#B7 vitamin-rich recipes
organicfarmfamily · 3 years
Nutrient (vitamin and mineral) rich organic food 😋
So, a few days back we did a TOFF deep dive on vitamins and minerals….our organic chat today focuses on the foods which contain those all important yummy nutrients.
Here goes…..bon appetite😋
Found in:
☘️ wheatgerm and brown flours ~ organic bread
🌿puffed wheat cereals ~ organic super grain breakfast cereal hoops
🌱organic eggs
🍀organic meat
🌱organic oily fish ~ mackerel, sardines
🌿organic shellfish
🌱organic nuts and seeds
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Found in:
🌿organic fortified breakfast cereals ~ organic cornflakes, organic bran flakes, organic weetabix
☘️wheat germ flour ~ organic bread
🌱organic eggs
🍀organic game ~ pheasant
🌱organic crab
🌿yeast extract ~ organic bread
Vitamin A
Found in:
🌱organic carrots
🌿organic sweet potato
🍀organic butternut squash
☘️organic spinach
🍀organic kale
🌱organic cantaloupe melon
Vitamin C
Found in:
🌱organic citrus fruits ~ oranges, lemons, limes
🌿organic fruit and berries ~ strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, red currants, apples, pears……
🌱organic peppers
🌿organic sweetcorn
🍀organic broccoli
☘️organic watercress
Biotin (vitamin B7)
Found in:
🌿organic eggs
🌱organic white fish ~ haddock, cod, hake
🍀organic soya beans
☘️organic peanuts
🌱organic hazelnuts
Found in:
🍀organic nuts
🌱organic shellfish
🍀organic quinoa
🌿organic mushrooms
🍀organic soya beans
Found in:
🌿organic white fish ~ haddock, cod, hake
🌱organic shellfish
🍀organic eggs
🌱organic dairy foods ~ milk, yoghurt, cheese
Found in:
🍀organic wheat germ and wheat flour ~ organic bread
🌿organic bran ~ organic bran flakes breakfast cereal and organic bran bread
🌱organic meats
☘️organic anchovies
🌿organic crab
Found in:
🌿organic meat
🌱organic fish
☘️organic eggs
🍀organic peanuts
🌱organic wheat flour ~ organic bread
Happy healthy life seekers, here’s the time to buy in these lovely foods and get chef chef in the kitchen with family and friends ☺️
Our future TOFF chat will share yummy recipes incorporating the above ingredients 😋
Happy day to you all🤗
Love, TOFF xxx
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cuisinecravings · 2 years
What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like? How to Check & Know?
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What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like? Creme brulee is not your average dessert. Yes, it is a dessert, and it is one of our oldest dessert recipes. Creme brulee is so old that the term "ancient" would be more appropriate. The crème brulee we see everywhere today may not be an exact reproduction of the original recipe, but it was inspired by it. So, what makes crème brulee so delicious that it is still created in the twenty-first century? How does crème brulee taste? Creme brulee is slightly sweet, but not overpoweringly so. The flavor of creme brulee varies according to the choice of the person cooking it. Because vanilla and caramel are the two primary flavors in crème brulee, it tastes like a mash-up of the two.
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What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like In recent years, the contents of crème have evolved, and individuals are adding coffee, lemon, butterscotch, and cinnamon to give it a more distinct flavor. If you decide to try creme brulee, if it does not taste like anything stated above, it is likely that you are eating creme brulee that has not been produced with traditional components.
Creme Brulee's Nutritional Advantages
Creme brulee is high in nutrients and minerals that are beneficial to the human body. In the great scheme of things, creme brulee can protect your liver and keep you healthy. What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like It is rich in micronutrients like as vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Vitamin A is essential to the body since it aids in iron absorption and helps to minimize macular degeneration in the eyes. Iron absorption is critical for energy production and cell specialization in the body. A standard dish of crème brulee contains 101 percent of the RDA for vitamin A. It is also high in vitamin B12, which is essential for immune system function, fatigue reduction, and cell division. The list of vitamins provided by crème brulee is not complete. Biotin (vitamin B7), which, like B12, reduces the risk of cancer and contributes to the production of energy, can be found in crème brulee. What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like A standard serving contains 40% of the RDA for B12 and 27% of the RDA for B7. It is also high in iodine, choline, phytochemicals, lutein, and zeaxanthin. These two powerful phytochemicals protect the eyes and aid to boost memory and cognitive capacities even in old age. The presence of choline in crème brulee is what makes it liver-friendly. It aids in the breakdown of lipids in the body, which may be good to heart health.
Creme Brulee's Culinary Applications
Creme brulee is excellent in coffee! Instead of using the traditional creme brulee ingredients of eggs, milk, vanilla, and burnt sugar, you can combine those fundamental elements with other flavors of your choice. You can also substitute any of these components to create a one-of-a-kind creme brulee. The caramel in crème brulee is made from burned sugar. What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like The procedure is highly sensitive and would necessitate the use of a blow torch. The custard used in creme brulee has already been made, but it must be cooled. The custard serves as the dessert's foundation. The custard base is then topped with granulated sugar. The sugar is then caramelized with a blowtorch. Because it is direct heat, the torch is hot enough to caramelize the sugar but does not further cook the custard. The caramelized sugar contrasts with the custard. It's firm, crunchy, and hot, but the custard is soft, smooth, and cold. Making creme brulee is a complex operation that takes care from start to finish. You can, however, enjoy it in whatever way you like. What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like You add a touch of lemon for a tart flavor, along with fruits such as berries or nuts. Creme brulee is a versatile dessert. That Skinny Chick Can Bake provides one of the best Crème Brûlée recipes, which is definitely worth a look!
Where Did Creme Brulee Come From? How Do You Get It?
The name "creme brulee" is derived from the French words "Krem Bru Lei," which means "burnt cream." Burnt cream, crema catalina, and trinity cream are other names for creme brulee. What Does Creme Brulee Taste Like The recipe for crème brulee is quite old, dating back to the late 1660s, or more precisely, 1691. Creme brulee has made its way to the tables of kings and queens. It first appeared in the cookbook "Le Cuisinier Roial et Bourgeois" in 1691, which translates as "the chef who declares himself king." Creme brulee is a popular dessert that can be found in many homes and restaurants around the country. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHF-B1hdEW4 Is Creme Brulee a fancy dessert? Creme brulee may be served in expensive restaurants, and the theatrical preparation that goes with it is almost laughable, but creme brulee is nothing special. You can make it ahead of time and add the caramelized sugar just before serving. The ingredients necessary are straightforward, as is the process. Creme Brulee Facts You May Not Be Aware Of Creme brulee is not designed to be bitter, but the caramelized sugar in it can give it a bitter taste. If you overcook the eggs when creating crème brulee, you may wind up with something that tastes like sweet scrambled eggs. Related Articles :- - What Do Oyster Mushrooms Taste Like? How to Check & Know? - What Does Pheasant Taste Like? How to Check & Know? - What Does Tripe Taste Like? How to Check & Know? - What Do Kola Nuts Taste Like? How to Check & Know? - What Does Hake Taste Like? How to Check & Know? - What Does White Claw Taste Like? How to Check & Know? Read the full article
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strangehoot · 4 years
New Post has been published on Strange Hoot - How To’s, Reviews, Comparisons, Top 10s, & Tech Guide
New Post has been published on https://strangehoot.com/best-vitamins-for-kids-to-improve-health-energy-for-kids/
Best Vitamins for kids to improve health & energy for kids.
Do Kids Need Vitamins?
Regular meals including vegetables, grain food, fruits, dairy products, chicken, eggs, meat, fish, & nuts are the best source of essential vitamins for a kid’s growth, energy, and development.
Essential vitamins include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K which are necessary for their energy, activity, learning, and behavior, to boost immunity and fight against infections.
Kids not having these essential vitamins may lead to serious health problems. Breastfeeding mothers supply most of the vitamins to their kids. The best vitamins for kids are – 
1. Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is the best vitamin to promote the growth and development of the cells and tissues of the body, improves eyesight, repairs tissue, revitalizes skin, and fights against infections.
Yellow and orange pigmented fruits and vegetables, egg yolks, dairy products, fish oils and apricots contain vitamin A.
Deficiency Symptoms: visual impairment and blindness, rashes all over the body, liver disorders, weakened immunity, loss of energy, retardation of growth and respiratory infections.
2. Vitamin B:
It includes – Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9 (folic acid), Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).
All these best vitamins actively contribute to the healthy nerves, production of red blood cells, digestion, muscle growth, energy production, brain development, and stimulates healthy skin, hair, and nails in kids.
Seafood, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, peas, beans, wheat, oats, eggs, poultry and meats are a rich source of vitamin B.
Deficiency Symptoms: epilepsy, delayed growth, loss of energy, diarrhoea, poor concentration, dermatitis, body weakness, nausea, muscle weakness, poor blood formation and abdominal pain.
3. Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is vital for a kid’s good health and development especially during winter for cold and flu.
It is the best vitamin that helps the body to fight against infection in any cut or wound and helps the wound to heal faster.
Vitamin C is important for keeping gums, bones, and blood vessels in good shape.
Foods rich in vitamin C include all citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, sweet red peppers, and broccoli.
Deficiency Symptoms: scurvy, cold, cough, poor wound healing, muscle weakness, loss of energy and bleeding gums.
4. Vitamin D:
Vitamin D is the best vitamin for calcium absorption and for strong bones and teeth.
Regular exposure to the sun is the most natural way to get sufficient vitamin D. Foods rich in vitamin D include milk, egg yolks, fish, meat, and orange juice.
Deficiency Symptoms: muscle cramps, soft bones, skeletal diseases (rickets), bone fractures due to tender bones.
5. Vitamin E:
It protects the cells and tissues from damage. Vitamin E is also needed for the production of red blood cells.
Good sources of vitamin E include breast milk, nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, and wheat germ.
Deficiency Symptoms: loss of coordination, loss of energy, difficulty in walking and standing, muscle weakness and slow reflexes.
6. Vitamin K:
Vitamin K is the best vitamin for blood clots. If a kid gets a wound and has severe bleeding from the wound and doesn’t clot, it indicates that the kid is having vitamin K deficiency.
Foods rich in vitamin K are leafy green vegetables, fruits (blackberries, blueberries, kiwi, and avocado), tomatoes, figs, dairy products, soybean oil and broccoli.
Deficiency Symptoms: excessive bleeding from wound or cut, decrease bone strength and prone to osteoporosis.
7. Iron:
Kids’ body needs Iron to make hemoglobin. Without Iron, the body will stop producing red blood cells (RBCs).
Hemoglobin is essential for the blood to carry oxygen and deliver to all the cells. Foods rich in iron include fortified cereals (oatmeal), red meats (beef, organ meats, and liver), chicken, green leafy vegetables, and beans.
Deficiency Symptoms: muscle weakness, anaemia, loss of energy, low immune system, slow learning skills, and delayed motor skills.
8. Calcium:
Kids need calcium to prevent a disease called rickets. Calcium is needed to build strong bones and to keep the nerves healthy.
Kids/children, who get enough calcium, start their adult lives with the strongest bones.
Tofu, soybeans, almonds, sesame seeds, white beans, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, chickpeas, milk, cheese, yogurt, and other green leafy vegetables are rich in calcium.
Deficiency Symptoms: rickets, bow legs, stunted growth and weak muscles
Do Kids Need Vitamin Supplements?
Picky Foods
Vitamin supplements are not necessary for most healthy kids who are growing normally. Many kids are picky food eaters and may turn up his/her nose at mealtimes.
This is sometimes a real struggle for the parents to feed their kids at the right time. So what should the parents do…?
Don’t worry – your child will not starve herself! You should keep offering a variety of good or new foods with different recipes without pressurizing the kid to eat.
It is always good to plan a family meal, instead of feeding the kid while your kid is walking around, playing or watching television.
The meal should always be served from distractions like the television or computer.
Do not have toys at the dining table. You can make the food fun by arranging the food in eye-catching, creative ways (colourful sizes and shapes) which kids can recognize.
You can also try serving unfamiliar foods, or flavours (sour and bitter or sweet and salty), is a great combination for the taste buds.
Time is also important, kids should get enough time to eat the meal.
10 Best vitamin-rich recipes kids will love to eat….
1. Fruits bars: Blend, cashews, dates, raisins, and cocoa together to make ‘chocolate’ bars.
2. Coconut and mango Lollipops: Coconut water with coconut and frozen mango pieces are blended. Add 2 tablespoons of malt syrup and 2 – 3 big tablespoons of natural unsweetened yogurt. Pour into lollipops moulds.
3. Butterscotch candies: Boiling brown sugar and butter together in the water. Add some dried fruits.
4. Vegetables blended soups: Make vegetable (carrots, celery, cabbage, greens peas, beetroots) soup and add pulses like peas, chickpeas or lentils to bulk it up.
5. Tomato-based sauces: Homemade tomato-based sauces are the best in which you can blend vegetables along with tomatoes.
6. Sweet potato fries: Slice sweet potatoes into discs/sticks, toss with olive oil, and bake on a sheet until they are golden brown and crispy.
7. Serve fortified: cereal with fresh fruits like strawberries or mango to increase the iron absorption in the body.
8. Scrambled eggs – As egg yolks are a great source of iron
9. Quinoa soup – It is ideal iron-rich soups for vegetarians or kids who do not like meat.
10. Tofu Cube: Cut tofu into cubes and serve. Tofu is a good source of iron.
Sometimes it is seen that kids are picky food eaters and working parents are not having enough time to feed their child or he/she is suffering from chronic medical conditions such as asthma or digestive problems.
It is also seen that fussy eaters simply do not eat homemade food and eat a lot of fast food, convenience food, and processed food.
As far as possible these fast foods, carbonated sodas and fried foods should be avoided.
You can take your kid to a pediatrician if you think whether your kid is getting the recommended level of best vitamins.
The pediatrician will recommend the best vitamin designed for your kid’s age group. Few of the multivitamin which is available in the market are as follows –
1.  Children’s Multivitamins & Minerals:
The container contains 90 chewable multivitamins & mineral tablets which boost the immune system, protect cells from oxidative stress and maintain electrolyte balance.
It comes with Tutti frutti flavour. HealthAid has created the ideal supplement to ensure that your children are getting the best vitamins they need to stay healthy. Recommended for children age 2 and up.
2. Multivitamin and Mineral Gummy:
This is the best vitamin supplement which contains vitamin A, C, D, E, and zinc, and is for kids who are of growing age.
Their body is continuously changing, they are more physically active and thus, healthy bones and joints are required.
This multivitamin container contains 30 gummies that are needed to build healthy bones and joints, healthy metabolism, growth and development, better vision, boost the immune system, and to have balanced mental health and energy.
Manufactured by Meadbery Pharmaceutical Company.
3. Activkids Brain Boosters:
1 choco bite daily helps to promote your kids’ healthy brain, improves concentration, energy, increases grasping power, builds stamina, and improves learning capacity.
It contains milk compounds, almonds, minerals, flavors, vitamins with added flavors.
This multivitamin container contains 30 counts of choco bite. Manufactured by Cipla Pharmaceuticals.
4. Multivitamin Alvitom Drops For Kids:
It is a great tasting multivitamin with an iron supplement in orange flavour for a picky eater.
