5 years
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1970 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL Pagoda designed by Paul Bracq and Béla Barényi. 1/48,912 @rmsothebys #meandmybentley
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alfaromeole · 6 years
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Weltmeister, five stars, all that fuss
Mercedes-Benz W 113 230 SL Pagoda (1963–1967)
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Béla Barényi (1 March 1907, Hirtenberg, Austria – 30 May 1997, Böblingen, Germany). He is regarded as the father of passive safety in automobiles. He is also credited with having conceived the basic design for the Volkswagen Beetle in 1925, five years before Ferdinand Porsche claimed to have done his version. His thesis anticipated the key design principles of the VW in 1925/1926. #ArriveAlive @IIHS_AutoSafety https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9la_Bar%C3%A9nyi https://www.instagram.com/p/Buetb8wAcBc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dwbiqw1vjih0
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bixentef · 3 years
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#teutonictuesday #tourisme #bixentef #automobile #vintage #fni13 @carjager #mercedes280slpagode #carspotting #2021#mercedesbenz280slpagoda D’une certaine manière, la 300 SL et sa “soeur” 190 SL sont apparues dans la gamme Mercedes un peu par hasard, grâce notamment à l’insistance de l’importateur américain Max Hoffman. Pour remplacer ce duo, Daimler-Benz allait réfléchir de façon stratégique pour proposer un modèle “universel” capable de séduire tant les Américains que les Européens tout en présentant une plastique beaucoup plus moderne. Adieu les rondeurs très typées “fifties”, place à un style plus anguleux et à un hard top au dessin caractéristique qui lui vaudra le surnom de Pagode. Retour sur la Mercedes SL (nom de code W113).Pour ce nouveau projet récupérant le nom de code W113, toute l’équipe de développement, sous la houlette de Nallinger se met au travail. On trouve l’ingénieur Rudolf Uhlenhaut, le chef du style Freidrich Geiger, mais aussi les stylistes Paul Bracq (pour le dessin général de la voiture) et Béla Barényi (pour la réalisation du fameux hard-top). Parlons du style justement, l’occasion d’être un petit peu chauvin. Alors que les précédentes SL approchaient de la perfection stylistique, la petite équipe ose sortir des sentiers battus : pas question ici de faire évoluer le dessin précédent pour le remettre au goût du jour. La décision est prise de partir d’une feuille blanche et Paul Bracq réalise une voiture totalement nouvelle, tout en conservant un air de famille avec la berline dont elle dérive, la W111. Basse et plate, elle s’offre un regard particulièrement expressif avec ses phares tout en verticalité. Avec son hard-top, elle offre espace intérieur et visibilité tout en lui assurant son originalité. À la fin de l’année 1966, Mercedes présente une évolution de la 230 SL, dotée d’un 6 en ligne réalésé à 2,5 litres, d’où son nom, 250 SL. Il s’agit alors surtout de proposer plus de couple car la 250 SL conserve le même niveau de puissance de 150 chevaux. Un différentiel à glissement limité est aussi proposé en option tandis que la transmission passe par une boîte manuelle à 4 ou 5 vitesses ou une boîte automatique 4 vitesses..... (à SpeedWorks) https://www.instagram.com/p/COuwMA9FAP7/?igshid=k2em56k6i1eq
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nunc2020 · 6 years
1907 naissance de Grand-mère
Hagenbecks Tierpark bei Hamburg wird als erster Freigehege-Zoo der Welt von Kaiser Wilhelm II. eröffnet. In Russland wird der legendäre Wunderheiler Rasputin an den Hof des Zaren gerufen, um den Thronfolger zu heilen. In Berlin eröffnen das Hotel Adlon und das Luxus-Warenhaus Kaufhaus des Westens. Maria Montessori eröffnet ihre erste Schule. Ernesto Teodoro Moneta und Louis Renaulterhalten den Friedensnobelpreis.
