pangeen · 2 years
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“ Büsum “ // Christiane Hube
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poupeesdecirque · 7 months
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Some impressions from my trip to the sea C:
I was debating on making another travel blog, right now as I am posting this I am sadly to piled up to write one. But if I am through with everything I might be coming back to that idea. (edit: I actually managed to write one, you can find it here: https://blog.poupeesdecirque.com/post/729854459857059840/15th-september-1-day )
I can say right now the trip was overall truly good. There were two little things that were hard on me but the weather was alright, the overall mood was pleasant and I was blessed with the most beautiful autumn scenery.
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judgehoschi · 2 years
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This is how one of my minifigs enjoys the vacation. The viking takes a long walk through the mud flats „Watt“ in german. It is really and only available while low tide.
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vqpn · 1 year
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Kaffee und Kuchen in Büsum on a gorgeous, sunny day. The tea shop was probably my favorite.
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petulaclick · 1 year
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Feb 23
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kloiber-art · 2 years
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::: Büsum ::: photography by Ulrike Kloiber 2022 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: #photo #kunst #photography #foto #fotographie #photographie #contemporaryart #fotography #kloiber #ulrikekloiber #büsum #busum #buesum #beach #coast #watt #sea #art #ocean #stones #rocks #blackandwhite #black&white #contemplative #nature #landscape #epicness #spirituality #north #thejourney (hier: Büsum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CelnEHNIfCd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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elternhandbuch · 1 month
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Von Lummen und Robben – Ausflug nach Helgoland!
Mallorca, Martinique, Mauritius – ich habe schon Inseln in aller Welt bereist, aber noch nie Helgoland. Höchste Zeit also, diesen Zustand zu ändern!
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carstendethlefs-blog · 9 months
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diverseteacher · 10 months
Büsum Kuss 😘
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friedelio · 1 year
Nordseeküstenradweg von Tönning nach Brunsbüttel - Gottseidank mit Rückenwind!
87 Kilometer, 306 HöhenmeterGefahren am 23 Mai 2023 In der Nacht hat es ordentlich gestürmt und geregnet und wir sind froh, das wir nicht draußen schlafen mussten. Für heute ist besseres Wetter angesagt, aber davon merken wir morgens erst mal nichts. Wir starten im Nieselregen und es stürmt! Tönning Hafen Bei starkem Gegenwind kämpfen wir uns südwestlich aus Tönning heraus. Na, das kann ja…
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poupeesdecirque · 8 months
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Travel Blog - Büsum (North Sea)
15.-17. September 2023
I decided to write a little travel blog about my trip to Büsum as well C:
Overall I want to cherish the memories I made more, photos are great and all but thoughts count too. Polished cam photos will follow later on, for the blog I will keep it to phone pics <3
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15th September - 1. Day
The little weekend trip to Büsum was my birthday present from my parents for this year. I went with my Mom. Last year we went to Cuxhaven for 4 days but it was a bit too long for my taste.
I got the friday off in exchange of not getting the Bookfair Friday, therefore we planned it later on. We went to Büsum a few times already, last time it was in the high of the pandemic, you still can see some leftovers from the time. But it's nice to see the city lively again.
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We stayed in a hotel very close to the harbour. It's run by a family of alternative folks, they are all tattooed, pierced, have dyed hair and are super open to everyone who is different, I love that. We also found out there was a tattoo convention that weekend and a lot of artists stayed in our hotel.
My very wish was to eat at a specific pancake restaurant but it closed down last year, we decided to visit the replacement restaurant and I have to say... it became our favorite one to eat at over the days. And I loved their menu of teas, heck, so many teas.
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We had a Kaiserschmarrn with Blueberry compot in the "style" of the former owner. Then we walked a bit around the city and the beach area, flood was there therefore we couldn't get into the Watt but that was okay. We had booked a spot in another restaurant for the evening and had to check in later on.
Also I had planned to do doll photos the first evening, we were quite packed.
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It was the first time for me to eat fish at the sea that was not... fish sticks. But I actually liked it. That was new for me. As we finished we hurried back to hotel to fetch the 5 dolls I had packed to take pics.