It is the best vitamin which helps to support the kid’s healthy growth, development, increase energy levels, and boost the immune system.
This multivitamin container contains 30 ml drops. It delivers 100% of the daily intake of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, and D. Manufactured by Sherwell Biotech.
5. Kids Multi + Probiotic Vitamin Gummies:
This bite-sized multivitamin is packed with all the essential ingredients kiddos need in a delicious gummy, plus a boost of the good probiotic bacteria to help little bodies thrive.
This multivitamin container contains 70 counts of delicious gummy. It is a blend of vitamins A, C, D, E, B’s and zinc.
Available in fruit punch and berry blast flavours. Distributed by Olly Public Benefit Corporation.
6. Smarty Pants:
Smarty Pants gummies include the best vitamins and essential nutrients required for your kid’s immune system, increase energy levels, healthy brain and memory.
It includes all-natural flavours derived from sources like spices, fruits, vegetables and herbs.
No addition of synthetic colours, artificial flavours or artificial sweeteners. It is available in 3 delicious flavours, strawberry banana, orange, and lemon.
It is a blend of vitamins D3 (for boosting immunity), vitamin K (for healthy bones), omega 3s, prebiotic fibre, beta carotene and the natural colours (organic turmeric, organic black, carrot juice and annatto).
This multivitamin container contains 90 counts of gummies.
7. Strong Calcium + K2:
This calcium drop contains 100 mg calcium and 5 mcg vitamin K2 per serving size (3 Dropper – 3 ml).
The unique patented ratio of calcium and K2 vitamin helps to improve calcium absorption by the human body which leads to healthy bones and teeth and it also tastes great.
Drops may be given directly into the mouth or mixed with fruit juice, or other foods.
8. EFA Blend for Children Eye & Brain Function:
These soft gels are enriched with vitamin E, Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and fish oil which is required for maintaining good vision, brain function and increase energy levels of the kids.
These soft gels can be cut open and the contents are mixed with food or drink. Container contains 120 soft gels.
Does Multivitamin have side effects?
The side effects of a multivitamin are usually temporary and may disappear as your body adjusts to this medicine.
Too much of vitamin C or zinc can cause nausea, loss of energy, dizziness, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.
Too much selenium could lead to loss of hair, gastrointestinal problem, fatigue, and mild nerve damage.
Read more: How To Do Business Marketing On Quora & Write Answers?
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bestdogfoods · 4 years
Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula was created for the holistic health and well-being of adult dogs. All formulas start with real meat, whole grains, garden veggies and fruit, plus added LifeSource Bits, a precise blend of nutrients that have been enhanced with a Super 7 package of antioxidant-rich ingredients. This Adult Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe features delicious, protein-rich deboned chicken and other natural ingredients for a healthy meal your dog will love.
Key Benefits
Essential, high-quality protein for healthy muscle development, and carbs for energy for an active life.
Calcium, phosphorus and essential vitamins for strong bones and teeth.
Glucosamine is added for joint health and mobility support.
Vitamins, chelated minerals and antioxidants contribute to your pup's immune system health.
No corn, wheat, soy or chicken (or poultry) by-product meals.
Nutritional Info
Deboned Chicken, Chicken Meal, Brown Rice, Barley, Oatmeal, Pea Starch, Flaxseed (source of Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids), Chicken Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols), Dried Tomato Pomace, Natural Flavor, Peas, Pea Protein, Salt, Potassium Chloride, Dehydrated Alfalfa Meal, Potatoes, Dried Chicory Root, Pea Fiber, Alfalfa Nutrient Concentrate, Calcium Carbonate, Choline Chloride, DL-Methionine, Preserved with Mixed Tocopherols, Dicalcium Phosphate, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Garlic, Zinc Amino Acid Chelate, Zinc Sulfate, Vegetable Juice for color, Ferrous Sulfate, Vitamin E Supplement, Iron Amino Acid Chelate, Blueberries, Cranberries, Barley Grass, Parsley, Turmeric, Dried Kelp, Yucca Schidigera Extract, Niacin (Vitamin B3), Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Calcium Pantothenate (Vitamin B5), Copper Sulfate, Biotin (Vitamin B7), L-Ascorbyl-2-Polyphosphate (source of Vitamin C), L-Lysine, L-Carnitine, Vitamin A Supplement, Copper Amino Acid Chelate, Manganese Sulfate, Taurine, Manganese Amino Acid Chelate, Thiamine Mononitrate (Vitamin B1), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Calcium Iodate, Dried Yeast, Dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product, Dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, Dried Aspergillus niger fermentation extract, Dried Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation extract, Dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation extract, Folic Acid (Vitamin B9), Sodium Selenite, Oil of Rosemary.
Caloric Content
3,627 kcal/kg, 378 kcal/cup
Transition Instructions
Start by mixing 25% of BLUE with your dog’s old food, and gradually increase the proportion of BLUE over the next 14 days.
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markethei · 4 years
16 Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss
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Zero-calorie foods for weight loss!… What does that even mean? Do I even have to eat salad all day every!? Not!
16 Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss | Healthy Foods to reduce | Natural Weight Loss Tips | Avocadu.com
What makes a food “zero calories?” The theory of zero-calorie foods is that the body will burn more calories metabolizing and cooking the food than the calories the food contains.
This is a process called thermogenesis, and it’s how your body heals itself up.
So it doesn’t mean that the food contains ZERO calories. It does contain some calories, but the body burns off more calories eating and digesting the food than the food itself contains.
Cool, right?
To confirm you add more of those foods to your diet any chance you get! they're going to keep you faraway from calories and still fill you up.
The zero-calorie foods for weight loss were selected supported two criteria:
The first was that they need to be filled with nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants for your health. The second is that they need to be under 100 calories per 1 cup serving. Here are the foods…
Apples Apples - #1 on the list of zero calorie foods
Apples are one among the healthiest fruits on the earth, containing antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and even pectin (which has been shown to scale back hunger).
Eating an apple is often an excellent snack between lunch and dinner because it'll keep the body full while providing a little energy boost.
This is also a crucial food found within the 7 natural appetite suppressants for weight loss.
Calories per cup – 57 k/cal
Broccoli Broccoli may be a superfood with the power to lower the danger of cancer, raise vitamin D, C and K, provide healthy fiber, and it even contains a little amount of protein.
Note* Taking vitamin D is extremely important because over 75% of individuals are deficient. our favorite brand is Naturewise, which produces the very best quality organic non-GMO vitamin D supplement on the market today.
Broccoli also provides the unique benefits of lowering inflammation, helping with stress, and detoxifying the body. Broccoli is best cooked steamed, blanched, or roasted and may be paired with a spread of foods!
Calories per cup – 30 k/cal
Asparagus Asparagus is that the third of our zero calorie foods are usually paired with a spread of foods, and has significant health benefits. Containing high amounts of vitamin K, folate, copper, fiber, and vitamin B1, it's a nutrient-dense food with powerful health benefits.
Grilling and steaming asparagus are popular options, but they also can be added raw to a salad!
Calories per cup – 27 k/cal
Watermelon Watermelon - #4 on the list of zero calorie foods
Watermelon may be a delicious, low-calorie treat that will be enjoyed without the guilt. Not only is it naturally sweet, but it contains many antioxidants and is low in calories.
Make sure that 1 or 2 cups worth doesn’t become a dozen. A strategic thanks to eating watermelon is to save lots of it for after your dinner for a healthy dessert. 
Calories per cup – 47 k/cal
Cucumber Cucumbers are a delicious nutrient powerhouse.
They contain polyphenols that reduce the rates of cancer and may help manage stress levels because they contain multiple B vitamins (B1, B5, B7, Biotin). Because cucumbers primarily contain water and fiber, they also provide support to the body’s digestive health.
Throw them on a delicious low-cal salad or enjoy them during a refreshing glass of cucumber water!
Calories per cup – 16 k/cal
Oranges Oranges are known for having many vitamin C, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin A, and calcium.
This is another great option if you're at work or simply trying to find a fast snack to kill your cravings. they need also been shown to lower the danger of heart condition due to their addition of potassium to a diet.
Eating oranges will help keep a coffee caloric load for the day and keep you healthy and happy.
Calories per cup – 85 k/cal
Celery Celery - #7 on the list of zero calorie foods
Celery has long been touted as a zero-calorie food.
It is an honest source of vitamin K and water, so it is often filling. However, there's a clear problem with this food: it's virtually no taste. People tend to feature a spread or cream fillings to the present snack, which runs up the calorie count.
To maximize the advantages, eat celery together with your meal in soups or your green smoothies.
Calories per cup – 16 k/cal
Lemons People won’t be sitting around the dining table serving lemons as an appetizer anytime soon, but this food packs a strong punch and will be added to your healthy meals. they're an excellent source of vitamin C and do wonders for your liver and gastrointestinal system.
Add them to any food to zest up the flavor, or squeeze them during a glass of lemon water for fast detox. Lemons also contain a surplus of antioxidants and virtually no calories.
Calories per cup – 61 k/cal
Sugar Snap Peas These little guys are high in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B, and lots of other minerals the body needs.
If making a healthy stir-fry or are looking to undertake a replacement healthy snack, give them a try! Cook them within the oven or on the stove, and add a touch salt to flavor!
Calories per cup – 41 k/cal
Tomatoes Tomatoes - #10 on the list of zero calorie foods
Tomatoes are #10 on our zero calorie foods, and that they are among the foremost healthy foods on the earth.
They contain large amounts of vitamin C and other antioxidants, but they're best known for his or her high concentration of lycopene. Lycopene has been repeatedly shown to fight cancer and keep off heart condition.
This food makes an excellent addition to your salads or maybe a delicious pico recipe.
Calories per cup – 32 k/cal
Kale There’s simply no better thanks to saying it: Eat. More. Kale.
It is considered one among the foremost nutrient-dense foods on the earth and contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, antioxidants, and has been shown to lower cholesterol.
The best ways to consume more kale are through green smoothies, adding them to salads, or by making kale chips!
Calories per cup – 33 k/cal
Grapefruit Grapefruits are often related to dieting and have long been promoted as an incredibly healthy breakfast item. they're loaded with vitamins and are low in calories, but they shine from their great deal of anti-aging antioxidants.
Calories per cup – 97 k/cal
Onions Onions - #13 on the list of zero calorie foods
Onions are a delicious and flavorful addition to any meal. they need to be been shown to possess cardiovascular benefits, support bone tissue, lower inflammation, and lower your risk of certain cancers.
They can be eaten raw in salads or cooked during a sort of alternative ways to assist with weight loss goals.
Calories per cup – 46 k/cal
Carrots Carrots aren't normally known for being low in calories, but they're. they're known to guard eyesight, but they even have many antioxidants and are a natural diuretic.
This helps with digestion and keeping the body’s natural inflammation in restraint. Carrots are often added to salads, served cooked together with your main dish, or are often used as a stand-alone snack making them an incredibly versatile low-calorie food!
Calories per cup – 53 k/cal
Zucchini This is an excellent entremets, but it also can make a killer gluten-free substitute for pasta.
They provide a bountiful source of magnesium, fiber, and folate in your diet. They also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are powerful phytonutrients that repel many sorts of cancer.
Calories per cup – 21 k/cal
Cauliflower Cauliflower - #16 on the list of zero calorie foods
Another great entremets with an identical shape and consistency to broccoli is cauliflower. It provides many antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits from its rich stores of Vitamins K and C.
The best thanks to cooking this veggie are to eat it raw or lightly steam it as an entremets before serving. It’s an excellent low-calorie mix-up from the standard green veggies and can provide you with a special sort of nutrients and benefits.
Leave a comment below if you enjoyed this text on zero calorie foods for weight loss or have any questions!
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anuyensky-blog · 5 years
Plant-based Diet
More and more people currently switch their eating plan from animal-based into plant-based diet. According to McManus (2018), a plant-based diet is food intake mainly from plants which includes fruits and vegetables, oils, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, and beans. People still eat meat and dairy occasionally, but they prefer food from plants and nuts other than animal-based.
There are several benefits that a plant-based diet brings for people who are into it. A plant-based diet reduces cancers, support digestion, and provide essential vitamins for human body. Firstly, vegetables and other plant sources contain antioxidant which can decrease the risk of many types of cancers. For example, sweet potatoes have phytochemicals and vitamin A and C, walnuts contain unsaturated fatty acids and high amount of vitamin E, or dark green vegetables contains chlorophyll, vitamin A, C, E and calcium, and etc. (Grace, n.d.) All these chemicals have unsaturated bonds which can fight damage against unstable molecules that can harm cellular structures by free radicals. Secondly, a plant-based diet also supports digestion system. Fiber, water, vitamins, enzymes, and minerals in plants can prevent digestive issues such as low stomach acid, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and general bloating. McClees (n.d.) suggested several tips to deal with digestive difficulties such as eat legumes, increase dark green vegetables, have raw nuts, etc. Thirdly, essential vitamins for body also can be provided from a plant-base diet. For example, carrots have vitamin A which is good for vision, rice and cereals contain different types of vitamin B – B2, B3, B5, B7, and B12, and vitamin D which supports for the development of human bones, especially in children. Furthermore, vitamin E and K also have in vegetables oils, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, spinach, kale, and broccoli.
Due to mentioned benefits of a plant-based diet, I probably will consider creating a healthy menu which is combined between plant-based foods and other food sources in the future. According to many nutritionists, consumption of a single source of food cannot provide enough essential components for fully development of human body. For example, only consuming plant-based diet which contains a huge amount of starch and fiber; however, it is lack of protein. Therefore, the balance of dairy products, animal sources, and plant sources is the best way to strengthen human health.
Vegan recipe
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The mise en place
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The cooking process 
1. Soak clear noodles and black fungi in water, and cut the rest ingredients into fine strips 
2. Turn on the heat to medium, add vegetable oil
3. When the oil is hot enough, add onion, bell pepper, black fungi, and carrots, and mix until medium cooked
4. Add clear noodles, keep mixing for 5 mins until soft   
5. Add squid sauce, salt, sugar, and mix well until fully cooked 
6. Place on plate, decorate with some scallions on top, and add some black pepper for more flavour
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The finished product 
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Overall, the ingredients are available in the local markets, the preparation is easy, and the cooking process is simple and quick. There is no complicated technique to make the dish, and the food is tasty which moderate combination between sweet and savoury. The recipe contains protein from fungi, starch from clear noodles, fibre from plant sources; therefore, this is a nutritious recipe for me and friends who want to start plant-based diet. 
Grace, W. (September 17). 7 Super Antioxidant Rich Foods. Retrieved July 11, 2019, from https://www.activebeat.com/diet-nutrition/7-super-antioxidant-rich-foods/
McClees, H. (2019, January 21). How to Deal with Digestive Difficulties on a Plant-Based Diet. Retrieved July 11, 2019, from https://www.onegreenplanet.org/natural-health/how-to-deal-with-digestive-difficulties-on-a-plant-based-diet/?fbclid=IwAR1LTt01J96NBp59L44-7Z6Z-OKPV3dzggtDwGjGDioPDpFRyCyVRfzK66k
McManus, K. D. (2018, September 27). What is a plant-based diet and why should you try it? Retrieved July 11, 2019, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/what-is-a-plant-based-diet-and-why-should-you-try-it-2018092614760
Solan, M. (n.d.). The best foods for vitamins and minerals. Retrieved July 11, 2019, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-best-foods-for-vitamins-and-minerals
0 notes
dailypluz · 4 years
What infant milk should I choose for a newborn? How to choose Which is the best?