22.01.Douglas Corrigan 23.01.Yukawa Hideki 01.03.Béla Barényi 23.03.Daniel Bovet 18.04.Miklós Rózsa 29.04.Fred Zinnemann 22.05.Hergé 27.05.Rachel Carson 07.06.Mascha Kaléko 19.06.Georges de Mestral 25.06.J. Hans D. Jensen 28.07.Earl Silas Tupper 10.11.Hedwig Bollhagen 14.11.William Steig 10.12.Lucien Laurent 15.12.Oscar Niemeyer
Leonid Iljitsch Breschnew
Leonid Iljitsch Breschnew war ein sowjetischer Politiker und langjähriger Generalsekretär des Zentralkomitees der KPdSU (1964–1983). Er wurde am 1. Januar 1907 in Kamenskoje (heute Dniprodserschynsk) im Russischen Kaiserreich (heute Ukraine) geboren und starb am 10. November 1982 im Alter von 75 Jahren in Moskau.
Sergei Koroljow
Sergei Koroljow (Sergei Pawlowitsch Koroljow) war ein russischer Raketenkonstrukteur und der wohl bedeutendste Pionier der sowjetischen Raumfahrt, unter dessen Leitung das „Sojus“-Raumschiff entwickelt wurde, das den Satelliten „Sputnik“ ins All brachte und den ersten Weltraumflug von Juri Gagarin ermöglichte. Er wurde am 12. Januar 1907 in Shitomir im Russischen Kaiserreich (heute Ukraine) geboren und starb am 14. Januar 1966 im Alter von 59 Jahren in Moskau.
Manfred von Ardenne
Manfred von Ardenne (Manfred Baron von Ardenne) war ein deutscher Physiker und Erfinder, der u. a. die erste vollelektronische Fernsehübertragung durchführte (1930) und über 600 Patente u. a. zur Elektronenmikroskopie, Nuklear- und Rundfunktechnik hielt. Er wurde am 20. Januar 1907 in Hamburg geboren und starb am 26. Mai 1997 im Alter von 90 Jahren in Dresden.
Helmuth James Graf von Moltke
Helmuth James Graf von Moltke war ein deutscher Jurist und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus, der die bürgerliche Widerstandsgruppe „Kreisauer Kreis“ (1940–1944) begründete. Er wurde am 11. März 1907 in Kreisau (heute Krzyżowa) in Deutschland (heute Polen) geboren und starb am 23. Januar 1945 im Alter von 37 Jahren in Berlin-Plötzensee.
Zarah Leander
Zarah Leander war eine schwedische Schauspielerin und Sängerin, die mit Leinwanderfolgen wie „Zu neuen Ufern“ (1937) und „Es war eine rauschende Ballnacht“ (1939) zu den großen Ufa-Filmstars im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland zählte und populäre Schlager wie „Nur nicht aus Liebe weinen“ sang. Sie wurde am 15. März 1907 in Karlstad in Schweden geboren und starb am 23. Juni 1981 im Alter von 74 Jahren in Stockholm.
Katharine Hepburn
Katharine Hepburn (Katharine Houghton Hepburn) war eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin (u. a. „Morgenrot des Ruhms“ 1933, „Leoparden küßt man nicht“ 1938, „African Queen“ 1951, „Der Löwe im Winter“ 1968, „Am goldenen See“ 1981), die mit vier Auszeichnungen die meisten Oscars als beste Hauptdarstellerin (1934, 1968, 1969, 1982) erhielt. Sie wurde am 12. Mai 1907 in Hartford, Connecticut in den Vereinigten Staaten geboren und starb am 29. Juni 2003 im Alter von 96 Jahren in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.
Top auf geboren.am
AFI Filmlegende (1)
Oscar Beste Hauptdarstellerin (1934, 1968, 1969, 1982)
Daphne du Maurier
Dame Daphne du Maurier war eine englische Schriftstellerin (u. a. „Rebecca“ 1938, „Die Vögel“ 1952), von der viele Werke u. a. von Alfred Hitchcock verfilmt wurden. Sie wurde am 13. Mai 1907 in London geboren und starb am 19. April 1989 im Alter von 81 Jahren in Par, Cornwall.
Laurence Olivier
Sir Laurence Olivier (Laurence Kerr Olivier) war einer der bedeutendsten britischen Schauspieler des 20. Jahrhunderts, Regisseur und Produzent, der zwei Oscar für „Hamlet“ (1948) als Hauptdarsteller und Produzent sowie zwei Ehrenoscars erhielt und weitere große Rollen etwa in „Richard III.“ (1955) und „Mord mit kleinen Fehlern“ (1972) spielte. Er wurde am 22. Mai 1907 in Dorking, Surrey in England geboren und starb am 11. Juli 1989 im Alter von 82 Jahren in Steyning, West Sussex.