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We had the most beautiful sunset I very much loved it!
16th September - 2. Day
The day started in the Hotel with breakfast, we were told it would be absolute amazing and it was ... average? Dunno? It was okay but we had better over the years.
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Then we went into the Watt for a nice long walk before the flood came in. We explored the area a lot and found some new spots or spots we forgot about?
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After that we of course had to get to the tattoo convention, it was super interesting to see. The buzzing of the needles was a bit weird though.
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Then we went to fetch lunch and .. well. The restaurant my Mom had chosen was the worst. I had asked for seasonal fruit with my pancake and was told to get kiwi and mango. I got melon, pineapple and a rather disgusting strawberry syrups smoldered on top. Mom's choice was advertised as served "hot" and it was cold and I was super disappointed here. I really feared my mood would declince more and more... Mom asked me what I want to do now. I told her I just want to walk and we... walked. And it helped.
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We discovered new restaurants and spots, like a park with some outdoor sports equipment. Dunno why but it lifted my mood. We then got to the restaurant we ate lunch the day before and got some cake as I just wanted to relax somewhere. It had actual seasonal fruit (berries, apple) and we booked a spot for dinner there.
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I am seriously not the type who loves burgers but since there are more restaurants popping up with non-meat patties I am testing them here and there. I had a vegetable patty and the sourdough bun was toasted so well it was crunchy until the end. The cabbage salad was really nice and not to mention the mousse au chocolate as dessert.
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We came back to an incredible scenery as it got dark and the sun went down. We took another walk and went back to the hotel then.
17th September - 3rd Day
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The last day had arrived. I went on a little morning walk on my own and the sunrise was absolutely beautiful and the fog on top of it... I am still in awe.
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After checking out we took another big walk into the Watt, the scenery was amazing, I can't put it into words.
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Before we left we had another stop at our new favorite restaurant and I had some american cheesecake (only had german one before). We left Büsum then.
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Before we completely left we stopped at a local farmer and got some vegetables, the area is known for cabbage and it was in season.
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Traveling back ate my complete spoons though as Mom mistook a route and we ended up in Hamburg... I mean... I saw the convention hall for the Polaris and all but I was just so done then.
Overall it was a very good trip, I had the feeling last year Mom and I grew apart a bit as she was a bit too clingy for my taste, maybe it was just that 4 days with her is too much, dunno. But this year was way better.
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schorschidk · 1 year
Geführte Entdeckungstouren ab Büsum: vom Hafenbummel über Wattwanderungen bis hin zu Orts-und Radtouren
„Man sieht nur, was man weiß.“ – Schon Johann Wolfgang von Goethe war dies bekannt. Je nach Gusto ist eine kurzweilige und unterhaltsame Zeit während einer geführten Entdeckungstour mit dem Wattenpräsidenten Momme Claussen oder mit den Gästelotsen Martina Köster oder Raimund Donalies in und um Büsum erlebbar.
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Die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Hotels in Büsum | 2023 | Rooms24
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Büsum ist eine wunderschöne Stadt an der Nordsee in Deutschland. Es ist ein beliebtes Touristenziel für seine schönen Strände, malerischen Straßen und faszinierenden Geschichte. Büsum beherbergt auch eine Reihe ausgezeichneter Hotels und Sehenswürdigkeiten, die einen Besuch wert sind.
In diesem Blogbeitrag werfen wir einen Blick auf einige der besten Dinge, die man in Büsum sehen und tun kann. Wir werden auch einige praktische Informationen darüber geben, wie man sich in der Stadt fortbewegt und wo man übernachten kann... Weiterlesen
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travetagebuch · 2 years
HelgolandKreis Pinneberg, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland Eine felsige, aus rötlichen Sandstein gelittene, mittlerweile geteilte Insel im Nordatlantik. Einzige Hochseeinsel des ganzen Landes, gehörte ursprünglich mal zu England. Rau, natürlich und ziemlich bescheiden. Trotzdem ist ein Besuch auf der Insel Helgoland keine Pflicht, durchaus aber Kür. Denn die Insel ist überschaubar, eine lähmende…
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