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Breastfeeding is an activity that causes a very intimate bond to develop between mother and child. However, there comes a moment when you need to wean the baby for various reasons. This is the moment when you also need to make a decision about the milk your child will feed on. It's a responsible decision that requires parents to have the right knowledge and a perfect, trustworthy recipe that will ensure healthy development for babies that produce milk for babies.
In the children's store,  you can find a lot of baby milk mixtures. They differ primarily in the brand, within which there are products of different compositions, both for healthy children and those prone to allergies. Choosing the right milk can, therefore, be a problem, so you should learn how to choose milk to provide your child with a set of necessary vitamins and minerals.
How to choose milk for a newborn baby?
The most important criterion for choosing formula is the child's age. Depending on how old the baby is, the mixes vary in composition and nutrient content to best suit your children's needs. The next milk contains more iron than the first milk, because the demand for this ingredient increases - the same is true with other vitamins and minerals.
Information on the destination of age milk is always visible on its packaging. Designations are numbers from 1 to 4 and additional descriptions from which month of life you can feed your child a given mixture. The table below shows the markings and descriptions.
Milk composition is another extremely important criterion.  When choosing a mixture, it is good to pay attention to those brands that contain more ingredients in their products than just those whose presence is regulated by law.
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The basic composition of milk includes demineralized whey powder (source of protein), vegetable oils (contain vitamin E and D), lactose (it is not present in the case of mixtures for children with allergies to this ingredient), skimmed milk powder, complex carbohydrates acting as probiotics (galactooligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides), whey protein concentrate, calcium carbonate and phosphate (calcium source), potassium chloride and citrate (sources of potassium), L-ascorbic acid and sodium L-ascorbate (sources of vitamin C), magnesium chloride (source magnesium), choline chloride (a source of choline - an essential component of cellular building materials), soy lecithin (emulsifier - dissolves milk in water), taurine and L-carnitine (amino acids), sodium citrate (sodium source), ferric sulfate (iron source), sulfate zinc (source of zinc), vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,B7, B11, B12, C, D, E and K.
Additional ingredients that you should pay attention to when choosing milk:
LCPUFA fatty acids, omega-3 - have a good effect on the brain. They improve visual acuity, build brain structures and help develop brain cognition
prebiotics - are food for probiotics. Thanks to their properties, they make the baby's poop softer, which prevents constipation
probiotics - bacteria living in the intestine, whose task is to support the body's immunity. They help fight microbes in the intestines and accompany the absorption of nutrients. They also alleviate the symptoms of lactose intolerance.
Another extremely important selection criterion is the adaptation of milk to the baby and his problems. Many mixtures are created for children suffering from various allergies and nutritional problems. Such milk is marked with symbols appropriate to the problem for which they were created.
Four types of special milk are listed below along with their purpose and labeling on the packaging: milk for people with allergies - these are preparations for children allergic to cow's milk protein. These are special mixtures that a child can only take if he or she receives a prescription from a doctor's milk for children at risk of food allergy - they are marked with the symbol HA. Their special formula reduces the chance of an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein in children who, for various reasons, may be exposed to it. The risk is reduced due to the fragmentation of the protein, which in this formless often causes allergies and is easier to absorb anti-reflux milk - they are marked with the symbol AR. It's special milk for children who pour down food. They contain special substances that thicken food, thanks to which, they prevent milk from returning from the stomach to the mouth, milk for children with appetite problems - marked with the symbol GR or R. It contains gruel, which makes them more filling. Thanks to this, those who eat will get a greater number of calories, and children who have too much appetite will feel full faster.
What is the best milk for a newborn baby? Which choose?
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Among dairy products for newborns, there are many companies and producers who are popular on the market. Depending on the type of milk needed, individual brands offer a wide selection of their products. Companies whose assortment and composition of milk enjoy customer satisfaction and trust include:
Nestle NAN Optipro  - are mixtures of Nestle company, among which there are products for children from birth to 36 months. Thanks to the excellent formula rich in nutritional values ​​and excellent protein, milk has gained great popularity among parents of children on a normal diet as well as those who need special mixtures. The offer includes milk for babies with constipation, anti-colic, for babies with a tendency to downpour, for swallows, milk for newborns without lactose, hypoallergenic, enriched with L.reuteri and fiber FOS / GOS.
Humana  - another popular brand especially recommended for children with allergies. I offer mixtures for children from birth. Among the products, the company offers modified milk and special quality milk. They have special mixtures for children at risk of allergies, with diarrhea, colic, tendency to rain and special milk for premature babies.
Bebilon  - the company offers products for children from 7 months to milk for preschool children. They offer special antiallergic milk (Bebilon Hipp), for children with stomach problems, for premature babies and lactose-free.
Bebiko  - the company offers baby milk from birth. It has the necessary products for babies with a sensitive tummy, allergy sufferers, children with digestive problems, hypoallergenic, against rainstorms, and for swallows.
Worth knowing!
"In addition to the standard division of mixtures due to the stomach problems of children, many manufacturers of infant milk also have mixtures enriched with additional ingredients that increase its value and ensure the healthy development of children. Before choosing milk, you should familiarize yourself with its detailed composition to know exactly what ingredients a given blend contains".
What milk for a newborn allergic person?
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For a newborn affected by food allergies, you need to choose the right mix. Depending on your needs, it can be a special product prescribed by a doctor or one of the products with the HA symbol available in stores. These types of milk are not suitable for children who are allergic to the protein, because they contain them in finely divided form.
Products that are great for allergy sufferers are Bebilon HA, NAN HA, and Humana HA. They all come in different versions suited to the child's age.
What milk for the hospital?
There are situations in which mothers are unable to feed the newborn baby immediately after birth. This may be due to the lack of milk production, which may appear only several dozen hours after delivery. Regardless of the reason, it's a good idea to have a modified milk blend with you to give your baby the right food.
Companies that have mixtures for children from birth include Neste NAN, Humana, and Bebiko.
How to prepare milk for a newborn?
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On the packaging of each mix, you will find detailed information on how to make baby milk. Before preparing a meal, read the instructions, and follow its recommendations to ensure your child has a well-balanced meal. Before preparing a meal for a child, make sure that the dishes used for preparation and the bottle from which the child will drink are properly sterilized. For the preparation of the mixture, low-mineralized mineral water should be used, which contains less than 500 mg of dissolved ingredients in 1 liter. It should also be low-sodium (below 20 mg of sodium ions per 1 l). The powder should be poured into boiled water at a temperature of 40 - 50 degrees, then mix properly so as not to leave lumps in the mixture.
How much milk for a newborn baby?
In the early stages of a child's life, they should be fed 7-8 times a day, because the portions that the child can eat at one time are small. Children aged 11-12 months should be given five meals, three of which are dairy. It is best to serve meals every 3 to 4 hours. A child around the age of 6 months should consume about 180 ml of modified milk daily. With the inclusion of solid foods in the diet, the amount of daily milk intake decreases. Children aged 2-3 years take about 1000 mg of calcium daily (about 400 ml of milk). Therefore, follow the instructions on the modified milk box packaging and remember about regular feeding intervals.
What is the milk temperature for the newborn?
Before giving the baby milk, you need to properly boil the water that is used to make it. After boiling it, wait until the water temperature drops to about 40 - 50 degrees. Only then should you add the powder and mix the food thoroughly. To make sure your child's meal is not too hot, pour a little on the inside of your wrist. The water should be warm, not hot or lukewarm - this is a sign that it is suitable for giving to the toddler.
How do you store newborn milk?
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When storing modified milk, you should stick to four simple rules that will help ensure its freshness for as long as possible.
Modified infant milk should be kept in a cool and dry place at temperatures below 25 degrees.
After opening the milk container, use within four weeks. After this time, the nutrients weather and the milk may be harmful to your baby's health.
Modified milk should not be transferred to other containers. However, if you make such a decision, you need to make sure that they are tight, and the original packaging should be kept because of the information on its shelf-life, nutritional values ​​and preparation instructions.
The box with modified milk must be properly secured. It must be tight so that the food does not get stale and nothing undesirable can get into it.
By following these four principles of safe milk storage for the newborn, you can be sure that the mix will retain freshness and nutritional value as promised by the manufacturer.
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss
It is amazing how some small healthy foods can have the strongest nutritional impacts. We are referring to Walnuts aka in Hindi as Akhrot is a powerhouse of nutrition.
A walnut is basically a single-seeded stone fruit that is derived from any tree of the genus Juglans. Mimicking the human brain, this nut helps to promote the development of several neuron-transmitters within the brain.
However, that’s not all. This wonder nut is also a great source of healthy fats and fibre. But before we jump into the benefits of walnuts, let’s give you some lesser-known facts about this amazing healthy seed.
Walnuts Origin and Production
Originating in the Mediterranean region, a native from North American lands, Walnuts are now also grown in China, Iran and in the states of California and Arizona.
In India, they are majorly found growing in the Himalayan regions and also in Sikkim and Darjeeling. Its commercial farming is carried in Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand.
China is the leading producer of walnuts, in the year 2017, the country produced almost 50% of the total walnut production in the world.
Nutritional Benefits of Walnuts
The nutritional breakdown of a 100 gms of Walnuts [1]
Total Fat – 65 grams
Total Carbohydrate- 14 grams
Dietary Fiber – 6.7 grams
Sugar – 2.6 grams
Protein – 15 grams
Sodium- 2 milligrams
Iron- 2.91 milligrams
Potassium- 441 milligrams
Calcium -98 milligrams
Besides these there are also several vitamin benefits of walnuts, particularly being a good source of B6 (Pyridoxine). 
Termed as the healthiest nut by BBC health, the walnut nutrition data also reveals them as a very good source of good fats. With a saturated fat percentage of just 10%, walnuts contain almost 76% of Polyunsaturated fats and 14% of Monounsaturated fats.
Other Nutritional Facts about Walnuts
The glycemic index of walnuts is about 15 that includes them in the list of low glycemic foods. 
Walnuts are also natural sources of manganese, contributing to almost half of your daily needs. 
They are the only nuts that serve as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Health Benefits of Walnuts
Our health experts say that including walnuts as a daily part of your meals plan can help you maintain a nutritious diet. If you’re still not sure, here are a few walnut health benefits that you might have never known!
1. Walnuts keep the heart healthy
The high content of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids make walnuts an important nutrition source for heart health.
These fatty acids lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) level in the body. A higher level of LDL usually builds up in the heart arteries and even clog them up. This clogging and build up disrupt the natural oxygen-rich blood flow to the cardiac muscles that later cause heart pain.
Studies show that acute consumption of walnuts and its several components can benefit endothelial function. The study also supports that consuming whole walnuts shows novel effects on reverse cholesterol transport. [1]
 Moreover, the omega-3 in walnuts is a direct contributor to reducing heart diseases risks. The Omega-3 in plants as well as in walnuts are known as ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), that is associated with moderately lower risks of cardiovascular diseases. [2]
2. Walnuts maintain the gut health
To maintain proper gut health, your body needs to have the bacteria that promote good health. The human gastrointestinal tract is a haven for such complex microorganisms. And these gut microbiota influences the host body significantly.
While there have been many factors in the establishment of gut microbiota in an infant host, the contribution of diet is one of the main driving factors in building the gut microbiota over the entire lifetime of a host.
Now if these bacterial composition gets altered in the body, the host may fall prey to several inflammatory diseases and infections. Hence, maintaining a proper diet to maintain gut health is the most significant step in having a healthy gut.
Recent studies confirm that including walnuts daily as a part of diet can increase these essential bacteria in the gut and hence, improve the gut health altogether. 
There was a research where 43 participants–between the ages of 30 and 65–with an overweight issue, were put into an American diet for two weeks.
After this, the participants were assigned to three random diets where walnuts or vegetable oils replaced saturated fat. The participants followed each diet for six weeks and the result was–the ones with a walnut diet showed a higher number of gut bacteria that had been associated with health benefits. [3]
3. Walnut benefits for brain
As mentioned earlier, walnuts are found to be quite effective in supporting brain health. Walnuts have a high concentration of DHA which is a type of Omega-3 acid.
Some studies show that DHA promotes brain health in infants and even improves cognition in adult brains. That is why they are also recommended for people with age-related memory declining issues.
The ALA in walnuts along with its high content of polyphenols are considered as crucial brain nutrients.
These fight against oxidative stress in the brain and also reduces inflammation — two very important factors that create brain cell damage and decline learning ability, memory retention and decision-making aspects in a human brain. 
There was also a study that supported mothers with proper DHA content produces smarter kids. Another study by the  University of New Mexico showed an impact of walnut consumption on mood in young adults.
The nut supplementation showed declination of depression and improvement in mood in the subjects.[4]
Moreover, the structure of walnut inside the shell has an uncanny similarity with the folds and wrinkles of a human brain. No wonder they are nicknamed as the brain foods!
4. Help the male reproductive system
While the wonder nut is a miracle for all of us in several ways, there are also many surprising walnut benefits for men. A study suggests that eating these nuts daily can improve sperm health.
Research among subjects belonging to the western world with a declining sperm count due to the modern-day pollution and stress,  showed healthier fertility signs after including walnuts in their diet.
The researchers divided 119 healthy men within the age group of 18 to 35, into two groups. One group was given 60-grams of walnuts in their normal diet and the other group had no changes in their diet. The result showed the group that had nuts in their diet had a 14% higher sperm count and a 4% higher sperm vitality.
The experts of the study revealed that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and Vitamin B can improve fertility in men. [5] And walnuts contain most of these nutrients. Including walnuts in a regular diet also helps in keeping up with the required nutrition data that ultimately affect fertility too. 
5. Promotes weight loss
If you have been snacking chips or craving the chips, here’s your chance to replace the loss with a much nutritious snack–walnut. Their high content of Omega-3 fatty acids is directly linked to decreasing obesity and diabetes.
One of the major misconceptions regarding walnuts and their role in weight loss is that these nuts are dense in calories.
However, studies are reporting that the energy absorbed from these nuts are lower.
And even though these nuts contain fat, they are mostly good fats that help in lowering bad cholesterol. The other role of walnuts in weight loss is that they are high in dietary fibre that makes you full quickly and hence lets you eat less.
A study published funded by California Walnut Commission, even proved that walnuts can alter the way brains view foods and hence impact their appetite. 
The study was held among 10 obese people, who were given to either drink a walnut smoothie once a day for five days consecutive days or a placebo smoothie identical in taste and calorie content, separated by a washout period of one month.
The results showed that walnut consumption reduced feelings of hunger and appetite. This explains that walnut consumption may have increased the cognitive control of appetite in these patients. [5]
If you think just chewing the walnuts can be boring, here’s a fun way to twist things up with a delicious and healthy Cinnamon Walnut Smoothie recipe. 
5. Walnut benefits for hair
If you think it’s just the gut and the heart that are benefited by walnuts, you’re wrong! These small wonder nuts are great for hair growth too.
The selenium and Vitamin B7 in walnuts help in reducing hair fall. Not just that, applying walnut oil in hair benefits by making the hair look healthy and glossy.