AFI Filmlegende (14)
Oscar Beste Hauptdarsteller (1949)
Ehrenoscar (1947, 1979)
John Wayne
John Wayne (Marion Mitchell Morrison) war ein berühmter US-amerikanischer Filmschauspieler, Filmproduzent und Regisseur, der mit Hollywoodstreifen wie „Rio Bravo“ (1959), „The Alamo“ (1960) und „El Dorado“ (1967) zum Westernheld seiner Generation wurde und für seine Hauptrolle in „Der Marshal“ (1969) mit einem Oscar ausgezeichnet wurde. Er wurde am 26. Mai 1907 in Winterset, Iowa in den Vereinigten Staaten geboren und starb am 11. Juni 1979 im Alter von 72 Jahren in Los Angeles, Kalifornien.
Elly Beinhorn
Elly Beinhorn (Elly Maria Frida Rosemeyer-Beinhorn) war eine deutsche Fliegerin, Flugpionierin und Abenteurerin, die mit mehreren spektakulären Flügen wie einem Alleinflug nach Afrika 1931 und einer alleinigen Weltumrundung 1932 zu einem gefeierten Star ihrer Zeit wurde. Sie wurde am 30. Mai 1907 in Hannover geboren und starb am 28. November 2007 im Alter von 100 Jahren in Ottobrun.
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo (Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo de Rivera) war eine bedeutende mexikanische Malerin des Surrealismus und Poetin, die überwiegend Selbstportraits malte, sich in diesen mit Schmerz, Leid und Tod auseinandersetzte und zu einer Kultfigur der Popkultur wurde. Sie wurde am 6. Juli 1907 in Mexiko-Stadt in Mexiko geboren und starb am 13. Juli 1954 im Alter von 47 Jahren ebenda.
Barbara Stanwyck
Barbara Stanwyck (Ruby Catherine Stevens) war eine der bestbezahltesten und populärsten US-amerikanischen Schauspielerinnen ihrer Zeit (u. a. „Ladies of Leisure“ 1930) und Oscar-Preisträgerin. Sie wurde am 16. Juli 1907 in Brooklyn, New York City geboren und starb am 20. Januar 1990 im Alter von 82 Jahren in Santa Monica, Kalifornien.
Astrid Lindgren
Astrid Lindgren (Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren) war eine schwedische Schriftstellerin und eine der bekanntesten Kinderbuchautorinnen, die die Geschichten rund um beliebte Kinderhelden wie „Pippi Langstrumpf“, „Michel aus Lönneberga“, „Ronja Räubertochter“ und „Kalle Blomquist“ schrieb. Sie wurde am 14. November 1907 in Vimmerby in Schweden geboren und starb am 28. Januar 2002 im Alter von 94 Jahren in Stockholm.
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (Claus Philipp Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg) war ein deutscher Offizier und Widerstandskämpfer gegen den Nationalsozialismus, der als Kopf der „Operation Walküre“ mit dem von ihm ausgeführten Attentat vom 20. Juli 1944 auf Adolf Hitler scheiterte. Er wurde am 15. November 1907 in Jettingen geboren und starb am 21. Juli1944 im Alter von 36 Jahren in Berlin.
Erich Mielke
Erich Mielke (Erich Fritz Emil Mielke) war ein deutscher Politiker der SED, der mehrere Jahrzehnte als Minister für Staatssicherheit (1957–1989) der führende Kopf hinter dem Überwachungssystem der DDR war. Er wurde am 28. Dezember 1907 in Berlingeboren und starb am 21. Mai 2000 im Alter von 92 Jahren ebenda.
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adriansmithcarslove · 7 years
Pagoda Style Meets Corvette Power in Mysterious 1965 Mercedes-Benz 230SL
The 1960s were arguably the high point of Mercedes-Benz design. While some prefer the more ornate automobiles of the 1930s and others admire the charm of the three-pointed star’s postwar machines, the 1960s brought us the Heckflosse (launched in 1959; the name means “fintail”); the stately W108, which deleted the Heckflosse’s eponymous tailfins; the W114 E-class harbinger; and, perhaps most notably, the pagoda-roofed SL.