The oil is also found to be associated with dandruff decline. You must know that fatty acids are crucial for hair growth, they keep the skin moisturized and hence, lack of these fats can cause dandruff.
Moreover, a diet that increases bad fats in the body encourages Dihydrotestosterone growth that makes hair loss quicker and faster. With a diet supplement of walnut, bad fats are replaced by good fats that reduce the level of hair fall. 
6. Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Walnuts contain rich amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and even phytosterols that are believed to delay type-2 diabetes. [7]
Besides their positive impacts on weight management, consuming walnuts can help in reducing the blood sugar level.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids affect the insulin sensitivity in the blood hence reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. 
In a study of 100 people with diabetes mellitus, two groups were formed. One group was given walnut oil for three months while the other group did not undergo any interventions.
Before the experiment, the fasting blood sugar of both groups was photographed. After the experiment, the group with walnuts in their diet showed a significant decrease in the fasting blood sugar level compared to the other group.
However, the two groups were not significantly different in their body weight. Hence, including walnuts in the diet may affect the glucose level in type 2 diabetic patients. [6]
Some of the best healthy foods are usually the ones that are not advertised and are rarely known. Walnuts, although remains underrated, are one of the healthiest food sources that mankind has known since forever.
So for your next diet plan, go walnuts and enjoy this sweet mixture of taste and nutrition. 
1. How many walnuts should you eat in a day?
A. A handful of walnuts can help you gain the essential nutrients for your body, however, we tend to skip or forget them in between our hectic schedules. To make it a habit, you can have six-seven walnuts a day!
2. What is the best time to eat walnuts?
A. Our experts say that you can add walnuts in your everyday breakfast. Eating them in the morning shows greater results in regulating the blood pressure. However, you can munch them in between your work hours too!
3. What are the side effects of eating walnuts?
A. While the wonder nuts are blessed with the most amazing nutrients, there may be a few side-effects that you can watch out for! If consumed in excess, the dietary fibre in them may cause gastrointestinal issues, diarrhoea etc.
As nuts are known to cause allergies, some people may face allergic reactions like anaphylaxis due to these nuts. If you face any itching, swelling or breathing issue, it is advisory to consult a doctor. 
Moreover, eating walnuts in excess can also contribute to weight gain. To combat this, you can include walnuts in your recipes rather than just having the nuts by themselves. This will let you maintain a balance of walnuts in your diet,
3. Are walnuts good for diabetics?
A. Walnuts are found to be helpful in type 2 diabetes patients. The nuts can build a resistance for insulin hence it helps in maintaining a low blood sugar level. Also, their low glycaemic index is ideal for diabetes-friendly diets. 
The post Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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musiccosmosru · 6 years
Struggling to lose those last few pounds before your holiday?  Rick Hay, Healthista’s nutritional director provides a healthy eating plan plus seven healthy ways you can lose those last few pounds before jumping on that plane to paradise 
Okay so before we do anything, let’s be clear on one thing. Your body is beach ready whenever you feel it’s beach ready.  But if you have a number in mind that you want to see when you step on those scales or want those summer shorts to fit a little better, then we’re here with a plan that is nutritionist approved and safe.
We’re not claiming you can change the way you look in just one week, but if you want to lose pounds fast, you don’t always need to turn to a fad diet that will end in tears and tantrums. You can lose the pounds healthily.
If you’re off on holiday in just one week’s time and only a few pounds off your goal, don’t leave this page. If you’re off to a summer festival and wish those shorts were ever so slightly looser, then this is a read for you. Here are six healthy ways to lose weight in a week and detailed eating plan to help you get there.
1. Cut down on that cut of steak
In this day and age we are all aware of the importance of a plant-based diet. With vegetarian and vegan diets more popular than ever we know that it’s ideal to fill up our plates with as many plant based and colourful foods as we possibly can.
‘Plant based foods are nutrient dense, low in calories and high in both protein and fibre,’ says Hay. ‘These factors are all important and key to a healthy balanced diet.’
Although meat has many benefits and is a staple ingredient on most peoples plates, we shouldn’t be overdoing it. Too much meat can be hard on your digestive system, taking longer to pass through. According to Hay, if you limit or cut back on your meat intake (even if only slightly) you are more likely to lose those last few pounds.
Eating less meat and focusing on filling up our plates with more fruit and veggies, will also help with cleansing and regulating our blood sugar levels – ‘this means less cravings and snack attacks’ explains Hay.
An abundance of B vitamins are found in colourful vegetables so aim to eat a rainbow of brightly coloured one. B vitamins such as B7, are incredibly important for our macronutrient and carbohydrate metabolism and for energy production. ‘Essentially this means that these vitamins help keep the digestive system on track and fully functioning’ Hay explains. ‘A fully functioning digestion is integral to successful weight-loss.’
Plant-based food also provides us with a wide range of vitamins and minerals that support energy production, and we need energy for exercise in order to lose weight. So fill up on veggies to boost your energy and feel great.
2. Spice up your your food
Adding some spice to your cooking is a guaranteed and tasty way to help boost your metabolism – result.
Setting your metabolism into a high gear by eating spices and drinking herbal teas, will significantly help lessen bloating symptoms.
Thermogenic (fat burning) spices are used to aid fat metabolism and can be used together with herbal teas to help reduce fluid retention and bloating. Add chillis, turmeric, cumin and cardamon to your cooking to increase their thermogenic or fat-burning factor.
Read more: 6 healthy spices with proven body benefits
Sometimes it isn’t just the last few pounds that bother us, but the bloating that we just can’t get to the bottom of. Setting your metabolism into a high gear by eating spices named above and drinking herbal teas such as fennel, dandelion and ginger, will significantly help lessen bloating symptoms.
3.  Prioritise healthy liver and gall bladder
It’s important to not just focus on one aspect of health. Health needs to be looked at and approached from all angles to benefit your overall health and well being.
Encouraging a healthy liver and a gall bladder may not seem top of the priorities list but is in fact so important for your health when trying to lose some weight.
Looking after your liver and gall bladder by including some bitter foods in your diet such as rocket, grapefruit or bitter salad greens will help to maintain healthy liver and gall bladder function and therefore a better fat metabolism. By having a half a grapefruit or bitter green leaf salad before eating, you encourage your body to release digestion-promoting enzymes that can help food break down.
A healthy liver will also aid hormonal regulation. Stimulating liver function and digestion whilst providing nutrient dense recipes will not only keep you fuller for longer and stabilise blood sugar levels, but will also significantly help when it comes to those weight-loss goals.
4. Make healthy food swaps to stop bloating
Foods such as wheat, dairy and processed meats tend to cause that unwanted bloating feeling. These types of foods are harder to digest and ‘many people suffer from wheat and dairy intolerances which can throw digestion out of whack,’ explains Hay. This will lead to a compromised and sluggish system, making it harder to shift those pounds.
Try incorporating these four food swaps as much as possible to lessen that bloated feeling:
Swap pasta for courgetti
This swap provides you with more nutrient density and is also much lower in calories – a great choice for weight management. As a bonus you’ll be getting one of your five a day plus less wheat and more fibre to help with bloating.
Courgettes are an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is great for immunity and brilliant for skin texture and health. Courgettes provides a good source of lutein and zeaxanthin – these are two phytonutrients from the carotenoid family which can be beneficial for good eyesight. Our favourite spiraliser ever, the Uten Vegetable Spiralizer Slicer Hand Held Spiral Slicer Easy Clean Kitchen Tool for Potato,Carrot,Cucumber is only £6 and makes it super easy and takes up very little space too.
Swap rice for cauliflower rice
Cauliflower rice is another good low calorie option (around 25 calories per 100 compared to about 140 for cooked white rice) that also packs a nutritional punch.
By changing from rice to cauliflower rice, you are helping the body to detox. The humble cauliflower is rich in glucosinolates which helps to activate the detox process and help lessen bloating. Full of sulphur rich compounds, cauliflower is excellent for immunity too.
One cup of cauliflower rice will deliver a good dose of vitamin C and K with almost zero grams of fat, sodium or sugar – bonus.
To make cauliflower rice, grate, blend or food process the cauliflower and then shallow fry, steam or microwave for a couple of minutes.
Swap fries for roast sweet potato chips
A medium sized potato comes in at around 170 calories, whereas the same sized sweet potato is less calorific at 100 calories.
Not only does the sweet potato have fewer calories, it also has more fibre. This fibre helps with digestive function, meaning less bloating and a lower cholesterol.
Sweet Potatoes also have tonnes more vitamin A than white potatoes which have hardly any. In fact, sweet potatoes are one of the richest sources of beta carotene, which is needed to covert to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is also known to help boost thyroid function which if sluggish could hold back your weight loss results.
To make the most out of your sweet potato fries thinly slice the sweet potato into wedges about 2mm thick, leaving on the fibre-rich skin. Lightly drizzle with a little olive oil or and roast for 30 minutes or until crispy.  Season and serve.
Swap refined sugar for honey or maple syrup
Refined sugar is pretty much empty calories where nutrition comes in. Honey and maple syrup however, still contain the sweetness but with strong nutritional profiles.
Honey has been used for it’s medicinal anti bacterial properties for generations. It contains key nutrients such as iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. (Try Raw Health Organic honey, £5.69)
Maple syrup is antioxidant rich and has a lower GI than regular sugar, (54 vs 65 – honey comes in around 50) as well as having some digestive system benefits such as lessening bloating.
5. Take a herbal tea-break
Herbal teas have become increasingly popular, especially digestion helpful teas such as green and mint flavours. ‘Green and mint teas are great for digestion, so are fennel, ginger, turmeric and lemon balm flavours,’ says Hay. (Try Ginger Kick Tea, £2.39)
These teas will be a huge help for digestive function and fluid retention which are both important factors for weight loss. Herbal teas are also an easy and convenient option to gently stimulate the digestive process. Aim to drink one to two cups per day for best results.
Do you struggle to drink the suggested two to three litres of water a day? Most people do. By drinking herbal teas you are also upping your water intake without realising.
Read more: 8 ways a cup of tea CAN fix anything
6. Think, eat and live healthy protein
Throughout your day, each meal or snack should focus on protein. Protein keeps you fuller for longer, lessening cravings and regulating blood sugar levels.
Aim to fill a third of your plate with protein based foods, such as lean meat, fish such as salmon, tuna, prawns or white fish or veggie options such as chick peas, beans, lentils, tofu and tempeh and then, make sure the rest of the meal is as close to natural ingredients as possible.
When snacking, ‘take care that your snack contains a protein component,’ suggests Hay. So if you’re having a banana, have some peanut butter with it, if you’re having an apple, have ten almonds alongside it to help keep you full between meals. (Try Meridian Coconut & Peanut Butter, £2.69)
‘Remember, eating more plant-based foods keeps our fibre levels up and that helps keep us regular,’ says explains Hay. This encourages blood sugar regulation (less cravings) and regularity. If your bowel transit is too long (he means if you go for longer than one day without doing a poo), this could hamper with your weight loss efforts, says Hay.
Fill up on green vegetables, pulses such as chick peas, lentils, beans and fruit such as pears, apples, berries and kiwi. If you’re struggling with the amount of solid fruit and veg, try veggie or fruit juices.
A healthy gut is paramount to having a balanced system – without it all body other systems can suffer.
Rick Hay’s healthy 7-day fast and safe weight loss plan
Some people tend to get so caught up in losing the weight, that once the weight has been lost they reward themselves a little too much and can find themselves back to square one.
This healthy seven day plan will not only help you to lose the last few pounds, but can also be repeated monthly to keep your weight-loss or management on track so you don’t find yourself having to start your weight-loss journey all over again.
‘This mostly plant based plan uses thermogenic spices, is high in fibre, stimulates digestive function to help bloating and is nutrient dense. This is what all healthy diets should incorporate,’ says Hay.
Hay adds, ‘this plan goes the extra mile by using botanicals to stimulate the liver and to reduce bloating, it promotes healthy elimination, reduces cravings and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.’ Not only does this plan focus on weight loss, but energy too. This plan will help to boost your energy levels and improve your mood naturally though eating whole and real foods.
The are two menus, one  is for days one, three, five and seven and the other for days two, four and six to provide variety in your diet. Lunches and dinners can be interchanged and as mentioned previously, this plan can be repeated every month if desired.
Menu #1 Days one, three, five and seven
Kick starting your digestion will help the liver and gall bladder with fat metabolism, and also assisting with fluid retention.
This breakfast booster will also help to regulate your blood sugar levels and diminish those cravings.  Add cinnamon if desired to further help reduce those nagging cravings.
    Raspberry delight – two cups of raspberries, one cup of spinach, one teaspoon cacao, two teaspoons chia or linseeds, blend with 200mls of unsweetened hemp or almond milk. (Try Almond Breeze Unsweetened Almond Milk, £1.79) or try:
Banana blast – blend 250 mls of unsweetened rice, almond or coconut milk with one banana, a date, seven to eight almonds and a scoop of Healthista Lean VeganDiet Protein £24.95.
This shake is a meal replacement, it is high in protein and amino acids and will keep you full until lunch. The nuts and protein powder will provide the protein and the nuts will give you essential fatty acids to help with feelings of fullness.
Green tea or matcha green tea will stimulate fat burning and promote healthy circulation. Their bitter quality means that they are liver and gall bladder tonics. Matcha green tea and green tea will also help to stimulate digestion in general. Weight loss is more easily achieved if you have can stimulate sluggish digestion. (Try Pukka Mint Matcha Green tea, £2.99)
      Eating every few hours will help to control portion size. Regular eating will also help to regulate blood sugar levels, helping to eliminate cravings.
          Tomato Salad – 3 or 4 small tomatoes with a couple of handfuls of salad leaves of choice such as rocket, mixed leaves or spinach. Add olive oil, balsamic vinegar and fresh cracked black pepper.
Add small amount of grated cheese or vegan coconut cheese as a thin topping with some protein rich pine nuts. Serve with two rice, corn or crisp bread crackers. (Try Raw Health Supergreens Crisp Breads, £4.49)
The vinegar and black pepper aids fat metabolism, whilst the olive oil provides a good source of healthy omegas which also aids weight loss. The crackers or crisp breads provide carbs to provide energy. Or try,
Spinach and asparagus frittata – slice or spiralise two asparagus stalks and add them into a bowl of two cracked free-range eggs and mix. Fry this mixture gently in olive oil and add a sprinkle of parsley.
Asparagus is a diuretic as is the parsley.  Both of these ingredients will help with fluid retention and puffiness. Spinach is super easy to digest and provides muscle relaxing magnesium benefits. Relaxation benefits lead to less stress leading to less of that nasty visceral fat, the overloaded and stressed adrenals will therefore get a break.
Banana and prunes – a few prunes or a glass of prune juice if you prefer, together with one banana.
If you’re constipated its harder to lose weight, the banana provides fibre and energy (both physically and mentally) it contains tryptophan to help boost serotonin levels. Or try,
Mixed nuts and seeds – this will provide protein to help keep you full and satisfied till dinner.
  Cashew nut stir fry – lightly fry in olive oil two cups of mixed vegetables, such as courgette, mushrooms, carrots, green beans with one teaspoon of grated fresh ginger. Add in also a handful of cashew nuts when the vegetables are almost ready. For taste you can also add some basil and sesame seeds.
Serve with some rice noodles or brown rice as these are gentler on the stomach and a better alternative to white rice.
This plant-based dinner is high in fibre and full of nutrients to boost digestion and keep you full.
Fish, chicken, tofu or tempeh with salad – small piece of grilled fish, organic chicken, tofu or tempeh served with a bowl of green leaves and dressed with olive oil. You can add almond slivers or pine nuts, olives and some citrus fruits if desired, such as orange or grapefruit.
The greens will help to cleanse the colon. The olive oil and nuts will provide omega fatty acids that will also help to cleanse the intestine, whilst the fish, chicken, tofu or tempeh will provide the protein and help keep you full.
Chocolate – have two or three squares of dark chocolate or vegan chocolate for a bitter but tasty treat.
Dandelion tea – drink a cup of unsweetened dandelion tea with dessert.  Dandelion tea is a great weight loss hack, it helps to reduce fluid retention whilst also acting as a liver cleanser.
The bitter qualities help to reduce cravings and will assist with skin conditions as it aids liver function.
Menu #2 Days two, four and six
This liver tonic will also help regulate blood sugar levels and diminish cravings. Add cinnamon if desired to further help reduce cravings.
            Chai bowl – one cup of fresh or frozen mixed berries with a dollop of non sugary yoghurt – preferably organic. Add also, five or six almonds and one or two teaspoons of chia seeds to help with satiety and also hair, skin and nail health.
Berry boost smoothie – blend half a cup of blueberries and half a cup of raspberries (frozen or fresh) together with half a small beetroot, in 200mls of unsweetened coconut milk.
This shake is a meal replacement and is high in protein and amino acids. This smoothie will keep you fuller, is nutrient dense and rich in fibre to ensure balanced blood sugars. Energy levels should also boost which will help with any workouts you may be doing.
Green tea or matcha green tea will stimulate fat burning and promote healthy circulation. Their bitter quality means that they are liver and gall bladder tonics.
Matcha green tea and green tea will also help to stimulate digestion in general. Weight loss is more easily achieved if you have can stimulate sluggish digestion. (Try Pukka Ginseng Matcha Green tea, £2.99)
    Watermelon is a natural diuretic and a good source of potassium which will balance sodium levels and decrease
            Dress the courgetti with pine nuts, garlic and olive oil.
              Banana and prunes – a few prunes or a glass of prune juice if you prefer, together with one banana.
If you’re constipated its harder to lose weight, the banana provides fibre and energy (both physically and mentally) it contains tryptophan to help boost serotonin levels.
Mixed nuts and seeds – this will provide protein to help keep you full and satisfied till dinner.
  Vegetable and lentil soup – add a cup of lentils (sachet or canned) or beans to two cups of sliced/chopped green vegetables to 300 ml of water. Simmer slowly and add turmeric, chilli and ginger.
This dinner is easy to digest and the thermogenic herbs will speed up fat loss.
Fish, tofu or tempeh with steamed greens – lightly fry or grill 150g of a white fish, tofu or tempeh. Serve together with a cup or two of green steamed vegetables and season with thermogenic spices such as cayenne, chilli, garlic or black pepper to boost weight loss.
Dessert, stewed apple, peach or pear: stew one apple, peach or pear and add some fibre rich sultanas or raisins, add also a little cinnamon, chilli or cayenne to boost fat burning.
With dessert, a liver cleanse: cup of unsweetened dandelion tea. A great weight loss hack, dandelion tea reduces fluid retention whilst also acting as a liver cleanser. The bitter qualities help to reduce cravings.
    A green ‘bedtime shot’ – Organic Spirulina powder, £10.95.
Hay reccomends that ‘if you feel you’ve been overdoing it or feel the need for more energy, this green shot is rich in iron and magnesium, helping to cleanse and detox the body – it’s organic too.’ The cleansing nature will help you to detox gently, it’s full of magnesium to aid the nervous system which will assist in your weight loss.
This ‘green bedtime shot’ should be taken at night after dinner. One teaspoon will increase nutrient intake in particular, if you havn’t been getting your five a day and want to speed up the cleansing action a bit, then this bedtime shot is what you need.
Rick Hay is an Anti-Ageing and Fitness Nutritionist with many years clinical experience in nutrition, naturopathy, botanical medicine and iridology. He specializes in obesity treatment and weight management. He writes a regular Natural Health and Fitness Blog for Healthista. Find out more at rickhay.co.uk. Follow Rick on Twitter @rickhayuk
      Rick Hays book the Anti Ageing Food and Fitness Plan is available to buy on Amazon. 
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because-money · 7 years
Best Juicing Tips for Beginners
7 Tips fоr Juicing аnd Smoothie Beginners
How tо Juice Quicklу, Eаѕilу аnd Inexpensively!
Yоu’rе аbоut tо diѕcоvеr whу juicing iѕ ѕо рорulаr!
Thе benefits оf fresh juiced fruits аnd vegetables аrе аmаzing, thе taste juѕt cаn’t bе beat, аnd with а nеw gеnеrаtiоn оf juice machines it’ѕ quickеr, еаѕiеr аnd mоrе affordable thаn еvеr bеfоrе!
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Thе Juicing Bаѕicѕ
Firѕt, lеt’ѕ аddrеѕѕ twо cоmmоn quеѕtiоnѕ: whаt’ѕ thе diffеrеncе bеtwееn juice аnd а smoothie, аnd cаn I mаkе juice with а blender?
Sреciаl juice applianceѕ ѕераrаtе thе juice frоm еvеrуthing еlѕе which iѕ knоwn аѕ thе pulp аnd cоmрriѕеd mоѕtlу оf fiber.
Pulp аddѕ calories ѕо juice iѕ а fаvоritе fоr weight loss аnd cleansing. Bу cоntrаѕt а smoothie iѕ еvеrуthing – juice, ѕkin, аnd аll, аnd thuѕ а fаvоritе fоr detoxifying аnd аѕ а digestive aid with itѕ highеr fiber cоntеnt.
Smoothies аrе mаdе with а high роwеrеd blender. Yоur hоmе blender wоn’t dо thе jоb unlеѕѕ уоu dоn’t mind а grаinу mеѕѕ thаt tastes mоrе likе аn uncооkеd ѕоuр thаn а delicious drink! Hоwеvеr, if уоu hаvе thе timе, уоu cаn uѕе уоur blender аnd thеn роur thе blended liquid thru а cоffее filtеr.
Whеthеr juice оr smoothie bоth аrе fаntаѕticаllу healthy.
Whу Juice
Mоrе аnd mоrе реорlе аrе turning tо fresh juice tо imрrоvе thеir health. In mу trаvеlѕ аbrоаd I’vе еvеn nоticed а frаnchiѕе knоwn аѕ “Joe & Thе juice” thаt’ѕ аѕ рорulаr аѕ Starbucks in Eurоре. And ѕреаking оf Starbucks, rumоr hаѕ it thаt thеу’rе ѕооn tо аdd fresh juice tо thеir mеnu!
Ovеr а thоuѕаnd scientific studies ѕhоw thаt diets rich in fruits аnd vegetables, ѕuch аѕ thе Mediterranean diet, reduce thе riѕk оf dеvеlорing mаnу illnesses including diabetes, hеаrt disease, аnd еvеn cancer.
Cеrtаin cоmbinаtiоnѕ оf fruits аnd vegetables аrе nоw knоwn tо еffеctivеlу treat cеrtаin diseases ѕuch аѕ Tуре II diabetes. And fоr thоѕе likе mуѕеlf whо find it difficult tо gеt аll thе rеcоmmеndеd daily servings оf fruits аnd vegetables, juicing iѕ thе реrfеct ѕоlutiоn bеcаuѕе juѕt оnе glass iѕ оvеr а роund оf produce!
And thаt’ѕ nоt аll. Juicing cаn еvеn ѕаvе уоu mоnеу. Yоu cаn ѕtop buуing multivitamins аnd оthеr nutritional supplements bеcаuѕе fresh hоmеmаdе juice givеѕ уоu аll уоur daily nutritional nееdѕ аnd mоrе!
Evеn thе best brand оf bоttlеd juice dоеѕn't cоmе close tо dеlivеring аll thе nutrients fоund in hоmеmаdе juice, bеcаuѕе аnу juice ѕоld cоmmеrciаllу muѕt bу lаw bе heated – а рrоcеѕѕ knоwn аѕ раѕtеurizаtiоn – which killѕ mаnу nutrients. Stоrе it аnd уоu lose еvеn mоrе nutrients. Pluѕ mаnу juices аdd sugar, cоlоrѕ, ѕtаbilizеrѕ аnd оthеr аdditivеѕ which аlѕо kill nutrients.
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Arе Thеrе Anу Juicing Dаngеrѕ?
Thеrе аrе ѕоmе iѕѕuеѕ if уоu'rе оn mеdicаtiоn ѕо bе ѕurе tо ѕреаk with уоur dоctоr bеfоrе juicing еѕреciаllу if уоu'rе оn thуrоid mеdicаtiоnѕ - cеrtаin foods interfere with your medication. And tоо much оf thе mоrе роwеrful foods cаn uрѕеt уоur stomach ѕuch аѕ greens аnd beets. Fоr а dеtаilеd diѕcuѕѕiоn оf thеѕе cоncеrnѕ рlease rеfеr tо mу аrticlе fоr а cоmрlеtе review.
Juice оr Raw
Thеrе аrе benefits tо drinking уоur daily rеcоmmеndеd serving оf veggies аnd fruits inѕtead оf eating thеm аѕ ѕоlid raw foods. Liquidѕ аrе absorbed bу thе body mоrе quicklу аnd cоmрlеtеlу, bеcаuѕе absorption оf thе mаnу vitamins, minerals аnd оthеr nutrients ѕtаrtѕ right аwау аѕ ѕооn аѕ thеу еntеr уоur mоuth.
Sоlid food tаkеѕ а slowеr раth оf absorption thrоugh thе stomach аnd intеѕtinеѕ, аnd unlеѕѕ уоu chеw уоur food thоrоughlу, уоu dоn't gеt аѕ much nutrition frоm raw аѕ уоu dо frоm itѕ liquid fоrm.
Juice оr Cooked
Cooked food killѕ mаnу nutrients. Fоr inѕtаncе, enzymes рlау а kеу rоlе in mеtаbоliѕm аnd аrе chiеflу fоund in raw foods, but mоѕt аrе lоѕt whеn cооkеd, рrоcеѕѕеd аnd рrеѕеrvеd. Enzуmеѕ аrе раrticulаrlу imроrtаnt fоr thоѕе trуing tо lose weight аѕ thеу hеlр thе body burn mоrе calories. Intеrеѕtinglу, ѕоmе nutrients аrе еnhаncеd bу ѕteaming ѕuch аѕ lycopene in tomatoes, ѕо if уоu'rе аftеr cеrtаin nutrients tо fight аn illnеѕѕ cоntаct mе аnd wе'll ѕее if thе оnеѕ уоu'rе аftеr аrе best ѕteamеd.
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Juice Benefits
Increased energy аnd weight loss аrе nоt thе оnlу benefits оf fresh juice. Rеcеnt rеѕеаrch ѕuggеѕtѕ thаt drinking fresh juice cаn аlѕо dеlау thе еffеctѕ оf аging. Sреcificаllу, fresh fruits аnd vegetables cоntаin cоmроundѕ knоwn аѕ antioxidants which neutralize frее rаdicаlѕ in уоur body. Frее rаdicаlѕ аrе chiеflу rеѕроnѕiblе nоt оnlу fоr аging, but аlѕо fоr mаnу dеgеnеrаtivе diseases ѕuch аѕ cаtаrаctѕ, high blood pressurе аnd еvеn cancer.
Fight Disease
Lеt'ѕ еxрlоrе hоw juicing fightѕ оnе оf оur mоѕt cоmmоn аnd chrоnic diseases:
Rеcеnt rеѕеаrch indicаtеѕ thаt cеrtаin raw fruits аnd vegetables nоuriѕh thе body whilе ѕtаbilizing blood sugar levels in wауѕ thаt cооkеd food cаnnоt. In thе раѕt, doctors cаutiоnеd реорlе with diabetes tо ѕtау аwау frоm sugar оf аnу kind, еvеn thоѕе fоund in fresh fruits аnd vegetables. Thаt rеcоmmеndаtiоn hаѕ bееn рrоvеn wrоng.
Rеѕеаrchеrѕ hаvе fоund thаt ѕреcific nutrients ѕuch аѕ vitamins A, B, E, аnd thе minerals iron аnd роtаѕѕium which аrе аbundаnt in fresh fruits аnd vegetables аid in naturally mаnаging thiѕ disease. Vitamin B7 which iѕ fоund in mangoes, nectarines, аnd peaches аidѕ in digestion аnd аctivаtеѕ enzymes, which аrе раrticulаrlу hеlрful fоr diabetics.
Additiоnаllу, mаngаnеѕе which iѕ fоund in celery, gаrlic, carrots, crucifеrоuѕ vegetables, parsley, spinach, аnd bееt greens, hеlрѕ reduce insulin rеѕiѕtаncе оvеrаll аnd imрrоvе thе metabolism оf sugar.
Juice Recipes
Yоu cаn't gо wrоng juicing fruits аnd veggies thаt уоu likе. Yоu cаn find great juice recipes hеrе аnd аt Juicing Mаniа. Fоr recipes thаt tаrgеt ѕреcific illnеѕѕеѕ based оn thе lаtеѕt nutritional rеѕеаrch I rеcоmmеnd Ultimаtе Juicing recipes & Tips 5th Editiоn.
Whеn I ѕtаrtеd juicing I diѕcоvеrеd еntirеlу nеw ѕеctiоnѕ оf mу lоcаl ѕuреrmаrkеt, аnd produce I hаd nеvеr ѕееn bеfоrе! Sо ѕtаrt уоur juicing аdvеnturе tоdау!
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Juice Mаchinеѕ
Whаt’ѕ thе best juicing machine? Yоu cаn еаѕilу bеgin with аn inexpensive juicer ѕоld оnlinе оr аt уоur lоcаl kitchen ѕuррlу ѕtоrе. Anу juicer оr smoothie machine will dо, but if уоu'rе intеrеѕtеd in whаt'ѕ best аmоng thе hundrеdѕ оf modelѕ аvаilаblе rеfеr tо mу аrticlе оn juicer rеviеwѕ. 
I highlу rеcоmmеnd thе nеw gеnеrаtiоn оf machines knоwn аѕ ‘slow’ juicers bеcаuѕе thеу reduce thе аmоunt оf heat аnd oxygen in уоur juice - fаctоrѕ thаt kill nutrients.
Thеу аrе аlѕо еаѕiеr tо clеаn аnd durаblе. I bоught оnе - thе Hurom 100 - whеn it firѕt cаmе оut ѕеvеrаl уеаrѕ аgо аnd I uѕе it daily аnd it runѕ likе nеw!
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brandavenniehe · 7 years
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free (Dry)
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free Dog Food receives the Advisor’s second-highest tier rating of 4 stars.
Buying Tip
Get 20% Off + Free Shipping on Purina One Dog Food Click for Details
The Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free product line includes 2 dry dog foods.
Each recipe below includes its related AAFCO nutrient profile when available on the product’s official webpage: Growth, Maintenance, All Life Stages, Supplemental or Unspecified.