Designed to be less full-race than its predecessor 300SL and more sporting than the four-cylinder 190SL, the 230SL launched in 1963. Many find the W113 cars, designed by Paul Bracq and Béla Barényi, to be the most beautiful of all Mercedes two-seaters. Another contingent, naturally, insists that loveliness is not always enough—that a certain beauty requires a measure of beastliness. And that’s how we come to this LS1-powered Pagoda SL.
Less than a decade ago, automatic-transmission Pagodas were a reasonable buy. They could be found for under $10,000 in decent condition. Since then, W113s have gone the way of air-cooled 911s, Citroën SMs, Alfa Romeo Montreals, and other gems of the era that seemed undervalued at the time but command wallet-punishing prices today. So we understand why, way back when the LS1 was the hot engine-swap ticket, some guy might’ve thought it prudent to take a Pagoda and excise the Mercedes straight-six. Numbers-matching originality was not yet rewarding enough to argue against the swap.
In its day, Rudi Uhlenhaut took a W113 toe to toe with a V-12 Ferrari, but a modern-era Corvette motor will walk a Colombo twelve all day long—and serve up burnouts for dessert. And it’s not as if the small-block/European-sports-car idea hasn’t been exploited to grand effect by many visionaries. There is plenty of precedent.
Archived Road Test: Griff Borgeson Exercises the 1956 Mercedes-Benz 300SL
2017 Mercedes-Benz SL-class First Drive Review
Mercedes-Benz SL-class: News, Reviews, Photos, and More
This particular car, a 1965 230SL found on Craigslist out of Austin, Texas, looks surprisingly unmolested, given the path some hot rodders are all too tempted to take when making these engine swaps. This one has no side pipes, no hood scoops, no Testarossa-style strakes crafted from chicken wire and Bondo. Even the twin-tip right-hand-side exhaust outlet has been preserved. The only giveaway that something’s off—at least to the casual observer—is the  unfortunate set of billet wheels. Slap on some widened Benz steelies with color-matched enamel center caps, and few would expect you to be smoking 5.0s at stoplight drags on South Congress. Last week, the car was up for sale with a $60,000 asking price, but the owner has decided against letting his bullet-train Pagoda go and is trying to find out information on whoever built the hairy sucker. Come to think of it, we’d like to know that, too.
- via RSSMix.com Mix ID 8134279 http://ift.tt/2lGYkur
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laberintos-espinas · 5 years
Mercedes-Benz Gives A Glimpse Of The Future
Mercedes-Benz, one of the main names in vehicle wellbeing, is laying the basis for another, forward-looking idea. Ensuing to its eminent achievement in the field of tenant insurance, the German automaker will focus more later on expectant acknowledgment and the anticipation of mishaps Mercedes G63 AMG by Inkas Armored
To this end, the Stuttgart-based brand is creating clever driver help frameworks that utilization stereo cameras and radar sensors to screen the zone encompassing the vehicle. These frameworks additionally have the capacity to make prescient elucidations of noteworthy driving circumstances and afterward issue opportune alerts to drivers. The frameworks are additionally intended to mediate independently if there is unavoidable threat.
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"Quite a long while back, we presented PRE-SAFE, which gave the vehicle certain 'reflexes,' in a manner of speaking," said Dr. Thomas Weber, a DaimlerChrysler Board of Management part answerable for the Group Research and Mercedes Car Group Development.
"Later on, we will likewise enable autos to 'see' and 'believe.' It's constantly involved arrangement for us to create vehicles fit for withstanding the most extreme accident tests. In any case, it bodes well to keep mishaps from happening in any case - which is actually what we're chipping away at in light of a legitimate concern for all traffic members," he proceeded.
There is no denying that the Mercedes Benz token means security and quality. The automaker has contributed achievement auto includes in the past that are still piece of the present wellbeing hardware in vehicles. Later on, the automaker will keep on basing the improvement of its wellbeing frameworks on genuine mishap insights and information from its own mishap look into exercises.