Important: Because many websites do not reliably specify which Growth or All Life Stages recipes are safe for large breed puppies, we do not include that data in this report. Be sure to check actual packaging for that information.
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free with Real Beef and Sweet Potato [M]
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free with Real Chicken and Sweet Potato [M]
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free with Real Chicken and Sweet Potato was selected to represent both products in the line for this review.
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free with Real Chicken and Sweet Potato
Dry Dog Food
Estimated Dry Matter Nutrient Content
Protein = 34% | Fat = 19% | Carbs = 39%
Ingredients: Chicken (source of glucosamine), chicken meal (source of glucosamine), cassava root flour, canola meal, pea starch, beef fat naturally preserved with vitamin E, pea protein, dried egg product, dried yeast, dried beet pulp, sweet potatoes, liver flavor, essential nutrients: minerals (potassium chloride, salt, calcium carbonate, mono and dicalcium phosphate, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, calcium iodate, sodium selenite), vitamins (vitamin E, choline, vitamin B3, vitamin A, vitamin B5, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin K, vitamin D3, vitamin B7)
Fiber (estimated dry matter content) = 3.4%
Red items indicate controversial ingredients
Estimated Nutrient ContentMethodProteinFatCarbsGuaranteed Analysis30%17%NADry Matter Basis34%19%39%Calorie Weighted Basis29%39%32%
Protein = 29% | Fat = 39% | Carbs = 32%
The first ingredient in this dog food is chicken. Although it is a quality item, raw chicken contains up to 73% water. After cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight.
After processing, this item would probably account for a smaller part of the total content of the finished product.
The second ingredient is chicken meal. Chicken meal is considered a meat concentrate and contains nearly 300% more protein than fresh chicken.
The third ingredient is cassava root flour, or tapioca starch. Cassava root flour is a gluten-free, carbohydrate extract made from the root of the cassava plant.
The fourth ingredient is canola meal, a by-product of canola oil production more typically used to make feed for farm animals and to produce biodiesel.
Unfortunately, canola can be a controversial item. That’s because it can sometimes (but not always) be derived from genetically modified rapeseed.
In any case, because canola meal also contains about 37% dry matter protein, this ingredient would be expected to notably boost the total protein reported on the label — a factor that must be considered when judging the actual meat content of this dog food.
The fifth ingredient is pea starch, a paste-like, gluten-free carbohydrate extract probably used here as a binder for making kibble. Aside from its energy content (calories), pea starch is of only modest nutritional value to a dog.
The sixth ingredient is beef fat. Beef fat (or tallow) is most likely obtained from rendering, a process similar to making soup in which the fat itself is skimmed from the surface of the liquid.
Although it may not sound very appetizing, beef fat is actually a quality ingredient.
The seventh ingredient is pea protein, what remains of a pea after removing the starchy part of the vegetable.
Even though it contains over 80% protein, this ingredient would be expected to have a lower biological value than meat.
And less costly plant-based products like this can notably boost the total protein reported on the label — a factor that must be considered when judging the meat content of this dog food.
The eighth ingredient is dried egg product, a dehydrated form of shell-free eggs. Quality can vary significantly. Lower grade egg product can even come from commercial hatcheries — from eggs that have failed to hatch.
In any case, eggs are easy to digest and have an exceptionally high biological value.
The ninth ingredient is dried yeast, which can be a controversial item. Dried yeast contains about 45% protein and is rich in other healthy nutrients.
Fans believe yeast repels fleas and supports the immune system.
Critics argue yeast ingredients can be linked to allergies. This may be true, but (like all allergies) only if your particular dog is allergic to the yeast itself.
What’s more, a vocal minority insist yeast can increase the risk of developing the life-threatening condition known as bloat. However, this is something we’ve not been able to scientifically verify.
In any case, unless your dog is specifically allergic to it, we feel yeast should be considered a nutritious addition.
From here, the list goes on to include a number of other items.
But to be realistic, ingredients located this far down the list (other than nutritional supplements) are not likely to affect the overall rating of this product.
With three notable exceptions…
First, beet pulp is a controversial ingredient, a high fiber by-product of sugar beet processing.
Some denounce beet pulp as an inexpensive filler while others cite its outstanding intestinal health and blood sugar benefits.
We only call your attention here to the controversy and believe the inclusion of beet pulp in reasonable amounts in most dog foods is entirely acceptable.
Next, we find no mention of probiotics, friendly bacteria applied to the surface of the kibble after processing to help with digestion.
And lastly, the minerals listed here do not appear to be chelated. And that can make them more difficult to absorb. Non-chelated minerals are usually associated with lower quality dog foods.
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free Dog Food The Bottom Line
Judging by its ingredients alone, Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free looks like an above-average dry product.
But ingredient quality by itself cannot tell the whole story. We still need to estimate the product’s meat content before determining a final rating.
The dashboard displays a dry matter protein reading of 34%, a fat level of 19% and estimated carbohydrates of about 39%.
As a group, the brand features an average protein content of 34% and a mean fat level of 19%. Together, these figures suggest a carbohydrate content of 39% for the overall product line.
And a fat-to-protein ratio of about 57%.
Above-average protein. Above-average fat. And below-average carbs when compared to a typical dry dog food.
When you consider the protein-boosting effect of the canola meal, pea protein and dried yeast, this looks like the profile of a kibble containing a moderate amount of meat.
Bottom line?
Purina One SmartBlend True Instinct Grain Free is a plant-based dry dog food using a moderate amount of named meat meal as its main source of animal protein, thus earning the brand 4 stars.
Highly recommended.
Please note certain recipes are sometimes given a higher or lower rating based upon our estimate of their total meat content and (when appropriate) their fat-to-protein ratios.
Purina Dog Food Recall History
The following list (if present) includes all dog food recalls since 2009 directly related to this product line. If there are no recalls listed in this section, we have not yet reported any events.
Purina Beneful and Pro Plan Dog Food Recall (3/11/2016)
Purina One Beyond Dog Food Recall (8/30/2013)
You can view a complete list of all dog food recalls sorted by date. Or view the same list sorted alphabetically by brand.
To learn why our ratings have nothing to do with a product’s recall history, please visit our Dog Food Recalls FAQ page.
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Buying Tip
Get 20% Off + Free Shipping on Purina One Dog Food Click for Details
A Final Word
The descriptions and analyses expressed in this and every article on this website represent the views and opinions of the author.
The Dog Food Advisor does not test dog food products.
We rely entirely on the integrity of the information provided by each company. As such, the accuracy of every review is directly dependent upon the specific data a company chooses to share.
Although it's our goal to ensure all the information on this website is correct, we cannot guarantee its completeness or its accuracy; nor can we commit to ensuring all the material is kept up-to-date on a daily basis.
We rely on tips from readers. To report a product change or request an update of any review, please contact us using this form.
Each review is offered in good faith and has been designed to help you make a more informed decision when buying dog food.
However, due to the biological uniqueness of every animal, none of our ratings are intended to suggest feeding a particular product will result in a specific dietary response or health benefit for your pet.
For a better understanding of how we analyze each product, please read our article, "The Problem with Dog Food Reviews".
Remember, no dog food can possibly be appropriate for every life stage, lifestyle or health condition. So, choose wisely. And when in doubt, consult a qualified veterinary professional for help.
In closing, we do not accept money, gifts or samples from pet food companies in exchange for special consideration in the preparation of our reviews or ratings.
However, we do receive a fee from Chewy.com for each purchase made as a direct result of a referral from our website. This fee is a fixed dollar amount and has nothing to do with the size of an order or the brand selected for purchase.
Have an opinion about this dog food? Or maybe the review itself? Please know we welcome your comments.
Notes and Updates
01/22/2018 Last Update
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sherristockman · 7 years
Savor This Delightfully Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole Recipe Today none Recipe From Megan Olson of Paleo Hacks Whether you’re throwing a party or simply having friends or family over, a delicious casserole can set the mood for your gathering. Families from different corners of the world probably have their own versions of casserole, some of which have been passed down from one generation to another. This Delightfully Cheesy Cauliflower Hash Brown Casserole Recipe courtesy of Paleo Hacks’ Megan Olson is a dish you won’t regret making. Cauliflower is used as a base, and blends free-range eggs with flavorful spices to enhance its flavor and health content. The nutritional yeast sprinkled over the casserole provides the cheesy taste, but without feeling heavy on the stomach. If you’re running out of ideas for your next casserole, this recipe is the one you should try next. Ingredients: 1 medium head organic cauliflower, cleaned and chopped 3 large organic free-range eggs[MJU1] , room temperature 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon onion powder 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley 1/2 teaspoon turmeric 1 tablespoon nutritional yeast 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons tapioca powder Dr. Mercola’s Himalayan salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste Procedure: 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Add the roughly chopped cauliflower to a blender. Pulse on high until the cauliflower is riced. 3. Transfer riced cauliflower to a bowl. Add eggs, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, parsley and turmeric. Using a fork, whisk the ingredients together until eggs are broken down and seasonings are incorporated evenly. 4. Stir in the tapioca powder and baking powder until fully combined. 5. Transfer the mixture to a round skillet or 8x8-inch casserole dish. Sprinkle nutritional yeast evenly over the top. 6. Bake 30 minutes until browned. 7. Serve immediately! This recipe makes 6 servings. Preparation time: 7 minutes Cooking time: 30 minutes Total time: 37 minutes Sink Your Teeth Into This Delightfully Cheesy Cauliflower Hash Brown Casserole Recipe This healthy casserole relies on two key components: cauliflower and free-range eggs, and both offer health benefits to help get you through your day. Plus, the different spices don’t just add heaps of flavor, but health boosts too. Apart from those who wish to take their casserole to the next level, this dish is perfect for those who are picky with their vegetables, especially young children. Let them try this and, who knows, they might be asking for a second serving right away! Let Your Health Flourish With Cauliflower This cruciferous vegetable is a versatile ingredient you can add to other casseroles or salads, or even eat raw. In a single serving of cauliflower, you can get vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C and K, alongside minerals such as protein, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, potassium and manganese. Antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, cinnamic acid, quercetin and rutin in cauliflower can help protect cells from reactive oxygen species (ROS), help the body combat harmful effects caused by everyday exposure to pollutants and/or chronic stress and potentially lower risk for oxidative stress that can result in accelerated tissue and organ damage. Count on cauliflower to boost your heart health, too, since a compound called sulforaphane found in this vegetable was proven to help improve blood pressure and kidney function.[1] Another vital compound in cauliflower is the anti-inflammatory indole-3-carbinol or I3C, which operates at the genetic level to assist with inhibiting inflammatory responses.[2] Cauliflower also contains choline, a B vitamin heralded for its role in brain development. An animal study revealed that choline intake during a pregnancy greatly enhanced the brain activity of animals in utero. This indicates choline’s capabilities in boosting cognitive function and improving learning and memory. Choline may also benefit people across different age groups since it was shown to help diminish age-related memory decline, reduce the brain’s vulnerability to toxins during childhood and deliver protection later in life.[3] Why Adding Free-Range Eggs to Your Diet Is Perfectly Fine Free-range eggs are a must in this casserole to ensure that the cauliflower and spice mixture is completely blended. At the same time, they add significant nutrition to the dish. In particular, the egg yolk, which is the healthiest part of the egg, has higher amounts of omega-3 healthy fats, vitamins A, D, E, K and B12 and nutrients like folate, compared to the whites. Other beneficial nutrients in egg yolks include: · Biotin or vitamin B7: This water-soluble vitamin assists the body’s glucose and fatty acid metabolism, and can play an important role during a pregnancy. · Choline: Another B vitamin, choline plays a primary role in brain development, acting as a precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps with muscle control and memory. Plus, choline also has anti-inflammatory properties, and may help boost the health of cell membranes. · Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin:[4] Apart from being responsible for egg yolks’ bright yellow color, this class of antioxidants, particularly lutein (found in the macular pigment) and zeaxanthin (found in the retina), may be able to potentially reduce inflammation, enhance eye health, help absorb excess photon energy and eradicate free radicals before they damage lipid membranes. · Protein:[5] The egg yolks, and even the whites, are high in protein. The latter are known to fill in for meats that vegetarians don’t eat. What Is Nutritional Yeast and How Can You Benefit From It? Also known as nooch, nutritional yeast has gained popularity as a non-animal source of protein that can be very easily digested. A low-fat and low-carbohydrate food,[6] it possesses a nutty and cheese-like flavor, making it ideal as a cheese substitute. There’s more to nutritional yeast than its flavor, though, since it’s known to contain: · All nine essential amino acids · Vitamins A, C and E · A whopping 14 minerals and 17 other vitamins The compounds beta-1,3 glucan, trehalose, mannan and glutathione are also found in nutritional yeast, and these may help support healthy immune function.[7][MJU2] It has also shown prowess as an energy booster and post-exercise immunity enhancer, as noted in a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition.[8] According to yeast expert Seymour Pomper, Ph.D., nutritional yeast has become a popular herbal monopreparation in Germany due to itspotential anti-viral and antibacterial properties that can be useful for immune system stimulation and to help combat the following conditions:[9] · Candida infection · Chronic acne · Appetite loss · Diarrhea There are concerns about nutritional yeast’s high phosphorus content, since there is a possibility that it can deplete your body’s calcium levels. Although it can be confirmed that excessive phosphorus consumption may potentially cause an imbalance in the body’s pH and levels reduce the body’s calcium levels, nutritional yeast’s phosphorus content isn’t enough to make this a concern. If you do eat a lot of nutritional yeast daily, consume it alongside calcium-rich foods like kale to compensate for the high phosphorus levels. About the Blog Paleohacks is one of the largest Paleo communities on the web. They offer everything Paleo, from a Q&A forum where users get their top health questions answered, to a community blog featuring daily recipes, workouts and wellness content. You can also tune in to their podcast, where they bring in the top experts in the Paleo world to share the latest, cutting-edge health information.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Nooch: The Utimate Guide To This Vegan Yeast
Nutritional yeast, fondly called “nooch” for short, is an inactive yeast made from sugarcane and beet molasses. It is quite similar to the active yeasts found in breads, but it has no leavening ability.
Nooch is commonly used as a topper for dishes like popcorn, pasta, and French fries. It is often used to mimic cheese in vegan dishes and to thicken sauces and dressings. Though it allows for some amazing variety in a vegan diet, nutritional yeast is not reserved just for vegans. It is delicious with a cheesy, umami-like flavor and is a healthy addition to anyone’s diet.
Nutritional yeast is popular as an ingredient in cheese substitutes as it has a strong flavor that is often described as nutty, cheesy, or creamy. It is produced by culturing the yeast in a nutrient medium. The growth medium is either sugar cane or beet molasses. When the yeast is grown, it is deactivated using heat after which it is harvested, washed and dried. Nooch is yellow in color. It is packaged and sold in flakes, granules or a powder-like form.
Nutrition Profile of Nooch
Nutritional values for nutritional yeast vary from one manufacturer to another.
Nutritional yeast is particularly rich in B vitamins. It is a great source of vitamin B6 and is usually fortified with vitamin B12. Unfortified nutritional yeast provides from 35 to 100 percent of vitamins B1 and B2.
Nooch contains selenium, iron and zinc
About 2 tablespoons have 60 calories with 5g of carbohydrates (four grams of which is fiber).
Nooch has complete and digestible protein, with essential and nonessential amino acids. It provides all the nine amino acids the human body cannot produce. A serving provides 9 g of protein.
It also contains minerals such as chromium, intracellular antioxidants like Glutathione and phospholipids such as lecithin.
Nooch is also low in sodium and fat, gluten-free. It does not contain any added sugars or preservatives.
Health Benefits of Nooch
Nooch has plenty of health benefits. Here are some of them.:
1. Improves Immunity
Nutritional yeast contains beta-1, 3 glucan, trehalose, mannan and glutathione, which are associated with enhanced immunity and a reduced risk of cancer. It also contains selenium, which helps repair cell damage. The zinc content in nooch aids in tissue repair and wound healing. Zinc is a powerful antioxidant and it fights free radical damage helping slow the aging process
2. Helps Maintain Optimal Cholesterol Levels
Nutritional yeast may help lower cholesterol naturally due to its selenium content. Selenium reduces inflammation and prevents platelets from aggregating, which is necessary for blood clots to form. Blood clots can lead to stroke, heart attacks, kidney failure, etc. The niacin found in nutritional yeast helps to minimize the LDL triglyceride and cholesterol levels which in turn accelerates the secretion of high-density lipoprotein or HDL level in the blood.
2. Antiviral and Antibacterial Properties
Nutritional yeast has antiviral and antibacterial properties. It has proven to be one of the best remedies for chronic candida symptoms, a specific type of yeast infection.
3. Improves Digestion
Regular consumption of nooch helps maintain healthy bacteria balance in the gut which is important for immune health. Nutritional yeast has many digestive system benefits The probiotics in nutritional yeast may help cure diarrhea.
Since it does not contain any dairy products, nutritional yeast has also been found helpful for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.
4. Improves Blood Production
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia, and it occurs when your body doesn’t have enough of the mineral iron. Fortified and unfortified nutritional yeast both provide iron . Fortified yeast provides up to 20 percent of the recommended daily value.
5. Contains Beneficial Protein
Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Vegans and vegetarians often struggle to find enough protein sources in the diet. Nutritional yeast is a complete protein and it contains all nine of the essential amino acids at only 80 calories a serving.
6. Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails
Nutritional yeast contains many B vitamins, all of which tend to benefit healthy hair, skin and nails. Vitamin B7 or Biotin is essential for maintaining the texture, tone and strength of your hair.
Vitamin B5 can minimise acne by breaking down oils in the form of triglycerides and cholesterol. The niacin content in nutritional yeast helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, red blotchiness and even chronic acne.
7. Aids a Healthy Pregnancy
Nutritional yeast is a great choice for pregnant women as it is rich in folate. Sufficient consumption of folate during pregnancy may help prevent major birth defects such as spina bifida. Pregnant women require 400 to 800 micrograms of folate daily. Just one tablespoon of nutritional yeast contains 1,059 micrograms of folate.
Possible Side Effects
Since the yeast is completely pasteurized and deactivated, it is quite safe and it will give rise to yeast overgrowth in someone who consumes it. There aren’t any recorded risks in consuming nooch, unless someone has a specific food allergy to it.
A sensible approach to experimenting with new foods is to try consuming it in small amounts and see how your body reacts to it. Nooch has so far proven to be a safe and healthy alternative to cheese for vegans.
How to Use Nooch in Recipes
Nutritional yeast can be used as a condiment. Simply put the powder form in a shaker and sprinkle it on all your meals – soups, popcorn, salads, etc. Add it in any recipe that calls for a cheesy flavor.
To make this cheesy vegan hummus recipe all you have to do is toss in some cooked chickpeas, a clove of garlic, a little tahini and a scoop of nooch into a food processor. Add salt and lemon juice to suit your taste buds. Drizzle some olive oil and add a dash of paprika – you have made the world’s best cheesy hummus!
There are plenty of ways to add nutritional yeast to your diet. Here are 7 delicious vegan recipes using nooch. You can make gravies, dips, hash browns, corn dogs, cauliflower buffalo wings and many more!
Featured photo credit: Huffington Post via i.huffpost.com
The post Nooch: The Utimate Guide To This Vegan Yeast appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2pucd4v via Viral News HQ
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Hair Loss in Women: Why It Happens and What Can You Do to Stop It
There are few things as devastating for a woman as seeing her hair fall out at an unusual rate and feeling powerless to stop it. Fortunately, in most cases, hair loss can be reversed by a few lifestyle changes and the help of herbal remedies.
A person has around 100,000 strands of hair on the scalp, and it is normal to lose 50-100 strands every day. However, if more hair falls out, it can lead to bald spots or a thinning hair line — a problem that affects millions of women in the world.
Hair loss happens when the hair follicles are blocked or are not able to function properly. This can be a side effect of poor scalp circulation, vitamin deficiencies, improper diet changes, dental problems, stress, hormonal imbalances, and toxic hair products.
Bring More Circulation to the Scalp
Increased circulation to the scalp helps regrow hair because the scalp cells die or don’t function properly without enough blood and oxygen. You can bring more circulation by massaging the scalp and through the use of hair oils and herbs.
Massaging the scalp also reduces stress levels, another threat to healthy hair.
Massage the scalp at least once a week as a preventative. If you are experiencing hair loss, massage the scalp on a daily basis. If your hair is falling out at an extreme rate, keep the pressure gentle. If you are too rough, you may accidentally rip out weak hair stands.
Use Beneficial Oils in Your Hair
Using hair oils is a popular remedy in India. It is not only used for hair loss, but to grow thicker, longer, and healthier hair. When massaging the scalp, use a few of these beneficial oils to regrow hair. You should rub it on the spots that have been especially affected.
The nutrients in the oils help boost blood flow and circulation and also address a dry scalp issue. If the scalp is dry, and if you have dandruff, the hair follicles are blocked, leading to hair loss. Using oils will moisturize the scalp and stimulate the hair follicles to stop hair loss and regrow lost hair strands, and it will keep the existing hair stronger and healthier. A few oils to consider are:
Castor oil
Argan oil
Jojoba oil
Emu oil
Carrot seed oil
Coconut oil
Bhringraj Oil
You can also add a few drops of essential oils, such as rosemary essential oils, to speed up the healing process of your scalp.
Apply Herbal and Nutrient Rich Mixtures to Scalp and Hair
There are also many recipes of healthy mixtures you can make and put on your head overnight for nutrients to be absorbed directly into the scalp. This type of treatment is messier than the oils and requires you to wear a shower cap when sleeping, but it has worked for many people. It can also be fun to experiment because there are so many options out there.
Indian gooseberry – Mix one tablespoon of Indian gooseberry (rich in Vitamin C) with one tablespoon of lemon juice, massage into the scalp and leave overnight. Wash your hair in the morning.
Fenugreek – Make a paste from one cup of soaked fenugreek seeds (protein-rich), apply to hair and leave for 40 minutes.
Aloe vera – Use aloe vera juice or gel or the scalp, leave for a few hours, wash it off.
Licorice root – Mix one tablespoon of ground licorice root with one cup of milk and ¼ teaspoon of saffron.  Apply to scalp and leave overnight. Wash off in the morning.
Herbs that Are Beneficial for Hair
Ayurveda medicine and Western herbal medicine use herbs for hair health. These herbs boost blood circulation, heal the scalp cells, and promote hair growth.
In Ayurveda, the recommended herbs are:
Horsetail – rich in silica
Indian gooseberry or amla – vitamin C and antioxidants
Neem – fights dandruff
Ashwagandha – immune support
Western herbal medicine recommends the following:
Hibiscus – against dandruff, prevents premature gray hair
Stinging nettle – follicle health (taken internally)
Vitamin Deficiencies — Getting Enough Nutrients
If your body is deficient in vital nutrients, this can lead to hair loss. Simply taking a good multivitamin or even a multivitamin formed specifically for hair health may bring good results. There are also specific vitamins that are most important to hair health: biotin, iron, protein, and healthy fats.
Biotin: The Most Important Vitamin for Hair
Biotin or vitamin B7 is the most important vitamin for addressing hair loss. Biotin improves keratin – a protein that makes up hair, as well as skin and nails. If you have leaky gut or if your digestive tract is not able to absorb nutrients properly, you are probably deficient in biotin.
Food sources for B7 are:
Vitamins and Healthy Fats for Hair
Hair loss can also be caused by a lack of iron (especially if you have anemia), protein, potassium, and protein. You may be experiencing a lack of iron if you do not eat red meat. Other sources of iron are chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, beans and lentils, and spinach.
Hair growth also requires a good amount of protein. If you are vegetarian or vegan, good sources of plant protein are beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, and some superfoods such as algae, goji berries, hemp, and chia seeds.
Potassium brings circulation to the scalp and boosts follicle health. You can get a lot of potassium from bananas.
Finally, it is important to get plenty of healthy fats. Salmon and avocados are two good sources.
Make Sure You Are Eating a Proper Diet
Hair loss can be a side effect of changing a diet too rapidly, switching to a diet that is lacking in nutrients, eating a high-glycemic diet, or going on a crash diet.
As a rule, avoid any crash diets, and avoid diets that are high in sugars (especially fake sugars), and processed foods.
If you just switched or are thinking of switching to a plant-based diet, make sure you do your research to find the best plant sources for all your vitamin needs, especially protein and iron.
Hormonal Imbalance Can Lead to Hair Loss
In today’s world, many of us live under high amounts of stress on a daily basis. This can lead to hormonal imbalances, a poorly functioning thyroid, and poorly functioning adrenals, all of which can lead to rapid hair loss. Addressing these underlying issues, including auto-immune disorders and chronic illnesses, is important for many people to regain a healthy scalp and strong, healthy hair. Also, it is important to recognize that some medications cause hair loss. If this is the case,  you will have to wait until you stop taking them to see real results.
Take Care of Your Emotional Health
Like stress, anxiety and depression can lead to hair loss.  To reduce your stress levels and to help alleviate anxiety and depression,  try yoga, meditation, aromatherapy, and journaling.
Address Dental Health
The connection of dental health with hair health is less known, but more studies have recently come out bridging the gap between the two. What the scientists are starting to find out is that any health issues in the mouth directly affect the rest of the body, including hair. Gum disease, cavities, and infections in the mouth all can lead to hair loss.
Switch to Natural Hair Products
Finally, some people experience hair loss simply from the toxins of the hair products they use. Most shampoos and conditioners, hair sprays, hair dyes, and other products, contain cancer-causing chemicals, as well as chemicals that ruin hair. These chemicals include sulfates, parabens, phthalate, artificial coloring, and artificial fragrances.
Switch to natural, organic shampoos. If you want to dye your hair, use henna instead of commercial dyes. While traditionally henna is red, more companies are now making henna hair dyes in shades of brown and black.
Recommended Reading:
Natural Hair Loss Baldness Remedies and Cures
Reverse Gray Hair Naturally
Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, Cavitations – What You Need to Know
Hypothyroidism – Prevention and Natural Remedies
The Power of Our Hormones and How To Balance Them
The Soap and Shampoo Conspiracy
Home Remedies For Hair Loss In Women — Organic Facts
Biotin Benefits: Thicken Hair, Nails and Beautify Skin — Dr. Axe 
Home Remedies for Hair Loss — Top 10 Home Remedies
Hair Loss in Women: Why It Happens and What Can You Do to Stop It was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss
It is amazing how some small healthy foods can have the strongest nutritional impacts. We are referring to Walnuts aka in Hindi as Akhrot is a powerhouse of nutrition.
A walnut is basically a single-seeded stone fruit that is derived from any tree of the genus Juglans. Mimicking the human brain, this nut helps to promote the development of several neuron-transmitters within the brain.
However, that’s not all. This wonder nut is also a great source of healthy fats and fibre. But before we jump into the benefits of walnuts, let’s give you some lesser-known facts about this amazing healthy seed.
Walnuts Origin and Production
Originating in the Mediterranean region, a native from North American lands, Walnuts are now also grown in China, Iran and in the states of California and Arizona.
In India, they are majorly found growing in the Himalayan regions and also in Sikkim and Darjeeling. Its commercial farming is carried in Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand.
China is the leading producer of walnuts, in the year 2017, the country produced almost 50% of the total walnut production in the world.
Nutritional Benefits of Walnuts
The nutritional breakdown of a 100 gms of Walnuts [1]
Total Fat – 65 grams
Total Carbohydrate- 14 grams
Dietary Fiber – 6.7 grams
Sugar – 2.6 grams
Protein – 15 grams
Sodium- 2 milligrams
Iron- 2.91 milligrams
Potassium- 441 milligrams
Calcium -98 milligrams
Besides these there are also several vitamin benefits of walnuts, particularly being a good source of B6 (Pyridoxine). 
Termed as the healthiest nut by BBC health, the walnut nutrition data also reveals them as a very good source of good fats. With a saturated fat percentage of just 10%, walnuts contain almost 76% of Polyunsaturated fats and 14% of Monounsaturated fats.
Other Nutritional Facts about Walnuts
The glycemic index of walnuts is about 15 that includes them in the list of low glycemic foods. 
Walnuts are also natural sources of manganese, contributing to almost half of your daily needs. 
They are the only nuts that serve as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Health Benefits of Walnuts
Our health experts say that including walnuts as a daily part of your meals plan can help you maintain a nutritious diet. If you’re still not sure, here are a few walnut health benefits that you might have never known!
1. Walnuts keep the heart healthy
The high content of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids make walnuts an important nutrition source for heart health.
These fatty acids lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) level in the body. A higher level of LDL usually builds up in the heart arteries and even clog them up. This clogging and build up disrupt the natural oxygen-rich blood flow to the cardiac muscles that later cause heart pain.
Studies show that acute consumption of walnuts and its several components can benefit endothelial function. The study also supports that consuming whole walnuts shows novel effects on reverse cholesterol transport. [1]
 Moreover, the omega-3 in walnuts is a direct contributor to reducing heart diseases risks. The Omega-3 in plants as well as in walnuts are known as ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), that is associated with moderately lower risks of cardiovascular diseases. [2]
2. Walnuts maintain the gut health
To maintain proper gut health, your body needs to have the bacteria that promote good health. The human gastrointestinal tract is a haven for such complex microorganisms. And these gut microbiota influences the host body significantly.
While there have been many factors in the establishment of gut microbiota in an infant host, the contribution of diet is one of the main driving factors in building the gut microbiota over the entire lifetime of a host.
Now if these bacterial composition gets altered in the body, the host may fall prey to several inflammatory diseases and infections. Hence, maintaining a proper diet to maintain gut health is the most significant step in having a healthy gut.
Recent studies confirm that including walnuts daily as a part of diet can increase these essential bacteria in the gut and hence, improve the gut health altogether. 
There was a research where 43 participants–between the ages of 30 and 65–with an overweight issue, were put into an American diet for two weeks.
After this, the participants were assigned to three random diets where walnuts or vegetable oils replaced saturated fat. The participants followed each diet for six weeks and the result was–the ones with a walnut diet showed a higher number of gut bacteria that had been associated with health benefits. [3]
3. Walnut benefits for brain
As mentioned earlier, walnuts are found to be quite effective in supporting brain health. Walnuts have a high concentration of DHA which is a type of Omega-3 acid.