The automaker said that the focus will be on sharp bends, convergences, and building locales, as these areas are the site of roughly 33% of every single genuine mishap in Germany. The organization added that different issues to be tended to in the improvement of new driver help frameworks would incorporate speed, driver weariness, and path flight. They are likewise among the most regular reasons for mishaps. Moreover, the German automaker will likewise further improve inhabitant insurance through preventive measures and by systems administration dynamic and latent security frameworks.
Mercedes-Benz' frameworks have been improving street security for a long time now. The innovation of ESP alone (which diminishes the danger of slipping and makes it simpler for drivers to deal with grave circumstances) has prompted a continued improvement in rush hour gridlock wellbeing. The latest German mishap insights affirm that since ESP was propelled as standard hardware, Mercedes traveler vehicles have been engaged with mishaps substantially less much of the time than models of different brands. Since 1999, the portion of driver-related crashes in all mishaps including recently enlisted Mercedes models has declined by in excess of 42 percent.
Studies show that beyond what 20,000 mishaps could be averted every year in if all traveler vehicles were outfitted with ESP. The Electronic Stability Program has now in this way joined airbags, safety belts and ABS as one of the most significant wellbeing frameworks in current traveler autos. In any case, just around 40 percent of every single new vehicle in are by and by outfitted with this innovation.
The Brake Assist (BAS) framework, video-based help frameworks, path takeoff counteractive action collaborator, Blind Spot Assist, weakness discovery, radar sensor frameworks, and vehicle to-vehicle correspondence frameworks with WLAN radio innovation are a portion of the organization's future contributions.
By taking a shot at these frameworks and different advancements, the Stuttgart-based brand is proceeding with its long-standing pledge to improving street security. This methodology depends on the prime guideline of Mercedes detailed by Béla Barényi: "To make a significant commitment to improving security on our streets and, with each new creation, to draw a little nearer to the vision of mishap free driving."
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thecardaddy · 5 years
1964 Mercedes Benz 230sl - $50,495.00
1964 Mercedes Benz 230SL. Mercedes-Benz W 113 is a two-seat roadster/coupé, introduced at the 1963 Geneva Motor Show, and produced from 1963 through 1971. It replaced both the 300 SL (W 198) and the 190 SL (W 121 BII). Of the 48,912 W 113 SLs produced, 19,440 were sold in the US. The W 113 SL was developed under the auspices of Mercedes-Benz Technical Director Fritz Nallinger, Chief Engineer Rudolf Uhlenhaut and Head of Styling Friedrich Geiger. The lead designers were Paul Bracq and Béla Barényi, who created its patented, slightly concave hardtop, which inspired the 'Pagoda' nickname. Production of the 230 SL commenced in June 1963 and ended on 5 January 1967. Its chassis was based on the W 111 sedan platform, with a reduced wheelbase by 30 cm (11.8 in), recirculating ball steering (with optional power steering), double wishbone front suspension and an independent single-joint, low-pivot swing rear-axle with transverse compensator spring. The dual-circuit brake system had front disc brakes and power-assisted rear drum brakes. The 230 SL was offered with a 4-speed manual transmission, or an optional, very responsive fluid coupled (no torque converter) 4-speed automatic transmission, which was popular for US models. • CLEAN AND CLEAR GEORGIA TRANSFERABLE REGISTRATION • THIS PAGODA WITH 2 TOPS IS AVAILABLE IN WHITE WITH A LIGHT BROWN INTERIOR • VERY ORIGINAL AND GREAT LOOKING EXAMPLE WITH 64,508 MILES • COMES EQUIPPED WITH 6 CYL. INLINE ENGINE WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION • EURO LAMPS • INCLUDES THE JACK AND SPARE TIRE • WELL MAINTAINED, GARAGE KEPT • RUNS AND DRIVES Please Note The Following **Vehicle Location is at our clients home and Not In Cadillac, Michigan. **We do have a showroom with about 25 cars that is by appointment only **Please Call First and talk to one of our reps at 231-468-2809 EXT 1 ** FREE Consignment Visit Our Site Today Easy To List Your Vehicle and Get it Sold in Record Time. from Cardaddy.com https://www.cardaddy.com/vehicles/vehicle/1964-mercedes-benz-230sl-cadillac-michigan-17221453
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