Some studies show that DHA promotes brain health in infants and even improves cognition in adult brains. That is why they are also recommended for people with age-related memory declining issues.
The ALA in walnuts along with its high content of polyphenols are considered as crucial brain nutrients.
These fight against oxidative stress in the brain and also reduces inflammation — two very important factors that create brain cell damage and decline learning ability, memory retention and decision-making aspects in a human brain. 
There was also a study that supported mothers with proper DHA content produces smarter kids. Another study by the  University of New Mexico showed an impact of walnut consumption on mood in young adults.
The nut supplementation showed declination of depression and improvement in mood in the subjects.[4]
Moreover, the structure of walnut inside the shell has an uncanny similarity with the folds and wrinkles of a human brain. No wonder they are nicknamed as the brain foods!
4. Help the male reproductive system
While the wonder nut is a miracle for all of us in several ways, there are also many surprising walnut benefits for men. A study suggests that eating these nuts daily can improve sperm health.
Research among subjects belonging to the western world with a declining sperm count due to the modern-day pollution and stress,  showed healthier fertility signs after including walnuts in their diet.
The researchers divided 119 healthy men within the age group of 18 to 35, into two groups. One group was given 60-grams of walnuts in their normal diet and the other group had no changes in their diet. The result showed the group that had nuts in their diet had a 14% higher sperm count and a 4% higher sperm vitality.
The experts of the study revealed that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and Vitamin B can improve fertility in men. [5] And walnuts contain most of these nutrients. Including walnuts in a regular diet also helps in keeping up with the required nutrition data that ultimately affect fertility too. 
5. Promotes weight loss
If you have been snacking chips or craving the chips, here’s your chance to replace the loss with a much nutritious snack–walnut. Their high content of Omega-3 fatty acids is directly linked to decreasing obesity and diabetes.
One of the major misconceptions regarding walnuts and their role in weight loss is that these nuts are dense in calories.
However, studies are reporting that the energy absorbed from these nuts are lower.
And even though these nuts contain fat, they are mostly good fats that help in lowering bad cholesterol. The other role of walnuts in weight loss is that they are high in dietary fibre that makes you full quickly and hence lets you eat less.
A study published funded by California Walnut Commission, even proved that walnuts can alter the way brains view foods and hence impact their appetite. 
The study was held among 10 obese people, who were given to either drink a walnut smoothie once a day for five days consecutive days or a placebo smoothie identical in taste and calorie content, separated by a washout period of one month.
The results showed that walnut consumption reduced feelings of hunger and appetite. This explains that walnut consumption may have increased the cognitive control of appetite in these patients. [5]
If you think just chewing the walnuts can be boring, here’s a fun way to twist things up with a delicious and healthy Cinnamon Walnut Smoothie recipe. 
5. Walnut benefits for hair
If you think it’s just the gut and the heart that are benefited by walnuts, you’re wrong! These small wonder nuts are great for hair growth too.
The selenium and Vitamin B7 in walnuts help in reducing hair fall. Not just that, applying walnut oil in hair benefits by making the hair look healthy and glossy.
The oil is also found to be associated with dandruff decline. You must know that fatty acids are crucial for hair growth, they keep the skin moisturized and hence, lack of these fats can cause dandruff.
Moreover, a diet that increases bad fats in the body encourages Dihydrotestosterone growth that makes hair loss quicker and faster. With a diet supplement of walnut, bad fats are replaced by good fats that reduce the level of hair fall. 
6. Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Walnuts contain rich amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and even phytosterols that are believed to delay type-2 diabetes. [7]
Besides their positive impacts on weight management, consuming walnuts can help in reducing the blood sugar level.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids affect the insulin sensitivity in the blood hence reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. 
In a study of 100 people with diabetes mellitus, two groups were formed. One group was given walnut oil for three months while the other group did not undergo any interventions.
Before the experiment, the fasting blood sugar of both groups was photographed. After the experiment, the group with walnuts in their diet showed a significant decrease in the fasting blood sugar level compared to the other group.
However, the two groups were not significantly different in their body weight. Hence, including walnuts in the diet may affect the glucose level in type 2 diabetic patients. [6]
Some of the best healthy foods are usually the ones that are not advertised and are rarely known. Walnuts, although remains underrated, are one of the healthiest food sources that mankind has known since forever.
So for your next diet plan, go walnuts and enjoy this sweet mixture of taste and nutrition. 
1. How many walnuts should you eat in a day?
A. A handful of walnuts can help you gain the essential nutrients for your body, however, we tend to skip or forget them in between our hectic schedules. To make it a habit, you can have six-seven walnuts a day!
2. What is the best time to eat walnuts?
A. Our experts say that you can add walnuts in your everyday breakfast. Eating them in the morning shows greater results in regulating the blood pressure. However, you can munch them in between your work hours too!
3. What are the side effects of eating walnuts?
A. While the wonder nuts are blessed with the most amazing nutrients, there may be a few side-effects that you can watch out for! If consumed in excess, the dietary fibre in them may cause gastrointestinal issues, diarrhoea etc.
As nuts are known to cause allergies, some people may face allergic reactions like anaphylaxis due to these nuts. If you face any itching, swelling or breathing issue, it is advisory to consult a doctor. 
Moreover, eating walnuts in excess can also contribute to weight gain. To combat this, you can include walnuts in your recipes rather than just having the nuts by themselves. This will let you maintain a balance of walnuts in your diet,
3. Are walnuts good for diabetics?
A. Walnuts are found to be helpful in type 2 diabetes patients. The nuts can build a resistance for insulin hence it helps in maintaining a low blood sugar level. Also, their low glycaemic index is ideal for diabetes-friendly diets. 
The post Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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lindafrancois · 4 years
Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss
It is amazing how some small healthy foods can have the strongest nutritional impacts. We are referring to Walnuts aka in Hindi as Akhrot is a powerhouse of nutrition.
A walnut is basically a single-seeded stone fruit that is derived from any tree of the genus Juglans. Mimicking the human brain, this nut helps to promote the development of several neuron-transmitters within the brain.
However, that’s not all. This wonder nut is also a great source of healthy fats and fibre. But before we jump into the benefits of walnuts, let’s give you some lesser-known facts about this amazing healthy seed.
Walnuts Origin and Production
Originating in the Mediterranean region, a native from North American lands, Walnuts are now also grown in China, Iran and in the states of California and Arizona.
In India, they are majorly found growing in the Himalayan regions and also in Sikkim and Darjeeling. Its commercial farming is carried in Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand.
China is the leading producer of walnuts, in the year 2017, the country produced almost 50% of the total walnut production in the world.
Nutritional Benefits of Walnuts
The nutritional breakdown of a 100 gms of Walnuts [1]
Total Fat – 65 grams
Total Carbohydrate- 14 grams
Dietary Fiber – 6.7 grams
Sugar – 2.6 grams
Protein – 15 grams
Sodium- 2 milligrams
Iron- 2.91 milligrams
Potassium- 441 milligrams
Calcium -98 milligrams
Besides these there are also several vitamin benefits of walnuts, particularly being a good source of B6 (Pyridoxine). 
Termed as the healthiest nut by BBC health, the walnut nutrition data also reveals them as a very good source of good fats. With a saturated fat percentage of just 10%, walnuts contain almost 76% of Polyunsaturated fats and 14% of Monounsaturated fats.
Other Nutritional Facts about Walnuts
The glycemic index of walnuts is about 15 that includes them in the list of low glycemic foods. 
Walnuts are also natural sources of manganese, contributing to almost half of your daily needs. 
They are the only nuts that serve as a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Health Benefits of Walnuts
Our health experts say that including walnuts as a daily part of your meals plan can help you maintain a nutritious diet. If you’re still not sure, here are a few walnut health benefits that you might have never known!
1. Walnuts keep the heart healthy
The high content of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids make walnuts an important nutrition source for heart health.
These fatty acids lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) level in the body. A higher level of LDL usually builds up in the heart arteries and even clog them up. This clogging and build up disrupt the natural oxygen-rich blood flow to the cardiac muscles that later cause heart pain.
Studies show that acute consumption of walnuts and its several components can benefit endothelial function. The study also supports that consuming whole walnuts shows novel effects on reverse cholesterol transport. [1]
 Moreover, the omega-3 in walnuts is a direct contributor to reducing heart diseases risks. The Omega-3 in plants as well as in walnuts are known as ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), that is associated with moderately lower risks of cardiovascular diseases. [2]
2. Walnuts maintain the gut health
To maintain proper gut health, your body needs to have the bacteria that promote good health. The human gastrointestinal tract is a haven for such complex microorganisms. And these gut microbiota influences the host body significantly.
While there have been many factors in the establishment of gut microbiota in an infant host, the contribution of diet is one of the main driving factors in building the gut microbiota over the entire lifetime of a host.
Now if these bacterial composition gets altered in the body, the host may fall prey to several inflammatory diseases and infections. Hence, maintaining a proper diet to maintain gut health is the most significant step in having a healthy gut.
Recent studies confirm that including walnuts daily as a part of diet can increase these essential bacteria in the gut and hence, improve the gut health altogether. 
There was a research where 43 participants–between the ages of 30 and 65–with an overweight issue, were put into an American diet for two weeks.
After this, the participants were assigned to three random diets where walnuts or vegetable oils replaced saturated fat. The participants followed each diet for six weeks and the result was–the ones with a walnut diet showed a higher number of gut bacteria that had been associated with health benefits. [3]
3. Walnut benefits for brain
As mentioned earlier, walnuts are found to be quite effective in supporting brain health. Walnuts have a high concentration of DHA which is a type of Omega-3 acid.
Some studies show that DHA promotes brain health in infants and even improves cognition in adult brains. That is why they are also recommended for people with age-related memory declining issues.
The ALA in walnuts along with its high content of polyphenols are considered as crucial brain nutrients.
These fight against oxidative stress in the brain and also reduces inflammation — two very important factors that create brain cell damage and decline learning ability, memory retention and decision-making aspects in a human brain. 
There was also a study that supported mothers with proper DHA content produces smarter kids. Another study by the  University of New Mexico showed an impact of walnut consumption on mood in young adults.
The nut supplementation showed declination of depression and improvement in mood in the subjects.[4]
Moreover, the structure of walnut inside the shell has an uncanny similarity with the folds and wrinkles of a human brain. No wonder they are nicknamed as the brain foods!
4. Help the male reproductive system
While the wonder nut is a miracle for all of us in several ways, there are also many surprising walnut benefits for men. A study suggests that eating these nuts daily can improve sperm health.
Research among subjects belonging to the western world with a declining sperm count due to the modern-day pollution and stress,  showed healthier fertility signs after including walnuts in their diet.
The researchers divided 119 healthy men within the age group of 18 to 35, into two groups. One group was given 60-grams of walnuts in their normal diet and the other group had no changes in their diet. The result showed the group that had nuts in their diet had a 14% higher sperm count and a 4% higher sperm vitality.
The experts of the study revealed that a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and Vitamin B can improve fertility in men. [5] And walnuts contain most of these nutrients. Including walnuts in a regular diet also helps in keeping up with the required nutrition data that ultimately affect fertility too. 
5. Promotes weight loss
If you have been snacking chips or craving the chips, here’s your chance to replace the loss with a much nutritious snack–walnut. Their high content of Omega-3 fatty acids is directly linked to decreasing obesity and diabetes.
One of the major misconceptions regarding walnuts and their role in weight loss is that these nuts are dense in calories.
However, studies are reporting that the energy absorbed from these nuts are lower.
And even though these nuts contain fat, they are mostly good fats that help in lowering bad cholesterol. The other role of walnuts in weight loss is that they are high in dietary fibre that makes you full quickly and hence lets you eat less.
A study published funded by California Walnut Commission, even proved that walnuts can alter the way brains view foods and hence impact their appetite. 
The study was held among 10 obese people, who were given to either drink a walnut smoothie once a day for five days consecutive days or a placebo smoothie identical in taste and calorie content, separated by a washout period of one month.
The results showed that walnut consumption reduced feelings of hunger and appetite. This explains that walnut consumption may have increased the cognitive control of appetite in these patients. [5]
If you think just chewing the walnuts can be boring, here’s a fun way to twist things up with a delicious and healthy Cinnamon Walnut Smoothie recipe. 
5. Walnut benefits for hair
If you think it’s just the gut and the heart that are benefited by walnuts, you’re wrong! These small wonder nuts are great for hair growth too.
The selenium and Vitamin B7 in walnuts help in reducing hair fall. Not just that, applying walnut oil in hair benefits by making the hair look healthy and glossy.
The oil is also found to be associated with dandruff decline. You must know that fatty acids are crucial for hair growth, they keep the skin moisturized and hence, lack of these fats can cause dandruff.
Moreover, a diet that increases bad fats in the body encourages Dihydrotestosterone growth that makes hair loss quicker and faster. With a diet supplement of walnut, bad fats are replaced by good fats that reduce the level of hair fall. 
6. Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Walnuts contain rich amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and even phytosterols that are believed to delay type-2 diabetes. [7]
Besides their positive impacts on weight management, consuming walnuts can help in reducing the blood sugar level.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids affect the insulin sensitivity in the blood hence reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. 
In a study of 100 people with diabetes mellitus, two groups were formed. One group was given walnut oil for three months while the other group did not undergo any interventions.
Before the experiment, the fasting blood sugar of both groups was photographed. After the experiment, the group with walnuts in their diet showed a significant decrease in the fasting blood sugar level compared to the other group.
However, the two groups were not significantly different in their body weight. Hence, including walnuts in the diet may affect the glucose level in type 2 diabetic patients. [6]
Some of the best healthy foods are usually the ones that are not advertised and are rarely known. Walnuts, although remains underrated, are one of the healthiest food sources that mankind has known since forever.
So for your next diet plan, go walnuts and enjoy this sweet mixture of taste and nutrition. 
1. How many walnuts should you eat in a day?
A. A handful of walnuts can help you gain the essential nutrients for your body, however, we tend to skip or forget them in between our hectic schedules. To make it a habit, you can have six-seven walnuts a day!
2. What is the best time to eat walnuts?
A. Our experts say that you can add walnuts in your everyday breakfast. Eating them in the morning shows greater results in regulating the blood pressure. However, you can munch them in between your work hours too!
3. What are the side effects of eating walnuts?
A. While the wonder nuts are blessed with the most amazing nutrients, there may be a few side-effects that you can watch out for! If consumed in excess, the dietary fibre in them may cause gastrointestinal issues, diarrhoea etc.
As nuts are known to cause allergies, some people may face allergic reactions like anaphylaxis due to these nuts. If you face any itching, swelling or breathing issue, it is advisory to consult a doctor. 
Moreover, eating walnuts in excess can also contribute to weight gain. To combat this, you can include walnuts in your recipes rather than just having the nuts by themselves. This will let you maintain a balance of walnuts in your diet,
3. Are walnuts good for diabetics?
A. Walnuts are found to be helpful in type 2 diabetes patients. The nuts can build a resistance for insulin hence it helps in maintaining a low blood sugar level. Also, their low glycaemic index is ideal for diabetes-friendly diets. 
The post Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss appeared first on Truweight Blog.
Healthy Benefits of Walnuts & How They Help in Weight Loss published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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